FB-T9A Paths 1-3-4 EN PDF

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Fantasy Battles

The 9​ Age th​

Paths of Magic
Version 1.3.4 - 27 January 2017

How to use the document


Magic Phase summary

Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found/given at ​http://www.the-ninth-age.com/
Recent changes are listed at the end of this document and ​http://the-ninth-age.com/archive.html

Copyright Creative Commons license:​ ​the-ninth-age.com/license.html

How to use the document
In this document, all Paths of Magic of Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age are described. Each Path consists of a number of spells.
What spells a Wizard knows are usually randomized before the game, using the rules given under Generate Spells in the
rulebook. Each of your Wizards must choose an available Path of Magic to generate spells from; this choice must be written
down in your Army List. All spells are divided into the following three categories:

1-6 0
Learned Spells Learned Spell 0
Learned Spells are Spells that are labeled by a number, Learned spells labelled as number 0 are a special type of a
between 1 and 6. These spells have no additional effects Learned Spell for which a Wizard may exchange one of its
beyond how they are generated (see Generating Spells). other Learned Spells.

Attribute Spells Trait Spells
Attribute Spells are Spells that are labelled by an “A”. All Trait Spells are Spells that are labeled by a “T”. These
Wizards that generate at least one Spell from a Path spells have no additional effects beyond how they are
automatically know the Path Attribute. generated: All Wizards that generate at least one Spell
Path Attributes are special spells that cannot be cast from a Path automatically know the Path’s Trait Spell.
independently. Instead, if the caster wishes, the caster
may cast the Attribute Spell automatically each time it
successfully casts a non-Attribute Spell from the same
Path, after the Spell effect has been resolved. Attributes
cannot be dispelled.

All spells are defined by the following 6 properties:

Spell Name Range Casting Value

Use the spell name to state A spell's Range determines the The Casting Value is the minimum value you
which spell you intend to cast. maximum distance between the need to reach to succeed a Casting Attempt.
casting Wizard and the target. Spells may have different Casting Values
available (see Boosted Spells).

Type Duration Effect

A spell's Type describes how A spell's Duration determines The Effect of a spell defines what happens to
the spell's targets have to be how long the effects of the spell the target of the spell when the spell is
chosen. See rulebook for a are applied. See rulebook for a successfully cast. Spell Effects are never
description of spell Types. description of spell Duration. affected by special rules, Magical Items, other
spell’s Effects or similar abilities granting the
spellcasting model some
benefit, unless noted otherwise.

Boosted Spells
Some spells have more than one Casting Value, the higher Casting Values being called the 'boosted' versions of the spell.
Boosted versions may have their Range and/or target restrictions modified (for example giving the spell a longer Range),
or the effects of the spell may change. Declare if you are trying to cast a Boosted version (and which one, if the spell has
more than one) before rolling any dice. If no declaration is made, the lowest available Casting Value for the chosen target is
assumed to be used.

Which parts of the spell (Type, Effects, etc) change when cast as the boosted version and which parts stay the same are
marked by using colour coding; ​red text ​shows the non-boosted version and ​blue [bold in square brackets] text shows
the boosted version. In some rare cases a second boosted version or alternative way of casting is is also available, which is
shown in ​green {bold in curly brackets}​.

ToC​ ​Al​ ​Co​ ​Di​ ​Dr​ ​Ev 2 ​Oc​ ​Py​ S​ h​ ​Th​ ​Wi​ ​Sum
Casting Range Type Duration Effect

A Alchemical Fire
The target gains Flammable against Close Combat Attacks and
Lasts one Spells.
18" Hex

0 Quicksilver Lash
Hex The target suffers D3+1 hits with Metalshifting.
8+ 24" Missile Instant

1 Word of Iron
The target gains ​+1​[+2]​ to its Armour Save.
6+ 24" Lasts one
[9+] Turn

2 Molten Copper
The target suffers​ 2D6​[3D6]​ Strength 2 hits with Armour Piercing
7+ (3) and Flaming Attacks.
24" Missile Instant

