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The Journal of International Medical Research

2005; 33 (Suppl 1): 3A – 11A

Left Ventricular Hypertrophy – the

Problem and Possible Solutions
Cardiology Service – Arterial Hypertension, Hospital Saint-André, Bordeaux, France

Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), which early morning rise in blood pressure and
describes pathological changes in cardiac increased LVM. Use of anti-hypertensive
structure, is a powerful and reversible agents not only lowers blood pressure, but
predictor of cardiovascular risk. There is can also bring about LVH regression. The
a continuous relationship between left pathological role of angiotensin II in
ventricular mass (LVM) and the likelihood LVH and target-organ damage within
of cardiovascular events, with no cut-off the cardiovascular continuum suggest
between the absence of such events and that agents targeting the renin –
heightened risk. A correlation between LVH angiotensin – aldosterone system (RAAS),
and blood pressure is well established. such as the angiotensin-converting enzyme
There is a paradox, however, that the inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor
structural changes to the heart as a result blockers, may prove particularly effective
of increased workload due to high blood and may confer beneficial effects in
pressure appear to promote cardio- addition to the lowering of blood pressure.
vascular disease. This may be partially The angiotensin II receptor blockers may
explained by the fact that ambulatory be very appropriate treatment options
blood pressure measurements correlate because of their placebo-like tolerability
more closely with LVH than resting and the possibility of more complete
blood pressure. Blood pressure variation blockade of the RAAS. Within this class of
throughout the day is also emerging as an anti-hypertensive agents, pharmacological
important correlate of LVH, and a strong differences may mean that some agents
association has been identified between an afford greater cardioprotection than others.



length, but with little or no increase in the

Introduction number of cells, to compensate for the
Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is, in increased haemodynamic stress on the ven-
simple terms, an adaptive response to tricular wall.1 In addition, as distinct from
chronic exposure of the heart to an increased the hypertrophy seen in growth and as a
workload, a common cause being systemic result of exercise and physical training, fibro-
hypertension. At the cellular level, the blasts proliferate with abnormal accumulation
cardiomyocytes expand in thickness and of collagen, leading to fibrosis.1 The overall

P Gosse
LVH problem and solutions

effect of these histological changes is an Left ventricular hypertrophy is widely

increase in left ventricular mass (LVM). recognized as a powerful, but reversible, risk
In LVH, normal cardiac function becomes factor for cardiovascular morbidity and
compromised.2 The accumulation of fibrillar mortality. Indeed, after age, LVH is the single
collagen within the adventitia of the intra- strongest predictor of cardiovascular events,
myocardial coronary arteries and interstitial cardiovascular death and total mortality.5
spaces brings about ventricular stiffness and Epidemiological studies have shown that
decreases coronary flow reserve. Increased LVH is an independent risk factor for
ventricular stiffness can lead to abnormal cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and
diastolic function and heart failure, with for all-cause mortality in the general pop-
preserved systolic function.3 The decreased ulation,6 as well as in individuals already at
coronary flow reserve increases the risk of higher risk, such as those with hypertension7
cardiac ischaemia, potentially lethal cardiac or coronary artery disease.8 The risk is mag-
arrhythmias and myocardial infarction.4 In nified even in hypertensive individuals with
addition, the fibrosis disrupts the electrical increases in echocardiographically detected
and mechanical behaviour of the hypertro- LVM too small to be defined as LVH.9,10
phied myocardium. Reduced cardiac contrac- Findings from the Bordeaux cohort who were
tility may finally occur as a result of increased initially untreated reinforce this correlation
workload and myocardial ischaemia. (Fig. 1) and confirm that very small increases

LVM/h2.7 quintiles
5th = 77
4th = 60
3rd = 52
2nd = 44
1st = 35

Event-free survival ratio




0 100 200
Follow-up (months)

FIGURE 1: Age-, sex-, and blood pressure-adjusted event-free survival curves for left
ventricular mass (LVM) indexed to height to the power 2.7 in 520 patients of the
Bordeaux cohort followed up over 102 ± 42 months with 56 cardiovascular events

