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- César Acuña Mondragón.
- Samuel Becerra Miranda


SAMUEL: hi ....
RUBEN: hello ....
SAMUEL: what’s new?
RUBEN: Steve, my cousin is going to Perú the next week.
SAMUEL: Really? It´s cool. What places will he visit?
RUBEN: He wants me to recommend him places. have you got any idea?
SAMUEL: Mm, well... a tipycal option is Machu Picchu, because it is a beautiful place
and you can explore it in differents forms.
RUBEN: Yes, you are right, but I think he should visit Cajamarca, because there exist
many places to visit, also there are a hot spring, and it is very relaxing.
SAMUEL: Yes, but if he go to Cajamarca you should advices him how to behave, there
they have differents custom.
RUBEN: Yes, Steve should respect their beliefs, he mustn`t say he don´t like the food,
and must... be very kind to the people of Cajamarca, because there is a certain
seriousness in them.
SAMUEL: Of course, he must have tolerance and respect for certain traditions and ways
of life.
RUBEN: Exactly, he will also taste different foods and the attention is very good
SAMUEL: And also must be very supportive of low-income people in Cumbemayo,
they need it.
RUBEN: don't worry, he'll keep it in mind.
SAMUEL Well, whatever you need, you call me
RUBEN: Already friend, thank you very much, I owe you a
SAMUEL: Beware bye
RUBEN: good bye

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