3 Silver Spike
The target suffers one hit with Strength 3[6], Armour Piercing (6),
Hex Multiple Wounds (D3), and Penetrating.
7+ 18"
Missile Instant
[10+] [36"]

4 Corruption of Tin
The target suffers -1 to its Armour Save.
8+ 24"
Hex Permanent
[11+] [48"]

5 Transmutation to Lead The target's attacks cannot receive Strength bonuses from its
Close Combat Weapons. Mundane Shooting Weapons wielded by
9+ 24" Lasts one the target unit suffer -1 Strength. Note that this spell only affects a
[12+] [48"] Turn model’s equipment and its Strength, not any special rules.

6 Glory of Gold The target gains Magical Attacks, Flaming Attacks, and Armour
Lasts one Piercing (+1).
10+ 18" Augment

ToC​ ​Al​ ​Co​ ​Di​ ​Dr​ ​Ev 3 ​Oc​ ​Py​ S​ h​ ​Th​ ​Wi​ ​Sum
Cosmos Cosmology Chaos

Duality: ​All Cosmology spells are divided into two versions; ​Cosmos ​and ​Chaos​. When Casting Cosmology spells, always
declare which version of the spell you are using.
Whenever a spell from Cosmology is successfully cast and caster had no Cosmology counter, it gains a counter matching
that version; a ​Cosmos ​counter for ​Cosmos ​version, or a ​Chaos ​counter for ​Chaos ​version.
Non-Bound Spells from Cosmology have ​{their Casting Values reduced by 2}​ when cast by a Caster with a Cosmology
counter matching the version of the Spell that is cast (i.e. ​Cosmos ​versions of spells have reduced casting values for
casters with a ​Cosmos ​counter, and vice versa for ​Chaos​). When a Caster attempts to cast a Cosmology spell of a version
not matching its counter, it immediately loses its Cosmology counters.
At the end of each of your Magic Phases, replace all your ​Cosmos ​counters with ​Chaos ​counters, and all ​Chaos ​counters
with ​Cosmos ​counters.

Type Duration Casting Value Range

0 Altered Sight 7+ ​{5+} 24"

Augment The target gains ​+1​ Weapon Skill and ​+1​ Ballistic Skill.
Lasts one Turn
Hex The target suffers ​-1 ​Weapon Skill, to a minimum of 1, and ​-1​ Ballistic Skill.

1 Touch the Heart 7+ ​{5+} 18"

The target ​Recovers ​1 Wound.
Focused, ​Hex, The target suffers ​1 hit that automatically wounds​ with Armour Piercing
Direct, Damage (6).
2 Mind Games 7+ ​{5+} 18"

Augment The target gains ​+1​ Leadership.

Remains in Play
Hex The target suffers ​-1​ Leadership.

3 Truth of Time 9+ ​{7+} 18"

When the target rolls a Charge Range, Flee Distance, Pursuit Distance or
Overrun Distance, it rolls an additional D6.
Lasts one Turn
When the target rolls a Charge Range, Flee Distance, Pursuit Distance or
Overrun Distance, it rolls one less D6 than normal.
4 Ice and Fire 9+ ​{7+} 18"
The target suffers 2D6 Strength 3 hits with ​Flaming Attacks and Divine
Hex, Missile, Attacks.
The target suffers 2D6 Strength 3 hits with ​Armour Piercing (3).

5 Perception of Strength 10+ ​{8+} 18"

Augment The target gains ​+1​ Strength.

Lasts one Turn
Hex The target suffers ​-1​ Strength.

6 Unity in Divergence 11+ ​{9+} 18"

Augment Lasts one Turn All models in the target unit ​gain a Ward Save (5+)​.

Hex, Direct,
Instant Each model in the target unit ​suffers a Strength 3 hit​.

