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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

Fog/Edge Computing-based IoT (FECIoT):

Architecture, Applications, and Research Issues
Babatunji Omoniwa, Riaz Hussain, Muhammad Awais Javed, Safdar H. Bouk, Senior Member, IEEE
and Shahzad A. Malik

Abstract—The Internet-of-Things (IoT) is the future of the In- with millisecond response time. Furthermore, FEC enables
ternet, where everything will be connected. Studies have revealed designing and building a scalable and adaptable IoT platform
that Fog/Edge Computing (FEC)-based services will play a major that supports systems requiring reliable sensing, actuation,
role in extending the cloud by carrying out intermediary services
at the edge of the network. Fog/Edge Computing-based IoT’s analysis, and control. Moreover, FEC can facilitate manage-
(FECIoT) distributed architecture enhances service provisioning ment of a very large amount of geographically distributed
along the Cloud-to-Things continuum, thereby making it suitable “things” and also handle systems with dynamic mobility [1].
for mission-critical applications. Furthermore, the proximity of In order to adequately deploy FECIoT, a closer study should
fog/edge devices to where the data is produced makes it stand- be carried out on the features of IoT. In [2], IoT is defined
out in terms of resource allocation, service delivery, and privacy.
From the business perspective, FECIoT will lead to a boom as a large-scale network where various networks coexist, and
and spring up of small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), are capable of interacting with one another through various
thereby encouraging inclusion for all. To this end, we present a gateways and middlewares, with the support of the complex
comprehensive survey on state-of-the-art IoT literature over the control plane. In essence, ubiquitous devices should be able
period 2008-2018 and propose the FECIoT framework which to communicate over various networks with the sole aim
covers the enabling technologies, services, and open research
issues. A tutorial approach is employed, progressing from basic to of providing services, sharing information and applications.
more advanced concepts within the IoT domain. Lastly, we show However, connectivity, latency, bandwidth, service and privacy
how FECIoT can be deployed in real-life Cyber-Physical Systems issues have posed challenges in fully implementing IoT. Thus,
(CPS) such as the intelligent transportation system, smart grid, there is need to include mechanisms that can handle objects
smart health-care, smart homes, and smart environment. and things on a large scale. The architectural framework
Index Terms—Fog/edge computing, Internet-of-Things, service- for many emerging systems like the IoT and Cyber-Physical
oriented architecture, enabling technologies, cyber-physical sys- Systems (CPS) is still frail [3]. A service-based architecture
tems. was discussed in [2]. The Service-oriented Architecture (SoA)
is a component-based model that focuses on the systematic
I. I NTRODUCTION design of the workflow of coordinated services. Where and
VER the years, there has been the trend of moving how to perform computation and storage along the Cloud-
O storage, computing, and network management function-
alities to centralized data centers, IP backbone networks, and
to-Things continuum, and how decisions can be managed
within heterogeneous systems is still a debatable issue [4].
core networks. With exploding volume of data collected from Localized data analytics coupled with control can provide
underlying IoT devices, there is the need for data to be some level of autonomy to devices close to the edge of the
processed close to where it is produced in order to minimize network (FEC devices), which may help in enhancing the
response delay, and effectively distribute network load. Recent performance of mission-critical IoT applications. This paper
studies have shown the shortcomings of the cloud as regards presents new challenges in emerging IoT and the bottlenecks
handling of big-data. By the year 2020, it is projected that faced in resolving these challenges using today’s computing
about 50 billion things are expected to be connected to the and networking models. The paper further discusses why
Internet [1], inclusive of both “smart” and “dumb” (e.g., a the FECIoT architecture should be deployed to fill possible
dishwasher, a car, a parcel, livestock, thermostats) objects. To technological gaps with a view to enhancing new business
this point, IoT requires a robust and resilient architecture that opportunities. An in-depth look into protocols and technolo-
will enable faster data processing, as well as storage. Several gies is presented in the context of the proposed architecture.
researchers [2], [3] have suggested the need to integrate the Various services that can be derived from the FECIoT are also
fog/edge computing (FEC) with the IoT. FEC promises to run presented. Furthermore, we discuss security features, as well
IoT-enabled applications for real-time control and analytics, as security challenges that exist within the FECIoT framework.
Lastly, applications and research issues will be presented.
B. Omoniwa is with National Mathematical Centre, PMB 118, Abuja- FEC has received tremendous attention and has been de-
Nigeria, email: ployed in several cyber-physical systems [2], [3]. Though still
R. Hussain, M. A. Javed and S. A. Malik are with COMSATS University,
Islamabad, Pakistan, email: {rhussain, awais.javed, smalik} in the infancy stage, FEC has the potential of solving chal-
S. H. Bouk is with Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology lenges faced by cloud computing, such as connectivity, latency,
(DGIST), Daegu 42988, Korea, email: bandwidth, service and privacy issues. In recent years, several
Copyright (c) 2012 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted.
However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be surveys have been published in the area of IoT and FEC [1]-
obtained from the IEEE by sending a request to [35]. These works focused on areas such as architecture,

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

enabling technology, security and privacy, protocols, networks,
L IST OF ACRONYMS . physical systems, and possible applications to mention but a
Acronym Definition Despite global attention received by IoT over the years,
3GPP Third Generation Partnership Project there is no single consensus on how the architecture will
5G Fifth Generation be framed [4]. Lin et al. in [2] presented a survey on the
6LoWPAN IPv6 over Low Power WPAN architecture, enabling technologies, security and privacy, and
BLE Bluetooth Low Energy applications of IoT. However, research issues and directions
BSN Body Sensor Networks
were not covered. Chiang et al. in [3] comprehensively covered
CAN Controller Area Network
CCTV Closed-Circuit Television
inherent challenges in both fog and IoT. However, the enabling
CoAP Constrained Application Protocol technologies and architectural framework were not covered.
CoRE Constrained RESTful Environments Although, the FECIoT framework proposed in this paper ex-
CORPL Cognitive Ripple Routing Protocol tends on the fundamental ideas presented in [2] and [3], which
CPS Cyber-Physical Systems were both built upon the foundation laid by Bonomi et al. in
DODAG Destination Oriented Directed Acyclic Graph [6]. The work of Sethi et al. in [4] focused on architectures and
DTLS Datagram Transport Layer Security protocols in IoT with no consideration for the emerging FEC
FEC Fog/Edge Computing paradigm. One of the first comprehensive surveys carried out
FaaS Fog-as-a-Service in the area of IoT was by Atzori et al. in [5]. The work covered
GATT Generic Attribute Profiles enabling technologies, as well as elaborating on the service-
HaaS Hardware-as-a-Service
oriented architecture. Applications into various CPS domains
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
IaaS Infrastructure-as-a-Service
were presented, however, integrating the FEC paradigm was
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission not envisioned then.
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers We survey state-of-the-art literatures related to IoT, fog,
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force edge, and cloud computing, and we present a table summary
IPSec Internet Protocol Security based on the scope and topics covered. In this paper, we
IPv4/v6 Internet Protocol version 4/6 attempt to cover most of these topics using a tutorial style
ISM Industrial, Scientific, and Medical for the sake of new entrants in the area of IoT. Table II
ITS Intelligent Transportation Systems show the topics covered in 42 review papers. We begin
ITU International Telecommunication Union by presenting basic concepts, then proceed to the FECIoT
LTE-A Long Term Evolution-Advanced architectural framework, protocols and enabling technologies,
MANET Mobile Ad hoc Network
services from a business perspective, security and privacy
MDC Microdata Center
issues, open research challenges and applications in the context
MEC Mobile Edge Computing
NFC Near Field Communication of FECIoT. The contribution of our work is five-fold, which
OaaS Offload-as-a-Service are listed as follows.
OC Offload Computation 1) We provide a comprehensive discussion on the basic con-
OSGi Open Service Gateway cepts like the Fog computing, Edge computing, CPS, and
P2P Peer-to-Peer IoT. Furthermore, we provide a summary of protocols and
PaaS Platform-as-a-Service standards from different standard development organiza-
PAN Personal Area Networks tions (IEEE, ITU, IETF, 3GPP, etc.) to enable researchers
PDU Protocol Data Unit have hands-on material without having to go through RFC
QoS Quality of Service
volumes and other specification standards.
RAN Radio Area Network
2) We provide an exhaustive review of the up-to-date research
REST REpresentational State Transfer
RFID Radio-Frequency Identification progress in FECIoT, and highlight key areas such as
ROLL Routing Over Low power and Lossy architecture, services, security and privacy issues.
SaaS Software-as-a-Service 3) We provide a detailed comparison of variously available
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition simulators in terms of their FECIoT simulation capa-
SoA Service-oriented Architecture bilities. We also perform simulations on NetLogo and
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol Cooja and compare the proposed FECIoT-based model
TCP Transmission Control Protocol with the centralized cloud-based model by analyzing key
TEDS Transducer Electronic Data Sheets performance metrics such as storage efficiency, network
UDP User Datagram Protocol efficiency, computational efficiency and service discovery.
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
In addition, we also present an example of a link-level
WISP Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform
simulation for FECIoT communications. Furthermore, to
WLAN Wireless Local Area Networks
WPAN Wireless Personal Area Networks improve the communication reliability in FECIoT systems,
WSDL Web Service Description Language we also formulated an optimization problem that minimizes
WSN Wireless Sensor Network the outage probability in the network.
XML Extensible Markup Language 4) We present detailed applications and use cases within the
CPS (Intelligent transportation systems, smart grid, smart

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

homes, smart health-care, and smart environment) to show Cloud Services

how different protocols presented in the paper fuse to
provide desirable FECIoT services.
5) We also present a variety of open research challenges and
suggest possible future trends for FECIoT, with respect to
the latest development in the field.
The remainder of this work is organized as follows. In
Section II, we present basic concepts. The FECIoT architec- Request
tural framework is presented in Section III. In Section IV,
we discuss some relevant services offered by deploying the
FECIoT framework. Protocols and enabling technologies re-
Response Things
quired to drive the FECIoT framework are presented in Section
V. In Section VI, we perform some simulations to validate End user
the efficiency of the proposed FECIoT model. Security and
Fig. 1. Cloud computing model.
privacy issues are presented in Section VII. Applications of
FECIoT in some selected cyber-physical systems are discussed
in Section VIII. Some open research issues that could spark-
up new ideas are presented in Section IX. Finally, Section X processing and storage capacities, bandwidths, security threats,
concludes the paper. link downtime, cost constraints etc. [6].
Fig. 1 shows the cloud computing model along with three
generic services. These services are,
II. OVERVIEW OF BASIC C ONCEPTS i) Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS): This is a customer-based
In this section, we present basic concepts and provide cloud computing service that supports clients, by given
comparisons amongst seemingly similar, but misunderstood them the flexibility of developing, running, and managing
concepts. Thus, we provide an overview of cloud computing, web-based applications without going through the rigour
fog computing, edge computing, similarities and differences, of building and maintaining infrastructures typically as-
CPS and IoT. sociated with developing and launching an application.
The PaaS also supports the overall life-cycle manage-
ment of cloud applications, including coding, testing,
A. Cloud Computing (CC) deployment and maintenance [43]. A good example is
With top multi-national computing giants like Amazon web Apprenda,5 which is a provider of private cloud PaaS
services,1 Microsoft Azure,2 Google Cloud platform,3 and for .NET and Java.
IBM Cloud4 championing the adoption of the generic cloud ii) Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS): This service model is
computing model where big-data analytics, decision making, also known as Hardware-as-a-Service (HaaS), it is a
and computations all take place centrally in the distant cloud cloud computing service model that provides computing
data-centers. Many drawbacks to this centralized model have infrastructure to enhance enterprise operations, usually
been presented by various researchers [3], [6]. The increase based on outsourcing. In other words, IaaS manages
in machine-type communication (MTC) as observed in IoT computing, storage and networking resources and pro-
will lead to massive amounts of data flow within the IoT vides basic resource services to the PaaS or to users
ecosystem. As such it becomes difficult to manage traffic directly [43]. Generally, IaaS provides hardware (may
and congestion within the network using the CC model. include software), storage, servers, and data center space
Furthermore, delay sensitive data and applications will expe- or network elements. Amazon Web Services (AWS),
rience greater latency considering the relatively far distance Cisco Metacloud6 (formerly Metapod), Microsoft Azure,
between IoT end-devices and the cloud data-centers. Market Google Compute Engine (GCE), and Joyent7 etc. all fall
monopoly is also a noticeable trend since only top multi- within the IaaS category.
national enterprise can afford to set up a cloud infrastructure, iii) Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): This is a software distri-
and define and deploy propriety protocols [7]. Despite the bution model which allows clients to have access to
emergence of FEC which promises better business prospects applications hosted by third-party providers over the
for SMEs, lower latency, and higher bandwidth efficiency, the Internet [10]. Good examples of SaaS used in everyday
cloud will continue to have a key role to play in the proposed life are Twitter,8 Instagram,9 Facebook,10 and Google’s
FECIoT framework. The partitioning of where, how and what suite of intelligent apps11 (formerly Google Apps).
tasks go to the cloud are application specific. It is possible
to predefine such tasks, however, they could be subject to 5

the dynamic changes going on within the network, such as 6

1 8
2 9
3 10
4 11

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of Things Journal


Reference IoT Fog Edge Architecture Protocols Services Security Technology Research issues Applications Our Contributions
Detailed review with
AI-Doghmant et al. [1] - X - - - - - X - - much more coverage
on the subject
More focus on FECIoT,
X X X X - - X X - X five-layer architecture,
Lin et al. [2] (2017)
simulators, research di-
Built upon the idea,
and provided updated
Chiang et al. [3] (2016) X X - X - - - - X X details on FECIoT ser-
vices, protocols, and
Detailed review on FE-
X - - X X - - - - X CIoT architecture and
Sethi et al. [4] (2017)
potential research is-
More reviews have
X - - - X - X X X X been included since
Atzori et al. [5] (2010)
2010, update on
New ideas were built
Bonomi et al. [6] X X - X - - - - - X on this foundation pa-
(2012) per, with more practical
Detailed discuss on the
Pan et al. [7] (2018) X X X X - - - X X - enabling technologies
and security features
- X X X - X - - - X Elaboration on poten-
Dolui et al. [8] (2017)
tial research issues
Details on FECIoT
Hu et al. [9] (2017) - X - X - - X X X X services, protocols and
Update on protocols,
Shi et al. [10] (2016) - - X - - X X - - X technologies, and re-
search issues
Al-Fuqaha et al. [11] X - - X X X - X - X Elaborated on security
(2015) and research issues

