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Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Network

Access Manager | Release 31.0 and later

9290 Mobility Manager Applications Processor Cluster
Operations, Administration, and Maintenance

Issue 17
Alcatel-Lucent — Internal
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction October 2009
Alcatel, Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent and the Alcatel-Lucent logo are trademarks of Alcatel-Lucent. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The information presented is subject to change without notice. Alcatel-Lucent assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.

Copyright © 2009 Alcatel-Lucent. All Rights Reserved.

Contains proprietary/trade secret information which is the property of Alcatel-Lucent and must not be made available to, or copied or used by anyone outside
Alcatel-Lucent without its written authorization. Not to be used or disclosed except in accordance with applicable agreements.

Security statement

IIn rare instances, unauthorized individuals make connections to the telecommunications network through the use of remote access features. In such an event,
applicable tariffs require the customer to pay all network charges for traffic. Alcatel-Lucent cannot be responsible for such charges and will not make any
allowance or give any credit for charges that result from unauthorized access.

Limited warranty

Alcatel-Lucent provides a limited warranty to this product.


About this information product

Purpose ...................................................................................................................................................... xiii
Systems supported ..................................................................................................................................... xiii
Reason for reissue ..................................................................................................................................... xiii
Safety labels .............................................................................................................................................. xvi
Intended audience ..................................................................................................................................... xvii
Prerequisite skills and knowledge ............................................................................................................ xvii
Safety information .................................................................................................................................... xvii
How to use this document ........................................................................................................................ xvii
Conventions used in this document ........................................................................................................... xix
User input terminology ................................................................................................................................xx
Related information products ......................................................................................................................xx
Online Help ..............................................................................................................................................xxiv
To obtain technical support, documentation, training, or submit feedback ..............................................xxv
CARES reporting ......................................................................................................................................xxv
Related training .........................................................................................................................................xxv

1 System description

Frame and server hardware components

Background concepts ................................................................................................................................ 1-3
Server components .................................................................................................................................... 1-4
Frame components: R1 and R1SR base and growth frames ................................................................... 1-25
EINE connections .................................................................................................................................... 1-43
MM-APC LAN connections ................................................................................................................... 1-44

2 Maintenance states
MM-AP maintenance states at the EMS ................................................................................................... 2-2
MM-AP States at the LMT EI ................................................................................................................... 2-6

3 Access MM-AP components

Choose a login method .............................................................................................................................. 3-5

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Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction

Element Management System (EMS) ....................................................................................................... 3-9

Procedure 3-1: Access the EMS GUI ..................................................................................................... 3-11
Overview of EMS pages ......................................................................................................................... 3-14
Procedure 3-2: Access an MM-AP from OMP menus ........................................................................... 3-17
Procedure 3-3: Access an MM-AP via telnet from the OMP shell ......................................................... 3-19
Procedure 3-4: Access an MM-AP via telnet from another MM-AP ..................................................... 3-21
Procedure 3-5: Access an MM-AP via telnet from the LMT ................................................................. 3-23
Procedure 3-6: Telnet to a server console via the alarm card ................................................................. 3-27
Procedure 3-7: Access a server console via the alarm card serial port ................................................... 3-33
Procedure 3-8: Access a server via the CPU serial port ......................................................................... 3-37
Procedure 3-9: Telnet to an Ethernet switch from the LMT ................................................................... 3-40
Procedure 3-10: Access an Ethernet switch via its serial port from the LMT ........................................ 3-43
Procedure 3-11: Access the LMT emergency interface (EI) .................................................................. 3-45

4 Manage security

MM-APC security management guidelines

Network security guidelines ...................................................................................................................... 4-4
Login security guidelines .......................................................................................................................... 4-6

MM-AP login administration

Procedure 4-1: Administer MM-AP login accounts ............................................................................... 4-14
Procedure 4-2: Administer alarm card login accounts ............................................................................ 4-21
Procedure 4-3: Administer LAN switch login accounts ......................................................................... 4-29

5 System administration

MM-AP package and file system management

Procedure 5-1: Back up MM-AP configuration information .................................................................... 5-6
Procedure 5-2: Restore MM-AP configuration files and packages ........................................................ 5-10
Procedure 5-3: Manage MM-AP file systems ......................................................................................... 5-13

Feature administrative tasks

Procedure 5-4: Set date, time, and timezone for an MM-AP .................................................................. 5-19
Procedure 5-5: Enable rapid spanning tree algorithm ............................................................................. 5-22
Procedure 5-6: Disable rapid spanning tree algorithm ............................................................................ 5-25
Procedure 5-7: Assign the Memory Leak Monitor ................................................................................. 5-27

6 Monitor the system

Procedure 6-1: Determine MM-AP status ................................................................................................ 6-3
iv Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009

Procedure 6-2: Determine EINE link status .............................................................................................. 6-9

Procedure 6-3: Determine dual-rail LAN status ..................................................................................... 6-11
Procedure 6-4: Determine FT-LAN status .............................................................................................. 6-12
Procedure 6-5: Use the MM-ROP & MM-AP Admin logs ..................................................................... 6-13

7 Troubleshooting

MM-AP problems: Troubleshooting server-level problems

Procedure 7-1: Cannot log in to an MM-AP ............................................................................................. 7-3
Procedure 7-2: Cannot promote an MM-AP to ACTIVE state ................................................................. 7-4
Procedure 7-3: MM-AP clock out of sync with the ECP clock ................................................................ 7-5
Procedure 7-4: MM-AP reboots repeatedly .............................................................................................. 7-6
Procedure 7-5: CPU firmware update errors ............................................................................................. 7-7
Procedure 7-6: Memory leak errors .......................................................................................................... 7-8

MM-AP problems: Troubleshooting components

Procedure 7-7: Troubleshoot the system using the system status panel LEDs ....................................... 7-10
Procedure 7-8: Troubleshoot the system using envmond ........................................................................ 7-18
Procedure 7-9: Troubleshoot the system using prtdiag ........................................................................... 7-19
Procedure 7-10: Troubleshoot the system using the SunVTS Test Suite ................................................ 7-26
Procedure 7-11: Troubleshoot the system using the power-on self test (POST) ..................................... 7-27
Procedure 7-12: Troubleshoot a CPU card .............................................................................................. 7-28
Procedure 7-13: Troubleshoot a T1/E1 PMC or cPCI card using POST and BIST ................................ 7-35
Procedure 7-14: Troubleshoot an alarm card (R1 or R2) ........................................................................ 7-40
Procedure 7-15: Troubleshoot an R2 alarm card ..................................................................................... 7-45
Procedure 7-16: Troubleshoot the system using the Remote System Control (RSC) ............................. 7-48
Procedure 7-17: Troubleshoot a power supply using the power supply unit LEDs ................................ 7-49

EINE troubleshooting
Associated output messages .................................................................................................................... 7-52
Theory/Background ................................................................................................................................. 7-53
Causes of EINE failures .......................................................................................................................... 7-57
Procedure 7-18: Check for MM-AP-EINE network data configuration errors ....................................... 7-58
Procedure 7-19: Check for MM-AP Ethernet interface failures ............................................................. 7-60
Procedure 7-20: Check for EINE failures ............................................................................................... 7-61
Procedure 7-21: Check for Ethernet cable failures ................................................................................. 7-62
Procedure 7-22: Test an EINE ................................................................................................................. 7-63

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Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction

ROP log messages associated with EINE link failure and recovery ....................................................... 7-64

LAN troubleshooting
Associated MM-AP output messages ..................................................................................................... 7-69
Theory/Background ................................................................................................................................ 7-70
LAN failure causes .................................................................................................................................. 7-75
Procedure 7-23: Check network configuration data ................................................................................ 7-77
Procedure 7-24: Check for MM-AP interface failures ............................................................................ 7-83
Procedure 7-25: Check for single-interface switch failures .................................................................... 7-86
Procedure 7-26: Check intermittent LAN failures .................................................................................. 7-87
Procedure 7-27: Check for inter-switch LAN failures ............................................................................ 7-88
Procedure 7-28: Check for complete switch failures .............................................................................. 7-90
Procedure 7-29: Check for LAN failures in two-MM-AP clusters ......................................................... 7-91
Procedure 7-30: Check dual LAN failures .............................................................................................. 7-94
Procedure 7-31: Check FT-LAN failures ................................................................................................ 7-95
Other diagnostic tools ............................................................................................................................. 7-98

WatchDog problems
Theory/Background .............................................................................................................................. 7-100
Procedure 7-32: Troubleshoot WatchDog problems ............................................................................. 7-102
Procedure 7-33: Repump the WatchDog with the MM-APs offline ..................................................... 7-109

8 Replacement procedures

Basic knowledge
Customer-replaceability versus field-replaceability .................................................................................. 8-3
Server components versus frame components .......................................................................................... 8-4
Hot-swappability versus cold-swappability .............................................................................................. 8-5
Using cfgadm to support hot swap ............................................................................................................ 8-7

Basic hardware precautions and tasks

Procedure 8-1: Safety precautions for handling MM-AP equipment ..................................................... 8-14
Procedure 8-2: Circuit card removal/installation .................................................................................... 8-18

Scenarios for powering down and powering up a server

Procedure 8-3: Power down a server ....................................................................................................... 8-27
Procedure 8-4: Power up a server ........................................................................................................... 8-36

Replacing a server hard disk drive

Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive ............................................................................................... 8-49
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Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009

Procedure 8-6: Replace a Solaris 5.9 hard disk drive with a Solaris 5.8 ................................................. 8-72

Replacing other server components

Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card ................................................................................................ 8-84
Procedure 8-8: Replace a satellite CPU card ........................................................................................ 8-104
Procedure 8-9: Replace a host or satellite CPU rear transition module ................................................ 8-116
Procedure 8-10: Replace a cold-swappable alarm card ........................................................................ 8-129
Procedure 8-11: Replace a cold-swappable alarm rear transition module ............................................ 8-140
Procedure 8-12: Replace a hot-swappable alarm card (810S and 410S servers only) .......................... 8-143
Procedure 8-13: Replace a hot-swappable alarm RTM (810S and 410S servers only) ........................ 8-154
Procedure 8-14: Replace an I/O card .................................................................................................... 8-157
Procedure 8-15: Replace an I/O rear transition module ........................................................................ 8-166
Procedure 8-16: Replace a system status panel ..................................................................................... 8-173
Procedure 8-17: Replace a system controller board .............................................................................. 8-178
Procedure 8-18: Replace a main air filter (400S and 800S servers) ..................................................... 8-184
Procedure 8-19: Replace air filters (410S and 810S servers) ................................................................ 8-187
Procedure 8-20: Replace an 8x0S hot-swappable power supply unit ................................................... 8-190
Procedure 8-21: Replace a cold-swappable power supply unit ............................................................. 8-195
Procedure 8-22: Replace a power supply unit air filter (400S and 800S servers) ................................. 8-198
Procedure 8-23: Replace a fan tray ....................................................................................................... 8-201
Procedure 8-24: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (800S server only) ...................................................... 8-207
Procedure 8-25: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (810S server only) ...................................................... 8-217
Procedure 8-26: Upgrade a DVD/DAT drive with a DAT drive ............................................................ 8-224
Procedure 8-27: Move a disk adapter module (4x0S server only) ........................................................ 8-235
Procedure 8-28: Move a SCSI termination board (800S server only) .................................................. 8-238
Procedure 8-29: Move a CPU termination board (4x0S server only) ................................................... 8-240
Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server ................................................................... 8-245
Procedure 8-31: Replace a power distribution unit ............................................................................... 8-268

Replacing frame components

Procedure 8-32: Replace an MFFU fuse ............................................................................................... 8-274
Procedure 8-33: Replace an MFFU Alarm Card ................................................................................... 8-284
Procedure 8-34: Replace an MFFU Alarm Interface Card ................................................................... 8-287
Procedure 8-35: Replace an MFFU Tele/TTY Card ............................................................................. 8-290
Procedure 8-36: Replace an Alarm Interface Module ........................................................................... 8-293

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Procedure 8-37: Replace an ECBU ....................................................................................................... 8-301

Procedure 8-38: Replace an ECBU alarm board .................................................................................. 8-306
Procedure 8-39: Replace an ECBU circuit breaker .............................................................................. 8-308
Procedure 8-40: Replace an RCC BMR6B WatchDog Pack ................................................................ 8-311
Procedure 8-41: Replace an RCC BMR5 Power Converter Pack ......................................................... 8-314
Procedure 8-42: Replace a Layer 2 Cajun or Extreme Networks Ethernet switch ............................... 8-316
Procedure 8-43: Configure a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet switch ............................................................... 8-329
Procedure 8-44: Download the firmware for a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet switch .................................... 8-340
Procedure 8-45: Replace a Cajun Ethernet switch 16-port expansion sub-module .............................. 8-343
Procedure 8-46: Configure / download firmware for a Layer 2 Extreme Networks Ethernet switch ... 8-346

9 Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures

Add an EINE before adding a 4x0S server

Procedure 9-1: Add an EINE .................................................................................................................... 9-8

Add an MM-AP 4x0S server

Procedure 9-2: Check the coherency of the network (first EINless MM-AP only) ................................ 9-18
Procedure 9-3: Add an entry for the server to the RC/V database .......................................................... 9-20
Procedure 9-4: Install the server into the frame ...................................................................................... 9-23
Procedure 9-5: Install the CPU rear transition module ........................................................................... 9-26
Procedure 9-6: Install I/O rear transition modules .................................................................................. 9-29
Procedure 9-7: Cable the server .............................................................................................................. 9-32
Procedure 9-8: Power up the server ........................................................................................................ 9-43
Procedure 9-9: Personalize and customize the server ............................................................................. 9-44
Procedure 9-10: Install and activate platform and application software packages ................................. 9-62
Procedure 9-11: Administer login IDs and passwords ............................................................................ 9-69

Add a satellite MM-AP to a 410S/810S server

Procedure 9-12: Check the coherency of the network (first EINless MM-AP only) .............................. 9-74
Procedure 9-13: Add an entry for the satellite processor to the RC/V database ..................................... 9-75
Procedure 9-14: Install the satellite rear transition module .................................................................... 9-77
Procedure 9-15: Install the satellite card ................................................................................................. 9-80
Procedure 9-16: Cable the satellite ......................................................................................................... 9-82
Procedure 9-17: Grow a satellite on the DNFS Host (manual method) .................................................. 9-86
Procedure 9-18: Install software on the satellite (manual method) ........................................................ 9-91
Procedure 9-19: Grow a satellite on the DNFS Host and installing satellite software (automated method) ..

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Procedure 9-20: Run dlcpatch tools to update the DNFS host .............................................................. 9-102
Procedure 9-21: Bring the satellite on-line ........................................................................................... 9-104

Add a second satellite MM-AP to a 410S server

Procedure 9-22: Remove the combo or carrier card .............................................................................. 9-110
Procedure 9-23: Remove the combo or carrier rear transition module ................................................. 9-113
Procedure 9-24: Add an entry for the second satellite MM-AP to the RC/V database ......................... 9-114
Procedure 9-25: Perform the remaining second satellite steps ............................................................. 9-116

Add an Ethernet switch 16-port expansion sub-module

Procedure 9-26: Add an Ethernet switch 16-port expansion sub-module ............................................. 9-118

Upgrade a 410S/810S server for CP2500 compatibility

Procedure 9-27: Check/replace the hard disk drive ............................................................................... 9-121
Procedure 9-28: Check/replace the fan trays ......................................................................................... 9-123
Procedure 9-29: Add Air Management Filler cards .............................................................................. 9-126
Procedure 9-30: Check/upgrade the MFFU fuse ................................................................................... 9-127

Upgrade a 400S drawer host CPU from a CP1500 to a CP2140

Procedure 9-31: Prepare the 400S server for the upgrade ..................................................................... 9-130
Procedure 9-32: Replace the drawer host CPU card ............................................................................. 9-132
Procedure 9-33: Back out the drawer host CPU upgrade ...................................................................... 9-139

Convert a non-DNFS Host to a DNFS Host (410S servers only)

Procedure 9-34: Convert a non-DNFS Host to a DNFS Host (410S servers only) ............................... 9-143

10 Degrowth procedures
Procedure 10-1: Degrow an MM-AP 4x0S server from an MM-APC ................................................... 10-4
Procedure 10-2: Degrow a satellite MM-AP from a server .................................................................. 10-12

A Ethernet switch information

X450a-48t Ethernet switch ....................................................................................................................... A-2
C364T Ethernet switch ............................................................................................................................. A-3
P334T Ethernet switch ............................................................................................................................. A-4
P333T Ethernet switch ............................................................................................................................. A-8
Ethernet switch port assignments for a UNC frame ............................................................................... A-12
Ethernet switch port assignments for R1SR frame ................................................................................ A-17
Ethernet switch port assignments for R1 frame ..................................................................................... A-22

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B Command reference
apappconfig ...............................................................................................................................................B-4
apapply ......................................................................................................................................................B-6
apbackout ..................................................................................................................................................B-7
apbackup ...................................................................................................................................................B-9
apdelcellsw ..............................................................................................................................................B-12
apcc_ip_migr ...........................................................................................................................................B-15
apconnect ................................................................................................................................................B-18
apdlcdgrow ..............................................................................................................................................B-20
apdlcdisp .................................................................................................................................................B-22
apdlcdump ...............................................................................................................................................B-27
apdlcgrow ................................................................................................................................................B-28
apfrstatus .................................................................................................................................................B-30
apgrowsat ................................................................................................................................................B-31
apinstall ...................................................................................................................................................B-32
aplanconfig ..............................................................................................................................................B-34
apmodeDNFS ..........................................................................................................................................B-48
apnvmlogin ..............................................................................................................................................B-49
apoffline ..................................................................................................................................................B-50
aponline ...................................................................................................................................................B-51
aponlygr ..................................................................................................................................................B-52
appkgchk .................................................................................................................................................B-53
appkginfo ................................................................................................................................................B-55
appkgload ................................................................................................................................................B-57
appkgrm ..................................................................................................................................................B-58
appkgtrans ...............................................................................................................................................B-60
appkgunload ............................................................................................................................................B-64
applatconfig .............................................................................................................................................B-66
aprenew ...................................................................................................................................................B-68
apsettimers ..............................................................................................................................................B-71
apstatus ....................................................................................................................................................B-72
flxactivate ................................................................................................................................................B-73
flxbackout ................................................................................................................................................B-75

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flxbuninfo ................................................................................................................................................B-77
flxchkfwacv .............................................................................................................................................B-78
flxcommit ................................................................................................................................................B-80
flxcoremgmt ............................................................................................................................................B-82
flxcronmgmt ............................................................................................................................................B-83
flxdeactivate ............................................................................................................................................B-85
flxdm .......................................................................................................................................................B-86
flxfru ........................................................................................................................................................B-88
flxfwac .....................................................................................................................................................B-90
flxfwacv ...................................................................................................................................................B-92
flxlogmgmt ..............................................................................................................................................B-94
flxname ....................................................................................................................................................B-96
flxosupgrade ............................................................................................................................................B-98
flxpkginfo ................................................................................................................................................B-99
hvlr2cpu .................................................................................................................................................B-101
top ..........................................................................................................................................................B-102

C Admin log reference

Types of messages .....................................................................................................................................C-3
Accessing Admin logs ...............................................................................................................................C-4
Admin log message headers ......................................................................................................................C-6

Messages that appear in ROP and Admin logs

MM-AP alarm set and alarm clear messages ..........................................................................................C-10
MM-AP report messages .........................................................................................................................C-15
MM-AP command acknowledgments and responses .............................................................................C-18

Messages that appear only in Admin logs

Initialization messages ............................................................................................................................C-24
Process and process group messages ......................................................................................................C-26
Log file deletion messages ......................................................................................................................C-29
Attribute change messages ......................................................................................................................C-31
Configuration messages ..........................................................................................................................C-33

D LAN IP addresses for 40 frames

MM-AP-EINE LAN IP addresses ............................................................................................................ D-2

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MM-APCC LAN IP addresses ..................................................................................................................D-4

E Loading the OS upgrade cpio file onto the OMP

Procedure E-1: Load the OS upgrade cpio file onto the OMP .................................................................. E-2

F Installing the golden image restoration package

Background concepts ................................................................................................................................ F-3
Procedure F-1: Installing the golden image restoration package .............................................................. F-4

G Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps

Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host) ....................................................................G-7
Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS host) .................................................................G-42

IN Index

xii Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
About this information

This Alcatel-Lucent 9290 Mobility Manager Application Processor Cluster (MM-APC)
Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OA&M) document defines procedures for
performing OA&M activities on the MM-APC of an Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Network.

Note: Alcatel-Lucent has changed the name of products within the CDMA portfolio.
The product previously known as the Wireless Network Mobility Manager has been
renamed and is now referred to as the 9290 Mobility Manager. The use of any of these
names in this document refer to the same product and functionality.

Systems supported
This document contains information covering Release 30.0 and later releases.

Reason for reissue

The information contained in this document is current for ECP Release 33.0 and reflects
enhancements made between Issue 16 and Issue 17 of this document, including the

Issue 17:
This issue adds the Release 33.0 Migrate MM-APs to the ECPless Architecture feature.
This feature provides the ability to migrate an MSC with MM-APs to the ECPless
Architecture. When the MSC is ECPless, ECP- and EINE-related information and steps
within this document do not apply. Besides these general differences, the following
specific updates were made:
• Procedure G-1, “Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)” (p. G-7), Step 67.
• Procedure G-2, “Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS host)” (p. G-42), Step 64.
• Procedure 9-9, “Personalize and customize the server” (p. 9-44), Step 43.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal xiii
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
About this information product

Issue 16:
This issue adds the Release 32.0 Restrict Root Login Phase 1: RBAC Roles and
Centralized User Account Management for MM-APs feature. This feature changes the
way in which MM-AP users change their account password and the way in which MM-AP
users obtain permission to execute OAM&P tools. When this feature is disabled, the
feature functionalities are not in affect and pre-R32 procedures are to be used. When this
feature is enabled, procedures are impacted by these feature functionalities:
• A new tool to change your own CAM-managed MM-AP account password.
• The mmpasswd is used by non-privileged users to change their CAM-managed
account password.
• A new way to obtain permissions to execute MM-AP OAM&P tools.
If the Security Administrator has assigned the MM-AP System Administration or MM-AP
Application Administration profile to your account, then no additional login steps are
necessary to use certain tools (however, note that only one profile may be assigned to a
login account, not both).
If the Security Administrator has assigned one or more RBAC roles to your account
(rsecadm, rsysadm, or rappadm), then to use certain tools the user should use ‘su’ to
rsecadm, rsysadm, or rappadm (as required by the tool to be used), followed by
entering the password for the RBAC role. Refer to RRL and RBAC Feature Description,
401-662-119, for a list of impacted tools and their assigned RBAC roles.
Using the "root" login is still allowed when this feature is enabled, however the audit trail
is lost because "root" is a shared login; it is not used by one single user.

Note: Contact your Security Administrator to determine if this feature is enabled, if

your MM-AP login is CAM-managed, and whether you should use the rsecadm,
rsysadm, and rappadm RBAC roles to execute your tools.

Issue 15 Rev 4:
This revision includes updated information on configuring Extreme Networks Ethernet
switch ports for IP backhaul. Refer to:
• Procedure 8-48, “Configure / download firmware for a Layer 2 Extreme Networks
Ethernet switch” (p. 8-408); ports used for IP backhaul must be configured as edge

Issue 15 Rev 3:
This revision includes:
• “Replace a host CPU card” (p. 8-146) has been updated to correct Step 36 (Customer
Code licensing).

xiv Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
About this information product

• Table D-3, “MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: primary network” (p. D-7) and Table D-4,
“MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: secondary network” (p. D-9) have been updated. The
IP addressing for APs ap28y through ap39y have been changed to reflect the same
scheme used for APs ap0y through ap27y which provides two spare IP addresses
between each frame.
• “Grow a satellite on the DNFS Host and installing satellite software (automated
method)” (p. 9-98) has been updated. References to OBP parameter “auto-boot-retry”
and been corrected to “auto-boot-retry?”.
• “Upgrade a 410S/810S server for CP2500 compatibility” (p. 9-120) has been updated.
A CP2500 satellite CPU does not require a CP2500-compatible hard disk drive.

Issue 15 Rev 2:
For Release 31.0 SU3, the Support for AMA over IPsec feature provides AMATPS support
over IPsec. To implement this configuration, contact your ALU Customer Team for

Note: AMATPS support over IPsec could be impacted by replacement of an OAM

proxy AP disk drive. A step has been added at the end of “Replace a hard disk drive
(non-DNFS host)” (p. 8-49) and “Automated disk replacement” (p. 8-130) to verify
the operation of this feature.
For Release 31.0 SU2, the Extreme Networks Summit X450a-48t Ethernet Switch feature
(FID 14042.0) provides a new Ethernet switch for the UNC frame. Updates within the
document can be found at:
• “Replace a Layer 2 Cajun or Extreme Networks Ethernet switch” (p. 8-378)
• “Configure / download firmware for a Layer 2 Extreme Networks Ethernet switch”
(p. 8-408)
• “X450a-48t Ethernet switch” (p. A-2)
• “Ethernet switch port assignments for a UNC frame” (p. A-12).
The Memory Leak Monitor and Alarming feature, FID 13566.0, detects memory leaks
caused by progressive memory allocations without any de-allocation. The detection of a
memory leak results in an alarm via RCC. Updates within the document can be found at:
• “Assign the Memory Leak Monitor” (p. 5-27)
• “Memory leak errors” (p. 7-8)
The following procedure has been updated to instruct the user to update the Customer
Code license once a host CPU card is replaced:
• “Replace a host CPU card” (p. 8-146), see Step 36.
The following procedure has been updated for BSOC sites:
• “Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS host)” (p. 8-85).
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Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
About this information product

Issue 15 Rev 1:
This revision of the document includes the following changes:
• Automated Disk Replacement procedure: MR189813 improves the way it is
documented. MR190064 adds steps at the end of the ADR procedure to reconfigure
the interface between the OAMproxy AP and the OMC-RAN, if used. Refer to:
“Automated disk replacement” (p. 8-130).
• Hard disk replacement procedure for a non-DNFS host: the step for verifying the
/dev/ttyb device driver has been reorganized to add clarity. Refer to: Step 25.

Issue 15:
For Release 31.0 base load, the Satellite Retrofit Activation Improvement feature (FID
10394.7) introduces an update to the fms_rcc package and is called the FMSrcc package.
Anywhere in the document where the fms_rcc package is referenced, the words
“fms_rcc (FMSrcc in Release 31.0 and Later)” have been added so that the user selects
the correct package.

Safety labels
This document may contain the following types of admonishments or product safety

The CAUTION admonishment indicates a hazard that can or will
cause minor personal injury, damage to property or equipment,

xvi Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
About this information product

degradation or interruption of service, or loss of data if the hazard

is not avoided.

The WARNING admonishment indicates a hazard that can cause
death or severe personal injury if the hazard is not avoided.

The DANGER admonishment indicates a hazard that will cause
severe personal injury or death if the hazard is not avoided.

Intended audience
This document is intended for engineers, technicians, and administrators who perform
OA&M activities on the MM-APC of a CDMA network.

Prerequisite skills and knowledge

To use this document effectively, you should have a general understanding of wireless
telecommunications technology. You should also be familiar with
• general UNIX® operating system commands
• Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Network OA&M interfaces, including Recent Change/Verify
(RC/V) subsystem interfaces and Status Display Pages (SDPs)
• local operating and troubleshooting procedures

Safety information
Whenever you handle the equipment, the caution below must be followed.

Failure to observe all electrostatic discharge (ESD) precautions
may damage equipment. For detailed information on ESD
precautions, see “Installation safety precautions” (p. 14).

How to use this document

This MM-APC OA&M document consists of the following chapters and appendixes:
• Chapter 1, “System description” provides a description of the MM-APF hardware
components, EINE connections, and LAN connections.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal xvii
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
About this information product

• Chapter 2, “Maintenance states” describes the maintenance states of an MM-AP as

seen from the LMT EI.
• Chapter 3, “Access MM-AP components” describes several methods of accessing
MM-AP components.
• Chapter 4, “Manage security” defines guidelines and procedures for securing an MM-
APC system and administering MM-AP logins.
• Chapter 5, “System administration” defines procedures for managing MM-AP file
systems; accessing MM-APs from various MM-APC OA&M interfaces; and powering
MM-APs down and up.
• Chapter 6, “Monitor the system” explains how to monitor the maintenance and alarm
states of an MM-AP, EINE, EINlink, and dual-rail LAN in an MM-APC system.
• Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting” provides troubleshooting information about output
messages and other triggering events and suggests possible solutions to troubles in
various server or frame components of an MM-APC, as well as in the EIN or dual-rail
LAN. This chapter also describes LED alarm indicators on Application Processor
Frame (APF) modules and how to correct APF alarms.
• Chapter 8, “Replacement procedures” defines procedures for replacing MM-APC
server and frame components.
• Chapter 9, “Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures” defines procedures for
adding (growing) EINEs, MM-AP 4x0S servers, and satellite MM-APs to an MM-
APC system.
• Chapter 10, “Degrowth procedures” defines procedures for removing (degrowing)
EINEs, MM-AP 4x0S servers, and satellite MM-APs from an MM-APC system.
• Appendix A, “Ethernet switch information” provides figures, LED descriptions, and
port assignments for the P333T and P334T Ethernet switches.
• Appendix B, “Command reference” describes the syntax, purpose, and usage of
UNIX-level commands that you can execute from an MM-AP.
• Appendix C, “Admin log reference” describes the types of MM-AP Admin logs that
an MM-APC system generates and how MM-AP Admin logs are formatted, and
explains how MM-AP Admin logs relate to associated output messages and how to
interpret information-only Admin log messages.
• Appendix D, “LAN IP addresses for 40 frames” provides a reference of LAN IP
addresses on the MM-AP-EINE and MM-APCC LANs.
• Appendix E, “Loading the OS upgrade cpio file onto the OMP” provides a procedure
for loading a Solaris 5.8-to-Solaris 5.9 OS upgrade cpio file onto the OMP.
• Appendix F, “Installing the golden image restoration package” provides procedures to
install a software package on the disk drives that can be used to fix a failing disk.

xviii Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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About this information product

• The Index identifies the page numbers at which specific subjects and topics are
covered in this document.

Conventions used in this document

The following typographic conventions are used throughout this document:
• Filenames, directory names, form names, and system-generated output such as error
messages are displayed in constant-width type.

the /dev/tmp directory
the cell2 form
• Information that the user is to input to the system exactly as shown is displayed in
constant-width bold type.

Execute the following command:
cd /dev/tmp
• System output or user input that varies from one instance to another instance are
displayed in constant width italic type.

Enter the following command:
rm filename
filename = the name of the file that is to be removed.
• The names of keyboard keys or software buttons are displayed in bold regular type.

Press the Enter key.
Press the Remove button on the EMS AP Status Page.
• Titles of documents or other information products are displayed in italic type.

Mobility Manager Application Processor Cluster (MM-APC) Operations,
Administration, and Maintenance (OA&M)
• Important words in a sentence are presented in bold italic type to emphasize their
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal xix
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
About this information product

The filename of the sconfig file must contain seven characters.

User input terminology

In this document, the word enter indicates that the user is to key in the specified characters
(such as a command) at the specified interface and then press the Enter or Return key.
The word press indicates that the user is to press the specified key or button. When the
user is to press multiple keys simultaneously, the names of the keys to be pressed are
hyphenated. For example, “Press Ctrl-e” indicates that the user is to press the Ctrl key and
the e key simultaneously.
The word type indicates that the user is to key in the specified characters without pressing
the Enter or Return key.

Related information products

The following documents are either referenced in this document or contain information
that is related to topics that are covered in this document:

Alcatel-Lucent 9281 Packet Switch information products.

number Document name
235-200-100 9281 Packet Switch for CDMA Network OA&M. Hereafter, this document
is referred to as Packet Switch AP manual.
235-600-700 5ESS® Input Messages Manual. Hereafter, this document is referred to as
5ESS® Input Messages.
235-600-750 5ESS® Output Messages Manual. Hereafter, this document is referred to
as 5ESS® Out put Messages.

The following 9281 Packet Switch Information products are either referenced in this
Information Product or provide additional information that relates to the Packet Switch.

Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Network information products. Some of the product titles

have been renamed.
The following Alcatel-Lucent CDMA information products are either referenced in this
information product or provide additional information that relates to the CDMA Network.

number Document name
401-610-036 Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Network Database Update Manual. Hereafter,
multi volume this document is referred to as the Database Update Manual.

xx Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
About this information product

number Document name
401-610-038 Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Network Text Recent Change and Verify guide.
Hereafter, this document is referred to as the RC/V Manual.
401-610-055 Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Network Input Messages. Hereafter, this
multi volume document is referred to as the Input Messages Manual.

401-610-057 Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Network Output Messages Manual. Hereafter,

multi volume this document is referred to as the Output Messages Manual.

401-610-077 Flexent®/AUTOPLEX® Wireless Networks Executive Cellular Processor

last update: R22 ECP and CDN Processor Recovery Message/Audits Manual.) Hereafter,
this document is referred to as the ECP Audits Manual.
401-610-133 Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Automatic Message Accounting (AMA) Formats
Description. Hereafter, this document is referred to as the AMA Format
401-610-135 Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Network Service Measurements. Hereafter, this
document is referred to as Service Measurements Manual.
401-610-166 Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Networks Status Display Pages Reference Guide.
Hereafter, this document is referred to as the SDP Reference Guide.
401-662-108 Alcatel-Lucent 9256 Operation and Management Platform (OMP)
Operation, Administration, and Maintenance. Hereafter, this document
is referred to as the OMP OA&M.
401-662-113 Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Network User Interface Guide. Hereafter, this
document is referred to as the User Interface Guide.
401-703-407 Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Base Station Operations, Administration, and
Maintenance. Hereafter, this document is referred to as the CDMA Base
Station OA&M Guide.
401-703-486 Alcatel-Lucent CDMA 9218 Macro/9228 Macro Base Station Series
and 9228 Base Station Macro LP System Description. Hereafter, this
document is referred to as the CDMA Modular Cell 4.0/4.OB and BTS
8420 System Desc.
401-703-487 Alcatel-Lucent CDMA 9222 Base Station MicroSystem Description.
Hereafter, this document is referred to as the CDMA 2400 System Desc.
401-703-488 Alcatel-Lucent CDMA 9224 Base Station Sub-Compact System
Description. Hereafter, this document is referred to as the CDMA 4400
System Desc.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal xxi
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
About this information product

number Document name
401-703-489 Alcatel-Lucent CDMA 9218 Base Station Macro/9226 Base Station
Compact System Description. Hereafter, this document is referred to as
the CDMA Modular Cell 4.0/4.OB Compact Series System Desc.
401-710-122 CDMA and PCS CDMA Modular Cell 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and Compact
Modular Cell 3.0 Operation, Administration, and Maintenance.
Hereafter, this document is referred to as CDMA Modular Cell OA&M.

Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Network 9290 Mobility Manager documentation

The following Alcatel-Lucent CDMA 9290 Mobility Manager documentation information
products are either referenced in this information product or provide additional
information that relates to the 9290 Mobility Manager network.

number Document name
401-710-090 CDMA Backhaul Networks- IP Backhaul and Ethernet Backhaul.
Hereafter, this document is referred to as the CDMA Backhaul Networks.
401-710-102 Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Network Radio Cluster Server Operations,
Administration and Maintenance. Hereafter, this document is referred to
as the RCS OA&M
401-710-200 Alcatel-Lucent 9290 Mobility Manager Overview and Migration
Description. Hereafter, this document is referred to as the MM Overview
and Migration Desc.
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent 9290 Mobility Manager Application Processor Cluster
Operations, Administration, and Maintenance. Hereafter, this document
is referred to as the MM-APC OA&M.
401-710-202 Alcatel-Lucent 9290 Mobility Manager Read-Only Printer Operations,
Administration, and Maintenance. Hereafter, this document is referred to
as the MM-ROP OA&M.
401-710-205 Signaling System 7/Direct Link Node OA&M. Hereafter, this document is
referred to as the MM-SS7 OA&M.
401-710-212 Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Network OAM Proxy Operations, Administration,
and Maintenance. Hereafter, this document is referred to as the OAM
Proxy OA&M
401-710-221 Flexent® Mobility Server (FMS)/Flexent® Blade Platform (FBP) Local
Last updated: R27 Maintenance Terminal (LMT) User Guide. Hereafter, this document is
referred to as the FMS/FBP LMT User Guide.

xxii Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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About this information product

number Document name
401-710-225 Alcatel-Lucent 9290 Mobility Manager Automatic Message Accounting
Operations, Administration, and Maintenance. Hereafter, this document
is referred to as the MM-AMA OA&M.
401-710-236 Alcatel-Lucent 9290 Mobility Manager Applications Operations,
Administration, and Maintenance. Hereafter, this document is referred to
as the MM-Applications OA&M.
This new document for Release 29 contains information for software
previously contained in the following IPs:
• 401-710-203: MM-DBMS OA&M
• 401-710-204: MM-HVLR OA&M
• 401-710-206: MM-VCA OA&M
• 401-710-207: MM-SDP OA&M
• 401-710-209: MM-CDN OA&M

Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Network OMC-RAN information products

The following Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Network OMC-RAN information products are
either referenced in this information product or provide additional information that relates
to the OMC-RAN product.

number Document name
401-380-835 Alcatel-Lucent 9253 Operations and Maintenance Center Radio Access
Network Object Description. Hereafter, this document is referred to as the
OMC-RAN Object Desc.
401-380-091 Alcatel-Lucent 9253 Operations and Maintenance Center Radio Access
Network Object Description. Hereafter, this document is referred to as the
OMC-RAN Object Desc.
401-380-092 Alcatel-Lucent 9253 Operations and Maintenance Center Radio Access
Network Command Line Interface (401-380-092). Hereafter, this
document is referred to as the OMC-RAN CLI.
401-380-198 Alcatel-Lucent 9253 Operations and Maintenance Center Radio Access
Network COBRA Northbound Interface OA&M. Hereafter, this document
is referred to as the OMC-RAN COBRA Interface
401-380-199 Alcatel-Lucent 9253 Operations and Maintenance Center Radio Access
Network SNMP Northbound Interface OA&M. Hereafter, this document is
referred to as the OMC-RAN SNMP Interface

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal xxiii
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
About this information product

9290 Mobility Manager Compact information products

The following 9290 Mobility Manager Compact (MMC) information products are either
referenced in this information product or provide additional information that relates to the
9290 Mobility Manager Compact product.

number Document name
401-710-226 Alcatel-Lucent 9290 Mobility Manager Compact (MMC) Platform
Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OA&M). Hereafter, this
document is referred to as the MMC Platform OA&M.
401-710-227 Alcatel-Lucent 9290 Mobility Manager Compact (MMC) Applications
Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OA&M). Hereafter, this
document is referred to as the MMC Applications OA&M.
This document covers all applications on the MMC platform except for
the MMC-RCS, SS7, and ECP.
401-710-229 Alcatel-Lucent 9290 Mobility Manager Compact System Capacity
Monitoring and Engineering (SCME). Hereafter, this document is referred
to as the MMC SCME.
401-710-230 Alcatel-Lucent 9290 Mobility Manager Compact Executive Cellular
Processor Operations, Administration, and Maintenance. Hereafter, this
document is referred to as the MMC-ECP OA&M.

Online Help
An online help system is available from a browser on a PC or workstation (for PC or
workstation users). The help system
• illustrates the Element Management System (EMS) pages and describes the function
of each page
• provides help for navigating the EMS pages

Note: You will need Internet Explorer 5.5 (or later) on your PC or Netscape
Navigator 4.76 (or later) on your workstation to access online help.

PC or workstation users
To access the online help system from your own browser, go to the wireless applications
OMP Web page by entering the following URL in your browser:

Note: You will need Netscape Navigator 4.77 (or later) or Internet Explorer 5.5 (or
later) on your PC, or Netscape Navigator 4.76 (or later) on your workstation, to access
online help.

xxiv Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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About this information product

ompname is the name assigned in the /etc/hosts file for your OMP

Click on the Library button.

Result: The first page of the online help is displayed.

To obtain technical support, documentation, training, or submit feedback

The Online Customer Support (OLCS) web site:
provides access to technical support, related documentation, related training, and feedback
tools. The site also provides account registration for new users.

CARES reporting
For CARES reporting on a 4x0S/8x0S server, you will need its serial number. This serial
number is located in two places:
• A SUN serial number is affixed to the top of the LED status panel along with a
barcode. This label is easy to read, but care must be taken when removing and
replacing the LED status panel. Refer to “Procedure 8-18: Replace a system status
panel” (p. 235).
• A SUN serial number sticker is also attached to the top-right handle of the server
drawer. This label is not easy to read since it is small and installed vertically.

Related training
Training courses that support the CDMA network include:
CL1000 C/W Flexent®/AUTOPLEX® Wireless Networks Overview.
CL5110 C Flexent®/AUTOPLEX® Wireless Networks Element
Management System (EMS) Tutorial. Hereafter, this
information product is referred to as the EMS Tutorial.
CL5501 IL Flexent® Mobility Manager Application Processor
Operations, Administration, and Maintenance.
CL5502 C/W Flexent® Mobility Manager Read-Only Printer (ROP)
Operations, Administration, and Maintenance

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal xxv
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About this information product

xxvi Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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1 System description

This chapter provides details of the Mobility Manager Application Processor Frame (MM-
APF) hardware components not found in the 401-710-200, MM Overview and Migration
Description. Refer to the 401-710-200 for the following descriptions:
• CDMA network architecture
• MM-APF hardware architecture
• MM-APC software architecture.

This chapter includes the following section:

Frame and server hardware components

EINE connections
MM-APC LAN connections

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 1-1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System description Overview

Frame and server hardware components

This section presents some useful information for identifying the Mobility Manager
Application Processor Frame (MM-APF) hardware and provides descriptions of server
and frame hardware components.

This section includes the following topics:

Background concepts
Server components
Frame components: R1 and R1SR base and growth frames

1-2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System description Background concepts

Background concepts
Determining what type of server you have
If you are not sure what type of server you have (800S, 400S, 410S, or 810S), go to the
front of the server and locate the system status panel. The server identifier at the bottom
right corner of the system status panel tells you what type of server you have. Refer to
Figure 1-1 through Figure 1-4.

Determine hardware installed on a server

To help determine what hardware is installed with a 4x0S or 8x0S server, enter the
following command from a login on the MM-AP:
prtconf -pv
The output from this command will include the following two lines:
The device and vendor IDs are as follows:
Vendor Name vendor-id device-id Comments
Sun 108e 1001 combo card
Sun 108e 1000 or R1 alarm card
Interphase 107e 9060 T1E1 cPCI (8-port)
Interphase 107e 90a0 T1E1 PMC (4-port)
Ramix 140b 610 PMC 610J Ethernet
Ramix 140b 682 RS232 serial/Ethernet PMC
Ramix (Hint) 3388 0020 Ramix cPCI carrier card

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 1-3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System description Server components

Server components
The Access Manager (MM-AP) server is a CompactPCI-based, NEBS (level 3)-certified,
ETSI-compliant, rack-mountable server. Each server is an independent computer with its
own central processing unit (CPU) or units, midplane, alarm card, SCSI hard drive(s), I/O
cards, fans, power supplies, etc.

Server types
There are four types of servers:
• 400S (Figure 1-1)
• 800S (Figure 1-2)
• 410S (Figure 1-3)
• 810S (Figure 1-4).

1-4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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System description Server components

Figure 1-1 MM-AP 400S server

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 1-5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System description Server components

Figure 1-2 MM-AP 800S server

1-6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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System description Server components

Figure 1-3 MM-AP 410S server

Slots for I/O cards
Host CPU
or satellite CPU




Alarm card ALARM/USER






CPU front
transition module
(front-access only)
or CPU front
termination board
(rear-access only)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 1-7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System description Server components

Figure 1-4 MM-AP 810S server

Slots for I/O cards

or satellite CPU cards

Host CPU card

Alarm card









Figure 1-5 Matching cards to RTMs (8x0S server)

Front of
chassis Rear of
Hard disk drives chassis

Slot 1 Host CPU card Host CPU RTM Slot 1

Slot 2 Front I/O card I/O RTM Slot 2
Slot 3 Sat CPU or Front I/O card (see Note below) Slot 3
Slot 4 Front I/O card I/O RTM Slot 4
Slot 5 Sat CPU or Front I/O card (see Note below) Slot 5
Slot 6 Front I/O card I/O RTM Slot 6
Slot 7 Front I/O card I/O RTM Slot 7
Slot 8 Alarm card Alarm RTM Slot 8

Note: For the 810S server, this can be a satellite CPU RTM of I/O RTM.

1-8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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System description Server components

Figure 1-6 Matching cards to RTMs (4x0S server)

Front of
chassis Midplane
Rear of
Double-wide 3U
alarm card
Hard disk drive
Host CPU card (slot 3) Host CPU RTM
Sat CPU or I/O card (slot 4) (see Note below)
Sat CPU or I/O card (slot 5) (see Note below)


Note: For the 410S server, this can be a satellite CPU RTM of I/O RTM.

Each MM-AP has a midplane. A midplane is the functional equivalent of a backplane.
The CPU card, storage devices, and I/O cards all plug into the midplane from the front of
the chassis, and the rear transition modules plug into the midplane from the rear. Refer to
Figure 1-7. The midplane for each server is secured to the back of the server unit.
The midplanes support the 5V (400S, 800S) or 5V-V10 (410S) CompactPCI bus.
Although the CPU card supports only the 32-bit CompactPCI bus, the midplanes allow 64-
bit peer-to-peer transactions. The midplanes also support the H.110 telephony bus on all
but these slots:
• Slots 1 and 8 in the 800S server
• Slots 1 and 3 in the 4x0S servers.
• Slot 1 in the 8x0S server and slot 3 in the 4x0S server are reserved for the CPU card.
• Slot 8 in the 8x0S server and slot 1 in the 4x0S server are proprietary I/O slots,
intended solely for alarm cards. All CompactPCI slots support basic, full, and high
availability hot swap on every CompactPCI slot.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 1-9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System description Server components

Figure 1-7 MM-AP server midplane




E 0S-


Hot-swappable components
The following components in 4x0S and 8x0S servers are hot-swappable (they can be
installed or replaced while the server is running, without interrupting the operation of the
• air filter, main
• air filters, power supply
• alarm card (410S/810S only)
• alarm rear transition module (410S/810S only)
• DVD/CD-ROM drive occupying the removable media module
• fan trays
• power supply, second, in an 800S server
• satellite CPU
• satellite CPU rear transition module
• system status panel
• system controller board (400S and 800S only)

1-10 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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System description Server components

Cold-swappable components
The following components in 4x0S and 8x0S servers are cold-swappable (they can only be
installed or replaced after halting and in some cases powering down the server):
• alarm cards for both the 800S server and the 400S server
• alarm rear transition module (800S server only)
• CPU card
• CPU rear transition module
• hard disk drive, single, in a 4x0S servers
• hard disk drives in an 8x0S server
• I/O cards
• I/O rear transition modules
• power supply, single, in 4x0S servers
• power supply, single or lone remaining in an 8x0S server
• powered-off or empty servers
• power distribution units

Main air filter

Both the 4x0S servers and the 8x0S servers have two types of air filters: a power supply
unit air filter, which filters the air going into the power supply, and a main air filter, which
filters the air going into the server. Both sets of air filters should be replaced every three to
six months. If your server environment is especially dirty, you may have to replace them
more frequently.
In 400S and 800S servers, the main air filter is located directly beneath the system card
cage. You can remove a main air filter from the server using the loop(s) attached to the
front of the air filter.
In 410S servers and 810S servers, the main air filter is located in a tray at the top of the
power supply unit.

Power supply air filter

In 4x0S and 8x0S servers, the power supply unit air filter is located in the front of the
power supply.
• The 800S/400S power supply unit air filter is held in place behind a metal screen,
which is secured to the power supply unit using two captive screws.
• The 810S/410S power supply unit air filter is held in place behind a plastic screen,
which snaps into the power supply unit.
The power supply unit air filter must be in place for safe operation.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 1-11
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System description Server components

There is an energy hazard present if the power supply unit air filter
is not installed. If you remove the power supply unit air filter, you
must replace the filter immediately and replace the outer cover for
the safe operation of your system. Refer to “Replace a power
supply unit air filter (400S and 800S servers)” (p. 8-260) for more

Alarm card
The alarm card provides significant reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS)
functions. The alarm card has its own CPU, a Motorola MPC850 processor, plus its own
real-time operating system and application software.
The alarm card and its accompanying software perform the following functions on the
• enables you to power on and off the MM-AP from a remote console
• notifies an administrator in the event of a component failure
• gives a hard or soft reset of the CPU board
• interacts with the network management software on the server to indicate changes in
system state
The alarm card has the following remote interfaces:
• 2 RS-232 serial interfaces
• 1 10 Mbps Ethernet port (Ethernet port 1)
• 1 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port (Ethernet port 2, R2 alarm card only)
• 1 DB-15 alarm port
The alarm card for the 8x0S server is different from the alarm card used in the 4x0S
servers, so the alarm cards are not interchangeable between the two types of servers. In the
8x0S server, the alarm card is a single-wide 6U card (a U is a unit of measure equal to 1.75
inches or 44.45 mm); in the 4x0S servers, the alarm card is a double-wide 3U card.
The alarm card for the 400S server (R1) is different than the alarm card for the 410S server
(R2), so R1 and R2 alarm cards are not interchangeable between 400S and 410S drawers.
The easiest way to distinguish R1 and R2 alarm cards is by the number of Ethernet ports:
R1 alarm cards have only one Ethernet port; R2 alarm cards have two Ethernet ports.
The alarm card for the 400S server (R1) has no rear transition module (all connections are
made to the alarm card itself), whereas the alarm card for the 410S server (R2) does have a
rear transition module.

1-12 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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System description Server components

R2 alarm card has more responsibility and two operating modes

In R2 servers, the R2 alarm card takes over the tasks of alarm, maintenance state, and
environmental monitoring of drawer components that are performed by the CPU in R1
servers. In addition, the R2 alarm card can operate in either R1 mode or R2 mode.
In R1 mode, an R2 alarm card operates as follows:
• supports RCC WatchDog control of the CPU
• performs power control and executes TICLI commands at the drawer level
• supports the R1 alarm card Remote System Control (RSC) set of commands, with
minor exceptions (consolehistory and loghistory are not supported)
In R2 mode, an R2 alarm card operates as follows:
• does not respond to RCC WatchDog control
• exercises power control and executes TICLI commands at the slot level, to allow for
separate action on the host CPU, satellite CPU, and I/O cards
• the rscadm utility is not supported in R2 mode

Alarm rear transition module (8x0S and 410S servers only)

The alarm rear transition module extends the ports on the alarm card installed at the front
of the server to the rear of the server. The alarm rear transition module is available only for
the 8x0S server or 410S server; there is no alarm rear transition module for the 400S
server. The alarm card must be installed in the front of the server in order for the alarm
rear transition module to work. Ethernet port 1 is a 10 Mbps Ethernet port, and Ethernet
port 2 is a 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port.

Host CPU card

The following table provides a quick comparison of the different host CPU cards.

processor Memory
Model Server types Frame types speed capacity
CP1500 400S server base, growth 440 MHz 512 KB cache,
800S server base 1 GB RAM

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System description Server components

processor Memory
Model Server types Frame types speed capacity
CP2140 410S server base, growth 650 MHz 512 KB cache,
810S server base 2 GB RAM when
the peripheral
400S server base, growth
mezzanine card
800S server base (PMC) is
populated, or
4 GB RAM when
the PMC is not
CP2500 410S server base, growth 1 GHz 4 MB cache, 2 GB
810S server base RAM

The model CP1500 CPU card is used as a host CPU. Model CP1500 can be installed in
either the 400S server or 800S server. A specific slot is reserved for the CPU card in both
the 400S server (slot 3) and the 800S server (slot 1), indicated by a red card cage slot.

Note: Beginning 4Q2004, 400S growth servers for existing R1 frames and
400S/800S servers in new base or growth R1 frames ship with model CP2140 CPUs,
not model CP1500 CPUs. Model CP1500 CPUs are not available for R1 growth
servers or frames or new R1 base frames after 4Q2004.
Model CP1500 provides the following interfaces:
• 2 10/100 Mbps Ethernet
• 2 serial (RS-232)
The two Ethernet ports (hme0 and hme1) are used to connect to the MM-APCC dual-rail

The model CP2140 CPU card is also used as a host CPU. Model CP2140 is an upgrade to
model CP1500 and can be installed in any of the following server types:
• 410S server
• 810S server
• 400S server [growth servers for existing R1 frames or new servers in new R1 base or
growth frames beginning 4Q2004]
• 800S server [new servers in new R1 base frames beginning 4Q2004]

1-14 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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System description Server components

• 400S server (field upgrade of host CPU)

A specific slot is reserved for the CPU card in both the 4x0S servers (slot 3) and the 8x0S
server (slot 1), indicated by a red card cage slot.
When installed in a 410S server or 810S server, the CPU card has one PMC site, which is
used as the connection for the PMC interface module (PIM) on the CPU rear transition
module. The PMC functionality is not available when the CPU card (model CP2140) is
installed in a 400S server or 800S server.
Model CP2140 provides the following interfaces:
• 2 10/100 Mbps Ethernet
• 2 serial (RS-232)
• 1 SCSI
The two Ethernet ports (eri0 and eri1) are used to connect to the MM-APCC dual-rail
In an R1SR frame, a server equipped with a CP2140 host CPU can have CP2160 and/or
CP2500 satellite CPUs. In a UNC frame, all CPUs must be CP2500 CPUs.

The model CP2500 CPU card is used as a host CPU and satellite CPU.
When installed in a 410S server, the CP2500 has one PMC site (either empty or installed
with a 4-port T1/E1 interface), which is used as the connection for the PMC interface
module (PIM) on the CPU rear transition module. When installed in a 810S server, the one
PMC site is always empty. In no situation does the CP2500 require an Ethernet PMC. The
CP2500 is provided with 4 internal Ethernet ports that provide all the connections that
were previously provided by the Ethernet PMC.
The model CP2500 provides the following interfaces:
• (4) 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet ports on the RTM faceplate (bge0 through bge3).
The bge0 and bge1 ports are used for the dual-rail LAN. The bge2 port is used for the
EINE (optional; the CPU can be EIN-less). The bge3 port can be used by some MM-
AP types (for example, OAM Proxy AP NORTHBOUND interface).
• (1) serial RS-232 console port shared between the CP2500 faceplate and RTM
• (1) serial RS232 console port dedicated on the RTM faceplate
• (1) SCSI.
The CP2500 requires a different rear transition module (that is, the RTM_H) than the

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Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System description Server components

In an R1SR frame, a server equipped with a CP2500 host CPU can have CP2160 and/or
CP2500 satellite CPUs. In a UNC frame, all CPUs must be CP2500 CPUs.
[Note to applications: The CP2500’s time-of-day clock is only maintained for
approximately 6 hours. It will need to be sync’d with an external clock source or be
manually reset if the CP2500 power is lost for more than 6 hours.]

Satellite CPU card

The following table provides a quick comparison of the different satellite CPU cards.

processor Memory
Model Server types Frame types speed capacity
CP2160 410S server base, growth 650 MHz No disk drive
810S server base
CP2500 410S server base, growth 1 GHz No disk drive
810S server base

The model CP2160 CPU card is used as a satellite CPU, which unlike the host CPU, has
no disk drive and does not require a battery to support the Real Time Clock function. The
satellite CPU provides additional CPU processing power within an MM-AP frame and
reduces the amount of floor space needed to deliver that processing power. Satellites are
used for memory-intensive applications. They are not used for distributed multiprocessing
or for disk-intensive applications. Satellites mount the Solaris operating system via NFS
from the host CPU within the same drawer.
A satellite CPU can be installed in either a 410S server, in slots 4 and 5, or in an 810S
server, in slots 3 and 5. A satellite CPU has two PMC sites, which are used as the
connection for the PIMs on the CPU rear transition module.
The satellite CPU provides the following interfaces:
• 2 10/100 Mbps Ethernet
• 1 serial (RS-232)
• 1 USB
The two Ethernet ports (eri0 and eri1) are used to connect to the MM-APCC dual-rail

The CP2500 as a satellite has the same functionality as a CP2160. But it provides
interfaces similar to the CP2500 host.

1-16 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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System description Server components

CPU rear transition module

The CPU rear transition module provides connections to the CPU card of the 4x0S servers
and the 8x0S servers. This connection allows transport of I/O to the rear of the drawer. The
CPU card must be installed in the front of the server in order for the CPU rear transition
module to work. The same host CPU rear transition module is used by the model CP1500
and CP2140 and CP2160 CPUs. Different CPU rear transition modules are used by the
model CP2500. The CP2500 RTMs cannot be used by these other model CPUs.
• The CP1500, CP2140, and CP2160 use the model XCP2040-TRN rear transition card.
• The CP2500, when used as a host CPU, uses the model RTM_H rear transition
• The CP2500, when used as a satellite CPU, uses the model RTM_S rear transition

Note: Beginning 3Q2003, the CPU rear transition module used with model CP1500
CPUs changed to the model XCP2040-TRN rear transition module, the same rear
transition module used with model CP2140 CPUs. Model XCP2040-TRN cards use
mini DB9 connectors for the TTY A and B connections rather than full-size DB9
connectors. When used in R1 frames, the XCP2040-TRN rear transition modules
require adapters that you attach to the frame TTY A and B cables. See Figure 8-18 for
an illustration of the new CPU rear transition module. See Figure 8-19 for an
illustration of the adapter required for use with the new rear transition module with
model CP1500 CPUs or with model CP2140 CPUs in R1 frames.
The following table gives the various configurations of CPU card and CPU rear transition

CPU rear transition Server types/Frame

CPU model module types Provides
CP1500 Model XCP2040-TRN 400S server/R1 base or Also provides two MIIs to
growth frame two 10/100 twisted-pair
800S server/R1 base frame Ethernet connections.

CP2140 Model XCP2040-TRN 410S server/R1SR base One PIM connection to the
and growth frame PMC on the host CPU card
810S server/R1SR base (model CP2140), either
frame T1/E1 or Ethernet
connection, but not both.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 1-17
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System description Server components

CPU rear transition Server types/Frame

CPU model module types Provides
CP2140 Model XCP2040-TRN 400S server/base or growth servers for existing
growth frame R1 frames or new servers
in new R1 base or growth
frames beginning 4Q2004]
new servers in new R1
base frames beginning
800S server/base frame 4Q2004
CP2140 Model XCP2040-TRN 400S server/R1 base or When an R1 host CPU
growth frame (field (model CP1500) is
upgrade) upgraded in the field to an
R2 host CPU (model
2140), it is paired with a
model XCP 2040-TRN
rear transition module that
has no PIM. In addition,
when used in a base or
growth frame, the model
XCP 2040-TRN rear
transition module requires
adapter cables to connect
the DB9 connectors on the
frame TTY A and TTY B
cables to the micro-DB9
connectors on the card.
CP2160 Model XCP2040-TRN 410S server/R1SR base Satellite CPU. Additional
and growth frame CPU processing power
810S server/R1SR base within an MM-AP frame
frame and reduces the amount of
floor space needed to
deliver that processing
power. Satellites are used
for memory-intensive
CP2500 host RTM_H 810S server/UNC base Perfomance enhancements
frame (new growth only) through a faster processor
410S server/R1SR base or and larger cache. Used as
growth frame (new growth host or satellite CPU.
410S server/UNC base or
growth frame
1-18 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System description Server components

CPU rear transition Server types/Frame

CPU model module types Provides
CP2500 satellite RTM_S 810S server/R1SR base Perfomance enhancements
frame through a faster processor
810S server/UNC base and larger cache. Used as
frame host or satellite CPU.

410S server/R1SR base or

growth frame (new growth
410S server/UNC growth

Removable media module

The removable media module includes the DAT drive and DVD/CD-ROM drive, which
are placed into the system from the front. The removable media module is available for the
8x0S server only.
Refer to “Replace a DVD or DAT drive (800S server only)” (p. 8-269) for more

DAT tape drive

New starts are equipped with DAT-72 DAT drives. For existing customers with 12-24 GB
4mm DDS-4 DAT drives, an option is available to upgrade to the DAT-72 drive.

Fan trays
Both the 8x0S servers and the 4x0S servers have two fan trays, and each fan tray has two
fans. The fan tray is designed to be hot-swappable. The fans are placed underneath the
card cage behind the system status panel. They are recessed into the operations card cage
to maximize the air flow across the CompactPCI cards.
With the introduction of the CP2500 CPU, comes the high-speed fan tray. Any server with
an CP2500 as a host CPU or satellite CPU must be installed with two high-speed fan trays.
For more information about fan trays, see “Replace a fan tray” (p. 8-263).

Hard disk drive(s)

The hard disk drives in both the 400S server and 800S server are located in a specific slot
behind the drive bay cover on the system. The hard disk drive used in the 800S server is
the same as that used in the 400S server, with the 800S server having two drives where the
400S server has one. Each hard disk drive has its own latching mechanism to ensure a
positive lock with the chassis.

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Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System description Server components

Note: The hard disk drives used in 410S and 810S servers are not the same as the
hard disk drives used in 400S or 800S servers. And hard disk drives used with
CP2500-equipped servers are not the same as those used with non-CP2500-equipped
servers. Pay attention to the labels on the latching mechanism of the handles of the
The hard disk drives used in 400S or 800S servers are 36 GB drives. The drives used in
410S and 810S servers are 73 GB. The label on the latching mechanism of the drive
handle includes the capacity of the drive. Also, the label may or may not designate the
drive as a CP2500-compatible drive. A CP2500-compatible drive must be used in a server
that is equipped with a CP2500 CPU (either host or satellite or both). It should not be used
with servers that are not equipped with CP2500 CPUs.
Following are the SCSI IDs for the hard disk drives:
• 800S server
– upper hard disk drive—SCSI ID 0
– lower hard disk drive—SCSI ID 1
• 810S server
– upper hard disk drive—SCSI ID 0 (on first SCSI chain, c0t0d0)
– lower hard disk drive—SCSI ID 1 (on second SCSI chain, c1t1d0)
• 4x0S servers
– hard disk drive—SCSI ID 0 (on only SCSI chain, c0t0d0)
In addition, there are two separate SCSI chains in the 810S server for the SCSI devices:
• The upper hard disk drive (HDD 0) and the removable media device are both on the
first SCSI chain. Any external SCSI devices attached to the SCSI port on the CPU
front or rear transition module would also be on the first SCSI chain.
• The lower hard disk drive (HDD 1) is the only SCSI device on the second SCSI chain,
and should be used as the boot drive.

I/O cards
The MM-AP currently supports the following types of CompactPCI I/O cards:
• T1/E1 (400S server only)
• Combo with RS-232 (8x0S server only)
• Carrier card with RS-232 (810S server only)
• Carrier card with Ethernet PMC (410S server only)
Card slots designed for I/O cards have black rails; card slots with red rails are reserved for
the host CPU card. An I/O card cannot be installed in the slot meant for the host CPU card
or alarm card.

1-20 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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System description Server components

T1/E1 card (400S server only)

The T1/E1/J1 card is a single-slot 6U CompactPCI network interface card equipped with
four or eight software-selectable T1/E1/J1 interfaces. The T1/E1 card is powered by the
Motorola PowerQUICC II MPC8260 64-bit RISC processor running at 200 MHz,
combined with a 64-bit, 66-MHz CompactPCI interface.

Combo and Combo with RS-232 cards

The Combo card contains two 10/100 Mbps Ethernet ports, two SCSI ports, and an open
slot for one PCI mezzanine card (PMC). The Combo with RS-232 card (8x0S servers
only) is the same as the Combo card except that the open slot is occupied by a PMC,
which provides two RS-232 ports and 1 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port.
The first Ethernet port on the Combo card (4x0S servers) or Combo with RS-232 card
(8x0S server) (qfe0) is used for the connection to the MM-AP’s EINE.

Carrier card with Ethernet or RS232

The carrier card can provide one Ethernet PMC or one RS232 PMC. The Ethernet PMC is
used with the 410S server to connect to an EIN. The Ethernet PMC provides four ports,
but only a single port (pro0) is used. The RS232 PMC is used with the 810S server to
connect to a ROP. The carrier card can also be used in place of the combo card in a 400S
or 800S server.

I/O rear transition modules

The I/O rear transition module brings the ports for a particular front I/O card to the rear of
the server. The front I/O card must be installed in the front of the server in order for the I/O
rear transition module to work.

I/O PMC cards

The MM-AP currently supports the following types of I/O PCI Mezzanine Cards (PMCs):
• Ethernet
• T1/E1I/O
PMCs are integrated onto CPU cards, either host or satellite. They are not customer or
field replaceable units (CRUs/FRUs). If a PMC fails, the CPU card itself must be returned
for repair.

The T1/E1/J1 PMC is a network interface PMC equipped with four software-selectable
T1/E1/J1 interfaces. There is the Interphase 4539-511A PMC (powered by a 300MHz
PQII) and the Interphase 4539-515A PMC (powered by a 450MHz PQII).

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Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System description Server components

Power supply unit

The power supply unit used in the 800S server is the same as that used in the 400S server,
with the 800S server having two redundant power supply units where the 400S server has
one. Feeds are supplied to each of the power supply units through the power distribution
units (PDUs), as illustrated in Figure 1-8.

Figure 1-8 Power supply units


4x0S server DC power

PDU source A
Power supply unit

4x0S server DC power

PDU source B

Power supply unit

DC power
800S server PDU source A

Power supply unit

PDU DC power
Power supply unit source B

The power supply unit has a cooling fan separate from the chassis cooling system. A wall
divides the power supply from the card cage above and the removable media module on
the side for the 800S server, and the card cage above and the CPU front transition module
on the side for the 400S server.
The 410S server has a single power supply unit. The power supply used in the 410S server
is different than that used in the 800S and 400S servers but is backward compatible with
those servers. A feed is supplied to the power supply unit through the power distribution
The 810S server has two power supply units. The power supply units used in the 810S
server is the same that used in the 410S server. Under normal conditions, they both
provide power to the server. If one power source or power supply fails, the server will
continue normal operations with the remaining power supply.

1-22 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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System description Server components

Power distribution unit

The power distribution units (PDUs) connect directly into the midplane and are located on
the chassis, not the server. A DC input power cable is plugged into the power distribution
unit, then the power distribution unit supplies power to the accompanying power supply
unit in the server (see Figure 1-9).

Figure 1-9 Power distribution units

Power distribution units

(in chassis)

Power supply units

(in 4x0S/8x0S servers)

Each power distribution unit is a cold-swappable field-replaceable component; however,

you must remove the server before you can replace a power distribution unit.
The power distribution unit used in 400S, 800S, 410S, and 810S servers is the same.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 1-23
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System description Server components

System status panel

The system status panel is a module designed to give feedback on the status of the key
components within the server. The system status panel has one set of LEDs for each
component within that particular server. Refer to “Troubleshoot the system using the
system status panel LEDs” (p. 7-10).

System controller board

The system controller board is a hot-swappable component located behind the system
status panel. It feeds system status information to the system status panel, where LEDs
give feedback on the status of the key components within the server.
For a diagram of the system controller board location, refer to “Replace a system
controller board” (p. 8-240).

1-24 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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System description Frame components: R1 and R1SR base and growth frames

Frame components: R1 and R1SR base and growth frames

This section describes the following MM-AP frame components for the R1 and R1SR
frames. For the Univeral frame, refer to the 410-710-200, MM Overview and Description.
• Modular Filter/Fuse Unit (MFFU)
• Reliable Clustered Computing (RCC) shelf
• Frame Interface Panels (FIPs)
• Dual Ethernet switches
• Maintenance Interface Panel (MIP)
• Disk Expansion Units
• MS Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT)

Modular Filter/Fuse Unit (MFFU)

The Modular Filter/Fuse Unit (MFFU) provides fusing and power distribution (-48VDC)
to the MM-APF. In addition, alarms from servers (power, fan, and temperature), the fuse
unit, or the Reliable Clustered Computing (RCC) shelf are consolidated by alarm
components within the MFFU and propagated both to FUSE and SYSTEM LEDs within
the frame as well as to the service provider’s office alarm cross-connect panel.

Figure 1-10 MFFU shelf with panel closed (front view)

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System description Frame components: R1 and R1SR base and growth frames

Figure 1-11 MFFU shelf with panel open (front view)

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System description Frame components: R1 and R1SR base and growth frames

Figure 1-12 MFFU fuse block, fuse label, and LED

The MFFU alarm system includes the following components:

• 2 alarm interface modules
• 3 alarm interface cards
• 2 alarm cards

Alarm interface modules

As you face the rear of the frame, alarm interface module B is the module on the left. It
serves the servers in the upper half of the frame as well as the BMR5 packs and the MFFU
fuses. Alarm interface module A is the module on the right and serves the servers in the
lower half of the frame.
Figure 1-16 shows the connectors on the underside of the alarm interface module to which
servers and frame components (BMR5 packs, fuses) connect.

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System description Frame components: R1 and R1SR base and growth frames

• Each server connects to one of the DB-15 connectors labeled A, B, C, or D via a single
cable through which the server transmits signals for any power, temperature, or fan
• All BMR5 packs connect to the DB-9 connector labeled F.
• All MFFU fuses connect to the 25-pin connector labeled G.
• The 25-pin and DB-15 connectors shown on the far right side of Figure 1-16 are not
actually on the bottom of the alarm interface module. They are the right-angled
connectors on the front of the module labeled “ALARM CARD INPUTS” AND
“FRAME ALARM OUTPUTS,” respectively [see Figure 1-17].
• The two alarm interfaces modules are themselves connected by a jumper cable that
runs between the two DB-15 connectors labeled E on each module.
The FRAME ALARM OUTPUTS connector allows hardware alarms to be forwarded to
an external device (for example, an office alarm cross-connect panel) for text, audible, or
visual alarms. The ALARM CARD INPUTS connector is not used at this time.

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System description Frame components: R1 and R1SR base and growth frames

Figure 1-13 Locating alarm cards and alarm interface cards in MFFU shelf (front

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System description Frame components: R1 and R1SR base and growth frames

Figure 1-14 Locating the TEL-TTY card in MFFU shelf (front view)

1-30 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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System description Frame components: R1 and R1SR base and growth frames

Figure 1-15 Locating the alarm interface module (rear of frame)

Figure 1-16 Layout of connectors on alarm interface module


C 2001

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System description Frame components: R1 and R1SR base and growth frames

Figure 1-17 Labels on external connectors of alarm interface module

Alarm propagation
Failure signals are converted to alarms through the following process:
• Failure signals from a server, BMR5 pack, or fuse unit are communicated over the
associated cable to the alarm interface module.
• The alarm interface module transmits the signals to one of the alarm interface cards
where the different types of hardware failures are separated and converted into a form
that can be sent outside of the frame.
The alarm interface card in MFFU slot 93 handles fuse alarms and a system alarm that
is generated when any of these types of failures occur.
The alarm interface card in MFFU slot 102 handles power and temperature alarms.
The alarm interface card in MFFU slot 111 handles BMR5 and fan alarms.
• The resulting signals can then be sent external to the frame via the FRAME ALARM
OUTPUTS connector.
• The system and fuse signals output by the alarm interface cards are sent to one of the
alarm cards, which lights the appropriate LED on the cabinet.

Reliable Clustered Computing (RCC) shelf

The Reliable Clustered Computing (RCC) shelf provides components that monitor,
recover, and maintain the MM-APs. Key among these components are the following:
• the WatchDog pack (BMR6B) (R1 or R1SR frames in R1 mode only)
• the Power Converter pack (BMR5) (R1 or R1SR frames in R1 mode only)
• reliability software

Note: The RCC hardware components (WatchDog and Power Converter packs) are
present but not used in R1SR frames that operate in R2 mode. In R1SR frames that

1-32 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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System description Frame components: R1 and R1SR base and growth frames

operate in R2 mode, the functions previously performed by the WatchDog are

performed by the server’s alarm card and by new RCC integrity software.

Figure 1-18 RCC shelf in base cabinet (front view)

WatchDog pack (BMR6B)

The WatchDog is responsible for ensuring the availability of the MM-APs by detecting
failures and initiating graceful or hard failovers to a mate MM-AP. It performs these
functions as follows:
• The MM-APs in an MM-APF exchange heartbeat and state information with the
• State changes are directed from the WatchDog to the MM-APs over an RS-232 path.
In addition to monitoring MM-APs, the WatchDog controls MM-AP power. You access
this power control from the MS Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT) Emergency Interface
(EI). For details about the LMT EI, refer to the Mobility Server (MS)/ Blade Platform LMT
User's Guide (401-710-221).
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 1-33
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System description Frame components: R1 and R1SR base and growth frames

Note: The RCC WatchDog Emergency Interface is not available in R1SR frames that
operate in R2 mode where the WatchDog is present but not used. In these frames, the
functions previously available through the WatchDog Emergency Interface are
available through the R2 alarm card operating in R2 mode in conjunction with new
RCC integrity software.

Power Converter pack (BMR5)

The RCC shelf includes Power Converter packs, which provide a highly reliable power
source for the RCC shelf. The base frame includes two pairs of BMR5s. The growth frame
includes one pair. If one converter in a pair fails, the other will still provide normal power
for RCC unit operation.
The Power Converter packs perform the following functions:
• convert -48 volts DC telephone battery plant to +5 volts DC required by the RCC unit
• generate an alarm if the power falls below requirements
A status LED on each Power Converter pack indicates the following:
• ON - voltage at the output of the converter is normal
• OFF - the converter has failed (for example, because the -48 volt input is missing or
the pack is bad)

Reliability software
The RCC reliability software can be organized functionally into the following parts:
• system integrity software
• resource monitors
RCC system integrity software interfaces and works with the WatchDog to monitor and
control system and cluster configurations, maintain node states and resource information,
and direct fault recovery actions.
RCC resource monitors are processes that control or monitor system- level resources, such
as disks and network interfaces. They assist in detecting errors and providing service to a
process with a higher authority, such as the RCC system integrity software or an
application. Resource monitors “watch” critical system resources and inform the system
integrity software when errors occur. They also bring the resource to the desired state, for
example, mounting or unmounting a file system.

Frame Interface Panels

The Frame Interface Panels, located in the rear of the MM-APF, provide the
interconnectivity between MM-APF elements and external CDMA network elements. For
example, the Ethernet cable from the EINE for the MM-AP is connected to the ENET0

1-34 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System description Frame components: R1 and R1SR base and growth frames

connector for the Combo or Carrier card on the Frame Interface Panel and then, through
internal wiring within the MM-APF, connected to Ethernet port 0 on the Combo card
(qfe0) or Carrier card (pro0) of the associated MM-AP.
The upper Frame Interface Panel (FIP) is located below the MFFU and serves the
components in the upper half of the frame. The lower FIP is located between the two
server shelves and serves the components in the lower half of the frame.

Dual Ethernet switches

When the Ethernet switch type is:
• P333R, P333T, or P334T, the MM-APF has two Ethernet switches: switch A (bottom)
and switch B (top).
• C364T, the MM-APF has two or four Ethernet switches. The base frame will have four
switches [switches A1 and A2 (bottom) and switches B1 and B2 (top)]. The growth
frames will have two switches: switch A1 (bottom) and switch B1 (top).
The Ethernet switches provide 10/100 BaseT Ethernet connections. The P333 R/T has 24
ports. The P334T has 48 ports. The C364T has 48 ports. These Ethernet connections
• redundant LAN connections for each MM-AP in the frame
• connectivity between the frame and the Operations and Management Platform (OMP)
Each MM-AP has a connection into switch A and switch B in the frame. The switches in
the base frame are cross-connected, which allows paired MM-APs to communicate if one
of an MM-AP’s LAN ports has failed but the other LAN port has not failed.
The switch connections within a frame and to an OMP are shown in Figure 1-19.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 1-35
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System description Frame components: R1 and R1SR base and growth frames

Figure 1-19 Switch connections

Refer to Appendix A, “Ethernet switch information” for pictures of the P333T and P334T
Ethernet switches, their LED descriptions, and their port assignements. The C364T’s port
assignments are similar to the P334T.

Maintenance Interface Panel

The Maintenance Interface Panel (MIP) sits between the two server shelves above the
Disk Expansion Units. It provides the following connections for use with the LMT in the
performance of various fault management and configuration management procedures:
• serial (RS-232) connections for direct console access to the CPU and alarm card of
each server and to switch A and switch B in the MM-APF (one connection per
• 2 serial (RS-232) connections for access to the WatchDog’s Emergency Interface (EI)

Note: The RCC WatchDog Emergency Interface is not available in R1SR frames that
operate in R2 mode where the WatchDog is present but not used. In these frames, the
functions previously available through the WatchDog Emergency Interface are
available through the R2 alarm card operating in R2 mode in conjunction with new
RCC integrity software.
• 2 Ethernet (RJ-45) connections for remote terminal access to any of the server CPUs,
alarm cards, or switches on the dual-rail LAN in the MM-APCC.

1-36 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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System description Frame components: R1 and R1SR base and growth frames

Figure 1-20 Maintenance interface panel for base frame




Figure 1-21 Maintenance interface panel for growth frame




Figure 1-22 Maintenance interface panel for R1SR frame




Frame interface panels

Figure 1-23 shows the location of the frame interface panels (FIP) at the rear view of the
Figure 1-24 through Figure 1-29 show close-up views of each type of FIP.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 1-37
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System description Frame components: R1 and R1SR base and growth frames

Figure 1-23 Rear view of MM-APF


Switch B

Frame Interface Panels

Switch A

1-38 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System description Frame components: R1 and R1SR base and growth frames

Figure 1-24 Upper FIP for R1 base frame


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ENET1

3 /9 4/ 0 5/ 1 6/ 2 7/
0 Ethernet Switch B ENET0 Rx Rx


(J2) (J2)




50/60 Tx Tx
(J1) (J1)

7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

SERVER 5 (800S) SERVER 3 (400S) SERVER 1 (400S)


Figure 1-25 Lower FIP for R1 base frame


SERVER 6 (800S) SERVER 4 (400S) SERVER 2 (400S)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ENET1

3 /9 4/ 0 5/ 1 6/ 2 7/
0 Ethernet Switch A ENET0 Rx Rx


(J2) (J2)




50/60 Tx Tx
(J1) (J1)

7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 1-39
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System description Frame components: R1 and R1SR base and growth frames

Figure 1-26 Upper FIP for R1 growth frame


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3 /9 4/ 0 5/ 1 6/ 2 7/
0 Ethernet Switch B Rx Rx Rx Rx




(J2) (J2) (J2) (J2)






50/60 Tx Tx Tx Tx
(J1) (J1) (J1) (J1)

7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


SERVER 7 (400S) SERVER 5 (400S) SERVER 3 (400S) SERVER 1 (400S)

Figure 1-27 Lower FIP for R1 growth frame


SERVER 8 (400S) SERVER 6 (400S) SERVER 4 (400S) SERVER 4 (400S)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


3 /9 4/ 0 5/ 1 6/ 2 7/
0 Ethernet Switch A Rx Rx Rx Rx



(J2) (J2) (J2) (J2)





50/60 Tx Tx TTxx Tx
(J1) (J1) (J1)
(J1) (J1)

7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

1-40 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System description Frame components: R1 and R1SR base and growth frames

Figure 1-28 Upper FIP for R1SR frame


2 3 4 5 12 13 14




0 1

0 1

0 1

0 1
15 16 20 24 27 28 31 32 33 34








0 1

0 1

0 1

0 1
35 36 39 40 43 44 45 46 47 48



0 1

0 1

0 1

0 1
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

SLOTS 5, 4, 3 SLOT 5 SLOT 4 SLOT 3 SLOTS 5, 4, 3 SLOTS 5, 4, 3 SLOT 5 SLOT 4 SLOT 3 SLOTS 5, 4, 3

Figure 1-29 Lower FIP for R1SR frame

SLOTS 5, 4, 3 SLOT 5 SLOT 4 SLOT 3 SLOTS 5, 4, 3 SLOTS 5, 4, 3 SLOT 5 SLOT 4 SLOT 3 SLOTS 5, 4, 3

2 3 4 5 12 13 14




0 1

0 1

0 1

0 1
15 16 20 24 27 28 31 32 33 34







0 1

0 1

0 1

0 1

35 36 39 40 43 44 45 46 47 48


0 1

0 1

0 1

0 1

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60


For CP2500 host CPUs, the EINE connection will come from slot 3 instead of slot 5.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 1-41
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System description Frame components: R1 and R1SR base and growth frames

MS Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT)

The MS Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT) is a personal computer (PC) that provides
MM-APCC system administrators and service personnel direct console access, remote
terminal access, and an RCC WatchDog Emergency Interface, as further described below.

Note: The RCC WatchDog Emergency Interface is not available in R1SR frames that
operate in R2 mode where the WatchDog is present but not used. In these frames, the
functions previously available through the WatchDog Emergency Interface are
available through the R2 alarm card operating in R2 mode in conjunction with new
RCC integrity software.

Console Access
This application provides single-point terminal access to MM-AP server, Alarm Card, and
Ethernet switch console ports using the Win2000Pro HyperTerminal program. Operating
system commands and MM-AP platform commands that may be required to perform
MM-APC OA&M procedures can be executed from this console.

Remote Access
This application provides telnet remote terminal access to the network elements within
the MM-APCC LAN using the Win2000Pro telnet program.

Emergency Interface
The Emergency Interface (EI) of the LMT provides administrative control over the MM-
AP frame during MM-APC integration, growth, replacement, or when servicing MM-AP
frame components. Its graphical user interface (GUI) displays the states of the WatchDog
and of MM-AP servers, allows you to change MM-AP states and control power to MM-
APs in the MM-AP frame, and displays an event log of all interaction between the LMT
and WatchDog. For more information about the LMT, refer to the Mobility Server (MS)/
Blade Platform LMT User's Guide (401-710-221).

Note: Customers are responsible for purchasing LMT hardware and software. It is
only necessary to purchase an LMT for the first frame. The LMT from the first frame
can connect to other frames over the MM-APCC LAN.

1-42 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System description EINE connections

EINE connections
This section describes the Ethernet Interface Node Enhanced (EINE) and EINE states.

Note: When the MSC is ECPless, there is no need for EINEs.

EINE function
The EINE enables the MM-AP to communicate with processors on the ECP Common
Network Interface/Interprocessor Message Switch (CNI/IMS) ring. The EINE receives
messages that are sent from the MM-AP via TCP/IP and forwards the messages to the
CNI/IMS ring so that the appropriate processor in the ECP Complex can process them.

EINE connections
The EINE communicates with the MM-AP through a point-to-point TCP/IP network over
an Ethernet connection. For 4x0S and 800S MM-APs equipped with an Ethernet PMC on
a combo card, this connection is made through the qfe0 device on the MM-AP. For MM-
APs equipped with an Ethernet PMC on a carrier card, or for any 810S MM-AP, this
connection is made through the pro0 device on the MM-AP. With the introduction of the
CP2500 CPU, the EINE connection can now be made to the bge2 device on this host or
satellite CPU card. Figure 1-30 illustrates the EINE connections using the qfe0 device.

Figure 1-30 EINE connections to MM-APs

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 1-43
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System description MM-APC LAN connections

MM-APC LAN connections

An MM-AP is connected to other MM-APs in the Access Manager Frame (MM-APF) by
a dual Local Area Network (LAN) connection; that is, there are two separate Ethernet
connections between the MM-APs. These connections operate in an ACTIVE/STANDBY
mode to provide fault-tolerant LAN communications. The MM-AP LAN is also connected
to the OMP. This section describes these LAN connections and their possible states.

LAN interface names for 400S and 800S vs. 410S servers
The names of the dual-rail LAN interfaces on the MM-AP vary by server type, as
summarized in the following table.

then the prefix for the dual-rail

If the server type is... LAN interface names is...
400S or 800S hme (or eri for 400S or 800S servers
equipped with model CP2140 CPUs)
410S or 810S eri or bge

Note: Throughout this section, except in examples, the prefix for LAN interface
names is represented as hme/eri/bge, for example, hme0/eri0/bge0. If you are
troubleshooting LAN problems for a 400S or 800S server, use the hme prefix or the eri
prefix for 400S or 800S servers equipped with model CP2140 CPUs. If you are
troubleshooting LAN problems for a 410S or 810S server, use the eri/bge prefix.

How the LAN is configured

The MM-AP dual-rail LAN is configured as follows:
• The LAN interface associated with the primary network is hme0/eri0/bge0 and is
connected to switch A.
• The interface associated with the secondary network is hme1/eri1/bge1 and is
connected to switch B.
• Within the MM-APCC is an MM-APF base frame that is considered the center of the
STAR LAN configuration. This base frame’s Ethernet switches A and B are connected
to each other through two Ethernet crossover cables (indicated by red insulation on the
One of these cables is connected from Port 1 of the Lower FIP (Ethernet Switch A) to
Port 1 of the Upper FIP (Ethernet Switch B). The other cable is connected from Port 2
of the Lower FIP (Ethernet Switch A) to Port 2 of the Upper FIP (Ethernet Switch B).
(Switches in all other frames in the STAR LAN configuration are not cross-
1-44 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System description MM-APC LAN connections

Do not remove the cross-connect cable from the MM-APF.

For illustrations of the P333T and P334T 10/100 Ethernet switches, refer to Appendix A,
“Ethernet switch information”
Figure 1-31 illustrates the LAN topology for 400S and 800S servers. Figure 1-32
illustrates the LAN topology for 410S servers. [For connections from the MM-APC to
OMPs, refer to “MM-APC LAN connections” (p. 1-44).]

How FT-LAN is configured

The MM-AP FT-LAN is configured as follows:
• FT-LAN link 1 is associated with the hme0/eri0/bge0 physical interface, and more
specifically the hme0:9/eri0:9/bge0:9 logical interface. This interface is the
connection to switch A.
• FT-LAN link 2 is associated with the hme1/eri1/bge1 physical interface, and more
specifically the hme1:9/eri1:9/bge1:9 logical interface. This interface is the
connection to switch B.
• A third “virtual” interface (cgtp0) is used on the MM-AP for transmission and
reception of FT-LAN data.
• FT-LAN uses the same LAN topology as is used for the dual-rail LAN, however, it
does not make use of the connection between switches A and B at the center of the
STAR configuration.
On FT-LAN, each packet is transmitted on both link 1 and link 2. If any single packet is
lost, the mate packet, which is sent on the opposite link, is received and processed. In this
way, FT-LAN can transparently survive any single failure to the network.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 1-45
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System description MM-APC LAN connections

Figure 1-31 LAN topology for 400S and 800S servers

Figure 1-32 LAN topology for 410S servers


eri eri eri eri

0 1 0 1

HUB B 10/100 MB
to Ethernet
OMP connection
eri eri eri eri
0 1 0 1


LAN IP addressing
When the MM-AP first initializes, the primary interface (hme0/eri0/bge0) is assigned
Internet Protocol (IP) address x.y.32.z or x.y.33.z (where x and y are the first two octets
of the LAN IP address and z is the logical MM-AP number) and is declared ACTIVE.

1-46 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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System description MM-APC LAN connections

The secondary interface (hme1/eri1/bge1) is assigned IP address x.y.16.z or x.y.17.z

and is declared STANDBY.
Similarly, the FT-LAN link 1 interface (hme0:9/eri0:9/bge0:9) is assigned IP address
x.y.48.z or x.y.49.z, the FT-LAN link 2 interface (hme1:9/eri1:9/bge1:9) is assigned
IP address x.y.64.z or x.y.65.z, and the FT-LAN virtual interface (cgtp0) is assigned IP
address x.y.80.z or x.y.81.z.
The flxname utility allows you to specify one of the addresses in the range 172.16
through 172.31 as your network address.

MM-APF LAN connections to an OMP

The dual-rail MM-APF LAN extends to the OMP. The two MM-AP-to-OMP connections
are made between the frame interface panels (FIPs) of the MM-APF and ports hme1 and
hme2 of the OMP. Port 15 of the upper FIP connects to port hme2 on the OMP. Port 15 on
the lower FIP connects to port hme1 on the OMP.
the MM-AP-to-OMP LAN is
If the OMP is... connected to...
a Sun Microsystems hme0
SPARCserver20™ (SS20)
a Sun Microsystems hme1
UltraSPARC™ II processor

For more details about the LAN configurations of your specific OMP system, see your
OMP documentation.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 1-47
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System description MM-APC LAN connections

1-48 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
2 Maintenance states

The purpose of this chapter is to provide additional information related to maintenance
states not already covered in the 401-710-200, MM Overview and Migration Description.
Understanding these maintenance states is key to performing the OA&M procedures
covered in later chapters.

This section includes the following topics:

MM-AP maintenance states at the EMS

MM-AP States at the LMT EI

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 2-1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Maintenance states MM-AP maintenance states at the EMS

MM-AP maintenance states at the EMS

This section identifies the MM-AP maintenance states and when each state may occur.
The expected state of each MM-AP in an MM-APC is ACTIVE. The Element
Management System (EMS) may also show MM-APs to be in the following states:
• Out-of-Service (OOS)-MANUAL

MM-AP state changes that result from manual actions

During the course of several MM-APC maintenance or administrative procedures, you
remove an MM-AP from service. Figure 2-1 depicts the MM-AP state changes that result
from manual actions.

Figure 2-1 MM-AP state changes that result from manual actions










The ACTIVE state is assigned to an MM-AP when the MM-AP is actively running MM-
AP platform software and is running or ready to run applications such as the Mobility
Manager Database Management System (MM-DBMS) or Mobility Manager Read-Only
Printer (MM-ROP). (The EMS may distinguish one ACTIVE MM-AP with a yellow star,
indicating that this MM-AP is the lead MM-AP. The lead MM-AP is actively running
MM-AP platform software and is acting as the cluster leader. The lead MM-AP has a few
special responsibilities, such as maintaining the cluster state.)
2-2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Maintenance states MM-AP maintenance states at the EMS

Note: An ACTIVE MM-AP does not guarantee that applications such as MM-
DBMS processes are running. MM-APs and applications have their own sets of states,
and additional manual actions are required to manage the applications that reside on an
MM-AP. For an explanation of MM-DBMS states, see MM Applications OA&M
document (401-710-236). For an explanation of MM-ROP states, see Chapter 3,
“Maintenance states and concepts” of the MM-ROP OA&M document (401-710-202).

Valid commands in the ACTIVE MM-AP state

The following commands are valid when an MM-AP is in the ACTIVE state:
• The RMV:AP command removes an MM-AP from service (that is, to the OOS-
MANUAL state). You execute the RMV:AP command as you perform several
administrative or maintenance procedures (such as applying MM-AP platform
Software Updates) to demote an ACTIVE MM-AP to OOS-MANUAL.


The OUT-OF-SERVICE-MANUAL (OOS-MANUAL) state is assigned to an MM-AP
when the MM-AP has been removed from service. When an MM-AP is in the OOS-
MANUAL state, the MM-AP cannot host any ACTIVE or STANDBY application, such as

Associated commands in the OOS-MANUAL state

The following commands are associated with the OOS-MANUAL state:
• After an MM-AP is in the OOS-MANUAL state, the apoffline command is
executed to stop all processes on the MM-AP and prepare the MM-AP for
replacement, operating system (OS) upgrade, or other low-level maintenance. For
more information about the aponline and apoffline commands, see
“Offline/Online MM-AP distinctions” (p. 2-4) and Appendix B, “Command
• The INIT:AP command initializes an MM-AP that is OOS-MANUAL (after the
RMV:AP command is executed). The INIT command can be executed only when the
MM-AP is OOS-MANUAL and allows one of the following (where a is the MM-AP
– a full reboot of the MM-AP, if you specify INIT:AP a, FULL
– A reinitialization of the Alcatel-Lucent platform software only, if you specify
• After initialization is complete, the MM-AP remains in the OOS-MANUAL state until
you restore it to service by executing the RST:AP command.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 2-3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Maintenance states MM-AP maintenance states at the EMS


The ISOLATED MM-AP state is not a true state but rather an indication that the EMS
(OMP) does not know the state of the MM-AP. (Although the EMS may display an MM-
AP as ISOLATED, the MM-AP may still be servicing calls.) An MM-AP is ISOLATED
when the communication path between an MM-AP and the EMS is down due to one of the
following conditions:
• The MM-AP is initializing (by execution of the INIT:AP command).
• A failure has occurred. (In this case, the MM-AP remains ISOLATED until the fault is
• A communication fault between the MM-AP and OMP has occurred.
• The MM-AP is offline.

Offline/Online MM-AP distinctions

Another distinction of an MM-AP is whether it is online or offline:
• When an MM-AP is offline, MM-AP software is shut down but UNIX is running
(unless the MM-AP is powered off). An offline MM-AP appears as ISOLATED at the
• When an MM-AP is online, MM-AP software is running or initializing. An online
MM-AP may appear as either ACTIVE, ISOLATED, or OOS-MANUAL at the EMS.
If you have taken an MM-AP offline manually (by executing the apoffline command),
to perform a maintenance procedure, you must return the MM-AP to online (by executing
the aponline command).


The UNKNOWN MM-AP state is normally a transitional state for an MM-AP while it is
initializing. An MM-AP that is UNKNOWN is communicating with the Mobility
Manager Application Processor Frame (MM-APF) and the EMS but has not yet started all
of the MM-AP platform processes that make the MM-AP ACTIVE. The process by which
an AP enters the UNKNOWN state is illustrated in Figure 2-2.

2-4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Maintenance states MM-AP maintenance states at the EMS

Figure 2-2 MM-AP transition to UNKNOWN state

Fault occurs (RMV:AP was not




401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 2-5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Maintenance states MM-AP States at the LMT EI

MM-AP States at the LMT EI

The LMT EI’s view of MM-AP states
The LMT EI displays the machine state of an AP. The machine state is a lower level view
of an AP than the EMS’s view of an AP state.
• An MM-AP state as displayed by the EI portrays whether the MM-AP machine itself
is booted and running infrastructure processes. The EI communicates with the
WatchDog for this information.
• An MM-AP state as displayed by the EMS portrays whether those infrastructure
processes on the MM-AP are providing service (for example, running call processing
applications). The EMS communicates with an EMS agent on each MM-AP for this

EMS versus EI MM-AP states

The following table maps EMS MM-AP states to LMT EI states.

EMS state LMT EI state

ISOLATED Initializing

The following section describes MM-AP states as displayed from the LMT EI.

ACTIVE state
An MM-AP in the ACTIVE state is actively running MM-AP platform software. An
ACTIVE state is fundamental to being able to bring other applications up on an MM-AP,
such as MM-RCS instances.

Note: An ACTIVE system does not necessarily imply that MM-AP applications are
running. (The application-level status is best observed from the EMS.)

An MM-AP in the STANDBY state is communicating with the MM-AP frame and other
MM-AP systems, but has not started all the platform processes necessary for the MM-AP
to be ACTIVE.

2-6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Maintenance states MM-AP States at the LMT EI

Other Indications
For the MM-APC configurations, STANDBY is not a valid long-term state. If an MM-AP
remains in STANDBY, there is likely some problem with the software installed on the
system or possibly communications problems with other cluster members.

INIT state
An MM-AP in the INIT, or initializing, state indicates that MM-AP server resources and
system processes are restarting and initializing. Usually, an MM-AP is in the INIT state
for one of the following reasons:
• A fault recovery is in progress.
• The system is returning to online as a result of some administrative action.
In most cases, an MM-AP that enters the INIT state will undergo a reboot to assure
operating system sanity. Successful completion of the initialization results in the MM-AP
returning to the STANDBY or ACTIVE state.

Other indications
An MM-AP remains in the INIT state for a maximum of about 8 minutes before the MM-
APC performs a reset and/or power cycle and the MM-AP attempts to initialize again.
Under normal MM-APC conditions, an MM-AP server is only in the Initializing state for
about 2 minutes. If a server continues to be in this state for a longer period it is a good
indication of a possible fault which may require human intervention.

The MM-AP in an OFFLINE state indicates that the MM-AP is being serviced or
upgraded. (For example, the OFFLINE state is used during MM-AP platform software
update.) An offline MM-AP is isolated from the MM-APC configuration, so no fault
detection or recovery impacts an MM-AP in the OFFLINE state. An offline system can be
shutdown or powered off using normal shutdown (Solaris) procedures.
Caution should be exercised when one of the MM-APs is in the
OFFLINE state since redundancy is reduced and availability could
be compromised if a fault occurs in its mated active system(s).

Other Indications
An MM-AP will also enter the OFFLINE state if, after repeated attempts, the MM-AP
fails to reach the ACTIVE state.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 2-7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Maintenance states MM-AP States at the LMT EI

An MM-AP in the UNAVAILABLE state is the result of either an unrecoverable fault or
an administrative manual request. Most often, a system in the UNAVAILABLE state may
have been powered off as it entered the UNAVAILABLE state. During some fault recovery
situations, an MM-AP may appear in the UNAVAILABLE state for a short interval
(several seconds). This brief state occurrence is usually an indication of a power cycle
being performed as part of the recovery attempt. An MM-AP left in the UNAVAILABLE
state compromises system availability if a fault does occur on the mate MM-AP.

*Transition* state
Transition is not a true MM-APC state but rather an indication that the state of an MM-AP
is being changed. “Transition” is typically displayed at the EI when the WatchDog is
directing some sort of server recovery or during a reboot interval in which an MM-AP is

An MM-AP in an Unknown state indicates that no successful communication is occurring
between the LMT EI and the APC Watchdog. This state occurs in the following
• The EI has just been started and has not yet received any data.
• The serial connection between the LMT and the Watchdog is broken.
• The WatchDog has a fault.
• The WatchDog has been reset and neither MM-AP1 nor MM-AP2 are online.
A remote LMT/ PC console displays MM-AP states as Unknown until the modem
connection has been established to the MM-AP frame.

2-8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
3 Access MM-AP

You can log in to a Mobility Manager Application Processor (MM-AP) in one of several
• From the Operation and Maintenance Center - Radio Access Network (OMC-RAN)
GUI (the recommended OA&M interface). The Mobility Manager TICLI commands
used in this document can be entered from the OMC-RAN TICLI. There are
similarities and differences. Refer to the 401-380-835 or 401-662-113 for details.
a. Open the AP/ES Overview window.
b. Select a Group tab in the left pane. Note: You can only see those APs for which
you have permissions.
c. Position the cursor over one of the available APs to view a tooltip. This provides a
brief text message identifying the AP
d. Select an AP block in the right pane and right-click it.
e. In the shortcut menu, click Poke Commands to view a list of poke commands
(poke commands are essentially shortcuts for entering TICLI commands).
f. After the list of poke commands, there is an option to start the TI Wizard (that is,
the place where poke commands are executed). Click TI Wizard to open the TI
Wizard window.
g. If the poke command you are looking for cannot be found, use the OMC-RAN
TICLI to enter the command manually.

Note: After the OMC-RAN solution is added to the network, any given MM-AP can
be monitored by either the OMC-RAN or the OMP-FX EMS GUI/TICLI, but not both.
• From the MM-APCC Local Area Network (LAN) (telnet) by using
– FLEXENT(TM) AP Access menus on the Operations and Management Platform
– telnet directly from the OMP shell

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 3-1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Access MM-AP components Overview

– telnet from another MM-AP

– telnet from the LMT
– telnet to the server’s alarm card (from the OMP, LMT, or another server on the
MM-APCC LAN) and access the server console using the alarm card’s Remote
System Control (RSC) or TICLI commands

Note: R1 alarm cards and R2 alarm cards operating in R1 mode use the Remote
System Control (RSC) interface. R2 alarm cards operating in R2 mode use the R2
alarm card TICLI.

Note: Under normal operating conditions, remote access to the server should be via
the OMP.
• through each server’s console, which can be accessed via the LMT through either of
the following:
– the server’s alarm card serial port (/dev/rsc for R1 alarm cards or /dev/ssp-
serial for R2 alarm cards)
– the server’s own serial port (/dev/ttya)

Overview of server access points

Figure 3-1, “Server access points” (p. 3-2) is a high-level illustration of the seven server
access points.

Figure 3-1 Server access points

Ethernet User LAN

MM-AP Frame 1
Ethernet LAN SwitchA LAN SwitchB

C To other MM-APs
console serial port
serial (RSC COM1)
port (TTY A) (default prior to R21)
1. Select Flexent AP Access menu
2. Telnet directly from OMP shell Ethernet port
(port 3 or ACCESS PORT)

3. Telnet from another server 4. Telnet from LMT
5. Telnet to server alarm card, 6. Direct console access via
establish console connection, alarm card serial port
and log in from console (HyperTerminal program)
7. Direct console access via
CPU serial port
(HyperTerminal program)

3-2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Access MM-AP components Overview

The UNC frame requires different LMT cabling than the R1 and R1SR frames. The UNC
frame LMT cabling consists of the following:
• RS232 Null Modem cable - DB9
• DB9 to mini DB9 pigtail cable
• Ethernet Switch Cable with RJ45 connector.

To access the server root login

Most procedures in this document instruct you to log in to the server as root (see
“Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)).

Prior to Release 32.0:

Alcatel-Lucent recommends that you log in with your specific user login ID and then
access root by issuing the su (superuser) command:
su - root
When prompted, provide the password for root. The shell prompt for that specific server
is then displayed.
Contact the system administrator for the server if you do not have a login on the server or
do not know the password for the server.

Release 32.0 and later:

In Release 32.0 and later, when the feature "Restrict Root Login Phase 1: RBAC Roles and
Centralized User Account Management for MM-APs" is enabled, root is not
recommended for logging into the MM-APs to perform some operations.
You should log into an MM-AP with your specific user login ID. Then assume one of the
roles (that is, enter su <role>) to perform specific operations or execute commands or
tools in pfksh. As an example, to run the command aponline:
• Take 'sysuser' for example, it is created by the CAM tool and the roles 'rsysadm' and
profile 'psysadm' are associated with this account.
Note: The CAM tool is provided by the feature "Restrict Root Login Phase 1: RBAC
Roles and Centralized User Account Management for MM-APs feature".
ompxen root> ssh sysuser@ap243
. input passwd for sysuser
ap243:sysuser > su rsysadm
. input passwd for rsysadm
ap243:sysuser > aponline
ap243:sysuser > pfksh -c "aponline"

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 3-3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Access MM-AP components Overview

This section includes the following topics:

Choose a login method

Element Management System (EMS)
Procedure 3-2: Access an MM-AP from OMP menus
Procedure 3-3: Access an MM-AP via telnet from the OMP shell
Procedure 3-4: Access an MM-AP via telnet from another MM-AP
Procedure 3-5: Access an MM-AP via telnet from the LMT
Procedure 3-6: Telnet to a server console via the alarm card
Procedure 3-7: Access a server console via the alarm card serial port
Procedure 3-8: Access a server via the CPU serial port
Procedure 3-9: Telnet to an Ethernet switch from the LMT
Procedure 3-10: Access an Ethernet switch via its serial port from the
Procedure 3-11: Access the LMT emergency interface (EI)

3-4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Access MM-AP components Choose a login method

Choose a login method

The OMC-RAN, if installed on the system, is the preferred method for logging into the
MM-AP servers. If not installed, then use one of the other methods described in this
section. This section provides information to help you determine which of the alternative
ways of logging into a server to use for a given task or situation. It identifies factors to
consider, explains what is meant by “console,” describes possible console configurations,
and gives examples.

Factors to consider
Which of the many ways of logging into a server you choose depends on several factors,
• what you need to do (the task)
• where you are physically located (remote from, within reach of, or at the frame)
• the state of the network
• the availability of the OMP

Note: Under normal operating conditions, the recommended method of remote

access is through the OMP.

Related information
Key to making the right selection of login method is an understanding of
• console
• console configurations

In the Solaris operating system, the console is the principal I/O device (for example,
terminal or dedicated window on a screen) from which certain administrative tasks are
While the system is booting, and until it reaches the multiuser run level, the console is the
only device where boot actions and errors are displayed. Should the system not boot
successfully, the console is the only interface where you can input maintenance
commands. Even before the system boots, while the system is running off CPU firmware
in OpenBoot PROM mode, all input and output is directed through the console.
Console access is required for the following tasks or situations:
• growing a new server
• replacing a boot drive
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 3-5
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Access MM-AP components Choose a login method

• performing tasks when network access is not possible or functional (for example, the
dual-rail LAN is down)
• observing boot actions and errors
• performing fault management tasks in single-user or “maintenance” mode
• performing fault-management tasks in OpenBoot PROM mode (from the ok prompt),
for example, selecting an alternate boot source or forcing boot parameters
Reference: For information about single-user, multiuser, and other system run
levels, see Solaris 8 System Administrator Collection, System Administration Guide,
Volume 1.

Console configurations
Console access has traditionally been limited to a single, physical connection to the serial
port on the CPU (/dev/ttya). With servers, however, console options also include
• direct connection through the serial port of the server’s alarm card
(/dev/rsc for R1 alarm cards or /dev/ssp-serial for R2 alarm cards)
• remote LAN access through the Ethernet port of the server’s alarm card
When accessing the console through the alarm card, you first log in to the alarm card and
then execute an alarm card command to establish a console connection to the server. For
R1 alarm cards and R2 alarm cards operating in R1 mode, you execute a Remote System
Control (RSC) command. For R2 alarm cards operating in R2 mode, you execute an alarm
card TICLI command.

Multiplexing comes to multiconsole

For R2 host CPUs and satellite CPUs, the CPU /dev/ttya and alarm card /dev/rsc
(R1) or /dev/ssp-serial (R2) interfaces are multiplexed, making both serial console
paths operational at the same time. You can connect the serial cable to the serial port of
either the CPU or the alarm card without having to know which console path the server is

R1 vs. R2 console configurations

In R1 servers, the console connection between the alarm card and the CPU is a dedicated
serial path. In R2 servers, in anticipation of satellite CPUs, a dedicated serial path is no
longer sufficient. In R2, the alarm card-CPU console connection uses a combination of the
• the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) serial bus while the server is at
run level 0 (OBP prompt)
• the MCNet over the cPCI midplane when the server is booted up

3-6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Access MM-AP components Choose a login method

This console connection, also known as netconsole, automatically toggles between the
IPMI and cPCI paths, depending on the availability of the MCNet link. Throughput on the
IPMI bus is limited, with the MCNet link offering faster access. The MCNet link has its
own interface on R2 CPUs, the mcn0 interface. The mcn0 interface is configured
automatically to a fixed IP address in every drawer, 192.168.13.x, where x represents the
slot in which the CPU is installed, 1 for the host CPU in an 810S server, 3 for the host
CPU in a 410S server, 4 for a satellite CPU in slot 4 of a 410S server, etc.

Note: The IPMI and MCNet resources are shared among netconsole and other
system functions, so it is possible to overload netconsole, especially with multiple
connections per drawer. A maximum of four simultaneous, average-bandwidth
connections per drawer is recommended, fewer for higher-bandwidth connections.

Benefits of console access via alarm card

A key benefit of console access through the alarm card is that it makes remote console
access possible. In addition, because the alarm card supports up to four simultaneous
sessions, including both serial and remote, multiple users can “share” remote console
access, viewing each other’s inputs and outputs. In combination with other server control
capabilities of the alarm card, such as resetting, powering on, or powering off a CPU, the
console capabilities of the alarm card make it a key fault management interface. (As long
as the drawer is still receiving power, the alarm card continues to be powered by standby
power even though a CPU may have been powered off.)

Requirements of console access via alarm card

Accessing the console through the alarm card requires that
• The server have an alarm card (that is, the alarm card is present).
• The alarm card have a root login.
• The alarm card’s root login have console permission.
Reference: See “Changing alarm card login account permissions” (p. 4-28), for
information on assigning console permission to the alarm card’s root login.

Note: If you are having trouble accessing the serial interface of the alarm card or of
the CPU, try accessing the other serial console interface (CPU or alarm card).
If you are on an R2 host CPU or on a satellite CPU, the CPU and alarm card serial
interfaces are multiplexed, making both serial console paths operational at the same
time. You can connect the serial cable to the serial port of either the CPU or the alarm
card without having to know which console path the server is using.

Consider the following fault-management and configuration-management tasks:

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 3-7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Access MM-AP components Choose a login method

• replacing a server or frame component where the replacement procedure does not
involve powering down and rebooting the server (for example, replacing the system
status panel or the DVD drive)
• replacing a component where the replacement procedure does require powering down
and rebooting the server
• growing a server
• troubleshooting a component malfunction when the network is down
For each of these examples, the following table identifies an appropriate login method
given the task, user location, and network state.

you are console

located network access
If you are... at... is... is... then, to log in...
replacing a component the frame up not required telnet directly to the server
which does not involve a from the LMT.
replacing a component the frame up required telnet to the alarm card
which does involve a from the LMT, establish a
powerdown/reboot console connection to server
from there.
growing a server the frame up required telnet to the alarm card
from the LMT, establish a
console connection to server
from there.
troubleshooting the frame down may be required Log in to the alarm card
through its serial port from
the LMT and establish a
console connection to server
from there.

3-8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Access MM-AP components Element Management System (EMS)

Element Management System (EMS)

The Element Management System (EMS) on the OMP provides both graphical and
command-line interfaces for MM-AP fault management.

Note: If an MM-AP is being managed by an OMC-RAN system, the EMS will not
show the MM-AP. It must be managed through the OMC-RAN.

The EMS Graphical User Interface (GUI) provides several pages that provide specific
views of an MM-APCC. With these pages, you can monitor and control the maintenance
and alarm states of an MM-AP and its managed resources.

The EMS CLI is intended to be used primarily:
• when you want to create a script that will issue a series of individual commands
• when the EMS GUI is unavailable; for example, when the OMP web server is not

Note: The procedures throughout this document include both EMS GUI and EMS
CLI methods of issuing MM-AP commands. However, the recommended way of
executing the commands is from the EMS GUI.

Note: EMS CLI MM-AP commands are available from the Technician Interface
Command Line Interface, or TICLI. If you attempt to execute a command that has
been migrated from EMS CLI to TICLI, you will receive an error message similar to
the following:
AP commands are not supported by EMS CLI,
execute commands from TICLI

Related information
For more detailed information about the EMS, refer to the following CDMA network
information products:

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 3-9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Access MM-AP components Overview

• EMS Online Help. The EMS Online Help is part of the Flexent Online Help system
available on the OMP. It defines the constructs of each of the EMS page and operations
that you can perform from each page. Includes a legend that defines alarm,
maintenance, and other state indicators.
• EMS User's Tutorial (CL5110). The EMS User's Tutorial is designed for technicians
who are responsible for Flexent system Operations, Administration, and Maintenance
(OA&M). The CL5110 tutorial introduces the EMS as a tool for performing OA&M of
the Flexent wireless network components. Topics include access, navigation, and tips
for efficient use of the EMS, including how to
– access and exit the EMS graphical user interface (GUI)
– navigate to each page in the EMS interface
– sort alarms by network element, managed resource, severity, or time

This section includes the following topics:

Procedure 3-1: Access the EMS GUI

Overview of EMS pages

3-10 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-1: Access the EMS GUI

Procedure 3-1: Access the EMS GUI

The EMS resides on the OMP. You access the EMS GUI from a browser on your PC or
workstation using the Web-based EMS GUI client. Browser access to the EMS GUI
includes modem access over a regular phone line (at 28.8 Kbps) or over a wireless analog
modem (at 9.6 Kbps).

To access the Web-based EMS GUI client from your PC or workstation, your PC or
workstation must satisfy minimum hardware and software requirements, and you must
configure your browser for the EMS GUI.

To launch the Web-based EMS client, perform the following procedure:

1 Access the OMP Web page by entering the following URL in your browser:
ompname is the name assigned in the /etc/hosts file for your OMP server

Result: The OMP Web page is displayed.

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Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-1: Access the EMS GUI

Figure 3-2 OMP Web page


2 Click on the Application Processors icon.

Result: The OMP Web page login dialog box is displayed.

Figure 3-3 OMP Web page dialog box


3 Fill in the User Name and Password text boxes and click OK.

Note: The default user name and password are webuser, however, for security
purposes, your organization will have selected different ones. Contact your OMP Web
administrator for the OMP Web page user name and password for your location.
3-12 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-1: Access the EMS GUI

Result: An EMS AP Summary Page is displayed.

Figure 3-4 AP Summary page

Note: When you navigate to an EMS page, you need to wait for the page to
completely download before you navigate to another EMS page. If you navigate to
another page before the download process for the first page completes, the browser
may hang. If this occurs, close the window, press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to bring up the Task
Manager box, click on netscape.exe for Netscape Navigator or iexplorer.exe
for Internet Explorer, and then click on End Task.
Due to a browser deficiency, some dynamic pages (especially tables) can use large
portions of memory, eventually causing the browser process to die. The software
includes checks to minimize these occurrences, but if the browser process dies, re-
launch your browser.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 3-13
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Access MM-AP components Overview of EMS pages

Overview of EMS pages

The EMS GUI provides several pages that provide specific views of an MM-APC system.
You can use those pages to monitor and control the maintenance, alarm, and configuration
states of an MM-APC and its managed resources.

Managed resources
A managed resource is a a physical or logical entity that is associated with an MM-AP.
Each managed resource is represented by a symbol in the Element Management System
(EMS), which displays the maintenance state and alarm status, if applicable, for the
resource. Examples of managed objects include
• MM-AP network elements
• Mobility Manager Database Management System (MM-DBMS) application
• Mobility Manager Read-Only Printer (MM-ROP) application
• DS1 link facilities
• DS0s for LAPD signaling links
• Radio Cluster Servers (RCSs)
• Ethernet Interface Node Enhanced (EINE) links
• LAN interfaces

Note: Throughout this document, except where differences between the two formats
require that we refer to them separately, we use the term “DS1” to refer to the first
multiplexing level of the ITU standard as it applies to both the U.S. and European
digital signal hierarchies. That is, we use “DS1” to refer to both the DS1 format
carried over T1 lines at a rate of 1.544 Mbps, as well as the CEPT-1 format carried
over E1 lines at a rate of 2.048 Mbps. We use phrases such as “DS1 link facilities” to
refer to both T1 and E1 facilities.

3-14 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Access MM-AP components Overview of EMS pages

Network views that the EMS provides

The EMS GUI provides different types of views of FMM-AP network elements, managed
resources, and system alarms. The pages that provide these views are described in the
following table.

Page Function
AP Summary Page Displays maintenance and alarm status for each FMM-
AP in the system.
Provides navigation to more detailed views (for a
specific FMM-AP, for example) and to the Active
Alarm List.
AP Status Page Displays the status of a specific FMM-AP and its
managed objects, including MM-DBMS and MM-
ROP applications, RCSs, DS1s, EINE links, and
Provides access to FMM-AP commands, such as
Provides navigation to more detailed views (for a
specific MM-DBMS, for example) and to the Active
Alarm List.
DBMS Status Page Displays the status of an MM-DBMS pair and the
associated MM-APs.
Provides access to MM-DBMS commands, such as
Provides navigation to the FMM-AP detailed view and
to the Active Alarm List.
ROP Status Page Displays the status of an MM-ROP pair and the
associated MM-APs.
Provides access to MM-ROP commands, such as
Provides navigation to the FMM-AP detailed view and
to the Active Alarm List.
RCS Status Page Displays the status of an FMM-RCS pair, the DS1 on
which it is dependent, and the associated MM-APs.
Provides access to FMM-RCS commands, such as
Provides navigation to DS1 and FMM-AP detailed
views and to the Active Alarm List.
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 3-15
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Access MM-AP components Overview of EMS pages

Page Function
DS1 Status Page Displays the status of a specific DS1 interface, the
associated FMM-AP, and all FMM-RCSs that use this
Provides access to DS1 commands, such as
Provides navigation to FMM-AP, FMM-RCS, and
DS0 views and to the Active Alarm list.
DS0 Summary Page Displays the status of all DS0s associated with a
particular DS1, as well as of the DS1 itself, the FMM-
AP on which the DS1 exists, and the FMM-RCS
associated with each DS0.
Provides navigation to the DS0 detailed view, the
FMM-AP summary view, and the Active Alarm List.
DS0 Status Page Displays the status of a specific DS0, and of the DS1,
FMM-AP, and FMM-RCS with which it is associated.
Provides access to DS0 commands, such as
RMV:AP a, DS1 b, DS0 c.
Provides navigation to the FMM-AP summary view
and the Active Alarm List.
Active Alarm List Provides a detailed display of currently active alarms.
Supports automatic filtering by network element or
managed resource.
Allows you to sort the alarm list by severity, network
element, or time.
Provides navigation to the detailed views for a network
element or managed resource that is associated with an
active alarm record.

3-16 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-2: Access an MM-AP from OMP menus

Procedure 3-2: Access an MM-AP from OMP menus

This section defines the procedure for accessing an MM-AP (host or satellite) from
Operations and Management Platform (OMP) menus.

When to perform
Use this method of accessing the MM-AP when you are at the OMP, the network is up,
and the procedure that you are about to perform does not require console access, for
example, when you need to execute MM-AP platform-level commands, such as

Reference: For more detailed information about apoffline and other MM-AP
commands, see Appendix B, “Command reference”.”

To log in to an MM-AP from the OMP menus, perform the following procedure.

1 Using Button 3 (the right-most button) on the mouse of an OMP X- terminal, launch the
AUTOPLEX(R) OMP Technician menu.

Result: The following AUTOPLEX(R) OMP Technician menu is displayed:


2 Select the FLEXENT(TM) AP Access menu item.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 3-17
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-2: Access an MM-AP from OMP menus

Result: The following AP Access menu is displayed:


3 From the AP Access menu, select the MM-AP that you want to access.
Result: An MM-AP UNIX shell window with a login prompt is displayed.


4 Use your specific MM-AP user login ID and password to log in to the MM-AP.

5 Enter the following command to access root permissions (in Release 32.0, refer first to
“Release 32.0 and later:” (p. 3-3)):
su - root

6 When prompted, provide the password for root.

Note: For more information about the su command, see “To access the server root
login” (p. 3-3) earlier in this chapter.

3-18 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-3: Access an MM-AP via telnet from the OMP

Procedure 3-3: Access an MM-AP via telnet from the OMP shell
This section defines the procedure to access an MM-AP from the Operations and
Management Platform (OMP) shell.

When to perform
You can access MM-APs from the OMP shell as an alternative to using the OMP menus.

To log in to an MM-AP from the OMP shell, perform the following procedure:

Note: In Release 31.0 and later, using telnet to access an MM-AP will fail with the
following error message if the MMAP-APCC LAN filtering level is set to '2' in mscsec
'Protocol error, apXX closed connection'
Only ssh protocol can be used for connection from the OMP to an MM-AP or MM-AP
to MM-AP under this condition. The user should enter ‘ssh apxxy’ to access an MM-

1 Log in to the OMP at the login prompt.


2 Execute the following command to access an MM-AP:

telnet apxxy
xxy the 2- or 3-digit logical identifier for the MM-AP, such as 01

Result: A login prompt is displayed.


3 Use your specific MM-AP user login ID and password to log in to the MM-AP.

4 Enter the following command to access root permissions (in Release 32.0, refer first to
“Release 32.0 and later:” (p. 3-3)):
su - root

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 3-19
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-3: Access an MM-AP via telnet from the OMP

When prompted, provide the password for root.


3-20 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-4: Access an MM-AP via telnet from another

Procedure 3-4: Access an MM-AP via telnet from another MM-

This section defines the procedure to access an MM-AP from another MM-AP.

When to perform
You can access one MM-AP from another MM-AP when you are at or already working
from that server, the network is up, and the procedure you are about to perform does not
require console access to the remote MM-AP.

To log in to an MM-AP from another MM-AP, perform the following procedure:

Note: In Release 31.0 and later, using telnet to access an MM-AP will fail with the
following error message if the MMAP-APCC LAN filtering level is set to '2' in mscsec
form, but ssh to this MM-AP can succeed under this condition.
'Protocol error, apXX closed connection'

1 If necessary, log in to the MM-AP from which you want to telnet.


2 Execute the following command to access the other MM-AP:

telnet apxxy
xxy the 2- or 3-digit logical identifier for the MM-AP, such as 01

Result: A login prompt is displayed.


3 Use your specific MM-AP user login ID and password to log in to the MM-AP.

4 Enter the following command to access root permissions (in Release 32.0, refer first to
“Release 32.0 and later:” (p. 3-3)):
su - root

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Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-4: Access an MM-AP via telnet from another

When prompted, provide the password for root.


3-22 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-5: Access an MM-AP via telnet from the LMT

Procedure 3-5: Access an MM-AP via telnet from the LMT

Perform this procedure to log in remotely (telnet) to an MM-AP from the LMT.

Reason to perform
Use this method of accessing an MM-AP when:
• You are at the server frame, or you are remote from the frame but the OMP is not
• The network is up.
• The procedure that you are about to perform does not require console access.

Required materials

This procedure requires an RJ-45 Ethernet cable to connect the LMT to the Ethernet

To telnet to an MM-AP from the LMT, perform the following steps:

1 Connect the Ethernet cable to the LMT Ethernet port.


2 Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to one of the following (refer to the figures):
• For R1 frames, the Maintenance Interface Panel (MIP) Ethernet Switch A PORT 3.
• For R1SR frames, the MIP Ethernet Switch A ACCESS PORT.
• For UNC frames, the front Cable Interface Panel (CIP) Ethernet Switch A PORT 3.

Figure 3-5 Maintenance interface panel for R1 base frame




401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 3-23
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-5: Access an MM-AP via telnet from the LMT

Figure 3-6 Maintenance interface panel for R1 growth frame




Figure 3-7 Maintenance interface panel for R1SR frames





3 Select the LMT software shortcut from the Desktop.


4 Click the Remote Access icon in the LMT program icons folder (see figure).

Result: The following Remote Access window appears.

3-24 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-5: Access an MM-AP via telnet from the LMT


5 Select the frame or server range of the MM-AP which you want to access remotely from
the Frame Number or AP Range drop-down menu.

6 Select the MM-AP to which you want to connect from the Server (ap) buttons.
Result: A telnet window similar to the following appears.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 3-25
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-5: Access an MM-AP via telnet from the LMT


7 At the login prompt, use your specific MM-AP user login ID and password to log in to
the MM-AP.

8 Enter the following command to access root permissions (in Release 32.0, refer first to
“Release 32.0 and later:” (p. 3-3)):
su - root

9 When prompted, provide the password for root.


3-26 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-6: Telnet to a server console via the alarm

Procedure 3-6: Telnet to a server console via the alarm card

Perform this procedure to establish a remote console connection to a server via the server’s
alarm card from the OMP, LMT, or another server on the MM-APCC LAN.

Reason to perform
Use this method of accessing a server when you are at the frame or remote from it, the
network is up, and the procedure you are about to perform does require console access.

Required materials
If you elect to telnet from the LMT, this procedure requires an RJ-45 Ethernet cable to
connect the LMT to the MM-APCC LAN.

To establish a remote console connection to a server through that server’s alarm card,
perform the following steps:

1 Make the appropriate selection from the following table according to the platform from
which you are connecting:
If you are connecting
from... then...
the OMP go to Step 3
another server go to Step 3
the LMT go to Step 2


2 Perform Step 1 through Step 6 of “Access an MM-AP via telnet from the LMT” (p. 3-23),
selecting in Step 6 the alarm card of the server to which you want establish a remote
console connection instead of the server itself, then return here.
Result: A telnet window similar to one of the following appears.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 3-27
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-6: Telnet to a server console via the alarm

Figure 3-8 telnet window from LMT to R1 alarm card

Figure 3-9 telnet window from LMT to R2 alarm card

Note: Alarm cards in R1 mode display an rsc prompt as shown in Figure 3-9. Alarm cards
in R2 mode display a cli prompt.
Skip to Step 5.

3-28 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-6: Telnet to a server console via the alarm


3 If necessary, log in to the OMP or MM-AP from which you want to telnet.

4 Execute the following command to access the alarm card of the server to which you want
to establish a remote console connection:
telnet acxxy
xxy the 2- or 3-digit logical identifier for the MM-AP in slot 3 of
the server to which you want to establish a remote console
connection, such as 01

Result: For R1 alarm cards, output similar to the following is displayed:

Connected to ac01.
Escape character is ’^]’.

RSC version 2.0.0 (ac01)

Please login:

Result: For R2 alarm cards, output similar to the following is displayed:

Connected to ac01.
Escape character is ’^]’.

Sun Netract 2.0


5 At the login prompt, enter root.

Result: For R1 alarm cards, the following password prompt is displayed:
Please Enter password:

Result: For R2 alarm cards, the following password prompt is displayed:


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 3-29
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-6: Telnet to a server console via the alarm


6 At the password prompt, enter the alarm card’s root password (default newsys1).
Result: For R1 alarm cards or R2 alarm cards in R1 mode, a prompt similar to the
following is displayed:
ac01 rsc>

Result: For R2 alarm cards in R2 mode, a prompt similar to following is displayed:

ac01 cli>

7 Is the alarm card an R1 or R2 alarm card?

If the alarm card is an... then...

R1 alarm card continue with Step 8
R2 alarm card skip to Step 9


8 At the rsc prompt, enter

followed by two carriage returns.
Result: The server’s console login prompt is displayed.
ap01 console login:
Skip to Step 11.

9 At the cli prompt, enter

console slot_number
followed by one carriage return.
slot_number is the slot number in the drawer of the server to which you
wish to establish a console connection. If not supplied, a
console connection is established to the host CPU.

3-30 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-6: Telnet to a server console via the alarm

Result: The console command generates three lines of output similar to the following:
console: Trying to connect to console in slot 3
console: connected to console in slot 3 (Session 2)
Console mode is MCNET.

10 Enter a second carriage return.

Result: If anything has been written to the CPU console buffer since the last console
connection, the contents of that buffer are first written to the console, and then the
server’s console login prompt is displayed.
ap01 console login:

11 At the console login prompt, use your specific server (or MM-AP slot 3) user login ID and
password to log in to the server.
Result: Output similar to the following is generated.
Last login: Fri May 4 16:36:22 on console
You have new mail

TERM is set to "vt100".


12 Enter the following command to access root permissions (in Release 32.0, refer first to
“Release 32.0 and later:” (p. 3-3)):
su - root

13 When prompted, provide the password for root.


14 When finished, enter the following key sequence (tilde period) to terminate the remote
console connection:
Result: For R1 alarm cards or R2 alarm cards in R1 mode, you are returned to the
rsc alarm card prompt.
ac01 rsc>

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 3-31
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-6: Telnet to a server console via the alarm

Result: For R2 alarm cards in R2 mode, you are returned to the cli alarm card
ac01 cli>

15 To log out of the alarm card, enter the following:



3-32 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-7: Access a server console via the alarm card
serial port

Procedure 3-7: Access a server console via the alarm card

serial port
Perform this procedure to establish a local console connection to a server via the server’s
alarm card serial port.

Reason to perform
Use this method of accessing a server when you are at the frame, the network is down, and
the procedure you are about to perform may require console access.

Required materials
This procedure requires an RS-232 null modem (DB9F-DB9F) serial cable to connect the
LMT to the alarm card serial port.

To establish a local console connection to a server through that server’s alarm card serial
port, perform the following steps:

1 Connect one end of the DB9F-DB9F serial cable to the COM1 port of the LMT.

2 Connect the other end of the serial cable to the RSC COM1 port for the server on the
Maintenance Interface Panel (MIP). Refer to one of the following:
• Figure 3-5, “Maintenance interface panel for R1 base frame” (p. 3-23)
• Figure 3-6, “Maintenance interface panel for R1 growth frame” (p. 3-24)
• Figure 3-7, “Maintenance interface panel for R1SR frames” (p. 3-24)].

3 Select the LMT software shortcut from the Desktop.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 3-33
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-7: Access a server console via the alarm card
serial port


4 Click the Console Access icon in the LMT program icons folder (see figure).

Result: For R1 alarm cards, a Console-HyperTerminal window appears and the

following login prompt is generated:
Please login:
Result: For R2 alarm cards, a Console-HyperTerminal window appears and the
following login prompt is generated:

5 At the login prompt, enter root.

Result: For R1 alarm cards, the following password prompt is displayed:
Please Enter password:
Result: For R2 alarm cards, the following password prompt is generated:

6 At the password prompt, enter the alarm card’s root password.

Hint: The default password for the alarm card root login is newsys1, however, for security
reasons this password will probably have been changed. See “Login security guidelines”
(p. 4-6) in Chapter 4, “Manage security”,” for more information.
Result: For R1 alarm cards or R2 alarm cards in R1 mode, a prompt similar to the
following is displayed:
acxxy rsc>

3-34 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-7: Access a server console via the alarm card
serial port

xxy is the 2- or 3-digit logical identifier for the MM-AP in slot 3 of
the server to which you want to establish a remote console
connection, such as 01

Result: For R2 alarm cards in R2 mode, a prompt similar to following is displayed:

ac01 cli>

7 Is the alarm card an R1 or R2 alarm card?

If the alarm card is an... then...

R1 alarm card continue with Step 8
R2 alarm card skip to Step 9


8 At the rsc prompt, enter

followed by two carriage returns.
Result: The server’s console login prompt is displayed.
apxxy console login:
Skip to Step 11.

9 At the cli prompt, enter

console slot_number
followed by one carriage return.
slot_number is the slot number in the drawer of the server to which you
wish to establish a console connection

Result: The console command generates three lines of output similar to the following:
console: Trying to connect to console in slot 3
console: connected to console in slot 3 (Session 2)
Console mode is MCNET.

10 Enter a second carriage return.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 3-35
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-7: Access a server console via the alarm card
serial port

Result: If anything has been written to the CPU console buffer since the last console
connection, the contents of that buffer are first written to the console, and then the
server’s console login prompt is displayed.
ap01 console login:

11 At the console login prompt, use your specific server (or MM-AP slot 3) user login ID and
password to log in to the server.
Result: Output similar to the following is generated.
Last login: Fri May 4 16:36:22 on console
You have new mail

TERM is set to "vt100".


12 Enter the following command to access root permissions (in Release 32.0, refer first to
“Release 32.0 and later:” (p. 3-3)):
su - root
When prompted, provide the password for root.

13 When finished, enter the following key sequence (tilde period) to terminate the remote
console connection:
Result: For R1 alarm cards or R2 alarm cards in R1 mode, you are returned to the
rsc alarm card prompt.
ac01 rsc>
Result: For R2 alarm cards in R2 mode, you are returned to the cli alarm card
ac01 cli>

14 To log out of the alarm card, enter following command:


3-36 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-8: Access a server via the CPU serial port

Procedure 3-8: Access a server via the CPU serial port

Perform this procedure to establish a local console connection to a server via the server’s
CPU serial port.

Reason to perform
Use this method of accessing a server when you are at the frame, the network is down, the
alarm card is not present or operational, and the procedure you are about to perform may
require console access.
The CPU and alarm card serial interfaces are multiplexed, making both serial console
paths operational at the same time. You can connect the serial cable to the serial port of
either the CPU or the alarm card without having to know which console path the server is

Required materials
This procedure requires an RS-232 null modem (DB9F-DB9F) serial cable to connect the
LMT to the CPU serial port.

To establish a local console connection to a server through that server’s CPU serial port,
perform the following steps:

1 Connect one end of the DB9F-DB9F serial cable to the COM1 port of the LMT.

2 Connect the other end of the serial cable to the CPU TTY A port for the server on the
Maintenance Interface Panel (MIP). Refer to one of the following:
• Figure 3-5, “Maintenance interface panel for R1 base frame” (p. 3-23)
• Figure 3-6, “Maintenance interface panel for R1 growth frame” (p. 3-24)
• Figure 3-7, “Maintenance interface panel for R1SR frames” (p. 3-24)].

3 Select the LMT software shortcut from the Desktop.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 3-37
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-8: Access a server via the CPU serial port


4 Click the Console Access icon in the LMT program icons folder (see figure).

Result: A Console-HyperTerminal window appears and the following prompt is


5 At the login prompt, use your specific server (or MM-AP slot 3) user login ID and
password to log in to the server.
Result: Output similar to the following is generated.
Last login: Wed May 30 14:19:41 on console
Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.8 Generic February 2000
You have new mail.

TERM is set to "vt100".

TERM is set to "vt100".

ap35:login_ID >

6 Enter the following command to access root permissions (in Release 32.0, refer first to
“Release 32.0 and later:” (p. 3-3)):
su - root
When prompted, provide the password for root.

3-38 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-8: Access a server via the CPU serial port

Hint: The default password for root is newsys, however, for security reasons this
password will probably have been changed. See “Login security guidelines” (p. 4-6) for
more information.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 3-39
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-9: Telnet to an Ethernet switch from the LMT

Procedure 3-9: Telnet to an Ethernet switch from the LMT

Perform this procedure to log in remotely (telnet) to an Ethernet switch from the LMT.

Required materials
This procedure requires an RJ-45 Ethernet cable to connect the LMT to the MM-APCC

To telnet to an MM-AP from the LMT, perform the following steps:

1 Connect the Ethernet cable to the LMT Ethernet port.


2 Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to the Maintenance Interface Panel (MIP)
Ethernet Switch A port. Refer to one of the following:
• Figure 3-5, “Maintenance interface panel for R1 base frame” (p. 3-23)
• Figure 3-6, “Maintenance interface panel for R1 growth frame” (p. 3-24)
• Figure 3-7, “Maintenance interface panel for R1SR frames” (p. 3-24)].

3 Select the LMT software shortcut from the Desktop.


4 Click the Remote Access icon in the LMT program icons folder (see figure).

Result: The following Remote Access window appears.

3-40 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-9: Telnet to an Ethernet switch from the LMT


5 Select the frame or server range of the Ethernet switch to which you want to telnet from
the Frame Number or AP Range drop-down menu.

6 Select the Ethernet switch to which you want to connect from the Ethernet Switch (es)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 3-41
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-9: Telnet to an Ethernet switch from the LMT

Result: A telnet window similar to the following appears.


7 At the Login prompt, enter root (or your specific Ethernet switch user login name).
Result: The following prompt is generated:

8 Enter the password for root (default root) (or for your specific Ethernet switch user
Result: Output similar to the following is generated:
Password accepted.


3-42 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-10: Access an Ethernet switch via its serial
port from the LMT

Procedure 3-10: Access an Ethernet switch via its serial port

from the LMT
Perform this procedure to establish a local connection to an Ethernet switch through its
serial port.

Required materials
This procedure requires an RS-232 null modem (DB9F-DB9F) serial cable to connect the
LMT to the Ethernet switch serial port.

To establish a local console connection to an Ethernet switch through that switch’s serial
port, perform the following steps:

1 Connect one end of the serial cable to the COM1 port of the LMT.

2 Do one of the following:

• For an R1 or R1SR frame, connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to the
Maintenance Interface Panel (MIP) ETHERNET SWITCH CONSOLE port for the
affected Ethernet switch (A or B) [see Figure 3-5, “Maintenance interface panel for R1
base frame” (p. 3-23), Figure 3-6, “Maintenance interface panel for R1 growth frame”
(p. 3-24), and Figure 3-7, “Maintenance interface panel for R1SR frames” (p. 3-24)].
• For a UNC frame, which has no MIP, connect the other end of the Ethernet cable
directly to the front of the Ethernet switch at the front of the frame.

3 Select the LMT software shortcut from the Desktop.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 3-43
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-10: Access an Ethernet switch via its serial
port from the LMT


4 Click the Console Access icon in the LMT program icons folder (see figure).

Result: A Console-HyperTerminal window appears and the following prompt is


5 At the Login prompt, enter root (or your specific Ethernet switch user login name).
Result: The following prompt is generated:

6 Enter the password for root (default root) (or for your specific Ethernet switch user
Result: Output similar to the following is generated:
Password accepted.


3-44 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-11: Access the LMT emergency interface (EI)

Procedure 3-11: Access the LMT emergency interface (EI)

Perform the following procedure to access the emergency interface (EI) of the LMT.
The LMT EI is sometimes also referred to as the emergency action interface (EAI).

Note: The LMT EI is not available in R1SR frames that operate in R2 mode where
the WatchDog is present but not used. In these frames, the functions previously
available through the WatchDog Emergency Interface are available through the R2
alarm card operating in R2 mode in conjunction with new RCC integrity software.

Required materials
For 2105/2205 (rear-access) frames, this procedure requires an RS-232 null modem
(DB9F-DB9F) serial cable to connect the LMT to the WatchDog serial port.

Perform the following steps:

1 Is your LMT equipped with two COM ports?

If... then...
yes connect the serial cable to the second
COM port of the LMT
no connect the serial cable to the LMT
COM1 port


2 Connect the other end of the serial cable to the Maintenance Interface Panel (MIP) RCC
EAI 0 port. Refer to one of the following:
• Figure 3-5, “Maintenance interface panel for R1 base frame” (p. 3-23)
• Figure 3-7, “Maintenance interface panel for R1SR frames” (p. 3-24)].

3 Select the LMT software shortcut from the Desktop.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 3-45
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Access MM-AP components Procedure 3-11: Access the LMT emergency interface (EI)


4 Click the Emergency Interface icon in the LMT program icons folder (see figure).

Result: An Emergency Interface (WatchDog) window similar to the following is



3-46 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
4 Manage security

This chapter covers the following MM-APC security management tasks:
• securing the MM-APC LAN
• securing MM-APC logins
• administering MM-AP user login accounts
• administering MM-AP alarm card login accounts
• administering MM-AP Ethernet switch login accounts
Note: Tasks related to NVM have been removed from this document. Please refer to the
401-710-102, RCS OA&M document.

The syntax requires that you execute the following commands without the full
/usr/sbin pathname:
• useradd
• userdel
• usermod
• groupdel
• groupmod
• roleadd
• roledel
• rolemod
See Step 3 of “To add a login account” (p. 4-16) and Step 2 of “To delete a login account
and associated home directory” (p. 4-18) for more information.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 4-1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Manage security Overview

The chapter includes the following sections:

MM-APC security management guidelines

MM-AP login administration

4-2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Manage security Overview

MM-APC security management guidelines

This section provides guidelines for maintaining a secure MM-APC environment.

Note: System administrators and users can make no system secure without full
cooperation and attention to security precautions. It is the responsibility of all on-site
personnel to maintain a secure environment.
The guidelines in this section address standard Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP) security issues.

This section includes:

Network security guidelines

Login security guidelines

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 4-3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Manage security Network security guidelines

Network security guidelines

The two Ethernet switches of the MM-APC (LAN switches A and B) provide redundant
LAN connections for each MM-AP in the MM-AP Frame (MM-APF) and between the
MM-APF and the Operations and Management Platform (OMP). Intentional or
unintentional misuse of these connections can compromise MM-AP security. Keep the
following precautions in mind when administering an MM-APC.

Restrict MM-APCC LAN traffic to CDMA applications

Although the MM-APCC environment uses TCP/IP standards, it is important to note that
the CDMA network is not intended for general IP use. The CDMA network is designed to
be a private, stand-alone network. All traffic on this LAN should be restricted to Alcatel-
Lucent-provided CDMA applications.
Connecting your MM-APCC LAN into your other public or private
networks exposes you to the following risks: (1) network errors that
may result from having your equipment on the network; (2) security
risks from both hackers and curious explorers; (3) serious
performance impacts that may result from having non-CDMA traffic
on the network.
If you must connect your MM-APCC LAN to a private network, add some form
of firewall security, for example, an OA&M platform that requires a user on the
private network to log in to the OA&M platform and then create a separate
session (telnet) to the MM-AP.

Use only Alcatel-Lucent-provided or approved hardware and software on MM-APs

The critical nature of the MM-AP makes it imperative that unknown and untested software
and hardware not be put on the MM-AP.

Note: Alcatel-Lucent supports only equipment and software that is provided by or

approved by Alcatel-Lucent. Adding any non-Alcatel-Lucent software, scripts, or
hardware will void any warranty on a CDMA Networks system. This includes any
shell scripts or programs developed by customers or third parties.

Restrict /etc/hosts file to MM-APCC LAN entries

Alcatel-Lucent recommends that you do not modify the MM-AP /etc/hosts file.

Additional guidelines
• Physically secure any access to the OMP and MM-AP.

4-4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Manage security Network security guidelines

• Do not use the route command or scripts that call the route command.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 4-5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Manage security Login security guidelines

Login security guidelines

Log out of all sessions
To keep the MM-APC secure, it is important to exit completely from MM-AP and MM-
AP alarm card sessions. Any of these login sessions that remain running (and active) can
create unnecessary security risks. For more information, see “Telnet to a server console
via the alarm card” (p. 3-27) (Step 14) and “Access a server console via the alarm card
serial port” (p. 3-33) (Step 13).

Add EMS users to craftsh security group

When administering OMP login IDs, EMS users must be assigned to the craftsh OMP
security group. For security group procedures, refer to the OMP OA&M Guide (401-662-

Change default passwords

MM-AP servers, MM-AP alarm cards, and MM-APF Ethernet switches come with the
following default passwords:
server newsys (root login)
alarm card newsys1 (root login)
newsys1 (netract login)
switch root (root login)

To increase security, Alcatel-Lucent recommends that you change these default passwords
during initial setup.

Create user logins

Alcatel-Lucent recommends that service providers assign individual logins to all
personnel who will have administrative privileges on the MM-AP. For instructions on
adding MM-AP logins, see “MM-AP login administration” (p. 4-12).
Users assigned administrative logins should also periodically change their passwords.

Recommend su to access special logins

Most procedures require access to a special login which provides access to many software

4-6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Manage security Login security guidelines

Release 31.0 and earlier

In Release 31.0 and earlier releases, this is the root login. This provides the user with
near unlimited access to the MM-AP. Alcatel-Lucent recommends that the user log in with
a personal user login ID and then issue the following command to access root:
su - root
When prompted, provide the root password.

Note: Enforcing this login procedure enables system administrators to log and audit
who is using root access and entering platform-level commands.

Release 32.0 and later

This issue adds the Release 32.0 Restrict Root Login Phase 1: RBAC Roles and
Centralized User Account Management for MM-APs feature. This feature changes the
way in which MM-AP users change their account password and the way in which MM-AP
users obtain permission to execute OAM&P tools. When this feature is disabled, the
feature functionalities are not in affect and pre-R32 procedures are to be used. When this
feature is enabled, procedures are impacted by these feature functionalities:
• A new tool to change your own CAM-managed MM-AP account password.
• The mmpasswd is used by non-privileged users to change their CAM-managed
account password.
• A new way to obtain permissions to execute MM-AP OAM&P tools.
If the Security Administrator has assigned the MM-AP System Administration or MM-AP
Application Administration profile to your account, then no additional login steps are
necessary to use certain tools (however, note that only one profile may be assigned to a
login account, not both).
If the Security Administrator has assigned one or more RBAC roles to your account
(rsecadm, rsysadm, or rappadm), then to use certain tools the user should use ‘su’ to
rsecadm, rsysadm, or rappadm (as required by the tool to be used), followed by
entering the password for the RBAC role. Refer to RRL and RBAC Feature Description,
401-662-119, for a list of impacted tools and their assigned RBAC roles.
Using the "root" login is still allowed when this feature is enabled, however the audit trail
is lost because "root" is a shared login; it is not used by one single user.

