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Bylaws of the University of North Florida

Lambda Alpha National Anthropology Honor Society

Lambda Chapter

Name and National Organization

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be Lambda Alpha National Anthropology Honor Society. It
may be commonly referred to as Lambda Alpha. This specific organization is the​ Lambda of Florida
Chapter of the national affiliation.

Section 1.
● promote scholarship and encourage intellectual development,
● confer distinction for high achievement,
● promote leadership development,
● stimulate student and faculty dialogue,
● enrich the intellectual environment of higher education institutions,
● encourage high standards of practice and ethical behavior,
● promote attitudes of professional responsibility for the public good,
● advocate for inclusiveness within the society and philanthropy towards the community,
● build a framework for success for its members, and
● showcase member talents.


An ​active member​ is one that has applied and been granted membership through the national affiliation.
An ​affiliated member​ is one that participates in events and meetings but has not yet met the requirements
for national membership.
Section 1. Officer Term Lengths
President ​of Lambda Alpha must be an official member and shall not serve more than two semesters* in
office. ​Vice President ​of Lambda Alpha must be an official member and shall not serve more than two
semesters* in office. All other officers have no restrictions on time in office unless disputed by accepted
*Not including summer term.

Section 2. Officer Duties

Section 1. Regular Meetings.
Each semester should have 3-4 general meetings, including an informational meeting at the beginning of
the semester for prospective membres. Other general meetings should be used as an opportunity for
members to stay up to date on upcoming events, and provide a time for members to contribute ideas or
discrepancies to the officers.

Chapter committees can consist of the chair and at least one additional active member. Standing
committees shall be established by the Chapter.


These Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Chapter by a two-thirds vote of accepted members,
provided the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting or has been
submitted in writing to all active members of the Chapter at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which
it is to be considered. No amendment shall become effective until approved by the Chapter. These Bylaws
shall not be in conflict with the Constitution of the National Society. Any amendment of the National
Society Constitution affecting these Bylaws shall cause this document to be amended automatically to
concur with such amendment.

Role of the Advisor

Section 1. The faculty/staff member of this club is ​Dr. Anne Pfister​.

Section 2. The Advisor shall provide counsel, information and advice in matters under discussion at

Section 3. The Advisor shall be an ex-officio member of the club, and as such, shall not have voting
rights, but may weigh in on decisions.

Section 4. Advisors should possess knowledge of the rules, policies, and structures of the University of
North Florida as well as the Student Code of Conduct. Advisors should also possess a knowledge and
understanding of the goals and objectives of the organization they advise.

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