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Gabriela Del Valle December 9​th​, 2016 

CAHS Period: 1​st  

Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay

On April 16​th​, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr, an African American man who 
wanted everyone to have equal rights, wrote a letter called ​Letter from
Birmingham Jail. H ​ e wrote this open letter while he was in jail fighting for equal 
rights for all African Americans. The reason King wrote this letter was to have a 
non violent way to stop racism. In King’s letter to the Clergymen, religious 
leaders or groups, he uses multiple examples of pathos, ethos, and logos 
throughout his letter to fight for his rights. 
According to Google the word ​pathos​ means “​a quality that evokes pity or 
sadness.​” In the letter King uses sadness to help people understand what he is 
trying to show. In the letter it states, “When you suddenly find your tongue 
twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your 6 year old 
daughter why she can’t go to the public amusement park that has just been 
advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her eyes when she is told 
that Funtown is closed to colored children.” (pg. 3, paragraph 14) This is an 
example of pathos because King is trying to create a sad tone, so when people are 
reading this they feel guilty. ​Moreover​, in the letter it states, “There have been 
more unsolved bombings of Negro homes and churches in Birmingham than any 
other city in the nation.” (​pg. 1, paragraph 6​) This part from the letter ​also ​appeals 
to pathos because the writer wants the audience to feel sympathy for the 
Negroes in Birmingham by telling them that their homes and churches are being 
Secondly​, ​ ethos represents credibility. In the letter King tries to build up 
his credibility so people will listen to him. In the letter it states, “​I have the honor 
of serving as president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.​” (​pg 1, 
paragraph 2​) ​This is appealing to Ethos because Martin Luther King Jr. is building 
up his credibility by stating he is the president of the Southern Christian 
Leadership Conference. By building up his credibility it’s more likely for people 
to listen to him. ​Furthermore​, in the letter it states, “But since I feel that you are 
men of genuine good will and that your criticisms are sincerely set forth, I want 
to try to answer your statement in what I hope will be patient and reasonable 
terms” (​paragraph 1, lines 5-7​) This is ​also​ appealing to Ethos because Martin Luther 
King Jr is trying to be respectful to the Clergymen, so they will listen to him.  
Finally,​ “Logos is a literary device that can be defined as a statement, 
sentence or argument used to convince or persuade the targeted audience by 
employing reason or logic.” (Literary Devices). In the letter King uses logos to try 
and convince the audience using logic and reasoning. In the letter it states, 
“Birmingham is probably the most thoroughly segregated city in the United 
States.” (pg. 1, paragraph 6.​) ​This is appealing to Logos because they are giving a 
fact about Birmingham, which is that it is the most thoroughly segregated cities 
in the United States. This also works as a piece of evidence to show that 
Birmingham is very segregated because it’s the most segregated in the whole 
United States. ​Also, ​in the letter it also states, “An unjust law is a code that is out 
of harmony with the moral law... An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted 
in eternal law and natural law,” (paragraph 16, lines 2 and 4). This is ​also
appealing to logos because this quote is giving two definitions about what an 
unjust law is, King is using reason to convince the audience that everyone should 
be treated equal.  
All in all, Martin Luther King Jr used examples of Pathos, Ethos, and Logos 
to fight for his and other African Americans freedom and equal rights. Since 
King used pathos, ethos, and logos he was able to have the audience feel guilty 
and sympathy, he was able to show his credibility, and he was able to use logic 
and reason to emphasize on his argument.  

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