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BI / TAHUN 5 PPT / 2019

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. Mr. Ramasamy …………… the Science teacher for Year 5 classes.

A. Is C are
B. Was D were
2. Ahmad’s cat has given birth to a …………… of kittens.
A. pack C flock
B. litter D shoal
3. Rossa broke her arm ……………. She was sent to the hospital.
A. or C. but
B. so D. because
4. Mrs Ang : Whose big car is that?
Dr Lora : It’s …………… I bought it last month.
A. yours C. here
B. mine D. his
5. Most of my friends ………………. Maths tuition class on Saturday afternoon after
their co-curricular activities.
A. attend C. attending
B. attends D. attended

Choose the most suitable proverb.

6. Jill flared up when Jane told everybody that her naughty brother is playing truant.
We say Jill reacted in the way to show that ‘……..…...’.
A. Charity begins at home
B. A friend is need is a friend indeed
C. Blood is thicker than water
D. Friendship is love with understanding

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Yesterday, Mr Lee and family went for a picnic by the seaside. They left at 8 o’clock
in the morning _____□
7 _____ arrived at the picnic spot half an hour later. Mrs Lee laid and
spread a mat, and took food and drinks out of the picnic basket. Mr Lee sat ______□
______ a shady tree nearby. He ____□
9 _____ reading his newspaper while his children,
Meera and Peter were busy building a sandcastle.

BI / TAHUN 5 PPT / 2019

7. A. or C. and 9. A. is C. are
B. But D. because B. was D. were

8. A. on C. under
B. Over D. between

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.

10. Meng Peng is very unhappy with her straight hair.

A. thick B. curly C. dark D. short

Choose the sentence with correct punctuation.

11. A. “What are the children doing in the room?” asked Calvin.
B. “What are the children doing in the room?” Asked Calvin
C. “What are the, children doing in the room” asked Calvin ?
D. “What are the children doing in the room asked Calvin ?

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Haziq and Haniq were at the funfair. The place was crowded ____ 12 ____ it was a

□ □
weekend. The boys ____ 13 _____ buying tickets to go on the Ferris Wheel. Their ____ 14
_____ Was with them. He was waiting for his children. A clown was juggling three colourful

_____ 15 _____ skillfully. A small crowd was enjoying the clown’s performance.

BI / TAHUN 5 PPT / 2019

10. A. so 14. A. father

B. but B. friend
C. because C. mother
D. although D. driver

11. A. are 15. A. sticks

B. is B. ribbons
C. Was C. balls
D. Were D. clubs

Question 16 to 20
Read the story below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Hang Tuah was a legendary Malay warrior from Melaka in the 15th century. He was
born in Kampung Sungai Duyong, Melaka. His parents were Hang Mahmud and Dang
Merdu Wati. They lived a humble life in the village.
At the age of 10, Hang Tuah learned silat (Malay martial art) along with his four best
friends. They were Hang Kasturi, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekir and Hang Lekiu. Hang Tuah and
his friends were taught how to defend themselves.
Many years later, Hang Tuah became Sultan’s most trusted adviser. Hang Tuah was
wise and brave. The Sultan admired his loyalty to the country. Hang Tuah and his friends
served the Sultan for many years and protected Melaka from enemies. They maintained
peace in Melaka. It was because of them, Melaka prospered and became one of the
most famous business trade centres back in those times.

16. Who was Hang Tuah? 19. Why was Hang Tuah made the
A. A legendary businessman Sultan’s most trusted adviser?
B. A legendary Malay warrior A. Because he was wise
C. A legendary footballer B. Because he was brave
D. A legendary actor C. Because he was clever
D. Because he was wise and brave
17. Where was Hang Tuah born?
A. Melaka 20. How did Hang Tuah and his friends help
B. Sungai Dayong Melaka?
C. Kampung Sungai A. They learned silat.
D. Kampung Sungai Duyong B. They served the Sultan.
C. They won many competitions.
18. What happened to Hang Tuah in later D. They were the warriors of Melaka.
A. He became a silat teacher.
B. He was made the Sultan’s assistant.
C. He became an adviser to the Sultan.
D. He started to do business.