Note: Contact your Security Administrator to determine if this feature is enabled, if

your MM-AP login is CAM-managed, and whether you should use the rsecadm,
rsysadm, and rappadm RBAC roles to execute your tools.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 4-7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Manage security Login security guidelines

Assign passwords to every login and enable password aging

Alcatel-Lucent recommends that service providers perform the following password
administration tasks:
• Assign a password to every
– MM-AP login account
– MM-AP alarm card login account
– MM-APF Ethernet switch login account
• Enable password aging on every MM-AP login account. Passwords should be changed
at least every six months.
Reference: See “To set password aging for a login account” (p. 4-19) for instructions
on enabling password aging.
• Assign the following passwords to the MS Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT)
– power-on or firmware password
– Windows password
– screensaver password

Prohibit root login access from the network

You can also prohibit direct root login access to an MM-AP from anywhere but LMT
local console access or the alarm card (that is, allow no network logins). To do this,
perform the following procedure.
Before disabling network access by root using this procedure, be sure
that other logins exist for the MM-AP or you will have no way to log in
to the MM-AP to administer or service it.

1 Open the /etc/default/login file for editing using the editor of your choice.

2 Change this line:

# CONSOLE=/dev/console
to this:

Audit su attempts
To track attempts to access root via other logins, periodically review the following file:
4-8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Manage security Login security guidelines

The /var/adm/sulog file logs all attempts to gain root access through the use of the su
utility. That file also denotes all recent
• successful su operations with a + (plus sign)
• unsuccessful su attempts with a - (minus sign)

Log unsuccessful login attempts

To enable logging by the Solaris operating system of unsuccessful login attempts, create
and configure the /var/adm/loginlog file as follows:

1 The following steps must be entered on the MM-AP as root. If you have root access,
continue with Step 2.

Note: In Release 32.0 and later, if the RBAC feature is enabled, a user with access to
the rsecadm login need only enter the following command to create and configure the
/var/adm/loginlog file:
Then skip to Step 5.

2 As root, create the file by entering:

touch /var/adm/loginlog

3 Set the owner of the /var/adm/loginlog file by entering

chown root /var/adm/loginlog

4 Set the group of the file by entering

chgrp sys /var/adm/loginlog

5 Set the permissions of the file by entering:

chmod 600 /var/adm/loginlog
Result: Any time a user makes an unsuccessful login attempt, an entry is made in the
loginlog file, including the login account to which access was attempted, the access
device, either /dev/console (if attempted from the server’s alarm card or CPU serial
port) or /dev/pts/x (if attempted over the dual-rail LAN), and the time of the access

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 4-9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Manage security Login security guidelines

Example: The following is an example of the contents of the /var/adm/loginlog

joanne:/dev/pts/5:Fri Aug 24 16:04:20 2001
larrys:/dev/pts/5:Fri Aug 24 16:04:27 2001
hacker:/dev/pts/5:Fri Aug 24 16:04:41 2001
trouble:/dev/console:Fri Aug 24 16:07:21 2001

Note: Monitor the contents of the file regularly and the size of the file periodically.
(By its nature, the /var/adm/loginlog file should not grow rapidly.)

Additional Solaris utilities

The following Solaris commands provide additional information on login access and login
logs. For details about these commands, enter the following at the MM-AP UNIX shell:
man command
command is one of the following commands:
• who(1)
• fwtmp(1M)
• acctcon(1M)

Prohibit “r” command access to MM-APs from the OMP

Several common UNIX networking commands, such as rlogin and rsh, allow the user
of one system to access another system without having to specify a login and password.
Allowing this type of access involves changing several configuration files. Since you want
to prohibit illegal access from the OMP, do not change any MM-AP’s configuration setup
to allow any OMP login to become an MM-AP root login without a password. To set this
restriction, ensure that the /.rhosts file on each MM-AP does not contain the apomp
system name.

Note: All MM-APs allow each other “r” command (such as rlogin and rsh
command) root access among MM-APs. This capability is required for the high-
availability detection and recovery software. This capability is defined on each MM-
AP when it is staged and should never be altered (that is, do not change this setting in
the .rhosts file.)

4-10 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Manage security Login security guidelines

Make security trade-offs carefully

Administration of MM-APs is made easier by using identical logins and passwords on all
servers in the MM-APCC. However, this benefit comes with reduced security. If an
unauthorized user obtains the login and password from the authorized user of Server A,
the unauthorized user can now login to any server in the MM-APCC instead of just Server

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 4-11
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Manage security Overview

MM-AP login administration

Login administration of an MM-APC system includes administering login accounts on the
following MM-AP components:
• MM-AP servers—used to log in to an MM-AP for MM-AP command-level
• MM-AP alarm cards—used to log in to an MM-AP alarm card for local or remote
console access to the server or to administer the alarm card itself
• LAN switches—used to log in to the LAN switch for switch administration
• LMT, including firmware, Microsoft Windows®, and screensaver passwords—used to
secure the LMT

Default login accounts

MM-APs ship from the factory with the following login accounts:

Component Login ID Password

server root newsys
alarm card (R1 and R2) root newsys1
alarm card (R2 only) netract newsys1
switch root root

This section includes the following procedures for administering these and other MM-AP
login accounts.

Note: For Release 32.0 and later, when the Restrict Root Login Phase 1: RBAC Roles
and Centralized User Account Management for MM-APs feature is enabled, refer to
the 401-662-112 to administer MM-AP login accounts.

Procedure 4-1: Administer MM-AP login accounts

Procedure 4-2: Administer alarm card login accounts
Procedure 4-3: Administer LAN switch login accounts

4-12 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Manage security Overview

Reference: For information on administering passwords on the Local Maintenance

Terminal (LMT), see the Mobility Server (MS)/ Blade Platform LMT User's Guide

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 4-13
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Manage security Procedure 4-1: Administer MM-AP login accounts

Procedure 4-1: Administer MM-AP login accounts

Most MM-APC OA&M procedures use MM-AP maintenance commands that require
root permission. As a way to log and audit who is using root access and executing
these platform-level (UNIX) commands, the MM-APC system administrator should
assign general MM-AP user logins and require those logins to access root by using the
su command.
This section describes how to change the default password for root, how to add and
delete MM-AP login accounts, and how to set up password aging on those accounts.

Note: Any MM-AP user login account additions, deletions, or changes must be
made on each MM-AP individually. For example, changing login account information
on ap01 does not propagate to other MM-APs.

Requirements for MM-AP login account passwords

Following are the requirements for constructing passwords when using the passwd
• The password must be at least eight characters long. Only the first eight characters are
significant. The “root” account, however, can create a password of any length, but the
root account owner should be diligent to create a password at least eight characters
• Each password must contain at least two alphabetic characters and at least one numeric
or special character. In this case, “alphabetic” refers to all upper or lower case letters.
• Each password must differ from the user's login name and any reverse or circular shift
of that login name. For comparison purposes, an upper case letter and its
corresponding lower case letter are equivalent.
• New passwords must differ from the old by at least three characters. For comparison
purposes, an upper case letter and its corresponding lower case letter are equivalent.

Note: Suppressors do not have to comply with these requirements.

Related information
The login account management utilities used in the following procedures are also
documented in online manual pages on the MM-APs. For details about these and other
login account management utilities, enter the following command at the MM-AP UNIX
man utility

4-14 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Manage security Procedure 4-1: Administer MM-AP login accounts

utility is the login account management command, such as
• useradd (to add a login account to the system)
• usermod (to modify some of the login account
• userdel (to delete a login account)
• logins (to display login account data)
• listusers (to display login account data)
• passwd (to change a user login account password)

To change the root password

The default password for root is newsys. Use the following procedure to change this

Note: For Release 32.0 and later releases, when the RBAC feature is enabled, refer
to the 401-662-112 and the mmuseradm tool for changing passwords.

1 Log in to the MM-AP from the OMP as root.

Reference: See “Access an MM-AP from OMP menus” (p. 3-17) or “Access an
MM-AP via telnet from the OMP shell” (p. 3-19) for instructions on logging in to an
MM-AP from the OMP.

2 Execute the following command.

Result: The following output is generated:
Changing password for root
New password:

3 Enter the password.

Reference: See “Requirements for MM-AP login account passwords” (p. 4-14) for
password construction requirements.
Result: The characters that you type are hidden from view and appear as asterisks on
the console, and the following output is generated:
Re-enter new password:

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Manage security Procedure 4-1: Administer MM-AP login accounts


4 Reenter the new password to commit it to the system.


To add a login account

The root and oamproxy login accounts are the only login accounts that are delivered on
MM-APs by Alcatel-Lucent. (The oamproxy account allows root on the OMP to access
MM-APs when needed, for example to transfer and install software packages.) Any other
MM-AP login accounts must be created on each MM-AP in the MM-APC.
Perform the following procedure to create an MM-AP user login account.

Note: For Release 32.0 and later releases, when the RBAC feature is enabled, refer
to the 401-662-112 for adding logins.

1 Log in to the MM-AP from the OMP as root.

Reference: See “Access an MM-AP from OMP menus” (p. 3-17) or “Access an
MM-AP via telnet from the OMP shell” (p. 3-19) for instructions on logging in to an
MM-AP from the OMP.

2 If you have not done so already, create a new directory in the root (/) directory for user
home directories. For following is an example:
cd /
mkdir home1

Note: /home is reserved for use by MM-AP and is not available for new user home

3 As root or as Security Administrator, create a login account and home directory for the
new login account. Following the example in the previous step, run the following
useradd -m -d /home1/login_ID login_ID
login_ID is the name or ID for the new login account

Result: useradd creates a UNIX account and home directory for the new user.

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Manage security Procedure 4-1: Administer MM-AP login accounts


4 Enter the following command to set the password for the new MM-AP login account:
passwd login_ID
login_ID is the name or ID for the new MM-AP login account

Result: The passwd command prompts you to enter, and then re-enter the new
password for the new login account.

Note: After you have created the new login account and password, instruct the user
who owns the account to reassign the password by executing the UNIX passwd
command. Users should periodically change their passwords on all MM-APs. See
“Requirements for MM-AP login account passwords” (p. 4-14) for password
construction requirements.

5 Create a default .profile for the new user login account by entering the following
cp /ap/platform/default/data/approfile /home1/login_ID/.profile
login_ID is the name or ID for the new login account

Result: This login account now has the standard shell environment for access to MM-
AP directories and commands.

6 Enter the following command to make this login account own the .profile that you just
created for it:
chown login_ID /home1/login_ID/.profile
login_ID is the name or ID for the new login account


7 As root or as Security Administrator, enter the following command to back up the login
account data that you have just created:
apbackup -t "text string"

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 4-17
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Manage security Procedure 4-1: Administer MM-AP login accounts

text string a comment (text string) that you can add about what this
backup contains (that is, new login accounts)

Result: The apbackup script prompts you for specific options. To select options other
than the defaults, refer to “Back up MM-AP configuration information” (p. 5-6)”.

Note: In releases previous to Release 30, when the -s option is not used, the AP-
based apbackup script sent the backup saveset to the OMP (that is, apomp, the
default remote server).. In Release 30, the backup saveset is sent to the mate MM-AP
by default. The OMP is not used because, depending on the security configuration, the
connection from MM-AP to OMP may be restricted.

8 Repeat this procedure on each MM-AP in the MM-APC.


To delete a login account and associated home directory

Perform the following procedure to delete an existing MM-AP login account.

Note: For Release 32.0 and later releases, when the RBAC feature is enabled, refer
to the 401-662-112 for deleting logins.

1 Log in to the MM-AP from the OMP as root.

Reference: See “Access an MM-AP from OMP menus” (p. 3-17) or “Access an
MM-AP via telnet from the OMP shell” (p. 3-19) for instructions on logging in to an
MM-AP from the OMP.

2 Enter the userdel command:

userdel -r login_ID
-r deletes the home directory for the login account that you are
login_ID is the name or ID of the login account that you want to delete

4-18 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Manage security Procedure 4-1: Administer MM-AP login accounts


3 Execute the following command to back up the user login ID information that you have
just deleted:
apbackup -t "text string"
text string a comment (text string) that you can add about what this
backup contains (that is, a comment that you deleted login

Result: The apbackup script prompts you for specific options. To select options other
than the defaults, refer to “Back up MM-AP configuration information” (p. 5-6)”.

Note: In releases previous to Release 30, when the -s option is not used, the AP-
based apbackup script sent the backup saveset to the OMP (that is, apomp, the
default remote server).. In Release 30, the backup saveset is sent to the mate MM-AP
by default. The OMP is not used because, depending on the security configuration, the
connection from MM-AP to OMP may be restricted.

4 Repeat this procedure on each MM-AP in the MM-APC.


To set password aging for a login account

Perform the following procedure to set or change password aging for an MM-AP login
account (that is, the number of days a password is valid).

Note: For Release 32.0 and later releases, see “Recommend su to access special
logins” (p. 4-6).
The WARNWEEKS, MINWEEKS, and MAXWEEKS parameters found in the
/etc/default/passwd file are set to NULL, and the PASSLENGTH parameter is set to 8.
Alcatel-Lucent reserves the setting of these parameters.

1 Log in to the MM-AP from the OMP as root or as Security Administrator.

Reference: See “Access an MM-AP from OMP menus” (p. 3-17) or “Access an
MM-AP via telnet from the OMP shell” (p. 3-19) for instructions on logging in to an
MM-AP from the OMP.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 4-19
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Manage security Procedure 4-1: Administer MM-AP login accounts


2 Enter the following command:

passwd -r files -x max login_ID
max is the number of days that the password is valid for login_ID
Notes: It is recommended that max be set to less than
or equal to 180 days.
login_ID is the name or ID of the login account for which you want to
set or change password aging


3 Execute the following command to back up the user login ID information that you have
just created:
apbackup -t "text string"
text string a comment (text string) that you can add about what this
backup contains (that is, a comment that you added
password aging to login accounts)

Result: The apbackup script prompts you for specific options. To select options other
than the defaults, refer to “Back up MM-AP configuration information” (p. 5-6)”.

Note: In releases previous to Release 30, when the -s option is not used, the AP-
based apbackup script sent the backup saveset to the OMP (that is, apomp, the
default remote server).. In Release 30, the backup saveset is sent to the mate MM-AP
by default. The OMP is not used because, depending on the security configuration, the
connection from MM-AP to OMP may be restricted.

4 Repeat this procedure on each MM-AP in the MM-APC.


4-20 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Manage security Procedure 4-2: Administer alarm card login accounts

Procedure 4-2: Administer alarm card login accounts

The procedures in this section explain how to:
• change the default root password of an MM-AP alarm card login account
• add a login account to an MM-AP alarm card
• delete a login account from an MM-AP alarm card
• display information about an MM-AP alarm card login account
• set permission levels for an MM-AP alarm card login account.

Note: For Release 32.0 and later releases, see “Recommend su to access special
logins” (p. 4-6).

Required conditions
You must have u (user administration) permission level on the alarm card to execute the
following commands referenced in procedures in this section:
• useradd
• userdel
• userpassword
• userperm
• usershow
Reference: See “Login account permission levels” (p. 4-22) for more information.

Required information
Administering alarm card login accounts requires an understanding of
• requirements for login account names
• requirements for login account passwords
• login account permission levels

Login account name requirements

Names for alarm card login accounts can be up to 16 characters long, must contain at least
one lowercase alphabetic character, and the first character must be alphabetic. Valid
characters for login names include
• alphabetic characters
• numeric characters
• period (.)
• underscore (_)
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 4-21
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Manage security Procedure 4-2: Administer alarm card login accounts

• hyphen (-)
If these restrictions are not met, the system issues a warning and the command to add a
login account fails.

Login account password requirements

Passwords for alarm card login accounts have the following restrictions:
• They must contain at least six characters (only the first eight characters are
• They must contain at least two alphabetic characters and at least one numeric or
special character; alphabetic characters can be both uppercase and lowercase.
• They must differ from the user’s login name and any reverse or circular shift of that
login name; for comparison purposes, uppercase and lowercase letters are equivalent.
• The new password must differ from the old by at least three characters; for comparison
purposes, uppercase and lowercase letters are equivalent.

Login account permission levels

Remote System Control (RSC) software works with an MM-AP alarm card to enable
remote monitoring and control of an MM-AP over a network. All alarm card login
accounts can view RSC information. However, alarm card login accounts can also be set
up with one or more of the following additional permissions:

level Description
c Console permission; authorized to connect to the server
This is the permission level required by root or any
other login account on the alarm card for server console
access to be directed through the alarm card (see
“Requirements of console access via alarm card”
(p. 3-7)).
u User administration permission; authorized to use
commands that add and delete users, and change user
a Administration permission; authorized to change the state
of Remote System Control (RSC) configuration variables.
r Reset/power permission; authorized to reset, power on,
and power off the server, and reboot RSC.
blank Permission not required.

4-22 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Manage security Procedure 4-2: Administer alarm card login accounts

The default permission level for a new alarm card login account is none of the above. If
you do not specify a permission level or levels, RSC sets the permissions for the new
account to read-only.
A user with read-only permission can use the following RSC commands only:
• help
• password
• date (show only)
• shownetwork
• environment
• loghistory (R1 servers only)
• consolehistory (R1 servers only)
• show
• version
• logout

Changing the root password

Perform the following procedure to change the root password on an alarm card.

Note: For Release 32.0 and later releases, see “Recommend su to access special
logins” (p. 4-6).

1 Log in to the OMP.

Note: If the OMP is not available, access the alarm card from the LMT either over
the LAN (telnet) or through the alarm card’s serial port.
Reference: To access the alarm card from the LMT over the LAN, perform Step 1
through Step 7 of “Access an MM-AP via telnet from the LMT” (p. 3-23), selecting
the desired alarm card instead of the server in Step 6 and logging into the alarm card
(as root) instead of into the server in Step 7.
To access the alarm card from the LMT through the alarm card’s serial port, perform
Step 1 through Step 6 of “Access a server console via the alarm card serial port”
(p. 3-33).

2 Execute the following command to access the alarm card:

telnet acxxy

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 4-23
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Manage security Procedure 4-2: Administer alarm card login accounts

xxy the 2- or 3-digit logical number for the associated MM-AP,
such as 01

Result: For R1 alarm cards, output similar to the following is displayed:

Connected to ac01.
Escape character is ’^]’.

RSC version 2.0.0 (ac01)

Please login:

Result: For R2 alarm cards, output similar to the following is displayed:

Connected to ac01.
Escape character is ’^]’.

Sun Netract 2.0


3 At the login prompt, enter root.

Result: For R1 alarm cards, the following password prompt is displayed:
Please Enter password:

Result: For R2 alarm cards, the following password prompt is displayed:


4 At the password prompt, enter the alarm card’s root password (default newsys1).
Result: For R1 alarm cards or R2 alarm cards in R1 mode, a prompt similar to
following is displayed:
ac01 rsc>

Result: For R2 alarm cards in R2 mode, a prompt similar to following is displayed:

ac01 cli>

4-24 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Manage security Procedure 4-2: Administer alarm card login accounts


5 Execute the following command:

Result: For R1 alarm cards, the following output is displayed:
password: Changing password for root
Enter login password:

Result: For R2 alarm cards, the following output is displayed:

Old password:

6 Enter the current root password.

Result: For R1 alarm cards, the following output is displayed:
Enter new password:
Result: For R2 alarm cards, the following output is displayed:
New password:

7 Enter the new password.

Reference: See “Login account password requirements” (p. 4-22) for password
construction requirements.
Result: The following output is displayed:
Re-enter new password:

8 Reenter the new password to commit it to the system.


Adding an alarm card login account

Perform the following procedure to add up to three more login accounts (in addition to
root) to an R1 alarm card or 15 more login accounts (in addition to root) to an R2 alarm

Note: For Release 32.0 and later releases, see “Recommend su to access special
logins” (p. 4-6).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 4-25
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Manage security Procedure 4-2: Administer alarm card login accounts


1 Log in to the alarm card as root [execute Step 1 through Step 4 of “Changing the root
password” (p. 4-23).

2 Execute the following command to create the new login account:

useradd username
username is the name of the new alarm card login account

Reference: See “Login account name requirements” (p. 4-21) for login name
construction requirements.

3 Execute the following command to add a password to the new login account:
userpassword username
username is the name of the new alarm card login account

Result: The following output is generated:

New password:

4 Enter a password for the new account.

Reference: See “Login account password requirements” (p. 4-22) for password
construction requirements.
Result: The following output is generated:
Re-enter the new password:

5 Reenter the new password to commit it to the system.

Note: After you have created the new login account and password, instruct the user
who owns the login account to reassign the password via the password command the
next time that the user accesses the alarm card. To improve system security, users
should also change their alarm card password periodically.

6 Set up permissions for the new account.

4-26 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Manage security Procedure 4-2: Administer alarm card login accounts

By default, new accounts are created with read-only permission.

Reference: See “Changing alarm card login account permissions” (p. 4-28).


Deleting an alarm card login account

Perform the following procedure to delete a login account on an alarm card.

Note: For Release 32.0 and later releases, see “Recommend su to access special
logins” (p. 4-6).

1 Log in to the alarm card as root [execute Step 1 through Step 4 of “Changing the root
password” (p. 4-23)].

2 Execute the following command:

userdel username
username is the name of the alarm card login account that you want to


Displaying alarm card login account information

Perform the following procedure to display the name, password (if assigned) and
permission levels of one or more alarm card login accounts.

Note: For Release 32.0 and later releases, see “Recommend su to access special
logins” (p. 4-6).

1 Log in to the alarm card as root [execute Step 1 through Step 4 of “Changing the root
password” (p. 4-23)].

2 Execute the following command:

usershow [username]

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 4-27
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Manage security Procedure 4-2: Administer alarm card login accounts

Result: Output similar to the following information is displayed for username, or for all
login accounts if username is not specified:
Username Permissions Password?
setup cuar Assigned
msmith c--r None

Changing alarm card login account permissions

Use the following procedure to set or change permission levels on an alarm card login

Note: For Release 32.0 and later releases, see “Recommend su to access special
logins” (p. 4-6).

1 Log in to the alarm card as root [execute Step 1 through Step 4 of “Changing the root
password” (p. 4-23)].

2 Execute the following command:

userperm username [c] [u] [a] [r]
username is the name of the alarm card login account for which you want
to set or change permission levels

Reference: See “Login account permission levels” (p. 4-22) for definitions of the c,
u, a, and r permission levels.


Restoring alarm card login IDs

If the alarm card is being restored or replaced, you must manually re-add alarm card login
accounts as outlined in “Adding an alarm card login account” (p. 4-25).
Alcatel-Lucent recommends that you periodically issue the usershow command [see
“Displaying alarm card login account information” (p. 4-27)] and save the resulting list of
recorded alarm card login accounts so that you have current information if you have to re-
add login accounts.

4-28 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Manage security Procedure 4-3: Administer LAN switch login accounts

Procedure 4-3: Administer LAN switch login accounts

The procedures in this section explain how to:
• change the default root password of an MM-AP frame LAN switch login account
• add a login account to an MM-AP frame LAN switch
• delete a login account from an MM-AP frame LAN switch
• display information about an MM-AP frame LAN switch login account.

Before you begin

While the C364T Ethernet switch comes with a default password of “root”, when the
password is changed, it must then be at least 8 characters long.

Note: Once the C364T Ethernet switch password is changed, it cannot be changed
back to “root”.
The C333T and C334T switches do not have this restriction. But it is recommended that
all Ethernet switches in the system be set to the same password.

Required conditions
You must have Supervisor security access level to execute the following commands
referenced in procedures in this section:
• no username
• show username
• username
Reference: See “Required information” (p. 4-29) for more information.

Required information
Administering LAN switch login accounts requires an understanding of the following
LAN switch security access levels:

Security access
level Description Associated TICLI prompt
User general access level used to show LAN switch Cajun_P330-1
parameter values or X450a-B.6
Privileged used by site personnel to access stack Cajun_P330-1#
configuration options or X450a-B.6#

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 4-29
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Manage security Procedure 4-3: Administer LAN switch login accounts

Security access
level Description Associated TICLI prompt
Supervisor used to define user names, passwords, and access Cajun_P330-1(super)#
levels of up to ten local users or X450a-B.6(super)#

Changing the root password

Perform the following procedure to change the root password on a LAN switch.

1 Log in to the OMP.

Note: If the OMP is not available, access the LAN switch from the LMT either over
the LAN (telnet) or through the LAN switch’s serial port.
Reference: To access the LAN switch from the LMT over the LAN, see “Telnet to
an Ethernet switch from the LMT” (p. 3-40).
To access the LAN switch locally from the LMT, see “Access an Ethernet switch via
its serial port from the LMT” (p. 3-43).

2 Execute the following command to access the LAN switch:

telnet esxxy
xx is either the frame component or the range component of the
logical number of one of the MM-APs in the frame in which
the LAN switch resides
y is either a or b, a for the lower LAN switch in the frame, b for
the upper LAN switch in the frame

Result: Output similar to the following is displayed:

Connected to es3a.
Escape character is '^]'.

Welcome to Cajun P330

SW version 3.2.8


4-30 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Manage security Procedure 4-3: Administer LAN switch login accounts


3 At the Login prompt, enter root.

Result: The following password prompt is displayed:

4 At the password prompt, enter the LAN switch’s default root password (root).
Result: Output similar to following is displayed:
Password accepted.


5 Do one of the following:

• For a Cajun switch, enter the following command:
username name password passwd [access-type {admin}]
name is the name of the LAN switch login account
passwd is the password for root that you want to change
access-type is the security access level to be associated with the root
LAN switch account, or admin, corresponding to Supervisor
level security

Result: The password for root is changed.

• For an Extreme switch, enter the following command :

configure account root
Reenter password:

Adding a LAN switch login account

Perform the following procedure to add up to ten login accounts to an alarm card.

6 Log in to the LAN switch as root [execute Step 1 through Step 4 of “Changing the root
password” (p. 4-30)].

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 4-31
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Manage security Procedure 4-3: Administer LAN switch login accounts


7 Do one of the following:

• For a Cajun switch, enter the following command:
username name password passwd [access-type {read-only|read-
name is the name of the new LAN switch login account
passwd is the password of the new LAN switch login account
access-type is the security access level to be associated with the new LAN
switch account, read-only corresponding to User level
security, read-write corresponding to Privileged level
security, and admin corresponding to Supervisor level

• For an Extreme switch, enter the following command:

create account name
Result: The following is displayed.
Reenter password:
Enter and re-enter a password.

Deleting a LAN switch login account

Perform the following procedure to delete a login account on a LAN switch.

1 Log in to the LAN switch as root [execute Step 1 through Step 4 of “Changing the root
password” (p. 4-30)].

2 Do one of the following:

• Execute the following command:
no username name
name is the name of the LAN switch login account that you want to

• For an Extreme switch, enter the following command:

4-32 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Manage security Procedure 4-3: Administer LAN switch login accounts

delete account name


Displaying LAN switch login account information

Perform the following procedure to display the name, password and security access level
or access type of all login accounts on a LAN switch.

1 Log in to the LAN switch as root [execute Step 1 through Step 4 of “Changing the root
password” (p. 4-30)].

2 Execute the following command:

show username
Result: Output similar to the following information is displayed:

User account password access-type

------------------ ---------------------- ------------
root root admin
lilly ohnou2 admin

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 4-33
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Manage security Procedure 4-3: Administer LAN switch login accounts

4-34 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
5 System administration

This chapter covers MM-APC system administration tasks, and also a set of general-
purpose procedures that are used in other OA&M procedures throughout this document.

MM-APC package and filesystem management

• backup MM-AP configuration information
• restore MM-AP configuration files and packages
• manage MM-AP file systems

Feature administrative tasks

• resetting the date and timezone for an MM-AP
• turn on rapid spanning tree algorithm for Ethernet switches

General-purpose procedures
• practice electrostatic discharge (ESD) and other safety precautions when you handle
MM-AP equipment

This chapter includes these sections:

MM-AP package and file system management

Feature administrative tasks

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 5-1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System administration Overview

MM-AP package and file system

The MM-AP uses the Operations and Management Platform (OMP) as a file server for
MM-APs. This section explains where MM-AP packages and configuration files are
stored on the OMP and MM-APs, how to use the apbackup and aprenew commands,
and when to remove old versions of packages and backed-up MM-AP files.

This information is organized as follows:

Procedure 5-1: Back up MM-AP configuration information

Procedure 5-2: Restore MM-AP configuration files and packages
Procedure 5-3: Manage MM-AP file systems

Note: The apbackup and aprenew commands are not general-purpose backup and
restore utilities. They do not back up and restore the entire disk. The apbackup and
aprenew commands are UNIX-level (platform) scripts that back up and restore the
information and files necessary to return the system to its current configuration.
For more information about complete system backups, system recovery, backups in
an IOS BSC environment, and database backups and restores in an MM-DBMS
environment, refer to
• Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Network Executive Cellular Processor (ECP) Operations,
Administration, and Maintenance, Volume 2, Miscellaneous Maintenance
Procedures, Chapter 13, “System Backup Procedures”
• Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Network Executive Cellular Processor (ECP) System
Recovery, Chapter 6, “Executive Cellular Processor Recovery”
• Lucent Interoperability Specification (IOS) Base Station Controller (BSC)
Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OA&M), Chapter 5, “Backing up
the FMM and IBC databases” (401-704-400)
• Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Network Mobility Manager Applications Operations,
Administration, and Maintenance (401-710-236)

5-2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System administration Overview

File systems
In releases previous to Release 30, the MM-AP uses the Operations and Management
Platform (OMP) as a file server for MM-AP savesets and software packages. The file
systems shown below reside on both the OMP and MM-APs for the savesets and

File System Name Description

/var/spool/ap/apxxy/apbkup The directory that
where contains the “version”
subdirectories that
xxy = the MM-AP number, such as 01
contain files specific to
each version of
apbackup saveset.
/var/flx/bun The directory that
contains the bundle
subdirectory, with
different versions of the
MM-AP bundles, as
well as the “version”
subdirectories, each of
which contains files
specific to a particular
version of MM-AP
platform or high-
availability framework
(RCC) software.

In Release 30, the backup savesets are sent to the other MM-APs in the cluster and not to
the OMP, unless the -s option is used.

Note: Depending on the security configuration, the AP-based apbackup script may
not be able to use the OMP as a backup server because the connections from the MM-
APs to the OMP may be restricted.

Sample OMP and MM-AP directory structure for backed-up MM-AP files
The Figure 5-1 shows a sample of the file system hierarchy for apbackup saveset files
that reside on the OMP and MM-APs.

Note: For an explanation of the version numbering scheme for apbackup savesets,
see “Sample version naming for savesets” (p. 5-6).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 5-3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System administration Overview

Figure 5-1 File system hierarchy for apbackup saveset files

On the OMP and on each MM-AP:


/var/spool/ap/ap01 /var/spool/ap/ap02 ... /var/spool/ap/ap08

/var/spool/ap/ap01/apbkup /var/spool/ap/ap02/apbkup

20010531 20010531

files that make up files that make up

saveset version saveset version
20010531 for ap01 20010531 for ap02

The apbackup command stores the saveset on the MM-AP and then copies go to the
OMP (Release 29.0 and earlier releases) and other MM-AP(s) in the same cluster, unless
the -s option is used. In R1 mode, the cluster consists of all other MM-APs in the frame. In
R2 mode, the cluster consists of only the mate MM-AP. In R2 mode, if the MM-AP has no
mate, the -s option should be used. The saveset is stored in the directory shown below on
the MM-AP:
xxy is the MM-AP number, such as 01
N is the version number that you have assigned to a specific

Sample OMP and MM-AP directory structure for MM-AP software packages
The Figure 5-2 shows a sample of the file system hierarchy for the MM-AP software
packages that reside on the OMP and MM-APs.

Note: For an explanation of the version numbering scheme for the packages, see
“Sample version naming for savesets” (p. 5-6).

5-4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System administration Overview

Figure 5-2 File system hierarchy for the MM-AP software

On the OMP and on each MM-AP:

/var/flx/bun /var/spool/ap


20050701dAP25.0.0000_NGN.bun Application packages... ngn_platform fms_rcc


files that make
up this version

of the MM-AP bundles files that make files that make

up this version up this version
(AP25.0.0000) (144500) of the
of the AP platform high-availability
package framework (RCC
software package)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 5-5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System administration Procedure 5-1: Back up MM-AP configuration information

Procedure 5-1: Back up MM-AP configuration information

The apbackup command is a UNIX-level (platform) script that backs up the information
and files necessary to restore the system to its current configuration. The apbackup
command is not a general-purpose backup utility. It does not back up the entire disk.
This section provides additional detail about apbackup and its usage.

Files that are backed up by apbackup

The apbackup script backs up the collection of information listed below:
• a text string that you create to describe the contents of a specific backup
• a list of the MM-AP packages and their versions that are currently installed on the
• a list of configuration files for installed applications (such as Mobility Manager
Database Management System, or MM-DBMS)
• high-availability framework (RCC) configuration files
• user login ID information and system configuration files, such as
/etc/passwd and /etc/group
• the Admin log file
The apbackup command collects this information into a backup saveset.

Files that apbackup does not back up

The apbackup command does not back up the information shown below:
• the name or version of the MM-AP bundles.
• MM-AP packages. (The apbackup command backs up pointers to the packages.
Backup copies of the actual packages are stored on the OMP).
• alarm card login accounts. [To restore these login accounts, you must manually re-add
them as outlined in “Adding an alarm card login account” (p. 4-25).]
• Customized user files and home directories.
• Solaris log files.

Sample version naming for savesets

Consider using a consistent convention to name saveset versions. For example, you may
want to use the naming convention shown below:

5-6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System administration Procedure 5-1: Back up MM-AP configuration information

hostname is the name of the CPU, host or satellite, for which the backup
was created
YYYY is the year (four digits)
MM is the month (two digits)
DD is the day (two digits)

When to use apbackup

To keep MM-AP configuration files current, execute the apbackup command to back up
files at the following times:
• after you add general MM-AP login IDs or change login ID passwords
• in any procedure that causes configuration changes, for example:
– as part of an MM-AP platform Software Update (SU)
– when a new application instance is configured
– when you replace or add a new MM-AP
The apbackup command can be run while the CPU is active and operational. For files
that are being updated at the time the backup is performed, the saveset includes a snapshot
of those files at the time of the backup.

Automated vs. manual execution of apbackup

Use of apbackup can be automated via cron (for example, by registering a cron job
with flxcronmgmt). A cron is already set up on each MM-AP to execute apbackup -s
all at 6:30am each morning. The -s all option saves the backup on the MM-AP and sends a
copy to all other MM-APs in the cluster.
• For an MM-AP running in R1 mode, there can be up to eight MM-APs in a cluster.
• For an MM-AP running in R2 mode, the cluster consists of the MM-AP and its mate
In either case, a copy is not sent to the OMP. If you would like to send a copy to another
specified remote server, you can set up your own cron that will execute apbackup with a
different -s option. For apbackup options, see “To execute apbackup with specific
parameters” (p. 5-9)].
Use of apbackup can also be performed manually. Refer to “To execute the apbackup
command (prompt mode)” (p. 5-7)].

To execute the apbackup command (prompt mode)

To execute the apbackup command, perform the following procedure.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 5-7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System administration Procedure 5-1: Back up MM-AP configuration information


1 Log in to an MM-AP as root, as System Administrator, or as Application Administrator

(see “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)):

2 Execute the following command:

apbackup -t "text_string"
text_string text that you enter to distinguish one saveset from another
such as "Installed MM-AP SU AP22.0.0003"

Note: In releases previous to Release 30, when the -s option is not used, the AP-
based apbackup script sent the backup saveset to the OMP (that is, apomp, the
default remote server).. In Release 30, the backup saveset is sent to the mate MM-AP
by default. The OMP is not used because, depending on the security configuration, the
connection from MM-AP to OMP may be restricted.

3 Specify the following when prompted:

• The version of the desired backup saveset. (The default is YYYYMMDD, as described in
“Sample version naming for savesets” (p. 5-6) earlier in this chapter. Press Enter to
accept the default or specify a specific version.)
• The login ID on the remote server. (Press Enter to accept the default (root) or specify
a login ID that has root permission.)
• The password of the remote server login ID. (No default option is provided.)
Result: The result of the backup (success or failure) is displayed.

Note: If the apbackup command fails, you may have entered an invalid user login
ID or password or the specified OMP login ID may not have appropriate permission. If
other failures occur, contact technical support.

4 Repeat Step 1 through Step 3 for each MM-AP that you want to back up on the OMP.

5-8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System administration Procedure 5-1: Back up MM-AP configuration information

To execute apbackup with specific parameters

To specify parameters with the apbackup command instead of being prompted for them,
execute the apbackup command line as follows:
apbackup [-v backup_version] [-t "text string"] [-s server] [-l
login] [-z password]
-v is the version of this backup saveset [described in “Sample
version naming for savesets” (p. 5-6)]
-t a text string that you can associate with this backup saveset
-s the node name of the remote server to which a copy of the
backup is sent
Notes: If this parameter is not specified (for example,
apbackup -t “Installed MM-AP SU AP22.0.0003”),
a copy of the backup is sent to the
following by default:
1. In Release 29, the OMP (apomp)
2. In Release 30, the mate MM-AP (R2 mode)
3. In Release 30, to all other MM-APs in
the cluster (R1 mode).
If -s all is used (for example, apbackup -s all -t
“Installed MM-AP SU AP22.0.0003”), a copy of the backup
will be sent to all other MM-APs in the cluster (but not to the
Note: Depending on the security configuration, the
connections from the MM-AP to MM-AP and from MM-AP to
OMP may be restricted.
-l (minus sign and lowercase letter “L”) is the login ID on the
remote server
Notes: If you do not specify root as the login ID on the
OMP, the login ID that you specify must have
superuser (su) permission to the /var/spool/ap
directory and subdirectories.
-z the password of the login ID on the remote server

If you use the -z option in the command string, the password for the
OMP login ID is viewable by others if they check the history of
commands that have been executed at the MM-AP shell.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 5-9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System administration Procedure 5-2: Restore MM-AP configuration files and

Procedure 5-2: Restore MM-AP configuration files and

The aprenew command restores MM-AP packages and configuration files on MM-AP
servers. It transfers, installs, and activates packages and restores MM-AP configuration
files and directories, returning an MM-AP to a configuration state that you specify.

Note: aprenew does not restore the MM-AP bundle.

Note:Depending on the security configuration, the connections from MM-AP to

MM-AP and from MM-AP to OMP may be restricted.

When to use aprenew

Use the aprenew command only when you are troubleshooting an MM-AP or when you
replace an MM-AP boot drive. This section provides instructions on using aprenew when
troubleshooting an MM-AP.

To execute aprenew (prompt mode)

To execute the aprenew command, perform the following procedure:

1 Log in to an MM-AP as root or as System Administrator (see “Recommend su to access

special logins” (p. 4-6)).

2 Enter the following command to take the MM-AP offline


3 Enter the following command (this will get the backup saveset from the default location):
In Release 29 and earlier, the default location is the OMP (that is, apomp). In Release 30
and later, the default location is the mate MM-AP. To specify a different location from
which to get the backup saveset, use:
-s apxxy specifies the name of the alternate MM-AP (use this for n-way
spared MM-APs).


4 Specify the following when prompted:

5-10 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System administration Procedure 5-2: Restore MM-AP configuration files and

• The version of the desired backup saveset. (The version number that you enter must
correspond to the version that you want restored. If you do not know what the version
number is, log in to the remote server and find the saveset that you want to restore
/var/spool/ap/apxxy/apbkup, where xxy is the MM-AP number.)
• The login ID on the remote server. (Press Return to accept the default (root) or
specify a login ID that has root superuser permission.)
• The password of the remote server login ID. (No default option is provided.)
• Continue aprenew or exit the program. (Press Return to continue.)
Result: The result of the aprenew command (success or failure) is displayed.

Note: If the aprenew command fails, you may have entered an invalid user ID or
password or the specified remote server login ID may not have permission. If other
failures occur, contact technical support.

5 Execute the following command to activate MM-AP platform processes:

Result: The MM-AP reboots.


6 Switch back primary Radio Cluster Servers (RCSs) to this AP; to do this:
• At the OMC-RAN, open the AP/ES Overview window, select a Group tab in the left
pane, and right-click the MM-AP in the right pane, and look for a SWITCHBACK
FROMAP poke. If you see it, open the TI Wizard to execute the poke command. Or
use the OMC-RAN TICLI to manually enter a command similar to the TICLI
command below.
• On the EMS AP Status Page, press the Switch Back operation button.
• At the TICLI, enter the following command:
SWITCHBACK:fromap a, toap b
a is the mate AP
b is the AP on which aprenew was executed


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 5-11
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System administration Procedure 5-2: Restore MM-AP configuration files and

To execute aprenew with specific parameters

To specify parameters on the aprenew command line instead of being prompted for them,
execute the complete command line as shown at “aprenew” (p. B-68).

Note:Depending on the security configuration, the connections from MM-AP to

MM-AP and from MM-AP to OMP may be restricted.

5-12 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System administration Procedure 5-3: Manage MM-AP file systems

Procedure 5-3: Manage MM-AP file systems

To check MM-AP file system space
You should check the MM-AP file systems periodically to see if any file systems are
becoming full. To check the file systems, log in to the MM-AP and execute the following
command at the UNIX prompt:
df -k
The df command provides information on the size of the MM-AP file systems and the
percent of the file system that is used. For more information about the df command,
execute the following command at the UNIX prompt:
man df

Note: The following file systems should never contain files that are not related to
Alcatel-Lucent or the MM-APC system:
• / (root file system)
• /ap (a symbolic link to /flx)
• /flx
• /var

To free up disk space on the MM-AP

If you are running low on disk space on the MM-AP, consider cleaning up the file systems
in either of the following ways:
• By committing the MM-AP platform software on the MM-AP.
• By removing all versions of the bundles, packages, and savesets from /var/flx/bun
and /var/spool/ap (because copies exist on the OMP). (See “To remove old
savesets, bundles, and packages” (p. 5-13) for details.)
• Monitoring the size of /var/tmp

Managing satellite disk space on a DNFS Host

To manage satellite disk space on a DNFS Host, for example, when you a minor alarm
indicates that a satellite partition has exceeded its threshold, clean up file systems in the
same way as you would for any other non-DNFS Host, as described in the preceding
block, “To free up disk space on the MM-AP” (p. 5-13).

To remove old savesets, bundles, and packages

To remove old versions of apbackup savesets, and MM-AP bundles and packages from
the OMP or MM-AP, perform the following procedure:

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 5-13
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System administration Procedure 5-3: Manage MM-AP file systems


1 Log in to an MM-AP as root or as System Administrator, or log in to the active OMP as

super user (su to root) (see “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)).

2 Which of the following do you want to remove?

If you want to remove
a(n)... then...
backup saveset Execute the following command:
appkgunload -p apbkup -d
where xxy is the MM-AP number, such
as 01
MM-AP bundle Execute the following command:
appkgunload -p bundle
MM-AP package Execute the following command:
appkgunload -p package
where package is either fms_rcc
(Release 30.0 and earlier) or

Result: appkgunload lists all versions of the saveset, bundle, or package that are
currently loaded and prompts you to specify which version(s) you want to remove.

Example: If you execute appkgunload -p apbkup -d /var/spool/ap/apxxy to remove one

or more versions of backup savesets, appkgunload generates output similar to the
The following apbkup versions are currently loaded:
Enter the menu number of the apbkup package to unload: _

5-14 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System administration Procedure 5-3: Manage MM-AP file systems

Example: If you execute appkgunload -p bundle to remove one or more MM-AP

bundles, appkgunload generates output similar to the following:
The following bundle versions are currently loaded:
1) 20041227cAP24.0.0000_NGN.bun
2) 20050107cAP24.0.0001a_NGN.bun
3) ALL
Enter the menu number of the bundle package to unload: _

Example: If you execute appkgunload -p ngn_platform to remove one or more versions

of the ngn_platform package, appkgunload generates output similar to the
The following ngn_platform versions are currently loaded:
1) AP24.0.0000
2) AP24.0.0001a
3) ALL
Enter the menu number of the ngn_platform package to unload: _

3 At the prompt, enter the menu number of the version or versions of the backup saveset,
package, or bundle that you want to remove.
Result: appkgunload confirms your selection and asks whether you want to

Example: If you elected to remove version AP24.0.0000 of the ngn_platform

package, appkgunload generates output similar to the following:
The ngn_platform package (version AP24.0.0000) will be
unloaded from the /var/spool/ap/pkg directory.

Do you want to continue [no]: _


4 Enter yes at the prompt.


5 Repeat Step 2 through Step 4 for each bundle or package that you want to remove.


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 5-15
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System administration Procedure 5-3: Manage MM-AP file systems

Managing tmp files

Temporary files and directories are automatically removed from /var/tmp, and therefore
also from /usr/tmp, which is linked to /var/tmp, when an MM-AP is rebooted;
however, you can also manually remove all files from the /usr/tmp and /var/tmp

Managing crash dump and core files

MM-APs produce the following types of files when the operating system crashes or an
application fails:
• operating system crash dumps
• application core files

Operating system crash dumps

In the event of an operating system crash, a copy of the physical memory of the computer
at the time of the crash is saved in a pair of files, unix.x and vmcore.x, in the
/var/flx/data/FMScrash directory. Together these files make up the crash dump. Up
to two sets of these files are kept, distinguished by the value of x.
You can free up space on an MM-AP by removing these crash dump files. Do this by
running the following command as root or as System Administrator:

Note: A crash dump provides invaluable information for diagnosing the cause of an
OS crash. Contact technical support to arrange transfer and analysis of these files
before removing them.

MM-AP application core files

To prevent core files generated by application processes from being overwritten before
someone has an opportunity to analyze them, MM-AP software appends the name of the
failing process to the name of the core file (for example, core.nslookup or
core.DBinit) and saves the resulting file in /var/corefiles. By default, the
flxcoremgmt utility removes all application core files that are seven days or older. This
is controlled by an associated entry in root’s crontab file, which is automatically
controlled by the MM-AP.

Managing log files

MM-APs generate both MM-AP-specific log files and standard Solaris log files.

5-16 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System administration Procedure 5-3: Manage MM-AP file systems

MM-AP daily log files

Daily log files in the /var/ap/platform/logs/admin and
/var/ap/platform/logs/ux directories are automatically removed after being stored
for a default number of days.

Solaris log files

By default, the flxlogmgmt utility automatically trims the following Solaris log files to
the sizes indicated each day:
• /var/adm/utmp (36 KB)
• /var/adm/wtmp (36 KB)
• /var/adm/utmpx (372 KB)
• /var/adm/wtmpx (362 lines)
• /var/adm/sulog (600 lines)
• /var/log/syslog (1000 lines)

Reference: For more information about these Solaris files, use the man on-line help

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 5-17
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System administration Overview

Feature administrative tasks

This section provides procedures to assign features related to the hardware.

The section contains the following procedures:

Procedure 5-4: Set date, time, and timezone for an MM-AP

Procedure 5-5: Enable rapid spanning tree algorithm
Procedure 5-6: Disable rapid spanning tree algorithm
Procedure 5-7: Assign the Memory Leak Monitor

5-18 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System administration Procedure 5-4: Set date, time, and timezone for an MM-

Procedure 5-4: Set date, time, and timezone for an MM-AP

Use this procedure to set the date, time, and/or timezone for an MM-AP. Keep in mind
that the MM-AP timezone program is different than the ECP and OMP timezone program.
They use different values to represent the same timezones.

Perform the following steps to set the date, time, and/or timezone for an MM-AP.

1 Remove the MM-AP from service; to do this:

• At the OMC-RAN, use the Network Manager menu to open the TI Wizard. From
there, execute the RMV AP poke command. Or use the OMC-RAN TICLI to manually
enter a command similar to the TICLI command below.
• On the EMS AP Status Page, press the Remove button.
• At the TICLI or EMS CLI, execute the following command:
a is the MM-AP number

Result: On the EMS Graphical User Interface (GUI), the MM-AP is displayed as

2 Log in to an MM-AP as root or as System Administrator.


3 At the UNIX shell prompt, execute the following command to take the MM-AP offline:
Result: The MM-AP reboots but is taken off line and stops all platform software.

Note: If you cannot remove the MM-AP from service using the apoffline
command from the MM-AP itself, execute the apoffline command from the mate
MM-AP, as follows:
apoffline -s apxxy -F

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 5-19
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System administration Procedure 5-4: Set date, time, and timezone for an MM-


4 To set the MM-AP’s date and time, enter the following command:
rdate apxx
apxx is the on-line mate AP. (If there is no mate AP, chose a different
on-line AP.)


5 Set the timezone of the server by doing the following:

• In Release 32.0 and later releases, run the following command:
/flx/bin/updatetz new_timezone
where new_timezone is the timezone string to be used.
• In Release 31.0 and earlier releases, edit the /etc/TIMEZONE file. For more information,
enter the following command to see the manual page for TIMEZONE(4):

6 Bring the MM-AP back on-line with the following command:

Result: The MM-AP reboots and restarts MM-AP platform and application software.
If you had a remote console connection to the MM-AP through its alarm card, you see
boot messages from the MM-AP followed by a login prompt. If you were logged in
directly to the MM-AP, you lose your connection and are then prompted to log in.

7 Verify that the MM-AP is in the OUT-OF-SERVICE-MANUAL (OOS-MANUAL) state

at the OMC-RAN or on the EMS and in the ACTIVE state on the LMT Emergency
Interface (EI).
Result: It may take several minutes for the MM-AP to reach the OOS-MANUAL state
after the aponline command is executed.

8 Restore the MM-AP to service; to do this:

• At the OMC-RAN, use the Network Manager menu to open the TI Wizard. From
there, execute the RST AP poke command. Or use the OMC-RAN TICLI to manually
enter a command similar to the TICLI command below.
• On the EMS AP Status Page, press the Restore button.

5-20 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System administration Procedure 5-4: Set date, time, and timezone for an MM-

• At the TICLI, enter the following command:

a the MM-AP number

Result: The MM-AP is restored to the ACTIVE state. (The EMS AP Status Page
reports the MM-AP as ACTIVE.

9 Verify the date, time, and timezone change by entering the following command:
Result: Output should be similar to the following:
Fri Sep 5 10:45:23 CST 2008

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 5-21
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System administration Procedure 5-5: Enable rapid spanning tree algorithm

Procedure 5-5: Enable rapid spanning tree algorithm

The rapid spanning tree algorithm is optional but highly recommended. Once enabled, it
prevents loops in the LAN network of the APCC. It does this by reconfiguring the network
when duplicate links cause loops in the network. Without this feature, a loop can cause
broadcast storms and/or large numbers of duplicate messages that can result in down time.
Rapid spanning tree also provides a means of fast network convergence after a topolgy

When to use
This feature is available for Avaya/Cajun Ethernet switches (P333T/P334T/P333R) and
Extreme switches (that is, the X450a-48t) in the MM APCC LAN. Perform this procedure
during the maintenance window. During the enable procedure, there will be LAN silence
in the range of 1 to 5 seconds.

Before you begin

Be sure of the following before enabling rapid spanning tree on the MM Ethernet
• The Ethernet switches must have firmware version 4.0.x (or later) installed, where x
equals any point release number.

Procedure for Avaya/Cajun switch

Perform the following procedure to enable the rapid spanning tree algorithm.

1 Login as root or as System Administrator (see “Recommend su to access special logins”

(p. 4-6)) to the primary B-server.

2 Enter the following command to change directories:

cd ap/platform/default/bin

3 Enter the following command to check the status of the rapid spanning tree algorithm. It
should be disabled before the command to enable it is run.
./APhubRst -q
Result: Output gets logged in the rstsummarylog file under /var/tmp.

5-22 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System administration Procedure 5-5: Enable rapid spanning tree algorithm

Examine the /var/tmp/rstsummarylog file. This file indicates the current spanning tree
state of each of the switches. Confirm that rapid spanning tree is disabled for each of the
two switches in a frame and for all frames. Look for the following line for each switch:
Spanning tree state is disabled
A list of switches is stored in the /var/tmp/rst.out file.
If rapid spanning tree is already enabled, STOP. If disabled, continue with the next step.

4 Enter the following command:

./APhubRst -e [-l login -p password]
where the login and password are only required if your login is not the default Cajun
switch login.
Result: This script will telnet to each of the Ethernet switches in the system. If the
message “Exiting because x number of switches failed login/password”, check the
/var/tmp/rstloginpasswdlog file to see if a particular switch failed the
login/password attempt. Then re-enter the command using the correct login/password.
Once able to telnet to all switches, the script will then check to see if the Ethernet
switches meet the 4.0 or later firmware version requirement and will check to see if all
the MM switches meet the version requirement. If these requirements are met, the
script will change the port states to edge-port states, set the priorities of the base frame
switches, set the port/path cost to Rapid Spanning Tree cost, set the spanning tree
version to rapid, and enable the feature automatically. A completion message will be
displayed once the feature is enabled on all the switches.

Note: Do not login to the Ethernet switches while this script is running.

5 Examine the /var/tmp/rstsummarylog file. Confirm that rapid spanning tree is enabled for
each of the two switches in a frame and for all frames. Look for the following two lines for
each switch:
Spanning tree state is enabled
Spanning Tree Version is rapid spanning tree

Note: Notify WTSC if any problems are found during the enable.

Procedure for Extreme switch

Perform the following procedure to enable the rapid spanning tree algorithm.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 5-23
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System administration Procedure 5-5: Enable rapid spanning tree algorithm


1 Login as root to the Extreme switch.


2 Enter the following command:

enable stpd

5-24 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System administration Procedure 5-6: Disable rapid spanning tree algorithm

Procedure 5-6: Disable rapid spanning tree algorithm

Use this procedure to disable the rapid spanning tree algorithm.

Note: Notify technical support any time you disable/backout of the rapid spanning
tree algorithm.

Procedure for Avaya/Cajun switch

Perform the following step to disable the rapid spanning tree algorithm as root or as
System Administrator.

1 If for some reason rapid spanning tree needs to be disabled and telnet access to the
Ethernet switch or switches is not available (that is, telnet access to the MM-AP or telnet
access to the Ethernet switch from the MM-AP is denied), access each Ethernet switch via
the console and disable the rapid spanning tree with the following command:
./APhubRst -d [-l login -p password]
This command is also used from the B-server root login (see “Recommend su to access
special logins” (p. 4-6)) to back out the spanning tree settings if anomolies are noticed on
the system after rapid spanning tree is enabled.

2 Confirm that rapid spanning tree is disabled for each of the two Ethernet switches in a
frame and for all frames. Look for the following line for each Ethernet switch:
Spanning tree state is disabled
A list of Ethernet switches is stored in the /var/tmp/rst.out file.

Procedure for Extreme switch

Perform the following procedure to disable the rapid spanning tree algorithm.

1 Login as root to the Extreme switch.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 5-25
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System administration Procedure 5-6: Disable rapid spanning tree algorithm


2 Enter the following command:

disable stpd

5-26 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System administration Procedure 5-7: Assign the Memory Leak Monitor

Procedure 5-7: Assign the Memory Leak Monitor

The Memory Leak Monitor is assigned on a per MM-AP basis and applies to all types of
MM-AP (that is, R1, R2, host, and satellite). It periodically takes a snapshot of the current
memory usage of all active processes (up to 700) on the MM-AP processor and stores the
data in the usage log file. A usage log file looks like the following:
....(snapshot A)
....(snapshot B)
Process records are separated by semi-colons (;). Each record has the following format:
• timestamp = YYMMDDhhmmss
• pid = process ID
• memorysize = resident memory size of the process in Kbytes.

Usage analysis
The MLM will compare all the snapshots that fit within a specified period of time, called
the usage analysis period, to determine if a process is using progressively more memory.
The MLM writes a warning into the error log when a process is detected with
progressively increasing memory usage. An error is written into the error log and reported
via the ROP when a potentailly leaky process is identified. A single error entry in the error
log file looks like the following:
2005 Nov 29 10:06:20: Initialization_Interval is 100 min
2005 Nov 29 10:06:20: Invocation_Interval is 30 min
2005 Nov 29 10:06:20: Tolerance_Interval is 2889 min
2005 Nov 29 10:06:20: Initialization_Interval over
2005 Nov 29 10:06:20: Starting first invocation of MLM
2005 Nov 29 10:06:21: WARNING: Potential MLK: pid=391, name=PjmdudMon,
2005 Nov 29 10:06:21: ERROR: Potential MLK: pid=391, name=PjmdudMon,
2005 Nov 29 10:06:21: ERROR: Potential MLK: current_avg=2383,

Alarm notification and alarming

Memory Leak Monitor Alarming sends a MINOR alarm via RCC. Refer to “Memory leak
errors” (p. 7-8).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 5-27
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System administration Procedure 5-7: Assign the Memory Leak Monitor

Configuring the Memory Leak Monitor

The Memory Leak Monitor provides a default configuration file on the MM-AP that can
be used to turn the MLM on/off and adjust its parameters. The default configuration file is
applicable to that processor alone. The user can define their own custom configuration file,
if desired, which will override the default file.
Use the procedures of this section to configure the Memory Leak Monitor. Note that some
parameters can be updated at any time, while others cannot.

Configurable parameters
The MLM default configuration file provides the following parameters:
• Initialization_Interval is the interval in minutes during which the host processor is said
to be initializing. The MLM will not collect memory usage data during this interval.
Once the initialization interval is complete, memory leak monitoring begins.
Initialization_Interval is a static parameter that can only be changed before the MLM
is started. Allowable values: 0 to 1200.
• Invocation_Interval (also known as the Memory usage snapshot period) is the interval
in minutes that specifies how often a snapshot is taken. Memory usage snapshot period
is a dynamic parameter that can be changed at any time, either statically or
dynamically, and takes affect at the next invocation of the MLM. Allowable values: 1
to 1200.
• Tolerance_Interval (also known as the Usage analysis period) is the interval in
minutes that specifies the period over which the snapshots are analyzed (that is, the
rate at which memory leaks are checked). If a process has no memory leaks, its
tolerance interval is restarted. If a process has a potential memory leak, the MLM
continues to compare future records with the current set of records. Usage analysis
period is a dynamic parameter that can be changed at any time, either statically or
dynamically and takes affect at the next invocation of the MLM. A change to the
interval does not affect the current interval. Note that if the tolerance interval and
invocation interval are not in sync, the actual tolerance interval may be longer than that
specified because analysis of the snapshots takes place during the next invocation.
Allowable values: 10 (or Invocation_Interval x 10, whichever is greater) to 120000
(or Invocation_Interval x 100, whichever is lesser).
• Enable_MLM defines the status of the Memory Leak Monitor. Enable_MLM is a
dynamic parameter that can be changed at any time, either statically or dynamically
and takes affect at the next invocation of the MLM. Allowable values: 0 (disable) or 1

Initial setup procedure

Perform the following steps to set up and activate the Memory Leak Monitor.

5-28 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System administration Procedure 5-7: Assign the Memory Leak Monitor


1 Log into the server’s alarm card as root or as System Administrator (see “Recommend su
to access special logins” (p. 4-6)).

2 Go to one of the following directories:

• /flx/FMSmlm/current/data - look for a file named config.default (this is the deafult
configuration file).
• in /flx/data/FMSmlm - look for a file named config.appl (this is a custom
configuration file provided by the platform by use by applications).

Note: If a custom configuration file is created, it will override the settings of the
default configuration file. However, if the custom file does not define all configuration
parameters, or if the custom file is corrupt, the default file will be used.

3 Open the configuration file. It should look something like the following:
# MLM Configuration File
# Configuration Parameters are represented as name/value pairs in the
# following format:
# name = value
# Note that a line beginning with a ‘#’ sign is interpreted to be a comment
# and is ignored.
# Static Configuration Parameters can only be changed before MLM is started.
# Meta-Dynamic Configuration Parameters can be changed after MLM is started,
# before MLM’s first invocation.
# Dynamic Configuration Parameters can be changed any time.
# ================= Static Configuration Parameters
Initialization_Interval = 45
Allowable_Tolerance_Count = 3

# ================= Meta-Dynamic Configuration Parameter

Log_Directory = /var/flx/logs/FMSmlm

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 5-29
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System administration Procedure 5-7: Assign the Memory Leak Monitor

Usage_Logfile = Usage.dat
Error_Logfile = Error.log
Maximum_Usage_Logfile_Size = 31457280
Maximum_Error_Logfile_Size = 31457280

# ================= Dynamic Configuration Parameters

Enable_MLM = 1
Invocation_Interval = 60
Tolerance_Interval = 4320

4 Check the MLM configuration parameters. Adjust the parameters as needed. Refer to the
front of this section for a description of the parameters. To start memory leak monitoring,
make sure Enable_MLM = 1.

5 Save and close the configuration file.

Adjusting parameters while MLM is running

Certain configuration parameters can be adjusted while the MLM is running. Perform the
following steps.

6 Log into the server’s alarm card as root or as System Administrator (see “Recommend su
to access special logins” (p. 4-6)).

7 Go to the configuration file directory and open the configuration file.

Refer to the previous procedure for assistance.

8 The following configuration parameters can be adjusted while MLM is running:

• Invocation_Interval (takes effect at the next Invocation_Interval)
• Enable_MLM (takes effect at the next Invocation_Interval).

9 Save and close the configuration file.


5-30 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
System administration Procedure 5-7: Assign the Memory Leak Monitor

Disabling MLM
The MLM can be disabled without rebooting the MM-AP:

1 Log into the server’s alarm card as root or as System Administrator (see “Recommend su
to access special logins” (p. 4-6)).

2 Do one of the following:

• Enter the RCC command:
RCCvmOffline -m <machine_name> FLXMLM
• Modify the configuration file (either the default file or the user-specific file, if
provided) so that Enable_MLM = 0. Note: If MLM has not started, you can also disable
it by setting Initialization_Interval = 0.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 5-31
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
System administration Procedure 5-7: Assign the Memory Leak Monitor

5-32 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
6 Monitor the system

This chapter covers the fault management task of monitoring the maintenance and alarm
states of the following MM-APC components:
• MM-APs
• EINEs and EINlinks
• dual-rail LAN

Supporting information
For more information about each of the following related topics, see the reference listed

Related Topic Reference

MM-AP OA&M interfaces 401-710-200, MM Overview and
Migration Description
Maintenance states of MM-APs and 401-380-835, OMC-RAN OA&M
MM-AP managed resources 401-710-200, MM Overview and
Migration Description
Troubleshooting problems identified Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”
while monitoring MM-APC status
Replacing faulty MM-APF Chapter 8, “Replacement
components procedures”
Using the LMT 401-710-221, Mobility Server
(MS)/ Blade Platform LMT
User's Guide

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 6-1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Monitor the system Overview

Monitoring activities
The following table lists the primary interfaces that are used to perform MM-APC
monitoring activities.

MM-APC monitoring activity Primary interface

Monitoring MM-AP status OMC-RAN, EMS
Monitoring EINE status MM-ROP and SDPs
Monitoring EINlink status OMC-RAN, EMS
Monitoring dual-rail LAN OMC-RAN, EMS

The sections that follow overview MM-APC monitoring tasks from an “interfaces”
perspective, that is, in terms of which tasks are best accomplished from which interface.

The chapter includes the following sections:

Procedure 6-1: Determine MM-AP status

Procedure 6-2: Determine EINE link status
Procedure 6-3: Determine dual-rail LAN status
Procedure 6-4: Determine FT-LAN status
Procedure 6-5: Use the MM-ROP & MM-AP Admin logs

6-2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Monitor the system Procedure 6-1: Determine MM-AP status

Procedure 6-1: Determine MM-AP status

The primary method for obtaining MM-AP status is through the OMC-RAN using the OP
poke commands of the Network Manager TI Wizard.
Alternative or secondary MM-AP monitoring access points include:
• EMS, with its Network Element Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Active Alarm
List that allow you to monitor elements interactively.
• AP indicator in the Status Summary Area (SSA) of all SDPs.
• Technician Interface Command Line Interface (TICLI).
• Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT) WatchDog Emergency Interface (EI) and Console

Note: The LMT WatchDog Emergency Interface is not available in R1SR frames
that operate in R2 mode where the WatchDog is present but not used. In these frames,
the functions previously available through the WatchDog Emergency Interface are
available through the R2 alarm card operating in R2 mode in conjunction with new
RCC integrity software.
• Mobility Manager Read-Only Printer (MM-ROP) application
• ECP-ROP application. A duplex failure of an MM-AP server pair and/or a duplex
failure of the Proxy AP server pair will cause an alarm to be sent to the ECP-ROP
every five minutes until one or both servers in the pair come back into service. If there
is a duplex failure of the MM-ROP, only critical alarms will be sent to the ECP-ROP.
This is to prevent overload at the ECP.

Note: This applies to only MSCs that are equipped with an ECPC.
• MM-AP Admin logs

OMC-RAN Network manager menu

The MM-AP status can be displayed at the OMC-RAN through the Network Manager
menu’s TI Wizard. Some of the OP poke commands available include OP STATUS, OP

EMS AP Summary Page

The EMS AP Summary Page displays maintenance and alarm status for each MM-AP
configured in the system. Refer to Figure 6-1, “Example AP Summary Page” (p. 6-4).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 6-3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Monitor the system Procedure 6-1: Determine MM-AP status

Figure 6-1 Example AP Summary Page

For more information about this and other EMS pages, see Chapter 3, “Access MM-AP
components”,” of this document, or Online Help.

Note: On rare occasions there may be a difference on what RCCcstat sees and what
the TICLI reports. RCCcstat may report an AP as LEAD and the TICLI will report the
same AP as ISOLATED. This is becasue RCCcstat does not report application
specific/designated state information (for example, ISOLATED). The user should use
the TICLI report and take appropriate action.

EMS AP Status Page

The EMS AP Status Page displays the status for a specific MM-AP and its managed
objects, for example, applications such as MM-DBMS and MM-ROP, DS1s, EINE links,
and LANs. An example AP Status Page is shown in Figure 6-2, “Example AP Status
Page” (p. 6-5).

6-4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Monitor the system Procedure 6-1: Determine MM-AP status

Figure 6-2 Example AP Status Page

EMS Active Alarm List

The Active Alarm List
• provides a detailed display of currently active alarms
• supports automatic filtering by network element or managed object
• allows you to sort the alarm list by severity, network element, or time
• provides navigation to the detailed views for a network element or managed object that
is associated with an active alarm record

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 6-5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Monitor the system Procedure 6-1: Determine MM-AP status

SDP AP indicator
The Status Summary Area (SSA) of all Status Display Pages (SDPs) summarizes status
information that is displayed in more detail on other SDPs or by output messages. In the
case of MM-AP network elements, the AP indicator in the SSA is a high-level indication
of whether the MM-APs are normal or off-normal:
• Normal: All MM-APs are in the normal, expected state (that is, ACTIVE).
• Off-normal: Either one or more MM-APs is not ACTIVE or one or more MM-APs has
an outstanding alarm. When this status is determined for an MM-AP, go to the EMS
AP Summary Page to identify the MM-AP in question, then the AP Status Page for the
specific MM-AP.

The TICLI provides input and output messages for obtaining the maintenance status and
alarm status of an MM-AP and its managed objects. Executed from the TICLI prompt
when you are logged in to an MM-AP, a TICLI command only reports the status of the
specific MM-AP from which you are currently running the TICLI session. (For more
information about launching a TICLI session, refer to Chapter 3, “Access MM-AP

Note: The TICLI is intended for use when the EMS is unavailable because the MM-
AP is ISOLATED. For information about the MM-AP ISOLATED state, see Chapter
2, “Maintenance states”.”

Maintenance status messages

The following input message outputs the status of an MM-AP:
This command also reports the maintenance status for the MM-AP’s managed objects, for
example, applications such as MM-DBMS and MM-ROP, EINE link, LANs, DS1s, DS0s,
and SS7 links on that MM-AP.
For the MM-DBMS application, this command also reports RC/V state (ALLOWED,
INHIBITED) and update role state (NONE, PRIMARY, SECONDARY). For DS1s, this
command also reports loopback state (NO LOOP, INTERNAL LOOP, EXTERNAL
LOOP).For DS0s, it also reports diagnostic state (NO TEST, CONNECTIVITY TEST).
The corresponding output message is

Alarm messages
The following input message outputs the outstanding alarms for the MM-AP:

6-6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Monitor the system Procedure 6-1: Determine MM-AP status

This command also outputs outstanding alarms for the MM-AP’s managed objects. The
corresponding output message is
Reference: For more information about these input and output messages, refer to the
Input Messages Manual (401-610-055) and Output Messages Manual (401-610-057).
For more information about MM-AP states, see Chapter 2, “Maintenance states”.”

LMT EI applications
The LMT provides three applications:
• console access
• remote terminal access
• WatchDog Emergency Interface (EI).

Note: The RCC WatchDog Emergency Interface is not available in R1SR frames that
operate in R2 mode where the WatchDog is present but not used. In these frames, the
functions previously available through the WatchDog Emergency Interface are
available through the R2 alarm card operating in R2 mode in conjunction with new
RCC integrity software.
The console access application provides single-point “terminal” access to the multiple
MM-AP server, alarm card, and Ethernet switch console ports using the Win2000Pro
HyperTerminal program.
The remote access application provides telnet remote terminal access to the network
elements within the MM-APCC LAN using the Win2000Pro telnet program.
The WatchDog EI is a graphical user interface (GUI) that provides emergency access to
any of the MM-APs in the frame (for example, for emergency MM-AP initialization and
recovery) and emergency MM-APC LAN control. The EI is also used for initial MM-AP
installation and integration, growth, replacement, and servicing of MM-AP modules.
It displays the states of the WatchDog and of MM-AP servers, allows you to change MM-
AP states and control power to MM-APs in the MM-AP frame, and displays an event log
of all interaction between the LMT and WatchDog.
Reference: Note: WatchDog EI states differ from the states that are presented at
the EMS and TICLI.
For specific details about LMT applications, see the Mobility Server (MS)/ Blade
Platform LMT User's Guide (401-710-221).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 6-7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Monitor the system Procedure 6-1: Determine MM-AP status

MM-ROP and MM-AP Admin logs

For information about using the MM-ROP and MM-AP Admin logs to monitor MM-AP
status, see “Use the MM-ROP & MM-AP Admin logs” (p. 6-13).

6-8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Monitor the system Procedure 6-2: Determine EINE link status

Procedure 6-2: Determine EINE link status


Note: This applies to only MSCs that are equipped with an ECPC.
The health of the EINE link between the MM-AP and the EINE on the ECP IMS ring is
monitored and displayed on the OMC-RAN’s Network Manager menu. Alternatively, it
can be displayed and monitored using the EMS AP Status Page through its EINLINK
indicator. The EINE link is also tied to the health of the EINE itself; however, the primary
status and maintenance of the EINE (like the status of other link nodes on the ring) is
accessed at the ECP through Status Display Pages (SDPs) and Technician Interface (input)
The following user interfaces are available for you to monitor and obtain the status of
EINEs and EINE links between MM-APs and the ECPC CNI ring:
• To monitor EINEs:
– OMC-RAN Network Manager menu; Poke commands (TI Wizard); OP STATUS.
– ECP 1106 - Ring Node Status SDP
– Mobility Manager Read-Only Printer (MM-ROP) (OMPROP1 or user-defined log
files on the OMP, or physical MM-ROP at your Operations Support System
/Network Operations Control Center)
• To monitor EINE links:
– OMC-RAN Network Manager menu; Poke commands; OP STATUS.
– EINLINK alarm indicator on the EMS AP Status pages
– MM-AP Admin logs
For information about EINE link states, see Chapter 2, “Maintenance states”.”

OMC-RAN Network Manager menu

Refer to the 401-380-835, OMC-RAN OA&M document.

ECP SDP 1106

The ECP SDP 1106 page remains unchanged except for the AP Status Summary Indicator,
which appears on the upper right corner of the page.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 6-9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Monitor the system Procedure 6-2: Determine EINE link status

The MM-ROP application generates ROP messages that can help you to monitor the
EINE. For example, the following output messages are associated with the EINE:
For information about using the MM-ROP to monitor EINE status, see “Use the MM-ROP
& MM-AP Admin logs” (p. 6-13). For more information about these messages, refer to
Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”,” of this document, and to the Output Messages Manual

EMS EINLINK indicator

The EMS AP Status Page displays the state of the communication path (EINLINK) between
an MM-AP and EINE by the EINLINK icon.

The OP:AP-STATUS and OP:AP-ALARM input messages also report the maintenance and
alarm status of the EINE link and other managed objects of an MM-AP. (For information
about these input messages and their corresponding output messages, see “Maintenance
status messages” (p. 6-6) and “Alarm messages” (p. 6-6).)

MM-ROP and MM-AP Admin logs

For information about using the MM-ROP and MM-AP Admin logs to monitor MM-AP
status, see “Use the MM-ROP & MM-AP Admin logs” (p. 6-13).

6-10 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Monitor the system Procedure 6-3: Determine dual-rail LAN status

Procedure 6-3: Determine dual-rail LAN status

The following user interfaces are available for you to monitor and obtain the status of the
LAN interfaces on the MM-APs:
• primary interface
– OMC-RAN Network Manager menu
• secondary interfaces
– EMS LAN indicators
– MM-AP Admin logs
For information about dual-rail LAN maintenance states, see Chapter 2, “Maintenance

OMC-RAN Network Manager menu

Refer to the 401-380-835, OMC-RAN OA&M document.

EMS LAN indicators

The EMS GUI displays the status of the dual LAN between the MM-APs on AP Status
pages (LAN icon). (See “EMS AP Status Page” (p. 6-4) for an example of an AP Status
Page.) For more detailed information about the EMS LAN indicators, refer to the Online

The OP:AP-STATUS and OP:AP-ALARM input messages also report the maintenance and
alarm status of MM-AP LANs and other managed objects of an MM-AP. (For information
about these input messages and their corresponding output messages, see “Maintenance
status messages” (p. 6-6) and “Alarm messages” (p. 6-6).)

MM-ROP and MM-AP Admin logs

For information about using the MM-ROP and MM-AP Admin logs to monitor MM-AP
LAN status, see “Use the MM-ROP & MM-AP Admin logs” (p. 6-13).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 6-11
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Monitor the system Procedure 6-4: Determine FT-LAN status

Procedure 6-4: Determine FT-LAN status

The following user interfaces are available for you to monitor and obtain the status of the
FT-LAN interfaces on the MM-APs:
• primary interface
– OMC-RAN Network Manager menu
• secondary interfaces
– EMS LAN alarms
– MM-AP Admin logs
The FT-LAN does not have maintenance states. All status for the FT-LAN is reported
through alarms. The FT-LAN does not use any additional hardware beyond that used for
the standard MM-AP dual-rail LAN. Typically, FT-LAN status for an individual link
matches that of the MM-AP LAN resource, however, FT-LAN alarms are set and cleared
much more quickly than those for the dual-rail LAN.

OMC-RAN Network Manager menu

Refer to the 401-380-835, OMC-RAN OA&M document.

EMS LAN indicators

The EMS GUI displays FT-LAN alarms under the LAN category. For more detailed
information about the EMS LAN indicators, refer to the Online Help.

The OP:AP-ALARM input message reports the alarm status of the MM-AP FT-LAN. (For
information about this input message and its corresponding output message, see
“Maintenance status messages” (p. 6-6) and “Alarm messages” (p. 6-6).)

MM-ROP and MM-AP Admin logs

The REPT-AP-LANFAIL output message includes two alarms for the failure of a single
physical link. The first alarm is for the FT-LAN link that uses the failed physical interface.
The second alarm is for the ACTIVE/STANDBY dual-rail LAN that uses that physical
For information about using the MM-ROP and MM-AP Admin logs to monitor MM-AP
FT-LAN status, see “Use the MM-ROP & MM-AP Admin logs” (p. 6-13).

6-12 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Monitor the system Procedure 6-5: Use the MM-ROP & MM-AP Admin logs

Procedure 6-5: Use the MM-ROP & MM-AP Admin logs

The MM-AP generates viewable log files and associated MM-ROP messages that can help
you monitor the MM-AP and its managed resources.

MM-ROP logs
You can monitor MM-AP messages using the OMPROP1 or user-defined log files on the
OMP, or the MM-ROP physical output stream at your Operations Support System (OSS)
/Network Operations Control Center (NOCC).

Note: The MM-ROP physical output stream, unlike the ECP ROP output stream, is
not routed to the OMP.
If the MM-ROP is in duplex failure, critical alarmed messages are sent to the ECP ROP. In
previous releases, all messages are sent to the ECP ROP. It is now the intention that the
ECP not become overloaded with ROP messages should an MM-ROP duplex failure

Note: This applies to only MSCs that are equipped with an ECPC.
For more information about the MM-ROP application and how to administer and view
MM-ROP files, see MM-ROP OA&M Guide (401-710-202).

MM-AP administrative log files

MM-AP Administrative log files, or Admin logs, can help you review the activity of an
MM-AP. Each MM-AP records its own events in these files under the following directory:
You rarely need to refer to these files; however, they may help during troubleshooting to
review events leading up to a particular event or error.
For more information about MM-AP Admin logs, see Appendix C, “Admin log

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 6-13
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Monitor the system Procedure 6-5: Use the MM-ROP & MM-AP Admin logs

6-14 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
7 Troubleshooting

The purpose of this chapter is to provide procedures for using various OA&M applications
(OMC-RAN, EMS, SDPs, ECP craft shell, etc.) to detect, diagnose, isolate, and recover
from faults in an MM-AP or its associated managed resources or components.
This chapter does not cover replacement of faulty components when attempts to restore
those components to service through software means fail. Replacement of faulty
components is covered in Chapter 8, “Replacement procedures”.”

Related information
For commands associated with the MM-RCS and MM-SS7/MM-DLN, refer to the
• RCS OA&M (401-710-102)
• MM-SS7 OA&M (401-710-205).

This chapter includes the following sections:

MM-AP problems: Troubleshooting server-level problems

MM-AP problems: Troubleshooting components
EINE troubleshooting
LAN troubleshooting
WatchDog problems

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Overview

MM-AP problems: Troubleshooting server-

level problems
This section provides guidelines for troubleshooting the following MM-AP server-level
problems. For component-level problems, refer to “MM-AP problems: Troubleshooting
components” (p. 7-9).

The section contains the following:

Procedure 7-1: Cannot log in to an MM-AP

Procedure 7-2: Cannot promote an MM-AP to ACTIVE state
Procedure 7-3: MM-AP clock out of sync with the ECP clock
Procedure 7-4: MM-AP reboots repeatedly
Procedure 7-5: CPU firmware update errors
Procedure 7-6: Memory leak errors

Related information
For more information on troubleshooting MM-AP problems, see the Output Messages
Manual (401-610-057).

7-2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-1: Cannot log in to an MM-AP

Procedure 7-1: Cannot log in to an MM-AP

If you cannot log in to an MM-AP, then troubleshoot as follows:
The MM-AP may be Check the MM-AP state at the System Status
powered down. Panel.
The MM-AP may be Wait 5 minutes and try to log in again or check the
initializing. LMT Emergency Interface to see whether the MM-
AP is booting.
There may be faults Try logging in from the LMT, then refer to the
on the MM-AP- “LAN failure causes” section.
If you cannot check to see if an alarm card RTM is installed. If
rlogin/telnet into a one is installed, remove it. All alarm cabling
4x0S alarm card in connections are to the front of the alarm card.
an R1 frame,
If you cannot try using ssh to access this MM-AP.
rlogin/telnet into an
MM-AP and you see
‘Protocol error’,

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-2: Cannot promote an MM-AP to ACTIVE state

Procedure 7-2: Cannot promote an MM-AP to ACTIVE state

If an MM-AP does not complete initialization when brought online, one of the following
problems may be the cause:

Possible Cause Possible Resolution

The EINE has not Restore the EINE to service by entering the following
been restored. command from the ECP MCRT:
xx = the ring group
yy = the node

The EINE is not Refer to “EINE troubleshooting” (p. 7-51).

functioning properly.
You may have The WatchDog will power cycle the MM-AP and
interrupted the boot resolve the problem in a few minutes; wait an
sequence. additional 5 minutes.
The MM-AP may not 1. Do one of the following to check the MM-AP
be named properly. name:
a. Check the MM-AP’s UNIX prompt. The
prompt for an MM-AP is formatted as follows:
xx = either the frame component or the range
component of the logical number of the MM-
y = the MM-AP’s server location in the frame
(that is, the drawer)
For example, if you have one MM-APF, its
number is 0 (where MM-APF 1-1 = 0). If the
MM-AP is in drawer 1, the MM-AP should be
named (and the prompt should display) ap01.
b. Enter the following command at the MM-AP
UNIX prompt:
uname -n
2. If the MM-AP is not named properly, you may
need to degrow and regrow the MM-AP. See
“Degrowth procedures” (p. 10-1) and “Add an
EINE before adding a 4x0S server” (p. 9-7).

7-4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-3: MM-AP clock out of sync with the ECP

Procedure 7-3: MM-AP clock out of sync with the ECP clock
If the MM-AP clock and the ECP clock are out of sync by more than +/- 5 minutes, this
problem is reported to the ROP every 14 minutes until the problem is corrected by an MM-
AP reboot. During the MM-AP reboot, the MM-AP clock will be reset. This will cause
another reboot.

Note: This applies to only MSCs that are equipped with an ECPC. If the MSC is
ECPless, the MM-AP clock is synchronized with the OMP clock.

Normal operation
During initialization, if the MM-AP clock is out of sync by more than +/- 5 minutes, the
MM-AP clock is set to the ECP clock in one step. This causes a MM-AP reboot. Once the
MM-AP is up, the ECP sends a clock sync message to the MM-AP every 10 seconds. If
the MM-AP clock becomes out of sync with the ECP clock, but is within +/- 5 minutes of
the ECP clock, the MM-AP clock is adjusted in 1-second increments every 10 seconds
until the two clocks are in sync.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-4: MM-AP reboots repeatedly

Procedure 7-4: MM-AP reboots repeatedly

If one of the MM-APs is repeatedly rebooting, one of the following problems may be the
• Both LAN interfaces on the MM-AP have failed.
• The file system has either failed (bad disk) or is full.
• There has been a system crash, and the initiating event for the crash is reoccurring.
To troubleshoot any of these problems, do the following:

1 Take the MM-AP offline by using the LMT Emergency Interface (EI). (To do this, refer to
the Mobility Server (MS)/ Blade Platform LMT User's Guide (401-710-221).
Result: This should stop the cycle of MM-AP reboots. If the MM-AP continues to
reboot, replace the boot disk drive using the procedure “Replace a DVD or DAT drive
(800S server only)” (p. 8-269).

2 Troubleshoot to determine the specific cause of the rebooting by using the guidelines in
“LAN troubleshooting” (p. 7-68) and “MM-AP package and file system management”
(p. 5-2) in Chapter 5, “System administration”,” for file system or system crash problems.

7-6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-5: CPU firmware update errors

Procedure 7-5: CPU firmware update errors

During MM-AP server boot operations, the firmware version of the CPU is checked.
When the CPU firmware version is determined to be older than that of the software release
level on the server, an attempt is made to download the newer firmware. This update
operation is performed via a combination of steps by an Operating System boot script and
an additional set of reboot operations.
Any errors that occur when updating the firmware are usually non-fatal to the server, and
subsequent reboot operations will either update the firmware or discontinue further
• In some cases there can be warnings or errors observed that are mere side-effects of
the firmware update operation and can be disregarded. For example, a CPU firmware
update may warn about I/O interfaces that were configured at the time of the firmware
• Examples of non-fatal warning messages that occur during the boot firmware that may
be observed at the console and can be ignored are:
@(#) Flash Update Tool (c) 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. v0.1
cfgadm: Component system is busy, try again:
Resource Information
/devices/pci@1e,600000/pci@1/pci@12/SUNW,qfe@0,1 Network interface qfe0
SUNW_network/qfe0 qfe0 hosts IP addresses:
Oct 9 15:44:11 flx01 rcm_daemon[851]: IP: Last interface cannot be
Updating SMC Firmware. Please wait
• Other messages which can be ignored in most cases are messages during the boot
operation indicating that the firmware is at a higher level than the software release.
This is usually the result from servicing the system with new hardware which may
come with later versions of firmware from the supplier than that of the present
software release. Example message:
WARNING: The running system OBP firmware is newer than that provided by the
The running system SMC firmware is up-to-date
Firmware down-rev not permitted unless for flxbackout

Note: Whenever CPU firmware is being updated, do NOT perform power cycles or
resets during an ongoing update operation as this may result in damage to the CPU’s
onboard CPU firmware and sanity.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-6: Memory leak errors

Procedure 7-6: Memory leak errors

Memory leak notification
Memory Leak Monitor Alarming sends an alarm via RCC whenever a memory leak is
The notification includes:
• the PID(s) of the offending process(es)
• the current memory usage of the process(es)
• the beginning and ending of the tolerance interval. Note that each offending process
could have a different beginning and ending tolerance interval.

Memory leak alarming

When a potential memory leak has been declared for the first time, a MINOR alarm is sent
via RCC. During the time this leak goes unresolved, additional memory leak notifications
are sent. But no new alarms are sent. If additional processes create potential memory
leaks, they will be added to the notifications, but do not cause new alarms. Once the initial
memory leak and all subsequent memory leaks have been resolved, MLM notifies RCC
that the alarm is cleared.

Resolving the alarm


1 If a memory leak alarm is present, contact Alcatel-Lucent technical support for assistance.

7-8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Overview

MM-AP problems: Troubleshooting

This section provides instructions for using different tools to troubleshoot MM-AP
components and specific instructions for troubleshooting the CPU and power supply.

The section includes the following topics:

Procedure 7-7: Troubleshoot the system using the system status panel LEDs
Procedure 7-8: Troubleshoot the system using envmond
Procedure 7-9: Troubleshoot the system using prtdiag
Procedure 7-11: Troubleshoot the system using the power-on self test (POST)
Procedure 7-12: Troubleshoot a CPU card
Procedure 7-13: Troubleshoot a T1/E1 PMC or cPCI card using POST and BIST
Procedure 7-14: Troubleshoot an alarm card (R1 or R2)
Procedure 7-15: Troubleshoot an R2 alarm card
Procedure 7-17: Troubleshoot a power supply using the power supply unit LEDs

In addition, Appendix C lists the error messages that might appear when you are operating
or servicing your MM-AP.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-7: Troubleshoot the system using the system
status panel LEDs

Procedure 7-7: Troubleshoot the system using the system

status panel LEDs
Perform this procedure to troubleshoot an MM-AP server using the system status panel.
• Figure 1-1 through Figure 1-4 show the locations of the system status panels on the
The system status panel on the server gives the majority of troubleshooting information
that you will need for your server. You must understand the system status panel in order to
use it for troubleshooting.
The system status panel on an 8x0S or 4x0S server is used for several tasks:
• Identifying the server type
• Observing server and component power status
• Observing component operating status
• Powering up and powering down the server

Figure 7-1 identifiers for 8x0S servers

Alarm card slot LEDs

System controller board LED
I/O slot LEDs

System power LED

System power button Fan tray


Power distribution unit LEDs Power supply LEDs Server Identifier

7-10 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-7: Troubleshoot the system using the system
status panel LEDs

Figure 7-2 Identifiers for 4x0S servers

System controller board LED

I/O slot LEDS
Alarm card slot LEDs

System power LED

Fan tray LEDs
System power button

Power distribution unit LED

Power supply LED Server Identifier

Each major component in the 8x0S server or 4x0S server has a set of LEDs on the system
status panel that gives the status of that particular component. Each component will have a
green Power LED and either an amber Okay to Remove LED (see Figure 7-3) or amber
Fault LED (see Figure 7-4).

Figure 7-3 Power and Okay to Remove LEDs

Green Power LED Amber Okay to Remove LED

Figure 7-4 Power and Fault LEDs

Green Power LED Amber Fault LED

Reference: For more information about system status panel LEDs, see
“Troubleshoot the system using the system status panel LEDs” (p. 7-10).
There is also a green system power LED and power on/off button located on the system
status panel.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-11
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-7: Troubleshoot the system using the system
status panel LEDs

Reference: For instructions on powering up an MM-AP, see “Power up a server”

(p. 8-36).
When the system is powered on, pressing the system power button for less than 4 seconds
will start the orderly power-down sequence—in a manner that no persistent operating
system data structures are corrupted—indicated by a blinking LED. In an orderly power-
down, applications in service may be abnormally terminated and no further services will
be invoked by the CPU. Once the CPU has reached a quiescent state (run level-0, as if
init 0 had been invoked), then the power supply or supplies will turn off, indicated by
the LED changing from a blinking state to the off state.
If the button is held down for 4 seconds or longer, the power supply or supplies are turned
off without any intervention of the CPU; that is, the “emergency” power-down sequence
Reference: For instructions on powering down an MM-AP, see “Power down a
server” (p. 8-27).

When you first power-on the MM-AP, some or all of the green Power LEDs on the system
status panel flash on and off for several seconds:
• If the diag-switch variable is set to true and the diag-level variable is set to max
in the OpenBoot PROM, then all of the green Power LEDs on the system status panel
flash on and off for several seconds.
• If the variables in the OpenBoot PROM are not set as described above, then the green
Power LEDs on the system status panel flash on and off for several seconds only for
the components that are installed in the server.
By default, diag-switch is set to false, so the green Power LEDs on the system status
panel flash on and off only for the installed components. Do not attempt to troubleshoot
the system until after the LEDs have gone through their initial power-on testing.
Each major component in the 8x0S server or 4x0S server has a set of LEDs on the system
status panel that gives the status of that particular component.
Table 7-1, “System status panel LEDs for the 8x0S server” (p. 7-13) describes which
combination of LEDs is used for each component in the 800S server, and Table 7-2,
“System status panel LEDs for the 4x0S servers” (p. 7-13) describes which combination
of LEDs is used for each component in the 4x0S servers . Note that all components have
the green Power LED, and they have either the amber Okay to Remove LED or the amber
Fault LED, but not both.

7-12 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-7: Troubleshoot the system using the system
status panel LEDs

Table 7-1 System status panel LEDs for the 8x0S server

LED LEDs Available Component

HDD 0 Power and Okay to Remove Upper hard disk drive
HDD 1 Power and Okay to Remove Lower hard disk drive
Slot 1 Power and Fault Host CPU card ()
Slot 2 Power and Okay to Remove I/O card (●)
Slots 3 Power and Okay to Remove I/O card (●)
or or
Power and Fault Satellite CPU card () (810S server only)
Slots 4 Power and Okay to Remove I/O cards (●)
Slots 5 Power and Okay to Remove I/O card (●)
or or
Power and Fault Satellite CPU card () (810S server only)
Slots 6–7 Power and Okay to Remove I/O cards (●)
Slot 8 Power and Okay to Remove Alarm card (■) installed in slot 8
SCB Power and Fault System controller board (behind the system status panel)
FAN 1 Power and Fault Upper fan tray (behind the system status panel)
FAN 2 Power and Fault Lower fan tray (behind the system status panel)
RMM Power and Okay to Remove Removable media module
PDU 1 Power and Fault Left-most power distribution unit (behind the server)
PDU 2 Power and Fault Right-most power distribution unit (behind the server)
PSU 1 Power and Okay to Remove Left-most power supply unit
PSU 2 Power and Okay to Remove Right-most power supply unit

Table 7-2 System status panel LEDs for the 4x0S servers

LED LEDs Available Component

Slot 1 Power and Okay to Remove Double-wide alarm card(■) installed in slot 1 and 2
Slot 2 Power and Okay to Remove Single-wide I/O card (only if alarm card is not
Slot 3 Power and Fault Host CPU card

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-13
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-7: Troubleshoot the system using the system
status panel LEDs

LED LEDs Available Component

Slots 4 Power and Okay to Remove I/O cards (●)
and 5 or or
Power and Fault Satellite CPU card (s) (410S server only)
HDD 0 Power and Okay to Remove Hard disk drive
SCB Power and Fault System controller board (behind the system status
FAN 1 Power and Fault Upper fan tray (behind the system status panel)
FAN 2 Power and Fault Lower fan tray (behind the system status panel)
FTC Power and Fault Host CPU front transition module or host CPU
front termination board
PDU 1 Power and Fault Power distribution unit (behind the server)
PSU 1 Power and Okay to Remove Power supply

• Table 7-3, “CompactPCI board LED states and meanings” (p. 7-15) gives the LED
states and meanings for any CompactPCI boards installed in a slot in an 810S server or
410S server.
• Table 7-4, “Meanings of Power and Okay to Remove LEDs” (p. 7-16) gives the LED
states and meanings for any component in a 400S or 800S server, or any component in
a 410S server other than a CompactPCI board, that has the green Power and amber
Okay to Remove LEDs.
• Table 7-5, “Meanings of Power and Fault LEDs” (p. 7-17) gives the LED states and
meanings for any component in a 400S or 800S server, or any component in a 410S
server other than a CompactPCI board, that has the green Power and amber Fault

Note: Do not use the information in Table 7-4, “Meanings of Power and Okay to
Remove LEDs” (p. 7-16) to troubleshoot a power supply unit in a server that has only
one power supply unit (a 4x0S servers or an 800S server with only one power supply).
To troubleshoot the power supply in a single power supply system, use the LEDs on
the power supply itself. Refer to “Troubleshoot a power supply using the power supply
unit LEDs” (p. 7-49) for more information. The information given in Table 7-4,
“Meanings of Power and Okay to Remove LEDs” (p. 7-16) applies to all other
components in a 400S or 800S server, or any other component in a 410S server except
a CompactPCI board, including the power supplies in a two power supply 800S server.

7-14 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-7: Troubleshoot the system using the system
status panel LEDs

Table 7-3 CompactPCI board LED states and meanings

Green Okay to
Power Remove
LED state LED state Meaning Action
Off Off The slot is empty or the system thinks If there is a card installed in this slot,
that the slot is empty because the then one of the following components is
system didn’t detect the card when it faulty:
was inserted. • the card installed in the slot
• the alarm card
• the system controller board
Remove and replace the failed
component to clear this state.
Blinking Off The card is coming up or going down. Do not remove the card in this state.
On Off The card is up and running. Do not remove the card in this state.
Off On The card is powered off. You can remove the card in this state.
Blinking On The card is powered on, but it is offline Wait several seconds to see if the green
for some reason (for example, a fault Power LED stops blinking. If it does
was detected on the card). not stop blinking after several seconds,
enter cfgadm -al and verify that the
card is in the unconfigured state,
then perform the necessary action,
depending on the card:
• Alarm card—You can remove the
alarm card in this state.
• All other cards—Power off the slot
through the alarm card software,
then remove the card.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-15
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-7: Troubleshoot the system using the system
status panel LEDs

Green Okay to
Power Remove
LED state LED state Meaning Action
On On The card is powered on and is in use, Deactivate the card using one of the
but a fault has been detected on the following methods:
card. • Use the cfgadm -f -c
unconfigure command to
deactivate the card. Note that in
some cases, this may cause the
system to panic, depending on the
nature of the card hardware or
• Halt the system and power off the
slot through the alarm card
software, then remove the card.
The green Power LED will then give
status information:
• If the green Power LED goes off,
then you can remove the card.
• If the green Power LED remains
on, then you must halt the system
and power off the slot through the
alarm card software.

Table 7-4 Meanings of Power and Okay to Remove LEDs

LED State Power LED Okay to Remove LED

On, Solid Component is installed and configured. Component is Okay to Remove. You
can remove the component from the
system, if necessary.
On, Flashing Component is installed but is Not applicable.
unconfigured or is going through the
configuration process.
Off Component was not recognized by the Component is not Okay to Remove.
system or is not installed in the slot. Do not remove the component while
the system is running.

7-16 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-7: Troubleshoot the system using the system
status panel LEDs

Table 7-5 Meanings of Power and Fault LEDs

LED State Power LED Fault LED

On, Solid Component is installed and configured. Component has failed. Replace the
On, Flashing Component is installed but is Not applicable.
unconfigured or is going through the
configuration process.
Off Component was not recognized by the Component is functioning properly.
system or is not installed in the slot.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-17
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-8: Troubleshoot the system using envmond

Procedure 7-8: Troubleshoot the system using envmond

You can troubleshoot the system using the envmond command. While all significant
alarms are displayed by OMC-RAN or EMS, you can also query the operating system
directly for system status.
Establish a remote console connection to the server through its alarm card [see “Telnet to a
server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27)] and, as root (see “Recommend su to access
special logins” (p. 4-6)), enter:
pkill -HUP envmond
If the system is an MM-AP, the following command has the same function:
for root or System Administrator.
You should get output on the console similar to the following:

ap05:root > Aug 28 14:59:22 ap05 envmond[295]: alarmcard.so:Alarm

Card is OK.
Aug 28 14:59:24 ap05 envmond[295]: powersupply.so:Power Supply 1
is OK.
Aug 28 14:59:24 ap05 envmond[295]: powersupply.so:Power Supply 2
is OK.
Aug 28 14:59:24 ap05 envmond[295]: fancpu.so:Fan 1 is OK.
Aug 28 14:59:24 ap05 envmond[295]: fancpu.so:Fan 2 is OK.
Aug 28 14:59:24 ap05 envmond[295]: scsi.so:Hard Disk Drive (HDD) 0
is OK.
Aug 28 14:59:24 ap05 envmond[295]: scsi.so:Hard Disk Drive (HDD) 1
is OK.
Aug 28 14:59:24 ap05 envmond[295]: scsi.so:Removable Media Module
(RMM) is OK.

You should also get this output whenever you reboot your server.

7-18 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-9: Troubleshoot the system using prtdiag

Procedure 7-9: Troubleshoot the system using prtdiag

You can troubleshoot the system using the prtdiag command. While all significant
alarms are displayed by OMC-RAN or EMS, you can also query the operating system
directly for system status.
Establish a remote console connection to the server through its alarm card [see “Telnet to a
server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27)] and, as root (see “Recommend su to access
special logins” (p. 4-6)), enter:
If the system is an MM-AP, both the root or System Administrator can run this

800S server with model CP1500 CPU

If you have an 800S server with a model CP1500 CPU, you should get output on the
console similar to the following:

System Configuration: Sun Microsystems sun4u Netra ct800 (UltraSPARC-IIi

System clock frequency: 100 MHz
Memory size: 1024 Megabytes
=============================== FRU Information
FRU FRU FRU Green Amber Miscellaneous
Type Unit# Present LED LED Information
---------- ----- ------- ----- ----- ------------------------------
Midplane 1 Yes Netra ct800
Maximum Slots=8
SCB 1 Yes on off System Controller Board
SSB 1 Yes System Status Panel
CPU 1 Yes on off CPU board
I/O 2 No off off CompactPCI IO Slot
I/O 3 Yes on off CompactPCI IO Slot

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-19
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-9: Troubleshoot the system using prtdiag

Board Type:Unknown
I/O 4 Yes on off CompactPCI IO Slot
Board Type:Unknown
I/O 5 No off off CompactPCI IO Slot
I/O 6 No off off CompactPCI IO Slot
I/O 7 No off off CompactPCI IO Slot
I/O 8 Yes on off CompactPCI IO Slot
Board Type:Alarm Card
PDU 1 Yes on off Power Distribution Unit
PDU 2 Yes on off Power Distribution Unit
PSU 1 Yes on on Power Supply Unit

7-20 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-9: Troubleshoot the system using prtdiag

ps fan:ok
PSU 2 Yes on on Power Supply Unit
ps fan:ok
FAN 1 Yes on off Fan Tray
fan speed:low
FAN 2 Yes on off Fan Tray
fan speed:low
HDD 0 Yes on off Hard Disk Drive
HDD 1 Yes on off Hard Disk Drive
RMM Yes on off Removable Media Module

System Board PROM revision:

OBP 3.14.5 2001/01/30 16:00

800S server with model CP2140 CPU

If you have an 800S server with a model CP12140 CPU, output from the prtdiag command
is the same as that for an 800S server with a model CP1500 CPU, with the following
• the processor speed given on the first line of output is 648MHz, not 440MHz
• the memory size given on the third line of output is 2048 Megabytes, not 1024
• the firmware level given on the last line of output (System Board PROM revision) is as
OBP 4.1.3 2006/01/30 21:23 , CORE 1.0.14 2004/04/21 18:47 , cPOST version
1.0.4 created 2003/7/21 , Firmware 1.1.7 , SMCFW 3.5.14

400S server with model CP1500 CPU

If you have a 400S server with a model CP1500 CPU, you should see output on the
console similar to the following:

System Configuration: Sun Microsystems sun4u Netra ct400 (UltraSPARC-IIi

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-21
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-9: Troubleshoot the system using prtdiag

System clock frequency: 100 MHz

Memory size: 1024 Megabytes
============================ FRU Information ===============================
FRU FRU FRU Green Amber Miscellaneous
Type Unit# Present LED LED Information
---------- ----- ------- ----- ----- ------------------------------
Midplane 1 Yes Netra ct400
Maximum Slots=5
SCB 1 Yes on off System Controller Board
SSB 1 Yes System Status Panel
I/O 1 Yes on off CompactPCI IO Slot
Board Type:Alarm Card
I/O 2 No off off CompactPCI IO Slot
CPU 3 Yes on off CPU board
I/O 4 No off off CompactPCI IO Slot
I/O 5 Yes on off CompactPCI IO Slot
Board Type:Unknown
PDU 1 Yes on off Power Distribution Unit

7-22 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-9: Troubleshoot the system using prtdiag

PSU 1 Yes on off Power Supply Unit

ps fan:ok
FAN 1 Yes on off Fan Tray
fan speed:low
FAN 2 Yes on off Fan Tray
fan speed:low
HDD 0 Yes on off Hard Disk Drive

System Board PROM revision:

OBP 3.14.7 2002/11/18 17:22

400S server with model CP2140 CPU

If you have an 400S with a model CP12140 CPU, output from the prtdiag command is the
same as that for an 400S with a model CP1500 CPU, with the following exceptions:
• the processor speed given on the first line of output is 648MHz, not 440MHz
• the memory size given on the third line of output is 2048 Megabytes, not 1024
• the firmware level given on the last line of output (System Board PROM revision) is as
OBP 4.1.3 2006/01/30 21:23 , CORE 1.0.13 2004/01/30 21:11 , cPOST version
1.0.4 created 2003/7/21 , Firmware 1.1.6 , SMCFW 3.5.13

410S server with model CP2140 CPU

If you have a 410S server with a CP2140 host CPU (slot 3), you should see output on the
console similar to the following:

System Configuration: Sun Microsystems sun4u SPARCengine CP2000 model 140

(UltraSPARC-IIi 648MHz)
Memory size: 2048 Megabytes
platform Type : SUNW,NetraCT-410

=========================== FRU Information ================================

FRU FRU FRU Green Amber Miscellaneous
Type Unit# Present LED LED Information
---------- ----- ------- ----- ----- ------------------------------
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-23
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-9: Troubleshoot the system using prtdiag

Midplane 1 Yes Netra ct410

Maximum Slots = 5

SCB 1 Yes System Controller Board

hotswap-mode = full

SSB 1 Yes System Status Panel

AL 1 Yes CompactPCI IO Slot

Device state : ONLINE
Condition : ok
auto-config = enabled

I/O 2 No CompactPCI IO Slot

auto-config = enabled

CPU 3 Yes CompactPCI Host Slot

Condition : ok
auto-config = enabled

I/O 4 No CompactPCI IO Slot

auto-config = enabled

I/O 5 Yes CompactPCI IO Slot

Condition : ok
auto-config = enabled

PDU 1 Yes Power Distribution Unit

PSU 1 Yes Power Supply Unit

Condition: ok
supply: on

FAN 1 Yes Fan Tray

Condition: ok

FAN 2 Yes Fan Tray

Condition: ok

7-24 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-9: Troubleshoot the system using prtdiag

HDD 0 Yes Hard Disk Drive

Condition: unknown

FTM 1 No Front Transition Module

PRTM 1 Yes Propreitary Rear Transition Module

CRTM 1 Yes CPU Rear Transition Module

The prtdiag output for a 4x0S is similar to that of an 800S server except that it shows the
CPU card in slot 3 and shows only five I/O slots, only one PDU, one PSU, one hard drive,
and no removable media module.

410S server with model CP2500 CPU

If you have a 410S server with a CP2500 host CPU (slot 3), you should see output on the
console similar to the 410S server with a CP2140 host CPU. The only difference is the
description of the CPU model (CP2000 model 500) and processor speed (1GHz).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-25
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-10: Troubleshoot the system using the
SunVTS Test Suite

Procedure 7-10: Troubleshoot the system using the SunVTS

Test Suite
SunVTS is a validation test suite that is provided as a supplement to the Solaris operating
environment. The individual tests can stress a device, system or resource so as to detect
and pinpoint specific hardware and software failures and provide users with informational
messages to resolve any problems found.
For more information on the SunVTS test suite, including instructions for running
SunVTS tests specific to the ap, refer to the Computer Systems Release Notes Supplement
for Sun Hardware document or the SunVTS documentation on the Solaris on Sun
Hardware Answerbook, both included with your Solaris operating environment.

7-26 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-11: Troubleshoot the system using the
power-on self test (POST)

Procedure 7-11: Troubleshoot the system using the power-on

self test (POST)
Perform this procedure to monitor the results of power-on self test (POST) as a server
Before any processing can occur on a system, it must successfully complete the power-on
self test (POST). If there is a critical failure during POST, the system will not complete
POST and will not boot.
An indication that the CPU card has passed POST is that during powerup, the green Power
LED on the system status panel for the slot holding the CPU card (slot 1 in the 8x0S server
and slot 3 in the 4x0S server) goes to solid green while the green Power LEDs for the
remaining components are still flashing on and off.

Required conditions
Messages are displayed for each step in the POST process. To monitor these messages,
you must be connected to the server’s console.
You can connect to the console either remotely through the server’s alarm card or directly
through the alarm card serial port or the CPU serial port, as explained in the following
procedures in Chapter 5, “System administration”.
If you are connecting to
the console... then see...
remotely through the alarm “Telnet to a server console via the alarm
card card” (p. 3-27)
directly through the alarm “Access a server console via the alarm
card serial port card serial port” (p. 3-33)
directly through the CPU “Access a server via the CPU serial port”
serial port (p. 3-37)

Related information
There is an OpenBoot PROM (OBP) variable that controls the behavior of the POST
process called diag-level. By default, this variable is set to max, which means POST
will run more thorough and verbose tests against the hardware. (This variable can also be
set to min, which will run a less stringent set of tests against the hardware. A minimum
level of POST testing also takes less time, so the Solaris operating environment can boot
more quickly on a machine with diag-level set to min.)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-27
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-12: Troubleshoot a CPU card

Procedure 7-12: Troubleshoot a CPU card

Use this section to troubleshoot problems related to a CPU card. This includes the host
CPU card and satellite CPU card or cards of the server.

Indicators to perform
The information provided in this section covers those situations when the system
containing the CPU card does not boot up or when the CPU card is not fully functional
after boot up because of
• mechanical failures
• a defective CPU board

Required materials
The following devices are generally required to take some of the recommended actions in
this section:
• network interface
• console connection
• loopback connectors

General troubleshooting tips

The following general troubleshooting tips are useful in isolating the problems related to a
CPU card:
High voltages are present in the MM-AP. To avoid physical injury,
follow all the safety rules specified in “Safety precautions for
handling MM-AP equipment” (p. 8-14) when opening the enclosure or
removing and installing the board.

1 Make sure the CPU card is installed properly in the correct slot in the server.
The host CPU card should be installed in I/O slot 1 in the 8x0S server and in I/O slot 3 in
the 4x0S server. Satellite CPU cards can be installed in slots 3 and 5 of an 810S server, slot
4 of a 410S server, and slot 5 of a 410S server if slot 4 also has a satellite CPU installed.

2 Make sure the CPU RTM type matches the CPU card type. Refer to “CPU rear transition
module” (p. 1-17). Also, if the CPU card is equipped with a PMC, the RTM must be
equipped with a matching PIM. Make sure the RTM card is installed in the correct slot.

7-28 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-12: Troubleshoot a CPU card


3 Make sure all the necessary cables are attached properly to the CPU rear transition
module. Refer to “CPU rear transition module information” (p. 8-181) for connections on
the CPU RTMs.

Note: Beginning 3Q2003, the CPU rear transition module used with model CP1500
CPUs changed to the model XCP2040-TRN rear transition module. Model XCP2040-
TRN cards use mini DB9 connectors for the TTY A and B connections rather than
full-size DB9 connectors, requiring adapters that you attach to the frame TTY A and B

Mechanical failures
If you are unable to insert the CPU card into the backplane, do the following:

1 Verify that there are no mechanical and physical obstructions in the slot where the CPU
card is going to be installed. Note the following:
• Model CP2140 CPUs are keyed differently for R1 vs. R2 drawers. When used in R1
drawers, CP2140 CPUs have two blue keys on CompactPCI bus connectors, one on
each of the J1 (lower) and J4 (upper) connectors. When used in R2 drawers, CP2140
CPUs have a blue key on the J1 connector and a brown key on the J4 connector. Trying
to insert a CP2140 CPU in a drawer for which it was not keyed will not work.

2 Make sure no pins on the board connectors or the CompactPCI backplane connectors are
bent or damaged.

Power-on failures
Power-on failures can have several causes.
• If both Ready and Alarm LEDs on the CPU card are green, the board is partially
functional and capable of running POST (power- on self test). The basic functionality
of the board is present.
• If neither the Ready nor Alarm LEDs is green, and the board is installed properly, the
board is not functional. In that case, contact your Customer Technical Support.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-29
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-12: Troubleshoot a CPU card

OpenBoot PROM variables

The following OBP variables are specific to the 400S and 800S server:

cpci-probe-list Probes the bus that runs connections to all

cPCI slots in the 800S or 400S (by
default: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d,
e, f).
pcia-probe-list Probes the bus that runs the first Ethernet
port (front connection) and standard I/O
devices (by default: 1, 2).
pcib-probe-list Probes the bus that runs the second
Ethernet port (rear connection) (by
default: 1, 2, 3).

OpenBoot PROM on-board diagnostics

MM-APs include several OpenBoot PROM (OBP) on-board diagnostics, such as:

Diagnostic Description
probe-scsi Transmits an inquiry command to SCSI
devices connected to the system unit on-
board SCSI interface. If the SCSI device
is connected and active, the target
address, unit number, device type, and
manufacturer name are displayed.
“Example: probe-scsi” (p. 7-31)
illustrates the probe-scsi output
test alias name, Combined with a device alias or device
device path, -all path, enables a device self-test program.
If a device has no self-test program, the
message: No selftest method
for device name is displayed. To enable
the self-test program for a device, type
the test command followed by the
device alias or device path name.
“Selected OBP on-board diagnostic tests”
(p. 7-32) lists test alias name selections, a
description of the selection, and

7-30 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-12: Troubleshoot a CPU card

Diagnostic Description
watch-net and watch- Monitor Ethernet packets on the Ethernet
net-all interfaces connected to the system. Good
packets received by the system are
indicated by a period (.). Errors such as
the framing error and the cyclic
redundancy check (CRC) error are
indicated with an X and an associated
error description. “Example: watch-net”
(p. 7-31) illustrates the watch-net
output message and “Example: watch-
net-all” (p. 7-32) illustrates the watch-
net-all output message.

Example: probe-scsi
The following is an example of a probe-scsi output message:
ok probe-scsi
Primary UltraSCSI bus:
Target 0 Unit 0 Disk SEAGATE ST32272W 0876
Target 6
Unit 0 Removable Read Only device TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-6201TA1037

Example: watch-net
The following is an example of a watch-net output message:

ok watch-net
Hme register test --- succeeded.
Internal loopback test -- succeeded.
Transceiver check --
Using Onboard Transceiver - Link Up. passed Using Onboard
Transceiver - Link Up. Looking for Ethernet Packets.
. is a Good Packet. X is a Bad Packet.
Type any key to stop

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-31
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-12: Troubleshoot a CPU card

Example: watch-net-all
The following is an example of a watch-net-all output message:
ok watch-net-all
Hme register test --- succeeded.
Internal loopback test -- succeeded.
Transceiver check -- Using Onboard Transceiver - Link Up. passed
Using Onboard Transceiver - Link Up.
Looking for Ethernet Packets.
. is a Good Packet.
X is a Bad Packet.
Type any key to stop. ........ ........
....... ....................................

Table 7-6 Selected OBP on-board diagnostic tests

Type of
Test Description Preparation
test net Performs internal/external An Ethernet cable must be
loopback test of the system attached to the system and to an
auto- selected Ethernet Ethernet tap or switch or the
interface. external loopback test fails.
test Outputs an alphanumeric test A terminal must be connected to
ttya pattern on the system serial the port being tested to observe
test ports: ttya, serial port A; the output.
ttyb ttyb, serial port B.

test - Sequentially test system- Tests are sequentially executed

all configured devices in device-tree order (viewed with
containing self-test. the show-devs command).

Running OBP on-board diagnostics

To execute OBP on-board diagnostics, you must be in OBP mode at the system ok
Perform the following procedure to access the ok prompt.

7-32 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-12: Troubleshoot a CPU card


1 Log in remotely to the alarm card using the Remote Access (telnet) interface of the
LMT [see “Telnet to a server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27)].
Result: The following prompt is generated:
server_name [rsc|cli]>
The prompt will have “rsc” when the alarm card is in R1 mode and “cli” when in R2

2 As root (see “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)), reset the server as
follows to access the server’s OpenBoot PROM:
Result: The following prompt is generated:
Are you sure you want to send Externally Initiated Reset (XIR) to
your server (Yes/No)?

3 Enter y (yes).

4 Access the server’s console by entering the following command:

Result: The following prompt is generated:

5 Before running the OBP on-board diagnostics, clean up the server. At the ok prompt, enter
the following commands:
setenv auto-boot? false
setenv auto-boot? true

6 At the ok prompt, enter the desired OBP on-board diagnostic.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-33
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-12: Troubleshoot a CPU card


7 Enter the key sequence tilde period (~.) to exit the console session.

7-34 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-13: Troubleshoot a T1/E1 PMC or cPCI card
using POST and BIST

Procedure 7-13: Troubleshoot a T1/E1 PMC or cPCI card using

Use this section to troubleshoot problems related to an T1/E1 PMC or T1/E1 cPCI card.
The framework to run tests and log and display the results is provided by the MM-AP
Diagnostic Manager. Specific MM-AP diagnostic agents provide the interface to test
specific cards.

A diagnostic agent is available for the Interphase 4539 and Interphase 6535 cards which
are installed with the MM-RCS or MM-SS7 application. This applies to host MM-APs
and satellite MM-APs.

Types of action
There are three types of actions associated with troubleshooting the Interphase 4539 PMC
or Interphase 6535 cPCI card:
• Display power-on self test (POST) results - displays the results of the last tests. POST
tests are run following power-up or after a request to reset the I/O board.
• Reset the I/O board - resetting the I/O board will cause POST to be run.
• Run built-in self tests (BIST) - the following can be selected; run all BIST tests at one
time, run a single BIST test once, or run a single BIST test multiple times.
The POST and BIST tests results are collected, summarized, and logged by the MM
diagnostic agent. The results are passed to the Diagnostic Manager for display to the user.

Before you begin

Note the following:
• The package FMSdiag must be installed on the MM-AP before the flxdm command
can be used. Use the command flxpkginfo FMSdiag to verify its presense. The
command whence flxdm should display /flx/bin/flxdm or /ap/bin/flxdm.
• To run POST (through the I/O board reset) or BIST on an MM-RCS, the MM-RCS
must be off-line.
• To run POST (through the I/O board reset) on an MM-SS7, the MM-SS7 must be off-
• To run BIST on an MM-SS7, the MM-SS7 should be off-line. If BIST is run while the
MM-SS7 is on-line, all DS-1’s and SS7 links must be OOS-MANUAL.
• A request for past POST results can be made with the MM-AP on-line or off-line.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-35
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-13: Troubleshoot a T1/E1 PMC or cPCI card
using POST and BIST

• There must be no conflicting maintenance actions taking place such as an existing

BERT diagnostic or manual user requests to restore the links or DS1’s.
Whenever a POST or BIST test is requested, the equipment is first checked to verify that
the tests can be run. Once verified, the testing begins.

Perform the following steps to access the MM Diagnostic Manager and to execute MM
Diagnostic Agent commands.

1 Log in to an MM-RCS or MM-SS7 console as root or as System Administrator (see

“Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)) or as a user with specific privileges.

2 If you need to enter more than one Diagnostic Manager command during this session,
enter the following command to access the interactive mode of the Diagnostic Manager:
Result: The following is displayed.
* *
* Welcome to the FMS Flexent Field Diagnostic Tool Program *
* *
* Alcatel-Lucent Technologies *
* *

** available menus: t1e1 vts

** running tests via a menu is strongly recommended

to go to a menu: menu [MENU NAME] e.g. menu t1e1

** experienced user who knows a TEST_NAME can run a test directly

to run a test: test TEST_NAME [SUBTEST] [OPTIONS]
for a list of tests: help tests [PATTERN]
for help: help [TOPIC|TESTNAME]
to quit: quit

Note: Only one interactive session is allowed at one time. If the message “****
another flxdm is running” is displayed, another user is already performing tests. The
non-interactive mode can still be used to get flxdm help or to retrieve past results.
7-36 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-13: Troubleshoot a T1/E1 PMC or cPCI card
using POST and BIST

To enter just one Diagnostic Manager command, use the non-interactive mode where
parameters are entered on the command line. Enter the following command:
For a list of commands and arguments, enter:
flxdm help

3 When in interactive mode, enter the following command:

menu t1e1
Result: For an Interphase 4539 card, the following is displayed.
==== MENU: t1e1 (Interphase T1E1 card diagnostic tests)

!!! Running the following tests with AP offline is strongly


1 get previous POST result

2 reset card
3 run all internal BIST tests
4 FIL N100 [loop N] framers internal loopback
5 FINT [loop N] framers interrupt signals
6 FRST [loop N] framers reset signals
7 M60X 60x bus main SDRAM (loop not supported)
8 MLOC [loop N] the local SDRAM memory
9 MSRPROM [loop N] PowerSpan Serial EEPROM
10 PINT [loop N] PCI Controller interrupt signal
11 AIL N100 [loop N] ATM over TC internal loopback
12 FPT P0123 N100 [loop N] framers pass-through (0->1 2->3)
13 FPT P1032 N100 [loop N] framers pass-through (1->0 3->2)
x exit menu

-> indicates a submenu, otherwise it is a diagnostic test

Enter # [optional args] to run a test

e.g. 4 loop 50 (to loop test 4) NOTE: not all tests support looping

Result: For an Interphase 6535 card, the following is displayed.

==== MENU: t1e1 (Interphase T1E1 card diagnostic tests)

!!! Running the following tests with AP offline is strongly


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-37
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-13: Troubleshoot a T1/E1 PMC or cPCI card
using POST and BIST

1 get previous post result

2 reset card
3 run all internal bist tests
4 FIL N100 [loop N] framers internal loopback
5 FINT [loop N] framers interrupt signals
6 FRST [loop N] framers reset signals
7 M60X 60x bus main SDRAM (loop not supported)
8 MLOC [loop N] the local SDRAM memory
9 MSRPROM [loop N] PowerSpan Serial EEPROM
10 PINT [loop N] PCI Controller interrupt signal
11 HIL N100 [loop N] H.110 switch internal loopback
12 HINT [loop N] H.110 switch interrupt signal
13 HRST [loop N] H.110 switch reset signal
14 ICLK [loop N] IMA ports clocks
15 IIL P0 [loop N] IMA port 0 internal loopback
16 IIL P1 [loop N] IMA port 1 internal loopback
17 IIL P2 [loop N] IMA port 2 internal loopback
18 IIL P3 [loop N] IMA port 3 internal loopback
19 IIL P4 [loop N] IMA port 4 internal loopback
20 IIL P5 [loop N] IMA port 5 internal loopback
21 IIL P6 [loop N] IMA port 6 internal loopback
22 IIL P7 [loop N] IMA port 7 internal loopback
23 IINT [loop N] IMA chip interrupt signal
24 ISRAM [loop N] IMA SRAM memory
25 RIL N100 [loop N] relays internal loopback

-> indicates a submenu, otherwise it is a diagnostic test

Enter # [optional args] to run a test

e.g. 4 loop 50 (to loop test 4) NOTE: not all tests support looping

Tests 1 and 3 are the most important tests. To run all internal BIST tests, enter the

Note: While unlikely to occur, it is important to point out that a physical hard reset
of an I/O board (test 2) should never be made while BIST diagnostics are running!
This operation is not guaranteed to gracefully recover.

4 A single BIST test is normally selected after a “bist all” results in a certain test failing. The
user may need to confirm that the results of that test are repeatable. If selecting a single
test, the user must select to run the test from 2 to 65534 times. It is not recommended to

7-38 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-13: Troubleshoot a T1/E1 PMC or cPCI card
using POST and BIST

run a test 65534 times. This would probably impact service. In fact, a large loop number
could result in the test being terminated by flxdm with the message “time out”. A
reasonable loop number may be 100.
To run a single MLOC test 10 times, you would enter the following:
8 loop 10

5 To stop a running BIST - ALL or BIST - LOOP test in the foreground, enter:
For MM-RCS and MM-DLN, this stops testing only after the in-progress BIST test is
completed. Any remaining BIST tests, or any remaining repetitions of a single test are

6 If there is a problem with the T1/E1 PMC or T1/E1 cPCI card, the only course of action is
to replace the card. Refer to Chapter 8, “Replacement procedures”.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-39
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-14: Troubleshoot an alarm card (R1 or R2)

Procedure 7-14: Troubleshoot an alarm card (R1 or R2)

Perform this procedure to troubleshoot an alarm card, either an R1 alarm card or an R2
alarm card.

Associated output messages

The following output message is associated with alarm card problems:
In particular, the following three formats of the REPT-AP-ALARM output message indicate
alarm card problems:
q failed [HWFAIL_MINOR]
Alarm Card has failed [ALMCRD_FAIL]
Alarm Card is improperly configured [ALMCRD_IMPCONF]

Reference: For more information about this output message, refer to the Output
Messages Manual (401-610-057).

Other indicators to perform

Other sources for checking the state of the alarm card are the system status panel and the
prtdiag command. If you are at the frame, use the system status panel [see
“Troubleshoot the system using the system status panel LEDs” (p. 7-10)]. If you are
troubleshooting the alarm card remotely, use the prtdiag command [see “Troubleshoot
the system using prtdiag” (p. 7-19)]. In general, the prtdiag command lists in text
format the same information that is displayed graphically by the system status panel as
well as information for each card slot that is provided by commands like cfgadm and
prtconf (see the Miscellaneous Information column).
You may also be experiencing alarm card problems if you are able to communicate from
the CPU in the same drawer as the suspect alarm card over either the dedicated CPU-alarm
card serial path (R1 alarm card) or the IPMI bus/MCNet link (R2 alarm card) but are
unable to telnet to the alarm card.

7-40 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-14: Troubleshoot an alarm card (R1 or R2)

Causes of alarm card problems

Alarm card problems may be caused by any of the following:
• the alarm card is resetting
• the alarm card IP address is not set
• the alarm card is misconfigured
• a failure of the rscadm utility (R1 alarm card or R2 alarm card in R1 mode)
• a defective alarm card

Troubleshooting a [HWFAIL_MINOR] alarm

The following hardware unit failure output message may be caused by a reset of the alarm
card or by a bad alarm card:


q failed [HWFAIL_MINOR]
If caused by a reset of the alarm card, the alarm should clear within about one minute. If
the alarm does not clear, the alarm card is probably bad. See “Replace a cold-swappable
alarm card” (p. 8-191) to replace the alarm card.

Troubleshooting a [ALMCRD_FAIL] alarm

The following alarm card failure output message indicates that the alarm card monitor on
the CPU has lost communication with the alarm card:


Alarm Card has failed [ALMCRD_FAIL]
This may be caused by any of the following:
• a reset of the alarm card
• failure of the rscadm command
• a bad alarm card
If caused by a reset of the alarm card, the alarm should clear within about one minute. If
the alarm does not clear, continue troubleshooting problems with the rscadm command,
as follows:

1 Log in to an R1 or R2 MM-AP as root or as System Administrator.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-41
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-14: Troubleshoot an alarm card (R1 or R2)


2 From the CPU, execute the following command:

Result: If the rscadm command is functioning as expected, it generates the following
USAGE: rscadm <command> [options]
For a list of commands, type "rscadm help"

Is rscadm working as
expected? then...
yes the rscadm command is not the source
of the problem. The alarm card itself is
probably bad.

Reference: See “Replace a cold-

swappable alarm card” (p. 8-191)
to replace the alarm card.
no telnet to the alarm card and reset the
alarm card, as follows:
telnet acxy (where xy is the alarm
card ID)
Result: The reset of the alarm card
should clear up any rscadm problems. If
not, contact customer technnical support.
Notes: You must have R
(reset/power)-level user permission
to reset the alarm card.

Troubleshooting a [ALMCRD_IMPCONF] alarm

The following alarm card failure output message indicates that the alarm card is

Alarm Card is improperly configured [ALMCRD_IMPCONF]

7-42 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-14: Troubleshoot an alarm card (R1 or R2)

Execute the following command to set the alarm card firmware parameters to their default

Troubleshooting inability to telnet to alarm card

If you are unable to telnet to the alarm card, the IP address of the alarm card may not be
properly set.

3 From the CPU, execute the following command:

rscadm (for R1 alarm cards or R2 alarm cards in R1 mode)
ping (for R2 alarm cards in R2 mode)

Result: The rscadm command generates the following output:

USAGE: rscadm <command> [options]
For a list of commands, type "rscadm help"
Result: The ping command generates output similar to the following: is alive

Is rscadm/ping working as
expected? then...
yes the alarm card monitor is able to
communicate with the alarm card over
either the dedicated CPU-alarm card
serial path (R1 alarm card) or over the
IPMI serial bus/MCNet (R2 alarm card).
The alarm card itself is not bad, however,
the IP address of the alarm card needs
fixing. Execute the following command:
flxname alarmcard
Result: The flxname alarmcard command
generates the following output:
environment...Backing up
current configuration...
Loading from data
resetting alarm card

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-43
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-14: Troubleshoot an alarm card (R1 or R2)

Is rscadm/ping working as
expected? then...
no the rscadm command is not functioning
as expected.

Reference: See
“Troubleshooting a
[ALMCRD_FAIL] alarm”
(p. 7-41).

Related information
Alarm card firmware is not typically a cause of alarm card problems because alarm card
firmware is automatically updated, if necessary, when you reboot the server. If you suspect
alarm card firmware problems, use the following commands:
flxfwac -c check the version of alarm card firmware to determine
whether an upgrade is needed (done automatically when you
reboot, when you execute flxname alarmcard, and during an
flxfwac -d download alarm card firmware, if needed

Example of output from executing flxfwac -c:

flxfwac -c
flxfwac: INFO: Alarm Card Firmware is at supported revision 2.0.26

Example of output from executing flxfwac -d:

flxfwac -d
flxfwac: INFO: Alarm Card Firmware is at supported revision

7-44 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-15: Troubleshoot an R2 alarm card

Procedure 7-15: Troubleshoot an R2 alarm card

Perform this procedure to troubleshoot an R2 alarm card.

Indicators to perform
Use this procedure if you encounter any of the following:
• You are unable to establish a console connection via the alarm card.
• You lose your console connection via the alarm card.
• You are unable to log into the alarm card.
• You are unable to telnet to the alarm card remotely.

Unable to access console via the alarm card: too many netconsole attempts
You may be unable to establish a console connection to the CPU via the alarm card,
whether you are logged into the alarm card through its serial port or over the MM-APCC
LAN, because you are the fifth or later person to connect via the alarm card. The
maximum supported number of concurrent console connections via the alarm card is four.
When this occurs, the console command generates the following message:

console: Trying to connect to console in slot 3

console: All console sessions busy to slot 3

Recommended action: Retry again later.

Unable to access console via the alarm card: CPU or other netconsole problem
You may also be unable to establish a console connection to the CPU via the alarm card
because the CPU is booting and the internal communication path between the alarm card
and the CPU is not yet up.
This and other transient netconsole problems result in the following message from the
console command:

console: Trying to connect to console in slot 3

console: failed to connect to console in slot 3

Recommended action #1: Retry the console command. If you know that the CPU is
booting, wait 1 minute before retrying.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-45
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-15: Troubleshoot an R2 alarm card

Recommended action #2: Make sure that the OpenBoot PROM (OBP) variables that
specify operation of the CPU and alarm card serial console paths are set properly for
multiplexing, and correct if necessary. Perform the following steps:

1 Log in to the MM-AP as root or as System Administrator.


2 Check the current settings by executing the following command from the UNIX shell of
the CPU:
eeprom |grep device
Result: The eeprom command generates the following output if multiplexing is set up
multiplexer-output-devices=ttya ssp-serial
multiplexer-input-devices=ttya ssp-serial
diag-device=disk net
boot-device=disk net

3 Do the results of Step 1 indicate that multiplexing is set up correctly?

If... then...
yes stop here. Your inability to access the
console via the alarm card is not a result
of incorrect OBP settings.
no Reset the OBP serial console path
settings to the multiplexing default, as
flxactivate -r FMSfwobpv

Result: The flxactivate -r

command changes the multiplexing
settings and reboots the machine.


7-46 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-15: Troubleshoot an R2 alarm card

Lost alarm card console connection

The alarm card resets automatically when it gets into an overload condition. If this
happens, you will lose any console connections that you had through the alarm card. If
your alarm card console connection was a serial connection (through the COM1 port of
the alarm card), you will see messages from the alarm card as it resets. If your alarm card
console connection was a remote connection (via telnet), you will not see the alarm card
reset messages.
Recommended action: Wait about 3-1/2 minutes for the alarm card to finish resetting and
then log back in and re-establish your console connection.
Reference: See “Telnet to a server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27) or “Access
a server console via the alarm card serial port” (p. 3-33) for more information.

Unable to telnet to alarm card

If you are unable to telnet to the alarm card and you see output similar to the following,
the alarm card is resetting:

[ap03]-> telnet ac03

Connected to ac03.
Escape character is '^]'.

flxfwac: WARNING: Alarm Card is not reachable through MCnet

Recommended action: Wait about 3-1/2 minutes for the alarm card to finish resetting and
then log back in and retry the telnet command.
Recommended action: If you attempt to telnet to the alarm card and telnet hangs
during the login sequence, try accessing the alarm card through its serial port. If that fails,
call customer technical support for assistance.
Reference: See “Power down a server” (p. 8-27) for more information.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-47
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-16: Troubleshoot the system using the
Remote System Control (RSC)

Procedure 7-16: Troubleshoot the system using the Remote

System Control (RSC)
For information on troubleshooting the alarm card, refer to the Remote System Control
(RSC) User’s Guide For the Netra ct Server Alarm Card (part number 806-3301-xx).

7-48 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-17: Troubleshoot a power supply using the
power supply unit LEDs

Procedure 7-17: Troubleshoot a power supply using the power

supply unit LEDs
There are two LEDs on each power supply unit: a green ( ) LED and an amber ( )
LED. You can use the LEDs on the power supply unit to troubleshoot each power supply
unit; however, because there is one power supply unit in a 4x0S server and two power
supply units in the 800S server, the actions to take are different.

Troubleshooting the power supply unit in a 4x0S server

Table 7-7, “4x0S power supply LED states” (p. 7-49) lists the states of the LEDs on the
power supply unit in a 4x0S server.

Table 7-7 4x0S power supply LED states

State Description
Green, flashing The power supply unit is in the standby
mode; the power supply unit is powered
on, but it is not supplying power to the
Green, solid Both the server and the power supply unit
are powered on and functioning properly.
Amber A fault was found in the power supply
unit. Replace the power supply unit. See
“Replace a cold-swappable power supply
unit” (p. 8-257) for those instructions.
Off One of the following conditions apply:
• The power supply locking
mechanism is in the upper, unlocked
( ) position.
• The accompanying cable is
disconnected from the DC power
distribution unit or the AC power
entry unit.
• The accompanying power
distribution unit has failed.
• The power supply unit has failed.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-49
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-17: Troubleshoot a power supply using the
power supply unit LEDs

Troubleshooting the power supply units in the 800S server

When both power supply units in a 800S server are up and running properly, the green
( )LEDs on both power supply units will be ON (note that these are the LEDs on the
power supply units themselves, not the LEDs on the system status panel).
If a power supply unit fails, the amber ( ) LED on the power supply unit might light,
depending on the type of failure that has occurred:
If this type of fault
occurs... then...
soft fault (for example, a stuck You should get a notification of the error,
fan or a temperature warning) assuming the envmond daemon is
running; however, the amber ( ) LED
on the power supply unit will not light for
a soft-fault condition. The power supply
unit is still supplying power to the system
during a soft-fault condition.
hard fault (for example, a You should get a notification of the error,
voltage problem) assuming envmond is running. In
addition, the amber ( ) LED on the
power supply unit does light for a hard-
fault condition. The power supply unit
does not supply power to the system
during a hard-fault condition.

If one power supply unit fails (either a soft-fault or a hard-fault), but the other power
supply unit is still functioning normally, you should replace the faulty power supply unit
as soon as possible to keep the system up and running. If both power supply units fail, the
action you should take varies depending on which of the two types of fault has occurred:
If... then...
both power supply units go through a replace one power supply unit at a
soft-fault time in order to keep the system up
and running.
one power supply unit goes through a replace the power supply unit that
soft-fault and the other power supply has gone through a hard-fault first
unit goes through a hard-fault in order to keep the system up and
both power supply units go through a the system is down and you should
hard-fault replace at least one of the power
supply units to bring the system
back up again.

7-50 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Overview

EINE troubleshooting
If you see... then...
0 bad blocks no action is required at this time.
1 or 2 bad blocks contact WTSC to attempt a repair
of the hard drive.
3 or more bad blocks contact WTSC to replace the hard

This section provides information for troubleshooting EINE problems.

This section includes the following:

Associated output messages

Causes of EINE failures
Procedure 7-18: Check for MM-AP-EINE network data configuration
Procedure 7-19: Check for MM-AP Ethernet interface failures
Procedure 7-20: Check for EINE failures
Procedure 7-21: Check for Ethernet cable failures
Procedure 7-22: Test an EINE
ROP log messages associated with EINE link failure and recovery

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-51
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Associated output messages

Associated output messages

Associated output messages
The following output messages are associated with Ethernet Interface Node Enhanced
(EINE) problems:

Note: This only applies to MSCs that are equipped with an ECPC.

Other indications
Other sources for observing EINE state information include Status Display Pages 1105
and 1106, the OMC-RAN Network Manager menu, the EMS AP Status Page, and the
following output messages:

7-52 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Theory/Background

ECP EINE recovery mechanisms
The EINE link node provides a communications path from the IMS ring to an MM-AP in
an MSC with an ECPC. Through recovery mechanisms on the ECP side, the node can be
restored several ways to the Active state:
• automatically, when the CNI ring initializes
• manually, using SDP 1106 or the RST:LN command
• automatically, by the Error Analysis and Recovery (EAR) process

Automatic CNI ring initializations

When the CNI ring initializes, any EINE that was Active before the initialization is
automatically restored unconditionally (that is, without first performing diagnostic tests).

Manual restore requests

An EINE can be restored manually by using either the ECP SDP 1106 3xx poke or the
following command:
RST:LNxx yy;[UCL]
xx is the ring group
yy is the node

The resulting output is reported at the ECP ROP, and the ECP SDP 1106 7zz poke should
return an ATP (all tests passed) or CATP (conditional all test passed) response. (If the
poke command fails, it indicates at which test phase the command failed.)

Automatic Error Analysis and Recovery

The ECP restores an EINE in the OOS-FAULT state to ACTIVE automatically, either by
restoring the EINE unconditionally or restoring it only if all diagnostic tests pass. The
following table distinguishes the types of automatic recoveries that the ECP will attempt.
If... then...
The EINE transitions to OOS–Fault the EINE automatically returns to
via the Error Analysis and Recovery ACTIVE unless Automatic Recovery
(EAR) process (ARR) is inhibited.
This is the first time that the EINE has the EINE is unconditionally restored.
been removed in the last hour (No diagnostics are performed.)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-53
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Theory/Background

If... then...
This is the second time that the EINE ARR will diagnose the EINE and only
has been removed from service by restore the unit if it passes all
EAR in the past hour diagnostic phases.
This is the third time an EINE has the EINE is left in the OOS state. This
been removed from service by EAR in link node remains in that state until
the past hour manual recovery action is taken to
restore the node to service.

Note: Automatic EINE recovery mechanisms are the same as those for existing link
nodes. For further details, refer to the CNI Ring Maintenance manual (401-661-045).

MM-AP EINE recovery mechanisms

An EINE link node is assigned to (and associated with) an MM-AP through the RC/V iun
form. After an EINE is associated with an MM-AP, the EINE will remain in the ACTIVE
state only if a communications link to the associated and ACTIVE MM-AP exists.

EINE link failures

The communications link between the EINE and MM-AP may break if one of the
following failures occurs:
• The TCP/IP link fails.
• MM-AP or EINE software associated with the link fails.

How the failure is reported

If a TCP/IP link or EINE software failure occurs, the following output message is
generated: REPT-AP-EINFAIL.
A critical alarm is also generated and is displayed on the ROP, at the OMC-RAN (if the
MM-AP is managed by an OMC-RAN system), and at the EMS.

Note: If an MM-AP software failure occurs and the MM-AP reinitializes or reboots,
no message is generated.

How the MM-AP reacts to EINE link failures

An EINE link failure causes the following automatic recovery actions on an MM-AP.
If the MM-AP was... then...
ACTIVE when the EINE link 1. The RCSs on that MM-AP that were
failed ACTIVE fail over to the mate MM-AP.

7-54 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Theory/Background

If the MM-AP was... then...

ACTIVE when the EINE link 1. The EINE transitions to OOS and is
failed automatically restored by the ARR
2. If the EINE is restored and
communications with the MM-AP is...
• Reestablished: the REPT-AP-
BOOTEIN output is generated,
which results in the immediate
reinitialization of the MM-AP.
• Not reestablished: the MM-AP
remains ACTIVE, with all RCSs
Not ACTIVE when the EINE link Attempts to restore the MM-AP to
failed ACTIVE will fail.
If corrective action is not taken, the
final EINE state is OOS-FLTY-XTHD
on SDP 1106, where
OOS = the major state.
USBL = the node processor (NP) state.
XTHD = the maintenance mode
(MAINT MODE) state.
(Refer to the CNI Ring Maintenance
and Output Messages manuals for
details about these states.)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-55
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Theory/Background

Other MM-AP/EINE link interactions

Other MM-AP and EINE link state changes may occur after a link failure, depending on
the state of the MM-AP after the EINE link failure and whether the EINE link is restored:
If the MM-AP is
offline when the and the MM-AP
EINE is... is... then...
restored not brought online In approximately 8 minutes
the EINE transitions to the
following state (as displayed
on the 1106 SDP) and
remains in that state until
manual recovery action is
OOS = the major state.
USBL = the node processor
(NP) state.
XTHD = the maintenance
(Refer to the CNI Ring
Maintenance and Output
Messages manuals for
details about these states.)
not ACTIVE and is not brought online the MM-AP reinitializes six
manually restored times and then reboots. After
several reboots, the MM-AP
transitions back offline.

7-56 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Causes of EINE failures

Causes of EINE failures

If the EINE link fails and the system does not recover automatically, there are four
possible causes of the failure:
• network data configuration error
• MM-AP Ethernet interface failure
• EINE failure
• Ethernet cable failure
The following procedures provide techniques for determining which of these problems is
the cause of the observed link failure. (The order of presentation is not intended to imply
relative likelihood of occurrence.)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-57
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-18: Check for MM-AP-EINE network data
configuration errors

Procedure 7-18: Check for MM-AP-EINE network data

configuration errors
MM-AP-EINE LAN constructs
The MM-AP-EINE Ethernet network is very simple, consisting of just the two nodes
(MM-AP and EINE) and one interconnecting standard Ethernet cable.

LAN subnet
The subnet of this MM-AP–EINE Ethernet LAN is 10.0.3.

Checking the qfe0 interface configuration on the MM-AP

You can use the LAN ifconfig tool to see if the qfe0 or pro0 interface on the MM-AP
is configured correctly. To do this, perform the following procedure:

1 From the UNIX prompt on the MM-AP, enter the following command:
ifconfig [qfe0|pro0]
For 810S and 410S servers with carrier cards in place of combo cards, use pro0. For all
others, use, qfe0.
Result: The response should be similar to the following (shown here for MM-AP36):
qfe0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500
index 4
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 8:0:20:e5:f8:ba

2 If the IP address is incorrect:

a. Modify the /etc/netmasks file to reflect the proper IP address and netmask.
(Reboot the MM-AP after you have corrected the netmasks file. The MM-AP
should come back attempting to go ACTIVE or OFFLINE.)
b. Check the /etc/hostname.qfex or /etc/hostname.prox file to ensure that the
host name apeinxxy is correct.
c. Check the /etc/hosts file to ensure that the IP addresses for both the host name
ein and apeinxxy are correct.

7-58 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-18: Check for MM-AP-EINE network data
configuration errors

Checking the network configuration on the ECP

To ensure that the proper network data has been configured on the ECP, check the iun
Recent Change/Verify (RC/V) form and ensure that the Logical Number field is
populated with the correct MM-AP number (that is, the MM-AP associated with this

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-59
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-19: Check for MM-AP Ethernet interface

Procedure 7-19: Check for MM-AP Ethernet interface failures

Checking link verification status
In the previous section, the output of an ifconfig command is similar to the following:

qfe0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500

index 4
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 8:0:20:e5:f8:ba

Note: For 810S MM-APs and 410S MM-APs equipped with carrier cards in place of
combo cards, the port will be pro0 and not qfe0.
The ifconfig output parameter UP, located just after the < symbol, indicates the link
verification status.

Reasons for no link status

If there is no link status (that is, if the ifconfig output does not include the UP
parameter), no link verification signal has been observed at the MM-AP interface. This
suggests one of the following:
• No link verification signal was sent (EINE interface failure).
• The signal was lost in transit (broken or incorrectly installed ethernet cable).
• The signal arrived at the MM-AP but was not recognized (MM-AP interface failure).
The following output is an example showing that the link is not up:
qfe0: flags=1000843<BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500
index 4
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 8:0:20:e5:f8:ba

Testing the MM-AP Ethernet interface

The MM-AP Ethernet interface can be independently tested by removing the connection
between the MM-AP and the EINE and replacing it with a connection to any Ethernet
interface (including a PC or UNIX workstation) configured to use the 10.0.3 subnet.