ToC​ ​Al​ ​Co​ ​Di​ ​Dr​ ​Ev 4 ​Oc​ ​Py​ S​ h​ ​Th​ ​Wi​ ​Sum
The Conclave:​ Spells from Divination gain +3" Range for each other Wizard with non-Bound Spells from Divination,
within 12" of the Caster. Whenever a Wizard attempting to cast a spell from Divination suffers from Lost Focus, all other
friendly Wizards with non-Bound Spells from Divination and within 12" of the Caster also suffer from Lost Focus, until
the end of the Magic Phase.

Range Type Duration Effect

A Guiding Light When the target takes a Leadership Test, roll an additional D6
and remove the highest D6 rolled.
Lasts one A unit cannot be affected by this spell more than once per Magic
18" Augment
Turn Phase.

0 Scrying
The target gains Distracting and Hard Target.
7+ 18" Lasts one
[10+] [6"Aura] Turn

1 Fate’s Judgement
The target suffers ​D3​[D6]​ hits that wound automatically, with no
7+ Ward or Regeneration Saves allowed.
18" Missile Instant

2 Know Thy Enemy

The target gains +2 Weapon Skill and +2 Initiative.
8+ 18" Lasts one
[12+] [6"Aura] Turn

3 The Stars Align

The target gains Divine Attacks, and must reroll failed to-hit rolls
9+ 18" Lasts one with Close Combat ​and Shooting​ Attacks.
[12+] [6"Aura] Turn

4 Look to the West

The target gains Stubborn and Immune to Psychology.
Lasts one
9+ 18" Augment

5 Unerring Strike
The target suffers ​2D6​[3D6]​ hits that wound on 4+, have Armour
9+ Piercing (2) and Divine Attacks.
18" Missile Instant

6 Portent of Doom At the start of the following phases, roll a D6, plus one extra D6
for each Character in the unit. If one or more dice result in a '6',
the target cannot perform the corresponding action this Phase.

Lasts one Declare Charges sub-phase​: Declare Charges.

10+ 18" Hex
Turn Remaining Moves sub-phase​: March Move.
Magic Phase​: Cast Spells.
Shooting Phase​: Shoot.

ToC​ ​Al​ ​Co​ ​Di​ ​Dr​ ​Ev 5 ​Oc​ ​Py​ S​ h​ ​Th​ ​Wi​ ​Sum
Casting Range Type Duration Effect

A Fountain of Youth The target or its unit ​Recovers​ ​{Raises}​ ​1 Wound. No single
model can Recover (or Raise) more than 1 Wound per Phase
12" Instant from this spell.

T The Oaken Throne If the caster has The Oaken Throne in play when certain spells
are cast by the caster, the ​augmented ​version is used. In that
case, use any text marked with ​{ }​ and ignore any ​red​ text. For
Remains in
4+ Caster the Attribute Spell, The Oaken Throne must be in play when the
Spell triggering the Attribute was cast.

1 Master of Earth
The Range of this spell can be measured from the caster, or
Hex from any​ Impassable Terrain​ Feature on the table. The target
18" Direct Instant suffers​ ​D6​ ​Strength ​4​{5}​ hits.

2 Healing Waters The Range of this spell can be measured from the caster or from
any ​Water ​Terrain Feature on the table.
8+ Lasts one
12" Augment The target gains Regeneration ​(5+)​{(4+)}​.
{7+} Turn

3 Entwining Roots The Range of this spell can be measured from the caster or from
any ​Forest ​Terrain Feature on the table.
8+ Lasts one The target suffers ​-1​{-2}​ Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill, both to
12" Hex
{7+} Turn a minimum of 1.

4 Spirits of the Wood All models in the target unit are considered to be within a
9+ Augment Lasts one
12" {If the target is a friendly unit, it gains Strider (Forest).}
{8+} {Universal} Turn

5 Stone Skin The Range of this spell can be measured from the caster or from
any ​Hill ​Terrain Feature on the table.
10+ Lasts one
12" Augment The target gains ​+2​{+3}​ ​Toughness.
{9+} Turn

6 Summer Growth This spell has different effects depending on the Height of the
largest fraction of the target unit’s models (use the largest
Height in case of a tie).
11+ Standard​: Raise ​5​ ​{7}​ Wounds.
24" Augment Instant
{10+} Large​: Raise ​2​ ​{3}​ Wounds.
Gigantic​: Raise ​1​ ​{1}​ ​Wound.

