Social Scence

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College Exploration

Social Scene

BOSTON PLANNING TEAM REFLECTION: Please write 1-2 paragraphs describing the benefits to being
involved in the Boston Planning Team. Why did you decide to get involved? What tasks did you take on? What
type of “role” are you drawn to in a group setting? What are your strengths in a group? What types of groups
do you think you might get involved with in your future? (Local Community Groups? Activism? Adult Hobby
Classes? Advocacy Groups? Local Government?)

I decided to get involved in the BPT because I enjoy planning trips, even if I won’t be attending them.
Joining the BPT also gave me insight into what we would be doing in Boston and helped me with the
decision of staying or going. During the meetings every Friday, the roles would usually be shared and
swapped, so one person wasn’t doing the same thing every week. One of the weeks I transcribed the
topics we were discussing, another week I created a full list of the possible destinations for our Boston
trip, and I created the fundraising sign. I am usually drawn to roles that will allow me a lot of control
but also a lot of flexibility, if that makes sense. I love leading things, but I’m also not upset if someone
else is taking the lead. My strengths in a group setting are finding what tasks are right for each person,
note taking, and getting tasks done efficiently. I will most likely get involved with local community,
activism, or advocacy groups, in the future. Commented [1]: Great insight and description of your
involvement. This is DEFINITELY something you can
add to your resume as well. Skills in leadership and
organization are huge.

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