Preface: Chapter 1: Saint George Hospital, San Fransico

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San Francisco date- 13 may 2200

Doctor Elizabeth Brunett (M.D GYNEA) is on her regular rounds with the female doctors and female
nurses. The monotonous female staff and tedious female patients seemed placid, yet they failed to
conceal the insinuation of turmoil and hysteria within this indurate exterior.
Today was a spectacular day in the history of Saint George hospital, San Francisco. It is an eminent
hospital established in ninetieth century as a charitable trust; now this hospital is a ten thousand
bedded empire having more than 60 branches across the globe. With its enormous hygienic ambiance
and over-staffed female co- workers, this hospital was recently awarded for incredible,
Hold on. Does this seem a little qualmish?
Well, it's 2200. The sex ratio of the world is 3:1000. It’s a male crisis. The world’s ‘save female”
propaganda with jest of women victimization turned into an utter satire in 2050’s when the male
population suddenly began slumping from 950:1000 to 1000:250 and kept declining steeply. And with
the due course, the world changed, receding like never before. Hues and cries were raised for men’s
rights. Polygamy of Islamic world no longer seemed archaic and impudent to the law and society
instead, societies around the globe were forced to adapt themselves in polygamy. South Asian
countries which were once crushing under exploding population growth are now crumbling under low
economy due to pulverising population growth. Economically, it mostly impacted India and China
owing to decrease in significant male workforce. This jolted not just their economy but their social
and cultural institutions despite tremendous efforts from government to the preserve the male child.
However, western world, still obscure, blamed the global warming as the irrefutable cause for
susceptible Y gene dismantling its chemical properties. The initial discerns into this conjuncture
emerged by 2060s when leading researchers confirmed that two-thirds of the male population has
transfigured towards homosexuality. The male-oriented patriarch societies were forced to shed away
their orthodox stereotypes. Sports and military were deprived of the testosterone-aggression which
was fuelling them since ages.
The hullabaloo of economic development, obsolete trade and environment conservation demised in
lieu of decreasing population. Socially, sexually frustrated women not only harassed male
companions but sexually assaulted them. The case against men hooliganism and malefactions rose
manifolds while those against women diminished.
Nature always wins over man. If you’ll try to deceive it, it will destroy you in worst imaginable ways
you could think.


“Mom please mom, don’t send me to the school, I don’t like it there” begged her four-year-old boy
holding her hand firmly.
“You need to study, to be educated” she comforted.
“Nooooooooooo,….please ….no…mom…no. Please don’t send me there. There are all girls. I don’t
like to pretend to be a girl. I don’t fit in.” he screeched clenching his jaws.
“It’s just for a while…..I promise. You’ve to keep our little secret. Just between you and me. Okay.”
she promised him, holding him in her arms with her mind gently reminding her she was lying to her
own son. She pulled the skirt through his slender body then buttoned his white blouse, finally braiding
his long hairs.
“For how long can we hide this? I am not them. ” his voice whimpered.
DR. BRUNETTE...DR. BRUNETTE. Emergency room 660…emergency room 660.
The squealing speakers awoke her. She was wide awake with her hands grasping air but in her mind
she was still groping memories. She wiped her eye and re-adjusted her coat placing her badge ‘DR. E.
Brunette’ H.O.D maternity and fertility center.
The young pregnant mother was crook lying with her back rested against the obstetrics table briskly
breathing. She was surrounded by fidgeted female doctors, female interns, female nurses and two
female media persons. The blonde reporter, with immoderate makeup spoke in heavily accented
British English while the other clumsy one held a camera in her hands.
Who allowed them here inside delivery room? Dr. Brunette raised her eyebrows in displeasure. Nurse
Sophie sensed her underlying commotion and responded with utmost alacrity “These girls are on
special permission doctor. This might be our only chance” She muttered.
I don’t care. The blonde wore a sleek purple blouse which displayed her flamboyant cleavage with
every pompous move.
“She has onset of labor” another on-duty staff nurse distracted her chain of thoughts.

“Good morning guys! This is Jamie reporting live from Saint George Hospital, San Fransico” the
blond spoke as the pregnant mother had an onset of labor.
“Today is one of the most newsworthy days in the history of mankind. You are going to savour every
minute of it when this 500th surviving boy will be pushed out of the womb of her mother to open his
eyes into the world.” She articulated with ornate words.
Focus on the mother. She signaled the clumsy cameraman.
The poor lady withered in pain.
“Push! Push! Miss. Black, you have the most awaited precious thing inside you.” the blonde vexed at
her own discretion.
“Back off, women!” Dr. brunette shoved her away. Blonde walked off. Embarrassed. “Miss Black
please breathe.” “Breathe deeply”, “This is normal. okay.”
“What is the status of contractions?” Elizabeth enquired.
“Doctor, it is six minutes apart”
“Cervical dilatation?”
“4 centimeters” she replied
“You’re doing good”
“Doctor, the head is engaged.” One of the interns cheered after 6 hours of ruckus as if it’s some
successful NASA’s missile launch mission.
Miss. Black began moaning even louder than before.
“Focus on the head! Focus on the head!” the blonde ordered the camerawomen who focused the
camera on baby’s crowning.
The active labor progressed and baby’s head descended and flexed rotating externally. The fetal head
continued to decent through pelvis and cervix dilated expelling babies naval and finally genitalia.
Everyone sank into utter despondency…. it was girl. This cannot be possible. It was the last ray of
hope for mankind like a NASA rocket which blasted before it could even lift off.
All the ultrasound reports, amniotic fluid test? Everything we’ve been relying on? This is impossible?
“Sue you! Girl, you’ll die alone till death. This is the life you are predisposed to live” the dejected
mother cursed her daughter.
No! No! Reports can’t be wrong. It’s impossible. She scanned through her third-trimester reports. It
was a boy. It was supposed to be a boy. How is it even possible?
Is X chromosome mutating too? Is it cannibalizing on Y chromosome? This is the catastrophe.


I desolated turned off the live telecast of Saint George hospital.

“Damn!” it’s not possible after every test we’ve run though.
“Doctor MS. President is online she wants to have a word with you.” knocked my assistant Linda in
the cabinet.
She turned on her infinity projecting it in her cabin. The live 3-D virtual image of Elena resurfaced.
Her pompous bosom and round face with kempt hairs in a bun were distinguishingly remarkable.
“Dr. Christina Mason, I am highly disappointed by your failure. You promised me this time my
expectations won’t go in haste.” She admonished.
“President Elena Jones, I apologize on behalf of my entire research team for the disappointment” I
was crestfallen.
“I’ve already mentioned you the consequences of the failure of this highly tectonic project. When you
lose, 4 billion women out there, lose their hopes in my leadership. ” she spoke with her heavy dark
brown lips moving apart in random pattern. Her the “black socialist party” badge glisten with their
hallmark emblem, silhouette two men holding the sun who diverge on top and converging centrally
finally merging at base.
front cover. Not only because she is black women but because she is the first ever black women who
ceased the prevailing tussle of democratic and republicans. In the history of U.S.A, she was highly
elected US president after Roosevelt’s 1936 presidential elections. She wore a beige color suit with
the parading navy blue blouse and a maroon knee-length coat. Her curled up round hairs kneaded in a
bun with long dark eyelashes encircling her tinted eyes.
“We’ve tried our best,” I replied in melancholy.
“You are the most brilliant assets the nation has but unfortunately we’ll have to ask you to step down
from the chief research officer of human genome project.” She fired me, burying her black eyes into
mine, completely motionless for seconds.
“Miss President” She disconnected before I could complete.
All my academic achievements embellished on the display seemed to be mocking me. I glanced over
a snap of me and my mentor while I was pursuing research in human genome 5 years ago. She once
said to me “this country needs pioneer minds like yours Christi, to unravel intricate human genome.
Human genome, the more you understand the trickier it becomes”
The Nobel prize on my desk, awarded for my research papers lampooned over my fiasco. So far, I
have been accurate in determining the course of human evolution, the growth rate and female black
(X- chromosome) and Asian female ( X- chromosome) gene predominance. I pioneered the projects
on the rate of Y declination and evolution of mankind.
“Dr. Mason… are you okay?” my secretary knocked and entered my cabin.
“Yeah! I am perfectly alright.” I replied leaning on my table.


