Simple Past Past Continuous

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Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs
in brackets.
1. When I _______________ (decide) to ask for help, I ________________(not / know) that
my problem ________________ (can) be so serious.
2. When I __________________(realise) that I __________________(need) help, my friends
_______________ (be) there to support me.
3. I think it _________________ (be) only then that I ______________ (find) out the true meaning
of friendship and _____________________ (give) myself another opportunity.

B. Write the verbs in brackets in the correct form: past simple or past continuous.
1. Yesterday, when I _______________________ (have) lunch, I _________________(look)
outside and ____________________ (see) Jane.
2. She _______________ (wear) a red dress and a blue jacket.
3. She ________________ (not / see) me, so I _________________ (wave) and ______________
(call) her name.

C. Past Simple or Past Continuous? Circle the correct verb form.

1. Last night we went / were going to the cinema.
2. When you called me I didn’t have / wasn’t having a bath. I watched / was
watching a film on TV.
3. The children played / were playing when their grandparents arrived.
4. I listened / was listening to music this morning at 8.30.
5. You didn’t travel / weren’t travelling to Liverpool two months ago.

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