P Gosse
LVH problem and solutions

in LVM still impact on cardiovascular risk, by echocardiography even in normal

independently of other variables.11 subjects, the calculation of the 95th
percentile usually leads to a high cut-off
Screening for LVH value. Consequently, LVH is better defined in
Diagnosis of LVH is not a simple matter. LVH terms of risk prediction, there being a strong
is undetectable on physical examination.3 link between increased LVM and increased
Using voltage criteria and QRS duration, incidence of cardiovascular complications.6
electrocardiograms can identify LVH with
high specificity, but poor sensitivity.12 LVH and hypertension
Repolarization abnormalities (ST changes) Numerous studies have demonstrated a
are frequent, but can be regarded as a correlation between LVM and blood pressure.
witness of reduced perfusion of the internal This is logical as increased LVM can be
layers of the myocardial wall rather than regarded as a response to greater workload
being a specific marker of LVH.13 Echo- associated with high blood pressure, and
cardiography, which is about eight-fold more could be considered a useful adaptation to a
sensitive,14 has become the reference method chronic increase in myocardial strain. There
to detect LVH. It provides a safe and non- is, however, a paradox that LVH appears
invasive method for evaluating cardiac to promote cardiovascular disease. Three
anatomy and function, and has been possible explanations have been proposed.18
extensively used in clinical trials. More One possibility is that, as a marker of
recently, magnetic resonance imaging has cardiovascular risk, LVH integrates the effect
been developed that allows high-resolution of various factors – the main one being blood
visualization of the entire heart and gives an pressure – with these effects being integrated
accurate measurement of LVM, in a manner over time. Two arguments support this
that is independent of shape or perfusion.15 hypothesis: first, LVH is a risk factor for not
The technique, which provides interstudy only cardiac disease but also for other cardio-
reproducibility in normal, dilated and vascular events, such as stroke;19 secondly,
hypertrophic hearts and is superior to two- ambulatory blood pressure measurements
dimensional echocardiography,16 is now correlate more closely with LVH than resting
accepted as the method of choice for LVM blood pressure, as discussed later.
determination in clinical investigations and The second hypothesis is that, although
for serial evaluation of selected patients. As LVH is an adaptive process, it is limited. The
yet, it is not routinely used for diagnosis. initial advantages of lowering parietal stress
The definition of LVH depends on the may be gradually overridden by the stim-
method by which the LVM is indexed (i.e. ulated myocyte growth and the consequent
height, body surface area or height to the remodelling of the left ventricular chamber.1
power 2.7, which appears to be particularly This hypothesis, however, is not supported by
sensitive).17 The cut-off proposed in the the observation that the correlation between
literature displays important differences LVM and cardiovascular risk is continuous,
between one study and another,17 and the with no obvious threshold.11
definition of the cut-off from the analysis of The third hypothesis is that there is a clear
‘normal’ populations may not provide the distinction between physiological and
most useful criterion. In the light of large pathological LVH from the outset. The
variability in LVM measurements provided proliferation of interstitial tissue and

P Gosse
LVH problem and solutions

accumulation of collagen is possibly blood pressure recorded when the subject

stimulated by different mechanisms to those arises in the morning, have been proposed
causing myocyte hypertrophy.16 as being of greater prognostic value.28 Most
Systolic blood pressure is more closely people, including those with hypertension,
related to LVM than diastolic blood pressure. display a circadian variation in blood
Other haemodynamic factors that can pressure, with levels being highest during the
contribute to LVH include increased arterial day and lowest in the middle of the night.28
stiffness of the aorta20 and increased blood At the time of awakening, there is a surge in
viscosity,21 both of which increase the blood pressure.29 This rapid elevation in
workload of the heart, and thus stimulate blood pressure is accompanied by an
hypertrophic changes. Other factors may acceleration in cardiac rhythm, with no
contribute to LVH; for example, the significant correlation between the two
prevalence of LVH correlates strongly and parameters. The increase in blood pressure
independently with alcohol consumption, on rising has been linked to the overall
obesity and age.18 variability in blood pressure, but appears
Increased LVM correlates even more closely independent of the mean blood pressure over
with 24-h mean ambulatory blood pressure 24 h.29 In previously untreated patients with
than with isolated clinic measurements hypertension, both LVM and left ventricular
(Table 1).22 – 26 As a result, 24-h mean values wall thickness correlate with systolic blood
of ambulatory blood pressure are now pressure on arising. Two other studies have
regarded as more sensitive predictors of LVH.27 found that in treated and untreated
Furthermore, treatment-induced reductions hypertensive patients with a morning surge
in LVM are reflected in corresponding in blood pressure, LVM indexes are
reductions in 24-h mean blood pressure, significantly higher.30,31 It is interesting to
but correlation between 24-h mean blood note that the time of the early morning surge
pressure and LVM is still relatively weak.26 in blood pressure coincides with the peak
Other parameters, such as blood pressure incidence of acute cardiovascular events,32
recorded during activity, the difference thus providing further evidence for the link
between daytime and night-time values, and between early morning blood pressure surge

Studies examining the relationship between clinic and ambulatory systolic blood pressures
(SBP) in hypertensive subjects and left ventricular mass
Correlation coefficients
Number Clinic Daytime Night-time 24-h mean
Rowlands et al.22 46 0.48 0.52 0.47 0.54
Devereux and Pickering23 100a 0.24 0.50 0.10 0.38
White et al.24 30 0.13 0.39 0.42 0.54
Verdecchia et al.25 137 0.33 0.38 0.51 0.51
Gosse et al.26 355 0.35 0.41 0.41 0.45
aHypertensive plus normal subjects.