“Christi? Christi? For god’s sake why don’t you get this simple thing right through your brain?”
scolded Mia.
“Mum! I am trying” she screamed
“Look! This ‘B’ faces right not left. And question mark is ‘?’ not inverted” she said as she drew
perfect figures on the notebook.
Cristiana scribbled a similar transposed ‘b’ and ‘flipped’ question mark. Dejected Mia slammed her
hard on her cheek “you are ten, you idiot” she chided.
Infuriated she snatched her pencil and stormed to her father, who would visit her once in the month.
“Daddy, I don’t like her. See what she has done” she complained, displaying her crimson red bruised
cheek. She lost her mother a year ago to breast cancer. The California family institution program
handed her over to 22-year-old Mia, along with her 11 female siblings.
“Mason! Your daughter is a pinhead. Nothing goes inside her brain” she grumbled.
Mason is a male chauvinist, 18-year-old teenager. He is short- heightened, stout physique with pallid
complexion. His burgundy unruly hairs dropped till his shoulders with heathen beard and mustache
shrouding his robust neck. He wore a strong scent on a loud sweat-shirt printed in bold “BRING
YOUR GENETIC CARD TO DATE. I MIGHT BE YOUR DAD”. This might seem abhorrent and
obscene, but these funky shirts depict the satire of the world we are living in.
A similar online shirt mentions “HEY! I AM DAD OF EVERY 5th GIRL.”
Mason was part of Flagship California Family Institution Programme. This program was developed
under the solicitude of diminutive male population of California. Under this program’s guidelines-
1. Male sperm donor forebears the responsibility of their progeny throughout their life.
2. He has to abide by the California state law to conduct themselves as a father-figure for their
offspring with complete responsibility & liability, eschewing from any unnatural sexual from their
female offspring.
3. At least a day month should be allotted to a single child where the donor has to participate in the
family reinforcing and relationship development of the child. However, in case if donor fathers more
than 30 children, he can transfer the responsibility to his fellow donor with legal proceedings.
4. The holistic social, community and family relationship development are our prime fundamentals for
which the surrogate mother and donor father are equally responsible.
5. Surrogate mothers have to ensure that child has an optimistic, supportive and nurturing family
6. A donor is expected to refrain from dating or any sort of sexual interest in any women.
7. Denial of responsibilities and violation of law may lead to serious legal consequences and is a
punishable offense.
These male donors were highly paid while mothers were responsible for the nourishment, parenting,
and guardianship of the child. It was like a supermarket, you can go to their family center. Choose
your sperm by selecting the profile of your donor. Fair, curly hairs, blue eyes, 6 feet tall every alluring
quality came at an add-on price. . Select your combo. They are rated by women on basis of their
children quality, like applications on a appstore. Don’t miss out the comment section. Viola! You are
bearing his child tomorrow.
“Hey! Hey! Don’t say that.” Mason said embracing her in his arms. Mason was a below-average
donor. He sat with his skinny legs apart on the rustic couch. Her mother could not afford those high-
end sperms.
“Christi is the smartest of all kids I have” he consoled her by rubbing her cheeks with his palm.
“Really daddy?” her eyes glistened up.
“Christi my girl, don’t even give a damn to what she says. She’s just mad at what you cannot do. She
has no idea what all you can do.” he lifted her fragile slender body and placed her on his lap, resting
on a couch.
“What all can I do?” her eyes widened in amusement.
“You’ll have to find your passion first and follow it, one day you’ll be the most brilliant girl” he
encouraged her.
What’s my passion?
Every month California Family Institution Programme organizes these social gatherings where the
male donor and surrogates mingle with each other. Here, the genetically consanguine or half- siblings
would also fraternize with each other. Ms. William Jones a 60-year woman heads this program
throughout California as an initiative to artificially recreate pre-existing family institutions.
“This social event is more significant than it seems. It’s not just a kitty party of the entire Californian
state. Here, though this organization, government tutor and groom male donors after puberty for
donating sperms while teen girls are recruited for childbearing and nurturing them in large numbers.
As we know the population around the globe is steeply declining, we need to make the contribution
the way we can. This is how we’ve managed to keep the institution of the family alive as our
forefathers did.” Ms. William quoted in a local magazine. Christina was part of this organization.
It was the human breeding farm. Even a trace of ultrasound reporting MALE CHILD becomes a
media coverage and moment for celebration in the country. There is a negligible difference between
animal breeding and human breeding now, except this was more civilized.


“Dr. Mason? Dr. Mason? Who is responsible for this male crisis?” a blonde barely in her twenties
stood up.
“I am sorry, can you please repeat?” i apologised. I was castawayed by my thoughts meddlig inside
my head.
Dr. Mason and her team were addressing a world conference in Ann arbour, Michigan stadium. Thier
Y CHROMOSOME project organised under umbrella of human genome project was an utter failure.
She along with her fellow colleague with several delegates from all over the world gathered,
representing concerns over depleting male population.
“it took 300 million years of evolution for the origination of X & Y chromosome. “I began my speech
acknowledging that facts won’t anguish this male crisis. “Over time Y chromosome mutated. Today
Y has lost 1,393 out of 1,438 authenitc genes at rate of 4.6 genes per million years which is rising
exponentially every year now.”
My words led to ripples of unrest in the over-crowded jam packed auditorium. It accommodated
almost two lakhs of women and girls of all age group. The ‘Big House’ auditorium was renovated last
year as an auditrioum since football amateur stadium was vestigial. As the male population declined
there were no more testerone driven football amateur to continue the legend of football. The entire
stadium was reconstructed as an auditorium for world conferences. The football ground was now a
concrete raised white marble flooring displaying the golden moments in history of football. In the
centre a wooden table against backdrop of thousands of camera women and female news reporter.
The central large table accommodated dr. mason, her chief assistant Iitia Jones president Elina Jones
and her subordinate co- worker Dr. Stifeny White. They wore geeky- look with their impeccable
white coat and black trousers with a name tag along their right clavicle except president Elina. She
wore a body lined crimson red knee length gown exposing her cleavage and her with her hairs neatly Commented [sourabh1]: this clevage thing is becoming too
tied in bun. much. remove this one.

“Dr. Mason, since all of your experiments have failed the nation, what is your strategy to crub the
situation?” one of the blonde doctor asked me in shriling voice. The audiance began to howl.
I felt a pang of shiver running though my nerves and i cringed back with sweat dripping down my
head. The audience howled louder. I do not have an answer. I falied! Again and again! I failed my
nation! I failed mankind! “Dr. mason? Dr. mason?” she further intriguied.
“well! Ladies! Ladies! Calm down” a fair, brown haired women got up waiving her hands to crowd.
“Sorry to interrupt you doctor, we have to maintain confidentiality of our future endevours.” She
responded to the blonde.” ‘Dr. Elizabeth Brunette’ her name badge read.
Who is this women? What is she upto? I wondered. She smiled with a perfectly parted lips and her
blue eyes glinting

“so dr. mason where is your next project?” President elina stared her with sceptical squinted eyes. She
definaltley did not bought it!
“south aisa” elizabeth interrupted again. she was average heighted women in her thirties. charisma of
her blue eyes and her golden brown hairs impeccably tied in a neat bun hooked me for a while.


In the restroom, I was brushing my hairs, tucking the nasty flicks of my hair back into the bun.
The INFINITY techonogy was contrived in 2130 by 3 indian harvard passouts. Its simply the
succession of INTERNET we know today. INTERNET connects PC to the the world network.
INFINTITY connects your brain to the world.
Entire google in your brain? yeah!
listen music in your brain? Yeah!
wanna watch movie? In your brain!
Call a friend? Dial from your head!
Every single function you can perform by internet from your PC is now in your brain. The world since
discovery of INFINTY discarded every single mobile phones, laptops, PC and everything with wire
and charging.
“DR. ELIZABETH BRUNETTE, MS. MD. “Hey! INFINITYING me?” snapped dr. bruntte from
behind as she entered with her lips wide parted apart in a smirk.
The concept of INFINTYING is similar to googling of our century.
“ohhh” I retreated. Her sea blue eyes were intimidating.
“we’ve long way to go together” she drew closer to me. inside the coat she was draped in a peach
coulred blouse and hot-high pants. The mole on her chin was more evident.
“nothing can be done now Dr. Brunette.”
“There is still a hope, if you come with me?” she insisted.
“What else do you expect me to do doctor? All my life’s work was in vain.” I felt dejected.
“Well! I want you to outwit the nature” Her sleek eyes narrowed as she spoke emaphasising slowly on
every word.
Has she lost her mind!!!!
“I know It does sound insane but its never impossible, it never was” she asserted.
“enough doctor” I walked away from her.
“Dr. Mason, I have a first class ticket booked for you 18 ‘o’ 35, sixth of june. Let me know if you
change your mind.” She gave her last shot.
“Good bye. Doctor”
Really? How could that insane women even think I’ll buy this shit?
Chapter 6: CHILDHOOD
“Today’s my birthday!” cristi shouted with enthrallment. She turned thirteen today.
“good morning darling! Happy birthday!” she was greeted early in the morning by mia with cheerful
“mommy. I wanna you to guess what daddy’s gonna bring me today?” she was amused at the idea of
mason arriving at her birthday party.
“I am gonna call up mason now. Last year too he had work to do but this year I wont listen to his any
She dailed the number
“hey daddy!” she began.
“hello cristi. Happy birthday dolly” he wished.
“when are you coming daddy? “she asked.
“I am on duty cristi. I’ll be their on 25th” he assured
“you’re always on work. You only come on 25th. Atleast you can take a day off “she insited.
“mason! Mason!” cristi over heard a woman with a wailing child in the room calling out for mason.
“Where are you daddy” she implored.
“dolly, dada has to get back to work. I’ll be definalty their on 25th okay.” He reassured and hung up.

daddy refused to meet me on my birthday for some another sister of mine?

