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Name: Cassandra Audrey Bermudo Litan Class: 5B

Res (IG)

Task Analysis

Possible experiments

-Vary the amount of flour in a cake

-Vary the type of flour used in making porridge

-Vary the cooking time of rice

Experiments Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3

Ideas Vary the amount of flour in the Vary the type of flour used Vary the cooking time
cake in making cupcake of rice
Variables 75 grams Rice flour 10 minutes
85 grams of wheat flour Wheat flour 85 grams 20 minutes
95 grams Corn flour 30 minutes
Possible Aim To find out if the amount of To find out if the type of To find out if the
flour used will affect the height flour used will affect the length of time used to
and appearance of the cake taste and appearance of the cook the rice will
cupcake affect the taste and
Possible dish Sponge cake Cupcakes Rice
Type of cereal Wheat flour Wheat flour Short Grain Rice
used Rice flour
Corn flour

A short paragraph on which idea I will be conducting and why

I am conducting experiment 2 as I want to know if the type of flour, I use makes a

difference in the taste and appearance of the cupcake. I also want to know how the type of
flour used will affect the look and taste of the cupcakes.

Write up on the quality of the commodity I am experimenting on

A good cupcake is moist and has many little air bubbles so that it is light and fluffy. It
should also not crumble when you bite into it and it should separate from the wrapper
easily. Another thing to look out for is that it should have a slightly chewy texture.

Res (Inv)

Aim: To investigate how different types of flour {Wheat (Control), Rice (V1) and Corn (V2)}
affect the volume, taste, texture and overall appearance of baked cupcakes using 85 grams
of each type of flour made by creaming method

Variables to be tested on: Type of flour which will be wheat, rice, and corn flour

Fixed Variables:

 The length of time the cupcakes are baked for, which is 20 minutes and the amount
of flour used for each type of cereal, which is 85 grams each

Total Ingredients:

 125 grams unsalted butter

 125 grams white sugar
 85 grams plain all-purpose flour
 85 grams of rice flour/starch
 85 grams of corn flour
 Pinch of salt
 2 eggs
 6 tablespoon milk
 3 teaspoon vanilla extract


 3 large mixing bowls

 1 Baking tray
 1 small mixing bowl
 4 plates
 1 small saucer
 1 electric mixer
 1 sieve
 2 forks
 1 tablespoon
 1 teaspoon
 3 spatulas/scrapers
 1 set of measuring spoons
 1 satay stick
 1 ruler
 3 sticker labels
 12 cupcake cases
 1 stopwatch
 1 electronic weighing scale


