Memoirs Self Evaluation

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Tanner Hellevik

What were the best and worst parts of Senior Project/Senior Seminar? ​I think

the best part of the senior project is that it gets you out of your comfort zone. Most

people do not want to do something for a minimum of 15 hours and then present it

in front of board members and then they decide if you graduate. I like that we still

do it. It gives you a chance to learn more about something you may have never

found out before. The worst part was leaving it all to the end. I liked how we had a

set schedule for when to get things done in Senior Sem.

List three things you now know after completing your Senior Project.

● Do not Procrastinate

● The trades are very important in society

● Making your blueprints come to life is not as easy as i thought it would be

What problems did you encounter, and how did you handle these problems?

When I went to Lowes the first time, I had no idea where anything was at. I

walked around for a bit. Then eventually one of the employees asked me if I

needed help. I quickly accepted and they directed me to where everything was.

Also making cutting mistakes. We fixed this by using it for another shelf and

making it work that way. Having the wood split when putting in screws. We fixed
this by taking out the screw. Then putting a little bit of glue in it and clamping it

together and driving the screw in again.

Which aspect of the Senior Project/Senior Seminar stretched you the most?

How did you feel about and react to this challenge? ​I think my biggest

challenge was cutting the angle for the front legs of the shelf. Also putting it all

together. I was scared I would mess it up and then have to start over. I got over

this by doing a mock cut or a rough draft of what we were doing. I felt better

trying to cut on scrap wood then the actual wood to get a feel for it.

How has Senior Project/Senior Seminar changed you (skills, attitudes, work

habits, capabilities, confidence, poise, presentation, etc.)?​ I have learned some

great new skills that I can take with me. Like the presenting aspect, making a

resume, and even learning how to do taxes. I also found out I had a big

procrastination problem. I just put things off and then try to do it all before the

end. It works sometimes, but I want to break this habit. I do not like when it all

piles up at the end. I learned I can build something with my own hands and bring it

to life.

What would you do differently if you had to do the whole Senior

Project/Senior Seminar process again?​ If I had the chance to do Senior Seminar

again I would use my time more wisely. For the senior project I would maybe

choose something different, but definitely not leave it to the end. I would start it as

soon as I got verified.

What advice do you have for next year’s seniors?​ I would say to do something

that is out of your comfort zone, but also something you would enjoy. Also start

right away.

Has this experience influenced your future plans? ​I think the trades are a option

for me. If my two major ideas do not work out. I could see myself working in the


What grade would you give yourself for your Senior Project and what

justification do you have for that grade?​ I would give myself a high B to a low

B+. I would give myself this grade because I think I could have done a better job if

I had started earlier. I did give it my best effort to get it done. I just should have

started earlier then I could have been less stressed and made sure to have

everything in on time.

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