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Inequality is one of the most difficult problems not only in the human world but also
in the animal and plant worlds. Today, it seems that the world is becoming more and
more perfect in every way. Social inequality is not a phenomenon that exists
randomly among individuals in society, occurs when some social groups want to
control and exploit other social groups. Through different societies there exist
different social inequality systems. Social inequality is a central issue of sociology,
which is a crucial issue for stratification in social organization. Human rights are
pushed up, gender discrimination (between men and women), racism (white people
and minorities) seems to be a rare issue to be discussed. However, there are still
some cases of racism as well as gender. The question is: “Can the large disparities
between white males and women or minorities be accounted for by the preferences
of women and minorities?”. Although it has entered a new era, the phenomenon of
women being beaten, abused ... is still happening quite popular. The issue of gender
inequality as well as the issue of women's liberation are deeply concerned by the
whole world and society. In addition, racism is a long-standing problem, but it has
never been forgotten, racism always happens in everyday life around the world.
Those are not a new issue, but it is not an old one and will probably never be an
"outdated" issue.
The term "sexism" appears in the mid-20th century, this belief (attitude) assumes
that one gender is superior and the other is inferior. This term is almost understood
to refer to the interests of men and women (honoring the quality, interests and
influence of men, despising women). This ideological system exists most in the
world, especially in the US and under the feudal regime. Currently, although
women's rights have been struggled and recognized, this ideological system still
exists in some countries, especially when it applies religious laws (usually Muslim
countries). Gender discrimination is expressed in many different ways: women born
to girls are not valued by boys; the elder brother in the family has great authority;
only the prince is handed down the throne of the king, the princess is not allowed to
sit in the throne; parental inheritance rights are only for boys, and daughters are not
inherited or inherit small assets (feudal era); Men are educated to take examinations,
but women only marry and give birth and do housework. Most countries in the
world, until the beginning of the 20th century, women still do not have the right to
vote. Sex discrimination can lead to actions such as sexual harassment and rape by
Extreme Sexualism. There is much evidence that in different countries and cultures,
women are always faced with family pressure by violence caused by men. This is an
act of insulting human rights and a result of gender discrimination. Even violence


against women is accepted in many parts of the world. For example, in Saudi Arabia
in 2010, the Supreme Court here announced that for men to have the moral and
physical discipline of the woman and his daughter.
There is a question :“Does Society Treat Men and Women Equally ?” The Gallup
Organization created a survey at two different milestones to study gender equality
between men and women. The first survey took place in 1993, when asked how
society treated men and women, 62% said that society treated men better (while only
10% said that women women are treated better than men) and 23% said that men
and women were treated equally. This shows that at that time the society still favored
men very much, women were considered to be worthless. However, 20 years later,
the survey has more changes, and this transformation is gradually more positive.
Based on the chart, we can see that the surveyor said that 45% of men are treated
better than women (down 17% compared to 20 years ago), 10% of women are treated
better than men (down 1% compared to 1993) and men and women treated equally
have increased from 23% to 40%. This shows that the 20-year society has changed
people's minds a lot. Equal rights for men and women have been enhanced, future
women will certainly be equal to men.


Favors men over women Treat them equally Favor women over men




1993 2013

In high-income, middle-income countries in the Organization for Economic Co-

operation and Development (OECD), the average salary of a full-time woman is only
85% of a man's salary. Data collected by Korn Ferry (USA) from 25 countries
showed that women and men do the same job, the same agency, but women's income
is only 98% of men's; women do more than men but are paid less and have less
opportunity to be promoted; they are also discriminated against in terms of industries
and trades, such as those where many women work, the wage level is lower; In
countries of seven industrialized countries (G7) only one fifth of senior management
members are women; European Union (EU) supervisory officials are mostly men,

although the majority of employees are women; The industries and trades that
women occupy are often low and lower income; Primary teachers in OECD earn an
average of 81% of the income of a degree holder; female nurses have lower income
than police officers; the cleaner is lower income than the housekeeper ...
It is no coincidence that most countries in the world have a culture that values men
more than women. Men have superiority to women in terms of physical and thinking,
leading to them being more successful, there are many outstanding individual
superior to women. For that reason, society forms a more respectful view of men in
accordance with the "social existence that determines social consciousness". It is not
the subjective intention imposed by men, but according to the famous naturalist
Charles Darwin, that is the selection of evolution according to the rule "the superior
will rule". When the use of metal tools appeared and developed strongly, agricultural
plowing brought very high efficiency, far beyond the gathering of nature. Men with
good physical health are better suited to this job and gain power, position in the
family, play the role of pillar, decide, children take their father's family name. On
the other hand, societies that divide class and nation give rise to war, the role of men
is enhanced because women cannot fight as well as men. When capitalist society
develops and develops, the bourgeoisie owns it in that time, the role of agriculture
gives way to industry. The society still prioritizes men more because men do more
than women, especially those that require health, such as mechanics, miners ... In
today's society, "gender equality" is respected, men and women are equal in all
aspects. However, in terms of legal regulations, in fact, in terms of health, men are
still superior to women. It is a natural characteristic that cannot be changed, so
outstanding characters (scientists, leaders, generals ...) are often men. Even in
developed countries, where women are treated equally with men, men often gain
higher status in society than women.
At present, human civilization is aiming at equality of men and women with the
promotion of equal rights in women of men equivalent to men. However, the natural
characteristics of gender formed over millions of years of evolution cannot be
changed. Men tend to act quickly and decisively, while women tend to be passive
and emotionally dominated. Women are weaker than men physically, because in
millions of years evolution women do not perform tasks that require high physicality
like men (women gather, men hunt animals). Brain function: women talk more,
while men are more oriented to action. Men learn math (logic thinking) better, and
women think language better (because they talk more). However, when writing
literature, which needs to combine language with logic, men still excel (for example,


