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G- Choose the correct tense between brackets: (50 marks)

1. Faisal said he (was going, is going) to Italy for 21. They (send, have sent) an alarm every time they
his holiday. see the fire.
2. I (broke, break) my leg while I was playing 22. While I (am shopping, was shopping) in the
tennis. market, I fell into a box of fruit.
3. Next Monday, she (has written, will write) a 23. Fatima said she (wanted, wants) to go skiing that
letter to her cousin. winter.
4. If it wasn't so dark, I (would read, will read) a 24. I (am going, was going) to spend the weekend by
book. the sea next month.
5. Nadia (had already finished, has already finished) 25. My friends (have left, had left) by the time I
her work by the time her friends arrived. arrived at the restaurant.
6. Fatima (does, did) her job two hours ago. 26. I was lying in bed when I (heard, hear) a noise
7. I (am having, was having) dinner when the phone outside.
rang. 27. If you lend him some money, he (will be,
8. My friends (had left, have left) by the time I would be) happy.
arrived at the restaurant. 28. At the moment, we (are studying, were studying)
9. I (have looked, have been looking) after my for the exam.
neighbour's son all afternoon. 29. I wish I (hadn't broken, haven't broken) my
10. If you get hungry, snacks (can buy, can be favourite vase.
bought) at the shop. 30. Hurry up! You (have been cleaning, had cleaned)
11. I've decided – I (studied, will study) French next the house for five hours.
year. 31. I (take, took) my new football to the park
12. Naser was riding his bike when he (fell, falls) off. yesterday .
13. Ahmad (enjoyed, is enjoying) his holiday in 32. I (won't get, haven't got) any news about my
London nowadays. exam results yet.
14. I (have read, will read) this book already. 33. Samira said she was sorry about what
15. If I were rich, I (will buy, would buy) my parents (has happened, had happened).
a new car. 34. If I (were, am) you, I wouldn't come home too
16. Hani was riding his bike when he (falls, fell) late .
down. 35. Nowadays, storms (were predicted, are predicted)
17. His mother said that she (was making, is making) by satellites.
a cup of tea. 36. Ahmad was driving his car when he (makes,
18. If I had some matches, I (will light, would light) made) an accident.
the candle. 37. My sister said she (was going, is going) to travel
19. My mother (has bought, buys) me a nice dress abroad.
already. 38. He is in the hospital because he (had got, has got)
20. If you (ate, eat) too much, you'll feel ill. a toothache. Luqman Q. 2015
G- Choose the correct tense between brackets: (50 marks)

39. Next summer, she (has visited, will visit) her 55. If I (am, were) good at maths, I could help you.
grandparents in the countryside.
56. Amal said her brother (will finish, had finished)
40. I (have been studying, had studied) for three
his project.
hours. I have read fifty pages.
41. Hurry up! You (had talked, have been talking) on 57. He listened to music while he (has studied,

the phone for an hour. was studying).

42. If I (am, were) you, I wouldn't come late. 58. We (haven't had, won't have) our lunch yet.

43. We were having dinner when some visitors 59. They always (are going, go) camping in Spring.

(arrive, arrived). 60. My parents (were visiting, will visit) London next

44. I can't go with you. We (are having, were having) year.

a party now. 61. Fares was driving his new car when he (makes,

45. She (has been, was) a teacher since 1985. made) an accident.

46. I (live, lived) in Syria when I was a child. 62. My brother said he (is doing, was doing) his

47. Our teacher said that we (are going, were going) homework.

to have a picnic on Friday. 63. If I (have, had) a match, I would light a candle.

48. They were late because their car (has broken, 64. I (haven't visited, didn't visit) Europe since 2000.

had broken) down on the way. 65. Nowadays, football (is played, was played) all

49. If you get up early, you (will catch, would catch) over the world.

the train. 66. Faisal said he (was going, is going) to Italy for

50. She feels terrible. She (has got, had got) her his holiday.

exam result already. 67. I (broke, break) my leg while I was playing

51. I (feel, felt) so embarrassed when I fell down. tennis.

52. Salma told Omar that she was sorry about what 68. Next Monday, she (has written, will write) a

(had happened, has happened). letter to her cousin.

53. Nowadays, I (am learning, was learning) Spanish 69. If it wasn't so dark, I (would read, will read) a

for my next trip to Spain. book.

54. All the houses in this city (are built, were built) 70. Nadia (had already finished, has already finished)

long time ago. her work by the time her friends arrived.

Luqman Q. 2015

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