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The Brand Positioning Bullseye provides context to improve understanding of the

position of the brand in the market. Kotler and Keller define brand positioning
as an act of designing the company’s offering and image to occupy a distinct
place in the mind of the target market. This model aids in the defining process.

Brand Positioning Bullseye

The Brand Positioning Bullseye aids in positioning of a brand. In the center is the brand
mantra with around it the key points-of-parity and point-of-difference. The next outward
circle contains the substantiators, or reasons-to-believe, that support the key concepts.
The substantiators help to justify the points-of-parity and points-of-difference to
consumers. The outer circle ring contents two categories of information as values,
personality, character and visual identity that add more insight on brand positioning.

Brand mantra
For a new product it is often useful to define a brand mantra. It is a three- to five-word
phrase that articulates of the soul of the brand. The brand mantra is internally focussed.
For example, the marketeers of Nike have adopted authentic athletic performance as
their mantra to guide their marketing efforts. A slogan would be the external translation
to engage consumers. For Nike: Just Do It.

A good brand mantra:

 Communicates
 Simplifies
 Inspires

Points-of-parity (POPs)
POPs are associations that may be shared with other brands but where the brand can
at least match the competitors claimed best. While POPs usually are not the reason to
choose a brand, their absence can be a reason to drop the brand.

Whilst assessing POPs look at their:

 Feasibility
 Communicability
 Sustainability

Points-of-difference (PODs)
PODs are benefits or attributes consumers strongly associate positively with a brand.
The POD’s are attributes that consumers do not find to the same extent with competing

Whilst formulating PODs look for:

 Relevance
 Distinctiveness
 Deliverability

These are the reasons to believe the proposition. The substantiators provide factual or
demonstrable support for the points-of-parity and points-of-difference.
Values, personality, character
A set of human characteristics that are attributed to the brand. The personality or
character is something to which the consumer can relate. It is the added-value that a
brand gains aside from its functional benefits. The main types of brand personality:
excitement, sincerity, ruggedness, competence and sophistication.

Visual identity
The visible elements of a brand such as color, shape and form that symbolize the soul
of the brand. In a broader, corporate sense it includes elements as architecture, dress
code and color schemes.

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