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of Things Journal

Reference IoT Fog Edge Architecture Protocols Services Security Technology Research issues Applications Our Contributions
Enhanced ideas
on architecture,
Bilal et al. [12]
- X X - - - - X - X protocols, services
and research
Miorandi et al. [13] Focus on the FE-
X - - - - - X X X X
(2012) CIoT framework
Mehmood et al. [14]
X - - - X - - X X - review on FECIoT
Detailed review on
Aazam et al. [15] FECIoT architecture,
X X - X - - - - - -
(2016) services and proto-
cols, and security
Presented the FE-
Zhu et al. [16]
X - - - - - - X X X CIoT framework and
Enhanced details on
Ngu et al. [17]
X X - X - X X X X - protocols and appli-
Detailed review on
Raggett et al. [18] FECIoT architecture,
X - - - X - - - X -
(2015) services, security,
and research issues
Detailed review on
Want et al. [19] FECIoT architecture,
X - - - - - - X X -
(2015) services, security,
and applications
Detailed review on
Razzaque et al. [20]
X - - X - X - - X X FECIoT security and
enabling technology
Sheng et al. [21] Detailed discuss on
X - - X X - - - X -
(2013) FECIoT applications
Enhanced review
with FECIoT
Ai et al. [22] (2017) - - X - - - - X - X architecture, services
and research

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of Things Journal

Reference IoT Fog Edge Architecture Protocols Services Security Technology Research issues Applications Our Contributions
Detailed FECIoT
Verma et al. [23]
X - - X - - - X X X protocols and
security services
Luong et al. [24] Presented the FE-
X - - X - - X X X X
(2016) CIoT framework
Detailed discuss on
Ni et al. [25] (2017) X X - X - - X - X X FECIoT services and
Presented the
Granja et al. [26] FECIoT framework,
X - - - X - X - X -
(2015) covering simulators
and research issues
Elaborated on
Palattella et al. [27]
X - - - X - - - - - FECIoT architecture
and applications
Emphasized on FE-
Varghese et al. [28]
- - X - - - - - X X CIoT services and
enabling technology
Satyanarayanan et Comprehensive FE-
- - X X - - - - X X
al. [29] (2017) CIoT review
Detailed discuss on
Alrawais et al. [30]
- X - - - - X - X X the FECIoT simula-
tors and applications
Wen et al. [31] Presented practical
X X - - - X - - X -
(2017) FECIoT applications
Presented some re-
Atzori et al. [32]
X - - X - X - X - X search issues in FE-
Detailed discuss on
Lan et al. [33]
X - - X - X - - - - security and applica-
Detailed discuss on
Ray et al. [34]
X - - X - - X X X X latest protocols and
Gubbi et al. [35] Presented some re-
X - - X - X - X - X
(2013) search directions

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of Things Journal

Reference IoT Fog Edge Architecture Protocols Services Security Technology Research issues Applications Our Contributions
Detailed review on
Atlam et al. [36] FECIoT protocols,
X X - X - - - - X X
(2018) technologies, and
security services
Presented protocols,
Dutta et al. [37]
X X - X - - - X - - applications, and re-
search directions
Much wider cover-
Puliafito et al. [38] age on the FECIoT
X X X - - - - - X X
(2017) domain, detailed re-
search directions
Detailed FECIoT
Mohan et al. [39] protocols, security
X X X X - - - - X -
(2016) services, and
Enhanced ideas on
fog computing
Yannuzzi et al. [40]
X X - - - - - - X X to produce a
FECIoT review
review on FECIoT
Mouradian et al. [41]
X X - X - - - - X X protocols, security
services, and
Detailed FECIoT
Porambage et al.
X - X X - - X X X X protocols, services,
[42] (2018)
and simulators

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

B. Fog Computing (FC) storing functionalities to a large number of IoT end-devices.

The concept of fog computing (FC) was first introduced The proximity of edge devices will minimize computational
in 2012 by Bonomi et al. [7], working at Cisco Inc. The load on data centers situated far away in the cloud. Real-time
FC paradigm entails moving intelligence down to Local Area response will be enhanced, as well as reduced latency [8].
Network (LAN) level and data is processed at an IoT gateway. Another merit of EC is the distributed nature and support
The main aim of its introduction was to extend services for device mobility within heterogeneous networks. In fact,
and functionalities offered by the cloud at the edge of the significant research effort is presently being carried out in the
network. Such functionalities may include storage, processing, area of Mobile Edge Computing (MEC). According to [8],
database operation, integration, security, and management to edge layer can be implemented in three modes, the MEC,
IoT end-devices, leveraging on its proximity to the edge of the FC, and Cloudlet Computing (CC). MEC is the deployment
network. With exciting benefits of minimizing network con- of intermediary nodes with capabilities of processing and
gestion, minimizing end-to-end latency, tackling connectivity storing information within the BS of cellular mobile networks,
bottlenecks, improving security and privacy, and enhancing hence enabling cloud computing functionalities inside the
scalability, FC is seen as the way forward. Furthermore, there Radio Area Network (RAN). Cloudlets is a smaller version
are claims within the industry of the vast business opportu- of the cloud which uses dedicated devices that offer cloud-
nities that could be derived with the advent of FC. With the like functionalities. In [10], it was shown that response time
effective distribution of computing, storage, networking, and is reduced from 900 ms to 169 ms just by moving computation
management service along the Cloud-to-Things continuum, from cloud to the edge in a face recognition application. Below
it meets today’s application requirements for local content, are some advantageous features of EC:
resource pooling, and real-time processing [44]. As such, FC i) Geographically dispersed.
has attracted interest from both the academia and industry. It is ii) Improved security, as encrypted data moves further into
a fact that FC does not replace the CC, rather it complements the core network.
by offloading data or service request that can be processed iii) Provides better real-time response than the cloud-based
locally [45]. However, we acknowledge the limitations of the model.
CC-based model and stress the need for FC integration to iv) Better scalability through virtualization.
allow for global applicability. Another emerging paradigm v) Limits potential communication bottlenecks.
that can revolutionize IoT is Dew Computing (DC). In [46],
DC is expected to depend on micro-service approach in a D. Fog/Edge Computing (FEC)
highly heterogeneous, vertical, and distributed hierarchy. It
It is pertinent to note that FC devices may not necessarily
gives room for a centralized-virtualization-free computational
be at the network edge, but reside close to the edge of the
horizon where data scattering into low-end devices is possible.
network. In contrast, edge devices often reside at the network
Hence, allowing for data accessibility even without continuous
edge, and are often the first point of contact to the IoT end-
internet access. The extreme scalability and self-adaptive at-
devices. In essence, FC devices and EC devices are both
tributes of DC makes it prime to the success of IoT. However,
close to the IoT end-devices, but the EC devices are often
several research issues will arise due to its extreme complexity.
closer. In many works, fog computing and edge computing
With FC’s intermediary role of deploying existing computing
have been used interchangeably. Some consider FC as a part
infrastructure in bridging the cloud to things, FC will be prime
of the EC and microdata center (MDC) paradigm for IoT [15].
to the success of existing and emerging technologies like the
Both FC and EC have their services located close to the
smart grids, smart homes, smart cities, wireless sensor net-
end users, however, EC is resident in edge devices, while
works, mobile healthcare, manufacturing, vehicular networks,
FC resides in the network edge devices, usually a single or
and lot more. Below are some advantageous features of FC:
few network hops away from the edge.The EC platform has
i) Geographically dispersed.
constrained energy and limited storage, and fall within the
ii) Support for large-scale sensor networks and end nodes.
class of constrained devices. The increase in the number of
iii) Provides better real-time response than the cloud-based
IoT applications may result in higher contention for resources
and additional latency [9]. In essence, the resource contention
iv) Supports heterogeneity and interoperability.
of EC is greater than FC due to proximity to IoT end-devices.
v) Online analytics and interaction with the cloud.
Furthermore, EC focuses more on the things domain, while
Despite these advantageous features, FC is frail, and as fog computing focuses more on the infrastructure domain.
such presents new challenges that are discussed in subsequent FEC has certain pillars, they include security, scalability,
sections. openness, autonomy, reliability, agility, hierarchical organiza-
tion and programmability, which is inherent to both FC and
C. Edge Computing (EC) EC. As such, the motivation for integrating both the FC and
As the name implies, the edge computing (EC) entails EC is based on the peculiarities between them.
computation that is carried out at the edge of the network. 1) They both use a virtualized IaaS platform and allow for
EC aims at overcoming limitations associated with the cloud multi-tenancy of applications at the edge of the network.
computing-based model. It serves as the intermediary between 2) They both compliment functionalities offered by the cloud
the end-users/devices and the cloud, providing processing and and are located between end users and data centers.

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

Far away datacentres equipped

with sophisticated storage and

Cloud Computing Layer

CPS 2: CPS 3:
CPS 1: Intelligent CPS n:

super computers
Smart Grid Transport Smart
Homes World

Highly distributed with support for

Fog/Edge Computing (FEC) Layer
mobility, constrained devices with
some processing capabilities
All things embedded with
sensors, actuators

Things Layer

Fig. 3. IoT integrates n CPS

data collected to and from sensors and actuators down to

the cyber systems situated in control centers, which analyze
data and provide feedback to the physical component, thereby
Fig. 2. FEC architecture and interaction in the Cloud-to-Things continuum
providing effective monitoring and control.
The physical world connects to the cyber systems via
interfaces. These interfaces are the communication network
3) They both can be physically co-located with access points, and other intermediary components such as sensors, actua-
roadside units, base stations, routers, switches, and gate- tors, analog-to-digital converters (ADC), and digital-to-analog
ways. converters (DAC) [49]. From Fig. 3, we see that CPS ver-
4) They both are mostly deployed wirelessly and provide low tically cut across a unique set of physical devices, com-
latency, low jitter, and cognition within the system. munication/network technologies, and applications specific to
5) They both provide computational services in distributed each CPS domain, while IoT horizontally integrates diverse
geographical locations in order to minimize the load on CPS. It is important to note that the interconnection of the
the cloud. heterogeneous networks goes beyond physical connection,
Based on functionalities, both FC and EC can overlap but homogenize protocols, middleware, interfaces within the
and coexist within the CPS [44]. Fig. 2 shows a pictorial control plane across diverse networks. A good scenario is
representation of the FECIoT model with various domains. where an asthmatic patient connected to the smart health-care
In this paper, we arrive at a consensus that FC and EC are gets notified by a vehicle connected to the smart transport
congruent. network about the air pollution ahead by the smart monitoring
network. In fact, there are thousands of real-life scenarios
E. Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) where multiple CPS applications simultaneously operate. CPS
During the last decade, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and IoT share close similarities in their functionalities, as
blossomed with lots of research work carried out in the areas of well as open challenges. In the following, we identify key
smart grid, smart homes, smart weather, smart manufacturing, developments and challenges related to CPS/IoT.
intelligent transportation, and many more. Just like IoT, CPS a) Flexible middleware support: Rather than assuming
consist of heterogeneously distributed subsystems [2]. CPS CPS/IoT end-devices to be completely dumb or passive,
are complex systems with systematic and well-coordinated with little or no computing capacity, it is important to
computation, communications and control [47]. Generally, explore the role of this middleware in easing the burden
CPS are the integration of physical and computational process of many CPS/IoT applications via built-in functionalities.
involving embedded computer and networks, monitoring and This built-in intelligence allows for dynamic sensor de-
controlling the physical processes [48]. CPS integrate physical tection, device selection, deployment of software, system
components (with the deployment of sensors to measure and configuration and reconfiguration [50], [51].
observe the physical components, and the actuators to ensure b) Data requirement: CPS/IoT applications should stipulate
that operations are effectively performed on the physical that collected data meet requirements specified by comput-
components). The communication network helps to transmit ing processes [52]. Without adequate representation of the

