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Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University

Faculty of Tourism and Commercial Management

Presentation of New York

Student: Manea Alexandra



Table of contents

1. Introduction
2. Geographic location
3. Origin and evolution of the settlement
4. Characterization of the city plan
5. The recent evolution of the city
6. Main tourist objectives
7. References

1 . Introduction:
Throughout the project, I will present New York City, taking into account its evolution, the
main features of the city but also the metropolitan area, plus a brief touristic presentation of
the city. In getting the data, I was able to use both specialized articles as well as sites with
statistics and data, as well as the city page, but also other websites designed to present New
York. As a reason why I chose to present New York City, I can remember that the city is a
constantly moving city, surnamed as a city that never sleeps due to its activities here. Another
reason is related to a serial, namely CSI New York, which, as the action says, is filmed in
New York City, making town a dear one.

2 . Geographical location:
The New York City is located in the northern hemisphere on the North American continent on
the coast of the United States of America, located more precisely in the north-east of the
country and in the south-east of the state of New York. (See Map 1). Located halfway
between Washington DC and Boston, it is located at the mouth of the Hudson River in the
Atlantic where it forms a natural harbor.

Map 1: New York Oasis location at continental level, Source:

3 . Origin and evolution of the settlement:

The first inhabitants of New York City's space today were lavish natives, people engaged in
fishing, hunting and cultivation taking place between the Dealaware and Hudson rivers.
Europeans began exploring the region at the end of the sixteenth century, and among the first
explorers were the Italian Giovanni da Verazzano who sailed up and down the Atlantic coast
in search of a route to Asia. None of them settled there until 1624 when the Dutch company
West India sent 30 families to live and work in a small settlement, "Nutten Islabd" today,
Governors Island, who called the New Amsterdam settlement because their origin the Dutch
made them find a name with which to identify and which was to make Holland recognized
internationally. In 1626 Governor Peter Minut's settlement bought the much bigger Manhattan
Island for 60 gulliters (the official name of the Dutch coin), the legend now admitting that it is
false to say that Minuit would have bought the island with beads worth $ 24.

Fig 1 New York City in 1926, Source:

As can be seen in Fig. 1, at the beginning of the seventeenth century the city was very poorly
developed, and then it started developing on Manhattan Island after the successful Dutch
transaction. In 1664 the town was conquered by the English and was named New York after
the English duke of York and Albany. The conflicts between the English and the Dutch
continued but the city remained definitive of the English. At the same time, until the end of
the seventeenth century, the population of lenes fell to 200. The importance of the port of the
city increased during the English domination. In the eighteenth century the city was an

important center of anti-British activity so with the beginning of the war of independence the
city was occupied by the English and served as a British military base until 1783, and between
1785-1790 the city served as the capital of United States. The oasha quickly returned to the
post of war, becoming one of the most important ports, so the city received extremely many
European immigrants. Against the backdrop of commercial development, infrastructure has
also developed and Manhattan has been reorganized. After the number of migrants grew, the
city began to develop ethnic neighborhoods. At the beginning of the 20th century, the city
became what we know today, since all independent cities that today bear district names joined
on January 1, 1898. The city has increased its surface more than 6 times and almost doubled
its population.

Fig 2 New York City at the beginning of the sec. XIX, Source:

The city has undergone a rapid development and, besides the development on Manhattan
Island, it has also been the development of the adjacent areas where independent cities were
originally created, which later joined in 1898, creating New York today

4 . City Plan:

The New York City Plan is of a rectangular type with a geometric character with
perpendicular streets intersecting at a 90-degree angle. It is a type of layout specific to modern
cities, like New York.

Figure 3: New York City Plan, Source:

As we can see in Figure 3, we have a well-organized street network. In 1811,

according to the "Commissioner's plan", an infrastructure development was achieved by
creating a street network for the undeveloped areas of Manhattan north of Houston Street.
This network best describes the type of rectangular plane the city is willing to do.