ToC​ ​Al​ ​Co​ ​Di​ ​Dr​ ​Ev 6 ​Oc​ ​Py​ S​ h​ ​Th​ ​Wi​ ​Sum

Casting Range Type Duration Effect


T Evocation of Souls If the target has at least one model with an Evoked value:
The target unit, or a single Character inside the target unit,
Raises a number of Wounds as stated in its profile under
Characters and models with Towering Presence cannot Raise
more than 2 Wounds from this spell in a single Magic Phase.
5+ 18"
[8+] [6"Aura] Augment If the target has no models with an Evoked value:
{11+} {12​"​Aura} The target gains Fear, and all enemy units within 6" of the target
Lasts one suffer -1 Leadership. Measure this when using the Leadership
Turn value (not when the spell is cast). This modifier cannot be
combined with other modifiers caused by Evocation of Souls,
except from Fear.

1 Spectral Blades
The target must reroll failed to-wound rolls in Close Combat.
5+ Lasts one [The target gains Lethal Strike]
18" Augment
[10+] Turn

2 Danse Macabre
The target may perform an 8" Magical Move, and counts as
6+ 12" having Ethereal during this move.
Augment Instant
[11+] [12"Aura]

3 Ancestral Aid
The target must reroll failed to-hit rolls with its Close Combat
7+ Lasts one [and Shooting]​ Attacks.
12" Augment
[9+] Turn

4 Touch of the Reaper

The target suffers D3 hits with Strength 10 and Armour
Piercing (6). When rolling to wound with this attack, use the
7+ 12" Hex
Instant opponent’s Leadership instead of the opponent’s Toughness.
[10+] [24"] Direct

5 Whispers of the Veil

The target suffers -1 Leadership and -2 Weapon Skill, to a
Remains in minimum of 1.
9+ 24" Hex

6 Hasten the Hour

Choose up to 3 different models in the target unit (which may
Hex be Characters or Champions). Each of them suffers 1 hit that
12+ 18" Direct Instant wounds automatically with Armour Piercing (6).

ToC​ ​Al​ ​Co​ ​Di​ ​Dr​ ​Ev 7 ​Oc​ ​Py​ S​ h​ ​Th​ ​Wi​ ​Sum
The Sacrifice​: When casting a non-Bound Spell from this Path, after rolling Magic Dice but before the opponent rolls
any Dispel Attempt, the Active Player may choose to inflict X hits on the Caster’s unit or another friendly unengaged unit
within 24". Each unit may only be targeted by this ability once per Magic Phase.
X is equal to the number of Ranks in the targeted unit, down to a minimum of 2 and up to a maximum of 5. These hits
wound automatically and no save of any kind is allowed against them. The last model in a unit can never be removed as
a casualty using this ability (any wound that would reduce its Wound Pool to 0 is discarded).
If at least one wound was caused, the spell is cast with the ​amplified ​version. In that case, use any text marked with ​{ }
and ignore any ​red ​text.

Range Type Duration Effect

0 Pentagram of Pain The target suffers D6 Strength 4 hits. The Caster’s unit is
{If one or more unsaved Wounds are caused with this spell,
8+ 12"Aura Universal Instant
the Caster Recovers 1 Wound.}

1 Hand of Glory The target ​{and all other models in the same unit}​ gains a
Ward Save (5+). Affected models with already existing Ward
Lasts one Saves have them increased by 1, to a maximum of Ward Save
6+ Caster
Turn (3+).

