7.0 Ergogenic Aids

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Ergogenic Aids

SPS 135 – Introduction to Kinesiology
 Ergogenic aids are substances, devices,
or practices that enhance an individual’s
energy use, production, or recovery.
 The form an ergogenic aid may take can
be quite varied.
 Stretching and weight training are
physical ergogenic aids.
 Visualization and hypnosis are mental
ergogenic aids.
 Lighter weight running shoes and better
designed golf clubs are mechanical
ergogenic aids.
 But perhaps the most commonly
recognized form of ergogenic aids is the
dietary supplement.

Nutritional Psychological
Aids Aids

Pharmacological Physiological
Aids Aids
Mechanical Aids
 Help athletes improve performance and
gain and edge over the competition.
 E.g. streamlined swimsuits for swimming
or solid disc wheels for cycling.
 Mechanical forms of ergogenic aids
include specially-designed clothing,
enhanced forms of sports equipment,
and/or physical devices in contact with a
person's body.
A few examples of some
mechanical aids: Altitude
 Heart Rate Monitors
 Computers - Used to analyze VO2 max,
technique, test results etc.
 Video recorders - Used to analyze technique
 Weights
 Parachutes
 Elastic cord (pulling and resisting)
 Downhill running
 Uphill running
 Treadmills
Pharmacological Aids
 One form of ergogenic aid is
 The performance enhancing drugs, both
illegal and legal.
 Used by sports competitors for many
years and can be very effective.
Pharmacological Aids
Class Activity
 Do a research to find out the
effectiveness of pharmacological
supplements in preventing of unpleasant
side effects and it’s legality.
Physiological Aids
 Natural substances like herbal tea and
things like acupuncture are physiological
ergogenic aids and can be used to aid
 Most of these aids are safe and effective.
Class Activity
 Do a research to find out the
effectiveness of physiological
supplements in preventing of unpleasant
side effects and it’s legality.
Nutritional Aids
 Nutritional ergogenic aids can include
anything from manipulations of the fluid,
carbohydrate, fat, and protein content in
a diet, to nutrient or food supplements in
the form of tablets, liquids, bars,
injections or powders.
 Nutritional aids can be divided into three
I. Products that may enhance energy
production to improve strength, speed,
power, or endurance (such as:
carbohydrates, fat, protein, fluid,
vitamins, minerals, and/or herbs).
I. Products that may enhance
performance by changing body
composition (such as protein, energy,
chromium )
I. Products that may enhance recovery
(such as fluids, carbohydrates,
vitamins, minerals, and/or herbal
 The use of sports drinks and
carbohydrates have been shown to
improve recovery and replace sugars
and electrolytes that are lost in exercise.
 Most studies conclude that creatine and
some vitamins are safe.
Psychological Aids
 The techniques that support the athlete's
mental state are psychological
ergogenic aids and can aid performance.
Psychological techniques:
 Hypnosis - a very effective tool to
distract the mind from negative thought
before an event. It is a good idea to
consult a professional for help.
 Cheering - having affirmation from
friends and family can improve the
mental state of the athlete resulting in an
improved performance.
 Imagery - Involves positive visualization
including seeing yourself winning an
event, mastering a challenge, relieve
feeling of stress, seeing yourself perform
a specific skill and planning game
 Music - soothing music can calm pre
game jitters while energetic music can
pump you up before an event
Link to most popular supplemental ergogenic aids

 Ergogenic aids link

Types of Drugs Used
Drugs Function
Hallucinogens These can cause subjective
changes in perception, thought,
emotion and consciousness.
Painkillers Relieves pains
Sedatives Substance that depresses the
central nervous system (CNS),
resulting in calmness, relaxation,
reduction of anxiety, sleepiness,
and slowed breathing
Stimulants Are drugs that make people feel
more awake, alert and energetic.
Cocaine and amphetamines are
Side Effects
Prohibited Substances
The End

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