of the 28 Nobel literature prizes awarded between 1990-2018, 21 were male and
only seven were female. Women always tend to look for a strong man to gain
protection. Men have a willing spirit to face higher challenges than women.
According to a Harvard University study, even in societies and organizations that
appreciate gender equality (Western Europe, North America), prominent figures in
society (scientists, leaders, Sports generals and champions ...) are often men. Women
still account for only a small percentage of most senior leadership positions in
society. Women account for less than 5% of the world's top 500 CEOs, smaller than
20% among natural scientists. Power and control are the real social motives behind
the division of gender roles, through division of labor. Not only is the difference in
social conception, the natural characteristics are advantageous for men (health,
logical thinking, the level of mind concentration is better than women), we often see
the trend of men who are clearly outstanding in complex jobs such as leaders,
scientists, artisans ... Even with the usual jobs for women (cooking, sewing), the
most prominent individuals (professional cooks, famous fashion designers) are often
Gender equality is that men and women have equal positions and roles, are given
conditions and opportunities to promote their capabilities for the development of the
community and the family and enjoy equally about the achievements of community
development on the fruits of that development. Gender equality refers to the equality
of rights, responsibilities and opportunities for men and women, girls and boys.
According to the Gender Equality Law, everyone, whether male or female, as
individuals has equal rights and should be given the opportunity to promote their
potential as well as equal rights to benefit in the process of common development.
Because of the disadvantages that women have endured, the world and human rights
organizations have given priority policies to women such as: In the United States,
women are ranked second after children, single mothers will be supported by the
government. Encourage employers to create favorable conditions for female workers
to have regular jobs, widely apply flexible working schedules, non-full-time jobs,
and job assignments at home. Expanding many types of training for female workers
with more preventive jobs and in accordance with the physical, physiological and
functional characteristics of women. Women are treated equally in every way as
men. Women are involved in Politics. Protecting women's rights from rape,
kidnapping, and sexual harassment. Salaries of male and female workers have been
equal. Support women in maternity period


Through the process of social division into categories, racism is discriminatory

between people in a different way, sometimes not necessarily based on racial
characteristics. Racist policies can formalize racial segregation, but it is often done
without legalization. According to the [United Nations 1966] definition of racism is
as follows: “The term racism means based on race, color, lineage, ethnic origin or
ethnicity that constitutes a distinction, exclusion, restriction or priority; affect the
fundamental political, economic, social and cultural freedoms or any other area of
public life based on equal relations ”. In addition, it also affects the right to enjoy or
exercise human rights.
In America and Europe in general, at the time of slavery, there is a form of
discrimination against those of Minorities called Colorism. It is a form of racial
discrimination, skin color inequality. White Americans think they are superior, and
see all other Minorities as inferior. In slavery, skin color is distinguished by class,
white Americans are masters, people of color are slaves, brighter skinned people
tend to be domestic helpers, while those with darker skin will work in buildings,
factories, and other hard work. after the interior of 1865 in the USA, this was the
period of reconstruction and there were many revisions to the US constitution, this
helped to eliminate slavery, the constitution was revised to :"All citizens are
naturalized in the United States or born in the United States, regardless of skin color,
regardless of whether they are Minorities, racial or religious, have citizenship." In
addition, the right to vote for everyone is added. It seems like the discrimination of
Minorities has stopped, but in the 1870s it resumed when Jim Crow proposed his
law in the Southeast United States. Jim Crow's law is content: "separate but equal"
is conceptualized and developed by Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896. The law says they
respect ethnicity, race, and skin color; However, all are equal but must be separate.
It condemns the mixing of races together, means there will be places for "Minorities"
and separate places for "White" only, there are separate products for "Minorities"
and individual products for "White" (products for "White" are always better). This
not only solved the problem of racism, but also a wave of indignation about racism.
Elections become more difficult for African Americans and people in general,
because they are less educated than "White", when they want to vote, they must take
part in the literacy test. worse than sexism and racial is a combination of both. In
America today, people of homosexual Minorities are still discriminated against,
although today the US is the world's No. 1 human rights country. Meanwhile,
homosexual "White" people are still treated normally. According to the study,


