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AGENCY Olympic Peninsu la Narcotics DATE: 5-t7-19

Enforcement Team
CASE NO 2019-7626 Detective R. Larsen
ARRESTEE: Joey A. Maillet DOB 0i-30-198 I
ADDRESS transient PHONE:

I, Detective Rick Larsen, am a law enforcement officer with the Sequim Police Department, assi.gned to
the Olympic Peninsula Narcotics Enforcement Team. Based upon the evidence stated below, the-re is
probable cause to believe the person named above has committed the crimes of:

1. Burslary l"t Degree 94.52.020

2. Theft of a Firearm (26 counts) 94.56.300
3. Theft of a Motor Vehicle 94.56.065
4. Malicious Mischief I't desree 94.48.070
NARRATTvE: The surveillance video showed on April l3th 20lg at23z3 hours, what was later
identified as a front loader type tractor smashing into the building. The suspect entered the
business and attempted to jump over the glass counter/gun display. The gláss counter/ gun
display broke from the weight of the suspect, who fell into the broken glass counter/gun displ-ay,
which resulted in the suspect iikely being cut by the broken glass. The suspect is seen remwing
26 ftreatms from the glass counter/gun display. The suspect had a large d.uffle bag that he threù
the firearms and ammunition into and then left the business. The front *us rtol.r, on April
l3th 20lg fromLeitz's farm and was recovered. in the 200 block of Cassidy Rd.

On Sunday, April 74, 2019, following the discovery of the burglary of Fred's Gun Shop in
Sequim, WSF Crime Lab response team responded to Fred's Guns and processed
the scene. The collection of evidence was accomplished by a guided walk-through ofìhe crime
scene as well as the lab members viewing the survèillance videõ showing the suspãct committing
the burglary, specificaliy the method used to break the glass cabinet (suspects body) and thã
areas of the lobby the suspect occupied.

Based on the above, the lab recovered DNA swabs of suspected blood in addition to piiysical
items that had what appeared to be blood, to include a box containing a light that had a Ûiood
smear on it (V/SP evidence item CS5158). A lab tech (Jim Luthy) also examined broken shards
of glass from a gun case and identified and lifted approximately 10 latent prints. The broken
glass was from a case the suspect broke when his body crashed through the top of the glass case.
In the video the suspect can be seen moving his hand throughout the bottom-otttte case, that is
filled with broken shards and pieces of glass, to get to the guns below the glass. The suspect can
clearly be seen performing this act without wearing gloves-

During this process, the suspect sustained cuts, likely to his hands and back of his legs while he
collected the guns and items and when he fell into the case
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The collected evidence, to include the blood, smears, and items with blood on them were sent to
the V/SP Crime lab in Marysville WA for analysis. The latent prints were sent to the V/Sp
Crime Lab in Olympia. On May 9,2019 WSP Forensic Scientist Elizabeth Uhrich tested item
CS5158, a weapon mounted light box with blood on it. When the sample was entered into the
CODIS system, a match returned to Joey A. Maillet DOB 0Il30ll98l FBI #462209KC7. A
request was immediately made to the submitting agency for a confirmation sample to be
provided to the WSP lab for analysis.

An inventory was conducted of the firearms in the store. A total of 26 firearms were stolen from
the store. The firearms stolen were Glock, Taurus, 'Walther, Sig Suaer and Beretta's. The caliber
of the firearms ranged from 9mm to 45 caliber. The 26 ftrearms have been entered into V/ACIC
as stolen.

On May 70,2019, Forensic Scientist Uhrich informed WSP Detective McMillen that a second
CODIS match was received from San Mateo California Sheiffs Offrce from a 2014 case. That
match was identified as Joey A. Mailtet (DOB) 0l/30/198L A confirmation request was also
made so the WSP lab can confirm the DNA match.

On May 14,2019 Investigators leamed that Joey A. Maillet DOB 01/30 /1987, was currently in
custody in a Whatcom County Jail, investigators learned this by checking the Jail Booking and
Reporting System. Investigators contacted Whatcom County Jail and confirmed Joey A. Uâilet
was in custody.

May 15,2019 ATF Special Agent Prose, V/SP Detective McMiilen (ATF Task Force Officer),
and OPNET Detective Larsen contacted the Whatcom County Jail and met with Joey A. Maillei.
Detective Larsen had previously obtained a search warrant to obtain a DNA sampie from
Maillet, in addition to the search of a backpack recovered in Maillet's possession at the time of
his arrest. Detective Larsen conducted a search of the backpack and identified a box of
ammunition, a price tag and an informational brochure from an AR-15 style rifle. Also found in
the back pack was a receipt from'Walmart in Bremerton V/ashington. The receipt is dated May
7th zolg at o94o hours.