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

quality of the data, which includes accuracy, lifetime, loca- IoT requirements in a more efficient way by leveraging on
tion, and sample time, it is very likely that the computing the distributed FEC paradigm. As mentioned earlier, there
processes will misinterpret or misuse the data collected is no generally accepted architecture for IoT. Architectures
from physical processes [53]. However, the computing presented in previous works only illustrate the way and manner
processes may assume that the data received meets the the authors view IoT. In this paper, we will discuss three (3)
requirement. This remains a big issue for computing different architectures that have been presented in previous
services in CPS/IoT. surveys.
c) Computing model: Data and services can either be man-
aged centrally or in a distributed manner. Both have A. Three-Layer Architecture
pros and cons, as seen in the cloud-based and proposed
This architecture is traditional in design and considers three
FECIoT-based model, which depicts the centralized and
basic layers [2], [32], [59], [60]. Fig. 4(a) shows the three-
distributed model, respectively. Since data is growing at an
layer architecture comprising of: (i) the sensing layer, (ii) the
enormous pace, the main challenge will be in processing
network layer, and (iii) the application layer.
such huge amount of data with the available computing
resources. Other limitations to existing models include (i) Sensing layer: This layer is also known as the percep-
complexity in algorithm design, latency, and communi- tion layer, acquires data through sensing using Radio-
cation among computing components [54], [55]. frequency identification (RFID), sensors, Wireless Iden-
d) Fault-tolerance: IoT device failure may lead to disruptions tification and Sensing Platform (WISP),12 actuators etc.
or hazard in many sensitive CPS applications. CPS/IoT Nodes within radio range of each other may collaborate
technologies, services, and applications are heterogeneous, for the purpose ensuring ubiquitous data communication
hereby, making interoperability a challenge and making within the IoT network.
the system susceptible to failures [54]. As such, efficient (ii) Network layer: This layer performs the task of routing
interoperation, integration, and control of CPS/IoT com- data across diverse networks. Sensed information is
ponents is required for a robust and resilient to unexpected received from the sensing layer and then routed to
conditions in the CPS/IoT system [55]. IoT hubs and devices over the Internet. This layer
e) Virtual run-time environment: CPS/IoT hardware provides supports computing platforms such as cloud computing
variety for applications, however, it poses big compatibility platforms, Internet gateways, mobile communication,
challenge. Virtual machines can ease the deployment of switching, and routing devices etc. which operate using
applications and offer several advantages on resource- state-of-the-art technologies like 5G/LTE, Bluetooth,
constrained IoT devices [51]. Way and manner of ef- WiFi etc., [59], [60]. The network layer uses gateways
fectively implementing the virtual run-time environment to send data to and from applications or things across
remains an issue [56]. heterogeneous networks, and over multiple protocols
f) Security: CPS/IoT systems are prone to security threats and technologies.
and attacks due to its complexity and dynamic nature. It is (iii) Application layer: This layer provides services (storage,
necessary to ensure controlled-access to system resources processing or analysis) based on received data or request
and also ensure that unauthorized persons cannot have from the network layer. Several IoT applications exist
access to sensitive information [49]. Eavesdropping, man- in this layer with diverse requirements and deployed
in-the-middle, denial-of-service, and the injection of fake together with the middleware functionalities [32]. With
or malicious sensor measurements or actuation requests emerging fog/edge deployments, multi-vendor ecosys-
are some of the challenges faced in CPS/IoT [57]. tem applications need to be able to migrate and operate
seamlessly despite system heterogeneity. Applications
In this section, we have presented basic concepts on IoT-
should have the ability to span all levels of a deployment
related areas. This will be useful in having a firm grasp on
to maximize their value [58].
the FECIoT architecture discussed in the next section.
The three-layer architecture looks simple, however, when
taking a closer look at the network and application layer, we
observe complexities in grafting data services (data aggrega-
III. FECI OT A RCHITECTURE tion, data mining and analytics) into this architecture. Thus,
The term “FECIoT” was first coined by Lin et al. in [2] giving rise to a new layer called the service layer.
with a motive to emphasize the immense potential that could
be derived when the fog/edge computing paradigm is well- B. Four-Layer Architecture
integrated into the IoT architecture. In this section, we present This architecture is also known as the service-oriented
the FECIoT architectural framework. Fog/edge devices may be architecture (SoA) [2]. The SoA is the application framework
linked to form a mesh to provide load balancing, resilience, that allows establishments and enterprises to build, deploy and
fault tolerance, data sharing, and reduction in the Cloud- integrate these services independent of the technology systems
to-Things communication [58]. Architecturally, this demands on which they run. Here, the service layer is placed in between
that fog/edge devices have the ability to communicate both the application and network layer in order to enhance data
vertically and horizontally within the IoT ecosystem. The
FECIoT inherits the basic IoT architecture and delivers all 12

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

cific services offered by networked objects in building

(a) (b) (c) specific applications. Web of services also plays a
Three-Layer Four-Layer Five-Layer vital role, in the sense that they allow for a pre-
Architecture Architecture Architecture cise definition of capabilities of interfaced objects
and interaction with them [64]. A service request
can be effectively managed by efficient interactions
of the networked object using workflow languages.
Workflows can be nested, and as such represented as
a sequence of coordinated actions carried out by a
single component [5].
• Service management: This provides the primary func-
tional requirements and management for each object.
The functionalities in services may cut across QoS
management, lock management, and semantics. In
addition, newer services may be deployed at run-time,
in order to meet application requirements. Service
repository is carried out in this sub-layer in order
to ascertain service-object pair within the IoT net-
work. The work in [65] compared two alternative
architectures for service management: Open Service
Gateway initiative (OSGi) and REpresentational State
Transfer (REST). OSGi was observed to be simpler
and better suited for homogeneous sensor networks,
while REST was observed to be more complex and
well suited for heterogeneous and widely distributed
Fig. 4. FECIoT (a) Three-Layer architecture, (b) Four-Layer architecture, (c) IoT devices/services.
Five-Layer architecture
• Service interface: This interface serves as a bridge
to connect all provided services. Interfaces are nec-
essary for the reduction of complexities in business
services in IoT. This service-oriented architecture focuses on processes [66].
designing the work-flow of coordinated services, and allowing
Services, as it relates to FECIoT, are further discussed
for hardware/software reuse because it supports the design, de-
in a subsequent section.
ployment, and integration of services, which are not dependent
(iv) Application layer, is at the top of this architecture,
on the technology platform they operate on [5], [61]. Fig. 4(b)
providing overall support based on system’s function-
shows the four-layer architecture comprising of: (i) the sensing
alities to end user. Unlike the traditional three-layer
layer, (ii) the network layer, (iii) service layer, and (iv) the
architecture, the application layer is not part of the
application layer, which are briefly discussed with emphasis
middleware, rather it instructs the service/middleware
on the service layer.
layer. This layer provides an interactive interface via
(i) Sensing layer: This layer is at the base of this architec- standard web service protocols and service composition
ture, and responsible for data collection, measurement technologies over heterogeneously distributed systems
and extraction of physical devices. This data is passed and applications [5], [67]. Examples of such applications
on to the upper layers. include, smart homes, intelligent transportation, smart
(ii) Network layer: This layer provides support for data to industry, smart health-care, etc.
be transmitted over multiple networks and topologies.
Route decisions are made in this layer.
(iii) Service layer: This layer as the name implies, provides C. Five-Layer Architecture
a variety of services. This layer is also known as This model has a business outlook and is extracted from
the interface or middleware layer. The service layer the traditional application layer to provide more complex
can be further broken down into four (4) components, services [68]. The five-layer architecture comprises of the
namely [2], [5], [35], [62]: following: (i) the sensing layer, (ii) network layer, (iii) service
• Service discovery: This helps in discovering desired layer, (iv) application layer, and (v) the business layer. Here,
service request. In [63], a global service discovery we focus on the business layer, since previous architecture has
framework was introduced which allows users to covered lower layers.
register their own sensors into a common infrastruc- The main role of this layer is to record and analyze all
ture, and discover the available services via a mobile IoT operations that have already taken place across heteroge-
device. nous CPS. The business layer which carries out petabyte-
• Service composition: A sub-layer in the SoA which scale analytics [4], is also governed by the compliance and
provides functionalities for the composition of spe- record retention policies. Machine learning models are usually

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

deployed on this layer to enhance operational optimization, OaaS in FECIoT will benefit from thousands of readily
mining insights, business planning. Furthermore, metadata and available mobile devices, each having some computational
reference data management, business rule management, and capability. These devices are often under-utilized with extra
the operational health of lower layers are the other aspects of storage capacity, idle CPU clocks, free memory, etc. A typ-
this layer [58]. ical FEC environment is composed of several FEC devices
The business layer handles the entire IoT system, which such as the pc terminal, Internet gateway, server and smart-
includes applications, business and profit models and users phone/sensor. Each of these devices has services provided by
confidential information [4]. Fig. 4(c) shows the business different service providers.
layer as an additional feature in the SoA. The SoA actually The scenario presented in [70] considered two (2) service
facilitates the creation of systems, which support the derivation providers, each service provider provides services to two
of independent business solutions from technological con- FEC devices, and two end-user devices. Fig. 5(a) shows
straints [61], [64]. The FEC architecture will play an im- the OaaS model where IoT end-devices/users can offload
portant role in reshaping the networking, server and software their tasks. These IoT end-devices/users have the intention of
industry, with the convergence of routers, switches, storage utilizing the OaaS service provided by the service providers.
and application servers into FEC devices. Furthermore, the Before the OaaS is utilized, the IoT end-devices/users must
distributed FEC architecture supports the emerging Fog-as- activate the proposed framework. This will enable the IoT
a-Service (FaaS), where smaller business enterprise can also end-device/user’s preferences to be received/registered by the
participate in delivering private and public services at diverse framework. Furthermore, the current statuses of the end-user
scales to end-users [3]. The FECIoT promises better service devices, such as battery level, network bandwidth, CPU speed,
delivery to end-users, and also inspire novel business models. free memory, amongst others will be stored. Based on gathered
data, the framework will locate the best FEC device within
its vicinity to offload computational tasks, as well as establish
IV. S ERVICES communication between users and FEC device for the duration
Prompt response is needed in today’s mission-critical sys- of the service. With the FEC paradigm gaining more and more
tems. Fog/edge computing (FEC) will help in complementing ground, offload computation can now rely on FEC, rather than
the cloud through mutually beneficial and inter-dependent traditional cloud computing, in order to enhance capacity and
services. Storage, computing, control, and communication ser- user experience.
vices will be easily executed with this emerging architecture, Fig. 5(b) illustrates the service logic behind the FEC
thereby minimizing latency and bandwidth demands [69]. The framework. Fog/edge applications will differ from each other
FEC paradigm enables a service continuum where hierarchi- based on deployment, use case, and resource availability. Also,
cally higher-placed devices can locally provide computing, the FEC applications are composed of a collection of micro
control, and even data analytics to hierarchically lower devices services [58]. These services are briefly explained below:
in the IoT ecosystem. A good example is where sensors are a) Fog connector services: It is composed of a set of APIs
placed on a human body to monitor different body organs. The for enabling higher-layer fog services to communicate with
smart wristwatch worn by the patient may become the FEC devices, sensors, actuators, and other platforms using the
device by collecting and analyzing sensed data. The patient edge protocol of choice [58]. The fog connectors translate
may be driving at that instance, as such, the vehicle can serve the data generated and communicated by the physical
as a FEC device to the smart wrist-watch by providing even things into a unified data formats. This is then passed on
more intelligent functionalities, such as an alert display, user to the core services.
interface, situation update. The roadside traffic control unit b) Core services: The core demarcates the edge from the
may, in turn, serve as a FEC device to the moving vehicle. cloud. This service entails collection of data from the edge.
The process may continue until the information reaches the The collected data is passed on to other higher services
medical center where further processing may be taken. and systems. The core services route request from higher
It is pertinent to note that cloud services may be deployed systems to edge devices [58], [71]. This may also include
to manage the fog [3], with the fog remotely delivering cloud receipt and translation of commands from the cloud to
services to end-users. IoT management system should be edge devices for actuation.
designed in such a way as to enable end-users to invoke the c) Supporting services: As the name implies, it entails a
most suitable service. Recently, a novel service called Offload- large scope of micro-services. This may include logging,
as-a-Service (OaaS), was introduced in [70]. Though research scheduling, service registration, and data clean up. For
in the area of offload computation (OC) has been on for a while example, received data may be logged, scheduled for
now. Offload computation offers capability to extend mobile processing, or even wiped-off based on this security report.
resources limitations in terms of CPU, GPU, memory, storage d) Analytics services: This may encompass both reactive
and battery life. As mentioned earlier, IoT devices are resource and predictive capability. The reactive feature is usually
constrained by default, and as such, there is need to synergize exhibited by fog nodes situated close to the edge of the
the offload computation technology with fog/edge computing. network. On the other hand, hierarchically higher-placed
Offloading can be defined as transferring data/services to other fog nodes which possess more processing capacity usually
devices, in essence, migrating the computation to stronger and have better cognition and predictive ability based on
more resourceful computing devices. machine learning [58]. For example, sensors are deployed

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

(a) Service
Provider A

FEC Device 2
Device 1

IoT End-

FEC Device 4
Device 3

Provider B

Fig. 6. Protocols within the FECIoT domain
Logical Service Layers

web and mobile applications, hence resulting in placing in-

FEC creased priority on user-interface in an attempt to improve
Services the overall user experience.


