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Financial Literacy Assessment

Student Name: _______________________________ Grade: _______

1 2 3 4
Beginning Developing Applying Extending
Coin Recognition I have trouble I can recognize 2-3 I can recognize 4-5 I can easily
and Worth recognizing the of the Canadian of the Canadian recognize all the
Canadian coins coins coins Canadian coins
Adding Coins I can’t count or add I can count and add I can count and add I can count and add
simple mixed simple mixed simple mixed mixed
combinations of combinations of combinations of combinations of
coins without coins from 50-100 coins to 100 cents coins to 100 cents
support cents, usually with and higher
some support
Finding the I cannot find the I can sometimes I can usually find I can easily find the
Difference difference without find the difference. the difference and difference and use
(counting support I need support and use the strategies the strategies
up/number line) reminders taught to me taught to me


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