During the meeting with Maillet in the jail, investigators clearly identified each member of the
investigative team by their name, agency and location they worked. After the introduction,
Mailiet stated that he does not know why investigators were there, and he would not talk to them,
requesting an attorney. This took place at approximately 1509 hows. The conversation was
being digitally recorded by SA Prose. Ail questioning immediately stopped.

Detective Larsen advised Maillet that he had a search wanant to obtain DNA samples, using a
mouth swab, as well as awarcant to perform and photograph the body of Maillet. Maillet was
cooperative in granting the mouth swab and body search. The swabs were collectecl in
accordance with the directions provided and were immediately sealed with evidence tape in the
provided envelope.

When inspecting the hands of Maillet, investigators noted his hands and fingers were extremely
rough and had blisters. There also appeared to be healed cuts on his left thumb and index
fingers- Investigators also noted and photographed several small lacerations that were in the later
healing stages on the back of the right calf of Maillet. These cuts would be consistent with the
suspect falling into the glass case in a seated position with the legs extended outward. Detective
Larsen later confirmed with Kyle V/ildeman that he closed the store the night of the burglary and
the glass counterþun display was not broken and there was no blood or other liquids inside the

During the interaction with Mailiet, investigators noted that the height and body type of Maillet
closely matched the estimated height of the suspect as seen on the surveillance vidéó. Initially in
the investigation, it was determined that the likely height of the suspect was between 5'7 and, 5,9
based on the height of the display case in relation to the height of the suspect. The listed height
of Maillet on his criminal history shows 5'6". This height estimation closely matches the actial
observed height of Maillet. Maillet had an athletic build and looked to be in good physical
condition, with no obvious defects.

After Maillet was led back to his cell, Investigators visually inspected the personal belongings of
Maillet thathad been collected at the time of his arrest. These items incluãed apair o¡¡iorin Z
style hiking boots. When initially viewing the surveillance video from Fred's the Sunday after
the burglary, Detective McMillen noticed the shoes worn by the suspect and the immediate
image of the style and design of the shoes made by Detective McMillen matched the boots that
had been worn by Maillet. The surveillance video does not provide color due to the fact the lights
were off in the building and the came¡as use technology that allows ibr recording in low oi no
light situations' The boots in the jail belongings appeared to have fresh cut ma¡ks on the toes of
both boots

On May 16,2079, Detective McMillen delivered the prints obtained by the WSp Crime Lab
from the scene of the bwglary as well as a print card taken from Maillet on May 15, 2019 from
the Skagit County Jail. Detective McMillen has also requested a rush on the DNA confirmation
as well as the testing of additional DNA samples obtained atthetime of the burglary.

Investigators learned that a local Skagit County Gun shop had been burglarized in the past
several days. In that case, a suspect used a truck to back into the front wall ofthe gun store, and a
single male entered the shop and stole approximately 19 guns in add.ition to ammunition and
other items. SA Prose and TFO McMillen later contacted the owner of the gun shop.

During the visit, investigators noted that the price tag on the box of ammunition found in
Maillet's possession in his backpack was in the same place on the box of ammunition sold in the
Skagit Gun Shop. It also had the same red markings and was the same price. The owner
confirmed that he set the price for the ammunition and confirmed that that at leãst one box of that
ammunition \¡ras stolen. The ammunition was not a common style and was not alatge volume
seller. The price tag located in the backpack was identical to the tags on nearly .urry item for
sale in the store. The owner also identified the information brochureã, orr" that was attached to
a specific rifle that was stolen during the burglary. The owner stated he only had one in that
style and brand in the store at the time of the burglary.
The method of entry at the Fred's Guns burglary and the Skagit County Burglary are identical,
both guns stores had vehicles smash into the buitdings to gain access inside. Both had firearms
and ammunition stolen.

On 5-17-19 the WSP Crime I.ab confirmed that one of the latent prints collected from inside the
gun display at Fred's Guns was a positive match to the latent prints that were taken from Joey A.
Maillet while being processed into the Whatcom County Jail.

Given the physical characteristics of Joey A. Maillet match the suspect in the surveillance video
from Fred's Guns burglary, the confirmed latent print of Joey A. Maillet found at the scene by
WSp Crime Lab, the evidence on the hands and leg of freshty healed cuts, the two DNA
matching CODIS hits that identified the DNA belonging to Joey A. Maitlet, I believe probable
cause exist for the arrest of Joey A. Maillet for Burglary I't Degree, 26 counts of Theft of
Firearm, theft of a motor vehicle and Malicious Mischief l't Degree

I CERTIFY, under penalty of perjury, of !h9 laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true
and correct. Signed and dated'thit pAäday of ,47 ,2019, atclallam County,

(s Date

LLce 5¿r"tÎ
(Signatwe Supervisor Date

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