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SIGNA VITAE 2015; 10(SUPPL 1): 63-65

Perioperative management of porphyria: a case

University Department of Anaesthesiology, Reanimatology and Intensive Care, University Hospital Centre Zagreb,
University Department of Neurology, University Hospital Sveti Duh, Zagreb

Corresponding author:
Robert Baronica
University Department of Anaesthesiology, Reanimatology and Intensive Care,
University Hospital Centre Zagreb,
Kišpatićeva 12, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia,
Phone: +385 1 236 7858

ABSTRACT Key words: porphyria, perioperative man- is common, as well as autonomic neuropa-
agement, hemodynamic instability thy, which may cause labile blood pressure.
The porphyrias are rare inherited meta- (3) Inconsistent clinical signs and suscep-
bolic disorders of the heme biosynthesis tibility to precipitating factors, even in the
pathway. Acute intermittent porphyria is INTRODUCTION same patient, are common and cannot be
the most common form that may result overemphasized. (7, 8)
in acute porphyric crises with abdominal The porphyrias are rare inherited meta-
pain, vomiting, hemodynamic distur- bolic disorders of the heme biosynthesis
bances, autonomic dysfunction, pyrexia pathway. They are classified according to CASE REPORT
and neurological deterioration. Provoca- the deficient enzyme, the hepatic or eryth-
tive factors include hormonal fluctuations, ropoietic site of porphyrin production and We report a case of a 63-year-old female
fasting, dehydration, smoking, excessive the possibility of an acute attack. (1, 2) with a diagnosis of porphyria and an unu-
alcohol or illegal drugs intake and stress Only three autosomal dominant acute he- sual hemodynamic instability during and
from illness or surgery. However, the most patic forms (acute intermittent porphyria after liver resection taken for HCC. She
frequent triggers are cytochrome P450-in- (AIP), variegate porphyria and hereditary was diagnosed with AIP in her student
ducing drugs, especially in relation to an- coproporphyria) may result in acute por- days but has not had any acute attack of the
aesthesia. We report a case of a 63-year-old phyric crises (APC). The most common is illness for the last 10 years. Periodically, ab-
female with acute intermittent porphyria AIP with an overall prevalence in Europe dominal pain attributable to AIP manifest-
and severe hemodynamic instability dur- of approximately 1 per 20,000. (3, 4) The ed. In addition to porphyria, hypothyreosis
ing and after liver resection taken for hepa- diagnosis of severe recurrent acute por- treated with levothyroxine, arterial hyper-
tocellular carcinoma. The procedure was phyria is associated with an increased risk tension treated with angiotensin II antago-
predominantly characterized by unusual of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). (5) nist and diuretic were recorded. After the
hemodynamic instability with refractory Various factors may provoke APC, includ- HCC was diagnosed and declared as inop-
hypertension, despite adequate analgesia ing physiological hormonal fluctuations, erable, she was treated twice by palliative
and depth of anaesthesia. Several differ- fasting, dehydration, smoking, excessive procedures (transarterial chemoemboliza-
ent treatments failed to reduce high blood alcohol or illegal drugs intake and stress tion) in another institution. In our hospital
pressure. There is a possibility that some from illness or surgery. (4) However, the decided decision was made that radical
drugs used in the perioperative period most frequent triggers are cytochrome liver resection could be undertaken. A
caused acute porphyric crises, which was P450-inducing drugs, especially in relation preoperative evaluation showed normal
manifested by severe hemodynamic insta- to anaesthesia. (6) According to James and biochemical and haematological tests and
bility. Autonomic neuropathy might have Hift, drugs can be categorized as definitely no acute distress on the physical exam. The
caused labile blood pressure as well. A pre- unsafe to use, probably safe, and contro- patient was premedicated with diazepam,
cise etiology of hemodynamic instability versial. For many drugs there are no avail- pantoprazole and levothyroxine. In the
in the presented case is difficult to assess, able data (3, 4) (table 1). The symptoms of operating room the list of porphyria safe
since other provocative factors like fasting, APC include severe abdominal pain, vom- and unsafe drugs was prepared and placed
dehydration and stress from surgery were iting, constipation, acute psychiatric and at a noticeable place (table 1). The induc-
also present. A careful anaesthetic plan neurologic manifestations, tachycardia, tion of general anaesthesia with sufentanil,
and treatment and postoperative surveil- hypertension, tremors, excessive sweating, propofol and vecuronium was uneventful.
lance in the ICU are cornerstones in the urinary retention, cardiac arrhythmias, Central venous, arterial and urinary cath-
management of patients with porphyria electrolyte disturbances and acute respira- eters and a nasogastric tube were inserted.
subjected to major surgical procedures. tory paralysis. Perioperative hypovolemia For the maintenance of anaesthesia, sevo-

