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1The angry pixie

O ne sweet day, a sweet little pixie went

through the sweet little pixie town. The pixie
was made out of candy. Other pixies were made out
of either candy or cotton candy or chocolate or
marshmallow or lollipop or ice cream or gobstopper
or bubblegum or jelly or gummy pixie or cookie or
any other yummy food you can think of.
This particular pixie was a very, very angry
pixie. The pixie had no friends except very sad pixie
who she met every day. They had met by accident.

The angry pixie just met the sad pixie once a day
for ten minutes. So they weren’t such good friends.
The angry pixies name was Sal Candy, her father was
Paul Candy, and her mother was Deli Candy.
This story started a cloudy day when Sal’s
birthday came, her parents gave her beautiful, red,
sugary butterfly. They told her that she was old
enough to explore the world all by herself.
The pixie was happy, for the moment anyway.
Mr. and Mrs. Candy always told their daughter that
she should never appear mean, unkind or selfish to
anyone. She never listened.
In the morning, she ate breakfast quickly
and then packed her stuff. Saying goodbye to her
parents she left home.
She flew to her friend’s house. There the pixie
said bye and left. She flew high and she flew low, she
had a lot of fun and she was happy and did not miss
anyone at all. She did not regret anything.
It was late in the evening when she decided
to rest for the night. She built a fire, ate food and
camped near a lake.

When she woke up the Sun was shining
brightly. Sal didn’t know where she was at all. She
wandered a bit and found an abnormally huge bush.
She went back and readied her butterfly. She
thought it was time to name her butterfly. She
thought about it, maybe Bon Bon, Loli or Sweet, and
maybe even Choco. In the end she decided the
perfect name was Éclair.
After naming the butterfly, her thoughts
returned to that bush. She flew her butterfly
towards the bush and through it.


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