She called up mason again, heartbroken.
“I need you daddy, please I beg you, its my birthday. Even mia’s not home” she cried apprehensively.
“cristi, darling please. I told you daddy has got work” he alleged.
“I know you are at jassie’s house but its my birthday” she asserted with her voice choling and her eyes
swelled up with tears blurring her vision.
“dammit! Cristi, for Christ sake I cannot come, its jassie’s day today. Don’t you get it?” Mason
“but why daddy? why jassie? Why can’t you stay with us?” she yelled.
“you are mere proffesion for me stupid girl!” mason blurted out in rage.
It was too late for him to regret on what he just spoke.
She hunged up the phone.
Am I mere anoher daughter for him? Do I mean nothing to him? Am I just his duty? His profession
that’s it?
She began questioning her existence.
Mason called her back but she never picked it up. Again!
she ran out in a abandoned garden. Cried and cried finally dozing off. It was probably 1 in the night
when an unfamiliar harsh female voices woke her.
“hey! little bitch what you’doin? She brazenly asked. She wore an oversized shirt and a polka-dotted
scarf over her forehead. She had a wheatish complexion and her black hairs were tucked in a pony
“I am sorry, I just dozed off in the bench. I ought to go back. My mum must be worried”
“I’ant gonna satisfy your daddy first?” she grinned
“what do you mean?” her heart was her mouth terrified. She whistled and raised her hand calling out.
“girls! Seems we’ll finally have a dinner tonight.”
I galloped as fast as I could but a dark long –fingered hand held me from my waist. She was stout
built, petite women. Her brown eyes flashed terror.
“please let me go! I beg you” I screamed.
“gothcha! How the fuck you thought you little bitch can run from us?” she grinned with her wide jaws
displaying her mantle coloured teeth.
She was accompanied by a Asian women.
“we’ll fuck you hard,” she snarled with audacity.
“please leave me! please” gashes of tears streamed across her face as the Asian women knocked her
down on the bare ground and pinned her arms across the ground. The black women huffily tore her
clothes apart lustfully grabbing her adolescent breast greedly. The first women then pulverized my sex
wreking off the panty I wore.
She then forced my leg apart, while she was torpid enough to respond and had no determination to
The black women first disposed by her side shovelling her two fingers into my vagina, thusting them
voluntarily. she bled with jaw clenching pain.
“she is fuckin virgin man” she cried.
Then the the Asian took her turn. She stroked her hands briskly through her pubic hairs parting the
labia and with her fist into her sex. she lost her councious and when she regained it she was in ICU.
Chapter 7- call
4th june,2200
counterfeit male voice.
“Hello! Doctor…its 3 in the morning….” I was still sleepy enough to respond alertly.
“I have something urgent to talk to you” she hastily replied.
“For god sake doctor…. stop, its 3”
“its pretty urgent…we need to meet” she intriguied
It’s the third time in the week when i received call from her. After I was fired, All I could recall were
episodes of binge eating, sobbing, nagging landlords, morning blues with job applications and
watching bobo all day.
Bobo was our own interplanetary cartoon network. He was discovered by NASA on the one of the
moon of Saturn. As is turned out, he was this chubby little white furry ball who lacked advanced level
emotional and intellectual intellegence. He had a triple tentacled head and crawled on grounds with
tiny feet hidden under its round fluffy body. His body functions were limited by surivial insticts “eat,
drink, sleep and produce babaies.”
They had no significant gender demarcation which intruiged NASA. In one of its citable reseach, they
dsicovered that they were hermaphrodites like cockroaches. Some scientists even claimed they were
might be a primitive speises of ther planet like roaches of ours. And we should look for smimiar
approach to our Y choromosome crisis.
We’ve a specific human tendency to tame every species on this planet. we did simpliar to bobo. It was
brought here, displayed on sreeens, in museums in shows, in movies, everywhere. NASA tried to
tame him, teach him human language, they way we walk and the way we talk. However, we fialed. It
couldn’t survive the harsh climamte of earth. Howver, NASA is resolute to rehabilitate another bobo
on earth. it’ll take another 5 years to reach the planet. Meanwhile, austronatus planted camera on the
planet. The bobo colony which is now live telecasted over the globe. Nature, she is fascinating, she
has plans for everything. the crime she commited was she gave more brains to some over others and I
assume she is still repeneting for her crime.
On my screen, two bobo’s crawled towards each other. they’ve a hilarious way of making love. They
squeeze eat other tighty first and then lie over each other rolling togheter like a couple madly in love.
“there is nothing we can do Elizabeth! I tried.” I shrieked.
“you cannot give up atleast now when we are so close.” she asserted.
I gave up long ago….
“oookkkaayyy….listen….what if It’s a not just a task but a job. a well-paid job. See… you’ve got to
trust me on this”
“Hmmmm…hmmmm…” now I was completely alert. Job, I need a job.
“I cannot reveal more” she admitted.
“I need to know the answers. What sort of job? what am I suppose to do? Who is hiring me? on what
basis? You cannot leave me hanging.” I pleaded.
“Good bye christi! See you at airport!”
“Where are we going?” I was sceptical.
“you’ll know and cristi you’ve really got to stop stuffing that nachos entire day…they are expired”
she disconneceted.
I picked up the packet of nachos I was eating before dozing of….expired.
Am I being stalked? Bitch!
It was gruesome night with a conundrum engulfing the air.
I reached an hour ago waiting for Elizabeth. The airport was bustling with its routine female
passengers and chic female flight attendets. A bunch of female pilots dressed in elgant blue skirts and
coats were engaged in shit-chat. The agile female cleaning staff swiftly manoeuvred the vicinity. it
was Colossal building depicting the cultural elegance of the city beautifully moulding the history in
technology. The entrance was rectangular portico about 4-kilometer high with brise triangular
pediment decorated with chiselled sculpted allegory of statue of liberty. It then had ordered marbled
statuette of the presidents from George Washington till Elina jones from left to right. The white
marbled entrance lead to the heavily illuminated building with domed roof at the top with the radius
of 1.25 kilometers. The airport was 10 floored. One of the most distinguing feature of this airport was
its mosaic arts contempary to 19th till 21st centuray reflecting historical events which manevoured the
world blended with almost all forms of arts across the world. It was buit in shape of The art-deco
designed by the team of professional architects from all over the globe with theme of neoclassical
architecture prevailed during mid-18th century
The airport was heavily illuminated with clear mirrors and impeccable white marbles buzzing with the
heavy male voices announcing shchedule information.
It started to rain heavily. Hazziness of contemplation disguised my senses.
What if mankind can still be saved Their will be men to fall in love, marry settle down and have kids,
not merely sperm donors. children will have father….the thoughts were really promising.
It remindes me of Mason.
“aahhhh sorry I am late Dr. Mason.” She flared in.
“call me cristi” I said extending my hands towards her.
“alright! Cristi here is the deal…. This is your passport and your visa…and here is your ticket.” she
ran her fingers through her golden hairs and the red lipstick perfectly complementing her thin lips.
The airport attendent was young 25-26 comely white complexioned average heighted women. she
wore a maroon skirt, matching heel and cleavage exposing white shirt covered with the marron blazer.
Her entire attire was embellished with golden beads over the blazer and pearls hanging down her
cleavage. She had burgunday hairs and wore a large facsimile smile as we waited for our flight in
I turned over page of passport. Destination- india.
“are we going to india? But why?” I was perplexed.
“look cristi!” she held my shoulders in her hand and with her deep blue eyes penetrating through my
eyes she began “there are certain things I cannot explain. Soon you’l learn everything.” her
hypnotising blue eyes glued on me.
“Were you prying me? for how long?” this question was troubling me since long.
“yeah! much before than you know.” Her brows narrowed and forehead creased as she spoke.
An alarm in the vicinity buzzed off. All the female security crew rushed towards terminals. The
passenger movements were ceased and flights were temporaraily delayed.
“Whats wrong m’am?” I enquired one of the personell dashing towards the security check.
“another child smuggling” she responded huffily.
“Really …. We should see this.” Said Elizabeth as she dragged me out of the checkout counter.
A women had successfully illegally smuggled a two-year old male enfant for a million euros. She
claimed to be her mother however tests later confirmed the boy was heavily drugged with sedatives
and had Asian origin.
“sorry ladies entry is forbidden for the citizens” a heavily busted black lady guard impeded. Elizabeth
flashed a e-card from her pocket swiping on the vest installed identity machine (VIIM). She retreated
immeditley. “sorry m’am… take the fifth door to left” she directed.
“this pretty lady is with me” she said as she held my hand firmly.
“come on! Cristi …let me show you how we work” she smirked as we passed thorugh narrow allay
with numerous sequence of doors. We took the fifth door.
Five female officers accompanied by female guards in neatly plaited hairs wih skim blue skirt and red
blouse. An eagle shaped brouche on 3 sraight lines hung on their neatly rolled sleeves. The eagle’s
beak was slighly pointed to right northwards. Elizabeth again reached for her card and the officers
nodded. Her id card had the same eagle imprint.

“so miss benzie how was child smuggled?” she asked.

tHe child was heavliy drugged and was counterfieted as a girl. It is a intricate nework, meticoulous to
“over a million male child have been reported missing since last 10 years.” She said slightly
inclinating towards me.
“what do you believe is the ulterior motive behind this?” I asked them.
“We are still unaware of their motive but our reports indicate that it could possibly be sex racket in
south asian countries” Benzie spoke with depht of her voice echoing.
Is the women arrested?”
“yes!” “but”. The apprehension in Benzie’s voice raised my concern.
“So what is wrong?” I impatiently asked.
“he kid is missing”
“Missing? In the flight?” she further implored.
The staff shook their heads dejected.
How can a child go missing in the flight?
“Have you checked luggages?”
“yes we did. We checked everything. Every single passenger” officer Stacey whimpered, pausing at
every word she spoke.
“Officer jenny” she asked reading her name from the nametag. “Did flight had halt?” she asked.
“yes we did have a 30 minutes’ halt in Mumbai pertaing to critical heart condition of patient.”
“but how’s this even relevant?” officer Stacey interviwned.
“yes! It is” she whispered.

I decided to grasp some fresh air but my mind was still dishevelled by infinite thoughts.
“INFINITY who are the people responsible for security of male child” I asked INFINTY.
“officers responsible for rescuing males” I gave it another shot.

There is definalty something I am missing….fuck!! yeah!!

“INFINITY- undercover agent pursuing the rescue and security of male child”
deep masculine voice added after the infinty’s aminamted voice.
This has never happened can infinity not search anything.
GOVERNMENT classified informations. This is A PUNISHABLE OFFENCE.
GOVERNMENT classified informations. This is A PUNISHABLE OFFENCE.
GOVERNMENT classified informations. This is A PUNISHABLE OFFENCE.
All of sudden my INFINTY started beeping. Something is fishy here.
I immediately, disconnected it before It could breach into my CNS procuring my details.
INFINTY, completes you. Is like a adjunct yet more functional brain of our body. Human Body is in a
symbiotic relationship with infinity. it consumes electric waves generaed by human brain connecting
your Central nervous system to the infinity’s software INFINITUM. In its concoction, INFINITY was
created by pioneering physciatrist and researcher Dr. Barbera Cruise in year 2050. Dr. Barbera and
her colleague professor james smith were reseaching to find a cure for dementia specifically
alzhimer and Parkinson. They combined the CNS with a small programmed chip within thier brains. It
was programmed not only for daily functioning but cognition, memory, motor function sensory
function. they termed it as “surrogate brain”. So, it bypassed utility of degenerating brain by replacing
its functioning by “surrogate brain”, creating replica of contents of brain. Eventually, the concept of
“surrogate brain” was commercialised by healthcare companies for mass manufacturing of devices
like “itium” & “SBFP” of “surrogate brains”. In 2063 by 3 harvard passouts innovatively decided to
implant ‘surrogate brain’ in normal human brains which was later on affixed with the internet and
designated as INFINITY. Later, centres for its implant into brain emerged which commercialised at as
necessity of every human being like cell phones.
Now, infinity is a basic neccesity prior 21st centurary’s laptopts and personal computers available in
the supermarket. You can just go and buy the models, compare the latest software, review the
features. They no longer require implants, they can simply be attached to your brain stem in a
occipital region where a tough rigid base exist and the long curvillenear arm which extends along
circumfrenece of the head to the fore brain.
And since it connects with your entire brain, a single corrupted damaging file once starts injesting can
interfering with functioning of your brain!!! specualtion regarding the ill-effects of this amalgam of
human brain wih a device is till criticized by scientistic and scholars. But technolog always wins. It
has always since ages.
Why is the information so disrupive?
For the first time, I have seen a website culpable to interfere with my brain.
“All the phone calls have been made. We have a private jet coming within an hour.” she slammed me
from back.
who is she?
“Whats wrong wiht your INFINITY.” She paused staring at my hand.
“ohh…nohing. I just need rebooting.”
“Okay. Quickly reboot. ASAP.” She again firmly pressed my shoulder pushing me genltly.

