Code-Switching and Code-Mixing in Jokowi's Vlogs

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An Analysis of Code-Mixing Between Bahasa Indonesia and Javanese in

President Joko Widodo’s YouTube Videos

Yalma’ R. Mauludini
English Language and Literature
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Bandung, Indonesia

Abstract— President Joko Widodo is well-known for his strong Besides Bahasa Indonesia, he must be able to speak in Javanese too
Javanese dialect. As the leader of the country, he must use Bahasa since he seems to use it frequently in his daily life. This claim can be
Indonesia, especially in formal speeches. However, it will be seen from the way he usually speaks. Even when he talks in Bahasa,
interesting to analyze whether his role as the government impacts his sometimes his speech also has a strong influence of Javanese accent.
way of speaking in a non-governmental context. The purpose of this In some occasions, he also mixes both codes in his utterances.
study is to find out which types of code-mixing and code-switching
occurred the most in Jokowi’s vlogs and to find out if his role as a Sociolinguists used the term code to refer to a symbol of nationalism
leader has any influences into his way of speaking because a huge that is used by people to speak or communicate in a particular
number of studies related to the topic of code-mixing have been language – a dialect, a register, an accent or a style on different
conducted in several contexts, but no research has been done in situations and for different purposes (Yuliana, Luziana, & Sarwendah,
analyzing the code-mixing occurred in the leader of the government 2015). Furthermore, the expert divided the act of changing codes into
speech, recorded in his personal social media. Data were collected two categories: code-switching and code-mixing. Code-mixing is
from selected video logs of President Joko Widodo’s on YouTube juxtaposition within the same speech exchange of passages of speech
and were analyzed using a qualitative method based on Muysken’s belonging to two different grammatical systems or subsystems
(2000) theory of code-mixing types and Hoffman’s (1975) functions (Gumperz, 1982). Meanwhile, Holmes (1992) defined code-
of code-mixing. The findings show how President Joko Widodo switching as a situation where a speaker switches from one code to
mostly used insertional code-mixing both in daily life context with another. From these definitions, a general assumption can be inferred
his family and also when he plays his role as the President in front of that both code-mixing and code-switching are when someone
his people. Future research may look at how the other government changes from one language. However, both terms should be
figures switching codes in the same context as the data and see if their distinguished from each other. Holmes (1992) stated that the switch
roles as the government have any influences to their speech. indicates a change in the social situation and takes positive account
of the presence of new participants, while code-mixing mainly
Keywords— social media; multilingualism; code-mixing; happened without any changes in the topic nor the situation
Muysken; Hoffman (Gumperz, 1982). This language phenomenon is unavoidable,
notably in multilingual communities. Zhou & Wei (2007) stated in
I. INTRODUCTION their study about code-switching in China and found that this the
occurrence can appear in the process of language acquisition or after
Communication has become easier with the help of technology in this
a person has acquired a certain degree of English.
modern era. As a result of technological development, a variety of
social media emerged and are used by people all around the world for
Muysken (2000) divided code-mixing typically into three main
various purposes. The term social media itself can be literally defined
as a platform - usually in the form of websites or applications, which
allows its user to communicate and share information. At first, social
1. insertion – occurred at the word or phrase level,
media are mostly used by teenagers, but nowadays the number of its
2. alternation – occurred at the clause level, and
user has grown. As reported in Global Digital Report conducted by
3. congruent lexicalization – the mix of standard code and
We Are Social – a media company (as cited in Chaffey, 2018), there
regional or social dialect.
are 3,196 billion social media users in 2018. This number indicates a
13 percent increase from previous years. This growing number
signified that the use of social media has spread to all generation. Following Yuliana, et al. (2015), Muysken stated that the most
common type to occur is insertional code-mixing, in which lexical
President of Republic Indonesia, Joko Widodo, is one political figure items from one language are inserted into another one. Meanwhile,
that is an active social media user. He actively creates and posts the change is categorized as an alternation code-mixing when the
several contents on his personal YouTube account, publishing his structure altered from one language to another. The least to occurred
daily activities as a father figure amongst his family and also as the is the congruent lexicalization code-switching where there is a
President of the country. change influenced by a dialect to the language use.

