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Pipe Stress Calculation For Road Crossing By Open Cut Method

1 General

This calculation is carried out to determine the wall thickness of the 32" Grade X-65 line pipes at road /
rail road crossings in accordance with APl RP 1102 "Steel Pipelines Crossing Railroads and Highways".

Private road or path crossings, which are not subject to major wheel load, are considered as the normal
area. The pipe wall thicknesses at such private roads and path crossing shall be the same as in the
normal area (0.438").

ASME B31.8 (2003) Gas transmission and Distribution Piping Systems

APl RP 1102 (1993) Steel Pipelines Crossing Railroads and Highways

a Max Operating Pressure : 1050 Psig
b Temperature Condition
Maximum Operating Temperature : 125 F
Minimum Operating Temperature : 78.4 F
Temperature at time of installation* : 85 F
*Average grounds temperature @1m Burial Depth

c Dimension of line pipes

Specification : API Specs 5L X65 (PSL2)
Nominal Diameter : 32 in
Wall Thickness for Crossings : 0.562 in
: 0.625 in
: 0.688 in
Specified Minimum Yield Strength : 65000 psi
d Corrosion Allowance
No corrosion allowance is consideren for the pipeline
e Earth Cover
Minimum earth cover at road crossings : 2 m
Minimum earth cover at rail road crossings : 2 m
f Surrounding Soil Condition
Soil unit weight : 120 lb/ft
: 0.069 lb/in
Soil Type Soft Clays/silts or loose sand
Modulus of soil reaction (E') : 0.500 kips/in
Resillient modulus (Er) : 5.000 kips/in
It is recommended in API RP 1102 to use the above soil conditions when soil condition is
unknown and no soil investigation has not been performed.

g Design Factors
Class1 (division 2) : 0.72
Class 2 and class 3 : 0.6

4 Stress Calculation (Design Factor = 0.6; Pipe wall thickness = 0.562")

4.1 Stress Due To Earth Load

The circumferential stress at pipeline invert caused by earth load (S he) is calculated as follow.

𝑆𝐻𝑒 = 𝐾𝐻𝑒 𝐵𝑒 𝐸𝑒 𝑦𝐷
KHe = stiffness factor for circumferential stress from earth load (from Fig. 3 APl RP 1102)
tw/D = 0.562 / 32 = 0.0175625
E' = Modulus of Soil Reaction, in Kips per Square inch or mega pascals = 0.500
KHe = 2760
Be = Be = Burial factor for Earth Load Circumferential Stress
Burial Depth = H = 2 m = 6.5617
Bored Diameter Bd = D = 32 in
Depth to bored diameter ratio H/Bd = 2.46063
Burial factor for Earth Load Circumferential Stress, Be = 0.77


Ee = Excavation Factor For earth load

= 1 (recommended value for open cut method)
g = Soil unit weight = 0.069 lb/in3 (recommended value)
D = Pipe outside diameter = 32 in
The circumferential stress at pipeline invert caused by earth load (Sh,) is:
SHe = 4692.4 psi
4.2 Highway Cyclic Stress
The cyclic circumferential srress due to highway vehicular load, ASHh (psi) is calculated from following:

∆𝑆𝐻ℎ = 𝐾𝐻ℎ 𝐺𝐻ℎ 𝑅𝐿𝐹1 𝑤

KHh = highway stiffness factor for circumferential stress (from Fig. 14 APl RP 1102)
tw/D = 0.562 / 32 = 0.0175625
Er = 5.000 ksi .
KHh = 20.1

D = Pipe outside Diameter = 32 in

Burial Depth = H = 2 m = 6.56168 ft = 78.74
GHh = highway geometry factor for cyclic circumferential (from Fig. 15 APl RP 1102)
= 0.75

R = highway pavement type factor (from Table 2 APl RP 1102) 1

L = highway axle configuration factor (from Table 2 APl RP 1102) 1
Table 2—Highway Pavement Type Factors, R, and Axle Configuration Factors, L
Fi = (recommended) impact factor (from Fig. 7 API RP1102) 1.45

The AASHIO HS2044 truck is used as a design load with a safety factor of 1.25
for road crossing on the basis ofthe Employer's Requiements
w = 1.25x16000/144 = 138.89 lb/in2

The cyclic circumferential stress due to highway vehicular load, DSHh= 3035.9375 lb/in

The cyclic longitudinal stress due to highway vehicular load, ASHh (psi) is calculated from following:

∆𝑆𝐿ℎ = 𝐾𝐿ℎ 𝐺𝐿ℎ 𝑅𝐿𝐹𝑖 𝑤

KLh = highway stiffness factor for ciclyc longitudinal stress (from Fig. 16 APl RP 1102)
tw/D = 0.562 / 32 = 0.0175625
Er = Resilient modulus of soil = 5.000 ksi
KLh = 14.8
D = Pipe outside diameter = 32 in
Burial depth = H = 2 m = 6.56168 ft= 78.74016 in
GLh = highway geometry factor for cyclic longitudinal stress_ffrom Fig 17 APl RP
= 0.75


R= highway pavement type factor (from Table 2 APl RP 1102) 1

L= highway axle configuration factor (from Table 2 APl RP 1102) 1
Fi= (recommended) impact factor {from Fig. 7 APl RP 1102) 1.45
The AASHIO HS2044 truck is used as a design load with a safety factor of 1.25
for road crossing on the basis of the Employer's Requiements
w = 1.25x16000/144 = 138.89 lb/in
The cyclic Longitudinal stress due to highway vehicular load, DSLh= 2235.42 lb/in

4.3 Stresses Due to Internal Load

The circumferential stress due to internal pressure S hi is calculated from the following.

