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Embedded Controller Lab Manual 1SECL67 ACHARYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Dept of Electronies & Communication Engineering. Embedded Controller Lab Manual [1SECL67] > VI-SEMESTER ECE/TCE —CBCS Scheme Raghunath.B.H ACHARYA Name of Student: USN: Deot of ECE. Acharva institute of Technoloev Embedded Controller Lab Manual 1SECL67 Course Title Course Code | Core/Elective | Credits Embedded Controller Lab | 1SECL67 CORE 2 Contact Hours/ week Lecture 3 I Name of the faculty RAGHUNATH B.H Designation and mail ID Assistant Professor in Department ECE B) Course Related Specifies Prerequisites for the Course Knowledge of Digital ics, (exemption from the prerequisites is Microprocessor Architocture an provided only in exceptional circumstance] Basics of C > Programmi [Understand the architecture of Cortex M3- LPCI768 Course Objectives Microcontroller and assembly programming of ARM 2, Leam to design, construct, program, verify, analyze and troubleshoot ARM assembly and € language programs and supporting hardware. Syllabus : PART-A: Conduct the followi jents to learn ALP using ARM Cortex M3 Registers using an Evaluation board and the required 1. ALP to multiply two 16 bit binary 2. ALP to find the first 10 integer mmbers. PART-B: Conduct falling -xperiments on an ARM CORTEX M3 cvaluation board using evaluation version of Embedded il Uvision-4 tool/compiler, Display “Hello World” message using Internal UART. Interfac trol a DC Motor, . Interface a Stepper motor and rotate it in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction, Determine Digital output for a given Analog input using Internal of ARM controlier: nterface a DAC and generate Triangular and Square waveforms. Interface a 4x4 keyboard and display the key code on an LCD Using the Internal PWM module of ARM controller generate PWM and vary its duty cycle, Demonstrate the use of an external interrupt to toggle an LED On/Of? .. Display the Hex digits 0 to F on a 7-segment LED interface, with an appropriate delay in between. 10. Intorface a simple Switch and display its status through Relay, Buzzer and LED 11, Measure Ambient temperature using a sensor and SPI ADC IC. Dent of ECE, Acharva institute of Technology Embedded Controller Lab Manual 1SECL67 Differentiate between Microprocessor and Microcontroller Introduction to Cortex M3 Controller — i Features of Cortex M3 Controller ji, GPIO Operations ~ Selection and Configuration Usage of Keil Microvision Tool. i Creating Project selection of target controller and_ setting environment fi, Creating Embedded C code. iii, Compilation and Fxecution of Embedded C Code IV. Interface of Cortex M3 Evaluation board with PC. 1. Comnectionof Cortex M3 board to host PC Ji, Usage of Flash magic to download Embedded C code to Cortex M3 board. Embedded C Codes 1, Interfacing of “LED” — 8 no’s toa GPIO of Cortex M3 Controller i, To blink a single LED bit by bit. ii, To scroll a LED from bottom to top and top to bottom. 2. Interface of toggle switch ta a GPIO of Cortex M3 Controller i, Switch Status to be displayed on LED. Switch Status to be displayed on Buzzer ii, Switch status to be displayed on Relay Cyele 3. Usage of an external interrupt to toggle an LED on/off. Usage of Inicmal UART. i, To ransmita single charaeter data from Host to UART. ji To receivea single character data from UART to Ho: ii, To transmit a string of character data from Host to UAL a Usage of internal DAC of Cortex M3 controller i To genorate Square waveform. Ji, ‘To generate Triangular waveform, 6 Interface a Stepper motor toa GPIO of Cor Controller Rotate stepper motor in clockwise direction 7. Usage of Intemal 8. Interface a DC operation using swit i, To display hexa dis . ji Todisplay hexa digits 00 to FF with suitable delay Cycle. (0. Interface of LCD module to Cortex M3 controller ~ a! i, To display single line messaze ‘9 display two linc messages ge of Internal ADC — To determine Digital output fora given Analog input and display digital data on to LCD 12. Intcrface a 4x4 keyboard to Cortex M3 controller and display the key eode om a LCD. 15 Measurement of ainbient temperature using a sensor and SPI ADC IC. Dent of ECE, Acharva institute of Technology

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