P Gosse
LVH problem and solutions

and LVH. More recently, it has been The renin – angiotensin – aldosterone
demonstrated that, in elderly Japanese system (RAAS) orchestrates many of the
subjects, those with the greatest morning cellular, biochemical and pathological
blood pressure experience a significantly changes that initiate and perpetuate LVH,
higher incidence of silent and overt with angiotensin II playing a key role
cerebrovascular events.33 (Fig. 2).38 Elevated levels of circulating
Other aspects of blood pressure variability angiotensin II and aldosterone have been
may impact on LVH. In patients with similar shown to correlate positively with increased
24-h mean blood pressures, those who do not LVM and reduced left ventricular function.39,40
exhibit the normal circadian variation and Thus, pharmacological interruption of the
display little or no night-time fall in blood RAAS offers a potent method of preventing
pressure (i.e. ‘non-dippers’) have higher LVM hypertension and regressing LVH, as well as
values compared with normal ‘dippers’.34 It protecting other target organs from
has been proposed that blunted reduction in angiotensin-II-induced damage.
nocturnal blood pressure, if it persists over a Recently, a meta-analysis was conducted
period of time, may play a pivotal role in the on data from double-blind, randomized,
development of some expressions of target- controlled trials performed up until
organ damage, such as LVH and intima- September 2002 that evaluated the effects
media thickening, during the early phase of diuretics, β-blockers, calcium channel
of essential hypertension.34 Whatever the blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme
mechanisms, LVH appears more and more (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor
as a surrogate endpoint for morbid events in blockers (ARBs) on echocardiographically
hypertension and thus deserves special evaluated LVM in essential hypertension.41
attention. It fulfils most of the conditions of a The meta-analysis revealed that treatments
substitute criterion,35 with lower LVM during targeting the RAAS resulted in the most
anti-hypertensive treatment being associated substantial reductions in LVM. Clinical
with lower incidences of clinical endpoints.36 studies have consistently shown that
treatment of mildly hypertensive patients
LVH and the role of the with ACE inhibitors42,43 or ARBs3,44 brings
renin – angiotensin – about LVH regression through mechanisms
that seem partially independent of their
aldosterone system ability to reduce blood pressure.
The Framingham Heart Study has shown
that LVH is reversible and responds well to Angiotensin-converting
the lowering of blood pressure.37 Increasing enzyme inhibitors versus
use of anti-hypertensive therapy over the
period 1950 – 1989 was associated with a
angiotensin II receptor
reduced prevalence of high blood pressure blockers
and a concomitant decline in LVH in the The mechanisms of action of ACE inhibitors
general population. In part, this is thought and ARBs differ. Formation of angiotensin II
to explain the considerable decline in from angiotensin I is prevented by ACE inhib-
mortality from cardiovascular disease itors; however, angiotensin II can be gener-
observed since the late 1960s. However, this ated by alternative enzymatic pathways,
is not cause for complacency. such as chymase present in the heart, that

P Gosse
LVH problem and solutions

Local Circulating


Myocardial remodelling

Myocyte hypertrophy

Left ventricular hypertrophy

Increased ventricular Reduced cardiac Decreased coronary

stiffness contractility flow reserve

Abnormal diastolic function and

congestive heart failure

FIGURE 2: The role of angiotensin II in left ventricular hypertrophy and cardiac


are not susceptible to ACE inhibition.45,46 In Conclusions

contrast, the ARBs prevent the binding of
angiotensin II to the type 1 receptors present If allowed to advance, LVH is a considerable
in various tissue; thus, the deleterious effects cause of cardiovascular disease and death.
of angiotensin II are overcome irrespective of LVH regression by aggressive control of blood
whether it is produced systemically or locally pressure may make a valuable contribution
and by whatever mechanism.47 to improving prognosis. In the light of the
Extensive data have shown that ARBs important role that angiotensin II plays
have an important role in LVH manage- within the cardiovascular continuum,
ment.48 In clinical studies, ARBs have been pharmacological targeting of the RAAS may
shown to bring about regression of LVM.49 – 52 confer additional benefits in terms of LVH
The Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reversal and improved prognosis to that
reduction in hypertension (LIFE) study, for provided by effective blood pressure alone
example, has demonstrated that treatment using other anti-hypertensive agents.
with losartan, plus hydrochlorothiazide and The ARBs, a class of anti-hypertensive
other medications when needed for blood agents with well-established efficacy and a
pressure control, resulted in greater LVH placebo-like safety profile,54 may prove
regression in patients than did conventional especially valuable, by providing more
atenolol-based treatment.53 complete blockade of angiotensin II than

P Gosse
LVH problem and solutions

ACE inhibitors. Evidence is amassing that measurement of LVM may provide

use of ARBs may be a superior therapeutic conclusive evidence for the beneficial effects
option for LVH management. Pharmaco- of ARBs on LVH,55,56 with the ultimate goal
logical differences within the class, such being the reduction in cardiovascular
as duration of action, may differentiate morbidity and mortality in high-risk patients.
between the cardioprotective properties of
the commercially available ARBs. In the Conflicts of interest
future, well-designed, sufficiently powered, No conflicts of interest were declared in
long-term outcome studies using accurate relation to this article.

Copyright © 2005 Cambridge Medical Publications

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Address for correspondence

Dr P Gosse
Cardiology Service – Arterial Hypertension, Hospital Saint-André,
1 rue Jean Burguet, 33075 Bordeaux Cedex, France.
E-mail: philippe.gosse@chu-bordeaux.fr


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