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Chapter 1

Initial Setup

Exploring Big-IP Hardware

Exploring Big-IP File System
Licensing Big-IP
Basic Configuration
Big-IP Hardware Platform
The Hardware

10/100/1000 Mbps 1000 Mbps

Copper Ports Fibre Ports

OOB Failover USB Port

Management Cable
Port LCD Panel
and controls
Looking Inside a 3600Big-IP
Big-IP LTM Software support
Lights Out Management
-Two operating systems
-TMM for primary use
-AOM/SCCP for lights
Out management
-Always on Mansgment
-Switch card control processing
What to do first ?
Setup Overview
Setup Tools
 SSH Client
-username:- root
 Serial Terminal Client
-username:- root
 Big-IP Config Script
 Big-IP Wab-based configuration
-username:- admin
Licensing Methods
Entering Registration Key
Manual Licensing
Completing the Licensing Process
Configuring administration Access
File System

 Built on top Linux

 Has Linux files structure
 Files are relevant to the operation
 Main file in BIG-IP LTM are mentioned below:
 /coinfig/bigip.conf
- Holds all information relevant to the load
Like: virtual, pool, profile, monitor, irules etc
-Shared between 2 units if in a pair configuration

 /config/bigip_base.conf
-Holds all information relevant to the basic
elements of the BigIP
Like: management IP, vlans, routes few more things

 /etc/hosts.allow
-hosts which are allowed to use the local INET
Such as services are SSH, snmp for the snmp devices
 /config/BigDB.dat
-bigdb database holds a set of bigdb configuration
-Keys define the behaviours of various aspects of the
BIG-IP system

-For example, the bigdb key Failover.Active Mode, when

set to enable, causes a redundant system to operate
in active-active mode, instead of the default
active/standby mode.

-We can edit these values by using

-The Configuration utility
-The bigpipe db command
#bigpipe db all list
 /config/bigip.license
-Holds all information about the license of the
BigIP system
-Without this file or a valid license file, the BigIP
will not operate

 There are few more vital files

Management configuration
 Giving IP to management port
#b mgmt {netmask }

 Putting route for management network

#b mgmt route netmask ‘{ gateway }’

#b mgmt route netmask ‘{

gateway }’
VLAN Configuration
vlan external {
tag 10
interfaces 1.1
vlan internal_phy {
tag 4093
interfaces 1.2
vlan internal_virt {
tag 4092
interfaces 1.4
Self IP/Port configuration

 Assigning IP address the to vlan

#b self ‘{ netmask vlan external
allow tcp ssh tcp https tcp 4353 }’
#b self ‘{ netmask vlan
internal_virt allow tcp https }’

 Opening the Port

#b self allow ‘{ default udp snmp tcp ssh tcp domain tcp snmp udp
efs tcp 4353 udp domain udp 4353 tcp https proto ospf }’
Configuring Floating
 This part of configuration is for redundant pair
#b self {
unit 1
floating enable
vlan external
allow tcp https
#b self {
unit 1
floating enable
vlan internal
allow default
Chapter 2

Traffic Processing
Pools , Members & Nodes
Virtual Server
-Big-IP is default deny device, so listener (virtual) is must
-Virtual server gules everything together
-Typically virtual are associated with pool
-Before virtual server can load balance it should mapped to pool
-Big-IP translate the destination ip address from virtual server to
actual server
-Client see the pool servers as single server, hence the term Virtual
Asymetric Routing Problem
Full Proxy Architecture

-Big-IP do much more than translating the network Address

-F5 implemented full proxy architecture in Big-IP
-Separate tcp connections for the client & the server
Chapter 3
Load Balancing

Load Balancing Method

Member vs Node
Priority Group Activation
Configuring load balancing
Load Balancing Methods
-Static method do not take server performance in to consideration
-Dynamic method does consider server performance
Round Robin

-Round Robin is default & most commonly used method

-Big-IP evenly distributes client request across all available pool
-Ratio method is appropriate to use if some of the members are
powerful than other.
-Since Ratio is static method, this means that server with highest
ratio value will receive more request then others even if the
performance of the server is slow.
#b pool lab_Pool { lb method member/node ratio }
Least Connections

-This method consider the current connections count to decide

where to send next request
#b pool lab_Pool { lb method least conn }
Least Connections
-After connections counts shown below, the big-IP round robin next
requests between all three servers.
-Fastest uses the outstanding layer 7 request to decide where to
send the next request
-Request or Response ?
#b pool lab_Pool { lb method fastest }
-Ping response form server doesn’t take into account how fast
server will response at port 80.
-SYN-ACK response form server at port 80 doesn’t take into
account how fast backend database server will populate the
content of web page

