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7 Mistakes to Avoid when Asking for Disability-Related Information

Sites must consider a reasonable accommodation request by an individual with a disability,

whether it’s physical or mental, obvious or not. Some disabilities are obvious while others show
little outward sign of impairment. But it doesn’t matter as far as the law is concerned. If the
request is for someone who doesn’t have an obvious or apparent disability, then the law permit
sites to request disability-related documentation to verify that he qualifies under the FHA’s
definition of “disability.”

Mistake #1: Asking for Disability-Related Information When You’re Not

Supposed to
Don’t ask applicants and residents any questions related to a disability unless you’re sure it’s
allowed under fair housing law.
Under the FHA, it’s generally unlawful to ask an applicant or resident whether he (or someone
in his household) has a disability or to ask about the nature or severity of a disability. Unless
he’s requested a reasonable accommodation, you could get into hot water if you ask any
questions about an applicant or resident’s disability.
There are a few questions you can ask. For example, federal guidelines allow you to ask about
an applicant’s ability to meet the requirements of tenancy—as long as you ask all applicants,
regardless of disability, the same thing. You also may ask whether applicants are qualified
either for a dwelling available only to individuals with disabilities or for a priority available only
to such individuals.
Federal law also allows you to ask questions concerning current illegal drug use or convictions
for the illegal manufacture or distribution of a controlled substance. Although the law protects
applicants recovering from past drug addiction, it specifically excludes individuals who are
currently using illegal drugs.

Mistake #2: Asking for Verification When There’s an Obvious Disability-Related

Need for Accommodation
Get to know when you can ask for disability-related information from applicants or residents
who request reasonable accommodations. In general, sites are entitled to obtain information
necessary to evaluate whether the requested accommodation may be necessary because of a | Assisted Housing Management Insider | All Rights Reserved

disability, according to federal guidelines. Whether it’s necessary to ask for disability-related
information boils down to two questions:

• Is the request by or for someone with a disability?

• Does the person have a disability-related need for the requested accommodation?

If a person’s disability is obvious, or otherwise known to the site, and if the need for the
requested accommodation is also readily apparent or known, then you can’t ask for any
additional information about the individual’s disability or disability-related need for the
accommodation, according to federal guidelines. For example, if an applicant with an obvious
mobility impairment asks for a parking space near the entrance to the building, then you can’t
ask him for further information, because both the disability and the disability-related need for
the accommodation are readily apparent.
However, reasonable accommodation doesn’t mean that anyone with any disability must have
every request approved. If there’s no connection between the disability and the request, the
landlord isn’t required to grant the accommodation.
That’s why the guidelines allow you to ask for additional information from an applicant with an
obvious disability if the need for an accommodation isn’t readily apparent.

Mistake #3: Treating Requests from People Who Don’t Have Obvious Disabilities
with Suspicion
Everyone needs to understand that all disabilities are equal under the law. As far as fair housing
law is concerned, a resident with a physical disability is no “more disabled” than a person
diagnosed with depression. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a physical disability that can be seen,
a physical disability that can’t be seen such as lupus or epilepsy, or an emotional or mental
illness like depression. All people with these disabilities have equal standing under the law, and
each is just as entitled to his particular reasonable accommodations as the others.
When handling a reasonable accommodation request from someone who doesn’t have an
obvious or apparent disability, federal guidelines allow you to request reliable disability-related
information that is:

• Necessary to verify that he meets the FHA’s definition of “disability” (that is, has a
physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity);
• Describes the needed accommodation; and
• Verifies the connection between his disability and the need for the requested

The type and source of documentation that may be required to verify disability depends on the
circumstances, according to the guidelines. Verification may come from an applicant himself,
for example, with proof that an individual under age 65 receives Supplemental Security Income
or Social Security Disability benefits or “a credible statement by the individual.” A doctor or a
medical professional, peer support group, or reliable third party in a position to know about the | Assisted Housing Management Insider | All Rights Reserved
individual’s disability may also provide verification of a disability. In most cases, the guidelines
state that an individual’s medical records or detailed information about the nature of his
disability are not necessary to verify a disability.
Once it’s established that the applicant has a qualifying disability, the site may seek information
necessary to evaluate whether the requested accommodation is needed because of that
disability. The information must be kept confidential and may not be shared with others
(absent disclosure required by law) unless they need it to evaluate the accommodation request.

Mistake #4: Adopting a ‘One Size Fits All’ Policy for Disability Verification
Consistency is often the key to fair housing compliance—but not when it comes to reasonable
accommodation requests. Each of these disability accommodation requests is unique and must
be considered based on its specific facts.
The same holds true when asking for disability-related information related to reasonable
accommodation requests. Verification of disability should not be seen as if we do it for one, we
must do it for all. In some instances, you can ask applicants and residents who request
reasonable accommodations to provide certain disability-related information—just don’t make
the mistake of assuming you can do the same with everyone who makes a reasonable
accommodation request.
When it comes to asking for disability-related information, tailor your requests to what you
need to evaluate the reasonable accommodation request. Let’s say a person in a wheelchair
wants a reserved parking space. You shouldn’t ask her for documentation because both the
disability and the need for the requested accommodation are obvious. If the same resident
wants a flashing light fire alarm, the mobility disability is obvious, but the need for the
accommodation, which is usually associated with a hearing impairment, is not. That means you
can’t ask her to verify the disability, but you can ask for information to verify that there is a
disability-related need for the requested accommodation.
But take a third example: A resident walks into your office and says he needs a parking space
right near the entrance, but he needs a quick answer because he has to get to his aerobics
class. In circumstances like these, you can ask for verification of the disability and the disability-
related need for the requested accommodation because neither is obvious or apparent.