1) Get ready all the equipment needed: 1 Baking tray, 3 large mixing bowls,1 small
mixing bowl, 2 plates, 1 small saucer, 1 electric mixer, 1 sieve, 2 forks, 2
tablespoons, 3 spatulas or scrapers, 1 set of measuring spoons, 1 satay stick, 1
ruler, 3 sticker labels, 12 cupcake cases, 1 stopwatch, 1 electronic weighing scale
2) Preheat an electric oven at 190°C
3) Put a plate on an electronic weighing scale and press ‘tare’ or ‘zero’ to weigh 125
grams of butter
4) Remove the plate from the scale and replace with a small mixing bowl to weigh 125
grams of white sugar after pressing ‘tare’. Put the butter into mixing bowl with the
sugar in it
5) Place an empty large mixing bowl with a sieve onto the scale and press ‘tare'. Weigh
75 grams of plain wheat flour on the sieve. Repeat again for the cornflour and the
rice flour in the 2 other mixing bowls
6) Using an electric mixer, cream the butter and sugar continuously in a clockwise
direction till light and creamy on medium speed (no.2) for 8 minutes. Use a stop-
watch to keep track of the creaming time
7) After 8 minutes of creaming, add 1 egg and cream for 30 seconds using the same
speed (no.2) to ensure the eggs are incorporated evenly into the creamed mixture
8) After creaming for 30 seconds, add the other egg and continue creaming for another
30 seconds. Stop the electric mixer after 30 seconds have passed
9) Clear the creamed mixture from the mixer using the scrapper to ensure that there is
no wastage of mixture
10) After all of the creamed mixture has been scrapped, divide them into 3 even
portions, weighing them on the electronic scale if necessary, and add the 3 portions
into the 3 large mixing bowls containing the different types of flour
11) Fold the wheat flour into the creamed mixture using a clean scrapper. Fold in the
same direction you started folding for 16 strokes
12) After folding in the flour, add 2 tablespoons of milk and fold in the milk for another
8 strokes
13) Repeat the 2 previous steps for the rice and corn flour
14) After all the mixtures have been mixed, use a tablespoon to scoop the creamed
mixtures from the scrappers to avoid wastage. Remove the scrapper
15) Place one cupcake case onto the weighing scale and press ‘tare’
16) Use a tablespoon and teaspoon to scoop 40 grams of the mixture containing wheat
flour into the cupcake case and then place the weighed cupcake into the center
portion of the baking and then repeat 2 more times
17) Repeat step 16 for the cornflour mixture, putting the casings on the left of the
baking tray, and the rice flour mixture, putting the casings on the right of the
baking tray
18) After all the mixtures have been weighed and mixed, place the baking tray in the
center of the middle shelf of the preheated oven and bake for 20 minutes at 180°C.
Use a stopwatch to keep track of the baking time
19) While the cupcakes are baking, wash and dry all used equipment
20) After 20 minutes, remove the samples from the oven using an oven glove and place
on a flat surface and let cool

Data Collection

21) Remove 3 cupcake samples from the baking tray and place on 3 separate plates that
are labeled Wheat flour, Rice flour, and Corn flour respectively so as to prevent mix-
22) Quantitative data – To record the volume by measuring the heights of the cake
a) Measure heights of 3 Wheat flour (control) samples by inserting a satay stick
into the center of the cake until it touches the base
b) Use a fine marker to mark the height on the stick
c) Remove the stick from the cupcake and measure the height against the ruler
d) Record the data, calculate the average height (total height ÷ no. of cupcakes)
and record the result in the observation table
e) Repeat (a to d) to measure the average height for the Rice flour (V1) samples
and the Corn flour (V2) samples
23) Qualitative data on Appearance:
(i)Observe and record the appearance on shape, the condition of the top crust and
exterior color of the 3 batches of cake samples:
Exterior view
a) Place each cupcake sample onto the respective labeled side of the plate
b) Take a bird’s eye view photo of the exterior crust of all the samples
c) Observe and record the shape (symmetrical, asymmetrical), condition of top
crust (rounded top, cracked, level, sunken, etc.) band the color differences
(pale, light brown, golden brown, dark brown, etc.) in the observation table

Cross-sectional view

a) Cut the cupcake in half to examine the cross section

b) Compare the size of the air cells (small, medium, large) and the distribution
of air cells (even, uneven)
c) Take photos of the cross-sectional view
d) Record the results in the observation table
24) Qualitative data on Texture by:
a) Cut 1/8 of each sample cupcake to put in the mouth and chew at least 15
b) Record the texture of the 3 samples (soft, tender, dry, coarse, grainy, etc.) in
the observation table
c) Cleanse the palate with a sip of plain water prior to sampling each sample
25) Compare and analyze the data collected
26) Complete washing up

Pictures of Samples

Figure 1: From top to bottom-Corn flour, Wheat flour, and rice

Figure 2: Interior photo of the Figure 3: Interior photo of the sample made with corn
sample made with rice flour flour
Figure 4: Interior photo of the sample made with wheat flour