In IoT, especially for life-critical systems like disaster re-
sponse, it is important to have well-harmonized standards [72].
Considering the distributed architectural framework of FE-
Fig. 5. (a) Offload-as-a-Service using the FEC architecture, (b) FEC appli- CIoT, scalability, mobility, and compatibility will remain big
cation services issues for heterogeneous devices communicating across di-
verse CPS. To support FECIoT applications with this exigent
and demanding heterogeneous requirements, it is imperative
to monitor earthquakes within a city. A single sensor out to consider technologies and protocols that support resource
of a thousand deployed sensed massive vibrations due to constrained (limited energy and limited bandwidth) devices.
building construction within the neighborhood, thus rais- The IETF has taken the lead in standardizing several commu-
ing a false alarm. The fog node closest to that sensor reacts nication protocols that are well-suited for resource-constrained
immediate due to proximity, however, a hierarchically FECIoT environments, such as, the Routing Protocol for Low
higher fog node at the city’s observatory office collates Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) and Constrained Appli-
all responses from sensors. Thus, a predictive judgment is cation Protocol (CoAP) [21], among others. IEEE and the
made based machine intelligence. This prediction can be ITU have also proposed several IoT protocols within the last
used for future occurrences. decade. Research is on-going in the design of resource allo-
e) Integration services: These services allow other FEC de- cation protocols, hereby improving resilience and robustness
vices to register and determine where, when, how, and in of communication, and decreasing the energy consumption
what format the data should be delivered. For example, to match stringent energy requirements of constrained de-
a taxi driver may request that all traffic updates within a vices [102].
particular road axis be sent through REST to a particular Most often, for sensed information to get to the Internet,
address, hourly, encrypted, and in XML format. During the several protocols must have provided specialized support.
client registration phase, a filtering mechanism is specified, Fig. 6 show the protocols that can operate under the FECIoT
which facilitates the way data is delivered [58]. domain, emphasizing a wide range of protocols within the
f) User-interface services: The primary objective of these fundamental layers, namely, sensing/data-link layer, network
services is to display data collected and managed, status layer, transport layer, services layer, business/management
and operation of services, results of analytics, and system layer, and application layer. It is worthwhile to note that
management in the FEC device. For instance, in today’s some legacy Internet protocols may be applicable in the
world, many companies have increased dependence on the IoT domain. However, due to inherently limited processing

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

pick up tag IDs from a distance without strict consideration

for line-of-sight operations, (ii) its ability to simultane-
ously scan multiple items without having to scan them
independently, (iii) its ability to scan tags speedily (in
milliseconds), (iv) its low cost as compared to prices in
past years. Despite growing potential and popularity, RFID-
based systems face drawbacks in the area of security and
privacy. Also, tag collision may occur when multiple tag
signals are read from the RFID reader simultaneously.
Today, RFID systems are installed in commercial stores
to address shoplifting. Another good application of RFIDs
is in hospitals. For example, an active RFID bracelet can
Fig. 7. Stack of some enabling technologies in FECIoT be attached to the hand of a psychiatric patient for safety
monitoring. If the patient attempts to leave his/her confined
vicinity by passing through the doorway configure with
and communication capabilities of IoT devices, IoT-specific an RFID reader/exciter, then the exciter triggers the tag,
protocols and standards must be defined. Fig. 7 show the which in turn sends beacon over the wireless network for
stack of some enabling technologies that can provide unique immediate action to be taken.
functionalities within the FECIoT domain. A brief overview 2) WISP: Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform13 is
of this is as follows: a wireless, battery-free platform for sensing and com-
putation. Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) RFID readers are
A. Physical and Data-link layer: Technologies and Protocols used to wirelessly power the WISP device. Just like
the RFID-based system, WISP uses backscatter commu-
Here, we explore some enabling technologies like RFID,
nication technology, however, it is unique with a fully
WISP, WSN, Barcode, which allow for object identification.
programmable micro-controller. Moreover, WISP supports
Within the proposed FECIoT framework, sensed information
flexibility unlike conventional RFID tags which are fixed-
or certain service request is forwarded to a FEC node, which
function devices with minimal, non-programmable state
may decode and process the information, or it may re-forward
machine used to report a hard-coded ID when energized
such information of request to other FEC devices capable of
by a reader [75].
handling such data. On this note, we now briefly look into
In [76], WISPCam was proposed to allow for battery-free
some protocols and give a summary of each technology along
imaging by harvesting wireless power and using low-power
with their unique functionalities.
backscatter communication to both capture and transmit
1) RFID: The Radio Frequency Identification system is typi- images. As mentioned earlier, RFID tags are not secure
cally made up of an RFID tag, RFID reader which contains since they can be compromised by unauthorized persons
a coil that serves as an antenna for transmitting and receiv- that has access to them without the owner’s knowledge.
ing signals. RFID tags deploy a backscatter technology to Due to WISPs programmability, it is possible to address
reflect back the radio wave, thus passing on data to the this limitation within the sensing layer. In fact, WISP
reader [73]. RFID readers are able to read and extract has attracted attention in the area of cryptography and
the information stored inside RFID tags. RFID systems security [77].
operate on 125 kHz, and they require a 12 V power supply. 3) WSN: Wireless sensor networks have been around for quite
Unique IDs on tags make it possible for each object/thing some time now with a countless number of research publi-
to be independently known without human assistance [74]. cations. WSNs are made up of tiny nodes with processor,
RFID devices fall into three categories explained below. memory, sensors, and battery, whose primary functional-
• Active RFID tags: It uses battery to broadcast radio ities are sensing and transmitting data [78], [79]. With
waves to the reader. The broadcast spans considerably global focus on IoT, WSN can be readily deployed into
distance, which is subject to battery power. A practical existing IoT framework with little or no modifications. IoT
example is the LoJack device attached to a car, which supports global interoperability of several networks, includ-
uses both Global Positioning System (GPS) and mobile ing the WSN, by unveiling standards that applications can
technology to track stolen vehicles. be built upon [80]. In [81], the authors focused on integrat-
• Semi-active RFID tags: It also uses battery, however it is ing WSN into IoT. This was achieved by deploying real-
based on the same principle as passive tags, and extend world wireless sensors that can smartly control appliances
its communication range using the battery. within a building. In [82], both WSN and MANET were
• Passive RFID tags: Passive RFID tags totally depend on used to boost urban data harvesting in IoT. Experimental
the power source of the reader. They are usually deployed results showed the feasibility and effectiveness of their
on inexpensive items. Example is taking inventories of approach. Another attempt to integrate WSN with IoT was
large number of items in a store. presented in [83], where sensor nodes collect data such as
RFID-based systems have a lot of advantages in today’s
IoT. Some of which are: (i) its ability to automatically 13

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

temperature, humidity, motion detection, illuminance, CO 5) NFC: Near field communication14 (NFC) operates based
gas, air quality from the surrounding environment and store on the principle of magnetic field induction and has a very
it on the cloud for universal accessibility by the users. short communication range. This wireless standard enables
Unlike RFID systems which require the presence of a devices to communicate only in close proximity to each
reader, WSN communicates in a peer-to-peer (P2P) man- other (usually less than 10 cm). It operates on 13.56 MHz
ner. Though WSN sinks can be used to harvest data frequency. NFC devices operate in three modes:
collected, based on the algorithm and configuration of the a) Card emulation mode: This allows NFC-enabled de-
WSN. WSN have key features stated below: vices to behave like smart cards, thus carrying out
• WSN nodes operate on battery with a lifespan of fewer smart card functions like payments and ticketing.
than 3 years [5], making them energy-constrained. b) Reader/Writer mode: Here, NFC-enabled devices can
• WSN nodes also have some processing capability, mak- read/write information from and to smart posters.
ing it useful in intelligent sensing and monitoring [84], c) P2P mode: Here, two NFC-enabled devices can per-
however, its computational capability is limited. form peer-to-peer communication without any network
• Scalability and ability to function in harsh and hostile infrastructure.
environments, especially in industry [85]. Despite the fact that NFC is commercially outpaced by
In 2018, the BeWhere wireless sensors was introduced the Barcodes and RFID technologies, it still has relevance
in the market which can be used to track and monitor in several applications. A unique application opened up by
shipments and get alerts of adverse events that could NFC is the opportunity for proximate financial transactions.
happen en route. The Bewhere wireless module integrates Recently, we are beginning to see smartphones doubling
a number of sensors like temperature, humidity, pressure, as electronic wallet, even replacing credit cards in a more
accelerometer and a location service, which is GPS. The integrated virtual form [91], [92], [93].
sensor features small amount of data storage capability, In [94], an approach was proposed using a smartphone
small amount of power usage (Two AA batteries that run integrated with an NFC reader and application for the
for as long as 10 years). detection of drug allergies and drug interactions for peo-
4) BLE: Bluetooth Low Energy is a simple Bluetooth standard ple with multi-morbidity during medication administration.
developed to support the transmission very little packets The work provided strategies of minimizing errors in
of data at an instance, while significantly minimizing the medication. NFC can also be used in mobile ticketing [95],
power consumed by the device [86], [87], [88]. BLE museum tourism [96], and social networking [97], for
operates on the 2.4 GHz frequency and uses a frequency sharing contacts, photos, videos or files. Some recent
hopping mechanism. This mechanism is used to countervail advancements includes, Apple Pay15 , Google Wallet16 ,
for fading and interference in the 2.4 GHz Industrial, Sci- and Android Pay17 , hosted on smartphones that are NFC
entific, and Medical (ISM) band. Today, many smartphone enabled.
manufacturers are beginning to adopt the BLE standard, 6) Barcode: Barcode represents encoded digital data which
with support from major operating systems like iOS, An- can be interpreted with an optical machine [98]. Today,
droid, Windows Phone, and Blackberry. BLE devices can many smartphones are able to read barcodes using their
operate in four different modes, they include [89]: inbuilt camera, however, they may not be as fast as dedi-
• Peripheral: Server device which provides data to clients cated factory designed barcode scanners. Types of barcodes
in form of Generic Attribute Profiles (GATT). include:
• Central: Client device which subscribes to Peripherals • Linear barcodes: It is also known as one-dimensional
to read and write data. barcode, and composed of lines and gaps of different
• Broadcaster: Server device which only supports unidi- widths to create unique patterns.
rectional broadcasts. • Matrix barcodes: It is also known as two-dimensional
• Observer: Client device which only scans for broadcasts barcode, and is similar to the linear barcodes. However,
but does not initiate connections. it can represent additional data per unit area.
A BLE beacon is a small device which emits BLE signal. Many research advances are recently made in barcode
Smartphones within the vicinity can pick up the emitted technology. Today, barcodes are not limited to identification
signals. In [90], BLE was deployed in industrial and of items but are capable of sensing environmental changes
process automation to help acquire data wirelessly from like sensors. In [99], a dynamic and sensitive barcode was
substation control room, thereby easing the process of data proposed to smartly monitor the environment. This was
acquisition and storage. A practical example of BLE is a achieved by using environmentally sensitive materials in
medical device providing periodic glucose measurements printing the barcode. Hence, the findings can be applied to
to a doctor’s mobile phone. Another example is in the IoT and other environmental monitoring application.
area of real-time marketing when a customer enters a less 7) IEEE 802.15.4: This standard defines the physical and
visited section within the store, the customer, via his/her
Smartphone, may be are offered an instant 35% savings off
their highest-priced item from that section for that day. 16

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

MAC layers specifications for low-power consumption, Z-Wave protocol has two types of devices:
low bit rate communication in wireless personal area net- a) Controllers: The controller initiates commands and
works (WPAN) [5], [100]. The physical layer of the IEEE sends them to other nodes/slaves.
802.15.4 is responsible for some basic functionalities, such b) Slaves: The slaves execute the commands and provide a
as sending and receiving data, detecting energy levels of response to issued commands. Slaves can also serve as
current channel, link quality indication and clear channel forwarders of commands received from the controller,
assessment [101]. Twenty-seven channels are supported hereby extending communication range.
over three frequency bands, with Europe having one chan- The Z-Wave protocol uses a 32-bit unique identifier called
nel, which is operating on the 868 MHz frequency band, the the Home ID to differentiate networks. The controller
United States has 10 channels on the 915 MHz frequency assigns a home ID to each slave. Slave nodes are also
band, and the rest of the world with 16 channels on the 2.4 assigned an 8 bit unique ID, which is unique to that home
GHz frequency band. The MAC layer of the IEEE 802.15.4 ID. The Z-Wave solution can be seen in smart homes,
is responsible for association and disassociation, acknowl- where the protocol runs over a variety of home appliances,
edging delivered frames, channel access mechanism, frame with smart lighting, smart locks, smart hubs, smart sensors,
validation, guaranteed time slot management, and beacon and smart thermostats, etc.
management. The IEEE 802.15.4 supports two categories 10) LTE-A: Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A) was
of devices, which are: standardized by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project20
a) Fully functional devices (FFD): This acts as coordina- (3GPP) aims to achieve a higher level of system perfor-
tor or master in the personal area network (PAN). It mance [129]. The motivation is to provide higher bit rates
is responsible for setting up the network and sending in a cost-efficient way. The additional features in LTE-A are
beacon messages and routing packets in the network Carrier Aggregation (CA), enhanced use of multi-antenna
based on available neighbors and routers on its list. techniques and support for Relay Nodes (RN). With these
b) Reduced functional devices (RFD): This is an end de- functionalities, it is well suited for FECIoT, considering
vice which operates at low duty-cycle power, meaning the fact that FEC devices may be deployed to offer relay
it consumes power only while transmitting information. services to other hierarchically higher fog nodes or even to
It can collect data from the environment and send them end-devices.
to a PAN coordinator. It can join or leave the network.
This protocol uses time synchronization and channel hop-
B. Network layer: Technologies and Protocols
ping to improve reliability, minimize cost, and ultimately
meet IoT requirements. With these merits, the IEEE Since we have seen a practical scenario of deploying FEC
802.15.4 can be considered a de facto standard for many devices to aid communication, we go further to present some
IoT applications [78], [102]. enabling technologies and standards that can be used within
8) IEEE 802.11AH: This is an enhancement to the widely the FECIoT framework for efficient communication of IoT
used IEEE 802.11 wireless medium standard. It is designed devices.
to support low energy consumption, as well as mini- 1) LoRaWAN: LoRaWAN can be mapped to the MAC and
mize overhead in order to meet IoT requirements. Unlike network layer of the OSI model. The Low Power Wide
conventional Wi-Fi that operates on 2.4GHz and 5GHz Area Network (LPWAN) technology operating in the ISM
frequency bands, it uses the 900MHz frequency band to band is designed to allow low-powered devices communi-
provide extended network coverage. Some notable features cate over long range, and can used in various FECIoT sce-
makes this protocol suitable for use in IoT applications, narios. LoRaWAN networks usually deploy a star-of-stars
which include target wake time mechanism to enhance topology and comprise of distributed gateways (GW) which
power saving, high achievable data rates, support for large relay data between distributed end-devices and a central
number of end-devices, and minimal overhead with only network server. Communication between the GW and end-
about 12 bytes as compared to 30 bytes MAC frame size devices is spread out on different data rates and frequency
in traditional IEEE 802.11 [102], [103]. In [104], it was channels, thereby eliminating interference. LoRaWAN has
verified using software simulations that IEEE 802.11AH three classes that operate simultaneously; namely Class A,
is suitable for IoT, M2M (Machine-to-Machine), and V2V Class B, and Class C [113], [114]. LoRaWAN data rates
(Vehicle-to-Vehicle) applications requiring long battery life range from 0.3 kbps to 50 kbps and has the ability to
and long range communication. manage the data rate of end-devices using the adaptive
9) Z-Wave: This is a low power MAC protocol developed by data rate (ADR) scheme [114]. LoRaWAN has attracted
Zensys18 specifically for home automation [105]. Z-Wave19 immense attention in areas of capacity and throughput
is designed for small data packets at relatively low speeds maximization. A mathematical model was analyzed in
up to 100 kbps, range of 30 m P2P communication, and [115] which accurately estimates how packet error rate
operates at 908 MHz. Its low data rate makes it unsuitable depends on the offered load.
for streaming or transmitting time critical data [106]. The 2) IPv6: The main reason for introducing Internet Protocol
Version 6 (IPv6) was to overcome inherent shortcomings of
19 20