7-60 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-20: Check for EINE failures

Procedure 7-20: Check for EINE failures

Testing the EINE
EINE diagnostic software can be run using the following ECP input message. For details
about this message, refer to the Input Messages Manual (401-610-055).
xx is the EINE link node ring group
yy is the EINE link node member number

The Ethernet interface is tested in Phase 40 and comprises all that can be tested in a stand-
alone environment without help from the host at the other end of the Ethernet link.
There could be connector or connection faults that cannot be detected by this diagnostic,
since testing ends at the loopback relay on the Ethernet Link Interface (ELI) circuit pack.

Intermittent EINE failure

If the diagnostics pass, test the MM-AP-EINE LAN by executing the following command
from the MM-AP:
ping ein
If the MM-AP goes ACTIVE and after a short interval the EINE shows OOS-FAULT at
the OMC-RAN or EMS, restore the EINE. If the EINE shows OOS-FAULT again after a
short interval, replace the EINE even if it passes all diagnostic tests.
The ping ein command will only succeed if the EINE is in the ACTIVE state.

When to replace the EINE

If the DGN:LNxx yy;RAW command or any other EINE diagnostic test fails, the EINE
should be replaced.
If the diagnostic test passes, the EINE Ethernet interface may still be faulty. In this case, it
is best to rule out each of the other causes of EINE link failure discussed in this chapter. If
all of the other causes are ruled out, the EINE should be replaced.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-61
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-21: Check for Ethernet cable failures

Procedure 7-21: Check for Ethernet cable failures

Testing the Ethernet cable
The Ethernet cable can be tested by one of the following ways:
• Using the same cable to connect a different MM-AP-EINE pair (or to connect any two
network elements that connect by a standard Ethernet cable) to verify whether the
cable is functional.
• Replacing the cable with another cable known to be working.
• Using an Ethernet cable testing device, such as
– the Microtest PentaScanner+®
– the Fluke® DSP-2000 Digital CableAnalyzer

7-62 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-22: Test an EINE

Procedure 7-22: Test an EINE

Restoring the EINE to service
After using the information in the previous EINE troubleshooting procedures to isolate the
cause of the EINE link failure, and after replacing equipment as appropriate, the EINE
should be restored to service.

Testing the MM-AP-EINE LAN

After the EINE is ACTIVE, the MM-AP-EINE LAN should be tested by executing the
following ping command from the MM-AP.
Execute this ping command only when the EINE is ACTIVE.

ping ein 5
Result: The results will be similar to one of the following:

If the ping response is... then...

PING ein: 56 byte packets the MM-AP-EINE LAN is
56 bytes from icmp_seq=0. time=2. working properly and the MM-
ms AP can be restored to service.
56 bytes from icmp_seq=1. time=2.
56 bytes from icmp_seq=2. time=2.
56 bytes from icmp_seq=3. time=2.
56 bytes from icmp_seq=4. time=2.
----ein PING Statistics----5 packets
transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet
round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 2/2/2
PING ein: 56 byte packets the MM-AP-EINE LAN is still
----ein PING Statistics---- not working properly. Contact
5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, Alcatel-Lucent technical
100% packet loss support.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-63
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting ROP log messages associated with EINE link failure and

ROP log messages associated with EINE link failure and

EIN link failure messages
The following examples of ROP messages involve MM-AP 4 in association with EINE
Link Node 63-2, wherein the EINE link was taken down at the MM-AP by disabling the
MM-AP Ethernet interface.

09 REPT ERROR LN63 2 #N1 (916762165)

QUIT(692) PID=11 ERR NO=11
01/19/99 10:09:25 #002125
*C09 REPT: AP 4, EINLINK 1, ALARM, Lan Error
1999-01-19 10:09:24 REPORT #000001 FINAL
01/19/99 10:09:27 #002126
X'700029F4 X'3C9F7F94 (3157772989)
01/19/99 10:09:27 #002127
01/19/99 10:09:27 #002128
RM 58
PID: OS =31 RM
00000000 00000028 00000502 0000274C
01/19/99 10:09:28 #002129
00C90FF2 03F20200 00050001
01/19/99 10:09:28 #002130
01/19/99 10:09:28 #002131
II 2
PID: OS =40 AP
00000004 00000000 00000010 00000000

7-64 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting ROP log messages associated with EINE link failure and

01/19/99 10:09:30 #002132

II 2
PID: OS =31 RM
000003F2 00000001 00000013 00000000
01/19/99 10:09:31 #002133
01/19/99 10:09:28 #002130
01/19/99 10:09:28 #002131
II 2
PID: OS =40 AP
00000004 00000000 00000010 00000000
01/19/99 10:09:30 #002132
II 2
PID: OS =31 RM
000003F2 00000001 00000013 00000000
01/19/99 10:09:31 #002133

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-65
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting ROP log messages associated with EINE link failure and

EINE link recovery messages

The following examples of ROP messages involve MM-AP 4 in association with EINE
Link Node 63-2, wherein the EINE link was brought back up by re-enabling the MM-AP
Ethernet interface and then restoring the EINE.
01/19/99 09:12:49 #001810


01/19/99 09:12:56 #001812

*C13 REPT: AP 4, ALARM, Software Program Error

AP recovery--EIN has rebooted [BOOTEIN]
1999-01-19 09:13:27 REPORT #000001 FINAL

01/19/99 09:13:30 #001814


CM 329
0000000F 00000009 0000000D 00000023

01/19/99 09:13:38 #001815


NI 33
0000000F 00000009 0000000D 00000026

01/19/99 09:13:41 #001819

*C13 REPT: AP 4, ALARM, Communications Sub-system Failure
Cannot report alarm and state changes (AP) [HBEMS]
1999-01-19 09:13:43 REPORT #000001 FINAL

*C13 REPT: AP 4, ALARM, Communications Sub-system Failure

7-66 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting ROP log messages associated with EINE link failure and

Cannot report alarm and state changes (AP) [HBEMS]

1999-01-19 09:13:43 REPORT #000001 FINAL

01/19/99 09:13:51 #001821


Cannot report alarm and state changes (AP) [HBEMS]
1999-01-19 09:13:43 REPORT #000001 FINAL

01/19/99 09:16:09 #001826


1999-01-19 09:09:50 REPORT #000001 FINAL

01/19/99 09:16:09 #001827


AP recovery--EIN has rebooted [BOOTEIN]
1999-01-19 09:13:27 REPORT #000001 FINAL

01/19/99 09:16:09 #001828

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-67
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Overview

LAN troubleshooting
This section provides information related to troubleshooting LAN problems.

This section includes the following:

Associated MM-AP output messages

LAN failure causes
Procedure 7-23: Check network configuration data
Procedure 7-24: Check for MM-AP interface failures
Procedure 7-25: Check for single-interface switch failures
Procedure 7-26: Check intermittent LAN failures
Procedure 7-27: Check for inter-switch LAN failures
Procedure 7-28: Check for complete switch failures
Procedure 7-29: Check for LAN failures in two-MM-AP clusters
Procedure 7-30: Check dual LAN failures
Other diagnostic tools

7-68 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Associated MM-AP output messages

Associated MM-AP output messages

Associated output messages
The following output messages are associated with LAN problems:
For details about these output messages, refer to the Output Messages Manual (401-610-

Other indications
Other sources for observing LAN state information include the OMC-RAN Network
Manager menu, EMS AP Status Page, and the following output messages:
For more information about these output messages, refer to Chapter 6, “Monitor the
system”” and to the Output Messages Manual (401-610-057).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-69
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Theory/Background

IP address switching
The dual-rail LAN is based on the mechanism of IP address switching. Both interfaces are
usable, but MM-AP messages are sent primarily on the x.y.32.z or x.y.33.z subnet. If the
active interface does not return test messages, the interface is declared OOS-FAULT, and
the IP addresses for hme0/eri0/bge0 and hme1/eri1/bge1 are interchanged. After this
switch, hme1/eri1/bge1 communicates with the rest of the MM-AP cluster using the
x.y.32.z or x.y.33.z address, and its traffic is routed through switch B, through the cross-
connect, and then through switch A to the other MM-APs.

Application test messages

Application-generated network test messages are used to monitor the LAN for each
interface of each MM-AP. To maintain ACTIVE/STANDBY alarm-free status, the
network must be functioning properly and the application tests must be properly sent and
received. Active subnet (x.y.32) test messages from an MM-AP are sent to other MM-APs
in the MM-APC and to the OMP. Standby subnet (x.y.16) test messages from an MM-
AP are sent only to other MM-APs in the cluster.

Types of LAN failures

Types of MM-AP LAN failures include the following:
• Inter-MM-AP single LAN failure
• Inter-MM-AP double LAN failure
• OMP-to-MM-AP network failure
• MM-AP-to-MM-AP network failure
• FT-LAN link failure
The following subsections describe how the system handles these types of failures.

Inter-MM-AP single LAN failure

If a single LAN interface fails while the MM-AP is ACTIVE, and the interface had
previously been running in the STANDBY state, the LAN transitions to the OOS-FAULT
state and generates a [LANFAIL] minor alarm. If the LAN had been running in the
ACTIVE state, the IP address it had used is switched to the other LAN interface, which
then transitions from STANDBY to ACTIVE, while the failed interface transitions to
OOS-FAULT and generates a [LANFAIL] alarm.

7-70 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Theory/Background

The failure of a single physical link results in two alarms. The first alarm is for the FT-
LAN link that uses the failed physical interface. The second alarm is for the
ACTIVE/STANDBY dual-rail LAN that uses that physical interface.

* 38 REPT: AP 35, LAN 2, ALARM

FT-LAN 1 link 2 failed [LANFAIL]
2003-03-01 23:38:23 REPORT #000001 FINAL

03/01/03 23:38:25 #005636

* 38 REPT: AP 35, LAN 2, ALARM

LAN interface failed [LANFAIL]
2003-03-01 23:38:28 REPORT #000001 FINAL

03/01/03 23:38:29 #005637

When an FT-LAN link fails, the FT-LAN links do not switch IP addresses or change states
from STANDBY to ACTIVE as the ACTIVE/STANDBY dual-rail LAN does. FT-LAN
always uses both links for all data transmission and reception.

Note: If the network interface fails when the MM-AP is offline, no indication of the
failure is generated until the MM-AP is brought online.

Inter-MM-AP double LAN failure

If both LAN interfaces fail while the MM-AP is ACTIVE, both interfaces transition to
OOS-FAULT and generate an [ALLLAN] critical alarm (similar to the one below), and
the MM-AP immediately reboots.

*C32 REPT: AP 2, ALARM, Lan Error

AP is failing--both LAN interfaces failed [ALLLAN]
1998-12-03 15:32:01 REPORT #000001 FINAL

12/03/98 15:32:03 #001681

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-71
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Theory/Background

With FT-LAN, this type of failure occurs much less frequently than previously because
FT-LAN results in more rapid MM-AP recovery in most cases. When it does occur, FT-
LAN typically generates a critical alarm similar to the following:


AP recovery in progress [RECOV]
2003-05-02 11:24:23 REPORT #000001 FINAL

05/02/03 11:24:25 #000777

Note: If the network interfaces fail when the MM-AP is offline, no indication of the
failure is generated until the MM-AP is brought online.

OMP-to-MM-AP network failure

If communications fail between the OMP and the MM-APC or between the OMP and an
individual MM-AP, but communication between MM-APs in the MM-APC has not failed,
no LAN alarms ([LANFAIL] or [ALLLAN]) are generated. Instead, the EMS (if assigned
to manage the OMP) generates a communications failure [HBEMS] alarm, similar to the
following for every MM-AP in the cluster:

*C45 REPT: AP 2, ALARM, Communications Sub-system Failure

Cannot report alarm and state changes (AP) [HBEMS]
1999-03-22 05:45:39 REPORT #000001 FINAL

03/22/99 05:45:40 #004767

Conditions that cause an [HBEMS] alarm include the following:
• When an intermittent LAN traffic interruption occurs.
• When the network connection between the OMP and the MM-APC fails, in which
case a message on the OMP console is generated, indicating that the OMP-to-MM-AP
interface is down. (With the dual-rail LAN connection to the OMP, this would require
a failure of both links.)

MM-AP-to-MM-AP network failure

Conditions that cause interframe network failures include the following:
• failed interframe Ethernet switch-to-Ethernet switch connection
• failed network cross-connect

7-72 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Theory/Background

• failed frame Ethernet switch

Failed interframe Ethernet switch-to-Ethernet switch connection

This type of failure can occur either through the failure of a single port on the Ethernet
switch in any single frame, or through the failure of the cable connecting any frame to the
base frame. This type of failure generates a [CONFAIL] alarm.
2003-03-18 15:37:28 ap165(17,5) ACT-LEAD 130 APeventhdlr,1783
AP 165(17,5) <10023 10057>
Base frame 17 hub A connection to growth frame 1 failed
X.733 ALARM CATEGORY: Communications

Failed network cross-connect

This type of failure can occur when all ports of the network cross-connect LAG are
simultaneously out of service. This type of failure generates an [NCCFAIL] alarm.
2003-03-18 15:30:27 ap165(17,5) ACT-LEAD 124 APeventhdlr,1783
AP 165(17,5) <10020 9944>
Network cross connect failed [NCCFAIL]
X.733 ALARM CATEGORY: Communications

Failed base frame Ethernet switch

This type of failure can occur when either of the Ethernet switches in the base frame fails.
This is a rare event, given the MTBF of 140,000 hours for the entire switch. This failure
causes all MM-APs in the affected frame to mark one of their interfaces Unavailable. This
type of failure generates a [HUBFAIL] alarm.
2003-03-18 15:35:28 ap165(17,5) ACT-LEAD 127 APeventhdlr,1783
AP 165(17,5) <10022 9973>
Growth frame 1 hub B failed [HUBFAIL]
X.733 ALARM CATEGORY: Communications

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-73
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Theory/Background

If the failed interface had previously been used for the Active network, an IP failover
occurs (RCC switches the Active network to the LAN interface of the working Ethernet
switch). FT-Hub switches over the Active IP address on servers in the growth frames to the
interface that is connected to the working base frame Ethernet switch.

7-74 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting LAN failure causes

LAN failure causes

Inter–MM-AP single LAN failure
An inter-MM-AP single LAN failure may be caused by one of the following:
• The MM-AP CPU card’s Ethernet interface has failed.
• The associated switch interface has failed.
• The connector or cable between the MM-AP interface and the switch has failed.
• Network configuration data has been inappropriately modified.

Inter–MM-AP double LAN failure

An inter-MM-AP double LAN failure may be caused by one or more of the following:
• The MM-AP CPU card’s Ethernet interface card that supports both LAN interfaces has
• The interfaces of both MM-APC switches have failed.
• The connector or cable between the MM-AP interface and the switch has failed.
• Network configuration data has been inappropriately modified.
An inter-MM-AP double LAN failure is likely to occur when a system has been running
for some time with a single LAN failure.

OMP-to-MM-AP network failure

An OMP-to-MM-AP network failure may be caused by one of the following:
• A LAN interface has failed
• An MM-APC switch has failed.
• The connector or cable between the MM-AP interface and the switch has failed.
• Network configuration data on the MM-APs has been inappropriately modified.
• Network configuration data on the OMP has been inappropriately modified.

MM-AP-to-MM-AP network failure

An MM-AP-to-MM-AP network failure may be caused by one of the following:
• The switch interface in either the base or growth frame that is used for the frame-to-
frame connection has failed.
• The cable connecting a growth frame to the base frame has failed.
• All ports of the network cross-connect LAG have failed simultaneously.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-75
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting LAN failure causes

Inter-MM-AP FT-LAN link failure

An inter-MM-AP FT-LAN link failure generally occurs under exactly the same
circumstances as those described for “Inter-MM-AP single LAN failure” (p. 7-70) and
“Inter-MM-AP double LAN failure” (p. 7-71). However, an FT-LAN link failure can be
reported without a physical LAN failure when network configuration data has been
inappropriately modified.

Checking for LAN failures

The following procedures provide techniques for troubleshooting inter-MM-AP and MM-
AP-to-OMP LAN failures:

Procedure 7-23: Check network configuration data

Procedure 7-24: Check for MM-AP interface failures
Procedure 7-25: Check for single-interface switch failures
Procedure 7-26: Check intermittent LAN failures
Procedure 7-27: Check for inter-switch LAN failures
Procedure 7-28: Check for complete switch failures
Procedure 7-29: Check for LAN failures in two-MM-AP clusters
Procedure 7-30: Check dual LAN failures
Other diagnostic tools

7-76 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-23: Check network configuration data

Procedure 7-23: Check network configuration data

This section describes how to determine whether network configuration data files have
been incorrectly modified and may be the cause of a LAN failure.

Using ifconfig
Inappropriate MM-AP IP address modifications can be detected by executing the
following commands at the MM-AP shell:
ifconfig abcx
ifconfig abcx:9
ifconfig cgtp0
abc is hme for 400S and 800S servers, or eri or bge for 410S
x is 0 for LAN 1 (switch A) or 1 for LAN 2 (switch B)

The ifconfig abcx command for the dual-rail LAN should always return the following
data (where x and y are the first two octets of the LAN IP address and apn is the MM-AP
• x.y.32.apn = the address for the ACTIVE interface for MM-APs in frames 1 - 25 (for
MM-APs in frames 26 - 40, refer to “LAN IP addresses for 40 frames” (p. D-1)”). This
interface is also called apn-a (active), where apn is the MM-AP number.
• x.y.16.apn = address for the STANDBY interface for MM-APs in frames 1 - 25 (for
MM-APs in frames 26 - 40, refer to “LAN IP addresses for 40 frames” (p. D-1)”). This
interface is also called apn-s (standby), where apn is the MM-AP number.
• the netmask value for each interface
• x.y.47.255 = the broadcast address for the ACTIVE interface
• x.y.31.255 = the broadcast address for the STANDBY interface.
The ifconfig abcx:9 command for the FT- LAN should always return the following
• x.y.48.apn = the address for the hme0/eri0/bge0 interface for MM-APs in frames 1 -
25 (for MM-APs in frames 26 - 40, refer to “LAN IP addresses for 40 frames”
(p. D-1)”). This interface is also called apn-a (active), where apn is the MM-AP
• x.y.64.apn = address for the hme1/eri1/bge1 interface for MM-APs in frames 1 - 25
(for MM-APs in frames 26 - 40, refer to “LAN IP addresses for 40 frames” (p. D-1)”).
This interface is also called apn-s (standby), where apn is the MM-AP number.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-77
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-23: Check network configuration data

• x.y.80.apn =address for the cgtp0 interface for MM-APs in frames 1 - 25 (for MM-
APs in frames 26 - 40, refer to “LAN IP addresses for 40 frames” (p. D-1)”).
• the netmask value for each interface
• x.y.63.255 = the broadcast address for the hme0:9/eri0:9/bge0:9 interface
• x.y.79.255 = the broadcast address for the hme1:9/eri1:9/bge0:9 interface.
• x.y.95.255 = the broadcast address for the cgtp0 interface.

Sample ifconfig output

The following is sample output from the ifconfig command executed on hme0 and then
on hme1:
ap31:root > ifconfig hme0
hme0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500
index 3
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 8:0:20:f9:fe:46

ap31:root > ifconfig hme1

hme1: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500
index 4
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 8:0:20:f9:fe:47

ap31:root > ifconfig hme0:9

hme0:9: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu
1500 index 3
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast

ap31:root > ifconfig hme1:9

hme1:9: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu
1500 index 4
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast

ap31:root > ifconfig cgtp0

cgtp0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu
1500 index 2
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 0:0:0:0:0:0

7-78 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-23: Check network configuration data

Sample ifconfig output after detection of an hme0/eri0/bge0 failure

Following is an example of output from the ifconfig command after an hme0 failure has
been detected:

ap31:root > ifconfig hme0

hme0: flags=1000842<BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500
index 3
inet netmask 0 broadcast
ether 8:0:20:f9:fe:46
ap31:root > ifconfig hme1
hme1: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500
index 4
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 8:0:20:f9:fe:47

Network configuration data files

The following files contain key LAN configuration data:
• /etc/netmasks
• /etc/hostname.hme0/eri0/bge0
• /etc/hostname.hme1/eri1/bge1
• /etc/hosts
• /.rhosts
• /etc/hostname.hme0:9/eri0:9/bge0:9
• /etc/hostname.hme1:9/eri1:9/bge1:9
• /etc/hostname.cgtp0

netmasks file
If the IP addresses reported by the ifconfig command are incorrect, they must be
corrected in the /etc/netmasks file (and in the /etc/hosts file, described below).
(Reboot the MM-AP after you have corrected the netmasks file.)

hostname.hme/eri files
Check the /etc/hostname.hme0/eri0 and /etc/hostname.hme1/eri1 files to
ensure that the host name apxy-a or apxy-s is correct.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-79
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-23: Check network configuration data

hosts file
The association of host names with IP addresses is specified in the
/etc/hosts file. MM-APC host names are used to facilitate application communications
between MM-APs and with the ECP Complex (ECPC). Any changes to the /etc/hosts
file can lead to loss of communications between these network elements and cause
immediate rolling reboots of the MM-AP.

Addresses and host names in the /etc/hosts file

Entries in the /etc/hosts file for the MM-AP LAN are of the following form:
x.y.32.1 ap01 ap01-a
x.y.32.2 ap02 ap02-a
x.y.16.1 ap01 ap01-s
x.y.16.2 ap02 ap02-s
Entries in the /etc/hosts file for FT-LAN interfaces are of the following form:
x.y.48.1 ap01-l1
x.y.64.1 ap01-l2
x.y.80.1 ap01-ft
The -l1 suffix indicates FT-LAN link 1, -l2 indicates FT-LAN link 2, and the -ft suffix
is the address that is actually used to communicate using FT-LAN between hosts.

hostname.hme/eri:9 files
Check the /etc/hostname.hme0:9/eri0:9/bge0:9 and
/etc/hostname.hme1:9/eri1:9/bge1:9 files to ensure that the IP address in the file
is the correct FT-LAN link IP address [see Table D-5, “MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: FT-
LAN” (p. D-11)].

hostname.cgtp0 file
Check that the /etc/hostname.cgtp0 file contains the correct address for the FT-LAN
IP address [see Table D-5, “MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: FT-LAN” (p. D-11)].

Correcting host names

If these addresses or host names have been modified incorrectly, they must be returned to
their original state.

7-80 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-23: Check network configuration data

You can also check the host name of each MM-AP by executing the uname command. For

ap01:root> uname -n

If the MM-AP’s host name is wrong, perform the following steps at the MM-AP UNIX

1 Enter the following flxname command on another MM-AP on the same LAN as root or
as System Administrator to determine the network address of the LAN, and record the
flxname -v
You will need the first two octets of the network address when you rename the MM-AP in
Step 2.

2 Execute the following command to rename the MM-AP to its correct name:
flxname xxy network
xxy the logical number of the MM-AP
network the first two octets of the IP address of the dual-rail LAN to
which the MM-AP is connected (see Step 1)

[See “flxname” (p. B-96) in Appendix B, “Command reference”” for an example of

flxname output.]

3 For FT-LAN problems, execute one of the following pairs of commands to regenerate the
FT-LAN configuration while the MM-AP is offline.
If the last generic retrofit has been committed, execute the following:
flxdeactivate NGNcgtp FMScgtp
flxactivate NGNcgtp FMScgtp
If the last generic retrofit has not been committed, execute the following:

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-81
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-23: Check network configuration data

Result: These commands unconfigure and then reconfigure the MM-AP FT-LAN.


Host names for the EMS and OMP

The MM-AP communicates with the EMS by using the ems host name alias, which shares
the IP address (x.y.47.254) of the OMP host name apomp. The lines in the /etc/hosts file
are written as follows:
x.y.47.254 apomp-a ems
x.y.31.254 apomp-s ems
where x and y are the first two octets of the LAN IP address.

.rhosts file
The /.rhosts file on each MM-AP must include the host names of all MM-APs in the
cluster. These entries enable platform software on one MM-AP to control other MM-APs
and should not be altered. (For guidelines about this file, see also “MM-APC security
management guidelines” (p. 4-3) in Chapter 4, “Manage security”.”)

7-82 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-24: Check for MM-AP interface failures

Procedure 7-24: Check for MM-AP interface failures

System indications
When a single Ethernet interface on an MM-AP CPU card fails, the LAN interface is
marked OOS-FAULT, and if it was previously part of the ACTIVE subnet, the IP address
is switched to the other interface on the MM-AP. Because the network interfaces are
tested by sending messages to neighboring hosts, the response of the system to a single
interface failure depends on the number of active neighboring host interfaces.
When there are three or more MM-APs, failure of any single interface leaves the other two
MM-APs each with at least one neighboring MM-AP with no faulted interfaces. In that
case, the MM-AP with the failed interface is presented on the OMC-RAN or EMS with
one interface OOS-FAULT and the other ACTIVE. The other two MM-APs are presented
with one interface ACTIVE and the other STANDBY.

Testing the interfaces

To determine whether the LAN failure is at the MM-AP interface or the switch interface,
the MM-AP should be taken offline for further testing. (Starting this way limits any
unintended disruption of service on other MM-APs.) To take the MM-AP offline and test
it, do the following:

1 Remove the MM-AP from service. (Calls will be supported on the mate MM-AP.)

2 At the MM-AP UNIX prompt, enter the following command as root or as System
Administrator to take the MM-AP offline:

3 Enter the following command to determine which interface (hme0/eri0 or hme1/eri1) is

currently associated with the secondary subnet (STANDBY interface).
ifconfig -a

4 Enter the following commands to test the interfaces. (In the example below, the ap35-s
interface has failed.)
ping -s apxxy-a npackets
ping -s apxxy-s npackets

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-83
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-24: Check for MM-AP interface failures

-s sends one datagram per second and prints one line of output for
every response that it receives. No output is produced if there is
no response. Computes round trip times and packet loss
statistics and displays a summary of this information upon
termination or time-out. The default datagram packet size is 64
xxy the MM-AP logical number. (In the following example, the
host names used for these ping tests are ap35-a and ap35-
npackets specifies the number of packets to be sent

ap36:root > ping -s ap35-a 8

PING ap35: 56 data bytes
64 bytes from ap35 ( icmp_seq=0. time=0. ms
64 bytes from ap35 ( icmp_seq=1. time=0. ms
64 bytes from ap35 ( icmp_seq=2. time=0. ms
64 bytes from ap35 ( icmp_seq=3. time=0. ms
64 bytes from ap35 ( icmp_seq=4. time=0. ms
64 bytes from ap35 ( icmp_seq=5. time=0. ms
64 bytes from ap35 ( icmp_seq=6. time=0. ms
64 bytes from ap35 ( icmp_seq=7. time=0. ms
----ap35 PING Statistics----
8 packets transmitted, 8 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 0/0/0
ap36:root >

ap36:root > ping -s ap35-s 8

PING ap35: 56 data bytes

----ap35 PING Statistics----

8 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
Note in the example above that the ping command was run from ap36. This is because
the ping command must be run from a working MM-AP.
If the ping test succeeds, perform the ping test once more, with the ping count
parameter set to 100. If that ping test succeeds, bring the MM-AP back online and see if
the fault reoccurs within 10 minutes. If the ping test fails, reboot the MM-AP and
perform the ping test again when the MM-AP has completed booting. If the ping test
still fails, shut down the MM-AP from the LMT EI, check that the Ethernet A and Ethernet

7-84 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-24: Check for MM-AP interface failures

B cables are securely connected to the CPU rear transition module and then perform the
ping test again. (For procedures to power up and power down the MM-AP, see Chapter 5,
“System administration”.”)

Testing the cable and switch port

If all of the ping tests described in the “Testing the interfaces” (p. 7-83)” section fail, use
a Category 5 Ethernet cable to test connectivity to different switch ports to determine
whether the cable or the switch port is faulty.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-85
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-25: Check for single-interface switch failures

Procedure 7-25: Check for single-interface switch failures

Inter-MM-AP single LAN failures
To determine whether the switch is the cause of the inter-MM-AP single LAN failure, do
the following:
• Use a Category 5 Ethernet cable to test connectivity to different switch ports to
determine whether the cable or the switch port is faulty.
• Swap the hme0/eri0/bge0 and hme1/eri1/bge1 cables.
If you swap the hme0/eri0/bge0 and hme1/eri1/bge cables to
troubleshoot a LAN failure, be sure to restore the cables to their
original configuration (hme0/eri0/bge0 connected to switch A) when
you are done troubleshooting. Failure to do so could seriously
disrupt the functioning of networking features such as FT-LAN that
depend on proper cabling of the MM-AP.

MM-AP-to-MM-AP network failure

To determine whether the switch is the cause of an MM-AP-to-MM-AP network failure,
do the following:
• Check the LAN cable between the frames specified in the [CONFAIL] output
message and reconnect or replace the cable as needed.
• If the alarm is still asserted after 5 minutes, move first one and then the other end of
the cable to a different port on the switch that is enabled.
• If the alarm is still asserted after 5 minutes, contact customer technical support.

7-86 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-26: Check intermittent LAN failures

Procedure 7-26: Check intermittent LAN failures

Intermittent LANFAIL alarms
If the [LANFAIL] alarm is intermittently set and cleared without user intervention, use the
diagnostic procedures described in the previous sections, but set the number of ping
packets to 100.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-87
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-27: Check for inter-switch LAN failures

Procedure 7-27: Check for inter-switch LAN failures

Failure indications
The following conditions may indicate whether the link that supports communications
between switch A and switch B has failed:
• Some MM-APs may appear ISOLATED at the OMC-RAN (or EMS which generates
the [HBEMS] alarm).
• MM-APs that are not represented as ISOLATED will be ACTIVE, and for each of
these MM-APs, both LANs will be ACTIVE or STANDBY.
• The LMT EI will indicate that the MM-APs that are represented as ISOLATED are in
fact ACTIVE.
• Enter the following command at the OMC-RAN TICLI or TICLI to determine the
LAN states of the ISOLATED MM-APs:

a are the isolated MM-APs

Result: If the LAN states are represented as ACTIVE or STANDBY, follow the
troubleshooting suggestions below.

Check the switch cross-connect

First make sure the switches are properly connected. Switch A and switch B of whichever
MM-AP frame is the center of the STAR LAN configuration are connected to each other
through two Ethernet crossover cables (indicated by red insulation on the cable). One of
these cables should be connected from Port 1 of the Lower FIP (Ethernet Switch A) to Port
1 of the Upper FIP (Ethernet Switch B). The other cable should be connected from Port 2
of the Lower FIP (Ethernet Switch A) to Port 2 of the Upper FIP (Ethernet Switch B).
Switches in other frames in the STAR LAN configuration are not
connected with crossover cables.

Replace the switches

If the problem persists, the failure is likely to be one of the two switch interfaces
supporting inter-switch communications. If no MM-APs in the cluster have any OOS-
Fault LAN interfaces, single switch replacement can be performed without affecting call
handling capabilities.

7-88 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-27: Check for inter-switch LAN failures

• The switch supporting the Active LAN interfaces for the isolated MM-APs should be
replaced first, using the instructions in Chapter 8, “Replacement procedures”.” All
LAN interfaces that are associated with this switch are demoted to OOS-Fault when
the switch is powered down, and may not restore until up to approximately 10 minutes
after the replacement switch is powered up.
• If the isolation problem persists, the bad interface may have been on the other switch,
and it will need to be replaced. (Note, however, that replacing this switch will result in
a temporary loss of communications between the OMP (and OMC-RAN or EMS) and
all MM-APs in the cluster.)
Do not replace the second switch until all MM-APs have recovered
from the replacement of the first switch. The recovered MM-APs will
show Active and Standby LAN conditions.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-89
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-28: Check for complete switch failures

Procedure 7-28: Check for complete switch failures

Replace the switch
If every MM-AP in the MM-APC has either a [LANFAIL] or [HUBFAIL] alarm, all for
the same LAN (LAN1 or LAN2), then it is most likely that the switch associated with the
alarmed LAN has failed. (Single MM-AP interface failures in a two–MM-AP cluster
represent an important exception to this general rule.) Do the following:
• Check the input power 48 volt fuse for the feed that corresponds with the switch that is
alarmed. This is located on the panel of the Modular Fuse / Filter Unit (MFFU) at the
top of the frame. If the fuse has failed, replace the fuse.
• Check the power distribution unit to make sure that it is supplying an adequate amount
of power.
• Replace the switch by performing the procedure in Chapter 8, “Replacement
• If the problem persists, check the network configuration data.
• If the [HUBFAIL] alarm is still asserted after 5 minutes, contact customer technical

7-90 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-29: Check for LAN failures in two-MM-AP

Procedure 7-29: Check for LAN failures in two-MM-AP clusters

Impacts to both MM-APs
If there are only two MM-APs in the MM-APC, failure of one of the interfaces not only
causes that interface to go to OOS-FAULT, but also causes one of the interfaces on the
other MM-AP to go to OOS-FAULT.

Failure conditions

hme0/eri0/bge0 failure
If the initial condition is that hme0/eri0/bge0 is ACTIVE and hme1/eri1/bge1 is
STANDBY on both MM-APs, then if hme0/eri0/bge0 fails on one MM-AP,
hme1/eri1/bge1 will be switched to the x.y.32 subnet and hme0/eri0/bge0 will be
marked OOS-FAULT. The other MM-AP will see the OMP as a healthy neighbor for the
ACTIVE subnet and will therefore stay ACTIVE. The other MM-AP, however, will not
see any neighbors on the x.y.16 subnet, so it will mark its own hme1/eri1/bge1
interface OOS-FAULT because the OMP has no interface on the x.y.16 subnet.

hme1/eri1/bge1 failure
Given the same initial condition (hme0/eri0/bge0 ACTIVE, hme1/eri1/bge1
STANDBY on both MM-APs), if hme1/eri1/bge1 fails on one MM-AP,
hme0/eri0/bge0 will remain ACTIVE on that and the other MM-AP, and hme1/eri1
will be marked OOS–FAULT—both on the MM-AP upon which the interface failed and
on the mate MM-AP—because there are no other network elements using the x.y.16

Diagnosing LAN failures on two-MM-AP MM-APC

To diagnose LAN faults on MM-APCs having only two MM-APs, it may not be obvious
which MM-AP to begin with. (In addition, for a failure of the hme1/eri1/bge1 interface,
the ping test will always fail, since the failed interface will always be involved in either
packet sending or receiving.) Perform the following procedure to test these types of

1 Remove an MM-AP from service. (Calls will be supported on the mate MM-AP.)

Note: Consider the OMC-RAN (Network Manager) or EMS (Active Alarm List) for
each MM-AP to decide which MM-AP should be taken offline first. The MM-AP with
the fewest serious alarms should be left ACTIVE.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-91
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-29: Check for LAN failures in two-MM-AP


2 Log in as root or as System Administrator and take the MM-AP offline using the
apoffline command at the UNIX prompt.

3 Try ping to the switches, alarm cards, and other MM-APs in the frame.
For example, to ping a switch, execute the following command:
ping -s esxxy
xx is either the frame component or the range component of the
logical number of one of the MM-APs in the frame in which
the LAN switch resides
y is either a or b, a for the switch in the lower half of the frame, b
for the switch in the upper half of the frame

Example: The following is example output from executing the ping command on
switch A in the fourth frame.
ap32:root > ping -s es3a
PING es3a: 56 data bytes
64 bytes from es3a ( icmp_seq=0. time=2. ms
64 bytes from es3a ( icmp_seq=1. time=1. ms
64 bytes from es3a ( icmp_seq=2. time=1. ms
----es3a PING Statistics----
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 1/1/2

For example, to ping an alarm card, execute the following command:

ping -s acxxy
xxy is the 2- or 3-digit logical number for the associated MM-AP,
such as 01
Sef an MM-AP.

7-92 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-29: Check for LAN failures in two-MM-AP

Example: The following is example output from executing the ping command on
the alarm card for the third server in the fourth frame.
ap32:root > ping -s ac33
PING ac33: 56 data bytes
64 bytes from ac33 ( icmp_seq=0. time=1. ms
64 bytes from ac33 ( icmp_seq=1. time=1. ms
64 bytes from ac33 ( icmp_seq=2. time=1. ms
64 bytes from ac33 ( icmp_seq=3. time=1. ms
----ac33 PING Statistics----
4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 1/1/1

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-93
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-30: Check dual LAN failures

Procedure 7-30: Check dual LAN failures

MM-APCs with three or more MM-APs
If both switches fail in an MM-APC with three or more MM-APs, all MM-APs go into
rolling boots. To recover, at least part of the LAN must be repaired. Replacing one switch
is a good place to start.
If no switches are available, then the MM-APs can be taken offline from the LMT EI. If
the dual-LAN failure is caused by the failure of both interfaces on a single MM-AP, that
MM-AP will go into rolling boots until it is taken offline.

MM-APCs with two MM-APs

In the special case of MM-APCs with two MM-APs, double-switch failure will result in
one MM-AP remaining ACTIVE and other MM-AP in rolling boots. In that case, all
interfaces on both MM-APs are marked OOS-FAULT.

7-94 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-31: Check FT-LAN failures

Procedure 7-31: Check FT-LAN failures

Failure indications
In most cases, FT-LAN link alarms correspond to alarms and state changes for the
standard dual-rail LAN interfaces because FT-LAN links use the same physical network
FT-LAN links correspond to the standard MM-AP dual-rail LAN interfaces, as follows:
• FT-LAN link 1 = LAN1 = hme0/eri0/bge0
• FT-LAN link 2 = LAN2 = hme1/eri1/bge1
Typically FT-LAN alarms are raised several seconds earlier than standard LAN alarms and
FT-LAN alarms may be cleared up to 10 minutes earlier that standard LAN alarms.
When both the LAN and FT-LAN link alarms for the same interface are raised or cleared
within a few minutes of each other, use the other LAN troubleshooting procedures in this
section to determine the source of the problem:
• “Check network configuration data” (p. 7-77)
• “Check for MM-AP interface failures” (p. 7-83)
• “Check for single-interface switch failures” (p. 7-86)
• “Check intermittent LAN failures” (p. 7-87)
• “Check for inter-switch LAN failures” (p. 7-88)
• “Check for complete switch failures” (p. 7-90)
• “Check for LAN failures in two-MM-AP clusters” (p. 7-91)
• “Check dual LAN failures” (p. 7-94)

FT-LAN specific alarms

When an FT-LAN link alarm occurs without an alarm or state change or both for the
corresponding LAN resource (as described in “Failure indications” (p. 7-95) above),
check network configuration data using the procedure “Check network configuration data”
(p. 7-77).
For FT-LAN, the following network configuration data are most relevant:
• /etc/hostname.hme0:9/eri0:9/bge0:9
• /etc/hostname.hme1:9/eri1:9/bge1:9
• /etc/hostname.cgtp0

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-95
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-31: Check FT-LAN failures

Intermittent FT-LAN alarms: LAN OOS

When an FT-LAN link alarm is raised and cleared repeatedly yet the corresponding LAN
resource stays OOS this indicates a link that is barely functional. The FT-LAN will briefly
recover use of the link and then it will fail again. When this situation occurs, the
/var/adm/messages file and the system console show messages similar to the

Oct 22 09:56:13 ap31 hme: SUNW,hme1 : No response from Ethernet

network : Link down—
cable problem?
Oct 22 09:56:32 ap31 hme: [ID 517527 kern.info] SUNW,hme1:
100 Mbps Full-Duplex Link Up
Troubleshoot this problem using the following procedures:
• “Check for MM-AP interface failures” (p. 7-83)
• “Check for single-interface switch failures” (p. 7-86)
• “Check dual LAN failures” (p. 7-94)

Intermittent FT-LAN alarms: no LAN alarm

When an FT-LAN link alarm is raised and cleared repeatedly yet the corresponding LAN
resource shows no indication of trouble, this may be an indication of a minor problem in
the dual-rail LAN that is escaping the notice of network tests for the LAN.
Check the /var/adm/messages file for messages such as those shown above in
“Intermittent FT-LAN alarms: LAN OOS” (p. 7-96).
Clear the problem by rebooting or power cycling the MM-AP.
Reference: See “Power down a server” (p. 8-27) and “Power up a server” (p. 8-36).
When these messages occur several times an hour on a continuing basis even after the
MM-AP has been power cycled, the cause of the problem is likely defective hardware in
one or more of the following components:
• the CPU board hardware for the Ethernet interface
• the quality of the connection for the Ethernet cable on the CPU board
• the Ethernet cable connecting the Ethernet interface to the Ethernet switch
• the quality of the connection for the Ethernet cable to the switch
• the Ethernet switch hardware for the Ethernet port
Execute the following command as an additional check for errors on the link:
netstat -i

7-96 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-31: Check FT-LAN failures

Compare the Ierrs and Oerrs columns for the physical interface used by the FT-LAN
link (as shown at the top of this procedure) to the corresponding Ipkts and Opkts
columns. If the Ierrs or Oerrs error counts continue to increase as the ping test is
executed (for example, ping apxy-ft where xy is a different MM-AP) and the problem
recurs after the MM-AP is rebooted and power cycled, the cause of the problem is likely
defective hardware.
Isolating the faulty component may require testing the cable with a Category 5 Ethernet
cable tester, replugging connections, or replacing the CPU board or the Ethernet switch.
To replace a defective CPU card set or Ethernet switch, see the following procedures:
• “Replace a host CPU card” (p. 8-146)
• “Replace a host or satellite CPU rear transition module” (p. 8-178)
• “Replace a Layer 2 Cajun or Extreme Networks Ethernet switch” (p. 8-378)
• “Configure a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet switch” (p. 8-391)
• “Download the firmware for a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet switch” (p. 8-402)
For assistance troubleshooting FT-LAN failures, contact customer technical support.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-97
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Other diagnostic tools

Other diagnostic tools

Solaris tools
The following tools are also available for further testing LAN interface problems. (Refer
to the online documentation, using the man command, for more information about these
• netstat -i
Displays network statistics.
• broadcast ping
Using syntax ping x.y.47.255 (where x and y are the first two octets of the LAN IP
address), all MM-APs and alarm cards on the x.y.47 subnet will be sent packets, and
should respond.

Other possible fault causes

Other things to consider when diagnosing LAN interface problems include the following:
• the Golden Image software version and MM-AP bundle versions
• blown fuses
• the power state of switches and MM-APs.

7-98 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Overview

WatchDog problems
This section includes the following background information and procedures for
troubleshooting WatchDog problems in R1 frames or R1SR frames operating in R1 mode.

Procedure 7-32: Troubleshoot WatchDog problems
Procedure 7-33: Repump the WatchDog with the MM-APs offline

Note: This section does not apply to R1SR frames that operate in R2 mode, in which
the RCC WatchDog is present but not used. In these frames, the functions previously
performed by the RCC WatchDog are performed by the server’s alarm card and by
new RCC integrity software.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-99
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Theory/Background

Associated output message
The following output message is associated with WatchDog problems:
Cannot communicate with the WatchDog
For details about this output message, refer to the Output Messages Manual (401-610-

WatchDog functionality
The WatchDog monitors and controls the state of the servers in the MM-AP Frame (MM-
APF). It provides power control over servers in the MM-APF by issuing commands to the
MM-AP alarm cards.

How the WatchDog controls MM-AP states

An MM-AP cannot be promoted to ACTIVE unless told to go ACTIVE by the WatchDog.
The WatchDog communicates with the MM-AP over an RS-232 connection and a
secondary serial path to the MM-AP’s alarm card. An MM-AP exchanges heartbeats with
the WatchDog and must heartbeat every second. If the MM-AP does not send a heartbeat
to the WatchDog within 3 seconds, the WatchDog reboots the MM-AP. If the MM-AP
does not reboot, the WatchDog will power cycle the MM-AP.

WatchDog connections
The LMT Emergency Interface (EI) displays the state of the MM-APC and provides
power control to modules in the MM-APC through the WatchDog. Com 1 or, if available,
a secondary configurable Com path on the LMT is connected to RCC EAI 0 on the
Maintenance Interface Panel in the MM-APF.
Each MM-AP CPU card and alarm card has an RS-232 connection to the WatchDog.
Serial port TTY B on each MM-AP CPU and COM 2 on each MM-AP alarm card is
connected to a WatchDog port. The WatchDog uses ports in the range 2 through 19 to
connect to MM-AP CPU cards and their associated alarm cards. For example, MM-AP 1

7-100 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Theory/Background

is connected to WatchDog Port 2 and MM-AP 2 is connected to WatchDog Port 3. The

figure below is a high-level illustration of the WatchDog connections to the MM-APs and






2 14 3 4 n n


Maintenance Interface Panel

= RS-232 Links
TTY B = Serial port on MM-AP CPU card
COM 2 = Serial port on MM-AP alarm card
0,1,2,3,..., n = WD Ports

WatchDog/AP interactions
The WatchDog is reset whenever the BMR6B WatchDog card is pulled from the RCC
shelf and reinserted. It must then be pumped with information sent to it from an MM-AP.
In order to successfully pump the WatchDog, at least one MM-AP must be in an ACTIVE
state (or be attempting to be promoted to ACTIVE). The WatchDog will first attempt to
pump from the MM-AP connected to WatchDog Port 2. If this MM-AP is not ACTIVE, a
time-out occurs and the WatchDog attempts to pump from the MM-AP in server location 2
(WatchDog Port 3), and so on. This may take several minutes.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-101
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-32: Troubleshoot WatchDog problems

Procedure 7-32: Troubleshoot WatchDog problems

Communication Status = FAILED
If the APC EI displays the WatchDog Communication Status as FAILED, troubleshoot as

1 Check for any alarm or OOS LEDs that are illuminated on the faceplate of the
WatchDog/Maintenance Module. If any LEDs are illuminated on the
WatchDog/Maintenance Module, refer to the “Frame Alarms” section.

2 Refer to “APC Local Maintenance Terminal Problems” to troubleshoot the APC LMT EI.

3 If necessary, perform the appropriate action from the following table to troubleshoot

If Then...
information in the try resetting the WatchDog by reseating the
“Frame Alarms” and WatchDog/Maintenance Module in the APF.
“APC Local
Note: Check the following before reseating the
Maintenance Terminal WatchDog/Maintenance Module:
Problems” sections do
not solve the • Verify that all APs in the system are in a
WatchDog problem stable state (ACTIVE, OFFLINE,
• Perform the procedure during off-peak
• Make sure that either AP 1 or AP 2 is
ACTIVE before you reseat the
WatchDog/Maintenance Module so that the
APs will be able to pump the WatchDog
successfully after the WatchDog module
has been inserted into its slot.
the WatchDog replace the WatchDog/Maintenance Module using the
Communication procedure in Chapter 8, “Replacement procedures”.”
Status on the LMT (Perform the same checks listed above for reseating the
EI still shows FAILED module.)
after reseating the

7-102 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-32: Troubleshoot WatchDog problems

If Then...
the WatchDog contact Alcatel-Lucent Customer Technical Support
Communication status (CTS) for assistance.
still shows FAILED
after replacing the

All ACTIVE MM-APs have a minor WatchDog alarm

When all ACTIVE MM-APs have a minor WatchDog alarm, it is an indication that the
WatchDog is not pumped.

Note: The RCCwdping command will work on all MM-APs if the WatchDog is not
Follow these steps to troubleshoot the problem.

1 To verify that the WatchDog is not pumped, terminate the LMT EI and restart it.

2 Wait 5 minutes.

If... then...
the EI now shows the you have solved the problem.
name and state of the
MM-APs, and the
WatchDog alarm on
the MM-APs is
each MM-AP in the the WatchDog is not pumped; continue with Step 3.
Cluster Status area
of the EI now displays
its name as flx*n and
status unknown and
the WatchDog’s
Status: Failed (No
Active Port).


3 Reseat the BMR6B WatchDog card in the RCC shelf.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 7-103
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-32: Troubleshoot WatchDog problems

Note: Check the following before reseating the WatchDog card:

• Verify that all MM-APs in the system are in a stable state (STANDBY, OFFLINE,
• Perform the procedure during off-peak hours.
• Make sure that at least one MM-AP is ACTIVE before you reseat the WatchDog
card so that the MM-APs will be able to pump the WatchDog successfully after the
WatchDog has been inserted into its slot.

4 Wait 5 minutes.

If... then...
the EI now shows the you have solved the problem.
name and state of the
MM-APs, and the
WatchDog alarm on
the MM-APs is
the EI still shows the the WatchDog is still not pumped; continue with Step
MM-AP names as 5.
flx*n and status as
unknown, and the
Status: Failed (No
Active Port).


5 Replace the BMR6B WatchDog card.

Note: Check the following before replacing the WatchDog card:

• Verify that all MM-APs in the system are in a stable state (STANDBY, OFFLINE,
• Perform the procedure during off-peak hours.

6 Make sure that at least one MM-AP is ACTIVE before you replace the WatchDog card so
that the MM-APs will be able to pump the WatchDog successfully after the WatchDog
card has been inserted into its slot.

7-104 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-32: Troubleshoot WatchDog problems


7 Wait 5 minutes.

If... then...
the EI now shows the name and you have solved the problem.
state of the MM-APs, and the
WatchDog alarm on the MM-APs
is cleared
the EI still shows the MM-AP the WatchDog is still not pumped;
names as flx*n and status as pull the WatchDog card from the
unknown, and the WatchDog’s RCC shelf and contact Alcatel-
Communication Status: Failed Lucent technical support for
(No Active Port). assistance.


One ACTIVE MM-AP has a minor WatchDog alarm

If the MM-AP is ACTIVE and a minor alarm Cannot communicate with the
WATCHDOG is displayed on the ROP or the EMS Active Alarm List, then there is a problem
with the RS-232 connection between the MM-AP and the WatchDog.

1 Remove the MM-AP from service;

• OMC-RAN “AP rmv ap” task.
• Use the EMS AP Status Page (Remove button).
• Enter the following command from the TICLI:
a is the number of the MM-AP to be removed from service

Result: The Radio Cluster Servers (RCSs) switch over to the mate MM-AP.


2 Log in to the MM-AP as root or as System Administrator (see “Recommend su to access

special logins” (p. 4-6)) and enter the following command from the UNIX prompt:

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Troubleshooting Procedure 7-32: Troubleshoot WatchDog problems


3 Enter the following commands to reboot the MM-AP:

cd /
shutdown -y -i6

4 Log back in to the MM-AP.


5 Enter the following command at the MM-AP UNIX prompt:


If the RCCwdping
command... then...
succeeds a. Output similar to the following is generated:
ap01-> RCCwdping
RCCwdping Info: Using $RCC_WDPORT RS232 port
RCCwdping Info: WatchDog is connected & returned expected
RCCwdping Info: WatchDog port for ap01 is 2
b. You have solved the WatchDog problem.
fails a. Output similar to the following is generated:
ap01-> RCCwdping
RCCwdping Info: Using $RCC_WDPORT RS232 port
RCCwdping Failed: WatchDog may or may not be connected
b. Go to Step 6.


6 Check that the TTY B cables are securely connected to the CPU rear transition module.

7 Enter the following command at the MM-AP UNIX prompt:


7-106 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Troubleshooting Procedure 7-32: Troubleshoot WatchDog problems


If the RCCwdping
command... then...
succeeds you have solved the WatchDog
fails contact Alcatel-Lucent technical
support for assistance.


WATCHDOG disabled (Alcatel-Lucent Alert 05-0396)

If the Watchdog fails, it will be disabled and put into passive mode, thereby preventing it
from affecting the AP cluster. However, once the Watchdog is in passive mode, if another
AP fails for any reason, it will be unable to go active until the Watchdog has been replaced
and the alarm has been resolved. Furthermore, any actions performed by the Watchdog,
such as promoting an AP to be a lead, will not be possible.

If you see the following output message on the ROP or as a response to the OP:ALARM
input message, immediate action is required to correct it.
WATCHDOG disabled--must replace WATCHDOG for AP recovery to

Unhealthy Watchdog packs.

Action to be taken
When the above message is seen, it is urgent that the following procedure be performed

Note: It is imperative that this alarm be cleared prior to any software update or
generic retrofit. Failing to do so will put the system integrity into jeopardy.

1 Follow the steps in “Replace an RCC BMR6B WatchDog Pack” (p. 8-373) to remove the
failed Watchdog pack. Then STOP. See the note below.

Note: Before inserting the new Watchdog pack, go to Step 2 to put the Watchdog
back into an active mode.

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Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-32: Troubleshoot WatchDog problems


2 Log into each AP in the frame that is generating the alarm and enter the command:
RCC_chgcluster_mode -x1 -nA
Result: The following output should be echoed to the terminal:
RCC_chgcluster_mode: Changing mode to A for cluster 1 (APcluster).
RCC_chgcluster_mode: Changed mode to A for cluster 1 (APcluster).
Result: All WDFAIL alarms should now be retired.


3 Now follow the remaining steps in “Replace an RCC BMR6B WatchDog Pack” (p. 8-373)
to insert the new Watchdog pack.
Result: All WDFAIL alarms should be retired. (The WATCHDOG disabled alarm
may take up to 10 minutes to retire.)

Preventive Action
Monitor the ROP for WDFAIL alarms.

7-108 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Troubleshooting Procedure 7-33: Repump the WatchDog with the MM-APs

Procedure 7-33: Repump the WatchDog with the MM-APs

When to perform
If the WatchDog is ever reset with the MM-APs offline, you will not be able to bring the
MM-APs online using the aponline command. The WatchDog Status Mode will be
“Unknown” on the Emergency Interface, and the WatchDog will have to be re-pumped.

Perform the following procedure to repump the WatchDog:

1 Power down the MM-AP in server location 1 or server location 2 of the MM-APF. (These
are MM-AP 1 or MM-AP 2 in the MM-APF.)

2 Pull the BMR6B WatchDog card from the RCC shelf.


3 Reinsert the BMR6B WatchDog card into the RCC shelf.


4 The WatchDog’s communication status will soon transition to active [Communication

Status: OK (COMn Active)], and the WatchDog will power up the MM-AP. The MM-AP
will attempt to transition to ACTIVE.

5 Restore the MM-AP’s associated EINE to service by entering the following command
from the MCRT:
xx is the ring group
yy is the node

Result: The MM-AP should successfully transition to the ACTIVE state.


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Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Troubleshooting Procedure 7-33: Repump the WatchDog with the MM-APs

7-110 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
8 Replacement procedures

This chapter explains how to remove and replace faulty components in a Mobility
Manager (MM) server when other attempts to restore the faulty components to service

This chapter contains the following sections.

Basic knowledge
Basic hardware precautions and tasks
Scenarios for powering down and powering up a server
Replacing a server hard disk drive
Replacing other server components
Replacing frame components

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Overview

Basic knowledge
This section describes the following characteristics of MM-AP components:

Customer-replaceability versus field-replaceability

Server components versus frame components
Hot-swappability versus cold-swappability
Using cfgadm to support hot swap

8-2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Customer-replaceability versus field-replaceability

Customer-replaceability versus field-replaceability

Each MM-AP component is either a customer-replaceable unit or a field-replaceable unit.

Customer-replaceable units
Customer-replaceable units (CRUs) are units that may be removed and replaced by
service-provider personnel without technical assistance or special training on the removal
and replacement procedures from Alcatel-Lucent.

Field-replaceable units
Field-replaceable units (FRUs) are units that should be removed and replaced only by:
• Alcatel-Lucent personnel
• service-provider personnel with technical assistance from Alcatel-Lucent
• service-provider personnel whom Alcatel-Lucent has trained to remove and replace
the unit

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Server components versus frame components

Server components versus frame components

Each MM-AP component is either a server component or a frame component.

Server components
Server components are components of the MM-AP that are part of either the 4x0S server
or 8x0S server or associated with the housing of the servers. They include:
• Hard disk drive
• Host CPU card and rear transition module (RTM)
• Satellite CPU card and RTM
• Alarm card and RTM
• I/O card and RTM
• System status panel and system controller board
• Air filters
• 8x0S power supply unit
• Fan tray
• 8x0S DVD or DAT drive
• Disk adapter module
• SCSI termination board
• Midplane
• Power distribution unit.

Frame components
Frame components are components of the MM-AP that are not part of the 4x0S server or
8x0S servers. They include:
• Alarm interface module
• RCC WatchDog packs
• Ethernet switch.

8-4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Hot-swappability versus cold-swappability

Hot-swappability versus cold-swappability

Each MM-AP component is either hot-swappable or cold-swappable.

Components that are hot swappable can be installed or replaced while the server is
running, without interrupting the operation of the server. Installing or replacing a hot-
swappable component sometimes requires that you enter hot-swap software commands
before and after an installation or replacement to incorporate the new component in the
system correctly.
Reference: For information on hot-swap software commands, see “Using cfgadm to
support hot swap” (p. 8-7).
MM-APs allow for two models of hot swap:
• basic hot swap
• full hot swap
The models can be explained by first defining two terms:
• hardware connection process—the electrical connection (and disconnection) of an I/O
• software connection process—the software management by the operating system of
the board (allocating/releasing resources, attaching/detaching device drivers, etc.).
Redundant power supplies in an 8x0S server are a variation of the hot-swappable category.
You can replace a single power supply in a redundant configuration while the server is
running, without having to enter any software commands.

Basic hot swap

In the basic hot-swap model, the hardware connection process can be performed
automatically by the hardware, while the software connection process requires operator
assistance. The cfgadm utility is used to support the software connection process in the
basic hot-swap model.

Full hot swap

In the full hot-swap model, both the hardware and the software connection processes are
performed automatically.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Hot-swappability versus cold-swappability

Components that are cold-swappable require that you halt (and, in some cases, also power
off) the server before installing or replacing the component. Note that you must halt power
only to the server where you would be installing or replacing the component; any other
servers installed in the same chassis can remain running.
Reference: For instructions on powering off a server, see “Power down a server”
(p. 8-27).

Hot-swappable components
The following components are hot-swappable:
• air filter, main
• air filters, power supply
• DVD drive occupying the removable media module
• fan trays
• power supply, second, in an 8x0S server
• satellite processor
• system status panel
• system controller board

Cold-swappable components
The following components are cold-swappable:
• alarm cards for both the 8x0S server and the 4x0S server
• alarm rear transition module (8x0S server only)
• CPU card
• CPU rear transition module
• hard disk drive, single, in a 400S server
• hard disk drives in an 8x0S server
• I/O cards
• I/O rear transition modules
• power supply, single, in a 400S server
• power supply, single or lone remaining in an 8x0S server
• powered-off or empty servers
• power distribution units

8-6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Using cfgadm to support hot swap

Using cfgadm to support hot swap

You can use the cfgadm utility to perform the following hot-swap procedures:
• deactivate and activate hot-swappable components
• enable and disable full hot swap for I/O slots in a server
• enable and disable basic hot swap for I/O slots in a server

Logging In to the Access Manager

In order to use the cfgadm utility, you must be able to log in to the server either remotely,
where you would log in to the MM-AP through the OMP, another server on the network,
or the LMT; or directly, where you would connect the LMT directly to your MM-AP.
Reference: For more information on ways to access an MM-AP either remotely or
directly, see “Safety precautions for handling MM-AP equipment” (p. 8-14).

Running the cfgadm utility

For all cfgadm commands, you must know the attachment point ID for the component
that you will be working on.
To list the attachment point IDs for the I/O slots in a server, log into the server and, as root
or as System Administrator (see “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)), enter
one of the following commands.
For 400S or 800S servers, enter
cfgadm pci
For 410S or 810S servers, enter
For an 800S server, you should get feedback similar to the following:

Ap_Id Type Receptacle OccupantCondition

pci_pci0:cpci_slot2 unknown empty unconfigured
pci_pci0:cpci_slot3 stpcipci/fhs connected configuredok
pci_pci0:cpci_slot4 stpcipci/fhs connected configuredok
pci_pci0:cpci_slot5 unknown empty unconfigured
pci_pci0:cpci_slot6 unknown empty unconfigured
pci_pci0:cpci_slot7 unknown empty unconfigured
pci_pci0:cpci_slot8 stpcipci/fhs connected configuredok
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Using cfgadm to support hot swap

For a 400S server, you should get feedback similar to the following:

Ap_Id Type Receptacle OccupantCondition

pci_pci0:cpci_slot1 unknown empty unconfigured
pci_pci0:cpci_slot2 stpcipci/fhs connected configuredok
pci_pci0:cpci_slot4 stpcipci/fhs connected configuredok
pci_pci0:cpci_slot5 unknown empty unconfigured
For an 810S server, you should get feedback similar to the following:

Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition

AL-8 mcd/fhs connected configured ok
CPU bridge/fhs connected configured ok
IO-2 stpcipci/fhs connected configured ok
IO-3 unknown empty unconfigured unknown
IO-4 stpcipci/fhs connected configured ok
IO-5 unknown disconnected unconfigured ok
IO-6 unknown empty unconfigured unknown
IO-7 unknown empty unconfigured unknown

For a 410S server, you should get feedback similar to the following:

Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition

AL-1 mcd/fhs connected configured ok
CPU bridge/fhs connected configured ok
IO-2 unknown disconnected unconfigured unknown
IO-4 stpcipci/fhs connected configured ok
IO-5 stpcipci/fhs connected onfigured ok

The attachment point ID is shown in the first column of the readout; for example, the
attachment point ID for I/O slot 2 in a 410S server would be IO-2.
To list the attachment point IDs for the drives in a server, log into the server and, as root or
as System Administrator (see “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)), enter the
following command:

cfgadm -a c0

8-8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Using cfgadm to support hot swap

For an 8x0S server, you should get feedback similar to the following:

Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant

c0 scsi-bus connected configured
c0::dsk/c0t0d0 disk connected configured
c0::dsk/c0t1d0 disk connected configured
c0::dsk/c0t6d0 CD-ROM connected configured
For a 4x0S server, you should get feedback similar to the following:

Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant

c0 scsi-bus connected configured
c0::dsk/c0t0d0 disk connected configured
The attachment point ID is shown in the first column of the readout; for example, the
attachment point ID for I/O slot 2 in an 800S server would be pci_pci0:cpci_slot2.
To view the online help for cfgadm, as root or as System Administrator (see
“Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)), enter:

cfgadm -h pci
You should get the following feedback:

PCI hotplug specific commands:

-c [connect|disconnect|configure|unconfigure|insert|remove]
ap_id [ap_id...]
-x enable_slot ap_id [ap_id...]
-x disable_slot ap_id [ap_id...]
-x enable_autoconfig ap_id [ap_id...]
-x disable_autoconfig ap_id [ap_id...]
-x led[=[fault|power|active|attn],mode=[on|off|blink]] ap_id
You can also view the manual page for the cfgadm utility by entering man cfgadm at the

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Using cfgadm to support hot swap

Deactivating and activating a hot-swappable component

MM-APs are set to basic hot swap by default. This means that if a hot-swappable
component becomes faulty and needs replacing, you must manually deactivate the
component using the cfgadm utility before you can remove the component, and then
manually reactivate the component after replacing it.
To deactivate a component, as root or as System Administrator (see “Recommend su to
access special logins” (p. 4-6)), enter

cfgadm -c unconfigure ap_id

where ap_id is the attachment point ID. For example, to deactivate an I/O card in slot 4, as
root or as System Administrator, enter:

cfgadm -c unconfigure pci_pci0:cpci_slot4

To activate a component, as root or as System Administrator, enter

cfgadm -c configure ap_id

where ap_id is the attachment point ID.

Enabling full hot swap on I/O slots

You can use cfgadm to enable full hot swap on an I/O slot in a server. Enabling full hot
swap on an I/O slot means that you do not have to manually deactivate or activate the I/O
card when replacing it in the server; those processes are handled automatically by the
To enable full hot swap for an I/O slot in a server, as root or as System Administrator (see
“Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)), enter
cfgadm -x enable_autoconfig ap_id
where ap_id is the attachment point ID in the server on which you want to have full hot
swap enabled. For example, to enable full hot swap for I/O slot 4, as root or as System
Administrator, you could enter
cfgadm -x enable_autoconfig pci_pci0:cpci_slot4

Note: Whenever you reboot or power your server on and off, the hot swap states
revert back to the default basic hot swap state for all I/O slots. You must manually reset
the I/O slots to full hot swap after rebooting or powering your server on and off.

Note: If you are enabling full hot swap on an I/O slot that holds an alarm card or
alarm rear transition module, you must also verify that you have the envmond
software installed and running in order for full hot swap to work on the card.

8-10 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Using cfgadm to support hot swap

Enabling basic hot swap on I/O slots

If you have enabled full hot swap on an I/O slot in your server, you can disable full hot
swap, bringing the I/O slot back to the basic hot swap state. To disable full hot swap on an
I/O slot, bringing it back to its original basic hot swap state, as root or as System
Administrator (see “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)), enter
cfgadm -x disable_autoconfig ap_id

Determining the current hot swap state

To determine the current hot swap state for the I/O slots in your server, enter
prtconf -v

Example of output for basic hot-swap systems:

sysctrl, instance #0
Driver properties:
name <hotswap-mode> length <5>
value ’basic’
name <slot5-autoconfig> length <8>
value ’disabled’
name <slot4-autoconfig> length <8>
value ’disabled’
name <slot2-autoconfig> length <8>
value ’disabled’
name <slot1-autoconfig> length <8>
value ’disabled’

Example of output for full hot-swap systems.

sysctrl, instance #0
Driver properties:
name <hotswap-mode> length <5>
value ’full’
name <slot5-autoconfig> length <8>
value ’enabled’
name <slot4-autoconfig> length <8>
value ’enabled’
name <slot2-autoconfig> length <8>
value ’enabled’
name <slot1-autoconfig> length <9>
value ’disabled’

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-11
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Using cfgadm to support hot swap

• If you see value ’basic’ underneath the <hotswap-mode> line (see the first of
the two preceding examples), then all of the I/O slots in the server have been set to
basic hot swap. You should see value ’disabled’ for every I/O slot in the system
in this situation.
• If you see value ’full’ underneath the <hotswap-mode> line (see the second of
the two preceding examples), then at least one of the I/O slots in the server has been
set to full hot swap. You must look at the entries for individual I/O slots to determine if
they have been set to basic or full hot-swap mode in this situation:
– If you see value ’enabled’ underneath a <slot#-autoconfig> line, then
that slot is set to full hot swap. For example, in the second of the two preceding
examples, I/O slots 5, 4, and 2 are all set to full hot swap.
– If you see value ’disabled’ underneath a <slot#-autoconfig> line, then
that slot is set to basic hot swap. For example, in the second of the two preceding
examples, I/O slot 1 is set to basic hot swap.

8-12 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Overview

Basic hardware precautions and tasks

This section provides basic hardware-related steps that are common to many of the
procedures of this document.

This section includes the following:

Procedure 8-1: Safety precautions for handling MM-AP

Procedure 8-2: Circuit card removal/installation

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-13
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-1: Safety precautions for handling MM-AP

Procedure 8-1: Safety precautions for handling MM-AP

Basic precautions
To reduce the risk of electric shock, fire, personal injury, or damage to equipment, always
observe the following basic safety precautions when you work with and around this

1 Follow all instructions that are provided with the MM-AP system.

2 Heed all warnings marked on the MM-AP system and subsystems.


3 Do not disassemble modules. Service should be performed by trained personnel. Opening

or removing covers and/or modules may expose you to dangerous voltage. Incorrect
reassembly can result in electric shock when a unit is subsequently used.

4 Do not touch interior of module when removing from rack. Remove module completely
from rack before attempting service.

5 Use only Alcatel-Lucent manufactured or authorized components designated for use with
the MM-AP system. Use of improper components may result in incorrect connection of
circuitry, leading to fire hazard, injury, or damage to equipment.

6 Do not cover slots or openings in the MM-AP frame (MM-APF) as they provide essential
ventilation. Covering ventilation slots may result in fire hazard and damage to equipment.
Do not install in an enclosed space unless proper ventilation is provided.

7 Verify proper use of all connectors before attaching to other systems.


Installation safety precautions

Observe the following installation safety precautions:

8-14 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-1: Safety precautions for handling MM-AP


1 Follow all installation instructions.


2 Installation and maintenance must be performed by trained personnel only. Installer must
possess skills, equipment, and tools to install standard rack-mountable modules.

3 Remove rings and watches before beginning the procedure to avoid a short across the
high-current power supply output terminals.

4 Wear a grounding strap and take appropriate precautions for electrostatic discharge (ESD)
sensitive devices when working with any parts of the MM-AP system. Minimum
acceptable precautions include a grounded wrist or heel strap and a grounded, static-
dissipating mat.

5 Never install telecommunication wiring or connections during lightning storms or in wet


6 Never touch uninsulated wires or terminals unless power has been disconnected at the

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) precautions

Observe the following precautions to prevent injury or damage from electrostatic

1 All components of the MM-AP are sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). Always
follow ESD precautions when working with any part of the MM-AP system. See Step 2.

2 Refer to the following:

These instructions apply to all customer technical staff and Alcatel-Lucent field technical
staff responsible for handling, storage, packaging, or shipping ESD sensitive parts.
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-15
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-1: Safety precautions for handling MM-AP

Technical staff must be competent with ESD precautions. This includes:
• setting up a static-free environment for loose equipment
• wearing and testing grounding heels and wrist straps properly
• grounding the heels and straps properly to the equipment frame or work bench before
handling the equipment.
• attending ESD awareness training every 2 years.

Determine when ESD precautions are required. The following parts are ESD sensitive and
require the use of special precautions in handling, packaging, storing, and shipping:
• CPU modules
• SBus cards
• NVRAM Modules, boot PROMs
• Disk or tape drives
• Any other part that is shipped by its manufacturer in an anti-static, dissipative, or
conductive container.
Set up a portable anti-static work area:
• Lay a mat out on a flat, stable surface and as close to the equipment as possible.
• Ensure the mat is clean. The mat should be large enough to allow a printed circuit
board to be placed flat and not overhang the edges.
• Connect the Earth lead to the mat press stud and the other end to a known good earth
point. This could be a earthed equipment chassis.

Note: In later Sun equipment, FRU removal will require the engineer to remove the
mains connection and so removing the earth connection. In this situation the
equipment should be independently earthed by means of a lead with crock clips on
either end and a 1M ohm resistor in series for safety.
• It is important not to create a trip or other hazard by the position of the mat or leads.
• The engineer should connect themself to ground by means of a earth wrist strap
connected to the earthing lead. (A constant monitor strap is preferred).
• ESD sensitive FRU handling procedures must be followed. See the next paragraph.

ESD sensitive FRU handling

• Do not work on equipment unless ESD trained.
• Do ensure the equipment is grounded.
8-16 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-1: Safety precautions for handling MM-AP

• Do ensure that you are grounded by using a tested wrist strap.

• Do not allow electrostatic charge holders within ESD protected area.
• Do not allow the FRU to overhang the mat.
• Do not use a dirty mat or loose wrist strap. It will be ineffective.
• Do ensure your mat, lead and wrist straps are within test and show no signs of failure.
This is YOUR responsibility.
• Do not use Metalised bags more than 3 times.
• Do not use pink, blue, clear or black bags. Use only Metalised bags for ESD
• Do not move FRUs from an ESD protected area unless fully covered by a single
metalised bag that is folded shut and sealed with a warning label. ESD sensitive FRU's
must be kept in a suitable antistatic bag/container when not in equipment or not in an
ESD protected area.
• Do report anything that you feel is not good ESD practice.
• Avoid contact with components and contacts on printed circuit boards.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-17
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-2: Circuit card removal/installation

Procedure 8-2: Circuit card removal/installation

The following information is useful during many replacement and growth/degrowth

Circuit card removal

Use this procedure to remove a front circuit card or rear transition module from an 8x0S or
4x0S server. Not all cards are the same. Differences are noted within the steps.
You must take ESD precautions when performing these steps.
Refer to “Safety precautions for handling MM-AP equipment”
(p. 8-14).

1 Attach an antistatic wrist strap.


2 If replacing a circuit card with a new card, take care not to damage the new card and not
damage the packaging (it will be reused). Unpack the new card and inspect it for any
damage. Place it on an electrostatic discharge mat.
For replacing a hot-swappable alarm card (810S and 410S servers
only), in the following step, only unlock the ejection lever(s); do not
unseat the alarm card until the LEDs for the alarm card on the system
status panel are in the proper state.

3 Unlock the ejection lever(s) on the old card.

Alarm cards: The 8x0S server alarm card has two ejection levers. The 410S server alarm
card has only one ejection lever on the bottom.

4 Do one of the following:

• For replacing a hot-swappable alarm card (810S and 410S servers only), locate the
LEDs on the system status panel for the alarm card to determine if the card has been
deactivated. Once deactivated, continue with the next step.
• For all others, skip to Step 7.

5 Determine if you can remove the card safely at this time.

8-18 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-2: Circuit card removal/installation

You can remove the card only if all of these LEDs are in the following states:
• Amber Okay to Remove LED on the system status panel is on.
• Green Power LED on the system status panel is blinking.
• Blue Hot Swap LED on the board is on
Do not remove an alarm card unless all of the LEDs are in the
proper states. Removing a card when any of the LEDs are not in the
proper state may lead to unpredictable results. It may take several
seconds or minutes for the LEDs to transition to the proper states

Do not attempt to hot-swap any other cards until you see that the
alarm card has been fully deactivated. Hot-swapping more than one
card at the same time may lead to unpredictable results. In some
situations, it could several minutes for the card to completely

6 When it is safe to remove the alarm card, disconnect any cables connected to the card.
Skip to Step 8.

7 For rear transition modules, disconnect any cables that are connected to it.

8 Use a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver to loosen the captive screws inside the card’s ejection

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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-2: Circuit card removal/installation

• For all but the 4x0S server alarm card, there is one on top and one on the bottom (see

• For 4x0S server alarm cards, first loosen the screw inside the card’s ejection lever on
the bottom left side. Then, loosen the three remaining screws, two on top and one on
the bottom right side

9 Carefully unplug any cables connected to the front of the card, for example, the cables to
the PMC card of the Combo (or Carrier) with RS232 PMC card.

10 Press outward on the two ejection levers on the card to unseat the card from the card cage.

11 Slide the card out and place it on the electrostatic discharge mat. Place the card in the
antistatic packaging that the new card came in. If the antistatic packaging is damaged in
any way, it must be replaced. Refer to “Electrostatic discharge (ESD) precautions”
(p. 8-15).

12 If you are not going to replace the card right away, you must install a blank filler panel
over the opening to ensure proper airflow in the system. The slot filler panel is secured to
the card cage using two or three screws, as follows:
If server is a(n)... Then...
4x0S server alarm card The slot filler panel is secured to the card
cage using three screws: two at the top of
the filler panel and one at the bottom.
8-20 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-2: Circuit card removal/installation

If server is a(n)... Then...

All others The slot filler panel is secured to the card
cage using two screws: one at the top of
the filler panel and one at the bottom.


13 Place the spare circuit board in a Metalised bag. Note the following:
• Do not use Metalised bags more than 3 times.
• Do not use pink, blue, clear or black bags. Use only Metalised bags for ESD
• Do not move FRUs from an ESD protected area unless fully covered by a single
metalised bag that is folded shut and sealed with a warning label. ESD sensitive FRU's
must be kept in a suitable antistatic bag/container when not in equipment or not in an
ESD protected area.

14 If shipping the component back to the manufacturer, use local practices for shipping ESD
sensitive components.

Circuit card installation

Use this procedure to install a circuit card in an 8x0S or 4x0S server. Not all cards are the
same. Differences are noted within the steps.
When replacing a number of cards in different slots in the system,
insert the cards one at a time and wait until each card is fully
configured in the system. If you insert multiple cards in rapid
succession and at the same time, you may panic or hang the system.
You must take ESD precautions when performing these steps.
Refer to “Safety precautions for handling MM-AP equipment”
(p. 8-14).

1 Attach an antistatic wrist strap.


2 If not done already, take care not to damage the new card and not damage the packaging (it
will be reused). Unpack the new card and inspect it for any damage. Place it on an
electrostatic discharge mat.

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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-2: Circuit card removal/installation


3 Remove the slot filler panel, if necessary.

The slot filler panel is secured to the card cage using two or three screws, as follows:
If server is a(n)... Then...
4x0S server alarm card The slot filler panel is secured to the card
cage using three screws, two at the top of
the filler panel, one at the bottom.
All others The slot filler panel is secured to the card
cage using two screws, one at the top of
the filler panel, the other at the bottom.

Store the slot filler panel in a safe place; you may have to use it again if you have to
remove an alarm card for an extended period of time.

4 Remove the blue protective film from the front of the card, if necessary.
You must remove the blue protective film from the front of the card
before installing it into the server. Failure to do so may keep the metal
springfingers on the side of the alarm card from making contact with
the metal panels on the server.

5 Verify that the ejection levers are unlocked. You will not be able to install the card if they
are locked.

6 Keeping the replacement card vertical, slide the card firmly into the slot between the two
Be sure to insert the replacement card into the same slot from which
you removed the faulty card. Slot assignments in an MM-AP are fixed,
so inserting a replacement card into the wrong slot could disrupt

Note: The teeth in the handle of the card must align with the square cutouts in the
I/O slot. When the card is completely seated in the card cage, the two ejection levers
should flip inward, and the teeth in the ejection levers should fit smoothly in the
rectangular cutouts in the bottom and top plates. See the following figures.

8-22 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-2: Circuit card removal/installation

Figure 8-1 Front access card slot

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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-2: Circuit card removal/installation

Figure 8-2 Rear access card slot

There are several different models of locking ejection levers, so the method you would use
to lock the ejection levers will vary depending on the model of the ejection lever used on
the card. Refer to the documentation that came with the I/O card for instructions on
locking the ejection levers.

7 Lock the ejection levers by pressing inward until the red latch in the lever clicks and locks.

8 Using a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, tighten the captive screws inside the card’s ejection
• For all but the 4x0S server alarm card, there is one on top and one on the bottom.
• For 4x0S server alarm cards, first tighten the captive screw inside the card’s ejection
lever on the bottom left side. Then, tighten the three remaining captive screws: two on
the top and one on the bottom.
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-2: Circuit card removal/installation


9 For rear transition modules, instructions to reattach the cabling are provided within the
replacement procedure.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-25
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Overview

Scenarios for powering down and powering

up a server
In the course of MM-APC OA&M procedures, you may have to power down a server and
then power it up after you have completed the procedure. The steps involved may vary
depending on the procedure or maintenance activity you are performing.

This section provides several scenarios for powering down and powering up a server. Each
scenario takes into account specific conditions, including:
• the maintenance procedure that you are performing
• the current state of the server.

Related procedures
The procedures in this document that relate to these power control procedures include the
• “EINE troubleshooting” (p. 7-51)
• “Replace a DVD or DAT drive (800S server only)” (p. 8-207)
• “Add an MM-AP 4x0S server” (p. 9-13).

This section includes the following:

Procedure 8-3: Power down a server

Procedure 8-4: Power up a server

8-26 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-3: Power down a server

Procedure 8-3: Power down a server

Perform this procedure to power down a server when you are performing various fault
management tasks.

Reason to perform
The steps for powering down a server vary somewhat according to the task you are
performing. The following procedure includes all of the steps necessary to power down a
server when you are performing any of the following fault management or configuration
management tasks:
• Replacing a component where replacement requires powering down the server,
– CPU card
– CPU rear transition module
– alarm card
– alarm card rear transition module
– Combo or Carrier card
– Combo or Carrier rear transition module
– system controller board (R2 only)
– power supply unit when it is the only (4x0S server) or lone remaining (8x0S
server) power supply unit in the server
– boot disk drive
– power distribution unit
– DVD drive with a DAT drive
– MFFU fuse.
• Removing a server
• Growing a 4x0S server.

Required information
If the server being powered down has any direct EINE connections, then you will need the
ring group and member numbers for each EINE link node associated with that server.
• To determine if the server has a direct EINE connection, use the OMC-RAN Network
Manager TI Wizard to enter an OP STATUS poke command (or op:ap xx status
TICLI command) for each MM-AP in the server. The output will show EINLINK. If
the output shows EIN ROUTE POOL, the MM-AP is EIN-less.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-27
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-3: Power down a server

• To identify the ring group and member numbers for the server that you are powering
down, access the OMC-RAN Network Manager TI Wizard OP INFO poke command.
(For MM-APs managed by the EMS, access the EMS AP Status Page.) Use the AP
number of the host MM-AP in the server.

Perform the following actions to power down a functioning server.

Note: If this is a server with satellite MM-APs, or a server that is a DNFS host, the
appropriate steps for taking satellite MM-APs offline must be performed prior to this
procedure. these steps can be found in “Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS host)”
(p. G-42).

1 Which of the following fault management or configuration management tasks are you
If you are... Then...
replacing a component in a skip to Step 9
server that will not go online
performing any other fault continue with Step 2
management or configuration
management task listed in
“Reason to perform” (p. 8-27)

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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-3: Power down a server


2 Remove the server from service, if necessary.

If the status
indicates that the
host MM-AP is... Then...
ACTIVE On the mate server, enter the following command from
the TICLI to verify that the mate is running and to
verify that no applications listed are in the “OOS
Fault” state: op:ap X,status”. If any applications are in
the “OOS Fault” state, restore them using the
appropriate application documents before proceeding.
Remove the host MM-AP from service by using the
OMC-RAN “RMV AP” poke command, EMS AP
Status Page (Remove button), or by entering the
following command from the TICLI:
where a is the number of the host MM-AP to be
removed from service. All applications will switch
over to the mate server which remain ACTIVE.
Go to Step 5.
OOS-MANUAL Go to Step 5.
ISOLATED From the LMT, establish a remote console connection
to the server through its alarm card [see “Telnet to a
server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27)] and query
the status of the host MM-AP by entering the following
Continue with Step 3.

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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-3: Power down a server


3 Enter the OMC-RAN TI Wizard OP STATUS poke command (or TICLI OP:AP STATUS
command) to determine whether the ISOLATED server (that is, host MM-AP) is
If the status
indicates that the
host MM-AP is... Then...
ACTIVE remove the server from service by entering the
following command from the TICLI:
where a is the host MM-AP number.
go to Step 4.
OOS-MANUAL go to Step 5.


4 Verify that the RMV:AP completed successfully.

Cells that are supported by this MM-AP reinitialize when you
perform the unconditional remove cited below. Contact Alcatel-
Lucent CTS if you do not wish to lose service.

If the resulting
output of the RMV:AP
command is... Then...
RMV:AP a go to Step 5.
RMV:AP a ! FAILED remove the host MM-AP from service, this time
unconditionally, from the OMC-RAN TICLI, EMS,
or by entering the following command at the TICLI:
where a is the host MM-AP number.
continue with Step 5.

8-30 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-3: Power down a server


5 Log in as root or as System Administrator and enter the following command from the
UNIX prompt to stop all MM-AP software:
Is this powerdown
part of a disk
procedure? Then...
no enter the command:
yes type the following command from the MM-AP mate
to take the MM-AP offline:
RCCmachoffline -F -m apxxx
where x x x is the number of the MM-AP being

Result: All MM-AP processes are stopped but UNIX is still running.


6 If the server has a direct EINE connection (that is, it is not EIN-less), then from the ECP
Craft Shell (or the ECP Status Display Page 1106), remove from service the EINE link
associated with this server by executing the following command:
RMV:LNxx yy
xx is the ring group number that you identified in “Required
information” (p. 8-27)
yy is the ring member number that you identified in “Required
information” (p. 8-27)


7 Are you doing either of the following: moving a server to another slot, or removing a spare
server that was being used temporarily?
If... Then...
yes continue with Step 8
no go to Step 9

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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-3: Power down a server


8 Return to the LMT, log in as root or as System Administrator, and enter the following
command at the UNIX prompt for this server:
flxname spare

9 Halt the server by entering the following commands from the host MM-AP UNIX prompt:
cd /
shutdown -i0 -g0
Result: The following prompt is generated:
Shutdown started. Tue May 20 10:18:02...
Do you want to continue? (y or n):

10 At that prompt enter y.

Result: The operating system on the MM-AP is stopped and output similar to the
following is generated.
Changing to init state 0 - please wait
Broadcast Message from root (console) on ap01 Tue May 20
Log off now or risk your files being damaged

[ap01]-> Connection to ap01 closed.

you have mail in /var/mail/root
ompalp root>

11 Go to the front of the server and locate the system status panel and the system power
button. Refer to “Troubleshoot the system using the system status panel LEDs” (p. 7-10).

12 Press the system power button for more than four seconds and release it.
Result: The system power LED will blink for several seconds, then it will go off.


13 Verify that the green power ( ) LED on the power supplies are blinking, indicating that
the system is in the standby mode.

8-32 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-3: Power down a server


14 Which of the following fault management tasks are you performing?

If you are... Then...
removing a spare server or go to Step 15
moving a server to another
location in the frame
replacing a power supply unit, go to Step 15
alarm card, alarm rear
transition module, or R2
system controller board
replacing a DVD drive with a go to Step 15
DAT drive
replacing any other return to the replacement procedure in
component listed in “Reason Chapter 8, “Replacement procedures””
to perform” (p. 8-27) that you were performing to complete
replacement of the component
growing or removing a 4x0S go to Step 15
server or upgrading a host
CPU from a model CP1500 to
a model CP2140


15 Power off the server completely by pushing the purple power supply unit locking
mechanism(s) up into the unlocked ( ) position. Refer to Figure 8-3 and Figure 8-4.
These figures show the 810S and 410S servers. The 800S and 400S servers are similar.

Note: Make sure you unlock both power supplies if you are powering off an 8x0S

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-33
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-3: Power down a server

Figure 8-3 Power supply locking mechanisms (810S)




Figure 8-4 Power supply locking mechanism (410S)







16 Which of the following fault management or configuration management tasks are you

8-34 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-3: Power down a server

If you are... Then...
removing a spare server return to “Replace a midplane or
removing a server” (p. 8-245) and
complete Step 15 through Step 18 and
Step 29 through Step 30.
moving a server to another go to “Power up a server” (p. 8-36).
location in the frame
replacing a power supply unit, return to the replacement procedure in
alarm card, alarm rear Chapter 8, “Replacement procedures”” or
transition module, or R2 to the configuration procedure in Chapter
system controller board 9, “Growth, upgrade, and conversion
procedures”” that you were performing to
complete replacement of the component.
replacing a DVD drive with a return to “Upgrade a DVD/DAT drive
DAT drive with a DAT drive” (p. 8-224).
performing any of the return to the configuration procedure in
configuration management Chapter 9, “Growth, upgrade, and
tasks listed in “Reason to conversion procedures”” that you were
perform” (p. 8-27) performing to complete replacement of
the component.


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-35
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-4: Power up a server

Procedure 8-4: Power up a server

Perform this procedure to power up a server.

Reason to perform
The steps for powering up a server depend on the maintenance activity you are
performing. The following procedure includes all of the steps necessary to power up a
server when you are performing any of the following fault management or configuration
management tasks:
• Replacing a component where replacement requires powering down and later
powering up the server, including:
– CPU card
– CPU card rear transition module
– alarm card
– alarm card rear transition module
– Combo or Carrier card
– Combo or Carrier card rear transition module
– system controller board (R2 only)
– power supply unit when it is the only (400S server) or lone remaining (800S
server) power supply unit in the server
– boot disk drive
– power distribution unit
– DVD drive with a DAT drive
• returning a server to service after troubleshooting a problem
• moving a server to a different slot in the frame to troubleshoot a problem
• returning a server to service after a loss of power to the frame
• growing a 4x0S server into a frame
• Performing any of the following tasks when upgrading a host CPU from a model
CP1500 to a model CP2140
– replacing a host CPU card
– replacing a host CPU rear transition module

8-36 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-4: Power up a server

Required information
If the server has a direct EINE connection (that is, it is not EIN-less), then you will need
the ring group and member numbers for the EINE link node associated with the server that
you are powering up.
Reference: See “Required information” (p. 8-27) for instructions on how to
determine if the server has a direct EINE connection or is EIN-less, and how to
identify the ring group and member numbers.

To power up a server, perform the following steps.

1 Which of the following fault management or configuration management tasks are you
If you are... Then...
replacing a component skip to Step 3
returning a server to service skip to Step 3
after troubleshooting a
moving a server to a different continue with Step 2
slot in the frame to
troubleshoot a problem
returning a server to service skip to Step 32
after a loss of power to the
growing a 4x0S servers skip to Step 3


2 Insert the new server in to the selected slot in the frame (for example, slot 3).

3 Verify that the power supply locking mechanism(s) on the server you are about to power
on are in the locked ( ), or down, positions.
Refer to the figures in Step 15 of “Power down a server” (p. 8-27) that show the location
of the power supply locking mechanisms.

Note: Make sure you lock both power supplies if you are powering on an 800S

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-37
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-4: Power up a server

Result: When the power supply locking mechanism is locked, the green LED on the
power supply flashes, indicating that the power supply is powered on, but the server
has not been powered on yet.
Also, the PDU LEDs on the system status panel should be in this state:
• green LED ( ) is ON
• amber LED ( ) is OFF
This tells you that the power supply locking mechanism(s) are in the locked (down)
position and the power distribution unit(s) are receiving power and functioning

4 Establish a remote console connection to the server through its alarm card [see “Telnet to a
server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27)]. This will allow you to monitor boot
messages as the system comes up.

5 Check the system power LED on the system status panel to ensure that the server has not
already powered on.

Note: If the situation that resulted in your need to perform this procedure was an
unplanned power outage, not a fault management procedure in which you purposely
powered down the system, then when power is restored, the system will automatically
recover to the same state it was in when power was interrupted. You should not have to
power on the system. In fact, if you inadvertently press the system power button when
it is recovering itself, you will power the system off.
If the system power LED
is... then...
on skip to Step 15
off go to Step 6


6 Locate the system power button on the system status panel and press the system power
button to power on the server.
Result: When you first power on the server, some or all of the green power LEDs on
the system status panel flash on and off for several seconds:
• If the diag-switch variable is set to true and the diag-level variable is set to
max in the OpenBoot PROM, then all of the green power LEDs on the system
status panel flash on and off for several seconds.

8-38 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-4: Power up a server

• If the variables in the OpenBoot PROM are not set as described above, then the
green power LEDs on the system status panel flash on and off for several seconds
only for the components that are installed in the server.
By default, diag-switch is set to false, so the green Power LEDs on the system
status panel flash on and off only for the installed components.

7 Verify that the system power LED on the system status panel is on, indicating that the
system is completely powered on.

8 Do one of the following:

If you are... then...
replacing a Do the following:
CP2500 host a. From the alarm card of the replaced CPU, connect to
CPU card Console 1 or 3 by entering the command console x,
where x=3 for a 410S server and x=1 for an 810S
b. From the console ‘ok’ prompt, stop the MM-AP by
entering the command xir x, where x=3 for a 410S
server and x=1 for an 810S server.
c. From the console ‘ok’ prompt, enter the command
boot disk:a
Note: If you are in the process of installing a software
retrofit or software update, you may need to enter
boot disk:e (see the instructions in the software
document where the metastat d0 command is used
to know what command should be used).
d. Then continue with Step 9.

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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-4: Power up a server

If you are... then...

growing in Do the following:
410S server a. From the alarm card of the server, get to the ‘ok’
with a prompt by entering the command xir 3. (When the
CP2500 host response asks if you really want to do this, enter yes.)
CPU card b. Connect to Console 3 by entering the command
console 3.
c. From the console ‘ok’ prompt, enter the command
boot disk:a
Note: If you are in the process of installing a software
retrofit or software update, you may need to enter
boot disk:e (see the instructions in the software
document where the metastat d0 command is used
to know what command should be used).
d. Then continue with Step 9.
growing in a Do the following:
CP2500 a. From the alarm card of the server, get to the ‘ok’
satellite CPU prompt by entering the command xir x, where x=3
card for a 410S server and x=1 for an 810S server. (When
the response asks if you really want to do this, enter
b. Connect to Console 1 or 3 by entering the command
console x, where x=3 for a 410S server and x=1 for
an 810S server.
c. From the console ‘ok’ prompt, enter the command
boot net:dhcp,,,,,2,2
Then continue with Step 9.
other continue with Step 9.

As the CP2500 boots up, the console should see activity after about 1 minute. After this
initial boot-up, an OBP upgrade may be required, which can take 5 to 15 minutes to

9 Verify that the green power ( ) LED on the power supplies are on, indicating that they
are powered on and functioning properly.

8-40 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-4: Power up a server

Note: You will see messages similar to the following during system boot:
WARNING: forceload of misc/md_hotspares failed
WARNING: forceload of misc/md_trans failed
WARNING: forceload of misc/md_raid failed

These warnings are harmless, and may be ignored. They are an artifact of the way
Alcatel-Lucent configures disk encapsulation.
Result: After the system finishes booting, you will be prompted to log into the server.


10 At the login prompt, log in to the server as root or as System Administrator (see
“Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)).

11 Which of the following fault management or configuration management tasks are you
If you are... Then...
replacing a component skip to Step 13
returning a server to service skip to Step 13
after troubleshooting a
moving a server to a different continue with Step 12
slot in the frame to
troubleshoot a problem
growing a 4x0S servers skip to “Personalize and customize the
server” (p. 9-44)
upgrading a host CPU from a skip to Step 8 of the procedure “Replace
model CP1500 to a model the drawer host CPU card” (p. 9-132)
CP2140 (rear-access models)


12 Reinitialize the personality of the server to reflect its new location in the frame by running
the following command:
flxname xxy network
xxy is the logical number of the MM-AP in slot 3
network is the first two octets of the IP address of the dual-rail LAN to
which the server will be connected.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-41
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-4: Power up a server

Note: If you change the IP address of a host MM-AP, you may need to power on any
satellites that are present. The satellites do not automatically power on after an IP
address change and alarm card reset.
If the software configuration of the server that you are moving is different than that desired
for the new slot, you may need to reload the software. Refer to “Replace a hard disk drive”
(p. 8-49).

13 Start MM-AP software on the server by executing the following command:


14 If the server has a direct EINE connection (that is, it is not EIN-less), then from the ECP
Craft Shell (or the ECP Status Display Page 1106), restore the EINE link associated with
this MM-AP by executing the following command:
xx is the ring group number that you identified in “Required
information” (p. 8-37)
yy is the ring member number that you identified in “Required
information” (p. 8-37)


15 Restore the server to service by executing the following command:

where a is the MM-AP number of slot 3.

Note: If this is a server with satellite MM-APs, or a server that is a DNFS host, the
appropriate steps for bringing satellite MM-APs online must now be performed. If not
already done, refer to “Replace a Solaris 5.9 hard disk drive with a Solaris 5.8”
(p. 8-72).

8-42 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Overview

Replacing a server hard disk drive

This section provides the procedure for replacing a server’s hard disk drive.

Note: A boot disk drive is an internal hard disk drive that fits in a bay within a server.
(External hard disk drives attach by a cable to an I/O card in the server.) A boot disk
drive is a cold-swappable component if it is being used by the server as the primary
boot drive.
Starting in Release 33.0, the Automated Disk Replacement procedure is the preferred
method for replacing the hard disk drive. The manual procedures of previous releases have
been moved to Appendix J and can still be used if needed.

Reason to perform
Use this procedure when troubleshooting indicates a need to replace a 4x0S server boot
drive or 8x0S server boot drive.

This procedure could affect service. The server must be powered down before removing
the disk drive. If a mate server exists and fails during the replacement procedure, all
interaction on both servers will be lost.

In Release 30 and later releases, a new level of security has been added for connections
between MM-APs and connections from MM-APs to the OMP-FX. This may impact the
hard disk replacement procedure. Refer to the site’s security administrator for details.

Before you begin

This concerns the Watch Dog circuit pack BMR 6B on the RCC shelf. In some frames,
must be removed to prevent possible service interruptions. If you have a frame that meets
all of the following criteria:
• Does not contain an 800S server equipped with MM-APs,
• Does not contain a 400S server equipped with MM-APs,
• Does contain 410S servers equipped with MM-APs, and

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-43
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Overview

• The 410S servers equipped with MM-APs are not supporting the 1xEVDO
application, then
remove the BMR 6B before replacing the disk. If it is not removed, it could power
cycle the MM-AP in the middle of this disk replacement procedure. The BMR 6B
should be placed in a spare circuit pack storage area for possible use in the future.

Required materials
Note the following before continuing. It is very important to have the correct replacement
disk drive.
• The disk drive used with a 400S/800S server is a 36 GB drive. The disk drive used
with a 410S/810S server is a 73 GB drive.
• The drives cannot be used interchangably. The label on the latching mechanism of the
drive handle includes the capacity of the drive. The label also indicates whether or not
the drive is compatible with the CP2500 CPU. A CP2500-compatible drive must be
used in a server that is equipped with a CP2500 CPU (either host or satellite or both).
It should not be used with servers that are not equipped with CP2500 CPUs.
• A Solaris 5.8 disk drive can be replaced by a Solaris 5.8 disk drive.
• A Solaris 5.8 disk drive cannot be replaced by a Solaris 5.9 or Solaris 5.10 disk drive.
• A Solaris 5.9 disk drive can be replaced by a Solaris 5.8 disk drive. However, the
Solaris 5.8 disk drive must be upgraded to Solaris 5.9. For this application, refer to
“Replace a Solaris 5.9 hard disk drive with a Solaris 5.8” (p. 8-72).
• A Solaris 5.9 disk drive can be replaced by a Solaris 5.9 disk drive.
• A Solaris 5.10 disk drive can be replaced by a Solaris 5.10 disk drive.

Note: Spare disk drives shipped prior to Release 29.0 cannot be used to replace a
disk drive in the server that contains a CP2500 host or satellite CPU. They can only be
used to replace a disk drive for a CP2140 host CPU that either has no satellite CPUs or
that has only CP2160 satellite CPUs. If the system includes CP2500 CPUs, make sure
that the supply of spare disk drives includes CP2500-compatible disk drives.

Required conditions
Before beginning this procedure, ensure the following:
• The mate server is operating correctly.
• The NGN bundle, the COM bundle (which for R31.0 and later contains the FMSrcc
package), the RNC bundle (for 1xRNC APs and OAM Proxy APs), the DLC bundle
(for DNFS host APs only), the ngn_platform package, and the fms_rcc package
(required only for Release 30.0 or earlier) that you will install on the replacement drive

8-44 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Overview

must be loaded onto the OMP under the /omp-data/eesd directory using your
preferred distribution method; either DAT tape or the Alcatel-Lucent Electronic
Delivery system.

ALED instructions:
a. Using a web browser, go to: https://download.support.lucent.com
b. To log in to the ALED server, use your e-mail address as the user name and enter
your password.
c. From the left-hand sidebar, under Downloads, Electronic delivery, select
Download. Then make the following selections:

Download category Selection

Alcatel-Lucent product group Wireless Networks Group
Alcatel-Lucent wireless AMPS/PCS
networks products
AMPS/PCS files and Software Updates for the ECP ...
Software Updates Choose the release.
Choose the SU.
Choose the products you want to
Note: Downloads can take considerable
time (sometimes hours) to complete!

Note: Unlike other bundles, the DLC bundle is not provided on an SU/GR. It must
be downloaded separately via ALED. This bundle is quite large and takes time to
See “Required information” (p. 8-46) for instructions on how to identify the desired
bundles, ngn_platform package, and fms_rcc package (required only for Release
30.0 or earlier) versions.
• The backup saveset version that you will use to restore the configuration of the server
is available in one or both of the following locations:
– on one or more other APs in the cluster; the saveset versions for the last automatic
backup that occurs daily at 6:30 a.m.
– on other MM-APs; if apbackup is performed manually and the “-s” option is
In either case, the savesets are located under /var/spool/ap/apxxy/apbkup,
where xxy is the server logical number.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-45
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Overview

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT)
• a No. 1 Phillips screwdriver
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required information
Do the following:
a. Obtain the root password for servers in the cluster. Log into the OMP as root or
as System Administrator (see “Recommend su to access special logins”
(p. 4-6)). From the OMP, telnet to another host MM-AP in the same cluster.

Hint: The default password for root is newsys. For security reasons, however, this
password has probably been changed. For more information, see “Login security
guidelines” (p. 4-6) in Chapter 4, “Manage security”.”
b. Record the first two octets of the network address of the dual-rail LAN to which
the server that you are repairing will be connected. Use the flxname command.
An example output is provided in the following section.
c. Record the IP address on the dual-rail LAN for the server that you are repairing.
Table D-3, “MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: primary network” (p. D-7) or
Table D-4, “MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: secondary network” (p. D-9) also
provides this information.
d. Identify the version number of the software bundles.
e. Identify the backup saveset.

Collecting required information

To collect the required information listed above, log into the OMP as root (see
“Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)). From the OMP, telnet to another
server in the same cluster as the MM-AP for which you are replacing the hard drive. Then
perform the following and record the results for use in the procedure.
• Enter the following command to identify the network address of the dual-rail LAN to
which the repaired server will be connected. Note for 400S and 800S servers: the
flxname output may show hme and not eri for the names of the dual-rail LAN
Ethernet interfaces. It depends on the processor type. The 410S and 810S servers show
eri (CP2140 host CPU) or bge (CP2500 host CPU).
flxname -v

8-46 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Overview

Result: Output similar to the following is displayed. Find the hme0 oreri0 or bge0
line and record the first two octets of the inet field. In the example shown below, the
first two octets of the dual-rail LAN are 172.26.
ap36:root->flxname -v

Host Name: ap36

OS and Release: SunOS 5.9
Hardware: 400S
Current Network Confuration:
lo0: flags=1000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 8232
index 1
inet netmask ff000000
cgtp0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu
1500 index 2
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 0:0:0:0:0:0
eri0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500
index 3
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 0:3:ba:6b:cd:10
eri0:9: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu
1500 index 3
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
mtu 1500 index 4
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 0:3:ba:6b:cd:11
eri1:9: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu
1500 index 4
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
qfe0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500
index 5
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 0:3:ba:1d:24:14
qfe1: flags=1000803<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500
index 6
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 0:3:ba:1d:24:15

• Identify the version number of the MM bundles by looking into the
/var/spool/ap/pkg/contents/MM-AP/<load>.contents file on the OMP for the MM load
installed on the mate MM-AP.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-47
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Overview

Example: Entering the command: more AP28.0.0002.contents. The NGN

bundle version looks similar to 20070329aAP28.0.0002_NGN.bun.
Example: The COM bundle version looks similar to

• If you are repairing a DNFS Host, identify the version number of the DLC bundle.
Example: The DLC bundle version looks similar to

• If you are repairing a 1xRNC AP or OAM Proxy AP, identify the version number of
the RNC bundle.
Example: The RNC bundle version looks similar to

• Determine if the server’s drawer host has its own EINE or if it is EIN-less. Enter one of
the following TICLI commands:
op:ap xx, inv
op:ap xx, info
where xx is the logical number of the drawer host of the server under repair.
• To determine the backup saveset version, log into the remote server that contains the
backup saveset and find its name under /var/spool/ap/apxxy/apbkup, where xxy
is the logical number of the MM-AP under repair.

This section includes the following:

Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive

Procedure 8-6: Replace a Solaris 5.9 hard disk drive with a Solaris 5.8

8-48 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive

Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive

Perform the following procedure to replace a cold-swappable hard drive or boot disk drive
when the server’s host CPU is a plain host CPU (that is, no satellite CPUs in the drawer) or
a drawer host CPU (that is, one or two satellite CPUs in the drawer).

Before you begin

Do the following:
• Change the password of the target server’s alarm card. This will prevent anyone else
from accessing this server during the disk replacement.
• Make sure all software for the cell site generic, DLC bundle, and golden image are
available in the /omp-data/eesd directory. For missing items, download them using
ALED (refer to “ALED instructions:” (p. 8-45) for ALED instructions).
• For Release 31.0 SU3 and later releases: If this is a disk replacement for an OAM
proxy AP, determine if the “AMATPS via IPsec” feature is enabled. To do this,
determine the following information from the office data:
– AMATPS VCIP (Record this information for later use.) (Note: This IP address can
also be obtained by entering the command ‘grep amatps_nb /etc/hosts‘ on the
– The HOC IP address (Record this information for later use.)
Then open the IPsec policies file /etc/inet/ipsecinit.conf and look for a line similar to
the folowing:
{laddr <a.b.c.d>/32 raddr <w.x.y.z>/32} ipsec {auth_algs MD5 encr_algs 3des
sa shared}
where <a.b.c.d> = AMATPS VCIP on the OAM proxy APs and <w.x.y.z> = HOC IP
If this file contains this line, then the “AMATPS via IPsec” feature is enabled and must
be verified ACTIVE once the disk replacement procedure is completed.

This procedure can take several hours to perform depending on the following:
• The installation and activation of the MM-AP bundles on the replacement drive can
take 1-2 hours or more.
• Regrowing the satellite CPUs onto a DNFS Host disk drive can add up to 6 hours or
more depending on the number of satellite CPUs.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-49
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive

To replace a cold-swappable boot drive, perform the following steps.

1 Taking care not to damage the new disk drive(s) and not damaging the packaging (it will
be reused), unpack the new drive or drives and inspect them for any damage.
Great care needs to be exercised when handling hard disk drives,
even failed drives that you are replacing. Proper handling includes
observing antistatic precautions and ensuring that the drive is not
subjected to any impacts. When placing the drive on an antistatic
surface, or when removing the drive from or installing it in a
shipping container, move it as carefully as possible.

When packaging drives for return to Alcatel-Lucent, be sure to use

disk drive packaging materials, including an antistatic bag and
cushioned drive box. If the original drive packaging is not
available, be sure to place the drive in an antistatic bag and wrap it
in several layers of bubble wrap.

2 Which of the following scenarios applies to you?

You are replacing a

drive... then...
for a DNFS host continue with Step 3.
for a drawer host in a drawer continue with Step 3.
with satellites
for a drawer host in a drawer skip to Step 12.
with no satellites

Take the satellites off-line and power them down


3 Establish a remote connection from the LMT to another MM-AP in the same frame.
Reference: See “Access an MM-AP via telnet from the LMT” (p. 3-23).

4 Display a list of satellites associated with the drawer or DNFS Host that has the faulty
drive by executing the following TICLI command as root:

8-50 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive

a is the drawer or DNFS Host logical number.

Result: For a DNFS Host with satellites, the OP:AP a, INV command generates
output similar to the following:
SAT APS 91(D), 93, 97
2006-01-03 07:55:59 REPORT #000001 FINAL
01/03/06 07:55:59 #000115
Result: For a drawer host with a satellite in the same drawer, the OP:AP a, INV
command generates output similar to the following:
AP 83:SR:410HST_T1_CC:EIN 02-06:FR 9:DR 3:SL 3:SAT APS 93
2006-01-03 07:59:30 REPORT #000001 FINAL
01/03/06 07:59:30 #000117

5 Establish a remote connection to one of the satellites listed in the OP:AP a, INV
command output from the LMT.
Reference: See Chapter 3, “Access MM-AP components” for instructions on various
ways of logging into an MM-AP remotely.

6 Remove the satellite from service; do one of the following:

• From the OMC-RAN, perform an “AP rmv ap” task.
• On the Element Management System (EMS) AP Status Page, press the Remove
• Enter the following command at an appropriate command line interface; EMS CLI or
a is the satellite logical number.

Result: The satellite is displayed as OOS-MANUAL.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-51
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive


7 Type the following command from the satellite MM-AP’s mate MM-AP to take the satellite
RCCmachoffline -F -m apxxx
where x x x is the number of the satellite MM-AP.

8 Is the satellite that you removed from service and took offline in the same drawer or in a
different drawer as the drive that you are replacing?

If... then...
different drawer power down with Step 9 and Step 10.
same drawer Satellites in the same drawer will be
powered down later when the DNFS
server is powered down. Skip to Step 11.


9 Establish a remote connection to the alarm card in the drawer in which the satellite is
Refer to “Telnet to a server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27) and then return here.

10 Power down the satellite from the alarm card by executing the following command from
the alarm card prompt:
poweroff x
where x is 4 or 5 for a 410S server and 3 or 5 for an 810S server.

11 Repeat Step 5 through Step 10 (as appropriate) for each satellite served by that host. Once
all these satellites have been taken offline (and powered down where appropriate),
continue with the next step.

12 Power down the server [refer to “Power down a server” (p. 8-27) and then return here].

13 Attach the antistatic wrist strap.

8-52 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive


14 Are you replacing the hard drive in a 410S or 810S server in an R1SR or UNC frame?

If... then...
no skip to Step 15
yes disconnect the cable from the COM2 port
of the alarm rear transition module. Refer
to Figure 8-25 (810S server) and
Figure 8-26 (410S server). Then continue
with Step 15.


15 Loosen the captive screws that hold the drive bay cover in place. Refer to Figure 1-1
through Figure 1-4 for drive bay cover locations.
• For the 8x0S server, use a No. 1 Phillips screwdriver to loosen the four captive screws
(two on top and two on the bottom).
• For the 4x0S server, use a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver to loosen the one captive screw
on top.

16 Remove the drive bay cover.

Ensure that at least 30 seconds have passed since the system was
powered down before proceeding to Step 17. This will give the drive
time to spin down and avoid possible damage to the heads and disk.

17 Unlatch the disk drive handle to release it. If this a an 810S server, unlatch the top disk
drive (that is, drive 0).
Push down in the direction of the arrow to release the bracket handle latch.

18 Pull the bracket handle out and swing it open.


19 Continue to pivot the disk drive bracket handle against the chassis, applying mild pressure
until the drive disconnects.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-53
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive


20 Slide the drive out of the chassis and place it on the electrostatic discharge mat. Carefully
place the old drive in the antistatic packaging that the new drive was shipped in. If the
antistatic packaging is damaged in any way, it must be replaced. Refer to “Electrostatic
discharge (ESD) precautions” (p. 8-15).

21 Hold the bracket handle on the replacement disk drive open.


22 Slide the replacement disk drive into the drive slot.


23 Gently push the drive until the locking handle engages.


24 Close the locking handle completely, using gentle downward pressure.


25 Replace the drive bay cover.

Note: Do not connect the COM2 cable at this time. You will connect it in a later step.

26 Power up the server: perform Step 1 through Step 10 of the procedure “Power up a server”
(p. 8-36), and then return here.
If you are performing this procedure as part of a software retrofit, you may see something
like this:

!!! System Recovery Boot !!!

You are booted from the secondary root (/secroot). Your normal filesystems
can all be mounted under the "/a" filsystem using the "mountall" command.
Try running the "recover" command to repair your primary root filesystem.
When you are done repairing the primary root, use the "reboot" command.

mcn0: Link Up

8-54 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive


Type control-d to proceed with normal startup,

(or give root password for system maintenance):
single-user privilege assigned to /dev/console.

If so, enter the following commands:

eeprom boot-device
Result: The output should be: boot-device=disk0:a
eeprom diag-device
Result: The output should be: diag-device=disk0:a

If either variable is set to disk0:e, then enter the appropriate command(s):

eeprom boot-device=disk0:a
eeprom diag-device=disk0:a
Then enter the following command (enter exactly as shown):
reboot -- disk0:a
You should now be able to proceed with the next step.

27 If not already logged into the OMP, log in as root (see “Recommend su to access special
logins” (p. 4-6)). Enter the following command:
op:ap xx, info
where xx is the logical number of the drawer host of the server under repair.
Result: Example output:
AP 11:400S_2GB:HVLR
Does the output show a 400S server with a 2GB CPU hosting the HVLR application as
shown above?

If... then...
no skip to the next step.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-55
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive

If... then...
yes 1. Establish a remote console
connection from the OMP to the
server under repair through its alarm
2. From the server under repair, as root
or as System Administrator, enter the
following commands:
echo “R2”>/etc/path_to_inst
touch /reconfigure
3. Reboot the server. This will ensure
that the server has the correct
path_to_inst file.
4. Continue with the next step.


28 This step will ensure that the server has the correct /dev/ttyb device driver.
If not already logged into the OMP, log in as root (see “Recommend su to access special
logins” (p. 4-6)). Then enter the following command:
op:ap xx, info
where xx is the logical number of the drawer host of the server under repair.
Result: Example output:
AP 11:400S_2GB:HVLR



AP 27:400S:RCS(LAPD)

Answer the following:

If ... then ...

the server is not a 400S the server has the correct /dev/ttyb device driver. Skip to Step

8-56 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive

If ... then ...

the server is a 400S do the following:
• Establish a remote console connection from the OMP to
the server under repair through its alarm card.
• From the server under repair, enter the following
ls -l /dev/ttyb
Result: -rw-r--r-- 1 root other 6 Aug 6 13:52
file /dev/ttyb
Result: See the following page.

Answer the following:

If the Result of the “file /dev/ttyb”

command shows that the ttyb device
is... then ...
a link to term/b [for example: the server has the correct /dev/ttyb device
/dev/term/b: character driver. Skip to Step 29.
special (37/1)]

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-57
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive

If the Result of the “file /dev/ttyb”

command shows that the ttyb device
is... then ...
a file [for example, /dev/ttyb: ascii the server does not have the correct /dev/ttyb
text] device driver. Enter the following command:
touch /reconfigure
Then reboot the server.
When the server completes the reboot, log on
as root (see “Recommend su to access special
logins” (p. 4-6)) and enter the following three
ls -l /dev/ttyb
Result: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6
Aug 1 10:08 /dev/ttyb -> term/b
ls -l /dev/term/b
Result: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 52
Aug 1 10:06 /dev/term/b ->
file /dev/term/b
Result: /dev/term/b: character special (37/1)
Verify that the output line of the "ls -l .."
commands start with "lrwxrwxrwx".
Verify that the output line of the "file
/dev/term/b" command has "character special"
in the output.
This will ensure that the server has the correct
/dev/ttyb device driver.
Continue with Step 29.


29 In Release 31.0 and later, make sure MMAP-APCC LAN filtering level is set to '0' in the
mscsec form.

8-58 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive

You should not be logged into the server’s alarm card while using
the Disk Replacement Automation process. Any entries at the alarm
card login could interfere with the process and cause errors.

Automated Disk Replacement Process Begins Now

Note: The Automated Disk Replacement process can be manually aborted at any
time except while flxactivate is executing.

30 Log into the OMP as root.


31 Check the status of the OMP by entering the following command:

Result: The system displays the following:
The OMP is online.

32 If the OMP is not online, enter the following command:


33 For each included satellite, the following passwords must be changed to their default
values before continuing:
• Change the satellite AP root login password to “newsys”.
• Change the satellite AP alarm card root login password to “newsys1”.
• Change the associated host MM-APs root login passwords to “newsys”.
Refer to “Administer MM-AP login accounts” (p. 4-14) and “Administer alarm card login
accounts” (p. 4-21).
At the end of this procedure these passwords will be reset to the customer-defined values.

34 Start the OAM GUI by entering the following command. If you are not performing this
procedure from a graphical terminal, enter the command “oamli”. The non-graphical
version of the interface follows the same steps as the GUI.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-59
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive

Note: You may encounter errors similar to the following:

Error: DISPLAY ‘whnw1168:0.0’ does not appear to be an
X display terminal, or evompfx2 is not authorized to open
the display.
Error: Cannot automatically set the necessary environment for
The following variables are still unset:
Please manually set and export these variables and try
oamgui again.
If the above error appears, perform the following:
a. From the UNIX workstation window (xterm), enter the following command:
xhost +
b. Without closing the previous window, return to the OMP terminal session and
enter the following:
export DISPLAY=wsname:0.0
where wsname is an IP address or workstation name. Consult your OMP
administrator for the value or name.
c. At the OMP terminal session, repeat the oamgui command.
Result: The following OAM GUI application menu is displayed.


35 Select Disk Replacement.

8-60 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive


36 Select DMM-AP.
Result: The ADR process begins gathering data.


37 Once gathering data is complete, select Input.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-61
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive

Result: A screen similar to the following is displayed

Enter the required information:

• Target AP = host MM-AP of the server whose disk drive is being replaced.
• AC password = password of the alarm card on the target server. This password should
have been changed at the beginning of the disk replacement procedure to prevent
others from accessing the alarm card during disk replacement.
• Backup set server = the target server’s backup savesets are stored on this server
(usually the target server’s mate). Enter this server’s host MM-AP number. Or use
“apomp” if savesets are stored on the OMP.
• Backup Save Set = auto to use the latest backup saveset. To use a different backup
saveset, go to the backup saveset server and select to desired saveset name.
Select Continue.

8-62 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive

If the target server is a DNFS host, the following Input window for the satellite APs will
be displayed:

Each satellite AP for this DNFS host is listed. Each one can be selected to be included in
this procedure or deselected to be excluded.
Select the satellite MM-APs to be included and enter the required information for each.
Note that the Backup Server is the satellite AP’s mate. When all the required information
has been entered, select Continue.

38 Before performing this step, note the following:

Note: Do not change the root password while ADR renew is in progress and is
running GI. Do not log into the alarm card while ADR renew is in progress.
Once the “Input procedure complete” message appears, select Renew.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-63
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive

Result: The following screen is displayed, showing the many stages the Renew
procedure goes through. (Note: The full Renew process takes several hours.)

Note: If there are missing loads (also known as bundles), select Distribute.
Result: The missing loads are shown in a list similar to the following:

8-64 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive

Select the loads that are required by the server. Then select Load. This will take several
minutes. Wait for the “Distribute procedure complete” message. When the distribute
process is complete, select Renew again.
If an application fails to restore, the following is displayed:

Select Continue to resume the Renew process. The applications can be checked after the
ADR procedure is completed. If you choose to investigate the problem now, select Stop.
Once the problem is corrected, go back to Renew.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-65
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive


39 Once the Renew is successful, the following is displayed:


40 Does the server with the new disk drive host the OAM proxy application and is the MSC
monitored by an OMC-RAN system?

If ... then ...

yes go to Step 41.
no go to Step 44.


41 Follow the steps below to reconfigure the interface between the OAMproxy AP and the
a. Check if the ipsecconfig file was removed by entering the following command:
/usr/sbin/ipseckey dump
Result: It should not print out any key.

8-66 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive

b. Enter the following command:

/usr/sbin/ipsecconf -l
c. If it has a configuration print out, delete the /etc/inet/ipsecinit.conf file
or empty it.

42 From the OMC-RAN server, follow the steps below to verify that the oamproxy user
account can use SSH to log in to the OAM proxy AP:
d. Enter the following command:
ssh oamproxy@<OAMproxy_AP_IP>
where <OAMproxy_AP_IP> is the IP address of the OAM proxy AP.
Result: The oamproxy user should be able to log in.

If unable to log in, refer to OAM Proxy AP OA&M, 401-710-212, “To configure ssh
keys between OMC-RAN and OAM Proxy APs” to set up the ssh key for the
oamproxy user account.
Users can also refer to 401-380-835R30 or 401-380-835R31, “Configuring ssh keys
to connect from Alcatel-Lucent OMC-RAN local zone to OAM proxy APs without
password authentication” to set up the ssh connection from the OMC-RAN to the
OAM proxy AP without entering a password.

43 Do the following to set up the IPSec between the OMC-RAN and the OAM proxy AP.
Refer to procedures in the 401-380-835R30 or 401-380-835R31:
• Clean up the IPSec data of the OAM Proxy AP on the OMC-RAN. Refer to "Disabling
IPSec on Alcatel-Lucent OMC-RAN server for OAM Proxy AP".
• Set up the IPSec between the OMC-RAN and the OAM proxy AP. Refer to "Enabling
IPSec on Alcatel-Lucent OMC-RAN server for OAM Proxy AP".
• Continue with the next ADR step.

44 If you disconnected the cable to the COM2 port of the alarm rear transition module earlier
in the replacement of the disk drive, reconnect it now.

45 If you receive a message that the FMSregldn package is missing from the hard disk, go to
“Installing the golden image restoration package” (p. F-1) to complete the hard disk
replacement procedure.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-67
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive


46 Once this procedure is completed successfully, for each included satellite, the following
passwords must be changed back to their customer-defined values:
• The satellite AP root login password
• The satellite AP alarm card root login password
• The associated host MM-APs root login passwords.
Refer to “Administer MM-AP login accounts” (p. 4-14) and “Administer alarm card login
accounts” (p. 4-21).

47 For Release 31 SU3 or later: If this is an OAM proxy AP disk replacement, the status of
the “AMATPS via IPsec” feature should have been determined before the disk
replacement began (see “Before you begin” (p. 8-49)).
If the “AMATPS via IPsec” feature is enabled, verify that AMATPS is active between the
Host Collector(s) and the OAM proxy APs. To do this, enter the following commands
from the OAM proxy AP that hosts the ACTIVE AMATPS:
• First determine which physical interface the AMATPS VCIP has been plumbed on by
entering the following command:
ifconfig -a
Result: Look in the output for the AMATPS VCIP that was recorded before the disk
replacement procedure was begun. For example, if the AMATPS VCIP is, then the following output shows that this is plumbed to physical
interface qfe1.
cgtp0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 1
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 0:0:0:0:0:0
eri0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 0:3:ba:6b:d0:a0
eri0:9: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
eri1: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 0:3:ba:6b:d0:a1
eri1:9: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
qfe0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 4
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 0:3:ba:85:bc:5c
index 5
8-68 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive

inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast

ether 0:3:ba:85:bc:5d
1500 index 5
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
lo0: flags=1000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 8232 index 6
inet netmask ff000000
1500 index 8
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 0:3:ba:6b:d0:a0
• Next enter the following command to verify that the AH and ESP packets are being
sent to and from the AMATPS VCIP:
snoop -ta -r -V -d <physical interface> <AMATPS VCIP>
where in the example <physical interface> = qfe1 and <AMATPS VCIP> =
Result: You will see output similar to the following:
Using device /dev/hme (promiscuous mode)
10:58:53.64146 -> ETHER Type=0800 (IP), size =
146 bytes
10:58:53.64146 -> IP D=
LEN=132, ID=64350, TOS=0x0, TTL=253
10:58:53.64146 -> AH SPI=0xffff Replay=2
10:58:53.64146 -> ESP SPI=0xffff Replay=2
10:58:53.64156 -> ETHER Type=0800 (IP), size =
146 bytes
10:58:53.64156 -> IP D=
LEN=132, ID=43664, TOS=0x0, TTL=255
10:58:53.64156 -> AH SPI=0xffff Replay=2
10:58:53.64156 -> ESP SPI=0xffff Replay=2
If the AH and ESP packets are not being sent, the AMATPS via IPsec interface is inactive.
It must be reconfigured by technical support. Contact your ALU Customer Team for

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-69
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive

ADR Troubleshooting
a. The following shows that the Renew process failed to retrieve information from a

If you see this failure for the target AP, ignore it, select Close this window, and return to
the ADR procedure.
b. The following message indicates that the saveset file could not be found:

Close this window and do the following:

8-70 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-5: Replace a hard disk drive

– The saveset or backup server may have been entered incorrectly. Select Input and
reenter the saveset and backup server. Then continue. If you see this message
again, go to the backup server’s saveset directory (for example,
/var/spool/ap/apXX/apbackup/auto) and obtain a valid saveset. Then
continue with the Input process.
c. The following message indicates that there is a problem with the server’s Golden

If you see this message, technical support needs to regoldenized the disk drive.
Once that is done, return to the beginning of this procedure.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-71
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-6: Replace a Solaris 5.9 hard disk drive with
a Solaris 5.8

Procedure 8-6: Replace a Solaris 5.9 hard disk drive with a

Solaris 5.8
When using a Solaris 5.8 disk drive to replace a Solaris 5.9 disk drive, the steps differ
slightly from “Replace a hard disk drive” (p. 8-49). In addition to the other steps, you will
need to upgrade the operating system installed on the drive before it can be used.

Required conditions
Be sure that you have loaded the Solaris 5.9 OS upgrade software onto the OMP either
from an OS upgrade CD-ROM or from the Alcatel-Lucent Electronic Delivery server.
Reference: See “Load the OS upgrade cpio file onto the OMP” (p. E-2).

Required materials
A Solaris 5.8 replacement hard drive is required (the label on the drive includes the words
The following label is required. Order it from Alcatel-Lucent Wireless Technical Support
Center (WTSC):

Figure 8-5 Solaris 5.9 hard drive label

To use a Solaris 5.8 disk drive to replace a Solaris 5.9 disk drive, perform the following

Note: This procedure refers to the root login. In Release 32.0 and later releases,
login access has changed. See “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6).

8-72 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-6: Replace a Solaris 5.9 hard disk drive with
a Solaris 5.8


1 Using the Procedure 8-5, “Replace a hard disk drive” (p. 8-49), read the introductory
sections and collect the required information.

2 Using Procedure 8-5, “Replace a hard disk drive” (p. 8-49), perform Step 1 and steps up to
replacing the drive bay cover. Do not replace the cover. Then continue here with the next

3 Apply the Solaris 5.9 label to the disk drive handle to ensure that you receive the
appropriate replacement part in the event that you ever need to replace the hard drive.

4 Using Procedure 8-5, “Replace a hard disk drive” (p. 8-49), replace the drive bay cover
and perform the steps up through running the touch command. Then continue here with
Step 5.

5 Using Procedure 8-5, “Replace a hard disk drive” (p. 8-49), perform the bundle transfer
steps to transfer only the OS upgrade bundle and HDReplace bundle. The other bundles
will be transferred later. For the OS upgrade bundle:
• If you have the 200_0005_OSU_01.cpio file, you should see
• If you have the 200_0005_OSU_02.cpio file, you should see
• If you have the 200_0005_OSU_03.cpio file, you should see
Then continue here with Step 6.

6 Using the server remote console window, verify the bundles are executable:
cd /var/flx/bun
chmod +x 200*bun

7 Install the hard drive replacement bundle as follows:

cd /var/flx/bun

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-73
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-6: Replace a Solaris 5.9 hard disk drive with
a Solaris 5.8

Result: The bundle and all of the packages that it contains are automatically installed.
If executing the bundle returns an error message, call Alcatel-Lucent customer
technical support.

8 Activate the NGNsetup bundle:

flxactivate -v FMSadmin FMSsuflib NGNsetup
Result: This flxactivate processing takes about 30 minutes.


9 Execute the following command to initialize the personality of the server:

flxname xxy [network] -noacreset -noboot
followed by
. /.profile
(The above command is entered as: dot space slash dot profile)
xxy is the logical number of the MM-AP
network is the first two octets of the IP address of the dual-rail LAN to
which the server will be connected, either 172.16 (the default)
or another address in the range 172.16 - 172.31.

flxname 36 172.26 -noacreset -noboot
Result: The flxname command generates output similar to the following:
Checking environment...Backing up current configuration...Loading
from data file
NOTE: the system has been renamed to ap36
to change your prompt either logout and login
again or re-execute the profile:
. /.profile
add net 224.0/4
The server’s name is changed from apspare to apserver_id and, if applicable, the
server’s network address is changed from 172.16 (the default) to network.
For the example given here, after flxname processing completes, the server's node
name is ap36 and it is using the 172.26 IP network.
If you change the IP address of the MM-AP, you may need to manually power back
on any satellites that are present.

8-74 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-6: Replace a Solaris 5.9 hard disk drive with
a Solaris 5.8

Note: You can ignore the NOTE about changing your prompt. Your profile will be
re-executed by a reboot in an upcoming step.

10 Continue with the bundle activation:

flxactivate -v -r

11 Check the status of flxactivate processing by executing the following command:


12 What type of message did flxsustatus return?

If you receive a... Then...

successful-completion message, such as the following: if you just executed the hard drive bundle,
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 09:13:43 continue with the next step. If you just
2006 executed the OSU bundle, skip to Step 14.
flxactivate completed successfully at Tue
Jan 3 10:02:07 2006
still-in-progress message, such as the following: re-execute the flxsustatus command
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 09:13:43 every 3 or 4 minutes until you no longer
2006 receive the still-in-progress message
flxactivate still in progress Notes: Do not proceed with the rest of
this procedure until the command
completes successfully.
failed message, such as the following: contact customer technical support for
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 09:13:43 assistance.
flxactivate failed at Tue Jan 3 09:16:21


13 Repeat Step 7 through Step 12 to execute the OS upgrade bundle

(20030604SU200d05_OSU.bun or 20030918SU200b09_OSU.bun).

14 Change directories, as follows:

cd /

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-75
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-6: Replace a Solaris 5.9 hard disk drive with
a Solaris 5.8


15 As root, enter the following command at the UNIX prompt:

Result: The flxosprepare command verifies that all required conditions are met
and, if they are, displays messages and a request for confirmation to continue that is
similar to the following:
# #
# Flexent Mobility Manager-AP Operating System Upgrade
# Copyright (c) 2002 Lucent Technologies
# All Rights Reserved
# #

You are about to initiate the Preparation Phase of an OS Upgrade.

recommend that this be scheduled during off-peak hours. The work
will be
done in the background and can last one or more hours. Once
started, all
software and package updating commands will be disabled, until the
new OS
is committed.

**** You are strongly advised not to perform any unnecessary

**** activity, especially refrain from rebooting the MM-AP.

---- Please confirm: Start OS upgrade Preparation to 5.9 GI=9.0.7

for server ap01? (y/n):y

16 Enter y at the prompt.

8-76 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-6: Replace a Solaris 5.9 hard disk drive with
a Solaris 5.8

Result: The flxosprepare command typically takes about 1 hour to execute. It

displays the following message immediately after you enter y to confirm.
Preparation of OS upgrade from 5.8 GI = 3.2 to 5.9 GI = 9.0.7 has

After the OS Preparation Phase has completed successfully, at the
scheduled OS transition time, you should type flxosactivate (or
flxosupgrade) to activate the new OS.
Four minutes later, and every 4 minutes until the Preparation phase is completed,
flxosprepare displays the following warning message:
Message from root Tue Jan 3 09:35:33 ...

**** An OS Upgrade Preparation is in progress in the background.

**** You are strongly advised not to perform any unnecessary
**** activity, especially refrain from rebooting the MM-AP.

**** All software and package updating capabilities are disabled,

**** until the new OS is committed.

Note: Once the UNIX prompt returns, you can issue other commands, however, do
not continue with the next step until you see the following successful completion
message from the flxosprepare command:
---- OS Upgrade Preparation has been successfully completed

You can ignore the following flxosprepare message in the OS ugprade log file

**** flxosprepare message

WARNING: the script/command
exited with code 2
--- invoked on line 1241 in file
--- screen output:
WARNING: FMSdaemon: active package not found

MM-APs do not use the FMSdaemon package.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-77
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-6: Replace a Solaris 5.9 hard disk drive with
a Solaris 5.8


17 Verify that the Preparation phase completed successfully, as follows:

Result: The flxosstatus command displays the last successful step and any subsequent
error messages. It should include the following line:
---- Preparation Phase Completed

18 Run the following command to clean up the /dev and /devices name spaces:
devfsadm -C
Result: The devfsadm command returns the system prompt when it is done.


19 From your remote console connection to the MM-AP, execute the following command to
reboot the MM-AP:
Result: The flxosactivate command generates output similar to the following and
prompts you for confirmation:
# #
# Flexent Mobility Manager-AP Operating System Upgrade
# Copyright © 2002 Lucent Technologies
# All Rights Reserved
# #

ap01 OS Upgrade Status:

Preparation: success Jan 3 10:14:28 2006 * all postosinstall
---- Preparation Phase Completed
RCC is not running on ap01.
Would you like to reboot the MM-AP to the new OS? (y/n):y

20 Enter y at the prompt.

8-78 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-6: Replace a Solaris 5.9 hard disk drive with
a Solaris 5.8

Result: The server reboots three times over a 10-minute period. The first reboot occurs
after 60 seconds to bring the system up on the new OS. The third reboot generates the
following message and login prompt:
The system is ready.

ap31 console login:

Note: Do not log in at this time.

The flxosactivate command then applies patches to the new OS and updates MM-
AP platform software, resulting in two resets of the alarm card and two reboots, and
terminating after 40 minutes with the following output:
The system is ready.

ap31 console login: ---- The new Operating System 5.9 has been
successfully activated.

**** Broadcast Message from ap36 root Tue Jan 3 10:24:57 2006
---- The Operating System 5.9 has been successfully activated.
Follow the usual procedure to bring the server online.

21 After the second alarm card reset (about 15 minutes after invoking the flxosactivate
command or 10 minutes after seeing the first console login prompt), re-establish your
remote console connection to the MM-AP through its alarm card from the OMP [see
“Telnet to a server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27)] to continue monitoring the boot

22 After you see the broadcast message that the new OS has been successfully activated,
press the Enter (Return) key to get a console login prompt and log back in as root.

23 Verify that the Reboot phase completed successfully, as follows:

Result: The flxosstatus command displays the last successful step and any subsequent
error messages. It should include the following line:
---- Activation Phase Completed

Note: Do not proceed with the next step until you have seen the Activation Phase
Completed message from the flxosstatus command.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-79
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-6: Replace a Solaris 5.9 hard disk drive with
a Solaris 5.8


24 After you have verified that the Reboot phase completed successfully, confirm that you are
running on the new OS, as follows:
uname -r
Result: The uname -r command returns the following output.

25 Enter the following command to commit the new OS:

Result: The flxoscommit command generates output similar to the following and
prompts you to confirm that you want to commit:
# #
# Flexent Mobility Manager-AP Operating System Upgrade
# Copyright (c) 2002 Lucent Technologies
# All Rights Reserved
# #

ap35 OS Upgrade Status:

Activation : success Jan 3 10:32:05 2006 * all postosupgrade
---- Activation Phase Completed

---- Please confirm: Commit OS upgrade

for server ap35. (y/n): y

26 Enter y at the prompt.

Result: After committing the new OS, the flxoscommit command generates the
following output:
---- The Operating System 5.9 has been committed.

8-80 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-6: Replace a Solaris 5.9 hard disk drive with
a Solaris 5.8


27 To make room on the drive for the other bundles, delete the hard drive replacement and
OSU bundles. Enter these commands:
cd /var/flx/bun
rm 200*

28 Using Procedure 8-5, “Replace a hard disk drive” (p. 8-49), do the following:
a. Use the bundle transfer steps to transfer the other required bundles [that is, the
COM bundle, the DLC bundle (for DNFS hosts), and the RNC (for 1xRNC APs
and OAM Proxy APs).
b. Perform the steps to install the COM bundle and other bundles up through the step
to remove unnecessary packages and bundles with the a p p k g u n l o a d command.
Then continue here with the next step.

29 Continuing with the a p p k gu n l o a d command, enter the appropriate item numbers and
follow the prompts to remove the following:
• The 20030429HDReplace_NGN.bun
• The OS upgrade bundle 20030604SU200d05_OSU.bun or
• The bundle of Solaris 5.9 patches (20030602PTCH9.bun).
• Any other unwanted packages or bundles can also be removed at this time.

30 Using Procedure 8-5, “Replace a hard disk drive” (p. 8-49), perform the rest of the steps
through the end of the procedure to complete the disk drive replacement.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-81
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Overview

Replacing other server components

This section provides the procedures to replace server components in the MM-AP.

This section includes the following procedures:

Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card

Procedure 8-8: Replace a satellite CPU card

Procedure 8-9: Replace a host or satellite CPU rear transition module
Procedure 8-10: Replace a cold-swappable alarm card
Procedure 8-11: Replace a cold-swappable alarm rear transition module
Procedure 8-12: Replace a hot-swappable alarm card (810S and 410S servers only)
Procedure 8-13: Replace a hot-swappable alarm RTM (810S and 410S servers only)
Procedure 8-14: Replace an I/O card

Procedure 8-15: Replace an I/O rear transition module

Procedure 8-16: Replace a system status panel

Procedure 8-17: Replace a system controller board

Procedure 8-18: Replace a main air filter (400S and 800S servers)
Procedure 8-19: Replace air filters (410S and 810S servers)
Procedure 8-20: Replace an 8x0S hot-swappable power supply unit
Procedure 8-21: Replace a cold-swappable power supply unit
Procedure 8-22: Replace a power supply unit air filter (400S and 800S servers)
Procedure 8-23: Replace a fan tray
Procedure 8-24: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (800S server only)

Procedure 8-25: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (810S server only)

Procedure 8-26: Upgrade a DVD/DAT drive with a DAT drive

Procedure 8-27: Move a disk adapter module (4x0S server only)

Procedure 8-28: Move a SCSI termination board (800S server only)

8-82 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Overview

Procedure 8-29: Move a CPU termination board (4x0S server only)

Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server
Procedure 8-31: Replace a power distribution unit

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-83
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card

Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card

Perform this procedure to replace a faulty host CPU card.

Note: There are three different situations when replacing a host CPU card. In two of
the situations, the entire drawer must be powered down. In the other, only the host
CPU is powered down. Make sure you follow the appropriate steps.
The three host CPU situations are:
• The host CPU is a DNFS host in a frame with satellites. The drawer must be powered
down. (Follow steps marked Replacement type A: DNFS host with satellites.)
• The host CPU is a drawer host in a drawer without satellite CPUs. The drawer must be
powered down. (Follow steps marked Replacement type B: Drawer host without
• The host CPU is a drawer host in a drawer with satellite CPUs. Only the host CPU
should be powered down. (Follow steps marked Replacement type C: Drawer host
with satellites.)

Reason to perform
If troubleshooting indicates a problem in the area of a CPU card and its rear transition
module, try replacing the CPU card first. If that does not solve the problem, then replace
the CPU rear transition module. See “Replace a host or satellite CPU rear transition
module” (p. 8-116).

Since power must be removed, service will be affected if:
• Your application runs Active/Standby on paired servers and the mate host CPU fails
during the replacement procedure.
• Your application does not use a paired-server configuration.

This procedure typically takes 25 minutes to perform.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure that the mate server, if applicable, is operating

8-84 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required materials
This procedure requires a new CPU card that is the same model and is equipped in the
same way as the one being replaced. For example:
• A faulty CP2140 must be replaced by a new CP2140. A faulty CP2500 must be
replaced by a new CP2500. A CP2140 cannot be replaced by a CP2500, and vice
• A faulty CP2500 with an empty PMC slot must be replaced by a CP2500 with an
empty PMC slot.
• If replacing a CPU card equipped with a PMC, make sure the new CPU card has the
same version of PMC as the old one. For example:
– When replacing a CP2140 equipped with a T1/E1 PMC, make sure the PMC is an
Interphase 4539-511A (used with the MM-AP) and not an Interphase 5539F-511A
(used with the MMC-AP).
– When replacing a CP2500 equipped with a T1/E1 PMC, make sure the new CPU
PMC matches the one on the CPU card being replaced [that is, Interphase 4539-
511A or Interphase 4539-515A (used with the MM-AP), and not an Interphase
5539F-511A nor Interphase 5539-500A (used with the MMC-AP)].
This procedure makes several references to establishing connection to the MM-AP. Refer
to Chapter 3, “Access MM-AP components”.

To replace the CPU card, perform the following steps.

Note: This procedure refers to the root login. In Release 32.0 and later releases,
login access has changed. See “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6).

1 Which type of host CPU are you replacing?

If... then...
Replacement type A: DNFS skip to Step 3.
host with satellites

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-85
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card

If... then...
Replacement type B: drawer skip to Step 15.
host without satellites
Replacement type C: continue with Step 2.
Drawer host with satellites


2 For Replacement type C: drawer host with satellites, establish a remote connection to the
drawer host’s mate from the LMT, then do the following:
a. Remove the drawer host from service and take it offline. (Perform Step 1 through
Step 5 of “Power down a server” (p. 8-27) and then return here.)
b. Establish a remote connection to the alarm card in the drawer in which the target
drawer host is located.
c. Skip to Step 15.

3 For Replacement type A: DNFS host with satellites, establish a remote connection to the
DNFS Host from the LMT. Then continue with Step 4.

4 Display the list of satellites associated with the DNFS Host by executing the following
command as root:
a is the DNFS Host logical number

Result: The OP:AP a, INV command generates output similar to the following:
93, 97

5 Establish a remote connection to one of the satellites listed in the OP:AP a, INV
command output from the LMT.

6 Remove the satellite from service; do one of the following:

• From the OMC-RAN, perform an “AP rmv ap” task.
• On the EMS AP Status Page, press the Remove button.

8-86 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card

• Execute the following command at an appropriate command line interface; EMS CLI
a is the satellite logical number.

Result: The satellite is displayed as OOS-MANUAL.;


7 Log in to the satellite MM-AP as root or as System Administrator enter the following
command to take the satellite offline:
Result: The satellite reboots but is taken offline and stops all platform software.

Note: If you cannot remove the satellite from service using the apoffline
command from the satellite itself, execute the apoffline command from the mate
satellite, as follows:
apoffline -s apxxy -F

8 At the satellite UNIX shell prompt, execute the following commands to shut down the
cd \
shutdown -i0 -g0

9 Is the satellite that you removed from service in the same drawer or in a different drawer
than the DNFS Host that you are replacing?

If... then...
different drawer continue with Step 10
same drawer skip to Step 13
Satellites in the same drawer will be
powered down when you power down the


10 Establish a remote connection to the alarm card in the drawer in which the satellite is

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-87
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card


11 Power down the satellite from the alarm card by executing the following command from
the alarm card prompt:
poweroff x
where x is 4 or 5 for the 410S server, and 3 or 5 for the 810S server.

12 Remove from service, take offline, and, where appropriate, power down all other satellites
served by the DNFS Host that you are replacing:
• For satellites in the same drawer as the target DNFS Host, repeat Step 5 through Step
• For satellites in a different drawer than the target DNFS Host, repeat Step 5 through
Step 11.

13 Remove the DNFS Host from service; do one of the following:

• From the OMC-RAN, perform an “AP rmv ap” task.
• On the EMS AP Status Page, press the Remove button.
• Enter the following command at an appropriate command line interface; EMS CLI or
a the DNFS Host or drawer host logical number

Result: The DNFS Host or drawer host is displayed as OOS-MANUAL.


14 Log in to the DNFS Host as root or as System Administrator and enter the following
command to take the DNFS Host or drawer host offline:
Result: The MM-AP does not reboot but takes the MM-AP offline and stops all
platform software.

8-88 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card

Note: If you cannot remove the host from service using the apoffline command
from the host itself, execute the apoffline command from the mate host, as follows:
apoffline -s apxxy -F

To determine the logical number of the mate host: if the target host’s logical number
is odd, add one; if even, substract one.

15 Do one of the following:

If... then...
Replacement type A: DNFS Power down the server. Refer to “Power down a
host with satellites server” (p. 8-27). Then continue with Step 16.
Replacement type B: Power down the server. Refer to “Power down a
drawer host without server” (p. 8-27). Then continue with Step 16.
Replacement type B: Power down only the drawer host circuit pack. Do this
drawer host with satellites from the alarm card by executing the following
command from the alarm card prompts:
poweroff x
where x is 1 for an 810S server and 3 for a 410S
Result: The poweroff command generates the
following prompt:
Are you sure you want to turn system
power off (Yes/No)?
Enter y at the prompt. Then continue with Step 16.


