5 Year Plan

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5 Year Plan

Without school, I don't know what I would be doing. I don't even know where I would

be. Education has helped mold me into the young adult I am. Education has also exposed me to

things a lot of kids don't get exposed to. School taught me and guiding me as a student towards

the right path. Now I know where I want to be within a five year time period. I know for sure I

will be going to college this Summer, Fall, and Spring majoring in kinesiology at the Junior

College to transfer to Sacramento State. This will set me on the right path to getting a step closer

to my goal.

School is something that has always been a huge influence on me and my family.

Without it, I don't know if many of my dreams would come true. With school I know I will be

set on the path to becoming a physical therapist. This career is very much needed in our world

today. It pays really well and I know for sure I will be able to support a family without worrying

about not having food on the table or a roof over our heads. Physical therapy is something I

really want to be because I know how much I love sports. I also really like science which I will

need to know to pursue this career path. The average physical therapist annual salary is $84,000.

This money combined with the money my future spouse will be making is enough to live a

healthy lifestyle and support kids as well.

To become a physical therapist I know I will have to take 3 extra years of college (7 years

total). I am already preparing my self for the hard work and dedication I am going to need to

become someone successful. Physical therapy is not going to be an easy job. I know it's going to

take longer than five years but I know it's also not impossible. This career choice is very secure

now and it will be a secure career in the future based on my research. Nowadays many people
have physical therapist and actually like going. I want to be the person who helps others who are

active get better and healthier, another reason why I choose this career.

Other than physical therapy I plan on having a family of my own. I plan on having a

beautiful wife that I can be with forever. I want to support her and I want her to support me.

Within my five year plan, I want to find the woman of my dreams. A woman who is athletic,

smart, beautiful, and of course wife material. A woman who wants kids can support kids, and

take care of them when I am not always around. I want someone who will be by my side through

thick and thin. Hopefully, this woman will be found within five years but if not I will patiently

wait. Honestly, I don't plan on getting married until I have a stable income with my education

already laid out. I really want to be married between the ages 27-28 years old because I believe

that will give me time to mature and get a stable amount of income.

My overall goal for my five-year plan is to become someone successful. I really want to

be someone who makes the world better. I want to help people along the way. I also want to be

someone who loves what I do and has fun along the way. I know I will have to work hard to get

what I want but it will be worth it. This journey will be very stressful but well worth the wait. I

believe this will strengthen me physically and mentally preparing me for the real world. Within

my five-year plan, I know that I will have to stay on track although there may be some ups and

downs I just have to keep it moving. This will be a huge step after high school because I will

literally be on my own and learn how to learn without my parents telling me things step by step.

Five years from now I hope to fulfill all my achievement laid out and if they change I hope they

change for the better.

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