From which runway will our flight departure?
“Runway?” she smirked wih her blood red lipcolour perfecty plunging her lips. On runway 10, stood
a beautiful boeing 737. It was painted deep blue with 3 srips of red and the trademark eagle pointing
towards the skies.
“come on in.” she held her hands reaching mine.
It was had elegant velevet sofas and the navy blue curtains wih the eagle trademark imprinted on it in
copper blue. The airhosetess were dressed in impeccable blue skirt and blouse holding tray with
glasses of fines wine.
wish you a happy journey.” A motorised male voice greeed us aboard.
“hmm…so…” I cleared my thorat “ what is THE GENETIC RESEACH AND MANIPULATION
“ About that… I aplogise for keeping you in dark. I should have told you before…” she was inurruped
by a call. “Hello officer”she female officer on phone.
“eeahh…eaah…ok..ok…” she nodded and disconnected.
“ try infitiying me.” she asked.
“ Infity you?” I asked again
“yEs” she prompted
Iinfinty search Dr. Elizabeth brunttee”

Dr. brunettee was born in 2174 in a catholic family, Minisota. She was youngest of her 3 siblings. She
graduated from in………….FORWARD…….she worked as a joint associate in the human righs
commission U.S.A. and served the naion for 3 years before she her uexpected death in her aparmeent
in novemeber 2219. I closed my eyes, her picures were diplayed in my thoughts from her childhood
to death. I gestured ‘SWIPE’ wih my finger and wih a single swipe her images ran though the screen
ending wih her one she was found hanging in her aparment cellar.
“Fuck! Are you dead?”
“I am as alive as you are… Its what world knows ….what infinity knows.” She gaffawd.
“You are a doctor in SAINT GEORGE HOSPITAL, SAN FRANSICO? Right?” I was perplexed by
the information on INFINITYstill figuring out the discerpancies between the realities and the infinity.
“yes I am. What if I was never Elizabeth?” she skwewd her eyes playfully.
“who are you then?” I asked still befuddled by the questions. Mysterious
“you’ll know.” She grimmed
Who is she?
“So? What are we doing? Why do you need me? I am just an unemployed scientist, not a secret
“”you’ll know” she nodded again.
Chatper 9: world history
“In the mid 2050-60s when male population suddenly began to decline all over the globe, somehow
blacks and asisan races outlived the whites resulting in significant refinement in the population. Since,
blacks and Asians were the majority in population, super IX HIV virus which prevailed more in
population than before. Only the Americans (majority blacks), Chinese and Indians managed to
survive somehow. The Chinese set up the quest to conquere the entire world.” She said picking up her
glasses from he drawer next to the elegant couch we were siting.
“isnt It just evolution, as most cited researches claimed the genetic suspetibility and race theory” I
“This is the sort which world knows. Now, listen to me very carefully and whatever I share is beween
you and me. I know you never chose his but what we are doing here will impact the world, existense
of entire human race” she held my hand and pressed it firmly. Her touch jolted my entire body like a
shock wave. Her blue eyes bored in mine, I knew she meant something. The engines of the plane fired
up and we were asked to fasen our seatbelts.
“Where are seatbelts in sofa?” I asked
“Push the button right there” she gaffawed pointing at a white button conceled inside the couch’s
recliner release cabine.

“By 2080’the face of world entirely changed the as Chinese overtook the entire asia except the indian
subcontinent territory while the African americans dominated the European continent, including north
and south America comprising of nations ranging from Alaska, Canada, U.S.A ,Denmark, Mexico,
Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina till South Gorgea and Newzeland. The initial places to face complete
human extinction was Antartica. There was a constant encounter between the Chinese and African
americans to dominate the world then and the remeing world. Chinese troops conqured the entire
south Asian subcontinent uniting it, including small soverign countires like Brunei, Cambodia, East
timor, Indonesia, laos, Malaysia , Maynmar, Phillipines, Thiland , Vientnam as well as Australia.
Then they annexed enourmous counties like Magnolia, Kazakisthan and Russia Sweden and U.K till
Artic ocean with its westernmost borders extendeing upto France ,Germeny and Ukarine. The African
nationalites facing threats of empowering Chinese invasion decided to unite with the india and thus
the entire african contitent with countiries like Ukarine ,Romanian, Bulagria, Syria , Saudi arabia,
Yemen, Oman Greece,Turkey, Iran, Pakisan , Afghnaistan and Islands Madagascar , Mauritious,Sri
Lanka, Maldives contributed to form INDO- AFRICAN NATIONAL UNION.”
“the muslim poluation considering higher growth rate thrived more tan any pther religious sect.
yEs. Rest of the religious populations around the world were either extinct as they failed to reproduce
or on verge of exctincntion of even if managed to survive were trampled by massacre of the war. It
was then the U.S govenment introduced family institution programme. However, suspiciously sparse
surviving male population began to be abduced. First we assumed it as a sex racket, but then we ruled
this out because of pervasive scale and the advance technology they adhered to culapable of breaching
established. However, less known candelsine program ran on pretext of the lab. the program aimed to
determine the real couse of woes of the world. For the firstime, we’ve reached this close to the
asnwers we have been dredging for years. our mission will decide either the way we’ll lived or how
we’ll die.’
Begnning in 2073, when UN organisation was shovelled into dusk rack. The geograhaphy of the
world was amended. Till the treaty of March 12, 2085 both the prime powers of the world china and
America engagaed in ruthless war to conquer the world similar to the pre-colonol monarchs. They
would annex, conqurer and triumph over the region despite the facts that those wars were extensicvely
brutual, wide-spread and devastating, swiping out the female polupation engaged in wars.
reports estimated that these conquering wars, claimed more than a billion lives while millions are still
reported missing. In the treaty of AMITY, TOKYO 2197 both the supreme powers the CHINIA
DOMINANCE and the REPUBLIC NATIONS OF U.S.A negotiaited over the war policies and the
The following were the outcomes of the treaty-
1. Both the CHINA DOMINANCE and the REPUBLIC NATIONS OF U.S.A have already
catastrpohed the entire world with irreplaceable damage and berveament of natural resources as well
ebb of extinct male population.
2. they are obilized to reflourish, develop their tributaries of annexed nations exhibiting hegemony.
Inculpable of political instability, the CHINIA DOMINANCE and the REPUBLIC NATIONS OF
U.S.A are condememed to compensate for the occurred their annexed colonies.
3. Any form of slavery, colonolsiation and discrimination is misdemeanour and restoarion of peace
equlity and amendement of secular law is amendiblity of the dominationg nation.
4. The societies needs to be replenished and since the loss rendered cannot be retrived. It is the prime
responsibility of every colony to rehabilitate the survivoirs, provide employment and inprove quality
of life.
5. The dictator nation beholds rights to their natural resources.
6. Since the male population is the cardinal authourity of the government of the conquurer nation.
They are to be protectected by females all over globe. Their prime resourse function is manadated for
reproduction only.
7. The restoration of world peace is our ulterior motive and hence we declare to forfeit all our
Any refrains from this amenedemnts and illigetimate prosecution is a significant delinquency whose
legislature shall be constituted by independent law body the international world peace council which
has equal number of female representatives from these colonies. These representatives will be elected
independenditly by the democratic principles and electorial basis. only females between 25-60 years
eligible for the council.
“Do you remember that Chinese policy on sperm sorage?” she asked
“Of course, Chinese scientist in the mid-century presaged the depleting male population was
prognostic of the Y chromosome extinction. Meticulously in descreetess they started storing the male
sperms in extensively massive amount intiating in the year 2050. Donation of sperm every year was
mendaory for every male above 16 years of age till death. Even though the INDIAN SUBContintal
population thrived more than the Chinese yet the Chinese were armed for future.
“So, If the estimated Chinese male polulation roughly declined from 5 billions to 2 billion excluding
the adlocents below the age of sixteen, every year they acquired trillions of sperms. But the entire
policy was futile when the reserchers realised that even though they can fertilize the women, the
offspring produced will be female. nevertheless their 50 years of sperm store was coming to end.” She
paused for a while took a inhaled deeply and continued “It was then scientists at GMRC suspected,
maybe Itis not evolution, It is a conspiracy.” She added sofly
“This is what my paper stated.” Her words made sense now.
That’s why we need you. yOu probably know more about conceiving and real genetics behind the X
chromosome than anyone else. We came across our paperwork ‘conspiracy theory of X against Y, a
genetic muitlaion aheneliaing the generaiyons. your reseach poined out, X gene has been conspiring
against Y since the evolution of male and female as seprate beings and as a matter fact that’s why
most of dieseses influencing male are X-linked recessive disorders passing from female to men.”
“but then I concluded, it might seem a natural phenomena but a human intervention is required for
such global wipe out of a single sex” I added. I was right this entire time.
“Obviously, Evolution is the natures tool to remind human being it can never beat her. we are mere
puppets on her string.”
“Yes ... but it is no evoulion. It is human manipulation in X gene, which is pushing y on brink of
exitinction. She reaffirmed.
“But who? Why?” I was puzzled wih multiple questions darting to and fro. Why would anyone wish
for the end of the world?
“ I wish I knew the answers” she sighed , plucked her lips togeher and gazed at the ground from
High above the clouds, When you see land from that height you realise all these boundaries of nations
are all what we’ve created. We are fighting for every piece of lands and sea since pre-civilazation yet
we’ve failed to comprehend that we were always moving towards the end, somehow or the other. I
was a bit perplexed and bit relieved how different yet similarly stewardship of world exists.
As soon, as we landed on ground in Shivaji Maharana Praap Stadium a black sedan escored us to
Bandra, the GMAC head quaters. Bombay was one of the clogging city of india with population
glutting up in millions for the jobs. “city of dreams” a hoarding at the airport proclaimed. Now this
city is abandoned with the deserted roads and ghoulish concrete. The sea glowled as the waves
crashed agaist the banks mocking the silence.
Mrs Indrani Bose, the chief manager of the bandra branch welcomed us. She was average heighted,
dark complexioned women in her 30’s. she wore a unadorned red blouse and skirt.
Hello, Doctor Elizabeh, Doctor Mason” she held her hands out streached. Her trimmed shoulder lengh
hairs flipped gently when she spoke.
“Hello Doctor,” we said schornously.


