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Team Members 
Austin Walker 
Chris Andaya 
Mohammad Arain 
Overall store idea: 
- Computer Supply Store - a shopping-cart style database-driven system for: 
- Parts  
- Monitor 
- Power supply 
- Cases 
- Similar items 
- Accessories 
User Story  
- Users are able to search for products 
- User may add/delete items to their shopping cart, and proceed with checkout. 
- Featured product of the month via randomized Ajax call 
- While administrators should be able to add, update, and delete records from tables 1 - 5, as 
mentioned below: 
Database Schema 
Table 1 - Admin - Table of admins 
Table 2 - Users - records the login information for site admins 
Table 3 - Product – stores all of the product information for items available for purchase 
Table 4 - Purchase History - Table to maintain  
Table 5 - User Cart - Table of user’s items 

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Database Design (E/R Diagram) 


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Screenshots w/Mockups 

Fig 1 : Home page 

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Fig 2 : Login Page 

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Fig 3 : Admin Home Page (Admin) 

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Fig 4 : Admin Add Product Page (Admin) 

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Fig 5 : User's Cart total Page (Admin) 

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Fig 6 : Average Product Price per Category Page (Admin)  

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Fig 7 : User Purchase History Page (Admin)  

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Fig 8 : User Product Inventory (User)  

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Fig 9 : User Product Inventory (User)  

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Fig 8 : User Product Inventory (User) 

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