16 Locate the host CPU card.

Note: The host CPU card is located in slot 1 on an 8x0S server and slot 3 in a 4x0S

17 Taking ESD precautions, follow the steps in “Circuit card removal” (p. 8-18).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-89
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card


18 Do one of the following:

(Refer to “CPU card information” (p. 8-98) for CPU card identification.)

If you are replacing the

following: then...
any type CPU in a 410S/810S continue with Step 19.
a model CP2140 CPU in a continue with Step 19.
400S server
other skip to Step 20.


19 Check the DIP switch settings on the replacement CPU and reset them if necessary to
match the settings described below.

CP2140 host CPU

The CP2140 CPU card has two banks of DIP switches labeled A and B in Figure 8-6.
Bank A is located toward the bottom edge of the card and toward the rear of the card. Bank
B is located near the rear edge of the card about midway between the top and bottom of
the card. The following table and photograph summarize and illustrate the correct DIP
switch settings, where ON means the switch is pointing in the same direction as the word
ON (bank A) or the arrow (bank B) inscribed on the bank of switches.

Bank of switches Switch number ON/OFF

A 1 ON
4 ON
B 1 ON
2 ON

8-90 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card

Figure 8-6 CP2140 DIP switches

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-91
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card

CP2500 host CPU

The CP2500 CPU card has one bank of DIP switches labeled sw3301. Both switch 1 & 2
should be set to the OPEN position (that is, set in the opposite direction of the arrow).

20 Taking ESD precautions, follow the steps in “Circuit card installation” (p. 8-21).

21 Do one of the following:

If... then...
Replacement type A: DNFS Then continue with the Step 22.
host with satellites
Replacement type B: Then continue with the Step 22.
Drawer host without
Replacement type C: Drawer After installation, the CPU card powers
host with satellites up automatically. At the login prompt,
log into the drawer host as root. Then
skip to Step 29.


22 Power up the server, bring the server online, restore the EIN (if applicable), and restore the
server to service.
Reference: Refer to “Power up a server” (p. 8-36).

23 Verify that the host CPU card LEDs on the system status panel are lit properly.
The green Power LED for the host CPU will blink for a moment while the CPU is going
through power-on self test (POST). Then, the green Power LED should go On solid. This
indicates the host CPU card is functioning properly.

24 If you are performing this procedure as part of a software retrofit, enter the following
command. Otherwise, skip to Step 25.
metastat d0

8-92 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card

Result: One possible output looks like this:

d0: Mirror
Submirror 1: d40
State: Okay
Pass: 1
Read option: roundrobin (default)
Write option: parallel (default)
Size: 4874304 blocks (2.3 GB)

d40: Submirror of d0
State: Okay
Size: 4874304 blocks (2.3 GB)
Stripe 0:
Device Start Block Dbase State Reloc Hot Spare
c0t0d0s4 0 No Okay Yes
Result: Another possible output looks like this:
d0: Mirror
Submirror 1: d100
State: Okay
Pass: 1
Read option: roundrobin (default)
Write option: parallel (default)
Size: 4874304 blocks (2.3 GB)

d100: Submirror of d0
State: Okay
Size: 4874304 blocks (2.3 GB)
Stripe 0:
Device Start Block Dbase State Reloc Hot Spare
c0t0d0s0 0 No Okay Yes
If the output includes Submirror 1: d40, enter the following command:
eeprom boot-device=disk:e
Then perform a reboot to make the above setting take affect.

25 If this is a CP2500 CPU, set the CPU’s date and time:

rdate apxx
apxx is the on-line mate AP. (If there is no mate AP, chose a different
on-line AP.)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-93
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card


26 Which type of host CPU are you replacing?

If... then...
Replacement type A: DNFS continue with Step 27
Host with satellites
Replacement type B: Drawer Skip to Step 36.
host without satellites


27 For one of the satellite MM-APs that is located in a different drawer than the DNFS Host
that you replaced, power on the satellite by executing the following command from the
alarm card in the same drawer as the satellite that you want to power on:
poweron x
where x is the satellite’s slot number (4 or 5 for the 410S server, and 3 or 5 for the 810S

28 Re-establish a remote connection to the satellite MM-AP.


29 Do one of the following:

For ... then...

satellite MM-AP skip to Step 31.
(Replacement type A: DNFS
host with satellites)
drawer host MM-AP continue with Step 30.
(Replacement type C: drawer
host with satellites)

8-94 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card


30 For Replacement type C: drawer host with satellites: are you replacing a CP2500 host
CPU card?
If... then...
yes Do the following:
a. Use telnet to connect to the alarm card of the replaced
CPU and log in as root.
b. Enter the command xir x, where x=3 for a 410S
server and x=1 for an 810S server.
c. Connect to Console 1 or 3 by entering the command
console x, where x=3 for a 410S server and x=1 for
an 810S server.
d. From the console ‘ok’ prompt, enter the command
boot disk:a
Note: If you are in the process of installing a software
retrofit or software update, you may need to enter
boot disk:e (see the instructions in the software
document where the metastat d0 command is used
to know what command should be used).
e. Then continue with Step 31.
on continue with Step 31.


31 Log in to the satellite MM-AP as root or as System Administrator and enter the following
command to bring the satellite MM-AP (Replacement type A: DNFS host with satellites)
or drawer host MM-AP (Replacement type C: drawer host with satellites) on line:

32 If the satellite MM-AP (Replacement type A: DNFS host with satellites) or drawer host
MM-AP (Replacement type C: drawer host with satellites) has a direct connection to an
EINE, then from the ECP Craft Shell (or the ECP Status Display Page 1106), restore the
EINE link associated with this MM-AP by executing the following command:
xx is the ring group number from the EMS GUI AP Status Page
for the MM-AP (the ring group and member numbers are
displayed in the lower half of the EINE link icon)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-95
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card

yy is the ring member number from the EMS GUI AP Status

Page for the MM-AP (the ring group and member numbers are
displayed in the lower half of the EINE link icon)


33 Restore the satellite MM-AP (Replacement type A: DNFS host with satellites) or drawer
host MM-AP (Replacement type C: drawer host with satellites) to service; do one of the
• From the OMC-RAN, perform an “AP rst ap” task.
• On the Element Management System (EMS) AP Status Page, press the Restore
• Enter the following command at an appropriate command line interface; EMS CLI or
a is the MM-AP logical number.

Result: The drawer host is displayed as ACTIVE.


34 Does the satellite MM-AP (Replacement type A: DNFS host with satellites) or drawer
host MM-AP (Replacement type C: drawer host with satellites) host the MM-RCS

If... then...
no Replacement type A: DNFS host with
satellites: continue with Step 35.
Replacement type C: drawer host with
satellites: Skip to Step 36.

8-96 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card

If... then...
yes Balance the application load for each pair
of satellites that you restored to service
by doing one of the following:
• From the OMC-RAN, perform an
“AP switchback fromap” task.
• From the TICLI, enter the following
where a and b are the logical numbers of
the satellite and its mate on which you
want to balance the application load.
Replacement type A: DNFS host with
satellites: continue with Step 35.
Replacement type C: drawer host with
satellites: Skip to Step 36.


35 Repeat Step 27 through Step 34 for all other satellites served by the DNFS Host that you
replaced. Then STOP. YOU ARE DONE.

36 For Release 31.0 and later releases when replacing a B-server CPU: When you replace a
CPU card, the “hostid” changes. When a B-server host CPU “hostid” changes, the
Customer Code license must be updated. You will see the following minor alarm:
CC license mismatch with hostid on one AP [LICCC]
2009-01-13 02:54:15 REPORT #000001 FINAL
To clear this alarm, the Customer Code license should be updated with the new B-server
hostid. Refer to the OMP OA&M document, 401-662-108 to first perform Procedure
“Generate a customer code license” and then Procedure “Install a CDMA license”.

Note: If the license is not updated now, and at some point in the future the other B-
server CPU is replaced, you would have a CC license mismatch for both B-server
CPUs. This will eventually cause the system to start removing cells/radios from
service. You have just 72 hours to correct this situation. The procedures from 401-662-
108 would need to be performed immediately!

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-97
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card

CPU card information

This section provides figures and other information for the various CPU cards.

8-98 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card

Figure 8-7 Model CP1500 CPU card

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-99
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card

Figure 8-8 Model CP2140 CPU card

8-100 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card

Figure 8-9 Model CP2140 card with 4-port T1/E1 PMC

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-101
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card

Figure 8-10 Model CP2500 CPU card (faceplate)

8-102 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-7: Replace a host CPU card

Figure 8-11 Model CP2500 CPU card (component view)

DIP switches

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-103
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-8: Replace a satellite CPU card

Procedure 8-8: Replace a satellite CPU card

Perform this procedure to replace a faulty satellite CPU card.

Reason to perform
Troubleshooting indicates a problem in the area of a satellite card and its rear transition
module. Try replacing the satellite card first. If that does not correct the problem, try
replacing the rear transition module.

The satellite must be powered down before you remove it. As a result, this procedure will
affect service in the following situations:
• Your application runs Active/Standby on paired satellites but the mate satellite fails
during the replacement procedure.
• Your application does not use a paired-satellite configuration.

This procedure typically takes about 25 minutes to perform.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure the following:
• The mate satellite, if applicable, is operating correctly.

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required materials
This procedure requires a new satellite CPU card that is the same model and has the same
PMC, if any, as the one being replaced.
• Do not replace a faulty CP2160 with a new CP2500, and vice versa, even if similarly
equipped. Refer to “Satellite card information” (p. 8-110).
• If replacing a CPU card equipped with a PMC, make sure the new CPU card has the
same version of PMC as the old one. For example:

8-104 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-8: Replace a satellite CPU card

– When replacing a CP2160 equipped with a T1/E1 PMC, make sure the PMC is an
Interphase 4539-511A (used with the MM-AP) and not an Interphase 5539F-511A
(used with the MMC-AP).
– When replacing a CP2500 equipped with a T1/E1 PMC, make sure the new CPU
PMC matches the one on the CPU card being replaced [that is, Interphase 4539-
511A or Interphase 4539-515A (used with the MM-AP), and not an Interphase
5539F-511A nor Interphase 5539-500A (used with the MMC-AP)].

Required information
When replacing a satellite processor, you will need to know the logical number or ID of
the DNFS Host that supports the target satellite. To identify the DNFS Host for the target
satellite, execute the following steps:
a. Establish a remote connection from the LMT to any other processor in the same
drawer as the satellite that you want to replace.
b. Execute the following command at an appropriate command line interface; OMC-
a is the satellite logical number.

Result: The OP:AP, INV command generates output similar to the following:
EIN 34-05:FR 9:DR 5:SL 4:DR HOST 85:DNFS HOST 85
In the example output, the DNFS Host logical number is 85.

To replace the satellite card, perform the following steps.

Note: This procedure refers to the root login. In Release 32.0 and later releases,
login access has changed. See “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6).

1 If you are not already logged into the satellite to be replaced, establish a remote console
connection to the satellite through the alarm card in the drawer from the LMT.
Reference: See “Telnet to a server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27).

2 Remove the satellite from service; do one of the following:

• From the OMC-RAN, perform an “AP rmv ap” task.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-105
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-8: Replace a satellite CPU card

• On the EMS AP Status Page, press the Remove button.

• Enter the following command at an appropriate command line interface; EMS CLI or
a is the satellite logical number.

Result: The satellite is displayed as OOS-MANUAL.


3 Log in to the satellite MM-AP as root or as System Administrator and enter the following
command to take the satellite offline:
Result: The satellite reboots and is taken offline and stops all platform software.

Note: If you cannot remove the satellite from service using the apoffline
command from the satellite itself, execute the apoffline command from the mate
satellite, as follows:
apoffline -s apxxy -F

To determine the logical number of the mate satellite: add one to the logical number
of the target satellite if the target satellite’s logical number is odd; subtract one from
the logical number of the target satellite if the target satellite’s logical number is even.

4 As root or as System Administrator, establish a remote console connection to the DNFS

Host that supports the satellite that you want to replace [the host that you identified in
“Required information” (p. 8-105)].
Reference: See “Scenarios for powering down and powering up a server” (p. 8-26).

5 Set the target satellite to INET mode by executing the following command from the DNFS
apmodeDNFS -s apxxy -m INET
xxy is the satellite logical number.

8-106 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-8: Replace a satellite CPU card

Result: Setting the target satellite to INET mode prevents any recovery action from
being taken on the satellite while it is under maintenance and also causes the
replacement satellite to go offline after it boots up.

6 As root or as System Administrator, halt the satellite by entering the following command
from the satellite UNIX prompt:
shutdown -y -g0 -i0

7 Locate the satellite processor card that you want to remove from the server. (Slots 4 and 5
in a 410S server; slots 3 and 5 for an 810S server.)

8 While observing the following information, follow the steps in “Circuit card removal”
(p. 8-18).

Note: After pressing the red buttons to unlock the ejection levers, wait for the blue
light to turn on. Do not unseat the card until the target card LEDs on the system status
panel are in the proper state.
If you now decide that you do not want to remove the card, you must completely unseat
the card and reset the ejection levers to start the software driver attachment process.
Simply unlocking and then locking the ejection levers does not start the driver attachment

9 While observing the following information, follow the steps in “Circuit card installation”
(p. 8-21).
• For a CP2500 satellite CPU, verify that the DIP labeled sw3301 has both switch 1 & 2
set to the OPEN position (that is, set in the opposite direction of the arrow).
• The blue LED turns on once the card makes complete contact with the backplane. The
LED goes off shortly after the ejector handles are closed if the hardware initialization
of the board is successful. Otherwise, it will remain on, indicating that the card has to
be replaced.

10 Establish a remote connection to the alarm card in the drawer in which the satellite is
Reference: See “Telnet to a server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27) for
instructions on logging into an alarm card remotely.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-107
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-8: Replace a satellite CPU card


11 Power cycle the satellite from the alarm card. Do this even if the satellite has started to
reboot. Power cycling the satellite will clear any DHCP client ID parameters (that is, the
satellite name) on the card to allow the new parameters associated with the new slot to be
written. A reboot will not do this.
First, power the satellite off from the alarm card prompt as follows:
poweroff x
where x = satellite slot number.
Result: The poweroff command generates the following prompt:
Are you sure you want to turn system power off (Yes/No)?

12 Enter y at the prompt.


13 Next, power the satellite on from the alarm card prompt as follows:
poweron x
where x = satellite slot number.

14 Once the blue LED of the board is off, install two screws at the top and bottom of the front
connector plate to secure the board.
Do not unconfigure any other cards until the first card has been
unconfigured. Unconfiguring more than one card at the same time can
lead to unpredictable results.

15 At the login prompt, log into the satellite as root or as System Administrator.

16 At the satellite UNIX shell prompt, execute the following command to bring the satellite

17 Restore the replacement satellite to service; do one of the following:

• From the OMC-RAN, perform an “AP rst ap” task.
• On the EMS AP Status Page, press the Restore button.

8-108 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-8: Replace a satellite CPU card

• Enter the following command at an appropriate command line interface; EMS CLI or
a is the satellite logical number.

Result: The satellite is displayed as ACTIVE.

If the satellite does not come up as planned, refer to “Troubleshoot a CPU card” (p. 7-28).

18 If this is a CP2500 satellite CPU, set the CPU’s date and time:
rdate apxx
apxx is the on-line mate AP. (If there is no mate AP, chose a different
on-line AP.)


19 Does the replacement satellite host the MM-RCS application?

If... then...
yes continue with Step 20


20 Balance the application load for the replacement satellite and its mate by executing the
following command:
a, b are the logical numbers of the replacement satellite and its
mate on which you want to balance the application load


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-109
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-8: Replace a satellite CPU card

Satellite card information

Satellite processor cards are equipped with either 1GB or 2GB of memory. A 1GB satellite
processor comes with both an Ethernet and T1/E1 PMC. A 2GB satellite processor comes
with either an Ethernet or T1/E1 PMC. When replacing a satellite processor card, it is
required to use a replacement card that is the same type as the existing card. This section
provides two methods for determining the existing satellite processor’s type.

Determine satellite type via software command

From a remote location, the memory size of a satellite processor can be determined by
logging into the satellite processor as root or as System Administrator and entering the
following command:
prtconf | grep bytes
Result: Memory size: 1024 (or 2048) Megabytes

The type of PMC resident on a 2GB satellite processor can be determined by entering the
following commands:
prtconf -D | grep iph
Result: T1/E1 interface present:
System Peripherals (Software Nodes):
pci107e,90a0, instance #0 (driver name: iphccm)
Result: T1/E1 interface not present:
System Peripherals (Software Nodes):

prtconf -D | grep ethernet

Result: Ethernet interface present:
ethernet, instance #0 (driver name: pro)
ethernet, instance #1 (driver name: pro)
ethernet, instance #2 (driver name: pro)
ethernet, instance #3 (driver name: pro)
Result: Ethernet interface not present:

Determine satellite type via visual inspection

The following figures illustrate the visual differences of the cards. To distinguish the 1GB
satellite processor from a 2GB satellite processor, you need only look for a blank filler
panel. The 1GB satellite processor card does not have a blank filler panel. It contains a
PMC for both a T1/E1 interface and Ethernet interface. Both 2GB satellite processor cards
have a blank filler panel and only one PMC.

8-110 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-8: Replace a satellite CPU card

To distinguish the 2GB satellite processor with a T1/E1 interface from a 2GB satellite
processor with an Ethernet interface, look at the PMCs. The T1/E1 PMC has several LEDs
and a modular jack. The Ethernet PMC has a series of twelve LEDs.
The CP2500 satellite CPU is the same as the CP2500 host CPU. Refer to Figure 8-10 and
Figure 8-11.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-111
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-8: Replace a satellite CPU card

Figure 8-12 1GB CP2160 satellite CPU

8-112 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-8: Replace a satellite CPU card

Figure 8-13 1GB CP2160 satellite CPU with Ethernet and T1/E1 PMC cards

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-113
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-8: Replace a satellite CPU card

Figure 8-14 2GB CP2160 satellite CPU with T1/E1 PMC

8-114 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-8: Replace a satellite CPU card

Figure 8-15 2GB CP2160 satellite CPU with Ethernet PMC

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-115
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-9: Replace a host or satellite CPU rear
transition module

Procedure 8-9: Replace a host or satellite CPU rear transition

Perform this procedure to replace a host or satellite CPU rear transition module (RTM).

Reason to perform
If troubleshooting indicates a problem in the area of a CPU card and its RTM, replace the
CPU card first by performing “Replace a host CPU card” (p. 8-84). If that does not solve
the problem, replace the CPU RTM.

This procedure typically takes 30 minutes to perform.

Required tools
To perform this procedure requires the following tools.
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required materials
This procedure requires a replacement CPU RTM that matches the CPU card. You cannot,
for example, replace a faulty CP2500 RTM_H with a CP2500 RTM_S.

As you perform this procedure, consider the following risks and hazards:
The CPU rear transition module is a FRU and should be removed
and replaced only by Alcatel-Lucent personnel or service provider
personnel who have assistance or training from Alcatel-Lucent.
Execution of this procedure by service provider personnel without
assistance or training from Alcatel-Lucent may damage equipment
or affect service.

To replace the CPU RTM, perform the following steps:

1 Power off the server.

8-116 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-9: Replace a host or satellite CPU rear
transition module

Reference: See “Power down a server” (p. 8-27).


2 Go to the rear of the system and locate the CPU RTM (see Figure 1-5 and Figure 1-6).

3 Follow the steps in “Circuit card removal” (p. 8-18).


4 Get the replacement CPU RTM from the ship kit. If it is a CP2500 RTM_H or RTM_S,
verify that the DIP switches are set as follows:
• For an RTM_H, there is one bank of DIP switches labeled sw1301. All 8 switches
should all be set to the ON position.
• For an RTM_S, there are two banks of DIP switches, one on each side. On the
component side the switches are labeled sw1301. On the other side, they are labeled
sw1302. All switches on both banks should be set to ON.

5 Follow the steps in “Circuit card installation” (p. 8-21).


6 Make the necessary cable connections to the CPU RTM.

• Refer to “CPU rear transition module information” (p. 8-119) for CPU RTM
connector location and labeling.
The cables for these connectors are labeled to indicate which cable to connect to which
connector. For each connector on the CPU RTM, Table 8-1, “Cable labels for CPU RTM
connectors” (p. 8-118) lists the label used on the cable that should be plugged into that

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-117
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-9: Replace a host or satellite CPU rear
transition module

Table 8-1 Cable labels for CPU RTM connectors

CPU RTM connector Associated cable label

TTY A a-b-R
SRVx-CPU-TTYA (host CPU in R1 and
R1SR frames)
SRVx-SLy-TTYA (host CPU in UNC
frames or satellite CPU in all frames)
a, b = coordinates that identify the
location of the server within the frame
R = rear of the frame
x = the server number, 1-8 for 4x0S
servers or 5-6 for 8x0S servers
y = the slot number in the drawer; 3, 4, or
5 for 4x0S servers and 1, 3, or 5 for 8x0S
TTY B a-b-R
SRVx-CPU-TTYB (in R1 and R1SR
SRVx-SLy-TTYB (in UNC frames)
Ethernet A a-b-R
or SRVx-CPU-ENETA (host CPU in R1 and
R1SR frames)
SRVx-SLy-ENETA (satellite CPU in R1
and R1SR frames)
SRVx-SLy-ENET0 (host or satellite CPU
in UNC frames)
Ethernet B a-b-R
or SRVx-CPU-ENETB (host CPU in R1 and
R1SR frames)
SRVx-SLy-ENETB (satellite CPU in R1
and R1SR frames)
SRVx-SLy-ENET1 (host or satellite CPU
in UNC frames)

8-118 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-9: Replace a host or satellite CPU rear
transition module

CPU RTM connector Associated cable label

T1/E1 port 1 group_id comcode
y = the slot number in the drawer, 3 for
4x0S servers or 1 for 8x0S servers
T1/E1 port 2 group_id comcode


7 Power on the server.

Reference: “Power up a server” (p. 8-36).

8 Verify that the CPU LEDs on the system status panel are lit properly.
The CPU LEDs will give you diagnostic information on both the CPU and the CPU RTM.
The green Power LED ( ) for the CPU and CPU RTMs will blink for a moment while the
CPU is going through POST, then the green Power LED ( ) should go On, which means
the CPU and CPU RTMs are functioning properly.

9 If this is a CP2500 RTM, login to the MM-AP as root or as System Administrator and
reset the CPU’s date and time:
rdate apxx
apxx is the on-line mate AP. (If there is no mate AP, chose a different
on-line AP.)


CPU rear transition module information

This section provides figures for the CPU RTMs.

Note: Beginning in 3Q2003, new frames and servers ship with a new and different
release of the CPU RTM than the one depicted in Figure 8-16 and Figure 8-17. See

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-119
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-9: Replace a host or satellite CPU rear
transition module

Figure 8-18 for an illustration of the new CPU RTM and Figure 8-19 for an illustration
of the adapter required for use of the new RTM with the model CP1500 CPU.

Figure 8-16 Connectors on the CPU rear transition module (800S servers installed
before 3Q2003)

Full-size DB9

8-120 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-9: Replace a host or satellite CPU rear
transition module

Figure 8-17 Connectors on the CPU rear transition module (400S servers installed
before 3Q2003)

Full-size DB9

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-121
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-9: Replace a host or satellite CPU rear
transition module

Figure 8-18 Model XCP2040-TRN RTM for CPU cards

8-122 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-9: Replace a host or satellite CPU rear
transition module

Figure 8-19 Model XCP2040-TRN RTM DB9-to-micro-DB9 adapter attached to host

CPU TTY cable

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-123
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-9: Replace a host or satellite CPU rear
transition module

Figure 8-20 Connectors on the CPU RTM for model CP2140 host CPU card with 4-
port T1/E1 PIM

8-124 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-9: Replace a host or satellite CPU rear
transition module

Figure 8-21 XCP2040-TRN RTM for 410S server with 4-port Ethernet PMC

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-125
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-9: Replace a host or satellite CPU rear
transition module

Figure 8-22 CPU RTM for model CP2160 CPU card

Serial port TTYA C
Serial port TTYB 2

10/100 Ethernet S
RJ45 connectors T


Cutout for PIM B

connector I

Cutout for PIM A

connector P

8-126 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-9: Replace a host or satellite CPU rear
transition module

Figure 8-23 CPU RTM for model CP2160 CPU card with Ethernet and T1/E1 PMC

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-127
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-9: Replace a host or satellite CPU rear
transition module

Figure 8-24 CPU RTM for model CP2500 CPU card





The CP2500 host CPU RTM is labeled RTM_H. The CP2500 host CPU RTM is labeled

8-128 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-10: Replace a cold-swappable alarm card

Procedure 8-10: Replace a cold-swappable alarm card

Perform this procedure to replace a faulty 4x0S or 8x0S alarm card. This procedure
involves powering down the server. It must be followed for 400S and 800S servers. For
410S and 810S servers, this procedure or “Replace a hot-swappable alarm card (810S and
410S servers only)” (p. 8-143) can be used.

Reason to perform
When troubleshooting alarm card problems indicates a need to replace the alarm card or
the alarm rear transition module, replace the alarm card first using this procedure. If that
does not solve the problem, then replace the alarm rear transition module [see “Replace a
cold-swappable alarm rear transition module” (p. 8-140)].

This procedure could affect service. The server must be powered down before removing
the alarm card. If the mate server fails during the replacement procedure, all interaction on
both servers will be lost.

This procedure typically takes 25 minutes to perform.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure the following:
• Your troubleshooting of the alarm card indicates a need to replace the card.
• The mate server is operating correctly.

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• an Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT)
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

To replace an alarm card, perform the following steps:

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-129
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-10: Replace a cold-swappable alarm card

The maximum voltage that can be applied to an alarm card is 60

VDC, as specified in UL1950 and IEC 60950. The maximum current
is 500mA.

1 Power off the server.

Reference: See “Power down a server” (p. 8-27).

2 Attach the antistatic wrist strap.


3 Are you replacing the alarm card in a 410S or 810S server in an R1SR frame?

If... then...
yes Disconnect the cable from the COM2
port of the alarm rear transition module.
See Figure 8-25 (810S server) or
Figure 8-26 (410S server).
no skip to Step 4.

8-130 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-10: Replace a cold-swappable alarm card

Figure 8-25 Alarm card RTM cabling (8x0S server)

Ethernet 1




Ethernet 2

Figure 8-26 Alarm card RTM cabling (410S server)

Ethernet 1

Ethernet 2


4 Locate the alarm card for the server. Refer to Figure 1-1, “MM-AP 400S server” (p. 1-5),
Figure 1-2, “MM-AP 800S server” (p. 1-6), Figure 1-3, “MM-AP 410S server” (p. 1-7),
and Figure 1-4, “MM-AP 810S server” (p. 1-8).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-131
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-10: Replace a cold-swappable alarm card

The following steps show close-up views of these cards.


5 Unplug any cables connected to the front of the alarm card. The 4x0S server in an R1
frame has the only alarm card that is cabled to the front. Refer to Figure 8-27 and
Figure 8-28.

Figure 8-27 400S alarm card in an R1 frame



Alarm (DB-15)
(rear-access frames only)


8-132 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-10: Replace a cold-swappable alarm card

Figure 8-28 410S alarm card in an R1 frame

Ethernet 1

Ethernet 2 RE











A 410S alarm card in an R1SR frame will have no connections in front. They are in back
at the alarm card RTM.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-133
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-10: Replace a cold-swappable alarm card

Figure 8-29 Alarm card for 800S server

Alarm (DB-15)




8-134 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-10: Replace a cold-swappable alarm card

Figure 8-30 Alarm card for 810S server


Ethernet 1

Ethernet 2





6 Follow the steps in “Circuit card removal” (p. 8-18).


7 Get the replacement alarm card from the ship kit.


8 Follow the steps in “Circuit card installation” (p. 8-21).

Note that when you plug in the alarm card, the rsc login prompt appears on your
console (if you have a console attached to your server), even though power is off to your

9 Connect to the replacement alarm card any cables that you unplugged from the failed 4x0S
alarm card.
The cables for these connectors are labeled to indicate which cable to connect to which
connector. Refer to Table 8-2 and Table 8-3.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-135
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-10: Replace a cold-swappable alarm card

Table 8-2 Cable labels for 400S server alarm card connectors

400S server alarm card

connector Associated cable label
COM 2 a-b-F
a, b = coordinates that identify the
location of the server within the frame
F = front of the frame
x = the server number, 1-8
COM 1 a-b-F
Alarm (DB-15) a-b-F
Ethernet a-b-F

Table 8-3 Cable labels for 410S server alarm card connectors

4x0S servers alarm card

connector Associated cable label
COM 2 group_id comcode
group_id = the group identifier for the
cable grouping to which this cable
comcode = the comcode for the cable
a, b = coordinates that identify the
location of the server within the frame
F = front of the frame
x = the server number, 1-8
COM 1 a-b-F

8-136 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-10: Replace a cold-swappable alarm card

4x0S servers alarm card

connector Associated cable label
Alarm (DB-15) a-b-F
Ethernet 1 a-b-F

Note: The Ethernet 2 connector is unused in an R1 frame.


10 If not already connected, connect an Ethernet cable from the LMT Ethernet port one of the
following RJ-45 ports of Ethernet Switch A (lower servers) or B (upper servers):
• R1 frames: Port 3 in the Maintenance Interface Panel (MIP).
• R1SR frames: ACCESS PORT in the MIP.
• UNC frames: Port 3 in the front Cable Interface Panel (CIP).

11 Power on the server.

Reference: See “Power up a server” (p. 8-36).

Note: If the replacement alarm card has no root login, the server reboots again with
the console path set to CPU TTYA.

12 Log in remotely to the drawer host using the Remote Access (telnet) interface of the
LMT [see “Access an MM-AP via telnet from the LMT” (p. 3-23)].

13 Log in as root or as System Administrator (see “Recommend su to access special logins”

(p. 4-6)).

14 Check the firmware version of the replacement alarm card by running the following
flxfwac -c
Result: For 400S and 800S servers, if the firmware is current, flxfwac -c returns a
message similar to the following:
flxfwac: INFO: Alarm Card Firmware is at supported revision 2.1.2

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-137
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-10: Replace a cold-swappable alarm card

Result: For 410S and 810S servers, if the firmware is current, flxfwac -c returns a
message similar to the following:
flxfwac: INFO: Alarm Card Firmware[cmsw] is at supported revision
flxfwac: INFO: Alarm Card Firmware[bcfw] is at supported revision
flxfwac: INFO: Alarm Card Firmware[bmcfw] is at supported revision

If the firmware needs upgrading, a message similar to the following is returned:

flxfwac: WARNING: Alarm Card Firmware needs an UPREV, run flxfwac
-d manually

15 Download new firmware, if necessary.

If alarm card firmware
version is... then...
current (flxfwac -c skip to Step 16.
indicates that firmware is at
supported revision)
not current (flxfwac -c execute the following command to
indicates need for an upgrade) download the latest approved version of
the firmware:
flxfwac -d
Notes: This takes about 6 minutes.


16 Execute the following command to initialize the personality of the alarm card:
flxname alarmcard
Result: The alarm card is renamed from acspare to acserver_id, and its network
address is set to x.y.c.d, where:
x= 172
y= a number in the range 16 - 31
c= 34 (for MM-APs 1 - 255) or 35 (for MM-APs 256 - 398)
d= the server logical number, for alarm cards in MM-APs 1 - 255
(for alarm cards in MM-APs 256 - 398, refer to Table D-3 or
Table D-4)

8-138 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-10: Replace a cold-swappable alarm card


17 Set the RCC variables and alarm environment of the alarm card by running the following
Result: Invoking the flxfwacv command causes a reset of the alarm card.


18 Are you replacing the alarm card in a 410S server in an R1SR growth frame or in an 810S
server in an R1SR base frame?

If... then...
no skip to Step 19
yes reconnect the cable to the COM2 port of
the alarm rear transition module (see the
figure in this procedure for the location of
the COM2 cable).


19 Did the alarm card that you replaced have custom logins, or do you want to create custom
logins on the replacement alarm card?

If... then...
yes See “Adding an alarm card login
account” (p. 4-25) in Chapter 4, “Manage
Notes: Replacement alarm cards
come with two default logins. Alarm
cards come with the root and
netract logins. However, you need
to re-create any other custom
logins that you had set up on the
alarm card that you replaced.

Reference: For more information on administering alarm card logins, see

“Administer alarm card login accounts” (p. 4-21) in Chapter 4, “Manage security”.”
For more information on default logins, see “Default login accounts” (p. 4-12) in
Chapter 4, “Manage security”.”

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-139
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-11: Replace a cold-swappable alarm rear
transition module

Procedure 8-11: Replace a cold-swappable alarm rear

transition module
Perform this procedure to replace an 8x0S server or 410S server (in an R1SR frame) alarm
rear transition module. Note the following:
• The 800S server must use this cold-swap procedure.
• The 810S server and 410S server in an R1SR frame can use this cold-swap procedure
or use “Replace a hot-swappable alarm RTM (810S and 410S servers only)”
(p. 8-154).
• The 400S server and a 410S server (in an R1 frame) do not use an alarm RTM. Cabling
is in the front.

Reason to perform
When troubleshooting alarm card problems indicates a need to replace the alarm card or
the alarm rear transition module, replace the alarm card first [see “Replace a cold-
swappable alarm card” (p. 8-129)]. If that does not solve the problem, then replace the
alarm rear transition module.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure the following:
• Your troubleshooting of the alarm card indicates a need to replace the alarm card or the
alarm rear transition module.
• You have replaced the suspect alarm card.
• The replacement alarm card is still showing OOS.

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required materials
This procedure requires a replacement alarm rear transition module.

8-140 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-11: Replace a cold-swappable alarm rear
transition module

To replace the 8x0S or 410S server alarm rear transition module, perform the following
The 8x0S and 410S server alarm rear transition modules are FRUs
and should be removed and replaced only by Alcatel-Lucent
personnel or service provider personnel who have assistance or
training from Alcatel-Lucent. Execution of this procedure by service
provider personnel without assistance or training from Alcatel-
Lucent may damage equipment or affect service.
The maximum voltage that can be applied to an alarm card is 60
VDC, as specified in UL1950 and IEC 60950. The maximum current
is 500mA.

1 Power off any satellite MM-APs and then the server.

Reference: See “Power down a server” (p. 8-27).

2 Locate the alarm rear transition module (see Figure 1-5 and Figure 1-6).

3 Follow the steps in “Circuit card removal” (p. 8-18).


4 Get the replacement alarm rear transition module from the ship kit.

5 Follow the steps in “Circuit card installation” (p. 8-21).


6 Install the replacement card. Refer to “Circuit card installation” (p. 8-21).

7 Plug all appropriate cables into the alarm rear transition module. Refer Figure 8-25 and
Figure 8-26. For a UNC frame, continue to use the RS232 interface adapter cables with
the new RTM.
The cables for these connectors are labeled to indicate which cable to connect to which
connector. For each connector on the 410S server alarm card, Table 8-4, “Cable labels for
410S server alarm rear transition module connectors” (p. 8-142) lists the label used on the
cable that should be plugged into that connector. The 8x0S servers are similar, but the
alarm cable is labeled *SL8*.
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-141
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-11: Replace a cold-swappable alarm rear
transition module

Table 8-4 Cable labels for 410S server alarm rear transition module connectors

410S server alarm rear

transition module
connector Associated cable label
COM 2 group_id comcode
group_id = the group identifier for the
cable grouping to which this cable
comcode = the comcode for the cable
a, b = coordinates that identify the
location of the server within the frame
F = front of the frame
x = the server number, 1-8
COM 1 a-b-F
Alarm (DB-15) a-b-F
Ethernet 1 a-b-F
Ethernet 2 a-b-F


8 Power on the server and any satellite MM-APs.

Reference: See “Power up a server” (p. 8-36).


8-142 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-12: Replace a hot-swappable alarm card
(810S and 410S servers only)

Procedure 8-12: Replace a hot-swappable alarm card (810S

and 410S servers only)
Perform this procedure to replace a faulty hot-swappable alarm card on an 810S or 410S
server. Do not perform this procedure on an 800S nor 400S server.

Reason to perform
When troubleshooting alarm card problems indicates a need to replace the alarm card or
the alarm rear transition module, replace the alarm card first using this procedure. If that
does not solve the problem, then replace the alarm rear transition module [see “Replace a
hot-swappable alarm RTM (810S and 410S servers only)” (p. 8-154)].

The mate server must be working properly.
This procedure could affect service. The server will continue to be powered up while you
are replacing the alarm card. If the server fails during the replacement procedure, the mate
server will take the load, but only if the mate server is working properly. If the mate server
is not working properly, do not start this procedure.
Be sure to follow all instructions for hot-swapping the alarm card.

This procedure typically takes 25 minutes to perform.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure the following:
• You are performing this procedure on an 810S or 410S server. If you try this procedure
on an 800S or 400S server, the server will go down and service will be lost!
• You must have the host CPU card and the system controller board installed in the
server before you can hot-swap the alarm card.
• You cannot hot-swap any other component in a server while the alarm card is being
• You cannot install any new component into a server while the alarm card is being hot-

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-143
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-12: Replace a hot-swappable alarm card
(810S and 410S servers only)

• an antistatic wrist strap

• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required materials
You must have a spare/replacement 810S or 410S alarm card that is identical to the failed
alarm card. Alarm cards from 800S and 400S servers (R1) cannot be mixed with alarm
cards from 810S and 410S servers. Note: To tell the difference, look at the Ethernet
port(s): R1 alarm cards have one Ethernet port, and R2 alarm cards have two.

To replace a hot-swappable alarm card, perform the following steps:
You must take ESD precautions when performing these steps.
Refer to “Safety precautions for handling MM-AP equipment”
(p. 8-14).

1 Locate the card that you want to remove from the server.

2 Establish a local console connection to the server with the alarm card that you are about to
replace through that server’s CPU serial port or via telnet from a remote terminal and log
in as root or as System Administrator (see “Recommend su to access special logins”
(p. 4-6)).
Reference: See “Access a server via the CPU serial port” (p. 3-37).

3 Enter the following command:

uname -i
Result: You should see one of the following:
If any other type of hardware is shown, STOP. Do not perform this procedure.

4 Attach an antistatic wrist strap.

For replacing a hot-swappable alarm card (810S and 410S servers
only), in the following step, only unlock the ejection lever(s); do not

8-144 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-12: Replace a hot-swappable alarm card
(810S and 410S servers only)

unseat the alarm card until the LEDs for the alarm card on the system
status panel are in the proper state.

5 Unlock the ejection lever(s) on the alarm card. The 810S server alarm card has two
ejection levers. The 410S server alarm card has only one ejection lever on the bottom.

6 Locate the LEDs on the system status panel for the alarm card to determine if the card has
been deactivated. Once deactivated, continue with the next step.

7 Determine if you can remove the card safely at this time.

You can remove the card only if all of these LEDs are in the following states:
• Amber Okay to Remove LED on the system status panel is on.
• Green Power LED on the system status panel is blinking.
• Blue Hot Swap LED on the board is on
Do not remove an alarm card unless all of the LEDs are in the
proper states. Removing a card when any of the LEDs are not in the
proper state may lead to unpredictable results. It may take several
seconds or minutes for the LEDs to transition to the proper states
If it is safe to remove the alarm card, skip to Step 11.
You may not be able to perform a full hot-swap on the alarm card if the card is in a failed
condition. You may need to perform a basic hot-swap. In this case, you must manually
unconfigure the card before you can hot-swap it by following Step 8 through Step 10.

8 Identify the attachment-point ID for the alarm card:

• The attachment point ID in an 810S server is AL-8.
• The attachment point ID in a 410S server is AL-1.

9 Disconnect the card by executing the following commands:

cfgadm -c unconfigure ap_id
cfgadm -c disconnect ap_id
where ap_id is the attachment-point ID.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-145
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-12: Replace a hot-swappable alarm card
(810S and 410S servers only)

Example: To deactivate the alarm card in slot 1 of a 410S server, as root, enter:
cfgadm -c unconfigure AL-1
cfgadm -c disconnect AL-1

10 Verify that the card has been deactivated by entering the following command:
cfgadm | grep AL
Result: For an 810S server, the cfgadm command returns the following output for the
alarm card:
AL-8 unknown disconnected unconfigured unknown

For a 410S server, the cfgadm command returns the following output for the alarm

AL-1 unknown disconnected unconfigured unknown

Note: If the output of the cfgadm command does not match that shown above,
STOP! Do not perform this hot-swap prcedure. Use the cold-swap procedure instead.
Refer to “Replace a cold-swappable alarm card” (p. 8-129).
Do not perform this hot-swap procedure if the following is true. In
this case, perform the cold-swap procedure instead. Refer to
“Replace a cold-swappable alarm card” (p. 8-129).
• Amber Okay to Remove LED on the system status panel is on.
• Green Power LED on the system status panel is on.

11 Use a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver to loosen the captive screws inside the card’s ejection

8-146 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-12: Replace a hot-swappable alarm card
(810S and 410S servers only)

• For the 810S server alarm card, there is one on top and one on the bottom (see figure).

• For the 410S server alarm card, first loosen the screw inside the card’s ejection lever
on the bottom left side. Then, loosen the three remaining screws, two on top and one
on the bottom right side

12 Press outward on the two ejection levers on the card to unseat the card from the card cage.

13 Slide the card out and place it on the electrostatic discharge mat.

14 Locate the replacement alarm card. Remove the blue protective film from the front of the
replacement alarm card, if necessary.
You must remove the blue protective film from the front of the card
before installing it into the server. Failure to do so may keep the metal
springfingers on the side of the alarm card from making contact with
the metal panels on the server.

15 Verify that the ejection levers are unlocked. You will not be able to install the card if they
are locked.

16 Keeping the replacement card vertical, slide the card firmly into the slot between the two

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-147
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-12: Replace a hot-swappable alarm card
(810S and 410S servers only)

Be sure to insert the replacement card into the same slot from which
you removed the faulty card. Slot assignments in an MM-AP are fixed,
so inserting a replacement card into the wrong slot could disrupt

Note: The teeth in the handle of the card must align with the square cutouts in the
I/O slot. When the card is completely seated in the card cage, the two ejection levers
should flip inward, and the teeth in the ejection levers should fit smoothly in the
rectangular cutouts in the bottom and top plates. See the following figures.

Figure 8-31 R1 Front access card slot (R2 is similar)


17 Lock the ejection levers by pressing inward until the red latch in the lever clicks and locks.

18 Using a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, tighten the captive screws inside the card’s ejection
• For an 810S server alarm card, there is one on top and one on the bottom.

8-148 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-12: Replace a hot-swappable alarm card
(810S and 410S servers only)

• For an 410S server alarm card, first tighten the captive screw inside the card’s ejection
lever on the bottom left side. Then, tighten the three remaining captive screws: two on
the top and one on the bottom.

Note: Do not proceed with the next step until a sufficient amount of time has passed
for the alarm card to fully boot up (approximately 4 minutes since the insertion time).

19 Are you still logged into the server? If not, reestablish the telnet or server CPU serial

20 Verify that the alarm card has been automatically connected and configured into the
system. As root or as System Administrator, enter the following command:
cfgadm | grep A
Result: For an 810S server, you should get output similar to the following:
Ap_ld Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
AL-8 mcd/fhs connected configured ok
Result: For a 410S server, you should get output similar to the following:
Ap_ld Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
AL-1 mcd/fhs connected configured ok
If you see this output, skip to Step 23.

21 Connect the alarm card by executing the following command:

cfgadm -c connect ap_id
where ap_id is the attachment-point ID.

Example: To connect the alarm card in slot 1 of a 410S server, as root, enter:
cfgadm -c connect AL-1
Result: The amber Okay to Remove LED ( ) on the system status panel for the I/O
slot should go OFF, indicating that the card has been connected.

22 Activate the alarm card by executing the following command:

cfgadm -c configure ap_id
where ap_id is the attachment-point ID.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-149
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-12: Replace a hot-swappable alarm card
(810S and 410S servers only)

Example: To activate the alarm card in slot 1 of a 410S server, as root, enter:
cfgadm -c configure AL-1
Result: If you were to enter the cfgadm command again at this point, you should see
the fields changed for the card in I/O slot 1 (410S) or I/O slot 8 (810S).
For an 810S server, you should get feedback similar to the following:
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
AL-8 mcd/fhs connected configured ok
For a 410S server, you should get feedback similar to the following:
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
AL-1 mcd/fhs connected configured ok

23 Locate the LEDs on the system status panel for the alarm card that you just installed to
determine if the card has been correctly activated.

Note: The desired state after the replacement is that the Green Power LED is on and
the Amger Okay to Remove LED is off.
Refer to the following table for the meaning of the LED states:
Okay to
Green Remove
Power LED
LED state state Meaning Action

Off Off The slot is empty or the If there is a card installed in this slot, then one of
system thinks that the the following components is faulty:
slot is empty because the • the card installed in the slot
system didn’t detect the • the alarm card
card when it was • the system controller board
inserted. Remove and replace the failed component to
clear this state.
Blinkin Off The card is coming up. Wait several seconds for the card to completely
g come up. Do not remove the card in this state.
On Off The card is up and No action necessary. Do not remove the card in
running. this state.
Off On The card is powered off. It is okay to remove the card in this state.

8-150 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-12: Replace a hot-swappable alarm card
(810S and 410S servers only)

Okay to
Green Remove
Power LED
LED state state Meaning Action

Blinkin On The card is powered on, Wait several seconds to see if the green Power
g but it is offline for some LED stops blinking. If it does not stop blinking
reason (for example, a after several seconds, enter cfgadm and verify
fault was detected on the that the card is in the unconfigured and
card). disconnected state, then perform the necessary
action, depending on the card:
• Alarm card—It is okay to remove the alarm card in this
• All other cards—Power off the slot through the alarm
card software, then it is okay to remove the card.

On On The card is powered on The failed component needs to be replaced

and is in use, but a fault using the cold-swap method. Or try to clear the
has been detected on the fault by power cycling the entire server. Refer to
card. “Power down a server” (p. 8-27) and “Power up
a server” (p. 8-36).


24 Check the firmware version of the replacement alarm card by running the following

Note: If the newly inserted alarm card is in a different mode than desired for this
configuration, the following command will issue the mode change and issue an alarm
card reset. This change will take approximately 4 minutes.
flxfwac -c
Result: If the firmware is current, flxfwac -c returns a message similar to the
INFO: Alarm Card is currently in R2 mode
flxfwac: INFO: Alarm Card Firmware[cmsw] is at supported revision
flxfwac: INFO: Alarm Card Firmware[bcfw] is at supported revision
flxfwac: INFO: Alarm Card Firmware[bmcfw] is at supported revision

If the firmware needs upgrading, a message similar to the following is returned:

flxfwac: WARNING: Alarm Card Firmware needs an UPREV, run flxfwac
-d manually

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-151
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-12: Replace a hot-swappable alarm card
(810S and 410S servers only)


25 Download new firmware, if necessary.

If alarm card firmware
version is... then...
current ( flxfwac -c skip to Step 26.
indicates that firmware
version is at supported
not current (flxfwac -c execute the following command to
indicates need for an upgrade) download the latest approved version of
the firmware:
flxfwac -d
Notes: This takes about 12 minutes.


26 Execute the following command to initialize the personality of the alarm card:
flxname alarmcard
Result: The alarm card is renamed from acspare to acserver_id, and its network
address is set to network.2.c, where
xxy is the logical number of the MM-AP.
network is the first two octets of the IP address of the dual-rail LAN to
which the alarm card will be connected, an address in the range
172.16 -172.31.
c consists of the following four octets:
• x = 172
• y = a number in the range 16 - 31
• c = 34 (for MM-APs 1 - 255) or 35 (for MM-APs 256 -
• d = the server logical number, for alarm cards in MM-APs
1 - 255 [for alarm cards in MM-APs 256 - 398, refer to
Table D-3, “MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: primary
network” (p. D-7) or Table D-4, “MM-APCC LAN IP
addresses: secondary network” (p. D-9)]


27 Set alarm card variables by running the following commands:


8-152 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-12: Replace a hot-swappable alarm card
(810S and 410S servers only)

Result: Invoking the flxfwacv command requires a reset of the alarm card.
INFO: Alarm Card is currently in <xx> mode
INFO: alarm card values are set, please reset the alarm card
where <xx> is R1 or R2.

28 Reset the alarm card by entering one of the following as root or as System Administrator:
• In Release 32.0 and later releases, enter:
• In Release 31.0 and earlier releases, if in R2 mode, enter:
rsh reset ac
Result: You should see the following:
Are you sure you want to reset (Yes/No)?
Enter yes.
• In Release 31.0 and earlier releases, if in R1 mode, enter:
rscadm resetac

29 Wait for the alarm card to reset (approximately 4 minutes).


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-153
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-13: Replace a hot-swappable alarm RTM
(810S and 410S servers only)

Procedure 8-13: Replace a hot-swappable alarm RTM (810S

and 410S servers only)
Perform this procedure to replace an 810S or 410S server alarm rear transition module.
The alarm rear transition module extends the ports on the alarm card installed at the front
of the server to the alarm rear transition module installed at the rear of the server.

Note: The alarm rear transition module is only hot-swappable as long as the
accompanying alarm card has been removed first.

Reason to perform
When troubleshooting alarm card problems indicates a need to replace the alarm card or
the alarm rear transition module, replace the alarm card first [see “Replace a hot-
swappable alarm card (810S and 410S servers only)” (p. 8-143)]. If that does not solve the
problem, then replace the alarm rear transition module.

This procedure typically takes 25 minutes to perform.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure the following:
• Your troubleshooting of the alarm card indicates a need to replace the alarm card or the
alarm rear transition module.
Reference: See Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”,” for more information.
• You have replaced the suspect alarm card.
• The replacement alarm card is still showing OOS.

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

As you perform this procedure, consider the following risks and hazards:

8-154 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-13: Replace a hot-swappable alarm RTM
(810S and 410S servers only)

The 810S/410S alarm rear transition module is a FRU and should be

removed and replaced only by Alcatel-Lucent personnel or service
provider personnel who have assistance or training from Alcatel-
Lucent. Execution of this procedure by service provider personnel
without assistance or training from Alcatel-Lucent may damage
equipment or affect service.

To replace the 810S/410S server alarm rear transition module, perform the following

1 Attach the antistatic wrist strap.


2 Remove the alarm card from the front of the server.

Perform Step 1 through Step 12 of the procedure “Replace a hot-swappable alarm card
(810S and 410S servers only)” (p. 8-143), but stop before you remove any cables from the
card. Do not remove any cabling and do not remove the card. Return here instead.
Do not proceed with this procedure unless you have removed the
alarm card from the front of the server using those instructions. If the
I/O slot holding the alarm card is set to basic hot swap, you will have
to manually deactivate the I/O slot that holds the alarm card. Removing
the alarm rear transition module without going through those
procedures may panic or hang your system

3 Locate the alarm rear transition module (see Figure 1-5 and Figure 1-6).

4 Follow the steps in “Circuit card removal” (p. 8-18).


5 Get the replacement alarm rear transition module from the ship kit.

6 Follow the steps in “Circuit card installation” (p. 8-21).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-155
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-13: Replace a hot-swappable alarm RTM
(810S and 410S servers only)


7 Plug all appropriate cables into the alarm rear transition module (See Figure 8-25 and
Figure 8-26). For a UNC frame, continue to use the RS232 interface adapter cables with
the new RTM.

8 Reinstall the alarm card at the front of the server by locking the ejection levers, tightening
the screws, and performing Step 19 through Step 23 of the procedure “Replace a hot-
swappable alarm card (810S and 410S servers only)” (p. 8-143).

8-156 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-14: Replace an I/O card

Procedure 8-14: Replace an I/O card

Perform this procedure to replace a faulty I/O card. The following cards are examples of
I/O cards:
• 8-port T1/E1 card
• Combo card (Do not replace a faulty combo card with a carrier card. Replace it with
another combo card.)
• Combo with RS232 PMC card (Do not replace a faulty combo card with a carrier card.
Replace it with another combo card.)
• Carrier card (model CPV8540B) with RS232 PMC card (Do not replace a faulty
carrier card with a combo card. Replace it with another carrier card.)
• Carrier card with Ethernet ports (Do not replace a faulty carrier card with a combo
card. Replace it with another carrier card.)

Reason to perform
When troubleshooting I/O card problems indicates a need to replace the I/O card or the
I/O rear transition module, replace the I/O card first using this procedure. If that does not
solve the problem, then replace the I/O rear transition module [see “Replace an I/O rear
transition module” (p. 8-166)].

This procedure could affect service. The MM-AP must be powered down before removing
the I/O card. If the mate MM-AP fails during the replacement procedure, all interaction on
both servers will be lost.

This procedure typically takes 30 minutes to perform.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure the following:
• The mate MM-AP is operating correctly.
• The individual I/O slots in your server will be set to either basic hot swap (the default
setting for 800S and 400S servers), or full hot swap (the default setting for 810S and
410S servers), which must be set manually. Refer to Chapter 5, “System
administration”,” for more information.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-157
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-14: Replace an I/O card

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• an MS Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT)
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

To replace an I/O card, perform the following steps:
An energy hazard is present if any I/O slots are left uncovered. If
you remove a card from an I/O slot, you must fill it with either a
replacement card or a filler panel.

1 Power down the server.

Reference: See “Power down a server” (p. 8-27) for complete instructions.

2 Locate the I/O card that you want to remove from the server.
Figure 1-3, “MM-AP 410S server” (p. 1-7)shows the I/O card slots in a 410S server.
Figure 1-4, “MM-AP 810S server” (p. 1-8) shows the I/O card slots in a 810S server.

3 Follow the steps in “Circuit card removal” (p. 8-18).


4 Get the replacement I/O card.

Note: Make sure the replacement I/O card is the same type of card as the one you
removed, for example, a Combo with RS232 PMC card, not simply a Combo card, if
that is what you are replacing.

5 Follow the steps in “Circuit card installation” (p. 8-21).


6 Carefully reattach any cables that you removed from the front of the faulty card. For
example, you may have to reattach the cables to the RS232 PMC of a Combo card or
Carrier card.

8-158 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-14: Replace an I/O card


7 Power on the server.

Reference: See “Power up a server” (p. 8-36) for complete instructions.

8 Verify that the I/O card LEDs are lit properly.

The system status panel on each server has LEDs that show the status of the I/O card and
I/O rear transition module installed in each set of slots in that particular server.
“Troubleshoot the system using the system status panel LEDs” (p. 7-10) shows the
locations of the I/O card LEDs on the servers. Keep in mind that some I/O card slots might
contain devices or cards other than I/O cards, such as a CPU front transition module.
The green Power LED for the I/O card will blink for a moment while the card is going
through POST. Then, the green Power LED should go On solid. This indicates the I/O
card is functioning properly.

I/O card information

The following sections provide figures and other information for the I/O cards.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-159
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-14: Replace an I/O card

Interphase T1/E1 card

Figure 8-32 Interphase 6535 T1/E1 card

DS1 (T1/E1) port 0

DS1 (T1/E1) port 1

DS1 (T1/E1) port 2

DS1 (T1/E1) port 3

DS1 (T1/E1) port 4

DS1 (T1/E1) port 5

DS1 (T1/E1) port 6

DS1 (T1/E1) port 7

Port status LEDs

Reset button
Status LEDs

Port status LEDs currently have no function.

The reset push button has a dual function:

8-160 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-14: Replace an I/O card

• For a short assertion time (less than 1 second) it causes the assertion of interrupt 0 on
PowerQUICC II (pin -IRQ0/-NMI_OUT). This can be used to implement debug or
dump routines.
• For a longer assertion time (more than 2 seconds) it resets the local interface of the
PowerSpan and causes a Hard-Reset on the PowerQUICC II.
The status LEDs function as follows:

Table 8-5 T1/E1 (Interphase) status LEDs

LED Color Meaning if the LED is ON

CPU Green CPU is active.
EXT Blue Hot swap indication.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-161
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-14: Replace an I/O card

Combo card and combo with RS232 PMC card

Figure 8-33 Combo card

Front card


PMC slot

Ethernet port 1

EINE connection Ethernet port 0

SCSI port 1

SCSI port 2

8-162 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-14: Replace an I/O card

Figure 8-34 Combo with RS-232 PMC card

Front card


Serial port 0

RS-232 PMC card Serial port 1

Status LEDs (ACT, LINK)


Ethernet port 1

Ethernet port 0

SCSI port 1

SCSI port 2

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-163
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-14: Replace an I/O card

Carrier card with Ethernet PMC and carrier card with RS232 PMC

Figure 8-35 Carrier card with Ethernet PMC

8-164 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-14: Replace an I/O card

Figure 8-36 Carrier card with RS-232 PMC

Carrier card with


Normally, the RS-232 PMC is installed in slot PMC B.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-165
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-15: Replace an I/O rear transition module

Procedure 8-15: Replace an I/O rear transition module

Perform this procedure to replace an I/O rear transition module. The I/O rear transition
module extends the ports on the I/O card installed at the front of the server to the I/O rear
transition module installed at the rear of the server.

Reason to perform
When troubleshooting I/O card problems indicates a need to replace the I/O card or the
I/O rear transition module, replace the I/O card first [see “Replace an I/O card”
(p. 8-157)]. If that does not solve the problem, replace the I/O rear transition module.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure the following:
• Your troubleshooting of the I/O card indicates a need to replace the I/O card or the I/O
rear transition module.
• You have replaced the suspect I/O card.
• The replacement I/O card is still showing OOS.

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required information
The I/O rear transition module must be installed in the same slot as the I/O card itself in
order for the rear transition module to work. For example, if you install the I/O card in I/O
slot 3 at the front of the server, you must also install the accompanying I/O rear transition
module in I/O slot 3 at the rear of the server.
Figure 1-5 and Figure 1-6 show the I/O card slots for the 800S server, 400S server, and
410S server. There are labels under the I/O slots that give the I/O slot numbers. Note that
if you are facing the front of the server, the I/O slots read from left to right, whereas they
read from right to left if you are facing the rear of the server.
Make a note of I/O slot number for the I/O card for which you are replacing the rear
transition module.

8-166 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-15: Replace an I/O rear transition module

To replace an I/O rear transition module, perform the following steps. A Combo rear
transition module is used as an example.
The Combo or Carrier rear transition module is a FRU and should
be removed and replaced only by Alcatel-Lucent personnel or
service provider personnel who have assistance or training from
Alcatel-Lucent. Execution of this procedure by service provider
personnel without assistance or training from Alcatel-Lucent may
damage equipment and/or affect service.
An energy hazard is present if any I/O slots are left uncovered. If
you remove a card from an I/O slot, you must fill that slot with either
a replacement card or a filler panel.

1 Power down the server.

Reference: See “Power down a server” (p. 8-27) for complete instructions.

2 Go to the rear of the system and, using the slot number for the associated I/O card, locate
the I/O rear transition module that you want to replace.
Make sure that you have located the I/O rear transition module that
occupies the same slot as the failed I/O card before proceeding. If you
remove an I/O rear transition module that does not match the failed I/O
card, you will disrupt service to a functioning I/O rear transition

3 Follow the steps in “Circuit card removal” (p. 8-18).


4 Get the replacement I/O rear transition module.


5 Follow the steps in “Circuit card installation” (p. 8-21).


6 Connect to the replacement I/O rear transition module any cables that you unplugged from
the failed card.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-167
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-15: Replace an I/O rear transition module


7 Power on the server.

Reference: See “Power up a server” (p. 8-36) for complete instructions.

8 Verify that the I/O card LEDs on the system status panel are lit properly.
The green Power LED for the I/O card will blink for a moment while the card is going
through POST. Then, the green Power LED should go On solid. This indicates the I/O
card is functioning properly.

I/O rear transition module information

The following sections provide figures and other information for the I/O rear transition

8-168 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-15: Replace an I/O rear transition module

Interphase T1/E1 rear transition module

Figure 8-37 Interphase 6535 T1/E1 rear transition module

DS1 (T1/E1) port 0

DS1 (T1/E1) port 1

DS1 (T1/E1) port 2

DS1 (T1/E1) port 3

DS1 (T1/E1) port 4

DS1 (T1/E1) port 5

DS1 (T1/E1) port 6

DS1 (T1/E1) port 7

Combo rear transition module

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-169
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-15: Replace an I/O rear transition module

Figure 8-38 Combo rear transition module

Rear transition card


Ethernet port 1

EINE connection (qfe0)

Ethernet port 0

SCSI port 1

SCSI port 2

Figure 8-39 Close-up of Combo card Ethernet LED labels

10 FDX


Table 8-6 Ethernet interface LED descriptions

Label Light On/Off Description

100 On The interface is set at 100 Mbps.
Off The interface is set at 10 Mbps.
FDX On The interface is operating at full-duplex.
Off The interface is operating at half-duplex.
ACT On Transaction activities are present.
Off No transaction activities are present.

8-170 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-15: Replace an I/O rear transition module

Label Light On/Off Description

LINK On The interface is connected to the network.
Off The interface is not connected to the network.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-171
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-15: Replace an I/O rear transition module

Carrier rear transition module

Figure 8-40 Rear transition module for carrier card

Ethernet port 0
EINE Connection

This rear transition module is only for the carrier card with an Ethernet PMC. The carrier
card with RS-232 PMC provides connections on the faceplate.

8-172 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-16: Replace a system status panel

Procedure 8-16: Replace a system status panel

Perform this procedure to replace any faulty system status panel.

Reason to perform
Perform this procedure whenever a system status panel indicates it is OOS.

This procedure could affect service. The server will continue to be powered up while you
are replacing the system status panel. If the server fails during the replacement procedure,
the mate server must be working properly in order to take the load.
Be sure to follow all instructions for hot-swapping the I/O card.

This procedure typically takes 30 minutes to perform.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure the following:
• Your troubleshooting of the system status panel indicates a need to replace the panel.
Reference: See Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”,” for more information.

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required materials
This procedure requires a replacement system status panel.

To replace the system status panel, perform the following steps:

1 Attach the antistatic wrist strap.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-173
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-16: Replace a system status panel


2 Go to the front of the server and locate the system status panel. Refer to Figure 1-1
through Figure 1-4.

3 Use a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver to loosen the two captive screws that hold the system
status panel in place. The following figures show locations of the screws on the 810S and
410S servers. The locations of the screws on the 800S and 400S servers are similar.

Figure 8-41 810S system status panel captive screws










8-174 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-16: Replace a system status panel

Figure 8-42 410S system status panel captive screws












4 Pull the system status panel away from the server and place the panel on the electrostatic
discharge mat.

Note: You may have to pull on the screws to remove the system status panel from the

5 Carefully position the replacement system status panel into place on the system. The
following figures show positioning the system status panel on the 810S and 410S servers.
The positioning for the 800S and 400S servers is similar.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-175
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-16: Replace a system status panel

Figure 8-43 810S system status panel installation









Figure 8-44 410S system status panel installation










Be careful not to press the power switch when you press the left side
of the system status panel into place, or you will power off the system.

6 Push the system status panel into place against the server, paying special attention to the
connector on the left side of the panel. Make sure that the connector on the left back of the
system status panel mates fully with the system controller board.

8-176 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-16: Replace a system status panel


7 Use a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver to tighten the two captive screws to secure the system
status panel to the system.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-177
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-17: Replace a system controller board

Procedure 8-17: Replace a system controller board

Each server has a single system controller board. Perform this procedure to replace a
faulty system controller board. You must remove the system status panel before you can
access the system controller board.

Reason to perform
Perform this procedure whenever a system controller board indicates it is OOS.

This procedure could affect service.
In R1 servers, the server will continue to be powered up while you are replacing the
system controller board. If the server fails during the replacement procedure, the mate
server must be working properly in order to take the load.
Be sure to follow all instructions for hot-swapping the R1 system controller board.
In R2 servers, the server must be powered down before removing the system controller
board. As a result, this procedure will affect service in the following situations:
• Your application runs Active/Standby on paired servers but the mate server fails during
the replacement procedure.
• Your application does not use a paired-server configuration.

For R1 servers, this procedure typically takes 25 minutes to perform.
For R2 servers, this procedure typically takes 40 minutes to perform.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure the following:
• Your troubleshooting of the system controller board indicates a need to replace the

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

8-178 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-17: Replace a system controller board

Required tools
This procedure requires a replacement system controller board.

Following is the procedure for removing the system controller board.

Note: If another replaceable unit in a server fails, such as a fan tray, do not remove
the system controller board from the server before replacing the failed unit. The
system will lose track of the status of the failed unit if you remove the system
controller board before replacing the failed unit. You must remove and replace the
failed unit before you can remove the system controller board.
Do not remove a system controller board from the server if the amber
Okay to Remove LED ( ) is ON for any I/O slot in the server. If you
cannot get the amber Okay to Remove LED to the OFF state for all the
I/O slots in the server, you can work around the situation by enabling
basic hot swap on all the I/O slots. Once you’ve enabled basic hot
swap on all I/O slots, you can safely remove the system controller

1 Attach the antistatic wrist strap.


2 Taking care not to damage the new board and not damaging the packaging (it will be
reused), unpack the new board and inspect it for any damage. Place it on an electrostatic
discharge mat.

3 Go to the front of the system and use the system status panel to determine if the system
controller board has failed.

4 Verify that the amber Okay to Remove LED ( ) is unlit for all I/O slots in the server.

Note: You cannot remove the system controller board if the Okay to Remove LED is
lit for any I/O slot in the server.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-179
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-17: Replace a system controller board


5 Is the replacement component an R1 system controller board or an R2 system controller


If... then...
R1 skip to Step 7
R2 continue with Step 6


6 Power down the server.

Reference: See “Power down a server” (p. 8-27).

7 Remove the system status panel as described in “Replace a system status panel”
(p. 8-173).

Note: Do not remove the antistatic wrist strap after you have removed the system
status panel.

8 Pull down on the ejection lever to unseat the system controller board (the following figure
shows an R2 server; the R1 server is very similar).

8-180 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-17: Replace a system controller board

Figure 8-45 System controller board ejection lever













9 Slide the board out and place the board on the electrostatic discharge mat. Place the board
in the antistatic packaging that the new board came in. If the antistatic packaging is
damaged in any way, it must be replaced. Refer to “Electrostatic discharge (ESD)
precautions” (p. 8-15).

10 Push the ejection lever of the replacement board all the way down.

11 Line up the replacement system controller board with its slot using the upper and lower
rails, making sure that the component side of the board faces the left of the server. The
wide connector should be inserted first, as shown in (the following figure shows an R2
server; the R1 server is very similar).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-181
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-17: Replace a system controller board

Figure 8-46 System controller board removal











Do not force any board into a slot; this can cause damage to the board
and system. The board should insert and seat smoothly. If it binds,
remove the board and inspect the card cage slot for any obvious

12 Slide the board into the slot.


13 Flip the ejection lever up as you slide the board into the slot to completely seat it in the
card cage.
The notch on the ejection lever should fit into the cutout.

8-182 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-17: Replace a system controller board

When the board is completely seated, you should see a brief flash of light behind the
If... then...
the light flashes on and off, the board is seated and functioning
and remains off properly.
the light flashes on and the board is either faulty or not seated
remains on properly.
the light continues to stay on the board is faulty.
after repeated attempts


14 Replace the system status panel, as described in “Replace a system status panel”
(p. 8-173).

15 Is the replacement component an R1 system controller board or an R2 system controller


If... then...
R2 continue with Step 16


16 Power on the server.

Reference: See “Power up a server” (p. 8-36).


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-183
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-18: Replace a main air filter (400S and 800S

Procedure 8-18: Replace a main air filter (400S and 800S

Perform this procedure to replace a dirty main air filter in a 400S or 800S server.

Note: To replace a dirty main air filter in a 410S or 810S server, see “Replace air
filters (410S and 810S servers)” (p. 8-187).

You should replace the main air filter every 3 to 6 months. If your server environment is
especially dirty, you may have to replace the main air filter more frequently.

Required conditions
Before you perform this procedure, ensure the following:
• Your troubleshooting of the main air filter indicates a need to replace the filter.
Reference: See Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”,” for more information.

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

To replace the main air filter, perform the following steps:

1 Locate the main air filter loop(s).

The first of the following two figures shows the location of the main air filter loops for the
800S server and the second figure shows the location of the main air filter loop for the
400S server.

8-184 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-18: Replace a main air filter (400S and 800S

Main air filter loops

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-185
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-18: Replace a main air filter (400S and 800S

Main air filter loop


2 Grasp the main air filter by the loop(s) and pull it from the server.

3 Insert the replacement main air filter into the server with the metal crossbar facing down
and push it into the slot until you feel resistance.

4 Press down on the filter and push it the rest of the way into the server. Press firmly against
the center of the main air filter to make sure that the filter is completely inserted.

8-186 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-19: Replace air filters (410S and 810S

Procedure 8-19: Replace air filters (410S and 810S servers)

Perform this procedure to replace a dirty power supply unit air filter or main air filter in a
410S or 810S server.
Both the 810S and the 410S servers have two types of air filters: a power supply unit air
filter, which filters the air going into the power supply, and a main air filter, which filters
the air going into the server. Both air filters are located in the power supply unit. The
power supply unit air filter is located at the front of the power supply unit and the main air
filter is located in a tray at the top of the power supply unit.

You should replace both sets of filters every 3 to 6 months. If your server environment is
especially dirty, you may have to replace them more frequently.

Note: The power supply unit air filter must be in place for safe operation. You do not
have to power off the power supply unit or the system when removing or installing any
of the air filters.

Required conditions
Before you perform this procedure, ensure the following:
• Your troubleshooting of the air filters indicates a need to replace the filters.
Reference: See Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”,” for more information.

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required materials
There is a single part number for the kit that contains both the main air filter and the power
supply unit air filter for the Netra CT servers. For the orderable item code of the
replacement kit, refer to the Online Customer Support (OLCS) website,
http://support.lucent.com, Recommended Spare Parts and Sparing Strategy.

To replace the air filters, perform the following steps:

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-187
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-19: Replace air filters (410S and 810S


1 Squeeze in on the tabs at the sides of the power supply unit cover and remove the cover.
Figure 8-47 shows the location of the power supply unit cover for the 810S server.
Figure 8-48 shows the location of the power supply unit cover for the 410S server.

Figure 8-47 Locating the air filters (810S server)




Mai ai fi e


8-188 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-19: Replace air filters (410S and 810S

Figure 8-48 Locating the air filters (410S server)





Mai ai fi e


2 Remove the power supply unit air filter. Refer to Figure 8-47 and Figure 8-48.

3 Slide the main air filter tray out of the power supply unit.

4 Remove the main air filter from the tray.


5 Insert the replacement main air filter in the air filter tray.

6 Slide the air filter tray into the power supply unit.

7 Insert the replacement power supply unit air filter into the power supply unit cover.

8 Replace the power supply unit cover on the power supply unit until it clicks into place.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-189
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-20: Replace an 8x0S hot-swappable power
supply unit

Procedure 8-20: Replace an 8x0S hot-swappable power supply

Perform this procedure to replace the second power supply unit in an 8x0S server.

Note: The second power supply unit in an 8x0S server is hot-swappable, as

described in “Hot-swappability versus cold-swappability” (p. 8-5). The remaining
power supply unit in an 8x0S server and the lone power supply unit in a 4x0S servers
are cold-swappable. If you are replacing a hot-swappable power supply unit, follow
the instructions in this section. If you are replacing a cold-swappable power supply
unit, then go to “Replace a cold-swappable power supply unit” (p. 8-195).
Note that your 800S server will continue to operate normally with only one power supply
unit; however, you will not have complete redundancy for the power supplies until you
replace the failed power supply unit.

This procedure typically takes 20 minutes to perform.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure the following:
• Your troubleshooting of the power supply unit indicates a need to replace the unit.
Reference: You may have to get troubleshooting information from the LEDs on the
power supply unit itself to determine its state. Refer to “Troubleshoot a power supply
using the power supply unit LEDs” (p. 7-49) in Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”,” for
more information.

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

To replace a hot-swappable power supply unit, perform the following steps:

1 Attach an antistatic wrist strap.

8-190 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-20: Replace an 8x0S hot-swappable power
supply unit

Refer to the “Attaching the Antistatic Wrist Strap” section of this manual.

2 Verify that the power supply unit that you want to remove is hot-swappable.
Use the power supply unit (PSU) LEDs on the system status panel to locate the power
supply unit that can be removed.
In a redundant system, a power supply unit is hot-swappable and can be removed only if
the amber Okay to Remove LED ( ) on the system status panel is ON.

Note: Do not remove a power supply unit if the amber Okay to Remove LED ( )
on the system status panel is OFF; that means that the power supply unit is not hot-
swappable, and your server will be powered off if you remove that power supply unit.

3 Push the purple locking mechanism up into the unlocked ( ) position.

The following figure shows the location of the locking mechanism for a power supply unit
in an 800S server. The two LEDs on the power supply unit should go off. In addition, after
several seconds, the amber Okay to Remove LED ( ) on the system status panel for the
remaining power supply unit in the 800S server should go to OFF. This tells you that the
remaining power supply unit is no longer hot-swappable as long as you have the first
power supply unit disabled.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-191
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-20: Replace an 8x0S hot-swappable power
supply unit

Figure 8-49 Power supply screws and locking mechanism

Power supply unit

captive screws (silver) Locking mechanism


4 Using a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, loosen the two silver captive screws at the base of the
power supply unit.
The preceding figure shows the location of the captive screws for a power supply unit on
an 800S server.

Note: Do not loosen the black captive screws at the base of the system; those screws
hold the server in place.

5 Grasp the handle on the power supply unit, slide it out of the server and place it on the
electrostatic discharge mat (see the following figures).

8-192 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-20: Replace an 8x0S hot-swappable power
supply unit

Figure 8-50 800S and 400S power supply removal

Figure 8-51 810S and 410S power supply removal







6 Slide the replacement power supply unit into the slot.


7 Using a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, tighten the two silver captive screws beneath the power
supply unit to secure the power supply unit to the server.
The figure in Step 3 shows the location of the captive screws for the power supply unit on
an 800S server.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-193
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-20: Replace an 8x0S hot-swappable power
supply unit


8 Push the locking mechanism down into the locked ( ) position.

The figure in Step 3 shows the location of the locking mechanisms for the power supply
units on an 800S server.

9 Verify that the power supply unit you just installed is functioning properly.
The figure in Step 2 shows the location of the power supply unit (PSU) LEDs on the
system status panel on the 800S server.
The amber LEDs ( ) on the system status panel for both power supply units in the 800S
server should go ON. This tells you that you have two functioning, redundant power
supply units in the server, and either of them is now hot-swappable.

8-194 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-21: Replace a cold-swappable power supply

Procedure 8-21: Replace a cold-swappable power supply unit

Perform this procedure to replace a cold-swappable power supply unit. A cold-swappable
power supply unit would be either a single remaining power supply unit in an 8x0S server
or the only power supply unit in a 4x0S server.

Note: If you are replacing one power supply unit in a 8x0S server and the second
power supply unit is still up and running, you can replace the failed power supply unit
without powering off the server. Refer to “Replace an 8x0S hot-swappable power
supply unit” (p. 8-190) for more information.

Reason to perform
Perform this procedure when troubleshooting power supply unit problems indicates a need
to replace a failed power supply unit. See the “Troubleshoot a power supply using the
power supply unit LEDs” (p. 7-49) in Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”,” for more

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure the following:
• Your troubleshooting of the power supply unit indicates a need to replace the unit.
Reference: You may have to get troubleshooting information from the LEDs on the
power supply unit itself to determine its state. Refer to “Troubleshoot a power supply
using the power supply unit LEDs” (p. 7-49) in Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”,” for
more information.
• The mate MM-AP is operating correctly.

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

To replace a cold-swappable power supply unit, perform the following steps:

1 Power off the server.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-195
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-21: Replace a cold-swappable power supply

Reference: See“Power down a server” (p. 8-27).


2 Attach the antistatic wrist strap.


3 Push the purple locking mechanism up into the unlocked ( ) position. Figure 8-49 shows
the 800S server. The locking mechanisms of the 810S and 4x0S servers are very similar.
The two LEDs on the power supply unit should go OFF.

4 Use a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver to loosen the two silver captive screws at the base of the
system. Figure 8-49 shows the 800S server. The captive screws of the 810S and 4x0S
servers are very similar.

Note: Do not loosen the black captive screws at the base of the system; those screws
hold the server in place.

5 Grasp the handle on the power supply unit, slide it out of the server, and place it on the
electrostatic discharge mat. Refer to Figure 8-50 and Figure 8-51.

6 Slide the replacement power supply unit into the slot.


7 Using a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, tighten the two silver captive screws to secure the
power supply unit to the server.
The first of the two figures in Step 3 shows the location of the captive screws for the power
supply unit on an 800S server, and the second figure in Step 3 shows the location of the
captive screws for the power supply unit on a 400S server.

8 Push the power supply unit locking mechanism(s) down into the locked ( ) position.
The first of the two figures in Step 3 shows the location of the locking mechanisms for the
power supply units on an 800S server, and the second figure in Step 3 shows the location
of the locking mechanism for the power supply unit on a 400S server. The green LED on
the power supply unit should start flashing at this point, indicating that the power supply
unit is powered on and functioning properly, but the server has not been powered on yet.

8-196 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-21: Replace a cold-swappable power supply


9 Power on the server.

Reference: Refer to the “Powering On the Server” section of this manual for more

10 Verify that the power supply unit you just installed is functioning properly.
Result: The green Power LED ( ) on the power supply unit should go ON and the
system should boot.


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-197
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-22: Replace a power supply unit air filter
(400S and 800S servers)

Procedure 8-22: Replace a power supply unit air filter (400S

and 800S servers)
Perform this procedure to replace a dirty power supply unit air filter in a 400S or 800S

Note: To replace a dirty power supply unit air filter in a 410S or 810S server, see
“Replace air filters (410S and 810S servers)” (p. 8-187).

You should replace the power supply unit air filter every 3 to 6 months. If your server
environment is especially dirty, you may have to replace it more frequently.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure the following:
• Your troubleshooting of the power supply unit air filter indicates a need to replace the
Reference: See Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”,” for more information.

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

To replace a power supply unit air filter, perform the following steps:
When performing the steps in this procedure, make sure that you
do not let the screwdriver enter the power supply apertures.

1 Go to the front of the system and, using a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the two
captive screws that hold the power supply unit air filter in place. The following figure
shows the 800S server. The location of the power unit air filter and its captive screws is

8-198 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-22: Replace a power supply unit air filter
(400S and 800S servers)

Figure 8-52 800S power unit air filter screws

Power supply
air filter screws


2 Remove the power supply unit air filter outer cover and set it aside.
There is an energy hazard present as long as the power supply unit air
filter is not installed. You must replace the power supply unit air filter
immediately and replace the outer cover for the safe operation of your

3 Remove the power supply unit air filter (see the following figure).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-199
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-22: Replace a power supply unit air filter
(400S and 800S servers)

Power supply unit air filter

Power supply unit air filter cover


4 Insert the replacement power supply unit air filter.


5 Place the power supply unit air filter outer cover in the proper position.

6 Using a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, tighten the two captive screws to secure the power
supply unit air filter outer cover in place.
The first figure in Step 1 shows the location of the power supply unit air filter captive
screws on an 800S server, and the second figure in Step 1 shows the location of the power
supply unit air filter captive screws on a 400S server.

8-200 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-23: Replace a fan tray

Procedure 8-23: Replace a fan tray

Perform this procedure to replace a fan tray in either an 8x0S server or a 4x0S server. With
the introduction of the CP2500 CPU, a new fan tray is introduced and is referred to as the
variable rate/high speed fan tray (labeled HISPEED). If a HISPEED fan tray requires
replacement, make sure the new fan tray is also HISPEED.
The server may have a label as shown in Figure 8-53 which indicates the fan trays inside
are high speed. But some servers with high speed fan trays may not have this label. The
instructions in the procedure use commands to verify the fan tray type.

Figure 8-53 High-speed fan tray label location

In the case of a fan tray failure, or if the present fan trays are not HISPEED when they
should be, you should replace the fan tray or trays as soon as possible. If the server
requires HISPEED fan trays, make sure both fan trays are HISPEED.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure the following:

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-201
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-23: Replace a fan tray

• Your troubleshooting of the fan tray indicates a need to replace the tray.
Reference: See Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”,” for more information.

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required materials
For a 400S or 800S server, there is only one type of fan tray used.
For a 410S or 810S server, several types of fan trays are used. To determine the type of
replacement fan tray required, from the alarm card, log in as root (see “Recommend su to
access special logins” (p. 4-6)) and enter the following command:
showfru fan x Sun_Part_No
where “x” is the fan unit number.
Result: The part number will be displayed similar to the following.
Sun_Part_No: 5404931
List of Sun fan tray part numbers:
• #5404928 - 810S server fan tray (standard)
• #5406419 - 810S server variable rate/high speed fan tray (required for the CP2500, can
be used with others)
• #5404931 - 410S server fan tray (standard)
• #5406418 - 410S server variable rate/high speed fan tray (RoHS)
• #5407115 - 410S server variable rate/high speed fan tray (required for the CP2500, can
be used with others)
Both fan trays in a server must be the same type.
Obtain the correct replacement fan tray before continuing.

Related information: 400S and 800S servers

If the envmond software is installed and running, the envmond software controls the
speed of the fans, depending on the ambient air temperature. When the server is first
powered on, if the temperature is below 111°F (44°C), the envmond software decreases
the fan speeds of both fan trays to 75%. If the temperature rises above 133°F (56°C), the
envmond software increases the fan speeds of both fan trays to 100%. If the temperature

8-202 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-23: Replace a fan tray

rises above 153°F (67°C), the envmond software sends out a warning that the system is
overheating. If the temperature rises above 162°F (72°C), the system shuts down
Note that the temperatures above are not ambient air temperatures, but rather the CPU
temperatures that are monitored by a thermistor located under the heatsink on the CPU
card. Also, the envmond daemon controls the speed of the fans, so you must have the
envmond daemon installed and running.
If one fan tray fails, the other fan tray will kick up to 100%, regardless of the temperature.
If the envmond software is not installed, then the fan speeds will remain at 100%,
regardless of any changes in ambient air temperature.

Related information: 410S and 810S servers

If the temperature rises above 149°F (65°C), the CPU card sends out a warning that the
system is overheating. If the temperature rises above 158°F (70°C), then the system shuts
down gracefully. If the temperature rises above 167°F (75°C), then the system does a hard
shutdown. Note that the temperatures above are not ambient air temperatures, but rather
the CPU temperatures that are monitored by a thermistor located under the heatsink on the
host CPU card.

To replace a fan tray, perform the following steps:

1 Go to the front of the system and use the system status panel to determine which fan tray
has failed. A fan tray has failed if the amber Fault LED ( ) on the system status panel is

2 Remove the system status panel from the system.

Refer to “Replace a system status panel” (p. 8-173) for those instructions.

3 Locate the fan tray that has failed.

• If the Fan 1 LEDs were in a failed state on the system status panel, the upper fan tray
has failed.
• If the Fan 2 LEDs were in a failed state on the system status panel, the lower fan tray
has failed.
The following figures show the locations of the fan trays in the 810S server and the 410S
server. The 800S and 400S servers are similar.
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-203
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-23: Replace a fan tray

Figure 8-54 810S fan tray locations



e fa a

(Fa 1) HO

owe fa a
(Fa 2)

Figure 8-55 410S fan tray locations






e fa a
(Fa 1)

owe fa a
(Fa 2)


4 Remove the fan tray from the system.

• If you are removing a fan tray from a 810S server, squeeze on the tabs on the sides of
the fan tray handle to disengage it from the server. See Figure 8-56.
• If you are removing a fan tray from an 800S server or a 4x0S server, pull on the fan
tray handle to disengage it from the server. See Figure 8-57 for a 410S server (the
800S and 400S servers are similar).

8-204 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-23: Replace a fan tray

Figure 8-56 810S fan tray removal





Figure 8-57 410S fan tray removal

D0 D0








micr micr
osys osys
tems tems






5 Insert the replacement fan tray into the system.

• If you are installing a fan tray into a 810S server, press the fan tray into place until the
fan tray clicks into place (see the the first of the three figures in Step 4).
• If you are installing a fan tray into an 800S server or a 4x0S server, make sure the
handle on the fan tray is on the right, and press the fan tray handle to lock the fan tray
into place (see the second of the three figures in Step 4 for an 800S or 400S server and
the third figure for a 410S server).

6 Install the system status panel on the system.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-205
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-23: Replace a fan tray

Refer to “Replace a system status panel” (p. 8-173) for those instructions.

7 Verify that the fan tray LEDs are lit properly.

The first figure in Step 1 shows the locations of the fan tray LEDs on an 800S server and
the second figure in Step 1 shows the locations of the fan tray LEDs on the 400S server.
A fan tray is functioning properly if the amber Fault LED ( ) on the system status panel
is OFF and the green Power LED ( ) is ON.

8-206 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-24: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (800S server

Procedure 8-24: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (800S server only)

Perform this procedure to replace a DVD or Digital Audio Tape (DAT) drive in an 800S
server. DVD and DAT drives are referred to as removable media drives. Removable media
drives are hot-swappable components. Note that internal removable media drives are not
available for the 400S server.

Note: If you are replacing a DVD or DAT drive in an 810S server, see “Replace a
DVD or DAT drive (810S server only)” (p. 8-217).
If you are replacing a DVD drive with a DAT drive in an 800S server, which is a cold-
swappable procedure, see Page (8-224).

Reason to perform
Your troubleshooting of the removable media drive indicates a need to replace the drive.

This procedure could affect service. The server will continue to be powered up while you
are replacing the drive, so ensure that the mate server is running. This procedure does
involve removal of a device on the boot disk SCSI bus, so it is possible that a fault will
occur while replacing the removable media drive.

This procedure typically takes 25 minutes to perform.

You must take ESD precautions when performing these steps.
Refer to “Safety precautions for handling MM-AP equipment”
(p. 8-14).

Required materials
One DVD or DAT removable media module (RMM).

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-207
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-24: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (800S server

Related information
The following are the SCSI IDs for the devices:
For more information about the DVD or DAT drive, see “DAT information” (p. 8-213) and
“DVD information” (p. 8-214).

To remove a DVD or DAT drive, perform the following steps:

1 Attach the antistatic wrist strap.


2 Taking care not to damage the new drive and not damaging the packaging (it will be
reused), unpack the new drive and inspect it for any damage.
If replacing a DAT drive, check the factory settings on the S1 switch before installing the
drive. Refer to Figure 8-58, “DAT Drive S1 Switch Location (bottom view)” (p. 8-209).

8-208 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-24: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (800S server

Figure 8-58 DAT Drive S1 Switch Location (bottom view)

Verify that the replacement drive has the S1 switches set as follows (Note: Tape may have
to be removed to view all switches):

DDS-4* 370-0028, 390-0028, 540-4409-07 (Wide SCSI

S1 switch Disabled)
1 On
2 On
3 Off
4 On
5 Off
6 On
7 On
8 Off
* DAT-72 switch settings will be similar.


3 Log in to the server and get the attachment-point IDs for the removable media drive
installed in your server.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-209
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-24: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (800S server

As root or as System Administrator (see “Recommend su to access special logins”

(p. 4-6)), enter
cfgadm -a c0
Result: If you have a DVD drive installed in your server, you should get feedback
similar to the following:

Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant

c0 scsi-bus connected configured
c0::dsk/c0t0d0 disk connected configured
c0::dsk/c0t1d0 disk connected configured
c0::dsk/c0t6d0 CD-ROM connected configured

In the sample feedback above, the attachment-point ID for the removable media drive is
c0::dsk/c0t6d0, shown as CD-ROM under the Type column.

Result: If you have a DAT drive installed in your server, you should get feedback
similar to the following:
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant
c0 scsi-bus connected configured
c0::dsk/c0t0d0 disk connected configured
c0::dsk/c0t6d0 unavailable connected
unconfigured unknown
c0::rmt/0 tape connected configured

In the sample feedback above, the attachment-point ID for the DAT drive is
c0::rmt/0, shown as tape under the Type column.

4 As root or as System Administrator, enter the following command to kill the Volume
Manager daemon:
/etc/init.d/volmgt stop

8-210 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-24: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (800S server


5 Using a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, loosen the captive screw that holds the removable
media module in place.

6 Pull the module from the system and place it on the electrostatic discharge mat. Place the
module in the anitstatic packaging that the new drive came in. Refer to “Electrostatic
discharge (ESD) precautions” (p. 8-15).

Figure 8-59 800S DAT or DVD removal


7 Insert the replacement removable media module into the server.


8 Using a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, tighten the screw on the removable media module to
secure it to the server.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-211
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-24: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (800S server


9 Start the Volume Manager daemon by entering

/etc/init.d/volmgt start

10 Verify that you can write to the replacement tape drive by entering the following

• In Release 32.0 and later releases:

/flx/bin/testtape -w -d /dev/rmt/n -f filename
/flx/bin/testtape -l -d /dev/rmt/n -f filename
n is the drive number
filename is the name of a file that you want to write to the tape

Result: The /flx/bin/testtape -l -d /dev/rmt/n -f filename command should list the file
that you wrote to the tape.
• In Release 31.0 and earlier releases:
tar cvf /dev/rmt/n filename
tar tvf /dev/rmt/n
n is the drive number
filename is the name of a file that you want to write to the tape

Result: The tar tvf /dev/rmt/n command should list the file that you wrote to
the tape.

11 Verify that you can read from the replacement tape, as follows:
a. Rename or remove from the hard drive the file that you used to write to the tape in
Step 10.
b. Read from the tape drive the file that you wrote to the tape in Step 10 by executing
the following command:
(Release 32.0 and later releases)
/flx/bin/testtape -r -d /dev/rmt/n -f filename
(Release 31.0 and earlier releases)
tar xvf /dev/rmt/n filename

8-212 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-24: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (800S server

n is the drive number
filename is the name of a file that you wrote to the tape in Step 10


DAT information
The tape drive has an activity light and an attention light on the front panel.

Figure 8-60 DAT drive front panel controls and indicators

Activity light
The activity light behaves as follows:
• flashes green to show activity (loading, unloading, reading, and writing)
• is a steady green when a cartridge is loaded and the tape drive is ready to begin

Attention light
The attention light behaves as follows:
• flashes amber to indicate that a cartridge is near the end of its life or that the heads
need cleaning (see “Media Caution signal” (p. 8-214))
• is a steady amber when there is a hard fault
Refer to Figure 8-61, “Interpreting DAT activity and attention light patterns” (p. 8-214) for
more detail.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-213
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-24: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (800S server

Figure 8-61 Interpreting DAT activity and attention light patterns

Activity Attention Description

Activity - load or unload Off

Activity - read or write Green

Cartridge loaded Amber

any Flash green

Media Caution signal
(1/2s on, 1/2s off)
any Fault Flash amber
(1/2s on, 1/2s off)
Power-on (starts with two Fast flash green
steady lights) (1/4s on, 1/4s off)

Media Caution signal

The DDS-4 or DAT-72 DAT drive monitors the number of correctable errors that occur
during reading and writing. If the number of errors becomes excessive, the tape may be
nearing the end of its useful life, or the tape heads may need cleaning.
• If the Media Caution signal appears (flashing amber), clean the tape drive as described
in the Cleaning the tape drive section of this manual..
• If the signal still displays after cleaning the heads, repeat the operation with a different
tape. If this clears the signal, the first tape is nearing the end of its life. Copy the data
onto a new tape and discard the old one.
The Media Caution signal is cleared when a new tape is loaded or when the drive is power-

DVD information
The front panel LED [see Figure 8-62] provides drive status that is dependent on the rate
of indicator flashes. After the tray is closed, the LED blinks at 0.8-second intervals and
then will indicate one of the statuses listed in Table 8-7, “DVD front panel LED status
descriptions” (p. 8-215).

8-214 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-24: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (800S server

Figure 8-62 DVD front panel

Table 8-7 DVD front panel LED status descriptions

LED indicator Description

Turned off Drive is in data read/standby mode or no
disc is mounted
Flashing at 1.6-second Audio CD is playing
Flashing at different intervals Data access and transfer

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-215
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-24: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (800S server

LED indicator Description

Continuously on Drive electronics or media has a problem
that may require drive or media

Note: If the drive remains inactive for approximately 32 minutes, the spindle motor
stops, and the LED turns off. When the drive receives another command, the spindle
motor starts and the LED automatically lights.

8-216 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-25: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (810S server

Procedure 8-25: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (810S server only)

Perform this procedure to replace a DVD or Digital Audio Tape (DAT) drive in an 810S
server. DVD and DAT drives are referred to as removable media drives. Removable media
drives are hot-swappable components. Note that internal removable media drives are not
available for the 410S server.

Reason to perform
Your troubleshooting of the removable media drive indicates a need to replace the drive.

This procedure could affect service. The server will continue to be powered up while you
are replacing the drive, so ensure that the mate server is running. This procedure does
involve removal of a device on the boot disk SCSI bus, so it is possible that a fault will
occur while replacing the removable media drive.

This procedure typically takes 25 minutes to perform.

Required materials
One DVD or DAT removable media module (RMM).

You must take ESD precautions when performing these steps.
Refer to “Safety precautions for handling MM-AP equipment”
(p. 8-14).

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Related information
Following are the SCSI IDs for the devices:

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-217
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-25: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (810S server

For more information about the DVD or DAT drive, see “Replace a DVD or DAT drive
(800S server only)” (p. 8-207).

To remove a DVD or DAT drive, perform the following steps:

1 Attach the antistatic wrist strap.


2 Taking care not to damage the new drive and not damaging the packaging (it will be
reused), unpack the new drive, place in on the electrostatic discharge mat, and inspect it
for any damage.

3 If replacing a DAT drive, check the factory settings on the S1 switch before installing the
drive. Refer to Required materials under “Replace a DVD or DAT drive (800S server
only)” (p. 8-207).

4 Log in to the server as root or as System Administrator and kill the Volume Manager
daemon (see “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)). Enter:
/etc/init.d/volmgt stop

5 If you are removing a DAT drive, enter the following command to rebuild the device tree.
(This command is not necessary if you are removing a DVD drive.)
devfsadm -i st

6 Get the attachment-point ID for the removeable media drive installed in your server. As
root or as System Administrator, enter
cfgadm -a c0

8-218 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-25: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (810S server

Result: If you have a DVD drive installed in your server, you should get feedback
similar to the following:
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant
c0 scsi-bus connected configured
c0::dsk/c0t0d0 disk connected configured
c0::dsk/c0t6d0 CD-ROM connected configured
c0::rmt/0 unavailable connected
unconfigured unknown

In the sample feedback above, the attachment-point ID for the DVD drive is
c0::dsk/c0t6d0, shown as CD-ROM under the Type column.

Result: If you have a DAT drive installed in your server, you should get feedback
similar to the following:
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant
c0 scsi-bus connected configured
c0::dsk/c0t0d0 disk connected configured
c0::dsk/c0t6d0 unavailable connected
unconfigured unknown
c0::rmt/0 tape connected configured

In the sample feedback above, the attachment-point ID for the DAT drive is
c0::rmt/0, shown as tape under the Type column.

7 Attach the antistatic wrist strap.


8 Using a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, loosen the captive screw that holds the removeable
media module in place. The 810S server is similar to the 800S server (see Figure 8-59).

9 Pull the module from the system and place it on the electrostatic discharge mat. Place the
module in the antistatic packaging that the new drive came in. If the antistatic packaging is
damaged in any way, it must be replaced. Refer to “Electrostatic discharge (ESD)
precautions” (p. 8-15).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-219
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-25: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (810S server


10 Insert the replacement removeable media module into the server.

Result: The Okay to Remove LED ( ) and the Power LED ( ) on the system
status panel for the removeable media module should go ON.

11 Using a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, tighten the screw on the removeable media module to
secure it to the server.

12 Remove the antistatic wrist strap.


13 If you installed a DAT drive into your server, enter the following command to rebuild the
device tree. This command is not necessary if you installed a DVD drive into your server.
devfsadm -i st

14 Verify that the removeable media drive has been activated. As root, enter:
cfgadm -a c0
Result: If you installed a DVD drive in your server, you should get output similar to
the following:
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant
c0 scsi-bus connected configured
c0::dsk/c0t0d0 disk connected configured
c0::dsk/c0t6d0 CD-ROM connected configured
c0::rmt/0 unavailable connected
unconfigured unknown

8-220 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-25: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (810S server

Result: If you installed a DAT drive in your server, you should get feedback similar to
the following:
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant
c0 scsi-bus connected configured
c0::dsk/c0t0d0 disk connected configured
c0::dsk/c0t6d0 unavailable connected
unconfigured unknown
c0::rmt/0 tape connected configured


15 What type of replacement drive did you install?

If... then...
DVD continue with Step 16
DAT skip to Step 17


16 What values do you see in the line with the attachment point c0::dsk/c0t6d0 listed in
the Ap_Id column?

If Type column shows... and Occupant column shows... then...

CD-ROM configured DVD drive was activated. Skip to Step

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-221
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-25: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (810S server

If Type column shows... and Occupant column shows... then...

unavailable unconfigured DVD drive was not activated. Enter the
following command to activate the
DVD drive:
cfgadm -c configure
cfgadm -a c0
a second time to verify that the DVD
drive was activated.
You can also use the removeable media
module (RMM) LEDs on the system
status panel to verify that the
removeable media drive has been
activated. The Okay to Remove LED
( ) on the system status panel for
the removeable media drive should go
OFF, indicating that the removeable
media drive has been activated. Skip to
Step 18.


17 What values do you see in the line with the attachment point c0::rmt/0 listed in the
Ap_Id column.?

If Type column shows... and Occupant column shows... then...

tape configured DAT drive was activated. Go to Step

8-222 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-25: Replace a DVD or DAT drive (810S server

If Type column shows... and Occupant column shows... then...

unavailable unconfigured DAT drive was not activated. Enter the
following command to activate the
DAT drive:
cfgadm -c configure
cfgadm -a c0
a second time to verify that the DAT
drive was activated.
You can also use the removeable media
module (RMM) LEDs on the system
status panel to verify that the
removeable media drive has been
activated. The Okay to Remove LED
( ) on the system status panel for
the removeable media drive should go
OFF, indicating that the removeable
media drive has been activated.


18 Start the Volume Manager daemon. As root or as System Administrator, enter:

/etc/init.d/volmgt start

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-223
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-26: Upgrade a DVD/DAT drive with a DAT

Procedure 8-26: Upgrade a DVD/DAT drive with a DAT drive

Use this procedure in an 8x0S server for two reasons:
• to upgrade from a DVD drive to a DDS-4 DAT drive or DAT-72 drive.
• to upgrade from a DDS-4 DAT drive to a DAT-72 drive.
This procedure must be performed on a server pair basis.
The DAT-72 drive is available which uses the DAT-72 or DDS-5 format. Tapes written in
the DDS-3 and DDS-4 formats are compatible with the DAT-72 drive. But to utilize the
dense data writing capability of the DAT-72 drive, tapes in the new DAT-72 or DDS-5
formats must be used. Tapes written in DDS-1 and DDS-2 formats are not compatible.

Reason to perform
Perform this procedure when:
• you are ready to implement the AMA migration feature
• you want to use a DAT tape drive to extract the raw AMA billing data from the 410S
disk driveyou want to upgrade your DAT drive.

This procedure affects service. The server will be shut down while you are replacing the
drive, so ensure that the mate server is running. On the mate server, enter the following
command from the TICLI to verify that the mate is running and to verify that no
applications listed are in the “OOS Fault” state: op:ap X,status. If any applications are
in the “OOS Fault” state, restore them using the appropriate application documents before
This procedure should be performed duirng non-peak hours since it affects service.

Note: This procedure is a hot-swappable procedure. For more information on cold-

swappable versus hot-swappable, refer to “Hot-swappability versus cold-
swappability” (p. 8-5).

Before you begin

Ensure that a full system database backup of the ECP has been performed no more than
one week prior to replacing the DVD or DAT drive.
The 8x0S server pair must be alarm free.
Verify that the billing center can read DAT-72 or DDS-5 tapes.

8-224 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-26: Upgrade a DVD/DAT drive with a DAT

This procedure typically takes 25 minutes to perform.

Required materials
One DAT removable media module (RMM). Before installing the drive, check the factory
settings on the S1 switch. Refer to Required materials under “Replace a DVD or DAT
drive (800S server only)” (p. 8-207).

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Related information
Following are the SCSI IDs for the devices. The SCSI ID for the DVD drive used in the
removable media module is 6.
For more information about the DVD or DAT drive, see “Replace a DVD or DAT drive
(800S server only)” (p. 8-207).

To upgrade a DVD or DAT drive with a DAT drive, perform the following steps:

1 Attach the antistatic wrist strap.


2 Taking care not to damage the new drive and not damaging the packaging (it will be
reused), unpack the new drive, place in on the electrostatic discharge mat, and inspect it
for any damage.

Shut down the server (DO NOT power down)


3 Log on to one of the 8x0S servers as root or as System Administrator (see “Recommend
su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-225
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-26: Upgrade a DVD/DAT drive with a DAT


4 Create a file to be used during the upcoming reboot.

If you are the System Administrator, run:
As root, run:
touch /reconfigure
The device tree is automatically reconfigured during the reboot as a result of creating this

5 Enter the following TICLI command to switch over all applications to the mate server and
remove this server from service:
RMV:AP xxy
Where xxy is the number of the server.
Result: (for example)
ap15 TICLI 17>
M 57 RMV:AP 15! PF
2007-04-09 09:57:10 REPORT #000001 FINAL
04/09/07 09:57:10 #000029

ap15 TICLI 17>

AP 15 successfully removed
2007-04-09 09:58:53 REPORT #000001 FINAL
04/09/07 09:58:53 #000030

6 Enter the following TICLI command to check that all applications are out of service
Where xxy is the number of the server just removed from service.
8-226 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-26: Upgrade a DVD/DAT drive with a DAT

Result: (for example)

ap15 TICLI 18>
2007-04-09 09:59:11 REPORT #000001 FINAL
04/09/07 09:59:11 #000031


2007-04-09 09:59:11 REPORT #000001 FINAL
04/09/07 09:59:11 #000032

7 Enter Ctrl-c or “exit” to get out of the TICLI interface and back to the UNIX prompt.

8 Enter the following command to bring the server offline:


9 Enter the following commands to halt the server:

cd /
shutdown -i0 -g0
Result: (for example)
Shutdown started. Mon Apr 9 10:02:31 CDT 2007

Do you want to continue? (y or n):


10 Enter y.
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-227
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-26: Upgrade a DVD/DAT drive with a DAT

Result: (for example)

Changing to init state 0 - please wait
Broadcast Message from root (pts/1) on ap15 Mon Apr 9 10:02:36...
Log off now or risk your files being damaged

Replace the drive


1 Attach the antistatic wrist strap.


2 Using a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, loosen the captive screw that holds the drive in place.
Refer to Figure 8-59.

3 Pull the module from the system and place it on the electrostatic discharge mat. Place the
module in the antistatic packaging that the new drive came in. If the antistatic packaging is
damaged in any way, it must be replaced. Refer to “Electrostatic discharge (ESD)
precautions” (p. 8-15).

4 Insert and fully seat the new DAT drive into the server.

5 Using a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, tighten the screw on the DAT drive to secure it to the

Bring up the server


1 Log onto the OMP shell and telnet to the alarm card of the server that was removed from
service (or use the LMT to log onto the alarm card):
omp shell> telnet acXX
where XX is the number assigned to the server’s alarm card.

2 Log into the alarm card as root (see “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)).
8-228 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-26: Upgrade a DVD/DAT drive with a DAT


3 Enter the following command to log into the console:

For an 800S server:
Enter a second carriage return.
For an 810S server:
console 1
console: Trying to connect to console in slot 1
console: connected to console in slot 1 (Session 1) Console mode
Enter a second carriage return.

4 After the ok prompt, enter the following:

Result: The server boots back to the apoffline state. Wait for the following line:
The system is ready.
A message similar to the following may be displayed. It can be ignored.
Apr 9 10:13:00 ap15 picid[113]: SUNW_frutree:Error in getting state for

5 Log on as root or as System Administrator to the server where the DAT drive was

6 Enter the following command to bring the server online:

Result: The server will reboot again, taking about 5 minutes before being placed in the
ACTIVE state.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-229
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-26: Upgrade a DVD/DAT drive with a DAT


7 Enter the following command to check the status of the server:

Result: (for example)
RCC Cluster [APcluster] Status
ap11 2 L - LEAD
ap12 3 A - ACTIVE
ap13 4 A - ACTIVE
ap14 5 A - ACTIVE
ap15 6 A - ACTIVE
ap16 7 A - ACTIVE
ap17 8 # - UNKNOWN
ap18 9 # - UNKNOWN
A message similar to the following may be displayed. It can be ignored.
Apr 9 10:13:00 ap15 picid[113]: SUNW_frutree:Error in getting state for

8 Enter the following command to restore the applications on the server:

where xx is the number of the server.
Result: Wait for the following to be displayed: (for example)
AP 15 successfully restored

9 Enter the following command to verify that the server was restored correctly:
where xx is the number of the server.
Result: Output should include something similar to the following: (for example)
8-230 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-26: Upgrade a DVD/DAT drive with a DAT


10 Enter Ctrl-c or exit to get out of the TICLI and back to the UNIX prompt.

Verify DAT drive is working


1 To verify that the DAT drive was correctly installed, log on to the server as root or as
System Administrator (see “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)).

Note: The reboot may take as long as 5 minutes. Allow the reboot to take place
before attempting to log on.

2 Insert a compatible tape into the DAT drive.


3 Do one of the following:

For Release 32.0 and later

releases ... Then enter ...
if you are root mt -f /dev/rmt/0 status
/flx/bin/tapestatus -d /dev/rmt/0
if you are the System Administrator /flx/bin/tapestatus -d /dev/rmt/0
For Release 31.0 and earlier releases
... Then enter ...
as root mt -f /dev/rmt/0 status

Result: The output for a DDS-4 drive will look like the following: (for example)
HP DDS-4 DAT (Sun) tape drive:
sense key(0x0)= No Additional Sense residual= 0 retries= 0
file no= 0 block no= 0
Result: The output for a DAT-72 drive will look like the following: (for example)
HP DAT-72 tape drive:
sense key(0x6)= Unit Attention residual= 0 retries= 0
file no= 0 block no= 0

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-231
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-26: Upgrade a DVD/DAT drive with a DAT


4 Enter the following command to verify that the tape drive is recognized:
cfgadm -a c0
Result: (for example)
Ap_Id Type Receptable Occupant Condition
c0 scsi-bus connected configuredunknown
c0::dsk/c0t0d0disk connected configuredunknown
c0::rmt/0 tape connected configuredunknown

5 Enter the following command to write a file to the tape:

For Release 32.0 and later

releases ... Then enter ...
if you are root tar cvf /dev/rmt/c0 filename
/flx/bin/testtape -w -d /dev/rmt/c0
-f filename
if you are the System Administrator /flx/bin/testtape -w -d /dev/rmt/c0
-f filename
For Release 31.0 and earlier releases
... Then enter ...
as root tar cvf /dev/rmt/0 filename

where filename is a test file to write to the tape.


6 Enter the following command to list the file that was written to the tape.

For Release 32.0 and later

releases ... Then enter ...
if you are root tar tvf /dev/rmt/c0 filename
/flx/bin/testtape -l -d /dev/rmt/c0
-f filename
if you are the System Administrator /flx/bin/testtape -l -d /dev/rmt/c0
-f filename
For Release 31.0 and earlier releases
... Then enter ...

8-232 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-26: Upgrade a DVD/DAT drive with a DAT

For Release 32.0 and later

releases ... Then enter ...
as root tar tvf /dev/rmt/0 filename


7 Enter the following command to read the file from the tape.

For Release 32.0 and later

releases ... Then enter ...
if you are root tar xvf /dev/rmt/c0 filename
/flx/bin/testtape -r -d /dev/rmt/c0
-f filename
if you are the System Administrator /flx/bin/testtape -r -d /dev/rmt/c0
-f filename
For Release 31.0 and earlier releases
... Then enter ...
as root tar xvf /dev/rmt/0 filename

Note: Once the test file is read successfully, remove it from the drive.

Exit out of the console and alarm card


1 Enter the following command:

Result: A login prompt appears.


2 Enter the following command:

~. (tilde followed by a period)
Result: (example for an 800S server)
ac15 rcs>
Result: (example for an 810S server)
ac15 cli>

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-233
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-26: Upgrade a DVD/DAT drive with a DAT


3 Enter the following command:


Upgrade drive for paired server

Repeat this entire procedure for the mate 8x0S server.

8-234 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-27: Move a disk adapter module (4x0S server

Procedure 8-27: Move a disk adapter module (4x0S server

Perform this procedure to move the disk adapter module in the 4x0S server from a server
with a faulty midplane to a replacement server drawer. (The 8x0S does not have a disk
adapter module.)

Reason to perform
You only perform this procedure as one of the procedures in “Replace a midplane or
removing a server” (p. 8-245). The disk adapter module is not otherwise a replaceable

This procedure could affect service. The server from which you are removing the disk
adapter module must be powered down before removing it. If the mate server fails during
the replacement procedure, all interaction on both servers will be lost.

The entire procedure to replace a drawer with midplane takes about 45 - 60 minutes.

Required conditions
Before you perform this procedure, ensure the following:
• Before removing the disk adapter module from the faulty drawer (Step 1 - Step 6) ,
complete Step 1 - Step 27 of “Replace a midplane or removing a server” (p. 8-245).
• Before reinstalling the disk adapter module in the replacement drawer (Step 7 - Step
10) , complete through Step 42 of “Replace a midplane or removing a server”
(p. 8-245).

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 1 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

To move the disk adapter module in a 4x0S server from a faulty drawer to a replacement
drawer, perform the following steps:
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-235
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-27: Move a disk adapter module (4x0S server


1 Attach the anitstatic wrist strap.


2 With a No. 1 Phillips screwdriver, remove the two screws at the top of the disk adapter
module that secure the module to the server.

3 Pull the disk adapter module out of the 4x0S server (see the following figure).

Disk adapter module

Hard disk drive


4 Pull the drive from the system and place it on the electrostatic discharge mat. Refer to
“Electrostatic discharge (ESD) precautions” (p. 8-15).

5 Facing the left side of the 4x0S server, outside the server, use a No. 1 Phillips screwdriver
to remove the three screws that secure the disk adapter module holder to the server (see the
following figure).

8-236 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-27: Move a disk adapter module (4x0S server


6 Remove the disk adapter module holder from the 4x0S server.

7 Insert the disk adapter module holder into the replacement drawer, facing up.

8 Facing the left outside of the replacement drawer, use the three screws to secure the disk
adapter module holder to the drawer (see the figure in Step 5).

9 Insert the disk adapter module, with the connector facing the left rear side of the drawer
(see the figure in Step 3).

10 Secure the disk adapter module to the drawer using the two screws at the top of the disk
adapter module.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-237
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-28: Move a SCSI termination board (800S
server only)

Procedure 8-28: Move a SCSI termination board (800S server

Perform this procedure to move the SCSI termination board in the 800S server from a
server with a faulty midplane to a replacement server drawer.

Note: The 400S server does not have a SCSI termination board, but does have a CPU
termination board that works with the CPU rear transition module for proper
termination of signalling lines. See “Move a CPU termination board (4x0S server
only)” (p. 8-240) for instructions on moving the 400S server termination board.

Reason to perform
You only perform this procedure as one of the procedures in “Replace a midplane or
removing a server” (p. 8-245). The SCSI termination board is not otherwise a replaceable

This procedure could affect service. The server from which you are removing the SCSI
termination board must be powered down before removing it. If the mate server fails
during the replacement procedure, all interaction on both servers will be lost.

The entire procedure to replace a drawer with midplane takes about 45 - 60 minutes.

Required conditions
Before you perform this procedure, ensure the following:
• Before removing the SCSI termination board from the faulty drawer (Step 1 - Step 4) ,
complete Step 1 - Step 27 of “Replace a midplane or removing a server” (p. 8-245).
• Before reinstalling the SCSI termination board in the replacement drawer (Step 5 -
Step 6) , complete through Step 42 of “Replace a midplane or removing a server”
(p. 8-245).

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

8-238 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-28: Move a SCSI termination board (800S
server only)

To move the 800S server SCSI termination board from a faulty drawer to a replacement
drawer, perform the following steps:

1 Attach the antistatic wrist strap.


2 Locate the SCSI termination board.

The SCSI termination board is located directly below the removeable media module.

SCSI termination board


3 Loosen the silver screw that holds the SCSI termination board in place.

4 Remove the SCSI termination board from the faulty drawer.


5 Insert the SCSI termination board into the slot beneath the removeable media module in
the replacement drawer.

6 Tighten the silver screw to secure the SCSI termination board to the replacement drawer.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-239
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-29: Move a CPU termination board (4x0S
server only)

Procedure 8-29: Move a CPU termination board (4x0S server

Perform this procedure to move the CPU termination board in the 4x0S server from a
server with a faulty midplane to a replacement server drawer.

Note: The 8x0S does not have a CPU termination board, but does have a SCSI
termination board. See “Move a SCSI termination board (800S server only)”
(p. 8-238) for instructions on moving the 8x0S SCSI termination board.

Reason to perform
You only perform this procedure as one of the procedures in “Replace a midplane or
removing a server” (p. 8-245). The CPU termination board is not otherwise a replaceable

This procedure could affect service. The server from which you are removing the SCSI
termination board must be powered down before removing it. If the mate server fails
during the replacement procedure, all interaction on both servers will be lost.

The entire procedure to replace a drawer with midplane takes about 45 - 60 minutes.

Required conditions
Before you perform this procedure, ensure the following:
• Before removing the CPU termination board from the faulty drawer (Step 1 - Step 4) ,
complete Step 1 - Step 27 of “Replace a midplane or removing a server” (p. 8-245).
• Before reinstalling the CPU termination board in the replacement drawer (Step 5 -
Step 6) , complete through Step 42 of “Replace a midplane or removing a server”
(p. 8-245).

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 1 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

8-240 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-29: Move a CPU termination board (4x0S
server only)

To move a 4x0S server CPU termination board from a faulty drawer to a replacement
drawer, perform the following steps:

1 Attach the antistatic wrist strap.


2 Locate the CPU termination board.

The CPU termination board is located directly below the system status panel to the left of
the power supply unit (see the first of the following two figures for a 400S server, or the
second of the two figures for a 410S server).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-241
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-29: Move a CPU termination board (4x0S
server only)


3 Use a No. 1 Phillips screwdriver to loosen the screw in the small pull-out handle that holds
the CPU termination board in place.

8-242 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-29: Move a CPU termination board (4x0S
server only)


4 Remove the CPU termination board from the faulty drawer (see the following two

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-243
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-29: Move a CPU termination board (4x0S
server only)


5 Insert the CPU termination board into the slot below the system status panel to the left of
the power supply unit in the replacement drawer.

6 Tighten the screw in the small pull-out handle to secure the CPU termination board to the

8-244 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server

Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server

Perform this procedure either to replace a drawer with a faulty midplane or to remove a
functioning server in order to access a component behind the server. You can power down
and remove one server without affecting the other servers in the chassis.
Note that the drawer and the midplane are considered a single replaceable unit.
Whenever this procedure is performed, the OBP boot-devices parameter will be set to
“Boot Devices”. For the host CPU to boot successfully, this parameter must be set to null
(““) for the host slot. For a satellite CPU, it must be set to net:dhcp,,,,,2,2 for each satellite
slot. Use the set fru command shown at the end of this procedure to set the OBP boot-
devices parameter correctly for the host and satellite CPU slots.

Reason to perform
Perform this procedure in any of the following situations:
• you need to replace a drawer with a faulty midplane
• you need to access a component behind an otherwise functioning server, such as a
power distribution unit,
• you need to remove a spare server that was being used temporarily

This procedure could affect service. The server must be powered down before removing it.
If the mate server fails during the replacement procedure, all interaction on both servers
will be lost.

This procedure typically takes 45 minutes to 1 hour to perform.

Required conditions
Before you perform this procedure, ensure the following:
• Your troubleshooting indicates a need to replace either a drawer with a faulty midplane
or a component behind an otherwise functioning server.
• The mate server is operating correctly.
• If you are replacing a drawer with a faulty midplane, the midplane on the replacement
drawer has no bent or broken pins.
• If you are replacing a drawer with a faulty midplane that contains a satellite processor,
you have backed up the DNFS Host CPU that supports that satellite processor.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-245
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server

Reference: See Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”,” for more information.

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 0 Phillips screwdriver
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• a flashlight
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required materials
If you are performing this procedure to replace a drawer with a faulty midplane, this
procedure requires a replacement drawer with midplane.

Note: The 8x0S and 4x0S server each have their own replacement drawer. Be sure
you have the right replacement drawer.

Related information
Note that the following is always true:
• An 8x0S has two power distribution units supplying power to it.
• A 4x0S server has one power distribution unit supplying power to it.
Refer to Figure 1-8. You do not have to disconnect the DC input power cables from any
power distribution units other than the ones supplying power to the server that you want to
remove; doing so powers off other servers in the chassis.

To replace a drawer with a faulty midplane or remove a functioning server, perform the
following steps:

1 Which of the following scenarios applies to you?

If... then...
you are removing a skip to Step 14
functioning server in order to
access a component behind
the server (for example, a
power distribution unit)

8-246 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server

If... then...
you are replacing a drawer skip to Step 14
with a faulty midplane but no
you are replacing a drawer continue with Step 2
with a faulty midplane and
• the drawer has satellites
• drawer host is not a
you are replacing a drawer continue with Step 2
with a faulty midplane and
the drawer host is a DNFS


2 Establish a remote connection from the LMT to another MM-AP in the same frame. Login
as root (see “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)).
Reference: See “Access an MM-AP via telnet from the LMT” (p. 3-23).

3 From the UNIX prompt, access the TICLI by entering the following command:

4 Display a list of satellites associated with the drawer or DNFS Host that is in the drawer
with the faulty midplane by executing the following command:
a is the drawer host or DNFS Host logical number.

Result: For a drawer host, the OP:AP a, INV command generates output similar to
the following:
AP 83:SR:410HST_T1:EIN 03-06:FR 9:DR 3:SL 3:SAT APS 93
Result: For a DNFS Host, the OP:AP a, INV command generates output similar to
the following:
93, 97
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-247
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server


5 Establish a remote connection to one of the satellites listed in the OP:AP a, INV
command output from the LMT.
Reference: See Chapter 3, “Access MM-AP components” for instructions on various
ways of logging into an MM-AP remotely.
You must remove satellites from service and put them in the offline
state before you power down the DNFS Host associated with those

6 Remove the satellite from service; do one of the following:

• From the OMC-RAN, perform an “AP rmv ap” task.
• On the Element Management System (EMS) AP Status Page, press the Remove
• Enter the following command at an appropriate command line interface; EMS CLI or
a is the satellite logical number.

Result: The satellite is displayed as OOS-MANUAL.


7 Log in to the satellite MM-AP as root or as System Administrator and enter the following
command to take the satellite offline:
Result: The satellite reboots but is taken offline and stops all platform software.

Note: If you cannot remove the satellite from service using the apoffline
command from the satellite itself, execute the apoffline command from the mate
satellite, as follows:
apoffline -s apxxy -F

To determine the logical number of the mate satellite: add one to the logical number
of the target satellite if the target satellite’s logical number is odd; subtract one from
the logical number of the target satellite if the target satellite’s logical number is even.

8-248 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server


8 As root or as System Administrator, etablish a remote console connection to the DNFS

Host that supports the satellite [the host that you specified in the OP:AP a, INV
command in Step 3]. Log in .
Reference: See “Telnet to a server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27).

9 Set the target satellite to INET mode by executing the following command from the DNFS
apmodeDNFS -s apxxy -m INET
xxy is the satellite logical number.

Result: Setting the target satellite to INET mode prevents any recovery action from
being taken on the satellite while it is under maintenance and also causes the satellite
to go offline after it boots up.

10 Is the satellite that you removed from service and took offline in the same drawer or in a
different drawer as the drawer that you are replacing?

If... then...
different drawer continue with Step 11
same drawer skip to Step 13
Satellites in the same drawer will be
powered down when you power down the


11 Establish a remote connection to the alarm card in the drawer in which the satellite is
Refer to “Telnet to a server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27) and then return here.

12 Power down the satellite from the alarm card by executing the following command from
the alarm card prompt:
poweroff x
where x is 4 or 5 for a 410S server and 3 or 5 for an 810S server.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-249
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server


13 Remove from service, take offline, and, where appropriate, power down all other satellites
that are either in the drawer that you are replacing or that are served by the DNFS Host in
the drawer that you are replacing:
• For satellites in the same drawer that you are replacing, repeat Step 5 through Step 9.
• For satellites that are served by the DNFS Host in the drawer that you are replacing,
repeat Step 5 through Step 12.

14 Completely power off the drawer host.

Reference: See “Power down a server” (p. 8-27).
You must push the purple power supply unit locking mechanism into the unlocked
position before you can remove the server.

15 On the target server, disconnect the DC input power cable(s) from the DC connector(s) at
the rear of the chassis.
Figure 8-63 shows how to disconnect the DC input power cables from the DC connectors.

Figure 8-63 Disconnecting DC input power cable

8-250 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server

Do not attempt to remove the server from the chassis without first
performing the next step or you might damage certain major system

16 Are you replacing a drawer with a faulty midplane or removing a functioning server to
access a component behind the server?
If... then...
you are replacing a drawer you must unplug any cables from the front
with a faulty midplane of the server and remove all the
components from the faulty drawer. You
will reinstall them in the replacement
drawer later on. Continue with Step 17.
you are removing a you do not need to unplug cables from the
functioning server to access a front of the server or remove components
component behind the server from the drawer. Skip to Step 29 to
(for example, a power remove the server.
distribution unit)


17 Use a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver to loosen the screws at the top and bottom of each rear
transition module and unseat all the rear transition modules from the server that you are
going to replace.
You do not have to completely remove the rear transition modules from the chassis; you
only need to pull them out an inch or two so that they are disengaged from the rear of the
server that you are going to replace or remove.

18 Label all the cables that you must disconnect from the front of the server, if they are not
already labelled.
You will be disconnecting the cables from the front of the server in the next step, and you
will want to plug the cables back into the corresponding ports on the replacement server
after you’ve replaced the server.

19 Unplug all cables from the cards installed in the server. Also:
If... then...
you are replacing a 400S go to the front of the chassis and unplug
drawer with a faulty midplane all the cables from the alarm card

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-251
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server


20 Remove the CPU card, satellite CPU card, and combo or carrier card from the faulty
drawer. Refer to “Circuit card removal” (p. 8-18).

21 Remove the alarm card from the faulty drawer. Refer to “Circuit card removal” (p. 8-18).

22 Remove the system status panel from the faulty drawer.

Perform Step 1 - Step 4 of “Replace a system status panel” (p. 8-173).

23 Remove the system controller board from the faulty drawer.

Perform Step 8 - Step 9 of “Replace a system controller board” (p. 8-178).

24 Remove the fan tray from the faulty drawer.

Perform Step 3 and Step 4 of “Replace a fan tray” (p. 8-201).

25 Remove the main air filter from the faulty drawer.

For 400S and 800S servers, perform Step 1 - Step 2 of “Replace a main air filter (400S
and 800S servers)” (p. 8-184).
For 410S and 810S servers, perform Step 1, Step 3, and Step 4 of “Replace air filters
(410S and 810S servers)” (p. 8-187).

26 Remove the power supply unit (4x0S server) or units (8x0S) from the faulty drawer.
Perform Step 2 - Step 5 of the procedure “Replace a cold-swappable power supply unit”
(p. 8-195).

27 Remove the hard disk drive (4x0S server) or drives (8x0S) from the faulty drawer.
Attach an antistatic wrist strap and perform Step 15 - Step 20 of “Replace a DVD or DAT
drive (800S server only)” (p. 8-207).

8-252 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server


28 Are you replacing a 4x0S server or an 8x0S?

If the drawer type is... then...
4x0S • Remove the disk adapter module from
the faulty 4x0S drawer.
Perform Step 1 - Step 6 of “Move a
disk adapter module (4x0S server
only)” (p. 8-235).
• Remove the CPU termination board
from the faulty 4x0S drawer.
Perform Step 1 - Step 4 of “Move a
CPU termination board (4x0S server
only)” (p. 8-240).
8x0S • Remove the DVD or DAT drive from
the faulty 8x0S drawer.
Perform Step 1, Step 5 - Step 6 of
“Replace a DVD or DAT drive (800S
server only)” (p. 8-207),
Notes: You do not need to perform
Step 3 - Step 4 of the procedure to
remove the DVD or DAT drive
because the server is already
powered off.

• Remove the SCSI termination board

from the faulty 8x0S drawer.
Perform Step 1 - Step 4 of “Move a
SCSI termination board (800S server
only)” (p. 8-238).


29 Using a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, loosen the captive screws that secure the server to the
If... then...
you are removing an 8x0S loosen the four black captive screws at the
server top of the server and the three black
captive screws at the bottom of the server
(the first of the following two figures
shows the 810S server; the 800S server is
very similar)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-253
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server

If... then...
you are removing a 4x0S loosen the two black captive screws at the
server top of the server and the two black captive
screws at the bottom of the server (the
second of the following two figures shows
the 410S server; the 400S server is very

Figure 8-64 8x0S server captive screws














8-254 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server

Figure 8-65 4x0S server captive screws












30 What type of drawer are you replacing or reinserting?

If the drawer type is... then...
400S or 800S • Grasp the flat, vertical, purple handles
at the lower left and middle right of
the drawer and slowly pull the drawer
out of the chassis until the purple,
server bar at the top of the drawer is
• With your right hand, grasp the purple
bar at the top of the drawer and with
your left hand on the flat, vertical,
purple handle, pull the drawer
completely out of the chassis.
410S or 810S • Grasp the handle in the middle of the
drawer and slowly pull the drawer out
of the chassis until the purple, server
bar at the top of the drawer is visible.
• With your right hand, grasp the purple
bar at the top of the drawer and with
your left hand on the handle in the
middle of the drawer, pull the drawer
completely out of the chassis.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-255
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server

Figure 8-66 800S server handles







8-256 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server

Figure 8-67 400S server handles





D1 T



401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-257
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server

Figure 8-68 810S server handles














Figure 8-69 410S server handles











8-258 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server


31 What type of drawer are you replacing or reinserting?

If the drawer type is... then...
400S or 800S • On the replacement or original
drawer, grasp the flat vertical purple
handle to the left of the power supply
unit with your left hand.
Notes: Be sure to insert the
replacement or original drawer into
the same slot from which you
removed the drawer.

• With your right hand, grasp the purple

server bar at the top of the drawer and
with your left hand on the flat verticle
purple handle, insert the drawer into
the chassis.
410S or 810S • On the replacement or original
drawer, grasp the drawer handle with
your left hand.
Notes: Be sure to insert the
replacement or original drawer into
the same slot from which you
removed the drawer.

• With your right hand, grasp the purple

server bar at the top of the drawer and
with your left hand on the handle in
the middle of the drawer, insert the
drawer into the chassis.

The first of the four figures in Step 30 shows how to insert an 800S server into the chassis,
the second figure in Step 30 shows how to insert a 400S server into the chassis, the third
figure shows how to insert an 810S server, and the fourth figure shows how to insert a
410S server.
You must verify that all rear transition modules have been completely
unseated before proceeding with these procedures. If you attempt to
insert a server without unseating the rear transition modules, you will

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-259
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server

damage the connector pins on the midplane when you insert the

32 Push the purple server bar at the top of the server down and firmly push the server the
remaining distance into the chassis.

33 Using a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, tighten the captive screws that secure the server to the
If... then...
you are inserting an 800S tighten the four black captive screws at
server the top of the server and the three black
captive screws at the bottom of the server
(see the first of the four figures in Step
you are inserting a 400S tighten the two black captive screws at the
server top of the server and the two black captive
screws at the bottom of the server (see the
second of the four figures in Step 29).
you are inserting an 810S tighten the four black captive screws at
server the top of the server and the three black
captive screws at the bottom of the server
(see the third of the four figures in Step
you are inserting a 410S tighten the two black captive screws at the
server top of the server and the two black captive
screws at the bottom of the server (see the
fourth of the four figures in Step 29)


34 Reseat all the rear transition modules into the server that you just replaced and use a No. 2
Phillips screwdriver to tighten the screws at the top and bottom of each rear transition

8-260 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server


35 Are you installing a replacement drawer or reinstalling a functioning server that you
removed to access a component behind the server?
If... then...
you are installing a you must reinstall all the components
replacement 8x0S or 4x0S from the faulty server in the replacement
server server and reconnect all cables to the front
of the server.
Continue with Step 36.
If you are reinstalling a you do not have to reinstall components
functioning server or reconnect cables. Perform whatever
maintenance procedure is needed on
the component behind the server that
caused you to remove the server, and
then go to Step 45.


36 Reinstall the CPU card, satellite CPU card, and combo or carrier cards from the faulty
drawer into the replacement drawer. Refer to “Circuit card installation” (p. 8-21).

37 Reinstall the alarm card from the faulty drawer into the replacement drawer.
Using an antistatic wrist strap, perform Step 14 - Step 10 of “Replace a cold-swappable
alarm card” (p. 8-129).

38 Reinstall the system controller board from the faulty drawer into the replacement drawer.
Perform Step 10 - Step 13 of “Replace a system controller board” (p. 8-178).

Note: Step 13 on page (8-182) of the procedure states that you should see a brief
flash of light behind the board when the board is completely seated. You will you not
see the flash of light behind the board until you power on the server in Step 46.

39 Reinstall the fan tray from the faulty drawer in the replacement drawer.
Perform Step 5 - Step 6 of “Replace a fan tray” (p. 8-201).

40 Reinstall the system status panel from the faulty drawer in the replacement drawer.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-261
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server

Perform Step 5 - Step 7 of “Replace a system status panel” (p. 8-173).


41 Reinstall the main air filter from the faulty drawer in the replacement drawer.
For 400S and 800S servers, perform Step 3 - Step 4 of “Replace a main air filter (400S
and 800S servers)” (p. 8-184).
For 410S and 810S servers, perform Step 5, Step 6, and Step 8 of “Replace air filters
(410S and 810S servers)” (p. 8-187).

42 Reinstall the power supply unit (4x0S server) or units (8x0S server) from the faulty drawer
in the replacement drawer.
Perform Step 6 - Step 7 of the procedure “Replace a cold-swappable power supply unit”
(p. 8-195).

43 Are you replacing a 4x0S drawer or an 8x0S drawer?

If drawer type is... then...
4x0S • Reinstall the disk adapter module
from the faulty 4x0S drawer in the
replacement 4x0S drawer.
Perform Step 7 - Step 10 of “Move a
disk adapter module (4x0S server
only)” (p. 8-235).
• Reinstall the CPU termination board
from the faulty 4x0S drawer in the
replacement 4x0S drawer.
Perform Step 5 - Step 6 of “Move a
CPU termination board (4x0S server
only)” (p. 8-240).

8-262 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server

If drawer type is... then...

8x0S • Reinstall the DVD or DAT drive from
the faulty drawer in the replacement
Perform Step 6 - Step 8 of “Replace a
DVD or DAT drive (800S server
only)” (p. 8-207).
• Reinstall the SCSI termination board
from the faulty 8x0S drawer in the
replacement 8x0S drawer.
Perform Step 5 - Step 6 of “Move a
SCSI termination board (800S server
only)” (p. 8-238).


44 Reinstall the hard disk drive (4x0S server) or drives (8x0S server) from the faulty drawer
into the replacement drawer.
Perform Step 21 - Step 27 of “Replace a DVD or DAT drive (800S server only)”
(p. 8-207).

45 Connect the DC input power cable(s) to the DC connector(s) for the server that you just
replaced or reinserted.

46 Power on the server.

Reference: See “Power up a server” (p. 8-36) for those instructions.

47 Verify that the CPU card LEDs on the system status panel are lit properly.
The green Power LED for the CPU will blink for a moment while the CPU is going
through power-on self test (POST). Then, the green Power LED should go On solid. This
indicates the CPU card is functioning properly.

48 Verify that the I/O card LEDs are lit properly.

The system status panel on each server has LEDs that show the status of the I/O card and
I/O rear transition module installed in each set of slots in that particular server. Keep in
mind that some I/O card slots might contain devices or cards other than I/O cards, such as
a satellite card or a CPU front transition module.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-263
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server

The green Power LED for the I/O card will blink for a moment while the card is going
through POST. Then, the green Power LED should go on solid. This indicates the I/O card
is functioning properly.

49 Verify that the fan tray LEDs are lit properly.

The first figure in Step 1 of “Replace a fan tray” (p. 8-201) shows the locations of the fan
tray LEDs on an 800S server and the second figure in Step 1 of “Replace a fan tray”
(p. 8-201) shows the locations of the fan tray LEDs on the 400S server.
A fan tray is functioning properly if the amber Fault LED ( ) on the system status panel
is OFF and the green Power LED ( ) is ON.

50 Did you replace a 410S drawer that contains a satellite CPU?

If... then.
yes continue with Step 51


51 When a midplane is replaced, any satellite in that drawer now has a new drawer serial
number. This is essential information that the supporting DNFS Host must know about or
else the satellite will not boot. On the DNFS Host CPU that supports the satellite CPUs in
the drawer that you replaced, run the following command to update the DNFS Host CPU
with the new drawer host data:

Note: The drawer host must finish rebooting and have the UNIX prompt displayed
before you run this command. If the drawer that you replaced is a Group 1 (odd-
numbered) drawer (for example, ap01, ap03, ap05, ap07), run the apdlcrename
command as root or as System Administrator on the Group 1 (odd-numbered) DNFS
Host. If the drawer that you replaced is a Group 2 (even-numbered) drawer (for
example, ap02, ap04, ap06, ap08), run the apdlcrename command as root or as
System Administrator on the Group 2 (even-numbered) DNFS Host.
apdlcrename midplane
Result: The apdlcrename command updates the FRUID serial number information
in the /var/dhcp/*_0 file, which will allow satellites to boot in the new drawer.

52 Check for errors by running the following command as root or as System Administrator:
apdlcdisp -v
8-264 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server


53 If you replaced a drawer that is a DNFS Host, then you need to power on all of the
satellites supported by the DNFS Host, including those that are in other drawers. Do this
by executing the following command from the alarm card in the same drawer as the
satellite that you want to power on:
poweron x
where x is 4 or 5 for a 410S server and 3 or 5 for an 810S server.

54 As root or as System Administrator, establish a remote connection to one of the satellites

served by the DNFS Host in the drawer that you replaced.
Reference: See Chapter 3, “Access MM-AP components” for instructions on various
ways of logging into an MM-AP remotely.

55 At the satellite UNIX shell prompt, execute the following command to bring the satellite

56 Restore the satellite to service; do one of the following:

• From the OMC-RAN, perform an “AP rst ap” task.
• On the EMS AP Status Page , press the Restore button.
• Enter the following command at an appropriate command line interface; EMS CLI or
a is the satellite logical number.

Result: The satellite is displayed as ACTIVE.


57 Does the satellite host the MM-RCS application?

If... then...
no Go to Step 58.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-265
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server

If... then...
yes Balance the application load for each pair
of satellites that you restored to service
by executing the following command:
where a and b are the logical numbers of
the replacement satellite and its mate on
which you want to balance the
application load


58 Repeat Step 54 through Step 57 for all other satellites served by the DNFS Host in the
drawer that you replaced.

59 For R2 drawers, the OBP boot-devices parameter must be set to “disk” or “disk0” instead
of “Boot Devices”. First, the alarm card must be in the R2 mode (that is, the prompt shows
cli>). If the prompt shows rsc>, the alarm card is in R1 mode. If the alarm card is in R1
mode, enter the following:
a. setrscmode false
b. resetrsc
The alarm card prompt should now be cli>.

60 Once the alarm card is in R2 mode, enter the following:

a. showfru slot x Boot_Devices where x is 1 for an 810S server and 3 for a 410S
server. (The response will show that Boot_Devices is set to “Boot Devices”.)
b. setfru slot x Boot_Devices “ ” where x is 1 for an 810S server and 3 for a 410S
server. (This will set Boot_Devices to null for this CPU. With Boot_Devices set to
null on the eeprom, the server will go to OBP to find boot-devices information for
this CPU. With OBP boot-devices set to “disk” or “disk0”, the CPU will be set
c. showfru slot x Boot_Devices where x is 1 for an 810S server and 3 for a 410S
server. (The response will show that the Boot_Devices output is blank or null).
d. If there are satellites, enter for each satellite:
setfru slot n Boot_Devices net:dhcp,,,,,2,2
where n = slot number of the satellite (that is, 4 or 5 for a 410S server and 3 or 5 for an
810S server).

8-266 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-30: Replace a midplane or removing a server

e. Power cycle the drawer to verify that the host CPU boots correctly and does not go
to the ok prompt with an invalid boot-device of “Boot-Devices”.
f. If the alarm card needs to be put back in R1 mode, enter the command setrscmode
g. Reset the alarm card using the command reset ac.

61 Verfiy that the Boot_Device is set properly. Enter the following:

eeprom | grep device
The response should show that boot-device is set to “disk” or “disk0” and not “Boot
Devices”. If boot-device is set to Boot Devices, use eeprom to set boot-devices to “disk0”.
Enter the following:
eeprom boot-device=disk0
or from the ok prompt use the following:
setenv boot-device disk0

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-267
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-31: Replace a power distribution unit

Procedure 8-31: Replace a power distribution unit

Perform this procedure to replace a failed power distribution unit.

Reason to perform
A power distribution unit may have failed if a power supply is inserted, the locking
mechanism is in the locked ( ) position, and the green Power LED ( ) for the PDU is
Perform this procedure whenever your troubleshooting of a power distribution unit
indicates a need to replace it.

Note: This procedure could affect service. The server must be powered down and
removed before replacing the power distribution unit. If the mate server fails during
the replacement procedure, all interaction on both servers will be lost.

Required conditions
Before replacing a power distribution unit, you must
• Remove the server in front of the failed power distribution unit in order to gain access
to that unit; however, you do not have to remove any other servers except for the one
directly in front of the failed unit. See “Replace a midplane or removing a server”
(p. 8-245) for complete instructions.
• Verify the DC input power cable is plugged into the PDU. If the DC input power cable
is unplugged, plug it in and check the PDU LEDs on the system status panel to see if
the green Power LED ( ) for the PDU is now ON.
• Eliminate other possible solutions to the power distribution unit fault.
Reference: See Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”,” for more information.

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Related information
The power distribution unit connects directly into the midplane and is located on the
chassis, not the server (see Figure 1-9).

8-268 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-31: Replace a power distribution unit

To replace a power distribution unit, perform the following steps:
The power distribution unit is a FRU and should be removed and
replaced only by Alcatel-Lucent personnel or service provider
personnel who have assistance or training from Alcatel-Lucent.
Execution of this procedure by service-provider personnel without
assistance or training from Alcatel-Lucent may damage equipment
and/or affect service.

1 Go to the front of the system and use the system status panel on the server to determine
which power distribution unit has failed.
The system status panel on each server has one or more power distribution unit LEDs that
show the status of the power distribution units behind that specific server.

2 Disconnect the DC input power cable(s) from the DC connector(s) that supply power to
the server with the failed power distribution unit.
Figure 8-63 shows how to disconnect the DC input power cables from the DC connectors.
An energy hazard occurs if you do not unplug the DC input power
cable from the DC connector that supplies power to the power
distribution unit that you are replacing.

3 If you have not already, perform all the necessary procedures to remove the server in front
of the failed power distribution unit, including all software power-off procedures.
You must completely remove the server directly in front of the failed power distribution
unit in order to gain access to that power distribution unit. See “Replace a midplane or
removing a server” (p. 8-245) for complete instructions.

4 Locate the power distribution unit that you want to replace.

The following figure shows the location of the power distribution units looking at an
empty chassis from the front.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-269
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-31: Replace a power distribution unit

Power distribution units


5 Carefully reach into the chassis from the front and unscrew the two captive screws that
secure the power distribution unit to the chassis (see figure).

8-270 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-31: Replace a power distribution unit


6 Remove the power distribution unit from the chassis.


7 Insert the replacement power distribution unit into the slot in the chassis.

8 Tighten the two captive screws to secure the power distribution unit to the chassis (see the
figure in Step 5).

9 Plug the DC input power cable(s) into the appropriate DC connector(s).

The figure in Step 2 shows how to plug the DC input power cables into the DC connectors.

10 Perform all the necessary procedures to reinsert the server that you removed to access the
failed power distribution unit, including all system power-up procedures.
Refer to “Replace a midplane or removing a server” (p. 8-245) for those instructions.

11 After the system is powered up, go to the system status panel and verify that the power
distribution unit LEDs are in the appropriate states.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-271
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-31: Replace a power distribution unit

The first of the two figures in Step 1 shows the locations of the power distribution unit
LEDs on the 800S server. The second figure in Step 1 shows the locations of the power
distribution unit LEDs on the 400S server. A power distribution unit is functioning
properly if a power supply is inserted and the green Power LED ( ) for the PDU is ON.

8-272 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Overview

Replacing frame components

This section defines the following procedures for replacing frame components:

Procedure 8-32: Replace an MFFU fuse

Procedure 8-33: Replace an MFFU Alarm Card
Procedure 8-34: Replace an MFFU Alarm Interface Card
Procedure 8-35: Replace an MFFU Tele/TTY Card
Procedure 8-36: Replace an Alarm Interface Module
Procedure 8-37: Replace an ECBU
Procedure 8-38: Replace an ECBU alarm board
Procedure 8-39: Replace an ECBU circuit breaker
Procedure 8-40: Replace an RCC BMR6B WatchDog Pack
Procedure 8-41: Replace an RCC BMR5 Power Converter Pack
Procedure 8-42: Replace a Layer 2 Cajun or Extreme Networks
Ethernet switch
Procedure 8-43: Configure a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet switch
Procedure 8-44: Download the firmware for a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet
Procedure 8-45: Replace a Cajun Ethernet switch 16-port expansion
Procedure 8-46: Configure / download firmware for a Layer 2 Extreme
Networks Ethernet switch

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-273
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-32: Replace an MFFU fuse

Procedure 8-32: Replace an MFFU fuse

Perform this procedure to replace a fuse in the Modular Fuse/Filter Unit (MFFU).

Reason to perform
Perform this procedure for the following reasons:
• whenever a fuse must be upgraded to make a server drawer CP2500 compatible.
• whenever a fuse in the MFFU has blown. When a fuse has blown, the FUSE light-
emitting diode (LED) alarm on the Cabinet Indicator Strip of the front of the MM-AP
frame is lit.