The headquarter was a humengous 5 storied building, with the façade letters GENEIC
hallway reception of the centre on the ground floor had images of feats of polular scientist who’ve
worked there since its esatblishment. There were columns on how breakhough in geneic sciences were
achieved by these scienists which can actully change the world. But it was conspiccous that these
breakthrough can never change the world. we’ll all die. We’ll all die painless death wih no off spring
to breed human species. This dilemma even thiese glorious imaes failed to conceal. The first till fouth
floor of building catered scientists from all over the globe, in glass chambers pursuing solutions to the
problems of the world.
She escorted us to their leading project. “we’ve been reciving funds for this project from all over the
globe and trust me we are so close in acieveing break trouh in our project ” she proudly poined out
group of scientist (engulfed In their project).The project was to artifically create substitue of y
chromosome which he named G-chromosome because its structure was similar to letter G.
“So, doctor why it all happened. Why are we losing male population according to your research” I
“X cohomosome, is reposnsible for assigning of characters in First five weeks of embryonic
developments. While y-chromosome when activated, has a sry gene which activates the female sex
organs into male, like ovaries decends to create tesits and labia fuses to become ovum and clitoris in
penis. That is how we’ve been evolving for years, however, since 2050’s the sry gene muatated, and
the y chormosme failed to express itself.”
“So how does the G chromosome solves the problem?” she asked pecking her lips in surprise.
“Because we’ve implanted sry gene in G-chromosome which will complement x in producing arifical
male.” She replied
Its like harvesting males in lab like chicken in poultary farm. Dr. brunnee nodded as if she undersood
what I was thinking.
“How much chances we have that this project will be successful?” I wanted to know.
“1 is one in 100”
“Fuck!! Are you kidding me…all this and we’ve 1% chances of suceess” she almost blurrted out in
“We’ve to be opimisic…” said Indrani, handing over the white folder “these are your tickets to delhi
and our booked hotel suit keys. You should leave immedialy”
We shooked our hands and left escorted by them to the airport.


The hotel suit had two rooms and a hall decorated with contermporary art across the hall. Large glass
windows allowed the lighs of seep in day and in night, spectator of jubiliant lighted up night of the
city. The hall was decorated in sweeping while with red couches and succulens plants on shelves.
“You should change. It was long day.” she said, holding my hand for unsually long duration” I’ll call
the room service and order something.”
“Sure!” It was a long day and thought of food made me grin.
I wore my red lacy gown, tied my hairs neat and sat on cream cushion in the main hall, which was on
backdrop of large glass window, through which the shimmer lighs of the city penetrated. She entered
from her room wearing a aqua blue sartorn nigh dress. She looked impecablle wih her blonde hairs
tied in bun and sat down besides me. She was so attractive, I couldn’t resist noticing her thin while
calves and her curved bossom, which was loosley snuggled by the dress she wore. She reached out for
cigertte liting it up and slowly exhaling pursing her lips. Then she let her body sludgging on the couch
wih her neck resting on the cusion relasing the fumes in air.
“So, doctor Brunee”… I tried to distract myself “Please call me Elizabeth.” She instited

“Ellizabeth.” I hesitated, “How come you’ve joined this organisation.” I asked which her peepeing
blue eyes almost made challenging.
“I was ordinary girl. Raised under new Orleans family institution programme. I went to an ordinary
school and then graduated from a community college. We were family of six sisters.” She was
interrupted by room service girl.
She was pleasant teenager Asian dressed in impecable white uniform and red tie. She served us the
fish, bread and wine and left.
“So..where were we” I said biting the fish.
A bullet came piercing through the window bruising along my knee smashing the glass windows into
“God!! She held me in her arms, lifting me sheliding us behind the couch. She held out her pistol from
her gown and raised I perpendicularly sqating on her knees. The gushing blood oozed out from the
brused wound. Within minues the team of female police reached our room. She has a gun in her
gown. why?
“Officers we need to rush her to hospital” she odered.
“But its just a scratch” I said.
‘c’mmon get up.” She held me in her arms and lifted me. The police women escored us to the hospial.
was one of the first and outstanding medical insitituions of India. Dr. Roshini Gupta a mid- aged grey
haired women in her 30’s examined the wound.
“This is something really surpising, I have never seen someone missing a gun shot so precisely”. You
are lucky girl” she added dressing the wound.
“Thank you doctor”
“Stay safe” she said with a gentle mother patting into my back.
“doctor. can I ask you something” she said
“Of course”
“Were all our documentations of patient cases always computerised?”
“No! India wasn’t always this electrolnic advanced. I was in the year 2034 as my seniors have told me
they were introduced to these electronic documentations which made the data not just easy to store
but also easliy accessable.
“Are these files still stored by hospital” she enquired.
“Why do you ask?” roshini enqired smelling something fishy.
“Just…curiousity” anyways, “How long have you been working here?” Elizabeth changed the topic.
“30 years…what purpose are you on in India?” she asked.
“we… have just been married… who dosen’t want to come India on honeymoon”..she said slipping a
ring on my finger and divulging a flauombouant smile.
“Congratulations to the adorable couple”
“Thank you” she said gleamingly and gently pulling my arms towards the corridor.
“what was that lillle drama over there?” we started to walk along the corridor. I stumpbleed over the
cane as she swiftly groped my hand.
“infinity…show me the architecture of the hospital” she infinited.

Chapter 12- PIMA

“PAN-INDIA MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (PIMA) is a 15 floored hospital designed such that every
floor is dedicated to a single speciality. It spreads across 4 acres with green lushing lands. It has 3
leveled basement parking” infinity..”where are the medical records before 2050’s kept”.
“beeepp beeepp… “ sorry no search result…sorry no search result…” The automated voice beeped.“
alert! alert! Our infinity privacy windshield is being breached…forced shut down …forced


“hey! Down! she shovled my head beneath her arms disbalancing my cane” a bullet missed me just
passing some millimeters above my head.”
Not again!
Thier was stamopede in the hospal. the female patients, female doctors and female staff were running
helketer skelter in chaios.
“C’mmon” she grabbed me in her arms lifting me from the ground while I held my cane in my arms
and pushed me in the lift.
“Where are we going?”
“Tell me something quick…if you were hiding something.. something enourmous very very old in
the building..where would you hide it?” she asked while the lift was closing, anoher bullet just missed
“if.. I were to hide something like that, It would be my basement.”
“Basement” she held her breath little loneger and pressed 3 minus holding me still in her arms.
On reaching the basement she gradually let me go…firmly plantning my feet on the ground.
Thier were myriads cars of different colors and brands across the entire basement. People were
rushing, grabbing their cars and leaving the premises after the bullet havoc. We sat in the corner
besides the parking of dumped ambulances hiding ourselves waiting for the parking lot to be
Within hour the enire parking lot was vacant with few old dumped ambulances remaining. The noise
of the police vans, ambluances and media vehicles could be heard clearly.
“Where would you go next if you were to hide something enourmous and old.”
We were all alone and even our murmuring voices echoed though the chambers.
Where do I go next?
It has to be the basement. But this was just a parking lot.
There was an old watch …really old and ancient…a wall clock, With its silver rim and golden hands
and dusty glass. Waches were rumedmenry now since you can always ask infinity for the time.
“What’s the time infinty”
“Is 4 am in the morning”
“4 am..” her wild blue eye gleamed in the night “dammit” she shrieked and I couldn’t stop staring her
in amusement.
“Time is sill correct in the watch”
“so….a watch almost 100 years old running on obsolete batteries with no solar power couldn’t be
working alright unless” she paused “ unless somebody’s using it”
“but It may be a coincindence.” I drew my suspicion.
“Ask infinty time again” I did and the watch was accurate.
“Where would you go next if you were to hide something enourmous and old in basement” She put
forth again.
“Beneath this floor” I said.
“you are a genius Chrisi” she said hugging me. her body contact, elicited a strange unexplainable
shiver into my body.
“Elizabeth… how do we go beneath this basement”
We ran our eyes throughout the parking lot. It was 4:30 AM. All the dumped rusted ambulances
damaged shattering into pieces. There were around 40 ambulances lined up hapazarldy in the grim
dingy basement. We walked across them one by one when our eyes fell upon one which was covered.
The cover particularly seemed new although it was dusy. she swpied off the dust and entered the
ambulance. The cover blocked any sort of light inside even the smugly flicking light bulb couldnt
penetrate it.
“Look for switches” she ordered.
I ran my hands aimlessley around the metallic body of the ambulance. There should be something.
Flip.. a dim red bulb gloated inside.
The ambluacee was vacant from inside. A few cpr apparatus and syringes were all it has as sovinier
for its existence as an ambulance. The steeing was still enacact without driver’s seat,clutch and gear.
We heard the footsteps approaching.
“suussshhhh! Turn off the lights..turn off..”
We lied down motionlessly on the floor. The footsteps kept appporaching…louder and louder…
“Thhuuudd..thuuudd..thudd…” I could feel the heels striking on the floor.
“Do you have your gun” she murmured into my ears. I could feel her warm breath every time she
would exhale. The cherry lip colour of her lips infused into my nose. I reached for my pocket for the
revolver. My hand fell on something. It was cold..a cold handle..engraved in the flooring. The
footsteps were drawing further. I had a rush of adreleine running across my arteires and I got up.
“What are you doing” she husshed with her evident blue eyes.
It was old fashioned cabinet stlye basement entrance. Its wood was creaky and hard to lift. I slowly
pulled it aside. It had a stairway leading underneath.
“Hop in quick”
We jumped in and she pulled back the basements’s cellar door.
“ They are in” a girl shouted and we could hear someone pulling off the cover of the ambulance. The
door of the ambulance was pulled open with a thud and two women entred. Their heels made sound
everytime they moved. One of them stood just above the gate.
‘howws..ttaaht even possible ..i heard them..” one of them said in thick indian accent.
“hmmm..we’ve to find them at any cost” replied another in a more shrilling yet mature voice.
The heels could now be heard distantly.
I again ran my hands on the wall and found a switch. It was a yellow idacnadecnt bulb. I was amused
to find technology almost a century old in this basement. The walls of the tunnel were grimmly pale
yellow with the pain shedding off in patches irregularly. We kept moving downstairs. It emerged into
a dimly lit chamber. It was enourmous equivalent to area of entire hospital. It had the rusted iron
shelves almost 14 feet height almost reaching the ceiling. The place stinked rotten of rodents with
dingy and damp wall crust. The trestle with multiple levels had damp brown files each other which
seemed be archaic over years and corroded from the ages. A damp laminated poster on the wall said-
We have history of wars…. The soil we’ve lived in stained in blood for years. Today is a different war,
it's not on soil, it's not bt weapons. Its far more deadly.