Mistake #5: Requiring Everyone to Use Your Forms

It’s a good idea to have standard forms for verifying disability, but it’s a bad idea to refuse to
consider reasonable accommodation requests when people don’t use them. For example, it’s a
mistake to insist on using your forms when people come in with their own documentation to
verify disability for a reasonable accommodation request. You can’t refuse to consider their
paperwork just because it’s in a different format than your standard disability verification
When people don’t come in with documentation, then you can use a standard disability
verification form for reasonable accommodation requests when there’s no obvious disability- | Assisted Housing Management Insider | All Rights Reserved

related need for the requested accommodation. The purpose of the form is to verify the
existence of a disability—not what the disability is—and the disability-related need for the
requested accommodation.
Also, don’t tell people to bring in a note from their doctor. The verification doesn’t have to be
from a doctor—it may come from another healthcare provider, social worker, or other reliable
third party in a position to know about the individual’s disability.

Mistake #6: Putting Too Much—or Too Little—Stock in Online Certifications

Knowing the rules on disability verification is essential to avoid the common mistakes that lead
to complaints involving requests for assistance animals. It’s particularly important now that so
many applicants or residents can go online and find a quick “certification” process to say their
dog is a certified assistance animal, which really creates problems for management.
Verification, when appropriate, should come from a credible source. When an applicant
provides you with an online certification that he needs an assistance animal, you should
determine whether it meets the requirements that it’s reliable and from someone familiar with
the applicant’s disability. It’s a mistake to automatically assume that an online certification
wasn’t issued by any recognized group, or a medical or mental health provider, and deny the
Furthermore, just because someone obtains one of these easy online certifications doesn’t
mean he’s not allowed to have the animal. If the person has a diagnosed medical or mental
condition that requires an assistance animal, then the fact that the online certification may
have no legal standing doesn’t end the conversation.
You still have the obligation to consider, respond, and act on the request, even though you
suspect that the online verification submitted by the applicant is not sufficient to provide you
with all the information you need to act on the disability accommodation request. You can send
a written response to the request that it’s the rental owner’s and management’s policy to grant
disability accommodation requests for assistance animals (which includes both trained service
animals and untrained emotional support animals) but that you’ll need additional information
from the applicant’s treating medical or mental health professional.
It’s important that you be able to receive confirmation from the applicant’s treating mental
health or medical health professional to verify that the applicant is under the doctor’s or
mental health provider’s care and treatment and that he has diagnosed a medical or mental
condition that renders the patient disabled. Also, you may request confirmation from the
treating doctor or mental health provider that the animals are prescribed to assist with the
If the applicant or resident is unwilling to cooperate or obtain the proper medical or mental
health provider’s assistance in verifying the information, then you may have a basis for denying
the request. But this is a difficult area, so it’s important to get legal advice before taking any
adverse action. | Assisted Housing Management Insider | All Rights Reserved

Mistake #7: Just Saying ‘No’
Don’t be too hasty to deny requests for reasonable accommodations if you’re dissatisfied with
the response to your requests for documentation to verify disability. Even if the documentation
isn’t sufficient, it’s a mistake to simply say “no” to an accommodation request. Whatever the
circumstances, it’s a good idea to get legal advice before taking any adverse action, such as
denying an accommodation request or imposing fines or starting eviction proceedings against a
resident for violating your rules.
That’s because of the risk of a fair housing complaint unless you followed the rules to a tee. For
one thing, you’ll need to double-check that your request for disability verification didn’t ask for
anything you’re not entitled to, such as information about the nature of a resident’s disability.
Then, you should determine whether the documentation you received in response provides
enough information for you to assess whether the resident is entitled to the requested
accommodation. Check whether it’s from a reliable source, such as the applicant’s medical or
mental healthcare provider, and verifies that the applicant has a disability and needs the
requested accommodation because of that disability. If the documentation satisfies all those
requirements, then it’s a mistake to ask for more disability-related information.
If it doesn’t, then you should engage in an interactive process to get the information you need
to assess the resident’s accommodation request. For example, it’s common to see requests for
multiple animals, where the documentation verifies that the resident has a disability-related
need for an assistance animal, but doesn’t explain why he needs multiple animals, instead of
just one. Let’s say a resident says he needs two dogs, and his verification indicates that he has a
disability and needs a dog as an assistance animal, but doesn’t explain what two dogs will do
that one can’t.
If he can’t come up with documentation to answer that question, you may be within your rights
to allow him to keep only one, but it’s likely to provoke strong objections—and trigger a
possible fair housing complaint. Instead of simply denying his request, it may be better to
engage in an interactive process to come up with an alternative that would satisfy both parties.
In situations like these, some sites would allow the resident to keep both dogs with the
understanding that there will be no replacement when one of them passes on.

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