Results Tables


Samples The height The height The height Average

of Sample 1 of sample of sample 3 Heights
(cm) 2 (cm) (cm) (cm)
Wheat flour 2.2 cm 2.6 cm 2.4 cm 2.4 cm
Rice flour 2.4 cm 2.5 cm 2.4 cm 2.43 cm
(Variation 1)
Corn flour 2.6 cm 2.9 cm 2.8 cm 2.77 cm
(Variation 2)
Height of samples




Height of sample 1 (cm) Height of sample 2 (cm) Height of sample 3 (cm) Average

Wheat flour (Control) Rice flour (V1) Corn flour (V2)

Sensory Evaluation Table

Variations Texture Flavor Appearance Smell Height

Wheat flour 4 5 5 5 3
Rice Flour 1 2 3 3 2
(Variation 1)
Corn Flour 2 3 3 3 5
(Variation 2)

Texture: 1-Crumbly, 2-Dense, 3-Slightly bouncy, 4-Bouncy, 5-Fluffy

Flavor: 1-Gritty, 2-Floury taste, 3-Bland, 4-Slightly buttery with a hint of vanilla 5-Buttery
and can taste the vanilla

Appearance: 1-Burnt/Black, 2-Pale brown, 3- Brown, 4-Slightly Golden brown, 5-Golden


Smell: 1-Burnt, 2-Floury Smell, 3-Slight buttery smell, 4-Buttery smell, 5-Rich, and buttery

Height: 1-No rising occurred/short, 2-Slight rise, 3-Notable height increase, 4- Significant
height increase, 5-Fully risen
Wheat flour (Control) Rice flour (V1) Corn flour (V2)

Height Flavour

Smell Appearance

Information Synthesis

 What do your results say

 For the first samples which were the cupcakes made with wheat, I observed that
although they were rated quite highly in the sensory evaluation test for smell,
appearance, and texture, scoring mostly 4s or 5s, they did not score as high for
height, which was only a 3 and the average height was only 2.4 cm, which could
be due to lack of aeration. For the second samples, which were the cupcakes
made with rice flour, I observed that it was rated quite poorly in all areas of the
sensory evaluation taste, scoring mostly 1s or 2s. Finally, for the last samples,
which were the cupcakes made with corn flour, I observed that they were rated
in between the samples made with wheat flour and the samples made with rice
flour, as they mainly scored 2s or 3s, though they rated quite highly in height as
they scored a 5 for that area and the average height recorded for those samples
was 2.77 cm.
 What does this tell you about the experiment of your product
 This tells me that using different types of flour can cause a product to taste
differently as different types of flour add their own flavor to the product. It also
tells me that the type of flour used can also affect how the product rises due to
the way the flour traps air and that different types of flour can be used when
making cakes or muffins so as to achieve a certain outcome
 What can you conclude from the experiment
 I can conclude that different types of flours have certain types of properties,
such as the ability to trap more air or contain more starch which causes more
dextrinization to happen thus causing the food to brown more, which can affect
how my product will taste and look
 How can you apply your results in food preparation
 I have to ensure that the type of flour that I used has the properties that will give
me the outcome that I want in my product, for example, using wheat flour in my
cake recipe which will cause it become golden brown due to the starch inside the
flour becoming dextrinized as well as adding extra flavor but not rice flour as it
will not cause the cake to brown and will also leave behind a floury aftertaste
 What dishes is this experiment valid for
 Dishes such as cakes or muffins are valid for this experiment as using the right
type of flour can greatly affect how the cake or muffin tastes or looks

What I learned in Investigation and Research to use in DM/skills

I observed that although the samples made with wheat flour tasted decent, they were a little
bland tasting which can be due to wheat flour itself having little taste as most of the
sweetness during baking is due to the starch being dextrinized. One way to improve the
flavor is to add additional ingredients such as chocolate chips or healthier alternatives such
as dried mango. Another thing that I observed was that the samples made with wheat flour
were not as tall as I wanted them to be. To improve the rise of the cupcakes, I can add
rising ingredients such as baking soda so as to enable them to rise more

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