Each component in the MM-AP frame is protected from electrical overload by one or
more fuses in the MFFU. When the fuse or fuses that protect a component have blown, the
component that the fuses protect also ceases to function.

Critical fuses
A blown fuse for the following components may affect service:
• any of the 4x0S Servers
• the 3-in. X 3.5-in. Disk Expansion Unit
• either of the two Ethernet switches

Noncritical fuses
The 8x0S servers and all components in the RCC rack of the MM-AP are equipped with
dual power supplies. If one of the fuses that protects those components blows, the
component is still powered by another fuse and continues to function. A blown fuse for
any component of the MM-AP hardware alarm system disables alarms but does not affect

This procedure typically takes 2 minutes to perform.

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

8-274 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-32: Replace an MFFU fuse

Required materials
For a blown fuse, you need a replacement fuse of the same amperage as the fuse that is to
be replaced. Each component is protected by a fuse of a specific amperage. The MFFU
contains fuses of the following amperages:
• 0.5 A
• 1.25 A
• 3A
• 5A
• 10 A
• 15 A.
To upgrade a fuse for the CP2500 CPU, the fuse that serves the drawer must be upgraded
from 10A to 15A.
For the comcodes of MFFU fuses, refer to the Online Customer Support (OLCS) website,
http://support.lucent.com, Recommended Spare Parts and Sparing Strategy.

Required information
Fuse assignments in the MFFU are listed in
• Table 8-8 for the MM-AP base frame
• Table 8-9 for the MM-AP growth frame
Fuse assignments are also listed on the inside of the MFFU panel door and are displayed
when the panel door is open.
Table 8-8 MFFU fuse assignments in the MM-AP base frame
Power down
Fuse block connector Provides power before
EQL* EQL* Feed Fuse Amperage to replacing?
014 017 A1 A 10 Server 2 Yes (see page
B 5 Lower (A) Media Yes (see page
Expansion Unit (8-27)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-275
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-32: Replace an MFFU fuse

Table 8-8 MFFU fuse assignments in the MM-AP base frame

Power down
Fuse block connector Provides power before
EQL* EQL* Feed Fuse Amperage to replacing?
023 032 A2 A 10 Server 4 Yes (see page
B 5 Ethernet Switch A No
C 1.25 RCC (SGMT2, (See Note 3.)
J102), Filter A
032 047 A3 A 15 Server 6 Yes (see page
050 063 A4 A 15 Server 5 Yes (see page
B 1.25 RCC (SGMT1, (See Note 3.)
J142), Filter B
127 108 B1 A 10 Server 1 Yes (see page
B 5 Upper (B) Media Yes (see page
Expansion Unit (8-27)
C 0.5 Alarm No
141 123 B2 A 10 Server 3 Yes (see page
B 5 Ethernet Switch B No

8-276 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-32: Replace an MFFU fuse

Table 8-8 MFFU fuse assignments in the MM-AP base frame

Power down
Fuse block connector Provides power before
EQL* EQL* Feed Fuse Amperage to replacing?
150 139 B3 A NA Server 6 Yes (see page
168 154 B4 A 15 Server 7 Yes (see page
B 1.25 RCC (SGMT1, (See Note 3.)
J152), Filter D

1. The listed feeds are typical. Actual installation may vary and depends on available Power
Distribution Frame (PDF)/Global Power Distribution Frame (GPDF) fuse groups.
2. -48V feed cable = solid color (typically gray) conductor or, in European Telecommunications
Standards Institute (ETSI) cabinets, blue.
-48V return cable = gray or other color conductor with black stripes or, in ETSI cabinets,
3. RCC Filter fuse can be replaced without powering down the RCC power converter pack. But
do not remove more than one RCC Filter fuse at a time. Refer to the caution at “Procedure”
(p. 8-315).
* EQL = equipment location.

Table 8-9 MFFU fuse assignments in the MM-AP growth frame

Power down
Fuse block connector Provides power before
EQL* EQL* Feed Fuse Amperage to replacing?
014 017 A1 A 10 Server 2 Yes (see page

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-277
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-32: Replace an MFFU fuse

Table 8-9 MFFU fuse assignments in the MM-AP growth frame

Power down
Fuse block connector Provides power before
EQL* EQL* Feed Fuse Amperage to replacing?
023 032 A2 A 10 Server 4 Yes (see page
B 5 Ethernet Switch A No
032 047 A3 A 10 Server 6 Yes (see page
050 063 A4 A 10 Server 8 Yes (see page
B 1.25 RCC (SGMT1, (See note 3.)
J142), Filter B
127 108 B1 A 10 Server 1 Yes (see page
C 0.5 Alarm No
141 123 B2 A 10 Server 3 Yes (see page
B 5 Ethernet Switch B No

8-278 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-32: Replace an MFFU fuse

Table 8-9 MFFU fuse assignments in the MM-AP growth frame

Power down
Fuse block connector Provides power before
EQL* EQL* Feed Fuse Amperage to replacing?
150 139 B3 A NA Server 5 Yes (see page
168 154 B4 A 10 Server 7 Yes (see page
B 1.25 RCC (SGMT1, (See note 3.)
J152), Filter D

1. The listed feeds are typical. Actual installation may vary and depends on available Power
Distribution Frame (PDF)/Global Power Distribution Frame (GPDF) fuse groups.
2. -48V feed cable = solid color (typically gray) conductor or, in European Telecommunications
Standards Institute (ETSI) cabinets, blue.
-48V return cable = solid color (typically gray) conductor with black stripes or, in ETSI
cabinets, black.
3. RCC Filter fuse can be replaced without powering down the RCC power converter pack. But
do not remove more than one RCC Filter fuse at a time. Refer to the caution at “Procedure”
(p. 8-315).
* EQL = equipment location.

To replace fuses in the MFFU, perform the following steps:

1 Open the front door of the MM-AP frame.


2 Lift the panel door of the MFFU and allow the door to hang open.
Result: The slots and components in the MFFU are visible, as shown in the following

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-279
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-32: Replace an MFFU fuse

Figure 8-70 MFFU in an MM-AP Base Frame




Low RC Upp
er er


014 023 032 041 050 059 073 082 091 100 109 118 127 141 150 159 168 177 186

Figure 8-71 MFFU in an MM-AP Growth Frame


C Alar C RC


Low B B Upp
er er

014 023 032 041 050 059 073 082 091 100 109 118 127 141 150 159 168 177 186


3 Look at the fuse block to identify which fuse needs replacing. If a fuse is faulty, the LED
to the upper right of the fuse cap is lit red (see the following figure).

8-280 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-32: Replace an MFFU fuse


4 Take the appropriate action to identify which component the fuse protects:
If the fuse is in see
an MM-AP base frame Table 8-8, “MFFU fuse assignments in
the MM-AP base frame” (p. 8-275).
an MM-AP growth frame Table 8-9, “MFFU fuse assignments in
the MM-AP growth frame” (p. 8-277).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-281
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-32: Replace an MFFU fuse


5 Take the appropriate action:

If the fuse protects a
component that has then
a power switch take appropriate action to power down the
no power switch leave the component powered while you
replace the fuse.

Result: The risk of electrical arcing, which may damage the fuse holder, is minimized.


6 Push in on the fuse cap on the fuse and turn the fuse cap counterclockwise to remove the
fuse. [For fuse assignments in the fusing unit, see Table 8-8, “MFFU fuse assignments in
the MM-AP base frame” (p. 8-275) and Table 8-9, “MFFU fuse assignments in the MM-
AP growth frame” (p. 8-277).]

7 Remove the fuse from the fuse cap.


8 Replace the fuse with the replacement fuse of the amperage that is specified for the
component that the fuse protects, as specified on the open panel door and in Table 8-8 for
base frames or Table 8-9 for growth frames.

9 Insert the fuse cap with the replacement fuse and twist the fuse cap clockwise.
Result: The red LED on the fuse extinguishes.


10 Perform the appropriate procedure to power up the component that is protected by the
replaced fuse.

11 Verify that:
• the component that the replacement fuse protects is powered.
• no fuse alarms are lit in the MFFU or on the Cabinet Indicator Strip.

8-282 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-32: Replace an MFFU fuse


12 If upgrading a server from a 10A fuse to a 15A fuse, change the label to “15A”.

13 Close the panel door of the MFFU.


14 Close the front door of the MM-AP frame.


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-283
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-33: Replace an MFFU Alarm Card

Procedure 8-33: Replace an MFFU Alarm Card

Perform this procedure to replace an Alarm Card in the Modular Fuse/Filter Unit (MFFU).
The MFFU contains one Alarm Card in Slot 89 and another Alarm Card in Slot 98.

Reason to perform
Replace an MFFU Alarm Card only when troubleshooting indicates that the card has
failed. Failure of an MFFU Alarm Card is not indicated by an alarm or diagnostic tests.
The following conditions are the only indications that an MFFU Alarm Card has failed:
• The FUSE and/or SYSTEM LEDs on the Cabinet Indicator Strip fail to light when there
is a hardware fault in the MM-AP frame.
• The FUSE and/or SYSTEM LEDs on the Cabinet Indicator Strip are lit when there is no
hardware fault in the MM-AP frame.

Failure of an MFFU Alarm Card disables the FUSE and/or SYSTEM LED on the Cabinet
Indicator Strip of the MM-AP frame but does not affect service or system performance.

Replace an MFFU Alarm Card only when the card has failed.

This procedure typically takes 5 minutes to perform.

Related documentation
For more information about MFFU Alarm Cards, see Chapter 1, “System description”.”
For troubleshooting scenarios that relate to MFFU Alarm Cards, see Chapter 7,

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat
• a straight-blade screwdriver
• an orange stick or other nonconducting tool

8-284 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-33: Replace an MFFU Alarm Card

Required materials
To perform this procedure, you need a replacement MFFU Alarm Card. The two Alarm
Cards in an MM-AP are interchangeable. For the comcode of the MFFU Alarm Card, refer
to the Online Customer Support (OLCS) website, http://support.lucent.com,
Recommended Spare Parts and Sparing Strategy.

To replace an Alarm Card, perform the following steps:

1 Open the front door of the MM-AP frame.


2 Lift the panel door of the MFFU and allow it to hang open.
Result: The slots and components in the MFFU are visible, as shown in Figure 8-70
and Figure 8-71.

3 Use the screwdriver to loosen but not remove the screw at the bottom of the housing that
contains the faulty MFFU Alarm Card.

4 Slide the latch on the housing of the faulty card approximately 1/8 in. to your left.

5 Gently pry the faulty card toward you until approximately 1/4 in. of the card is out of the
housing. If necessary, use an orange stick or other nonconducting tool to dislodge the card
from the housing.

6 Grasp the faulty card and gently pull the card out of the housing.

7 With the pins on the replacement card to your left, gently insert the card into the housing
until the card is within 1/8 in. of its fully seated position.

Hint: If necessary, gently wiggle the card to put the card in this position without applying
pressure. Then apply pressure to fully engage the pins in the rear connectors.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-285
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-33: Replace an MFFU Alarm Card


8 Slide the housing latch approximately 1/8 in. to your right to its original position in the

9 Retighten the screw that holds the housing latch.


10 Close the panel door of the MFFU.


11 Close the front door of the MM-AP frame.


8-286 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-34: Replace an MFFU Alarm Interface Card

Procedure 8-34: Replace an MFFU Alarm Interface Card

Perform this procedure to replace any of the three Alarm Interface Cards in the Modular
Fuse/Filter Unit (MFFU). The Alarm Interface Cards reside in Slots 93, 102, and 111 of
the MFFU.

Reason to perform
Replace an MFFU Alarm Card only when troubleshooting indicates that the card has
failed. Failure of an MFFU Alarm Interface Card is not indicated by an alarm or diagnostic
tests. The following are indications that an MFFU Alarm Interface Card has failed:
• The FUSE and/or SYSTEM LEDs on the Cabinet Indicator Strip fail to light when a
hardware alarm is active in the MM-AP frame.
• Any of the six scannable alarm contact frame outputs fails to close.

Failure of an MFFU Alarm Interface Card disables the FUSE or SYSTEM LED on the
Cabinet Indicator Strip on the front of the MM-AP frame but does not affect service or
system performance.

Replace an MFFU Alarm Interface Card only when the card has failed.

This procedure typically takes 5 minutes to perform.

Related documentation
For more information about MFFU Alarm Interface Cards, see Chapter 1, “System
description”.” For troubleshooting scenarios that relate to MFFU Alarm Interface Cards,
see Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”.”

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat
• a screwdriver
• an orange stick or other nonconducting tool

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-287
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-34: Replace an MFFU Alarm Interface Card

Required materials
To perform this procedure, you need a replacement MFFU Alarm Interface Card. The
three MFFU Alarm Interface Cards in an MM-AP are interchangeable. For the comcode
of the MFFU Alarm Interface Card, refer to the Online Customer Support (OLCS)
website, http://support.lucent.com, Recommended Spare Parts and Sparing Strategy.

To replace an MFFU Alarm Interface Card, perform the following steps:

1 Open the front door of the MM-AP frame.


2 Lift the panel door of the MFFU and allow the door to hang open.
Result: The slots and components in the MFFU are visible, as shown in Figure 8-70
and Figure 8-71.

3 Use the screwdriver to loosen but not remove the screw at the bottom of the housing that
contains the faulty MFFU Alarm Interface card.

4 Slide the latch on the housing of the faulty card approximately 1/8 in. to your left.

5 Use the orange stick to gently pry the faulty card toward you until the card unseats from
the connector approximately 1/4 in.

6 Grasp the faulty card and gently pull the card out of the assembly.

7 With the pins on the replacement card to your left, gently insert the card into the assembly
until the card is within 1/8 in. of its fully seated position.

Hint: If necessary, slightly wiggle the card to put the card in this position without
applying pressure. Then apply pressure to fully engage the pins in the connectors in the
rear of the assembly.

8-288 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-34: Replace an MFFU Alarm Interface Card


8 Slide the housing latch approximately 1/8 in. to your right to its original position in the

9 Retighten the screw that holds the housing latch.


10 Close the panel door of the MFFU.


11 Close the front door of the MM-AP frame.


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-289
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-35: Replace an MFFU Tele/TTY Card

Procedure 8-35: Replace an MFFU Tele/TTY Card

Perform this procedure to replace the Telephone/Teletypewriter (Tele/TTY) Card in the
Modular Fuse/Filter Unit (MFFU). The Tele/TTY Card resides in Slot 159 of the MFFU.

Reason to perform
Replace the Tele/TTY Card only when troubleshooting indicates that the card has failed or

Failure of a Tele/TTY Card disables the ability of technicians to exchange voice or print
messages with personnel at other frames in the office but does not affect service or system
performance. If the Tele/TTY Card in one frame does not work, technicians can use the
Tele/TTY Card in a nearby frame.

Replace a Tele/TTY Card only when the card has failed.

This procedure typically takes 5 minutes to perform.

Related documentation
For more information about Tele/TTY Cards, see Chapter 1, “System description”.” For
troubleshooting scenarios that relate to the Tele/TTY Card, see Chapter 7,

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat
• an orange stick or other nonconducting tool

Required materials
To perform this procedure, you need a replacement Tele/TTY Card. For the comcode of
the Tele/TTY Card, refer to the Online Customer Support (OLCS) website,
http://support.lucent.com, Recommended Spare Parts and Sparing Strategy.

8-290 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-35: Replace an MFFU Tele/TTY Card

Related documentation
For more information about the Tele/TTY Card, see Chapter 1, “System description”.” For
troubleshooting scenarios that relate to Tele/TTY Cards, see Chapter 7,

To replace a Tele/TTY Card, perform the following steps:

1 Open the front door of the MM-AP frame.


2 Lift the panel door of the MFFU and allow the door to hang open.
Result: The slots and components in the MFFU are visible, as shown in Figure 8-70
and Figure 8-71.

3 Use the screwdriver to loosen but not remove the screw at the bottom of the housing that
contains the faulty MFFU Tele/TTY Card.

4 Slide the latch on the housing of the faulty card approximately 1/8 in. to your left.

5 Gently pry the faulty card toward you until approximately 1/4 in. of the card is out of the
assembly. If necessary, use an orange stick or other nonconducting tool to dislodge the
card from the assembly.

6 Grasp the faulty card and gently pull the card out of the assembly.

7 With the pins on the replacement card to your left, gently insert the card into the assembly
until the card is within 1/8 in. of its fully seated position.

Hint: If necessary, slightly wiggle the card to put the card in this position without
applying pressure. Then apply pressure to fully engage the pins in the connectors in the
rear of the assembly.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-291
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-35: Replace an MFFU Tele/TTY Card


8 Slide the housing latch approximately 1/8 in. to your right to its original position in the

9 Retighten the screw that holds the housing latch.


10 Close the panel door of the MFFU.


11 Close the front door of the MM-AP frame.


8-292 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-36: Replace an Alarm Interface Module

Procedure 8-36: Replace an Alarm Interface Module

Perform this procedure to replace an Alarm Interface Module in the MM-AP frame. The
MM-AP frame contains two Alarm Interface Modules. Both Alarm Interface Modules
reside behind the Modular Fuse/Filter Unit (MFFU).

Reason to perform
Perform this procedure only when troubleshooting indicates than an Alarm Interface
Module has failed. Failure of an Alarm Interface Module is not indicated by an alarm or
diagnostic tests. The following are the only indications that an Alarm Interface Module
has failed:
• failure of the SYSTEM LED on the Cabinet Indicator Strip of the MM-AP frame to light
when a hardware component has failed
• failure of a scannable alarm output contact to close when a hardware component has
• the SYSTEM LED on the Cabinet Indicator Strip lights when no hardware component
has failed

Failure of an Alarm Interface Module disables the SYSTEM LED on the Cabinet Indicator
Strip but does not affect service or system performance.

Replace an Alarm Interface Module only when the module has failed.

This procedure typically takes 1 hour to perform.

Required skills and personnel

The Alarm Interface Modules are field-replaceable units (FRUs) and, like all FRUs,
should be replaced only by
• Alcatel-Lucent personnel
• service-provider personnel with technical assistance from Alcatel-Lucent
• service-provider personnel whom Alcatel-Lucent has trained to remove and replace an
Alarm Interface Module
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-293
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-36: Replace an Alarm Interface Module

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a small flat-blade screwdriver
• a 10-mm socket wrench
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required materials
To perform this procedure, you need a replacement Alarm Interface Module. Alarm
Interface Modules A and B are interchangeable. For the comcode of the Alarm Interface
Module, refer to the Online Customer Support (OLCS) website, http://support.lucent.com,
Recommended Spare Parts and Sparing Strategy.

Related documentation
For more information about Alarm Interface Modules, see Chapter 1, “System
description”.” For troubleshooting scenarios that relate to the Alarm Interface Modules,
see Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”.”

To replace an Alarm Interface Module, perform the following steps:
The Alarm Interface Modules are FRUs and should be removed and
replaced only by Alcatel-Lucent personnel or service provider
personnel who have assistance or training from Alcatel-Lucent.
Execution of this procedure by service provider personnel without
assistance or training from Alcatel-Lucent may damage equipment
and/or affect service.

1 Open the front door of the MM-AP frame.


2 Lift the panel door of the Modular Fuse/Filter Unit (MFFU) and allow the door to hang

3 In the MFFU, remove Fuse 127C.

Result: Power is removed from the alarm circuits in the frame.

8-294 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-36: Replace an Alarm Interface Module


4 Open the rear door of the MM-AP frame.


5 Remove the two hex screws that hold the U.L. safety shield to the frame. Take care not to
lose the two hex screws.

6 Remove the U.L. safety shield, as shown in the following figure.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-295
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-36: Replace an Alarm Interface Module


7 If any external frame cables are installed, note the positions of the cables and remove the
cables from the frame.


8 Pull the two captive pins on the right Frame Interface Panel (FIP) mounting bracket and
turn the pins 90°, as shown in the following figure.

Result: The captive pins are locked in the open position.

8-296 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-36: Replace an Alarm Interface Module


9 Swing and maneuver the FIP outward from the left-hand side of the frame and let the FIP
hang by the cables on the left side of the frame.

10 Unscrew the connector screws and unplug the cables that are connected to the under side
of the faulty module.

The connectors are labeled with the letters A through G, as shown in the following figure,
and the cables for the connectors are labeled to indicate which cable to connect to which

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-297
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-36: Replace an Alarm Interface Module


C 2001

Table 8-10, “Cable labels for Alarm Interface Module connectors” (p. 8-298) lists the
label on the cable that should be plugged into each connector on the under side of the
Alarm Interface Module.

Table 8-10 Cable labels for Alarm Interface Module connectors

Alarm Interface Module

connector Associated cable label
DB-15 A a-b-R
a, b = the coordinates that identify the
location of the Alarm Interface Module
within the frame.
R = the rear of the frame.
x = the module designator (A or B). A
designates the right-hand module, and B
designates the left-hand module.
DB-15 B a-b-R

8-298 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-36: Replace an Alarm Interface Module

Alarm Interface Module

connector Associated cable label
DB-15 C a-b-R
DB-15 D a-b-R
DB-15 E a-b-R
DB-9 F a-b-R
DB-25 G a-b-R


11 Also mark the bar on each side of the faulty module to indicate the location of the module.

12 Carefully lift up on the front of the faulty module to compress the spring and pull the
module toward the rear of the frame to remove the module from the frame.

Hint: Use a small flat-blade screwdriver to pry one side of the faulty module up off the
bar at a time.

13 Insert the replacement module at the location that you marked in Step 11.

Note: As you insert the module, ensure that the slot in the rear of the module slides
over the round bar.
Result: As you press the module over the square bar, you hear a distinctive click.


14 Reinstall the cables in the locations that you noted in Step 10 and tighten the connector
screws to the under side of the replacement module.

15 Carefully swing and maneuver the FIP to the right to return the FIP to its original position.

Note: Ensure that the tab on the left side of the FIP is captured in the left FIP
mounting bracket.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-299
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-36: Replace an Alarm Interface Module


16 Reinstall the right-hand side of the FIP in the right FIP mounting bracket and rotate the
pins 90° to allow them to seat.

Note: For the FIP to be properly installed, both pins must be fully seated.

17 Reconnect any external frame cables to the appropriate connectors on the front of the
replacement module.

18 Use the two hex screws to reinstall the U.L. safety shield.

19 Close the rear door of the frame.


20 In the MFFU, reinstall Fuse 127 C.

Result: Power is restored to the alarm circuits.


21 Lift and close the panel door of the MFFU


22 Close the front door of the frame.


8-300 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-37: Replace an ECBU

Procedure 8-37: Replace an ECBU

Use this procedure to replace an enhanced circuit breaker unit (ECBU).

Before you begin

Read the safety rules for handling equipment.
Wear a properly grounded antistatic strap.
Provide an ESD mat for the ECBU.
Ensure the server is powered down.

Required materials
One of the following types of ECBU is required:
Replacement ECBU part: Comcode:
ECBU 300607066
ECBU2-LC (to be provided)

Perform the following steps:
Service disruption hazard
Destruction of components due to incorrect supply voltage or incorrect polarity.
Before connecting the supply voltage, ensure that it is the correct range and
Electric shock hazard
Contact with energized parts can cause serious personal injury.
Wear the wrist strap and disconnect power.

1 Compare the replacement ECBU to the ECBU that you are replacing, to ensure that the
breaker capacity is identical.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-301
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-37: Replace an ECBU


2 On the application GUIs, lock all the APs that receive power from the ECBU that you are

3 Log into an MM-AP that receives power from the ECBU as root or as System
Administrator (see “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)).

4 Enter the following command to power off the AP

shutdown -10 -g0 -y

5 Wait until the “Okay to Remove” LED for the CPU on the system status panel turns
yellow. Then manually push the locking mechanism on the AP power supply unit into the
unlocked position to power off the AP completely.

6 Repeat the shutdown on each AP that receives power from the ECBU.

7 Reset the breakers on the ECBU to be replace to the OFF position.


For an ... then ...

ECBU loosen the faceplate screws and remove the face
plate. Then continue with the next step.
ECBU2-LC go to Step 18.


9 Use a 1/4” flat blade screwdriver to remove the retainer bracket (located to the side of the

10 Use a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, and loosen the screws on each end of the ECBU locking

8-302 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-37: Replace an ECBU


11 Pull the two locking mechanism simultaneously into the unlocked position to unseat the
Result: If ECBU A, all cabinet LEDs (Power Input, Fuse/Breaker, Equipment Fault
LEDs located at the top of the cabinet) will be off.
If ECBU B, all cabinet Power Input LED will be off and the Equipment LEDs will be
on (red).

Note: The green LED located on the unit will begin to dim but may up to several
minutes to completely extinguish. Do not proceed to the next step until the green
LED is extinguished.


12 Grasp the handle on the ECBU, slide it out of the shelf, and place it on the ESD mat.

Note: The ECBU weighs over 25 pounds, be sure to support the unit as you slide it
out of the shelf.

13 Slide the replacement ECBU into the shelf until it is stopped by the latching mechanism.

Note: Ensure that the latching mechanism remains in front of the stop tabs.

14 Push the two locking mechanism into the locked position.

Result: The ECBU slides securely into position and the ECBU power light goes on

15 Use a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, and tighten the screws on the locking mechanism to
secure the ECBU.

16 Use a ¼” flat blade screwdriver, and reinstall the retainer bracket.


17 Skip to Step 25.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-303
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-37: Replace an ECBU


18 Use a 1/4” flat blade screwdriver to loosen the 4 faceplate mounting screws on the
ECBU2-LC until the faceplate is free to move.


19 Rotate the faceplate up to allow access to the circuit breaker.


20 Pull the two locking latches simultaneously into the unlocked position to unseat the unit.
Result: If ECBU A, all cabinet LEDs (Power Input, Fuse/Breaker, Equipment Fault
LEDs located at the top of the cabinet) will be off.
If ECBU B, all cabinet Power Input LED will be off and the Equipment LEDs will be
on (red).

Note: The green LED located on the unit will begin to dim but may take up to
several minutes to completely extinguish. Do not proceed to the next step until the
green LED is extinguished.


21 Grasp the bottom edge on the ECBU2, slide it out of the shelf, and place it on the ESD

8-304 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-37: Replace an ECBU

Note: The ECBU2 weighs over 25 pounds, be sure to support the unit as you slide it
out of the shelf.

22 Slide the replacement ECBU2 into the shelf until it is stopped by the latches latching.

23 Push the two latches simultaneously into the up position.

Result: The ECBU2 slides securely into position and the ECBU2 power light goes on

24 Use a ¼” flat blade screwdriver, and lower and reinstall the faceplate cover.

25 Reset the circuit breakers, as needed.


26 Power on the APs that were powered off.


27 At the GUIs, unlock the APs that were locked.


28 Verify that the replacement ECBU is feeding power to its associated equipment.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-305
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-38: Replace an ECBU alarm board

Procedure 8-38: Replace an ECBU alarm board

Use this procedure to replace a faulty alarm board in the power distribution shelf.

Note: This procedure interrupts alarm condition reporting to the cabinet LEDs and
to the chassis alarm cards.

Before you begin

Read the safety rules for handling equipment.
Wear a properly grounded antistatic strap.
Provide an ESD mat for the ECBU.
Ensure the server is powered down.
This procedure typically takes 5 to 15 minutes to perform.

Replacement alarm board: Comcode:

ECBU 300800737
ECBU2-LC (to be provided)

Perform the following steps:
Service disruption hazard
Destruction of components due to incorrect supply voltage or incorrect polarity.
Before connecting the supply voltage, ensure that it is the correct range and
Electric shock hazard
Contact with energized parts can cause serious personal injury.
Wear the wrist strap and disconnect power.

1 Compare the replacement part to the original.

Note: ECBU2 alarm boards are not compatible with the older ECBUs.

8-306 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-38: Replace an ECBU alarm board


2 Note the cable connections at the front of the alarm board, then disconnect each cable
from the alarm board, once its source is noted.

3 Cables are labeled “Alarm-U” and “Alarm-L.”


4 Loosen the captive screws at the top and bottom of the alarm board.

5 Note the orientation of the board, then slide the board straight out of the slot, and place it
on the antistatic mat.

6 Get the replacement alarm board from the ship kit.


7 Keeping the board vertical and with the same orientation as the one just removed, gently
slide the board into the slot until it does not go in easily (usually about 1/4” remains

8 Press the board straight into the slot to be sure it is secured all the way in and flush with
the other shelf components.

9 Tighten the captive screws on the top and bottom of the board and secure the board in

10 Connect the two cables to the replacement alarm board that you unplugged from the failed
alarm board.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-307
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-39: Replace an ECBU circuit breaker

Procedure 8-39: Replace an ECBU circuit breaker

Use this procedure to replace an ECBU circuit breaker.

Before you begin

Wear a properly grounded antistatic strap.
If replacing a faulty circuit breaker, the equipment on this circuit will be powered down. If
replacing a working circuit breaker as part of routine maintenance, first ensure that the
equipment on this circuit is powered down.

Required material
A circuit breaker of the same rating as the one being replaced is required.

Perform the following steps:

1 Do one of the following:

For an ... then...

ECBU1 Loosen the faceplae screws and remove the
faceplate. Then go to Step 4.
ECBU2-LC Continue with Step 2.


2 Loosen the four faceplate mounting screws on the ECBU2-LC until the faceplate is free to

8-308 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-39: Replace an ECBU circuit breaker


3 Rotate the faceplate up to allow access to the circuit breaker.


4 Attach the circuit breaker removal tool by screwing the bolts at the top and bottom of the
tool into the circuit breaker.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-309
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-39: Replace an ECBU circuit breaker


5 Gently rock the tool while pulling out the circuit breaker. Once the circuit breaker is
removed, disengage the removal tool.


6 Install the replacement circuit breaker by reversing the previous steps.

Note: Exercise caution in ensuring that the contacts are properly mated. During the
insertion process, if the breaker appears to bottom out after it has been inserted
approximately 1/2 inch, then stop the insertion and check the alignment of the small
alarm contact terminals. They many have to be slightly adjusted up or down to ensure
proper alignment.

8-310 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-40: Replace an RCC BMR6B WatchDog Pack

Procedure 8-40: Replace an RCC BMR6B WatchDog Pack

Perform this procedure to replace the Reliable Clustered Computing (RCC) BMR6B
WatchDog Pack in the RCC rack of the MM-AP frame.

Reason to perform
Perform this procedure only when troubleshooting indicates that an RCC BMR6B
WatchDog Pack has failed or malfunctioned.

A single BMR6B WatchDog Pack monitors the heartbeat of each server in the MM-AP.
Failure or malfunction of the BMR6B WatchDog Pack does not directly affect service but
may delay the detection of failures or troubles in one or more servers.

Replace the BMR6B WatchDog Pack only when the pack has failed or malfunctioned.

This procedure typically takes 15 minutes to perform.

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 1 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required materials
To perform this procedure, you need a replacement BMR6B WatchDog Pack. For the
comcode of the BMR6B WatchDog Pack, refer to the Online Customer Support (OLCS)
website, http://support.lucent.com, Recommended Spare Parts and Sparing Strategy.

Related documentation
For troubleshooting scenarios that relate to the BMR6B WatchDog Pack, see Chapter 7,

To replace the BMR6B WatchDog Pack, perform the following steps:
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-311
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-40: Replace an RCC BMR6B WatchDog Pack


1 Open the front door of the MM-AP frame.


2 Locate the BMR5 WatchDog Pack, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 8-72 RCC rack


3 Unscrew the two screws that hold the BMR6B WatchDog Pack in the RCC rack.

4 Simultaneously press the top handle on the BMR6B WatchDog Pack up and the bottom
handle down to ease the pack out of the rear connector.

5 Pull the BMR6B WatchDog Pack out of the slot and the frame.

6 Hold the handles open and carefully insert the replacement BMR6B WatchDog Pack into
the guide slots at the top and bottom until the pack lodges in the rear connectors.

7 Retighten the two screws that hold the BMR6B WatchDog Pack to the shelf.

8-312 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-40: Replace an RCC BMR6B WatchDog Pack


8 Close the front door of the MM-AP frame.


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-313
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-41: Replace an RCC BMR5 Power Converter

Procedure 8-41: Replace an RCC BMR5 Power Converter Pack

Perform this procedure to replace an RCC BMR5 Power Converter Pack in the Reliable
Clustered Computing (RCC) rack of the MM-AP frame.

Reason to perform
Replace an RCC BMR5 Power Converter Pack only when troubleshooting indicates that
the pack has failed or malfunctioned. When a BMR5 Power Converter Pack is fully
operational, the LED on the pack is lit solid green. When the pack is not fully functional,
the LED is extinguished.

Failure or malfunction of an RCC MBR5 Power Converter Pack may impact service and
system performance moderately or severely. The severity of the impact depends on the
cause and extent of the impairment.

Replace an RCC BMR5 Power Converter Pack only when the pack has failed or ceased to
function at full capacity.

This procedure typically takes 15 minutes to perform.

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 1 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required materials
To perform this procedure, you need a replacement RCC BMR5 Power Converter Pack.
For the comcodes of the RCC BMR5 Power Converter Pack, refer to the Online Customer
Support (OLCS) website, http://support.lucent.com, Recommended Spare Parts and
Sparing Strategy.

8-314 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-41: Replace an RCC BMR5 Power Converter

Related documentation
For more information about the RCC BMR5 Power Converter Pack, see Chapter 1,
“System description”.” For troubleshooting scenarios that relate to the RCC BMR5 Power
Converter Pack, see Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”.”

To replace an RCC BMR5 Power Converter Pack, perform the following steps:
Remove only one of the BMR5 Power Converter Packs from the frame
at a time. If you remove more than one of the BMR5 Power Converter
Packs at the same time, the RCC software and any application that the
RCC software monitors will undergo major recovery steps.

1 Open the front door of the MM-AP frame.


2 Locate the faulty BMR5 Power Converter Pack, as shown in Figure 8-72.

3 Unscrew the two screws that hold the BMR5 Power Converter Pack in the RCC rack.

4 Simultaneously press the top handle on the BMR5 Power Converter Pack up and the
bottom handle down to ease the pack out of the rear connector.

5 Pull the BMR5 Power Converter Pack out of the slot and the frame.

6 Hold the handles open and carefully insert the replacement BMR5 Power Converter Pack
into the guide slots at the top and bottom until the pack lodges in the rear connectors.

7 Retighten the two screws that hold the BMR5 Power Converter Pack to the shelf.

8 Close the front door of the MM-AP frame.


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-315
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-42: Replace a Layer 2 Cajun or Extreme
Networks Ethernet switch

Procedure 8-42: Replace a Layer 2 Cajun or Extreme Networks

Ethernet switch
Perform this procedure to replace any of the following MM-AP Ethernet switches:
• Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet switch (P333T, P333R, P334T, or C364T)
Once you have replaced a Layer 2 Cajun switch using this procedure, you must also
perform “Configure a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet switch” (p. 8-329) and “Download the
firmware for a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet switch” (p. 8-340) to complete configuration
and setup of the replacement switch.
• Layer 2 Extreme Networks Ethernet switch ( X450a-48t)
Once you have replaced a Layer 2 Extreme Networks switch using this procedure, you
must also perform “Configure / download firmware for a Layer 2 Extreme Networks
Ethernet switch” (p. 8-346).

Note: 400S and 800S servers use the P333T or P333R Ethernet switch. 410S and
810S servers use the P334T or C364T or X450a-48t Ethernet switch. The X450a-48t is
used only in a UNC frame.

Reason to perform
Replace an Ethernet switch only when troubleshooting indicates that the switch has failed.
When one or more ports on a switch fails, a LAN alarm is generated for the MM-AP
connected to that port.

Failure or malfunction of a Layer 2 Ethernet switch may degrade service and system
performance. The severity of the impact depends on the cause and extent of the
impairment of the switch.

This procedure typically takes more than 1 hour to perform.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, you must determine:
• which switch has failed;
– In the case of the P333T/P333R or P334T switch in an R1SR base or growth
frame, it will be switch A (bottom) or switch B (top).

8-316 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-42: Replace a Layer 2 Cajun or Extreme
Networks Ethernet switch

– In the case of the C364T in an R1SR growth frame, it will be switch A1 (bottom)
or switch B1 (top). In an R1SR base frame, it will be one of four switches.
Switches A1 and A2 are on bottom, and B1 and B2 are on top. Switches A1 and
B1 are on the left when facing the front of the frame. Switches A2 and B2 are on
the right.
– In the case of the C364T or X450a-48t in a UNC base or growth frame, it will be
switch A1 (bottom) or switch B1 (top).
• the frame type (base or growth) in which the failed switch is located
• on which LAN other MM-APs in the frame are ACTIVE.
If any MM-APs in the frame are still ACTIVE on the LAN for which the switch must be
replaced, you must manually switch those MM-APs to the other LAN.
Before performing this procedure, you must also ensure that the only frame for which a
LANFAIL alarm is active is the frame in which the defective switch is located.

Note: This refers to LANFAIL alarms for the FT-LAN link that uses the failed
physical interface, such as the following:
* 38 REPT: AP 35, LAN 2, ALARM
FT-LAN 1 link 2 failed [LANFAIL]
2003-03-01 23:38:23 REPORT #000001 FINAL
03/01/03 23:38:25 #005636

It also refers to LANFAIL alarms for the ACTIVE/STANDBY dual-rail LAN that
uses the failed physical interface, such as the following:

* 38 REPT: AP 35, LAN 2, ALARM

LAN interface failed [LANFAIL]
2003-03-01 23:38:28 REPORT #000001 FINAL

03/01/03 23:38:29 #005637

Perform the following steps to ensure these conditions:

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-317
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-42: Replace a Layer 2 Cajun or Extreme
Networks Ethernet switch

1. Review the LAN alarm for the MM-AP that alerted you to the problem to identify
which switch has failed, switch A, A1, or A2 (lower switch) if LAN 1 has failed or
switch B, B1, or B2 (upper switch) if LAN 2 has failed. If necessary, execute the
following command from the OMC-RAN TICLI or EMS CLI to obtain that
a is the MM-AP number

Result: The OP:AP a ALARM command generates output similar to the following:
M 49 OP:AP 193, ALARM! PF
2003-10-27 12:49:02 REPORT #000001 FINAL
10/27/03 12:49:02 #000015

AP 193, LAN 2:MIN
LAN interface failed [LANFAIL]
2003-10-27 12:49:02 REPORT #000001 FINAL
10/27/03 12:49:07 #000016
In this example, MM-AP 193 is experiencing a failure on LAN 2. This would be switch B
or B1 (upper switch) in a growth frame.
2. If the MM-AP that is reporting the failure is in a base frame that has C364T or X450a-
48t switches, then the failing switch is either switch A1 (LAN 1) or switch B1 (LAN
2). MM-APs within the base frame are always connected to switch A1 and switch B1.
Switches A2 and B2 are connected to the FIPs.
3. Run the following command for each MM-AP in the frame in which the failed switch
is located to determine on which LAN each MM-AP is ACTIVE.

8-318 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-42: Replace a Layer 2 Cajun or Extreme
Networks Ethernet switch

Result: The OP:AP a STATUS command generates output similar to the following:
AP 194, LAN 2:STBY
AP 194, RCS 202:CONFIG
In this example, MM-AP 194 is ACTIVE on LAN 1 and STANDBY on LAN 2 (MM-AP
194 is not experiencing a failure on switch B).
4. Are any of the MM-APs in the frame in which the failed switch is located ACTIVE on
the LAN with the failed switch?

If... then...
no Skip to Step 6.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-319
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-42: Replace a Layer 2 Cajun or Extreme
Networks Ethernet switch

If... then...
yes From the UNIX shell of one of the MM-
APs in the affected frame, execute the
following command to switch those
MM-APs to the alternate LAN:
bin/apSWlanall -l apxxy
apxxy apxxy -d target_lan
where apxxy apxxy apxxy is a list of the
MM-APs (separated by spaces) that you
need to switch to the alternate LAN and
target_lan is the LAN to which you
want to switch them (lan1 or lan2).

Example: To switch MM-APs 21, 23,

and 25 to LAN 2, execute the
bin/apSWlanall -l ap21
ap23 ap25 -d lan2

5. Re-run the OP:AP a, STATUS command for each MM-AP in the frame in which the
failed switch is located to ensure that they have been switched over to the alternate
6. Is the frame in which the failed switch is located a base or growth frame (for help
distinguishing a base frame from a growth frame, refer to 401-710-200)?

If the frame type is... then...

growth skip to page (8-321) to begin replacing
the defective switch
base continue with Step 7

7. Repeat Step 2 through Step 5 for each frame connected to the base frame.

Note: If any of the frames connected to the base frame are a first-generation AP
frame, not an MM-AP frame, APs in that frame must be ACTIVE on the opposite
LAN from that on which MM-APs are ACTIVE while the defective switch is being
replaced. For example, if you make all MM-APs ACTIVE on LAN 2, you must ensure
that all APs are ACTIVE on LAN 1.

8-320 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-42: Replace a Layer 2 Cajun or Extreme
Networks Ethernet switch

Required skills and personnel

The Layer 2 Ethernet switches are field-replaceable units (FRUs) and, like all FRUs,
should be replaced only by:
• Alcatel-Lucent personnel
• service-provider personnel with technical assistance from Alcatel-Lucent
• service-provider personnel whom Alcatel-Lucent has trained to remove and replace a

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• an LMT
• a Number 2 Phillips screwdriver
• a small flat-blade screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required materials
To perform this procedure, you need a replacement switch of the same type as the switch
that has failed. For example, A P333T switch must be replaced by a P333T switch. The
Layer 2 Ethernet switches are not interchangeable.

Related documentation
For more information about the Layer 2 Ethernet switches, see Chapter 1, “System
description”.” For troubleshooting scenarios that relate to the switches, see Chapter 7,

To replace a Layer 2 Ethernet switch, perform the following steps:
The Layer 2 Ethernet switches are FRUs and should be removed
and replaced only by Alcatel-Lucent personnel or service provider
personnel who have assistance or training from Alcatel-Lucent.
Execution of this procedure by service-provider personnel without
assistance or training from Alcatel-Lucent may damage equipment
and/or affect service.

1 Open the front door of the MM-AP frame.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-321
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-42: Replace a Layer 2 Cajun or Extreme
Networks Ethernet switch


2 For R1 and R1SR frames, lift the MFFU panel door and allow the door to hang open.
For UNC frames, skip to the next step.
Be sure that you remove the fuse or trip the circuit breaker that
protects the faulty switch. If you remove the incorrect fuse or trip the
incorrect breaker, communication to the entire frame could be lost!

3 For R1 and R1SR frames, remove the fuse that protects the faulty switch to power down
the switch.
For UNC frames, trip the circuit breaker that protects the faulty switch to power down the

4 Disconnect all of the cables on the front of the switch from their connectors.

Note: Each cable on the switch and each connector for each cable is labeled to
enable you to reconnect each cable to the correct connector after you have installed the
replacement switch. You may wish to add your own labels to facilitate proper
reconnection of each cable.

5 Open the back door of the frame.


6 Disconnect all of the cables on back of the switch from their connectors.

Note: Each cable on the switch and each connector for each cable is labeled to
enable you to reconnect each cable to the correct connector after you have installed the
replacement switch. You may wish to add your own labels to facilitate proper
reconnection of each cable.

7 At the end of the unit, gently pull the plastic screw covers that cover the screws straight out
to allow access to the screws but do not break or remove the plastic screw covers.

8 Unscrew the screws that connect the old switch to the shelf and put them aside in a safe
location. Refer to Figure 8-73 through Figure 8-76 as examples.

8-322 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-42: Replace a Layer 2 Cajun or Extreme
Networks Ethernet switch

Figure 8-73 R1SR Ethernet switch mounting - C364T (front view)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-323
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-42: Replace a Layer 2 Cajun or Extreme
Networks Ethernet switch

Figure 8-74 R1SR Ethernet switch mounting - C364T (exploded view)

Figure 8-75 R1SR Ethernet switch mounting - C364T (rear view)

8-324 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-42: Replace a Layer 2 Cajun or Extreme
Networks Ethernet switch

Figure 8-76 UNC Ethernet switch mounting - C364T or X450a-84t


9 Carefully slide the old switch out from the shelf and remove it from the frame.
Are you replacing a C364T or X450a-48t Ethernet switch in a UNC frame?

If... Then...
yes continue with this step.
no skip to Step 10.

• The new C364T or X450a-48t switch may come with mounting brackets already
attached. If so, remove them. They will not be needed. The new screws will be needed.
• Remove the UNC mounting brackets from the old switch. They will be used with the
– Note that each UNC mounting bracket is different.
– Note that the inlet and exhaust brackets on the X450a-48t are on the opposite sides
of the C364T. Make sure you are using the correct figure.
Refer to Figure 8-77 (C364T) and Figure 8-78 (X450a-48t).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-325
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-42: Replace a Layer 2 Cajun or Extreme
Networks Ethernet switch

Figure 8-77 UNC mounting brackets for the C364T switch

1. Front of the switch.
2. Left “inlet’ bracket. It allows air to enter along this side of the switch.
3. Right “exhaust” or closed bracket. It prevents air from entering this side of the switch.
4. Rear screws requiring preinstallation.

8-326 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-42: Replace a Layer 2 Cajun or Extreme
Networks Ethernet switch

Figure 8-78 UNC mounting brackets for the X450a-48t switch

1. Front of the switch.
2. Right “inlet’ bracket. It allows air to enter along this side of the switch.
3. Left “exhaust” or closed bracket. It prevents air from entering this side of the switch.
4. Rear screws requiring preinstallation.
During preinstallation of the rear mounting bracket screws, do not
tighten the screws down to the switch surface. This could cause
damage to internal switch components.
Preinstall screws in the rear mounting holes of the new switch, leaving a gap that is larger
than the thickness of the bracket. Then fit each bracket that was removed from the existing
switch over the rear screws of the new switch and slide them into place. Finally, install the
front screws and tighten all screws.

10 Carefully insert the replacement switch in the shelf. Ensure that the switch sits on top of
the round black mounting slides that are located approximately 4 inches from the opening
for the switch.

11 Reinstall and carefully tighten the four screws and snap the plastic screw covers back in
place over the screws.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-327
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-42: Replace a Layer 2 Cajun or Extreme
Networks Ethernet switch


12 Use the label on each cable and each connector on the front and back of the switch to
reconnect each cable to the correct connector. For Ethernet switch port assignments, refer
to Appendix A, “Ethernet switch information”.

13 Do one of the following to restore power to the switch:

• For an R1SR frame, reinstall the MFFU fuse, and lift and close the MFFU panel door.
• For a UNC frame, reset the ECBU circuit breaker.

14 Close the front door of the frame.


15 After replacing a Layer 2 switch, do one of the following:

• For a Cajun Ethernet switch, go to “Configure a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet switch”
(p. 8-329).
• For an Extreme Networks Ethernet switch, go to “Configure / download firmware for a
Layer 2 Extreme Networks Ethernet switch” (p. 8-346).

8-328 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-43: Configure a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet

Procedure 8-43: Configure a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet switch

Perform this procedure to configure a Layer 2 Ethernet switch (P333T, P333R, P334T,
C364T, or X450a-48t) in an MM-AP frame. Configuring a Layer 2 Ethernet switch
includes setting the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the switch. For base frames, it also
includes configuring the cross-connect capability.

Reason to perform
Configure a Layer 2 Ethernet switch that you have installed to replace a faulty Layer 2

A newly installed Layer 2 switch cannot function until you set the IP address of the
switch. The cross-connect capability of base frame must be properly configured to prevent
service outages.

This procedure typically takes 10 minutes to perform.

Required tools
To perform this procedure, you need an LMT.

Required materials
This procedure requires an RS-232 null modem (DB9F-DB9F) serial cable to connect the
LMT to the Ethernet switch serial port.

Required information
When you replace a Layer 2 Ethernet switch, you must set the IP address of the
replacement switch to the same IP address that was set in the replaced switch. The IP
address of a switch depends on the following:
• the frame in which the switch resides
• whether the switch is the upper switch or the lower switch in that frame (P333T,
P333R, P334T, C364T, or X450a-48t).
The IP addresses of the upper and lower switches in MM-AP frames are listed in “LAN IP
addresses for 40 frames” (p. D-1). In this appendix, the lower switch is network element
es[host_MM-AP]a. The upper switch is network element es[host_MM-AP]b.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-329
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-43: Configure a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet

User-defined IP addresses
The MM-APCC LAN IP addressing scheme has no default address, the 10.0 address is not
available, and customers must choose a network in the range 172.16 - 172.31 for the MM-
APCC Ethernet LAN (see Appendix D, “LAN IP addresses for 40 frames” for more

Setting the IP address

To set the IP address of a Layer 2 Ethernet switch, perform the following steps:

1 Refer to “Access an Ethernet switch via its serial port from the LMT” (p. 3-43).

2 What is the switch console prompt?

If the console prompt is... then...
Cajun_P330-1(super)# proceed to Step 3.
Cajun_P330-1> enter the following command:
Result: The console prompt changes to
Then proceed to Step 3.
X450a-B.6(super)# proceed to Step 3.
X450a-B.6# proceed to Step 3.


3 Do one of the following:

• For a Cajun switch, enter the following command:
set interface inband 1 a.b.c.d
• For an Extreme switch, enter the following command:
config vlan default ipaddr a.b.c.d
where a.b.c.d is the IP address of the switch (see “LAN IP addresses for 40 frames”
(p. D-1).
Result: An example output would be


8-330 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-43: Configure a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet

Set and enable Rapid Spanning Tree


1 Do the following:

Note: Rapid Spanning Tree in the ECP only supports the MM application. DO NOT
use this step for the 1xEV-DO RNC.
Enter the following command at the Ethernet switch prompt [for example,
Cajun_P364-1(super)# ] to verify that the Rapid Spanning Tree feature is set and
enabled on the Ethernet switch:
show spantree
Result: Example output:
show spantree

Spanning tree state is enabled

Designated Root: 00-40-0d-fe-78-aa

Designated Root Priority: 16384
Designated Root Cost: 0
Designated Root Port: No root port, Bridge is Designated root
Root Max Age: 20 Hello Time: 2
Root Forward Delay: 15

Bridge ID MAC ADDR: 00-40-0d-fe-78-aa

Bridge ID Priority: 16384
Bridge Max Age: 20 Bridge Hello Time: 2
Bridge Forward Delay: 15 TxHold Count 3
Spanning Tree Version is rapid spanning tree
Spanning Tree Default Path Costs is according to rapid spanning

2 If the Spanning Tree Version is NOT set to Rapid Spanning Tree, or if Spanning tree state
is disabled, enter the following commands at the Ethernet switch prompt to set and enable
Rapid Spanning Tree and multicast filtering:
• Base frame switch A:
set spantree priority 16384
set spantree default-path-cost rapid-spanning-tree
set spantree version rapid-spanning-tree
set spantree enabled
set intelligent-multicast enable

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-331
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-43: Configure a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet

• Base frame switch B:

set spantree priority 24576
set spantree default-path-cost rapid-spanning-tree
set spantree version rapid-spanning-tree
set spantree enabled
set intelligent-multicast enable
• Growth frame switch A or B:
set spantree default-path-cost rapid-spanning-tree
set spantree version rapid-spanning-tree
set spantree enabled
set intelligent-multicast enable

3 Re-enter the show spantree command of Step 1 to verify that the states are enabled, the
Spanning Tree Version is set to “rapid spanning tree”, and multicast filtering is enabled.
Then continue with the next step.

IP Backhaul

1 If the frame supports IP Backhaul, do the following (if not, continue with the next step):

Note: The auto-negotiation setting for the port connecting to a Layer 3 IP Backhaul
Ethernet switch must be set to “disabled”. Only a fixed speed is supported. The same is
true for a Layer 2 IP Backhaul Ethernet switch. Leaving the auto-negotiation setting to
“enabled” will eventually trigger an outage for the IP Backhaul network.
Normally, Port 24 of Switch A and B in an R1 frame and Port 48 of Switch A and B in an
R1SR or UNC frame are connected to the IPBH network. Verify this is the case before
continuing. Then enter the following command for an R1SR or UNC frame, Switch A:
show port 1/48
Result: Example output:
Cajun_P330-1(super)# show port 1/48
Port Name Status Vlan Level Neg Dup. Spd. Type
------ --------------- --------- ---- ------ ------- ---- ---- -------------
1/48 NO NAME no link 1 0 enable full 100M 10/100Base-Tx
If Neg (auto-negotiation) = enable, it must be disabled. Enter the following command:
set port negotiation 1/48 disable

8-332 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-43: Configure a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet

If Dup. (duplex) = half, it must be set to full. Enter the following command:
set port duplex 1/48 full
If Spd. (speed) = 10M, it must be changed. Enter the following command:
set port speed 1/48 100MB
Enter the following command to verify the changes:
show port 1/48
Repeat this step for Switch B.

2 Are you replacing a switch in a base frame?

If... then...
no skip to “Configuring the cross-connect
capability of growth frames” (p. 8-334)
yes continue with “Configuring the cross-
connect capability of base frames”
(p. 8-333)


Configuring the cross-connect capability of base frames

Perform the following procedure to configure the cross-connect capability or LAG
channels of base frames.
To prevent service outages, base frame LAG channels must be
configured exactly as explained in this procedure. This procedure
is for base frames only. Do not perform this procedure for growth

1 For R1 frames, enter the following command to configure the LAG channels on ports 1/1
and 1/2.
set port channel 1/1-2 on fms
For R1SR frames, configure a LAG on ports 1/2 and 1/3 with the following command:
set port channel 1/2-3 on fms
For UNC frames (introduced as a base frame option in Release 30), configure a LAG on
ports 1/51 and 1/52 with one of the following commands:
• For a Cajun switch, enter:
set port channel 1/51-52 on fms

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-333
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-43: Configure a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet

• For an Extreme switch, enter:

enable sharing 51 group 51-52 algorithm addressed-based L3_L4 lacp

2 Enter the following command to verify that the LAG configuration is correct:
show port channel 1
Result: The show port channel command generates output similar to the
following for an R1 frame, in which ports 1/1 and 1/2 are on (that is, enabled):
Port Channel Status Channel Name
------ ------------------- -------------------
1/1 on fms
1/2 on fms
1/3 off
1/4 off
1/13 off
1/14 off
1/15 off
1/16 off
------ ------------------- -------------------
1/5 off
1/6 off
1/7 off
1/8 off
1/17 off
1/18 off
1/19 off
1/20 off
------ ------------------- -------------------
1/9 off
1/10 off
Skip to “Resetting and verifying” (p. 8-337).

Configuring the cross-connect capability of growth frames

Perform the following procedure to configure the cross-connect capability or LAG
channels of growth frames.
To prevent service outages, growth frame LAG channels must be
configured exactly as explained in this procedure. These steps are

8-334 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-43: Configure a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet

for growth frames only. Do not perform this procedure for base

1 Enter the following command to show current LAG configurations:

show port channel 1
Result: The show port channel command generates output similar to the
Port Channel Status Channel Name
------ ------------------- -------------------
1/1 off
1/2 off
1/3 off
1/4 off
1/13 off
1/14 off
1/15 off
1/16 off
------ ------------------- -------------------
1/5 off
1/6 off
1/7 off
1/8 off
1/17 off
1/18 off
1/19 off
1/20 off
------ ------------------- -------------------
1/9 off
1/10 off

2 The output from Step 1 show Channel Status should be the following:
• For R1 growth frames, both ports 1/1 and 1/2 as off (that is, disabled).
• For R1SR growth frames, ports 1/2 , 1/3, and 1/4 as off (that is, disabled).
• For UNC growth frames (introduced as a growth frame option in Release 29), both
ports 1/51 and 1/52 as off (that is, disabled).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-335
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-43: Configure a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet

Is this true?

If... then...
yes continue with Step 3
no enter one of the following commands to
disable them:
set port channel 1/1-2 off
set port channel 1/2-3,4 off
set port channel 1/51-52 off
Enter y to continue, then repeat Step 1 to
verify these ports are disabled.
Notes: Note: MM-AP growth frames
manufactured after May 2002
should be configured with ports 1
and 2 disabled and disconnected.


3 Ensure that these ports on both switches in the growth frame are physically disconnected.
Disconnect the port cabling from the rear of the frame.
• On newer R1 frames, these switch ports are cabled to FIP ports 1 and 2 and then
cross-connected (see cables G38A and G38B in the following figure). Ensure that
these two cross-connect cables are disconnected from both FIPs at the rear of the
frame and tied back.
• On older R1 frames, these switch ports are directly connected through a pair of cables.
Ensure that the cables are disconnected from the front of the frame from the upper
switch. Tape the modular connectors and tie the cables back.
• On R1SR frames, these switch ports are cabled to FIP ports 2, 3, and 4 and then cross-
connected. Ensure that these cross-connect cables are disconnected from both FIPs at
the rear of the frame and tied back.
• On UNC frames (introduced as a growth frame option in Release 29), ensure there are
no cables connected to these switch ports 51 and 52.

8-336 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-43: Configure a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet


Resetting and verifying

Perform the following procedure to reset the replacement switch and verify its

1 Enter the following command to ensure that the changed IP address of the switch takes
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-337
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-43: Configure a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet

Result: The following message is returned:

*** Reset *** Do you want to continue? [y/n]

2 Enter
Result: The following message is returned:
Connection closed by foreign host.

3 Log into an MM-AP in the frame in which you replaced the switch.

4 Enter the following commands to verify that the switches are accessible:
ping IPaddress
IPaddress = the IP address of the upper switch.

ping IPaddress
IPaddress = the IP address of the lower switch.
Result: The ping command returns output similar to the following:
ping is alive

5 Take the appropriate action:

If the result of the ping
command indicates that then
the switches are alive continue with the next step.
problems occurred verify that the cables are connected
(ping output is no answer correctly and redo Step 4.
from IPaddress)

8-338 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-43: Configure a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet


6 Enter the following commands as root or as System Administrator:

cd /ap/platform/default/support/bin
aplanconfig -i on -c
Result: The aplanconfig command generates output similar to that shown in
“aplanconfig” (p. B-34). Note the following:
• An error should report that intelligent multicast filtering is OFF for the new switch.
The aplanconfig tool will attempt to turn it ON. There should be a statement at
the end of the output that indicates that intelligent multicast filtering has been
turned ON. Any other errors should be investigated and corrected. Contact
technical support for assistance as needed.
• If the switch being replaced is in a base frame and the office includes GNP frames,
errors should report that on the new switch, the ports used to connect to the GNP
frames have the wrong settings. The aplanconfig tool will attempt to fix the
settings. There should be a statement in the output that the settings were changed

7 Proceed to “Download the firmware for a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet switch” (p. 8-340).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-339
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-44: Download the firmware for a Layer 2
Cajun Ethernet switch

Procedure 8-44: Download the firmware for a Layer 2 Cajun

Ethernet switch
Perform this procedure to download the firmware to a replacement Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet
switch (P333T, P333R, P334T, C364T, or X450a-48t) in an MM-AP frame.

Reason to perform
Downloading the firmware to a replacement Layer 2 switch is the last of three procedures
required to replace a faulty Layer 2 switch.

This procedure performs a LAN switch operation before resetting the switch. While the
procedure can be performed with MM-APs on-line, it can impact system performance and
is best performed during non-busy hours in a maintenance window.

This procedure typically takes 20-25 minutes to perform.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure the following:
• You have performed the procedure “Configure a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet switch”
(p. 8-329).
• The MM-APs are in a consistent state, either online or offline. Bringing MM-APs up
or down during the LAN switch operation may cause flxfwhub to fail. Although
flxfwhub can be retried if it fails, it is recommended that you keep MM-APs in a
consistent state until flxfwhub completes.

Related information
The flxfwhub command only downloads firmware if the current firmware on the
replacement switch is older than the firmware saved on the MM-AP from which you
perform the procedure.
All operations performed by the flxfwhub command are logged in a file in the directory

8-340 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-44: Download the firmware for a Layer 2
Cajun Ethernet switch

A history file (.history.VERSION) under /var/flx/logs/FMShubfw records the

status of the firmware download as it proceeds. The file is generated when you start the
firmware update and is deleted after the update completes. If the firmware update does not
complete and you have to rerun the procedure, flxfwhub consults the history file to
figure out where the previous process left off and resumes from there.
A status file (hub_status) under /flx/data/FMShubfw records the switch firmware

To download the most current firmware for a Layer 2 switch, perform the following steps:

1 Is the RS-232 null modem (DB9F-DB9F) serial cable still connected from the COM1 port
of the LMT to the Maintenance Interface Panel (MIP) ETHERNET SWITCH CONSOLE
port for the replacement Ethernet switch (or any console port other than a CPU TTY A
port for one of the MM-APs in the frame)?
If... then...
no skip to Step 2
yes disconnect the cable from the
Maintenance Interface Panel


2 As root or as System Administrator, establish a local console connection to any MM-AP in

the frame in which you have replaced the Layer 2 switch.
Reference: See “Access a server via the CPU serial port” (p. 3-37).

3 Update the firmware on the replacement Layer 2 switch by entering the following
flxfwhub switch_name
switch_name is the name of the replacement Layer 2 switch, for example,

Result: The flxfwhub command generates the following output:

**** We recommend that Hub Firmware be updated during off-peak
Do you want to continue now? (Yes/No): y

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-341
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-44: Download the firmware for a Layer 2
Cajun Ethernet switch


4 Enter y at the prompt.

Result: The flxfwhub command generates output similar to the following:

flxfwhub: Info: getting system info - please be patient ...

flxfwhub: Info: firmware will be updated on the following hub(s):
flxfwhub: Info: begin to download new firmware for es3b ... Please wait
flxfwhub: Info: firmware downloaded successfully for es3b
flxfwhub: Info: detecting online servers - please be patient ...
flxfwhub: Info: begin to switchover LAN-b to Standby LAN
flxfwhub: Info: es3b reset successfully
flxfwhub: Info: waiting up to 15 minutes after HUB reset for recovery
counting down: 806 seconds

****** HUB Firmware Update Report *******

C364T HUB es3b now running FW 4.5.18

*** End Of HUB Firmware Update Report ***

----- END flxfwhub


5 Check that the firmware has been properly updated by executing the following command:
flxfwhub -i switch_name
Result: The flxfwhub -i command generates output similar to one of the following:
es3a: C364T SW version 4.5.18
es3a: P333T SW version 4.1.3
es3a: P333R SW version 4.1.4
es3a: P334T SW version 4.1.3

8-342 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-45: Replace a Cajun Ethernet switch 16-port
expansion sub-module

Procedure 8-45: Replace a Cajun Ethernet switch 16-port

expansion sub-module
Perform this procedure to replace a Cajun Ethernet switch 16-port expansion sub-module.

This procedure typically takes less than 5 - 15 minutes to perform.

Required conditions
The expansion sub-module is hot swappable. You do not need to power down the switch to
replace the sub-module.

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required materials
To perform this procedure, you need a replacement 16-port expansion module. For the
comcode of the expansion module, refer to the Online Customer Support (OLCS) website,
http://support.lucent.com, Recommended Spare Parts and Sparing Strategy.

To replace a Cajun Ethernet switch 16-port expansion sub-module, perform the following

1 Loosen the screws by turning the knobs at the edges of the front panel of the expansion

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-343
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-45: Replace a Cajun Ethernet switch 16-port
expansion sub-module


2 Disconnect all of the Ethernet cables on the front of the expansion sub-module from their
connectors and move them out of the way of the sub-module to allow insertion of the
replacement sub-module.

Note: Each cable on the sub-module and each connector for each cable is labeled to
enable you to reconnect each cable to the correct connector after you have installed the
replacement sub-module.

3 Grasp the two knobs, pull gently but firmly towards yourself, and place the sub-module on
the electrostatic discharge mat.

4 Insert the replacement sub-module gently into the slot, ensuring that the Printed Circuit
Board (PCB) is aligned with the guide rails.

Note: The PCB, not the metal base plate, fits into the guide rails.
Result: The entire Ethernet switch resets, causing an interruption of traffic for about 1

5 Press the sub-module in firmly until it is completely inserted into the switch.

6 Gently tighten the two screws on the front panel of the expansion sub-module by turning
the knobs.

8-344 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Replacement procedures Procedure 8-45: Replace a Cajun Ethernet switch 16-port
expansion sub-module


7 Use the labels on the cables that attach to the front panel of the sub-module to reconnect
each cable to the correct port. Table 8-11, “Cable labels for 16-port expansion sub-module
ports” (p. 8-345) lists the label used on the cable that should be plugged into each port.

Table 8-11 Cable labels for 16-port expansion sub-module ports

16-port expansion sub-

module port Associated cable label
RJ-45 group_id comcode
group_id = the group identifier for the
cable grouping to which this cable
comcode = the comcode for the cable
a, b = coordinates that identify the
location of the sub-module within the
F = front of the frame
x = the port number, 51 - 66


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-345
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-46: Configure / download firmware for a
Layer 2 Extreme Networks Ethernet switch

Procedure 8-46: Configure / download firmware for a Layer 2

Extreme Networks Ethernet switch
Perform these procedures to set up the configuration for and update the software on a
Layer 2 Extreme Networks Ethernet switch (Summit X450a, or X450a-48t) in an MM
UNC frame. Configuring a Layer 2 Ethernet switch includes setting the Internet Protocol
(IP) address of the switch. For base frames, it also includes configuring the cross-connect

Reason to perform
Configure a Layer 2 Ethernet switch that you have installed in replacement for a faulty
Layer 2 switch.

A newly installed Layer 2 switch cannot function until you set the IP address of the
switch. The cross-connect capability of base frame must be properly configured to prevent
service outages.

This procedure typically takes 10 minutes to perform.

Required tools
To perform this procedure, you need an LMT.

Required materials
This procedure requires an RS-232 null modem (DB9F-DB9F) serial cable to connect the
LMT to the Ethernet switch serial port.

Required information
You must obtain the IP address of the replaced switch so that it can be used with the
replacement switch. The IP address of a switch depends on the following:
• the frame in which the switch resides
• whether the switch is the upper switch or the lower switch in that frame.
The IP addresses of the upper and lower switches in MM-AP frames are listed in “LAN IP
addresses for 40 frames” (p. D-1). In this appendix, the lower switch is network element
es[host_MM-AP]a. The upper switch is network element es[host_MM-AP]b.

8-346 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-46: Configure / download firmware for a
Layer 2 Extreme Networks Ethernet switch

User-defined IP addresses
The MM-APCC LAN IP addressing scheme has no default address, the 10.0 address is not
available, and customers must choose a network in the range 172.16 - 172.31 for the MM-
APCC Ethernet LAN (see Appendix D, “LAN IP addresses for 40 frames” for more

Procedure to configure the switch from a saved configuration file


1 Verify that a saved configuration file is available for the replacement switch.

2 Before you can download a configuration file to a replacement switch, it is necessary to

provision the replacement switch with the IP address of the replaced switch. This can be
done by following Step 1 through Step 3 in the manual procedure that follows this

Note: For this procedure to work, the switch’s IP address must be on the same subnet
as that of the server that stores the saved configuration file (typically one of the B-

3 Once the replacement switch has been assigned an IP address, verify this IP address is
pingable from the B-server that stores the saved configuration file. Then issue the
following command from the replacement switch to download the saved
lufactory.cfg file to the replacement switch: In the example, the B-server’s IP
address is assumed to be
tftp get vr vr-def lufactory.cfg force
Result: The lufactory.cfg file is put in the B-server’s tftpboot directory.
Downloading lufactory.cfg to switch... done!

4 Reboot the replacement switch with the downloaded configuration file. Enter:
use config lufactory
The selected configuration will take effect after the next switch

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-347
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-46: Configure / download firmware for a
Layer 2 Extreme Networks Ethernet switch

Do you want to save configuration changes to lufactory and reboot?
(y -save and reboot, n -reboot without save, <cr> -cancel command)

5 After the replacement switch has been downloaded and booted up with a saved
configuration file, you should go over all the verification steps (Step 7, Step 15) described
in the manual procedure to confirm the replacement switch has been properly configured.

6 Switch software must still be upgraded separately per the manual procedure’s Step 9
through Step 11.
The SSH module must be loaded separately per the manual procedure’s Step 12 through
Step 14.

Procedure to manually configure the switch

Note: Complete Step 1 through Step 6 for both switches in the frame before
proceeding with the rest of the procedure.

1 Connect an Extreme Networks-supplied console cable to the switch from a PC. Bring up a
hyperterm on the PC with the parameters set to: 9600 baud rate, 8 data bits, no parity, 1

8-348 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-46: Configure / download firmware for a
Layer 2 Extreme Networks Ethernet switch

stop bit, and Xon/Xoff flow control. Press the Return key a few times to get the login
prompt from the switch. Then enter the “root” login to establish connection.
login: root
password: (Note: enter password for root)
ExtremeWare XOS
Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Extreme Networks. All rights reserved.
Protected by US Patent Nos: 6,678,248; 6,104,700; 6,766,482;
6,618,388; 6,034,957; 6,859,438; 6,912,592; 6,954,436.
Press the <tab> or '?' key at any time for completions.
Remember to save your configuration changes.
This switch currently has all management methods enabled for
reasons.Please answer these questions about the security settings
would like to use.
Telnet is enabled by default. Telnet is unencrypted and has been
target of security exploits in the past.

Note: The three questions below regarding disabling telnet, etc. only come up if this
is the very first time the switch is accessed.
Would you like to disable Telnet? [y/N]: <<< Enter N
SNMP access is enabled by default. SNMP uses no encryption, SNMPv3
be configured to eliminate this problem.
Would you like to disable SNMP? [y/N]: <<< Enter y
Disabling all SNMP access ... done
All ports are enabled by default. In some secure applications, it
maybe more desirable for the ports to be turned off.
Would you like unconfigured ports to be turned off by default?
[y/N]: <<< Enter N

Since you have chosen less secure management methods, please

remember to increase the security of your network by taking the
following actions:
* change your admin password
* change your SNMP public and private strings
* consider using SNMPv3 to secure network management traffic
* X450a-48t.1 #

Note: The * symbol proceeding the switch prompt indicates there is unsaved
configuration changes.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-349
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-46: Configure / download firmware for a
Layer 2 Extreme Networks Ethernet switch


2 In Step 1, did the switch asked the three questions?

If... Then...
yes skip to Step 3.
no continue with this step.

The switch may have been used previously. To reset the switch configuration to the
vendor’s factory defaults for a clean start, enter the following command:
unconfig switch all
Restore all factory defaults and reboot? (y/n) <<< Enter y
The system is going down NOW !!
Result: The switch will now reboot. After the login prompt comes back, enter “root”
to login back to the switch. You may have to wait for up to 30 seconds after entering
the “root” login and before being prompted for the password. At the password prompt,
press the Return key. The switch will then ask the three questions in Step 1. Answer
the questions per instructions in Step 1.
Continue with the next step.

3 Configure the switch with the replaced switch’s IP address.

a. For a base or growth frame, configure the switch IP address. Enter:
config vlan default ipaddr <a.b.c.d> <e.f.g.h>
– <a.b.c.d> is the replaced switch’s IP address.
– <e.f.g.h> is the replaced switch’s net mask.

4 Verify the port that will be used for IP backhaul is set to edge and that edgeport safeguard
is enabled by displaying the port’s flags (that is, settings) with the following command:
show stp s0 ports port_#

8-350 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-46: Configure / download firmware for a
Layer 2 Extreme Networks Ethernet switch

show stp s0 port 36
Port Mode State Cost Flags Priority Port ID Designated Bridge
36 802.1D FORWARDING 20000 e?ee-w-S-- 128 802d 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00

Total Ports: 1
----------------------Flags: -------------------------
1: e=Enable, d=Disable
2: (Port, role) R=Root, D=Designated, A=Alternate, B=Backup, M=Master
3: (Config type) b=broadcast, p=point-to-point, e=edge, a=auto
4: (Oper. type) b=broadcast, p=point-to-point, e=edge
5: p=proposing, a=agree
...(partner mode) d=802.1d, w=802.1w, a=astp
... i = edgeport inconsistency
8: S = edgeport safe guard active
s = edgeport safe guard configured by inactive
9: B = Boundary, I = Internal
10: r = Restricted Role

There are 10 flags that represent settings for the port, shown above. In this case:
From the example, the following is true:
• Flag 1 = e (the port is enabled)
• Flag 3 = e (Configuration type = edge)
• Flag 4 = e (Operation type = edge)
• Flag 6 = w (Partner mode = 802.1w
• Flag 8 = S (edgeport safe guard active)
Service disruption hazard
For IP backhaul, if the port is configured for point-to-point, the system will not function
correctly. For IP backhaul, configure the port to edge. It cannot be point-to-point.

5 If the port needs to be set to “edge” (Flags 3 and 4) and/or needs “edgeport safeguard”
enabled (Flag 8), enter the following commands:
disable stp s0
config stp s0 port link-type edge 45 edge-safeguard enable
enable stp s0
If you then re-enter the show command, Flags 3 and 4 should be set to “e” and Flag 8
should be set to “S”.

6 Disconnect the console cable.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-351
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-46: Configure / download firmware for a
Layer 2 Extreme Networks Ethernet switch


7 From one of the servers in the frame, verify that you can establish a telnet session with the
switch via the provisioned IP address and default login.
a. Enter:
telnet <a.b.c.d>
Trying <a.b.c.d>...
Connected to <a.b.c.d>.
Escape character is '^]'.

telnet session telnet0 on /dev/ptyb0

b. Enter the root login and password:

login: root
password: newsys11
ExtremeWare XOS
Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Extreme Networks. All rights reserved.
Protected by US Patent Nos: 6,678,248; 6,104,700; 6,766,482;
6,618,388; 6,034,957; 6,859,438; 6,912,592; 6,954,436.

Press the <tab> or '?' key at any time for completions.

Remember to save your configuration changes.

8 Save the resulting switch configuration. Enter:

save config lufactory

8-352 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-46: Configure / download firmware for a
Layer 2 Extreme Networks Ethernet switch

No default configuration database has been selected to boot up the
system. Save configuration will set the new configuration as
the default database.
Do you want to save configuration to lufactory.cfg? (y/n) Yes

Saving configuration ........... done!

Configuration saved to lufactory.cfg successfully.
The current selected default configuration database to boot up the
system (primary.cfg) is different than the one just saved
(lufactory.cfg). Do you want to make lufactory.cfg the default
database? (y/n) Yes

The selected configuration will take effect after the next switch

9 Verify the software version on the switch. Enter the “show switch” command and output
similar to the example below should be displayed. The software image version is
highlighted in the example.

Note: Note the following:

• There is no special significance to the names “primary” or “secondary” image. These
are just pre-defined names recognizable by the switch. Either one can be used to boot
up the switch.
• The latest official switch software version can be found in the file /tftpboot/Eversions
on each MM-AP.
show switch

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-353
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-46: Configure / download firmware for a
Layer 2 Extreme Networks Ethernet switch

SysName: X450a-B
SysContact: support@extremenetworks.com, +1 888 257 3000
System MAC: 00:04:96:26:6B:04
Recovery Mode: All
System Watchdog: Enabled

Current Time: Fri Aug 8 05:42:44 2008

Timezone: [Auto DST Disabled] GMT Offset: 0 minutes, name is
Boot Time: Thu Aug 7 23:49:35 2008
Boot Count: 23
Next Reboot: None scheduled

Current State: OPERATIONAL

Image Selected: primary <-- image to be used at the next reboot
Image Booted: secondary <-- image currently running on switch
Primary ver: <-- image version in primary partition
Secondary ver: <-- image version in secondary partition

Config Selected: lufactory.cfg

Config Booted: Factory Default
factory.cfg Created by ExtremeWare XOS version
130858 bytes saved on Fri Aug 8 05:38:55 2008
If the version of the image in both primary and secondary partitions is at the desired level,
go to Step 12. Otherwise, perform the following steps to upgrade/downgrade the software
image version.

10 Upgrade/downgrade switch software version (if needed). The desired version of the switch
software is installed on the servers by the FMSfwehub package and is available under the
/tftpboot directory. While the root user is still logged in to the switch from the B-server,
enter the following command on the switch to download the desired image version to the
switch. This applies to both upgrade and downgrade.

Note: Note the following:

• Replace “” in the example with the actual IP address for the B-server. The IP
address of the B-server should be in the same subnet as that of the switch.
• Replace “SummitX450-” in the example with the actual image file name.
• Replace “primary” in the example with “secondary” if the purpose is to download the
image to the secondary image partition.

8-354 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-46: Configure / download firmware for a
Layer 2 Extreme Networks Ethernet switch

• Depending on whether or not the new software image is being downloaded to and
installed in the current boot image (Image Booted), the switch may or may not ask to
reboot. Answer “Yes” if asked to reboot.
• It typically takes 5-6 minutes to download and install an image over a 100Mbps link.
Switch reboot takes approximately 2 minutes. When the switch reboots, the telnet
session will be disconnected, though the server prompt may not come back until the
switch has completed rebooting.
Enter the following command on the switch:
download image SummitX450- vr vr-default
Do you want to install image after downloading? (y - yes, n - no,
<cr> - cancel) Yes
Downloading to Switch

Image will be installed to the active partition, a reboot

required. Do you want to continue? (y/n) Yes
Installing to primary partition!
Installing to Switch
Connection to closed by foreign host.

11 After the switch has completed its reboot (if applicable), login back into the switch and
enter the “show switch” command (Step 9) again to verify that the switch is at the desired
firmware version. Repeat Step 10 if necessary to get both image partitions to the desired

12 Install the SSH Modular Software Package. This must be done regardless whether or not it
was necessary to upgrade/downgrade the main switch software (Step 10). When the switch
is shipped from Extreme Networks’ factory, the SSH package is not installed due to export
restrictions and it must be installed separately. The version of the SSH package to be
installed must be compatible with that of the main software image. This can be verified by
making sure the first 3 numbers in the version number string match (for example,

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-355
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-46: Configure / download firmware for a
Layer 2 Extreme Networks Ethernet switch
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ SSH package version is compatible with main software image). The
desired version of the SSH modular package is installed on the B-servers by the
FMSfwehub package and is available under the /tftpboot directory.

Note: Note the following:

• Replace “” in the example with the actual IP address for the B-server. The IP
address of the B-server should be in the same subnet as that of the switch.
• Replace “SummitX450-” in the example with the actual SSH
package name.
a. From the switch, enter:
download image summitX450- vr vr-default primary
Do you want to install image after downloading? (y - yes, n - no,
<cr> - cancel) Yes
Downloading to Switch.....
Installing to primary partition!

Installing to Switch.....................................
SSL will be usable after restart of thttpd process.

Image installed successfully

b. From the switch, enter:
download image summitX450- vr vr-default secondary
Do you want to install image after downloading? (y - yes, n - no,
<cr> - cancel) Yes

Downloading to Switch.....
Installing to secondary partition!

Installing to Switch.....................................
SSL will be usable after restart of thttpd process.

Image installed successfully

c. From the switch, enter:
run update
save config lufactory

8-356 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-46: Configure / download firmware for a
Layer 2 Extreme Networks Ethernet switch

The configuration file lufactory.cfg already exists.
Do you want to save configuration to lufactory.cfg and overwrite
(y/n) Yes
Saving configuration ................. done!
Configuration saved to lufactory.cfg successfully.

13 Set the switch to boot from the primary image partition and reboot the switch to make sure
the new image is used. Enter:
use image primary
Are you sure you want to reboot the switch? (y/n) Yes
Connection to closed by foreign host.

14 Verify the SSH Modular package is installed properly. After the switch completes the
reboot, login back into the switch and enter the “show management” command. The entry
for “SSH access” should show “Disabled”.
show management

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-357
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-46: Configure / download firmware for a
Layer 2 Extreme Networks Ethernet switch

CLI idle timeout : Enabled (20 minutes)
CLI max number of login attempts : 3
CLI max number of sessions : 8
CLI paging : Enabled (this session only)
CLI space-completion : Disabled (this session only)
CLI configuration logging : Disabled
Telnet access : Enabled (tcp port 23 vr all)
: Access Profile : not set
SSH access : Disabled (Key invalid, tcp
port 22 vr all)
: Access Profile : not set
SNMP access : Disabled
Total Read Only Communities : 1
Total Read Write Communities : 1
RMON : Disabled
SNMP Traps : Enabled
SNMP v1/v2c TrapReceivers : None

SNMP stats: InPkts 0 OutPkts 0 Errors 0 AuthErrors 0

Gets 0 GetNexts 0 Sets 0
SNMP traps: Sent 0 AuthTraps Enabled

15 For a base frame only: after a switch has been configured and upgraded, where necessary,
to the correct the software version, do the following:
a. From the switch enter:
show port sharing

8-358 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-46: Configure / download firmware for a
Layer 2 Extreme Networks Ethernet switch

Load Sharing Monitor
Config Current Agg Ld Share Ld Share Agg Link Link Up
Master Master Control Algorithm Group Mbr Status transitions
45 45 LACP L3_L4 45 Y A 1
L3_L4 46 Y A 1
Link Status: A-Active, D-Disabled, R-Ready, NP-Port not present,
Load Sharing Algorithm: (L2) Layer 2 address based, (L3_L4) Layer
address and Layer 4 port based
Default algorithm: L2
Number of load sharing trunks: 1

b. From the switch enter:

ping <a.b.c.d>
where <a.b.c.d> is the IP address of the other base frame switch.
Ping(ICMP) <a.b.c.d>: 4 packets, 8 data bytes, interval 1
16 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=19 ms
16 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.869 ms
16 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.304 ms
16 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=0.297 ms

--- <a.b.c.d> ping statistics ---

4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0/5/19 ms
c. Verify the following:
• For “show port sharing” output:
– Current Master field is set to “1”.
– Agg Mbr field is set to “Y” for all rows
– Link Status is set to “A” for all rows.
• ICMP pings to the other switch successfully.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 8-359
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Replacement procedures Procedure 8-46: Configure / download firmware for a
Layer 2 Extreme Networks Ethernet switch

Procedure to save the switch configuration

For the sake of speed and ease of provisioning, it may be desirable to save the switch
configuration file (that is, lufactory.cfg) on a server. The following procedure describes
how this can be done for the Extreme switch.
To upload a saved switch configuration file to a server (typically one of the B-servers):

Note: This procedure assumes that an Extreme switch has been properly configured
per the manual procedures with the configurations saved in the file lufactory on the

1 On the host MM-AP of one of the B-servers (for example, ap05), issue the following
commands to prepare the /tftpboot/lufactory.cfg file, which will be used to hold the switch
cd /tftpboot
touch lufactory.cfg
chmod a+w lufactory.cfg
Note: The above steps may differ if a different type of computer (for example, a PC) is
used instead of the B-server.

2 On the Extreme switch, issue the following command to upload the saved switch
configuration to the /tftpboot/lufactory.cfg file on the B-server. In the example, the B-
server’s IP address is assumed to be
tftp put vr vr-def lufactory.cfg lufactory.cfg
Uploading lufactory.cfg to ... done!

3 It is recommended that four separate switch configuration files be saved on the B-server,
one of which can be then downloaded to a replacement switch based on the type of frame
it is in and its position. The four configuration files might be named:
• lufactory-bfsa.cfg : Base frame switch A
• lufactory-bfsb.cfg : Base frame switch B
• lufactory-gfsa.cfg : Growth frame switch A
• lufactory-gfsb.cfg : Growth frame switch B.
To use a scheme like this, rename the B-server lufactory.cfg file to one of the filenames

8-360 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
9 Growth, upgrade, and
conversion procedures

This chapter provides procedures and supporting concepts and principles for growing,
upgrading, and converting an MM-AP 4x0S server or server pair or its managed resources
or components.

To perform any MM-APC OA&M procedure that requires you to handle equipment,
adhere to the “Safety precautions for handling MM-AP equipment” (p. 8-14).
An additional level of security has been added for accessing RC/V forms. This also
impacts NVM downloads. If you have problems in these areas, contact the site’s security
In Release 30 and later releases, a new level of security has been added for the following:
• for connections between MM-APs
• for connections from MM-APs to the OMP-FX
This may impact the growth procedures. Refer to the site’s security administrator for

Growth requirements
Requirements for growing the APC system include the following:
• MM-APs, DS1s, MM-RCSs, etc. should not be grown between the time that you
retrofit to a new generic of MM-AP platform software and the time that you commit to
that retrofit (see 401-610-190R30, Software Retrofit Procedures). If you were to back
out the retrofit, any configuration changes that you had made would be lost.
• Once the growth procedure is complete, if you have a frame with all of the following
– does not contain any 800S servers
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

– does not contain any 400S servers

– does contain one or more MM-AP 410S servers
– no 410S server is supporting the 1xEVDO application
then the Watch Dog circuit pack BMR 6B on the RCC shelf must be removed to
prevent possible service interruptions. The BMR 6B could power cycle a 410S server
in the middle of a growth procedure. The BMR 6B should be placed in a spare circuit
pack storage area for possible use in the future. The slot can remain uncovered. This
will not cause a problem.

Software requirements
Make sure that the software package that you are installing on a new MM-AP is the same
release and SU number that is currently installed in the rest of the MM-APC.

Cabling requirements
The procedures in this chapter do not include specific instructions for establishing
hardware connections between components. For example, the growth procedures in this
chapter assume that:
• Ethernet Interface Nodes Enhanced (EINEs) have been physically installed in the ECP
Interprocessor Message Switch/Common Network Interface (IMS/CNI) cabinet. (The
EINE growth procedure begins at the point of configuring the EINEs through the
RC/V databases.)
• RJ-45 Ethernet cabling connections between the MM-AP frame, EINEs, and ECP are

Supporting information
When growing an MM-AP host or MM-AP satellite, care must be taken when filling in the
RC/V apeqp form.

OMC-RAN management
If the OMC-RAN is equipped and the new MM-AP host or satellite is to be managed by
the OMC-RAN, the OMC-RAN managed field must be set to “y”.

9-2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

CPU type
There are several different CPUs (that is, FMS Hardware Type). The form does not prevent
you from entering an incorrect value. Refer to the following table.

CPU Description FMS Hardware Type Notes

ct800 with 1GB SDRAM, 1 or 2 800S EIN connection uses the qfe0
combo or carrier cards in slots 3 port (combo card) or pro0 port
& 4. Supports a 36GB disk. (carrier card), which is always
on the combo/carrier card
closest to the CPU card, in this
case slot 3. ROP always uses the
same combo card as the EIN
connection, thus the slot 3
RS232 port. If a second combo
card is provided from the
factory, it is unused at this time.
ct810 with 2GB SDRAM, 810HST_ETH EIN connection uses the slot 1
Ramix 610J4 PMC on CPU in pro0 port. Slots 2, 4, and 6 are
slot 1, combo or carrier card always empty. Slots 3 and 5 can
with RS232 PMC in slot 7. hold 1GB or 2GB satellite APs.
Supports a 73GB disk. ROP uses the slot 7 RS232 port.
Slot 8 always has the R2 alarm
ct810 satellite AP with 1GB 810SAT_T1_ETH EIN connection uses this AP’s
SDRAM, T1/E1 PMC, Ramix pro0 port.
610J4 PMC.
ct810 satellite AP with 2GB 810SAT_T1_2GB Satellite AP must be EIN-less.
ct810 satellite AP with 2GB 810SAT_ETH_2GB Satellite AP with its own EIN
SDRAM, Ramix 610J4 PMC. connection using pro0 port, or
can be EIN-less.
ct810 satellite with 2GB 810SAT_2500 Contains 4 internal Ethernet
SDRAM and no PMC ports. Can be EIN-less.
ct810 satellite with 2GB 810SAT_2500_T1 Contains 4 internal Ethernet
SDRAM, T1/E1 PMC ports. Can be EIN-less.
ct400 with 1GB SDRAM, 400S EIN connection uses the slot 5
T1/E1 PCI in slot 4, combo or qfe0 port (combo card) or pro0
carrier card PCI in slot 5. port (carrier card).
Supports a 36GB disk.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

CPU Description FMS Hardware Type Notes

ct400 with 2 combo or carrier 400S_CC_CC Not used for MM-AP. Used for
cards in slots 4 and 5. Supports RNC-AP only.
a 36GB disk.
ct400 with field upgraded R2 400S_2GB HVLR is the only application
CPU with 2GB SDRAM, T1/E1 that supports this configuration.
PCI in slot 4, combo or carrier CPU in slot 3 has no PMC. EIN
card PCI in slot 5. Supports a connection uses the slot 5 qfe0
36GB disk. port (combo card) or pro0 port
(carrier card).
ct410 for OAM Proxy with 2GB 410HST_ETH_CC EIN connection uses the slot 3
SDRAM and Ramix 610J4 pro0 port. Slot 4 may contain a
PMC on the CPU in slot 3, satellite AP. AMATPS
combo or carrier card in slot 5. application uses the slot 5 qfe0
Supports a 73GB disk. port (combo card) or pro0 port
(carrier card).
ct410 with 2GB SDRAM, 410HST_T1_CC Slot 4 may contain a satellite
T1/E1 PMC on the host CPU in AP. EIN connection uses the
slot 3, combo or carrier PCI in slot 5 qfe0 port (combo card) or
slot 5. Supports a 73GB disk. pro0 port (carrier card).
ct410 with 2GB SDRAM, 410HST_ETH EIN connection uses the slot 3
Ramix 610J4 PMC on the host pro0 port. Slots 4 and 5 may
CPU in slot 3. Supports a 73GB contain satellite APs.
ct410 with 2GB SDRAM, 410HST_T1 EIN-less connection. Slots 4
T1/E1 PMC on the host CPU in and 5 may contain satellite APs.
slot 3. Supports a 73GB disk.
ct410 with 2GB SDRAM and 410HST Slots 4 and 5 may contain
no PMC on the host CPU in slot satellite APs.
3. Supports a 73GB disk.
ct410 with 2GB SDRAM and 410HST_CC Slot 4 may contain a satellite
no PMC on the host CPU in slot AP.
3, combo or carrier PCI in slot
5. Supports a 73GB disk.
ct410 with 2GB SDRAM and 410HST_2500 Host CPU contains 4 internal
no PMC on the host CPU in slot Ethernet ports. Slots 4 and 5
3. Supports a 73GB disk. may contain satellite APs.

9-4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

CPU Description FMS Hardware Type Notes

ct410 with 2GB SDRAM, 410HST_2500_T1 Host CPU contains 4 internal
T1/E1 PMC on the host CPU in Ethernet ports. Slots 4 and 5
slot 3. Supports a 73GB disk. may contain satellite APs.
ct410 with 2GB SDRAM and 410HST_2500_CC Host CPU contains 4 internal
no PMC on the host CPU in slot Ethernet ports. Slots 4 may
3, combo or carrier PCI in slot contain a satellite AP.
5. Supports a 73GB disk.
ct410 satellite AP with 1GB 410SAT_T1_ETH Satellite AP with its own EIN
SDRAM, T1/E1 PMC, Ramix connection using pro0 port, or
610J4 PMC. can be EIN-less.
ct410 satellite AP with 2GB 410SAT_ETH_2GB Satellite AP with its own EIN
SDRAM, Ramix 610J4 PMC. connection using pro0 port, or
can be EIN-less.
ct410 satellite AP with 2GB 410SAT_T1_2GB Satellite AP must be EIN-less.
ct410 satellite with 2GB 410SAT_2500 Contains 4 internal Ethernet
SDRAM and no PMC ports. Can be EIN-less.
ct410 satellite with 2GB 410SAT_2500_T1 Contains 4 internal Ethernet
SDRAM, T1/E1 PMC ports. Can be EIN-less.

Note: CDMA2000 1xEV-DO AP’s (ct410) use the 1GB SDRAM and not the 2GB
SDRAM used by the MM-AP’s, so it is important not to exchange 1xEV-DO AP’s
with MM-AP’s.

Note: Whenever a host AP is altered in the field (for example, when adding a
satellite AP, or when degrowing a combo card), the host AP FMS Hardware Type
may have to change.

Available interfaces
The following interfaces are used throughout the MM-APC growth procedures:
• ECP Recent Change/Verify (apxrcv) subsystem, which can be accessed from
– the AUTOPLEX(R) System 1000 ECP Access menu (under the AUTOPLEX(R) OMP
Technician menu)
– an ECP UNIX/RTR terminal
Refer to Related documents for important information when growing an MM-AP
server and particularly when growing an MM-AP satellite).
• ECP RC/V Equipment Configuration Database (rcvecd), which can be accessed from

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

– the AUTOPLEX(R) System 1000 ECP Access menu (under the AUTOPLEX(R) OMP
Technician menu)
– an ECP UNIX/RTR terminal
• 5ESS® Digital Cellular Switch (DCS) Supplemental Line Trunk Work Station
(SLTWS). The SLTWS is used to access the 5ESS® DCS RC/V subsystem.
• OMC-RAN or EMS. The OMC-RAN or EMS is used to monitor configuration
changes that result from RC/V insertions or deletions by executing commands from
• LMT Emergency Interface (EI) and Console Program. These interfaces are used to
control MM-AP module power and to execute MM-AP platform-level commands.

Related documents
For additional growth procedures and information about the related RC/V subsystems,
refer to the following documents:
• For RCS growth procedures, refer to the RCS OA&M document (401-710-102).
• For cell growth procedures, refer to the Cell Site Growth and Degrowth Procedures
(401-610-015) and CDMA Network MicroMini OA&M (401-703-369).
• For detailed reference information about ECP Equipment Configuration Database
(ECD) forms, refer to the 3B20D and 3B21D Computers UNIX RTR Operating System
Recent Change and Verify Manual (254-303-104).

The growth procedures include the following:

Add an EINE before adding a 4x0S server

Add an MM-AP 4x0S server
Add a satellite MM-AP to a 410S/810S server
Add a second satellite MM-AP to a 410S server
Add an Ethernet switch 16-port expansion sub-module
Upgrade a 410S/810S server for CP2500 compatibility
Upgrade a 400S drawer host CPU from a CP1500 to a CP2140
Convert a non-DNFS Host to a DNFS Host (410S servers only)

9-6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

Add an EINE before adding a 4x0S server

Before you add an MM-AP 4x0S server or server pair, you may have to grow in the
EINE(s) first. This section defines the procedure for growing in (configuring) EINEs in
the Recent Change and Verify (RC/V) database and Equipment Configuration Database

This section contains the following procedure:

Procedure 9-1: Add an EINE

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-1: Add an EINE

Procedure 9-1: Add an EINE

Before you add an MM-AP 4x0S server or server pair, you may have to grow in the
EINE(s) first. This section defines the procedure for growing in (configuring) EINEs in
the Recent Change and Verify (RC/V) database and Equipment Configuration Database

When to add EINEs

EINEs are required for MM-AP connections to the ECP CNI/IMS ring. But thanks to
EINE pooling, there does not have to be a separate EINE for each MM-AP 4x0S server.
An MM-AP 4x0S server can have a dedicated EINE or it can share an EINE pool with
other servers (known as EINless MM-APs). MM-APs that host the MM-RCS, HVLR,
SS7, CDN, and AMA applications can be EINless. MM-APs that serve as DNFS hosts can
be EINless.
The 1xEV-DO application uses the MM frames and servers to provide the 1xEV-DO
Standalone system. These servers do not require EINEs as there is no ECP in this type of
If you are growing an EINless MM-AP or growing in an MM-AP for the 1xEV-DO
Standalone system, proceed to “Add an MM-AP 4x0S server” (p. 9-13).

Add EINEs during off-peak traffic hours when the procedure will pose minimal risk of
service disruption.

Before you begin

Before you begin this growth procedure, do the following:
• Verify proper isolation of the node (see CNI Ring Maintenance, 401-661-045, for
more information).
• Verify that there are no known ECP problems.
• Verify that the ECP apxrcv and rcvecd databases have been backed up.
This growth procedure assumes that the EINE hardware connections to the MM-APC and
ECP have been made. Before you begin this procedure, verify that the EINE equipment
installation has occurred:
• Verify that the UN337/Integrated Ring Node (IRN2-R) circuit board is installed in the
correct node location.
• Verify that the TN4016 EINE circuit board is installed in the correct node location.

9-8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-1: Add an EINE

• Verify that the EINE RJ45 paddle board (9822EB) has been installed on the backplane
(Locator Pin 345) behind the TN4016 circuit pack of the EINE.
• Verify that Ethernet cables are connected from the RJ45 EINE paddle board to the
associated MM-AP 410S ENET0 connector on the MM-AP frame interconnect panel
Reference: See “Frame interface panels” (p. 1-37) for illustrations of the MM-AP
base and growth frame FIPs.

Available interfaces
The following interfaces are used to configure EINEs:
• ECP Recent Change/Verify (apxrcv) subsystem, which can be accessed from
– the AUTOPLEX(R) System 1000 ECP Access menu (under the AUTOPLEX(R) OMP
Technician menu)
– an ECP UNIX/RTR terminal

Note: Accessing the apxrcv subsystem from the AUTOPLEX(R) OMP Technician
menu is preferable because it reduces the overhead on the ECP.
• ECP RC/V Equipment Configuration Database (rcvecd), which can be accessed from
– the AUTOPLEX(R) System 1000 ECP Access menu (under the AUTOPLEX(R)
OMP Technician menu)
– an ECP UNIX/RTR terminal

Required data forms

To add an EINE, the following database configuration forms must be populated:
• ECD form: ucb
• RC/V form: iun

Adding EINEs to the ECD and RC/V databases

To add EINEs to the ECD and RC/V databases, perform the following procedure:

1 At the ECP RTR shell (from OMP menus or a UNIX/RTR terminal), enter the following
command to access the ECP ECD database (rcvecd):
rcvecd -db incore nreview

2 At the Enter Form Name: prompt, enter


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-1: Add an EINE

and select Execute to begin the database transaction.

Result: The Enter Form Name prompt appears again.


3 At the Enter Form Name: prompt, enter


4 Populate the fields in the ucb form as follows:

• k_complex_name = Press Enter.
• k_complex_number = Press Enter.
• k_unit_name = LNxx, where xx = the ring group number
• k_unit_number = yy, where yy = the node number
• major_status = GROW
• hv = 0x48zz
zz = a 2-digit number in which the value of one of the two digits is always 0 and
the value of the other digit is based on the type and location of the Interframe
Buffer (IFB) board that is adjacent to the EINE, as specified in the following table:
Then use this hv value for the other
If the IFB is... digit of zz
not present (not adjacent to an 0
TN1506 4
TN1508 5
TN1509 or TN1803 6

For example, use 00 when there is no IFB, 40 when a TN1506 is adjacent to the
EINE node on the right side of the node shelf, and 04 when a TN1506 is adjacent
to the EINE on the left side of the node shelf.
• mv: 0x20
• packcode: EIN2
For details, refer to the Database Update Manual (401-610-036).

5 Type < to exit the ucb form.

9-10 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-1: Add an EINE


6 At the Enter Form Name: prompt, enter

and select Execute to end the database transaction and update the database with the
changes to the ucb form.
Result: The Enter Form Name prompt appears again.


7 At the Enter Form Name: prompt, enter

and select Execute to begin another database transaction.

8 At the Enter Form Name: prompt, enter


9 Populate the major_status field in the ucb form as follows:

• major_status = OOS

Note: When growing an EINE, you cannot set the major_status field to OOS
without first having set it to GROW (see Step 4). This is why two separate database
transactions are required on the ucb form.

10 Type < to exit the ucb form.


11 At the Enter Form Name: prompt, enter

and select Execute to end the database transaction and update the database with the
changes to the ucb form.

12 Type < to exit rcvecd.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-11
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-1: Add an EINE


13 Access the ECP RC/V subsystem either by using the AUTOPLEX(R) System 1000 ECP
Access menu (under the AUTOPLEX(R) OMP Technician menu) or by entering the
following command from an ECP UNIX/RTR terminal:

14 At the Enter Form Name: prompt, enter


15 Enter i to initiate the insert operation and then populate the following fields in the iun
• IMS User Node Group Number: Enter the ring group number (the same value
that you specified in the k_unit_name field in Step 4).
• IMS User Node Type: Enter apn.
• Logical Number: Enter the logical number of the MM-AP.

Note: Mated pairs of MM-APs should be associated with EINEs on opposite sides of
the ring.

16 Press Return twice to skip the Adapter Type fields. (Adapter Type values are not
populated for MDL Boards 0 and 1.)

17 Press Return to skip the IUN Hardware Type field.


18 Enter i to insert the form.


19 Enter < to exit the iun form.


20 Enter < several times to exit apxrcv.


21 Repeat Step 1 through Step 20 for each EINE.


9-12 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

Add an MM-AP 4x0S server

This section defines the procedures to grow an MM-AP 4x0S server into an empty drawer
of the frame.

Hardware requirements
The server to be grown can be new or can be a reused piece of equipment. If reused, it is
recommended that the hard disk drive be regoldenized before put back into service. The
procedures to install the Golden Image Restoration package are provided in Appendix F,
“Installing the golden image restoration package”. But the procedures that use this
package to regoldenize a disk must be performed by Alcatel-Lucent personnel.

Server growth types

There are four types of 4x0S server growth:
• Growth type A: Growing a 400S server into an R1 frame (model 2105 base frame or
model 2205 growth frame)
• Growth type B: Growing a 410S server, equipped with a CP2140 host CPU or CP2500
host CPU, into an R1SR frame (model 2115 base frame or model 2215 growth frame)
where the host CPU is a drawer host CPU. Or growing a 410S server, equipped with a
CP2500 host CPU, into a UNC frame (model 2120 base frame or model 2220 growth
frame) where the host CPU is a drawer host CPU.
• Growth type C: Growing a 410S server, equipped with a CP2140 host CPU or CP2500
host CPU, into an R1SR frame where the host CPU is a DNFS host CPU. Or growing
a 410S server, equipped with a CP2500 host CPU, into a UNC frame (model 2120
base frame or model 2220 growth frame) where the host CPU is a DNFS host CPU.
• Growth type D: Growing a 410S server into an R1 frame. Note: A 410S server with a
CP2500 host and/or CP2500 satellite CPU cannot be installed in an R1 frame.

Note: Do not use this procedure to grow a satellite CPU. To grow a satellite CPU,
see “Add a second satellite MM-AP to a 410S server” (p. 9-107).
The differeces are noted throughout this section. The major difference is that growth types
B and C can come equipped with satellite CPUs. The other two growth types cannot.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-13
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

DNFS host growth

For growth type C, it is recommended that the satellite CPU cards and RTMs be available
for growth at the same time. This will avoid having the DNFS host sit idle while waiting
for the satellites to be delivered. Procedures to degrow a DNFS host (for use as a drawer
host while waiting for the satellites) are not provided.

For growth type D, there are the following restrictions:
• It is to be used to fill empty drawers in an R1 frame. It cannot be used to replace
existing 400S servers with 410S servers.
• It applies only to 410S servers, not 810S servers.
• 410S servers grown into an R1 frame do not support satellite processors.
• 410S servers grown into an R1 frame support the MM-RCS, MM-HVLR (in an R1
base frame only), MM-CDN, MM-SS7, and MMA applications only.
For the MM-RCS application, the 410S server in an R1 frame must be paired with
another 410S server, not with a 400S server. (The host CPU in the 410S server would
only support the same number of MM-RCS instances as the host CPU in the 400S

Paired-server configurations
If your application uses a paired-server configuration:
• you must perform these procedures for each 4x0S server in the new server pair.
• The slots of the server pairs must be equipped in the same way (that is, carry the same
type of card) and be installed with the same type RTMs.
• the satellites for each server pair, if equipped, must be the same model (for example,
CP2160) and configuration (for example, 2GB Ethernet).
If not a paired-server configuration, card types and configurations can be mixed when the
servers are installed in an R1SR frame. In a UNC frame, CPU configurations can be
mixed, but not CPU models. Only CP2500 CPUs are allowed in a UNC frame.

This procedure typically takes 6-7 hours per server to perform.

Before you begin

Before growing the MM-AP 4x0S server or server pair, do the following:

9-14 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

• If a 410S server equipped with a CP2500 drawer host CPU and/or CP2500 satellite
CPU is to be grown into an R1SR base frame, R1SR growth frame, or UNC base
frame, or UNC growth frame, it must be CP2500-compatible. Refer to “Upgrade a
410S/810S server for CP2500 compatibility” (p. 9-120) before continuing.

Note: The CP2500’s time-of-day clock is only maintained for approximately 6

hours. If the CP2500 power is lost for more than 6 hours, it will need to be
synchronized with an external clock source or be manually reset.
• Update the /etc/hosts file on the OMP so that IP addresses support 40 logical
frames. To do this, take the OMP off-line, run the apipaddr -modifyip tool
(choose the right Network address for IP addressing), and open the /etc/hosts file
to verify it has been updated. Refer to the 401-662-108, OMP OA&M for further
• If applicable, verify that the associated Ethernet Interface Nodes Enhanced (EINE)
growth procedures have been completed successfully. If not, add the EINEs for the
new MM-APs as explained in “Add an EINE” (p. 9-8). Within the MSC, at least ten
MM-APs (five odd, five even) must have an EINE.

Note: You can grow an MM-AP without growing an EINE for that MM-AP. MM-
APs without a dedicated EINE (EINless MM-APs) communicate with the ECP and
with other CNI/IMS ring nodes through an EIN pool comprised of other MM-APs that
do have a physical EINE connection. MM-APs that host the MM-RCS, HVLR, SS7,
CDN, and AMA applications can be EINless. MM-APs that serve as DNFS hosts can
be EINless.
• Review the MM-AP numbering scheme to be used. Schemes are described in the 401-
710-200, MM Overview and Migration Description.
• Verify that the Ring Data Base Update (RDBU) Migration feature, FID 5029.0, is
• Release 30 or later, when the server includes T1 connections to be used with the MM-
RCS or MM-SS7 applications, determine the length of each DS1 cable to be
connected. The length will be used on the apeqp form.

Required interfaces
The following interfaces are used to add an MM-AP:
• ECP Recent Change/Verify (apxrcv) subsystem, which can be accessed from:
– the AUTOPLEX(R) System 1000 ECP Access menu (under the AUTOPLEX(R) OMP
Technician menu)
– an ECP UNIX/RTR terminal

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-15
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

• LMT, which provides the following:

– UNIX shell command line
– Emergency Interface (EI)

Required data forms

The following ECP RC/V database form must be populated for the database configuration
files to add an MM-AP:

Required materials
This procedure requires a 4x0S server installation kit and a cable kit.
The 4x0S server kit includes with the following installed components:
• a 4x0S drawer with hard drive, alarm card, host CPU card, and Combo, Carrier, and/or
satellite cards installed
• alarm card rear transition module (not used with a 410S server in an R1 frame)
• host CPU rear transition module
• Combo, Carrier, and/or satellite CPU rear transition modules

Note: While a 410S server installation kit includes a rear transition module (RTM)
for the alarm card, you will not install this RTM for growth type D. The alarm card
RTM is not compatible for use in an R1 frame. Store the alarm card RTM in an
appropriate place so that it can be used as a spare.
For growth type D, a cable kit includes the following cable assemblies:
• 1 alarm card adapter
• 2 R2 host CPU RTM DB9-to-mini-DB9 adapters
• 1 RJ45-to-RJ45 Ethernet

Note: The RJ45-to-RJ45 Ethernet cable assembly is for a different application. You
will not install this assembly in this procedure.

9-16 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

When you add an MM-AP 4x0S server, you must perform the following procedures:

Procedure 9-2: Check the coherency of the network (first EINless MM-
AP only)
Procedure 9-3: Add an entry for the server to the RC/V database
Procedure 9-4: Install the server into the frame
Procedure 9-5: Install the CPU rear transition module
Procedure 9-6: Install I/O rear transition modules
Procedure 9-7: Cable the server
Procedure 9-8: Power up the server
Procedure 9-9: Personalize and customize the server
Procedure 9-10: Install and activate platform and application software
Procedure 9-11: Administer login IDs and passwords

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-17
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-2: Check the coherency of the network (first
EINless MM-AP only)

Procedure 9-2: Check the coherency of the network (first

EINless MM-AP only)
Perform this procedure to check the coherency of the network if:
• the 4x0S server that you are adding will have one or more EINless MM-APs and they
will be the first EINless MM-AP(s) in the frame.
• this is the first 1xEV-DO Standalone MM-AP.

If the network is not coherent when you start to grow the first EINless MM-AP and
another fault occurs at the same time, the results of the growth procedure will be

This procedure typically takes 30 minutes to perform.

To check the coherency of the network before growing the first EINless MM-AP, perform
the following steps:

1 Log into an 8x0S server on the same dual-rail LAN as that to which the growth server will
be connected [see Chapter 3, “Access MM-AP components” for more information].

2 Enter the following commands as root or as System Administrator to make sure that each
switch port is connected to the appropriate MM-AP:
cd $SPL
./aplanconfig -f base_frame_number
Result: The aplanconfig command generates output similar to that found in
“aplanconfig” (p. B-34).

9-18 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-2: Check the coherency of the network (first
EINless MM-AP only)


3 Example: Do the results indicate that all interframe and intraframe connections are

If... then...
yes continue with “Add an entry for the
server to the RC/V database” (p. 9-20)
no call customer technical support


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-19
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-3: Add an entry for the server to the RC/V

Procedure 9-3: Add an entry for the server to the RC/V


Note: When inserting or updating an apeqp form for a processor in an R1SR frame,
you will receive a warning or an error if the processor’s logical number does not fall
within the range for other processors with the same slot number in the frame. You will
receive a warning for a host processor; you will receive an error for a satellite

This procedure typically takes 10 minutes to perform.

To add an entry for the server to the RC/V database, perform the following procedure:

1 Use the AUTOPLEX(R) System 1000 ECP Access menu (under the AUTOPLEX(R) OMP
Technician menu) or enter the following command from an ECP UNIX/RTR terminal to
access the ECP RC/V subsystem:

Note: Accessing the apxrcv subsystem from the AUTOPLEX(R) OMP Technician
menu is preferable because it reduces the overhead on the ECP.

2 At the Enter Form Name: prompt, enter


3 Enter i to initiate an Insert operation and then populate the following fields in the apeqp
form (remembering to use the “Enter” key to leave all other fields as they are):
• Application Processor (AP) Number
This is the same as the Logical Number that was declared when the iun form was
inserted during the EINE growth procedure, if applicable. If EIN-less, choose an AP
number that conforms to the AP numbering scheme.
• Frame Type (ngn6 for model 2105 base frame, ngn8 for model 2205 growth frame,
sr for model 2215 R1SR growth frame, sr6 for model 2115 R1SR base frame, unv6
for model 2120 UNC base frame, unv8 for model 2220 UNC growth frame).

9-20 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-3: Add an entry for the server to the RC/V

• Frame Number for AP [If this is the first AP in the frame, enter a value in the range
1-28 (1-40 in R28.0 and later releases); if Frame Type is ngn6 or ngn8, the
recommended value is (AP Number/10) + 1. If this is not the first AP in the frame,
enter the frame number that was given to the first AP in the frame.]
• Drawer number for AP
This field will be automatically populated with the correct value once the form is
• Slot Number for AP
– if Frame Type is ngn6 or ngn8, this field must = 3
– if Frame Type is sr or unv8 and FMS Hardware Type is 410HST-*, this
field must = 3
• DNFS Host AP
– if drawer host is a DNFS Host, must = y
– if drawer host is not a DNFS Host, must = n
• FMS Hardware Type (refer to Support information, page (9-6)).
– For growth type D, must = 410HST_T1_CC.
• Cable length (Release 30.0 and later: If the server includes T1 for the MM-RCS or
MM-SS7 application, enter the range that corresponds to the DS1 cable length.)
For T1, the valid range is 1-5:
– 1 = 0-133 feet (0-40 meters)
– 2 = 133-266 feet (40-81 meters)
– 3 = 255-399 feet (80-122 meters)
– 4 = 399-533 feet (122-162 meters)
– 5 = 533-655 feet (162-200 meters)
For E1, the default is the only valid value:
– 6 = 0-655 feet (0-200 meters).
• OMC-RAN Managed
– y = OMC-RAN managed MM-AP
– n = EMS managed MM-AP.

4 Enter i to insert the apeqp form.


5 Enter < to exit apxrcv. Continue to enter < until the shell prompt is displayed.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-21
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-3: Add an entry for the server to the RC/V

Result: The new MM-AP is displayed as an icon on the EMS GUI, and the MM-AP is
shown in the ISOLATED state.

6 If your application uses a paired-server configuration, repeat Step 1 through Step 5 for the
second server in the pair.

9-22 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-4: Install the server into the frame

Procedure 9-4: Install the server into the frame

Perform this procedure to install a 4x0S server into the frame. If the server is part of a
paired configuration, both servers must have the same type host CPU and be configured in
the same way (that is, PMC interfaces, number and type of satellite CPUs).

This procedure typically takes less than 1 hour to perform.

Required skills and personnel

This procedure can be done by a technician with 2 years or more experience in installing
and handling of electronic components.

Before you begin

All front-access cards (CPU, alarm, I/O) are already installed in the growth server when
you receive it. For 410S servers, the alarm card RTM may also be installed when you
receive the server.

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• a flashlight
• needle-nosed pliers
• an anti-static wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

As you perform this procedure, consider the following risks and hazards:
An energy hazard is present if any slots are left unfilled in the chassis.
You must verify that all the rear transition modules for the growth
server have been completely unseated before proceeding with
these procedures. If you attempt to insert a server without

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-23
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-4: Install the server into the frame

unseating its rear transition modules, you will damage the

connector pins on the midplane when you insert the server.
Before inserting the server, check that the connector pins for rear
transition modules (attached to the midplane) are straight. Do not
install the server if the pins are bent.

Use the following procedure to install a 4x0S server. Illustrations depict the base frame,
but the server installs in exactly the same way into a growth frame.

1 Attach an antistatic wrist strap to your wrist.


2 If this is a 410S server equipped with a CP2500 CPU in slot 3, 4, or 5 and being installed
in an R1SR frame, install 15A fuses in the MFFU for this server’s location. Refer to
“Replace an MFFU fuse” (p. 8-336). The MFFU fuse label(s) should be changed to “15A”
as well. Pre-printed labels may be provided.

3 Remove the filler panel from the front of chassis by loosening the captive screws and
pulling gently on the panel.

4 For growth type D, the alarm card RTM is not used. Remove it from the server. Refer to
“Circuit card removal” (p. 8-18).

5 Remove any protective plastic cover from the connector pins for RTMs that are attached to
the midplane.

6 With your left hand, grasp the flat, vertical, purple handle to the left of the power supply
unit. Refer to Figure 8-67, “400S server handles” (p. 8-319) and Figure 8-69, “410S server
handles” (p. 8-320).

7 With your right hand, grasp the purple server bar at the top of the server, and insert the
server into the chassis using the flat, vertical handle and the server bar.

9-24 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-4: Install the server into the frame


8 Push the purple server bar at the top of the server down and gently push the server the
remaining distance into the chassis.

9 Using a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, tighten the two black captive screws at the top of the
server. Refer to Figure 8-65, “4x0S server captive screws” (p. 8-317).

10 Using a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, tighten the black captive screws at the bottom of the
Do not push the power supply locking mechanism down into the
locked position. This will be done later.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-25
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-5: Install the CPU rear transition module

Procedure 9-5: Install the CPU rear transition module

Perform this procedure to install a CPU rear transition module after installing the 4x0S
server into the frame.

Note: This is part of the overall process of growing a server where the server is
powered off. If you are replacing a CPU rear transition module for a working server,
follow the instructions in “Replace a host or satellite CPU rear transition module”
(p. 8-178).”

Reason to perform
The CPU rear transition module is shipped separately. This card should be installed
immediately after you install the server and before you connect any cables or power up the

This procedure typically takes 15 minutes to perform.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure that the server is powered off, as indicated by the
• The system power LED on the system status panel is not lit.
• The green ( ) LED on the power supply unit itself is not lit.
• The purple power supply unit locking mechanism is in the up, unlocked ( ) position
(See Figure 8-4).

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• a flashlight
• needle-nosed pliers
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required materials
This procedure requires the following components:
• For growth type A: one RTM (original CP1500 RTM or XCP2040-TRN RTM)
9-26 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-5: Install the CPU rear transition module

• For growth types B and C: one XCP2040-TRN RTM for each CP2140 host and
CP2160 satellite CPU. One RTM_H for a CP2500 host CPU. One RTM_S for each
CP2500 satellite CPU.
• For growth type D: one XCP2040-TRN RTM.

As you perform this procedure, consider the following risks and hazards:
The CPU rear transition module is a FRU and should be installed
only by Alcatel-Lucent personnel or service provider personnel
who have assistance or training from Alcatel-Lucent. Execution of
this procedure by service provider personnel without assistance or
training from Alcatel-Lucent may damage equipment or affect
An energy hazard is present if any card slots are left uncovered. If
you remove a card from a slot, you must fill it with either a
replacement card or a filler panel.

Use the following procedure to install the CPU rear transition module (RTM).

1 Verify that you have taken the necessary antistatic precautions.


2 Go to the back of the system and locate the slot that matches the position of the 4x0S
server’s CPU card. Figure 1-6 shows the location of the 4x0S server’s CPU RTM.

Note: Make sure that you are installing the 4x0S server’s CPU RTM in the same slot
as the 4x0S server’s CPU cards (slot 3) before proceeding. The cards will not operate
if you do not have them installed in the same slot. There are labels under the slots that
give the slot numbers.

3 Remove the rear filler panel for the RTM by loosening the captive screws on the top and
bottom of the filler plate and gently pulling the plate from the chassis.

4 Get the CPU RTM.


5 Install the card. Refer to “Circuit card installation” (p. 8-21).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-27
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-5: Install the CPU rear transition module


6 For growth types A and D, skip to the next step.

For growth types B and C, repeat this procedure for any satellite CPUs installed in slots 4
and 5. Then continue with the next step.

7 If your application uses a paired-server configuration, repeat this procedure for the second
server in the pair.

9-28 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-6: Install I/O rear transition modules

Procedure 9-6: Install I/O rear transition modules

Perform this procedure to install MM-AP I/O rear transition modules (also known as rear
transition modules) after installing a 4x0S server into the frame. For growth types B and
C, if there are satellite CPUs and RTMs installed in both slot 4 and slot 5, skip this

Note: This procedure is for installing I/O rear transition modules as part of the
overall process of growing a server or growing an I/O card where the server is powered
off. If you are replacing an I/O rear transition module, follow the instructions in
Chapter 8, “Replacement procedures”.”

Reason to perform
The I/O rear transition modules are shipped separately. They should be installed
immediately after you install the server and before you connect any cables or power up the

Note: For growth type D, the installation kit includes an RTM for the alarm card, but
DO NOT install this RTM on the alarm card. The alarm card RTM is not compatible
for use in an R1 frame. Store the alarm card RTM in an appropriate place so that it can
be used as a spare.

This procedure can be done by a technician with 2 years or more experience in installing
and handling of electronic components.

This procedure typically takes 15 minutes to perform.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure that the server is powered off.

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• a flashlight
• needle-nosed pliers
• an antistatic wrist strap

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-29
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-6: Install I/O rear transition modules

• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required materials
This procedure requires a rear transition module for any of the following
I/O cards installed in the 4x0S server:
• Combo card or Carrier card
• T1/E1 card

Related information
Figure 1-6, “Matching cards to RTMs (4x0S server)” (p. 1-9) depicts how the front I/O
cards should line up with the I/O rear transition modules. Note that, facing the front of the
server, the I/O slots read from left to right, whereas they read from right to left facing the
rear of the server.
There are also labels at the rear of the chassis that show the slot numbers, as well as the
cards that are supported in each slot.

As you perform this procedure, consider the following risks and hazards:

The CPU rear transition module is a FRU and should be installed

only by Alcatel-Lucent personnel or service provider personnel
who have assistance or training from Alcatel-Lucent. Execution of
this procedure by service provider personnel without assistance or
training from Alcatel-Lucent may damage equipment or affect
An energy hazard is present if any I/O slots are left uncovered. If
you remove a card from an I/O slot, you must fill it with either a
replacement card or a filler panel.

Use the following procedure to install I/O rear transition modules.

1 Verify that you’ve taken the necessary antistatic precautions.


2 Identify the slot of the I/O card for which you will be installing the rear transition module.
For growth type D, this would be slot 5.

9-30 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-6: Install I/O rear transition modules


3 Go to the back of the system and locate the I/O slot that matches the slot you identified in
Step 2.

Note: Make sure that you are installing the rear transition module in the same I/O
slot as the I/O card before proceeding. The cards will not operate if you do not have
them installed in the same I/O slot.

4 Remove the rear filler panel for the rear transition module by loosening the captive screws
on the top and bottom of the filler plate and gently pulling the plate from the chassis.

5 Get the I/O rear transition module.


6 Install the card. Refer to “Circuit card installation” (p. 8-21).


7 Repeat this procedure for each I/O card installed at the front of the 4x0S server.

8 If your application uses a paired-server configuration, repeat this procedure for the second
server in the pair.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-31
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-7: Cable the server

Procedure 9-7: Cable the server

Perform this procedure to connect the cables after you have installed a 4x0S server and all
associated rear transition modules.

Reason to perform
The cables are already installed at both the front and rear of the server. You do, however,
need to connect the cables to the appropriate connectors. This should be done immediately
after you install the server and its associated rear transition modules, but before you power

This procedure can be done by a technician with 2 years or more experience in installing
and handling of electronic components.

This procedure typically takes 15 minutes to perform.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure that the server is powered off.

Required tools
This procedure may require the following tools:
• a No. 1 Phillps screwdriver
• a flashlight
• an antistatic wrist strap

Required materials
The following adapters are required:
• For growth type A: When using an XCP2040-TRN RTM, two DB9-to-mini-DB9
adapter cables are required. When using an original CP1500 RTM, no cable adapter
cables are required.
• For growth type D: two R2 host CPU RTM DB9-to-mini-DB9 adapters, and one alarm
card adapter for the alarm card cables.

This procedure is performed in the following stages:
9-32 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-7: Cable the server

1. Cabling the CPU RTM or RTMs

2. Cabling the T1/E1 RTM
3. Cabling the Combo or Carrier RTM
4. Cabling the alarm card (R1 frame) or alarm card RTM (R1SR or UNC frame)
5. Cabling at the FIP for the CP2500 host CPU, if applicable (R1SR frame only)
6. Lock down the power supply.

Cabling the CPU RTM

Use the following procedure to connect cables to the CPU RTM.

1 Go to the rear of the chassis and locate the CPU rear transition module in slot 3.

2 Make the necessary cable connections to the CPU rear transition module. The figures in
“CPU rear transition module information” (p. 8-181) show the RTM connectors. Table 9-1
lists the cables that should be plugged into the connectors.
For growth type A, use a No. 1 Phillips screwdriver to attach the two R2 host CPU RTM
cable adapters to the frame TTY A and B cables and then to the slot 3 CPU RTM.
For growth types B and C, if the FMS Hardware Type is 410HST or 410HST_CC or
410HST_2500 or 410HST_2500_CC, there is a PMC-less host CPU card installed in slot
3. Therefore, the T1/E1 cables should be left unconnected. If not already secured, tie off
these cables according to local practices.

Note: Notice that the Ethernet RJ45 jacks on the CP2500 RTM_H are labeled and
ordered differently than the XCP2040-TRN. Instead of ENET A and ENET B and
optional ENET 0 and ENET 1 on the XCP2040-TRN, you have ENET 0 through
ENET 3. ENET 0 and ENET 1 are used for Ethernet cables A and B, respectively.
For growth type D, do the following:
a. Use a No. 1 Phillips screwdriver to attach the two R2 host CPU RTM cable
adapters to the frame TTY A and B cables and then to the slot 3 CPU RTM.
b. Connect four of the eight T1/E1 cables of slot 4 to the T1/E1 PIM on the slot 3
CPU RTM. Tie off the remaining four T1/E1 cables according to local practices.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-33
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-7: Cable the server

Table 9-1 Cable labels for 4x0S servers CPU RTM connectors

4x0S servers CPU RTM

connector Associated cable label
TTY A group_id comcode
SRVx-CPU-TTYA (host CPU in R1 and
R1SR frame)
SRVx-SLy-TTYA (satellite CPU in R1
and R1SR frame, host and satellite CPU
in UNC frame)
group_id = the group identifier for the
cable grouping to which this cable
comcode = the comcode for the cable
a, b = coordinates that identify the
location of the server within the frame
R = rear of the frame
x = the server number, 1-8 for 410S
y = the slot number in the drawer; 3, 4, or
TTY B group_id comcode
SRVx-CPU-TTYB (host CPU in R1 and
R1SR frames)
SRVx-SLy-TTYB (satellite CPU in R1
and R1SR frames, host and satellite CPU
in UNC frame)
Ethernet A a-b-R
or SRVx-CPU-ENETA (host CPU in R1 and
R1SR frames)
SRVx-SLy-ENETA (satellite CPU in R1
and R1SR frames)
SRVx-SLy-ENET0 (host or satellite CPU
in UNC frames)

9-34 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-7: Cable the server

4x0S servers CPU RTM

connector Associated cable label
Ethernet B a-b-R
or SRVx-CPU-ENETB (host CPU in R1 and
R1SR frames)
SRVx-SLy-ENETB (satellite CPU in R1
and R1SR frames)
SRVx-SLy-ENET1 (host or satellite CPU
in UNC frames)
With Ethernet PIM (does not apply to CP2500)
Ethernet 0 group_id comcode
Ethernet 1 group_id comcode
With T1/E1 PIM
T1/E1 0 (top connector) group_id comcode
T1/E1 1 group_id comcode
T1/E1 2 group_id comcode
T1/E1 3 (bottom connector) group_id comcode


3 For growth types A and D, skip to the next step.

For growth types B and C, if the server has one or two satellite CPUs, repeat Step 1 and
Step 2 for the satellite CPU RTMs in slots 4 and 5. Be sure to use the SL4 and SL5 cables.

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Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-7: Cable the server


4 If your application uses a paired-server configuration, repeat Step 1 through Step 3 for the
second server in the pair.

Cabling the T1/E1 RTM: 400S servers only

For growth types B, C, and D, skip to the next set of steps.
For growth type A, use the following steps to connect cables to the 400S server T1/E1

1 Go to the rear of the chassis and locate the T1/E1 RTM.

Figure 8-37 shows the location of and the connectors on the T1/E1 RTM in the 400S

2 Make the necessary cable connections to the T1/E1 RTM.

Figure 9-1 Connectors on the T1/E1 rear transition module

The cables for these connectors are labelled to indicate which cable to connect to which
connector. For each connector on the 400S server T1/E1 rear transition module, Table 9-2,
“Cable labels for 400S server T1/E1 RTM connectors” (p. 9-37) lists the label used on the
cable that should be plugged into that connector.

9-36 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-7: Cable the server

Table 9-2 Cable labels for 400S server T1/E1 RTM connectors

400S server T1/E1 RTM

connector Associated cable label
T1/E1 0 a-b-R
a, b = coordinates that identify the
location of the server within the frame
R = rear of the frame
x = the server number, 1-8
T1/E1 1 a-b-R
T1/E1 2 a-b-R
T1/E1 3 a-b-R
T1/E1 4 a-b-R
T1/E1 5 a-b-R
T1/E1 6 a-b-R
T1/E1 7 a-b-R


3 If your application uses a paired-server configuration, repeat Step 1 through Step 2 for the
second server in the pair.

Cabling the Combo or Carrier RTM

If applicable, use the following procedure to connect cables to the 4x0S server Combo or
Carrier RTM.

1 Go to the rear of the chassis and locate the Combo or Carrier RTM.

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Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-7: Cable the server


2 Make the cable connection to the Combo rear transition module (qfe0) or to the Carrier
rear transition module (pro0).

Note: Be careful when making the cable connection. These boards are different.
• Figure 8-38 shows the connectors on the Combo RTM for the 4x0S server. Ethernet
port 0 (or qfe0) is the bottom of two Ethernet ports.
• Figure 8-40 shows the connectors on the Carrier RTM. Ethernet port 0 (or pro0) is the
top of four Ethernet ports.
The cables are labeled to indicate which cable to connect to which connector. Table 9-3
lists the label used on the cable that should be plugged into this connector.

Table 9-3 Cable label for 4x0S server Combo/Carrier RTM

4x0S servers
Combo/Carrier RTM
connector Associated cable label
Ethernet port 0 a-b-R
a, b = coordinates that identify the
location of the server within the frame
R = rear of the frame
x = the server number, 1-8


3 If your application uses a paired-server configuration, repeat Step 1 through Step 2 for the
second server in the pair.

Cabling the alarm card in an R1 frame

For growth types B and C, skip to the next set of steps.
For growth types A and D, use the following procedure to connect cables to the 400S or
410S server alarm card.

Note: In an R1 frame, all 4x0S alarm card cabling connections are to the front of the
alarm card. Do not install the alarm card RTM.

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Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-7: Cable the server


1 For growth type A, skip to the next step.

For growth type D, get the alarm card adapter from the ship kit.

2 Locate the alarm card for the server. Refer to Figure 1-1 (growth type A) and Figure 1-3
(growth type D).

3 For growth type A, skip to the next step.

For growth type D, make the necessary cable connections to the alarm card adapter. See
Figure 9-2.

4 Make the necessary cable connections to the alarm card.

For growth type A, refer to Figure 8-27 (connectors on the alarm card) and Table 8-2
(cable labels).
For growth type D, refer to Figure 8-28 (connectors on the alarm card) and Table 8-3
(cable labels). Note that the Ethernet 2 port is not used in an R1 frame.

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Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-7: Cable the server

Figure 9-2 Alarm card connection using alarm card adapter


Cabling the alarm card RTM in an R1SR frame

For growth types A and D, skip to the next set of steps.

9-40 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-7: Cable the server

For growth types B and C, use the following procedure to connect cables to the 410S
server alarm card RTM.

1 Locate the alarm rear transition module for the 410S server. Refer to Figure 8-26, “Alarm
card RTM cabling (410S server)” (p. 8-193).

2 Make the necessary cable connections to the alarm rear transition module. Refer to
Table 8-4. For a UNC growth frame, use the RS232 interface adapter cable that comes
with the frame to attach the frame cable to the alarm card RTM console connector.

3 Push the power supply unit locking mechanism down into the locked ( ) position.

4 If your application uses a paired-server configuration, repeat these steps for the second
server in the pair.

Cabling at the FIP for the CP2500 host CPU (R1SR frame only)
For growth types B and C, if the server has a CP2500 host CPU, use the following
procedure to change the cabling at the FIP for the EINE connection. Do this regardless if
the MM-AP uses a dedicated EINE connection or uses an EIN-less connection.

1 Locate the EINE cable connection at the FIP for this server. Refer to Figure 1-28 and
Figure 1-29. Normally, the connection is to slot 5 (that is, the Combo or Carrier card).

2 Move this connection from slot 5, port 0 to slot 3, port 0 (host CPU, bge2).

Lock down power supply

To complete the cabling of the server, do the following:

1 Push the power supply unit locking mechanism down into the locked ( ) position.

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Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-7: Cable the server


2 If your application uses a paired-server configuration, repeat cabling the alarm card and
locking down the power supply for the second server in the pair.

9-42 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-8: Power up the server

Procedure 9-8: Power up the server

This procedure typically takes 30 minutes to perform.

To power up the server, perform the following steps:

1 Verify that the DC input power cable(s) are connected to the DC connectors at the rear of
the chassis and connect them, if necessary. See Figure 8-63.

2 Perform Step 1 through Step 9 of the procedure “Power up a server” (p. 8-36) and then
continue with “Personalize and customize the server” (p. 9-44).

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Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-9: Personalize and customize the server

Procedure 9-9: Personalize and customize the server

Perform this procedure to personalize and customize the server.

This procedure typically takes 3 hours to perform.

Required materials
Before performing this procedure, the NGN bundle, COM bundle (containing the FMSrcc
package in Release 31.0 or later), DLC bundle (for DNFS Hosts), and ngn_platform
and fms_rcc (in Release 30.0 or earlier) packages that you will install on the growth
server must be loaded onto the OMP using your preferred distribution method, either DAT
tape, CD, or the Alcatel-Lucent Electronic Delivery system.
Reference: See “Required information” (p. 9-44) for instructions on how to identify
the desired bundles and ngn_platform and fms_rcc (in Release 30.0 or earlier)
package versions.

Required information
When growing a 4x0S server, you will need the following information:
• the first two octets of the network address of the dual-rail LAN to which the growth
server will be connected
This is the network address currently shared by all other MM-AP(s), APs, and the
OMP on the same dual-rail LAN.
You will need the first two octets of the network address when you initialize the
personality of the new MM-AP in Step 29.
• the version number of the NGN bundle and COM bundle that you will need to install
on the server. This must correspond to the same release and SU of software currently
installed on the system.
• for DNFS Hosts, the version number of the DLC bundle that you will need to install on
the server. This must correspond to the same release and SU of software currently
installed on the system.
• the version number of the MM-AP platform software [ngn_platform and fms_rcc
(in Release 30.0 or earlier) packages] that you will need to install on the server. This
must correspond to the same release and SU of software currently installed on the

9-44 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-9: Personalize and customize the server

• the IP address on the dual-rail LAN for the growth server.

Refer to Table D-3, “MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: primary network” (p. D-7) or Table D-4,
“MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: secondary network” (p. D-9). Find the row that
corresponds to the frame in which you are growing the server and from the “IP
address” column, find and record the IP address that corresponds to the slot or server
location in which the growth server is installed.
• the root password for servers in the cluster (see “Recommend su to access special
logins” (p. 4-6))

Hint: The default password for root is newsys. For security reasons, however, this
password has probably been changed. See “Login security guidelines” (p. 4-6) in Chapter
4, “Manage security”,” for more information.
Execute the following steps and record the results of Steps 2 through 8.
1. Log into an 8x0S server on the same dual-rail LAN as that to which the growth server
will be connected [see Chapter 3, “Access MM-AP components” for more
2. Identify the network address of the dual-rail LAN by entering the following command
as root or as System Administrator:
flxname -v
Result: The flxname command generates output similar to the following:
ap35:root->flxname -v

Host Name: ap35

OS and Release: SunOS 5.9
Hardware: 410S
Current Network Confuration:
lo0: flags=1000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 8232 index 1
inet netmask ff000000
cgtp0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 0:0:0:0:0:0
hme0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 8:0:20:fa:35:b6
hme0:9: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
index 4
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 8:0:20:fa:35:b7
hme1:9: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 4
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-45
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-9: Personalize and customize the server

inet netmask fffff000 broadcast

qfe0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 5
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 8:0:20:ec:76:7c
3. Find the hme0/eri0/bge0 line and record the first two octets of the inet field. In
the example shown above, the first two octets of the dual-rail LAN are 172.31.
4. Identify the version number of the NGN bundle by looking into the
/var/spool/ap/pkg/contents/MM-AP/<load>.contents file on the OMP for the MM load
installed on the mate server.
Example: The NGN bundle looks similar to 20070329aAP28.0.0002_NGN.bun.

5. Identify the version number of the COM bundle by looking into the
/var/spool/ap/pkg/contents/MM-AP/<load>.contents file on the OMP for the MM load
installed on the mate server.
Example: The COM bundle looks similar to 20070326aAP28.0.0002_COM.bun.

6. For growth type C only, identify the version number of the DLC bundle by looking
into the /var/spool/ap/pkg/contents/MM-AP/<load>.contents file on the OMP for the
MM load installed on the mate server.
Example: The DLC bundle looks similar to 2 0 0 5 0 7 0 1 d A P 2 5 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 _D L C . b u n .

7. Identify the version number of the ngn_platform and fms_rcc (in Release 30.0 or
earlier) packages on the MM-AP by executing one of the following:
In Release 30.0 or earlier
appkginfo -p ngn_platform -p fms_rcc
Result: You will see output similar to the following:
PKGINST: fms_rcc
VERSION: 133400
INSTDATE: Thu Jan 6 01:14:45 CST 2005
HOTLINE: Contact CTAM +1-630-224-4672 (Intl.) or 1-866-LUCENT8 (U.S.)

PKGINST: ngn_platform
VERSION: AP24.0.0000
PSTAMP: Tue Dec 28 21:48:01 CST 2004
INSTDATE: Thu Jan 6 01:15:53 CST 2005
HOTLINE: Contact CTAM +1-630-224-4672 (Intl.) or 1-866-LUCENT8 (U.S.)

9-46 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-9: Personalize and customize the server

In this example, the version of the fms_rcc package is 133400 and the version of the
ngn_platform package is AP24.0.0000.
In Release 31.0 or later
appkginfo -p ngn_platform
Result: You will see output similar to the following:
PKGINST: ngn_platform
PSTAMP: Mon May 19 16:14:56 CDT 2008
INSTDATE: Thu May 22 05:56:12 CDT 2008
HOTLINE: Contact CTAM +1-630-224-4672 (Intl.) or 1-866-LUCENT8
In this example, the version of the ngn_platform package is OFC15L31.0.
8. Identify the version number of the FMSrcc package (in Release 31.0 or later) by
executing the following:
flxpkginfo | grep FMSrcc
FMSrcc-1 20.1.11 FMS RCC Software Installation

Use the following procedure to personalize an MM-AP 4x0S server and to install and
activate the MM-AP bundle(s) as part of growing the server.

1 Which of the following scenarios applies to you?

If you are... then...

growing the first 4x0S server skip to Step 3
of the pair
growing the second 4x0S skip to Step 3
server of the pair, and the first
4x0S server of the pair is
growing the second 4x0S continue with Step 2
server of the pair, and the first
4x0S server of the pair is

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-47
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-9: Personalize and customize the server


2 Log in to the mate server as root or as System Administrator and enter the following
command (see “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)) to force the mate server
apoffline -F -s server
server is the ID of the mate server

Result: Executing the apoffline -F command ensures that the alarm card of the
target server will not boot or power cycle the server later on. The apoffline -F
command generates output similar to the following:

Taking server ap01 offline...

To cancel, interrupt this process within 5 seconds!

Waiting up to 360 seconds for ap01 to be taken offline...

Server ap01 was successfully taken offline.

Note: If apoffline -F generates the following message, contact customer

technical support.
Usage: apoffline [-s server...] [-q]

3 Establish a local console connection to the server through its alarm card from the LMT
[see “Access a server console via the alarm card serial port” (p. 3-33). This allows you to
monitor boot messages as the system comes up.

4 Set the server’s time zone by editing /etc/TIMEZONE.

Reference: See the TIMEZONE(4) manual page
for more information.

5 Create a file that will be used during an upcoming reboot.

touch /reconfigure

9-48 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-9: Personalize and customize the server


6 Assign a logical LAN interface to the server by executing the following commands:
ifconfig abc0:66 plumb
ifconfig abc0:66 x.y.c.d netmask broadcast + up
abc is hme for CP1500 host CPU servers, eri for CP2140 host
CPU servers, and bge for CP2500 host CPU servers.
x.y.c.d is the IP address for the server that you are growing, which you
identified before beginning this procedure (see “Required
information” (p. 9-44)]. It consists of the following four
• x = 172
• y = a number in the range 16 - 31
• c = 32 (for MM-APs 1 - 255) or 33 (for MM-APs 256 -
• d = the server logical number, for MM-APs 1 - 255 [for
MM-APs 256 - 398, refer to Table D-3, “MM-APCC LAN
IP addresses: primary network” (p. D-7) or Table D-4,
“MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: secondary network”
(p. D-9)]

Example: For MM-AP 36 on dual-rail LAN 172.31, you would execute the following
ifconfig hme0:66 plumb
ifconfig hme0:66 netmask broadcast + up

Note: If you mistype the ifconfig command line and need to re-enter it, execute
the following command (to remove the logical LAN interface):
ifconfig abc0:66 unplumb
and then repeat Step 23.

7 Enter the following command as root to record the IP address of the hme0 or eri0 or bge0
for this server. This IP address is necessary to allow access from the OMP or another
working server when working without an LMT or when working remotely from another
flxname -v

8 Log in to the OMP as root (see “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-49
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-9: Personalize and customize the server

Hint: You can do this by telneting from another window on the LMT, or from the OMP
console, or from another server on the dual-rail LAN.

9 From the OMP, transfer the bundle(s) that you identified in “Required information”
(p. 9-44) to the server. [The bundle(s) and the packages should already exist on the OMP.]
appkgtrans [-g] -p bundle -S apxxy
xxy is the logical number of the 400S MM-AP or 410S host MM-

Note: If “Enable Security Configuration Management: APCC Network” field in the

mscsec RC/V form has been set to “y” and “Security Zone Indicators: OMP to MM-
AP SSH Indicator” field in the mscsec RC/V form has been set to “1”, the option “-g”
must be used in this step.

appkgtrans -p bundle -S ap36
Result: The following prompt is generated:
AP package transfer makes heavy use of the TCP/IP network and may therefore
affect performance. AP package transfer should be performed during an off-
peak period.

Do you want to continue [no]:


10 At that prompt, enter yes.

Result: A prompt similar to the following is generated:
The following bundle packages are ready for transfer:
1) 20070326aAP28.0.0002_COM.bun
2) 20050630dAP25.0.0000_DLC.bun
3) 20070329aAP28.0.0002_NGN.bun
Enter the menu number of the bundle package to send to ap36: (choose the
desired bundle)

11 Enter the menu number of the NGN bundle to be transferred.

Result: The following prompt is generated:
Enter the login on apxxy [root]:

9-50 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-9: Personalize and customize the server

(If the bundle that you identified in “Required information” (p. 9-44) is not listed as a
selectable item in Step 10, you will need to reload it onto the OMP from tape or from the
LED system.)

12 Select the default login (root) by pressing Enter.

Result: A prompt similar to the following is generated:
Enter the password for root on apxxy:

13 Enter the password for root.

Result: You will see output similar to the following:
Transfer of version 20070329aAP28.0.0002_NGN of the bundle package to ap36
beginning at Tue Jan 16 10:22:12 CST 2003
Transfer of version 20070329aAP28.0.0002_NGN of the bundle package to ap36
completed successfully at Tue Jan 16 10:24:56 CST 2003!
469248 blocks.

14 Repeat Step 9 through Step 13 to transfer the COM bundle that you identified in
“Required information” (p. 9-44) to the MM-AP, selecting the menu number of the COM
bundle in Step 17.

15 For growth types A, B, and D, skip to the next step.

For growth type C, repeat Step 9 through Step 13 to transfer the DLC bundle that you
identified in Step 6 of “Required information” (p. 9-44) to the server, selecting the menu
number of the DLC bundle in Step 17.

16 Enter the following command to transfer the ngn_platform software package from the
OMP to the server:
appkgtrans [-g] -p ngn_platform -v mmapversion -S apxxy
mmapversion the MM-AP platform version that you identified in
“Required information” (p. 9-44)
xxy is the same as xxy from Step 9.

Note: If “Enable Security Configuration Management: APCC Network” field in the

mscsec RC/V form has been set to “y” and “Security Zone Indicators: OMP to MM-
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-51
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-9: Personalize and customize the server

AP SSH Indicator” field in the mscsec RC/V form has been set to “1”, the option “-g”
must be used in this step.
Result: The appkgtrans command lists the ngn_platform package versions
available for transfer, prompts you for the version that you want to transfer, and for the
login and password on the MM-AP to which you want to transfer the package, in the
same way as it did for the bundle in Step 10 through Step 13.

