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EDO lab Task for teacher Bonini

From Johan Fernandez

Episode 11: Difficult words to pronounce

1-What is the conversation about and who is talking?

-The conversation is about some of the most difficult words in the English language
to pronounce. Yvonne and Callum are the 2 people who are talking.

2-According to Collin what does, “mispronounce a word,” means?

According to him, a mispronounced word is when you don’t say a word correctly
because you get some of the sounds wrong.

3-What are the three words Callum says some people might have mispronounced?
The three words Callum say are: regularly, ethnicity and anaesthetist.

4-What was the result of the survey applied to 3,000 British people when asked to
pronounce words in English?
- The survey results were that the most mispronounced word was phenomenon
followed by anaesthetist and remuneration.

5-Which was the most mispronounce word in this survey?

-The most mispronounced word was phenomenon.

6-In the British language about how many sounds, do we need in order to speak
English clearly?
-In the British Language in order to speak English clearly we need to pronounce
around 44 sounds.

7-What does Yvonne say about the word “phenomenon”?

-Yvonne says that just looking at that word on paper makes her nervous.

8-What does the newspaper that published the results say about the
mispronounced words? What do they call those words?
-The newspaper that published the results refer to this mispronounced words as
tongue twisters

9-According to Callum, what do native speakers do when they do not know how to
pronounce a word?
-Callum say that when native speakers don’t know how to pronounce a word they
search for another word or rewrite to avoid using that word.

10- How many sounds do experts say we need to be able to pronounce so that we
can speak English clearly?
-Please go to question # 6 because I already wrote this answer and I don’t have
time to rewrite it because I am a very bussy man.
Episode 1: Mobile Phones

1-What does Doug tell Jackie about her phone at the beginning of the
-Doug asks Jackie if she have got her mobile.

2-How many different names for a cellphone does Doug mention in the
conversation? What are they?
-Doug mentioned 3 different names for cellphones: a cell phone, a cellular phone,
a c phone. They are options for a question that Doug asked Jackie.

3-What is Jackie’s response to Doug’s question about living with or without a

-Jackie says that she could live without her cellphone depending on the situation.

4-What is Doug’s response to his own question? What reasons he gives?

-I don´t know, this is hard.

5-What does Jackie say about text messages?

- She says that she actually uses text messages much more than phoning people.

6-What is Doug’s analysis about the word “text”?

-His analysis is that it’s a noun. It should be: I will send you a text. But nowadays,
it’s a verb. People say: I will text you, Text me.

7-Mention two reasons people give for living with or without cellphones.
-One staff worker said that It organizes everything she does in work and in her
private life so she can’t live without it.
Another man said that he could live without his cellphone because it’s not no
important for it.

8-What is Jackie’s opinion about texting?

-Jackie says that there is a whole new language with texting of course.

9-Mention two different ways of writing while texting?

-One way is to write quickly, so you make shorter words.
The other way is to write slowly and correctly so you won’t make mistakes.

10- Could you live with or without your cellphone? Why/why not?
-Yes I could, because I don’t like technology, I prefer communicating traditionally,
with letters and smoke signals.

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