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4). IPv6 adequately handles RPL protocol, and was designed specifically for cognitive
scalability by ensuring that a large number of things will networks. Just like RPL, it also uses the DODAG topology,
have unique addresses. The IETF’s Internet Protocol Next and opportunistic forwarding in order to forward the packet
Generation (IPng) working group was responsible for stan- between nodes [102]. The parent nodes, as well as every
dardizing the specifications. As mentioned earlier, IPv6’s other node maintains forwarding list and updates the list
main motivation is its large address space [116], [117]. periodically. Based on the updated information, it uses a
With the proliferation of IoT devices, address space will no cost function approach to dynamically prioritize the nodes
longer be a major challenge, but the need to ensure security in the forwarder set [124].
to these devices. The IPv6 offers support for Internet 6) Sigfox: Sigfox21 is a lightweight network protocol that
Protocol Security (IPSec). The protocol was designed for handles machine-type messages, thus minimizes energy
more capable nodes in mind, and the seemingly large consumption. Sigfox operates in the 200 kHz frequency
IPv6 addresses are more amenable to cross-layer com- band using Ultra Narrow Band modulation. This technol-
pression [118]. Furthermore, the IPv6 supports neighbor ogy is specifically designed to meet the requirements of
discovery (ND). This mechanism enables neighboring IPv6 massive IoT applications, longer device life-cycle, lower
nodes to communicate, and also determine the presence of cost of devices, higher network capacity, and longer com-
one another. This makes this protocol very suitable in the munication range [125]. Sigfox offers a throughput of only
FECIoT framework, where FEC devices share reachability 0.1 kbps rendering it a candidate for low traffic applica-
information, and determine available FEC device through tions [126]. A key feature of this technology is its software-
which information can be relayed. based communications solution, where all network and
3) 6LoWPAN: IPv6 over Low Power Wireless Personal Area computing complexity is managed in the Cloud. Sigfox
Networks (6LoWPAN) is an open standard defined by IETF will have better potential within the FECIoT architecture
to support IEEE 802.15.4 low-power wireless networks in due to the ability of FEC devices to carry out some of its
the 2.4 GHz band [119]. It is a networking technology task closer to the edge of the network.
that enables IPv6 connectivity for constrained embedded 7) CARP: Channel-Aware Routing Protocol (CARP) is a
devices that use 802.15.4 low power wireless communica- cross-layer distributed routing protocol specifically de-
tion [120]. Edge routers are used to connect the 6LoWPAN signed for wireless sensor networks. CARP exploits link
network to the IPv6 network. 6LoWPAN hosts must ex- quality information for cross-layer relay determination,
plicitly indicate their presence to neighboring attachment with nodes selected as relays if previous transmissions
routers. The edge routers facilitates the exchange of data with neighboring nodes have been successful [127]. Fur-
between 6LoWPAN devices and the Internet, internally thermore, the protocol also takes into consideration power
within the 6LoWPAN network, and overall maintenance control mechanisms for selecting robust links. The protocol
of the 6LoWPAN network. In fact, technologies like 6Lo can be effectively deployed within the FECIoT domain
leverage on 6LoWPAN to significantly increase the spec- since it supports lightweight packets [102].
trum of IPv6-supported technologies [121]. 8) E-CARP: Enhanced Channel-Aware Routing Protocol (E-
4) RPL: Routing Over Low power and Lossy (ROLL) net- CARP) is an enhancement of CARP designed by Basagni
works working group was formed in 2008 by the IETF et al. in [127]. This protocol aims to achieve location-
to provide an IPv6-based standardized solution for smart free and greedy hop-by-hop packet forwarding strategy. E-
object networks [122], thus resulting in the Ripple routing CARP significantly reduces the communication overhead
protocol (RPL). RPL operates at the IP layer and allows and can be effectively deployed for FECIoT applications.
for routing across diverse link layer protocols, unlike other Moreover, the strategies used in E-CARP decreases the
forms of “routing” operating at the lower layer. RPL is energy consumption when the environment to be monitored
a Distance Vector IPv6 routing protocol for Low power is relatively steady [128].
and Lossy Networks (LLNs) that defines how a Destina-
tion Oriented Directed Acyclic Graph (DODAG) is built.
C. Business/Management layer
Graphs in RPL are based on logical routing topology to
meet certain predefined objectives. RPL supports point- In order to enhance interoperability among diverse appli-
to-point (P2P) communication and provides the ability cations, topologies, and technologies, business/management
to perform multi-topology routing (MTR). The protocol layer standards needs to be well designed. Thus, we present
was specifically designed to be robust and highly adaptive some of the available standards.
in situations where default routes are inaccessible. RPL 1) IEEE Std 1905.1aT M -2014: With the inherent complex-
can also support 6LoWPAN networks in a route-over ities involved in interfacing applications, topologies, and
configuration [122]. In [123], the Contiki COOJA simulator technologies within the IoT domain, management standards
was used to explore the efficiency of RPL, as well as its need to be effectively deployed to handle these require-
QoS in monitoring applications. The work proposed further ments. The IEEE Std 1905.1a defines an abstraction layer
research to optimize the RPL signaling in order to decrease that supports a common interface for the deployment of
the protocol overhead, despite the algorithm’s fast network several home networking technologies [130]. As packets
set-up and limited delays.
5) CORPL: Cognitive RPL (CORPL) is an extension of 21

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

arrive from any interface or application, connectivity se-

lection is carried out by the IEEE Std 1905.1a abstraction
layer. This abstraction layer is between layers 2 and 3,
and each interface is abstracted separately, hence allowing
for seamless integration. The layer also ensures end-to-end
QoS, providing a platform for increasing network range,
establishing secured connections, and other network man- Thousands
agement functionalities like discovery, path selection, auto- of bytes http://... Proxy
configuration, and QoS negotiation. This standard can be
readily deployed to FECIoT with features like self-install, Subscriber
Tens of coap://...
aggregated throughput, load balancing, and its support for bytes
multiple and simultaneous streams. Few bytes
2) IEEE 1451: Due to heterogeneity in standards of devices,
the IEEE 1451 set of standards was developed to inte-
grate the different standards and protocols by providing
a unified protocol which supports interoperability between
sensor/actuator networks and busses [131]. An important
feature of these set of standards is defining Transducer
electronic data sheets (TEDS) for each transducer which
are communicated in the same format on the Internet,
independent of the type of physical layer device. The
hardware interfaces support open standard interfaces like as
RS-232/ USB, CAN, IEEE 802.11, Bluetooth, and ZigBee
(802.15.4). It manages nearly all smart sensors, allowing Fig. 8. Comparison of IoT Protocols
for interoperability and inclusion in the network, and also
making it adaptable to the FECIoT framework.
This is due to the fact that in highly resource-constrained,
D. Services the HTTP and UDP protocols binding may not yield
1) WSDL: The Web Service Description Language (WSDL) desired network performance.
standard uses Extensible Markup Language22 (XML) syn-
tax to address capabilities and invocation mechanisms of E. Security
web services. Usually, services contain all information
of a physical object, consisting of both functional and 1) DTLS: Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) in
non-functional components [132]. In essence, it describes Constrained Environments (DICE) working group worked
Web services based on an abstract model of what the on supporting the use of DTLS in both constrained devices
service offers. Furthermore, WSDL is extensible to allow (e.g. memory usage, security algorithm) and constrained
description of endpoints and their messages irrespective of networks (e.g. PDU sizes, packet loss). Since the IoT
the type of format or protocol used in communication. environment is highly susceptible to attacks, the working
WSDL is often deployed together with Simple Object group defined the DTLS record layer which can be used
Access Protocol (SOAP) and an XML Schema to provide to transmit multicast messages securely, and this will
Web services over the Internet. require the use of session keys. Also, due to possible frag-
2) SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a pro- mentation, re-transmission, and reordering of messages,
tocol specification that prescribes an unambiguous XML DTLS handshaking mechanism can be effectively used to
message format. Here, service requests and responses are minimize potential complexities in the system.
encapsulated in an XML-based way. This may entail re- In fact, DTLS binding makes CoAP secure as seen in
quests to invoke a method on a service, responses from Fig. 8. In [134], an architecture which reduces the possi-
a service method, or errors from a service. SOAP is a bility of a Denial of Service attack in constrained devices
transport-agnostic messaging system which describes the was proposed using a strategic DTLS procedure. The
structure and data types of message payloads by using the procedure employed a third party device called the Internet-
emerging the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) XML of-Things Security Support Provider (IoTSSP) and two
Schema standard. SOAP requests and responses travel main mechanisms (the Optional Handshaking Delegation,
using HTTP, HTTPS, or some other transport mechanism. and a new extension of DTLS, called Transfer of Session).
Considering resource constrained IoT networks, [133] pro- 2) TLS: Transport Layer Security (TLS) is widely deployed
posed a strategy to bind SOAP to Constrained Application and resides between the transport and application layer.
Protocol (CoAP), thus resulting in a lightweight protocol TLS requires reliable transport, and as such, it will in-
that can be readily deployed in the FECIoT framework. cur additional overhead within the network. IoT applica-
tions are best suited with UDP than TCP, due to UDP’s
22 lightweight. Just like DTLS, Transport Layer Security

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal



Fig. 9. Message queuing telemetry transport (MQTT) architecture

(TLS) provides a lot of flexibility in terms of credentials,
and choice of encryption algorithm. However, bandwidth
constraints subject TLS to be used only for secure key
exchange and to setup secured data connection in some
IoT scenarios [135]. Recently, the GUARD TLS, also
known as MatrixSSL was introduced. The MatrixSSL is a
modular implementation of TLS and DTLS ideally suited
for IoT usage due to its minimum memory footprint and
efficient RAM utilization. It is delivered as a lean and well-
documented C source code for easy integration. It is ideal
for the proposed FECIoT framework. Fig. 10. Architectural model for (a) Extensible Messaging and Presence
Protocol (XMPP) (b) Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)

F. Application layer
1) MQTT: Message Queue Telemetry Transport23 is well- milliseconds despite poor network connectivity. MQTT is
suited for low-bandwidth and high-latency constrained net- also supported by the Amazon Web Services (AWS) for
works. This protocol is known for its many-to-many com- connecting remote devices to the Amazon IoT cloud.
munication, thus, making it suitable for real-time sensor 2) XMPP: Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol24
data. The aim of this protocol is to connect embedded (XMPP), also known as Jabber, is an IETF standardized
devices and networks with applications and middleware. protocol that well suits the FECIoT domain since it ad-
The MQTT architecture comprises of the MQTT client dresses issues of security and interoperability. This protocol
(Publisher/Subscriber), MQTT broker (Central server), and is highly scalable, however, it consumes bandwidth and
other components as seen in Fig. 9. The primary function processing power with no guarantee on QoS [137]. XMPP
of the publisher is to continuously produce and send data supports diverse open source software for servers, clients,
to the server. The message is received by the server and and libraries that support different operating systems and
then forwards it to the intended device. Also, previously provides the platform for possible enhancements, thereby
registered devices will continually receive message unless providing significant cost savings and reducing complex-
subscription is terminated. The central server has the capac- ity [138]. In essence, this protocol facilitates technology
ity to handle thousands of MQTT clients simultaneously. agnostic and protocol independent transport of data over
The lightweight protocol can be readily deployed in the wired or wireless networks including the Internet. From
FECIoT framework since it utilizes network bandwidth Fig. 10 (a), we can see that the XMPP protocol sup-
efficiently. However, it is noteworthy that implementing ports request/response model which allows for bidirectional
stringent security policies may undermine the lightweight communication, and also supports publish/subscribe model
nature of the protocol. which allows multi-directional communication. The popu-
A Fog-based scheme which was built over the lightweight lar instant messenger, WhatsApp25 , uses a slimmed-down
MQTT protocol was presented in [136], with results show- version of XMPP.
ing significant reduction in the energy consumed. The work 3) CoAP: The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) was
further revealed that with higher QoS levels, the model is created by the IETF Constrained RESTful Environments
cost-efficient. The protocol can also been used to monitor (CoRE) working group. This protocol was specifically
oil pipelines miles away. The protocol has been applied designed to overcome some of the limitations of HTTP in
in cases of network latency due to occasional bandwidth meeting with IoT application requirements. CoAP defines
constraints or unreliable connections. In fact, the Facebook a web transfer protocol based on REpresentational State
mobile app uses MQTT to deliver messages efficiently in
23 25