17 For Release 30.0 or earlier only, enter the following command to transfer the fms_rcc
software package from the OMP to the server:
appkgtrans [-g] -p fms_rcc -v rccversion -S apxxy
rccversion the RCC version that you identified in “Required
information” (p. 9-44)
xxy is the same as xxy from Step 9.

Note: If “Enable Security Configuration Management: APCC Network” field in the

mscsec RC/V form has been set to “y” and “Security Zone Indicators: OMP to MM-
AP SSH Indicator” field in the mscsec RC/V form has been set to “1”, the option “-g”
must be used in this step.
Result: The appkgtrans command lists the fms_rcc package versions available for
transfer, prompts you for the version that you want to transfer, and for the login and
password on the server to which you want to transfer the package, in the same way as
it did for the bundle in Step 10 through Step 13.

18 From the server that you are growing, ensure that the bundle that you want to install is
executable by executing the following commands:
cd /var/flx/bun

chmod +x 200*.bun
Result: This makes all bundles executable.


19 Execute (install) the COM bundle as follows:


9-52 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-9: Personalize and customize the server

Result: The command takes anywhere from 30 to 120 minutes to complete. The COM
bundle and all of the packages that it contains are automatically installed. If executing
the bundle returns an error message, call Customer Technical Support.

20 After the COM bundle is installed, enter the following command:

flxactivate -vr
Result: The server reboots multiple times and you are logged out. As the server is
rebooting, flxactivate processing continues although messages may not appear on
the console. This reboot and flxactivate processing takes anywhere from 30 to 120
minutes or more.
Activation switches the default mode of the alarm card from R1 mode to R2 mode [see
“R2 alarm card has more responsibility and two operating modes” (p. 1-13) for more

21 Check the status of flxactivate processing by executing the following command:


22 What type of message did flxsustatus return?

If you receive a... then...

successful-completion message, such as the following: continue with the next step.
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 08:56:13
flxactivate completed successfully at Tue
Jan 3 10:01:07 2006
still-in-progress message, such as the following: re-execute the flxsustatus command
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 08:56:13 every 3 or 4 minutes until you no longer
2006 receive the still-in-progress message. Once
flxactivate still in progress flxactivate is completed successfully,
continue with the next step.
failed message, such as the following: contact customer technical support for
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 08:56:13 assistance
flxactivate failed at Tue Jan 3 09:12:32

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Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-9: Personalize and customize the server


23 The logical LAN interface to the drawer host must now be assigned. To do this, enter the
following commands:
a. The first command:
ifconfig abc0:66 plumb
where abc equals hme or eri or bge.
Result: You may see an error message similar to the following. This message can be
ignored. Once the OMP is aware of the MM-AP changes, this error will be resolved.
[flxspare]-> Jan 3 08:42:31 flxspare /usr/lib/snmp/snmpdx: error
while receiving a pdu from The message has
a wrong version (1)
b. The second command:
ifconfig abc0:66 x.y.c.d netmask broadcast + up
abc is hme or eri or bge
x.y.c.d is the IP address for the server. It consists of the following four
• x = 172
• y = a number in the range 16 - 31
• c = 32 or, for MM-APs 256 - 398, 33
• d = the server logical number for MM-APs 1 - 255 [for
MM-APs 256 - 398, refer to Table D-3, “MM-APCC LAN
IP addresses: primary network” (p. D-7) or Table D-4,
“MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: secondary network”
(p. D-9)]

Example: For MM-AP 36 on dual-rail LAN 172.26, you would execute the following
ifconfig eri0:66 netmask broadcast + up

Note: If you mistype the ifconfig command line and need to re-enter it, execute
the following command (to remove the logical LAN interface):
ifconfig abc0:66 unplumb
and then repeat this step.

24 Check the sanity of the hard disk drive by doing the following:
a. Log into the server as root.

9-54 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-9: Personalize and customize the server

b. Enter the command:

/flx/support/bin/flxdiskstate -r
Result: You should see something like: flx01: DISK appears healthy

If you should see a different message, follow its instructions. In rare cases, it may
be necessary to replace the disk or other components in the server before

25 For growth type A, skip to the next step.

For growth types B, C, and D, from the OMP, execute the following command to set the
frame type on the target. This will create the frame.typ file on the 410S server (required by
setfrmtyp apxxy
Result: The setfrmtyp command generates output similar to the following:
AP package transfer makes heavy use of the TCP/IP network
and may therefore affect performance. AP package transfer
should be performed during an off-peak period.

Do you want to continue [no]: y

Enter the login on ap21 [root]:
Enter the password for root on ap21:

Transfer of version frame.typ of the file package to ap21

beginning at Mon Apr 11 16:09:15 CDT 2005
Transfer of version frame.typ of the file package to ap21
completed successfully at Mon Apr 11 16:09:15 CDT 2005!
2 blocks.

26 From the server, install the NGN bundle by entering the following command:

Result: The NGN bundle and all of the packages that it contains are automatically
installed. If executing the bundle returns an error message, call Customer Technical

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-55
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-9: Personalize and customize the server


27 In preparation for naming the server, from the server that you are growing, create a
custom.name file by executing the following command:
flxactivate -vr NGNnaming

28 Change the server’s node name from flxspare to apspare.

hostname apspare

29 Execute the following command to initialize the personality of the server (and set its
permanent IP address):
flxname xxy network
xxy is the logical number of the 400S MM-AP or 410S host
network is the first two octets of the IP address of the dual-rail LAN to
which the server will be connected, either 172.16 (the default)
or another address in the range 172.16 - 172.31 [see Step 2 and
Step 3 of “Required information” (p. 9-44)].

Result: The server and alarm card will reboot and you will be logged off. The server’s
name is changed from flxspare to apxxy and, if applicable, the server’s network
address is changed from 172.16 (the default) to network.

flxname 36 172.31
In this example, after reboot the server's node name is ap36 and its IP address is

30 For growth types A and D, skip to the next step.

For growth types B and C, but for 1xEV-DO Standalone systems only, from the OMP
root login, enter the following commands:
applatconfig [-g] -s apxxy -a bsoc

Note: If “Enable Security Configuration Management: APCC Network” field in the

mscsec RC/V form has been set to “y” and “Security Zone Indicators: OMP to MM-
AP SSH Indicator” field in the mscsec RC/V form has been set to “1”, the option “-g”
must be used in this step.
9-56 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-9: Personalize and customize the server

Result: Added resource: APTYPE BSOC

Verify that the BSOC source has been added by entering the following command:
applatconfig -s apxxy -c bsoc
From the AP root login, enter the following command:
flxselect -c NGNsetup

31 Activate the remaining packages in the bundle.

flxactivate -vr
Result: The server reboots multiple times and you are logged out. As the server is
rebooting, flxactivate processing continues although messages may not appear on
the console. This flxactivate processing may take up to 2 hours, depending on
software release.
Activation switches the default mode of the alarm card from R1 mode to R2 mode [see
“R2 alarm card has more responsibility and two operating modes” (p. 1-13) for more
It is possible that NGNnaming can get stuck. If this happens to you, poweroff/poweron
the server and re-enter flxactivate -vr. This should fix the problem.

32 After 30 minutes, re-establish your local console connection to the MM-AP through its
alarm card from the LMT.

33 Check the status of flxactivate processing by executing the following command:


34 What type of message did flxsustatus return?

If you receive a... then...

successful-completion message, such as the following: continue with Step 35
flxactivate started at Thu Sep 26 08:51:29
flxactivate completed successfully at Thu
Sep 26 09:41:33 2002

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-57
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-9: Personalize and customize the server

If you receive a... then...

still-in-progress message, such as the following: re-execute the flxsustatus command
flxactivate started at Thu Sep 26 08:51:29 every 3 or 4 minutes until you no longer
2002 receive the still-in-progress message
flxactivate still in progress Notes: Do not proceed with Step 35.
failed message, such as the following: contact customer technical support for
flxactivate started at Thu Sep 26 08:51:29 assistance
flxactivate failed at Thu sep 26 08:59:25


35 If necessary, at the console login prompt, log in as root.

Reference: See “Access a server console via the alarm card serial port” (p. 3-33).”

36 Set the server's date and time.

rdate apxx
apxx is the on-line mate AP. (If there is no mate AP, chose a different
on-line AP.)


37 Ensure that the new server has dual-rail LAN connectivity, and has EINE connectivity if
not EIN-less, by executing the following command:
ifconfig -a
Result: The ifconfig -a command output should include listings for abc0, abc0:9,
abc1, abc1:9, and qfe0 or pro0 (where abc is hme for a 400S server with a model
CP1500 host CPU or eri for a 4x0S server with a model CP2140 host CPU or bge for
a 410S server with a model CP2500 CPU host), as in the following example output:
lo0: flags=1000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 8232 index 1
inet netmask ff000000
cgtp0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 0:0:0:0:0:0
index 3
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 0:3:ba:12:15:d7
9-58 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-9: Personalize and customize the server


1500 index 3
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
hme1: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 4
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 0:3:ba:12:15:d8
hme1:9: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 4
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
qfe0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 5
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 0:3:ba:1d:2a:e9
In the last set of lines, qfe0 indicates that a combo card is installed for this AP. If a carrier
card is installed, “qfe0” will be “pro0”.

38 Log back in as root.


39 For growth types A, B, and D, proceed with “Install and activate platform and application
software packages” (p. 9-62).
For growth type C, from the OMP, set up the drawer host as a DNFS Host by executing
the following command:
applatconfig [-g] -s apxxy -a dnfshost

Note: If “Enable Security Configuration Management: APCC Network” field in the

mscsec RC/V form has been set to “y” and “Security Zone Indicators: OMP to MM-
AP SSH Indicator” field in the mscsec RC/V form has been set to “1”, the option “-g”
must be used in this step.
Result: The applatconfig command generates the following output:
Added resource: APTYPE DNFSHOST
Continue with the following steps.

40 From the DNFS Host of the server that you are growing, re-execute the Software Update
bundle [the bundle that you identified in “Required information” (p. 9-44)], as follows:

cd /var/flx/bun

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-59
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-9: Personalize and customize the server

Result: The FMSdlc and NGNdlc packages of the Software Update bundle are
installed on the DNFS Host.

41 Execute (install) the DLC bundle, as follows:


Result: The DLC bundle and all of the packages that it contains are automatically
installed. If executing the bundle returns an error message, call Customer Technical

42 Activate the packages in the Software Update and DLC bundles.

flxactivate -vr
Result: The server reboots, possibly multiple times, during this step. As the server is
rebooting, flxactivate processing continues although messages may not appear on
the console. This flxactivate processing takes about 15 minutes, depending on
software release.

43 For ECPless systems only, do the following:

a. When adding any server, from the OMP, enter the following command to add the
ecpless_msc flag:
applatconfig -s apxxx -a ecpless_msc [-g]

Note: If the security features are on, then the -g option is required. If the security
features are not on, the -g option is not used.
b. From the server, re-execute the NGN bundle as follows:
cd /var/fix/bun
flxactivate -v -r NGNrccini NGNsetup

44 Re-establish your local console connection to the MM-AP through its alarm card from the

9-60 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-9: Personalize and customize the server


45 Check the status of flxactivate processing by executing the following command:


46 What type of message did flxsustatus return?

If you receive a... then...

successful-completion message, such as the following: continue with “Install and activate platform
flxactivate started at Thu Sep 26 08:51:29 and application software packages” (p. 9-62)
flxactivate completed successfully at Thu
Sep 26 09:41:33 2002
still-in-progress message, such as the following: wait about 3 - 4 minutes and repeat Step 45.
flxactivate started at Thu Sep 26 08:51:29 If after repeating Step 45 2 or 3 times the
2002 response is still the same, call technical
flxactivate still in progress support for assistance.

failed message, such as the following: contact customer technical support for
flxactivate started at Thu Sep 26 08:51:29 assistance
flxactivate failed at Thu sep 26 08:59:25


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-61
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-10: Install and activate platform and
application software packages

Procedure 9-10: Install and activate platform and application

software packages
Perform this procedure to transfer, install, and activate platform and application software
packages to a growth server.

Note: For growth type C only, you must have set up the drawer host as a DNFS Host
using the applatconfig command before installing and activating platform
packages [see Step of “Personalize and customize the server” (p. 9-44)].

Note: For any additional steps that are required to perform a specific Software
Update, refer to the Flexent®/AUTOPLEX® Wireless Networks Software Update
Document that is delivered with the MM-AP platform software packages.

This procedure typically takes 30-45 minutes to perform.

1 Log into the server again as root (see “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)).

Note: For growth types B and C, the user must identify the frame type with the
setfrmtyp command from the OMP. This will create the frame.typ file on each MM-
AP (410S) which is required by NGNsetup.

2 Enter the following command to install the ngn_platform package. Specify the same
version number that you identified in “Required information” (p. 9-44).
apinstall -p ngn_platform -v mmapversion
mmapversion the MM-AP platform version that you identified in
“Required information” (p. 9-44)


3 When prompted, confirm that this is the package that you want to install.

9-62 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-10: Install and activate platform and
application software packages


4 In Release 30.0 (or earlier) only, enter the following command to install the fms_rcc
package. Specify the same version number that you identified in “Required information”
(p. 9-44).
apinstall -p fms_rcc -v rccversion
rccversion the RCC version that you identified in “Required
information” (p. 9-44)


5 When prompted, confirm that this is the package that you want to install.

6 Enter the following command to activate the ngn_platform package:

apactivate -p ngn_platform -v mmapversion
mmapversion the server platform version that you identified in
“Required information” (p. 9-44)


7 In Release 30.0 (or earlier) only, enter the following command to activate the fms_rcc
apactivate -p fms_rcc -v rccversion
rccversion the RCC version that you identified in “Required
information” (p. 9-44)


8 For growth type D, log off the server and log back into it to activate the new environment
For growth types A, B, and C, but for 1xEV-DO Standalone systems only, new
environment variables need to be set at this time. Enter the following commands:
Log back into the server as root. Now that the BSOC environment variables are set, repeat
Step 18 through Step 7.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-63
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-10: Install and activate platform and
application software packages


9 For growth types A, B, and C, enter the following command to initiate the above
shutdown -y -g0 -i6
Result: The server will shutdown and reboot.


10 For growth type C, skip to Step 15.

For growth types A, B, and D, will this server run either the MM-SS7/MM-DLN or MM-
RCS application?

If... Then...
yes, and uses T1/E1 continue with Step 11
yes, and uses IPBH (PMC- skip to Step 15
less host MM-AP)
no skip to Step 15


11 From the OMP, enter the following command to configure the MM-AP for the T1/E1
driver appropriate for the application that will run on it:
applatconfig [-g] -s apxxy -a asset

Note: If “Enable Security Configuration Management: APCC Network” field in the

mscsec RC/V form has been set to “y” and “Security Zone Indicators: OMP to MM-
AP SSH Indicator” field in the mscsec RC/V form has been set to “1”, the option “-g”
must be used in this step.
xxy is the name of the MM-AP that you want to configure
asset is the name of the T1/E1 driver package that should be
installed on the server when the NGN bundle is
installed, either NGNdln for the MM-SS7/MM-DLN
application or NGNrcs for the MM-RCS application

Note: The applatconfig command is case sensitive. Be sure to enter either

NGNdln or NGNrcs exactly as shown. [For more information about the
applatconfig command, see “applatconfig” (p. B-66).]

9-64 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-10: Install and activate platform and
application software packages

/omp/bin/applatconfig -s ap51 -a NGNdln

Result: The applatconfig command generates output similar to the following:

Added resource: NGNdln

12 Re-execute the NGN bundle to install the appropriate T1/E1 driver for your application
(either the MM-SS7/MM-DLN or MM-RCS).
cd /var/flx/bun

cd /var/flx/bun

13 Activate the T1/E1 driver package.

flxactivate -vr
Result: The server may reboot during this step. As the server is rebooting,
flxactivate processing continues although messages may not appear on the
console. Any reboot during this step completes within a couple of minutes.

14 Check for completion of flxactivate processing.

Result: If flxactivate has finished processing, it returns the following output.
flxactivate started at Fri Apr 12 08:50:59 2002
flxactivate completed successfully at Fri Apr 12 08:51:17 2002

If flxsustatus shows that

flxactivate... Then...
Has completed continue with Step 15

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-65
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-10: Install and activate platform and
application software packages

If flxsustatus shows that

flxactivate... Then...
Has not completed wait 1 minute and repeat Step 14 (In this
execution of flxactivate, only one
package is being activated, so
flxactivate processing completes


15 Does the server that you are growing have a dedicated EINE?

If... then...
yes continue with Step 16
no skip to Step 18


16 From the ECP Maintenance Terminal (MCRT), enter the following command to restore
the EINE to service:
xx the ring group number that you specified in Step 4 of
“Procedure” (p. 9-121)
yy the node number that you specified in Step 4 on “Procedure”
(p. 9-121)


17 When the EINE is ACTIVE, enter the following command at the

MM-AP shell prompt to verify the MM-AP’s connectivity to the EINE:
ping ein

Note: Wait until the ping command succeeds. This may take up to 2 minutes. (For
complete information on ping command responses, or if the ping fails, press Ctrl-C
to exit the ping command and refer to Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”.”)

18 At the MM-AP shell prompt, execute the following command to bring the new server

9-66 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-10: Install and activate platform and
application software packages

Note: If the server that you are growing has a dedicated EINE, this must be done
within 7 - 10 minutes of restoring the EINE or you will need to restore the EINE again
(repeat Step 16).
Result: The server reboot process starts. While the server is being brought online (and
the EINE, if applicable, is in service), the server clock is checked to determine whether
it is out of sync with the ECP clock by more than 5 minutes. If it is, the server clock is
reset to match the ECP clock and the server reboots again. If this reboot occurs (and
the server that you are converting has a dedicated EINE), you do not have to restore the
EINE again.

19 If the server that you are growing has a dedicated EINE, verify that the EINE is restored to
service from the 1106 Status Display Page (SDP).

20 If the OMC-RAN GUI or EMS GUI is not already open, launch it from the PC or
workstation designated for this purpose.

21 Verify that the server is in the OOS-MANUAL state on the OMC-RAN or EMS and in the
ACTIVE state on the LMT Emergency Interface (EI).

Note: It may take several minutes for the server to reach the OOS-MANUAL state
after the aponline command is executed in Step 18.

Note: The LMT EI is not available in R1SR frames that operate in R2 mode where
the WatchDog is present but not used. In these frames, the functions previously
available through the WatchDog Emergency Interface are available through the R2
alarm card operating in R2 mode in conjunction with new RCC integrity software.

22 Restore the server to service; do one of the following:

• From the OMC-RAN TI Wizard, use the RST AP poke command or use the OMC-
RAN TICLI to enter the command below.
• On the EMS AP Status Page, press the Restore button.
• Enter the following command at the TICLI:
a the 400S MM-AP number or 410S host MM-AP number

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-67
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-10: Install and activate platform and
application software packages

Result: The server is restored to the ACTIVE state.


23 Before performing this step, if this is the first MM-AP server in the frame and the Ethernet
switches have not been configured, go to “Configure a Layer 2 Cajun Ethernet switch”
(p. 8-391). Then return here.
Run the LAN verification utility, which checks the LAN cabling and the Ethernet switch
settings. To do this, log in as root to a different MM-AP (that is, one that existed prior to
this growth procedure) and enter the following command:
cd /ap/platform/default/support/bin
Result: Output will display the results. If there are problems, correct them before
continuing. Contact WTSC for assistance as needed.

24 You now need to commit the software for this server. After the server status is ONLINE,
do one of the following:
• From the OMC-RAN TI Wizard, use the COMMIT AP poke command or use the
OMC-RAN TICLI to enter the command below.
• Use the TICLI to enter the following command:
commit: ap xx, software platform
where xx is the 400S MM-AP number or 410S host MM-AP number.

25 If your application uses a paired-server configuration, repeat Step 1 through Step 24 for
the other server in the pair.

9-68 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-11: Administer login IDs and passwords

Procedure 9-11: Administer login IDs and passwords

This procedure typically takes 15 minutes to perform.

Note: Access to the root login has changed. See “Recommend su to access special
logins” (p. 4-6).

1 Change the password for root from the default (newsys) to match that of other servers in
the cluster by executing:
Result: The following output and prompts are generated:
Changing password for root
New password:
Re-enter new password:
Reference: See “Requirements for MM-AP login account passwords” (p. 4-14) for
server password construction requirements.

2 Change the root password for the alarm card from the default (newsys1) by executing:
rscadm userpassword root
Result: The following output and prompts are generated:
password: Changing password for root
Enter login password:
Enter new password:
Re-enter new password:
Reference: See “Login account password requirements” (p. 4-22) for alarm card
password construction requirements.

3 To this server, add login IDs that exist on other servers in the MM-APC and perform any
customizing for your site. (For more information, see “MM-APC security management
guidelines” (p. 4-3) and “MM-AP login administration” (p. 4-12) in Chapter 4, “Manage

4 Repeat these steps for the paired server, if applicable.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-69
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-11: Administer login IDs and passwords

Note: When you change the number of MM-APs in an MM-APC configuration,

update the Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT) Emergency Interface (EI) page to
reflect the number of MM-APs configured in your system. [See the Mobility Server
(MS)/ Blade Platform LMT User's Guide (401-710-221) for details.]

9-70 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

Add a satellite MM-AP to a 410S/810S

This section defines the procedures to add a satellite MM-AP to slots 3 or 5 of an 810S
server or slot 4 of a 410S server. If you are adding a satellite in slot 5 of an 410S server,
this requires a separate procedure. Refer to “Add a second satellite MM-AP to a 410S
server” (p. 9-107).
If your application uses a paired-server configuration:
• you must add a satellite processor to each MM-AP in the pair.
• the satellite processor for each of the MM-AP pairs must be the same model (for
example, CP2160) and configuration (for example, 2GB Ethernet) and use the same
type RTM.
• the satellite processor for each of the MM-AP pairs must be installed in the same slot.
If not a paired-server configuration, satellite models and configurations can be mixed
when the servers are installed in an R1SR frame. In a UNC frame, satellite configurations
can be mixed, but not satellite models. Only CP2500 satellite CPUs are allowed in UNC

Note: Alcatel-Lucent strongly recommends that growth of satellite processors be

performed during a maintenance window.

Growth Automation
You have a choice when it comes to growing in the satellite or satellites on the DNFS Host
and installing the satellite software. You can grow in and install software for one satellite
at a time by entering commands manually or you can use the automated apgrowsat tool
which grows in and installs the software for up to 8 satellites on a single DNFS Host.

Satellite population rules

Growth of satellite processors is governed by the following rules:
• A satellite processor must always be grown into the same frame as the DNFS Host
CPU that supports it. The satellite processor must be grown in from this DNFS Host

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-71
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

• A 410S server in an R2 drawer of an R1SR growth frame can accommodate two

satellite processors; the first one must go in slot 4 and can be either a 1GB satellite or
2GB satellite (Ethernet or T1/E1). A second one can replace the Combo or Carrier
card in slot 5 and must be a 2GB satellite with T1/E1 (the Combo or Carrier card is
still optional in slot 5).
• A 410S/810S server in an R2 drawer of an R1SR base frame can accommodate two
satellite processors. For the 410S server, the satellites follow the same rules as the
R1SR growth frame. For the 810S server, a 1GB satellite or a 2GB satellite must be
grown into slot 3 and/or slot 5.
• A 410S/810S server in an R2 drawer of an R1SR frame that is installed with a CP2140
or CP2500 host CPU can have either CP2160 or CP2500 satellite CPUs. And they can
be mixed, one CP2160 satellite CPU and one CP2500 satellite CPU. If adding the first
CP2500 CPU in the server, refer to “Upgrade a 410S/810S server for CP2500
compatibility” (p. 9-120) before continuing.

Note: The CP2500’s time-of-day clock is only maintained for approximately 6

hours. It will need to be synchronized with an external clock source or be manually
reset if the CP2500 power is lost for more than 6 hours.
• A 410S/810S server in a UNC frame can only accept CP2500 satellite CPUs. Note that
all UNC frames come standard as CP2500-compatible.

Before you begin

Before growing the satellite processor or satellite processor pair,
• If applicable, verify that the associated EINE growth procedures have been completed
successfully [see “Add an EINE” (p. 9-8)].

Note: You can grow an MM-AP without growing an EINE for that MM-AP. MM-
APs without a dedicated EINE (EINless MM-APs) communicate with the ECP and
with other CNI/IMS ring nodes through an EIN pool comprised of other MM-APs that
do have a physical EINE connection. MM-APs that host the MM-RCS, HVLR, SS7,
CDN, or AMA applications, or that serve as DNFS hosts can be EINless.
• Verify that a DNFS host processor has been grown into the frame into which you want
to install the satellite processor, and that the DNFS host is on-line.
• Verify that the drawer into which you want to grow the satellite processor
– is on-line (enter RCCcstat from the DNFS Host ac console prompt)
– has an empty slot 4 (410S) or slot 3 or 5 (810S) (enter showcpustate from the
drawer host ac console prompt)
• Release 30 or later, when the satellite CPU card includes T1 connections to be used
with the MM-RCS or MM-SS7 applications, determine the length of each DS1 cable
to be connected. The length will be used on the apeqp form.
9-72 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

Required interfaces
The following interfaces are used to add an satellite processor:
• ECP Recent Change/Verify (apxrcv) subsystem, which can be accessed from
– the AUTOPLEX(R) System 1000 ECP Access menu (under the AUTOPLEX(R) OMP
Technician menu)
– an ECP UNIX/RTR terminal
• OMC-RAN GUI or EMS GUI, used to verify that the satellite processor has been
added via RC/V
• LMT, which provides the following:
– UNIX shell command line

Required data forms

The following ECP RC/V database form must be populated for the database configuration
files to add an MM-AP:

When you add a satellite processor, you perform the following procedures. Note that if
your application uses a paired-server configuration, you must perform these procedures
for each satellite in the pair, and each server in the pair must be configured the same.

Procedure 9-12: Check the coherency of the network (first EINless MM-AP only)
Procedure 9-13: Add an entry for the satellite processor to the RC/V database
Procedure 9-14: Install the satellite rear transition module
Procedure 9-15: Install the satellite card
Procedure 9-16: Cable the satellite
Procedure 9-17: Grow a satellite on the DNFS Host (manual method)
Procedure 9-18: Install software on the satellite (manual method)
Procedure 9-19: Grow a satellite on the DNFS Host and installing satellite software
(automated method)
Procedure 9-20: Run dlcpatch tools to update the DNFS host
Procedure 9-21: Bring the satellite on-line

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-73
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-12: Check the coherency of the network
(first EINless MM-AP only)

Procedure 9-12: Check the coherency of the network (first

EINless MM-AP only)
Refer to “Check the coherency of the network (first EINless MM-AP only)” (p. 9-18)
before growing the first EINless MM-AP.

Note: You need only perform this procedure if the satellite processor that you are
growing will be EINless and will be the first EINless MM-AP in your network.

9-74 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-13: Add an entry for the satellite processor
to the RC/V database

Procedure 9-13: Add an entry for the satellite processor to

the RC/V database
To add an entry for the satellite processor to the RC/V database, perform the following

1 Use the AUTOPLEX(R) System 1000 ECP Access menu (under the AUTOPLEX(R) OMP
Technician menu) or enter the following command from an ECP UNIX/RTR terminal to
access the ECP RC/V subsystem:

Note: Accessing the apxrcv subsystem from the AUTOPLEX(R) OMP Technician
menu is preferable because it reduces the overhead on the ECP.

2 At the Enter Form Name: prompt, enter


3 Enter i to initiate an Insert operation and then populate the following fields in the apeqp
• Application Processor (AP) Number
This is the same as the Logical Number that was declared when the iun form was
inserted during the EINE growth procedure [see Step 15 of “Procedure” (p. 9-121)].
• Frame Type (sr for model 2215 R1SR growth frames, sr6 for model 2115 SR base
frame, unv8 for model 2220 UNC growth frame, unv6 for model 2120 UNC growth
• Frame Number for AP (the same value as the frame number for the DNFS Host that
supports the satellite).
• Drawer number for AP [This field is automatically filled in once the form is inserted.]
• Slot Number for AP (For the 410S, it must be 4 or 5. For the 810S, it must be 3 or
• FMS Hardware Type (410SAT_T1_ETH, 410SAT_T1_2GB, 410SAT_ETH_2GB,
410SAT_2500, 410SAT_2500_T1, 810SAT_T1_ETH, 810SAT_T1_2GB,
810SAT_ETH_2GB, 810SAT_2500, 810SAT_2500_T1)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-75
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-13: Add an entry for the satellite processor
to the RC/V database

• Cable length (Release 30.0 and later: If the FMS Hardware Type includes T1 for
the MM-RCS or MM-SS7 application, enter the range that corresponds to the DS1
cable length.)
For T1, the valid range is 1-5:
– 1 = 0-133 feet (0-40 meters)
– 2 = 133-266 feet (40-81 meters)
– 3 = 255-399 feet (80-122 meters)
– 4 = 399-533 feet (122-162 meters)
– 5 = 533-655 feet (162-200 meters)
For E1, the default is the only valid value:
– 6 = 0-655 feet (0-200 meters).
• OMC-RAN Managed
– y = OMC-RAN managed MM-AP
– n = EMS managed MM-AP.

4 Enter i to insert the apeqp form.


5 Enter < to exit apxrcv. Continue to enter < until the shell prompt is displayed.
Result: The new satellite processor is displayed as an icon on the EMS GUI. The AP
Server Type will be shown as UNKNOWN and the status is shown as ISOLATED.
These conditions are expected at this time.

6 If you are adding additional satellites (for example, your application uses a paired-server
configuration), repeat Step 1 through Step 5 for the other satellites.

7 Continue with “Install the satellite rear transition module” (p. 9-77).

9-76 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-14: Install the satellite rear transition

Procedure 9-14: Install the satellite rear transition module

Perform this procedure to install a satellite processor rear transition module in a
410S/810S server drawer.

Note: The 410S/810S server drawer into which you install the satellite processor
must be on-line during satellite growth. To install the satellite rear transition module
with the system power on, you must install the satellite rear transition module before
you install the satellite card.
The RTM/PIM must match the PMC of the satellite processor.
Equipment damage may result if the RTM/PIM is not compatible
with the PMC on the satellite processor.

This procedure typically takes about 5 minutes to perform.

Required materials
This procedure requires a rear transition module that matches the satellite CPU card:
• XCP2060-TRN (CP2160 satellite CPU)
• RTM_S (CP2500 satellite CPU)
The correct XCP2060-TRN rear transition module can be determined by the following:
This satellite card: Requires this rear transition module:
CP2160, 1GByte, T1/E1 PMC slot T1/E1 PIM slot A at bottom, Ethernet
A on top, Ethernet PMC slot B at PIM slot B on top
CP2160, 2GByte, T1/E1 PMC slot T1/E1 PIM slot A at center
CP2160, 2GByte, Ethernet PMC Ethernet PIM slot A at center
slot A

The T1/E1 PMC has one RJ45 connector and four LEDs. The Ethernet PMC has 12 LEDs.
The T1/E1 PIM and Ethernet PIM both have four RJ45 connectors.

To install a satellite rear transition module in a 410S/810S server, perform the following

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-77
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-14: Install the satellite rear transition


1 Check the positioning of the satellite rear transition module extraction levers.
Ensure that the satellite rear transition module extraction levers are aligned perpendicular
to the card flange.
During the next step, take care to ensure that the rear transition
module is perpendicular to the backplane when it is moved into
connection with the backplane pins. Careless vertical or angular
positioning during board insertion can result in damage to the
backplane and subsequent electrical destruction of the rear transition
module and the corresponding satellite processor card.

2 Remove the slot filler panel, if necessary.

The slot filler panel is secured to the card cage using two screws, one at the top of the filler
panel, the other at the bottom.

3 Install the satellite rear transition module into the chassis rear connector slot that lines up
directly with the satellite processor board. Note the following:
a. Position the card such that its J5 connector is on top. The USB connector should be

9-78 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-14: Install the satellite rear transition

b. Engage the board edges with the chassis card guides and slide it into the chassis
(see the following figure).

c. Using the ejector handles, gently maneuver the card into registration with the
keying hardware and the shoulders surrounding the backplane pins, without the
card socket contacts engaging these pins.
At this point, the card rear flange should project approximately 1/4 inch (6 mm)
back from the “fully home” position.
d. Apply pressure to engage the pins and seat the board.

4 If you are installing additional satellites (for example, your application uses a paired-
server configuration), repeat Step 1 through Step 3 for the other satellites.

5 Continue the satellite addition with “Install the satellite card” (p. 9-80).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-79
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-15: Install the satellite card

Procedure 9-15: Install the satellite card

Perform this procedure to install a satellite processor card into a 410S/810S server drawer.

This procedure typically takes about 5 minutes to perform.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure that the satellite rear transition module is
installed [see “Install the satellite rear transition module” (p. 9-77)].

Note: This is essential because the drawer is powered on during the installation.
The PMC of the satellite processor must match the RTM/PIM.
Equipment damage may result if the PMC on the satellite processor
is not compatible with the RTM/PIM.

Required materials
This procedure requires a model CP2160 or model CP2500 satellite processor card. The
card must match the rear transition module that was installed in the previous procedure.
• If installing a CPU card equipped with a T1/E1 PMC, make sure the CPU card has the
correct version of PMC. For example:
– The CP2160 should be equipped with the Interphase 4539-511A (used with the
MM-AP) and not an Interphase 5539F-511A (used with the MMC-AP).
– The CP2500 should be equipped with the Interphase 4539-511A or Interphase
4539-515A (used with the MM-AP), and not an Interphase 5539F-511A nor an
Interphase 5539-500A (used with the MMC-AP).

To install a satellite processor into a 410S/810S server, perform the following steps:

1 Remove the slot filler panel, if necessary.

The slot filler panel is secured to the card cage using two screws, one at the top of the filler
panel, the other at the bottom.

9-80 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-15: Install the satellite card


2 Slide the satellite processor card into the appropriate slot on the corresponding top and
bottom mounting rails and toward the backplane while gently pushing the board handles
inward. Refer to Figure 8-1, “Front access card slot” (p. 8-23).
While sliding the board, ensure that the satellite processor card extraction levers are
aligned perpendicular to the card flange in the unlocked position and that the board
connectors are aligned with the transition module connectors. Once the card is seated, it
will receive power.

3 Lock the extraction levers in place. The red tabs need to click in.

4 Install two screws through the top and bottom of the front connector plate to secure the

5 If you are installing additional satellites (for example, your application uses a paired-
server configuration), repeat the previous steps for the other satellites.

6 Continue the satellite addition with “Cable the satellite” (p. 9-82).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-81
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-16: Cable the satellite

Procedure 9-16: Cable the satellite

Perform this procedure to cable the satellite.

This procedure typically takes about 5 to 10 minutes to perform.

Required materials
Ethernet and/or E1/T1 cables are required. These are usually provided on the back of the

Use the following procedure to connect cables to the satellite rear transition module.

1 Go to the rear of the chassis and locate the satellite rear transition module.

2 Make the necessary cable connections to the satellite rear transition module. The cabling
is labeled with slot numbers. For a 410S server, you will be using cables labeled SL4 for
the first satellite. For an 810S server, the first satellite will use SL3 cables and the second
satellite will use SL5 cables.
Figure 9-3 shows the connectors on the satellite rear transition module for the 1 GB
satellite. The XCP2060-TRN rear transition module for a CP2160 2 GB satellite card has
either a T1/E1 PIM or Ethernet PIM located at the center of the card.
The CP2500 satellite RTM (that is, RTM_S) comes with or without a T1/E1 PIM.

9-82 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-16: Cable the satellite

Figure 9-3 Connectors on the 1GB satellite RTM

The cables for these connectors are labeled to indicate which cable to connect to which
connector. For each connector on the satellite rear transition module, Table 9-4, “Cable
labels for satellite RTM connectors” (p. 9-84) lists the label used on the cable that should
be plugged into that connector.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-83
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-16: Cable the satellite

Table 9-4 Cable labels for satellite RTM connectors

Satellite RTM connector Associated cable label

XCP2060-TRN Ethernet A group_id comcode
or a-b-R
SRVx-SLy-ENETA (R1SR frame)
SRVx-SLy-ENET0 (UNC frame)
group_id = the group identifier for the
cable grouping to which this cable
comcode = the comcode for the cable
a, b = coordinates that identify the
location of the host server within the
R = rear of the frame
x = the host server number, 1-8
y = the slot number in which the satellite
is located
XCP2060-TRN Ethernet B group_id comcode
or a-b-R
SRVx-SLy-ENETB (R1SR frame)
SRVx-SLy-ENET1 (UNC frame)
T1/E1 port 1 group_id comcode
T1/E1 port 2 group_id comcode
T1/E1 port 3 group_id comcode
T1/E1 port 4 group_id comcode

9-84 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-16: Cable the satellite

Satellite RTM connector Associated cable label

Ethernet PIM (not used with
CP2500 satellite CPU)
Ethernet 0 group_id comcode


3 If this is a CP2500 satellite CPU that has a dedicated EINE connection, then do the
a. Go to the FIP and locate the connections for this server.
b. At the slot 3 (810S) or slot 4 (410S) connections, connect an EINE cable to port 0
(that is, CP2500 satellite CPU interface bge2).

4 If you are installing additional satellites in the frame (for example, your application uses a
paired-server configuration), repeat Step 1 and Step 2 for the other satellites.

5 If you are going to add a satellite or satellites one at a time using the manual method,
continue with “Grow a satellite on the DNFS Host (manual method)” (p. 9-86).
If you are going to add a satellite or satellites using the automated method, continue with
“Grow a satellite on the DNFS Host and installing satellite software (automated method)”
(p. 9-98).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-85
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-17: Grow a satellite on the DNFS Host
(manual method)

Procedure 9-17: Grow a satellite on the DNFS Host (manual

Perform this procedure to grow in a satellite on the DNFS Host by entering commands
manually. Any time after the successful completion of one of the apdlc commands you can
decide to complete the satellite installation with the apgrowsat command. It will complete
the installation from where you left off. Refer to “Grow a satellite on the DNFS Host and
installing satellite software (automated method)” (p. 9-98).

Note: The following procedure must be performed from the DNFS Host that is
providing the disk for the new satellite(s).

This procedure typically takes about 30 minutes to perform for the first satellite that you
grow in and about 25 minutes for each subsequent satellite.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure the following:
• The DNFS Host is active.
• You have backed up the DNFS Host.
Reference: See “Back up MM-AP configuration information” (p. 5-6) in Chapter 5,
“System administration”” for instructions on backing up an MM-AP.
• You must completely grow in the first satellite before attempting to grow in another

Note: Satellite growth must be done one at a time.

Required materials
This procedure requires the following cables:
• an RS-232 null modem DB9F-DB9F serial cable to connect to the COM1 port of the
• an RS-232 null modem DB9M-micro-DB9F serial adapter cable to connect from the
DB9F-DB9F cable to the mini-DB9 connector on the faceplate of the satellite card.
Reference: The adapter cable can be the same as that used to connect from a model
CP1500 CPU TTY cable to the XCP2040-TRN rear transition module [see
Figure 8-19].

9-86 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-17: Grow a satellite on the DNFS Host
(manual method)

To configure the DNFS Host CPU for the new satellite, perform the following steps:

1 If you are not already logged into the DNFS Host CPU, establish a remote console
connection to that server through its alarm card from the LMT.
Reference: See “Telnet to a server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27).

2 Connect one end of the DB9F-DB9F serial cable to the COM1 port of the LMT.

3 Connect the other end of the DB9F-DB9F serial cable to the DB9M connector of the serial
adapter cable (DB9M-micro-DB9F ).

4 Connect the micro-DB9F connector of the serial adapter cable to the micro-DB9
connector on the faceplate of the satellite card [see Figure 8-12 for a view of the

5 Access the console of the satellite from the LMT.

Note: If the satellite is not at the ok prompt, press the ABORT button on the faceplate
of the satellite.

6 Verify the settings of each of the specified open boot parameters by executing the
printenv command from the ok prompt of the satellite, as follows:
ok printenv OBP_parameter
OBP_parameter is one of the following:
• boot-device
• diag-switch?
• front-phy?
• auto-boot?
• auto-boot-retry?

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-87
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-17: Grow a satellite on the DNFS Host
(manual method)

Result: The printenv command returns the following values for the specified
parameters if they are set correctly.

OBP parameter Correct value

boot-device net:dhcp,,,,,2,2
diag-switch? false
front-phy? false
auto-boot? true
auto-boot-retry? true

Example: The printenv command returns the following output if the boot-
device parameter is set correctly:
ok boot-device = net:dhcp,,,,,2,2

7 Are all of the specified OBP parameters set correctly?

If... then...
yes skip to Step 9
no continue with Step 8


8 Correct the setting of any of the open boot parameters for which the value is not set as
shown in Step 6.
Execute the setenv command from the ok prompt of the satellite, as follows:
ok setenv OBP_parameter value

Example: To correct the setting for the boot-device parameter, execute the
setenv command as follows:
ok setenv boot-device net:dhcp,,,,,2,2

9 Using the LMT connection to the DNFS host that was set up in Step 1, configure the
DNFS Host for the new satellite by executing the following command:
apdlcgrow -n satellite_name
satellite_name is the name to be assigned to the new satellite

9-88 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-17: Grow a satellite on the DNFS Host
(manual method)

Result: Sample output is shown in Appendix B, “Command reference”. When this

command is executed for the first satellite, service area 1 (/export/exec/svc1) on
the DNFS Host disk is populated. The file system /export/root/apxxy is created
for the satellite. The satellite is grown in with a default of 1 GB swap space.
Growth of the first satellite takes 12 minutes. Growth of each subsequent satellite
takes 7 minutes because the service area is already populated.
The satellite boots up automatically after growth is completed and installs and
activates an initial bundle. The satellite boots multiple times during the installation
and activation of this initial bundle on the satellite. This initial boot of the satellite
takes 15 minutes. (Subsequent reboots of the satellite take 3 minutes.)

Note: Note the following:

• If you receive a warning to reset the DLC drawer host AC, enter the reset ac
command at the drawer host ac prompt.
• If the satellite is powered up but does not boot up (if it sits at the ok prompt), enter
the boot command from the ok prompt.
• If you receive a warning to run the dlcpatch command, wait until after the
software is installed on the satellite. For now, continue with the next step.

10 From the DNFS Host, check the status of the new satellite by entering the following
apdlcdisp -v -o -n satellite_name
-v provides a more detailed (verbose) display of
satellite information
-o displays Safe to Reboot NFS Host if
the status of the specified satellite(s) is offline
or some other safe state
satellite_name is the name of the new satellite

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-89
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-17: Grow a satellite on the DNFS Host
(manual method)

Result: The apdlcdisp command generates output similar to the following:

DLC: ap135
SERVICE: svc1 solaris_9_20041020
ROOT: /export/root/ap135 (2000M)
DUMP: Disabled
SWAP: /export/swap/ap135 (1000M)
DRAWER_AC: ac125
APPL: /export/ap135/app1 (500M)
STATUS: Safe to Reboot NFS Host

11 Continue with “Install software on the satellite (manual method)” (p. 9-91).

9-90 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-18: Install software on the satellite (manual

Procedure 9-18: Install software on the satellite (manual

Perform this procedure to install software on the new satellite by entering commands
manually. Any time after the successful completion of one of these commands you can
decide to complete the satellite installation with the apgrowsat command. It will complete
the installation from where you left off. Refer to “Grow a satellite on the DNFS Host and
installing satellite software (automated method)” (p. 9-98).

Required information
When growing a satellite processor, you will need the following information:
• the version number of the MM-AP bundle(s) that you will need to install on the
satellite processor [that is, the NGN bundle and the COM bundle].
• the version number of the MM-AP platform software [ngn_platform and fms_rcc
(in Release 30.0 or earlier) packages] that you will need to install on the satellite

To install software on the satellite, perform the following steps:

1 Is this the first satellite to be grown in on this DNFS Host?

If... then...
no skip to Step 8
The MM-AP bundle(s) is put in an area
on the DNFS Host disk that is shared by
all satellites supported by this DNFS host
(/var/flx/bun), so if another satellite
has already been grown in on this DNFS
host, the MM-AP bundle(s) has already
been transferred to /var/flx/bun.
yes continue with Step 2

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-91
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-18: Install software on the satellite (manual


2 From the OMP (see “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)), transfer the
bundle(s) that you identified in “Required information” (p. 9-91) to the satellite. [The
bundle(s) and the packages should already exist on the OMP.]
appkgtrans [-g] -p bundle -S apxxy
xxy is the logical number of the satellite.

Note: If “Enable Security Configuration Management: APCC Network” field in the

mscsec RC/V form has been set to “y” and “Security Zone Indicators: OMP to MM-
AP SSH Indicator” field in the mscsec RC/V form has been set to “1”, the option “-g”
must be used in this step.

appkgtrans -p bundle -S ap36
Result: The following prompt is generated:
AP package transfer makes heavy use of the TCP/IP network and may
therefore affect performance. AP package transfer should be
performed during an off-peak period.

Do you want to continue [no]:


3 At that prompt, enter yes.

Result: A prompt similar to the following is generated:
The following bundle packages are ready for transfer:
1) 20070326aAP28.0.0002_COM.bun
2) 20050701dAP25.0.0000_DLC.bun
3) 20070329aAP28.0.0002_NGN.bun

Enter the menu number of the bundle package to send to ap36:

(choose the desired bundle)

4 Enter the menu number of the NGN bundle that you identified in “Required information”
(p. 9-91).
Result: The following prompt is generated:
Enter the login on apxxy [root]:

9-92 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-18: Install software on the satellite (manual

(If the bundle that you identified in “Required information” (p. 9-91) is not listed as a
selectable item in Step 3, you will need to reload it onto the OMP from tape or from the
LED system.)

5 Select the default login (root) (see “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)) by
pressing Enter.
Result: A prompt similar to the following is generated:
Enter the password for root on apxxy:

6 Enter the password for root.

Result: You will see output similar to the following:
Transfer of version 20050701dAP25.0.0000_NGN of the bundle package
to ap36
beginning at Tue Sep 06 10:22:12 CST 2005
Transfer of version 20050701dAP25.0.0000_NGN of the bundle package
to ap36
completed successfully at Tue Sep 06 10:24:56 CST 2005!
469248 blocks.

7 Repeat Step 2 through Step 6 for the COM bundle.


8 Enter the following command to transfer the ngn_platform software package from the
OMP to the satellite (Note: The software package is actually sent to the DNFS Host AP):
appkgtrans [-g] -p ngn_platform -v mmapversion -S apxxy
mmapversion the MM-AP platform version that you identified in
“Required information” (p. 9-91)
xxy is the logical number of the satellite.

Note: If “Enable Security Configuration Management: APCC Network” field in the

mscsec RC/V form has been set to “y” and “Security Zone Indicators: OMP to MM-
AP SSH Indicator” field in the mscsec RC/V form has been set to “1”, the option “-g”
must be used in this step.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-93
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-18: Install software on the satellite (manual

Result: The appkgtrans command lists the ngn_platform package versions

available for transfer, prompts you for the version that you want to transfer, and for the
login and password on the satellite to which you want to transfer the package, in the
same way as it did for the bundle in Step 3 through Step 6.
Do you want to continue [no]:
At that prompt, enter yes.

9 In Release 30.0 (or earlier) only, enter the following command to transfer the fms_rcc
software package from the OMP to the satellite:
appkgtrans [-g] -p fms_rcc -v rccversion -S apxxy
rccversion the RCC version that you identified in “Required
information” (p. 9-91)
xxy is the logical number of the satellite.

Note: If “Enable Security Configuration Management: APCC Network” field in the

mscsec RC/V form has been set to “y” and “Security Zone Indicators: OMP to MM-
AP SSH Indicator” field in the mscsec RC/V form has been set to “1”, the option “-g”
must be used in this step.
Result: The appkgtrans command lists the fms_rcc package versions available for
transfer, prompts you for the version that you want to transfer, and for the login and
password on the satellite to which you want to transfer the package.
Do you want to continue [no]:
At that prompt, enter yes.

10 Log into the satellite as root from the LMT via the micro-DB9 connector on the faceplate
of the satellite card [see Figure 8-12 for a view of the faceplate].

11 From the satellite that you are growing, ensure that the COM and NGN bundles that you
want to install can be executed by entering the following commands:
cd /var/flx/bun

chmod +x YYYYMMDD..._COM.bun
chmod +x YYYYMMDD..._NGN.bun

9-94 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-18: Install software on the satellite (manual


12 Execute (install) the NGN bundle. For example, enter the following command:
Result: The bundle and all of the packages that it contains are automatically installed.
If executing the bundle returns an error message, call Customer Technical Support.

13 Execute (install) the COM bundle. For example, enter the following command:
Result: The bundle and all of the packages that it contains are automatically installed.
If executing the bundle returns an error message, call Customer Technical Support.

14 Activate the packages in the bundles.

flxactivate -vr
Result: The satellite reboots, possibly multiple times, during this step. As the satellite
is rebooting, flxactivate processing continues although messages may not appear
on the console. This reboot and its corresponding flxactivate processing takes
about 3 minutes.

15 Re-establish your console connection to the satellite through its alarm card from the LMT.
Reference: See “Telnet to a server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27).

16 Check the status of flxactivate processing by executing the following command:

Result: If flxactivate has finished processing, it returns the following output.
flxactivate started at Tue May 10 20:51:01 2005
flxactivate completed successfully at Tue May 10 20:54:13 2005

If flxsustatus shows that

flxactivate... Then...
Has completed continue with Step 17

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-95
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-18: Install software on the satellite (manual

If flxsustatus shows that

flxactivate... Then...
Has not completed wait about 60 minutes and repeat Step 16.
If after repeating Step 16 2 or 3 times the
response is still the same, call technical
support for assistance.
Notes: Do not proceed with Step


17 Log into the satellite again as root (see “Recommend su to access special logins”
(p. 4-6)).

18 Enter the following command to install the ngn_platform package. Specify the same
version number that you identified in “Required information” (p. 9-91).
apinstall -p ngn_platform -v mmapversion
mmapversion the MM-AP platform version that you identified in
“Required information” (p. 9-91)

Do you want to continue [no]:

At that prompt, enter yes.

19 In Release 30.0 (or earlier) only, enter the following command to install the fms_rcc
package. Specify the same version numbers that you identified in “Required information”
(p. 9-91).
apinstall -p fms_rcc -v rccversion
rccversion the RCC version that you identified in “Required
information” (p. 9-91)

Do you want to continue [no]:

At that prompt, enter yes.

20 Enter the following command to activate the ngn_platform package:

apactivate -p ngn_platform -v mmapversion

9-96 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-18: Install software on the satellite (manual

mmapversion the MM-AP platform version that you identified in
“Required information” (p. 9-91)

Do you want to continue [no]:

At that prompt, enter yes.

21 In Release 30.0 (or earlier) only, enter the following command to activate the fms_rcc
apactivate -p fms_rcc -v rccversion
rccversion the RCC version that you identified in “Required
information” (p. 9-91)

Do you want to continue [no]:

At that prompt, enter yes.

22 Run the LAN verification utility, which checks the LAN cabling and the Ethernet switch
settings. To do this, log in as root (see “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6))
to a different MM-AP (that is, one that existed prior to this growth procedure) and enter
the following command:
cd /ap/platform/default/support/bin
Result: Output will display the results. If there are problems, correct them before
continuing. Contact WTSC for assistance as needed.

23 If this is the first satellite grown on the DNFS host, continue with “Run dlcpatch tools to
update the DNFS host” (p. 9-102). Otherwise, skip to “Bring the satellite on-line”
(p. 9-104).

Note: If the dlcpatch tools are not run, the next software upgrade will most likely

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-97
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-19: Grow a satellite on the DNFS Host and
installing satellite software (automated method)

Procedure 9-19: Grow a satellite on the DNFS Host and

installing satellite software (automated method)
Perform this procedure to grow in one or more satellites on the DNFS Host using the
automated apgrowsat command. The apgrowsat command automates the steps that include
apdlcgrow through apactivate.

Note: This procedure must be performed from the DNFS Host that is providing the
disk for the new satellite(s).

Using the automated apgrowsat command, it should take about 2 hours to grow in and
install software for 4 satellites on a DNFS Host, and about 4 hours for 8 satellites.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure the following:
• The DNFS Host is active.
• You have backed up the DNFS Host.
Reference: See “Back up MM-AP configuration information” (p. 5-6) in Chapter 5,
“System administration”” for instructions on backing up an MM-AP.
• You have performed “Add an entry for the satellite processor to the RC/V database”
(p. 9-75) through “Cable the satellite” (p. 9-82) for each satellite processor that is
being added to the DNFS Host.

Required materials
This procedure requires the following cables:
• an RS-232 null modem DB9F-DB9F serial cable to connect to the COM1 port of the
• an RS-232 null modem DB9M-micro-DB9F serial adapter cable to connect from the
DB9F-DB9F cable to the mini-DB9 connector on the faceplate of the satellite card.
Reference: The adapter cable can be the same as that used to connect from a model
CP1500 CPU TTY cable to the XCP2040-TRN rear transition module [see
Figure 8-19, “Model XCP2040-TRN RTM DB9-to-micro-DB9 adapter attached to
host CPU TTY cable” (p. 8-185)].

9-98 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-19: Grow a satellite on the DNFS Host and
installing satellite software (automated method)

To configure the DNFS Host CPU for each new satellite, perform the following steps:

1 If you are not already logged into the DNFS Host CPU, establish a remote console
connection to that server through its alarm card from the LMT.
Reference: See “Telnet to a server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27).

2 Connect one end of the DB9F-DB9F serial cable to the COM1 port of the LMT.

3 Connect the other end of the DB9F-DB9F serial cable to the DB9M connector of the serial
adapter cable (DB9M-micro-DB9F ).

4 Connect the micro-DB9F connector of the serial adapter cable to the micro-DB9
connector on the faceplate of a satellite card [see Figure 8-12 for a view of the faceplate].

5 Access the console of the satellite from the LMT.

Note: If the satellite is not at the ok prompt, press the ABORT button on the faceplate
of the satellite.

6 Verify the settings of each of the specified open boot parameters by executing the
printenv command from the ok prompt of the satellite, as follows:
ok printenv OBP_parameter
OBP_parameter is one of the following:
• boot-device
• diag-switch?
• front-phy?
• auto-boot?
• auto-boot-retry?

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-99
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-19: Grow a satellite on the DNFS Host and
installing satellite software (automated method)

Result: The printenv command returns the following values for the specified
parameters if they are set correctly.

OBP parameter Correct value

boot-device net:dhcp,,,,,2,2
diag-switch? false
front-phy? false
auto-boot? true
auto-boot-retry? true

Example: The printenv command returns the following output if the boot-
device parameter is set correctly:
ok boot-device = net:dhcp,,,,,2,2

7 Are all of the specified OBP parameters set correctly?

If... then...
yes skip to Step 9
no continue with Step 8


8 Correct the setting of any of the open boot parameters listed in Step 6 for which the value
is not set as shown in Step 6.
Execute the settenv command from the ok prompt of the satellite, as follows:
ok setenv OBP_parameter value

Example: To correct the setting for the boot-device parameter, execute the
setenv command as follows:
ok setenv boot-device net:dhcp,,,,,2,2

9 Run the LAN verification utility, which checks the LAN cabling and the Ethernet switch
settings. To do this, enter the following command:
cd /ap/platform/default/support/bin
Result: Output will display the results. If there are problems, correct them before

9-100 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-19: Grow a satellite on the DNFS Host and
installing satellite software (automated method)


10 If you are growing in more than one satellite for this DNFS Host, repeat Step 2 through
Step 9 for the other satellites that are to be grown in. Then continue with Step 11.

11 Using the LMT connection to the DNFS Host, automatically grow in one or more
satellites (up to 8) by entering the following command:
apgrowsat apxxy [apxxy apxxy ...]
(Output displays a series of command executions and the status of
Result: The status of the satellite AP growth is displayed. And the log file .log is
created at the location /var/ap/platform/logs/admin.
This command will require user interaction if the required bundles of software packages
are not found on the DNFS Host.
If an error occurs, you can fix the problem and re-enter the apgrowsat command to
complete the satellite installation, or you can choose to complete the installation by
entering the remaining commands manually. To enter commands manually, go to “Grow a
satellite on the DNFS Host (manual method)” (p. 9-86) or “Install software on the satellite
(manual method)” (p. 9-91) and follow the procedure from the point at which the
command left off.

12 Do one of the following:

• For an existing DNFS host and its satellites, bring them on-line. You are done.
• For a new DNFS host and satellite(s), bring the DNFS host back on-line, but leave the
satellite(s) off-line. The satellite(s) will be brought on-line in the next procedure.
Continue with “Bring the satellite on-line” (p. 9-104).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-101
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-20: Run dlcpatch tools to update the DNFS

Procedure 9-20: Run dlcpatch tools to update the DNFS host

When a DNFS host is grown in, it is installed with a dlcpatch level from Release 24.0.
Running the dlcpatch tools will bring it up to date.

When to use
Perform this procedure after the first satellite, or paired satellites, have been grown in for a
new DNFS host. Also, this procedure can be used for all existing DNFS hosts that have
not yet had a software update/generic retrofit (SU/GR) applied to them since they were
grown in. The following procedure provides the commands to use to determine if an
existing DNFS host requires an updated dlcpatch level.

This procedure can take appropriately 120 minutes per DNFS host.

Perform the following procedure to run the dlcpatch tools. This procedure is performed
from the DNFS host.

1 Log in to the DNFS host as root or as System Administrator.


2 If performing this procedure for an existing DNFS host, enter the following command. For
a new DNFS host, skip to Step 3.
dlcpatchstatus -s
Result: Output will look similar to the following:
service state: FI

service 1: NULL [F]ree

service 2: solaris_9_20080612p [I]n-service

Release... And ... Then...
31.0 the DNFS host reports an In- the dlcpatch level is okay. STOP.
service area with a year of
2008 or later

9-102 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-20: Run dlcpatch tools to update the DNFS

Release... And ... Then...
30.0 the DNFS host reports an In- the dlcpatch level is okay. STOP.
service area with a year of
2007 or later
29.0 the DNFS host reports an In- the dlcpatch level is okay. STOP.
service area with a year of
2006 or later

If the year for your release does not match the above, continue with Step 3 to update the
dlcpatch level.

3 Bring the DNFS host and all affected satellites off-line.


4 Run the following dlcpatch commands to prepare (-p), apply (-a), and commit (-c) the
DLC patch:
dlcpatch -p
dlcpatch -a
dlcpatch -c

5 Upon successful completion of the dlcpatch tools, enter the following command to verify
that the In-service area reports a year later than 2004.
dlcpatchstatus -s

6 If you are growing in a satellite, do one of the following:

• For an existing DNFS host and its satellites, bring them on-line. You are done.
• For a new DNFS host and satellite(s), bring the DNFS host back on-line, but leave the
satellite(s) off-line. The satellite(s) will be brought on-line in the next procedure.
Continue with “Bring the satellite on-line” (p. 9-104).
If you are replacing a hard disk drive for a DNFS host, go to Step 100.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-103
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-21: Bring the satellite on-line

Procedure 9-21: Bring the satellite on-line

Use this procedure to restore the EINE (if necessary) and bring the satellite on-line.

Perform the following steps for a satellite processor that has been added to a DNFS Host:

1 Check to see if the satellite that you are growing is EIN-less. Enter the following
command as root or as System Administrator:
$SPL/CMrcs -dlt -ap

2 Is the satellite that you are growing EIN-less?

If... then...
yes skip to Step 5
no continue with Step 3


3 From the ECP Maintenance Terminal (MCRT), enter the following command to restore
the EINE to service:
xx the ring group number that you specified in Step 4 of
“Procedure” (p. 9-121)
yy the node number that you specified in Step 4 on “Procedure”
(p. 9-121)


4 When the EINE is ACTIVE, enter the following command at the

satellite shell prompt to verify the satellite’s connectivity to the EINE:
ping ein

Note: Wait until the ping command succeeds. This may take up to 2 minutes. (For
complete information on ping command responses, or if the ping fails, press Ctrl-C
to exit the ping command and refer to Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”.”)

9-104 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-21: Bring the satellite on-line


5 At the satellite shell prompt, enter the following command as root or as System
Administrator to bring the new satellite on-line.

Note: If the satellite that you are growing has a dedicated EINE, this must be done
within 7 - 10 minutes of restoring the EINE (Step 3) or you will need to restore the
EINE again (repeat Step 3).
Result: The satellite reboot process starts. While the satellite is being brought on-line
(and the EINE, if applicable, is in service), the satellite clock is checked to determine
whether it is out of sync with the ECP clock by more than 5 minutes. If it is, the
satellite clock is reset to match the ECP clock and the satellite reboots again. If this
reboot occurs (and the MM-AP that you are growing has a dedicated EINE), you do
not have to restore the EINE again.

6 Check to see that the new satellite is on-line. Enter the following command:

7 Restore the new satellite to service. Enter the following command:

RST:AP xxy

8 Check the packages on the new satellite to make sure everything looks good. Enter one of
the following commands:
In Release 30.0 or earlier
appkginfo -p ngn_platform -p fms_rcc
In Release 31.0 and later
appkginfo -p ngn_platform

9 If this is a CP2500 satellite CPU, set the CPU date and time:
rdate apxx
apxx is the on-line mate AP. (If there is no mate AP, chose a different
on-line AP.)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-105
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-21: Bring the satellite on-line


10 Back up the changes to the DNFS Host and satellite configurations resulting from the
satellite growth procedures.
Reference: See “Back up MM-AP configuration information” (p. 5-6).

Note: You must perform a backup on both the DNFS Host and the satellite that you
grew in.

11 If you are growing in other satellites manually, repeat from “Grow a satellite on the DNFS
Host (manual method)” (p. 9-86) for the other satellites.

9-106 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

Add a second satellite MM-AP to a 410S

This section defines the procedures to add a second satellite MM-AP to a 410S server in
an R1SR frame. This involves replacing the combo or carrier card in slot 5 with the
satellite CPU card. If your application uses a paired-server configuration:
• you must perform these procedures for each 410S server in the pair.
• the second satellite MM-AP in each server pair must be the same model (for example,
CP2160) and use the same type RTM.

Note: Alcatel-Lucent strongly recommends that growth of satellite CPUs be

performed during a maintenance window.

Satellite population rules

Replacement of a combo or carrier card with a second satellite processor is governed by
the following rules:
• There must be a satellite CPU already grown into slot 4.
• A second satellite processor must always be grown in the same frame as the DNFS
Host CPU that is providing the disk for the satellite processor.
• A second satellite processor must always be grown from the DNFS Host CPU that is
providing the disk for the satellite processor.
• The drawer host AP in the drawer where the combo or carrier card will be removed
must be EINless.
• The second satellite processor in slot 5 must be a satellite processor with 2GB of
memory and a T1/E1 PMC.
• These procedures should not be performed on OAM Proxy APs nor 1X RNC APs.
These applications use the combo or carrier card for purposes other than providing the
LAN connection to the EIN.
• Any server, whether installed with a CP2140 or CP2500 host CPU, can have either
CP2160 or CP2500 satellite CPUs. And they can be mixed, one CP2160 satellite CPU
and one CP2500 satellite CPU. If adding the first CP2500 CPU in the server, refer to
“Upgrade a 410S/810S server for CP2500 compatibility” (p. 9-120) before continuing.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-107
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

Note: The CP2500’s time-of-day clock is only maintained for approximately 6

hours. It will need to be synchronized with an external clock source or be manually
reset if the CP2500 power is lost for more than 6 hours.

Before you begin

Before replacing the combo or carrier card with a second satellite processor,
• Verify that the drawer into which you want to grow the satellite processor
– is a 410S drawer (either a drawer host or a DNFS Host)
– is on-line

Required interfaces
The following interfaces are used to replace a combo or carrier card with a second satellite
• ECP Recent Change/Verify (apxrcv) subsystem, which can be accessed from
– the AUTOPLEX(R) System 1000 ECP Access menu (under the AUTOPLEX(R) OMP
Technician menu)
– an ECP UNIX/RTR terminal
• OMC-RAN GUI or EMS GUI, used to verify that the satellite processor has been
added via RC/V
• LMT, which provides the following:
– UNIX shell command line

Required data forms

The following ECP RC/V database form must be populated for the database configuration
files to replace a combo or carrier card with a second satellite processor:

When you replace a combo or carrier card with a second satellite CPU, you perform the
following procedures. Note that if your application uses a paired-server configuration, you
must perform these procedures for each server in the pair.

Procedure 9-22: Remove the combo or carrier card

Procedure 9-23: Remove the combo or carrier rear transition module

9-108 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

Procedure 9-24: Add an entry for the second satellite MM-AP to the
RC/V database
Procedure 9-25: Perform the remaining second satellite steps

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-109
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-22: Remove the combo or carrier card

Procedure 9-22: Remove the combo or carrier card

To remove the combo or carrier card, perform the following procedure.

1 Verify that the drawer host AP in the drawer where the combo or carrier card is to be
removed is EINless. Using OMC-RAN TICLI, or TICLI from the OMP or MM-AP, enter
the following command:
op:ap x,inv
Output from an EINless host AP will look similar to the following:
SAT APS 91, 93, 95(D), 97
If it does not, go to AP EINE as Optional Equipage, 401-612-790 to convert the drawer
host AP to EINless.

2 If the combo or carrier card is being removed from the same drawer as a DNFS Host AP,
all satellite APs hosted by this AP must be removed from service and taken off-line. If
Line 1 of the output from Step 1 displays “DNFS”, then the satellite APs on Line 3 must
be removed from service and taken off-line. To remove a satellite AP from service and
take it off-line, enter the following commands as root or as System Administrator:
rmv:ap a

3 Establish a connection to the drawer host alarm card.


4 Remove power from slot 5 of the 410S drawer:

poweroff 5
Result: The status will change to “Amber Blue” (hotswap) when the power is off.


5 Remove the combo/carrier card from the drawer. Then perform “Remove the combo or
carrier rear transition module” (p. 9-113).

9-110 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-22: Remove the combo or carrier card


6 With the combo/carrier card removed, clean up all qfe entries in the /etc/path_to_inst file
and update the /reconfigure file. This ensures that there will be no hanging qfe entries after
the system is rebooted. Before the cleanup and reboot, enter the following command as
root or as System Administrator:
prtconf -pv | grep qfe
The output should display qfe entries as follows:
model: “SUNW,cpci-qfe’
name: ‘SNW,qfe’
model: “SUNW,cpci-qfe’
name: ‘SNW,qfe’
After the cleanup and reboot, the prtconf command will not display any qfe entries. To
clean up the qfe entries, enter the following command (the system will reboot):
flxactivate -r FMSdvtree
Sample output looks like this:
Estimated time to completion: 6 seconds
flxactivate: INFO: /flx/FMSdvtree/versions/3.4/admin/postactivate
requested reboot at end of activate

7 Reactivate the NGNnaming package for the drawer host AP so that its EIN configuration
change can be reflected. This will use output from the prtconf command to determine
which interfaces to configure. With the /etc/path_to_inst file cleaned up, no qfe interfaces
will be configured. Enter the following command (the AP will reboot):
flxactivate -r NGNnaming

8 Next the FMS Hardware Type for the drawer host AP on the apeqp form must be
updated to reflect that there is no longer a combo/carrier card in the drawer. Use the
AUTOPLEX(R) System 1000 ECP Access menu (under the AUTOPLEX(R) OMP
Technician menu) or enter the following command from an ECP UNIX/RTR terminal to
access the ECP RC/V subsystem:

Note: Accessing the apxrcv subsystem from the AUTOPLEX(R) OMP Technician
menu is preferable because it reduces the overhead on the ECP.

9 At the Enter Form Name: prompt, enter


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-111
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-22: Remove the combo or carrier card


10 Enter u to initiate an Update operation and then populate the following fields in the apeqp
• Application Processor (AP) Number
This is the drawer host AP number.
• Frame Type (sr for model 2215 R1SR growth frames, sr6 for model 2115 R1SR
base frames, and unv8 for UNC growth frames)
• Frame Number for AP (the same value as the frame number for the DNFS Host that
supports the satellite)
• FMS Hardware Type:
For 410HST_T1_CC, change to 410HST_T1.
For 410HST_ETH_CC, change to 410HST_ETH.
For 410HST_2500_CC, change to 410HST_2500.

11 Enter u to update the apeqp form.


12 Enter < to exit apxrcv. Continue to enter < until the shell prompt is displayed.

13 Bring the drawer host AP on-line and restore it to service. From the alarm card command
line, enter the following commands as root or as System Administrator:
rst:ap a
If the combo/carrier card was removed from the same drawer as a DNFS Host AP, bring
the satellite APs back on-line and into service with the same two commands.

Note: Power should remain off at slot 5.


9-112 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-23: Remove the combo or carrier rear
transition module

Procedure 9-23: Remove the combo or carrier rear transition

The second satellite processor that replaces the combo or carrier card requires a different
rear transition module and cabling arrangement. To disconnect the associated cabling and
remove the combo/carrier card’s rear transition module, perform the following steps.
Power should still be off at slot 5!

1 Go to the rear of the chassis and locate the rear transition module in slot 5.

2 Disconnect the necessary cable connections from the combo or carrier RTM.
Figure 8-38 shows the connectors on the Combo RTM for the 410S server. The carrier
RTM connections are similar.

3 Remove the rear transition module from slot 5.

Note: The second satellite processor’s rear transition module and cabling will be
installed during the satellite AP growth procedures that follow.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-113
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-24: Add an entry for the second satellite MM-
AP to the RC/V database

Procedure 9-24: Add an entry for the second satellite MM-AP

to the RC/V database
To add an entry for the second satellite processor to the RC/V database, perform the
following procedure:

1 Use the AUTOPLEX(R) System 1000 ECP Access menu (under the AUTOPLEX(R) OMP
Technician menu) or enter the following command from an ECP UNIX/RTR terminal to
access the ECP RC/V subsystem:

Note: Accessing the apxrcv subsystem from the AUTOPLEX(R) OMP Technician
menu is preferable because it reduces the overhead on the ECP.

2 At the Enter Form Name: prompt, enter


3 Enter i to initiate an Insert operation and then populate the following fields in the apeqp
• Application Processor (AP) Number
• Frame Type (sr for model 2215 R1SR growth frame, sr6 for model 2115 R1SR
base frame, unv8 for model 2220 UNC growth frame)
• Frame Number for AP (the same value as the frame number for the DNFS Host that
supports the satellite)
• Slot Number for AP (5)
• FMS Hardware Type (410SAT_T1_2GB, 410SAT_2500, 410SAT_2500_T1,
810SAT_T1_2GB, 810SAT_2500, 810SAT_2500_T1,)
• OMC-RAN Managed
– y = OMC-RAN managed MM-AP
– n = EMS managed MM-AP.

4 Enter i to insert the apeqp form.

9-114 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-24: Add an entry for the second satellite MM-
AP to the RC/V database


5 Enter < to exit apxrcv. Continue to enter < until the shell prompt is displayed.
Result: The new satellite processor is displayed as an icon on the EMS GUI, and the
satellite processor is shown in the ISOLATED state.


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-115
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-25: Perform the remaining second satellite

Procedure 9-25: Perform the remaining second satellite steps

Required materials
The remaining procedures for adding a second satellite require:
• a model CP2160 2GB, T1/E1 PMC satellite CPU card, and an XCP2060-TRN rear
transition module with T1/E1 PIM, or
• a model CP2500 2GB satellite CPU card with or without T1/E1 PMC, and matching


1 Install the satellite RTM using “Install the satellite rear transition module” (p. 9-77) of the
previous section.

2 Once the RTM is installed, follow the step at the end of that procedure to continue the
installation of the second satellite card, installation of the cabling, growing in the second
satellite on the DNFS Host, and installing the second satellite software.

Note: The “flxactivate NGNnaming” command must be run after the satellite
software is installed so that the new satellite will be reflected in the host AP database.
This command may be run as part of the NGN bundle. If not, it must be entered
manually from the host AP console via the alarm card.

9-116 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

Add an Ethernet switch 16-port expansion

This section includes the procedure to add an Ethernet switch 16-port expansion sub-
module to an R1 base frame. One sub-module is installed for each of Ethernet switch A
and Ethernet switch B. Without these sub-modules, the R1 base frame can support up to
11 growth frames. With these sub-modules, the R1 base frame can support up to 27 growth

This section contains the following procedures:

Procedure 9-26: Add an Ethernet switch 16-port expansion sub-module

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-117
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-26: Add an Ethernet switch 16-port
expansion sub-module

Procedure 9-26: Add an Ethernet switch 16-port expansion

Use this procedure to add an Ethernet switch 16-port expansion sub-module to an R1 base
frame. One sub-module is installed for each of Ethernet switch A and Ethernet switch B.
Without these sub-modules, the R1 base frame can support up to 11 growth frames. With
these sub-modules, the R1 base frame can support up to 27 growth frames.

This procedure typically takes less than 5 - 15 minutes to perform.

Required conditions
The expansion sub-module is hot swappable. You do not need to power down the switch to
add the sub-module.

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required materials
To perform this procedure, you need a 16-port expansion module. For the comcode of the
expansion module, refer to the Online Customer Support (OLCS) website,
http://support.alcatel-lucent.com, Recommended Spare Parts and Sparing Strategy.

To add an Ethernet switch 16-port expansion sub-module, perform the following steps for
each Ethernet switch:

1 Loosen the screws of the cover plate (lefthand side) by turning the knobs. For a picture,
refer to Figure A-8, “Front panel of P333T Ethernet switch without 16-port expansion
sub-module” (p. A-8).

2 Insert a sub-module gently into the slot, ensuring that the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is
aligned with the guide rails.

9-118 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-26: Add an Ethernet switch 16-port
expansion sub-module

Note: The PCB, not the metal base plate, fits into the guide rails.
Result: The entire Ethernet switch resets, causing an interruption of traffic for about 1

3 Press the sub-module in firmly until it is completely inserted into the switch.

4 Gently tighten the two screws on the front panel of the expansion sub-module by turning
the knobs.

5 Using the labels on one set of 16 cables that come with the kit, attach the cables to the
front panel of the sub-module to the correct ports 51 through 66. Table 9-5, “Cable labels
for 16-port expansion sub-module ports” (p. 9-119) lists the label used on the cable that
should be plugged into each port.

Table 9-5 Cable labels for 16-port expansion sub-module ports

16-port expansion sub-

module port Associated cable label
RJ-45 group_id comcode
group_id = the group identifier for the
cable grouping to which this cable
comcode = the comcode for the cable
a, b = coordinates that identify the
location of the sub-module within the
F = front of the frame
x = the port number, 51 - 66


6 Connect the opposite ends of the cables to the corresponding ports 51-66 on the FIP.
Ethernet switch A expansion cables connect to the lower FIP. Ethernet switch B expansion
cables connect to the upper FIP.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-119
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

Upgrade a 410S/810S server for CP2500

Before a CP2500 CPU can be added to an MM-AP 410S/810S server, the server must be
verified for CP2500 CPU compatibility. If not compatible, it must be upgraded. And the
MFFU fuse that supports the server must be upgraded.

Note: The system must be running software Release 29.0 or later to use CP2500

This upgrade section applies to a 410S or 810S server in an R1SR frame. New growth
servers or existing servers for UNC frames come standard as CP2500-compatible. So no
upgrade is necessary for UNC servers.
This upgrade section is applicable to the following new growth situations:
• “Add an MM-AP 4x0S server” (p. 9-13) -- A new server is shipped as CP2500-
compatible. But it should be checked for CP2500 compatibility before using.
• “Add a satellite MM-AP to a 410S/810S server” (p. 9-71) -- A CP2500 satellite CPU
can be grown into an existing 410S/810S server. The server must be verified/upgraded
for CP2500 compatibility before using. If the drawer host CPU is a CP2500 CPU, the
server should already be CP2500-compatible.
• “Add a second satellite MM-AP to a 410S server” (p. 9-107) -- A CP2500 satellite
CPU can be used to replace an existing combo or carrier card in a 410S server. The
server must be verified/upgraded for CP2500 compatibility before using. If the drawer
host CPU and/or first satellite CPU is a CP2500 CPU, the server should already be

This section contains the following procedure:

Procedure 9-27: Check/replace the hard disk drive

Procedure 9-28: Check/replace the fan trays
Procedure 9-29: Add Air Management Filler cards
Procedure 9-30: Check/upgrade the MFFU fuse

9-120 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-27: Check/replace the hard disk drive

Procedure 9-27: Check/replace the hard disk drive

The hard disk drive used in a server that houses a CP2500 host CPU must be compatible
with the CP2500 CPU.

Note: Installing a CP2500 satellite CPU does not require a CP2500-compatible hard
disk drive. In this case, this procedure can be skipped. Continue with Procedure 9-28,
“Check/replace the fan trays” (p. 9-123).

Do the following for a CP2500 host CPU:

1 Check the hard disk drive for a label marking the disk as CP2500-compatible. If you do
not see this label, the drive may still be CP2500-compatible. To verify that it is or is not,
enter the following command from the server’s host CPU as root (see “Recommend su to
access special logins” (p. 4-6)):
Result: Among the list of bundles you may see the following two bundles:
The date of these bundles, shown at the start of their file names, may be different.

2 Are these two bundles shown in your output from the flxbuninfo command?

If... then...
yes verify that these bundles are installed and committed
by entering the following command:
flxpkginfo -c | grep FMSregldn
If the result shows:
• FMSregldn version 2.2, the drive is CP2500-
compatible. You can skip to Procedure 9-28,
“Check/replace the fan trays” (p. 9-123).
• an earlier version, then install and commit the new
bundles using the SUA GUI. Then request
assistance from technical support. It may be
necessary to regoldenize the disk.
no continue with Step 3.
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-121
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-27: Check/replace the hard disk drive


3 The CP2500 bundles are part of Golden Image Version 2.2. Golden Image Version 2.2 can
be downloading from ALED using the SUA GUI. Use the SUA GUI to load, install,
activate, and commit the CP2500 bundles (shown as GLD.2.2) for the host MM-AP.

Note: Once the CP2500 bundles are commited, request help from technical support
to regoldenizing a hard disk drive.

4 Continue with Procedure 9-28, “Check/replace the fan trays” (p. 9-123).

9-122 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-28: Check/replace the fan trays

Procedure 9-28: Check/replace the fan trays

The CP2500 CPU requires more cooling than the CP2140 and CP2160 CPUs. It is
essential that both fan trays are variable rate/high speed fan trays.

Do the following:

1 If the server is not installed, simply remove both fan trays to verify their type. If the server
is ACTIVE, log into the MM-AP console via the alarm card (or log in directly to host
MM-AP) as root (see “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)) and enter the
following command:
flxfru fan

Note: For flxfru options, refer to “flxfru” (p. B-88).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-123
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-28: Check/replace the fan trays

Result: Sample output is shown below:

ap281:root > flxfru fan
Reply from server ap281:
FRU information for FAN 1:
Cust_Data : Customer Data
Sun_Part_No : 5407115
Initial_HW_Rev_Level : 51
Initial_HW_Dash_Level : 01

Vendor_Name : Celestica (012c)

Sun_Serial_No : MY008D
Reply from server ap281:
FRU information for FAN 2:
Cust_Data : Customer Data
Sun_Part_No : 5407115
Initial_HW_Rev_Level : 51
Initial_HW_Dash_Level : 01
Vendor_Name : Celestica (012c)
Sun_Serial_No : MY00C6
ap281:root >
Result: Output will show FANTRAY-HISPEED if the fan tray is CP2500-compatible.
Check output for both fan trays. They both must be CP2500-compatible.

2 If HISPEED fan trays are required, order the following:

• For a 810S server, order part #5406419 (as known as the variable rate/high speed fan
• For a 410S server, order part #5407115 (as known as the variable rate/high speed fan

9-124 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-28: Check/replace the fan trays


3 Use “Replace a fan tray” (p. 8-263) to install the fan trays. Then return here to the next

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-125
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-29: Add Air Management Filler cards

Procedure 9-29: Add Air Management Filler cards

The CP2500 CPU requires more cooling than the CP2140 and CP2160 CPUs. It is
essential that any empty slots in the server be covered with Air Management Filler cards.

Do the following:

1 Determine the number of Air Management Filler cards needed.


2 Order additional cards, if necessary.


3 Install the cards in the server. Then return here to the next procedure.

9-126 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-30: Check/upgrade the MFFU fuse

Procedure 9-30: Check/upgrade the MFFU fuse

The standard MFFU fuse for a 410S/810S server in an R1SR cabinet is rated 10 AMP. To
be CP2500-compatible, it must be rated 15 AMP.

Do the following.

1 Use “Replace an MFFU fuse” (p. 8-336) to check, and if necessary upgrade the MFFU
fuse. Then return to the appropriate growth procedure:
• “Add an MM-AP 4x0S server” (p. 9-13)
• “Add a satellite MM-AP to a 410S/810S server” (p. 9-71)
• “Add a second satellite MM-AP to a 410S server” (p. 9-107)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-127
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

Upgrade a 400S drawer host CPU from a

CP1500 to a CP2140
This section provides procedures for upgrading a CP1500 drawer host CPU in a 400S
server that is running the MM-HVLR application to a CP2140 drawer host CPU.

Note: Alcatel-Lucent does not support upgrading a CP1500 drawer host CPU to a
CP2500 drawer host CPU. Nor does Alcatel-Lucent support upgrading a CP2140
drawer host CPU or CP2160 satellite CPU to a CP2500 CPU.

When you upgrade a drawer host CPU from a model CP1500 to a model CP2140, you
perform the following procedures:
1. Prepare the target server for the upgrade (remove the MM-HVLR application from
service and run the hvlr2cpu command).
2. Replace the model CP1500 host CPU card with a model CP2140 host CPU card.
Note that you do not replace the existing CPU RTM. It will work with the new CPU card.

Required materials
You need a model CP2140 drawer host CPU upgrade kit to upgrade a host CPU from a
model CP1500 to a model CP2140. The upgrade kit includes the following components:
• a model CP2140 drawer host CPU card
• XCP2040-TRM RTM (not used in this upgrade).

Note: The model CP2140 drawer host CPU card that is included in the upgrade kit is
set at the factory for use in an R1 drawer. If you use a model CP2140 drawer host CPU
card from an R2 drawer, not from the upgrade kit, for the drawer host CPU upgrade
procedure, the drawer type, as reported by uname -i, will not be correctly updated
automatically. You must reset the drawer type manually. Failure to do so may result in
rolling reboots or a system dump.

9-128 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

This section includes the following procedures:

Procedure 9-31: Prepare the 400S server for the upgrade

Procedure 9-32: Replace the drawer host CPU card
Procedure 9-33: Back out the drawer host CPU upgrade

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-129
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-31: Prepare the 400S server for the upgrade

Procedure 9-31: Prepare the 400S server for the upgrade

Perform this procedure to prepare a 400S server that is running the MM-HVLR
application for upgrade from a model CP1500 to a model CP2140.

This procedure removes the MM-HVLR application from service. If the target server is
running the last active MM-HVLR application in the system and you remove the MM-
HVLR application from service unconditionally, this procedure could result in a loss of
call processing.

This procedure typically takes 45 minutes to perform.

Related documentation
See “hvlr2cpu” (p. B-101) in Appendix B, “Command reference”,” for details about the
hvlr2cpu command.

To prepare the target 400S server for the CPU upgrade, perform the following steps:

1 Establish a remote console session to the target 400S server through its alarm card from
the LMT and become root (see “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)).
Reference: See “Telnet to a server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27).

2 Access the TICLI interface, as follows:


3 Inhibit the MM-HVLR application, as follows:


4 Remove the target 400S server from service, as follows:


9-130 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-31: Prepare the 400S server for the upgrade

a is the logical number of the target 400S server

Result: On successful completion of this command, the MM-HVLR application will

be in the OOS-MANUAL state.

5 Exit the TICLI interface, as follows:


6 From the UNIX prompt of the target 400S server, check the current hardware level of the
drawer host CPU by executing the following command as root or as System
hvlr2cpu -c
Result: Before upgrading the drawer host CPU to the model CP2140, the hvlr2cpu
-c command returns the following output:
R1 HVLR CPU installed.

7 From the UNIX prompt of the target 400S server, make the software changes required for
the model CP2140 CPU by executing the following command:
hvlr2cpu -r
Result: The hvlr2cpu command takes the target 400S server offline and instructs
you to power off the server and replace the model CP1500 drawer host CPU with the
model CP2140 drawer host CPU from the upgrade kit.

Note: Do not replace the CPU card at this point.

Example: The an example of the output generated by the hvlr2cpu -r command is

shown in “hvlr2cpu” (p. B-101).

8 Proceed to “Replace the drawer host CPU card” (p. 9-132) to power down the server and
replace the model CP1500 CPU with the model CP2140 CPU from the upgrade kit.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-131
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-32: Replace the drawer host CPU card

Procedure 9-32: Replace the drawer host CPU card

Perform this procedure to replace a model CP1500 drawer host CPU card with a model
2140 drawer host CPU card.

The server must be powered down before replacing the drawer host CPU card. If the server
is running the last active MM-HVLR application in the system, this procedure could result
in a loss of call processing.

This procedure typically takes 15 minutes to perform.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure the following:
• Other servers in the system running the MM-HVLR application are operating

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a No. 1 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required materials
This procedure requires a model CP2140 drawer host CPU upgrade kit.

Note: The model CP2140 drawer host CPU that is included in the upgrade kit differs
from the model CP2140 drawer host CPU that is used in 410S servers in the following
• It has no PMC.
• It has a blue key on the J4 connector.
The model CP2140 that is used in 410S servers has no key on the J4 connector.
See Figure 8-8, “Model CP2140 CPU card” (p. 8-162) for a photograph of the
model CP2140 with no PMC. See Figure 9-4 for the location of the J4 connector at
the rear of the model 2140 CPU and Figure 9-5 for the location of the key on the J4
connector at the rear of the card.
9-132 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-32: Replace the drawer host CPU card

Figure 9-4 .Model CP2140 drawer host CPU connectors

Figure 9-5 Model CP2140 drawer host CPU J4 connector

Note: The model CP2140 drawer host CPU that is included in the upgrade kit is set
at the factory for use in an R1 drawer. If you use a model CP2140 CPU from an R2
drawer, not from the upgrade kit, for the host CPU upgrade procedure, the drawer type,
as reported by uname -i, will not be correctly updated automatically. You must reset
the drawer type manually. Failure to do so may result in rolling reboots or a system

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-133
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-32: Replace the drawer host CPU card

To replace a model CP1500 host CPU card with a model 2140 host CPU card, perform the
following steps:

1 Power off the server.

Reference: Perform Step 11 through Step 13 of the procedure “Power down a
server” (p. 8-27).

2 Attach an antistatic wrist strap.


3 Locate the host CPU card.

Note: The CPU card is located in slot 1 in an 8x0S server and slot 3 in a 4x0S server.

4 Carefully unplug any cables connected to the host CPU card.


5 Remove the card. Refer to “Circuit card removal” (p. 8-18).


6 Install the upgrade CPU card. Refer to “Circuit card removal” (p. 8-18).

7 Power on the server.

Reference: Perform Step 1 through Step 9 of the procedure “Power up a server”
(p. 8-36).”

8 Verify that the CPU card LEDs on the system status panel are lit properly.
The green Power LED for the CPU will blink for a moment while the CPU is going
through power-on self test (POST). Then, the green Power LED should go On solid. This
indicates the CPU card is functioning properly.

9-134 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-32: Replace the drawer host CPU card

Result: The hvlr2cpu command confirms that you have the correct (upgraded) CPU
type, reactivates the FMScgtp, NGNcgtp, and NGNsetup packages to update the
system view of the CPU type, and brings the server back online.

9 Recheck the current hardware level of the drawer host CPU. Enter the following command
as root or as System Administrator:
hvlr2cpu -c
Result: After upgrading the drawer host CPU to the model CP2140, the hvlr2cpu -
c command returns the following output:
R2 HVLR CPU installed.

10 Did the output of the hvlr2cpu command in Step 9 confirm that the CPU has been

If... then...
yes continue with Step 11
hvlr2cpu -c returns the You have installed the wrong model
following error message: CPU.
R1 HVLR CPU Do not proceed to Step 11 until you have
installed, expected re-run the command, including replacing
R2 HVLR CPU...failed the model CP1500 CPU with a model
to ugprade to R2 2140 CPU.
hvlr2cpu -c returns the You have installed the wrong model
following error message: CPU.
Ethernet interface Do not proceed to Step 11 until you have
improperly re-run the command, including replacing
configured. the model CP1500 CPU with a model
2140 CPU.
If you continue to get the same error
message, call customer technical support
for assistance.
hvlr2cpu -c returns the You have installed the correct model
following error message: CPU, however, the hardware type
Call WTSC to clear associated with the CPU is incorrect, for
up CPU type problem. example, from prior use in a 410S server.
Call customer technical support for

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-135
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-32: Replace the drawer host CPU card


11 Execute the following command to determine whether the EINE link associated with this
MM-AP is active:
ping ein

12 Did the ping test succeed?

If... then...
yes skip to Step 14
no continue with Step 13 to restore the EINE


13 From the ECP Craft Shell (or the ECP Status Display Page 1106), restore the EINE link
associated with this MM-AP by executing the following command:
xx is the ring group number that you identified in “Required
information” (p. 8-27) when you powered down the server (on
the EMS GUI AP Status Page, the first of the two numbers in
the lower half of the EIN link icon, xx:yy)
yy is the ring member number that you identified in “Required
information” (p. 8-27) when you powered down the server (on
the EMS GUI AP Status Page, the first of the two numbers in
the lower half of the EIN link icon, xx:yy)


14 At the MM-AP’s UNIX shell prompt, enter the following command as root or as System
Administrator to bring the MM-AP online:
Result: The MM-AP reboots and restarts MM-AP platform and application software.
If you had a remote console connection to the MM-AP through its alarm card, you see
boot messages from the MM-AP followed by a login prompt. If you were logged in
directly to the MM-AP, you lose your connection and are then prompted to log in.

15 Restore the MM-HVLR application by executing the following command:

9-136 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-32: Replace the drawer host CPU card

a is the logical number of the target 400S server

Result: On successful completion of this command, the MM-HVLR application will

be in the ACTIVE maintenance state.

16 Check the status of the MM-AP; to do this, press the Alarms button on the EMS AP Status
Page or enter the following command at the TICLI:
a is the logical identifier of the MM-AP that you are repairing


17 Resolve any alarms identified by the OP:AP a, ALARM command.


18 Use the AUTOPLEX(R) System 1000 ECP Access menu (under the AUTOPLEX(R) OMP
Technician menu) or enter the following command from an ECP UNIX/RTR terminal to
access the ECP RC/V subsystem:

Note: Accessing the apxrcv subsystem from the AUTOPLEX(R) OMP Technician
menu is preferable because it reduces the overhead on the ECP.

19 At the Enter Form Name: prompt, enter


20 Enter u to initiate an Update operation and then update the following field in the apeqp
• FMS Hardware Type (400S_2GB for a 400S server with a CP2140 CPU)

21 Enter u to update the apeqp form.


22 Enter < to exit apxrcv. Continue to enter < until the shell prompt is displayed.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-137
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-32: Replace the drawer host CPU card

Result: The upgraded MM-AP is displayed as an icon on the EMS GUI, and the MM-
AP is shown in the ISOLATED state.

23 Take the CPU RTM that comes with the upgrade kit and store it according to local

9-138 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-33: Back out the drawer host CPU upgrade

Procedure 9-33: Back out the drawer host CPU upgrade

Perform this procedure to back out the upgrade of a drawer host CPU from a model
CP2140 to a model CP1500.

Indicators to perform
State the alarms, messages, or other indicators that inform the user that this procedure
should be performed.

The server must be powered down before replacing the drawer host CPU and drawer host
CPU RTM. If the server is running the last active MM-HVLR application in the system,
this procedure could result in a loss of call processing.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure the following:
• The mate server is operating correctly.

Required tools
To perform this procedure requires the following tools.
• a No. 1 Phillips screwdriver
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required materials
This procedure requires the following components:
• a model CP1500 drawer host CPU card

To back out the upgrade of a drawer host CPU from a model CP2140 to a model CP1500,
perform the following steps:

1 Perform Step 1 through Step 6 of the procedure “Prepare the 400S server for the upgrade”
(p. 9-130).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-139
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-33: Back out the drawer host CPU upgrade

Result: When backing out the upgrade, the hvlr2cpu -c command in Step 6 of the
procedure returns output similar to the following:
R2 HVLR CPU installed.

2 Back out the interface changes that you made to support the model CP2140 CPU by
executing the following command as root or as System Administrator:
hvlr2cpu -b
Result: The hvlr2cpu command takes the target 400S server offline and instructs
you to power off the server and replace the model CP2140 drawer host CPU with the
model CP1500 drawer host CPU.

Example: The following is an example of the output generated by the hvlr2cpu -b

Taking server ap34 offline...

Waiting up to 360 seconds for ap34 to be taken offline...

Oct 18 15:24:26 ap34 qfe: SUNW,qfe0: 10 Mbps half duplex link up - internal
Server ap34 was successfully taken offline.
Power down the CPU, replace the existing R2 CPU with an R1 CPU
and then restore power to replaced CPU.
Oct 18 15:25:01 ap34 halt: halted by root
ap34:root > Oct 18 15:25:01 ap34 rpcbind: rpcbind terminating on signal.
Oct 18 15:25:01 ap34 syslogd: going down on signal 15
Oct 18 15:25:01 rpc.metad: Terminated
syncing file systems... done
Program terminated


3 Perform the procedure “Replace the drawer host CPU card” (p. 9-132) to remove the
model CP2140 drawer host CPU card and install a model CP1500 drawer host CPU card.

Note: Note the following changes when using “Replace the drawer host CPU card”
(p. 9-132) to back out the CPU upgrade:
• The card that you are removing is a model CP2140 CPU.
• The card that you are installing is a model CP1500 CPU.
• The hvlr2cpu command confirms that you have the correct (backed out) CPU type.
9-140 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-33: Back out the drawer host CPU upgrade

• Only proceed directly to Step 13 if the output of the hvlr2cpu command from Step 8
confirms that you have the correct (backed out) CPU type.
In addition, the following error message

R1 HVLR CPU installed, expected R2 HVLR CPU...failed to ugprade to R2 CPU.

is replaced by the error message

R2 HVLR CPU installed, expected R1 HVLR CPU...failed to revert back to R1


In Step 9, the hvlr2cpu -c command returns the following output:

R1 HVLR CPU installed.

In Step 20, set the apeqp field FMS Hardware Type to 400S.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-141
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Overview

Convert a non-DNFS Host to a DNFS Host

(410S servers only)
This section contains the procedure to convert a non-DNFS Host MM-AP to a DNFS Host
MM-AP. You must perform this procedure for each 410S server in the target MM-AP pair.

Required interfaces
The following interfaces are used to convert a non-DNFS Host MM-AP to a DNFS Host
• ECP Recent Change/Verify (apxrcv) subsystem, which can be accessed from
– the AUTOPLEX(R) System 1000 ECP Access menu (under the AUTOPLEX(R) OMP
Technician menu)
– an ECP UNIX/RTR terminal
• OMC-RAN or EMS Graphical User Interface (GUI)
• MS Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT), which provides the
– UNIX shell command line

Required data forms

The following ECP RC/V database form must be populated for the database configuration
files to add an MM-AP:

Note: When inserting or updating an apeqp form for a processor in an R1SR frame,
you will receive a warning or an error if the host processor’s logical number does not
fall within the range for other processors with the same slot number in the frame. You
will receive a warning for a host processor; you will receive an error for a satellite

9-142 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-34: Convert a non-DNFS Host to a DNFS Host
(410S servers only)

Procedure 9-34: Convert a non-DNFS Host to a DNFS Host

(410S servers only)
Use this procedure to convert a non-DNFS Host MM-AP to a DNFS Host MM-AP. You
must perform this procedure for both 410S servers in the target MM-AP pair.

This procedure typically takes about 2-1/2 hours to perform.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure the following:
• You have moved, degrown, or disabled all applications on the MM-AP that you want
to convert. (DNFS Host MM-APs cannot run any other application.)
• It is recommended that the hard disk drive be regoldenized before the server is put
back into service. The procedures to install the Golden Image Restoration package are
provided in Appendix F, “Installing the golden image restoration package”. But the
procedures that use this package to regoldenize a disk must be performed by Alcatel-
Lucent personnel.

Related information
To move, degrow, or disable the applications, refer to the following:

Source for moving,

MM application degrowing/disabling
MM-CDN MM Applications OA&M (401-710-
MM-RCS RCS & FMM-RCS OA&M (401-710-
MM-RDBU contact Alcatel-Lucent customer
technical support
MM-SS7/MM-DLN FMM-SS7/DLN OA&M (401-710-205)
MM-TR contact Alcatel-Lucent customer
technical support

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-143
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-34: Convert a non-DNFS Host to a DNFS Host
(410S servers only)

Required information
When converting a non-DNFS Host MM-AP pair to a DNFS Host MM-AP pair, you will
need the following information. Record the results.
a. Log into an 8x0S server on the same dual-rail LAN as the MM-AP that you want
to convert [see Chapter 3, “Access MM-AP components” for more information].
b. Identify the version number of the NGN bundle by looking into the
/var/spool/ap/pkg/contents/MM-AP/<load>.contents file on the OMP for the MM
load installed on the mate MM-AP.
The NGN bundle looks similar to 20070329aAP28.0.0002_NGN.bun.
c. Identify the version number of the COM bundle by looking into the
/var/spool/ap/pkg/contents/MM-AP/<load>.contents file on the OMP for the MM
load installed on the mate MM-AP.
The COM bundle looks similar to 20070326aAP28.0.0002_COM.bun.
d. Identify the version number of the DLC bundle by looking into the
/var/spool/ap/pkg/contents/MM-AP/<load>.contents file on the OMP for the MM
load installed on the mate MM-AP.
Example: The DLC bundle looks similar to 20050701dAP25.0.0000_DLC.bun.


To convert a non-DNFS Host MM-AP to a DNFS Host MM-AP, perform the following

1 Remove the MM-AP from service; to do this, press the Remove button on the Element
Management System (EMS) AP Status Page or execute the following command at the
• From the OMC-RAN TI Wizard, use the RMV AP poke command or use the OMC-
RAN TICLI to enter the command below.
• On the EMS AP Status Page, press the Restore button.
• Enter the following command at the TICLI:
a is the MM-AP number.

Result: On the EMS Graphical User Interface (GUI), the MM-AP is displayed as

9-144 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-34: Convert a non-DNFS Host to a DNFS Host
(410S servers only)


2 At the MM-AP UNIX shell prompt, enter the following command as root or as System
Administrator to take the MM-AP offline:
Result: The MM-AP does not reboot but takes the MM-AP offline and stops all
platform software.

Reprovision the MM-AP in the RC/V database


3 Access the ECP Recent Change and Verify (RC/V) subsystem; to do this, use the ECP
Access menu (under the Flexent OMP Technician menu) or enter the following
command from an ECP UNIX/RTR terminal:

4 At the Enter Form Name: prompt, enter


5 Type d to initiate a Delete operation and populate the following field on the apeqp form:
• Application Processor (AP) Number: Enter the MM-AP number.

6 Type d to delete the form.


7 Type < to return to the Enter Form Name: prompt.

Result: The MM-AP icon disappears from the EMS status pages.


8 Does the MM-AP that you are converting have a dedicated EINE?

If... then...
no skip to Step 10
yes continue with Step 9

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-145
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-34: Convert a non-DNFS Host to a DNFS Host
(410S servers only)

Remove the Ethernet Interface Node Enhanced (EINE) from service


9 From the ECP Maintenance Terminal (MCRT), enter the following command:
RMV:LNxx yy
xx the ring group number
yy the node number


10 At the Enter Form Name: prompt, enter


11 Enter i to initiate an Insert operation and then populate the following fields in the apeqp
• Application Processor (AP) Number
This is the MM-AP logical number.

Note: If you are converting the second MM-AP of the MM-AP pair, remember that
mated processors' logical numbers must be N/N+1 where N is odd.
• Frame Type (sr for model 2215 R1SR frames, unv8 for UNC growth frame)
• Frame Number for AP [If this is the first AP in the frame, enter a value in the range
1-40; if Frame Type is ngn6 or ngn8, the recommended value is (AP Number/10) +
1. If this is not the first AP in the frame, enter the frame number that was given to the
first AP in the frame.]
• Drawer Number for AP
• Slot Number for AP (must = 3)
• DNFS Host AP (must = y)
• FMS Hardware Type (410HST_T1_CC, 410HST_2500, 410HST_2500_T1,
410HST_2500_CC, 410HST_CC, etc.)

12 Enter i to insert the apeqp form.


13 Enter < to exit apxrcv. Continue to enter < until the shell prompt is displayed.
Result: The new MM-AP is displayed as an icon on the EMS GUI, and the MM-AP is
shown in the ISOLATED state.
9-146 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-34: Convert a non-DNFS Host to a DNFS Host
(410S servers only)


14 Designate the drawer host of the MM-AP as a DNFS Host by executing the following
applatconfig -s apxxy -a dnfshost [-g]
xxy is the same as a from Step 1.
-g use the insecure protocol, regardless of security configuration
during AP growth, disk replacement, or frame growth

Result: The applatconfig command generates the following output:

Added resource: APTYPE DNFSHOST

15 From the OMP, transfer the bundle(s) that you identified in “Required information”
(p. 9-144) to the MM-AP. [The bundle(s) should already exist on the OMP.]
appkgtrans -p bundle -S apxxy [-g]
xxy is the same as a from Step 1.
-g use the insecure protocol, regardless of security configuration
during AP growth, disk replacement, or frame growth

appkgtrans -p bundle -S ap36
Result: The following prompt is generated:
AP package transfer makes heavy use of the TCP/IP network and may
therefore affect performance. AP package transfer should be
performed during an off-peak period.

Do you want to continue [no]:


16 At that prompt, enter yes.

Result: A prompt similar to the following is generated:
The following bundle packages are ready for transfer:
1) 20070326aAP28.0.0002_COM.bun
2) 20070329aAP28.0.0002_NGN.bun
3) 20050701dAP25.0.0000_DLC.bun
Enter the menu number of the bundle package to send to ap36:
(choose the desired bundle)
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-147
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-34: Convert a non-DNFS Host to a DNFS Host
(410S servers only)


17 Enter the menu number of the NGN bundle that you identified in “Required information”
(p. 9-144).
Result: The following prompt is generated:
Enter the login on apxxy [root]:
(If the bundle that you identified in Step d of “Required information” (p. 9-144) is not
listed as a selectable item in Step 16, you will need to reload it onto the OMP from tape.)

18 Select the default login (root) (see “Recommend su to access special logins” (p. 4-6)) by
pressing Enter.
Result: A prompt similar to the following is generated:
Enter the password for root on apxxy:

19 Enter the password for root.

Result: You will see output similar to the following:
Transfer of version 20050701dAP25.0.0000_NGN of the bundle package to ap36
beginning at Tue Nov 16 10:22:12 CST 2004
Transfer of version 20050701dAP25.0.0000_NGN of the bundle package to ap36
completed successfully at Tue Nov 16 10:24:56 CST 2004!
2137398 blocks.

20 If necessary, repeat Step 15 through Step 19 for the COM bundle and DLC bundle.

21 Do one of the following:

Option 1 Option 2
Log in to MM-AP as root. Log in to MM-AP as System Administrator.

9-148 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-34: Convert a non-DNFS Host to a DNFS Host
(410S servers only)

• Continue with Step 22 Enter the following commands:

through Step 25 /flx/bin/managebun -r YYYYMMDD..._NGN.bun
or /flx/bin/managebun -r YYYYMMDD..._COM.bun
• Run the managebun /flx/bin/managebun -r YYYYMMDD..._DLC.bun
commands at the right. For example:
/flx/bin/managebun -r 20081215AP32.0.0.0001_NGN.bun
/flx/bin/managebun -r 20081215AP32.0.0.0001_COM.bun
/flx/bin/managebun -r 20081215AP32.0.0.0001_DLC.bun
Then skip to Step 26. Then skip to Step 26.


22 From the MM-AP that you are converting, ensure that the bundle(s) that you want to
install is executable by executing the following commands:
cd /var/flx/bun

chmod +x 200*.bun
Result: This makes all bundles executable.


23 From the MM-AP that you are converting, re-execute the NGN bundle [the bundle that
you identified in “Required information” (p. 9-144)], as follows:

cd /var/flx/bun

Result: The FMSdlc and NGNdlc packages of the NGN bundle are installed on the
DNFS Host.

24 From the MM-AP that you are converting, re-execute the COM bundle [the bundle that
you identified in “Required information” (p. 9-144)], as follows:

cd /var/flx/bun

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-149
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-34: Convert a non-DNFS Host to a DNFS Host
(410S servers only)

Result: The packages of the COM bundle are installed on the DNFS Host.


25 Execute the DLC bundle [the bundle that you identified in “Required information”
(p. 9-144)], as follows:

Result: The DLC bundle and all of the packages that it contains are automatically
installed. If executing the bundle returns an error message, call Customer Technical

26 Activate the FMSdlc and NGNdlc packages of the NGN bundle and the packages in the
COM and DLC bundle as root or as System Administrator.
flxactivate -vr
Result: The server reboots, possibly multiple times, during this step. As the server is
rebooting, flxactivate processing continues although messages may not appear on
the console. This reboot and its corresponding flxactivate processing takes about
8 minutes.

27 Re-establish your local console connection to the MM-AP through its alarm card from the

28 Check the status of flxactivate processing by executing the following command as

root or as System Administrator:

9-150 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-34: Convert a non-DNFS Host to a DNFS Host
(410S servers only)

Result: If flxactivate has finished processing, it returns output similar to the

flxactivate started at Fri Jul 29 08:50:59 2005
flxactivate completed successfully at Fri Jul 29 08:58:17 2005

If flxsustatus shows that

flxactivate... Then...
Has completed continue with Step 29
Has not completed wait about 60 minutes and repeat Step 28.
If after repeating Step 28 2 or 3 times the
response is still the same, call technical
support for assistance.
Notes: Do not proceed with Step


29 Reinstall the ngn_platform package. Enter the following ccommand as root or as

System Administrator:
apinstall -p ngn_platform -v mmapversion
mmapversion the MM-AP platform version that you identified in
“Required information” (p. 9-44)


30 Reactivate the ngn_platform package. Enter the folowing command as root or as

System Administrator:
apactivate -p ngn_platform

31 Does the MM-AP that you are converting have a dedicated EINE?

If... then...
no skip to Step 34
yes continue with Step 32

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-151
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-34: Convert a non-DNFS Host to a DNFS Host
(410S servers only)


32 From the ECP Maintenance Terminal (MCRT), enter the following command to restore
the EINE to service:
xx the ring group number that you specified in Step 4 of
“Procedure” (p. 9-121)
yy the node number that you specified in Step 4 on “Procedure”
(p. 9-121)


33 When the EINE is ACTIVE, enter the following command at the

MM-AP shell prompt to verify the MM-AP’s connectivity to the EINE:
ping ein

Note: Wait until the ping command succeeds. This may take up to 2 minutes. (For
complete information on ping command responses, or if the ping fails, press Ctrl-C
to exit the ping command and refer to Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”.”)

34 At the MM-AP shell prompt, execute the following command as root or as System
Administrator to bring the converted MM-AP online.

Note: If the MM-AP that you are converting has a dedicated EINE, this must be
done within 7 - 10 minutes of restoring the EINE (Step 32) or you will need to restore
the EINE again (repeat Step 32).
Result: The MM-AP reboot process starts. While the MM-AP is being brought online
(and the EINE, if applicable, is in service), the MM-AP clock is checked to determine
whether it is out of sync with the ECP clock by more than 5 minutes. If it is, the MM-
AP clock is reset to match the ECP clock and the MM-AP reboots again. If this reboot
occurs (and the MM-AP that you are converting has a dedicated EINE), you do not
have to restore the EINE again.

35 If the MM-AP that you are converting has a dedicated EINE, verify that the EINE is
restored to service from the 1106 Status Display Page (SDP).

9-152 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-34: Convert a non-DNFS Host to a DNFS Host
(410S servers only)


36 If the OMC-RAN GUI or EMS GUI is not already open, launch it from the PC or
workstation designated for this purpose.

37 Verify that the MM-AP is in the OUT-OF-SERVICE-MANUAL (OOS-MANUAL) state

on the OMC-RAN or EMS and in the ACTIVE state on the LMT Emergency Interface

Note: It may take several minutes for the MM-AP to reach the OOS-MANUAL state
after the aponline command is executed in Step 34.

38 Restore the MM-AP to service; do one of the following:

• From the OMC-RAN TI Wizard, use the RST AP poke command or use the OMC-
RAN TICLI to enter the command below.
• Press the Restore button on the EMS AP Status Page.
• Enter the following command at the TICLI:
a the MM-AP number

Result: The MM-AP is restored to the ACTIVE state. (The EMS AP Status Page
reports the MM-AP as ACTIVE.)

39 Repeat Step 1 through Step 38 for the second MM-AP in the MM-AP pair.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 9-153
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Growth, upgrade, and conversion procedures Procedure 9-34: Convert a non-DNFS Host to a DNFS Host
(410S servers only)

9-154 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
10 Degrowth procedures

This chapter provides procedures and supporting concepts and principles for degrowing an
MM-AP 4x0S server or server pair or its managed resources or components.

To perform any MM-APC OA&M procedure that requires you to handle equipment,
adhere to the “Safety precautions for handling MM-AP equipment” (p. 8-14).
A new level of security has been added for accessing RC/V forms. This also impacts NVM
downloads. If you have problems in these areas, contact the site’s security administrator.
In Release 30 and later releases, a new level of security has been added for the following:
• for connections between MM-APs
• for connections from MM-APs to the OMP-FX
This may impact the degrowth procedures. Refer to the site’s security administrator for

Degrowth requirements
Before degrowing, ensure that:
• MM-APs, DS1s, RCSs, etc. are not degrown (or grown) between the time that you
retrofit to a new generic of MM-AP platform software and the time that you commit to
that retrofit (see 401-610-190R30, Software Retrofit Procedures). If you were to back
out the retrofit, any configuration changes that you had made would be lost.
• Degrowing the target MM-AP will not result in having fewer than 5 even EIN MM-
APs or fewer than 5 odd EIN MM-APs.
• Once the degrowth procedure is complete, if you have a frame with all of the following
– does not contain any 800S servers
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 10-1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Degrowth procedures Overview

– does not conatin any 400S servers

– does contain one or more MM-AP 410S servers
– no 410S server is supporting the 1xEVDO application
then the Watch Dog circuit pack BMR 6B on the RCC shelf must be removed to
prevent possible service interruptions. The BMR 6B could power cycle a 410S server
in the middle of a future growth procedure. The BMR 6B should be placed in a spare
circuit pack storage area for possible use in the future. The slot can remain uncovered.
This will not cause a problem.

Order of degrowth procedures

Degrowth procedures are typically performed in the following order. In general, you
remove elements in the reverse order from that in which they are grown in to the MM-
1. Remove one or more cells, as explained in the Cell Site Growth and Degrowth
Procedures (401-610-015) or CDMA Distributed Base Station OA&M (401-703-369)
2. Remove the Radio Cluster Servers (RCSs), as explained in the RCS OA&M document
3. Remove the DS1s.
Remove an MM-AP or pair of MM-APs from an MM-APC per the procedure “Degrow an
MM-AP 4x0S server from an MM-APC” (p. 10-4).

Available interfaces
The following interfaces are used throughout the MM-APC degrowth procedures:
• ECP Recent Change/Verify (apxrcv) subsystem, which can be accessed from
– the Alcatel-Lucent ECP Access menu (under the Alcatel-Lucent OMP Technician
– an ECP UNIX/RTR terminal
Refer to Related documents for important information when growing an MM-AP
server and particularly when growing an MM-AP satellite).
• ECP RC/V Equipment Configuration Database (rcvecd), which can be accessed from
– the Alcatel-Lucent ECP Access menu (under the Alcatel-Lucent OMP Technician
– an ECP UNIX/RTR terminal
• 5ESS® Digital Cellular Switch (DCS) Supplemental Line Trunk Work Station
(SLTWS). The SLTWS is used to access the 5ESS® DCS RC/V subsystem.

10-2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Degrowth procedures Overview

• OMC-RAN or EMS. The OMC-RAN or EMS is used to monitor configuration

changes that result from RC/V insertions or deletions by entering commands from the
• LMT Emergency Interface (EI) and Console Program. These interfaces are used to
control MM-AP module power and to execute MM-AP platform-level commands.

Related documents
For additional degrowth procedures and information about the related RC/V subsystems,
refer to the following documents:
• For RCS degrowth procedures, refer to the RCS OA&M document (401-710-102).
• For cell degrowth procedures, refer to the Cell Site Growth and Degrowth Procedures
(401-610-015) and CDMA Distributed Base Station OA&M (401-703-369).
• For detailed reference information about ECP Equipment Configuration Database
(ECD) forms, refer to the 3B20D and 3B21D Computers UNIX RTR Operating System
Recent Change and Verify Manual (254-303-104).
The degrowth section includes the following:

Procedure 10-1: Degrow an MM-AP 4x0S server from an MM-APC

Procedure 10-2: Degrow a satellite MM-AP from a server

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 10-3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Degrowth procedures Procedure 10-1: Degrow an MM-AP 4x0S server from an

Procedure 10-1: Degrow an MM-AP 4x0S server from an MM-

This section defines the procedure to degrow an MM-AP from an MM-APC. If your
application uses a paired-server configuration, you must perform these procedures for
each MM-AP 4x0S server in the MM-AP pair.

Note: Use this procedure to degrow a 4x0S server where the drawer host is a DNFS
host or where the drawer host is not a DNFS host. Do not use this procedure to degrow
a satellite processor. To degrow a satellite processor, see “Degrow a satellite MM-AP
from a server” (p. 10-12).

Before you begin

Before you begin this procedure, ensure that all applications have been either degrown
from the server (or from the server pair) or have been reassigned to another server or
server pair.
If the server includes one or more satellite MM-APs or is a DNFS host server, degrow the
satellites first. Refer to “Degrow a satellite MM-AP from a server” (p. 10-12).

To degrow an MM-AP or MM-AP pair from an MM-APC, perform the following

1 From the LMT, establish a remote console connection through the alarm card of the 4x0S
server that you want to degrow.
Reference: See “Telnet to a server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27).

2 Is the target server a 410S server and is the CPU in slot 3 either a DNFS Host or drawer

If... then...
no skip to Step 4
yes continue with Step 3

10-4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Degrowth procedures Procedure 10-1: Degrow an MM-AP 4x0S server from an


3 If the target 410S server is a DNFS host, verify that all satellite processors served by this
DNFS host have been degrown. If the target 410S server is a drawer host, verify that all
satellites in the target 4x0S server have been degrown. Enter the following command as
root or as System Administrator:
apdlcdisp -v
Result: There should be no output displayed if the satellites are degrown.


4 Remove the MM-AP from service; do one of the following:

• From the OMC-RAN TI Wizard, use the RMV AP poke command or use the OMC-
RAN TICLI to enter the command below.
• On the EMS AP Status Page, press the Remove button.
• Enter the following command at an appropriate command line interface; EMS CLI or
a= the MM-AP number. (For example, the MM-AP number of the
MM-AP in Slot 3 of MM-AP frame 1 is 3

Result: The MM-AP is displayed as OOS-MANUAL.


5 At the MM-AP UNIX shell prompt, enter the following command as root or as System
Administrator to take the MM-AP offline:
Result: The MM-AP does not reboot but takes the MM-AP offline and stops all
platform software.

6 Do one of the following.

If the drawer host in the

target 4x0S server then...
is a DNFS host continue with Step 7
is not a DNFS host but skip to Step 10
supports MM-SS7/MM-DLN

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 10-5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Degrowth procedures Procedure 10-1: Degrow an MM-AP 4x0S server from an

If the drawer host in the

target 4x0S server then...
is not a DNFS host and is skip to Step 13
PMC-less (FMS Hardware
Type 410HST and


7 From the OMP, enter the following command to delete the DNFS resource from the target
4x0S server:
applatconfig [-g] -s remote_MM-AP -r dnfshost

Note: If “Enable Security Configuration Management: APCC Network” field in the

mscsec RC/V form has been set to “y” and “Security Zone Indicators: OMP to MM-
AP SSH Indicator” field in the mscsec RC/V form has been set to “1”, the option “-g”
must be used in this step.
-s remote_MM-AP is the name of the target 4x0S server that is being
-r dnfshost removes the DNFS resource from the target 4x0S
server’s configuration

Result: The applatconfig command generates output similar to the following:

Removed resource: APTYPE DNFSHOST

8 From the target 4x0S server, select the packages for deactivation by entering the following
command as root or as System Administrator:
flxselect -d FMSdlcimg FMSdlcmgt FMSdlcsvr NGNdlcmgt NGNdlcsvr

9 From the target 4x0S server, enter the following commands to remove the software
a. If you are logged in as the System Administrator, run:
/flx/bin/managebun -r yyyymmdd..._COM.bun
/flx/bin/managebun -r yyyymmdd..._NGN.bun

10-6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Degrowth procedures Procedure 10-1: Degrow an MM-AP 4x0S server from an

b. If you are logged in as root, run the same commands as above or run:
cd /var/flx/bun
c. Then as root or as System Administrator run the following commands:
flxactivate -vr
flxcommit -U
flxpkgrm FMSdlcimg FMSdlcmgt FMSdlcsvr NGNdlcmgt NGNdlcsvr
appkgrm -p fms_rcc (this command for R30.0 or earlier only)
appkgrm -p fms_rcc -D default (this command for R30.0 or earlier
d. Enter the following command to verify that the software packages have been
flxcommit FMSdlcimg FMSdlcmgt FMSdlcsvr NGNdlcmgt NGNdlcsvr
Result: You should see the following error, which verifies the software packages are
flxcommit: ERROR: packages not current: FMSdlcimg FMSdlcmgt
FMSdlcsvr NGNdlcmgt NGNdlcsvr FMSlvmgt
e. Once these commands have been entered successfully, skip to Step 13.

10 From the OMP, enter the following command to remove the T1/E1 driver for the
application that was running on it:
applatconfig [-g] -s apxxy -r asset

Note: If “Enable Security Configuration Management: APCC Network” field in the

mscsec RC/V form has been set to “y” and “Security Zone Indicators: OMP to MM-
AP SSH Indicator” field in the mscsec RC/V form has been set to “1”, the option “-g”
must be used in this step.
apxxy is the name of the MM-AP that you want to configure
asset is the name of the T1/E1 driver package that should be
removed from the MM-AP, either NGNdln for the MM-
SS7/MM-DLN application or NGNrcs for the MM-
RCS application
-g use the insecure protocol, regardless of security
configuration during AP growth, disk replacement, or
frame growth

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 10-7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Degrowth procedures Procedure 10-1: Degrow an MM-AP 4x0S server from an

Note: The applatconfig command is case sensitive. Be sure to enter either

NGNdln or NGNrcs exactly as shown. [For more information about the
applatconfig command, see “applatconfig” (p. B-66).]

/omp/bin/applatconfig -s ap51 -r NGNdln

11 From the target 4x0S server, select the T1/E1 driver for deactivation by entering the
following command as root or as System Administrator:
flxselect -d package_name
package_name is the name of the T1/E1 driver to be deactivated
from the MM-AP, either NGNdln for the MM-
SS7/MM-DLN application or NGNrcs for the MM-
RCS application.


12 From the target 4x0S server, enter the following commands as root or as System
Administrator to activate, remove, and commit the software packages:
flxactivate -vr
flxcommit -U
flxpkgrm -p package_name
appkgrm -p fms_rcc (this command for R30.0 or earlier only)
appkgrm -p fms_rcc -D default (this command for R30.0 or earlier
package_name is the name of the T1/E1 driver that should be
removed from the MM-AP, either NGNdln for the
MM-SS7/MM-DLN application or NGNrcs for the
MM-RCS application.

Delete MM-AP equipage


13 Access the ECP Recent Change and Verify (RC/V) subsystem; to do this, use the ECP
Access menu (under the OMP Technician menu) or enter the following command from an
ECP UNIX/RTR terminal:

10-8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Degrowth procedures Procedure 10-1: Degrow an MM-AP 4x0S server from an


14 At the Enter Form Name: prompt, enter


15 Type d to initiate a Delete operation and populate the following field on the apeqp form:
• Application Processor (AP) Number: Enter the MM-AP number.

16 Type d to delete the record.


17 Return to the Enter Form Name: prompt; to do this, press < until the prompt appears.
Result: The MM-AP icon disappears from the EMS status pages.


18 Does the MM-AP that you are degrowing have a dedicated EINE?

If... then...
no skip to Step 25
yes continue with Step 19

Remove the Ethernet Interface Node Enhanced (EINE) from service


19 From the ECP Maintenance Terminal (MCRT), enter the following command:
RMV:LNxx yy
xx = the ring group number
yy = the node number

Delete the associated iun form for the MM-AP


20 At the Enter Form Name: prompt in the apxrcv subsystem, enter


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 10-9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Degrowth procedures Procedure 10-1: Degrow an MM-AP 4x0S server from an


21 Type d to initiate a Delete operation and populate the following fields:

• IMS User Node Group Number
• Member Number

22 Type d to delete the iun record.


23 Exit the apxrcv subsystem; to do this, press < until the shell prompt appears.

24 Remove the Ethernet cable between the MM-AP and EINE.

Wear an appropriate electrostatic discharge (ESD) wrist or heel strap
for this step.

25 At the MM-AP UNIX shell prompt, enter the following command as root or as System
Administrator to disengage the networking capabilities of the MM-AP:
flxname spare
Result: The MM-AP reboots to single–user mode.


26 Log in to the MM-AP as root or as System Administrator (see “Recommend su to access

special logins” (p. 4-6)).

27 At the MM-AP UNIX shell prompt, execute the following commands to shut down the
cd /
shutdown -y -i0 -g0

28 From the MM-AP frame or Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT) Emergency Interface
(EI), power down the MM-AP.

29 Disconnect the cables from the alarm card.

10-10 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Degrowth procedures Procedure 10-1: Degrow an MM-AP 4x0S server from an


30 Disconnect the cables from the CPU rear transition module and from the I/O rear
transition modules (for example, T1/E1 or Combo).
See “CPU rear transition module information” (p. 8-181) and and “I/O rear transition
module information” (p. 8-230) for illustrations of these cables.

31 Remove the I/O rear transition modules (for example, T1/E1, combo, or carrier). Refer to
“Circuit card removal” (p. 8-18). Then return here.

32 Remove the CPU rear transition module. Refer to “Circuit card removal” (p. 8-18). Then
return here.

33 Disconnect the DC input power cable(s) from the DC connectors at the rear of the chassis.
Do not attempt to remove the server from the chassis without first
performing the next step or you might damage certain major system

34 Using a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, loosen the two black captive screws at the top of the
server and the two black captive screws at the bottom of the server that secure the server to
the chassis. Refer to Figure 8-65, “4x0S server captive screws” (p. 8-317).

35 Grasp the flat, vertical, purple handles at the lower left and middle right of the server and
slowly pull the server out of the chassis until the purple server bar at the top of the server is
visible. Refer to Figure 8-67, “400S server handles” (p. 8-319) and Figure 8-69, “410S
server handles” (p. 8-320).

36 With your right hand, grasp the purple bar at the top of the server and completely pull the
server out of the chassis using the flat, vertical handle and the bar.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 10-11
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Degrowth procedures Procedure 10-2: Degrow a satellite MM-AP from a server

Procedure 10-2: Degrow a satellite MM-AP from a server

This section defines the procedure to degrow a satellite processor from a server. If your
application uses a paired-server configuration, you must perform these procedures for
each satellite processor in the satellite pair.

Note: Alcatel-Lucent strongly recommends that degrowth of satellite CPUs be

performed during a maintenance window.

Note: A satellite processor must always be degrown from the DNFS Host that is
providing the disk for the satellite processor.

Before you begin

Before you begin this procedure, ensure that:
• All applications have been degrown from the satellite or satellite pair or have been
reassigned to another satellite or satellite pair.
• You have backed up the DNFS Host CPU that supports the satellite that you are
Reference: See “Back up MM-AP configuration information” (p. 5-6) in Chapter 5,
“System administration”” for instructions on backing up an MM-AP.
• Degrowing the target satellite will not result in having fewer than 5 even EIN MM-APs
or fewer than 5 odd EIN MM-APs.

To degrow a satellite or satellite pair from a server, perform the following procedure.

Remove the satellite processor card


1 If you are not already logged into the satellite to be degrown, establish a remote console
connection to the satellite through the alarm card in the drawer from the LMT.
Reference: See “Telnet to a server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27).

2 Remove the satellite from service; do one of the following:

• From the OMC-RAN TI Wizard, use the RMV AP poke command or use the OMC-
RAN TICLI to enter the command below.
• On the EMS AP Status Page, press the Remove button.
10-12 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Degrowth procedures Procedure 10-2: Degrow a satellite MM-AP from a server

• Enter the following command at an appropriate command line interface; EMS CLI or
a is the satellite logical number.

Result: The satellite is displayed as OOS-MANUAL.


3 At the satellite UNIX shell prompt, enter the following command as root or as System
Administrator to take the satellite offline:
Result: The satellite reboots and is taken offline.


4 Establish a remote console connection to the DNFS Host that supports the satellite that
you want to degrow.
Reference: See Chapter 3, “Access MM-AP components”.

5 Remove the target satellite from the configuration of the DNFS Host by entering the
following command as root or as System Administrator:
apdlcdgrow -n apxxy -y
xxy is the satellite logical number.

Result: The apdlcdgrow command causes the satellite to be powered off. The
/export/root/apxxy directory on the DNFS Host disk is deleted. When this command is
executed for the last satellite, service area 1 (/export/exec/svc1) and service area 2
(/export/exec/svc2) on the DNFS Host disk are emptied.
The apdlcdgrow command generates output similar to the following:

ACTION : Verifying Diskless Client (ap137) is offline...

PROMPT : Proceed with Diskless Client ap137 Degrowth (y or n)? y
ACTION : Removing the Diskless Client ap137.
ACTION : Attempting to Shutdown Diskless Client (ap137)...
ACTION : Powering off (ap137) in AC drawer (ac05) slot (4)...
ACTION : Executing registered pre_dgrow scripts (if any).
ACTION : Removing tftpboot files for Diskless Client ap137.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 10-13
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Degrowth procedures Procedure 10-2: Degrow a satellite MM-AP from a server

ACTION : Removing redundant or outdated /tftpboot files for (

ACTION : Removing DHCP data for Diskless Client.
ACTION : Removing (/export/root/ap137) for Diskless Client ap137.
ACTION : Removing (/export/ap137/app2) for Diskless Client ap137.
ACTION : Removing swap for Diskless Client ap137.
ACTION : Removing the crash directory for Diskless Client ap137.
ACTION : Removing the cores directory for Diskless Client ap137.
ACTION : Removing the flx directory for Diskless Client ap137.
ACTION : Executing registered post_dgrow scripts (if any).
SUCCESS: Removing Diskless Client ap137 Completed.

Delete the satellite equipage


6 Access the ECP Recent Change and Verify (RC/V) subsystem; to do this, use the ECP
Access menu (under the Flexent OMP Technician menu) or enter the following
command from an ECP UNIX/RTR terminal:

7 At the Enter Form Name: prompt, enter


8 Type d to initiate a Delete operation and populate the following field on the apeqp form:
• Application Processor (AP) Number: Enter the satellite logical number.

9 Type d to delete the form.


10 Type < to return to the Enter Form Name: prompt.

Result: The satellite icon disappears from the EMS status pages.


11 Is the satellite that you are degrowing EIN-less?

If... then...
yes skip to Step 18
no continue with Step 12

10-14 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Degrowth procedures Procedure 10-2: Degrow a satellite MM-AP from a server

Remove the Ethernet Interface Node Enhanced (EINE) from service


12 From the ECP Maintenance Terminal (MCRT), enter the following command:
RMV:LNxx yy
xx the ring group number
yy the node number

Delete the associated iun form for the satellite


13 At the Enter Form Name: prompt in the apxrcv subsystem, enter


14 Type d to initiate a Delete operation and populate the following fields:

• IMS User Node Group Number
• Member Number

15 Type d to delete the iun form.


16 Exit the apxrcv subsystem; to do this, press < until the shell prompt appears.

17 Remove the Ethernet cable between the satellite and EINE.

Wear an appropriate electrostatic discharge (ESD) wrist or heel strap
for the next step.

18 Locate the satellite processor card that you want to remove from the server. Refer to
Figure 1-5 and Figure 1-6.

19 Attach the antistatic wrist strap.


20 Remove the card. Refer to “Circuit card removal” (p. 8-18).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 10-15
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Degrowth procedures Procedure 10-2: Degrow a satellite MM-AP from a server


21 Secure a blank filler panel over the empty I/O slots, if necessary.
If you are not going to replace the card right away, you must install a blank filler panel
over the opening to ensure proper airflow in the system (if there are one or more CP2500
CPU cards remaining in the drawer, use an Air Management Filler Card). The slot filler
panel is secured to the card cage using two screws, one at the top of the filler panel, the
other at the bottom.

Remove the satellite processor rear transition module


22 Go to the rear of the server and locate the satellite processor rear transition module.
Figure 1-5 shows the slots available for the satellite processor rear transition modules in a
810S server. Figure 1-6 shows the slots available for the 410S server.

23 Unplug any cables attached to the rear transition module, if necessary.


24 Remove the rear transition module. Refer to “Circuit card removal” (p. 8-18).

25 Secure blank filler panels over the empty I/O slots, if necessary.
If you are not going to replace the cards right away, you must install blank filler panels
over the openings to ensure proper airflow in the system. The slot filler panels are secured
to the card cage using two screws, one at the top of the filler panel, the other at the bottom.

26 Establish a remote connection to the drawer host alarm card of the degrown satellite. Enter
the following command to verify that the degrown slot is shown as empty:
The output for a 410S server will look similar to the following. The degrown satellite slot
should not be listed.
Slot No : Board Type : Power_State : Boot_State
Slot No# 1: Alarm Board:On:Ready
Slot No# 3: CPU Board:On:Ready

10-16 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Degrowth procedures Procedure 10-2: Degrow a satellite MM-AP from a server


27 Establish a remote console connection to the DNFS Host of the degrown satellite.
Reference: See “Telnet to a server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27).

28 Back up the DNFS Host by executing the following command.

Reference: See “Back up MM-AP configuration information” (p. 5-6) for
instructions on backing up an MM-AP.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 10-17
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Degrowth procedures Procedure 10-2: Degrow a satellite MM-AP from a server

10-18 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
A Ethernet switch

This appendix provides illustrations and information for the 10/100 Ethernet switches.

This appendix contains the following:

X450a-48t Ethernet switch

C364T Ethernet switch
P334T Ethernet switch
P333T Ethernet switch
Ethernet switch port assignments for a UNC frame
Ethernet switch port assignments for R1SR frame
Ethernet switch port assignments for R1 frame

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal A- 1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Ethernet switch information X450a-48t Ethernet switch

X450a-48t Ethernet switch

Figure A-1 Front panel of X450a-48t Ethernet switch

Figure A-2 Rear panel of X450a-48t Ethernet switch

A- 2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Ethernet switch information C364T Ethernet switch

C364T Ethernet switch

Figure A-3 Front panel of the C364T Ethernet switch

Figure A-4 Front panel of the C364T Ethernet switch (port numbering)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal A- 3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Ethernet switch information P334T Ethernet switch

P334T Ethernet switch

Figure A-5 Front panel of P334T Ethernet switch without 16-port expansion sub-

Expansion sub-module slot

Figure A-6 Front panel of P334T Ethernet switch with 16-port expansion sub-

16 port expansion sub-module

A- 4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Ethernet switch information P334T Ethernet switch

Figure A-7 P334T Ethernet switch LEDs

Port LEDs

Left/Right & Function 25-48
Reset Switches FIV LEDs

Table A-1 P334T Ethernet switch LED descriptions

Name Description LED Status
PWR Power status OFF – power is off
ON – power is on
Blink – using BUPS only
OPR CPU operation OFF – Module is booting
ON – Normal operation

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal A- 5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Ethernet switch information P334T Ethernet switch

Name Description LED Status
SYS System Status OFF – Module is a slave in a stack
ON – Module is the Master of the stack
and the Octaplane and Redundant cable
are connected correctly.
This LED will also light in Standalone
Blink – Box is the Master of the stack
and the stack is in redundant mode.
25-48 Port Exchange ON- LEDs show activity for ports 25-48
OFF- LEDs show activity for ports 1-24
OFF – Ports 1-24 are displayed in the Port
LEDs, if selected
25-48 Port Display Mode
ON – Ports 25-48 are displayed in the Port
LEDs, if selected

The following Function LEDs apply to ports 1 to 66

LNK Port status OFF – Port disabled
ON – Port enabled and link OK
Blink – Port enabled and the link is
COL Collision OFF – No collision or FDX port
ON – Collision occurred on line
Tx Transmit to line OFF – No transmit activity
ON – Data transmitted on line from the
Rx Receive from line OFF – No receive activity
ON – Data received from the line into
the module
FDX Half/Full Duplex OFF – Half duplex mode
ON – Full duplex mode

A- 6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Ethernet switch information P334T Ethernet switch

Name Description LED Status
FC Symmetric Flow OFF – No Flow Control only and/or
Control while in half duplex mode
ON – Symmetric/Asymmetric Flow
Control mode is enabled and port is in
full duplex mode.
Hspd High Speed 10/1001000
LAG Link Aggregation OFF – No LAG defined for this port
Group (Trunking)
ON – Port belongs to a LAG

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal A- 7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Ethernet switch information P333T Ethernet switch

P333T Ethernet switch

Figure A-8 Front panel of P333T Ethernet switch without 16-port expansion sub-

Figure A-9 Front panel of P333T with 16-port expansion sub-module

A- 8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Ethernet switch information P333T Ethernet switch

Figure A-10 P333T Ethernet switch LEDs

Port LEDs

Left/right & reset switches FIV switch Function LEDs

Figure A-11 P333T Ethernet switch back panel

Table A-2 P333T Ethernet switch LED descriptions

Name Description LED Status
PWR Power status OFF – power is off
ON – power is on
Blink – using BUPS only

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal A- 9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Ethernet switch information P333T Ethernet switch

Name Description LED Status
OPR CPU operation OFF – Module is booting
ON – Normal operation
SYS System Status OFF – Module is a slave in a stack
ON – Module is the Master of the stack
and the Octaplane and Redundant cable
are connected correctly.
This LED will also light in Standalone
Blink – Box is the Master of the stack
and the stack is in redundant mode.
OFF – Ports 1-24 are displayed in the Port
LEDs, if selected
25-48 Port Display Mode
ON – Ports 25-48 are displayed in the Port
LEDs, if selected

The following Function LEDs apply to ports 1 to 66

LNK Port status OFF – Port disabled
ON – Port enabled and link OK
Blink – Port enabled and the link is
COL Collision OFF – No collision or FDX port
ON – Collision occurred on line
Tx Transmit to line OFF – No transmit activity
ON – Data transmitted on line from the
Rx Receive from line OFF – No receive activity
ON – Data received from the line into
the module
FDX Half/Full Duplex OFF – Half duplex mode
ON – Full duplex mode

A- 1 0 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Ethernet switch information P333T Ethernet switch

Name Description LED Status
FC Symmetric Flow OFF – No Flow Control only and/or
Control while in half duplex mode
ON – Symmetric/Asymmetric Flow
Control mode is enabled and port is in
full duplex mode.
Hspd High Speed 10/1001000
LAG Link Aggregation OFF – No LAG defined for this port
Group (Trunking)
ON – Port belongs to a LAG

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal A- 1 1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Ethernet switch information Ethernet switch port assignments for a UNC frame

Ethernet switch port assignments for a UNC frame

The following tables provide the port assignments for the Avaya Cajun C364T Ethernet
switch and the Extreme Networks Summit X450a-48t Ethernet switch within the UNC
frame. Port assignments are the same for both switches unless otherwise noted.

Table A-3 Ethernet switch port assignments for a UNC base frame

Port Ethernet switch A (lower) Ethernet switch B (upper)

Switch Switch-A-CIP Switch-B-CIP
Rear Mgt (C364T = not applicable) (C364T = not applicable)
(X450a-48t = Switch (X450a-48t = Switch
Management) Management)
(C364T = Switch maintenance (C364T = Switch maintenance
port) port)
(X450a-48t = growth) (X450a-48t = growth)
2-4 SWITCH-A-CIP (growth) SWITCH-B-CIP (growth)
8 SWITCH-A-CIP (growth) SWITCH-B-CIP (growth)
12 SWITCH-A-CIP (growth) SWITCH-B-CIP (growth)
(C364T = growth) (C364T = growth)
(X450a-48t = not cabled to (X450a-48t = not cabled to
15-16 SWITCH-A-CIP (growth) SWITCH-B-CIP (growth)
A- 1 2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Ethernet switch information Ethernet switch port assignments for a UNC frame

Port Ethernet switch A (lower) Ethernet switch B (upper)

20 SWITCH-A-CIP (growth) SWITCH-B-CIP (growth)
24 SWITCH-A-CIP (growth) SWITCH-B-CIP (growth)
27-28 SWITCH-A-CIP (growth) SWITCH-B-CIP (growth)
33-35 SWITCH-A-CIP (growth) SWITCH-B-CIP (growth)
39-40 SWITCH-A-CIP (growth) SWITCH-B-CIP (growth)
(C364T = growth) (C364T = growth)
(X450a-48t = not used) (X450a-48t = not used)
47 SWITCH-A-CIP (growth) SWITCH-B-CIP (growth)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal A- 1 3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Ethernet switch information Ethernet switch port assignments for a UNC frame

Port Ethernet switch A (lower) Ethernet switch B (upper)

45x-46x (C364T = not applicable) (C364T = not applicable)
(X450a-48t = 1000Base-SX (X450a-48t = 1000Base-SX
LAG direct to Switch B) LAG direct to Switch A)
47x-48x (C364T = not applicable) (C364T = not applicable)
(X450a-48t = not cabled) (X450a-48t = not cabled)
51-52 (C364T = 1000Base-SX LAG (C364T = 1000Base-SX LAG
direct to Switch B) direct to Switch A)
(X450a-48t = not applicable) (X450a-48t = not applicable)

Table A-4 Ethernet switch port assignments in a UNC growth frame

Port Ethernet switch A (lower) Ethernet switch B (upper)

Switch Switch-A-CIP Switch-B-CIP
Rear Mgt (C364T = not applicable) (C364T = not applicable)
(X450a-48t = Management (X450a-48t = Management
Port) Port)
(C364T = Local maintenance (C364T = Local maintenance
port) port)
(X450a-48t = AV) (X450a-48t = AV)
frame) frame)

A- 1 4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Ethernet switch information Ethernet switch port assignments for a UNC frame

Port Ethernet switch A (lower) Ethernet switch B (upper)

(C364T = AV) (C364T = AV)
(X450a-48t = switch port not (X450a-48t = switch port not
cabled) cabled)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal A- 1 5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Ethernet switch information Ethernet switch port assignments for a UNC frame

Port Ethernet switch A (lower) Ethernet switch B (upper)

45x-48x (C364T = not applicable) (C364T = not applicable)
(X450a-48t = no SFP; unused) (X450a-48t = no SFP; unused)
51-52 (C364T = no SFP; unused) (C364T = no SFP; unused)
(X450a-48t = not applicable) (X450a-48t = not applicable)

A- 1 6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Ethernet switch information Ethernet switch port assignments for R1SR frame

Ethernet switch port assignments for R1SR frame

Table A-5 Ethernet switch port assignments for R1SR base frame

Port Ethernet switch A (lower) Ethernet switch B (upper)

2 Lower FIP (LAG 1) Upper FIP (LAG 1)
3 Lower FIP (LAG 2) Upper FIP (LAG 2)
4 Lower FIP Upper FIP
8 Reserved Reserved
12 Reserved Reserved
13 Lower FIP (OMP) (See Note 1) Upper FIP (OMP) (See Note 1)
14 Lower FIP (See Note 1) Upper FIP (See Note 1)
15 Lower FIP (See Note 1) Upper FIP (See Note 1)
16 Lower FIP (See Note 1) Upper FIP (See Note 1)
20 Reserved Reserved
24 Reserved Reserved

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal A- 1 7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Ethernet switch information Ethernet switch port assignments for R1SR frame

Port Ethernet switch A (lower) Ethernet switch B (upper)

33 Lower FIP (See Note 1) Upper FIP (See Note 1)
34 Lower FIP (See Note 1) Upper FIP (See Note 1)
35 Lower FIP (See Note 1) Upper FIP (See Note 1)
36 Lower FIP (IPGW) Upper FIP (IPGW)
45 Lower FIP (See Note 1) Upper FIP (See Note 1)
46 Lower FIP (See Note 1) Upper FIP (See Note 1)
47 Lower FIP (See Note 1) Upper FIP (See Note 1)
48 Lower FIP (See Note 1) Upper FIP (See Note 1)
51 Lower FIP (12th external Upper FIP (12th external
growth frame) (See Note 1) growth frame) (See Note 1)
52 Lower FIP (13th external Upper FIP (13th external
growth frame) (See Note 1) growth frame) (See Note 1)
53 Lower FIP (14th external Upper FIP (14th external
growth frame) (See Note 1) growth frame) (See Note 1)
54 Lower FIP (15th external Upper FIP (15th external
growth frame) (See Note 1) growth frame) (See Note 1)

A- 1 8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Ethernet switch information Ethernet switch port assignments for R1SR frame

Port Ethernet switch A (lower) Ethernet switch B (upper)

55 Lower FIP (16th external Upper FIP (16th external
growth frame) (See Note 1) growth frame) (See Note 1)
56 Lower FIP (17th external Upper FIP (17th external
growth frame) (See Note 1) growth frame) (See Note 1)
57 Lower FIP (18th external Upper FIP (18th external
growth frame) (See Note 1) growth frame) (See Note 1)
58 Lower FIP (19th external Upper FIP (19th external
growth frame) (See Note 1) growth frame) (See Note 1)
59 Lower FIP (20th external Upper FIP (20th external
growth frame) (See Note 1) growth frame) (See Note 1)
60 Lower FIP (21st external Upper FIP (21st external
growth frame) (See Note 1) growth frame) (See Note 1)
61 Lower FIP (22nd external Upper FIP (22nd external
growth frame) growth frame)
62 Lower FIP (23rd external Upper FIP (23rd external
growth frame) growth frame)
63 Lower FIP (24th external Upper FIP (24th external
growth frame) growth frame)
64 Lower FIP (25th external Upper FIP (25th external
growth frame) growth frame)
Note 1: In an R1SR base frame, it is recommended that the OMP be
connected to port 13. However, it can be connected to any of the following
ports: 13 through 16, 33 through 35, or 51 through 60.

