Antherior Thoracic Pain: Cum e

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Anamnesis Questions

Buna ziua! Numele meu este …… si sunt student. As putea sa va pun cateva
intrebari? (Good day! My name is….. and I am a student. Could I ask you a few

Cum va numiti? Cati ani aveti? De unde sunteti? Locuiti la oras sau la sat? Ce ati
lucrat? (What’s your name? How old are you? Where are you from? Do you live in
the town or in the countryside? What do/did you work as?)

De ce ati venit la spital? (why did you come to the hospital?)

INVESTIGATIONS” ask questions SPECIFICALLY choose from the
below questions below
Ce fel de investigatii? (What kind of Antherior thoracic pain: Cum e
examinations?) durerea? Cand apare? Cat dureaza? Va
lasa cand va odihniti? Simtiti si ca nu
puteti respira? Luati
nitroglicerina?(Describe the pain.
When does it appear? How long does
it last? Does it go away when you lie
down? Do you feel like you can’t
breathe? Do you take Nitroglycerine?)
Cu ce boli va mai stiti? De cand va stiti Dispnea: De cand nu respirati bine?
cu …. (What other ilnesses do you Apare cand va imbracati sau mergeti
have?When was…. diagnosed)* putin/ Apare la efort? (Since when did
it start? Does it appear when you get
dressed or walk a bit/ Does it appear
when you do a lot of effort?)
Ce medicamente luati acasa? (What Caughing: Cand ati inceput sa tusiti?
kind of medication do you take at Aveti secretii? Daca da, cum arata? Va
home)** doare in piept sau in spate? (When did
you start coughing? Do you have
secretions? If yes, how do they look?
Does it hurt at the top of your chest, or
in the back?)
Aveti vreo scrisoare medicala CONTINUE WITH QUESTIONS 2-
veche?(Do you have any past medical 5 FROM THE OTHER COLUMN
Operatii ati avut? (Did you have any
surgical procedures in the past?
*If answer is no, ask specifically for Diabetes and Blood Plessure: Cu Diabet
sau Tensiune va stiti?
** They usually have a bag with all their medication, ask for it: Aveti
punguta cu medicamente la dumneavoastra?

Woman: Aveti copii? Cati? Ati mai avut alte sarcini? Daca da, le-ati pierdut sau ati
facut avort? Prima si ultima mentruatie mai stiti cand au fost? (Do you have any
children? How many? Did you have any other pregnancies? If yes, was it a
spontaneous miscarriage or was it an abortion? Do you remember when you first
and last period have been?)

Parintii mai traiesc? Daca nu, stiti cumva de ce au murit? Daca da, stiti cumva daca
au vreo boala? Aveti frati sau surori? Sunt sanatosi?( Are your parents still alive?
If not, do you know why they died? If yes, do you know if they have any illnesses?
Do you have any brothers or sisters? Are they healthy?)

Ati fumat? Cat? Alcool ati consumat? Cam cat pe zi aproximativ? (Have you
smoked? How much? Have you drank alcoohol? How much per day

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