2 Breath of Corruption The target gains Breath Weapon (Toxic Attacks).

{If the Breath Weapon is used as a Shooting Attack, its
Lasts one
6+ Caster Focused Range is increased to 18".}

3 Forbidden Knowledge The target may reroll Casting Rolls when casting non-Bound
Spells from this Path.
Remains in {The target may reroll a single Dispel Roll each Magic
7+ Caster
Play Phase.}

4 The Rot Within The target suffers -1 Weapon Skill, to a minimum of 1.

{The Caster gains +1 Weapon Skill.}
8+ 24" Hex Permanent

5 Marked for Doom The target suffers 1 hit with Strength 10 and Multiple Wounds
{The Caster may choose to target a Single Character joined
10+ 18" Direct Instant
to the target unit.}

6 The Grave Calls

The target suffers 2D6 Strength ​5​{6}​ hits.
12+ 12" Direct Instant

ToC​ ​Al​ ​Co​ ​Di​ ​Dr​ ​Ev 8 ​Oc​ ​Py​ S​ h​ ​Th​ ​Wi​ ​Sum
Casting Range Type Duration Effect

A Fireball
Hex The target suffers D3 Strength 4 hits with Flaming Attacks.
24" Missile Instant

1 Pyroclastic Flow
The target suffers​ D6​[2D6]​{3D6}​ ​Strength 4 hits with Flaming
5+ 36" Hex
[9+] [24"] Missile Instant
{12+} {12"} Damage

2 Cascading Fire At the Initiative 0 step of each Round of Combat involving the
target, all enemy models in base contact with the target unit
6+ 24" Remains in suffer a Strength 4 hit with Flaming Attacks. This is a Special
[10+] [6"Aura] Play Close Combat Attack

3 Scorching Salvo
The target suffers ​D3​[D6]​ Strength 4 hits with Flaming
7+ 24" Hex Attacks.
[10+] Aura Damage

4 Immolation Place a round 3" diameter marker with its center on the
selected target point and the marker more than 1" from all
At the end of each Phase, each unit that has been in contact
Remains in
8+ 18" Ground with the marker during that Phase suffers an Area Attack (4)
with Strength 4 and Flaming Attacks. No unit can be affected
by this more than once per Player Turn.

5 Flaming Swords
The target’s Close Combat and Shooting Attacks gain a +1
10+ 18" Lasts one to-wound modifier, Magical Attacks, and Flaming Attacks.
[13+] [6"Aura] Turn

6 Enveloping Embers
Each model in the target unit suffers 1 Strength​ ​3 hit with
Flaming Attacks.
12+ 24" Direct Instant

ToC​ ​Al​ ​Co​ ​Di​ ​Dr​ ​Ev 9 ​Oc​ ​Py​ S​ h​ ​Th​ ​Wi​ ​Sum
Casting Range Type Duration Effect

A Scarification
Close Combat Attacks against the target cannot wound on better
Lasts one than 5+.

0 Awaken the Beast

The target gains +1 ​Strength ​[Toughness]​.
6+ Lasts one
18" Augment
[8+] Turn

1 Swarm of Insects Immediately after successfully casting this spell the target
suffers 5D6 Strength 1 hits. If one or more unsaved Wounds are
Hex caused, the target suffers -1 Ballistic Skill. This spell is
5+ 24"
Missile Permanent immediately ended when the target performs an Advance,
[8+] [48"]
Damage March or Charge Move.

2 Savage Fury
The target gains Frenzy.
5+ 6" Lasts one
[9+] [18"] Turn

3 Pounding Drumbeat The target performs a 2D6" Magical Move straight forward (it
cannot move backwards, sidestep, Reform, Pivot or Wheel
during this move), but it can choose to not move at all or to
5+ 18" move less than the full distance.
Augment Instant
[9+] [12"Aura] [When more than one unit is affected, roll distance and
move the unit before rolling distance for the next unit.]

