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[12:59:03] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9C9BF}0.3.

7 {FFFFFF}Started
[12:59:06] Connecting to
[12:59:08] Connected. Joining the game...
[12:59:15] Connected to {B9C9BF}LinkMania RPG - Ne jucam impreuna din 2008.
[12:59:26] Fagged Event: {FFA200}Andu {ADD63C}has won the fagged event and received
23.486$. (1/3)
[12:59:30] Fagged Event: {FFA200}ZaJayZ {ADD63C}has won the fagged event and
received 23.486$. (2/3)
[12:59:39] Fagged Event: {FFA200}Damydacond {ADD63C}has won the fagged event and
received 23.486$. (3/3)
[12:59:39] Fagged Event: Eventul a luat sfarsit, felicitari tuturor
[13:00:01] * Daca esti blocat intr-un jucator la Spawn Civil, foloseste
[13:00:02] Player MOTD: {FFFFFF}/quiz /missions /acm /gs /infoquest /graffiti
/opencrate /monkey /pool
[13:00:02] [QUEST #1] Cumpara 7 jucarii erotice dintr-un Sex Shop. (Progres: 0/7)
[13:00:02] [QUEST #2] Foloseste comanda /dive la primaria din Los Santos. (Progres:
[13:00:02] [QUEST #3] Plimba-te cu un taxi timp de 2 minute. (Progres: 0/1)
[13:00:02] Spring Quest: {FFFFFF}Foloseste ''/infoquest'' pentru informatii legate
de quest-ul din aceasta primavara.
[13:00:02] Backpack Of The Week: {FFFFFF}Gaseste rucsacul din aceasta saptamana
pentru a castiga premiul, locatie: Los Santos.
[13:00:02] Backpack Of The Week: {FFFFFF}Mai multe detalii pe prima pagina a
panelului. (
[13:00:02] Today Special Job: {FFFFFF}StuntMan. (Munceste la acest job pentru a
primi bonusul la fiecare salariu)
[13:00:12] ~ PePe (10) | Ph: 6762.
[13:00:17] SMS sent to {FFFFFF}PePe{A9C4E4} ({FFFFFF}6762{A9C4E4}): alo da
[13:00:24] Press 2 to start/stop the engine, press R to listen music.
[13:00:32] ~ PlasticTube{91EC64}[ToV]{FCFAAE} (14) | Level: 7 | Faction:
{EB4F00}Insomnia Racing Club {FCFAAE}| Rank: {EB4F00}1{FCFAAE} | Ping: 21.
[13:01:29] You already activated a checkpoint on the map. (/killcp)
[13:01:32] SERVER: Unknown command.
[13:02:28] ~ Claudiu{91EC64}[ToV]{FCFAAE} (29) | Level: 11 | Faction:
{24E3CA}School Instructor {FCFAAE}| Rank: {24E3CA}6{FCFAAE} | Ping: 16.
[13:03:00] Press 2 to start/stop the engine, press R to listen music.
[13:03:01] |______ Admins Online ______|
[13:03:01] CLaudiu[ToV]{FFFFFF} (29) - Admin Level 2
[13:03:01] * There are 1 admins online.
[13:03:04] |______ Helpers Online ______|
[13:03:04] HaZ{FFFFFF} (24) - Helper Level 3
[13:03:04] zaHYMYR[ToV]{FFFFFF} (39) - Helper Level 1
[13:03:04] roCkStaR[ToV]{FFFFFF} (43) - Helper Level 1
[13:03:04] * There are 3 helpers online.
[13:03:21] Press 2 to start/stop the engine, press R to listen music.
[13:03:21] * This vehicle is available for rent, type /rentcar to rent it, cost:
[13:03:21] (Q) Andu: cum folosesc graffiti ca am uitat
[13:03:21] (A) HaZ: Pentru a seta un text tasteaza /graffiti iar pentru a spreya un
perete ai nevoie de un
[13:03:21] ...spray din 24/7. /gps > graffiti walls
[13:03:21] * Alii starts the engine of the Jester.
[13:04:30] {FFFFFF}Liviu.$[AnDrew]$[V4]: {FFFFFF}e uraat afara nu vin ,iti merge
greu PC ul
[13:04:44] {FFFFFF}MaxiMus: {FFFFFF}wa
[13:04:45] {FFFFFF}Alii: {FFFFFF}da mi wanted
[13:04:52] You commited a crime (Killing Player), Wanted Level: +1, Reporter:
[13:05:16] [{c0c0c0}SILVER CRATE{FFFF4A}]: sensei[BTS] a deschis cutia Silver,
acesta a primit 291.083$.
[13:05:20] {FFFFFF}Alii {D1D1D1}| Sex: Female | Age: 23 | Money: 492.000$ | Bank:
300.000$ | Job: Detective | Ph Number: 6977
[13:05:20] Level: 1 | RP: 4/3 | Next Level: 8.000$, 2 hours | Hours Played: 0.4 |
Premium: No
[13:05:20] Crimes: 1 | Jail: No | Mute: No | Diamonds: {4EE2EC}2 {C2C2C2}| Rockets:
0 | Injections: 0 | Lotto: 0 | Hours Month: 0
[13:05:20] Wanted Level: 1 | Rob Points: 0 | Drugs: 0 Grams | Materials: 0 | Warns:
0/3 | Your Referral ID: 122
[13:05:20] Faction: Civilian (0 Days) | Rank: 0 | FPunish: 0/60 | FWarn: 0/3 |
Marriage: No-One | Escape: 0
[13:05:20] Business: 0 | House: 0 | Clan ID: 0 (0 Days) | Clan Rank: 0 | Drugs
Infection: 0/1000 | LinkPoints: 80
[13:05:20] Phone Credit: 84$ | Freq.: 0 | Seeds: 0 | Upgrade: {00BA19}0
[13:05:27] SERVER: Unknown command.
[13:05:30] SERVER: Unknown command.
[13:05:33] You need 2 Hours Played, you curently have 0.
[13:07:17] (Q) Andu: da nu merge delog am incercat nu da nimic
[13:07:17] (A) HaZ: La graffiti la walls primesti materiale si bani doar daca faci
parte dintr-un clan.
[13:07:24] {FFFFFF}DeCeBa[L]_SaB1N: {FFFFFF}vii games
[13:07:27] {C22124}(( {F2F2F2}roCkStaR[ToV]: Event time! {C22124}))
[13:08:07] {C22124}(( {F2F2F2}roCkStaR[ToV]: Primii care ne omoara, pe mine si pe
Gabriel, primesc cate 100k. {C22124}))
[13:08:42] {C22124}(( {F2F2F2}roCkStaR[ToV]: Hint: Suntem prin LS intr-un infernus.

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