Indonesia itself is a multilingual country with one official language – In addition, according to Hoffman (1975), there are ten functions of
Bahasa Indonesia, and hundreds of regional dialects. According to why code-mixing occurred, they are:
the Ministry of Education and Culture, there are 652 regional dialects
in Indonesia in 2017 (as cited in, 2018) spread all over 1. To talk about a particular topic.
the country. President Joko Widodo was born in Solo, Central Java. 2. To quote someone else.
3. To express solidarity. Code-Mixing Function Context
4. To interject. (Hoffman) Family Public
5. To repeat for clarification. Talk about a particular topic - -
6. To clarify the speech content for the interlocutor. Quote someone - -
7. To express group identity. Express solidarity - -
8. To soften or strengthen request or command. Interject 4 8
9. To fulfill lexical need. Repeat to clarify - 3
10. To exclude other people. Clarify speech content for the
- 2
As the leader of the government, Joko Widodo is surely expected to Express group identity - 1
be able to speak well in the standard and official language of the Soften or strengthen request - 3
country which is Bahasa Indonesia. But on some occasions, the Fulfill lexical need 4 3
President mixes codes between Javanese and Bahasa Indonesia. Thus, Exclude other people - -
this study aims to find out which types and the function of code-
mixing occurred the most in Jokowi’s speech. The analysis is
expected to be able to determine if his role as a leader has any While all three types of code-mixing are found in this study, not all
influences into his way of speaking. of Hoffman’s functions of code-mixing are identified. As shown in
table 2 above, only six out of ten functions were found in this
II. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY research, they are to interject, to repeat for clarification, to clarify
speech for the interlocutor, to express group identity, to soften or
This research was conducted using a qualitative method because the
strengthen command or request and to fulfill lexical need. In general,
data obtained were in the form of videos which need to be transcribed
the most frequent function is to interject which is found to occurred
and later analyzed. Qualitative research helps the researcher with
12 times in total.
richer and more in-depth understanding (Vanderstoep & Johnston,
A. Code-Mixing Types
The data for this study were collected from four selected videos of 1. Insertion
President Joko Widodo, taken from both his personal YouTube
account and other sources. The videos are (1) #PILOK 3 Pulang The first video - #PILOK 3 Pulang Rumah Diejek Bapak
Rumah Diejek Bapak, (2) MISTERI TERUNGKAP!!!, (3) Presiden has President Joko Widodo with his son, Kaesang, in a
Jokowi - Menata Pasar Rakyat Hadapi Kompetisi, and (4) Presiden room which seems to be his family house. In the first video,
Jowoki dan Ibu Tariyah. the two talk about their haircuts where the President gives
comments on his son’s new hairstyle.
The identified code-mixing found in the videos would then be
classified using Muysken’s (2000) theory of code-mixing types. <Jokowi> Nah ini loh. Cukuran kayak gini cukuran
Later on, the identified data would be quantified to determine which apa toh ini? Cukuran kok kayak cukuran
type of code-mixing occurred the most and analyze the function of mbatok, hehehe mbatok kelapa.
the mix found based on Hoffman’s (1975) theory. Depannya muncrit ehehe. Muncrit kayak
gini coba. Ganteng kayak bapak gini.
III. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Bagus. Ini cukuran ini tipis, ini tebel, eih…