4 Chilling Howl
All to-wound rolls against the target from Shooting Attacks
6+ 18" Lasts one suffer a -1 modifier.
[9+] [12"Aura] Turn

5 Break the Spirit

The target suffers a -1 modifier to hit, and treats all Terrain
9+ 18" Lasts one (including Open Terrain) as Dangerous Terrain (2).
[12+] [36"] Turn

6 Totemic Summon Summon a Totemic Beast (statline below). It must be placed

11+ within ​1"​[10"]​ of the Board Edge.
96" Ground Instant

Totemic Beast ​(for Totemic Summon)

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Monstrous Beast
3D6 3 - 5 5 3 3 4 7 Base size 40x40mm

Special Rules: Random Movement (3D6), Immune to Psychology, Breath Weapon (Strength 3)

ToC​ ​Al​ ​Co​ ​Di​ ​Dr​ ​Ev 10 ​Oc​ ​Py​ S​ h​ ​Th​ ​Wi​ ​Sum
Judgement on High
When casting non-Bound Spells from this Path, all Magic Dice that result in ‘1’ must be rerolled. If a caster Miscasts when
casting a non-Bound Spell from Thaumaturgy, it counts as having used one additional Magic Dice for the Casting Attempt.
Range Type Duration Effect

1 Hand of Heaven
Hex The target suffers ​D6​[D6+1]​ hits with Strength ​D6​[D6+1]​.
24" Missile Instant

2 Cleansing Fire The target gains Breath Weapon (Strength D3+2).

(Roll this D3 immediately after successfully casting this spell.)
6+ Caster Focused Lasts one [This spell may only target Characters, Champions and
[10+] [24"] [Augment] Turn single model units.]

3 Trial of Faith
Both the Caster and target roll a D6. If the Caster’s roll is higher,
the target suffers a number of wounds with Armour Piercing (6)
7+ 12" Hex
Instant equal to the difference between their respective rolls.
[11+] [24"] Direct

4 Speaking in Tongues
The target cannot benefit from Inspiring Presence.
Lasts one
8+ 24" Hex

5 Smite the Unbeliever Immediately after successfully casting this spell, roll a D6.
If 4-6 is rolled, the target suffers -1 Strength.
Lasts one
11+ 24" Hex If 1-3 is rolled, the target suffers -1 Toughness.

6 Wrath of God Choose a point within range on the table and place a counter
there. At the end of each subsequent Magic Phase roll a D6; if
1-3 is rolled, add another counter on the same spot. If 4-6 is
rolled, each unit within (2D6+X)" suffers 2D6 Strength (4+X)
13+ 96" Ground Permanent
hits, where X is equal to the number of counters. The spell then
ends, remove all counters.

ToC​ ​Al​ ​Co​ ​Di​ ​Dr​ ​Ev 11 ​Oc​ ​Py​ S​ h​ ​Th​ ​Wi​ ​Sum
Casting Range Type Duration Effect

A Evil Eye If this spell targets a friendly unit, the target gains +1
If this spell targets an enemy unit, the target suffers -1
Lasts one Movement, to minimum of 3.
24" Universal
Turn A unit cannot be affected by this spell more than twice in the
same Magic Phase.

1 Deceptive Glamour
The target suffers a -1 modifier to hit.
5+ 18" Lasts one
[8+] [36”] Turn

2 Raven’s Wing The target may perform a ​6"​ ​[10"]​ Flying Magical Move. Both
before and after making this move the target is allowed to
18" Augment Instant Reform, which does not prevent the target from Shooting.

3 Twisted Effigy
All Shooting Attacks made by the target ​[and all Spells cast by
7+ 36" Lasts one the target]​ ​have their Range halved.
[10+] [24"] Turn

4 Will-o’-the-Wisp
The target gains Random Movement (2D6).
Lasts one
8+ 18" Universal

5 Bewitching Glare
The target gains Stupidity. For each Character in the unit, the
Remains in target suffers -1 Leadership.
8+ 24" Hex

6 The Wheel Turns R&F models in the target unit will successfully roll to hit and to
wound on a 4+ with their Close Combat attacks, regardless of
9+ Hex Lasts one Weapon Skill, Strength and Toughness (apply this before any
[11+] [Augment] Turn other modifiers).

