I Didn T Try

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Ana´s version of the experiment presumes that one observer is

sitting midway inside her body as it is speeding down the 34

story building and another is standing on the roof she is
falling from. She is the train and the train is struck by two
bolts of lightning simultaneously: One is her lover´s hand
pushing her out of the window. Another is the floor crushing her

av r a a o n
w e c s w v s t
Bb :a wave o h a e h
s u r f a c e f e ee
oo like c s s h :a rock.
dd yy r a c s s ss s s

r a s s

Ana enters the room

I enter the room
Ana combs her hair
I comb my hair
Ana takes her clothes off
I take my clothes off
Ana puts her clothes on
I put my clothes on

Ana sees the glass that is too close to the edge

And pushes it closer to the table

I see the glass that is too close to the edge

And push the edge closer to the glass

Ana takes the glass

I take the glass

Ana goes to the window

I didn´t try to stop her

Ana drinks the water

I didn´t try
Ana hands me the glass

I didn´t
Ana falls

Ana falls

Ana falls

Ana falls

Ana falls

Ana falls

Ana falls

Ana falls

Ana falls

Ana falls
Softly a snare a hand
Sleep- a tree
Falls an apple

Like fever silence

An a kick
Empty a slap
Like Like
In slap shadow
Mouth a 34-
A kick

Like story
? night
A guillotine
Like a hit
building a
Like hand !

A from
Of (in )a feather
On a
Pile a forest
Of a mallet
Like a
In an arm a Shepard tone
Cup a tilia seed

a leaf

a Pomm- Imperceptibly

A - grenade a glove
Like Galah birds Like glass
from the sky
of Adelaide Like a verdict

Like silence Like a plague

Like a circle Like a perfect cadence

A lycoperdon bursts into dust

At the legs of a ladder that leads back to the 34th floor
Where an imaginary curve pulls her back into the void
With the speed of light
With the precision of a chemical reaction
Refracted like the ripples on a fan or a skirt
A machine that sews
The upper to the lower lip
Each millimeter and a frame
Each millisecond and an Ana

Ana falls

Tenderly Unattained

On a pillow of cells Like a fist on an open door

On a blanket of birds Like a memory in an anechoic chamber

In the belly of an oyster Like serotonin in a blood cell

She is the bolt that strikes

The front and the back wagon
Her bodies bounce like needles
From top to bottom
And from bottom to top
Weaving a web that embraces
Without even touching
A beginning
Or an end

It Didn´t Happen
Death is what does not fit in this poem
The stutter between words
The teeth of the rabbit
Two legs protruding from a terribly white sheet
A note on her palm, found later on, that reads:

Eye bulbs wrapped in magnolia leaves.

To be planted in January.

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