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Dudley 1

Jordan Dudley

Mrs. Mua

Public Health Honors period 3


5-year plan essay

Some people have a 10 year plan after high school, but I have a 5 year plan. There is not

a lot of detail in this plan, but it is something I am proud of.

During my first year out of the 5, I will continue working at the current job I have now

that I go to only on Sundays. As I have my current job, I might also be working with my mom at

John Muir as a sub yard duty in case someone cant come in and during volleyball season for

middle schools, I might also be a referee on top of recieving financial aid to help with tuition,

books, and hopefully buy a vehicle to get to and from school, practices, and games. As I start

getting into the first year, I will be taking my prerequisite classes first before I decide if I want to

major in sports medicine or animal science. These fields have been extremely interesting for me

because I have been in sports since the third grade and as I continued to grow, I also saw a lot of

injuries that were devastating that I wish I was able to help with at the time. As for animal

science, I have always been intrigued with animals and their lifestyles, food, and anatomy.

Seeing multiple stray animals on the street, injured, or diagnosed with a deadly disease makes

me want to help that animal get another chance at life and experience it happily.

During my second through fourth year of college, I will be at Merced Junior College my

second year. At this time, I hope I make a choice in what I want to major in before transferring to

a university. I am still deciding where I want to transfer to for the two years of college I have
Dudley 2

left. I am deciding between wanting to transfer to an out of state university or stay in california to

still be close to family.

As my fifth year is approaching, I will hopefully be out of school looking for available

openings for my career I end up choosing. Depending on my finances during that time period, I

may either find a small apartment or continue to save up if I can not find a good paying job in a

certain amount of time.

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