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GAUcHos E] Capitan High School Agriculture Department 100 W. Farmland Ave Merced, CA 95348 February 27th, 2019 ‘To Whom It May Concern It is with great honor to recommend Karrissa Sotelo as a recipient for any college or Career Scholarship. Karrissa has been a student of mine for 4 years and currently in my Ag Government and Economy class. Karrissa has had a tremendous impact on our chapter, she is currently our chapter president, She does a fantastic job of measuring her priorities and is an upstanding ‘member of our campus culture, Karrissa’s career goal is to be a Radiologist, | have no doubt that she will succeed. Karrissa is constantly talking about her future and shows an extreme passion for her career goals and objectives. Karrissa is certainly an advanced young student and I have no doubt she will be successful in her endeavors. Karrissa plans to attend CSU Monterey Bay to earn a Bachelor's degree. I have seen Karrissa ‘grow throughout her high school career. At every opportunity she has to better herself as a student, she rises to the occasion and becomes successful at whatever she wants to do. I would recommend Karrissa Sotelo for any type of college and career scholarship. If I can be any further assistance, feel free to contact me. Yours Sincerely, ‘Arthur Faria El Capitan High School Agricultural Mechanics Instructor/ FFA Advisor (209) 329-3074

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