ToC​ ​Al​ ​Co​ ​Di​ ​Dr​ ​Ev 12 ​Oc​ ​Py​ S​ h​ ​Th​ ​Wi​ ​Sum
Magic Phase summary
Magic Phase Sequence
Overwhelming Power
1 Start of the Magic Phase. Roll for the Magic Flux When casting a spell and two or more Magic Dice roll a natural '6',
and Channelling. immediately roll one of your unused Magic Dice (if you have any)
and add this to the Casting Roll. This may exceed the normal limit
2 “Remains in Play”​ ​spells may be dispelled.
of max 5 Magic Dice to cast spells. If the spell is not dispelled, the
casting Wizard must roll on the Miscast Table.
3 The Active Player may attempt to cast one spell.

Repeat steps 2-3 of this Sequence until neither Miscast Table

player performed an action.
Miscast Roll Miscast effect
End of the Magic Phase. Resolve end of phase (D3+1)×MDU (apply all relevant effects)
triggered abilities.
Always Witch Fire
Caster's unit suffers a number of hits equal to
Casting Attempt the Miscast Roll. The number of hits cannot
exceed the total number of Wounds in the unit.
1 The Active Player declares a Wizard, spell, version of These hits have Strength MDU, Magical Attacks
the spell, target of the spell and an amount of Magic and Armour Piercing (1).
Dice (between 1 and 5)
10+ Amnesia
2 The Active Player rolls that many Magic Dice (from Roll a D6: On 4+,
the Magic Dice pool). Add the results of the rolled the Wizard cannot cast the Miscast Spell this
dice and any casting modifiers together to get the game anymore.
total casting roll.
15+ Catastrophic Detonation
3 The Casting Attempt is successful if the total casting Roll a D6: On 4+,
roll is ​equal to or higher than the spell's Casting the Wizard loses a number of Wounds equal to
Value. Otherwise, the caster suffers from Lost Focus half its starting number of Wounds, rounding
and the Casting Attempt failed. fractions up (no saves of any kind allowed).

Dispel Attempt 20+ Breach in the Veil

Roll a D6: On 4+,
1 The Reactive Player declares which (if any) of their the Wizard is dead, remove it from the game as
non-fleeing Wizards will attempt to dispel the spell a casualty (no saves of any kind allowed).
and how Magic Dice will be used. A minimum of 1 and Apply all relevant effects
up to all the dice in your dice pool can be used. A MDU:​ Magic Dice Used, excluding additional dice
dispel may be attempted even without having any from Overwhelming Power.

2 The Reactive Player rolls that many Magic Dice (from Magic Modifiers
the Magic Dice pool). Add the results of the rolled dice Wizard Apprentice, +1
and any dispel modifiers together to get the total Wizard Master, +2
dispel roll. Dispelling Bound Spells, +1
The sum of modifiers cannot exceed +3
3 The Dispel Attempt is successful if the total dispel roll
is equal to or higher than the total casting roll. If so,
the spell is dispelled, and the casting failed. Bound Spells
Otherwise, the Dispel Attempt fails and the dispelling To successfully cast a Bound Spell, the casting roll must be equal
Wizard suffers from Lost Focus. to or higher than the spell's Power Level.

- No positive casting modifiers can be added to the casting roll

- The caster of a Bound Spell never suffers from Lost Focus
- A Bound Spell does not get the casting modifier from an
Overwhelming Power
- Path Attribute is resolved as usual
- Dispelling Attempts gain a +1 modifier, which may exceed the
normal limit of max +3

If Overwhelming Power is rolled and the spell is not dispelled:

- If MDU is 4 or more, the Bound Spell is lost and cannot be used
again during the game

ToC​ ​Al​ ​Co​ ​Di​ ​Dr​ ​Ev 13 ​Oc​ ​Py​ S​ h​ ​Th​ ​Wi​ ​Sum

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