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

(a) REST
the Functional and Transport layer. The functional layer
defines a set of commands that carry out tasks on behalf
of the application, while the transport layer delivers these
methods to/from, between the application and server. The
AMQP server has functionalities similar to an email server,
with each exchange acting as a message transfer agent, and
each message queue as a mailbox [141]. The Windows
Azure Service Bus uses AMQP 1.0 to build applications.
Constrained Network The AMQP 1.0 defines a portable data representation.
(using CoAP)
(using HTTP)
Messages sent to the Service Bus from a .NET program
can be read using any Java, Python, Ruby, etc., thus, the
(b) protocol is able to glue together applications that span over
CoAP GET Requests
the FECIoT ecosystem.
CoAP Responses

CoAP Client CoAP Server

Fig. 11. (a) CoAP and HTTP in Constrained and Unconstrained Environments Simulators are valuable tools for system development, and
(b) CoAP Interaction are considered an alternative to prototyping since it signifi-
cantly depicts the actual testbeds where devices are physically
installed, connected and configured. Theoretically, a simula-
Transfer (REST), which operates over HTTP functionali- tion should not be limited by the amount of installed devices or
ties [11]. Fig. 11 (a) shows the interoperability of CoAP data transmitted. Simulation-based approaches gives room for
and HTTP in constrained and unconstrained environments. researchers and developers to repeatedly carry out experiments
CoAP uses an asynchronous means to support pushing in a controlled manner, lesser cost, and collect data, which can
information from servers to clients [139]. Fig. 11 (b) show be useful in validating hypothesis, or some analytical results.
a typical client/server interaction using CoAP. This inter- Since simulations gives flexibilities in tuning parameters based
action helps in request confirmation. For instance, a CoAP on diverse networking scenarios. A FECIoT simulator needs
client may send a GET message, requesting for the room to provide high accuracy for diverse heterogeneous scenarios,
temperature from a CoAP server. The request is confirmed provide computational support for complex network design,
if an ACK message containing the room temperature is provide for scalability, provide for mobility based on realistic
then received by the client. CoAP is a suitable application scenarios, and support extensibility. In Table III, we compare
protocol for the IoT, and can readily be deployed in the FE- some possible FECIoT simulators based on various features.
CIoT framework [120]. Despite operating over traditional With a wide range of available simulators, IoT researchers
IP networks, the CoAP protocol is governed by the ROLL are left with the choice of selecting a suitable simulator that
and 6Lo working groups which have more constraints satisfies their research objectives [142].
when compared to the traditional IP networks. Proxies However, in order to meet the demand of a full-fledged
may be deployed to interconnect devices using CoAP with FECIoT architecture, we propose the use of multi-level sim-
other Internet protocols. Caching is also supported in order ulators as proposed in [143], [144]. A multi-level simulation
to minimize the energy consumed in low-power nodes. glues together multiple simulation models, with each model
CoAP operates over User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and performing a unique task. Multi-level simulation is considered
Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS). UDP, which as a major framework that supports the simulation of large-
may be seen as a best-effort datagram delivery transport scale IoT networks while retaining high-level of details. This
layer protocol, is made reliable at the application layer and can be seen in [143], where smart service are deployed in
offers minimum protocol mechanism [140]. This makes it decentralized territories. An adaptive, agent-based, Parallel
useful for machine-type communication. DTLS, which is and Distributed Simulation (PADS), integrated with multilevel
based on the TLS, allows client/server applications like simulation can be employed within the context of FECIoT.
CoAP to communicate over the Internet by preventing The FECIoT framework can be simulated using different
eavesdropping, and forging of messages. simulation tools, such as Network Simulator (NS-3) [145],
4) AMQP: The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol Cooja [146], NetLogo [147], IoTSim [148], iFogSim [149],
(AMQP) is an open source standard that supports com- CupCarbon [150], OMNET++ [151], QualNet [152] amongst
munication between diverse applications across heteroge- others.
neous devices and networks. The protocol was initially
1) NetLogo: NetLogo31 was authored by Uri Wilensky32
developed for speedy M2M communication. AMQP fully
in 1999, and often used for modeling complex systems
supports functional interoperability between conforming
developing over time. This simulator runs on the Java
clients and messaging middleware servers (“brokers”) as
virtual machine, thus making it compatible with major
seen in Fig. 10 (b). The AMQP protocol is multi-channel,
negotiated, asynchronous, secure, portable, neutral, and 31

efficient. AMQP can be divided into two useful layers, 32

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal


Simulation Tool NS-326 [145] Cooja27 [146] NetLogo IoTSim [148] iFogSim28 CupCarbon29 OMNET++30 QualNet [152]
[147] [149] [150] [151] (GloMoSim)

Latest Release 2017 (NS 2015 2017 2017 2017 (v2.0) 2017 (U-One 2017 (v5.2.1) 2017 (v8.1)
3.27) (Contiki 3.0) (NetLogo 3.8)
Language C++ C/Java Logo Java Java SenScript C++ C/C++
GUI/Command Command Both Both Both Both GUI Both GUI
Type Discrete Discrete Agent-based MapReduce Discrete Agent-based Discrete Discrete
event event event and Discrete event event
Capability Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate High Moderate Moderate Moderate
Scalability High Low High High High Low High High
IoT standard LoRaWAN Yes No No No LoRaWAN, Available Zigbee
LoRa, extensions
Heterogeneity Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Heterogeneity Yes Yes No Not known Not known Yes Yes Yes
Mobility support Yes No (Plugin) Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Extensibility Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Not Known Yes Yes
Limitations Does not Memory May not be Restrictions Does not Not scalable. Compatible Not open
guarantee limitations of powerful in handling support user issues may source, high
flawless the emulated enough to IoT device arise when purchasing
real-world node which model a truly applications mobility, combining cost.
behaviour. limits asynchronous that have Access Point different
number of system. real-time and is not models.
deployed low-latency available, no
motes. requirements. migration of
Other features Easy to use Supports User-friendly Fault- Supports 2D/3D Supports Supports
flow-monitor holistic platform, injection real-time visualisation, animation 802.11s,
for collecting simultaneous rapid models, stream useful for and Built-in
network simulation at prototyping big-data processing. generation of interactive measurement
statistics. different tool to processing. networks for execution, on each
levels. develop OMNET++, supports layer,
larger and detailed energy Supports fast
more energy modeling. real-time
complicated diagram rep- traffic
systems. resentation. modeling.

operating systems like Windows, Linux, MAC etc. It is the system performance based on certain key performance
the next generation of the series of multi-agent modeling indicators (KPIs) such as storage efficiency, computational
languages. It is fully programmable, has a user-friendly efficiency, service/device discovery, and network efficiency
syntax, a variation of the Logo language that supports with respect to traffic. However, energy consumption and
agents, supports mobile agents, and links agents to form some other KPIs were not considered in the simulation.
a network/graph. In this paper, we experimented using Table IV shows a summary of the parameters used in
NetLogo to visualize IoT data/services flow within the simulating the output in Fig. 12 (a) and (b). IoT end-devices
FECIoT ecosystem. A scenario is proposed where IoT end- are randomly distributed within the 61 × 41 simulation
devices communicate directly with the centralized cloud space in Fig. 12 (a) and (b), and 5000 simulations are
infrastructure (Cloud-to-Things model) with full-fledged carried out. In the simulations, we assume that every node
directory and another scenario where distributed FEC de- attempts to connect with the nearest available supernode
vices having partial directory communicates with proxi- (a node with higher computational and processing capa-
mate IoT end-devices (FECIoT model) [153]. We measured bilities). In Fig. 12 (a), all end-devices were configured

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal


Parameter Values
Number of simulations 5000
Simulation dimension box 61 × 41 spaceunits
Number of IoT end-devices 999
Number of fog nodes 10
Number of cloud infrastructure 1
Average node degree 2
Maximum Time-To-Live (TTL) 100 timeunits
Probability of failure 0.3
Maximum number of failing nodes 100

1 1 1 1

Normalized values

0.5 0.5


Key FECIoT Model Centralized Model

IoT End-Devices
Fog/Edge Devices
Centralized Cloud Infrastructure Key
Storage Efficiency Computational Efficiency

Fig. 12. NetLogo Simulation using 999 IoT End-Devices (a) Centralized Service Discovery Network Efficiency
Cloud-to-Things model, (b) Distributed FECIoT model using 10 fog nodes
Fig. 13. System Performance based on Simulations

to reach out to the central infrastructure for computation, (acquisition and configuration) of setting up real-world
storage, and service/data request, while in Fig. 12 (b), testbeds could be major challenge.
the end-devices were configured to reach out to available 2) Cooja: Cooja runs on Contiki33 , which is an open source
and geographically close FEC devices. The average node operating system for the IoT. The Contiki OS runs on
degree as used in our simulation is 2, which defines tiny low-power microcontrollers, thus making it possible to
the number of neighbor nodes. An upper bound of 100 develop applications that efficiently utilize hardware while
timeunits was experimentally set for Time-To-Live (TTL). providing standardized low-power wireless communication
From Fig. 13, we can see that the storage efficiency in for diverse hardware platforms. Contiki fully supports the
the decentralized FECIoT framework is much higher than IPv6 and IPv4 standard along with low-power wireless
the centralized model. This is because the FEC devices, standards like 6LowPAN, RPL, CoAP etc. Contiki applica-
which are geographically closer to the end-devices, sup- tions are written in standard C language The Cooja simula-
port localized storage and computations with lesser delay tor is a flexible Java-based simulator designed for simulat-
and transmission overhead as will be experienced in the ing networks of motes/node (depending on functionalities)
centralized model. Network efficiency for the centralized running the Contiki OS. Cooja supports simultaneous sim-
model is a little better than the FECIoT model, due to ulation at the network level, the operating system level,
the fact that the centralized infrastructure uses a single and the machine code instruction set level. Fig. 14 shows
message to discover devices/services. This is not the case the Cooja simulation environment with 50 motes/nodes.
with the FECIoT model where packets are flooded leading Motes can be assigned different functionalities based on
to increased traffic in the network. From observation, there the considered scenario.
is going to be a trade-off between energy utilization and 3) CupCarbon: CupCarbon is a traditional wireless sensor
efficient service/device discovery in the centralized model. network, smart city, and IoT simulator that is multi-agent
In general, we observe that the FECIoT model exhibits and discrete event-based. It uses the concept of geo-
good balance in the overall KPIs considered. In our future location to model and simulate sensor networks on digi-
work, we aim at experimenting on real-world testbeds to
help validate the simulation results. However, the cost 33

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

Link 1 via R1
Link 2 via R2
Link 3 via R3
Link 4 via R4

R1 Obstacles or large
separations (i.e. No
line-of-sight exists) R3
from ISN to SFN.

Fig. 14. Cooja Simulation Environment Destination FEC device (SFN)

offering localized services to the
IoT devices
Potential static/mobile FEC relay
(RFN) candidates to forward
tally represented “OpenStreetMap”. The simulator provide recieved data to the SFN

better optimisation of the simulation time by leveraging IoT sensor node (ISN) capable of
sending data or service request via
on the parallelism of agents and events [150]. The key Relay R in Set {R1, R2,..., R n}
components of this simulator are (i) a multi-agent sim-
ulation environment which allows for running simulations Fig. 15. Single-hop IoT communication using FEC devices as relays.
and monitor various event over time, (ii) mobile simulation
for coordinating mobility of agents, and (iii) the WSN/IoT
simulator which is basically kernel of CupCarbon used We assume two consecutive time slots where the source
for simulating sensor events. A major feature with this transmits data to the relay fog device in t time slot, then
simulator is it’s 3D environment which helps to do an the relay will amplify and forward the received data to
accurate deployment where the elevation can be taken the destination in (t + 1) time slot. In both time slots,
into account. This simulation tool can be well suited we assume that there is perfect synchronization between
for the FECIoT framework, since it allows for multi- the communicating nodes. We can now formulate the
agent simulations which can be used to parallelise the optimization problem to satisfy certain constraints based
behaviour of each IoT end-devices, and also for discrete on the approach in [111]. The outage probability is derived
event simulations which is used to simulate the interactions as,
among IoT devices. t
 N0 γ̃ 
4) Mathematical Approach in Simulating Communications in Pout = 1 − (1 + 2Ψ2 ln Ψ) exp − t t −α (1)
PI (DI )
FECIoT Networks: Fog/edge devices are notable for sup- q
porting mobility, as well as real-time processing of data and where Ψ = (N0 γ̃)/(PRt+1 (DSt+1 )−α ), PIt . As such, our
service requests from a wide variety of IoT end-devices. objective will be to minimize the outage probability by
For instance, a smartphone, smart wrist-watch, industrial optimizing the power and location of the fog relay.
robot may become a fog device to provide local control and
application data analytics to IoT end-devices within any t+1
min t+1
PIt , PR , DIt , DS
cyber-physical system. Furthermore, FEC devices can act
as relays within the IoT ecosystem, in order to improve the s.t. PIt + PRt+1 ≤ Pmax , (2)
resilience of the network. In a heterogeneous and multi-tier PIt , PRt+1 ≥ 0,
fog-based IoT architecture, diverse services can be offered δ∆ ≤ ι
at different layers and by different vendors. In fact, the
destination of some data and service requests may be some where PRt+1 are the transmit power of the IoT end-device
hops away from the source. In this section, focus on the and the fog relay, respectively. Also, DIt and DSt+1 are the
communication link between the source and destination via distances at two consecutive time slots. ι is the mobility
a fog relay. It is known that most IoT end-devices are often constraint on the change in position δ∆ fog relay, N0 is the
isolated due to sparse deployment, making them prone to noise power, α is the path-loss index. From (1), we can see
obstructions and no line-of-sight link. As such, it will be that the outage probability in time slot t depends on power
necessary to deploy FEC devices as relays in order to and location parameters in time slot t and (t + 1). We can
efficiently minimize communication outage. Several works see that the problem in (2) is non-convex, and as such, we
in [107] - [110] focused on improving the communications propose an iterative algorithm based on the steepest descent
within the IoT ecosystem. Hence, we propose using a single method [112]. In our work that is recently submitted for
relay scenario to model outage probability from source review, we propose a joint location and power optimization
(IoT end-device) to destination (static fog node) as seen (JLPO), and compare the performance with the traditional
in Fig. 15. fixed approach where no optimization is carried out. The