homosexual "White" people are 6 times richer than gay Minorities in work relations,
partners, ...
Since then, civil rights movements have been born, typically Rosa Park, she is a
black "Minorities", on a bus in 1955, she was asked by the driver James Blake to
yield to a white man. Since then, a boycott of the bus was born, the Montgomery bus
boycott was a major movement in Montgomery, Alabama. Before the Supreme
Court in the US argued that seat isolation was unconstitutional, the boycott of the
bus was more than a year (381 days). Her actions became a symbol of the modern
human rights movement and Parks became an international symbol representing the
movement against racism. She organized and collaborated with many human rights
leaders. She was voted by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential figures
of the 20th century. Another event, Ruby Bridges, along with Little Rock Nine, a
group of nine colored students, volunteered to attend a white high school in
Arkansas. They are always bitten by white students, always faced with the harsh
treatment of white students, even from parents and Little Rock National Guard.
however, Ruby still managed to be ostracized. Disgruntled with that, the US
government intervened when President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent troops to escort
Ruby and the Little Rock Nine group. This event shows that the US government has
gradually stepped in and supported the general colored people and Minorities in
particular. Not only peaceful protests and protests, but also Malcolm X's famously
known struggles. His extreme struggle was enthusiastically supported by Muslim
countries, affirming "Black power and black pride". Although Malcolm X struggles
with extreme forms, he is still considered one of the pioneers to condemn and fight
racism. There are countless force struggles happening with a black army. Although
they are considered a violent gang, Malcolm has always supported the spiritual life
of stigmatized people such as supporting students, opening free clinics, helping
people in difficult situations, …
One of the reasons for white American racism is that the immigrants to the US are
overcrowded, this affects the employment of Americans. Recently, at Aiona passed
a law that required people to bring citizenship papers to prove their identity to avoid
employment robbery of "the true Americans". According to Soylu, immigrants today
have replaced black people with regard to racism. They always face their problems
of distinguishing skin color, voice, pronunciation, way of life and beliefs. Other
reasons also affect racism and sexism related to issues such as homosexuality,
bisexual, transgender, religious, ... In some places, because of their strong religious
beliefs, they discriminate against the above-mentioned components. For example,


religious people hate Catholics, do not value women and LGBT people. Women are
considered to be more emotional and more emotional than men, so in jobs that
require public decentralization such as courts, arbitration, ... women are often
restricted. In labor, male workers can always complete the working day, while
female workers have to carry out the role of motherhood, so they will take maternity
leave or take leave when their children are sick, sick ... All of these have significantly
affected the participation and quality of work of female workers. In addition, in
eastern and Asian countries, one of the reasons why men are more important is the
continuation of the lineage. Therefore, in these feudal countries, the people's
awareness must be changed, making them understand that daughters can also
worship ancestors and follow the lineage.
Because of that social injustice, moral doctrines of justice are born. in it, one of the
Theory of Justice is John Rawls' theory of justice, he was the famous American
philosopher of the twentieth century, in the theory of fairness, he proposed the
following social model: It is a society that has everything people need for food,
houses, space ... But every person in this society knows nothing about themselves,
they don't know if they are bad or beautiful, strong or weak, old or young, talented
or useless. In order for this society to remain in order, one must set rules to follow.
So people meet up and find out what is the necessary rule. People will make rules to
ensure their basic needs to maintain their own lives. But the problem here is that they
don't know anything about themselves, so they don't know how the rules will suit
the individual learners themselves, they do not know if there is a risk, their ability to
bear that risk. So in order to ensure their own safety, they must place themselves in
the position of the weakest person who can imagine and give them favorable rules.
This way they ensure they can live with the rules set out. And the following code is
drafted into: First, All have basic freedoms, the freedom of the individual can only
be limited by the need to strengthen the freedom of others. Second, If there are social
and economic inequalities, they must have the following characteristics: The
prosperity must bring the greatest benefit possible to the beneficiaries at least.
Equality must be ensured about the opportunity to learn physics. In principle, all
wealth is for everyone. This is a very good moral theory, however, it's hard to be a
reality. But this theory is one of the driving forces to help people get closer to a fair
society, no longer unfair, no longer distinguish men and women, no longer racist, ....


The world is increasingly progressive and civilized, so it is necessary to eliminate

racism, sexism, class distinctions as well as similar forms. It is necessary to
strengthen communication, education, mobilize the whole society to raise awareness
about gender equality, for the advancement of women, to ensure the rights of women
and girls. In addition, it is necessary to improve the intellectual level, strengthen the
family role in gender equality. Resolutely fight to eliminate domestic violence acts.
The family is the cell of society, each member of the family is equal, respectful for
each other, the society will be fair and civilized. Moreover, the need to thoroughly
eliminate racism has long been a problem in many parts of the world, especially the
United States, a multi-ethnic land. When from the early days of the founding of the
country, people of color had to suffer a destitute fate when they were sold as slaves
and cruelly treated by white bosses. God has created man who bears his likeness, so
there is no reason that people will fight and discriminate against each other.
According to the Bible, some say that from the beginning, women were the surplus
of Men when God created them from a bone of a man. But this is wrong, the purpose
of this is to say that women are an integral part of men and because men lack a bone,
they need a woman to be together and grow together.



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