In total, there are 28 code-mixings identified in the videos of both
Six code-mixings occurred in the video and all six are
contexts – family and public. Since the videos of family context have
identified as insertion. These insertional code-mixings
short duration, only a tiny number of code-mixing identified.
consist of tags such as toh, eih, loh, and Javanese lexical
Meanwhile, since the public context videos both have longer
items such as mbatok and muncrit.
duration, 20 code-mixings were found. However, all three types of
code-mixing by Musyken were found in this research as can be seen 2. Alternation
on the table below.
Alternation code-mixing occurs when someone mixes codes
Table 1. Number of types found in the videos on clause level. For instance, the first clause is produced in
one language then the preceding clause is produced in
Code-Mixing Types (Musyken) another. Six alternation code-mixing are found in this study
and all occurred in the public context where President Joko
Context Congruent
Insertion Alternation Widodo is talking in front of people, playing his role as their
Lexicalization leader. These alternations occurred equally frequent in both
Family 7 - 1 public-content videos, which are (1) Presiden Jokowi –
Public 14 6 - Menata Pasar Rakyat Hadapi Kompetisi and (2) Presiden
Jokowi dan Ibu Tariyah. Examples can be seen in the script
Insertion was found 21 times in total, making it the most occurred
type of code-mixing in this study. Alternation occurred 6 times while <Jokowi> Pasar ini sudah dibangun, menurut
congruent lexicalization only occurred once. panjenengan sae nopo sae? Tadi saya
sudah sampaikan kepada Pak Menteri,
dikompliti sisa meja- mejane ben apik.
Table 2. Number of functions identified Dagangannya ditata yang baik, ojo kalah
kalih mall.
<Jokowi> Ibu… Tariyah? Bu Tariyah, wonten dusun <Jokowi> Sangan puluh per meter?
The data shows how the President uses Javanese to repeat
3. Congruent Lexicalization Ibu Tariyah’s utterance to make sure he heard right, then he
Congruent lexicalization occurs when two languages share changes to Bahasa Indonesia to complete his speech.
the same grammatical structure so lexical elements of both
languages can be inserted, creating a particular pattern. In 3. To fulfill lexical need
the second video, Misteri Terungkap, the President was
People mix codes when their vocabulary of one of the
asked by his son on why he does not follow his son’s social
media accounts. One code-mixing was found in the video languages they know is lacking. The code-mixing which
and categorized as congruent lexicalization since the data function to fulfill the speaker’s lexical need occurred 7
consists of Javanese, Bahasa Indonesia and English lexical times in total. The regional lexical items such as mbatok
items inserted continuously in one utterance. and muncrit occurred merely to fulfill the President’s
lexical need since he probably uses Javanese with his
<Jokowi> loh, kamu…nge-follow, toh? family on daily basis and could not found the equal
The script shows how Joko Widodo used Javanese tags – vocabulary in Indonesian standard language at the time he
loh and toh, and also English word follow in a conversation uttered the speech. Meanwhile words and phrases like
using Bahasa Indonesia. The patter the speech above created training and bismillahirahmanirahim are used by the
can be seen on the image below. President because both are probably more popular and used
more frequently rather than the equivalent versions in
Bahasa Indonesia as can be seen in the script below.

