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Nama : Ilham Muliana Rahman

NRP : 04411740000003

Spesifikasi Kapal
Nama Kapal MTM Singapore
IMO Number 9477529
Tipe Chemical Carrier
DWT 20,314 Ton
GT 11,643 Ton Power 8247.273 6150
LOA 145.53 m Cst 1.2
Lpp 137.92 m Cdk 11.5
B 23.70 m Ceng 8.5
H 13.35 m 2
T 9.83 m 18
Kecepatan Kapal 16.70 Knot
Cargo Capacity 22,645
Jumlah Awak Kapal ≤ 25
Jumlah dan Jenis Sekoci

Daerah Pelayaran
Foto Kapal
Classification Character, Notation NS* Classification Character for a ship, the pla
Installation Character CHG, MPP, LSA, RCF, AFS, BWM

n Character for a ship, the plans of which have been approved by the Society in accordance with the Rules, and which has been built under survey for clas
en built under survey for classification of the Society's Surveyors.

KCKS Horizontal distance from

conning position to position 'S'
KsKp Horizontal distance from
position 'S' to position 'P'
AC Airdraft of conning position

AS Airdraft of position 'S'

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