-It is basically Ratio load balancing but with Ratio assigned by Big-
-Servers with connections lower than average will given ratio of 3
-Servers with connections higher than average will given ratio of 2
#b pool lab_Pool { lb method member observed }
>Connections status
-server B & C with Ratio 3
-Servers A & D with Ration 2
-Predictive method is similar to Observed, but assigns more
aggressive value
#b pool lab_Pool { lb method member predictive }

>Connections status
-server A & C with Ratio 1
-Servers B & D with Ration 4
Pool Member vs. Node
 Load Balancing by:
-Total service for one IP Address
-Take all transactions for the IP address into account
#b node <ip_addr> { ratio <no.>/ session <enable/disable>}

>Pool Member
-IP Address & Service
-Take the decision based transactions happening on
the service port.
Priority Group Activation

-Use to designate preferred & backup sets of pool members with

in a pool
-Once priority group activated
-The available member with highest priority will consider first
Priority Group Activation
-If the number of member falls below the priority group
activation set,
-The next highest priority member also start serving
the requests.
Priority Group Activation
Configuration example

#b pool lab_pool '{

lb_method predictive
min_active_members 2
member priority 10
member priority 10
member priority 10
member priority 5
member priority 5
member priority 5 }’
Fallback Host
-Fallback host feature is designed for HTTP protocol only.
-It comes into play if all the members in a pool are unavailable
Configuring Load Balancing
bigpipe pool <pool_name> { lb method
<method_name> }

(rr | node ratio | member ratio | member least conn |

member observed | member predictive | fastest |
least conn | predictive | observed | dynamic ratio |
fastest app resp)
Chapter 4


Monitor Functionality
Monitor Types
Configuring Monitor
Assigning Monitor
Intro to monitor
 Big-IP system can monitor the health of nodes &

 Monitor is the test that Big-IP performed

-simple test
-Highly interactive test

 The result of these test will define the status of

respective node or member is available

 Big-IP perform continues monitoring irrespective of

the status of node or member
Step to set-up a monitor
Step 1: Create

Step 2: Name & Type

-name the new monitor select the type from system

Step 3: Customize

Step 4: Assign
- to pool/node/pool member

Step 5: Status
Types of monitoring

 Address Check
-IP address –node

 Service Check

 Content Check
-IP:port & check data returned

 Interactive Check
-Interactive with servers
-Multiple commands and multiple response
Address Check

 System  Custom

#b monitor icmp list #b monitor icmp_mon list

monitorroot icmp { monitor icmp_mon {
interval 5 defaults from icmp
timeout 16 interval 7
dest * timeout 22
} }
Service Check
-Service checks only test whether server is listening to respective
-Doesn’t provide any insight into quality of the content that might
 System  Custom

#b monitor tcp list #b monitor tcp_port_mon

monitorroot tcp { list
interval 5 monitor tcp_port_mon {
timeout 16 defaults from tcp
dest *:* interval 15
recv "" timeout 47
send "" }
Content Check
-Content check go beyond testing whether a node is
-It also test if it is responding with correct content
System: Custom:
#b monitor http list #b monitor http_mon list
monitorroot http { monitor http_mon {
interval 5 defaults from http
timeout 16 recv "Health Check"
dest *:* send "GET /health_check.html
password "" HTTP/1.0\n\n"
recv "" }
send "GET /"
username ""
Interactive Check

#b monitor ftp list

monitorroot ftp {
interval 10
timeout 31
dest *:*
debug ""
get ""
mode "passive"
password ""
username ""
Assigning Monitor to Nodes

#b node ‘{ ratio 100

monitor testwmi_mon

#b node { monitor gateway_icmp and icmp }

Assign Monitor to Pool & member
 Assigning Monitor to Pool

#b pool bluecoat_pool { monitor all tcp }

#b pool bsd01_pool { monitor all bsd_mon }

 Assigning Monitor to Pool member

#b pool lab_Pool '{

member monitor tcp
member monitor http
Status Icon
 Below are the status Icons
Status: Available
 Example-1  Example-2
Status: Offline
 Example-1  Example-2
Status: Unknown
 Example-1  Example-2
Status: Unavailable
 Example -1  Example -2
Chapter 5


Profile Concept
Profile Configuration
Profile Concept
 Contain settings that instruct how to pass the traffic
through virtual server

 Why any one want to change default traffic processing

behavior of virtual server ?

 Are profile overrides the load balancing property ?

