Diff Between Internet and World

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Differences between Internet and World Wide Web https://www.ukessays.com/essays/internet/differences-internet-world-wi...

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Differences between Internet and World Wide Web https://www.ukessays.com/essays/internet/differences-internet-world-wi...

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The general belief is that Internet and World Wide Web in one and the same thing and in common parlance these two terms are
being used interchangeably. However, in reality these two are totally different matters though they are intimately and
irrevocably interdependent.

In every establishment like banks, commercial offices, educational and research institutions and any other organisation
employing multiple computers, they have a network among their computers so that data and information can be exchanged
within the computers hooked up with that network. Such situations are said to be a networked one and the computers can be
interchangeably used.

Internet is a network of many such networks all over the globe. They enable networks to “talk” within themselves and benefit
from one another. It is actually one massive network spread all across the world where people can access other networks. It
transmits data in packets all over to its constituent sub-networks which is available almost everywhere now.

It is governed by a definite set of rules and laws which is known as Internet Protocol (IP) which enables the internet to provide
information and services in the form of e-mail, file transfers, chat programs to name a few.

Fig: Internet and WWW process.

Now internet essentially is a huge network and therefore consists of a big collection of hardware items like many networking
devices, copper wires, fibre optic cables and in some cases wireless connectivity. On the other hand World Wide Web is to be
understood as the software part.

In a PC there are the hardware components like key board, RAM, ROM, Hard Disk etc and there is also an Operating System
which keeps the computer operational by enforcing some definite discipline for coordinating the activities. The World Wide
Web is a collection of various web pages connected through hyperlinks and URLs. Thus World Wide Web is one of the services
provided by the internet.

Another way to distinguish between Internet and World Wide Web is the use of protocol system or suite. This is a collection of
strict rules and regulations followed by both. As stated earlier internet uses IP which handles transmission in packets; the World
Wide Web follows the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (known popularly as HTTP) which handles the linking of documents, files and
many other resources of the World Wide Web. Thus in World Wide Web there is no hardware coming into play and it is all
software, internet is a combination of hardware and software over which the World Wide Web is positioned. Actually as the
figure depicts the internet is meant to connect networks and computers but the World Wide Web is meant to connect people
i.e. the users.

Difference between E-business and the traditional business:

E-business is essentially business conducted with the help of the internet. It is also called E Commerce since many commercial
transactions of yesteryear which were being done manually is now handled through the computer which not only makes the

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Differences between Internet and World Wide Web https://www.ukessays.com/essays/internet/differences-internet-world-wi...

/ Essays / Internet

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