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SSCE 1023

Mathematics For
Surveyor I

Week 7-8
Chapter 4: Algebra

• Terminology: words and symbols
• Properties and principles of equation
• Directed numbers in equations
• Orders of operations
• Equations
• Solving problems using equations and

4.1 Basic Symbols and Algebra Notations

Elementary arithmetic symbols

Relational symbols

Greek characters used as symbols

4.1.1 Basic Mathematical Operations
Conventions for multiplication

Use of parentheses and brackets

Keywords and phrases suggesting addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division or equals.
Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Equal Sign

sum difference product quotient equals

plus minus times into gives

added to less than of per is/was/ will


more than less twice divide yields

total decreased by multiply divided by amounts to

increased subtracted double is equal to

by from

Directed Numbers
• Many of the numbers we use represent situations which have
directions as well as size.
• The numbers which have a direction and a size are called
directed numbers.
• Once a direction is chosen as positive (+), the opposite direction
is taken as negative (- ).
– If above zero degrees is positive (+), then below zero degrees is negative.
If north is positive (+), then south is negative (-).
If profit is positive (+), then loss is negative (-).
– For example: -15, 8, 100, -100, -3.5, 0.33, -0.75 are directed numbers.
– When writing positive numbers you can leave the positive sign and just write the
number. eg. +8 as 8
• Ascending and descending order
– Ascending order = lowest to highest; Descending order = highest to lowest
Signed Numbers
• Consist of both negative and positive numbers
• Sum of two positive numbers is always positive
• Sum of two negative numbers is always negative
• Sum of a positive and negative number determine the difference in absolute
value of the number
– Sum is positive if the value of the absolute value of the positive number is
– Sum is negative if the value of the absolute value of the negative number
is smaller
• When subtracting one signed number from another, take the inverse of the
second number and follow the above addition rules
• Product and quotient of two negative/positive numbers is always positive
• Product and quotient of a positive and negative number is always negative
1) Where would you be after a trip of 3 km south followed by a trip of
5 km north?
2) Two numbers have a product of 30 and their sum is −11. What
are the numbers?
3) The temperature at midday was 200C. During the afternoon, the
temperature rose 40 before falling 90 in the late afternoon. What
was the total change in temperature?
4) From the integers, −6, −3, −1, 2, 8, find the three integers whose
sum is −2.
5) For the numbers -4, 0, 14.5, -6, 5.2, 3, -10, 5.4, arrange them into
(i) ascending order (ii) descending order
Order of Operations

Acronym: PEMDAS
• P refers to parentheses
o Innermost parentheses is solved first if there are many
nested parentheses
• E refers to exponents
• M refers to multiplication
• D refers to division
o Performed from left to right
Example: 28 ÷ 7 × 2
• A refers to addition
• S refers to subtraction
o Performed from left to right
Example: 12 − 7 + 6 13
4.1.2 Algebraic Properties

Product of Powers
am ⋅ an =
a m+ n

Power of a Power Power of a Product
(a m ) n = a m⋅n m
(ab)= a m ⋅ bm

Quotient of Powers Power of Quotient
am m−n a
=  a m
= n
a , a≠0 b ,b≠0
a   b

Associative property

Operations are associative if it does not matter how we group

• addition of numbers is associative
(a + b) + c =a + (b + c)
• multiplication of numbers is associative
(a × b) × c =a × (b × c)
• division of numbers is not associative
(8 / 4)=
/ 2 2=
/2 1 but 8 / (4 /=
2) 8=
/2 4
Distributive property
Property where terms within parentheses can be “distributed” to
remove the parentheses
a × (b + c) = a × b + a × c
•Multiplication is said to be distributive over addition
•Many other conceivable operations are not distributive,
oE.g., addition is not distributive over multiplication
3 + (2 × 5) = 13 ≠ (3 + 2) × (3 + 5) = 40
Commutative property
Property where the order can be switched round
• addition of numbers is commutative
a +b =b+ a
• multiplication of numbers is commutative
a×b = b× a
• subtraction is not commutative
5 − 3 =2 ≠ 3 − 5 =−2
• division is not commutative
2 ≠ 3/ 6 =
4.2 Properties and Principles of Equation
• Statement in which two expressions are set equal to each other
• Each side of an equation may be modified to solve for a variable
o Each side has to be modified to the same degree and quantity
- Anything done to the left side of the equation must be done to
the right side of the equation as well
• Utilized to determine a variable's value from its relationship to
the known values in the equation
• Formed from conditions given by a word problem

Solving Equations

• Solution to equations can be found by choosing an unknown that

needs to be solved for, isolating it, and solving for it
• Processes that can be performed to simplify solving equations include
o Clearing out any fractions by multiplying both sides of the equation
by the denominator of the fraction
o Adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing the same terms from
both sides
o Combining like terms
o Factoring
o Expanding
• Numbers should only be plugged into the equation when the value for
the variable has been solved for and when the equation has been set
Zero Product Property
If ab 0, then
= = a 0=
or b 0.