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

A. Security Features in FECIoT

Security requirements impact different layers depending on
the specific security principles [155]. We briefly discuss some
important security features in FECIoT.
1) Trust: Establishing communications between IoT devices,
FEC devices, and infrastructures in the cloud requires some
level of trust. Also, to effectively implement trust within
the FECIoT architecture, devices need to be equipped with
adequate security, making them trusted elements. When
trusted devices are deployed, it provides the basis for a
secure FECIoT ecosystem [58]. Authentication and trans-
parency play an important role in fostering prior relations
between devices [156]. Trust is not limited to communica-
tions among devices, rather covers the relationship between
different IoT layers and applications. Devices within the
Fig. 16. Time slot, T vs. Outage probability, Pout .
IoT devices are susceptible to malicious attacks, and as
such, trust is often built based on previous interactions. For
example, FEC devices offering services to IoT end-devices
JLPO scheme jointly optimizes power and location of the should be capable of validating the genuineness of services
relay. Fig. 16 shows the outage probability over 600 time requested by end-devices based on previous experience,
slots. Results from our simulations reveal the JLPO scheme this is known as reputation. Similarly, IoT end-devices that
yields better performance. In essence, this approach can be send data/requests should be capable of verifying whether
used prior to deployment of fog relays in any FEC-based the intended FEC devices are trust-worthy. As such, en-
IoT network. forcing trust within the FECIoT architecture will require
a robust trust model to ensure reliability and security.
Due to mobility and the distributed FECIoT architecture,
estimating the trust-level provided by the fog service
VII. S ECURITY AND P RIVACY providers remains a big challenge. This is not the case
using the centralized architecture, where trust assessment
Security is important for the safe and reliable operation of is handled by a third party, usually a certificate authority
connected IoT devices. With pervasive data emanating from (CA). Several trust-management models have been applied
heterogeneous systems, data confidentiality, integrity, privacy, in cloud computing domain, using artificial intelligence,
as well as authentication to verify data source is very impor- fuzzy methods, game theory, and Bayesian estimation-
tant. IoT data networks, just like the traditional data networks based techniques [157] [159], however, many of these
are susceptible to diverse attacks such as eavesdropping, denial models may not be practical in the FECIoT framework,
of service, man-in-the-middle concept, data and identity theft, which requires lightweight trust assessment models.
to mention but a few. Legacy Internet systems use some 2) Authentication: This involves entity identification. Before
form of encryption and authentication across the link layer, a device can become part of any given network, it is
network layer, transport layer or application layer, in order to necessary that the device is first authenticated. However,
mitigate attacks, however, due to processing limitations of IoT the constrained nature of IoT devices makes it even
devices, it is almost impossible to deploy full-fledged security more challenging when considering complexity in both
suites [154]. registration and re-authentication phases. Traditional au-
The FECIoT helps in overcoming some of the challenges thentication mechanisms using certificates and Public-Key
encountered in existing IoT architectures that use the cloud Infrastructure (PKI) are not suitable due to the resource
computing-based model. In the aspect of security, FEC devices constraints of IoT devices [156]. FEC-based authentication
can be deployed as proxies for IoT end-devices. These proxies servers will be a better choice for the centralized cloud
help in managing and updating security credentials of the authentication servers, due to the distributed nature and
IoT end-devices. Due to the resource and computationally- proximity of FEC devices. The issue of authentication in
constrained nature of these devices, the FEC nodes helps in FECIoT has been discussed in previous works, however,
performing security functionalities, such as malware scanning, no comprehensive solution has been provided [9]. Mobil-
monitoring the security status of distributed systems in a ity within the FECIoT architecture also poses an issue
scalable and trustworthy manner, and also able to detect real- to IoT end-devices, as devices will need to authenticate
time threats without compromising service delivery [3]. themselves to newly formed fog layer, especially when
Despite the merits of FECIoT, there exist several security the previous connected FEC node transits. Therefore, it is
issues associated with this architecture. In this section, we important to design a robust authentication mechanism in
present some security features of FECIoT and possible security FECIoT.
attacks in FECIoT. 3) Integrity: Integrity ensures that data or service request

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

cannot be altered during the process of data transmis- in FEC devices, and minimizing data stored by effectively
sion. Integrity is assured only when the intended and discarding raw data after the secondary context is derived.
authorized entity receives data accurately as was sent. However, implementing these mechanisms may have some
Compromised data may cause serious disruption within trade-off with system performance.
the network and further cause harm to the operation of 6) Availability: Availability is a very crucial security feature
the IoT application [2]. In [160], a sampling and signature in FECIoT. It ensures that data and system resources should
scheme was presented, providing opportunity to relieve the be available to authorized users/devices requesting for data
burden of the network, where the local collector acts as the or services. Most IoT applications are latency-sensitive,
coordinator and periodically transmits the sampled packets and as such, any downtime in system operations may
to the global traffic analytic. This scheme was able to have an adverse impact on end-users. Distributed denial of
provide integrity and can be modified to suit the FECIoT service (DDoS) attack is one that renders data and services
framework. A Game-theoretic approach was adopted in unavailable to legitimate users/devices. Just recently, the
[161] to examine the best strategies to slowly corrupt the servers of Dyn, a company that controls much of the
integrity of an IoT network. This approach can be used in Internet’s domain name system, was attacked. This led to
designing better defensive measures in FECIoT. an outage in several web services in Europe and America.
4) Confidentiality: Confidentiality ensures that only autho- 7) Access Control: Access control is the process of deter-
rized users/devices can have access to useful information mining whether users/devices can have access to system
or modify it, hereby keeping unauthorized users/devices resources, this could be data, or services [159]. This
away from interfering with data and services. Data in process involves denying or revoking access, especially
the FECIoT framework flows from the physical devices to unauthorized users/devices. Before the access control
(e.g. sensors and actuators) through to FEC devices and process, authentication phase must have been carried out.
then to/from higher layers. This increases the chance for Robust access control techniques are important in ensuring
this data to be accessed by malicious devices within secure interoperability between heterogeneous devices and
the network. It is pertinent to address the access control applications within the FECIoT ecosystem. Several access-
mechanism and also the device authentication process [13]. control mechanisms have been proposed using the Cloud-
Ensuring confidentiality in the FECIoT domain is quite Things model. Many exploited hybridization of several
difficult due to scalability issues. Also, controlling access encryption schemes to develop an efficient data access
to heterogeneous data and services is a complex task due control mechanism. In [162], an access control system
to the real-time nature and response within the system. For was developed which enables offloading of complex access
example, consider body monitoring application, whereby control decisions to third, trusted parties. The design which
health information of a patient is fed to fog devices (e.g. is based on a simple communication protocol imposes
smartphones, smartwatches etc.) to give a prompt warning minimal overhead. Thus, making it suitable for FECIoT
for medical attention in cases of danger. This information applications.
should be highly confidential, however, if there is a leakage
of this information to malicious devices, such information
B. Possible Security Attacks in FECIoT
could be altered and cause serious damage to the health-
care provider. Here, we present possible security attacks in FECIoT.
5) Privacy: Privacy ensures that data is accessed only by 1) Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS): One of the most
the corresponding entity/device within the network. It is lethal attacks in the FECIoT architecture is the DDoS.
important to ensure that other users/devices may pos- The risk of malicious clients and coordinated groups of
sess some specific controls based on received data, but clients (“botnets”) mounting DoS attacks is still an issue of
should be unable to infer other useful information from concern. DDoS attacks may emanate from IoT end-devices,
the received data [2]. Due to the huge number of IoT for example, several malicious IoT devices may consis-
end-devices, and sheer volume of data flowing within tently launch a lot of fictitious service requests concur-
the FECIoT ecosystem, privacy cannot be undermined. rently, hereby making FEC devices incapable of handling
As such, personal data of IoT end-users should be kept simultaneous service request based on limited processing
private and stored effectively for strict access by only capabilities. The FEC devices may become preoccupied
authorized users/devices. For example, in a health-care handling these malicious service request, and as a result
delivery system where real-time patients data are monitored may be unable to handle legitimate service request. It
and transmitted via a series of FEC devices that perform is important to note that malicious service request may
certain processing on the received data. The data may be emanate from legitimate IoT end-devices which have been
sent via other nodes, however, no useful information should compromised. Considering the large-scale deployment of
be gathered if an attempt is made by an unauthorized inter- these IoT devices, it will be difficult for all end-device to
mediary node. The relay FEC devices should only render be authenticated. As such, reliance on a trusted third party
a store and forward service, without attempting to infer like a certification authority that issues credentials between
users’ personal information. Several security mechanisms communicating parties may minimize DDoS attacks [156].
can help in minimizing privacy threat in FECIoT, they Attempts to filter service request or spoof incoming IP
include, reducing data acquisition and knowledge gathering packets may increase complexity, due to the size of the

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

network. On the other hand, FEC devices may also be and managing traffic flow, minimizing traffic congestion,
used to launch DDoS attack. As most of the computation providing alternative routes and reducing the environmental
and processing is gradually migrated to the network edge, impacts of transport. ITS comprises of four main com-
a subverted FEC devices may cause severe havoc in the ponents, they include vehicle subsystem (consisting of
IoT ecosystem. In 2016, some Internet-connected home de- GPS, RFID reader, OBU, and communication), station
vices, such as printers and surveillance cameras, were used subsystem (road-side equipment), ITS monitoring center
to carry out DDoS attacks against popular websites, such as and security subsystem [11]. A smart traffic light system
PayPal34 , Twitter, Spotify35 , Reddit36 , SoundCloud37 , and which is a subset of ITS helps decongest traffic flow within
amongst others [9]. A similar kind of attack was launched a city [164]. In [165], an IoT-based Smart Transportation
also in 2016, leading to several hours of blackout in system using Atmega328P Arduino microcontroller and
some parts Ukraine. The attackers gained control over the SIM28ML GPS module was used to enhance fare collec-
grid’s Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) tion. ITS also interacts with other CPS to ensure safety. An-
system and it affected over a million residents [159]. other good application will be the large-scale deployment
Furthermore, most industrial control systems (ICS) are of Closed-Circuit Televisions (CCTVs) in transportation
sensitive to process interruptions, and as such intolerant infrastructure, and relying on a centralized and distant
to downtime. FECIoT supports incident response without Cloud platform will be technically infeasible [166]. As
interrupting or denying service to on-going processes. such, the FECIoT framework can be used to leverage com-
2) Man-in-the-Middle Attack: The man-in-the-middle attack is putation infrastructure that is closer to the network edge
a prominent attack that could constitute a serious threat in to complement Cloud Computing in providing latency-
FECIoT, especially in the area of privacy. The attack easily sensitive applications and services. In 2018, Australian
exploits this platform to disclose sensitive information Communications and Media Authority issued regulations to
such as location and identity of the FEC devices [156]. support the roll-out of intelligent transport systems (ITS).
This kind of attack is often successful, as devices cannot Also in USA and Europe, significant progress has been
implement secure communication protocols due to resource made in their ITS projects.
constraints. Despite existing works on ways to overcome 2) Smart Grid: Smart Grid helps in managing energy use in
this attack, this attack still poses a serious challenge in houses and buildings. Smart Grid offers transparent energy
FECIoT. distribution where both the consumers and utilities are able
3) Physical Attack: This type of attack involves physical to monitor and control their pricing, production, and con-
compromise of hardware components. This hardware com- sumption in almost real time [167]. Utilities in the context
ponents could be RFID tags, sensor devices, FEC devices, of Smart Grid are the service providers. The Smart Grid
or even more centralized infrastructure. Susceptibility of network helps the utility to effectively balance load and
this kind of attack varies with respect to the location of ensure reliable energy transmission. Smart meters are used
deployment, level protection given to such devices [163]. within the network to collect, analyze, control, monitor,
and transmit information on electricity consumption, and
customer device usage. The data collected may then be
VIII. FECI OT A PPLICATIONS transmitted and stored up in the cloud, hence resulting
in additional delay and breach of privacy. Moreover, as
In this section, we present practical applications of FECIoT more customers get connected to the Smart Grid network,
along with state-of-the-art works presented by several re- the system complexity increases significantly. Fog/edge
searchers. FECIoT plays a major role in response and latency- devices can be used for collecting, computing and storing
sensitive IoT applications. There exist a vast number of cyber- smart meter data before passing them to the cloud if need
physical systems such as intelligent transportation systems, be. Thus, making the FECIoT framework appropriate in
smart grid, smart health-care, smart homes, smart environment, Smart Grids for reducing latency, enhancing privacy and
and smart cities amongst others. localization of processing. FECIoT architecture enhances
1) Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS): Traffic conges- Smart Grid by complementing SCADA with a decen-
tion and vehicle accidents are common plights faced by ma- tralized micro-grid model to improve scalability, security,
jor cities around the globe. As such, the need to incorporate response and optimize the cost of the system [168], [169].
some degree of intelligence to our transportation system A fog-based Internet-of-Energy (IoE) architecture for trans-
cannot be overemphasized. Moreover, transportation data active energy management systems was proposed in [170].
will be huge and result in large delays if analysed at a An inter-customer energy trading cost function was used
central server. Fog devices located at certain intersections where the customers prefer to buy energy from each other
can analyse local data and inform travelers of updated rather than buying from the power grid which is at a higher
routes, thus reducing delay. ITS, also known as Smart cost especially at peak periods. Fog nodes were used as
Transport, enhances daily lives of road users via monitoring retail energy market server which provides energy services
to the end-users. Furthermore, an expression for the total
35 delay of fog and cloud-based models [170] are given in (3)
36 and (4), respectively.

