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1.1 Dry Sieve Analysis
The sieve analysis determines the grain size distribution curve of soil sample by passing
them through a stack of sieves of decreasing mesh opening sizes and by measuring the
weight retained on each sieve. The sieve analysis is generally applied to the soil fraction
larger than 75µm.

1.2 Liquid Limit Test

To determine the liquid limits of soil using cone penetrometer methods.

1.3 Plastic Limit Test

To determine the plastic limit of soil sample and then to calculate the plasticity


At the end of this experiment, students are able to:

2.1 Dry Sieve Analysis

 Understand the methods used to determine the size of soil particles in the
 Carry out the calculation processes used in particle size determination;
 Carry out the calculation and plotting processes used in consistency limit
methods of classification;
 Appreciate the way in which particle size and consistency properties are used
to classify and predict the probable behaviour of soils and also to indicate the
type of tests needed to assess their engineering characteristics.

2.2 Liquid Limit Test

 Conduct the liquid limit experiment.
 Determine the liquid limit value for soil.
 Identify the importance and application of liquid limit test.
2.3 Plastic Limit Test
 Conduct the plastic limit experiment.
 Identify the plastic limit value for soil.
 Identify the importance and application of plastic limit test.


3.1 Dry Sieve Analysis

Particle size is defined by passing a soil mass through several sieves with different sized
openings. Sieve analysis provides the grain size distribution, and it is required in
classifying the soil and to determine the suitability of soils for various engineering
purposes. There are two methods generally used to find the particle size distribution of
1) Sieve analysis - for particle sizes larger than 0.075 mm in diameter, and
2) Hydrometer analysis - for particle sizes smaller than 0.075 mm in diameter.

Table 3.1: Standard Sieve Size

According to BS1377: Part 2:1990:9.3, sieving can be performed in either wet or dry
conditions. Dry sieving is only applicable for soil that are mostly granular with some or
no fines such as gravels and clean sands, whereas wet sieving is applied to soils with
plastic fines. Sieve analysis does not provide information as to shape of particles.
BS 1377:1990, allows either wet or dry sieving to be used, but the wet method is
preferred. After oven drying, the test sample mass is determined before being separated
into two parts, the first comprises that retained on a 20 mm sieve and the second that
passing 20 mm. That greater than 20 mm is dry sieves, while that smaller is wet sieve
prior to being re-sieved dry. Table 1 gives a list of the standard sieve numbers with their
corresponding size of opening. The mass retained on each sieve is recorded, from which
the percentage of the sample passing each sieve can be calculated. Material passing the
63 micron (0.063 mm) sieve is retained for a fine particle analysis, if the amount
justifies the further test. The combined results of the coarse and fine analyses are plotted
on a semi-logarithmic graph of the form show in Figure 3.1, to give the particle size
distribution curve.

Figure 3.1: Particle size grading curves of some typical soil

Three basic soil parameters can be determined from these grain size distribution
 Uniformity coefficient
 Coefficient of gradation
Use the grain size distribution and the following equations to compute the coefficient of
uniformity, 𝐶𝑢 and the coefficient of curvature, 𝐶𝑐 .

𝐷10 , 𝐷30 and D60 are grain diameters corresponding to percent passing/finer of 10%, 30% and
60% finer, obtained from the particle size distribution curve, as shown in Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2: Example of particle size distribution curve

is a parameter which indicates the range of distribution of grain sizes in a given soil
specimen. If is relatively large, it indicates well graded soil. If nearly equal to one,
it means that the soil grains are of approximately equal size, and the soil may be referred
to as a poorly graded soil. Figure 3.2 shows the general nature of the grain-size
distribution curves for a well graded and a poorly graded soil.
The parameter is also referred to coefficient of curvature. For sand, if greater than
6 and is between 1 and 3, it is considered well graded. However, for a gravel to be well
graded, should be greater than 4 and must be between 1 and 3.
Figure 3.3: general nature of grain-size distribution of well graded, poorly graded and
gap graded soil

3.2 Liquid Limit Test

The properties of fine grains soils are largely dependent on their consistency, which is
itself related to the moisture content of a dry sample. When cohesive soil is mixed with
an excessive amount of water, it will be in a somewhat liquid state and flow like a
viscous liquid. However, when this viscous liquid is gradually dried, with the loss of
moisture it will pass into a plastic state. With further reduction of moisture, the clay
shrinks and the stiffness increases until there is little plasticity left, and the clay
becomes brittle; this is the ‘semi-solid’ state. As drying continues, the clay continues
to shrink in proportion to the amount of water lost, until it reaches the minimum
volume attainable by this process. Beyond that point further drying results in no further
decrease in volume, and this is called the ‘solid’ state. This as shown in Figure 1. The
moisture content (%) at which the cohesive soil will pass from a liquid state to a plastic
state is called the liquid limit of the soil. Similarly, the moisture content (%) at which
the soil changes from a plastic to a semisolid state and from a semisolid state to a solid
state are referred to as the plastic limit and the shrinkage limit, respectively. These
phases are called the "consistency limits" and the Atterberg limits.
Figure 3.2.1: Phases of soil and the Atterberg
The "liquid limit" (LL) is the minimum moisture content at which a soil is assumed to
flow under its own weight, which corresponds to 25 blows in the Casagrande test or 20
mm penetration in the Penetrometer test The "shrinkage limit" (SL) is the water content
at which further decrease in moisture does not cause a decrease in volume of the soil.

The "plasticity index" (PI) is the range of moisture content over which the soil is plastic
and is given by the expression,
PI = LL – PL

The moisture content range between the PL and LL is known as the plasticity index
(PI) (symbol Ip), and is a measure of the plasticity of the clay. Cohesionless soils have
no plasticity phase, so their PI is zero.

The tests to determine the Atterberg limits are carried out only on the fraction of soil
which passes a 425 pm sieve. For soils that contain particles coarser than that size, the
particles retained on the 425 pm sieve must be removed as part of the sample
preparation procedure. The relationship between the consistency limits and the volume
of a soil sample is shown in Figure 3.3.2.
Figure 3.3.2: Consistency limits/volume relationship of a cohesive soil

3.3 Plastic Limit Test

Plastic limit (PL) is defined as the moisture content (%) at which a cohesive soil will
change from a plastic state to a semisolid state. In the laboratory, the plastic limit is
defined as the moisture content (%) at which a soil will just begin to crumble when
rolled into a thread of approximately 3 mm in diameter. Plasticity index (PI or IP) is the
numerical difference of the liquid and plastic limit, and indicates the range of water
content through which the soil remains plastic.

PI = LL – PL

For fine grained soils, determining the natural water content (the water content of a soil
in an undisturbed condition in the ground) and relating it to the plastic and liquid limits
can provide an indication of the soil’s consistency and/or sensitivity potential. One such
relationship is the liquidity index.


Consistency index is defined as the ratio of the liquid limit minus the natural water
content to the plasticity index of a soil.

Cr = 𝑃𝐼
Table 3.3.1: Classification of soil according to plasticity.
Plasticity Index (IP or PI) Degree of Plasticity Type of Soil
0 Non-Plastic Sand
<7 Low-Plastic Silt
7-17 Medium Plastic Silty clay or clayey silt
> 17 Highly Plastic Clay

Table 3.2.2: Classification of soil according to liquidity indices.

Liquidity Index (IL or LI) Consistency
< 0.0 Desiccated (dry) hard soil
0.0-0.25 Stiff
0.25-0.50 Medium to soft
0.50-0.75 Soft
0.75-1.00 Very soft
>1.00 Liquid s

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