BI / TAHUN 5 PPT / 2019


Question 21
Write a suitable response for each picture in the spaces provided.






(2 marks)


Answer: Answer:




(2 marks)






(2 marks)

BI / TAHUN 5 PPT / 2019


Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

Satish got bad grades again. This time, they were for his latest monthly test. He had gotten
monthly test. He had gotten a D in English and Bahasa Melayu, and a C- in Mathematics
and Science. His grades this time were just bad as the ones in his previous monthly test.
Satish began to worry about what his mother was going to say and do to him. When he
had told her his previous test results, she had punished him by banning him from watching
television for a whole week.

Satish’s friend, John, noticed Satish’s look of worry. He told Satish, “Being upset
about it will not solve the problem. “He told Satish to put more effort into his studies and
to draw up a daily timetable for him to stick to.

Satish realised his mistake of not studying properly and turned over a new leaf. He
now knew how important education was. He studied hard and began to perform well in
his studies. His grades were improving! He thanked John for his friendship and his good

Satish brought the report card on his next monthly test home. He showed it to his
mother and waited nervously for her response. He wasn’t sure whether his grades were
good enough for her. To his enormous relief, she closed the report card and looked up at
him with a smile. “Good job, Satish,” she said. “Keep up the good work!”

Tick () the correct answer.

a) Satish got bad grades in his…

monthly test
mid-year examination
end-of-year examination
( 1 mark)
b) The most suitable proverb for the sentences “Being upset about it will not solve the
problem” is …

don’t cry over spilt milk

a hungry man is an angry man
all good things must come to an end
( 1 mark)

BI / TAHUN 5 PPT / 2019

Write your answer in the space provided.

c) How did Satish solve his problem?
( 2 marks)
d) Is John a good friend? Why?
( 2 marks)
e) Do you think you should obey your parents? Why?
( 2 marks)
Read the list below and answer the questions that follow.

Kamil’s List of Things To Do

Week: 21 – 27 March 2019

1) Get a haircut-ask Dad to take me to Sugu’s

Hair Salon.

2) Meet up with cousin Amer. Best time will be

after tuition on Saturday. He’s banking on me
to return his jersey by that day. He will need it
for his match the following day.

3) Read the storybook I borrowed from the


4) Sunday will be a busy day for me for I have to

help Dad to wash his car.

5) Finish my school project on Malaysian culture.

BI / TAHUN 5 PPT / 2019

Question 23
Tick () the correct answer.

a) Kamil will go to a ____________ to get a haircut.

( 1 mark)
b) Amer is Kamil’s father’s …

( 1 mark)
c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B.

List A List B
Amer will need to use his he borrowed from the
jersey on library.
Kamil wants to read the on Malaysian culture.
Kamil has a project Sunday because he has
a match to play.
Kamil will help wash his car on Sunday.

Write your answer in the space provided.

d) Do you think it is good play a sport? Why?
( 2 marks)

e) What do you understand by the phrase banking on?

( 2 marks)
BI / TAHUN 5 PPT / 2019

Study the chart and read the dialogue below. Answer the questions that follow.

Salesman : Sir, how do you normally travel?

Tourist : I travel on foot as it is a better way to explore country.
Salesman : What about accommodation Do you have a particular preference?
Tourist : I would like to stay in a homestay. That way I can appreciate my
surroundings and the people.
Salesman : What do you think of Malaysia so far?
Tourist : Oh, I think it is amazing! I cannot wait to visit the next spot!
Salesman : Here is a homestay address for you, sir. Have a pleasant stay.
Tourist : Thank you very much.

Question 24 and 25
Tick () the correct answer.
24. a) Where was the survey done?

BI / TAHUN 5 PPT / 2019

A funfair
A trade fair
A travel fair
( 1 mark)
b) “Oh, I think it is amazing!” The word it in the dialogue refers to…
the homestay
Travelling on foot
( 1 mark)
Write your answer in the spaces provided.

25. a) “I travel on foot as it is a better way to explore country”.

Why do you think the tourist said that?
( 2 marks)
b) What do tourist like about Malaysia?
( 2 marks)
c) The tourist said that he would rather stay in a homestay. Why?
( 2 marks)


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