𝑝(𝐷 − 𝑡𝑤 )
𝑆𝐻𝑖 =
p = Maximum Operating Pressure : 1050 psig
D = Pipe outside diameter : 32 in
tw = Wall thickness (For class 1 div 2) : 0.562 in
Shi = C'ferential stress due to internal pressure : 29368.238 psi

4.4 Principal Stress

4.4.1 Maximum circumferential Stress
Maximum circumferential Stress (S1) is calculated from the following:

𝑆1 = 𝑆𝐻𝑒 + ∆𝑆𝐻 + 𝑆𝐻𝑖

She = Circumferential Stress due to earth load : 4692.4 psi
DSH = DSHh Cyclic circumferential stress due to highway
: 3035.9 psi
Shi = C'ferential stress due to internal pressure : 29368 psi
S1 = Maximum circumferential stress : 37097 psi

4.42 Maximum longitudinal stress

Maximum longitudinal stress is calculated from the following :
𝑆2 = ∆𝑆𝐿 − 𝐸𝑠 𝑎 𝑇 (𝑇2 − 𝑇1 ) + 𝑉𝑆 (𝑆𝐻𝑒 + 𝑆𝐻𝑖 )
DSL =DSLh cyclic longitudinal stress due to highway vehicular load 2235.416667 psi
Es = Young's modulus of steel (30000000 psi) 30000000 psi

= Coefficient of thermal expansion of steel = 0.0000065 1/ F 195
T1 = Temperature at time of installation = 85 F 40
T2 = Maximum or Minimum Operating Temperature 7800
= Maximum Operating Temperature = 125 F
= Minimum Operating Temperature = 78.4 F
Vs = Poisson's ratio of steel = 0.3
SHe = Circumferential stress due to earth load = 4692.4416 psi
Shi = C'ferential stress due to internal pressure = 29368.23843 psi
S2 = Maximum longitudinal stress at T2 = 125 F 4653.620677 psi
S2 = Maximum longitudinal stress at T2 = 78.4 F 13740.62068 psii

4.4.3 Maximum Radial Stress

S3 = Max radial stress = -p = -1050 psi

4.5 Total Effective Stress

The total effective stress Seff is calculated from the following

1 2 2
𝑆𝑒𝑓𝑓 = [ 𝑆 − 𝑆2 + 𝑆2 − 𝑆3 + 𝑆3 − 𝑆1 2 ]
2 1

S1 = Maximum Circumferential Stress = 37096.62 psi
S2 = Maximum Longitudinal Stress at T2 = 125 F = 4653.621 psi
S2 = Maximum Longitudinal Stress at T2 = 78.4 F = 13740.62 psi
S3 = Maximum radial stress = -p = -1050 psi
Seff = The total effective stress Seff at T2 = 125 F = 35638.77 psi
Seff = The total effective stress Seff at T2 = 78.4 F = 33312.38 psi

The total effective stress Seff is taken as 35638.77 psi

4.6 Check of Calculated Stress

4.6.1 First Check for Circumferential Stresses (Barlow Formula)
Barlow Formula

𝑆𝐻𝑖 𝐵𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑜𝑤 =
p = maximum operating pressure = 1050 psi
D = Pipe outside Diameter = 32 in
tw = Wall thickness (For class 1 (division 2)) = 0.562 in
Shi(Barlow) = C'ferential stress due to internal pressure = 29893 psi

The check for the safety at internal pressurization is accomplished by-assuring that the
circumferential stress due to internal pressure calculated by Barlow formula is less than the
factored specified minimum yield strength.

Stress level is acceptable if

𝑆𝐻𝑖 𝐵𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑜𝑤 ≤ 𝐹𝑥𝐸𝑥𝑆𝑀𝑌𝑆


F = Design factor = 0.6

E = Longitudinal joint factor = 1
SMYS = Specified minimum yield Strength = 65000 psi
FxExSMYS = 39000

Since Shi(Barlow) <= FxExSMYS then Shi (Barlow) is Acceptable

4.6.1 Second Check for Total Effective Stresses

The check against yielding of the pipeline is accomplished by assuring that the total effective M
stress is less than the factored specified minimum yield strength.
The check against yielding of the pipeline is accomplished by assuring that the total effective M
stress is less than the factored specified minimum yield strength.
Stress level is acceptable if
𝑆𝑒𝑓𝑓 ≤ 𝐹𝑥𝑆𝑀𝑌𝑆
F = Design factor, = 0.6
SMYS = Specified minimum yield Strength = 65000 psi
FxSMYS = 39000
Seff = 35638.769 psi

Since Seff <= FxSMYS then Seff is Acceptable

ft = 78.74016 in

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