It is fought in labs on virtual soil yet,

It is still about conquering and suppressing weaker.

In the backdrop of the lines were serene snow-covered mountains and picture of indian brown man
with 4 sons in the warm furry skisuits holding ski poles with ladhak scribbled in poor handwriting

Why would someone hide medical documents like this?

What do they contain that our electronic medical records do not?

When the world was moving towards electronic storage, india being developing and poverty striken
contry continued to document their medical information on paper especially in government sector.
Despite being highest in infant and child morality rates with poor and inaaessible health facilities,
the GDP spent on healthcare was meager. Technology dawned late and hospitals had to dispose of
their medical records. Most of the hospitals around india decided to incernrate or recycle them
however PIMA chose to store them. The only hospital in the world which has stored data of around
2 lakh patient a day for apparently 50 years. However, in 2070 the hospital administration decided to
incernrate these too as the storage handling and maintaince would require additional man force and

“I thought these were destroyed years back” I wondered trying to descend wooden stairway without

The records were stacked neatly one over other. The most of them were nibbled by rohdent while
some were faded by the years barely legible. The records were arranged in sections. I pulled a tissue
from my purse and wiped off the metallic plate attached smugly attached to the rusted wooden

“Oo….r…..t…….Orthopedics” it read.

We moved to the next section

“C...A….R...d... Cardiology” those illegible markings were hard to configure.

“G….yyy….” she read...And she dug deep into my eyes and nodded. We knew this was it.

We began with the level 2048- the handwritten records were mostly illegible, not just by the
degradation due to poor storage but also poorly documented. we skimmed he files for the relevant

Date of admission- 1/12/2048

Name- Lal wati

We scanned few more files. They had nothing suspicious.

She picked up another shattered file. I skimmed through the files


uummmm…ummmmm...ummmm.. Nothing

We picked up a A few…More...Nothing.

The section on 2050 was on the 3rd shelf

They were less in numbers compared to the 2048 because of the increasing advancement in storage
of electronic e records. However not everything was electronis by that era in india. The rich and
middle-class could afford electronic documented medical files with lavished medical coverage and
insurance. However, the poor and deprived still relied on papers.

Electronic storage was they were non- erasable and can be stored for years unlike papers which
loses their legiblity In some years and degrade.

Name- Mrs. Rita sain


Alazora – 45 days after conception. Twice a day.


Girl weighing 2.6. Well-nourished.

Height- 19 inch

Head Circumference- 35 cms

Name- Mrs . Pia ramesh



The white post natal-

Girl…weighing 2.9. Well nourished

Height- 24 inch
Head Circumference- 36 cms

Name- sunita singhal




Girl weighing 2.6 kgs. Well nourished

Height- 24 inch

Head Circumference- 36 cms

when did we start prescribing Alazora chrsti?

That’s wt evey medical school teachs. In fact, it is manaatory drug to be prescribed to pregnanat ome
for neonata heath. eventually, by early seventies, it was declared an OTC drug. It was advertised and
its benefits were researched. The doctors aross the globe decided not to prescribe it or document it in
electronic form, instead, they recommended it. I personally have recommneded it to my eery
pregnant patient.
“Then why is it not on any medical electronic record?” She bullted her next question which hit its spot
right-on. I knew it.
Because the medical associations all over the globe decided that all the OTc drugs prescribed need not
have medical record considering they are for non-severe alments.
“When was this decided” she scraped off the scar she created.
“I am not sure but I assume…..year 2052”
“INFNITY”… “when was arazora declared OTC drug?” I knew where was she going with it.
“ 13 june, year 2052” and when did OTC drug documentation law rolled in?
“June, 11, 2052” if infinity were human, it wold have crumbled.
“Ohhhhhhh…my gosh” my feet trembled. “We’ve been doing this all the time” I almost gasped and
kneeled. “fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I…i don’t understand…about those researches…the medical
schools…how is this even possible?” I was in utmost despair.
“Get up! None of this is your fault. It’s a conspiracy…a vile conspiracy…with intricate masses of
institutions involved.” She hed me in her arms snuggling me ino her bosom.
Thud! Thud!..”someone’s coming, quick hide.” She hushed and pulled me behind the racks. The dim
flickering lights refleted shadows of two women holding a gun.
“don’t move” she softly said into my ears with her warm breath brushing across my ears.
They were shuffling the records thrashing them, Mumbling something in hindi.
“where are those bitches. he’ll kill us, if we don’t find them” one of them blurted in hindi. I was
taught hindi in school and every word of what they spoke seemed threatning.

“What are they talking about?” Dr. brunntee asked as low as possible with her eyes moving most o
fthe time
“they are looking for us.”
“Why?” her eyes asked gain in surprise.
“appartlny, a man wants us.”
“Man!!” the dim incadaent bulb coudnt hide the her befuddlement.
In population of 4 billion, where less than 1% of population is male (who are either in some state
owend family programme or contributing their sperm in reseach laboraties) someone is looking for us.
“I know” her eyes did the talking again.
One of the two women, stood in front of the cabinets we were hiding behind. Dr. brunnetee carefully
spaced the mid of medical records and placed her gun barrel between them and shot. It hit her right in
the middle of her skull, she fell with a thud. The seconod women hid herself behind the racks next to
Ssssshhhhhhhooooo…she shot at us but the pile of medical records couldn’t let the bulletee penetrate.
“Move” she said slowly into my ears, hoding my hand. “Remove your heels” I wispered.
Shhoooo…ssshooooo…another pointless aim which missed us.
We reached the entrance, the shooter was out of sight.
“quick! Christi! Hoppp! “
We swifty moved on ladder trying to make least minimum voice.
Shooooo.. a bullet just missed me and hit the incandacent bub. It was dark…utter dark.
Shoooo….shooo… two bulletes aimed towards us from nowhere. Absence of light made it impossible
to see her.
Dr. brunntee shot back. It was aimless. We were at a venerable spot with Dr. brunntte was in mid of
ladder and I was just behind her.
I couldn’t wishper anymore. I was shivering. Every inch of my body quivered.
A hand pulled me beanth. I shriked… “Dr. brunnetee, sshhheeee is holding me” I jerked my leg with
all the force. She wouldn’t let go.
“chriti, close your eyes.” she firmly ordered.
“clse your eyes I said” she said this time louder and sssssssssssshoooooooooooo…
Her grip loosesned and the women fell of the ladder.
“ crazy…you could have shot me” I cried.. cried in tears.
“you’ll be fine, just come up”. She said lifting the lid.
“How could you be so sure?” I asked almost in tears reaching my hands to her as she pulled me
thourgh the vent.
she pulled a towel from her purse and wiped my face with it. “I would not let anything happen to
you.” she softly cuddles me in her arms, planting pecks on my face. then passinaotelay she kissed on
my lips. I coudnt resist kissing her back. The clock stopped tiking for a while and the moment seized.
“Maybe, this was something I wanted to do the first time I saw you in ladies room” she smirked
penetrating into my eyes. I couldn’t stop noticing the delecasies in her eyes.
“now! Lets et back to work!”
“where should we go now?” she shooted the question.
“hmmm…. I think.. maybe the place where arazora are manufactured.” I replied and her eyes