Table A-6 Ethernet switch port assignments for R1SR growth frame

Port Ethernet switch A (lower) Ethernet switch B (upper)

2 Lower FIP (Reserved) Upper FIP (Reserved)
3 Lower FIP (Reserved) Upper FIP (Reserved)
4 Lower FIP (Reserved) Upper FIP (Reserved)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal A- 1 9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Ethernet switch information Ethernet switch port assignments for R1SR frame

Port Ethernet switch A (lower) Ethernet switch B (upper)

13 Lower FIP (base) Upper FIP (base)
14 Lower FIP Upper FIP
15 Reserved Reserved
16 Reserved Reserved
33 Reserved Reserved
34 Reserved Reserved
35 Reserved Reserved
36 Lower FIP (IPGW) Upper FIP (IPGW)

A- 2 0 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Ethernet switch information Ethernet switch port assignments for R1SR frame

Port Ethernet switch A (lower) Ethernet switch B (upper)

45 Lower FIP (Reserved) Upper FIP (Reserved)
46 Lower FIP (Reserved) Upper FIP (Reserved)
47 Lower FIP (Reserved) Upper FIP (Reserved)
48 Lower FIP (Reserved) Upper FIP (Reserved)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal A- 2 1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Ethernet switch information Ethernet switch port assignments for R1 frame

Ethernet switch port assignments for R1 frame

Table A-7 Ethernet switch port assignments for R1 base frame

Port Ethernet switch A Ethernet switch B

1 Lower FIP, port 1 Upper FIP, port 1
2 Lower FIP, port 2 Upper FIP, port 2
10 Lower FIP (1st external growth Upper FIP (1st external growth
frame) (See Note 1) frame) (See Note 1)
11 Lower FIP (2nd external Upper FIP (2nd external growth
growth frame) (See Note 1) frame) (See Note 1)
15 Lower FIP (OMP) (See Note 1) Upper FIP (OMP) (See Note 1)
16 Lower FIP (3rd external growth Upper FIP (3rd external growth
frame) (See Note 1) frame) (See Note 1)
17 Lower FIP (4th external growth Upper FIP (4th external growth
frame) (See Note 1) frame) (See Note 1)
18 Lower FIP (5th external growth Upper FIP (5th external growth
frame) (See Note 1) frame) (See Note 1)
19 Lower FIP (6th external growth Upper FIP (6th external growth
frame) (See Note 1) frame) (See Note 1)
20 Lower FIP (7th external growth Upper FIP (7th external growth
frame) (See Note 1) frame) (See Note 1)
21 Lower FIP (8th external growth Upper FIP (8th external growth
frame) (See Note 1) frame) (See Note 1)

A- 2 2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Ethernet switch information Ethernet switch port assignments for R1 frame

Port Ethernet switch A Ethernet switch B

22 Lower FIP (9th external growth Upper FIP (9th external growth
frame) (See Note 1) frame) (See Note 1)
23 Lower FIP (10th external Upper FIP (10th external
growth frame) (See Note 1) growth frame) (See Note 1)
24 Lower FIP (11th external Upper FIP (11th external
growth frame) (See Note 1) growth frame) (See Note 1)
51 Lower FIP (12th external Upper FIP (12th external
growth frame) growth frame)
52 Lower FIP (13th external Upper FIP (13th external
growth frame) growth frame)
53 Lower FIP (14th external Upper FIP (14th external
growth frame) growth frame)
54 Lower FIP (15th external Upper FIP (15th external
growth frame) growth frame)
55 Lower FIP (16th external Upper FIP (16th external
growth frame) growth frame)
56 Lower FIP (17th external Upper FIP (17th external
growth frame) growth frame)
57 Lower FIP (18th external Upper FIP (18th external
growth frame) growth frame)
58 Lower FIP (19th external Upper FIP (19th external
growth frame) growth frame)
59 Lower FIP (20th external Upper FIP (20th external
growth frame) growth frame)
60 Lower FIP (21st external Upper FIP (21st external
growth frame) growth frame)
61 Lower FIP (22nd external Upper FIP (22nd external
growth frame) growth frame)
62 Lower FIP (23rd external Upper FIP (23rd external
growth frame) growth frame)
63 Lower FIP (24th external Upper FIP (24th external
growth frame) growth frame)
64 Lower FIP (25th external Upper FIP (25th external
growth frame) growth frame)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal A- 2 3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Ethernet switch information Ethernet switch port assignments for R1 frame

Port Ethernet switch A Ethernet switch B

65 Lower FIP (26th external Upper FIP (26th external
growth frame) growth frame)
66 Lower FIP (27th external Upper FIP (27th external
growth frame) growth frame)
Note 1: In an R1 base frame, it is recommended that the OMP be connected
to port 15. However, it can be connected to any of the following ports: 10,
11, or 15 through 24.

Table A-8 Ethernet switch port assignments for R1 growth frame

Port Ethernet switch A Ethernet switch B

1 Lower FIP, port 1 Upper FIP, port 1
2 Lower FIP, port 2 Upper FIP, port 2
16 Lower FIP (base frame) Upper FIP (base frame)
17 Lower FIP Upper FIP
18 Lower FIP Upper FIP
19 Lower FIP Upper FIP
20 Lower FIP Upper FIP
A- 2 4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Ethernet switch information Ethernet switch port assignments for R1 frame

Port Ethernet switch A Ethernet switch B

21 Lower FIP Upper FIP
22 Lower FIP Upper FIP
23 Lower FIP Upper FIP
24 Lower FIP Upper FIP

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal A- 2 5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Ethernet switch information Ethernet switch port assignments for R1 frame

A- 2 6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
B Command reference

This appendix describes commands that are executed from the UNIX shell prompt of a
Mobility Manager Application Processor (MM-AP) to administer MM-AP software. The
description of each MM-AP command provides the following information:
• Syntax. The “Syntax” information specifies the format of the command and the
arguments and options that may or must be entered on the command line to specify
how the command is to execute.
• Typical usage. The “Typical usage” information presents the command line for a
typical execution of the command.
• Description. The “Description” information describes the purpose and result of
executing the command and its various arguments and options. The “Description”
information may also describe the output of the command and how the command
• Example output. The “Example output” information shows the output of a sample
execution of the command.

Note: For a description of TICLI commands such as RMV, refer to the Input
Messages Manual, 401-610-055.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference Overview

The appendix includes manual pages for the following commands:


B- 2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference Overview


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference apappconfig

apappconfig -a app_name -c [-p primary_MM-AP [-s secondary_MM-AP]]

apappconfig -a app_name -d [-p primary_MM-AP [-s secondary_MM-AP]]

apappconfig -h

-a app_name create or delete the application named app_name

Currently the supported applications are: ama,
amatps, hvlr, hvlrim, is (R27.0 and
R28.0 only), mscdbms, oamproxy, pcf,
rnc, rncdb, rop, sp, ss7mm, tpugui, and
-c create the named application
-d delete the named application
-n RNC_id specify the RNC id when app_name = rnc
-p primary_MM-AP configure the primary instance of the application on
the MM-AP named primary_MM-AP
-s secondary_MM- configure the secondary instance of the application
AP on the MM-AP named secondary_MM-AP
-h show the command syntax
-i ip_address VCIP address when app_name = amatps

Typical usage
apappconfig -a app_name -c -p primary_MM-AP -s secondary_MM-AP

apappconfig -a app_name -d -p primary_MM-AP -s secondary_MM-AP

Note: This command is not applicable to a 1xEV-DO Standalone system.

The apappconfig command configures (creates or deletes) a new MM-AP application.
It is run from the OMP. The apappconfig command is typically used once in the lifetime
of a system to configure a new application. Whether creating or deleting an application,
the apappconfig command queries the states of the appropriate MM-APs to determine if
a create or a delete is possible. When deleting an application, apappconfig
automatically determines from which MM-APs to delete the application.
• When deleting an application, you can specify from which primary and secondary
MM-AP the application is deleted.

B- 4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference apappconfig

Release 29.0 and later

The following deletion was made to this command in Release 29.0 and forward:
• The IS (Integrity Services) application has been removed as a parameter of the
app_name option. Since the IS application is now part of the base software, it is no
longer necessary to create it and can no longer be deleted.

Example output
# apappconfig -a dbms -c -p ap01 -s ap02

Creation of dbms was successful.


# apappconfig -a dbms -d

Deletion of dbms was successful.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference apapply


The apapply command is used to perform the MM-AP generic retrofit procedure and
should be used only in the performance of that procedure. For information on the MM-AP
generic retrofit procedure, see 401-610-190R30, Software Retrofit Procedures.
The apapply command informs the Reliable Cluster Computing (rcc) software that a
new version of the fms_rcc (in Release 30.0 or earlier) software is available on all MM-
APs. It also changes the Software Update (SU) status of all of the MM-APs to allow a
generic retrofit of MM-AP platform software.
The apapply command is used only during generic retrofit. It is not used during SUs. It
should be used only if the MM-AP fms_rcc (in Release 30.0 or earlier) and ngn_platform
packages have been installed on all MM-APs. The apapply command needs to issued from
only one MM-AP, not from each MM-AP.

B- 6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference apbackout

apbackout -p package [-v version] [-s server] [-q] [-g]

-p package back out the software package named package from the MM-AP
Note: When -v precedes -p, it is global. When -v comes after '-p' it is
specific to that package.
-v version back out version number version of the package that is to be backed out
-s server back out the package from the remote server named server
-q run in quiet mode (do not prompt for additional information)
-g use the insecure protocol, regardless of security configuration during AP
growth, disk replacement, or frame growth

Typical usage
apbackout -p package -v version

The apbackout command is used to make final modifications to an MM-AP after
software packages have been installed and activated on that MM-AP. The apbackout
command reverses a previous execution of the apactivate command.
Backout of the ngn_platform or fms_rcc (in Release 30.0 or earlier) package saves the
currently running package and then administers the MM-AP to make the previously
installed package the currently running package.
The -p argument specifies the package that is to be backed out. The -v argument specifies
the version number of the package that is to be backed out. To back out both the fms_rcc
and the ngn_platform packages, repeat the -p and -v arguments or specify -p all.
The -s argument is currently provided as a sanity check. If you use the remsh program to
run the apbackout command remotely, use the -s argument to ensure that apbackout
is running on the correct MM-AP.
apactivate’s default mode of operation is to tell you what it is going to do and then
prompt you for whether you want to continue. To have apactivate execute without this
prompt, use the -q (quiet) option.
Since the apbackout command affects the running MM-AP, it requires the MM-AP to be

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference apbackout

Example output
# apbackout -p ngn_platform -v AP18.0.0001
Activation of the ngn_platform package will result in
version AP18.0.0001 being moved to /ap/platform/new, and
version AP17.0.0009 being moved to /ap/platform/default.

Do you want to continue [no]: yes

Activating ngn_platform package (AP17.0.0009) from
/ap/platform/backout ...
The ngn_platform package (AP17.0.0009) was successfully

B- 8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference apbackup

apbackup [-v backup_version] [-t "text_string"] [-s server] [-l
login] [-z password] [-q]

-v backup_version back up version number backup_version of this

backup saveset
-t "text_string" back up a comment, text_string, in quotation
marks that describes the contents of this backup
-s server send the backup saveset to the remote server named
server. (NOTE: When MSI=1 on the mscsec form,
do not use the OMP as the remote server for
storing backup savesets.)
-l login use login ID login on the remote server when
sending a saveset to a remote server
-z password use the password of the login ID on the remote
server when sending a saveset to a remote server
-q bypass system messages while the command
executes (Note: This option may not be available in
secure environments.)

Typical usage
apbackup -t "text_string"

The user who executes the apbackup command must be able to write to the local backup
The apbackup command is used in day-to-day MM-AP administration to save
information about the configuration of an MM-AP. The version numbers of all installed
MM-AP packages are saved; the packages themselves reside on the Operations and
Management Platform (OMP) and the MM-AP distribution tape. Configured MM-AP
applications are saved as a select group of files in the /etc/passwd directory. The
apbackup command does not save the entire MM-AP but only those pieces that are
necessary to reestablish the current configuration. For example, apbackup saves login
IDs and passwords but does not save user-defined $HOME directories.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference apbackup

-t option
The -t option is used to enter a user-defined comment about what the backup saveset
contains. If the saveset is later used, the text string is printed, and the user is asked to quit
or continue.

-v option
The -v option specifies the version of the created backup saveset. Backup savesets are
normally kept on the other MM-APs in the cluster.

-s option
Without using the -s option, the backup saveset is sent to the local server and to the
following server(s) by default:
• In Release 29 and earlier, to the OMP (that is, apomp).
• In Release 30 and later, to all MM-APs in the cluster. On servers operating in R1
mode, a cluster can be up to eight MM-APs. On servers operating in R2 mode, a
cluster is the MM-AP and its mate.
If “-s all” is used, the backup saveset is sent to all MM-APs in the cluster. This applies to
any release. In Release 30 and later, this is the same as the default. Thus, it is only useful
in Release 29 and earlier.
If apbackup -s all is used, and apbackup cannot send the backup saveset to at least
one other server in the cluster, then apbackup will do one of two things:
• If apbackup is run without -q, apbackup will suggest that the user send the backup
saveset to the two B-servers and waits for the user’s choice.
• If apbackup is run with -q, apbackup will automatically attempt to send the backup
saveset to the two B-servers.
If apbackup -s all successfully sends the backup saveset to at least one of the two
B-servers, then apbackup -s all returns a success. Otherwise, it returns a failure.
To send the backup saveset to a different server, use “-s server” to specify that server. If
apbackup successfully sends the backup saveset to each and every server in the list,
apbackup returns a success. Otherwise, it returns a failure.

Note: The OMP should not be used as the remote server in secure environments.

-l and -z options
The remote login ID that is specified in the -l option in the apbackup command line
must be able to write to the remote backup directory. To specify the remote login ID, use
the -l option. The password for the remote login ID can be specified in the -z option, but
for security purposes, users are cautioned against using the -z option.

B- 1 0 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference apbackup

-q option
The -q (quiet) option is used to prevent the apbackup command from asking the user
questions while the command executes. If the -q option is used, the user must supply all
required information on the command line.

Note: The -q option may be restricted in secure environments. Depending on the

security configuration, the connections from MM-AP to MM-AP and from MM-AP to
OMP may be restricted.

Example output
ap05:root > apbackup -t "test"

Enter the version of the backup saveset to be saved [20071112]:

1504 blocks
80 blocks
832 blocks

AP package transfer makes heavy use of the TCP/IP network

and may therefore affect performance. AP package transfer
should be performed during an off-peak period.

Do you want to continue [no]: yes

Transfer of version 20071112 of the apbkup package to ap06 <===

beginning at Mon Nov 12 02:09:56 CST 2007
Transfer of version 20071112 of the apbkup package to ap06 <===
completed successfully at Mon Nov 12 02:09:57 CST 2007!
832 blocks.

The apbackup operation completed successfully at Mon Nov 12

02:09:57 CST 2007.

BTW: ap05/06 are in one cluster

ap05:root > RCCcstat

RCC Cluster [APcluster] Status

ap05 6 A - ACTIVE
ap06 7 L - LEAD

ap05:root >

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 1 1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference apdelcellsw


The apdelcellsw command is used to delete Radio Cluster Server (RCS) and
Microcell software or diagnostic and boot-ROM cell software from the AP disk. When the
user deletes an RCS software version, Microcell software that is compatible with the
deleted RCS version and incompatible with any other RCS version that remains on the AP
disk is automatically deleted.

Note: The apdelcellsw command does not allow you to delete RCS software if
• an RCS is running that version of software
• an RCS has that version of software specified in the Recent Change and Verify
(RC/V) cell2 form
For more information about the cell2 form, see Chapter 9, “Growth, upgrade, and
conversion procedures”” of this document or see the Database Update Manual (401-

Note: The apdelcellsw command does not remove software from the cell site
itself. To remove cell software from the Microcell itself, you must execute the
DEL:CELL input message. For more information about the DEL:CELL input
message, see the Input Messages Manual (401-610-055).
When the apdelcellsw command is executed, the following admonishment is
WARNING: If you delete RCS versions from the AP disk, Cell versions may also be
deleted. Cell versions will be deleted if they have the same generic name (the part
before the “.”) as an RCS version you delete, but only if there is not another RCS with
the same generic name. If this is not the action you desire, please exit now.
Then the following main menu is displayed:
Do you wish to:
0. Exit
1. Delete RCS
2. Delete CELL diagnostic or boot-ROM version not associated with any
functional version
Enter your choice (0-3):

B- 1 2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference apdelcellsw

If the user selects Option 1, an RCS versions menu such as the following is displayed:
RCS versions in use:
F010D130A.19 F020D140A.01
RCS versions NOT in use:
1. F010D130A.01 2. F010D130A.11
Select one of the above RCS versions to delete or
enter ‘0’ to return to the main menu.
Enter your choice (0-2):
If the user selects a version to delete, then that RCS version is deleted. Later, when the
user exits from the main menu, the following message is displayed:
Checking for CELL versions associated with the RCS versions you deleted (but not
associated with other RCS versions)...
The program then reports each CELL version that is being deleted. For example:
deleting CELL version: <name>
If the user selects Option 2 from the main menu, a Diagnostic and Boot-ROM CELL
versions menu such as the following is displayed:
Diagnostic and Boot-ROM CELL versions on this AP associated with functional
CELL versions (These are automatically deleted after all compatible RCS versions are
B010D130A.02 D010D130A.02
B010D140A.02 D020D140A.02
Diagnostic and Boot-ROM CELL versions on this AP not associated with functional
CELL versions (you may delete these):
1. Babc 2. Dxyz
Select one of the above versions to delete or enter ‘0’ to return to the main menu.
Enter your choice (0-2):
If the user selects a version to delete, the selected version is marked for deletion from the
AP disk. The marked version is actually deleted when the user exits from the main menu.
The program then reports each CELL version that is being deleted. For example:
deleting CELL version: <name>

Naming convention and relationship of RCS to cell versions

RCS and cell functional software version names have the formats defined in the RCS
OA&M document (401-710-102).
An RCS version and a cell functional version are compatible with each other if they share
the same generic number, that is, if their FXXXDYYYA or FRRRRTCSJ numbers are the same.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 1 3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference apdelcellsw

A cell diagnostic version is named identically to the cell functional version except that the
first letter of the version is replaced with D. A cell boot-ROM version (TDMA only) is
named identically to the cell functional version except that the first letter of the version is
replaced with B. For example, cell functional version F010D1130A.04 would be
associated with cell diagnostic version D010D1130A.04 and boot-ROM version
The RCS or cell generic name (FXXXDYYYA or FRRRRTCSJ) is entered on the RC/V cell2
form in the Cell Generic - Version Name field, and the revision number (.xx) is
entered on the RC/V cell2 form in the Revision Number fields.

B- 1 4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference apcc_ip_migr

apcc_ip_migr [-c [node] [IP]] [-v [node]] [-n [node]] [-o [node]]
-c create a new MM-APCC LAN
-v verify MM-APs, alarm cards, or Ethernet switches
-n change the IP address on alarm cards and Ethernet switches to
the new IP addressing scheme
-o change the IP address on alarm cards and Ethernet switches to
the old IP addressing scheme
-h provide help
-p passwd use passwd as the HUB's password
-q use non-interactive mode
IP first two octets of new MM-APCC LAN address
node name of an MM-AP, alarm card, or Ethernet switch

Note: The -c, -v, -n and -o options cannot be combined.

Typical usage
apcc_ip_migr -v
apcc_ip_migr -n
apcc_ip_migr -o
apcc_ip_migr -n ap35 ac35 es2a es2b
apcc_ip_migr -o ap35 ac35 es2a es2b

The apcc_ip_migr command is used only to migrate IP addresses of MM-APs, MM-AP
alarm cards, and Ethernet switches on the MM-APCC LAN to the new IP addressing
scheme introduced in Release 20.0 to accommodate 28 application processor frames and
other Alcatel-Lucent wireless products. It is run on MM-APs two days before retrofitting
to Release 20.0 in preparation for the retrofit. It saves the first two octets of both the old
and new MM-APCC LAN IP addresses, and changes the IP addresses of MM-AP alarm
cards and Ethernet switches.
The -v option verifies that all or selected MM-APs, MM-AP alarm cards, and Ethernet
switches have the same old and new MM-APCC LAN IP network address, whether they
are ready for retrofit, or backout, and which IP network scheme each MM-AP is active on.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 1 5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference apcc_ip_migr

If the Ready for GR to R20 column in the output from the -v option is Yes for all
MM-APs, MM-AP alarm cards, and Ethernet switches, the system is ready for retrofit to
Release 33.0. Any element for which the Ready for GR to R20 column shows No i s
not ready for retrofit to Release 33.0.
If the Ready for Backout column in the output from the -v option is Yes for all MM-
APs, MM-AP alarm cards, and Ethernet switches, the system is ready for backout to
Release 32.0. Any element for which the Ready for Backout column shows No i s not
ready for backout to Release 32.0.
An asterisk (*) following the IP address of an MM-AP in the output from the -v option
indicates that the MM-AP is active on that IP network scheme.
The -c option selects (creates) a new MM-APCC LAN IP network address and saves both
the new and old IP network addresses.
The -n option changes the IP address of all or selected MM-AP alarm cards and Ethernet
switches to the new IP network address scheme.
The -o option changes the IP address of all or selected MM-AP alarm cards and Ethernet
switches back to old IP address scheme.
The -p option specifies an Ethernet switch password to be used when running the
command on a switch, if desired.
The -q option runs the command without prompting.
To execute the command on selected MM-APs, MM-AP alarm cards, or Ethernet
switches, list the names of those elements after the -c, -v, -n and -o options. If listing
more than one name, separate each names with a blank space.

Example output

# apcc_ip_migr -v

Please wait...
R19 R20 Custom.name Ready for Ready
conversion GR to R20
GNP-AP : ap02 10.0* 172.16 N/A Yes Yes
GNP-AP : ap05 10.0* 172.16 N/A Yes Yes
GNP-AP : ap06 10.0* 172.16 N/A Yes Yes
GNP-AP : ap11 10.0* 172.16 N/A Yes Yes
B- 1 6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference apcc_ip_migr

GNP-AP : ap12 10.0* 172.16 N/A Yes Yes

NGN-AP : ap61 10.0* 172.16 Converted Yes Yes

NGN-AP : ap63 10.0* 172.16 Converted Yes Yes
NGN-AP : ap64 10.0* 172.16* Converted Yes Yes
NGN-AP : ap65 no* no un-converted No No
NGN-AP : ap68 no* no un-converted No No

AC : ac61 -- No Yes

AC : ac63 -- No Yes
AC : ac64 -- No Yes
AC : ac65 -- No Yes
AC : ac68 -- No Yes

HUB : es6a -- No Yes

HUB : es6b -- No Yes


"*" denotes the AP is active on that IP scheme network.

2 APs have not been saved with new and/or old APCC-LAN network IP address.

Please check those failure AP, HUB or Alarm card and run "apcc_ip_migr"

# apcc_ip_migr -c

1) 172.16 2) 172.17 3) 172.18 4) 172.19

5) 172.20 6) 172.21 7) 172.22 8) 172.23
9) 172.24 10) 172.25 11) 172.26 12) 172.27
13) 172.28 14) 172.29 15) 172.30 16) 172.31

You can select one of the above new IP addresses [q]: 1

Are you sure the new APCC-LAN network IP address is 172.16 [y|n|q]: y
Please wait... it may take more than 20 minutes [Tue Jun 18 11:02:52 2002]

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 1 7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference apconnect

apconnectac [apxxy]
apconnectdnfs [apxxy]
apconnectsw [apxxy] a|A|b|B

Typical usage
apconnectac ap91
apconnectdnfs ap33
appconnectsw b

The apconnect set of commands serve as a front end to the telnet command. These
commands allow you to connect to some remote entities in the MSC whose host names
may not be easy to determine.
The apconnectac command connects to the alarm card for the specified application
processor (apxxy). If no processor name is specified, the processor on which the
command is being executed is used.
The apconnectdnfs command connects to the DNFS Host for the specified satellite
processor (apxxy). The drawer host for an AP in a non-satellite ready frame is the same as
the ap itself. If no processor name is specified, the processor on which the command is
being executed is used.
The apconnectsw command connects to the switch for the specified application
processor (apxxy). If no processor name is specified, the processor on which the
command is being executed is used. The apconnectsw command requires that a switch
parameter be used to designate the A or B switch. Either uppercase or lowercase a or b is

Example output
# apconnectac ap91
Connected to ac81.
Escape character is '^]'.

Sun Netract 2.0


B- 1 8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference apconnect

# apconnectdnfs ap91
Connected to ap85.
Escape character is '^]'.

SunOS 5.9


# apconnectsw a
Connected to es8a.
Escape character is '^]'.

Welcome to P330
SW version 3.9.1


Return codes
The command exits with an exit code of 1 in case of an error. Otherwise, the exit codes
are as in the telnet command.

Error messages
ERROR: ap number specified [XXX] is out of range
The ap number given is not in the valid range of AP's.
ERROR: AP [XXXX] is not configured
The ap number specified is not the database of equipped AP's.

ERROR: Unable to initialize RDBU. Try again later:

The command is being executed while the entity is
ERROR: AP [xxxx] specified is a GNP AP.
The target specified is a GNP AP, which does not support
the entity you are connecting to.

See also

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 1 9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference apdlcdgrow

Usage 1: degrow a satellite (or diskless client, DLC)
apdlcdgrow -n {dlc_hostname|all} [-y]
Usage 2: degrow an application logical volume for a satellite (or diskless client, DLC)
apdlcdgrow -n dlc_hostname -a application_name [-y]
-a application_name Specifies the name of the satellite application logical
volume to delete. Application logical volume names
are relative to the satellite’s root directory. To
delete a logical volume whose satellite mount point
is /app1, specify either /app1 or app1. Repeat
the -a option for each application logical volume
that you want to delete.
-n {dlc_hostname Specifies the name of the satellite to delete or
|all} specifies the name of the satellite for which one or
more application partitions are to be deleted.
Usage1 supports the all keyword.
-y Bypasses confirmation prompts and answers yes (to
continue) for all prompts.

The apdlcdgrow command is used on a DNFS Host to degrow satellite processors, also
known as diskless clients (DLCs), or to degrow an application logical volume for a
satellite processor.


Usage 1
The following example shows the use of apdlcdgrow when degrowing all satellites
without prompting:
apdlcdgrow -n all -y

Usage 1
The following example shows the use of apdlcdgrow when degrowing ap31:
apdlcdgrow -n ap31

B- 2 0 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference apdlcdgrow

Usage 2
The following example shows the use of apdlcdgrow when degrowing the /app1
partition for satellite ap21:
apdlcdgrow -n ap21 -aapp1

Usage 2
The following example shows the use of apdlcdgrow when degrowing the /app1 and
/app2 partitions for satellite ap21 without prompting:
apdlcdgrow -n ap21 -a/app1 -aapp2 -y

Return codes
The apdlcdgrow command exits with the following codes:

Return code Description

1 error
2 warning
10 user aborted

Log file
All apdlcdgrow activity is logged in the log file
/var/flx/logs/FMSdlcmgt/FMSdlcmgt.log. The log file contains more
information than the progress messages that are displayed to the user while apdlcdgrow
is running.

Restoration file
The restoration file for a satellite is removed after successful degrowth of a satellite. After
successful degrowth of a satellite application logical volume, the restoration file for the
satellite, /var/flx/data/FMSdlcmgt/dlc_hostname, is updated. Back up restoration
files after running apdlcdgrow.

DNFS server files affected

See the apdlcdgrow manual page.

See also

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 2 1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference apdlcdisp

Usage 1: display satellite (or diskless client, DLC) information
apdlcdisp [-n {dlc_hostname|all}] [-v] [-o]
Usage 2: display satellite (or diskless client, DLC) operating system service information
apdlcdisp -s [-v]
Usage 3: display satellite (or diskless client, DLC) dump information
apdlcdisp -d [-n {dlc_hostname|all}]
Usage 4: display safety of rebooting the DNFS Host
apdlcdisp -o [-n {dlc_hostname|all}]
-d Displays whether saving panic dumps is enabled or
disabled for satellites.
-n {dlc_hostname Specifies the name of the satellite for which to
|all} display information. Usages 1, 3 and 4 support the
all keyword.
-o Displays Safe to Reboot NFS Host if the
status of the specified satellite(s) is offline or some
other safe state. This may be used before planned
DNFS Host maintenance to verify whether any
satellite(s) is in-service and must be taken offline
first. Any satellite that is online (in-service) displays
Unsafe to Reboot NFS Host.
-s Displays information for the operating system (OS)
services used and shared by all satellites supported
by this DNFS Host (svc1, svc2, or both).

B- 2 2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference apdlcdisp

-v Displays verbose information, including the

• type of satellite (RARP or DHCP)
• the name of the operating system for the satellite
• the location and size of the satellite's root
• whether or not saving crash dumps is enabled
for the satellite
• the location and size of the satellite's swap file
• the satellite's drawer (DHCP)
• the satellite's alarm card (DHCP)
• the satellite's slot number (DHCP)
• primary and secondary IP addresses for the
• Ethernet interfaces for the satellite
apdlcdisp -n all -v displays verbose
information for all satellites supported by this DNFS

Typical usage
apdlcdisp -n ap21 -v

The apdlcdisp command is used on a DNFS Host to display information for satellite
processors, also known as diskless clients (DLCs).


Usage 1
The following example shows the use of apdlcdisp to display verbose information,
including any errors in growth configuration, for satellite ap21:
apdlcdisp -n ap21 -v

Usage 1
The following example shows the use of apdlcdisp to display whether satellite ap21
apdlcdisp -n ap11

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 2 3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference apdlcdisp

Usage 1
The following example shows the use of apdlcdisp to display verbose information,
including any errors in growth configuration, for satellite ap21, and report whether or not
it is safe to reboot the DNFS Host given ap21's high availability status (that is, its RCC
apdlcdisp -n ap21 -o -v

Usage 2
The following example shows the use of apdlcdisp to display the name of the currently
active satellite OS service. If dlcpatch is in-progress, the name and state of both OS
service areas, svc1 and svc2, are displayed:
apdlcdisp -s

Usage 2
The following example shows the use of apdlcdisp to display the name of the currently
active satellite OS service, including verbose information that describes the Solaris
packages that are included in or excluded from the service:
apdlcdisp -s -v

Usage 3
The following example shows the use of apdlcdisp to display whether saving panic
dumps is enabled or disabled for all satellites:
apdlcdisp -d -n all

Usage 3
The following example shows the use of apdlcdisp to display whether saving panic
dumps is enabled or disabled for satellite ap21:
apdlcdisp -d -n ap21

Usage 4
The following example shows the use of apdlcdisp to display whether it is safe to
reboot the DNFS Host given the high availability status (that is, the RCC state) of satellite
apdlcdisp -n ap31 -o

B- 2 4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference apdlcdisp

Return codes
For apdlcdisp -n dlc_hostname, the return codes are:

Return code Description

0 The satellite is grown in on this DNFS Host. Note that
health of the satellite is not guaranteed unless -v is used.
non-zero The satellite is not grown in on this DNFS Host.

For apdlcdisp -n all, the return codes are:

Return code Description

0 A list of all satellites supported by this DNFS Host is
returned. Note that health of satellites is not guaranteed
unless -v is used.
non-zero Some error occurred during the creation of the list of all
satellites supported by this DNFS Host.

For apdlcdisp -n dlc_hostname -v, the return codes are as listed in the following table.
If all satellites specified by -n all have the same growth configuration status, then the
return codes listed below are guaranteed, otherwise they are not guaranteed when -n all
is used. For example, when -n all is specified, if one satellite exists and is grown
correctly, another satellite has a growth configuration error, and another satellite is locked,
the return code is not guaranteed to be useful, other than it will be non-zero.

Return code Description

0 The satellite specified exists and is grown in completely
and correctly.
3, 4, 6 The satellite specified has one or more growth
configuration errors.
5 The satellite specified does not exist and is not grown in.
7 The satellite specified is locked. This means that another
satellite command is presently running for this satellite
and a new command is not allowed until the present
command ends.
8 This may occur (no guarantee) when -n all is used and
the growth status of satellites is varied (that is,
combinations of the above return codes).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 2 5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference apdlcdisp

For apdlcdisp -s, the return codes are as listed in the following table. The satellite
operating system service is shared among all satellites supported by this DNFS server.

Return code Description

0 The satellite operating system (OS) service exists and is
in good condition.
3, 4 The satellite OS service exists and has one or more errors.
5 The satellite OS service does not exist.
6 The satellite OS service is reserved and is being modified
by satellite patch management (dlcpatch).
7 The satellite OS service is locked. This occurs, for
example, during growth when the satellite OS service is
being initially populated.

DNFS server files affected


See also

B- 2 6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference apdlcdump

apdlcdump [[-e] [-t {all|kernel}]] [-d] [-h]
-e Enables panic dumps
-t {all|kernel} Specifies the type of dump to be enabled, either all
or kernel (the default is kernel).
-d Disables panic dumps
-h Prints out usage

Typical usage
apdlcdump -e -t all
apdlcdump -d

The apdlcdump command configures panic dump functionality for a satellite processor.
The -e argument enables panic dumps. The -t argument is used to specify the type of
dump to be enabled, either all or kernel. The -d argument disables panic dumps.

Example output
# apdlcdump
Saving Dump: disabled
Content Type: kernel

# apdlcdump -e -t all
SUCCESS: ap95: Saving panic dump enabledwith content type "all".

# apdlcdump -d
SUCCESS: ap97: Saving panic dump disabled.

See also

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 2 7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference apdlcgrow

apdlcgrow -n dlc_hostname [-y]
apdlcgrow -n {dlc_hostname|all} -R [-y]
apdlcgrow -? | -h
-n dlc_hostname Specifies the name of the satellite processor to be
grown in.
-n all Used with the -R option to specify all previously
configured satellites.
-y Bypasses confirmation prompts and answers yes (to
continue) for all prompts.
-F Use with -R to force an attempt to repair satellite or
satellite-related NFS server configuration problems
that are not audited for by apdlcdisp -v. Without -F,
apdlcgrow -R only attempts repair/restoration if
apdlcdisp -v reports one or more ERRORs. With -F,
repair is attempted regardless.
-R Restores or repairs satellite configuration
-? Prints help
-h Prints help

Typical usage
apdlcgrow -n ap51 -y (grow a diskless client)
apdlcgrow -n {ap51|all} -R -F -y [restore diskless client(s) after
a host hard disk crash]

The apdlcgrow command is used on a DNFS Host to grow satellite processors or to
repair or restore previously grown satellite processors.
The -n argument is used to specify the name of the satellite that is to be grown in. The
value all can be used with the -R argument to specify all previously grown in satellites.
The -R argument is used to repair or restore one or more previously grown satellites.

Example output
The following is an example of apdlcgrow output:

# apdlcgrow -n ap92 -y
B- 2 8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Command reference apdlcgrow

ACTION : Processing Diskless Client ap92.

ACTION : Checking that Diskless Client (ap92) is NOT pingable........
ACTION : Growing Diskless Client ap92 (DHCP).
ACTION : Checking Boot_Devices for host drawer (ap82), slot (4)..
ACTION : Using existing OS service solaris_9_20040816p for ap92.
ACTION : Powering off (ap92) in AC drawer (ac82) slot (4)...
ACTION : Executing registered pre_grow scripts (if any).
ACTION : Creating the root partition for Diskless Client ap92.........
ACTION : Delivering a clone root for Diskless Client
ACTION : Configuring root for Diskless Client ap92.
ACTION : Growing DHCP data for Diskless Client.
ACTION : Adding /tftpboot files for (
ACTION : Creating swap for Diskless Client ap92.............
ACTION : Creating crash/core directories for Diskless Client ap92.
ACTION : Creating application partition (/export/ap102/app1) of size
ACTION : Updating NFS server (ap86) config for Diskless Client (ap92).
ACTION : Resetting power off/on for (ap92) in AC drawer (ac82) slot (4).
Note! There may be up to a five (5) minute latency on powerup!....
ACTION : Executing registered post_grow scripts (if any).
SUCCESS: ap92 Growth Completed.

See also

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 2 9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference apfrstatus


Typical usage

The apfrstatus command prints the status of every application processor in this frame.
For fastest response, execute this command on a DNFS Host or drawer host, not on a

Example output
# apfrstatus
Current state of ap81 is OFFLINE
Current state of ap82 is OFFLINE
Current state of ap83 is OFFLINE
Current state of ap84 is OFFLINE
Current state of ap85 is ACTIVE
Current state of ap86 is ACTIVE(Lead)
ap103 was not reachable
Current state of ap91 is OFFLINE
ap104 was not reachable
Current state of ap92 is OFFLINE
Current state of ap101 is OFFLINE
Current state of ap93 is OFFLINE
ap95 was not reachable
ap97 was not reachable
Current state of ap102 is ACTIVE(Lead)
Current state of ap94 is ACTIVE(Lead)
Current state of ap96 is ACTIVE(Lead)
Current state of ap98 is ACTIVE(Lead)

B- 3 0 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference apgrowsat

apgrowsat [apxxy apxxy apxxy ...] [?|-h]

apxxy satellite AP name

apxxy apxxy ... up to 7 aditonal APs to be grown
? | -h help

Typical usage
apgrowsat ap1 ap2 ap3 ap4

This program grows (apdlcgrow) satellite APs on the DNFS Host and installs platform
software on satellites. It creates a log file /var/ap/platform/logs/admin/apgrowsat.log.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 3 1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference apinstall

apinstall -p package [-v version] [-s server] [-d directory] [-q]

-p package install the software package named package on the MM-AP

Select a group of packages by surrounding the group in quotes, or by
repeating the -p option.
Note: When -d or -v precedes -p, it is global. When -d or -v comes
after '-p' it is specific to that package.
-v version install version number version of the package that is to be installed
-s server if executing apinstall remotely, execute it on the remote MM-AP
named server
-d directory install the package from the directory named directory, rather than
from the default directory
-q run in quiet mode (bypass system messages while the command
-g use the insecure protocol, regardless of security configuration during
AP growth, disk replacement, or frame growth

Typical usage
apinstall -p package -v version

The apinstall command is used to install software packages on an MM-AP. The -p and
-v arguments are entered to specify a select version of a specific package. To install
multiple versions of multiple packages, repeat the -p and -v arguments on the command
When the apinstall command is executed with its default options, the specified
package or packages are installed from the /var/spool/ap/pkg/package/version
directory on the local MM-AP. If the package resides in a local directory other than
/var/spool/ap/pkg, specify that directory in the -d directory argument.

The -s argument is currently provided as a sanity check. If the remsh program is used to
run the apinstall command remotely, use the -s argument to ensure that apinstall
is running on the correct MM-AP.
When the apinstall command is executed, it provides an Are you sure? message.
The -q (quiet) option may be specified to bypass that message.

B- 3 2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference apinstall

The position of command line options determines how the options work. The -p argument
is the key. Options that are specified before the -p argument are global and therefore affect
all packages. Options that are specified after the -p argument are local to that specific
package. For example, if the -d argument is used before the -p argument, all packages are
installed from the specified directory.

Example output
# apinstall -p ngn_platform -v AP18.0.0001

AP installation makes heavy use of the TCP/IP network and may therefore
affect performance. AP installation should be performed during an off-peak

Do you want to continue [no]: yes

installed into the /ap/platform/new directory.

Do you want to continue [no]: yes

Installing platform package (AP18.0.0001) from
/var/spool/ap/pkg/ngn_platform/AP18.0.0001/ngn_platform.pkg ...
66590 blocks
129454 blocks
The ngn_platform package (AP18.0.0001) was successfully installed!

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 3 3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference aplanconfig

aplanconfig [-v] [-q] [-c] [-d] [-p password] [-f frame_no] [-s
on/off/detect] [-i on/off/detect]
-c correct switch configuration errors; default = no;
intelligent multicast filtering and rapid spanning tree
errors are corrected only if -i on/off and/or -s on/off
are specified.
-d debug mode; default = no.
-f base frame number; otherwise, the base frame
number will be derived from MM-AP data.
-h help; display this menu.
-i specify if intelligent multicast filtering should be on,
off, or detected based on switch settings; default =
-p switch password; use default switch password if
none specified.
-q quiet/non-interactive mode; default = interactive.
-s specify if rapid spanning tree protocol should be on,
off, or detected based on switch settings; default =
-v report results in verbose mode; default = no.

Typical usage examples

aplanconfig -v
(Refer to “Typical usage example 1:” (p. B-36).)
aplanconfig -v -s on
(Refer to “Typical usage example 2:” (p. B-36).)
aplanconfig -v -c -i on
(Refer to “Typical usage example 3:” (p. B-37).)

aplanconfig is a tool that can be used to check/verify certain network configurations in
the MM-AP LAN. It can be invoked manually or run as part of the SUA or Generic
Retrofit pre-checks. This document only provides information on running it manually as
part of an Ethernet switch replacement or as part of MM-AP growth.
Network configurations checked by aplanconfig include:
B- 3 4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference aplanconfig

• Intra-frame cabling between APs, alarm cards, and the Ethernet switches in each MM
– Supported frame types include R1 and R1SR (base or growth frame)
– Supported MM-AP drawer types include R1 and R2
– Only R2-mode alarm card is supported; cabling connections for R1-mode alarm
card (including R2 alarm card used in R1-mode) will not be checked.
– Intra-frame cables in GNP frames are pre-wired in the factory and will not be
checked by the tool.
• Inter-frame cabling between Ethernet switches in growth frames and those in the base
frame. Frame types supported include R1, R1SR, and GNP frames.
• Cabling between Ethernet switches in MM frames supporting IP backhaul and the IP
gateway routers.
• Configurations on the Ethernet switches in MM frames, including:
– Connectivity between the two sides of the LAN (LAN-A and LAN-B)
– LAG configurations on the switches. LAG connection is expected only between
the Ethernet switches in the base frame.
– Internal buffering strategy. This applies to Avaya switch model P333R, P333T, and
P334T in the base frame only. The Avaya C364T switch dynamically adjusts the
internal buffering strategy.
– Rapid Spanning Tree protocol setting.
– Intelligent multicast filtering (IGMP snooping) setting.
– Port setting (auto-negotiation, speed, and duplex mode) for ports used for inter-
frame connections. This applies to base frame switches only.
– Port setting for ports used for IP gateway connections.
• The tool can also be used to correct certain configuration errors on the Ethernet
switches if the user specifies the appropriate options.
• Supported switch types include Avaya P333R, P333T, P334T, C364T, or Extreme
The aplanconfig tool is meant to replace the better-known previous-generation tools
apchkcable and aphubconfig. Typical run-time of the script should be less than two

aplanconfig is available on every MM-AP (drawer host, DNFS host, and satellite). This
tool can be found under the directory: /ap/platform/default/support/bin. It can be run from
any MM-AP. The user must have root privilege to run the tool.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 3 5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference aplanconfig

Results from running the tool will be displayed to user’s screen, as well as saved into the
log file /var/ap/platform/logs/network/aplanconfig.log on the MM-AP where the tool was
invoked. The same log file will also be copied automatically to the
/var/ap/platform/logs/network/ directory on the odd-numbered B-server.

Notes on Usage:
Turning on Rapid Spanning Tree protocol in an office is optional. If the –s option is not
specified or if –s detect is specified, the tool will check to see if all switches have
consistent settings. If Rapid Spanning Tree protocol is either ON or OFF on all switches,
the tool will consider the configurations correct. If Rapid Spanning Tree is ON on some
switches and OFF on other switches, or if Common Spanning Tree is ON on some
switches, the tool will report an error. Note that the tool uses the Rapid Spanning Tree
setting on switch A in the frame with the lowest frame number as reference for inferring if
Rapid Spanning Tree should be ON or OFF in the office.
Intelligent multicast filtering should be enabled (namely, ON). If the –i option is not
specified, the tool will assume intelligent multicast filtering should be ON and report an
error if it isn’t ON on any switches.
The –d (debug) option causes the tool to dump additional debugging information into the
log file. When errors are noticed, either with the tool itself or with configurations in the
network, it is recommended that the tool be run with the –v and –d option to obtain the
most complete information for troubleshooting.

Typical usage example 1:

This runs aplanconfig using the default settings for the command line options with
detailed display of results (Note: detailed display of results is always recommended), and
does not fix errors automatically.
Note that, since –s (for Rapid Spanning Tree protocol) and –i (for Intelligent Multicast
Filtering) are not specified, the script will check only for consistency (that is, all ON or all
OFF) among the switches for Rapid Spanning Tree protocol and Intelligent Multicast
Filtering settings. The script has no prior knowledge of whether Rapid Spanning Tree
protocol or Intelligent Multicast Filtering should be ON or OFF in the office. Thus, the
script will not report an error if Rapid Spanning Tree protocol is consistently OFF on all
switches when it should have been ON. See Example 2 below if you want to verify that
Rapid Spanning Tree protocol is ON for all switches.

Typical usage example 2:

This runs aplanconfig and verify that Rapid Spanning Tree protocol is turned ON on all
switches, but do not fix errors automatically.

B- 3 6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference aplanconfig

An error will be reported if Rapid Spanning Tree protocol is OFF on any of the switches,
or if another flavor of Spanning Tree protocol (e.g., Common Spanning Tree protocol) is
ON on any of the switches.

Typical usage example 3:

This runs aplanconfig and verifies that Intelligent Multicast Filtering is enabled (that is,
ON) for all switches, and fixes errors automatically.
An error will be reported if Intelligent Multicast Filtering is OFF on any of the switches.
The script will then attempt to fix the error(s) as well as other switch configuration errors.
The results of the attempt (success or failure) will also be reported.

aplanconfig is non-interfering in nature unless the –c option is specified. It quietly gathers
information from various components (MM-APs, alarm cards, switches, etc.) but does not
modify any configurations unless the user specifies an option (for example, -c) to fix
switch configuration errors.

Note: Correcting switch configurations (for example, via the –c option) could briefly
impact network operations, and should only be done during the maintenance interval
in a live office.
It is strongly recommended that only one instance of the tool be run at any given time in an
office. Having multiple instances of the tool running at the same time could lead to
erroneous results due to limitations on the Ethernet switches.
It is recommended that aplanconfig be run with MM-APs online for the most reliable
Intra-frame cabling should be verified before completely trusting the results for inter-
frame and IP gateway cabling. Similarly, inter-frame and IP gateway cabling should be
verified before completely trusting results for the switch configurations.
As aplanconfig gathers information from the various network components, it will report
warnings and errors if access to an MM-AP, alarm card, or switch times out, if the
environment variables on an MM-AP do not appear to be set up correctly, or if a ping to an
IP gateway fails to get a reply. These warning/error messages are important because some
of them may indicate by themselves that there are cabling or configuration errors.

The main goal of aplanconfig is to identify common cabling or switch configuration
errors. Not all cabling or configuration errors will be readily detectable by the tool for
various reasons. The following is a list of known limitations.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 3 7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference aplanconfig

• The Avaya switch has been observed to not age MAC entries in its CAM table
properly. Occasionally, stale MAC entries in the switch’s CAM table could lead to
erroneous results from aplanconfig. Clearing the CAM table on the switches usually
resolve the problem. Note that clearing the CAM table could briefly impact switch
operations and is recommended only during maintenance intervals.
• Occasionally, access to an MM-AP, alarm card, or switch may time out for no other
reason than the component is slow in responding due to heavy load or transient
network conditions. The user may want to re-run aplanconfig to verify the earlier
problem was transient in nature or investigate why it timed out if this occurs.
• The aplanconfig tool is designed to fix only isolated Spanning Tree protocol errors
(for example, turning it ON for one or two switches).

Example output
The following output was produced from entering “aplanconfig -v”:
ap51:root > /ap/platform/default/support/bin/aplanconfig -v
Info: logfile directory /var/ap/platform/logs/network does not exist
Info: successfully created logfile directory

Starting aplanconfig on ap51 on Fri Mar 31 10:24:27 2006

logfile is at ap51:/var/ap/platform/logs/network/aplanconfig.log


Important Tips:

o do not use the '-c' option to fix switch configuration errors

automatically unless you understand the impact to the system,
AND, all the cabling errors have been corrected. changing switch
configuration should normally be done only during maintenance
o pay attention to warning and error messages as they often contain
important clues about cabling or configuration errors themselves
o make sure intra-frame cabling errors are corrected before
completely trusting other results
o for best results, run this script on a FMM AP that is online


Warning: ap15 provisioned in office data but did not respond to ping.
check for ap15 will be skipped

B- 3 8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference aplanconfig

Warning: ap16 provisioned in office data but did not respond to ping.
check for ap16 will be skipped
Warning: ap17 provisioned in office data but did not respond to ping.
check for ap17 will be skipped
Warning: ap18 provisioned in office data but did not respond to ping.
check for ap18 will be skipped
Warning: unable to get MAC address for ap31 hme0. interface not provisioned
or doesn't exist?
Warning: unable to get MAC address for ap31 hme1. interface not provisioned
or doesn't exist?
Warning: unable to get MAC address for ap32 hme0. interface not provisioned
or doesn't exist?
Warning: unable to get MAC address for ap32 hme1. interface not provisioned
or doesn't exist?
Warning: unable to get MAC address for ap33 hme0. interface not provisioned
or doesn't exist?
Warning: unable to get MAC address for ap33 hme1. interface not provisioned
or doesn't exist?
Warning: unable to get MAC address for ap34 hme0. interface not provisioned
or doesn't exist?
Warning: unable to get MAC address for ap34 hme1. interface not provisioned
or doesn't exist?
Warning: ap44 provisioned in office data but did not respond to ping.
check for ap44 will be skipped
Warning: drawer type (AP_DRAWER_TYPE) is undefined for ap65. verify AP's
environment is set up correctly. cabling check for ap65 will be

Info: frame 4 is identified as the base frame


Frame or MAC Addr (Intf Name) Expected On Found On Comment

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 3 9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference aplanconfig

AP/AC No Switch:Port Switch:Port

ap31 ( ) es3a:1/4 -:- Skipped

( ) es3b:1/4 -:- Skipped

ap32 () es3a:1/5 -:- Skipped

( ) es3b:1/5 -:- Skipped

ap33 ( ) es3a:1/6 -:- Skipped

( ) es3b:1/6 -:- Skipped

ap34 ( ) es3a:1/7 -:- Skipped

( ) es3b:1/7 -:- Skipped

ap35 00:03:ba:2e:21:2a(hme0) es3a:1/8 es3a:1/8 Correct

00:03:ba:2e:21:2b(hme1) es3b:1/8 es3b:1/8 Correct

ap36 00:03:ba:2e:28:7e(hme0) es3a:1/9 es3a:1/9 Correct

00:03:ba:2e:28:7f(hme1) es3b:1/9 es3b:1/9 Correct

ap41 00:03:ba:12:1b:f5(hme0) es4a:1/4 es4a:1/4 Correct

00:03:ba:12:1b:f6(hme1) es4b:1/4 es4b:1/4 Correct

ap42 00:03:ba:12:17:a5(hme0) es4a:1/5 es4a:1/5 Correct

00:03:ba:12:17:a6(hme1) es4b:1/5 es4b:1/5 Correct

ap43 00:03:ba:2e:25:b6(hme0) es4a:1/6 es4a:1/6 Correct

00:03:ba:2e:25:b7(hme1) es4b:1/6 es4b:1/6 Correct

ap45 00:03:ba:2e:1b:de(hme0) es4a:1/8 es4a:1/8 Correct

00:03:ba:2e:1b:df(hme1) es4b:1/8 es4b:1/8 Correct

ap46 00:03:ba:2e:20:64(hme0) es4a:1/9 es4a:1/9 Correct

00:03:ba:2e:20:65(hme1) es4b:1/9 es4b:1/9 Correct

B- 4 0 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference aplanconfig

ap47 00:03:ba:12:3e:cb(hme0) es4a:1/10 es4a:1/10 Correct

00:03:ba:12:3e:cc(hme1) es4b:1/10 es4b:1/10 Correct

ap48 00:03:ba:2e:26:38(hme0) es4a:1/11 es4a:1/11 Correct

00:03:ba:2e:26:39(hme1) es4b:1/11 es4b:1/11 Correct

ap61 00:03:ba:14:8d:01(eri0) es6a:1/9 es6a:1/9 Correct

00:03:ba:14:8d:02(eri1) es6b:1/9 es6b:1/9 Correct

ap62 00:03:ba:14:83:df(eri0) es6a:1/21 es6a:1/21 Correct

00:03:ba:14:83:e0(eri1) es6b:1/21 es6b:1/21 Correct

ap63 00:03:ba:14:86:a7(eri0) es6a:1/10 es6a:1/10 Correct

00:03:ba:14:86:a8(eri1) es6b:1/10 es6b:1/10 Correct

ap64 00:03:ba:14:80:df(eri0) es6a:1/22 es6a:1/22 Correct

00:03:ba:14:80:e0(eri1) es6b:1/22 es6b:1/22 Correct

ap66 00:03:ba:14:80:af(eri0) es6a:1/23 es6a:1/23 Correct

00:03:ba:14:80:b0(eri1) es6b:1/23 es6b:1/23 Correct

ap67 00:03:ba:14:85:ad(eri0) es6a:1/12 es6a:1/12 Correct

00:03:ba:14:85:ae(eri1) es6b:1/12 es6b:1/12 Correct

ap68 00:03:ba:14:81:1b(eri0) es6a:1/24 es6a:1/24 Correct

00:03:ba:14:81:1c(eri1) es6b:1/24 es6b:1/24 Correct

ap77 00:03:ba:2f:27:7a(eri0) es6a:1/28 es6a:1/28 Correct

00:03:ba:2f:27:7b(eri1) es6b:1/28 es6b:1/28 Correct

ac61 00:03:ba:13:c1:bf(ifeth0) es6b:1/5 es6b:1/5 Correct

00:03:ba:13:c1:c0(ifeth1) es6a:1/5 es6a:1/5 Correct

ac62 00:03:ba:13:d4:8b(ifeth0) es6a:1/17 es6a:1/17 Correct

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 4 1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference aplanconfig

00:03:ba:13:d4:8c(ifeth1) es6b:1/17 es6b:1/17 Correct

ac63 00:03:ba:13:d5:53(ifeth0) es6b:1/6 es6b:1/6 Correct

00:03:ba:13:d5:54(ifeth1) es6a:1/6 es6a:1/6 Correct

ac64 00:03:ba:3a:3f:1c(ifeth0) es6a:1/18 es6a:1/18 Correct

00:03:ba:3a:3f:1d(ifeth1) es6b:1/18 es6b:1/18 Correct

ac66 00:03:ba:3a:44:b6(ifeth0) es6a:1/19 es6a:1/19 Correct

00:03:ba:3a:44:b7(ifeth1) es6b:1/19 es6b:1/19 Correct

ac67 00:03:ba:3a:3f:44(ifeth0) es6b:1/8 es6b:1/8 Correct

00:03:ba:3a:3f:45(ifeth1) es6a:1/8 es6a:1/8 Correct

ac68 00:03:ba:3a:3f:2a(ifeth0) es6a:1/20 es6a:1/20 Correct

00:03:ba:3a:3f:2b(ifeth1) es6b:1/20 es6b:1/20 Correct

ap111 08:00:20:c2:dc:b0(hme0) es11a:1/4 es11a:1/1
08:00:20:c2:dc:b1(hme1) es11b:1/4 es11b:1/4 Correct

ap112 08:00:20:da:86:88(hme0) es11a:1/5 es11a:1/5 Correct

08:00:20:da:86:89(hme1) es11b:1/5 es11b:1/5 Correct

ap113 08:00:20:fa:2a:4a(hme0) es11a:1/6 es11a:1/6 Correct

08:00:20:fa:2a:4b(hme1) es11b:1/6 es11b:1/6 Correct

ap114 08:00:20:fa:74:10(hme0) es11a:1/7 es11a:1/7 Correct

08:00:20:fa:74:11(hme1) es11b:1/7 es11b:1/7 Correct

ap115 08:00:20:fa:3a:80(hme0) es11a:1/8 es11a:1/8 Correct

08:00:20:fa:3a:81(hme1) es11b:1/8 es11b:1/8 Correct

ap116 08:00:20:fa:71:fc(hme0) es11a:1/9 es11a:1/9 Correct

08:00:20:fa:71:fd(hme1) es11b:1/9 es11b:1/9 Correct

B- 4 2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference aplanconfig

ap117 00:03:ba:6b:d2:2e(eri0) es11a:1/10 es11a:1/10 Correct

00:03:ba:6b:d2:2f(eri1) es11b:1/10 -:- Error:NotFnd

ap118 00:03:ba:6b:d2:46(eri0) es11a:1/11 es11a:1/11 Correct

00:03:ba:6b:d2:47(eri1) es11b:1/11 es11b:1/11 Correct

Correct cable is connected correctly
Error:NotFnd the MAC address is not found on any of the switchs in the
frame. the MAC address may be undefined due to problems
reported earlier. manually verify the cable is connected to
the expected switch/port
Error:WrongPort cable is connected to the wrong port on the correct switch.
correct the problem, move the cable to the expected port
Skipped checking is skipped either because of failure to get the MAC
address or failure to obtain the necessary switch data. there
should have be a warning about this earlier. the warnings
should be investigated as they may imply
cabling/connectivity/configuration errors by themselves

* Important Note:
* make sure all intra-frame cabling errors are corrected
* before completely trusting inter-frame check results

Frame(Type) Switch Should Be Actually Comment

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 4 3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference aplanconfig

Connected To Connected To

frame 1 (GNP) es0a:- es3b es3b:1/22 Correct
es0b:- es3a es3a:1/19 Correct

frame 2 (GNP) es1a:- es3b es3b:1/15 Correct
es1b:- es3a Error:NoLan2
frame 4 (FMM) is the base frame Correct
frame 5 (FMM) es4a:1/20 es3a es3a:1/16 Correct
es4b:1/20 es3b es3b:1/17 Correct

frame 7 (FMM) es6a:1/2 es3a es3a:1/11 Correct
es6b:1/2 es3b es3b:1/11 Correct

frame 12 (FMM) es11a:1/18 es3a es3a:1/24 Correct
es11b:1/20 es3b es3b:1/65 Correct

Correct inter-frame cables are connected correctly
Error:NoLan2 LAN2 inter-frame cable does not appear to be connected to
base frame switchs. LAN1 inter-frame cable is connected

* Important Note:
B- 4 4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference aplanconfig

* make sure all intra-frame cabling errors are corrected

* before completely trusting IP gateway check results

Frame IP Gateway Expected On Found On Comment

MAC Address Switch Switch:Port
frame 5 00:11:5d:14:dd:40(ipgw0) es4a es4a:1/23 Correct

00:11:bc:56:5f:40(ipgw1) es4b es4b:1/24 Correct

Correct IP gateway cable is connected correctly

* Important Note:
* make sure all intra-frame cabling errors are corrected
* before completely trusting switch configuration check results

Switch Entity Expect Found Comment

Info: there is exactly one active cross-connect in the system Correct

es3a cross connect yes yes Correct
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 4 5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference aplanconfig

internal buffer med med Correct

spanning tree rapid rapid Correct
multicast filtering off off Correct
port 1/11 neg enable enable Correct
port 1/11 duplex full full Correct
port 1/11 speed 100M 100M Correct
port 1/16 neg enable disable Error:Incorrect
port 1/16 duplex full full Correct
port 1/16 speed 100M 100M Correct
port 1/19 neg disable enable Error:Incorrect
port 1/19 duplex half half Correct
port 1/19 speed 10M 100M Error:Incorrect
port 1/24 neg enable enable Correct
port 1/24 duplex full full Correct
port 1/24 speed 100M 100M Correct
es3b cross connect yes yes Correct
internal buffer med med Correct
spanning tree rapid rapid Correct
multicast filtering off off Correct
port 1/11 neg enable enable Correct
port 1/11 duplex full full Correct
port 1/11 speed 100M 100M Correct
port 1/15 neg disable disable Correct
port 1/15 duplex half half Correct
port 1/15 speed 10M 10M Correct
port 1/17 neg enable enable Correct
port 1/17 duplex full full Correct
port 1/17 speed 100M 100M Correct
port 1/22 neg disable enable Error:Incorrect
port 1/22 duplex half half Correct
port 1/22 speed 10M 100M Error:Incorrect
port 1/65 neg enable enable Correct
port 1/65 duplex full full Correct
port 1/65 speed 100M 100M Correct
es4a cross connect none none Correct
spanning tree rapid rapid Correct
multicast filtering off off Correct
port 1/23 duplex full half Error:Incorrect
port 1/23 speed 100M 100M Correct
es4b cross connect none none Correct
B- 4 6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference aplanconfig

spanning tree rapid rapid Correct

multicast filtering off off Correct
port 1/24 duplex full half Error:Incorrect
port 1/24 speed 100M 100M Correct
es6a cross connect none none Correct
spanning tree rapid rapid Correct
multicast filtering off off Correct
es6b cross connect none none Correct
spanning tree rapid rapid Correct
multicast filtering off off Correct
es11a cross connect none none Correct
spanning tree rapid rapid Correct
multicast filtering off off Correct
es11b cross connect none none Correct
spanning tree rapid rapid Correct
multicast filtering off off Correct
Correct the configuration setting is correct
Error:Incorrect the configuration setting is incorrect.the setting should be

changed to the expected value.

SUMMARY: aplanconfig completed with cabling and/or switch configuration

Exiting aplanconfig with code 2 at Fri Mar 31 10:26:33 2006


401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 4 7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference apmodeDNFS

apmodeDNFS -s dlc_hostname -m [WAN|INET] [-h|H]
-s dlc_hostname Specifies the name of the satellite processor to be
grown in.
-m [WAN|INET] Specifies new boot mode for the named satellite.
[-h|H] Prints help message.

Typical usage
apmodeDNFS -s ap91 -m INET

The apmodeDNFS command is run from a DNFS Host to switch the boot mode for a
satellite processor. If the new mode is “WAN boot,” it creates a new /etc/vfstab,
snaps a new miniroot image, and sets up DHCP so that the satellite will WAN boot. If the
new mode is “INET boot,” this script sets up DHCP for the next boot to INET boot. The
satellite must be manually rebooted to put the new boot mode into effect.

Example output
# apmodeDNFS -s ap91 -m INET

SUCCESS: Reboot ap91 to change to new mode.

# apmodeDNFS -s ap91 -m WAN

INFO: (ap91) /export/sharedflx/satimage/ap91.root.ufs exists: partial
INFO: (ap91) got .makemini_part_lock mon pid 16597 makemini pid 16537
INFO: (ap91) cleared .makemini_part_lock :make_miniroot

SUCCESS: Reboot ap91 to change to new mode.

B- 4 8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference apnvmlogin

apnvmlogin [-d] loginID

The apnvmlogin command is used to specify the login information that the attached
Microcells are to use to download generic software from an AP. The login ID that is
created on the AP is strictly for the use of the Microcell Non-Volatile Memory (NVM)
download. The login ID is not configured for use as a general AP login; the purpose of the
apnvmlogin command is to provide the Microcell with automatic file transfer access
without compromising general AP security.
When the apnvmlogin command is invoked without the -d argument, the command
creates an AP login ID and sets its environment to function for Microcell generic file
download. If the previously specified Microcell download login ID was a different login
ID, the previous login ID is deleted and the new login ID is created. If the specified login
ID is the same as it was previously, the password is simply changed to the newly specified
When the apnvmlogin command is invoked with the -d argument, the command
deletes the Microcell download login ID. Deletion of the Microcell download login ID
prohibits any successful Microcell generic file download through this AP.

Note: The apnvmlogin command changes only the information on the AP on

which it is executed. For successful AP and Microcell operation, all APs should be
administered to have the same Microcell download login information (login ID and

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 4 9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference apoffline

apoffline [-q]

-q bypass system messages while the command executes

The apoffline command is used to change the Reliable Clustered Computing (RCC)
state to OFFLINE. The execution of apoffline terminates the RCC processes and MM-
AP application processes. Because MM-AP application processes include call processing,
use of apoffline should be limited.
When the appoffline command is executed, apoffline gives the user 5 seconds to
cancel the command. To bypass the 5-second period for canceling the command, enter the
-q (quiet) option.
Execution of the apoffline command causes the state of the MM-AP to be shown as
ISOLATED at the Element Management System (EMS). If the MM-AP is not already in
the Out-of-Service Manual (OOS-M) or ISOLATED state, the MM-AP should first be
removed from service either by using the OMC-RAN, EMS icons, or by executing the
RMV:AP command at the TICLI. If apoffline is executed while the MM-AP application
processes are still in service, an Are you sure? message is generated. The user may
cancel execution of apoffline at that time and issue the appropriate RMV:AP command.
This allows the MM-AP application processes to switch to an alternate MM-AP, which
minimizes down time. Similarly, if apoffline is executed while RCC WatchDog ports
are offline, the user receives an additional Are you sure? message. To bypass these
messages, enter the -q option.

Example output
# apoffline

Taking server ap01 offline...

To cancel, interrupt this process within 5 seconds!

Waiting up to 360 seconds for ap01 to be taken offline...

Server ap01 was successfully taken offline.

B- 5 0 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference aponline

aponline [-q]

-q bypass system messages while the command executes

The aponline command is used to change the Reliable Clustered Computing (RCC)
state to ONLINE. Execution of aponline reboots the MM-AP and restarts the RCC
processes and MM-AP application processes. If you are connected to the MM-AP via the
TCP/IP network when the MM-AP reboots, your terminal session is lost and you must log
back in to the MM-AP after the boot sequence completes.
When the aponline command is executed, aponline gives the user 5 seconds to cancel
the execution of the command. To bypass the 5-second cancellation period, enter the -q
(quiet) option on the command line.
After the MM-AP is brought online, the Element Management System (EMS) no longer
shows the MM-AP to be in the ISOLATED state but in the Out-of-Service Manual (OOS-
M) or ACTIVE state. If the state of the MM-AP is shown as OOS-M, the MM-AP can be
brought to the ACTIVE state either by using the OMC-RAN, EMS icons, or by entering
the RST:AP command at the TICLI.

Note: The MM-AP cannot become ACTIVE unless the Ethernet Interface Node
Enhanced (EINE) also becomes ACTIVE. The EINE usually becomes ACTIVE
automatically. In some cases, however, the user may need to restore the EINE
manually to make it ACTIVE.

Example output
# aponline

Server ap01 will reboot as it is brought online...

To cancel, interrupt this process within 5 seconds!

Waiting up to 150 seconds for ap01 to reboot and be brought

When ap01 has rebooted, you will need to login again.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 5 1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference aponlygr


The aponlygr command executes an MM-AP-only generic retrofit. An MM-AP-only
generic retrofit is similar to an ECP generic retrofit but involves only MM-APs; the ECP
Complex is not affected. An MM-AP-only generic retrofit causes all MM-APs to boot
simultaneously to the selected version of MM-AP platform software. The behavior of the
MM-APs in response to the aponlygr command is the same as the behavior of the MM-
APs in response to the 42 r, 50, 54 command sequence.
The aponlygr command is service-affecting! All calls that are
served by the MM-APs will be lost. All Microcells will stable clear.
All MM-APs will be isolated for about 10 minutes. Execute this
command during off-peak hours when service is least likely to be
MM-AP-only generic retrofit is performed only if the software release notes indicate that
it should be performed. More details about the MM-AP-only generic retrofit are included
in the software release notes.
When the aponlygr command is executed, the following admonishment is displayed:

WARNING: This command will result in ALL APs booting.

Do you want to continue?
Enter y to continue or n to quit [y n]:

The MM-AP-only generic retrofit is executed only if the user enters y in response to that

B- 5 2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference appkgchk

appkgchk -p package [-v version] [-s server] [-D directory]
[-q] [-g]

-p package check the software package named package on the MM-AP

Note: When -D or -v precedes -p, it is global. When -D or -v comes
after '-p' it is specific to that package.
-v version check version number version of the package that is to be checked
-s server if executing appkgchk remotely, check the package on the remote
MM-AP named server
-D directory if checking the ngn_platform package, check a new or previously
installed version of the package located in the directory named
directory (the default is to check the version of the package that is
currently in use)
-q run in quiet mode (bypass system messages while the command
-g use the insecure protocol, regardless of security configuration during
AP growth, disk replacement, or frame growth

Typical usage
appkgchk -p package
appkgchk -p all

The appkgchk command is used to verify that the files that were installed on an MM-AP
have not changed. If a user suspects that an installed package has become corrupt, the
appkgchk command should be executed.
The -p argument specifies the package that is to be checked. The -v argument specifies a
select version of the package that is to be checked. To check multiple versions of multiple
packages, repeat the -p and -v arguments or enter the -p all argument in the command
When the appkgchk command is executed, packages that are currently in use are
checked. If the ngn_platform package is specified, you can also instruct appkgchk to
output information about a package that is not currently in use. For example, executing the
following command checks the newly installed ngn_platform package:
appkgchk -p ngn_platform -D /ap/platform/new

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 5 3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference appkgchk

Similarly, the following command checks the previously installed ngn_platform

appkgchk -p ngn_platform -D /ap/platform/backout
The -s argument is currently provided as a sanity check. If the user is using remsh to run
the appkgchk command remotely, the -s argument should be entered to ensure that the
command is running on the correct MM-AP.
The -q (quiet) option is used to bypass system messages while the command executes.
Since the appkgchk command does not currently interact with the user, the -q option
may be avoided.

Example output
# appkgchk -p ngn_platform -v AP18.0.0001

Checking ngn_platform package (AP18.0.0001) ...

Sumcheck mismatch in ngn_platform package!
/ap/platform/default/bin/CCMmain: sum found=63431
/ap/platform/default/bin/CCMmain: sum expected=53333
Check of ngn_platform package (AP18.0.0001) completed with

B- 5 4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference appkginfo

appkginfo -p package [-v version] [-s server] [-D directory] [-q]

-p package retrieve information about the software package named package on the
Note: When -v precedes -p, it is global. When -v comes after '-p' it is
specific to that package.
-v version retrieve information about version number version of the package for
which information is to be retrieved
-s server if executing appkginfo remotely, execute it on the remote MM-AP
named server
-D directory if retrieving information about the ngn_platform package, retrieve
information about a new or previously installed version of the package
located in the directory named directory (the default is to retrieve
information about the version of the package that is currently in use)
-q run in quiet mode (bypass system messages while the command
-g use the insecure protocol, regardless of security configuration during
AP growth, disk replacement, or frame growth

Typical usage
appkginfo -p package
appkginfo -p all

The appkginfo command is used to retrieve important information about a software
package that is installed on an MM-AP.
The -p argument specifies the package about which information is to be retrieved. The -v
argument specifies a select version of the package. To retrieve information about multiple
versions of multiple packages, repeat the -p and -v arguments or enter the -p all

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 5 5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference appkginfo

When the appkginfo command is executed, information is output about the packages
that are currently in use. If the ngn_platform package is specified, the user can also
instruct appkginfo to retrieve information about a package that is not currently in use.
For example, the following command outputs information about the newly installed
ngn_platform package:
appkginfo -p ngn_platform -D /ap/platform/new
Similarly, the following command retrieves information about the previously installed
ngn_platform package:
appkginfo -p ngn_platform -D /ap/platform/backout
The -s argument is currently provided as a sanity check. If the user is using remsh to run
the appkgchk command remotely, the -s argument should be entered to ensure that the
command is running on the correct MM-AP.
The -q (quiet) option is used to bypass system messages while the appkginfo command
executes. Since appkginfo does not currently interact with the user, the -q option may
be avoided.

Example output
# appkginfo -p ngn_platform

PKGINST: ngn_platform
VERSION: AP18.0.0001
PSTAMP: Mon Mar 22 13:16:52 CST 1999
INSTDATE: Tue Mar 23 12:03:12 CST 1999
HOTLINE: Contact CTAM +1-630-224-4672 (Intl.) or
1-800-225-4672 (U.S.)

B- 5 6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference appkgload

appkgload [source_device] [destination_directory...]

Typical usage

The appkgload command is used to load MM-AP packages onto the OMP.
When appkgload is executed using the default options, packages that have been written
to the source_device will be loaded into the destination_directory. If so instructed,
multiple destination directories can be specified. Groups of packages will be loaded, the
first group of packages will be loaded into the first destination_directory, the second
The user executing the appkgload command must be able to write to the local source
package directory.

Example output
# appkgload
./fms_rcc (this line for R30.0 or earlier only)
./fms_rcc/060102 (this line for R30.0 or earlier only)
./fms_rcc/060102/RCC.pkg (this line for R30.0 or earlier only)

7891234 blocks

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 5 7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference appkgrm

appkgrm -p package [-v version] [-s server] [-q] [-D directory] [-

-p package remove the software package named package from the MM-AP
Select a group of packages by surrounding the group in quotes, or by
repeating the -p option.
Note: When -D or -v precedes -p, it is global. When -D or -v comes
after '-p' it is specific to that package.
-v version remove version number version of the package that is to be removed
-s server if executing apremove remotely, execute it on the remote MM-AP
named server
-D directory remove the package from the directory named directory, rather than
from the default directory
-q run in quiet mode (bypass system messages while the command
-g use the insecure protocol, regardless of security configuration during
AP growth, disk replacement, or frame growth

Typical usage
appkgrm -p package -v version

The appkgrm command is used to remove the installed fms_rcc (in Release 30.0 or
earlier) and ngn_platform packages from an MM-AP.

Note: To remove the rcs and microcell packages, use the apdelcellsw
The -p argument specifies the package that is to be removed. The -v argument specifies
the version of the package that is to be removed. To remove multiple versions of multiple
packages, repeat the -p and -v arguments.
When the appkgrm command is executed, installed packages are removed from their
directories. The default directory from which the package is removed is the directory into
which a newly installed package would be placed. For the fms_rcc package, the default
directory that is removed is /opt/rcc/su. The default directory that is removed for the

B- 5 8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Command reference appkgrm

ngn_platform package is /ap/platform/new. If a directory other than the default

directory needs to be removed, use the -D argument. For example, to remove the backout
directory of the ngn_platform package, specify -D /ap/platform/backout.
If the execution of the appkgrm command affects the running MM-AP, appkgrm requires
the MM-AP to be offline. For example, removal of the platform’s default directory affects
the running MM-AP, but removal of the new or backout directory of the platform does not
affect the running MM-AP.
When the appkgrm command is executed, it provides an Are you sure? message. The
-q (quiet) option is provided to bypass this message.

Example output
# appkgrm -p ngn_platform -v AP17.0.0108

The ngn_platform package (AP17.0.0108) will be removed from the

/ap/platform/new directory.

Do you want to continue [no]: yes

Removing ngn_platform package (AP17.0.0108) from
/ap/platform/new ...
The ngn_platform package (AP17.0.0108) was successfully

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 5 9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference appkgtrans

appkgtrans -p package [-v version] [-s server] [-S server]
[-q] [-d directory] [-D directory] [-l login] [-z password] [-

-p package transfer the package named package to the MM-AP

Select a group of packages by surrounding the group in quotes, or by
repeating the -p option.
Note: When -d, -D, or -v precedes -p, it is global. When -d, -D, or -v
comes after '-p' it is specific to that package.
-v version transfer the version named version of the package that is to be
transferred to the MM-AP
-s server get the package that is to be transferred from the remote server with
the node name server (appkgtrans defaults to apomp)
-S server put the package that is to be transferred on the remote MM-AP with
the node name server
-q bypass system messages while the command executes
-d directory get the package that is to be transferred from the source directory
named directory rather than from the default directory
-D directory put the package that is to be transferred in the directory named
directory on the remote MM-AP rather than in the default directory
-l login use the login login on the remote server when reading the source file
or writing the destination file remotely
-z password use the password password for the remote login specified with the -l
Notes: For security purposes, use of the -z option is
-g use the insecure protocol, regardless of security configuration during
AP growth, disk replacement, or frame growth

Typical usage
appkgtrans -p package -v version

The appkgtrans command is used to transfer MM-AP packages between servers,
typically from the OMP to an MM-AP.

B- 6 0 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Command reference appkgtrans

Note: Depending on the security configuration, the appkgtrans command may be

restricted from using connections from MM-AP to MM-AP or from MM-AP to the
OMP. appkgtrans can be run on an MM-AP to transfer packages between the OMP
and MM-AP when MSI=1 on the mscsec form.
The -p argument specifies the package that is to be transferred. The -v argument specifies
the version of the package that is to be transferred. To transfer multiple versions of
multiple packages, repeat the -p and -v arguments.
The -g option indicates to use insecure protocol regardless of the security configuration
during AP growth, disk replacement, or frame growth. This -g option is only supported on
the OMP.
The user is prompted for any required information not supplied on the command line.
When the appkgtrans command is executed with the default options, the package files
are transferred (“pulled”) from the /var/spool/ap/pkg/package/version directory on
the OMP server (apomp) to the /var/spool/ap/pkg/package/version directory on the local
MM-AP. If the package resides on a server other than apomp, specify that server with the -s
option. By using the -s option, packages will be retrieved from the remote system. If the
package resides in a source directory other than /var/spool/ap/pkg, use the -d argument. If
the package is to be placed into a destination directory other than /var/spool/ap/pkg,
specify that directory with the -D option.
If the package source directory is on the local system, and the package needs to be sent to
a destination directory on a remote system (“pushed”), use the -S server option. If the -S
option is used and the
-v version option is not specified, all the versions of the package will be listed and the user
will be prompted to select the version of the package to be transferred. By using the -S
option, packages will be sent to the remote system.
The user who executes the appkgtrans command must be able to read the source
package directory and write to the destination package directory. If appkgtrans is
executed with either the -s or -S option, the -l option can be used to specify a login on
the remote server. The remote login that is specified with the -l option must be able to
read the source package directory(-s option) or write the destination package directory (-
S option). The password for the remote login can be specified with the -z option, but for
security purposes, use of the -z argument is discouraged. If the -l option is not used,
appkgtrans assumes that the remote login is root and prompts for root’s password.
Use of the remote login oamproxy when transferring files to a remote MM-AP (-S -l
oamproxy) eliminates the password prompt.
The -q (quiet) option is used to prevent appkgtrans from asking questions while it
executes. If the -q option is used, the user must supply all required information on the
command line.

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Command reference appkgtrans

The position of command line options determine how they work. The
-p option is the key. Options that are specified before the -p argument are global and
therefore affect all packages. Options that are specified after the -p argument are local to
that specific package. For example, if the -D argument is entered before the -p argument,
then all packages are transferred to the specified directory.

Example output
# appkgtrans -p ngn_platform -v AP18.0.0001

AP package transfer makes heavy use of the TCP/IP network

and may therefore affect performance. AP package transfer
should be performed during an off-peak period.

Do you want to continue [no]: yes

Enter the name of the remote server [apomp]: apomp
Enter the login on apomp [root]: root
Enter the password for root on apomp:

Transfer of version AP18.0.0001 of the ngn_platform package from

beginning at Mon Apr 1 10:22:12 CST 2002

Transfer of version AP18.0.0001 of the ngn_platform package from

completed successfully at Mon Apr 1 10:28:56 CST 2002!
166398 blocks.

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Command reference appkgtrans

The following is an example of appkgtrans output when the -S option is used:

# appkgtrans -p ngn_platform -S ap01

AP package transfer makes heavy use of the TCP/IP network

and may therefore affect performance. AP package transfer
should be performed during an off-peak period.

Do you want to continue [no]: yes

The following platform packages are ready for transfer:

1) AP17.0.0009
2) AP18.0.0001
Enter the menu number of the platform package to send to ap01: 2
Enter the login on ap01 [root]: root
Enter the password for root on ap01:
Transfer of version AP18.0.0001 of the ngn_platform package to
beginning at Mon Apr 1 10:22:12 CST 2002
Transfer of version AP18.0.0001 of the ngn_platform package to
completed successfully at Mon Apr 1 10:28:56 CST 2002!
166398 blocks.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 6 3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference appkgunload

appkgunload -p package [-v version] [-s server] [-q] [-d
directory] [-g]

-p package remove the package named package from the MM-AP

Note: When -d or -v precedes -p, it is global. When -d or -v comes
after '-p' it is specific to that package.
-v version remove the version named version of the package that is to be
removed from the MM-AP
-s server remove the package from the remote server with the node name
server (appkgunload defaults to the local server)
-q bypass system messages while the command executes
-d directory remove the package from the source directory named directory
rather than from the default directory
-g use the insecure protocol, regardless of security configuration during
AP growth, disk replacement, or frame growth

Typical usage
appkgunload -p package

The appkgunload command is used to unload MM-AP packages that have previously
been loaded onto the OMP with appkgload or that have previously been transferred to
the MM-AP with appkgtrans. The -p and -v options are provided so that a select
version of a particular package can be specified. Multiple versions of multiple packages
can be specified by repeated use of the -p and -v options. The user will be prompted for
any required information that is not supplied on the command line.
When appkgunload is executed using the default options, the user will be prompted to
select the version of the package to be unloaded (removed) from the
/var/spool/ap/pkg/package/version directory on the local server. If the package
resides in a local source directory other than /var/spool/ap/pkg, use the -d directory
option. The -s option is currently provided as a sanity check. If the user is using remsh to
run this command remotely and wants to assure that the command is running on the
correct MM-AP, then use the -s option. If the -q option is used, required information
must be supplied on the command line.
The user executing the appkgunload command must be able to write to the local source
package directory.

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Command reference appkgunload

The position of command line options determine how they work. The
-p option is the key. Options that are specified before the -p are global and therefore
affect all packages. Options that are specified after the -p are local to that specific
package. For example, if the -d option is used before the -p option, then all packages will
be unloaded from the specified source directory.

Example output
# appkgunload -p ngn_platform

The following platform versions are currently loaded:

1) AP18.0.0001
2) ALL
Enter the menu number of the ngn_platform package to unload: 1

The ngn_platform package (version AP18.0.0001) will be

unloaded from the /var/spool/ap/pkg directory.

Do you want to continue [no]: yes

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 6 5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference applatconfig

applatconfig -s remote_MM-AP -v asset [-g]
applatconfig -s remote_MM-AP -a asset [-g]
applatconfig -s remote_MM-AP -r asset [-g]
applatconfig -s remote_MM-AP -c asset [-g]
applatconfig -s remote_MM-AP -l asset [-g]

-a asset add an asset to the MM-AP’s configuration

-c asset list all assets that are part of the MM-AP's
-l asset list a particular asset that is part of the MM-AP's
-r asset remove an asset from the MM-AP’s configuration
-s remote_MM-AP specify the name of the remote MM-AP that is to be
-v asset verify that an asset can be added to an MM-AP's
configuration (before the -a is attempted)
-g use the insecure protocol, regardless of security
configuration during AP growth, disk replacement,
or frame growth

Typical usage
applatconfig -s apxy -a asset

The applatconfig command is used to tell the specified MM-AP to configure an asset,
to remove an asset from its configuration, or to list those assets that have been configured.
It controls which assets from the MM-AP bundle(s) are installed on a particular MM-AP.
An asset can be thought of as a feature, or as part of a feature.
The MM-AP bundle(s) contains many different packages. Some packages can be installed
on all MM-APs; other packages must only be installed on those MM-APs that are
configured for a particular feature. The applatconfig command is therefore used to
help the bundle install only those packages that are needed.
The -s option is used to specify the name of the remote MM-AP that is being configured.
The -v option is used to verify that an asset can be added to an MM-AP's configuration
(before the -a is attempted). The -a option is used to add an asset to the MM-AP's

B- 6 6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Command reference applatconfig

configuration. The -r option is used to remove an asset from the MM-AP's configuration.
The -c option is used to list all assets that are part of the MM-AP's configuration. The -l
option is used to list a particular asset that is part of the MM-AP's configuration.
The applatconfig command is used to configure a DNFS Host in preparation for
growing satellite processors. You configure a DNFS Host either during growth of a new
MM-AP or during conversion of an existing MM-AP. In both of these procedures, you use
the following applatconfig syntax:
applatconfig -s remote_MM-AP -a dnfshost
The applatconfig command is run from the OMP. It affects the configuration of the
remote MM-AP specified by the -s option. It must be executed separately for each MM-
AP that requires the particular configuration.

Example output
OMP-> applatconfig -s ap01 -a NGNrcs
Resource configured: NGNrcs

OMP-> applatconfig -s ap01 -r NGNrcs

Removed resource: NGNrcs

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 6 7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference aprenew

aprenew [ -v backup_version ] [ -o “load-specific options” ]
[ -s server ] [ -l login ] [ -z password ] [ -u | -q ]

-v backup_version specifies the version of the desired backup saveset

-o options pass the options specified by load-specific options to
the load-specific copy of aprenew that is used for the
-s server get the backup saveset that is to be restored from the
remote server with the node name server (aprenew
defaults to the mate MM-AP)
-l login use the login login on the remote server when reading
the backup saveset remotely
Notes: If you do not specify root as the login ID
on the remote server, the login ID that you
specify must have superuser (su) permission to
the /var/spool/ap directory and subdirectories.
-z password use the password password for the remote login
specified with the -l option
Notes: For security purposes, use of the -z
option is discouraged.
Note: If you use the -z option, the password for the
remote server login ID is viewable by others if they
check the history of commands that have been executed
at the MM-AP shell.
-q run in quiet mode (do not prompt for additional
information (cannot be used with the -u option) (Note:
This option may not be available in secure
-u update the list of packages to be transferred and
installed interactively (cannot be used with the -q
option) (default option if -q is not used)

Typical usage
aprenew -s server
(This is the same as running aprenew -u -s server.)

Because it affects the running MM-AP, aprenew requires the MM-AP to be offline.
B- 6 8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference aprenew

The aprenew command is used during MM-AP replacement procedures to automatically

configure an MM-AP as the MM-AP was configured at the time of the specified
apbackup operation. MM-AP packages that were installed during the specified
apbackup operation are automatically transferred to the MM-AP, installed, and activated.
MM-AP applications that were configured during the specified apbackup operation are
reconfigured automatically. A select group of files (/etc/passwd) are restored. The
aprenew command does not restore the entire MM-AP but only those components of the
MM-AP that are necessary to reestablish a previous configuration. For example, aprenew
restores login IDs and passwords but does not restore user-defined $HOME directories.

-o option
apbackup saves a load-specific copy of aprenew. aprenew executes this saved copy.
Use the -o option to pass options to this saved copy of aprenew.

-v option
Use the -v option to restore a specific version of the backup. Backup savesets are
normally kept on the other MM-APs in the frame. If the backup saveset is kept on a
different server, specify that server with the -s argument.

-l and -z options
To execute the aprenew command, you must be able to write to the local backup
directory. To specify a remote login, use the -l argument. The remote login that you
specify with the -l option to the aprenew command must be able to read the remote
backup directory. You can use the -z option to specify the password for the remote login,
but for security purposes, we recommend against use of this option.

-u and -q options
Use the -u option to interactively update the list of packages being transferred and
installed. Use the -q (quiet) option if you do not want to be prompted for additional
information while the aprenew command executes. If you do use the -q option, you
must supply all required information on the command line. (Note: The -q option may be
restricted in secure environments.) The -u and -q options are mutually exclusive.

-s option
When the -s option is not used, and aprenew fails to reach the default backup server,
aprenew will fail. A message will be printed to suggest that the user try the -s option to
retrieve the backup saveset from some other server in the cluster (only if other servers
exist in the cluster) or from either of the two B-servers.

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Command reference aprenew

Note: The OMP should not be used as the remote server in secure environments.
Depending on the security configuration, the aprenew command may not be able to
access the connection to the OMP.

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Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference apsettimers

apsettimers [set | reset]

A generic retrofit, or retrofit backout, must be completed in a finite period of time. The
apsettimers command is used to temporarily extend this period of time by first
increasing the values of MM-AP transition timers and then restoring them to their original
values. The apsettimers command “toggles” between setting (extending) timer values
and resetting timer values. The first time apsettimers is called without a command line
parameter, it extends the timers. The second time apsettimers is called without a
command line parameter, it extends the timers. When apsettimers is called a second
time, it restores the timers to their original values. Alternatively, apsettimers can be
called with a command line parameter, either set to extend the timers or reset to
restores the timers.
The apsettimers command must be run while the MM-AP is online. It must be
executed on each MM-AP that will participate in the retrofit, or retrofit backout. A data
file, /var/ap/platform/apsettimers.data, is used to track when the timers were
last set.

Note: Be sure to restore the timers to their original values once the retrofit, or retrofit
backout, is complete.

Example output
# apsettimers set
Extending timer values for generic retrofit.
Enter 'yes' to continue or 'no' to abort: y
Timer values were successfully extended at Mon Jan 14 13:56:51 CST

# apsettimers reset
Resetting original values for timers.
Enter 'yes' to continue or 'no' to abort: y
Successfully reset original timer values at Mon Jan 14 13:56:59
CST 2002.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 7 1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference apstatus

apstatus [-s server]
apstatus [-s server] [-x ems]
apstatus [-s server] [-x ei]
apstatus [-s server] [-x program]

The apstatus command outputs the status of the specified MM-AP server in one of four
formats, although the default format is recommended. If the MM-AP server is not
specified, apstatus outputs the status of the local MM-AP. The exit code of the
apstatus command corresponds to the status of the MM-AP.
The status reported in the default format is dependent on the state of the Reliable
Clustered Computing (RCC) engine.

Exit code MM-AP status

0 OFFLINE (the RCC state of the MM-AP
is OFFLINE, or the RCC software is not
1 ONLINE (the RCC state of the MM-AP
is neither OFFLINE nor Unavailable)

2 Unavailable (the RCC state of the MM-

AP cannot be determined, or RCC is
OFFLINE and the pmon process is not

The ems format takes into account both the RCC state and the service state of the MM-AP.
Its output more closely resembles the status supplied by the Element Management System
The ei format takes into account both the RCC state and the service state of the MM-AP.
Its output more closely resembles the status supplied by the Emergency Interface (EI) of
the Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT).
The program format takes into account both the RCC state and the service state of the
MM-AP. Its output can be used by other programs to obtain a more complete picture of the
status of the MM-AP.

B- 7 2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Command reference flxactivate

flxactivate [-n] [-q] [-r] [-v] [ pkgnames | pkginstances |
pkgdirectories ]
flxactivate -A [-nqv]

-A When the MM-AP is online, select only those packages

for activation that are safe for online activation. If
packages are not specified, check all packages for
whether they can safely be activated online. If the MM-
AP is not online, select all packages for activation that
have a next link. Mutually exclusive with -r.
-n Perform a dry run, that is, displays actions that would be
taken by flxactivate without actually activating
-q Prevent flxactivate from prompting for input
while it executes (quiet mode).
-r Reboot automatically when flxactivate finishes
executing if any package requests it (by default,
flxactivate displays instructions to the user if a
reboot is necessary).
-v Display the list of packages being activated and
deactivated (verbose mode).
pkgnames Activate only the named packages (pkgnames).
By default, flxactivate activates all new packages.
pkginstances Activate only the named package instances
pkgdirectories Activate only packages in the the named package
directories (pkgdirectories).

flxactivate activates all new software packages on an MM-AP, independent of
bundling. It shifts current versions to previous, and next versions to current. It also links
in appropriate files into run time locations in /flx.
flxactivate indicates the results of its execution with one of the following numeric
0 Successful completion.
1 Fatal error.
2 Non-fatal warning occurred.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 7 3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference flxactivate

10 Successful completion. System must be rebooted for activation

to fully take effect. If the -r option was used, flxactivate
will reboot the system automatically at completion.
20 A package has requested that flxactivate reboot the
system immediately. Activation will resume automatically after
the system reboots.

Any other exit code means an error occurred.

B- 7 4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference flxbackout

flxbackout [-n] [-q] [-r] [-v] [ pkgnames | pkginstances |
pkgdirectories ]

-n perform a dry run, that is, displays actions that would be

taken by flxbackout without actually backing
anything out
-q prevent flxbackout from prompting for input while
it executes (quiet mode)
-r reboot automatically when flxbackout finishes
executing if any package requests it (by default,
flxbackout displays instructions to the user if a
reboot is necessary)
-v display the list of packages being activated and
deactivated (verbose mode)
pkgnames back out only the named packages (pkgnames)
By default, flxbackout undoes the last
pkginstances back out only the named package instances
pkgdirectories back out only packages in the the named package
directories (pkgdirectories)

The flxbackout command reverts an MM-AP system to previous versions of software
packages by undoing the last flxactivate. It shifts current versions to next and
previous versions to current. With invalid options or arguments, flxbackout just
displays command usage and version number.
flxbackout indicates the results of its execution with one of the following numeric
codes. Any other exit code means an error occurred.
0 Successful completion.
1 Fatal error.
2 Non-fatal warning occurred.
10 Successful completion. System must be rebooted for backout
to fully take effect. If the -r option was used, flxbackout
will reboot the system automatically at completion.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 7 5
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Command reference flxbackout

20 A package has requested that flxbackout reboot the system

immediately. Backout will resume automatically after the
system reboots.

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Command reference flxbuninfo

flxbuninfo [-R dlc_name] [-v] [bundle_filename]

-R specify one or more diskless clients

dlc_name comma separated list of diskless client (that is,
satellite) application processor names (for example,
-v verbose mode, list all packages in each bundle
bundle_filename comma separated list of bundle file names (the
default is all installed bundles plus uninstalled
bundle files in the /var/flx/bun directory)

The flxbuninfo command lists information about installed or uninstalled bundles or
both. flxbuninfo returns 0 if it completes successfully, 1 if an error occurred during

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 7 7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference flxchkfwacv


The flxchkfwacv command verifies the default values shown for the following alarm
card firmware parameters:
• RCC_poweroff=true
• RCC_poweron=true
• RCC_reset=true
• panic_dump=false
• serial2_baud=9600
• serial2_data=7
• serial2_hw_flowcontrol=false
• serial2_inactivity=false
• serial2_mode=rcc
• serial2_parity=odd
• serial2_stop=1
• solaris_watchdog_reboot=false
The flxchkfwacv command reads files in the /flx/FMSfwacv/current/data and
/flx/data/FMSfwacv directories to determine these default values. Values in the
/flx/data/FMSfwacv directory take precedence over those in the
/flx/FMSfwacv/current/data directory
The flxchkfwacv command has no options other than the -? option, which displays the
following usage message:
[flx01]-> flxchkfwacv -?
Usage: flxchkfwacv
No arguments taken. Validates alarm card parameter values
on the FMS.

Example output
The following example shows that all of the values of the specified alarm card firmware
parameters were as expected.
[flx01]-> flxchkfwacv
GOOD: Verified Alarm Card parameter RCC_poweron = true
GOOD: Verified Alarm Card parameter RCC_poweroff = true
GOOD: Verified Alarm Card parameter RCC_reset = true
B- 7 8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Command reference flxchkfwacv

GOOD: Verified Alarm Card parameter panic_dump = false

GOOD: Verified Alarm Card parameter serial2_baud = 9600
GOOD: Verified Alarm Card parameter serial2_data = 7
GOOD: Verified Alarm Card parameter serial2_hw_flowcontrol = false
GOOD: Verified Alarm Card parameter serial2_inactivity = false
GOOD: Verified Alarm Card parameter serial2_mode = rcc
GOOD: Verified Alarm Card parameter serial2_parity = odd
GOOD: Verified Alarm Card parameter serial2_stop = 1
GOOD: Verified Alarm Card parameter solaris_watchdog_reboot = false
In the event that any of the values is not as expected, flxchkfwacv outputs a
warning for that parameter, as in the following example:
[flx02]-> flxchkfwacv
WARNING: Alarm Card parameter RCC_poweroff = false, expected true
WARNING: Alarm Card parameter RCC_poweron = false, expected true
WARNING: Alarm Card parameter RCC_reset = false, expected true
GOOD: Verified Alarm Card parameter panic_dump = false
GOOD: Verified Alarm Card parameter serial2_baud = 9600
GOOD: Verified Alarm Card parameter serial2_data = 7
GOOD: Verified Alarm Card parameter serial2_hw_flowcontrol = false
GOOD: Verified Alarm Card parameter serial2_inactivity = false
GOOD: Verified Alarm Card parameter serial2_mode = rcc
GOOD: Verified Alarm Card parameter serial2_parity = odd
GOOD: Verified Alarm Card parameter serial2_stop = 1
GOOD: Verified Alarm Card parameter solaris_watchdog_reboot = false

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 7 9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference flxcommit

flxcommit [-n] [-q] [-v] [-U] [package_names|package_instances]

-n perform a dry run, that is, display actions that would be

taken by flxcommit without actually committing
-q prevent flxcommit from prompting for input while it
executes (quiet mode)
-v display the list of packages being committed or
decommitted (verbose mode)
-U Uncommit packages. See note below.
package_names Individual packages or instances to be left
package instances uncommitted. For more information about package
names and instances, refer to “flxpkginfo” (p. B-99).

Note: By default, all packages are uncommitted. Individual packages may be uncommitted
by specifying the package name or instance on the command line. If a package name is
specified, the committed instance of that package is uncommitted. Individual packages
may only be uncommitted if all package dependencies will be met by the remaining
committed package instances.

Note: If all packages are uncommitted, the flxfallback command will be disabled
until the next time flxcommit is run.
flxcommit indicates the results of its execution with one of the following numeric codes
0 Successful completion.
1 Fatal error.
2 Non-fatal warning occurred.

Any other exit code means an error has occurred.

flxcommit can be run to commit all current activated package instances (a) when it is
believed that the sytem works fine with existing current activated packages, or (b) before
updating to a new software version. When a package instance is committed, it cannot be
backed out nor be removed via any SUF command. It also provides a checkpoint for the
flxfallback command.

B- 8 0 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference flxcommit

No more than one instance of each package may exist in the committed state at a time.
Committing a new instance will automatically uncommit the old instance. Packages may
only be committed if all package dependencies will be met by the committed package
By default, all current package instances are committed. Individual packages may be
uncommitted (without affecting the committed state of any other packages) by specifying
the package name or instance on the command line. If a package name is specified, the
current instance of that package is committed.

This command is prevented from running with an error message if called after flxapply
but before the flxactivate that activates this apply. This restriction is enforced to preserve
the integrity of the ongoing software update. Calling flxcommit after the apply is activated
will result in clearing restrictions on other commands during an ongoing software update
using apply.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 8 1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference flxcoremgmt

flxcoremgmt days

days delete core files in days number of days

The flxcoremgmt command saves application core files before they are overwritten and
deletes them when they are seven days or older.
Core files generated when applications fail contain information critical to determining the
cause of the failure. To prevent a subsequent core file from overwriting an existing core
file in the same directory before someone has an opportunity to analyze the existing file,
MM-AP software appends the name of the failing process to the name of the core file (for
example, core.nslookup or core.DBinit) and saves the resulting file in
flxcoremgmt also periodically checks the age of all core files in /var/corefiles and
removes any that are seven days or older. This is controlled by an associated entry in
root’s crontab file, which is automatically controlled by the MM-AP.


B- 8 2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference flxcronmgmt


The flxcronmgmt command updates root’s crontab file
(/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root). By default, flxcronmgmt adds the following
entries to root’s crontab when MM-AP software is first installed on the MM-AP:

15 2 * * * /flx/bin/flxlogmgmt
15 3 * * * /flx/bin/flxcoremgmt
15 * * * * /usr/platform/SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIi-Netract/rsc/rscadm
date -s
# Automatically backup MM-AP platform configuration
30 6 * * * /ap/platform/default/bin/APauto_backup
The flxlogmgmt entry trims various Solaris log files to specified sizes (see
“flxlogmgmt” (p. B-94) for details). The flxcoremgmt entry saves a copy of application
core files for a specified number of days and deletes them after that interval (see
“flxcoremgmt” (p. B-82) for details). The rscadm date -s entry synchronizes the date
of the alarm card.
The APauto-backup entry backs up the MM-AP platform configuration.
In each case, the command is run daily.
To change the default scheduling of flxlogmgmt and flxcoremgmt, create a file
/flx/data/FMSadmin/unique_name.cronmgmt with the following line

and standard cron entries for flxlogmgmt and flxcoremgmt with the desired
scheduling parameters.

0 1 * * 6 /flx/bin/flxlogmgmt
0 2 * * 6 /flx/bin/flxcoremgmt
Reference: For more information on the format of cron entries, execute
man crontab
Do not modify the rscadm date -s or APauto_backup entries.
To have flxcronmgmt add additional entries to root’s crontab file, create a file
/flx/data/FMSadmin/unique_name.cronmgmt with standard cron entries for each of
the commands that you want flxronmgmt to add to root’s crontab file.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 8 3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference flxcronmgmt

Note: flxcronmgmt uses all cronmgmt files, both default and custom, in updating
root’s crontab file.

B- 8 4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference flxdeactivate

flxdeactivate [-n] [-q] [-r] [-v] pkgnames

-n perform a dry run, that is, display actions that would be

taken by flxdeactivate without actually
deactivating anything.
-q prevent flxdeactivate from prompting for input
while it executes (quiet mode)
-r reboot automatically when flxdeactivate finishes
executing if any package requests it (by default,
flxdeactivate displays instructions to the user if a
reboot is necessary)
-v display the list of packages being activated and
deactivated (verbose mode)
pkgnames deactivate only the named packages (pkgnames)
Notes: At least one package name must be
specified on the flxdeactivate command line.

The flxdeactivate command deactivates the current version of specified software
packages so that no version is current. It does this by shifting the current version to
previous and removing applicable files from public directories.
flxdeactivate indicates the results of its execution with one of the following numeric
0 Successful completion.
1 Fatal error.
2 Non-fatal warning occurred.
10 Successful completion. System must be rebooted for
deactivation to fully take effect. If the -r option was used,
flxdeactivate will reboot the system automatically at
20 A package has requested that flxdeactivate reboot the
system immediately. Deactivation will resume automatically
after the system reboots.

Any other exit code means an error occurred.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 8 5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference flxdm


-u Application Logic will be ignored even if present.

DM_COMMAND flxdm command that is to be run.
DM_ARGS flxdm command arguments

Typical usage
(Interactive invocation)
flxdm test te_bist
flxdm test te_post
(Non-interactive invocations)

The flxdm command provides a set of diagnostic tests for both PMC (Interphase 4539) and
cPCI E1/T1 (Interphase 6535) cards that are using either the MM-RCS or MM-DLN/MM-
SS7 driver. The command can be used to execute a specific flxdm command with
arguments (non-interactive mode) or can be used to start a diagnostic session to enter
several flxdm commands (interactive).

flxdm commands

help show most frequently used commands

jobs query background test status
kill kill a background test (using the test number as the
command argument)
test run tests
quit exit an interactive flxdm session

flxdm command arguments

x used with help where x = search string.

used with kill where x = test number.

B- 8 6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Command reference flxdm

all [s] used with test to run all tests with prompting;
optionally include only tests that have string s in the test
ALL [s] used with test to run all tests with no prompting;
optionally include only tests that have string s in the test
te_bist used with test to run BIST diagnostics
te_post used with test to display the last POST results
te_reset used with test to reset the I/O in order to run POST

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 8 7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference flxfru


-M query FRUID via MOH; -M and -p options are mutually

-C query FRUID via CPU
-q quiet mode, user will not be prompted before writing FRUID
-t [timeout] Timeout value in seconds; must be positive. If no timeout is
specified, 20 seconds is used.
-r [hostname] get FRUID information for a specified host; if no hostname is
specified, get FRUID information for the local host
-p display value for Customer Data value in FRUID; -M and -p
options are mutually exclusive
-v display all field values for the component
-f specify comma separated list of fields to display
[value] set the Custom Data field in FRUID for the specified
component in FRUID to this value; must not be greater than 48
bytes long. See Notes 1 & 2.
host|sat|ac|disk|fan|fan1|fan2| Component names whose FRUID information will be
midplane|ps|ps1|ps2|scb displayed. If no component is specified, the local CPU is used.
See also Notes 3 - 6.

Typical usage
flxfru [-C] [-q] [-t <timeout>] [-r <hostname>] [-p] [-v] [-f f1,f2..,fN]
flxfru [-M] [-q] [-t timeout] [-r hostname] [-p] [-v] [-f f1,f2..,fN]
flxfru [-q] [-r hostname] [-t timeout]
host|sat|ac|fan|fan1|fan2|midplane|ps|ps1|ps2|scb [value]

The flxfru command is used to display information about server components. If no
fields are specified, default fields are used. Default fields include FRU identification
information, FRU version information and Custom Data fields for FRUs that support
Custom Data. Additional fields can be displayed with the -v option.
1. flxfru sat [value] is not supported from the host. You must use flxfru sat
[value] on the satellite to write the Custom Data field on the satellite.
2. The Custom Data field is not supported for 'disk'.
B- 8 8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference flxfru

3. fan1,fan2,ps1,ps2 not supported with -M (query via MOH).

4. The only applicable component for MSP blade (CPU model CP2300) is 'host'.
5. If fan is specified, information will be displayed for both fan1 and fan2.
6. If ps is specified, information will be displayed for both ps1 and ps2.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 8 9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference flxfwac

flxfwac [-c | -d]

-c check the alarm card firmware version and issue a warning if it

is older than that supported by the current MM-AP release
-d update the Remote System Control commands and download
the latest firmware if either action is necessary

This command is used on the MM-AP to update the alarm card firmware and Remote
System Control (RSC) commands to the levels supported by the current MM-AP release.
For example, in the current MM-AP release, the supported alarm card firmware version is
The flxfwac command is also used to download alarm card firmware when the alarm
card is not responding.
If the alarm card currently has a version of firmware newer than or equal to the level
supported by the current MM-AP release, then flxfwac exits silently and successfully
without generating any output.
If the alarm card currently has a version of firmware older than the level supported by the
current MM-AP release and flxfwac is called with the -c option, then flxfwac issues a
warning about this condition, but does not download the firmware.
If either the version of firmware on the alarm card or the version of the RSC commands on
the MM-AP is older than the level supported by the current MM-AP release, and
flxfwac is called with the -d option, then flxfwac downloads the firmware and updates
the RSC commands.
The flxfwac command also attempts to synchronize the time of day of the alarm card
with that of the MM-AP after a successful firmware download. Note that the command
attempts to download the firmware up to a maximum of 5 times at 30-second intervals
before failing. It also attempts to synchronize the time of day up to a maximum of 5 times,
again at 30-second intervals before failing. As a result, it is possible to see intermediate
error messages on failed download or date- synchronization attempts.
If flxfwac fails for any reason, it displays an error message.

B- 9 0 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference flxfwac

Example output
Following is an example of running flxfwac -c:
ap01-> flxfwac -c
flxfwac: WARNING: Alarm Card Firmware needs an UPREV, run flxfwac
-d manually
Following is an example of running flxfwac -d. In this example, flxfwac generates
intermediate error messages as it attempts to download firmware and synchronize the time
of day of the alarm card with that of the server, but exits successfully, as indicated by the
response to the echo $? command (0).
flxap01-> flxfwac -d
rscadm: RSC failed to respond during download
Download completed successfully

rscadm: RSC firmware not responding

ap01-> echo $?

Following is an example of running flxfwac -d, in which flxfwac was unable to

successfully update the RSC commands, as indicated by the non-zero response to the
echo $? command:
[ap05]-> flxfwac -d
ERROR: could not create directory /var/flx/patch
[ap05]-> echo $?

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 9 1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference flxfwacv


The flxfwacv command sets the following alarm card firmware parameters with the
default values shown:
• RCC_poweron=true
• RCC_poweroff=true
• RCC_reset=true
• panic_dump=false
• serial2_baud=9600
• serial2_data=7
• serial2_hw_flowcontrol=false
• serial2_inactivity=false
• serial2_mode=rcc
• serial2_parity=odd
• serial2_stop=1
• solaris_watchdog_reboot=false
The flxfwacv command reads files in the /flx/FMSfwacv/current/data and
/flx/data/FMSfwacv directories to determine these default values. Values in the
/flx/data/FMSfwacv directory take precedence over those in the
/flx/FMSfwacv/current/data directory
The command is typically used when replacing or updating software on a boot disk drive,
or when replacing an alarm card, to ensure that the values of the firmware parameters on
the alarm card match the values for those parameters stored on disk.
The command performs a soft reset on the alarm card, making the alarm card inaccessible
for about 40 seconds after running this command (the alarm card will not respond during
the soft reset). The command does not wait for the soft reset to complete.
The flxfwacv command has no options other than the -? option, which displays the
following usage message:
flx01-> flxfwacv -?
No arguments taken. Sets alarm card parameter values for the FMS
WARNING: This command does a soft reset on the alarm card.
Alarm card will not be accessible for about 40 seconds until the
soft reset is complete.

B- 9 2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference flxfwacv

No output is displayed unless the -? option is used. This simply displays the usage
message as described above.

Example output
The flxfwacv command generates no output if it executes successfully. Otherwise,
flxfwacv outputs an error message.
flxfwacv outputs the following error message, for example, when it is unable to call the
rscadm command because another instance of the rscadm command is already running,
and the alarm card fails to respond after the lock is freed.
[flx05]-> flxfwacv

rscadm: The RSC lock file was found. Only one

instance of rscadm can run at a given time
ERROR: Failed setting Alarm Card parameters RCC_poweron = true through rscadm

rscadm: The RSC lock file was found. Only one

instance of rscadm can run at a given time

ERROR: Failed setting Alarm Card parameters RCC_poweroff = true through


rscadm: The RSC lock file was found. Only one

instance of rscadm can run at a given time

ERROR: Failed setting Alarm Card parameters RCC_reset = true through rscadm

rscadm: RSC firmware not responding

ERROR: Failed setting Alarm Card parameters solaris_watchdog_reboot = false

through rscadm

rscadm: RSC firmware not responding

ERROR: Failed setting Alarm Card parameters panic_dump = false through rscadm

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 9 3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference flxlogmgmt


The flxlogmgmt commands trims the following Solaris log files to the sizes indicated
each day:
• /var/adm/utmp (36 KB)
• /var/adm/wtmp (36 KB)
• /var/adm/utmpx (372 KB)
• /var/adm/wtmpx (362 lines)
• /var/adm/sulog (600 lines)
• /var/log/syslog (1000 lines)

Reference: For more information about these Solaris files, use the man on-line help
To change the sizes to which flxlogmgmt trims these files, for example, to free up
additional space on MM-APs, or to have flxlogmgmt trim other files as well, create a file
/flx/data/FMSadmin/unique_name.logmgmt with the following entries:

B- 9 4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference flxlogmgmt

x is the number of bytes to which you want the binary file
trimmed (can also be expressed as integer*1024, for
example, 18*1024
y is the number of lines to which you want the text file
filename is the full path name of a file that you want flxlogmgmt
to trim
file_format is B for binary files, T for text files
trim_size is the number of bytes (for binary files) or the number of
lines (for text files) to which you want flxlogmgmt to
trim the file

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 9 5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference flxname

flxname [-help|-?]
flxname -v
flxname [-noboot] [-noacreset] spare
flxname [-noboot] [-noacreset] spare[1..8]
flxname [-noboot] [-noacreset] XXY
flxname [-noboot] [-noacreset] XXY a.b
flxname [-noboot] [-noacreset] sync
flxname [-noboot] [-bypassac] sync
flxname alarmcard

-help, -? show flxname help/usage

-v display all network configuration and system status
noboot do not reboot the AP.
noacreset do not reset the alarm card. Not allowed on satellites.
bypassac leave alarm card configuration intact.
sync synchronize configurations with the (updated) data file.
alarmcard configure alarm card and back up the configuration file. Not
allowed on satellites.
spare spare server. Not allowed on satellites.
spare[1..8] configure server with default host name and IP address. Not
allowed on satellites.
XXY name to be given the server; XX is the logical frame number
(0 to 39) and Y is the drawer location. Not allowed on
a.b is the first two octets of the IP address of the dual-rail LAN
to which the server will be connected. The default address is
10.0. Also available are addresses in the range 172.16 to
172.31. Not allowed on satellites.

The flxname command personalizes a server, changing its name and, where desired, its
IP address from the factory defaults. Servers in new frames ship from the factory with the
name flxspare or named in the range flxspare1 through flxspare8. The default
network address is 172.16. Replacement boot drives ship from the factory with the name

Note: If you change the IP address of the server, you may need to manually power
back on any satellites that are present.
B- 9 6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference flxname

flxname is also used to rename a server to apspare when a boot drive is being removed
for maintenance (flxname spare), to personalize a server’s alarm card (flxname
alarmcard), and to update server names and IP addresses when changes to those
configurations are made (flxname sync).
While flxname for the most part cannot be used on a satellite, flxname [-noboot]
sync can be used to synchronize the satellite configuration with the (updated) data file.
Running flxname updates the following system files:
/etc/opt/SUNWconn/trunking/bin/nettr.sh (if the MM-AP has IP trunking
configured for fault-tolerant LAN or FT-LAN)
/flx/data/FMSadmin/ftlan-config (if flxname creates FT-LAN network
flxname indicates the results of its execution with one of the following numeric codes:
0 Successful completion.
-1 An error occurred.

All flxname output is logged in /var/flx/logs/FMSadmin/flxname.log.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 9 7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference flxosupgrade


-f (Force) terminate other upgrade process.

-f For flxosstatus only: tail -f the

/var/flx/logs/FMSosupgr/log.XX_GG log
file, where XX is the version number of the new OS and
GG is the version number of the new Golden Image.
-h Show flxosupgrade usage.
-l For flxosstatus only: display all steps.
-v Display success messages for steps..
-w Suppress periodic warning messages.

B- 9 8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference flxpkginfo

flxpkginfo [-aAcCknNoOpVx] [-Kkeywords] [-Rdlc_names]

-a Select all installed package instances. This option is the

same as -A -c -C -n -o -p.
-A Select the most recently applied package instances.
-c Select currently active package instances. This is the
default option.
-C Select committed package instances. This option selects
the packages which were committed by flxcommit
and will be activated if flxfallback is run.
-k Show package keyword values.
-n Select the next package instances to be activated. This
option selects the packages that will be activated if
flxactivate is executed with no arguments.
-N Select the package instances with the newest version
-o Select package instances that would not be selected by -
A -c -C -n -p.
-O Select the package instances with the oldest version
-p Select the most recently previously activated package
-V Sort package instances by version number. By default,
packages are sorted by instance number, which
indicates the order in which they were installed.
-x Show extra information about each package.
-Kkeywords Show specified package keyword values. Only packages
containing specified keywords will be selected for
display. List of keywords may be separated by any non-
alphanumeric or underscore character (such as a
-Rdlc_names Specify diskless clients. Package information is
reported for each diskless client.
package_names Report information about only the named packages. The
default is all current MM-AP package instances.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 9 9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference flxpkginfo

package_instances Report information about only the named package

instances. The default is all current MM-AP package

The flxpkginfo command reports information about installed MM-AP packages. By
default, all current package instances are displayed, sorted by instance number.
flxpkginfo indicates the results of its execution with one of the following numeric
0 Successful completion.
<>0 An error occurred.

Command line arguments may consist of any combination of package_names and
Package names may be used to indicate one or more instances of a package, depending
upon command context and the options used. All package names begin with capital letters,
and may contain up to nine alphanumeric characters. For example, "FMSabc123" and
A package instance indicates a specific version of a package. Package instances are
represented by a package name with some sort of suffix appended to it. The most common
suffixes are instance numbers, which consist of a dash followed by an integer. For
example, "FMSxyz-1" indicates the first instance of package FMSxyz.
Package instances may also be symbolically referenced by appending one or more of the
options -A -a, -c, -C, -n, -N, -o, -O, or -p to individual package names. For example,
"FMSxyz-a" indicates all installed instances of package FMSxyz, "FMSxyz-N" indicates
only the newest version, and "FMSxyz-cn" indicates the current and next instances.
Package instances may also be referenced by version number by separating the package
name and version number with a relational operator (=, <, <=, >=, >, !=). For example,
"FMSxyz=3.5" indicates the instance of package FMSxyz that has version "3.5", and
"FMSxyz>=2.0 indicates all instances of package FMSxyz that have a version that is equal
to or newer than "2.0". Multiple versions may also be specified as a comma-separated list.
For example, "FMXxyz=1.2,3.4" indicates versions "1.2" and "3.4" of package FMSxyz,
and "FMSxyz!=5.6,7.8" indicates all instances of package FMSxyz except versions "5.6"
and "7.8". Note that relational operators and/or version strings may require command line
quoting to prevent the UNIX shell from interpreting them as metacharacters or

B- 1 0 0 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference hvlr2cpu

hvlr2cpu [ -r ] [ -b ] [ -c ]

-r To replace the R1 1 GB CPU board with an R2 2GB

CPU board
-b To back out the R2 2 GB CPU board update
-c To interrogate the CPU type checking compatibility

Typical usage
hvlr2cpu -r, hvlr2cpu -b, hvlr2cpu -c

The hvlr2cpu command makes the necessary interface changes required for moving
to/from an R2 CPU board on an HVLR AP only. This change enables the HVLR
application to support a much larger number of subscribers. The R2 CPU provides 2 GB
of main memory as oppose to the 1 GB on the R1 CPU.

Example output
#hvlr2cpu -r
Taking the server ap33 offline

Waiting up to 360 seconds for ap33 to be taken offline...

Server ap33 was successfully taken offline.
Power down the CPU, replace the existing R1 CPU with an R2 CPU
and then restore power to replaced CPU.
Oct 12 11:13:02 ap33 halt: halted by root
ap33:root> Oct 12 11:13:03 ap33 rpcbind: rpcbind terminating on
Oct 12 11:13:03 ap33 syslogd: going down on signal 15
Oct 12 11:13:03 rpc.metad: Terminated
syncing file systems... done
Program terminated

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 1 0 1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference top

top [ -SbiInquv ] [ -dcount ] [ -stime ] [ -ofield ]
[ -Uusername ] [ number ]

The top command displays and periodically updates information about the top 15 CPU
processes. If standard output is an intelligent terminal (see below) then as many processes
as will fit on the terminal screen are displayed by default. Otherwise, a good number of
them are shown (around 20). Raw CPU percentage is used to rank the processes. If number
is given, then the top number processes will be displayed instead of the default.
The top command makes a distinction between terminals that support advanced
capabilities and those that do not. This distinction affects the choice of defaults for certain
options. In the remainder of this document, an “intelligent” terminal is one that supports
cursor addressing, clear screen, and clear to end of line. Conversely, a “dumb” terminal is
one that does not support such features. If the output of top is redirected to a file, it acts
as if it were being run on a dumb terminal.

The top command takes the following options and arguments:

-S Show system processes in the display. Normally, system

processes such as the pager and the swapper are not shown.
This option makes them visible.
-b Use “batch” mode. In this mode, all input from the terminal is
ignored. Interrupt characters (such as ^C and ^\) still have an
effect. This is the default on a dumb terminal, or when the
output is not a terminal.
-i Use “interactive” mode. In this mode, any input is
immediately read for processing. See the section on
“Interactive Mode” for an explanation of which keys perform
what functions. After the command is processed, the screen
will immediately be updated, even if the command was not
understood. This mode is the default when standard output is
an intelligent terminal.
-I Do not display idle processes. By default, top displays both
active and idle processes.
-n Use “non-interactive” mode. This is indentical to “batch”

B- 1 0 2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference top

-q Renice top to -20 so that it will run faster. This can be used
when the system is being very sluggish to improve the
possibility of discovering the problem. This option can only
be used by root.
-u Do not take the time to map uid numbers to usernames.
Normally, top will read as much of the file /etc/passwd
as is necessary to map all the user ID numbers it encounters
into login names. This option disables all that, while possibly
decreasing execution time. The uid numbers are displayed
instead of the names.
-v Write version number information to stderr then exit
immediately. No other processing takes place when this
option is used. To see current revision information while top
is running, use the help command “?”.
-dcount Show only count displays, then exit. A display is considered
to be one update of the screen. This option allows the user to
select the number of displays he wants to see before top
automatically exits. For intelligent terminals, no upper limit
is set. The default is 1 for dumb terminals.
-stime Set the delay between screen updates to time seconds. The
default delay between updates is 5 seconds.
-ofield Sort the process display area on the specified field. The field
name isthe name of the column as seen in the output, but in
lower case. Likely values are “cpu”, “size”, “res”, and “time”,
but may vary on different operating systems. Note thatnot all
operating systems support this option.
-Uusername Show only those processes owned by username. This option
currently only accepts usernames and will not understand uid

Both count and number fields can be specified as “infinite”, indicating that they can stretch
as far as possible. This is accomplished by using any proper prefix of the keywords
“infinity”, “maximum”, or “all”.
The default for count on an intelligent terminal is, in fact, infinity.
The environment variable TOP is examined for options before the command line is
scanned. This enables a user to set his or her own defaults. The number of processes to
display can also be specified in the environment variable TOP. The options -I, -S, and -u
are actually toggles. A second specification of any of these options will negate the first.
Thus a user who has the environment variable TOP set to -I can use the command top -
I to see idle processes.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 1 0 3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference top

Interactive mode
When top is running in “interactive mode”, it reads commands from the terminal and acts
upon them accordingly. In this mode, the terminal is put in “CBREAK”, so that a character
will be processed as soon as it is typed. Almost always, a key will be pressed when top is
between displays; that is, while it is waiting for time seconds to elapse. If this is the case,
the command will be processed and the display will be updated immediately thereafter
(reflecting any changes that the command may have specified). This happens even if the
command was incorrect. If a key is pressed while top is in the middle of updating the
display, it will finish the update and then process the command. Some commands require
additional information, and the user will be prompted accordingly. While typing this
information in, the user's erase and kill keys (as set up by the command stty) are
recognized, and a newline terminates the input.
These commands are currently recognized (^L refers to control-L):
^L Redraw the screen.
h or ? Display a summary of the commands (help screen). Version
information is included in this display.
q Quit top.
d Change the number of displays to show (prompt for new
number). Remember that the next display counts as one, so
typing d1 will make top show one final display and then
immediately exit.
n or # Change the number of processes to display (prompt for new
s Change the number of seconds to delay between displays
(prompt for new number).
k Send a signal (kill by default) to a list of processes. This acts
similarly to the command kill(1).
r Change the priority (the “nice”) of a list of processes. This acts
similarly to the command renice(8).
u Display only processes owned by a specific username (prompt
for username). If the username specified is simply “+”, then
processes belonging to all users will be displayed.
o Change the order in which the display is sorted. This
command is not available on all systems. The sort key names
vary from system to system but usually include: “cpu”, “res”,
“size”, “time”. The default is “cpu”.
e Display a list of system errors (if any) generated by the last
kill or renice command.
i (or I) Toggle the display of idle processes.

B- 1 0 4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Command reference top

The display
The actual display varies depending on the specific variant of Unix that the machine is
running. This description may not exactly match what is seen by top running on this
particular machine. Differences are listed at the end of this manual entry.
The top few lines of the display show general information about the state of the system,
including the last process id assigned to a process (on most systems), the three load
averages, the current time, the number of existing processes, the number of processes in
each state (sleeping, running, starting, zombies, and stopped), and a percentage of time
spent in each of the processor states (user, nice, system, and idle). It also includes
information about physial and virtual memory allocation.
The remainder of the screen displays information about individual processes. This display
is similar in spirit to ps(1) but it is not exactly the same. PID is the process id,
USERNAME is the name of the process's owner (if -u is specified, a UID column will be
substituted for USERNAME), PRI is the current priority of the process, NICE is the nice
amount (in the range \-20 to 20), SIZE is the total size of the process (text, data, and
stack), RES is the current amount of resident memory (both SIZE and RES are given in
kilobytes), STATE is the current state (one of “sleep”, “WAIT”, “run”, “idl”, “zomb”, or
“stop”), TIME is the number of system and user cpu seconds that the process has used,
WCPU, when displayed, is the weighted CPU percentage (this is the same value that ps(1)
displays as CPU), CPU is the raw percentage and is the field that is sorted to determine the
order of the processes, and COMMAND is the name of the command that the process is
currently running (if the process is swapped out, this column is marked “<swapped>”).

The “ABANDONED” state (known in the kernel as “SWAIT”) was abandoned, thus the
name. A process should never end up in this state.

William LeFebvre, EECS Department, Northwestern University


TOP user-configurable defaults for options.


/dev/kmem kernel memory

/dev/mem physical memory

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 1 0 5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference top

/etc/passw used to map uid numbers to user names

/vmunix system image

Don't shoot me, but the default for -I has changed once again. So many people were
confused by the fact that top wasn't showing them all the processes that I have decided to
make the default behavior show idle processes, just like it did in version 2. But to appease
folks who can't stand that behavior, I have added the ability to set default options in the
environment variable TOP (see “Options” (p. B-102)). Those who want the behavior that
version 3.0 had need only set the environment variable TOP to -I.
The command name for swapped processes should be tracked down, but this would make
the program run slower.
As with ps(1), things can change while top is collecting information for an update. The
picture it gives is only a close approximation to reality.

See also
kill(1), ps(1),stty(1), mem(4), renice(8)

SUNOS 5 notes
CPU percentage is calculated as a fraction of total available computing resources. Hence
on a multiprocessor machine a single threaded process can never consume cpu time in
excess of 1 divided by the number of processors. For example, on a 4-processor machine,
a single-threaded process will never show a CPU percentage higher than 25%. The CPU
percentage column will always total approximately 100, regardless of the number of
The memory summary line displays the following: "real" is the total amount of physical
memory that can be allocated for use by processes (it does not include memory reserved
for the kernel's use), "free" is the amount of unallocated physical memory, "swap in use" is
the amount of swap area on disk that is being used, "swap free" is the amount of swap area
on disk that is still available. The swap figures will differ from the summary output of
swap(1M) since the latter includes physical memory as well.
The column "THR" indicates the number of execution threads in the process.
In BSD Unix, process priority was represented internally as a signed offset from a zero
value with an unsigned value. The "zero" value was usually something like 20, allowing
for a range of priorities from -20 to 20. As implemented on SunOS 5, older version of top
continued to interpret process priority in this manner, even though it was no longer correct.
Starting with top version 3.5, this was changed to agree with the rest of the system.

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Command reference top

The SunOS 5 (Solaris 2) port was oroginally written by Torsten Kasch,

<torsten@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de>. Many contributions have been provided by Casper
Dik <Casper.Dik@sun.com>. Support for multi-cpu, calculation of CPU% and memory
stats provided by Robert Boucher <boucher@sofkin.ca>, Marc Cohen <marc@aai.com>,
Charles Hedrick <hedrick@geneva.rutgers.edu>, and William L. Jones <jones@chpc>.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal B- 1 0 7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Command reference top

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Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
C Admin log reference

The MM-AP generates viewable log files and associated ROP messages that can help you
monitor the system and determine system errors. These log files are called Admin logs and
include several types of messages. Most of the messages in the Admin logs also appear in
the ROP, but their format in the ROP is slightly different.

This appendix explains MM-AP admin logs, including
• how Admin logs are formatted
• how the formats of Admin log messages and their corresponding ROP messages differ
• how to find an Admin log message’s associated output message in the Output
Messages manual (401-610-057)
• how to interpret information-only Admin log messages that appear only in the Admin
logs (not in the ROP)

This chapter includes the following sections:

Messages that appear in ROP and Admin logs
Messages that appear only in Admin logs

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal C-1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Admin log reference Overview

This section includes the following information about Admin log messages:

Types of messages
Accessing Admin logs
Admin log message headers

C-2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Admin log reference Types of messages

Types of messages
Following is a summary of the types of messages that the MM-AP generates and where
the messages appear.
• Messages that appear in the ROP and Admin logs:
– command acknowledgments and responses
– alarms and alarm clears
– informational messages that may require action
• Messages that appear only in Admin logs:
– informational messages that do not require action
– attribute change messages (for example, maintenance state changes)
– configuration messages (for example, the addition of an RCS)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal C-3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Admin log reference Accessing Admin logs

Accessing Admin logs

Where the Admin log files are located
MM-AP Admin logs are located in the following directory on each MM-AP:

How the Admin logs are named

Log files are named with the following convention:

where YYYYMMDD is the date in which the log was produced:

YYYY is the year
MM is the month
DD is the day

“Old” files
File names that begin with “old” (old.YYYYMMDD.ADM) are overflow files. When the log file
exceeds its maximum size, it is copied to an overflow file and a new file for that date is

How long files are stored

The system maintains the most recent 30 days of log files.

To view an Admin log

To view an Admin log, perform the following steps:

1 Log in as root or as System Administrator to the MM-AP whose logs you wish to see.
(Refer to Chapter 3, “Access MM-AP components” for details about how to log in to an

2 Change directory (cd) to the Admin log directory and list the files that are present; for
cd /var/ap/platform/logs/admin
ls -ltr *.ADM
Result: The console displays all Admin log files on the MM-AP, ending with the most
recent file.

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Admin log reference Accessing Admin logs


3 If you are logged in as the System Administrator, enter following command to view the
/flx/bin/viewadmlog YYYYMMDD.AMD
/flx/bin/viewadmlog old.YYYYMMDD.ADM
If you are logged in as root, you can use /flx/bin/viewadmlog or use an editor (such
as vi) to open the file that you would like to see:

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal C-5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Admin log reference Admin log message headers

Admin log message headers

Admin log message format
The first line of an Admin log message is a header with the following format.
Example: 2004-05-12 01:23:12 ap51(6,1,3) ACT-LEAD 247 APcmdhdlr,2534 CMD

C-6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Admin log reference Admin log message headers

Header variable definitions

The variables of an Admin log message header are defined as follows:
YYYY is the year
MM is the month
DD is the day
hh is the hour
mm is the minute
ss is the second
xxy is the MM-AP’s logical number
F is the MM-AP’s frame number [or NA (not available)
during initialization]
D is the MM-AP’s drawer number within the frame [or NA
(not available) during initialization]
S is the physical slot within the drawer in which the
processor is located
STATE is the low-level state of the MM-AP; one of the
following: UNAV, OFFL, INIT, STBY, ACT, ACT-
SEQ is the sequence number (1–9999, wraps back to 1 after
PROCNAME is the name of process producing the message
PROCID is the process ID of process producing the message
MSGINFO is information about the type of message; one of the
ALARM = alarm being set
ALARM CLEAR = alarm being cleared
REPORT ONLY = informational message
CMD ! PF = command acknowledgment
CMD ! IN PROGRESS = intermediate command
CMD ! COMPLETE = final command response
(command completed successfully)
CMD ! FAILED = final command response (command
ATTR CHANGE = attribute change
CONFIG = configuration change
LOG2, LOG3, LOG4 = messages indicating that
initialization is beginning or ending.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal C-7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Admin log reference Admin log message headers

C-8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Admin log reference Overview

Messages that appear in ROP and Admin

This section overviews the types of messages that appear in both the ROP and Admin logs,
• alarm set and alarm clear messages
• report messages that may require action
• command acknowledgments and responses

Note: Messages that appear in both the ROP and in the Admin logs are fully
documented in the Output Messages manual (401-610-057). The following sections
explain how the message formats differ and how to find the associated output message
manual pages.

This section includes the following topics:

MM-AP alarm set and alarm clear messages

MM-AP report messages
MM-AP command acknowledgments and responses

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal C-9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Admin log reference MM-AP alarm set and alarm clear messages

MM-AP alarm set and alarm clear messages

Admin Log/ROP differences
Admin log entries and ROP entries for alarms differ in the following ways:
• On the ROP, the header on alarms and alarm clears indicates the managed object for
which the alarm exists.
In the Admin logs, the managed object is included in the first line of the message
• Alarms in the Admin log include the X.733 alarm category and probable cause as the
last two lines of the message contents. In the ROP, only the probable cause is included,
and it is in the message header.

To find the associated input/output message

The main text of an MM-AP Admin log alarm message includes a tag at the end of the text
in square brackets, for example:
Disk drive failure [HWDISK]
Alarms are documented in the Output Messages manual (401-610-057) under the
following message ID:
For the example above, the ID is REPT-AP-HWDISK.

Types of alarm set/clear messages

Alarm set and clear messages for MM-APs include both a subset of the existing AP
messages and those that have been added specifically for MM-APs.
Following are the types of alarms and associated tag names (shown in parentheses) that
have been added for MM-APs:
• hardware unit failed ([HWFAIL])
• hardware unit removed ([HWRMV])
• hardware unit missing ([HWMISS])
• temperature failed ([TEMPFAIL])
• disk drive failed ([HWDISK])
• fan tray failed ([FANFAIL])
• power supply failed ([HWPWR])
• alarm card failed or misconfigured ([ALMCRDF], [ALMCRDC]
• Disk Suite Mirroring failed ([DSMDSKF])
• Disk Suite Mirroring recovery failed ([DSMCOMP, DSMREINT])

C-10 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Admin log reference MM-AP alarm set and alarm clear messages

• Disk Suite Mirroring missing ([DSMMISS])

Note that when a hardware failure involves a disk drive, fan tray, or power supply, in
addition to an [HWFAIL] alarm message, a second alarm is also generated that indicates
whether the alarm is minor (for example, one of two boot disks on an 800S server) or
critical (both boot disks on an 800S server). These are the [HWDISK], [FANFAIL], and
[HWPWR] alarms.
When a hardware failure involves an alarm card, in addition to an [HWFAIL] alarm
message, a second alarm is also generated by the alarm card’s own monitor that indicates
whether the alarm card has failed (a major alarm) or is misconfigured (a minor alarm).
These are the [ALMCRDF] and [ALMCRDC] alarms.
The following sections provide an overview of each type of alarm message. Refer to the
corresponding output message in the Output Messages manual (401-610-057) for
complete details.

Hardware unit failed

The main text of an alarm message for a hardware unit failure has one of the following
a failed [HWFAIL]
a b failed [HWFAIL]
a b c failed [HWFAIL]
a (slot s) failed [HWFAIL]
a is the server unit that failed (for example, CPU, alarm card,
system status panel, DVD drive)
b is the number of the server unit that failed where more than one
exists (for example, for I/O cards, disk drives, fan trays, power
supplies, power distribution units)
c is the subunit of the server unit that failed (for example, the
PMC card on a Combo card)
s is the slot number in which the affected CPU, alarm, or
I/O card resides

Hardware unit removed

The main text of an alarm message about a hardware unit having been removed has one of
the following formats:
a removed [HWRMV]
a b removed [HWRMV]
a b c removed [HWRMV]
a (slot s) removed [HWRMV]

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal C-11
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Admin log reference MM-AP alarm set and alarm clear messages

where a, b, c, and s have the same meaning as they do in the hardware unit failure

Hardware unit missing

The main text of an alarm message about a missing hardware unit has the following
n a(s) missing [HWMISS]
n is the quantity of the server units of a given type that are
a is the type of server unit that is missing (for example, Combo

Temperature failed
The main text of an alarm message about a temperature failure has the following format:
a (slot s) high temperature failure [TEMPFAIL]
a is CPU Temperature Sensor
s is the slot number in which the affected CPU resides

Disk drive failed

The main text of an alarm message about a boot disk failure has one of the following two
Disk drive failure [HWDISK]
Dual disk drive failure [HWDISK]
The first is the alarm message for the single boot disk in a 400S server. The second is the
alarm message for an 800S server. Both are critical alarms.

Fan tray failed

The main text of an alarm message about a fan failure has one of the following two
a b failure [FANFAIL]
Dual fan tray failure [FANFAIL]
a is Fan Tray
b is the number of the fan tray that failed

The first is a minor alarm. The second is a critical alarm.

C-12 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Admin log reference MM-AP alarm set and alarm clear messages

Power supply failed

The main text of an alarm message about a power supply failure has one of the following
two formats:
Power supply failure [HWPWR]
Dual power supply failure [HWPWR]
The first is the alarm message for the single power supply in a 400S server. The second is
the alarm message for an 800S server. Both are critical alarms.

Disk Suite Mirroring failed

The main text of an alarm message about a Disk Suite Mirroring failure has one of the
following two formats:
Mirrored disk a failure [DSMDSKF]
Dual mirrored disk failure [DSMDSKF]
a is the name of the disk partition that failed

Disk Suite Mirroring recovery failed

The main text of an alarm message about a Disk Suite Mirroring recovery failure has one
of the following three formats:
Mirrored disk compensation failed [DSMCOMP]
Mirrored disk a compensation failed [DSMCOMP]
Mirrored disk reintegration failed [DSMREINT]
a is the name of the disk partition that failed

Disk Suite Mirroring missing

The main text of an alarm message about Disk Suite Mirroring being missing has the
following format:
Disk Suite Mirroring not running [DSMMISS]

Example ROP and corresponding Admin log message

The following examples show an alarm and alarm clear formatted both as a ROP and
Admin log message.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal C-13
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Admin log reference MM-AP alarm set and alarm clear messages

Example alarm set and alarm clear from ROP log

**05 REPT: AP 36, ALARM, Equipment Malfunction
Dual fan tray failure [FANFAIL]
2001-03-12 11:30:28 REPORT #000001 FINAL


Dual fan tray failure [FANFAIL]
2001-03-12 11:30:36 REPORT #000001 FINAL
Example (same messages) from Admin log
2001-03-12 11:30:28 ap36(4,6) ACT 87 APeventhdlr,1115 ALARM
AP 36(4,6) <10013 7376>
Dual fan tray failure [FANFAIL]
X.733 ALARM CATEGORY: Equipment Malfunction
X.733 PROBABLE CAUSE: Equipment Malfunction

2001-03-12 11:30:36 ap36(4,6) ACT 89 APeventhdlr,1115 ALARM CLEAR

AP 36(4,6) <10013 7376>
Dual fan tray failure [FANFAIL]
The numbers in angle brackets, for example, <10013 7376>, are numbers that the software
uses to identify the alarm; they may be useful to Alcatel-Lucent technical support if there
is a problem on the MM-AP.

C-14 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Admin log reference MM-AP report messages

MM-AP report messages

Admin log/ROP differences
On the ROP, the header on report messages indicates the managed object for which the
condition exists. In the Admin logs, this information is included in the first line of the
message contents.

How to find the associated input/output message

The main text of an MM-AP Admin log report message includes a tag at the end of the text
in square brackets, for example:
RCS is active on its alternate AP [ALTACTIVE]
Report messages that may require action to be taken appear on the ROP and are
documented in the Output Messages manual (401-610-057) under the following message
For the example above, the ID is REPT-AP-ALTACTIVE.

Types of information-only messages

Information-only messages for MM-APs include both a subset of the existing AP
messages and those that have been added specifically for MM-APs.
Following are the types of information-only messages and associated tag names (shown in
parentheses) that have been added for MM-APs:
• hardware unit installed
• Disk Suite Mirroring recovery status
The following sections provide an overview of each type of information-only message.
Refer to the corresponding output message in the Output Messages manual (401-610-057)
for complete details.

Hardware unit installed

The main text of an informational message about a hardware unit having been installed
has one of the following formats:
a installed [HWINS]
a b installed [HWINS]
a b c installed [HWINS]
installeda (slot s) installed [HWINS]

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal C-15
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Admin log reference MM-AP report messages

a is the server unit that was installed (for example, CPU, alarm
card, system status panel, DVD drive)
b is the number of the server unit that was installed where more
than one exists (for example, for I/O cards, disk drives, fan
trays, power supplies, power distribution units)
c is the subunit of the server unit that was installed (for example,
the PMC card on a Combo card)
s is the slot number in which the affected CPU, alarm, or
I/O card resides

Disk Suite Mirroring recovery status

The main text of an informational message about Disk Suite Mirroring recovery status has
one of the following formats:
Bad DSM command usage [DSMCMDBAD]
Submirrors and submirror data replicas removed [DSMSUBRMV]
Mirrored disk a compensation begun [DSMCOMP]
Mirrored disk a compensation completed [DSMCOMP]
Mirrored disk a reintegration begun [DSMREINT]
Mirrored disk a reintegration completed [DSMREINT]
a is the name of the disk partition that is being recovered

Example ROP and corresponding Admin log message

The following examples show an informational message that may require action formatted
both as a ROP and Admin log message.

Example report message from ROP log

10 REPT: AP 4
Process APaudit (pid 1608) takes 7 percent of CPU time [TLSEEN]
1998-11-15 11:10:10 REPORT #000001 FINAL

C-16 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Admin log reference MM-AP report messages

Example (same message) from Admin log

1998-11-15 11:10:10 ap04(1,4) ACT 74 APeventhdlr,1606 REPORT ONLY
AP 4(1,4)
Process APaudit (pid 1608) takes 7 percent of CPU time
X.733 ALARM CATEGORY: Quality of Service
X.733 PROBABLE CAUSE: Threshold Crossed

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal C-17
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Admin log reference MM-AP command acknowledgments and responses

MM-AP command acknowledgments and responses

Admin log/ROP differences
Admin log entries and ROP entries for command acknowledgments and responses differ
only in their header line formats, for example:

Example command acknowledgment from ROP log

15 op:ap 1,status! PF

Example command acknowledgment (same message) from Admin log

1998-11-17 08:15:04 ap01(1,1) ACT 68 APcmdhdlr,1373 CMD op:ap

1,status! PF

To find the associated input/output message

You can find commands in the Input/Output Messages manuals (401-610-055/057) by
their command ID, which is a combination of the command verb and its modifiers:
Examples of command IDs include:
The second modifier (-modifier2) is used only when needed to distinguish it from another
message with the same verb and first modifier, as in RMV-AP and RMV-AP-DS1 above.

Example ROP and corresponding Admin log message

The following two examples show a command acknowledgment formatted both as a ROP
and Admin log message.

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Admin log reference MM-AP command acknowledgments and responses

Example command acknowledgment and response from ROP log

M 31 op:ap 1,status! PF
1999-09-30 08:31:21 REPORT #000001 FINAL

09/30/99 08:31:22 #001444

M 31 op:ap 1,status! COMPLETE
1999-09-30 08:31:21 REPORT #000001

09/30/99 08:31:23 #001445

M 31 op:ap 1,status! COMPLETE
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal C-19
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Admin log reference MM-AP command acknowledgments and responses

1999-09-30 08:31:21 REPORT #000002 FINAL

C-20 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Admin log reference MM-AP command acknowledgments and responses

Example (same message) from Admin log

1999-09-30 08:31:21 ap01(1,1) ACT 68 APcmdhdlr,1373 CMD op:ap
1,status! PF


1999-09-30 08:31:21 REPORT #000001 FINAL

1999-09-30 08:31:22 ap01(1,1) ACT 69 APcmdhdlr,1373 CMD op:ap

1,status! COMPLETE
1999-09-30 08:31:21 REPORT #000001

1999-09-30 08:31:23 ap01(1,1) ACT 69 APcmdhdlr,1373 CMD op:ap

1,status! COMPLETE

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal C-21
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Admin log reference MM-AP command acknowledgments and responses

1999-09-30 08:31:21 REPORT #000002 FINAL

C-22 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Admin log reference Overview

Messages that appear only in Admin logs

Messages that appear only in Admin logs are for information only and require no
technician action in response.