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

conditioners, dishwashers, electric meters, home security

C opt 2Siopt
τ f og
= f og + max (3) cameras, and heating systems can be monitored and con-
1 − P (Siopt ) RLAN

ν trolled remotely. A good example of a smart home is
putting on the heating system during winter in the home
C opt

 from a remote location. This will help warm up the room
τ = cloud + max (4) before arriving home. Another application will be smart
1 − P (Siopt ) RW AN

lighting, which puts off the light when no one is in the
For all i = 1, 2, ..., N , where C opt represents the size room. However, the light comes on when human pres-
of optimization problem which is equal for both fog and ence is sensed. Smart homes may have interactions with
cloud-based models. Siopt is the required data size for other CPS, such as Smart Grid which involves monitoring
transferring optimization information of customer i to the and adjusting power consumption, Smart Building which
server. ν f og and ν cloud represent the fog and cloud server may involve maintenance of appliance and safety, Smart
processing speed, respectively. RLAN and RLAN represent Weather which helps in adjusting humidity level, and
the channel speed of LAN and WAN network connections. temperature within the home. As such, Smart Homes will
Results showed that the fog-based model significantly be heavily dependent on the robust FECIoT architecture
decreases the total bandwidth and delay. which supports highly distributed FEC devices to make
3) Smart Health-care: Smart health-care plays an important local decisions. A framework was presented in [175] which
role in mitigating the impact of chronic diseases and extend the smart home to microgrid level, in order to
enhancing health-care delivery. This can be achieved by integrate all renewable distributed energy sources from
embedding sensors and actuators in patients to help in the microgrid and to achieve better energy optimization.
monitoring health status and providing feedback to the Through simulations on a real dataset, they were able to
health-care provider. A survey that evaluated the overall show that fog computing based on predictive filters can
suitability of wearable IoT in health-care systems was reduce the number of transmissions and minimize smart
presented in [171]. Sensors will make it much easier to home network energy consumption.
access correct information about the current status and 5) Smart Environment: With growing global concerns for the
location of medical equipment and patients [158], [172]. environment, drastic measures need to be taken to curtail
A good example of Smart Health-care is when the blood the alarming climate change and evident degradation of
pressure of a monitored patients exceeds a predefined our environment. Industrialization has also contributed its
threshold, feedback can be sent immediately to the health- part in polluting the environment, as such, the 11th goal of
care providers for immediate action to be taken. Since the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals38 (SDGs) ensures
Smart Health-care is response-critical and delay-sensitive, to “make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe,
it is appropriate to deploy the FECIoT framework in this resilient and sustainable,” and this is achievable using the
CPS in order to enhance reliability. Smart watches and FECIoT architecture. Fog/edge devices can be ubiquitously
Smartphones can be used as intermediary FEC devices to distributed to effectively monitor the environment with
relay information to health-care providers. In 2014, Google minimal latency. Furthermore, the FECIoT can be read-
announced its smart-lens project, which employed the use ily deployed with available sensors, controllers, actuators,
of smart contact lenses to help in examining the interior and FEC processors for monitoring, and control in any
of the body via the fluids that bathe the eye. The sensors industrial setup, thus providing a real-time response, as
were capable of measuring the glucose in these tears in well as location-based services [9]. A Spatial Monitoring
order to regulate sugar levels in diabetes patients. The and Reporting Tool (called SMART) was introduced in
smart-lens can also be used to monitor Glaucoma and other Belize to help collect, store, communicate, and analyze
acute infections. The smart-lens is connected to a recording data on illegal activities, wildlife, patrol routes, and take
device, which acts as an intermediary FEC device with management actions. Since the country is heavily depen-
some processing capabilities. In [173], a remote patient dent on natural resources, in early 2018, the Ministry of
health monitoring in smart homes by using the concept Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, Environment, Sustainable
of fog computing at the smart gateway was proposed. Development, and Climate Change, are beginning to incor-
The proposed model employed advanced techniques and porate SMART in combatting environmental challenges.
services such as embedded data mining, distributed storage, 6) Smart Cities: A Smart City is one that leverages intelligent
and notification services at the edge of the network. Results technology in monitoring, controlling, and managing the
revealed better enhancement in decision making based on conditions of all critical infrastructures within a city, such
real-time health-care data (using health data of 67 patients as roads, hospitals, water, electricity supply, communica-
in IoT-based smart homes over a period of 30 days). tion, airport, seaport, amongst others in order to provide
4) Smart Homes: Smart home entails automating the home optimized services and comfort to the citizens [176]. It is
with some degree of machine intelligence [174]. Devices complex due to its inherent heterogeneity. This complexity
within the home are made smarter by embedding additional extends to the magnanimity of computation and processing
chips or sensors which help in monitoring, reporting, that will be carried out using the cloud platform. However,
and even taking actions based on higher layer decisions.
In today’s world, several home appliances such as air 38

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

the FECIoT framework provides a more reliable and robust B. Service Coordination and Energy Management
platform to run optimization models for the purpose of With the proximity of the fog to the edge of the network, fog
making accurate and cost-efficient decisions within the city. nodes are best suited to deliver a wide range of services to end-
Moreover, the FECIoT architecture supports localized real- devices. This may involve fog nodes performing local storage
time monitoring, control, and optimization for smart city and application services. Based on the capabilities of the fog
applications while the cloud-based platform may rely on nodes, it becomes necessary to determine how services are
intermediary FEC devices to provide global monitoring, coordinated, as well as fog functionalities are interfaced with
control, optimization, and future planning for smart city operating systems and hardware components of end-devices.
applications. Recently, Panasonic began building a model FECIoT opens up room for SMEs to own and manage FEC-
Smart City near Denver in Colorado. The project empha- based infrastructure, hereby, increasing the number of devices
sizes mobility and sustainability and is expected to pave and services offered. As such, a dynamic service coordination
way for future smart city initiatives. approach that is capable of integrating heterogeneous devices
into the context-aware FECIoT infrastructure is required. In
[177], a practical smart surgery process was carried out using
well organized service coordination algorithms. The process
IX. O PEN R ESEARCH I SSUES can be easily extended to the FECIoT domain to achieve lower
As observed with emergent technologies, numerous research latency. Furthermore, potential fog devices are often power-
questions arise, requiring critical attention. FEC should not constrained, as such, it is necessary to management energy
be seen as a revolutionary concept, rather an evolutionary usage within the FECIoT ecosystem using optimal power-
one, evolving from years of progressive research. As such, control strategies. Communication within FECIoT ecosystem
there exist inherent drawbacks and areas that will require is often machine-oriented, leading to drastic energy consump-
optimization. As can be seen in Fig. 2, fog nodes have the tion in IoT devices. Several algorithms have been proposed
ability to interact both vertically with the things or the cloud, to improve energy efficiency within the IoT framework. In
and horizontally with other fog devices. This new architecture [178], a modified discontinuous reception (DRX) mechanism
poses several research issues. We briefly categorize them. incorporating the quick sleeping indication (QSI) as a novel,
simple, and energy-efficient solution for low-complexity, low-
mobility MTC user equipments (UEs). Further studies will
A. Interfacing need to be carried out within the FECIoT framework for
efficient energy utilization.
The highly distributed nature of the FECIoT architecture
provides some degree of robustness and resilience within the
C. Scalability and System Stability
network, however, the reliability of both vertical and horizontal
interfaces remains an issue. Below are the interfaces that exist Over the last decade, researchers have been exploring
within the FECIoT framework. alternative architectures to address scalability problems for
large, distributed application over the Internet. Graph theoretic
1) Fog-to-Cloud Interface: Interfacing between the fog and
approach can be effectively used in modeling large scale net-
cloud is essential for end-to-end service provisioning. The
works, particularly FECIoT. Moreover, modern industrial en-
interface enables interaction between the fog and cloud and
vironment stipulate lesser down-times, reconfiguration times,
facilitates tasks assignment based on whether real-time or
and increase of its production rate. The flexible orchestration
delay tolerant processing is required. The decision on who
of the FECIoT framework is capable of meeting the needs of
handles storage and computation is also based on the nature
emerging industry model [179]. The scarcity of real-world data
of data or service.
on FEC systems results in algorithms that are not being de-
2) Fog-to-Fog Interface: Fog computing features network
signed for real-world scenarios. As such, research efforts needs
measurement, network management, service enablement,
to be made on optimal algorithms that depict the complexity
and real-time control [3]. This interface allows fog devices
of FECIoT systems. Furthermore, the local interactions within
to jointly collaborate with each other, thereby delivering
the FECIoT network could lead to oscillation and instability
improved services. For instance, fog node A may not have
of global states, which is common in most distributed systems.
data storage or computing capacity at a particular time,
This could further degenerate as the size of the network
another fog node B may be capable of offering storage or
increases. Mechanisms to tackle this challenge will greatly
computing service. With the help of this interface, the load
improve the overall performance of FECIoT networks.
can be effectively distributed.
3) Fog-to-Things Interface: This interface is very important
in ensuring the Cloud-to-Things continuum via fog nodes. D. Simulation Capabilities and Mobility
Fog to Things interface enables things and end-users to Most available IoT simulators are highly specialized, in
harness services rendered by the fog in a resource-efficient the sense that they fail to support end-to-end IoT service
manner. scenario modelling with detailed representation of entities and
As seen above, several research effort and proposals can be their interactions across all layers of the IoT architecture. For
developed to improve the reliability of these interfaces. instance, Cooja can be used to design several networking

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2875544, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

topology with good physical representations, however, it is Furthermore, for any emerging technology to succeed, it
unable to model the higher layers collectively, as part of is imperative to have basic building blocks in the form of
the simulation [142]. This may require virtualization, which protocols and enabling technologies. In fact, the development
will still require some synchronization for proper integration. of the industrial IoT will be linked to the success of the
Furthermore, FEC device can either be static or mobile, with proposed FECIoT framework. Just recently, the blockchain
the latter presenting more communication issues. As more technology, which is a distributed ledger, voting and con-
mobile fog nodes are deployed within the FECIoT, issues like sensus combined with execution protocols, with fault-tolerant
connectivity and handover will need to be addressed. Mobility communication capability, is capable of delivering a secure
is not limited to fog nodes, but also to things, wearables and trusted foundation for data regulation and information
etc. Mobility brings about complexities in the network, as transactions between autonomously operating devices in the
such several potential research scenarios could be modeled. FECIoT domain. Blockchain technology can make rules that
As discussed earlier in subsequent section, we illustrated how allow decentralised and autonomous systems jointly make
fog devices can be deployed as static/mobile relays to im- decisions about the execution of transactions based on voting
prove QoS by minimizing communication outages within the and consensus algorithms, hereby, providing “secure, audit-
FECIoT ecosystem. Moreover, these relays serve as redundant level tracking of IoT data transactions, eliminating the need
elements to minimize the probability of link failure and it can for a central, trusted intermediary between communicating
also be effectively used to offload vital services across the devices” [181]. Moreover, innovative ideas on securing the
FECIoT network. distributed FECIoT architecture using the SDN and blockchain
techniques will provide immense number of research opportu-
nities. In general, the FECIoT framework is still in its infancy
E. Virtualization
stage and is open to further research.
Several research issues still exist despite virtual FEC frame-
work out-performing Cloud platforms [180]. Some of this boils X. C ONCLUSION
down to the challenge of resource procurement and resource
utilization. We briefly present them below. FECIoT has the potential to add value to existing IoT
systems by enabling real-time response as well as providing
1) Resource Procurement: Fog/edge resources are often spa-
storage and computational services in a distributed manner
tially distributed due to different geographical location
to IoT end-devices. The proximity of FEC devices to where
of the devices. It becomes necessary for FEC service
the data is produced makes it stand-out in terms of resource
providers to create a unified platform for various fog
allocation, service delivery, and privacy. The FECIoT frame-
players to share the common infrastructure. This will
work offers more responsiveness and eliminates the need for
help to locate, secure and orchestrate resources prior to
costly bandwidth additions by offloading gigabytes of network
deployment of their applications. Since these resources are
traffic from the core network. Mobility in FECIoT improves
heterogeneous and pervasive by default, the challenge will
on fault tolerance, however, poses new research issues. From
be to come up with a computationally-efficient and stable
the business perspective, FECIoT will lead to a boom and
resource procurement mechanism.
spring up of SMEs, thereby encouraging inclusion for all.
2) Resource Utilization: Fog/edge device provides platform
The proposed FECIoT service-based framework will greatly
for heterogeneous technologies providing multiple services
enhance service delivery to IoT end-users, hence, FECIoT
to IoT end-devices. However, linking resources across
should be considered as part of the overall Internet of the
multiple platforms remains an issue. As such, it becomes
future, which will transform the Internet industry.
imperative to deploy efficient scheduling, matching and
In this paper, we surveyed the key aspect of the FECIoT
synchronization algorithms for proper utilization of re-
framework and presented open research issues. We presented
sources on resource-constrained IoT devices/networks.
FECIoT in a tutorial form, especially for new entrants in the
area of IoT. It should, however, be noted that the FECIoT
F. Security and Enabling Technologies framework may seem to have provided improvements on
Facilities in the edge of the network may not be equipped existing frameworks, numerous research issues abound. This
with sophisticated security mechanisms, as such security at- is expected to be a prime focus for researchers in the next
tacks can be relatively easier compared with centralized cloud decade.
computing [7]. Within the FECIoT ecosystem, communication
is predominantly wireless, and as such prone to security R EFERENCES
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Things Journal

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