Chapter 13- alazora

“Infinity.. arazora production, head office”
“arazora was a miracoulous drug released in early 2050’s in India as a effort by doctor ramaskrisnan
to elemite malnoursihement in India. The drug eventualy was researched and found to be benficial in
not just malnournishement but improving metranal mortslity rate, beeter nutirition for pregnanat
mothers and higher immunity for children. The MGX pharma started mass producing these drugs and
governemt endorsed it. It was sold free of cost as OTC drug all across India and government
encouraged pregnant women to take them. The main head office of the drug was set up in delhi,
followed by Mumbai and then Kochi. However with the populartyi of drug it was marketed all across
south aisa and offices in beiging, honkong, Indonesia and japan emerged. Gradullay the drug capturd
the gobal market. The current CEO and heir of the MGX pharma ltd. Dr. subramaniam heading the
company towards international market.
“Wait..” I paused her.
“Infinty.. personal life of Dr. subhramaniam MGX.”
Dr. subhramaniam MGX was born on 23 june 2053 as eldest of 3 male siblings. His younger
brothers are business assocates and borad of directors in MGX pharma ltd. Addiotnly the secod son,
Rameshwaram also head the alazora drug manufactures and marketing. Dr. subramanauim is few in th
world to be blessed with 4 offspring 3 of which them are male. Dr. subramanaum’s wife beielevs this
blessing is showered upon them by lord rameshwaram and their good karma’s because of which in
time of such adversity their famiy is blessed with sons.
“fucking bastards…they knew it..they knew it.. this entire time” She gripped her fist and jostled
against the pillar.
“Lets go to their office and ask that bastard!” I was so furious. The dawn broke and floor above us
bustled with female staff and paients parking their cars.
“chirsti! They are more powerful than you think. We’ve been attacked and we’ll be attacked again.”
She held her soft palm on my shoulder squeezing it.
“yes! yes!” and we snkeaed out of the ambulance Into the dawn.
“riskhaw! Riskhaw!” I grumped with sore throat at 6 in the morning.
It was lously morning. We hardly slept the night. My heart was pouring with miultitute of emotions. I
headed straight to my room, dug myself in into my bed sunking into its warmth but I wasn’t even
slighltiy dizzy. She followed pulled off her heels, unhooked her bra, ran her hands though her
unkempt hairs losseing them and lied along me heving heavily. She wasn’t dizzy either but lost. She
glanced bankly at the ceiling figuring out something in her own head while her hairs drolled over her
How can she manage to look so beautiful sleep deprived, I wondered.
“we are not done yet” she opened her wide eyes emersing into mine.
But why? We’ve every evidence against alazora and MGX corporation. They’ll all be behind bars
and we can have a balanced world.
“I know…but this is not enough..” the engorging fury of her eyes burnt me.
“Why do you think I have come so far?” she intrigued.
“my son” paused breathed heavily and said
“Your..son..” I was trying to gasp air.
Chapter 14- son
I was born 11th in family of 13 female siblings under minisotta family expansion program. My father
was Jackson. He was an middle aged-man in his late 50’s. he was he only men I have seen besides
fathers of my other sisiters. We were a happy polygamy family, where our dads would come atleast
once a month. When I was 19, like eyery gilrs aspirations to be a doctor and bring change to the
world. I enrolled in a medical school. Five years later I was suceesfuly practicing in a reputed hospital
in misniotaa. The only wish I had was to get pregnaent, with a boy. I enrolled for the programme.
“but Doctor said my uterus and cervix were incompetent. They coudnt hold babay inside. I had
misscarrige thrice. As per the minisolta family expansion laws a women if 3 times failed to concieve,
is terminated from the program. I felt dejeted. But I did not gave up. I don’t give up.”
The rage in voice seemed more self affirmitve than reponse.
“I approached one of my sibings father josh for help...” the remote guilt of her face cropped up.
“What you plan to do was illegal, inhumane and uncivilised. I am father of your sisters, you are my
like my daughter” he said. He had dark boring eyes with black complexion.
“please I insist josh. This is all I want in my lfe. Trust me I’ll abscond, minisotta. No one will know” I
“And that night and next few nights we tried when I finally concived at his place. He was this gentle
love-maker. I was lucky few on the earth who had a male to make love. I left for new hamphsire with
completely different conceled identity but the technology wouldn’t let you hide your trails. My
medical records like everyone’s were stored in database of infinity. i kmew, the moment I’ll consult
them, they’ll refuse not just the medications and hospital services but also take my baby away.”
“yes. It is an advance biometric system.” With the enrochment of INFINTY into medical sciencies,
the biometric database of every individual was created. Now with your single finger print and retina-
scan your family history, gene, past conditions, DNA structure, current vitals and even the last
shopping purchase to the parking spot of your car can be traced. It was manadatory for every indidual.
“yes. I had to hide, hide from everyone. But I was unemployed and starving. I had no money to
nourish this baby. I begged, Begged from door to door for food, shelter and clothes.” A tear rolled
from her cheek and her eyes moistened.
“this is when you know, how world is. Sometimes people would repirament me, sometimes I recived
humility and sometimes kindness. When I was 7 monts pregnant and my baby bump was evident, I
couldn’t even beg.
Wherever I went, I was connoded with questions. how I became pregnant? Why was I not recieving
medical help from the government programme? Who I was? Where I was from?”
“yes!” she gasped confiding me her darkest sectret.
“I was forced to eat thrash at night. I trampled on streets in the morning and hide in my secluded
sullied homeless dormitries. It was then winters came. The wineters were never that cold before. I had
to nourish my child” She wiped of the tears squeezed her stomach as if she could still feel the
crumbling pain inside her. I never imagined this dominating strong woman were concealing a tide of
emotions gruggling inside.
“It was a December night,and snowing heavily. I knew maybe I cannot make it but my child has to
survive. It was midnight, when he labor pain started. Every next contraction abjected me. I had to do
something. The nearby resturant owner sometimes stayed late at night. I wiped the glass backyard
window and screamed. Luckily the lights turned on and she came out. Ms. Elle was a aged women in
her 60’s. I was termbling.” She sqeezed her tummy again.
“ohh..dear….let me call ambulance..” she said.
“no please no…”I begged.
“how are you goignt to deliever own your own?” she was surpised.
“ cannot tell anyone. I just need a couch, some towels and warm water..its too cold” I said
almost freezing to death.
She did everything as I said and I delievered.
“It is a boy.” She was stupefied. “how? a boy? What did you do?” she gasped.
She fed me for days and employed me. we disguised him a girl.
“The summers came and business and profit were booming. We were making enough. Life was
happy.” Her eyes gleemed.
“how was he abducted then?” I asked.
“One odd day, he did not returned from his school. We called at his school. Te principal said, she left.
We looked for him, for months and for years in every state, every country I could trace him.” Her
eyes moistened and she turned her face away from me.
How did you became elizabeth?”
“Sister sophie was sister of Ms. Elle. Ms. Elle took me to san fransisco, saint George hospital. She
begged her to disguise my identity.”
“one assisting you with that dielvery?” I could recall her from the live telecast of delivery.
“yes” she nodded and said recalling sister sophie’s works “It is not that easy, elle. Deciting infinity
and its biometrics is propestorous.”
“I know you can do something sophie. You’ve contacts at GMRC” ms. Elle exchanged glances with
“let me talk to them.”
3 days later at 3 am I received a call from sister sophie.
“I need you to come urgenty to the hospital. Come direcltly to emergeny room 303 in the basement.”
I rushed to the emegeny room. Somehow, night made the hospital more gloomy. A dark haired
women with dark smeared neck still catching her last breath. The emergency room was hoary dingy
room with premivail apparatus. While praticng medicines, I have never seen eqipments as medivil as
these. Their were two dotors in their blue overhanging gowns and marks. Sister sophie stood at a
distance indicating me to lie down on operating table besides.
“what are you going to do?” I asked.
“just lie down, it wont hurt.” She said.
The black hiared women, probably strangled herself as she had the dark rimmed smearing on her
neckline. With her moistened eyes she looked at me. the room was crammed with computers.
computers with wires and screens. It is more rare to find a computer in this century than finding a
male. 5 generations before us just read about computers in their textbooks which eventually was
wiped off the textbooks as well.
I was injected with sedatives by ont of the doctor. When I woke up, all I remembered was my neck
hurts. It hurted badly. Since then, my biometric says ‘Dr. ELIZABETH BRUTNTT’.
“ohhh” I gaped
“I began pratcing in SAINT GEORGE HOSPITAL, SAN FRANSICO. The saint George hospital ran
a esoteric operation within GRMC for the data siphoning. They conducted surreptious experiments on
the paients of the hospital. Sister sophie was the head undercover agent. She introduced me to the
candelstine domain of the oragnisaion”
“she recommended me to work for the organisation, if I want to find my son” Elizabeth explained as
she sobbed.
“We’ll find him” I consoled her, holding her hand.
Chapter 14- van

INFINTY. “Call Dr. indrani bose.”

“how are you Dr. Bose?” she greeted.
“I am good, how’s Dr. mason?”
“we’ve a situation here. We need you to ferret out the inventory source of MGX pharamaceuticals for
alazora production.”
“hold on for a second” she paused.
“our classified documents states that almost entire raw material for alazora manufacturing in imported
from velley of LADHAK”
LADHAK… the image of the family skiing popped in my head.
“Where in ladkhak?” she asked.
“the location is classified; our servers couldn’t determine its exact location.” Dr.bose’s dejection was
apparnt in her voice.
“How can we go to LADHAK?” I asked Dr. Bose.
“Boarding a flight or a bus or even renting a car isn’t rational since the MGX pahraceuticas is tracing
your moves. They might acess yout infinty for your location. Every move you’ll take can be life
threathing. You’ll have to be swift yet cautious.” Bose said
“If they have inventories is ladhak, they must be transporting drugs from their.” She said biting her
lips in deep contemplation.
“yes they must”
“so their must be a transport vehicle to ladkhak as well, to their inventory.” Her eyes gleamed as she
spoke. “what if we board that vehicle” she continued with a pause.