 How does profile help to improve the performance of

actual servers ?
Profile Example
 Persistence  SSL Termination
Profile Example

Profile Dependencies

-Some of the profiles are dependent on others

-Some can’t be combine in one VS
Types of profile
 Services Profiles:
-HTTP, FTP, RSTP, SIP, iSession

 Persistence Profiles
-cookie, dest_addr, source_addr, hash….

 Protocol Profiles
-tcp, udp, fastL4…

 SSl Profiles
-client, server

 Authentications Profiles
-RADIUS servers, CRLDP servers…

 Other Profiles
-OneConnect, NTLM, stream
Profile Configuration Concepts

 Default Profiles – Tamplates

-Stored in /config/profile_base.conf
-Can’t be deleted

 Custom Profiles
-Stored in /config/bigip.conf
-Created from default profile
-Dynamic child & parent relationship
Services Profiles
 Parent HTTP profiles  Custom HTTP profile
profile http http {
basic auth realm none
oneconnect transformations enable
#b profile http pan_http_profile ‘{
compress disable defaults from http_master
compress uri include none header insert "X-SSL: True"
compress uri exclude none fallback "[HTTP::host]"
compress prefer gzip
compress min size 1024
compress buffer size 4096
compress vary header enable #b profile http help ---for more option
ramcache max age 3600
ramcache min object size 500
ramcache max object size 50000
ramcache uri exclude none
ramcache uri include none
ramcache uri pinned none
ramcache ignore client cache control all
ramcache aging rate 9
ramcache insert age header enable
Chapter 6


Persistence profile
Source Address Persistence
Cookie Persistence
 What is the need of Persistence ?

 Persistence profile is required to achieve to change

the load balancing behavior of virtual server

 Upon the initial connection:

-Big-IP store session data in persistence record

 Persistence Record store

-client characteristics
-Pool member information which is serving request

 Big-IP use persistence record to serve the next

Source Address Persistence
-Support both TCP & UDP protocol
-By Default Big-IP create persistence for host
source_addr Persistence configuration
 Parent Profile:
profile persist source_addr {
mode source addr
mirror disable
timeout 180
mask none
map proxies enable
rule none
 Custom Profile
#b profile persist pan_subnet ‘{ mode source addr mask }’
Cookie Persistence

 Why cookie Persistence ?

 Modes:
>Insert Mode
-LTM insert special cookie in HTTP response
-Pool name & Pool Member (encoded)
>Rewrite Mode
-Web server Creates a “blank” cookie
-LTM Rewrites to make Special Cookie
>Passive Mode
-Web server Creates Special Cookie
-LTM Passively lets it through
Cookie Insert Mode
Cookie Rewrite Mode
Cookie Passive Mode
Configuring Cookie persistence

 Custom Profile
#b profile persist pan_cookie { mode cookie cookie mode rewrite cookie
name paa }

 Parent Profile:
profile persist cookie {
mode cookie
mirror disable
timeout immediate
cookie mode insert
cookie name none
cookie expiration 0d 00:00:00
cookie hash offset 0
cookie hash length 0
rule none
Chapter 7

Processing SSL Traffic

Exploring SSL on Big-IP

Configuring Big-IP for SSL
Review of SSL Concepts
 Establish an encrypted link between a Web server &
browser by using SSL protocol
 This encryption uses PKI
 Encrypting & decrypting SSL is impact the server
 Packet processing time can increase 20 to 30 times
 Use of SSL Accelerator Cards
Advantage of SSL Termination

 Allow iRules processing and cookie persistence

 Offload SSL traffic from web server
 SSL key exchange and bulk encryption dane by
 Centralize certificate management
Traffic Flow: Client SSL
Traffic Flow: Server SSL
SSL Acceleration
Enabling Client SSL Profile
Configuring Client SSL Profile
 Configuring clientssl profile :
#b profile clientssl pan.com_ssl {
defaults from clientssl
key “"
cert “"
chain “ca-intermediate.crt"
 Associating the clientssl profile to virtual server
#b virtual pan.com_https { profile pan.com_ssl }
Configuring Server SSL Profile
 Configuring Serverssl profile :
#b profile serverssl pan.com_ssl ‘{
defaults from serverssl"

 Associating the clientssl profile to virtual server

#b virtual pan.com_https { profile pan.com_ssl }
Chapter 8

Nat & SNAT

NAT Concepts and Configuration

SNAT Concepts and Configuration
Nat Concepts
 One to One mapping

 Bi-directional traffic

 Dedicated IP Address

 Can’t Configure port

Configuring NAT

#b nat to

#b nat to
#b nat list
#b nat show
SNAT Concept
 “Secure” NAT

 Performs Source Nat

 Many to one mapping

 Traffic initiated to SNAT

Address refused

 SNAT’s used for

Routing problem
SNAT Configuration
#b snat pan { origin any translation }

# b snat pan ‘{ origin any translation vlan

clau_vlan enable }’

