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Content Marketing Masters Course by Chris Von Wilpert


How to produce and promote content that brings consistent, targeted, compounding traffic.

Lesson 1: Course Overview

● Module 1 - Content Strategy
● Module 2 - Content Production
● Module 3 - Content Promotion
● Module 4 - Content Tracking
● Module 5 - Case Studies

Lesson 2: Why invest in Content Marketing

1. More traffic
2. Grow audience to 1,000 true fans
3. Land partnerships and influencers
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Win new agency and consulting clients
Sell more product
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6. Warm up cold paid traffic before retargeting to a sales page
or u
7. Get people who know nothing about you to buy from you
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Mindset Shift #1

DON'T - Write high quality content, hit publish, repeatk ha
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DO - Strategically educate and entertain people through a journey of…

Awareness > Interest > Consideration > Purchase > Growth
Mindset Shift #2
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DON'T - Write for fun / because your Mom or XZY company is doing it
DO - Produce “content assets” that work for your business long term

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Mindset Shift #3
DON'T - Try and find the newest hack to get more traffic to your website

DO - Promote content to your target audience
Lesson 3: Simple Content System

Lesson 4: Five Stages of The Customer Journey

Remember the 5 stages of awareness from the book “Breakthrough Advertising” - Eugene

Lesson 5: Successful Content Types
Lesson 6: Example

Target Customer: Small Ecommerce Businesses

Established: >6 months
Website Traffic: >5k/month
Revenue: >$10k/year

Looking at the data you have to know your clients most successful characteristics.

You need to know who your most successful customer are so you can build the content around
it. That’s the type of customer you need to know so you can address them with your content.

Once you know who you are, build content plan:

Green Circle - 1500 - 2250 words - not a lot of data to analyze

Blue Square - harder - permission from customers (short and around 500 words - one specific
use case of how customer uses Sudo)
Black Diamond content - studying the history, watching video, competitive intelligence tools.
Really hard!
Once you start executing your content strategy you are going to have a library of content (green
circles, blue squares and black diamonds).

However Google search algorithms have trouble parsing and connecting the topics together.

Hence you have to make it easy bu developing so-called topic clusters.

Create them on topic, type and content.

This is how you should be thinking about your content marketing success.
The highlighted shapes are so-called pillow pages that lead to different websites.
Lesson 7: Create Your Own Content Series

What you want to be Known For?

Don’t just go for the keyword related traffic.. You have to specialize for one unique thing. This
has been done by companies already.

● MOZ (Target Customer: SEOs)

Known For: Moz Whiteboard Friday
Content: 1 practical SEO tip every week

● AdSkills (Target Customer: Agency Owners)

Know For: AdSkills Daily Edge
Content: 1 tactical marketing tip every day

● Sumo (Target Customer: Ecommerce Businesses)

Known For: Sumo Growth Studies
Content: 1 multi-million dollar commence breakdown every quarter

Lesson 8: Hiring Content Writers

● Finding a content writer from a blog you really like and offer to pay them
● Referral from a content writer you really like
● Content Challenge
● (Specialist Writer - $80/hour)
● $500 - $1500 per article
● Example of $1,500 article:

Lesson 9: Content Tracker Template

Important concepts:
1. Green Circle, Blue Square, Black Diamond content
1. Content types for different stages of the customer’s journey
2. Topic cluster to increase organic traffic
3. Create content series you want to be known for
4. Hiring content writers
5. Trackers and managing content
1. Calendar - accountability and deadlines
2. Articles - manage articles across different types of content (green, blue, black)
3. Experiments - for promotional
4. Metrics - results

Lesson 10: What if?

Q: What if I don’t know who my target customer is?

Rank all your customers from the most to least successful in a spreadsheet based on one
success metric. Then determine the common characteristic of successful customers.
I could rank all my clients based on the success metrics like ROAS.

If you don’t have customers or clients then you need to work with data you have. Or make the
content for your dream customer you want to attract.

Q: What if I can’t find a decision makers day-today jobs listed on their LinkedIn profile?
Offer someone a $100 Amazon gift card to jump on the phone with you to interview them. Ask
Lookup people in the same industry with the same title and same industry (lookalike!).

Q: What if I don’t have data/can’t get easy access to my data to write data articles?
Try using to scrape the web to get the data.

Q: What if I don’t know how how often to publish content?

Green circle: once a week
Blue square: once a month
Black diamond: once a quarter

If you want to grow your website traffic, audience and customer base with CM, then you need to
have a consistent posting schedule with deadlines that you follow. (Moz whiteboard Friday
are always on 8pm Friday).
However the gaol is to achieve business goals!

Q: What if I have a budget under $500 per article?