5 . Recent developments in the city:

Irrespective of New York City's arbitrary political boundaries, it is in fact a region that
includes 31 small regions, and after many it is believed that the metropolitan area extends 75
miles from Time Square. At first, the Census Bureau referred to the New York region in 1940,
but it was in constant change (see the map below), so by 1955 the metropolitan area
statistically consolidated for New York City was largely of the Litchfield, Middlesex,
Fairfield, and New Haven regions, as well as Connecticut, Pike County, Pennsylvania, New
Jersey, and suburban areas in the vicinity of the city. This area is divided into three major
groups of regions: the city with the 7 regions neighboring the 5 districts, followed by the
suburbs and peripheral regions

Fig 4 New York City Metropolitan Area, Source:

Figure 4 shows the expansion of New York City over the years, creating an important
metropolitan area serving the political center of the five districts (on the brown map). The
area has grown to include neighboring areas and suburbs, and then to grow from here.

There are several trends that shaped the city since the 1940s, such as:

 Large population movement in suburbs

 The migration of African-Americans from the south continues to at least 20 years ago
 Increasing the number of foreign migrants

Chart 1 Population growth in New York compared to its suburbs, Source:

According to the chart, there is an increase in population within the city that has become
crowded outward to the suburbs and outlying areas. Due to the infrastructure and the
interconnection of the cities near them, they became more attractive. Since 1940 the
metropolitan area has grown more than the city. In 1940 the metropolitan area had 13.5
million people out of which 7.5 million, almost 55% lived in the city. Today the metropolis
contains about 21.5 million inhabitants, and the city accounts for only 37% of the region,
increasing by only 7% compared to 1940, the increase in suburbs was over 58% and in the
outskirts by over 211%.

Fig 5 New York City Districts, Source:

From an economic point of view there is a good separation of economic activities per district
as follows: Brooklyn focuses on port-specific activities (shipbuilding, petroleum processing,
chemical production, leather, footwear), Queens (electrical, chemical, printing, food) and
Staten Island (large steel factories, machine building, chemical industry). These are the
industrial districts of the city even if the industry is no longer so strong. Port activities and
trade become a priority, so numerous avamposts carry an annual traffic of over 150 million
tons of which more than 40 million oil traffic. The city has also thrived on its connection with
the Great Lakes Region, a region with which it is very well connected by making important
commercial relations.

In Manhattan, the financial and banking industry of the city is concentrated with numerous
office buildings, headquarters of international firms, the largest stock exchange being in New
York. The area covers more than 46 million square feet of offices in over 4600 skyscrapers,
the largest business district in the world: Midtown Manhattan.

Fig 6 Wall Street, Source:

Fig 7 Midtown Manhattan, Source:

New York has the largest central financial district in the world, a neighborhood located in the
southernmost outskirts of Manhattan that includes the headquarters of many major financial
institutions in the city, including the New York Federal Reserve. Wall Street has been named
the world's most important financial center. The famous Wall Street artery concentrates global
fines and the central office pavilion concentrates vast office space, a large skyscraper cloud
makes the area a center of major national and international companies.

The city of New York is part of Boswash Megapolis, a megapolis stretching between Boston
and Washinghton Cities with a length of more than 1,000 km and a width varying between 40
and 150 km. This megapolis concentrates more than 50 million inhabitants, about 17% of the
US population on an area of only 2% of the territory and is a driver of the US economy
contributing 20% to US GDP.

Fig 8 Boswash, Source:

6. Tourist spots:

1. Sfântul Patrik Cathedral

Fig 9 Sfântul Patrik Cathedral, Source:

St. Patrick's Cathedral is a neo-Gothic-style Roman Catholic cathedral decorated with a

stunning New York City. It is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese, being a

parish church located in the eastern part of Fifth Avenue between streets 50 and 51 in
Midtown Manhattan across from the Rockefeller Center. The place where the cathedral is
built is full of history, so in 1810 it was acquired by the Jesuits who built a college and in
1814 they sold the ward's seat, and in 1850 it was converted into archdiocese by Pope Pius
IX. The old cathedral was enclosed with the new one at the initiative of Archbishop Josh
Joseph Hughes, so the new cathedral was designed by James Renwick Jr. Gothic. On August
15, 1858, the foundation stone was laid. The work was begun in 1858 but was stopped during
the civil war being resumed in 1865 and in 1879 it was completed. The original building was
added to the parish house in 1882-1884 and an adjacent school that currently does not exist
anymore. The towers were added in 1888, but an extension to it is plus a smaller chapel. The
stained glass was made between 1912-1930 by artist Paul Vicent Woodroffe and between
1927-1931 the cathedral was renovated. The renovation included the widening of the
sanctuary. The cathedral and associated buildings were delighted by national landmark
landmarks in 1976.

