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Sage Davis

Steve Smith
Chemistry 3

Flame Spectroscopy Investigation


To develop knowledge on our ability to use a spectroscope and a spectrophotometer

spectroscopic analysis on several samples was performed thus giving is an understanding of
the role that emission lines and spectroscopy have played in the refinement of atomic models. A
series of tests were conducted to better understand the Bohr model of the atom and how it can
be used to explain the atomic emissions spectrum lines. Throughout this Lab, we came up with
a plethora of fascinating results, giving us an opportunity to see further into the color spectrum.

Results: Part 1 Flame Test (Qualitative Investigation)

Table 1: Substance and Flame Color

Solution Flame Color

Control Blue

NaCl Orange

CuCl​2 Green

LiCl Pink/Red

KCl Pink/Orange

CaCl​2 Orange

SrCl​2 Hot pink/ Red

Unknown 1 Orange

Unknown 2 Green/ Pink


The control in this experiment would be the blue flame caused by the Bunsen burner.
The control gives you a reference point so that you can judge when the color changes, if and
how it changes. Throughout this Lab, the only changes being made were the substances being
burnt so the control was the blue flame as well as the nichrome wire and the melamine foam.
Sage Davis
Steve Smith
Chemistry 3
The control made it so that when we changed just the substances, we could see how it affected
the flame color.
The elements present in Unknown 1 is Na and Cl because Unknown 1 burned an orange
flame. Using the experimental evidence, from the Flame Test, the substance that burned a full
orange was NaCl. Therefore, the substances present in the Unknown 1 would be Na and/or Cl.
The elements present in Unknown 2 were Cu and Cl​2 as ​ well as Sr. Unknown 2 burned green
and pink and out of the results, 2 other solutions burned a hot pink and green. Therefore, these
three substances must be present in Unknown 2. The results prove that this is true because of
comparison to other solutions and the comparison to the colors burned.
The non-metal determines the color produced in the flame because of the liquid that has
been soaked up into the melamine foam. The color is produced from this because it is burning
off the elements in the mixed solutions which causes the foam to burn and the solution burns to
make the color appear. This can be proved through our process when the melamine foam
soaked in the solution was held in the flame, causing it to change colors.

Results: Part 2 Spectrophotometer

Sodium Chloride (NaCl): 589.2 NM, 0.538 Intensity

Sage Davis
Steve Smith
Chemistry 3

Potassium Chloride (KCl): 768.4 NM, 0.281 Intensity (First Bump)

Potassium Chloride (KCl): 773.3 NM, 0.381 Intensity (Second bump)

Lithium Chloride (LiCl): 670.4 NM, .045 Intensity

Sage Davis
Steve Smith
Chemistry 3

Strontium Chloride (SrCl​2​): 605.4 NM, 0.025 Intensity (First Bump)

Strontium Chloride (SrCl​2​): 670.4 NM, 0.031 Intensity (Second Bump)
Strontium Chloride (SrCl​2​): 682.4 NM, 0.053 Intensity (Third Bump)

Unknown Solution #3 (Consists of two knowns): 772.5 NM, 0.039 Intensity

Sage Davis
Steve Smith
Chemistry 3


It is possible to detect one metal in the presence of another using spectroscopy because
each element has a unique light spectrum that helps us identify the substance. Using
spectroscopy, scientists can classify a pure substance or a compound and the elements in
them. Spectroscopy is used to find metal in the presence of another because you can see the
intensity of the flame and the Nm of the flame, which is then compared to that of other metals to
conclude which metal was being burned.
The first metal present in Unknown 3 was Strontium Chloride (SrCl​2​) because of the very
faint bump in the unknown matches up with the placement of the bumps in Strontium Chloride
(SrCl​2​). The second metal present in Unknown 3 was Potassium Chloride (KCl). This metal was
present because of the large bump in Unknown 3 matches up with the large bump in Potassium
Chloride (KCl). The bumps are not all the same size however they are in the same place as one
another, proving that the metals are present in the Unknown.
The peaks on an Intensity graph vs. Wavelength graph relate to the emission lines like
those seen in a spectroscope is that with each bump on the intensity and wavelength graph,
there is a line on the visible spectrum seen through the spectroscope. When there is a peak on
the intensity/wavelength graph, there is a line on the visible spectrum correlating to the color,
wavelength, and intensity of the color. The location of the bumps relates to the color on the
visible spectrum and the hight of the peak is the brightness. The wavelength is the color that is
being seen.
Sage Davis
Steve Smith
Chemistry 3

Results Part 3 Spectrum Tube Analysis with a Spectroscope:


Observed Unknown A was Lithium because the lines on the emissions spectrum line up
to that of what we saw and recorded for Unknown A. The red line was at 680 on both the
observed spectrum and the recorded spectrum. There was no observed yellow line and the
violet line was not recorded however the blue-green line at 490 lined up with the blue-green line
on the spectrum as well as the indigo blue line. As for observed Unknown C was most alike the
Sage Davis
Steve Smith
Chemistry 3
emissions spectrum of Strontium. The red line lined up at 690 as well as the yellow line at 590.
The blue-green line was very close to 500 and the violet line matched up at 420.

When you use the spectroscope to observe the emission lines you are not seeing the
entire emission spectrum for the gievn element. This is because the human eye can not see
parts of the spectrum such as; gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet rays, infrared rays, radar, FM, TV,
shortwave, and AM.
When you use a spectroscope to observe the emission lines, all of the emission lines do
not seem equally bright. This is because of how often the energy of the color is being emitted as
well as the natural amount of energy given off by each color. For instance, blue has more
energy and is stronger than yellow, making it brighter. The bohr model shows how electrons
grab on to the light being shown at the atom and how it puts off the energy, correlating with a
certain color and brightness.

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