Try offer people less. Write the article yourself until you can afford to hire your first writer.
Producing interesting and entertaining content your audience will love

Lesson 11: Content Research

Idea 1:

Tecmark | 635 Brainwriting Sessions - Link

6 rounds of brainstorming - 6 people generate 3 ideas for 6 rounds (gets you 108 ideas)
(However you need to have community in-house that are willing to participate - ideally a people
who speak to customers every day.)

Idea 2:
Facebook Poll - ask people in the facebook group through a Facebook Survey

These options are great because you can reach out to people in the group after you published
the article saying that the content they voted on is ready for them to read.

Idea 3:
Listen on speakers on conferences, podcasts and youtube videos.

You can reach out to speakers and ask them if they would be interested in writing or
participating in the guest content.

Idea 4:
Easy-To-Rank Topics
Use Ahrefs to find content gaps

Broad topic search - look for any piece of content with “keyword” in the title.
Filter the search that has 0 referring domains and at least 1,000 organic traffic per month.
This has a lot of potential since no websites are linking to these sources.

Idea 5:
Hard-To-Rank Topics

7 step process

This is a process to prioritize the highest buy intent keywords with the highest search
Step 1: Enter a broad topic you want to target into Answer The Public and download the
CSV file of content ideas it generates
Step 2: Copy and paste the full list of content ideas from the CSV file into the “Get search
volume data and trends” section of Google Keyword Planner
Step 3: Download the keyword ideas CSV file from Google Keyword Planner sorted by
highest monthly search volume and remove all columns except for “Keyword” and “Average
monthly searches”
Step 4: Categorize the top 100 keywords by intent using the following 3 categories: ◦ Buy:
Shows someone with an intent to buy something (eg: organic toothpaste) ◦ Learn: Shows
someone with an intent to learn something (eg: toothpaste ingredients) ◦ N/A: Shows
someone with an intent to buy a branded product or something else unrelated (eg: colgate
Step 5: Grab the top keyword from your categorized keyword list, type it into Answer The
Public and download the CSV file
Step 6: Copy and paste the “Questions” suggestions into Google Keyword Planner
Step 7: Group the top 10 searched questions people ask on Google into sections to form
the basis for your content outline

Lesson 12: Content Writing

Use a content writing checklist.

And article template:
1 General topic of the piece of content
2 URL slug of the content
3 Every piece should have a featured image
4 Write 5 different so you can run 5 headline split test and pick the best one
5 Write short-entertaining email for subscribers
6 Content Upgrade converts readers into subscribers
7 Short and sweet curiosity, social proof or unique data point so people start reading from the
8 Table of Contents because people don’t have time to read the whole thing - they’d rather jump
around using the ToC. Good UX
9 Meat of the content - use article template and consistent headings etc…
10 List key takeaway and shareable one-liner in the end.

Lesson 13: Content Upgrades

You need to use content upgrades to convert readers to subscribers. You can use chatbots but
you will have to man them by yourself or use assistants

Content Upgrades:
● Upgrade - must be an upgrade of what the readers have just read. It has to be
● Utility

Grow your distribution links

1. Email
2. Use it directly below the headline of your content (best CR) - (ex. BONUS MATERIAL:
12-Month Marketing Plan Calendar)
3. FB Messenger
4. Embed Facebook chatbot code into the site (after scrolling 10%) - instead of content
upgrade you use the most shared content
5. Push Notifications
6. Exit intent with lead magnet (scroll box, smart bar, etc…)
7. Content Library
8. AppSumo Multi-Millionar dollar marketing playbook example
9. Viral Content Upgrade
10. Unlock the whole thing if they share it on social media. You need to create two content
upgrade though (more work)
Lesson 14: Content Editing

Hemingway app - write on Grade 6 if possible - link


● Hire an editor

Sharing Image:

Content Layout

Lesson 15: What if?

Q: What if Answer The Public doesn’t give me any results?

Try using a different keyword (use Goggle’s KWP)

Q: What if the articles I pay aren’t at the standard I was expecting?

● Test out the writer first
● Hire a part-time copy editor so you can maintain the standard

Q: What if I can’t afford to pay or find a copy editor?

Hiring a copy editor is one of the best investments for content marketing. You will have to
proofread and edit it yourself.
Research articles you really like, than try to find it on LinkedIn.
Q: What if I can’t afford to pay or find a graphic designer?
Pay a freelance graphic designer for one image. You can also do it yourself (Canva)

Q: What if I don’t use a content upgrade?

Using CU is the best way to convert. You can use chatbot instead. Or you can have one lead
magnet broadly on your page.
Producing content is the investment of time and money so be strategic about it.

Promoting content to your target audience.