#b snatpool pan_spool ‘{ member member }’

#b snat pan ‘{ origin mask snatpool pan_spool }’
Chapter 10


 Big-IP is default deny device, so listener (virtual) is


 Virtual server gules everything together

 Virtual are first point of call for traffic

Types of VIP
 Standard
 Most common type of VIP for general purpose load balancing
 Can make use of all functions including iRules, WebAccelerator, ASM etc

 Forwarding (Layer 2)
 Generally used when LTM is configured in a bridge mode (VLAN Groups)
 Essentially just forwards packets at Layer 2

 Forwarding (IP)
 Used when LTM needs to forward or route packets
 Can either just route them based on it’s IP routing table of load balance
multiple routers/firewalls etc

 Performance (HTTP)
 Used for very simple, very fast HTTP load balancing
 Loose a number of features (see next slide)

 Performance (Layer 4)
 Used for general purpose fast load balancing of packets using the PVA ASIC
 Loose a number of features depending on PVA Acceleration mode (see next
few slides)
Configuration of virtual
>Forwarding (IP)
#b virtual forward_vip { destination any:any ip forward }

>Forwarding (Layer 2)
#b virtual forward_vip { destination any:any l2 forward }

b virtual accel_vip ‘{
ip protocol tcp
profile http_profile oneconnect_master tcp
persist simple_1800_profile
pool https_pool
Chapter 11

What is an iRule?

 An iRule is a TCL script to give more control over

how traffic is processed via the LTM

 Can do this based on just about anything found

in a packet, including client IP address, headers,
URI, destination port, etc.

 The use of the Universal Inspection Engine (UIE)

is also done via iRules, allowing for rule based
What can an iRule work with?
 Most commonly seen are HTTP events
 Can also work with other protocols, such as SIP,
RTSP, XML, others
 Can make adjustments to TCP behavior, such as
MSS, checking the RTT, looking into the payload
 Can work with authentication or encryption, via
x509 commands, and AES encryption/decryption
 Cache, compression, profiles are also available
Example iRules
Change server headers
HTTP::header replace Server "Microsoft-IIS/5.1"

Remove all server headers

HTTP::header sanitize ?ETag? ?Header01? ?Header02?

On 404 error, re-load balance

set RequestedPage [HTTP::uri]
if { [HTTP::status] eq "404" } {
log "Dooh, page '$RequestedPage' not found on server
HTTP::redirect $RequestedPage
More Samples… (from CodeShare)
iRule Logging (really handy!)
 You can turn on logging for any iRule and record anything
you like from requests or responses!

 Often used when troubleshooting an iRule

 Simply add the line “log xxx” (where “xxx” is anything you
like) to any iRule, for example:

log "Client [IP::remote_addr] has requested page
[HTTP::uri] from server [HTTP::host]."

 You can use the CLI command “tail –f /var/log/ltm” to view

these logs in real time
Troubleshooting Section

 File System Overview and Vi

 UCS file extracting
 Qkview
 Look at the Statistics!
 CLI Tools
 Logs
 PXE booting tips
File System Overview
 Main VIP, Pool and iRule config is stored in:

 Main IP and VLAN settings are stored in:


 BIG-IP license file is stored in:


 Log files are stored in:


 Archived configs are stored in:

Tools/Commands to help

 Change directory: cd
 Print working directory: pwd
 List directory contents: ls
 View file: more <filename>
 Edit file: vi <filename>
 Copy file: cp <source> <dest>
 Delete file: rm <filename>
Useful “vi” commands
 “i” to start inserting text where the cursor is
 “A” to start inserting text at the end of the line
 “Esc” exits the editing mode
 “dd” delete entire line
 “x” delete single character
 “Esc” then “:” then “w” to write the file
 “Esc” then “:” then “q” to quit vi
 “/” starts a search through the file

Note: “:wq” would write the file and quit in one go

Note: “:w!” would write the file even if read-only file
Note: “:q!” would force vi to quit
UCS file extracting
 UCS files are simply “.tar.gz” files with a number of
configuration files inside

 Rename the file with a “.tar.gz” extension and use

WinRAR to extract the file

 Note that a UCS file contains both the “root” password

and license key for that unit – don’t put it on another
box unless you have a backup!
 Support will often request these