This section describes the following types of messages that appear only in Admin logs:

Initialization messages
Process and process group messages
Log file deletion messages
Attribute change messages
Configuration messages

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal C-23
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Admin log reference Initialization messages

Initialization messages
The Admin log contains messages that delineate when an MM-AP is undergoing an
initialization. Many messages are produced during initialization and it is often useful to
see when the initialization interval has started and ended.

Types of initialization messages

Following are the types messages produced during initialization:
• AP is initializing
• AP is re-initializing or being taken offline
• AP initialization complete
• AP Logger initialization complete
• AP Logger terminating.

“AP is initializing”
This message is printed when an MM-AP is initializing after aponline is issued or after
a failure of the MM-AP that initiated a reboot or reinitialization of the MM-AP. Following
is an example of this type of message:

1998-11-01 19:34:31 ap01(NA,NA) INIT 1

APstatemon,1028 LOG2
!!***** AP is initializing *****!!

“AP is reinitializing or being taken offline”

This message is printed when a fault has occurred and the MM-AP is automatically
reinitialized or when the apoffline command is issued. Following is an example of this
type of message:

1998-11-01 00:54:03 ap01(1,1) LEAD 165

APstatemon,1331 LOG4
!!***** AP is re-initializing or being taken
offline *****!!

C-24 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Admin log reference Initialization messages

“AP initialization complete”

This message marks the end of the initialization interval and is printed when the MM-AP
becomes ACTIVE (or OOS–MANUAL if it had been OOS–MANUAL before
initialization). Following is an example of this type of message:

1998-11-01 19:37:53 ap01(1,1) ACT 62 APstatemon,1028 LOG3

!!***** AP initialization complete *****!!

“AP Logger initialization complete”

This message is printed when the logging process on the MM-AP has completed its
initialization. Note that this message does not have the usual Admin log header. Following
is an example of this type of message:

1998-11-01 19:34:31 AP Logger initialization complete.

“AP Logger terminating”

This message is printed when the logging process on the MM-AP is terminating, usually
as the result of the apoffline command. Note that this message does not have the usual
Admin log header. Following is an example of this type of message:

1998-11-01 00:54:40 AP Logger terminating.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal C-25
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Admin log reference Process and process group messages

Process and process group messages

The Admin log contains messages indicating when a process on the MM-AP is stopped
and started and when a group of related processes has started or failed.

Types of process-related messages

Following are the types of process–related messages that may be logged in the Admin logs
(where a is the name of the process or process group):
• Process a stopped
• Process a started
• Non-critical process group a failed
• Critical process group a failed
• Process group a started
When these messages indicate a problem, a corresponding alarm will be generated,
resulting in ROP messages.

“Process stopped”
This message indicates that a process was stopped:

Process a stopped
a is the name of a process that was stopped

This message could result from one of the following:

• An MM-AP was taken offline manually or an RCS was removed from service.
• An individual process or the entire MM-AP failed.
(In the case of a fault, an alarm is generated if technician action is required.)
Following is an example of this type of message:

1998-11-17 12:08:58 ap01(1,1) STBY 319

APstatemon,1181 REPORT ONLY
AP 1(1,1)
Process UXmemserv stopped

C-26 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Admin log reference Process and process group messages

“Process Started”
This message indicates that a particular process was started:

Process a started
a is the name of a process that was started

This message could result from a technician action to reinitialize an or to restore an RCS
to service MM-AP.
Following is an example of this type of message:

1998-11-17 13:02:36 ap01(1,1) ACT 81

APeventhdlr,1479 REPORT ONLY
AP 1(1,1)
Process APframemon started

“Non-critical process group failed”

This message indicates a non-critical process group failure:

Non-critical process group a failed

a is the name of a noncritical process group that failed

During a system initialization, a group of processes that is not critical to the operation of
the MM-AP could not be fully started. Problems with individual processes will be
reflected in an alarm, and this message just indicates that there was a problem within the
process group.
Following is an example of this type of message:

1998-11-17 12:08:58 ap01(1,1) STBY 320

APstatemon,1181 REPORT ONLY
AP 1(1,1)
Critical process group ECMR failed

“Critical process group failed”

This message indicates that a process in a critical process group has failed:

Critical process group a failed

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal C-27
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Admin log reference Process and process group messages

a is the name of a critical process group that failed

Failures of critical process groups always result in a reinitialization of the MM-AP. When
this message is produced, there will be corresponding alarms that indicate which process
failed and that
MM-AP recovery is in progress.
Following is an example of this type of message:

1998-11-17 12:08:58 ap01(1,1) STBY 320

APstatemon,1181 REPORT ONLY
AP 1(1,1)
Critical process group ECMR failed

“Process group started”

The following message indicates that a process group has been started:

Process group a started

a is the name of a process group that was started

This message is generated when an MM-AP is initializing and groups of processes are
being started. It might also be generated when a process group is started as part of a
manual action, such as restoring an RCS.
The following is an example of this type of message:

1998-11-17 12:10:28 ap01(1,1) STBY 320

APstatemon,1181 REPORT ONLY
AP 1(1,1)
Process group ECMR started

C-28 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Admin log reference Log file deletion messages

Log file deletion messages

Log file deletion messages will rarely, if ever, be generated. When disk usage exceeds a
threshold, the MM-AP begins deleting older log files to ensure that there is sufficient
space for new ones. Admin logs (.ADM suffix) and logs used for debugging (.ERR, .DBG,
.PERF suffix) are logs that may be deleted.

Types of deletion messages

Deletion messages are logged when old log files and overflow log files are deleted.

“Deleting old log files”

This message indicates that a log file was deleted because the file space crossed a usage

Deleting oldest log file a due to disk threshold

a is the name of a log file that was deleted

If necessary, the system deletes its oldest log files to make room for newer files until either
• the file space usage is back below the threshold
• the remaining files are too recent to remove.
Following is an example of this type of message:

1998-11-14 12:22:58 ap01(1,1) ACT 320

UXaplogger,1180 REPORT ONLY
AP 1(1,1)
Deleting oldest log file 19981023.ADM due to
disk threshold

“Deleting overflow log files”

Following is another type of log file deletion message:

Deleting overflow log file a due to disk threshold

a is the name of a log file that was deleted. (The name starts with
characters old.)

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal C-29
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Admin log reference Log file deletion messages

This message is similar to the “Deleting oldest log file message, but it is pointing
out that the file that was removed is an overflow file.
Following is an example of this type of message:

1998-11-14 12:22:58 ap01(1,1) ACT 320

UXaplogger,1180 REPORT ONLY
AP 1(1,1)
Deleting overflow log file old.19981023.ADM
due to disk

C-30 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Admin log reference Attribute change messages

Attribute change messages

Attribute change messages provide a record of changes to important attributes of an MM-
AP or a managed object within an MM-AP. Many of these changes are reflected
graphically in the EMS when they occur; the Admin log provides a history of changes to
the attributes on the MM-AP and its managed objects.
Following is an example of an attribute change message. (The format of the message is
described in the subsections that follow.)

1998-11-18 13:39:18 ap02(1,2) ACT 6

APeventhdlr,2911 ATTR CHANGE
AP 2(1,2), DS1 1

After the header line, the first line of an attribute change message describes the managed
object whose attribute has changed. The second line provides the attribute name and its
new value.
The message (excluding the header line) has the following format:
AP apxxy(frame,drawer,slot) [, objectType objectNumber]
attributeName: attributeValue

Variable definitions
The variables in attribute change message are defined as follows:
apxxy is the MM-AP logical number on which
change occurred
frame is the MM-AP's frame number or NA
(not available)
drawer is the MM-AP’s drawer number within
the frame or NA (not available) during
slot is the physical slot within the drawer in
which the processor is located
objectType is the managed object type: EINE,DS1,
objectNumber is the logical number of the managed
attributeName is the name of the attribute
(see the next subsection)
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal C-31
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Admin log reference Attribute change messages

attributeValue is the attribute's new value

(see the next subsection)

Note: Throughout this document, except where differences between the two formats
require that we refer to them separately, we use the term “DS1” to refer to the first
multiplexing level of the ITU standard as it applies to both the U.S. and European
digital signal hierarchies. That is, we use “DS1” to refer to both the DS1 format
carried over T1 lines at a rate of 1.544 Mbps, as well as the CEPT-1 format carried
over E1 lines at a rate of 2.048 Mbps. We use phrases such as “DS1 link facilities” to
refer to both T1 and E1 facilities.

Attribute names and values

Following is a list of attribute names and values:

Attribute Name Attribute Values

SOFTWARE VERSION Current MM-AP platform software version

C-32 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Admin log reference Configuration messages

Configuration messages
Configuration messages provide an indication of configuration changes made via RC/V
that affect the MM-AP. Addition and deletion of managed objects RCSs and DS1s, and
changes to RCS dependencies on DS1s, produce configuration messages in the Admin

Messages related to additions and deletions

Configuration change messages that indicate the addition, deletion, or update of a
managed object have the following format:
AP apxxy(frame,drawer,slot), objectType
objectNumber typeOfChange
apxxy is the MM-AP’s logical number on which change
frame is the MM-AP's frame number or NA (not
drawer is the MM-AP’s drawer number within the frame
or NA (not available) during initialization
slot is the physical slot within the drawer in which the
processor is located
objectType is the managed object type: DS1 or RCS
objectNumber is the logical number of the managed object
typeOfChange is ADDED, DELETED, or UPDATED

Following is an example of this type of message (including the header line):

1998-11-16 09:08:37 ap02(1,2) ACT 2

APeventhdlr,2470 CONFIG
AP 2(1,2), RCS 10 ADDED

Messages related to RCS-DS1 dependencies

The second type of configuration change message indicates that a dependency of an RCS
on a DS1 has been added or deleted. It has the following format:

AP apNumber(frame,slot), RCSDS1_DEP rcsNumber

ds1Number typeOfChange

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal C-33
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Admin log reference Configuration messages

apNumber is the logical MM-AP number on which change
frame is the MM-AP's frame number or NA (not available)
slot is the MM-AP's slot within the frame or NA
rcsnumber is RCS number whose DS1 dependencies changed
ds1Number is DS1 number added to or deleted from RCS
typeOfChange is ADDED or DELETED

Following is an example of this type of message (including the header line):

1998-11-16 09:10:32 ap02(1,2) ACT 5

APeventhdlr,2470 CONFIG
AP 2(1,2), RCSDS1_DEP 10 1 ADDED

C-34 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
D LAN IP addresses for 40

This appendix provides a reference of LAN IP addresses on the MM-AP-EINE and MM-
APCC LANs. The section on MM-APCC LAN IP addresses also includes a table of FT-
LAN IP addresses for MM-APs.

This appendix includes the following topics.

MM-AP-EINE LAN IP addresses

MM-APCC LAN IP addresses

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal D-1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
LAN IP addresses for 40 frames MM-AP-EINE LAN IP addresses

MM-AP-EINE LAN IP addresses

The IP addressing on the MM-AP-EINE Ethernet LAN is provided below.
• The subnet of the MM-AP-EINE Ethernet LAN is 10.0.3.
• EINE nodes for MM-APs in frames 1 to 25, the IP address is 10.0.3.server_id, where
server_id is the number component of the MM-AP name (that is, ap151 has a
server_id of 151.
For EINE nodes in MM-APs in frames 26 to 28, the addresses are as listed in
Table D-1, “MM-AP-EINE LAN IP addresses” (p. D-3).
MM-APs in logical frames 29 - 40 (that is, MM-APs named ap28y to ap39y) must be
• For MM-APs, the IP address is the same for all MM-APs, namely,
• The netmask is

D-2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
LAN IP addresses for 40 frames MM-AP-EINE LAN IP addresses

Table D-1 MM-AP-EINE LAN IP addresses

Node IP address
EINE (MM-APs ap0y - ap24y) 10.0.3.server_id (do not include
leading zero)
EINE (MM-APs ap25y - ap27y) ap251:

EINE (host MM-APs ap25y - ap27y ap271:
continued) ap272:
MM-APs ap28y to ap39y must be

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal D-3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
LAN IP addresses for 40 frames MM-APCC LAN IP addresses

MM-APCC LAN IP addresses

To accommodate 40 frames and the increased number of base stations supported by those
frames, IP addressing on the MM-APCC LAN is as follows:
• Customers must now choose a network in the range 172.16 - 172.31 for the MM-
APCC Ethernet LAN.
• The primary network is from x.y.2.z to x.y.32.z or x.y.33.z (depending on the MM-AP
number). The secondary network is from x.y.1.z to x.y.16.z or x.y.17.z (depending on
the MM-AP number).
• The host ID portion of the IP subnet mask is 12 bits. The subnet mask is
and the number of available addresses in each subnet is 4,094.

Ethernet switch naming and IP addressing

Ethernet switch naming/numbering should be based on the naming/numbering of the host
MM-AP. Refer to Table D-2, “Ethernet switch LAN IP addresses: primary network”
(p. D-5) for the association of this naming/numbering. This table also shows the IP
addresses that should be assigned to the Ethernet switches. Ethernet switch IP addressing
is present on the primary network only.

Example that follows 401-710-200

In the 401-710-200, MM Overview and Migration Description, there is an example of a
R1SR growth frame numbered Frame 6. It includes:
• Slot 3 host MM-APs numbered ap51-ap58
• Slot 4 satellite MM-APs numbered ap61-ap68
• Slot 5 satellite MM-APs numbered ap71-ap78.
For this example:
• The Ethernet switch numbering should be es5a and es5b.
• The Ethernet switch IP addresses on the primary network should be x.y.32.59 and
• Since MM-APs numbered ap61-ap68 and ap71-ap78 are satellites and not hosts, there
should be no Ethernet switches numbered es6a-es6b and es7a-es7b in this example
Refer to Table D-2 for a complete Ethernet switch number to IP address correlation.

D-4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
LAN IP addresses for 40 frames MM-APCC LAN IP addresses

Table D-2 Ethernet switch LAN IP addresses: primary network

Host MM-
AP name Network element IP address
ap0y Ethernet switch es0a-es0b x.y.32.9-10
ap1y Ethernet switch es1a-es1b x.y.32.19-20
ap2y Ethernet switch es2a-es2b x.y.32.29-30
ap3y Ethernet switch es3a-es3b x.y .32.39-40
ap4y Ethernet switch es4a-es4b x.y .32.49-50
ap5y Ethernet switch es5a-es5b x.y .32.59-60
ap6y Ethernet switch es6a-es6b x.y .32.69-70
ap7y Ethernet switch es7a-es7b x.y .32.79-80
ap8y Ethernet switch es8a-es8b x.y .32.89-90
ap9y Ethernet switch es9a-es9b x.y .32.99-100
ap10y Ethernet switch es10a-es10b x.y .32.109-110
ap11y Ethernet switch es11a-es11b x.y .32.119-120
ap12y Ethernet switch es12a-es12b x.y .32.129-130
ap13y Ethernet switch es13a-es13b x.y .32.139-140
ap14y Ethernet switch es14a-es14b x.y.32.149-150
ap15y Ethernet switch es15a-es15b x.y.32.159-160
ap16y Ethernet switch es16a-es16b x.y.32.169-170
ap17y Ethernet switch es17a-es17b x.y.32.179-180
ap18y Ethernet switch es18a-es18b x.y.32.189-190
ap19y Ethernet switch es19a-es19b x.y.32.199-200
ap20y Ethernet switch es20a-es20b x.y.32.209-210
ap21y Ethernet switch es21a-es21b x.y.32.219-220
ap22y Ethernet switch es22a-es22b x.y.32.229-230
ap23y Ethernet switch es23a-es23b x.y.32.239-240
ap24y Ethernet switch es24a-es24b x.y.32.249-250
ap25y Ethernet switch es25a-es25b x.y.33.3-4
ap26y Ethernet switch es26a-es26b x.y.33.13-14

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal D-5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
LAN IP addresses for 40 frames MM-APCC LAN IP addresses

Host MM-
AP name Network element IP address
ap27y Ethernet switch es27a-es27b x.y.33.23-24
ap28y Ethernet switch es28a-es28b x.y.33.33-34
ap29y Ethernet switch es29a-es29b x.y.33.43-44
ap30y Ethernet switch es30a-es30b x.y.33.53-54
ap31y Ethernet switch es31a-es31b x.y.33.63-64
ap32y Ethernet switch es32a-es32b x.y.33.73-74
ap33y Ethernet switch es33a-es33b x.y.33.83-84
ap34y Ethernet switch es34a-es34b x.y.33.93-94
ap35y Ethernet switch es35a-es35b x.y.33.103-104
ap36y Ethernet switch es36a-es36b x.y.33.113-114
ap37y Ethernet switch es37a-es37b x.y.33.123-124
ap38y Ethernet switch es38a-es38b x.y.33.133-134
ap39y Ethernet switch es39a-es39b x.y.33.143-144

MM-AP IP addressing
Refer to Table D-3, “MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: primary network” (p. D-7) and
Table D-4, “MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: secondary network” (p. D-9). In these tables,
the MM-AP name can be a host or satellite MM-AP. The tables list the IP addresses for the
MM-AP and alarm card (for hosts only). The tables also include addresses for spare
servers and alarm cards, the OMP, and the LMT.

Example that follows 401-710-200

The IP addressing for the MM-APs in the example from the 401-710-200, MM Overview
and Migration Description, would be as follows:
• Host MM-APs (slot 3) numbered ap51-ap58 would have IP addresses x.y.32.51-58.
The server alarm cards would be named ac51-ac58 and have IP addresses x.y.34.51-
• Satellite MM-APs (slot 4) numbered ap61-ap68 would have IP addresses x.y.32.61-68.
• Satellite MM-APs (slot 5) numbered ap71-ap78 would have IP addresses x.y.32.71-78.

D-6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
LAN IP addresses for 40 frames MM-APCC LAN IP addresses

Table D-3 MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: primary network

name Network element IP address
ap0y MM-AP ap01-ap08 x.y.32.1-8
Alarm card ac01-ac08 x.y.34.1-8
ap1y MM-AP ap11-ap18 x.y.32.11-18
Alarm card ac11-ac18 x.y.34.11-18
ap2y MM-AP ap21-ap28 x.y.32.21-28
Alarm card ac21-ac28 x.y.34.21-28
ap3y MM-AP ap31-ap38 x.y.32.31-38
Alarm card ac31-ac38 x.y .34.31-38
ap4y MM-AP ap41-ap48 x.y .32.41-48
Alarm card ac41-ac48 x.y .34.41-48
ap5y MM-AP ap51-ap58 x.y .32.51-58
Alarm card ac51-ac58 x.y .34.51-58
ap6y MM-AP ap61-ap68 x.y .32.61-68
Alarm card ac61-ac68 x.y .34.61-68
ap7y MM-AP ap71-ap78 x.y .32.71-78
Alarm card ac71-ac78 x.y .34.71-78
ap8y MM-AP ap81-ap88 x.y .32.81-88
Alarm card ac81-ac88 x.y .34.81-88
ap9y MM-AP ap91-ap98 x.y .32.91-98
Alarm card ac91-ac98 x.y .34.91-98
ap10y MM-AP ap101-ap108 x.y .32.101-108
Alarm card ac101-ac108 x.y .34.101-108
ap11y MM-AP ap111-ap118 x.y .32.111-118
Alarm card ac111-ac118 x.y .34.111-118
ap12y MM-AP ap121-ap128 x.y .32.121-128
Alarm card ac121-ac128 x.y .34.121-128
ap13y MM-AP ap131-ap138 x.y .32.131-138
Alarm card ac131-ac138 x.y .34.131-138
ap14y MM-AP ap141-ap148 x.y.32.141-148
Alarm card ac141-ac148 x.y.34.141-148
ap15y MM-AP ap151-ap158 x.y.32.151-158
Alarm card ac151-ac158 x.y.34.151-158

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal D-7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
LAN IP addresses for 40 frames MM-APCC LAN IP addresses

name Network element IP address
ap16y MM-AP ap161-ap168 x.y.32.161-168
Alarm card ac161-ac168 x.y.34.161-168
ap17y MM-AP ap171-ap178 x.y.32.171-178
Alarm card ac171-ac178 x.y.34.171-178
ap18y MM-AP ap181-ap188 x.y.32.181-188
Alarm card ac181-ac188 x.y.34.181-188
ap19y MM-AP ap191-ap198 x.y.32.191-198
Alarm card ac191-ac198 x.y.34.191-198
ap20y MM-AP ap201-ap208 x.y.32.201-208
Alarm card ac201-ac208 x.y.34.201-208
ap21y MM-AP ap211-ap218 x.y.32.211-218
Alarm card ac211-ac218 x.y.34.211-218
ap22y MM-AP ap221-ap228 x.y.32.221-228
Alarm card ac221-ac228 x.y.34.221-228
ap23y MM-AP ap231-ap238 x.y.32.231-238
Alarm card ac231-ac238 x.y.34.231-238
ap24y MM-AP ap241-ap248 x.y.32.241-248
Alarm card ac241-ac248 x.y.34.241-248
ap25y MM-AP ap251-ap258 x.y.32.251-255; x.y.33.0-2
Alarm card ac251-ac258 x.y.34.251-255; x.y.35.0-2
ap26y MM-AP ap261-ap268 x.y.33.5-12
Alarm card ac261-ac268 x.y.35.5-12
ap27y MM-AP ap271-ap278 x.y.33.15-22
Alarm card ac271-ac278 x.y.35.15-22
ap28y MM-AP ap281-ap288 x.y.33.25-32
Alarm card ac281-ac288 x.y.35.25-32
ap29y MM-AP ap291-ap298 x.y.33.35-42
Alarm card ac291-ac298 x.y.35.35-42
ap30y MM-AP ap301-ap308 x.y.33.45-52
Alarm card ac301-ac308 x.y.35.45-52
ap31y MM-AP ap311-ap318 x.y.33.55-62
Alarm card ac311-ac318 x.y.35.55-62
ap32y MM-AP ap321-ap328 x.y.33.65-72
Alarm card ac321-ac328 x.y.35.65-72

D-8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
LAN IP addresses for 40 frames MM-APCC LAN IP addresses

name Network element IP address
ap33y MM-AP ap331-ap338 x.y.33.75-82
Alarm card ac331-ac338 x.y.35.75-82
ap34y MM-AP ap341-ap348 x.y.33.85-92
Alarm card ac341-ac348 x.y.35.85-92
ap35y MM-AP ap351-ap358 x.y.33.95-102
Alarm card ac351-ac358 x.y.35.95-102
ap36y MM-AP ap361-ap368 x.y.33.105-112
Alarm card ac361-ac368 x.y.35.105-112
ap37y MM-AP ap371-ap378 x.y.33.115-122
Alarm card ac371-ac378 x.y.35.115-122
ap38y MM-AP ap381-ap388 x.y.33.125-132
Alarm card ac381-ac388 x.y.35.125-132
ap39y MM-AP ap391-ap398 x.y.33.135-142
Alarm card ac391-ac398 x.y.35.135-142
Server apspare1-apspare8 x.y.33.145-152
Alarm card acspare1-acspare8 x.y.35.145-152
Server apspare x.y.33.153
Alarm card acspare x.y.35.153
OMP x.y.47.254
LMT01 - 08 x.y.33.185 - 224
LMT09 - 28

Table D-4 MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: secondary network

name Network element IP address
ap0y MM-AP ap01-ap08 x.y.16.1-8
ap1y MM-AP ap11-ap18 x.y.16.11-18
ap2y MM-AP ap21-ap28 x.y.16.21-28
ap3y MM-AP ap31-ap38 x.y.16.31-38
ap4y MM-AP ap41-ap48 x.y.16.41-48
ap5y MM-AP ap51-ap58 x.y.16.51-58
ap6y MM-AP ap61-ap68 x.y.16.61-68

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal D-9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
LAN IP addresses for 40 frames MM-APCC LAN IP addresses

name Network element IP address
ap7y MM-AP ap71-ap78 x.y.16.71-78
ap8y MM-AP ap81-ap88 x.y.16.81-88
ap9y MM-AP ap91-ap98 x.y.16.91-98
ap10y MM-AP ap101-ap108 x.y.16.101-108
ap11y MM-AP ap111-ap118 x.y.16.111-118
ap12y MM-AP ap121-ap128 x.y.16.121-128
ap13y MM-AP ap131-ap138 x.y.16.131-138
ap14y MM-AP ap141-ap148 x.y.16.141-148
ap15y MM-AP ap151-ap158 x.y.16.151-158
ap16y MM-AP ap161-ap168 x.y.16.161-168
ap17y MM-AP ap171-ap178 x.y.16.171-178
ap18y MM-AP ap181-ap188 x.y.16.181-188
ap19y MM-AP ap191-ap198 x.y.16.191-198
ap20y MM-AP ap201-ap208 x.y.16.201-208
ap21y MM-AP ap211-ap218 x.y.16.211-218
ap22y MM-AP ap221-ap228 x.y.16.221-228
ap23y MM-AP ap231-ap238 x.y.16.231-238
ap24y MM-AP ap241-ap248 x.y.16.241-248
ap25y MM-AP ap251-ap258 x.y.16.251-255; x.y.17.0-2
ap26y MM-AP ap261-ap268 x.y.17.5-12
ap27y MM-AP ap271-ap278 x.y.17.15-22
ap28y MM-AP ap281-ap288 x.y.17.25-32
ap29y MM-AP ap291-ap298 x.y.17.35-42
ap30y MM-AP ap301-ap308 x.y.17.45-52
ap31y MM-AP ap311-ap318 x.y.17.55-62
ap32y MM-AP ap321-ap328 x.y.17.65-72
ap33y MM-AP ap331-ap338 x.y.17.75-82
ap34y MM-AP ap341-ap348 x.y.17.85-92

D-10 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
LAN IP addresses for 40 frames MM-APCC LAN IP addresses

name Network element IP address
ap35y MM-AP ap351-ap358 x.y.17.95-102
ap36y MM-AP ap361-ap368 x.y.17.105-112
ap37y MM-AP ap371-ap378 x.y.17.115-122
ap38y MM-AP ap381-ap388 x.y.17.125-132
ap39y MM-AP ap391-ap398 x.y.17.135-142
Serverapspare1-apspare8 x.y.17.145-152
Server apspare x.y.17.153
OMP x.y.31.254

FT-LAN IP addressing
Table D-5 summarizes the FT-LAN IP addresses for MM-APs. FT-LAN addresses apply
only to MM-APs, not Ethernet switches nor alarm cards.

Table D-5 MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: FT-LAN

Frame # Network element IP address
1 MM-AP ap01-ap08, FT-LAN link 1 x.y.48.1-8
MM-AP ap01-ap08, FT-LAN link 2 x.y.64.1-8
MM-AP ap01-ap08, FT-LAN address x.y.80.1-8
2 MM-AP ap11-ap18, FT-LAN link 1 x.y.48.11-18
MM-AP ap11-ap18, FT-LAN link 2 x.y.64.11-18
MM-AP ap11-ap18, FT-LAN address x.y.80.11-18
3 MM-AP ap21-ap28, FT-LAN link 1 x.y.48.21-28
MM-AP ap21-ap28, FT-LAN link 2 x.y.64.21-28
MM-AP ap21-ap28, FT-LAN address x.y.80.21-28

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal D-11
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
LAN IP addresses for 40 frames MM-APCC LAN IP addresses

Frame # Network element IP address
25 MM-AP ap24-ap24, FT-LAN link 1 x.y.48.241-248
MM-AP ap24-ap24, FT-LAN link 2 x.y.64.241-248
MM-AP ap24-ap24, FT-LAN address x.y.80.241-248
26 MM-AP ap251-ap258, FT-LAN link 1 x.y.49.251-255; x.y.49.0-2
MM-AP ap251-ap258, FT-LAN link 2 x.y.65.251-255; x.y.65.0-2
MM-AP ap251-ap258, FT-LAN address x.y.81.251-255; x.y.81.0-2
27 MM-AP ap271-ap278, FT-LAN link 1 x.y.48.5-12
MM-AP ap271-ap278, FT-LAN link 2 x.y.64.5-12
MM-AP ap271-ap278, FT-LAN address x.y.80.5-12
40 MM-AP ap391-ap398, FT-LAN link 1 x.y.48.111-118
MM-AP ap391-ap398, FT-LAN link 2 x.y.64.111-118
MM-AP ap391-ap398, FT-LAN address x.y.80.111-118

Note: Addresses of the FT-LAN in logical frames 25 and above follow the MM-AP
addressing scheme for the primary and secondary networks for those frames.

D-12 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
E Loading the OS upgrade
cpio file onto the OMP

This appendix provides a procedure for loading a Solaris 5.8-to-Solaris 5.9 OS upgrade
cpio file onto the OMP. This procedure is referenced in the procedure to replace a
defective Solaris 5.9 hard drive with a replacement Solaris 5.8 hard drive (which must be
upgraded). Refer to “Replace a Solaris 5.9 hard disk drive with a Solaris 5.8” (p. 8-120).

This appendix includes the following topics:

Procedure E-1: Load the OS upgrade cpio file onto the OMP

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal E-1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Loading the OS upgrade cpio file onto the OMP Procedure E-1: Load the OS upgrade cpio file onto the

Procedure E-1: Load the OS upgrade cpio file onto the OMP
Perform this procedure to load the OS upgrade cpio file onto the OMP using either of the
following distribution methods:
• the Alcatel-Lucent Electronic Delivery (ALED) server
• an OS upgrade CD-ROM

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure that the /var directory on the OMP has a
minimum of 640,000 KB free space to load the MM-AP OS upgrade bundle.

Load the required MM-AP software by performing the following:

1 Log into the OMP as root.


2 How do you wish to download the OS upgrade cpio file to the OMP?

If from... then...
the ALED server continue with Step 3
OS upgrade CD-ROM skip to Step 6


3 Browse to:

4 To log in to the ALED server, use your e-mail address as the user name and enter your

5 From the left-hand sidebar, under Downloads, Electronic delivery, select Download. Then
make the following selections to download the OS upgrade cpio file:

Download category Selection

Alcatel-Lucent product group Wireless Networks Group
E-2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Loading the OS upgrade cpio file onto the OMP Procedure E-1: Load the OS upgrade cpio file onto the

Download category Selection

Alcatel-Lucent wireless AMPS/PCS
networks products
AMPS/PCS files and Miscellaneous Files
Miscellaneous files FMM_OS_upgrade_5.9

Result: After you select FMM_OS_upgrade_5.9, download the OS upgrade cpio file
to the /omp-data/eesd directory.
SKIP TO Step 10.

6 Install the CD-ROM in the OMP CD-ROM drive and allow the CD to spin up to speed.

Note: You will be unable to perform the next step until the CD is up to speed.

7 Change directories, as follows:

cd /cdrom/cdrom0/FMM_OS_upgrade

8 Verify that the CD includes the OS upgrade software by executing the following
Result: The ls command should return a filename similar to the following:
where x is a numbered version of the cpio file.

Note: Be sure to save the OS upgrade CD-ROM in a safe place for possible future

9 Copy the OS upgrade cpio file to the /omp-data/eesd directory on the OMP, as
cp 200_0005_OSU_0x.cpio /omp-data/eesd

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal E-3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Loading the OS upgrade cpio file onto the OMP Procedure E-1: Load the OS upgrade cpio file onto the


10 Distribute the contents of the OS upgrade cpio file to the /var/flx/bun directory, as

11 If you downloaded the OS upgrade bundle from an OS upgrade CD-ROM, eject the CD-
ROM from the drive, as follows:
cd /

E-4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
F Installing the golden
image restoration package

This section provides the procedures for installing the golden image restoration package
on an MM server of an Alcatel-Lucent CDMA Network. Once this package is installed on
a healthy hard drive, it can be used by Alcatel-Lucent personnel to recover the hard drive
from software-related problems in the field instead of replacing it with a new hard drive.
The information contained in this appendix is current for MM Release 25.0 and later
releases. However, at some point all new hard drives will be shipped with the Golden
Image Restoration package already installed on the hard drive and these procedures will
no longer be needed.

Note: Installing the Golden Image Restoration package can be performed by the
customer. But using this package to repair a corrupt hard drive is a task reserved for
Alcatel-Lucent personnel only. Thus, there are no procedures in this document to use
the package.

Required conditions
Before performing any of the procedures in this chapter, ensure the following:
• All other packages on the MM-AP have been commited.
• The SUA activities can and should be performed during a quiet system (non SU) time.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal F-1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Installing the golden image restoration package Overview

This chapter includes the following topics:

Background concepts F-3

Procedure F-1: Installing the golden image restoration F-4

Step 1: Load software onto the OMP F-4

Step 2: Install software on MM-APs F-11

Step 3: Commit or backout software F-15

F-2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Installing the golden image restoration package Background concepts

Background concepts
This section provides the background information related to the golden image restoration
package on an MM server. It cannot be installed on a GNP-AP or 1xEVDO-AP server.

What it is
The golden image restoration package consists of golden image data and tools. The data is
a copy of the golden image software. The tools are that which are required to restore the
golden image. The golden image restoration package is stored on a functioning hard drive
in an infrequently used area unlikely to become corrupted. Golden image restoration can
be used to fix software-related problems without the need to replace the hard drive.

How is it installed
The golden image restoration package comes from ALED or from CD-ROM and is placed
on the OMP. It is installed on an MM server by using the software update automation
(SUA) tool.
The package must be installed on all MM servers before they have problems. Using SUA,
the package can be transferred from the OMP to several servers with one action.
A procedure is provided to back out this package should a problem arise.

Who installs it
The golden image restoration package can installed by the customer technician.

Field disk recovery

After the golden image restoration package is installed on a hard drive, it is possible for
Alcatel-Lucent personnel to recover the hard drive should it have a software-related

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal F-3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Installing the golden image restoration package Procedure F-1: Installing the golden image restoration

Procedure F-1: Installing the golden image restoration

This procedure describes the mechanism to install the MM golden image restoration
package using SUA. The SUA provides commands to load, install, activate (not used in
this procedure), commit, and backout.

When to install
Install the MM golden image restoration package on a functioning hard drive as a
preventive measure.

Required conditions
Before performing this procedure, ensure the following:
• The target servers are operating at UNIX run level 3 or higher.
Servers that you want to update using SUA must be able to receive remote execution
commands. UNIX run level 3 or higher ensures that this condition is met.
Test network connectivity to each target server with the ping command.
• If you intend to run SUA by accessing the OMP remotely, ensure that you have set up
your environment to allow the OMP to display on your local machine, as follows:

IP_address is the IP address of your local machine

Required information
If the package is not already loaded on the OMP, you will need to load it onto the OMP
using either CD or Alcatel-Lucent Electronic Delivery. Before beginning this procedure,
be sure you know which of these two loading methods you are to use.

Step 1: Load software onto the OMP

Perform the following steps to load AP software packages into a directory on the OMP
server using SUA.

Note: If the MM package was downloaded from a CD without using SUA, the
LOAD procedure must be run using the LED option.

F-4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Installing the golden image restoration package Procedure F-1: Installing the golden image restoration


1 Check the status of the OMP and bring it online if it is offline.

See “OMP Process Status Information” in the OMP OA&M Guide (401-662-108) for
instructions on how to check whether the OMP is on or offline.

2 As root, enter the following command from the OMP UNIX shell to start the OAM GUI:

Note: If oamgui does not work, use suagui.

Result: SUA prompts you for the platform for which you want to upgrade software.
Refer to the following figure. This figure is from Release 30.0. Your screen may be

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal F-5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Installing the golden image restoration package Procedure F-1: Installing the golden image restoration


3 Click on the SUA and then MM-AP button to select the MM-AP platform.

Result: First, a Software Upgrade Automation Progress dialog box similar to the
following is displayed.

F-6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Installing the golden image restoration package Procedure F-1: Installing the golden image restoration

Then, an SUA Load page similar to the following opens.






4 Which method do you want to use to load the package onto the OMP?
If... then...
Alcatel-Lucent Electronic click on the LED button
Distribution (ALED)
CD Insert the CD and click on the CD button

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal F-7
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Installing the golden image restoration package Procedure F-1: Installing the golden image restoration

Result: If you selected LED, a User Interaction Window similar to the following is
displayed that lists the golden image restoration package..

If you selected CD, User Interaction Windows similar to the following prompt you
to insert the CDs.


5 Which load method did you select?

If you selected... then...

LED click on the golden image restoration
package and click on the Load button
CD click on the Continue button in the User
Interaction Window for the last CD
that you inserted

F-8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Installing the golden image restoration package Procedure F-1: Installing the golden image restoration

Result: The User Interaction Window closes. In the Load window, the progress bar
displays the progress of the distribution as a percentage and the status line displays the
distribution method that is being executed as the selected package is loaded onto the
When distribution of the load is complete, a Software Upgrade Automation
Information dialog box similar to the following appears.


6 Click on the Close this window button in the Software Upgrade Automation
Information dialog box.

Result: The package that was distributed is listed in the Software Load menu of the
package panel.


7 Click on the Install tab of the SUA window.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal F-9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Installing the golden image restoration package Procedure F-1: Installing the golden image restoration

Result: An Install page similar to the one in the following figure is displayed. At the
top, it will show “Session for GLD.1.8”and the Software Version will show
“GLD.1.8”. This particular screen shows an install already in progress..


8 Select the golden image restoration package from the Software Version menu (your
choice should be highlighted).
F-10 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Installing the golden image restoration package Procedure F-1: Installing the golden image restoration


9 Click on the Precheck button (see the figure in Step 7).

Result: SUA verifies that the servers marked for installation are environmentally


10 Did the precheck come back with a satisfactory result?

If... then...
all processors are shown as continue with Step 11
the precheck generated a correct the issues indicated, run the
failure notice precheck again (Step 9), and continue
with Step 11


11 Do you want to install the new package now or later?

If... then...
now continue with “Step 2: Install software on
MM-APs” (p. F-11)
later quit the SUA GUI by selecting the Exit
command from the File menu at the top
of the window


Step 2: Install software on MM-APs

Perform the following steps to install a new package on an MM-AP.

Note: If the MM-AP software was downloaded from a CD without using SUA, the
load procedure must be run using the LED option.

1 If you are not on the Install page, click on the Install tab to display the Install page now.
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal F-11
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Installing the golden image restoration package Procedure F-1: Installing the golden image restoration

Result: An Install page similar to the one in the previous procedure is displayed. The
Software Version menu on the Install page lists the packages available for you to
install and the Status Window lists the processors on which you can install the
selected package.

2 Select the golden image restoration package from the Software Version menu.

3 Click on the Install button.

Result: A confirmation dialog box similar to the one in the following figure asks you
to confirm that you want the package to be installed.


4 Does the confirmation dialog box match what you want to install?
If... then...
yes click on the Continue button
no click on the Cancel button, make any
desired changes, and start the installation
this is a second try at click on the Continue button (the install
installing will be repeated on only those processors
on which it failed previously)

F-12 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Installing the golden image restoration package Procedure F-1: Installing the golden image restoration

Result: The selected package is installed on all of the selected processors (or on those
on which the install failed previously). The progress bar displays the progress of the
installation as a percentage, and the Install column of the Status Window displays the
installation actions as they are performed. Refer to the previous figure in Step 7.
When the installation is complete, the progress bar on the Install page appears as in
the following figure.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal F-13
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Installing the golden image restoration package Procedure F-1: Installing the golden image restoration


5 Do NOT activate the package.

Note: Do not use the Activate tab as part of this procedure. This will be performed
by Alcatel-Lucent personnel should a disk’s Golden Image need to be replaced.
Click on the Commit tab.
Result: A Commit page similar to the following is displayed.


6 Verify that all the MM-APs that are listed on the page are selected.

F-14 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Installing the golden image restoration package Procedure F-1: Installing the golden image restoration


7 In Release 29.0 and later, skip to “Step 3: Commit or backout software” (p. F-15).
In releases prior to Release 29.0, select Precheck.

Result: SUA verifies that the processors marked to be committed are environmentally
correct. If you receive the following message, select yes to continue.
The following processors do not have the expected packages
ap13 ap14 ap15 ap16 ap21 ap22
If you Stop, you should manually investigate why the expected load
is not active on these processors. If you continue, the
currently active load on each processor will be committed.
Would you like to continue?

8 In releases prior to Release 29.0, did the precheck come back with a satisfactory result?
If... then...
all processors are shown as continue with “Step 3: Commit or
Completed backout software” (p. F-15)
the precheck generated a correct the issues indicated, run the
failure notice precheck again (Step 6), and continue
with “Step 3: Commit or backout
software” (p. F-15)


Step 3: Commit or backout software

To commit or back out the package that you activated, do one of the following:.

If ... then...
the software has been continue with “Commit the software
adequately soaked and you upgrade” (p. F-16)
are ready to commit

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal F-15
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Installing the golden image restoration package Procedure F-1: Installing the golden image restoration

If ... then...
the software has been soaked, go to “Back out the golden image
there are problems or issues, restoration package” (p. F-18)
and you want to back out the
activated package
the commit process has begun click on the Abort button to abort the
running and it needs to be process.

Commit the software upgrade


1 Click on the Commit tab to display the Commit page.

Result: A Commit page appears.

F-16 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Installing the golden image restoration package Procedure F-1: Installing the golden image restoration


2 Click on the Commit button.

Result: A confirmation dialog box similar to the following is displayed, except that it
will display the golden image restoration package.


3 Does the confirmation dialog box match what you want to do?
If... then...
yes click on the Continue button.
The commit process begins on all servers
in the group. Once you commit an update,
you cannot back it out. (The commit
process takes about 5 minutes.)
no click on the Cancel button, make any
desired changes, and start the commit
this is a second try at click on the Commit button (the commit
committing will be repeated on only those servers on
which it failed previously).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal F-17
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Installing the golden image restoration package Procedure F-1: Installing the golden image restoration

Result: The Commit column of the Status Window on the Commit page and the status
line appear as in the following figure when the commit has completed.



Back out the golden image restoration package

Should the need arise to backout the installation of the golden image restoration package,
do not perform the backout without the help of technical support.

F-18 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
Installing the golden image restoration package Procedure F-1: Installing the golden image restoration

Backout requires guidance from technical support. Please contact

technical support before performing a backout.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal F-19
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Installing the golden image restoration package Procedure F-1: Installing the golden image restoration

F-20 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009
G Hard disk drive
replacement - manual

This section provides the manual procedures for replacing a server’s hard disk drive. To
use the automated procedure, refer to xxx.
A boot disk drive is an internal hard disk drive that fits in a bay within a server. (External
hard disk drives attach by a cable to an I/O card in the server.) A boot disk drive is a cold-
swappable component if it is being used by the server as the primary boot drive.

Reason to perform
Use this procedure when troubleshooting indicates a need to replace a 4x0S server boot
drive or 8x0S server boot drive.

This procedure could affect service. The server must be powered down before removing
the disk drive. If a mate server exists and fails during the replacement procedure, all
interaction on both servers will be lost.

In Release 30 and later releases, a new level of security has been added for connections
between MM-APs and connections from MM-APs to the OMP-FX. This may impact the
hard disk replacement procedure. Refer to the site’s security administrator for details.

Before you begin

This concerns the Watch Dog circuit pack BMR 6B on the RCC shelf. In some frames,
must be removed to prevent possible service interruptions. If you have a frame that meets
all of the following criteria:
• Does not contain an 800S server equipped with MM-APs,
• Does not contain a 400S server equipped with MM-APs,
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal G-1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Overview

• Does contain 410S servers equipped with MM-APs, and

• The 410S servers equipped with MM-APs are not supporting the 1xEVDO
application, then
remove the BMR 6B before replacing the disk. If it is not removed, it could power
cycle the MM-AP in the middle of this disk replacement procedure. The BMR 6B
should be placed in a spare circuit pack storage area for possible use in the future.

Required materials
Note the following before continuing. It is very important to have the correct replacement
disk drive.
• The disk drive used with a 400S/800S server is a 36 GB drive. The disk drive used
with a 410S/810S server is a 73 GB drive.
• The drives cannot be used interchangably. The label on the latching mechanism of the
drive handle includes the capacity of the drive. The label also indicates whether or not
the drive is compatible with the CP2500 CPU. A CP2500-compatible drive must be
used in a server that is equipped with a CP2500 CPU (either host or satellite or both).
It should not be used with servers that are not equipped with CP2500 CPUs.
• A Solaris 5.8 disk drive can be replaced by a Solaris 5.8 disk drive.
• A Solaris 5.8 disk drive cannot be replaced by a Solaris 5.9 or Solaris 5.10 disk drive.
• A Solaris 5.9 disk drive can be replaced by a Solaris 5.8 disk drive. However, the
Solaris 5.8 disk drive must be upgraded to Solaris 5.9. For this application, refer to
“Replace a Solaris 5.9 hard disk drive with a Solaris 5.8” (p. 8-72).
• A Solaris 5.9 disk drive can be replaced by a Solaris 5.9 disk drive.
• A Solaris 5.10 disk drive can be replaced by a Solaris 5.10 disk drive.

Note: Spare disk drives shipped prior to Release 29.0 cannot be used to replace a
disk drive in the server that contains a CP2500 host or satellite CPU. They can only be
used to replace a disk drive for a CP2140 host CPU that either has no satellite CPUs or
that has only CP2160 satellite CPUs. If the system includes CP2500 CPUs, make sure
that the supply of spare disk drives includes CP2500-compatible disk drives.

Required conditions
Before beginning this procedure, ensure the following:
• The mate server is operating correctly.
• The NGN bundle, the COM bundle (which for R31.0 and later contains the FMSrcc
package), the RNC bundle (for 1xRNC APs and OAM Proxy APs), the DLC bundle
(for DNFS host APs only), the ngn_platform package, and the fms_rcc package
(required only for Release 30.0 or earlier) that you will install on the replacement drive

G- 2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Overview

must be loaded onto the OMP under the /omp-data/eesd directory using your
preferred distribution method; either DAT tape or the Alcatel-Lucent Electronic
Delivery system.

ALED instructions:
a. Using a web browser, go to: https://download.support.lucent.com
b. To log in to the ALED server, use your e-mail address as the user name and enter
your password.
c. From the left-hand sidebar, under Downloads, Electronic delivery, select
Download. Then make the following selections:

Download category Selection

Alcatel-Lucent product group Wireless Networks Group
Alcatel-Lucent wireless AMPS/PCS
networks products
AMPS/PCS files and Software Updates for the ECP ...
Software Updates Choose the release.
Choose the SU.
Choose the products you want to
Note: Downloads can take considerable
time (sometimes hours) to complete!

Note: Unlike other bundles, the DLC bundle is not provided on an SU/GR. It must
be downloaded separately via ALED. This bundle is quite large and takes time to
See “Required information” (p. G-4) for instructions on how to identify the desired
bundles, ngn_platform package, and fms_rcc package (required only for Release
30.0 or earlier) versions.
• The backup saveset version that you will use to restore the configuration of the server
is available in one or both of the following locations:
– on one or more other APs in the cluster; the saveset versions for the last automatic
backup that occurs daily at 6:30 a.m.
– on other MM-APs; if apbackup is performed manually and the “-s” option is
In either case, the savesets are located under /var/spool/ap/apxxy/apbkup,
where xxy is the server logical number.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal G-3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Overview

Required tools
This procedure requires the following tools:
• a Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT)
• a No. 1 Phillips screwdriver
• a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
• an antistatic wrist strap
• an electrostatic discharge mat

Required information
Do the following:
a. Obtain the root password for servers in the cluster. Log into the OMP as root ).
From the OMP, telnet to another host MM-AP in the same cluster.

Hint: The default password for root is newsys. For security reasons, however, this
password has probably been changed. For more information, see “Login security
guidelines” (p. 4-6) in Chapter 4, “Manage security”.”
b. Record the first two octets of the network address of the dual-rail LAN to which
the server that you are repairing will be connected. Use the flxname command.
An example output is provided in the following section.
c. Record the IP address on the dual-rail LAN for the server that you are repairing.
Table D-3, “MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: primary network” (p. D-7) or
Table D-4, “MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: secondary network” (p. D-9) also
provides this information.
d. Identify the version number of the software bundles.
e. Identify the backup saveset.

Collecting required information

To collect the required information listed above, log into the OMP as root ). From the
OMP, telnet to another server in the same cluster as the MM-AP for which you are
replacing the hard drive. Then perform the following and record the results for use in the
• Enter the following command to identify the network address of the dual-rail LAN to
which the repaired server will be connected. Note for 400S and 800S servers: the
flxname output may show hme and not eri for the names of the dual-rail LAN
Ethernet interfaces. It depends on the processor type. The 410S and 810S servers show
eri (CP2140 host CPU) or bge (CP2500 host CPU).
flxname -v

G- 4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Overview

Result: Output similar to the following is displayed. Find the hme0 oreri0 or bge0
line and record the first two octets of the inet field. In the example shown below, the
first two octets of the dual-rail LAN are 172.26.
ap36:root->flxname -v

Host Name: ap36

OS and Release: SunOS 5.9
Hardware: 400S
Current Network Confuration:
lo0: flags=1000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 8232
index 1
inet netmask ff000000
cgtp0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu
1500 index 2
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 0:0:0:0:0:0
eri0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500
index 3
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 0:3:ba:6b:cd:10
eri0:9: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu
1500 index 3
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
mtu 1500 index 4
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 0:3:ba:6b:cd:11
eri1:9: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu
1500 index 4
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
qfe0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500
index 5
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 0:3:ba:1d:24:14
qfe1: flags=1000803<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500
index 6
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 0:3:ba:1d:24:15

• Identify the version number of the MM bundles by looking into the
/var/spool/ap/pkg/contents/MM-AP/<load>.contents file on the OMP for the MM load
installed on the mate MM-AP.

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Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Overview

Example: Entering the command: more AP28.0.0002.contents. The NGN

bundle version looks similar to 20070329aAP28.0.0002_NGN.bun.
Example: The COM bundle version looks similar to

• If you are repairing a DNFS Host, identify the version number of the DLC bundle.
Example: The DLC bundle version looks similar to

• If you are repairing a 1xRNC AP or OAM Proxy AP, identify the version number of
the RNC bundle.
Example: The RNC bundle version looks similar to

• Determine if the server’s drawer host has its own EINE or if it is EIN-less. Enter one of
the following TICLI commands:
op:ap xx, inv
op:ap xx, info
where xx is the logical number of the drawer host of the server under repair.
• To determine the backup saveset version, log into the remote server that contains the
backup saveset and find its name under /var/spool/ap/apxxy/apbkup, where xxy
is the logical number of the MM-AP under repair.

This section includes the following:

Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)

Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS host)

G- 6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)

Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)

Perform the following procedure to remove and replace a cold-swappable hard drive or
boot disk drive when the server’s host CPU is a plain host CPU (that is, no satellite CPUs
in the drawer) or a drawer host CPU (that is, one or two satellite CPUs in the drawer).

Before you begin

Do the following:
• Change the password of the target server’s alarm card. This will prevent anyone else
from accessing this server during the disk replacement.
• Make sure all software for the cell site generic, DLC bundle, and golden image are
available in the /omp-data/eesd directory. For missing items, download them using
ALED (refer to “ALED instructions:” (p. G-3) for ALED instructions).
• For Release 31.0 SU3 and later releases: If this is a disk replacement for an OAM
proxy AP, determine if the “AMATPS via IPsec” feature is enabled. To do this,
determine the following information from the office data:
– AMATPS VCIP (Record this information for later use.) (Note: This IP address can
also be obtained by entering the command ‘grep amatps_nb /etc/hosts‘ on the
– The HOC IP address (Record this information for later use.)
Then open the IPsec policies file /etc/inet/ipsecinit.conf and look for a line similar to
the folowing:
{laddr <a.b.c.d>/32 raddr <w.x.y.z>/32} ipsec {auth_algs MD5 encr_algs 3des
sa shared}
where <a.b.c.d> = AMATPS VCIP on the OAM proxy APs and <w.x.y.z> = HOC IP
If this file contains this line, then the “AMATPS via IPsec” feature is enabled and must
be verified ACTIVE once the disk replacement procedure is completed.

This procedure can take several hours to perform depending on the following:
• The installation and activation of the MM-AP bundles on the replacement drive can
take 1-2 hours or more.

To replace a cold-swappable boot drive, perform the following steps.

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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)


1 Taking care not to damage the new disk drive(s) and not damaging the packaging (it will
be reused), unpack the new drive or drives and inspect them for any damage.
Great care needs to be exercised when handling hard disk drives,
even failed drives that you are replacing. Proper handling includes
observing antistatic precautions and ensuring that the drive is not
subjected to any impacts. When placing the drive on an antistatic
surface, or when removing the drive from or installing it in a
shipping container, move it as carefully as possible.

When packaging drives for return to Alcatel-Lucent, be sure to use

disk drive packaging materials, including an antistatic bag and
cushioned drive box. If the original drive packaging is not
available, be sure to place the drive in an antistatic bag and wrap it
in several layers of bubble wrap.

2 Which of the following scenarios applies to you?

You are replacing a

drive... then...
for a drawer host in a drawer skip to Step 9.
with no satellites
for a drawer host in a drawer continue with the next step.
with satellites


3 Establish a remote connection from the LMT to another MM-AP in the same frame.
Reference: See “Access an MM-AP via telnet from the LMT” (p. 3-23).

4 Display a list of satellites associated with the drawer host that has the faulty drive by
executing the following TICLI command as root ):
a is the drawer host logical number.

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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)

Result: The OP:AP a, INV command generates output similar to the following:
AP 83:SR:410HST_T1_CC:EIN 02-06:FR 9:DR 3:SL 3:SAT APS 93
2006-01-03 07:59:30 REPORT #000001 FINAL
01/03/06 07:59:30 #000117

5 Establish a remote connection to one of the satellites listed in the OP:AP a, INV
command output from the LMT.
Reference: See Chapter 3, “Access MM-AP components” for instructions on various
ways of logging into an MM-AP remotely.

6 Remove the satellite from service by doing one of the following:

• From the OMC-RAN TI Wizard, use the RMV AP poke command or use the OMC-
RAN TICLI to enter the command below.
• Press the Remove button on the EMS AP Status Page.
• Enter the following command at an appropriate command line interface; EMS CLI or
a is the satellite logical number.

Result: The satellite is displayed as OOS-MANUAL.


7 Log in as rootand enter the following command from the UNIX prompt to stop all MM-
AP software:
Is this powerdown
part of a disk
procedure? Then...
no enter the command:

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal G-9
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)

Is this powerdown
part of a disk
procedure? Then...
yes type the following command from the MM-AP mate
to take the MM-AP offline:
RCCmachoffline -F -m apxxx
where x x x is the number of the MM-AP being

Result: All MM-AP processes are stopped but UNIX is still running.


8 Repeat Step 5 through Step 7 for any other satellites that are in that drawer. If no other
satellites, continue with the next step.

9 Power down the server [refer to “Power down a server” (p. 8-27) and then return here].

10 Attach the antistatic wrist strap.


11 Are you replacing the hard drive in a 410S or 810S server in an R1SR or UNC frame?

If... then...
no skip to Step 12
yes disconnect the cable from the COM2 port
of the alarm rear transition module. Refer
to Figure 8-25 (810S server) and
Figure 8-26 (410S server). Then continue
with Step 12.


12 Loosen the captive screws that hold the drive bay cover in place. Refer to Figure 1-1
through Figure 1-4 for drive bay cover locations.
• For the 8x0S server, use a No. 1 Phillips screwdriver to loosen the four captive screws
(two on top and two on the bottom).
• For the 4x0S server, use a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver to loosen the one captive screw
on top.

G- 1 0 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)


13 Remove the drive bay cover.

Ensure that at least 30 seconds have passed since the system was
powered down before proceeding to Step 14. This will give the drive
time to spin down and avoid possible damage to the heads and disk.

14 Unlatch the disk drive handle to release it. If this a an 810S server, unlatch the top disk
drive (that is, drive 0).
Push down in the direction of the arrow to release the bracket handle latch.

15 Pull the bracket handle out and swing it open.


16 Continue to pivot the disk drive bracket handle against the chassis, applying mild pressure
until the drive disconnects.

17 Slide the drive out of the chassis and place it on the electrostatic discharge mat. Carefully
place the old drive in the antistatic packaging that the new drive was shipped in. If the
antistatic packaging is damaged in any way, it must be replaced. Refer to “Electrostatic
discharge (ESD) precautions” (p. 8-15).

18 Hold the bracket handle on the replacement disk drive open.


19 Slide the replacement disk drive into the drive slot.


20 Gently push the drive until the locking handle engages.


21 Close the locking handle completely, using gentle downward pressure.


22 Replace the drive bay cover.

Note: Do not connect the COM2 cable at this time. You will connect it in a later step.

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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)


23 Power up the server: perform Step 1 through Step 10 of the procedure “Power up a server”
(p. 8-36), and then return here.
If you are performing this procedure as part of a software retrofit, you may see something
like this:

!!! System Recovery Boot !!!

You are booted from the secondary root (/secroot). Your normal filesystems
can all be mounted under the "/a" filsystem using the "mountall" command.
Try running the "recover" command to repair your primary root filesystem.
When you are done repairing the primary root, use the "reboot" command.

mcn0: Link Up


Type control-d to proceed with normal startup,

(or give root password for system maintenance):
single-user privilege assigned to /dev/console.

If so, enter the following commands:

eeprom boot-device
Result: The output should be: boot-device=disk0:a
eeprom diag-device
Result: The output should be: diag-device=disk0:a

If either variable is set to disk0:e, then enter the appropriate command(s):

eeprom boot-device=disk0:a
eeprom diag-device=disk0:a
Then enter the following command (enter exactly as shown):
reboot -- disk0:a
You should now be able to proceed with the next step.

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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)


24 If not already logged into the OMP, log in as root ). Enter the following command:
op:ap xx, info
where xx is the logical number of the drawer host of the server under repair.
Result: Example output:
AP 11:400S_2GB:HVLR
Does the output show a 400S server with a 2GB CPU hosting the HVLR application as
shown above?

If... then...
no skip to the next step.
yes 1. Establish a remote console
connection from the OMP to the
server under repair through its alarm
2. From the server under repair, as root,
enter the following commands:
echo “R2”>/etc/path_to_inst
touch /reconfigure
3. Reboot the server. This will ensure
that the server has the correct
path_to_inst file.
4. Continue with the next step.


25 This step will ensure that the server has the correct /dev/ttyb device driver.
If not already logged into the OMP, log in as root ). Then enter the following command:
op:ap xx, info
where xx is the logical number of the drawer host of the server under repair.

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Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)

Result: Example output:

AP 11:400S_2GB:HVLR



AP 27:400S:RCS(LAPD)

Answer the following:

If ... then ...

the server is not a 400S the server has the correct /dev/ttyb device driver. Skip to Step
the server is a 400S do the following:
• Establish a remote console connection from the OMP to
the server under repair through its alarm card.
• From the server under repair, enter the following
ls -l /dev/ttyb
Result: -rw-r--r-- 1 root other 6 Aug 6 13:52
file /dev/ttyb
Result: See the following page.

Answer the following:

If the Result of the “file /dev/ttyb”

command shows that the ttyb device
is... then ...
a link to term/b [for example: the server has the correct /dev/ttyb device
/dev/term/b: character driver. Skip to Step 26.
special (37/1)]

G- 1 4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)

If the Result of the “file /dev/ttyb”

command shows that the ttyb device
is... then ...
a file [for example, /dev/ttyb: ascii the server does not have the correct /dev/ttyb
text] device driver. Enter the following command:
touch /reconfigure
Then reboot the server.
When the server completes the reboot, log on
as root ) and enter the following three
ls -l /dev/ttyb
Result: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6
Aug 1 10:08 /dev/ttyb -> term/b
ls -l /dev/term/b
Result: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 52
Aug 1 10:06 /dev/term/b ->
file /dev/term/b
Result: /dev/term/b: character special (37/1)
Verify that the output line of the "ls -l .."
commands start with "lrwxrwxrwx".
Verify that the output line of the "file
/dev/term/b" command has "character special"
in the output.
This will ensure that the server has the correct
/dev/ttyb device driver.
Continue with Step 26.


26 If not already done, as root establish a remote console connection to the server under
repair through its alarm card from the OMP [see “Telnet to a server console via the alarm
card” (p. 3-27)]. This allows you to monitor boot messages as the system comes up. After
the server finishes all reboots, continue with the next step.

27 The original logical LAN interface to the drawer host must now be assigned. To do this,
enter the following commands:

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal G-15
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)

a. The first command:

ifconfig abc0:66 plumb
where abc equals hme or eri or bge.
Result: You may see an error message similar to the following. This message can be
ignored. Once the OMP is aware of the MM-AP changes, this error will be resolved.
[flxspare]-> Jan 3 08:42:31 flxspare /usr/lib/snmp/snmpdx: error
while receiving a pdu from The message has
a wrong version (1)
b. The second command:
ifconfig abc0:66 x.y.c.d netmask broadcast + up
abc is hme or eri or bge
x.y.c.d is the IP address for the server that you are repairing, which
you identified before beginning this procedure (see “Required
information” (p. G-4)]. It consists of the following four octets:
• x = 172
• y = a number in the range 16 - 31
• c = 32 (for MM-APs 1 - 255) or 33 (for MM-APs 256 -
• d = the server logical number for MM-APs 1 - 255 [for
MM-APs 256 - 398, refer to Table D-3, “MM-APCC LAN
IP addresses: primary network” (p. D-7) or Table D-4,
“MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: secondary network”
(p. D-9)]

Example: For MM-AP 36 on dual-rail LAN 172.26, you would execute the following
ifconfig eri0:66 netmask broadcast + up

Note: If you mistype the ifconfig command line and need to re-enter it, execute
the following command (to remove the logical LAN interface):
ifconfig abc0:66 unplumb
and then repeat this step.

28 Set the time zone of the server by doing the following:

• Edit the /etc/TIMEZONE file.
For more information, enter the following command to see the manual page for
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)


29 Create a file to be used during an upcoming reboot. Enter the following command as
touch /reconfigure

30 Check the version of the Solaris operating system on the replacement drive by executing
the following command:
uname -r
Result: The uname -r command returns 5.8 for Solaris 5.8, or 5.9 for Solaris 5.9, or
5.10 for Solaris 5.10. If you get an unexpected result, start this procedure over from the
beginning with the appropriate drive and steps.

Bundle Transfer Steps Follow:


31 From another display window on the OMP, transfer all the required bundles needed for
this disk replacement. Enter the command as root:
appkgtrans [-g] -p bundle -S apxxy
xxy is the logical number of the MM-AP.

Note: If “Enable Security Configuration Management: APCC Network” field in the

mscsec RC/V form has been set to “y” and “Security Zone Indicators: OMP to MM-
AP SSH Indicator” field in the mscsec RC/V form has been set to “1”, the option “-g”
must be used in this step.

appkgtrans -p bundle -S ap36
Result: The following prompt is generated:
AP package transfer makes heavy use of the TCP/IP network and may
therefore affect performance. AP package transfer should be
performed during an off-peak period.

Do you want to continue [no]:


32 At that prompt, enter yes.

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Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)

Result: A prompt similar to the following is generated:

The following bundle packages are ready for transfer:
1) 20030429HDReplace_NGN.bun
2) 20030918SU200b09_OSU.bun
3) 20070326aAP28.0.0002_COM.bun
4) 20070115cAP28.0.0000_DLC.bun
5) 20070329aAP28.0.0002_NGN.bun
6) 20070305dAP28.0.0001_NGNSUA.bun
7) 20070329aAP28.0.0002_RNC.bun
Enter the menu number of the bundle package to send to ap36:
(choose the desired bundle)
[If the MM-AP bundles that you identified in “Collecting required information” (p. G-4)
are not listed, you will need to reload them onto the OMP from the Alcatel-Lucent
Electronic Delivery server.]

33 Enter the menu number of the COM bundle to be downloaded.

Result: The following prompt is generated:
Enter the login on apserver_id [root]:

34 Enter the root.

Result: A prompt similar to the following is generated:
Enter the password for <login> on apserver_id:

35 Enter the password for root ).

Result: You will see output similar to the following:
Transfer of version 20070326aAP28.0.0002_COM of the bundle package to ap36
beginning at Tue Jan 3 08:52:12 CST 2006
Transfer of version 20070329aAP28.0.0002_NGN of the bundle package to ap36
completed successfully at Tue Jan 3 08:54:56 CST 2006!
16639 blocks.
Repeat Step 31 through Step 35 until all the required bundles are transferred. Note the
• Always transfer the COM bundle and NGN bundle.
• Do not transfer the DLC bundle.
• For a 1xRNC or OAMproxy MM-AP, also transfer the RNC bundle.

G- 1 8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)

When finished, continue with the next step.


36 Bring up the server remote console window that you opened in Step 26, or establish that
connection now. If necessary, see “Telnet to a server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27).

37 From the server that you are repairing, ensure that the bundles are executable.
cd /var/flx/bun
chmod +x 200*bun

38 Execute (install) the COM bundle. For example, enter the following commands as root:
cd /var/flx/bun
Result: The command takes less than 5-6 minutes to complete. The bundle and all of
the packages that it contains are automatically installed. If executing a bundle returns
an error message, call customer technical support.

39 After the COM bundle is installed, enter the following command as root:
flxactivate -vr
Result: The server reboots multiple times and you are logged out. As the server is
rebooting, flxactivate processing continues. However, messages may not appear on
the console. This reboot and its corresponding flxactivate processing takes anywhere
from 30 to 300 minutes or more.

40 Check the status of flxactivate processing by executing the following command as


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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)


41 What type of message did flxsustatus return?

If you receive a... then...

successful-completion message, such as the following: continue with the next step.
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 08:56:13
flxactivate completed successfully at Tue
Jan 3 10:01:07 2006
still-in-progress message, such as the following: re-execute the flxsustatus command
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 08:56:13 every 3 or 4 minutes until you no longer
2006 receive the still-in-progress message. Once
flxactivate still in progress flxactivate is completed successfully,
continue with the next step.
failed message, such as the following: contact customer technical support for
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 08:56:13 assistance
flxactivate failed at Tue Jan 3 09:12:32


42 The original logical LAN interface to the drawer host must now be assigned. To do this,
enter the following commands as root:
a. The first command:
ifconfig abc0:66 plumb
where abc equals hme or eri or bge.
Result: You may see an error message similar to the following. This message can be
ignored. Once the OMP is aware of the MM-AP changes, this error will be resolved.
[flxspare]-> Jan 3 08:42:31 flxspare /usr/lib/snmp/snmpdx: error
while receiving a pdu from The message has
a wrong version (1)
b. The second command:
ifconfig abc0:66 x.y.c.d netmask broadcast + up
abc is hme or eri or bge

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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)

x.y.c.d is the IP address for the server that you are repairing, which
you identified before beginning this procedure (see “Required
information” (p. G-4)]. It consists of the following four octets:
• x = 172
• y = a number in the range 16 - 31
• c = 32 (for MM-APs 1 - 255) or 33 (for MM-APs 256 -
• d = the server logical number for MM-APs 1 - 255 [for
MM-APs 256 - 398, refer to Table D-3, “MM-APCC LAN
IP addresses: primary network” (p. D-7) or Table D-4,
“MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: secondary network”
(p. D-9)]

Example: For MM-AP 36 on dual-rail LAN 172.26, you would execute the following
ifconfig eri0:66 netmask broadcast + up

Note: If you mistype the ifconfig command line and need to re-enter it, execute
the following command (to remove the logical LAN interface):
ifconfig abc0:66 unplumb
and then repeat this step.

43 Enter the following command:

uname -i
Result: Output will look similar to the following.
For which type of server are you replacing the hard drive?

If... then...
410S or 810S continue with the next step.
400S or 800S skip to Step 45


44 Log onto the OMP as root and execute the following command to set the frame type on
the target server:
setfrmtyp apxxy

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal G-21
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Result: The setfrmtyp command generates output similar to the following:

AP package transfer makes heavy use of the TCP/IP network
and may therefore affect performance. AP package transfer
should be performed during an off-peak period.

Do you want to continue [no]: y

Enter the login on ap36 [root]:
Enter the password for root on ap36:

Transfer of version frame.typ of the file package to ap36

beginning at Tue Jan 3 10:09:15 CDT 2006
Transfer of version frame.typ of the file package to ap36
completed successfully at Tue Jan 3 10:09:15 CDT 2006!
2 blocks.

45 Log onto the server as root and use the following commands to change directories,
display the NGN bundle name, and install the NGN bundle. Your NGN bundle file may be
named differently than that shown below. Be sure to enter the bundle name as it appears on
your system.
cd /var/flx/bun
ls -l
Result: The bundle and all of the packages that it contains are automatically installed.
If executing a bundle returns an error message, call customer technical support.

46 In preparation for naming the server, create a custom.name file on the server by entering
the following commands as root:
cd /
flxactivate -vr NGNnaming
Result: The flxactivate command generates output similar to the following:
Estimated time to completion: 21 seconds
NGNnaming-1 1.5 activation

47 Change the server’s node name from flxspare to apspare.

hostname apspare

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48 Execute the following command to initialize the personality of the server:

flxname xxy [network] -noacreset -noboot
followed by
. /.profile
(The above command is entered as: dot space slash dot profile)
xxy is the logical number of the host MM-AP.
network is the first two octets of the IP address of the dual-rail LAN to
which the server will be connected, either 172.16 (the default)
or another address in the range 172.16 - 172.31.

flxname 36 172.26 -noacreset -noboot
Result: The flxname command generates output similar to the following:
Checking environment...Backing up current configuration...Loading
from data file
NOTE: the system has been renamed to ap36
to change your prompt either logout and login
again or re-execute the profile:
. /.profile
add net 224.0/4

Note: You can ignore the NOTE about changing your prompt. Your profile will be
re-executed by a reboot in an upcoming step.
The server’s name is changed from apspare to apserver_id and, if applicable, the
server’s network address is changed from 172.16 (the default) to network.
For the example given here, after flxname processing completes, the server's node name
is ap36 and it is using the 172.26 IP network.
If you change the IP address of the MM-AP, you may need to manually power back on any
satellites that are present.

49 Activate the remaining packages in the bundles.

cd /
flxactivate -vr

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Result: The server reboots multiple times and you are logged out. As the server is
rebooting, flxactivate processing continues although messages may not appear on
the console. This reboot and its corresponding flxactivate processing take
anywhere from 10 minutes to 20 minutes or more.

50 After giving flxactivate a reasonable amount of time to complete, from the OMP re-
establish your remote console connection to the server through its alarm card.

51 Check the status of flxactivate processing by executing the following command:


52 This step is for 1xEV-DO Standalone systems only.

From the OMP root login , enter the following commands:
applatconfig [-g] -s apxxy -a bsoc

Note: If “Enable Security Configuration Management: APCC Network” field in the

mscsec RC/V form has been set to “y” and “Security Zone Indicators: OMP to MM-
AP SSH Indicator” field in the mscsec RC/V form has been set to “1”, the option “-g”
must be used in this step.
Result: Added resource: APTYPE BSOC

Verify that the BSOC source has been added by entering the following command:
applatconfig -s apxxy -c bsoc

53 What type of message did flxsustatus return?

If you receive a... then...

successful-completion message, such as the following: continue with the next step.
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 10:51:29
flxactivate completed successfully at Tue
Jan 3 10:51:33 2006

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If you receive a... then...

still-in-progress message, such as the following: re-execute the flxsustatus command
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 10:51:29 every 3 or 4 minutes until you no longer
2006 receive the still-in-progress message.
flxactivate still in progress Notes: Do not proceed with Step 54
until the command completes
failed message, such as the following: contact customer technical support for
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 10:51:29 assistance.
flxactivate failed at Tue Jan 3 10:59:25


54 Set the server's date and time. Enter the following:

rdate apxx
apxx is the on-line mate AP. (If there is no mate AP, chose a different
on-line AP.)


55 Ensure that EINE and FT-LAN addresses are properly configured, as follows:
flxname xxy [network] -noacreset
xxy is the logical number of the host MM-AP
network is the first two octets of the IP address of the dual-rail LAN to
which the server will be connected, either 172.16 (the default)
or another address in the range 172.16 - 172.31.

flxname 36 172.26 -noacreset
Result: The server reboots and you are logged out.

Reload the server’s configuration:


56 Log back in as root.

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57 Restore the configuration of the server for which the disk was replaced. Do one of the


filtering level on the
mscsec RCV form is set
to... then ...
0 from the target MM-AP enter the command:
aprenew [-s server]
where -s server is only needed if the backup saveset is stored
somewhere other than the default location. Refer to Appendix
B, “Command reference” under apbackup and aprenew.
2 from the OMP enter the command to copy the backup saveset
from the backup MM-AP to the OMP:
appkgtrans -l oamproxy -s apyy -p apbkup -
v BKUPversion -d /var/spool/ap/apxx -D
• apyy is the MM-AP that contains the target MM-AP’s
backup saveset.
• apxx is the target MM-AP.
• BKUPversion is the name of the backup saveset or “auto”.
and from the OMP enter the command to copy the backup
saveset from the OMP to the target MM-AP:
appkgtrans -l root -S apxx -p apbkup -v
BKUPversion -d /tmp/apbkup -D
/var/spool/ap/apxx -g
and from the target MM-AP enter the
aprenew -s apxx -v BKUPversion

Note: Contact customer technical support if you see this message:

Please contact with WTSC to resolve the reported Warnings, Errors
or Failures. Attempts to rerun aprenew may cause further problems,
which can result in a longer time to detect and resolve the root
cause of the problem!
Example: The following is an example of the aprenew input command entered on
ap11 and the output that resulted. This is from Release 30.0 where the fms_rcc
package is valid. In Release 31.0 and later, the fms_rcc package is replaced by FMSrcc

G- 2 6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)

which is part of the COM bundle. Therefore, in Release 31.0 or later the fms_rcc
package is not listed here.
Result: The aprenew program prompts you for the following.
Enter the version of the backup saveset to be restored:
Enter a backup saveset version. In this example, the user enters 20071025.
The backup saveset version 20071025 is not available on ap11.
It will be transferred from ap12.

AP package transfer makes heavy use of the TCP/IP network

and may therefore affect performance. AP package transfer
should be performed during an off-peak period.

Do you want to continue [no]: y

Transfer of version 20071025 of the apbkup package from ap12

beginning at Sat Oct 27 13:40:10 CDT 2007
Transfer of version 20071025 of the apbkup package from ap12
completed successfully at Sat Oct 27 13:40:11 CDT 2007!
752 blocks.

The text associated with this backup follows:


Should the aprenew operation continue [yes]?

Press ENTER.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal G-27
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Result: The following is from Release 30.0. Output from Release 31.0 or later will not
show the fms_rcc package needing transferred.
Inspection of ap11 shows that the following packages need to
be transferred and installed but are not yet available on ap11:

fms_rcc version 193800

ngn_platform version OFC15.1L30.0

These packages will be transferred from ap12.

AP package transfer makes heavy use of the TCP/IP network

and may therefore affect performance. AP package transfer
should be performed during an off-peak period.

Do you want to continue [no]:

Enter y.
Result: The following is from Release 30.0. Output from Release 31.0 or later will not
have the fms_rcc package being transferred.
Transfer of version 193800 of the fms_rcc package from ap12
beginning at Sat Oct 27 13:40:59 CDT 2007
Transfer of version 193800 of the fms_rcc package from ap12
completed successfully at Sat Oct 27 13:41:01 CDT 2007!
8139 blocks.

Transfer of version OFC15.1L30.0 of the ngn_platform package from

beginning at Sat Oct 27 13:41:01 CDT 2007
Transfer of version OFC15.1L30.0 of the ngn_platform package from
completed successfully at Sat Oct 27 13:41:21 CDT 2007!
195488 blocks.
Inspection of ap11 shows that the following
packages need to be installed on ap11:

fms_rcc version 193800

ngn_platform version OFC15.1L30.0

These packages will be installed.

The fms_rcc package (version 193800) will be

installed into the /opt/rcc/default directory.

Do you want to continue [no]:

G- 2 8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)

Enter y.
Result: The following is from Release 30.0. Output from Release 31.0 or later will not
have the fms_rcc package being installed.
Installing version 193800 of the fms_rcc package from
/var/spool/ap/pkg/fms_rcc/193800/RCC.pkg ...
x RCC.ls, 6901 bytes, 14 tape blocks
x RCCPROFCMD, 4526 bytes, 9 tape blocks
x RCCPROFILES, 198 bytes, 1 tape blocks
(several other files installed)
The fms_rcc package (version 193800) was successfully installed!

The ngn_platform package (version OFC15.1L30.0) will be

installed into the /ap/platform/new directory.

Do you want to continue [no]:

Enter y.
Installing version OFC15.1L30.0 of the ngn_platform package from
195478 blocks
(many other files installed)

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547211 blocks
The ngn_platform package (version OFC15.1L30.0) was successfully

Activation of the ngn_platform package will result in

version OFC15.1L30.0 being made active
and version 'No version' being made available for backout.

Do you want to continue [no]:

Enter y.
Making ngn_platform package (OFC15.1L30.0 from /ap/platform/new)
active ...
Could not open /var/ap/platform/APplatconfig.res: No such file or
directory at /flx/bin/APplatconfig.pl line 213.
ap15 is alive
Oct 27 13:52:59 ap11 qfe: SUNW,qfe0: 10 Mbps half duplex link up -
internal transceiver
The ngn_platform package (OFC15.1L30.0) is now active.

The fms_rcc package (version 193800) will be

activated in the /opt/rcc/default directory.

Do you want to continue [no]: y

The fms_rcc package (version 193800) is now active.
1160 blocks
43 blocks
The aprenew operation completed successfully at Sat Oct 27
13:54:02 CDT 2007.

Note: All logins are backed up, but their home directories do not exist.

58 Enter the following command:

. /.profile
(The above command is entered as: dot space slash dot profile)

Note: The aprenew command restores the root password to that saved in the last
backup for the server (or in the backup saveset specified on the aprenew command, if
not the most recent). This may not be the root password currently in use in the

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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)


59 If necessary, change the password for root ) from the value that was restored to the root
password used for other servers in the cluster [see “To change the root password” (p. 4-15)
in Chapter 4, “Manage security”,” for more information].

60 If the 1xRNC application or OAM Proxy application runs on the host MM-AP of the
replaced disk drive, execute the RNC bundle. From the MM-AP, enter the following
cd /var/flx/bun
Example: ./20070329aAP28.0.0002_RNC.bun
Then activate the RNC packages by entering the following commands:
cd /
flxactivate -vr

61 If the server did not reboot and require you to log back in, then log out and log back in
now as root ). This will produce a shell environment that uses the variables set during the
running of the flxactivate command in the previous step.

62 Check the status of flxactivate processing by executing the following command:


63 What type of message did flxsustatus return?

If you receive a... then...

successful-completion message, such as the following: continue with the next step.
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 10:51:29
flxactivate completed successfully at Tue
Jan 3 10:51:33 2006
still-in-progress message, such as the following: re-execute the flxsustatus command
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 10:51:29 every 3 or 4 minutes until you no longer
2006 receive the still-in-progress message
flxactivate still in progress Notes: Do not proceed with Step 64.

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If you receive a... then...

failed message, such as the following: contact customer technical support for
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 10:51:29 assistance
flxactivate failed at Tue Jan 3 10:59:25


64 Does either the MM-SS7/MM-DLN or MM-RCS application run on this MM-AP?

If... Then...
yes continue with Step 65
no skip to Step 70


65 Re-execute the MM-AP bundle to install the appropriate T1/E1 driver for your application
(either the MM-SS7/MM-DLN or MM-RCS).
cd /var/flx/bun


66 Activate the T1/E1 driver package.

flxactivate -vr
Result: The server may reboot during this step. As the server is rebooting,
flxactivate processing continues although messages may not appear on the
console. Any reboot during this step completes within a couple of minutes.

67 For ECPless systems only, do the following:

a. When adding any server, from the OMP, enter the following command to add the
ecpless_msc flag:
applatconfig -s apxxx -a ecpless_msc [-g]

Note: If the security features are on, then the -g option is required. If the security
features are not on, the -g option is not used.

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b. From the server, re-execute the NGN bundle as follows:

cd /var/fix/bun

68 If necessary, log back in as root .


69 Check for completion of flxactivate processing.

Result: If flxactivate has finished processing, it returns the following output.
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 16:50:59 2006
flxactivate completed successfully at Tue Jan 3 16:51:17 2006
The output may include one or more reboots.

If you receive a... Then...

successful-completion message, such as the following: continue with the next step.
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 16:50:29
flxactivate completed successfully at Tue
Jan 3 16:51:17 2006
still-in-progress message, such as the following: wait 1 minute and repeat this step (In this
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 16:50:29 execution of flxactivate, only one
2006 package is being activated, so
flxactivate still in progress flxactivate processing completes
Notes: Do not proceed with Step 70
until flxactivate completes
failed message, such as the following: contact customer technical support for
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 16:50:29 assistance
flxactivate failed at Tue Jan 3 16:57:12

Remove unnecessary packages and bundles:


70 Clean unnecessary packages and bundles from the MM-AP’s file system space. It is
advisable, however, to leave current packages and the current Software Update bundles in

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Use the following command on all MM-AP’s affected by the disk replacement:
appkgunload -p package
package is one of the bundles, fms_rcc (in R30.0 or
earlier), or ngn_platform

Result: In each case, appkgunload generates a prompt similar to the following:

The following bundle versions are currently loaded:
1) 20050630dAP25.0.0000_COM.bun
2) 20070326aAP28.0.0002_COM.bun
3) 20050701dAP25.0.0000_DLC.bun
4) 20070303cAP28.0.0000_DLC.bun
5) 20050701dAP25.0.0000_NGN.bun
6) 20070329aAP25.0.0002_NGN.bun
7) 20050701dAP25.0.0000_RNC.bun
8) 20070329aAP28.0.0002_RNC.bun
9) 20050701dAP25.0.0000_NGN.bun
10) 20030429HDReplace_NGN.bun
11) 20030602PTCH9.bun
12) 20030918SU200b09_OSU.bun
13) ALL
14) QUIT
Enter the menu number of the bundle package to unload: 1
Follow the prompts to remove the bundle or package. Repeat this step to remove any other
bundle or package that you want to remove. In particular, the DLC bundle, which is very
large and not needed for software updates, should be removed from DNFS Hosts.

71 Perform any other site-specific system administration activities, such as setting up user
home directories and local security measures. (For login administration and security
guidelines, see Chapter 4, “Manage security”.”)

72 Are you replacing the hard drive in a 410S or 810S server in an R1SR frame?

If... then...
yes reconnect the cable to the COM2 port of
the alarm rear transition module (see Step
11 of this procedure for the location of
the COM2 cable). Then, continue with
the next step.
no continue with the next step.
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Restore the MM-AP to service:


73 Perform this step only if the MM-AP has its own EINE connection. From the ECP, restore
the EINE to service; from the ECP MCRT, enter the following command:
xx is the ring group number
y s the ring member number


74 For Release 31.0 and later, skip to the next step. This step is for releases prior to Release
31.0 only: Are you replacing the hard drive in a 800S or 810S server?

If... then...
yes from the TICLI interface on the OMP,
enter the following command:

no continue with the next step.


75 Perform this step only if the MM-AP has the OAM Proxy application is running on the
First, log off and log back on to get a shell environment that uses the variables set during
the running of the flxactivate command of Step 60. Then, restore the RNC database by
entering the following commands:
cd $CDMA_OAM_ROOT/database/schema
./DB_InstScript.pl -I

76 Perform this step only if the MM-AP has its own EINE connection. When the EINE is
ACTIVE, enter the following command at the MM-AP shell prompt to verify the MM-
AP’s connectivity to the EINE:
ping ein

Note: Wait until the ping command succeeds. This may take up to 2 minutes. (For
complete information on ping command responses, or if the ping fails, press Ctrl-C
to exit the ping command and refer to Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”.”)

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77 Execute the following command to bring the MM-AP online:

Result: The MM-AP reboots and restarts MM-AP platform and application software.
If you had a remote console connection to the MM-AP through its alarm card, you see
boot messages from the MM-AP followed by a login prompt. If you were logged in
directly to the MM-AP, you lose your connection and are then prompted to log in.

78 Log on to the MM-AP again and wait about 5 minutes before attempting to restore the
MM-AP to service. (The TICLI is not available until the aponline command completes.)

79 Restore the MM-AP to service by doing one of the following:

• From the OMC-RAN TI Wizard, use the RST AP poke command or use the OMC-
RAN TICLI to enter the command below.
• On the EMS AP Status Page, press the Restore button.
• At the TICLI, enter the following command:
a the number of the MM-AP that is to be restored


80 Verify that applications on the MM-AP are running by doing one of the following:
• From the OMC-RAN TI Wizard, use the OP STATUS poke command or use the
OMC-RAN TICLI to enter the command below.
• At the TICLI, enter the following command:
a is the logical identifier of the MM-AP that you are upgrading.


81 Did the OP:AP-STATUS command in the previous step identify any applications that need
to be restored manually?

If... then...
no continue with the next step.

G- 3 6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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If... then...
yes restore the out-of-service application(s)

where a is the logical identifier of the
MM-AP that you are repairing. Then
continue with the next step.


82 For Release 31.0 and later, skip to the next step. This step is for releases prior to Release
31.0 only: Are you replacing the hard drive in a 800S or 810S server?

If... then...
yes wait at least 30 minutes. Then from
the TICLI interface on the OMP, enter
the following command:

no continue with the next step.


83 Switch applications on the MM-AP back to their primary MM-AP.


84 Which of the following scenarios applies to you?

You are replacing a

drive... then...
for a drawer host in a drawer skip to Step 90.
with no satellites
for a drawer host in a drawer continue with Step 85.
with satellites


85 At the login prompt for one of the affected satellites (the satellite is either in the same
drawer as the drive that you replaced or is associated with the DNFS Host for which you
replaced the drive), log into the satellite and become root ).

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86 At the satellite UNIX shell prompt, execute the following command to bring the satellite
Result: After the aponline command is entered, you will experience a delay of about
5 minutes before the satellite is rebooted to go online. This occurs only the first time
that a satellite is brought online after disk replacement and is necessary for the satellite
to create a new miniroot image.

87 Restore the satellite to service; do one of the following:

• From the OMC-RAN TI Wizard, use the RST AP poke command or use the OMC-
RAN TICLI to enter the command below.
• On the EMS AP Status Page, press the Restore button.
• Eneter the following command at an appropriate command line interface (that is, EMS
a is the satellite logical number.

Result: The satellite is displayed as ACTIVE.


88 Does the satellite host the MM-RCS application?

If... then...
no continue with the next step.
yes Balance the application load for the
satellite and its mate by executing the
following command:
where a and b are the logical numbers of
the satellite and its mate on which you
want to balance the application load.
Then continue with the next step.


89 Repeat Step 85 through Step 88 for any other satellite in the drawer.
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90 Check the status of the drawer host MM-AP; do one of the following:
• From the OMC-RAN, perform an “AP op status” task.
• On the EMS AP Status Page, press the Alarms button.
• Enter the following command at the TICLI of the drawer host:
a is the logical identifier of the drawer host MM-AP that you are


91 Resolve any alarms identified.


92 You now need to commit the software for this MM-AP. After the MM-AP status is
ONLINE, do one of the following:
• From the OMC-RAN, perform an “AP commit ap” task.
• Use the TICLI to enter the following command:
commit: ap xx, software platform
where xx is the MM-AP number.
If you are performing a software retrofit and have not yet activated it, then you need to
perform another SUA, this time selecting only this MM-AP.

Note: You can tell if the software is not yet activated if the metastat d0 output from
another MM-AP in the frame is different than the metastat d0 output from this MM-

93 Check for the presense of the FMSregldn package on the hard disk by entering the
following commands:
cd /var/flx/bun
ls -l
Result: Output will display the contents of the /var/flx/bun directory. If the
FMSregldn package is not listed, go to “Installing the golden image restoration
package” (p. F-1).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal G-39
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)


94 For Release 31 SU3 or later: If this is an OAM proxy AP disk replacement, the status of
the “AMATPS via IPsec” feature should have been determined before the disk
replacement began (see “Before you begin” (p. G-7)).
If the “AMATPS via IPsec” feature is enabled, verify that AMATPS is active between the
Host Collector(s) and the OAM proxy APs. To do this, enter the following commands
from the OAM proxy AP that hosts the ACTIVE AMATPS:
• First determine which physical interface the AMATPS VCIP has been plumbed on by
entering the following command:
ifconfig -a
Result: Look in the output for the AMATPS VCIP that was recorded before the disk
replacement procedure was begun. For example, if the AMATPS VCIP is, then the following output shows that this is plumbed to physical
interface qfe1.
cgtp0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 1
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 0:0:0:0:0:0
eri0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 0:3:ba:6b:d0:a0
eri0:9: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
eri1: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
ether 0:3:ba:6b:d0:a1
eri1:9: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3
inet netmask fffff000 broadcast
qfe0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 4
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 0:3:ba:85:bc:5c
index 5
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 0:3:ba:85:bc:5d
1500 index 5
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
lo0: flags=1000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 8232 index 6
inet netmask ff000000
1500 index 8
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 0:3:ba:6b:d0:a0
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-1: Replace a hard disk drive (non-DNFS host)

• Next enter the following command to verify that the AH and ESP packets are being
sent to and from the AMATPS VCIP:
snoop -ta -r -V -d <physical interface> <AMATPS VCIP>
where in the example <physical interface> = qfe1 and <AMATPS VCIP> =
Result: You will see output similar to the following:
Using device /dev/hme (promiscuous mode)
10:58:53.64146 -> ETHER Type=0800 (IP), size =
146 bytes
10:58:53.64146 -> IP D=
LEN=132, ID=64350, TOS=0x0, TTL=253
10:58:53.64146 -> AH SPI=0xffff Replay=2
10:58:53.64146 -> ESP SPI=0xffff Replay=2
10:58:53.64156 -> ETHER Type=0800 (IP), size =
146 bytes
10:58:53.64156 -> IP D=
LEN=132, ID=43664, TOS=0x0, TTL=255
10:58:53.64156 -> AH SPI=0xffff Replay=2
10:58:53.64156 -> ESP SPI=0xffff Replay=2
If the AH and ESP packets are not being sent, the AMATPS via IPsec interface is inactive.
It must be reconfigured by technical support. Contact your ALU Customer Team for

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal G-41
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS

Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS host)

Perform the following procedure to remove and replace a cold-swappable hard drive or
boot disk drive for a server when the host CPU is a DNFS host.

Before you begin

Note: Alcatel-Lucent Service Alert 07-0460, which relates to this procedure, is no

longer needed. The “Action to be taken” within ALSA 07-0460 has been incorporated
into this version of the procedure.
Do the following:
• Change the password of the target server’s alarm card. This will prevent anyone else
from accessing this server during the disk replacement.
• Make sure all software for the cell site generic, DLC bundle, and golden image are
available in the /omp-data/eesd directory. For missing items, download them using
ALED (refer to “ALED instructions:” (p. G-3) for ALED instructions).

This procedure can take several hours to perform depending on the following:
• The installation and activation of the MM-AP bundles on the replacement drive can
take 1-2 hours or more.
• Regrowing the satellite CPUs onto a DNFS Host disk drive can add up to 6 hours or
more depending on the number of satellite CPUs.

To replace a cold-swappable boot drive, perform the following steps.

1 Taking care not to damage the new disk drive(s) and not damaging the packaging (it will
be reused), unpack the new drive or drives and inspect them for any damage.
Great care needs to be exercised when handling hard disk drives,
even failed drives that you are replacing. Proper handling includes
observing antistatic precautions and ensuring that the drive is not
subjected to any impacts. When placing the drive on an antistatic
surface, or when removing the drive from or installing it in a
shipping container, move it as carefully as possible.

When packaging drives for return to Alcatel-Lucent, be sure to use

G- 4 2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS

disk drive packaging materials, including an antistatic bag and

cushioned drive box. If the original drive packaging is not
available, be sure to place the drive in an antistatic bag and wrap it
in several layers of bubble wrap.

Take the satellites off-line and power them down


2 Establish a remote connection from the LMT to another MM-AP in the same frame.
Reference: See “Access an MM-AP via telnet from the LMT” (p. 3-23).

3 Display a list of satellites associated with the drawer or DNFS Host that has the faulty
drive by executing the following TICLI command as root:
a is the drawer or DNFS Host logical number.

Result: For a DNFS Host with satellites, the OP:AP a, INV command generates
output similar to the following:
SAT APS 91(D), 93, 97
2006-01-03 07:55:59 REPORT #000001 FINAL
01/03/06 07:55:59 #000115
Result: For a drawer host with a satellite in the same drawer, the OP:AP a, INV
command generates output similar to the following:
AP 83:SR:410HST_T1_CC:EIN 02-06:FR 9:DR 3:SL 3:SAT APS 93
2006-01-03 07:59:30 REPORT #000001 FINAL
01/03/06 07:59:30 #000117

4 Establish a remote connection to one of the satellites listed in the OP:AP a, INV
command output from the LMT.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal G-43
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS

Reference: See Chapter 3, “Access MM-AP components” for instructions on various

ways of logging into an MM-AP remotely.

5 Remove the satellite from service; do one of the following:

• From the OMC-RAN, perform an “AP rmv ap” task.
• On the Element Management System (EMS) AP Status Page, press the Remove
• Enter the following command at an appropriate command line interface; EMS CLI or
a is the satellite logical number.

Result: The satellite is displayed as OOS-MANUAL.


6 Log in as rootand enter the following command from the UNIX prompt to stop all MM-
AP software:
Is this powerdown
part of a disk
procedure? Then...
no enter the command:
yes type the following command from the MM-AP mate
to take the MM-AP offline:
RCCmachoffline -F -m apxxx
where x x x is the number of the MM-AP being

Result: All MM-AP processes are stopped but UNIX is still running.


7 Is the satellite that you removed from service and took offline in the same drawer or in a
different drawer as the drive that you are replacing?

If... then...
different drawer power down with Step 8 and Step 9.

G- 4 4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS

If... then...
same drawer Satellites in the same drawer will be
powered down later when the DNFS
server is powered down. Skip to Step 10.


8 Establish a remote connection to the alarm card in the drawer in which the satellite is
Refer to “Telnet to a server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27) and then return here.

9 Power down the satellite from the alarm card by executing the following command from
the alarm card prompt:
poweroff x
where x is 4 or 5 for a 410S server and 3 or 5 for an 810S server.

10 Repeat Step 4 through Step 9 (as appropriate) for each satellite served by that DNFS Host
(that is, all satellites on the shelf). Once all these satellites have been taken offline (and
powered down where appropriate), continue with the next step.

11 Power down the DNFS server [refer to “Power down a server” (p. 8-27) and then return

12 Attach the antistatic wrist strap.


13 Are you replacing the hard drive in a 410S or 810S server in an R1SR or UNC frame?

If... then...
no skip to Step 14
yes disconnect the cable from the COM2 port
of the alarm rear transition module. Refer
to Figure 8-25 (810S server) and
Figure 8-26 (410S server). Then continue
with Step 14.

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Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS


14 Loosen the captive screws that hold the drive bay cover in place. Refer to Figure 1-1
through Figure 1-4 for drive bay cover locations.
• For the 8x0S server, use a No. 1 Phillips screwdriver to loosen the four captive screws
(two on top and two on the bottom).
• For the 4x0S server, use a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver to loosen the one captive screw
on top.

15 Remove the drive bay cover.

Ensure that at least 30 seconds have passed since the system was
powered down before proceeding to Step 16. This will give the drive
time to spin down and avoid possible damage to the heads and disk.

16 Unlatch the disk drive handle to release it. If this a an 810S server, unlatch the top disk
drive (that is, drive 0).
Push down in the direction of the arrow to release the bracket handle latch.

17 Pull the bracket handle out and swing it open.


18 Continue to pivot the disk drive bracket handle against the chassis, applying mild pressure
until the drive disconnects.

19 Slide the drive out of the chassis and place it on the electrostatic discharge mat. Place the
drive in the antistatic packaging that the new drive came in. If the antistatic packaging is
damaged in any way, it must be replaced. Refer to “Electrostatic discharge (ESD)
precautions” (p. 8-15).

20 Hold the bracket handle on the replacement disk drive open.


21 Slide the replacement disk drive into the drive slot.


22 Gently push the drive until the locking handle engages.

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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS


23 Close the locking handle completely, using gentle downward pressure.


24 Replace the drive bay cover.

Note: Do not connect the COM2 cable at this time. You will connect it in a later step.

25 Power up the server: perform Step 1 through Step 9 of the procedure “Power up a server”
(p. 8-36), and then return here.
If you are performing this procedure as part of a software retrofit, you may see something
like this:

!!! System Recovery Boot !!!

You are booted from the secondary root (/secroot). Your normal filesystems
can all be mounted under the "/a" filsystem using the "mountall" command.
Try running the "recover" command to repair your primary root filesystem.
When you are done repairing the primary root, use the "reboot" command.

mcn0: Link Up


Type control-d to proceed with normal startup,

(or give root password for system maintenance):
single-user privilege assigned to /dev/console.
If so, enter the following commands:
eeprom boot-device
Result: The output should be: boot-device=disk0:a
eeprom diag-device
Result: The output should be: diag-device=disk0:a

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal G-47
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS

If either variable is set to disk0:e, then enter the appropriate command(s):

eeprom boot-device=disk0:a
eeprom diag-device=disk0:a
Then enter the following command (enter exactly as shown):
reboot -- disk0:a
You should now be able to proceed with the next step.

26 If not already logged into the OMP, log in as root.


27 Establish a remote console connection to the server through its alarm card from the OMP
[see “Telnet to a server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27)]. This allows you to monitor
boot messages as the system comes up.

28 The original logical LAN interface to the drawer host must now be assigned. To do this,
enter the following commands:
a. The first command:
ifconfig abc0:66 plumb
where abc equals hme or eri or bge.
Result: You may see an error message similar to the following. This message can be
ignored. Once the OMP is aware of the MM-AP changes, this error will be resolved.
[flxspare]-> Jan 3 08:42:31 flxspare /usr/lib/snmp/snmpdx: error
while receiving a pdu from The message has
a wrong version (1)
b. The second command:
ifconfig abc0:66 x.y.c.d netmask broadcast + up
abc is hme or eri or bge

G- 4 8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS

x.y.c.d is the IP address for the server that you are repairing, which
you identified before beginning this procedure (see “Required
information” (p. G-4)]. It consists of the following four octets:
• x = 172
• y = a number in the range 16 - 31
• c = 32 (for MM-APs 1 - 255) or 33 (for MM-APs 256 -
• d = the server logical number, for MM-APs 1 - 255 [for
MM-APs 256 - 398, refer to Table D-3, “MM-APCC LAN
IP addresses: primary network” (p. D-7) or Table D-4,
“MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: secondary network”
(p. D-9)]

Example: For MM-AP 36 on dual-rail LAN 172.26, you would execute the following
ifconfig hme0:66 netmask broadcast + up

Note: If you mistype the ifconfig command line and need to re-enter it, execute
the following command (to remove the logical LAN interface):
ifconfig abc0:66 unplumb
and then repeat this step.

29 Set the time zone of the server by editing /etc/TIMEZONE.

Reference: For more information, enter the following command to see the manual
page for TIMEZONE(4) manual page

30 Create a file to be used during an upcoming reboot.

touch /reconfigure

31 Check the version of the Solaris operating system on the replacement drive by executing
the following command:
uname -r
Result: The uname -r command returns 5.8 for Solaris 5.8, or 5.9 for Solaris 5.9, or
something similar. If you get an unexpected result, start this procedure over from the
beginning with the appropriate drive and steps.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal G-49
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS

Bundle Transfer Steps Follow


32 From another display window on the OMP, transfer all the required bundles needed for
this disk replacement.
Enter the command:
appkgtrans [-g] -p bundle -S apxxy
xxy is the logical number of the MM-AP.

Note: If “Enable Security Configuration Management: APCC Network” field in the

mscsec RC/V form has been set to “y” and “Security Zone Indicators: OMP to MM-
AP SSH Indicator” field in the mscsec RC/V form has been set to “1”, the option “-g”
must be used in this step.

appkgtrans -p bundle -S ap36
Result: The following prompt is generated:
AP package transfer makes heavy use of the TCP/IP network and may
therefore affect performance. AP package transfer should be
performed during an off-peak period.

Do you want to continue [no]:


33 At that prompt, enter yes.

Result: A prompt similar to the following is generated:
The following bundle packages are ready for transfer:
1) 20030429HDReplace_NGN.bun
2) 20030918SU200b09_OSU.bun
3) 20070326aAP28.0.0002_COM.bun
4) 20070115cAP28.0.0000_DLC.bun
5) 20070329aAP28.0.0002_NGN.bun
6) 20070305dAP28.0.0001_NGNSUA.bun
7) 20070329aAP28.0.0002_RNC.bun
Enter the menu number of the bundle package to send to ap36:
(choose the desired bundle)
[If the MM-AP bundles that you identified in “Collecting required information” (p. G-4)
are not listed, you will need to reload them onto the OMP from the Alcatel-Lucent
Electronic Delivery server.]

G- 5 0 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS


34 Enter the menu number of the COM bundle to be downloaded.

Result: The following prompt is generated:
Enter the login on apserver_id [root]:

35 Select the default login (root) by pressing Enter.

Result: A prompt similar to the following is generated:
Enter the password for root on apserver_id:

36 Enter the password for root.

Result: You will see output similar to the following:
Transfer of version 20070326aAP28.0.0002_COM of the bundle package to ap36
beginning at Tue Jan 3 08:52:12 CST 2006
Transfer of version 20070329aAP28.0.0002_NGN of the bundle package to ap36
completed successfully at Tue Jan 3 08:54:56 CST 2006!
16639 blocks.
Repeat Step 33 through Step 37 until the COM, NGN, and DLC bundles are transferred.
When finished, continue with Step 38.

37 Bring up the server remote console window that you opened in Step 27, or establish that
connection now. If necessary, see “Telnet to a server console via the alarm card” (p. 3-27).

38 From the server that you are repairing, ensure that the bundles are executable.
cd /var/flx/bun
chmod +x 200*bun

39 Execute (install) the COM bundle. For example, enter the following commands:
cd /var/flx/bun
Result: The command takes less than 5-6 minutes to complete. The bundle and all of
the packages that it contains are automatically installed. If executing a bundle returns
an error message, call customer technical support.

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal G-51
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS


40 After the COM bundle is installed, enter the following command:

flxactivate -vr
Result: The server reboots multiple times and you are logged out. As the server is
rebooting, flxactivate processing continues. However, messages may not appear on
the console. This reboot and its corresponding flxactivate processing takes anywhere
from 30 to 300 minutes or more.

41 Check the status of flxactivate processing by executing the following command:


42 What type of message did flxsustatus return?

If you receive a... then...

successful-completion message, such as the following: continue with the next step.
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 08:56:13
flxactivate completed successfully at Tue
Jan 3 10:01:07 2006
still-in-progress message, such as the following: re-execute the flxsustatus command
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 08:56:13 every 3 or 4 minutes until you no longer
2006 receive the still-in-progress message. Once
flxactivate still in progress flxactivate is completed successfully,
continue with the next step.
failed message, such as the following: contact customer technical support for
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 08:56:13 assistance.
flxactivate failed at Tue Jan 3 09:12:32


43 The original logical LAN interface to the drawer host must now be assigned. To do this,
enter the following commands:
a. The first command:
ifconfig abc0:66 plumb
where abc equals hme or eri or bge.

G- 5 2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS

Result: You may see an error message similar to the following. This message can be
ignored. Once the OMP is aware of the MM-AP changes, this error will be resolved.
[flxspare]-> Jan 3 08:42:31 flxspare /usr/lib/snmp/snmpdx: error
while receiving a pdu from The message has
a wrong version (1)
b. The second command:
ifconfig abc0:66 x.y.c.d netmask broadcast + up
abc is hme or eri or bge
x.y.c.d is the IP address for the server that you are repairing, which
you identified before beginning this procedure (see “Required
information” (p. G-4)]. It consists of the following four octets:
• x = 172
• y = a number in the range 16 - 31
• c = 32 (for MM-APs 1 - 255) or 33 (for MM-APs 256 -
• d = the server logical number, for MM-APs 1 - 255 [for
MM-APs 256 - 398, refer to Table D-3, “MM-APCC LAN
IP addresses: primary network” (p. D-7) or Table D-4,
“MM-APCC LAN IP addresses: secondary network”
(p. D-9)]

Example: For MM-AP 36 on dual-rail LAN 172.26, you would execute the following
ifconfig hme0:66 netmask broadcast + up

Note: If you mistype the ifconfig command line and need to re-enter it, execute
the following command (to remove the logical LAN interface):
ifconfig abc0:66 unplumb
and then repeat this step.

44 Log onto the OMP as root and execute the following command to set the frame type on
the target server:
setfrmtyp apxxy

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal G-53
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS

Result: The setfrmtyp command generates output similar to the following:

AP package transfer makes heavy use of the TCP/IP network
and may therefore affect performance. AP package transfer
should be performed during an off-peak period.

Do you want to continue [no]: y

Enter the login on ap36 [root]:
Enter the password for root on ap36:

Transfer of version frame.typ of the file package to ap36

beginning at Tue Jan 3 10:09:15 CDT 2006
Transfer of version frame.typ of the file package to ap36
completed successfully at Tue Jan 3 10:09:15 CDT 2006!
2 blocks.

45 Log onto the server and use the following commands to change directories, display the
NGN bundle name, and install the NGN bundle. Your NGN bundle file may be named
differently than that shown below. Be sure to enter the bundle name as it appears on your
cd /var/flx/bun
ls -l
Result: The bundle and all of the packages that it contains are automatically installed.
If executing a bundle returns an error message, call customer technical support.

46 In preparation for naming the server, from the server, create a custom.name file as
cd /
flxactivate -vr NGNnaming
Result: The flxactivate command generates output similar to the following:
Estimated time to completion: 21 seconds
NGNnaming-1 1.5 activation

47 Change the server’s node name from flxspare to apspare.

hostname apspare

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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS


48 Execute the following command to initialize the personality of the server:

flxname xxy [network] -noacreset -noboot
followed by
. /.profile
(The above command is entered as: dot space slash dot profile)
xxy is the logical number of the host MM-AP.
network is the first two octets of the IP address of the dual-rail LAN to
which the server will be connected, either 172.16 (the default)
or another address in the range 172.16 - 172.31.

flxname 36 172.26 -noacreset -noboot
Result: The flxname command generates output similar to the following:
Checking environment...Backing up current configuration...Loading
from data file
NOTE: the system has been renamed to ap36
to change your prompt either logout and login
again or re-execute the profile:
. /.profile
add net 224.0/4
The server’s name is changed from apspare to apserver_id and, if applicable, the
server’s network address is changed from 172.16 (the default) to network.
For the example given here, after flxname processing completes, the server's node
name is ap36 and it is using the 172.26 IP network.
If you change the IP address of the MM-AP, you may need to manually power back
on any satellites that are present.

Note: You can ignore the NOTE about changing your prompt. Your profile will be
re-executed by a reboot in an upcoming step.

49 This step is for 1xEV-DO Standalone systems only.

From the OMP root login, enter the following commands:
applatconfig [-g] -s apxxy -a bsoc

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal G-55
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS

Note: If “Enable Security Configuration Management: APCC Network” field in the

mscsec RC/V form has been set to “y” and “Security Zone Indicators: OMP to MM-
AP SSH Indicator” field in the mscsec RC/V form has been set to “1”, the option “-g”
must be used in this step.
Result: Added resource: APTYPE BSOC

Verify that the BSOC source has been added by entering the following command:
applatconfig -s apxxy -c bsoc

50 From the OMP, establish a remote console connection to the server through its alarm card.
Log in as root.

51 Execute (install) the DLC bundle:

cd /var/flx/bun

52 The bundle and all of the packages that it contains are automatically installed. If executing
a bundle returns an error message, call customer technical support.

53 Activate the remaining packages in the bundles.

cd /
flxactivate -vr
Result: The server reboots multiple times and you are logged out. As the server is
rebooting, flxactivate processing continues although messages may not appear on
the console. This reboot and its corresponding flxactivate processing take
anywhere from 10 minutes to 20 minutes or more.

54 After giving flxactivate a reasonable amount of time to complete, from the OMP re-
establish your remote console connection to the server through its alarm card.

55 Check the status of flxactivate processing by executing the following command:


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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS


56 What type of message did flxsustatus return?

If you receive a... then...

successful-completion message, such as the following: continue with the next step.
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 10:51:29
flxactivate completed successfully at Tue
Jan 3 10:51:33 2006
still-in-progress message, such as the following: re-execute the flxsustatus command
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 10:51:29 every 3 or 4 minutes until you no longer
2006 receive the still-in-progress message. Once
flxactivate still in progress flxactivate is completed successfully,
continue with the next step.
failed message, such as the following: contact customer technical support for
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 10:51:29 assistance
flxactivate failed at Tue Jan 3 10:59:25


57 Set the server's date and time.

rdate apxx
apxx is the on-line mate AP. (If there is no mate AP, chose a different
on-line AP.)


58 Ensure that EINE and FT-LAN addresses are properly configured, as follows:
flxname xxy [network] -noacreset
xxy is the logical number of the host MM-AP
network is the first two octets of the IP address of the dual-rail LAN to
which the server will be connected, either 172.16 (the default)
or another address in the range 172.16 - 172.31.

Reference: See “Collecting required information”

(p. G-4).

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal G-57
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS

flxname 36 172.26 -noacreset
Result: The server reboots and you are logged out.

Reload the server’s configuration:


59 Log back in as root.


60 From the OMP, reconfigure the host as a DNFS Host by executing the following
applatconfig [-g] -s apxxy -a dnfshost

Note: If “Enable Security Configuration Management: APCC Network” field in the

mscsec RC/V form has been set to “y” and “Security Zone Indicators: OMP to MM-
AP SSH Indicator” field in the mscsec RC/V form has been set to “1”, the option “-g”
must be used in this step.
xxy is the logical number of the host MM-AP

Result: The applatconfig command generates the following output:

Added resource: APTYPE DNFSHOST

61 From the DNFS Host for which you are replacing the disk, re-execute the Software Update
bundle as follows:

cd /var/flx/bun

Result: The FMSdlc and NGNdlc packages of the Software Update bundle are
installed on the DNFS Host.

62 Execute the DLC bundle, as follows:


G- 5 8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS

Result: The DLC bundle and all of the packages that it contains are automatically
installed. If executing the bundle returns an error message, call Customer Technical

63 Activate the packages in the Software Update and DLC bundles.

flxactivate -vr
Result: The server reboots, possibly multiple times, during this step. As the server is
rebooting, flxactivate processing continues although messages may not appear on
the console. This reboot and its corresponding flxactivate processing take about
15 minutes, depending on software release.

64 For ECPless systems only, do the following:

a. When adding any server, from the OMP, enter the following command to add the
ecpless_msc flag:
applatconfig -s apxxx -a ecpless_msc [-g]

Note: If the security features are on, then the -g option is required. If the security
features are not on, the -g option is not used.
b. From the server, re-execute the NGN bundle as follows:
cd /var/fix/bun
flxactivate -v -r NGNrccini NGNsetup

65 Re-establish your local console connection to the server through its alarm card from the

66 Check the status of flxactivate processing by executing the following command:

Result: If flxactivate has finished processing, it returns the following output.
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 11:10:59 2006
flxactivate completed successfully at Tue Jan 3 12:11:17 2006

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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS

If flxsustatus shows that

flxactivate... Then...
Has completed continue with the next step.
Has not completed wait about 15 minutes and repeat this
step. If, after repeating this step two or
three times, the response is still the same,
call technical support for assistance.
Do not proceed with the disk replacement


67 Restore the configuration of the server for which the disk was replaced. Do one of the


filtering level on the
mscsec RCV form is set
to... then ...
0 from the target MM-AP enter the command:
(The backup saveset will be copied from the mate MM-AP.)
2 from the OMP enter the command to copy the backup saveset
from the mate MM-AP to the OMP:
appkgtrans -l oamproxy -s apyy -p apbkup -
v BKUPversion -d /var/spool/ap/apxx -D
• apyy is the mate MM-AP.
• apxx is the target MM-AP.
• BKUPversion is the name of the backup saveset or “auto”.
and from the OMP enter the command to copy the backup
saveset from the OMP to the target MM-AP:
appkgtrans -l root -S apxx -p apbkup -v
BKUPversion -d /tmp/apbkup -D
/var/spool/ap/apxx -g
and from the target MM-AP enter the
aprenew -s apxx -v BKUPversion

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Note: Contact Alcatel-Lucent customer technical support if you see this message:
Please contact with WTSC to resolve the reported Warnings, Errors
or Failures. Attempts to rerun aprenew may cause further problems,
which can result in a longer time to detect and resolve the root
cause of the problem!
Example: The following is an example of the aprenew input command entered on
ap11 and the output that resulted. This is from Release 30.0 where the fms_rcc
package is valid. In Release 31.0 and later, the fms_rcc package is replaced by FMSrcc
which is part of the COM bundle. Therefore, in Release 31.0 or later the fms_rcc
package is not listed here.
Result: The aprenew program prompts you for the following.
Enter the version of the backup saveset to be restored:
Enter a backup saveset version. In this example, the user enters 20071025.
The backup saveset version 20071025 is not available on ap11.
It will be transferred from ap12.

AP package transfer makes heavy use of the TCP/IP network

and may therefore affect performance. AP package transfer
should be performed during an off-peak period.

Do you want to continue [no]: y

Transfer of version 20071025 of the apbkup package from ap12

beginning at Sat Oct 27 13:40:10 CDT 2007
Transfer of version 20071025 of the apbkup package from ap12
completed successfully at Sat Oct 27 13:40:11 CDT 2007!
752 blocks.

The text associated with this backup follows:


Should the aprenew operation continue [yes]?

Press ENTER.

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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS

Result: The following is from Release 30.0. Output from Release 31.0 or later will not
show the fms_rcc package needing transferred.
Inspection of ap11 shows that the following packages need to
be transferred and installed but are not yet available on ap11:

fms_rcc version 193800

ngn_platform version OFC15.1L30.0

These packages will be transferred from ap12.

AP package transfer makes heavy use of the TCP/IP network

and may therefore affect performance. AP package transfer
should be performed during an off-peak period.

Do you want to continue [no]:

Enter y.
Result: The following is from Release 30.0. Output from Release 31.0 or later will not
have the fms_rcc package being transferred.
Transfer of version 193800 of the fms_rcc package from ap12
beginning at Sat Oct 27 13:40:59 CDT 2007
Transfer of version 193800 of the fms_rcc package from ap12
completed successfully at Sat Oct 27 13:41:01 CDT 2007!
8139 blocks.

Transfer of version OFC15.1L30.0 of the ngn_platform package from

beginning at Sat Oct 27 13:41:01 CDT 2007
Transfer of version OFC15.1L30.0 of the ngn_platform package from
completed successfully at Sat Oct 27 13:41:21 CDT 2007!
195488 blocks.
Inspection of ap11 shows that the following
packages need to be installed on ap11:

fms_rcc version 193800

ngn_platform version OFC15.1L30.0

These packages will be installed.

The fms_rcc package (version 193800) will be

installed into the /opt/rcc/default directory.

Do you want to continue [no]:

G- 6 2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS

Enter y.
Result: The following is from Release 30.0. Output from Release 31.0 or later will not
have the fms_rcc package being installed.
Installing version 193800 of the fms_rcc package from
/var/spool/ap/pkg/fms_rcc/193800/RCC.pkg ...
x RCC.ls, 6901 bytes, 14 tape blocks
x RCCPROFCMD, 4526 bytes, 9 tape blocks
x RCCPROFILES, 198 bytes, 1 tape blocks
(several other files installed)
The fms_rcc package (version 193800) was successfully installed!

The ngn_platform package (version OFC15.1L30.0) will be

installed into the /ap/platform/new directory.

Do you want to continue [no]:

Enter y.
Installing version OFC15.1L30.0 of the ngn_platform package from
195478 blocks
(many other files installed)

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547211 blocks
The ngn_platform package (version OFC15.1L30.0) was successfully

Activation of the ngn_platform package will result in

version OFC15.1L30.0 being made active
and version 'No version' being made available for backout.

Do you want to continue [no]:

Enter y.
Making ngn_platform package (OFC15.1L30.0 from /ap/platform/new)
active ...
Could not open /var/ap/platform/APplatconfig.res: No such file or
directory at /flx/bin/APplatconfig.pl line 213.
ap15 is alive
Oct 27 13:52:59 ap11 qfe: SUNW,qfe0: 10 Mbps half duplex link up -
internal transceiver
The ngn_platform package (OFC15.1L30.0) is now active.

The fms_rcc package (version 193800) will be

activated in the /opt/rcc/default directory.

Do you want to continue [no]: y

The fms_rcc package (version 193800) is now active.
1160 blocks
43 blocks
The aprenew operation completed successfully at Sat Oct 27
13:54:02 CDT 2007.

Note: All logins are backed up, but their home directories do not exist.

68 Enter the following command:

. /.profile
(The above command is entered as: dot space slash dot profile)

Note: The aprenew command restores the root password to that saved in the last
backup for the server (or in the backup saveset specified on the aprenew command, if
not the most recent). This may not be the root password currently in use in the

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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS


69 Is this disk replacement occurring as part of an SU/GR?

If... then...
no first make sure the MM-AP under repair is offline. Then enter the following
commands at the MM-AP under repair to make sure the
/secroot/etc/system file is up-to-date:
• For a 73GB disk drive:
umount /secroot
mkfs -F ufs /dev/md/rdsk/d4 4874304
flxactivate FMSdskrec
• For a 36GB disk drive:
umount /secroot
mkfs -F ufs /dev/md/rdsk/d4 4882410
flxactivate FMSdskrec

Finally, open the /secroot/etc/system file and verify that near the end of
the file there are lines indicating memory allocation (refer to the following result
yes skip to the next step.

Result: The end of the /secroot/etc/system file should look similar to the
set semsys:seminfo_semmap=130
set semsys:seminfo_semmnu=300
set semsys:seminfo_semume=10
set semsys:seminfo_semvmx=32767
set semsys:seminfo_semmni=300
set semsys:seminfo_semmns=500
set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=170
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=1000
set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=200
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=629145600
set sunddi_netifname_constraints=0
set msgsys:msginfo_msgmni=5000
set msgsys:msginfo_msgtql=20000
set pci_pci:ppb_command_default=0x1c7
set noexec_user_stack=1
set noexec_user_stack_log=1
* End parameters from FMStune (do not edit)
* Begin MDD root info (do not edit)
* End MDD root info (do not edit)
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS

The first several lines above indicate memory allocation. If present, continue with the next
step. If not, contact technical support.

70 If necessary, change the password for root from the value that was restored to the root
password used for other servers in the cluster [see “To change the root password” (p. 4-15)
in Chapter 4, “Manage security”,” for more information].

71 Verify that the Software Update bundles [the bundles that you identified in “Collecting
required information” (p. G-4)] were copied from the DNFS host disk to the shared
partition for satellites as follows:
cd /export/var/flx/bun
ls -l
Result: The ls -l command should generate output similar to the following:
total 985152
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root other 178172821 Jan 3 15:49
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root other 497440005 Jan 3 15:49
If these files are not listed, copy them as follows:
cd /
cp /var/flx/bun/20070305dAP28.0.0001_NGN.bun /export/var/flx/bun
cp /var/flx/bun/20070303dAP28.0.0000_COM.bun /export/var/flx/bun
Do not copy the DLC bundle. It is not needed by the satellites.

72 Clean unnecessary packages and bundles from the MM-AP’s file system space. It is
advisable, however, to leave current packages and the current Software Update bundles in
Use the following command on all MM-AP’s affected by the disk replacement:
appkgunload -p package
package is one of the bundles, fms_rcc (in R30.0 or
earlier), or ngn_platform

G- 6 6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS

Result: In each case, appkgunload generates a prompt similar to the following:

The following bundle versions are currently loaded:
1) 20050630dAP25.0.0000_COM.bun
2) 20070326aAP28.0.0002_COM.bun
3) 20050701dAP25.0.0000_DLC.bun
4) 20070303cAP28.0.0000_DLC.bun
5) 20050701dAP25.0.0000_NGN.bun
6) 20070329aAP25.0.0002_NGN.bun
7) 20050701dAP25.0.0000_RNC.bun
8) 20070329aAP28.0.0002_RNC.bun
9) 20050701dAP25.0.0000_NGN.bun
10) 20030429HDReplace_NGN.bun
11) 20030602PTCH9.bun
12) 20030918SU200b09_OSU.bun
13) ALL
14) QUIT
Enter the menu number of the bundle package to unload: 1
Follow the prompts to remove the bundle or package. Repeat this step to remove any other
bundle or package that you want to remove. In particular, the DLC bundle, which is very
large and not needed for software updates, should be removed from DNFS Hosts.

73 Perform any other site-specific system administration activities, such as setting up user
home directories and local security measures. (For login administration and security
guidelines, see Chapter 4, “Manage security”.”)

74 Reconnect the cable to the COM2 port of the alarm rear transition module (see Step 14 of
this procedure for the location of the COM2 cable).

75 Perform this step only if the DNFS Host MM-AP has its own EINE connection. From the
ECP, restore the EINE to service; from the ECP MCRT, enter the following command:
xx is the ring group number displayed in the bottom section of the
EINE link icon on the EMS AP Status Page for the DNFS
Host MM-AP
y s the ring member number displayed in the bottom section of
the EINE link icon on the EMS AP Status Page for the DNFS
Host MM-AP.

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76 Perform this step only if the DNFS Host MM-AP has its own EINE connection. When the
EINE is ACTIVE, enter the following command at the DNFS Host MM-AP shell prompt
to verify the DNFS Host MM-AP’s connectivity to the EINE:
ping ein

Note: Wait until the ping command succeeds. This may take up to 2 minutes. (For
complete information on ping command responses, or if the ping fails, press Ctrl-C
to exit the ping command and refer to Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”.”)

77 Execute the following command to bring the DNFS Host MM-AP online:
Result: The MM-AP reboots and restarts MM-AP platform and application software.
If you had a remote console connection to the MM-AP through its alarm card, you see
boot messages from the MM-AP followed by a login prompt. If you were logged in
directly to the MM-AP, you lose your connection and are then prompted to log in.

78 Log on to the DNFS Host MM-AP again and wait about 5 minutes before attempting to
restore the DNFS Host MM-AP to service. (The DNFS Host TICLI is not available until
the aponline command completes.)

79 Restore the DNFS Host MM-AP to service; do one of the following:

• From the OMC-RAN, perform an “AP rst ap” task.
• On the EMS AP Status Page , press the Restore button.
• Enter the following command at the TICLI:
a is the logical identifier of the DNFS Host MM-AP


80 Verify that applications on the DNFS Host MM-AP are running by executing the
following command:
a is the logical identifier of the DNFS Host MM-AP

G- 6 8 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS

Result: Output should include something similar to the following: (for example)
2008-01-15 09:59:11 REPORT #000001 FINAL

81 Regrow all of the satellites associated with the DNFS Host for which you replaced the
drive by doing one of the following:

In the case of ... Use this command:

Release 29 SU2 and all later releases, except apgrowsat apxxy [apxxy apxxy ...]
for BSOC sites
Release 29 prior to Release 29 SU2, and any apdlcgrow -n all -R [-y]
BSOC site

Result: The growth of the first satellite takes 12 minutes. Growth of subsequent
satellites on the same DNFS Host takes 7 minutes. The first reboot of each satellite
takes 15 minutes. Subsequent reboots take 3 minutes. The first boot of a satellite takes
longer because the bundle that is delivered as part of the satellite growth (part of the
DLC image) is installed and executed during the first boot.

Note: If you receive a warning that the dlcpatch command must be run, do not run it
at this time. You will be instructed to run it later.

82 Do one of the following:

• If you used apgrowsat, and all satellites were processed successfully, skip to Step 89.
If not all successful, correct the problems and rerun apgrowsat. The command will
pick up from where it left off. Or you can use the apdlcgrow steps to finish the satellite
growth process.
• If you used apdlcgrow, continue with Step 83.

83 Establish a remote connection to one of the satellites associated with the DNFS Host for
which you replaced the drive.
Reference: See “Access an MM-AP via telnet from the LMT” (p. 3-23).
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84 Execute (install) the Software Update bundles on the satellite as follows:

cd /var/flx/bun

Result: The Software Update bundle(s) and all of the packages that it contains are
automatically installed. If executing the bundle returns an error message, call
Customer Technical Support.

85 Activate the packages in the Software Update bundles.

flxactivate -vr
Result: The satellite reboots, possibly multiple times, during this step. As the satellite
is rebooting, flxactivate processing continues although messages may not appear
on the console. This reboot and its corresponding flxactivate processing take
about 15 minutes, depending on software release.

86 From the LMT, re-establish your local console connection to the satellite through the
server’s alarm card.

87 Check the status of flxactivate processing by executing the following command:


88 What type of message did flxsustatus return?

G- 7 0 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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Hard disk drive replacement - manual steps Procedure G-2: Replace a hard disk drive (for a DNFS

If you receive a... then...

successful-completion message, such as the following: continue with the next step.
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 16:11:29
flxactivate completed successfully at Tue
Jan 3 16:11:33 2006
still-in-progress message, such as the following: re-execute the flxsustatus command
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 16:11:29 every 3 or 4 minutes until you no longer
2006 receive the still-in-progress message. Once
flxactivate still in progress flxactivate is completed successfully,
continue with the next step.
failed message, such as the following: contact customer technical support for
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 16:11:29 assistance
flxactivate failed at Tue Jan 3 16:19:25


89 Do one of the following:

• If using apgrowsat, establish a local console connection to the satellite through the
server’s alarm card.
• If using apdlcgrow, exit and reconnect to the satellite console. This will update the root

90 Restore the satellite’s configuration by entering the following command:

aprenew -s apxxy
-s apxxy specifies the name of the mate MM-AP (or, for n-way spared
MM-APs, another MM-AP) from which to get the backup
saveset to be used to restore the configuration of the target

Result: The aprenew program prompts you for the version of the backup saveset that
you want to restore.

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91 Enter the following command on this satellite:

. /.profile
(The above command is entered as: dot space slash dot profile)

92 Re-execute the NGN bundle.

cd /var/flx/bun


93 Activate the packages:

flxactivate -vr
Result: The satellite may reboot during this step. As the satellite is rebooting,
flxactivate processing continues although messages may not appear on the
console. Any reboot during this step completes within a couple of minutes.

94 If necessary, log back in as root.


95 Check for completion of flxactivate processing.

Result: If flxactivate has finished processing, it returns the following output.
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 16:20:59 2006
flxactivate completed successfully at Tue Jan 3 16:21:17 2006

If you receive a... then...

successful-completion message, such as the following: continue with the next step.
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 16:20:59
flxactivate completed successfully at Tue
Jan 3 16:21:17 2006

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If you receive a... then...

still-in-progress message, such as the following: wait 1 minute and repeat this step. (In this
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 16:20:59 execution of flxactivate, only one
2006 package is being activated, so
flxactivate still in progress flxactivate processing completes
failed message, such as the following: contact customer technical support for
flxactivate started at Tue Jan 3 16:20:59 assistance.
flxactivate failed at Tue Jan 3 16:28:25


96 Do one of the following:

• If you used apgrowsat, skip to Step 97.
• If you used apdlcgrow, continue with the next step.

97 Repeat Step 83 through Step 96 for each satellite associated with the DNFS Host for
which you replaced the drive. If needed, enter one of the following TICLI commands to
see which MM-AP’s are supported by the DNFS host:
op:ap xx, inv
op:ap xx, info

98 Do the following:
• go to “Run dlcpatch tools to update the DNFS host” (p. 9-102). You will then be
directed back here to Step 99 when finished.

Bring the satellites on-line and restore them to service:


99 At the login prompt for one of the affected satellites (the satellite is either in the same
drawer as the drive that you replaced or is associated with the DNFS Host for which you
replaced the drive), log into the satellite and become root.

100 Perform this step only if the satellite MM-AP has its own EINE connection. From the
ECP, restore the EINE to service; from the ECP MCRT, enter the following command:

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xx is the ring group number displayed in the bottom section of the
EINE link icon on the EMS AP Status Page for the satellite
y s the ring member number displayed in the bottom section of
the EINE link icon on the EMS AP Status Page for the
satellite MM-AP


101 Perform this step only if the satellite MM-AP has its own EINE connection. When the
EINE is ACTIVE, enter the following command at the satellite MM-AP shell prompt to
verify the satellite MM-AP’s connectivity to the EINE:
ping ein

Note: Wait until the ping command succeeds. This may take up to 2 minutes. (For
complete information on ping command responses, or if the ping fails, press Ctrl-C
to exit the ping command and refer to Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”.”)

102 At the satellite UNIX shell prompt, execute the following command to bring the satellite
Result: After the aponline command is entered, you will experience a delay of about
5 minutes before the satellite is rebooted to go online. This occurs only the first time
that a satellite is brought online after disk replacement and is necessary for the satellite
to create a new miniroot image.

103 Restore the satellite to service; do one of the following:

• From the OMC-RAN, perform an “AP rst ap” task.
• on the Element Management System (EMS) AP Status Page, press the Restore button.
• Enter the following command at an appropriate command line interface; EMS CLI or
a is the satellite logical number.

Result: The satellite is displayed as ACTIVE.

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104 Repeat Step 99 through Step 103 for any other satellite in the drawer.

105 Check the status of the MM-AP; do the following:

• From the OMC-RAN, perform an “OP status ap” task.
• On the EMS AP Status Page, press the Alarms button.
• Enter the following command at the TICLI:
a is the logical identifier of the MM-AP that you are repairing


106 Resolve any alarms identified.


107 You now need to commit the software for this MM-AP. After the MM-AP status is
ONLINE, do one of the following:
• From the OMC-RAN, perform an “AP commit ap” task.
• Use the TICLI to enter the following command:
commit: ap xx, software platform
where xx is the MM-AP number.
If you are performing a software retrofit and have not yet activated it, then you need to
perform another SUA, this time selecting only this MM-AP.

Note: You can tell if the software is not yet activated if the metastat d0 output from
another MM-AP in the frame is different than the metastat d0 output from this MM-

108 Check for the presense of the FMSregldn package on the hard disk by entering the
following commands:
cd /var/flx/bun
ls -l

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Result: Output will display the contents of the /var/flx/bun directory. If the
FMSregldn package is not listed, go to “Installing the golden image restoration
package” (p. F-1) to complete the hard disk replacement procedure.


G- 7 6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
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AP indicator in Status Summary apbackup, 5-8
400S or 800S server Area of SDPs, 6-6 apoffline, 2-3, 5-10
determining which server type apbackup aponline, 2-3, 5-11
you have, 1-3 files that are not backed up by
apbackup, 5-6 aprenew, 5-10
conventions used in this
how to execute, 5-8-5-9
A ACTIVE document, xix
as viewed from FMS LMT EI, when to use, 5-7
CPU card
2-6 apbackup savesets, see savesets troubleshooting, 7-28
FMM-AP state, 2-2 apoffline command, 2-3
Admin logs aponline command, 2-4
for reviewing FMM-AP D disk adapter module
aprenew, 5-10
activity, 6-13 removing, 8-235
how to access, C-4 .............................................................................
message headers, C-6 B bundle
E ECP output messages
version numbering, 5-4
messages that appear in REPT-AP-BOOTEIN, 6-10
Admin Logs only, ............................................................................. REPT-EP-EINFAIL, 6-10
C cfgadm ECP Status Display Pages, see
messages that appear in the attachment point ID, 8-8 SDPs
MM-ROP and Admin Logs,
C-9-C-22 feedback, 8-7, 8-9 EINE
help, online, 8-9 associated output messages,
alarm card login administration
7-52, 7-64-7-67
adding general user logins, list of procedures, 8-7
4-25-4-27 associated Status Display
man page, 8-9
Pages, 7-52
changing root login password, CLI
4-23 automatic initializations, 7-53
deleting general user logins, message, 6-6, 6-10, 6-11 checking FMM-AP-EINE
4-27 network data configuration,
login limit, 4-25 message, 6-6, 6-10, 6-11
checking for cable failures,
password command, 4-23 OP-AP-ALARM output
restoring alarm card logins, message, 6-7
checking for EINE Ethernet
4-28 OP-AP-STATUS output
interface failures, 7-61
useradd command, 4-26 message, 6-6
checking for FMM-AP
usershow command, 4-28 overview of FMM-AP CLI for
Ethernet interface failures,
monitoring FMM-APs, 6-6
alarm interface module, 7-60
replacing, 8-293 commands, AP, B-1
checking network
commands, FMM-AP, B-1 configuration on ECP, 7-59

401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal IN-1
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction

checking qfe0 configuration dual LAN, 1-35 file systems, 5-3

on FMM-AP, 7-58, 7-60 inter-switch LAN failures, FMM-AP CLI, overview of
ECP Automatic Error 7-88 usage and FMM-AP status
Analysis and Recovery, 7-53 password command, 4-30 commands, 6-6
FMM-AP-EINE LAN’s replacing, 8-316 FMM-AP login overview,
subnet, 7-58 4-16
root login password,
growing, 9-7, 9-8 changing, 4-30 growing a 400S server, 9-13
identifying its link node setting IP address of, 8-329, growing a 400S server,
cabinet and member 8-346 adding an RC/V entry,
number, 8-31 9-20, 9-75
testing for inter-FMM-AP
link failures, 7-54-7-56, 7-60 single LAN failures, 7-86 growing a 400S server,
manually restoring, 7-53, administering login IDs and
testing for LAN failures on passwords, 9-69
7-63 all MM-APs in a cluster,
OA&M interfaces for 7-90 growing a 400S server,
monitoring, 6-9-6-10 cabling the server, 9-32
possible causes of failures, growing a 400S server,
7-57 F Flexent Mobility Manager installing I/O rear transition
Application Processor (FMM- modules, 9-29
using ping command to test
AP) growing a 400S server,
LAN, 7-63
description and function of, installing the CPU rear
EINE, testing, 7-63 1-4 transition module, 9-26
Emergency Interface (EI) FMM-AP growing a 400S server,
description and function of, access, prohibiting illegal to installing the server into the
1-42, 6-7 FMM-APs from OMP, 4-10 frame, 9-23
EMS access, restricting direct to growing a 400S server,
Active Alarm List, root login, 4-6-4-8 personalizing and
description, 6-5
ACTIVE state, 2-2 customizing the server,
add users to craftsh OMP 9-44
Admin logs, for reviewing
security group, 4-6
FMM-AP activity, 6-13 growing a 400S server,
AP Status page, 6-4 powering up the server,
apbackup command, 5-8
AP Summary page, 6-3 9-43
apoffline command, 5-10
view of FMM-AP states vs. LAN, securing the, 4-4
aponline command, 5-11
FMS LMT EI, 2-6 lead FMM- AP, 2-2
aprenew command, 5-10
ETHERNET Interface Node, see login administration, 4-14
EINE configuration files, see
login attempts, auditing all,
Ethernet switch 4-9
11-login limit, 4-31 craftsh security group,
login sessions, exiting all, 4-6
administering, 4-6
adding user logins, 4-32
EMS AP Status page,
checking the crossover cables, interface for monitoring
description (fig.), 6-4
7-88 EINEs, 6-10
EMS AP Summary page,
deleting user logins, 4-32 OA&M interfaces for
description (fig.), 6-3
downloading firmware for, monitoring, 6-3-6-7
file system management, 5-2

IN-2 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009

OA&M interfaces for basic, activating a component, single LAN interface switch
monitoring EINEs, 6-9-6-10 8-10 failures, 7-86
OA&M interfaces for basic, deactivating a switch failures, 7-90
monitoring FMM-AP LANs, component, 8-10 topology (fig.), 1-45
6-11 basic, enabling, 8-11 using ping command to test
OA&M interfaces for determining current state, LAN interfaces, 7-83
monitoring FMM-APs, 8-11
6-3-6-7 Lead-ACTIVE
full, enabling, 8-10 as viewed by the FMS LMT
offline, 2-4 EI, 2-2
online, 2-4 LMT Emergency Interface (EI)
OOS-MANUAL state, 2-3 I ifconfig ACTIVE FMM-AP state, 2-6
using to check qfe0 on FMM-
powering down, 8-27, INIT AP state, 2-7
AP, 7-58, 7-60
??-8-35 Lead-ACTIVE MM- AP state,
powering up, 8-36-8-42 2-2
AP state, as viewed by the
scenarios for powering down, APC LMT EI, 2-7 offline AP, 2-7
8-27 STANDBY AP state, 2-6
IP address
scenarios for powering up, of Ethernet switch, 8-329, Transition indicator, 2-8
8-36 8-346
security guidelines, 4-3 2-8
software package version UNKNOWN AP state, 2-8
numbering, 5-4 L LAN
associated output messages, view of FMM-AP states vs.
software packages, 5-4 EMS, 2-6
su attempts, auditing, 4-8 Local Area Network, see LAN
checking for incorrect
troubleshooting, 7-2 network configuration data, Local Maintenance Terminal
typical flow of state changes 7-77 (LMT), FMS
from manual actions, 2-2 connections to OMP, 1-47 description and function of,
UNKNOWN state, 2-4 1-42
dual-LAN failures, 7-94
FMM-AP Administrative logs, logging into the server, 8-7
failures in two-FMM-AP
see Admin logs clusters, 7-91 login/password administration
FMS LMT alarm card logins, 4-21
inter-FMM-AP double LAN
overview of usage for FMM- failures, 7-71 alarm card root login
AP monitoring, 6-7 password, changing, 4-23
inter-FMM-AP single LAN
fms_rcc package failures, 7-70, 7-83 alarm card user logins,
version numbering, 5-4 adding, 4-25-4-27
intermittent failures, 7-87
alarm card user logins,
............................................................................. inter-switch LAN failures,
deleting, 4-27
G Golden Image Update (GIU)
alarm card user logins,
updating using Software IP addresses, 1-46-7-70
restoring, 4-28
Update Automation for R23 OA&M interfaces for
and later, F-1 Ethernet switch root login
monitoring, 6-11
password, changing, 4-30
............................................................................. OMP-to-FMM-AP network
Ethernet switch user logins,
failures, 7-72
H hot swap adding, 4-31, 4-32
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal IN-3
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction
Ethernet switch user logins, where FMM-AP software
deleting, 4-32 packages are stored, 5-4 R removing
FMM-AP user logins, adding, online disk adapter module, 8-235
4-16-4-17 FMM-AP, 2-4 REPT-AP-ALLAN, ECP output
FMM-AP user logins, OOS-MANUAL message for troubleshooting
assigning password aging to, FMM-AP state, 2-3 LANs, 7-69, 7-71
login attempts, auditing all, message, 6-6, 6-10, 6-11 output message for monitoring
4-9 EINEs, 6-10
login security guidelines, message, 6-6, 6-10, 6-11 REPT-AP-HBEMS, ECP output
4-6-4-10 message for troubleshooting
LANs, 7-66, 7-67, 7-69, 7-72,
rlogin and rsh access to MM- message, 6-7
APs from OMP, prohibiting, OP-AP-STATUS CLI output
message, 6-6
output message for
............................................................................. Operations and Management troubleshooting LANs, 6-12,
Platform, see OMP 7-69, 7-90
alarm card, replacing, 8-284 ........................................................................... REPT-EP-EINFAIL, ECP output
alarm interface card, message for monitoring EINEs,
P passwd Solaris command, 4-17 6-10
replacing, 8-287
password alarm card command, root login
tele/TTY card, replacing, 4-23, 4-26 auditing su attempts, 4-8
password Ethernet switch restricting direct access to,
MM-ROP command, 4-30 4-6-4-8
for monitoring EINEs, 6-10
ping command
logs for monitoring MM-APs using to test FMM-AP-EINE
and managed resources, LAN, 7-63 S savesets
using to test LAN interfaces, version numbering, 5-3
Modular Filter/Fuse Unit 7-83 where they are stored,
(MFFU), 1-25
power converter (RCC MBR5 5-3-5-4
............................................................................. pack), replacing, 8-314 SDPs
power supply unit 1106, for monitoring EINEs,
O offline
LEDs, 7-49, 7-50 6-9
FMM-AP, 2-4
troubleshooting, 7-49, 7-50 Status Summary Area, AP
offline AP, description, 2-7
indicator for monitoring
OMP Power-On Self Test (POST),
MM-APs, 6-6
add EMS users to craftsh 7-27
Security, see FMM-AP
security group, 4-6 procedures
security guidelines
LAN connections to MM-AP EMS GUI, accessing,
3-11-?? Solaris commands
Frame, 1-47
acctcon, 4-10
OMP-to-FMM-AP network ...........................................................................
df, 5-13
failures, 7-72
Q qfe0 fwtmp, 4-10
where FMM-AP files are checking configuration on
stored, 5-3-5-4 FMM-AP, 7-58, 7-60 listusers, 4-15
logins, 4-15
IN-4 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009

passwd, 4-15, 4-17 useradd Solaris command, 4-16

su, 4-6-4-8 userdel Solaris command, 4-18
useradd, 4-15, 4-16, 4-18 usershow alarm card command,
userdel, 4-15 4-28

usermod, 4-15 .............................................................................

who, 4-10 V version numbering

STANDBY backed up FMM-AP files
AP state, as viewed by the (savesets), 5-3
APC LMT EI, 2-6 FMM-AP software packages,
switch, Ethernet 5-4
checking the crossover cables,
downloading firmware for, W WatchDog
8-340 repumping, 7-109

dual LAN, 1-35 troubleshooting, 7-100

inter-switch LAN failures, WatchDog (RCC BMR6B pack),

7-88 replacing, 8-311

setting IP address of, 8-329,

testing for inter-FMM-AP
single LAN failures, 7-86
testing for LAN failures on all
MM-APs in a cluster, 7-90


AP indicator, as displayed by
the APC LMT EI, 2-8
using Remote System
Control (RSC), 7-48
using SunVTS test suite,


AP state, as viewed by the
AP state, as viewed by the
FMM-AP state, 2-4
401-710-201 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal IN-5
Issue 17 October 2009 Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction

IN-6 Alcatel-Lucent — Internal 401-710-201
Proprietary — Use pursuant to Company instruction Issue 17 October 2009

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