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Zamora 1

Carlos Manuel Zamora

English 3

Mr. Phillips

3 May 2019

Music Industry Career

What makes my career attractive it’s that being a musician it’s a job that a person

needs to have a open mind for everything. It is a very busy job because for a musician

negotiating contracts and fees are very important things to know , finding and booking

events and venues that match the artist’s career strategy, advising on career decisions,

publicity and promotion, helping them on career decisions such as which record

producer to work with, or which songs to perfect and by the knowledge that i know

must of it is true.

What are the challenges for this career​ ​(macdonald)​ ​Tours and live music for

those two things you need to have skills in every concert their is a lot of pressure to an

artist, because they need to learn the songs the tempo that it has because if they don’t

know the tempo then they can’t sing “sometimes” they don’t need to even know how to

sing. Making and writing a song this one it’s the most important because you “need to

have skills” for writing and good hearing skills to make a song + they need to forget

about the past because this career needs a lot of​ ​concentration​ ​and focus a lot of stress

is coming with this career because of all the hours you have to pass in the studio. The

good side it’s that you can have a well living life the money it’s good. The bad side of this

career will be that once you start there it’s not going back, F.A.M.E comes with it and

they life will have a 360 turn and they will be a completely new person and will have to

learn how to control their self with all-

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-the problems that will come with it. Problems like licence for the songs that a musician

company owns​ ​and people will want to try to put then out of the game so they need to

know all the strategics of the game.

Musicians must work hard with a producer to secure a record deal and get

distribution, so how does a producer help a performer?​ ​A music producer is in charge of

the overall sound and feel of a record or album. He or she helps to create and deliver

recordings. He makes sure that the end product is the best it can be when a band or

musician is recording or mastering a song or even an entire album. how do producer

points work in record deal​. According to (McDonald), d​istribution is the way that

recorded music gets into the hands of consumers. Traditionally, distribution companies

sign deals with record labels which give them the right to sell that label's products. This

relationship is crucial to a performers success.

Paying for music promotion? ​According to Heather Mcdonald, a​ company has to

agree to have part of their payment be performance-based, all the better since it will

give them an added incentive to meet the goals you have in mind. If you have a project

that needs a big push, working with a music company can be the right investment,

especially if you're short on time. should i self-release album? ​According to (McDonald)

i​f you've been sending your band's demo out to record labels and not getting a response,

releasing your own album by their self might sound appealing. Self-releasing an album

can be a successful tactic, but don't underestimate the amount of legwork involved. Here

are some factors to consider.

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How to handle a deal breakup? ​According to (McDonald)​ breakups are kind of

like divorces. Sometimes they're amicable, but often they're not. Like divorces,

sometimes there are assets to be divided and making the wrong calls here can have

long-lasting implications. Despite some short-term hard feelings, it is possible to

manage a break up while protecting their career and being careful and that’s what i


What Role Does the Talent Buyer Play in the Music Industry? According to

(McDonald)​ ​Talent buyers are the people who book bands for venues at which they

work, or for events they are hired to organize. In the music industry, talent buyers who

also are known as bookers field inquiries from bands and bands' agents and book them

for dates at the venues or events. concerts promotion and music. and what i think is that

they play a big roll in a artist career.

Choosing the best song for your demo? according to (John Stevens) probably

have some ideas about which songs have demo potential and which songs you don't

want to lead with. Make a list of the songs you'd like to consider for your demo. This list

may be pretty short if you don't have many songs in your catalog yet, but remember

your demo is only going to contain a few songs. Narrowing your catalog down to a list of

"maybe" tracks will keep you focused and help stop you from going in circles and

second guessing the decision.

How to get start a channel? according to (John Stevens) Perhaps the easiest thing

to consider first, and something that can offer a bit of a roadmap, is whether their

envision an independent music career, or if they see yourself settling into the major

label world The indie route may see producing and releasing their own music, and

either shopping it to indie labels their self or with the help of a manager Entry to a
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major label most often requires the facilitation of a manager or a lawyer to shop your

music to the labels on your behalf.

Is my career a relative to me ? after finding all the information that i need it and

all the resources, I can say that the music industry career “is my career a relative path

for me. why do i found it a relative career i found relative because seen all the thing you

can do and how much people you can meet in the industry is true it is not a easy one but

thanks to the information that i found i can say that this career is the chosen one for me,

Because i’m someone that like to be with people and make people feel comfortable with

their self and i like to send hide messages in my lyrics.

Zamora 5

Work Cited

McDonald, Heather​. ​ “How To Handle A Deal Breakup?” ​ ​The Balance Career.​ 21 January

2019. Web. 5 May 2019.

McDonald, Heather​. ​“Should I Self-Release Album?” ​The Balance Career.​ 21 January 2019.

Web. 5 May 2019.

McDonald, Heather​. “What Role Does the Talent Buyer Play in the Music Industry?”

The Balance Career​. 21 January 2019. Web. 5 May 2019.

S​teven, ​John​. “Choosing The Best Song For Your Demo? ​The Balance Career.​ 27 October

2018 Web. 5 May 2019.

S​teven, ​John​. “How To Get Start Your Own Channel?’ ​The Balance Career.​ 27 October

2018. Web. 5 May 2019.

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