<Jokowi> Tolong ditata. Bu Kepala dinas tadi yang

disampaikan, tolong masalah manajemen,
masalah penataan diberikan pelatihan,
training, sehingga betul-betul apa yang
dijual itu bener-bener menarik sehingga

Image 1. Congruent lexicalization pattern <Jokowi> Dengan mengucapkan

bismillahirahmanirahim, Pasar
Even though Bahasa and English do not share the same Krendetan, nggih, sore hari ini saya
grammatical structure, the content of the utterance still can nyatakan diresmikan.
be conveyed.
4. To soften or strengthen command or request
B. Code-Mixing Functions
People mix codes to soften or strengthen their requests.
1. To interject This also proven by Joko Widodo who immediately change
Interjection is words that are used to show a short sudden code from Bahasa Indonesia to Javanese to ask someone to
expression of emotion. Therefore, interjections function to come forward in the analyzed video Presiden Jokowi -
emphasize the emotion of the speaker. From 28 code- Menata Pasar Rakyat Hadapi Kompetisi as the script can
mixing occurred in the videos, 12 of them function to give be seen below.
interjection and are mostly consist of tags. The tags found
in the videos such as toh, kok, eih, loh, yo and nggeh, are <Jokowi> Tadi saya sudah sampaikan kepada Pak
considered to interject since they have the function of Menteri, dikompliti sisa meja-mejane
emphasizing both the emotion of the speaker and also the ben apik. Dagangannya ditata yang baik,
message of the utterance. The speech can be seen on the ojo kalah kalih mall.
script below.
The same function was also found in another video,
<Jokowi> Nah ini loh. Cukuran kayak gini cukuran Presiden Joko Widodo dan Ibu Tariyah.
apa toh ini? Cukuran kok kayak cukuran
<Jokowi> Coba sini ibu-ibu yang tunjuk jari tadi. Ya
mbatok, hehehe mbatok kelapa. sini, ke depan. Mriki, Bu, mriki.
Depannya muncrit ehehe. Muncrit kayak
gini coba. Ganteng kayak bapak gini. 5. To clarify speech for the interlocutor
Bagus. Ini cukuran ini tipis, ini tebel, eih…
Code-mixing also occurred to make sure that the speech can
be clearly understood by the hearer. This function seems to
2. To repeat for clarification occur once in the analyzed data. In the video Presiden
This function of code-mixing was also identified to occur Jokowi dan Ibu Tariyah, the President changes code from
three times in the Presiden Jokowi dan Ibu Tariyah video. Bahasa Indonesia to Javanese to make sure his partner
knows and understand what he is trying to say.
In the clip, the President repeats what the other speaker
uttered to make sure he did not miss heard her speech. <Jokowi> Ibu… Tariyah? Bu Tariyah, wonten dusun
<Jokowi> Enem ngatus…Enam ratus ribu? Per meter? <Jokowi> Kagem nopo? Tambah rumah?
6. To express group identity
People might also change code when they are trying to show
their identity. This function seems to occur once in the video Muysken, P. (2000). Bilingual Speech: A Typology of Code-Mixing.
of Presiden Jokowi – Menata Pasar Hadapi Kompetisi
United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
when he delivers an opening speech to officially open the
Krendetan traditional market which is located in Purworejo,
Pangarep, K. [Kaesang]. (2016, May 25). #PILOK 3 Pulang Rumah
Central Java. He starts his speech with Bahasa Indonesia but
then changes to Javanese to ask the people. Diejek Bapak. [Video file]. Retrieved from
<Jokowi> Pasar ini sudah dibangun, menurut PL0P_zHmuwPlTisfaMheevKayY-
panjenengan sae nopo sae? wsBb6Tt&index=6&t=0s

Pangarep, K. [Kaesang]. (2017, September 7). MISTERI

The findings show that all types of code-mixing as categorized from
by Musyken appear in the selected videos with insertional Q&list=PL0P_zHmuwPlTisfaMheevKayY-
code-mixing as the most occurred type with 21 appearances. wsBb6Tt&index=8&t=0s
Other types – alternation and congruent lexicalization are also
Poplack. (1980). Sometimes I’ll start a sentence in Spanish y
found with the frequency of 6 and 1 respectively. Meanwhile
termino en Espanol: Toward a typology of code-
as for the function, based on Hoffman’s theory, only six out of
switching. Linguistics, 581-618.
ten functions identified in the videos. President Joko Widodo
mostly mixes codes to interject using regional tags such as toh, Vanderstoep, S., & Johnston, D. (2009). Research methods for
nggeh and loh. This function occurs 12 times in total, found in everyday life (1st ed.). New Jersey: John Willey & Sons,
both contexts. Despite being the leader of the country who is Inc.
expected to use standard language, it is found that Joko
Widodo’s role as the President of the Republic of Indonesia Widodo, J. [Presiden Joko Widodo]. (2016, May 27). Presiden Joko
does not have any influence on the way he speaks since he still Widodo: Menata Pasar Hadapi Kompetisi. [Video file].
Retrieved from
uses regional dialect, Javanese, in his speech.
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