The solutions are -3 and 4, also called roots of the equation.

Solutions or Roots

x2 + 2x = 3
Solve using the zero product property.
x2 + 2x – 3 = 0 (x + 3)(x – 1) = 0
x + 3 = 0 or x–1=0
x = -3 or x = 1

The solutions or roots of the polynomial

equation are -3 and 1.
• The zeros of a function f(x) are the values of x where the
function is equal to zero.
f(x) = x2 + 2x – 3
Find f(x) = 0.
0 = x2 + 2x – 3
0 = (x + 3)(x – 1)
x = -3 or x = 1

The zeros are -3 and 1 located at (-3,0) and (1,0).

• The zeros of a function are also the solutions or roots of the
related equation.
• The x-intercepts of a graph are located where the graph
crosses the x-axis and where f(x) = 0.

f(x) = x2 + 2x – 3 0 = (x + 3)(x – 1)
0 = x + 3 or 0 = x – 1
x = -3 or x = 1

• The zeros are -3 and 1. The x-intercepts are:

o -3 or (-3,0)
o 1 or (1,0)
Coordinate Plane
4.2.1 Linear Equation
Ax + By = C
(A, B and C are integers; A and B cannot both equal zero.)

Example: 5

-2x + y = -3 2

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5








• The graph of the linear equation is a straight line and represents

all solutions (x, y) of the equation.
Literal Equation
• A formula or equation which consists primarily of variables
Vertical Line
(where a can be any real number)

Example: x = -4

0 x
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3





• Vertical lines have an undefined slope.

Horizontal Line
(where c can be any real number)

Example: y = 6

0 x
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4


• Horizontal lines have a slope of 0.

Quadratic Equation
ax2 + bx + c = 0
Example: x2 – 6x + 8 = 0
Solve by factoring Solve by graphing
Graph the related
x2 – 6x + 8 = 0 function f(x) = x2 – 6x + 8.
(x – 2)(x – 4) = 0
(x – 2) = 0 or (x – 4) = 0
x=2 or x = 4

• Solutions to the equation are 2 and 4; the x-coordinates where the curve
crosses the x-axis.
Quadratic Equation: Number of Real Solutions
ax2 + bx + c = 0, a ≠ 0
Examples Graphs Number of Real

x2 – x = 3 2

1 distinct root
x2 + 16 = 8x with a multiplicity of

2x2 – 2x + 3 = 0 0
4.3 Inequality
• An algebraic sentence comparing two quantities
Symbol Meaning
< less than
≤ less than or equal to
> greater than
≥ greater than or equal to
≠ not equal to
-10.5 ˃ -9.9 – 1.2
8 > 3t + 2
x – 5y ≥ -12
Graph of an Inequality

Symbol Examples Graph

< or > x<3

≤ or ≥ -3 ≥ y

≠ t ≠ -2
Property of Inequality

If Then
a>b a+c>b+c
a≥b a+c≥ b+c
a<b a+c<b+c
a≤b a+c≤ b+c
d – 1.9 ≥ -8.7
d – 1.9 + 1.9 ≥ -8.7 + 1.9
d ≥ -6.8
Property of
If Case Then
a<b c > 0, positive ac < bc
a>b c > 0, positive ac > bc
a<b c < 0, negative ac > bc
a>b c < 0, negative ac < bc

Example: if c = -2
5 > -3
5(-2) < -3(-2)
-10 < 6
Division Property of
Parentheses and functions 3

A function is something that 2

relates or “maps” f ( x)
One set of values Such as an
variable or “argument” x
To another set of values −2 −1 0 1 2
which we could think of as
an “output” −1

For example, the function

1 −2
f ( x) = x +
Parentheses and functions 3

Conventionally, we say 2
“f of x” when we read f( f ( x)
x) 1
Here obviously
f ( x) is not “f times x” x
−2 −1 0 1 2

Most commonly −1
Only parentheses are used
around the argument x −2
not square [ ] or curly { }

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