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Chapter 6: Civil Rights and Freedoms

(pages 216-243 in Textbook)

General Terms
Read the definition of each word. Then, write out the definition in your own words.

The right of an individual to behave in keeping with their wishes and convictions while
respecting rules that are defined, recognized and the same for all. In this case, we refer to
“civil freedoms.”

Write in your own words the definition of ​Freedom​:


Civil rights
Guarantees of equal social opportunities and equal protection under the law, regardless of
race, religion, or other personal characteristics.

Write in your own words the definition of ​Civil Rights​:


The act of not treating everyone equally. As such, when individuals or social groups do not
have the same rights as others, they are victims of discrimination.

Write in your own words the definition of ​Discrimination​:


An unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough
thought or knowledge.
Write in your own words the definition of​ Prejudice​:

Willingness to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your own, although you
might not agree with or approve of them.

Write in your own words the definition of ​Tolerance​:


Racism and Segregation

Read each of the following definitions. Then, write the correct definition under the
corresponding image.

1. Racism​: Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a

different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

2. Segregation​: A practice that involves setting a group apart from the rest, usually
based on color or religion.

3. Hate Group​: A social group that advocates and practices hatred, hostility, or violence
towards members of a race, ethnicity, nation, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual
orientation or any other designated sector of society.

4. Apartheid:​ A system of segregation implemented in South Africa.

5. Lynching​: The summary execution of an individual by a crowd with no trial and no

possibility of defense.

6. Censor​: To prohibit the distribution of information or the expression of an opinion.


The Struggle for Women’s Rights

Fill in the blank with the correct term. Use pages 230-235 in your textbook for help.

Sexism Feminism Suffragette Disenfranchise Emancipation

1. The term _____________________ is described as prejudice or discrimination based

on sex, especially discrimination against women.

2. To ___________________________ is to deprive someone of the right to vote.

3. _________________________, is to believe in social, economic, and political

equality of the sexes.

4. A woman who demanded the right to vote is known as a _______________________.

5. Liberation from authority is also known as _______________________________.

Holocaust Related Terms

Match each term to its definition by writing the correct letter in the space provided.

A. Anti-Semitism _____: An action intended to influence

opinion in order to spread an idea.

_____: An action or state of an individual

B. Propaganda who does agree with the opinion of the
majority and who generally expresses this

_____: A word of greek origin that is

C. Holocaust referred to the mass murder of Jews by
Nazis during World War 1.

_____: Hostility toward or discrimination

D. Dissidence against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial

Hope you enjoyed this worksheet!

- Miss. Sydney and Miss. Alex

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