 Can be executed from the GUI or CLI

 Contains box configuration, route information,

statistics etc
 Logs can often highlight problems

 Can be viewed from the GUI

 Can be downloaded from the directory


 Useful command to watch the LTM log file in

real time from the CLI:
tail –f /var/log/ltm
CLI Tools

 “bigtop” – utility for a quick look at how the BIG-IP

is functioning. Provides statistics and information
on traffic flow, node operations and
troubleshooting (“bigtop –delay 2” useful)
 TCPDUMP is an inbuilt network sniffer

 To run TCPDUMP from the CLI and save the output to a file
that can be opened in Ethereal/Wireshark use the following

tcpdump -ni <VLAN> -v -s 1600 -w /var/tmp/filename.dmp


tcpdump -ni external -v -s 1600 -w /var/tmp/external.dmp

 TIP: Use WinSCP to copy the file from the BIG-IP to your PC

 TCPDUMP can be run from the GUI also

 SSLDUMP is a utility available on the BIG-IP that can be used
to decode your SSL sessions by pre-loading your SSL keys
and using those to convert the session data into ASCII text.

 SSLDUMP takes a raw TCPDUMP file as input

 To display the handshake only

 ssldump –r <capture file>

 To display the actual application data (with the key file)

 ssldump –r <capture file> -k <key file> -d
 Example:
ssldump -r /var/tmp/internal.dmp -k
/config/ssl/ssl.key/default.key -d > /var/tmp/ssldump.dmp
 Documentation for ssldump can be found on
Useful links… F5 related
 Compression Test

 Devcentral (iRules, iControl, SDK)


 Software Downloads

 Askf5 (manuals, software, solutions, EOL info)

Chapter 12

Redundant Pair

Redundant pair Concept

Redundant Pair Setup
Config. Synchronization
 When is high Availability is required ?
Increases Reliability
It consist of two identically configured Big-IP
 There are two basic aspect:
Synchronizing configurations between two BIG-IP
Configuring fail-safe settings for the VLANs
Big-ip Individual System Settings
Big-IP LTM System -1 Big-IP LTM System -2

Hostname:- Hostname:-

Admin Password:- XXXXX Admin Password:- XXXXX
Unit ID:- 1 Unit ID:- 2
Internal VLAN Internal VLAN
-Self: -Self:
-Float : -Float :
-Peer : -Peer :
 Unit ID used for Identification, do not designate
primary and secondary
 Floating IP is always own by Active box
Failing Over
>Gratuitous ARP sent to all neighboring network devices
Synchronize Configuration
 Initiated from Either System
 Redundant pair should service the same monitors,
pools & virtual Servers
Synchronization condition
 Administrative password must be same on each

 Port 443 must not be blocked by the port lockdown

setting or by another system between the
redundant pair.

 Clock of the system must be within a certain

number of minutes of each other.

 Pull or Push Operation –Sync in Correct Direction

Synchronization Process
1-Create UCS file.
-Which contain all configurations + licensing information
2-Send to peer
3-Peer creates backup of itself
4-Peer opens UCS file
a) Matching Hostname > Full Installation
b) Different Hostname >Shared Installation
Synchronize to Peer
# bigpipe config sync pull
# bigpipe config sync all
Determine Active System
Change to Standby Mode
Chapter 13

High Availability

Failover Trigger
Failover Detection
Stateful Failover
MAC Masquerading
Failover Managers
 Failover Mangers detects a failed process,
 takes one of the several action restarting the
process, failing back to the standby, reboot the big-
 Watchdog
Performs hardware health checks
 Overdog
Software to correct hardware failures
monitors the switch fabric and takes corrective action for
switch failures
All failover Managers update and monitor the high
Availability Table
High Availability Table
 Update & Monitor by Failover Managers
 Table Fields
-Feature Name
-Action on Failure
-Failed State
 Command Line: b ha table show
HA Table
Failover Trigger
 Processes (Daemons)
 Switchboard
 VLAN Failsafe
 Gateway Failsafe
Failover Triggers - Daemans
VLAN Failsafe
 Detects no network traffic Tries to generate traffic
 Timeout reached Time Action; Standby becomes
Gateway Failsafe
Hardware Failover
 Standby notices a loss of voltage, it Takes over the
active role
Network Failover
 Heartbeat sent over network
 No 50 foot (15.24 meter) limitation
 Slower than Hardware Failover
 Setting not synchronized between peers
 If Both Hardware Failover & Network Failover are being
Network Failover Settings
Network Communication
Stateful Failover
Types of Mirroring
Failover without MAC Masquerading
MAC Masquerading
MAC Masquerading

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