Lesson 16: Pre Launch Promotion

1. Headline Testing
2. Link Building
3. Facebook Polls

Headline split test:

5 steps:

1. Five different headlines

2. 5 different ads with the same image (so you’re only testing a fb copy)
3. Target mobile traffic with one broad interest + one demographic data you know
4. Only target EU countries
5. Lifetime budget 10$ and optimize for Link clinks and automatic delivery over two days

Link Building
Reach out ahead to people who are sharing similar articles (Buzzsumo). Then reach out to
The worse time to ask for a link is after you’ve published your article (because you don’t have
any relationship with them)

Lesson 17: Organic Promotion

1. Distribution Lists (Email / FB messenger ? Push Notification)

2. Social Media (Facebook / Twitter)
3. Social Proof Building (Like / Comment / Share)
4. Community Groups (eg. Facebook Groups)
5. Community Sites (eg. Growth Hackers)
6. Outreach (Dream 100./ Influencers / Partners / Podcasts)

Dist. List
Email - Only send one piece of content and one email on email promotion. Plain text send just
FB messeneger - ask first, if they say yes, then send it.
Push N. - headline, one line of text and link

Social proof Building:

For people in the mastermind or social group

Community Groups:
Be active in those groups - at least once every two weeks be helpful
Community Sites:
If you’re very helpful you can direct message people to give you an upvote on community sites
like growth hackers.

The Dream 100 - create top 100 you’d like to work with and start building a relationship with

Only share the best articles with your Dream 100 that are relevant to them.


Influencer Outreach

Partnerships Outreach

Email potential partners that have the same audience as you want to reach.

Podcast Guest Outreach

Lesson 18 - Paid Promotion

Facebook Ads (cold traffic) - mobile only and retarget on desktop

Twitter Ads (cold traffic)
Facebook Ads (Retargeting)

Retargeting ad example:
Lesson 19 - Partnership Promotion

Content Swap

Create a list of 10 businesses that have a market reach to audience you want.
Research what their highest lead generating piece of content is and what lead magnets they are
using (or you can use Buzzsumo)

Pitch the head of content or CMO to promote that piece of content to your audience in exchange
they promote your content.

Both parties create short 500 words email promoting each others’ content.

Lesson 20 - Content Promotion Checklist

Have a checklist and a table with check marks.

Lesson 21 - Promotion Experiments

Content Tracker Doc - “Experiments” tab

Basically, have a spreadsheet of your growth experiments supported by data.
Lesson 22 - What if?

Q: What if I don’t have an email list / Facebook Messenger list / Push Notification list?
Start building your own audience. Content upgrades should work.

Q: What if I don’t want to ask people to Like/Comment/Share?

Pay to boost social media posts or link directly to facebook post content.

Q: What if I’m not active in any Facebook Groups?

Research them and join one that have the must engagement and invest your time to be helpful.

Q: What if my audience isn’t on Growth Hackers?

Research the one that is.

Q: What if I don’t have budget to run ads?

Focus on organic promotion tactics.


Tracking your content marketing success.

Lesson 23 - Content marketing metrics

Content Tracker Template doc

Content marketing math.

You need to be clear on exactly what your goal is. New customer, revenue goal?

Below is an example of a goal -> 100 new customers per month!

You need to use your best estimate if you don’t have conversion data yet.
Track progress toward your goal.

Goals - how many articles per month

How many unique views
Actual Views

Be comfortable estimating the traffic and how much traffic we get from each channel at first.
Don’t worry about the total traffic - you’ll get it from site/content report from Google Analytics.

ITEMS - how much traffic are we estimating per each marketing channel
Budget per marketing channel.

Customize the numbers for your own business.

Lesson 24 - ProActive Metrics

For accountability in your team and to yourself.

Lesson 25 - Paid Promotion Tracking

You need to track two metrics

● Earnings Per Lead (EPL) = $5,00 (Revenue $100,000 / Leads 20,000)

● Cost Per Lead (CPL) = $5 (Ad Spend $1,000 / Leads 200)
● CPL ≤ EPL = ROI Positive

EPL is by divided the total revenue by your total number of leads.

Second metric is Cost Per Lead (CPL). If the Ad Spend per piece of content is $1000 and we’ve
collected 200 leads, my CPL is $5)

One of the ads takes people to the article with content upgrade. You need to put tracking pixel
on the thanks you page people and on after opting in via content upgrade. Track how many
leads you generate and what your cost per lead is.

Lesson 26 - What If

Q: What if I don’t know my content goal?

Look up company goal and segment it so it covers only content marketing strategy portion (and
what percentage of i.e. company revenue this marketing channel is responsible for).

Q: What if I don’t know what my conversion rates are for each part of my funnel?
Use your best estimate. Then go back and calculate it after a month.

Q: What if I’m tracking my convent marketing efforts, but not hitting my goal?
Review the goal that you set or look at the individual promotion metrics that you’re tracking.
Optimize or cancel the ones that aren’t bringing results.

