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Christopher Wright

2nd hour

Time management
Last summer when I was 16, I decided to get my first job working at McDonalds. While
sitting there filling out the papers I knew this is something that I wanted to do, but I didn’t
understand the responsibilities and time management that came with it. I would soon learn that
this was going to be a challenge and the beginning of a very interesting summer to come. It
taught me that I must better manage my time.

Working at McDonalds was great and all until it started interfering with my summer
football workouts. The reason I wanted to work there is because I had no money and needed
money badly so why not get a job flipping burgers. So, I decided to sign up and a week later I
was there taking orders and delivering food to the customers. Working there was a horrible
experience and it was very unprofessional from the top of command down to the newest
employees. Many times, communicating with my bosses to make a change in my schedule or just
to try and make a position change was more difficult than it had to be. I was a great worker
always came into work on time, never had any complaints, and even took out the trash when it
wasn’t my job. But when I needed a favor from someone else or needed a day off I was left alone
to figure it out on my own. Inside the facility the floors stayed slippery and greasy from the oil
containers. Even though it was summertime it was always freezing in there because the air was
on blast. Our uniforms consisted of long pants and a short sleeve shirt, but even then, I’d still get
cold. Overall, I was just there to make some money and to gain experience.

Before getting this job the only thing, I had to worry about was going to practice and
doing small things around the house. I didn’t realize that it would consume most of my time and
force me to make a solution. So, what I did was I sat down one day, I took my work schedule,
my football schedule, and I planned out the days I could and couldn’t work. I was determined to
stay organized and mange my time accordingly. Managing my time then has helped me ever
since because when I have too much on my plate I know I have to spend a certain amount of time
on each thing to get them all done. Like now, I play football and I’m a student which mean after
practice when I come home I must plan on how I’m going to get my homework done in a certain
amount of time. Not just in this scenario but it applies to everyday things I do.

Now that I have had a year and a half of practice, I am almost perfect at managing my
time and getting things done. It has been a long process, but it has paid off big time. I know now
and moving forward that college is only going to get harder and that I’m going to have to work
jus as hard at managing my time.

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