2. The Museum of Immigration

Fig 10 Immigration Museum on Ellis Island, Source: Muzel

Imigration is located on Island Ellis and is part of the Statue of Liberty Monument. Ellis
Island is connected with the same ferry to the Statue of Liberty. The island was a crossing
point for immigrants to the American dream here is an immigration reception station that
operated between 1892 and 1954. During this time, 12 million passenger ships have passed
here. The museum contains artifacts belonging to the 25 million immigrants who passed here,
but also to the crew members who entered the port of New York. The museum also tells the

story of many about why they came here and what they became after they arrived. Ellis Island
has become a place where people celebrate and honor those family members who have made
the difficult journey to a new life towards America. The museum is located in the former
immigration station. The museum contains and refers to the global migration period.

3. Memorial and 11 September Museum

Fig 11 The Memorial and the September 11 Museum, Source:

The 11 September Memorial and Museum commemorate the attacks of September 11,
2001, attacks that killed 2977 and the World Trade Center bombing of 1993 that killed 6
people. The monument is situated on the site of the former twin towers that were destroyed at
that time. The monument was planned in the following period commemorating both the
victims and the rescuers but also solidarity with the families of those killed at that sad
moment in the history of the United States. The winner for the memorial was the Israeli
Michael Arad, so a memorial market with two illuminated pools and 124 white oaks was
designed. Ponds mark exactly the perimeter of the two towers. They are empty and their walls
form a series of cascades.

The names of the 2977 people who died on September 11, including the dead in
Pennsylvania and Washington DC, and the names of the mars in the bomb attack in 1993,
have been inscribed on the walls of the waterfalls. One of the trees planted in the memorial

market has been recovered from the dunes to one of the towers. The initial plans were for the
area to be integrated with the rest of the Manhattan area, but now it is encircled and tourists
need a permit to visit the market. Permissions are free and can be obtained by tourists from
the official website. The memorial was inaugurated 10 years after the terrorist attacks a day
after the ill-fated September 11th. The museum was opened on May 21, 2014. Three months
after its opening, the memorial was visited by over 1 million people.

4. The Empire State Building is the tallest building in New York. It certainly gives us a much
wider picture of the city than Top of the Rock. The ticket price is about $ 30.

Fig 12 Empire State Building,

5. The Statue of Liberty is the touristic objective that most people are trying to reach.

Fig 13 Statue of Liberty,

6. Times Square is impressive both day and night and is a free tourist destination. Do not be
afraid to take a picture among the billboards in downtown New York, and to make the most
successful photos, I recommend that you climb up the steps that were located in Times Square
specifically for tourists who want to take pictures.

Fig 14 Time Square, 1.

Brooklyn Bridge is still a free tourist destination. It can be walked either on foot or by
bicycle, and it's really great.

Fig 15 Brooklyn Bridge, 1.

Madison Square Garden is the most famous arena in the world.

Fig 16 Madison Square Garden,

1. Central Park. It's incredible to see so much green in downtown Manhattan. Everything that
happens there is absolutely wonderful. People run through the park at any hour of the day and
night, ride a bicycle, drink Starbucks coffee on the green grass.

Fig 17 Central Park,

7. Conclusions:
In conclusion, the city of New York is a city of the modern category that has grown in 400
years so much so it has become a major city in the world. In the 400 years the city has turned
from a wild area with the vegetation that dominated even Manhattan Island, an area where
there were forests and which has now become an area with skyscraper forests and tower
blocks. The city is of world importance with huge economic relevance, so many times the
collapse of the New York Stock Exchange leads to global crises. From a tourist point of view,
it is a visited city, it has relevant objectives, and the superlatives that define it are a reason
why many choose to visit it.


1. ,,Statele Unite ale Americii Industrie în regiunile economico-geografice”

2. Bureau of Labor Market Information Division os Research and Statistics , Signifiant
Industries A Report to the Workforce Development System.
10. U.S Bureau of laborator statistics – New York City Economic Summary


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