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English 122 - Visual/Multi-Media Project Double Entry Journal

Name: Aaliyah Michel

Essential Questions:
1. How can dance affect brain development?
2. What are the physical, emotional and intellectual benefits of dance?
Text Title and Author/Speaker/Originator:
My Journey with Dance and Mental Health | Kevin Turner |

Quotation/Visual Feature How it sheds light on my essential

“I was hiding the biggest secret of my life and It did not make it any easier for him as he was
that was that I was struggling with my mental uneducated about the possibilities of what he
health. I didn’t know what depression was, I could of been struggling with. Mental
just knew something was wrong.” disorders can be a result from anything,
trauma or a small incident that wouldn’t affect
just everybody. Along with all the research
that is being done to figure out more
disorders, they should focus more on actions
that could be done to help.

“I decided to make a piece about it called As I can not completely relate to all he has
Witness. I chose to call it that because the been through, I understand why he chose to
audience would witness what I and my my make this number. Many would think that him
family went through. I took the small snippets putting thought in making the piece seeing the
of what I remember and put it into a number.” end results would do nothing but upset him,
but we must look at the bigger picture. He
found dance as his way of coping with all that
was flowing through his head, and he chose to
make this number to allow others to either see
themselves, or to see the perspective of one
that may be experiencing these things,

The dance video shows characters crying and Hearing the speakers story and watching the
screaming for help, and friends coming as a piece he put together to represent it was
group to help certain individuals. The facial extremely inspirational. Many of those who
expressions made by the performers really are suffering choose to focus on themselves
express the mood of the story being shown. getting better which is entirely
understandable, but he chose to not only work
on himself but to work on those who surround
him and that may see his work.

“After one of our performances, this lady It is crazy how a choreographer can make a
came up to thank me and she told me that it piece expecting the audience to get a certain
made her think twice about killing herself. I message, and it come out telling each
wasn’t expecting that this piece would have individual a different story. I personally think
such a big impact on people.” that people are more affected by something
that they see whether than something they
hear. Reflecting on my first essential question
about the brain and how we think, we have all
gone through different things. Dance is a
language you cannot hear, therefore it allows
us to express our own individual emotions and
take it how we feel.

“I think dancing about mental health is a good A young boy said this during the project video
way to help people because it shows that you shown at the end of the Ted Talk. I respect the
can say it without actually speaking.” fact the children are being educated about
mental health at a young age and I am glad to
see that they are already being offered coping
and therapeutic activities at a young age, as it
may lower mental disorder rates in the future.

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