What if I only have $1,000 a month to budget for content marketing?

The biggest leverage point is hi-quality content. Spend it there (+ editing) and do the promotion

What if I do everything you thought and it doesn’t work?

a) Content your produce wasn’t the right match with your audience. Learn more about the
b) Content doesn’t provide unique insights and learnings of your content.

MODULE 5: Case Studies


Lesson 27 - Case Study

CVW’s proactive goal was to produce one article per week for 12 weeks.
Publication on medium with custom domain name.

One piece of content got 5x more traffic than the other. The view count doesn’t matter as much
as the right people who see it.

Dharmesh Shah shared it, which CVW used as an excuse to get in touch with him.

He used his name as social proof to reach out to Top Dream 100, Influencers and VCs.

Which lead to:

Lesson 28 - OkDork Case Study

Only one goal - most shared piece of content of all time on OkDork.
30 piece promotion.

20 tactics work, 10 didn’t.

Step 1: Ran a Facebook Poll (I.e. SaaS Growth Hacks, Traffic And Copy)

No need it guess, plus you can target them later on:

Step 2: Post in A Facebook Group

Step 3: Email your Own Email List
Step 4: Post on Social Media

Step 5: Like, Comment, Share

Step 6: Run Paid Ads

This is sweet!

Advertise post on FB and Twitter

Audience 1: 1% Lookalike from software influencers (Manually build list) with interest in
marketing and SaaS (Software As A Service)
($170 budget with $2 per click)
Audience 2: 50 different job titles (CEOs, CMOs, Marketing Managers) with interest in marketing
and SaaS (Budget $164)

Audience 1: Anyone who followed @500startups
Audience 2: Anyone who followed @Saastr
Audience 3: Anyone who followed @intercom

Step 7: Post on GrowthHackers

Organic upvotes
Step 8: Do Influencer Email Outreach
Personalized email with merge tags.

Step 9: Do Podcast Email Outreach

Step 10: Send Tacos to Intercom Office with handwritten note

What worked (10 tactics that scored)

# Promotion Results

1 Facebook Poll 76 responses

2 SaaS Growth Hacks FB Post Group 104 comments, 54 shares (5k member

3 Send to Email List 63 clicks, 24% CTR

4 Post on Social Media Social Proof Building

5 Like, Comment, Share 30 likes/comments/shares

6 Run Paid Ads $688 ad spend, 364 clicks

7 Post on Growth Hackers 39 upvotes, 9600 views

8 Influencer Outreach 365k follower Twitter account share

9 Dream 100?VC/Podcast Email Multiple new client offers


10 Send Tacos to Intercom Office Podcast Invite acceptance

What didn’t work:

10 tactics that didn’t work
# Promotion Results
1 Post on Inbound 24 views

2 Post on Hacker News 0 upvotes

3 Post on Reddit 0 upvotes

4 Post on Digg 0 views

5 Post on SaaS LinkedIn Group 1 like, 0 comments (100k member group)

6 Post on Chief Marketing Officer 1 like, 0 comments (250k member group)

LinkedIn Group

7 Post on B2b Technology LinkedIn 0 like, 0 comments (100k member group)


8 Post on StartupTalky Facebook Group 9 like, 5 shares (100k member group)

9 Post on StumbleUpon 11 likes, 301 stubles

10 Run ads on Stumble Upon $50 ad spend, 238 visits, $0.21 per visit

10 Promotion Tactics (That May Work)

Use tracking link to see if this is a viable tactic for you
# Promotion Results

1 Post on Quuu Promote $40 cost, 44 clicks, $0.90 per


2 Post on SaaS Alliance Slack Group Unknown

3 Tweet People who mentioned @intercom from Jan 1 Unknown

to May 31

4 Tweet to people who shared Intercom’s Forbes article Unknown

5 Tweet to people who shared my HubSpot article on Unknown

6 Tweet to people who shared my HubSpot article in Unknown

their newsletter

7 Tweet to Dream 100 who didn’t click link in email Unknown

8 Tweet to Influencers who didn’t click link in email Unknown

9 Tweet to VCs who didn’t click link in email Unknown

10 Tweet to Podcast Guests who didn’t click link in email Unknown

Lesson 29 - Sumo Case Study

Watch the video

Lesson 30 - 10 Recommended Tools

Purpose Promotion Used For URL

Content Tecmark 635 Brainwriting Sessions


Content Ahrefs Organic / Social Traffic


Content Answer The Content Ideas

Research Public

Content Clearbit Connect Finding Email Addresses


Content Leverage Hiring Writers

Content Sumo Email / Push / FB
Upgrades Messenger

Content PayWithATweet Viral Social Sharing


Content Hemingway Improving Writing

Editing Editor

Organic Buzzsumo Link Building


Organic Mailshake Cold Email Outreach


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