MGX pharamceuticals was buslting with patients approaching like swarm of bees. It was 10am in the
morning. Myriads of vechiles entered and left the compound.
“How’ll we find the right one?”
“just keep looking” she said.
The blue mail van entered the compound and turned towards the parking lot in basement around 12
“Mail van?” I was baffled to see a mail van. Infnity transformed the mode of soomunication into
virtual one. The mail were redundant now since you don’t even need to type a mail. All you need to
think, infinity will confirm in his bold masculine voice “DO YOU WANT YOUR THOUGHT TO BE
CONVEYED?” and if you say yes. THOUGHT SENT!
We followed it. The blue van was parked in the secluded spot and two young indian women dressed
in khakhi tucked in shirt with MHX imprined on their shikt pocket, decended from the van. The
darker one was on ininfty call and was soon out of sight.
“cristi you go and disctract her”
“Excuse me” I tried to bring as much quiver in my voice as possisble.
“yes m’am” she replied in heavly accened hindi.
“can you please guide me to to washroom, I’ve lost m car in this parking lot. Its an emergency please”
I pretended to be sick.
“sure! But…I was looking” she paused mumbled to helself looking around for the other girl and
hesitanaty agreed “okay.. this way”
“thank you” I said tapping her shoulder twice.

Dr. Brunett was out of sight when I returned.

Meanwhile the other girl came, with a heavy steel carton. It was heavy about 3*3*2 foot. The girl
turned to help her. I grabbed that opportunity and hoarded inside the van. It was dark with piles of
boxes lying over each other.
“c’mmon, hide” she pulled me from behind and we hid behind the carton.
“suuuhsshhh” she placed her hand on my lips clenching me.
The two girls opened the van and placed the steel carton. The door was locked and sealed.
Chapter 15- LADHAK
We were losing track of time in this murky van. My body felt rigid nd brittle without streatching
without food and water. the van would halt sometimes, for refill or meal breaks. We could hear them
but we couldn’t talk. The more distance we travelled, colder it got.
“it coud be freexong here, sometimes as low as -30” she said streatching her legs during one of their
washroom breaks when van was still. It was a cold body quivered with cold and somach
grumbled with hunger. I need water, I need food.
“Elizabeth! Elizabet! “I woke her up middle of night
“whats wrong?”
“its pretty cold out here. I cannot sleep” I wobbled as I spoke.
“come here” she sneaked me into her arms. I hugged her tightly. I could feel her warmth radiating
from her bosy. Her warm breaths moistened my neck. I don’t remember if it were instinctive or
intended but I kissed her. She was irrresitabe. She bored deep into my mouth sliding thought my neck.
the van halted.
“I think we’re here” she paused. I didn’t wantred us to stop. I was longing for more.
“pull your guns” she instructed and with a sway pulled hers from her bag.
the doors flung open and platoon of girls dressed in black suits all holding guns awaited us in a dark
basement. They all had hairs tied upin bun with simsiar looking infinity uptop and wore warm jactes
protecting them from the cold.
“how..howw..could this happen?” she looked baffled.
“you think ypu could fool us?” the darker girl gaffawed as she spoke and shovelled in a injected
Next, I remember was waking up in a vertical glass chamber. it was crdendrical in shape and about a
meter in diameter and 5 feet in length. The cold mist hazended the glass with cuff of my shit and
peeped outside. Dr brunnte was lying on the floor of snother chamber still uncouncious, with her
hands tied surrounded by 2 women holding gun. What I saw next was horrifying. My body quvered in
disgust and pain. The entire 2-3 arcre coumpound was filled with vertical crlinders similar to mine
with men and boys of all group, thousands of them lying naked and uncouncous in blue fluid till the
brim. Their bodies were all soggy blue and face was covered with a mask provind them oxygen. Thiee
penis was enclosed in a trnaspaarnt tube which was constanty sucking ther semem and sprems
collecting it in a large vessel like a large brewry barrel.
“Wake up dr. brutnnte” a deep manly voice called from the speakers
“wake up!” louder, echoing though the chambers.
Elizabeth woke up still consfitcuted.” Where am i?” she asked bewildered and horrified to see the
“you are in the laboratory of alaxiora medication, this is how we make alaxiora from male sperms.
Nature is beatuful, don’t you think. The power to ill onself is within” he said in his deepley accented
masculine voice.
“ come here you bustard.” She yelled, smahing the glass repeatedly “let me out! I’ll kill you, I’ll kill
all of you” she scremed.
“you think I would let you go. You killed my brothers, you were about to shatter my biooloin dollar
empire and reputatation was at stake. But you stuid girls, you made it easier, you landed into our van
yourself.” He gaffawd.
“you bustard…let me out…I swear to god..i’ll” she jammed the glass harder.
“I always knew you’d come here. I just your few DNA scans from traces youeft that day and guess
what we had a perfect match, right here with us. Alive….yet dead” his voice jisted sarcasm.
“where is my where is my son” she went restless this time, banging the glass repaelty.
“Elizabeth! Stop! You’ll hurt yourself! For godskae’s stop.” I called her out
“cristi.m..soonnn..hee’ss..alive’ she sobbed. Te raze turned into gushes of emptions.
“where is he?” I yelled this time. ‘where is he?” she repeated.

“oh he…he’s my favourite. “he’s ;ike you Elizabeth ‘ diffct to control, unruly and outrageous” he
laughed. “ this device only keeps their body inactive but they breat, their heart still beats they still
hear everything, they understand everything its just they cannot react although their minds are diffcit
to control,” he paused “they have no control oer their own bodies because I control them.” He said
facniated by himself. “just enough to keep their boides alive and mind sedated”. The cylinders began
to roate in a eliptal fashion, all thousands of them in two diffent parallel secions. They had young
boys as young as 2 months and old as old as 100, wit their hairs growing and unruly hairs. One man
had hairs 5-6 feel tals and nails spiralling over themselves to a meter.
The conveyer stopped at a tennage boy, with inoocent face. is beard and moustache were about 30
cms long and 15 centimeters nails of both feet and hands smahing against the glass. I wiped my glass
and observed him carefully, he had her blue eyes and hair coulour. His tuft of his boy and pubic hairs
made it impossible to identify couour of the soggy skin. But she ideitified him. He knew who he was
and sobbed. She had no words left to express.
“why are yu doing this”
“for the sake of humanity” he replied, emerging from the backdrop. He wore a grey suit, white shirt
and grey pants like rest of the girls. His hairs were well groomed kneatly kempt without infinat panel.
E seemed average heighted from the distance and a little obsese. His eyes were deep black like his
brothers on a darker complexion.
“Humanity! Are you crzy” this time she banged the glass door with all the outrage she had. If it were
steel if would have dented right now. “ you are destroying the human race” she blasted.
“ my father, did this all for world. It was march 2050’s, temrature was 50oc , thanks to global
warming. One night, a government official knocked on our door. The president wants to see him he
said.” He paused , took a deep breath closed his eyes “ india and china combined were 9 billion. We
wanted it to stop he said”
“the gverntment asked you to do it? Why?”
“not just indian, every govement troughout the world. Why do think, alaxiora was recommended and
solf for free in every country. Why would medical schools promote it? We could have never done it
witout government support.” He explained.
“people wont listen, they wont understand unless the earth die, a slow death. First they’ll exppnd,
suck all resourses, there are not enough schools, educationl institutions, houses to live in. every forest,
animal and marine sprecises were wiped off. povery will claw everyone. We need to do something ”
He used to say “ and then he invented this drug, drug that would kill root cause of all problems, the Y
“and rest is history” I gasped almost unbeleivilnghy.
“you are maniac” she cried” you your entire family is maniac” she yelled “let me out she banged
“What do you want from us?” I asked.
“your lives, of course. You’ve killed my brothers and you are living threat to my company.” His
demonic gafaaw ecoed thorugh the chambers.
Elizabeth, bewildered with the gusts of emotiotns flowing, sat at the bottom of cylinder.
“kill me! you beast kill me! I have failed, failed as a mother, as a daughter. I don’t want to live” she
“Elizabeth! Don’t do this please. You’ve not failed. dont give up” I pleaded.
She banged her head on the glass, making sketching some imaginary line on the glass.
“ I love you Elizabeth, I love you”
“ I love you too Christi” her eyes gleamed but faded in despair and she turned her eyes away towards
him”kill me first”
“ do you think I’ll let you die that easy.” He smirked and pulled a lever. Blue lquid similar to the one
bodies were kept in started to flow in er chamber. “you’ll drown” he said.
“stop it! stop it! Please stop it” I begged while she still kept calm sitting on floor as if she was all
prepared to die. She stood up bored her eyes in mine and said “its okay, darling, let it go” and blue
liqiuid stated pouring in mine.
The main entrance banged open and the gases began to fill the chamber.
Sshooooshoooshooo.. thud! Thud! Thud!
We looked at each other. What’s happening?
Dr. indrani and her team of girls emerged. They wore masks. MGX was dead and so were other gils.
‘you got our mails”
“Yes! I do”
The blue liquid was filled upto our shoulders.
“How do we stop that?” she asked.
“I don’t know”
“gals look around, find something, lets turn this thing off”
Chapter 16- so, it ends or…
MGX paharamceuticas, billion dollar empire hs collapsed and shattered. The media criticized them all
ver the world. Everyone involved in this humengous conciprcy are captured. Fast track court o f india
usa and chint accused the three MGX borthers for consicparc of inmhmane level and were awarded
with hang till deth and compensations for the millions who’ve been affected. The reseach
organasaiton lobbying for MGX pharaceuticals have been shut down. Their was global proteset
against medication and hoe dependednt we’ve become. Although, the crime they commited, could not
be changed and we’lll take years to recover but we are atleast on track.
Baby boys were born again, naturally. Their birth was celebrated and rejoiced. Atleast next genetarion
wll have borhter, fathers and grnadfathers to hold them, help them , guide them and love them.
Sometimes when I see valley with my son and my wife eliabeth. By the way she is sharron jose. I
wonder, maybe Dr. subhramaniam MGX was right. humanity needed this lesson the hard way. tHe
way’ve been exhausting resources, sucking them till last drop, running behind energy and economic
growth, for whom? If our kids wont survive to see how beautiful the word is? Maybe, he had a point.

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