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The overall purpose of the assignment is to let you use your knowledge gained in Fluid mechanics in
a real-life problem. If you encounter any problem in assignment, you can visit my office any time
for discussion.

Please fill the attached form and submit it to my office.

 Form a group and select one of the following topics on 1st come, 1st serve basis
 You have around 3 weeks to complete your work
 A viva will be conducted in 2nd week of June (i.e. 10 June – 14 June). The purpose of the
viva to judge the overall knowledge of a student about the assignment
 This assignment carries 5 marks. Out of which2 marks will be for layout and formatting of the
report and 3 marks will be for knowledge and content of the report
 If plagiarism is found, 0 marks will be awarded
 At the start of the report clearly mention the contribution of each group member in the
 Your report should be concise and in proper format
 All the calculations should be made in excel or EES. Your code/sheet must be user
friendly and easily understandable

Topic 1: (max. 5 members)

The smallest allowable diameter of the pump suction pipe for the arrangement shown in Figure is
to be found with the restriction that the pressure at the pump inlet must be greater than 0.1217 psia.
The material is commercial steel and the fluid is water. Also, select a suitable pump for the purpose.

Topic 2: (max. 5 members)

Plot moody chart using excel and Engineering Equation solver (EES)

Topic 3: (max. 5 members)

Compile a comprehensive report on latest flow measuring devices and their working.

Topic 4: (max. 10 members)

A hydroponic garden uses the 10-m-long perforated pipe system in Fig. to deliver water at 20°C.
The pipe is 5 cm in diameter and contains a circular hole every 20 cm. A pump delivers water at
75 kPa (gage) at the entrance, while the other end of the pipe is closed, you know that the pressure
near the closed end of a perforated “manifold” is surprisingly high, and there will be too much
flow through the holes near that end. One remedy is to vary the hole size along the pipe axis. Make
a design analysis, perhaps using a personal computer, to pick the optimum hole size distribution
that will make the discharge flow rate as uniform as possible along the pipe axis. You are
constrained to pick hole sizes that correspond only to commercial (numbered) metric drill-bit sizes
available to the typical machine shop. (Problem 3.125 will be helpful understanding this question).

Topic 5: (max 5 members)

Develop a code to compute type 1,2,3,4 problems in excel/EES/C++

Topic 6: (10 members)

Water at 20C flows at an average velocity of 80 cm/s through a horizontal rectangular duct as
shown in Figure. The duct is 1 m high and 2 m wide. A circular cylinder 40 cm in diameter is
placed in the duct as shown, so that it spans the entire width of the duct. A differential manometer
is set up so that the pressure difference between A and B can be measured. The distance between
locations A and B is 3 m, and the specific gravity of the manometer fluid is 1.30. The manometer
reading is d = 6.8 cm. The velocity profile is uniform at sections 1 and 2, as shown in the figure.
The equivalent roughness of the duct walls is  = 5.3 mm.
a) What is the pressure difference between points A and B?
c) Estimate the magnitude and direction of the total force from the fluid on the cylinder.
d) What is the corresponding drag coefficient, CD, of the cylinder?
e) Why is it better to have the cylinder at its present location than at point X?
f) Is the value calculated in (d) a lower or an upper bound for the actual value of CD?
g) Explain how you would calculate the other bound for the actual CD of the cylinder using the
information provided in the problem, i.e., explain (but do not carry out the computations) how you
would calculate an upper bound for CD if you determined that your result in (d) is a lower bound
or vice versa.

Topic 7: (5 members)

Design an experiment and calculation process for experimental coefficient of drag for an object
(i.e. car model)

Topic 8: (5 members)

Applications of fluid mechanics in medical field.

Topic 9: (5 members)

What are supercritical fluids? How they are different and what their applications?

Topic 10: (5 members)

What is Parshall flume? Describe its working and application.

Topic 11: (5 members)

Dynamics of Flapping wing flight

Topic 12: (5 members)

State unique properties of ferrofluids and their applications

Topics 13: (5 members)

What are thixotropic fluids? State their applications.

Topic 14: (5 members)

Fluid characteristics of inkjet-ink

Topic 15: (5 members)

Explain hydrodynamic lubrication and state its advantages and disadvantages
Registration Form
Respected Sir M. Mohsin Tanveer, We:
(Names, Registration numbers & Signatures below)

are interested in registering for Topic number . We assure you that we will not
plagiarize (copy-paste) and we understand that in case of plagiarism score of more
than 15%, our assignment shall be cancelled and a disciplinary action shall be
initiated against us. We also assure you that we shall respect the submission
deadline of 7th of June 2019, knowing that no marks shall be awarded in case of
post-deadline submission.


1. Topics shall be granted on first come first served basis.

2. Plagiarism score of no more than 15%.
3. No hard-copy submission. Email only, at
4. Submission must not be more than 2 double-sided A4 page other than the cover-page.
5. No late submission shall be entertained.
6. Email subject must be your topic number (for example: Topic1).
7. Each assignment must have its cover-page listing the names and registration numbers
of students, topic number with title and submission date.
8. Each assignment must contain a list of references used in its preparation. References
could be books, published articles in journals and conferences, thesis and technical
reports of industries/organizations. References must not be websites.

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