flurane combined with oxygen and nitrous DISCUSSION failure. (6, 8, 9) Considering that renal fail-
oxide (N2O) was used. Successive boluses ure is a quite common complication after
of sufentanil and vecuronium were ad- Perioperative management of a porphyric major surgery, it is extremely important
ministered on a regular basis. The patient’s patient is inevitably a challenge, consider- to monitor renal function in the porphy-
heart rate and blood pressure were contin- ing that many agents and conditions may ric patients. Intravenous administration of
uously and invasively monitored. The en- induce cytochromes and trigger APC. The glucose was initiated since it is known that
tire surgical procedure was characterized porphyrinogenic potential of anaesthetic increased carbohydrates intake may ame-
by unusual hemodynamic instability, pre- agents in our patient was difficult to as- liorate APC. (7, 9)
dominantly with refractory hypertension, sess with precision, since other provoking
despite adequate analgesia and depth of factors such as fasting, dehydration and
anaesthesia. Alternating, short periods of stress from the surgery where also present.
profound hypotension were present as well (4) During the anaesthesia and in the ICU
(figure 1). Several different treatments, in- definitely unsafe drugs were not used. We
cluding generous boluses of sufentanil and used drugs that are considered probably
vecuronium, short inhalation boluses of safe and drugs whose safety is controver-
8% sevoflurane, the addition of N2O and sial or not known. There is a possibility
boluses of urapidil, propranolol and mag- that some of them caused APC, which was
nesium sulfate failed to reduce blood pres- manifested by pronounced hemodynamic Figure 1. Hemodynamic instability during
sure. Finally, nitroglycerin was introduced instability. Blood pressure oscillations the first procedure (upper row) and at the
continuously. Two units of red blood cells caused by APC or autonomic neuropathy beginning and the end of the second pro-
(RBCs) were administered because of in- could be the most distinctive symptoms in cedure (lower row)
traoperative blood losses. After the pro- the perioperative period. (3) Apart from
cedure, the patient was admitted to the AIP, the cause of hemodynamic instabil-
ICU, where a nitroglycerin infusion was ity in our patient could have been unregu- CONCLUSION
continued throughout the next two days. lated essential hypertension. The patient’s
Moxonidine and doxazosin were added medical history, doses of antihypertensives Any clinical disorder in the perioperative
to her usual peroral antihypertensive used before the procedure and preopera- period displayed by an identified porphy-
therapy. She was treated with intravenous tive evaluation do not indicate this as a ric patient should be considered as the on-
glucose and dismissed from the ICU after primary cause. It cannot be excluded that set of APC. (6) A careful anaesthetic plan,
four days. The second procedure was per- hypertension and tachycardia might have treatment and postoperative surveillance
formed 14 days after the first one, with a been caused by the painful stimuli due to in the ICU are cornerstones in the man-
similar perioperative management. Again, the extensive procedure. However, this is agement of patients with porphyria sub-
hemodynamic instability was pronounced, less likely since analgesia and the depth of jected to major surgical procedures. A de-
with a hypertensive crisis and tachycardia anaesthesia were maintained at the upper tailed preoperative evaluation, early APC
at the beginning and the end of the pro- limits. Despite the fact that the liver resec- diagnosis, drugs selection in the operat-
cedure (figure 1). The hypertensive crisis tion was extensive and prolonged, only ing theatre and ICU, avoidance of fasting,
was treated with intravenous propranolol two doses of RBCs were applied because of dehydration, hypovolemia, infection and
and urapidil. The patient was dismissed intraoperative blood losses. In the case of reduction of surgical stress could prevent
the next day from the ICU and seven days severe bleeding, it is possible that hemody- acute attacks and long-term complications
later from the hospital. namic disturbance would have been even associated with porphyria.
greater, which might have aggravated APC
or caused long-term neurologic compli-
cations, hypertension and chronic renal

Table 1. List of porphyria safe and unsafe drugs (adapted from Allman KG, Wilson IH. Oxford handbook of anaesthesia 3rd ed. New
York: Oxford University Press;2011.

Definitely unsafe Probably safe Controversial

Induction agents Barbiturates, Etomidate Propofol Ketamine
Inhalational agents Enflurane Nitrous oxide, Isoflurane, Sevoflurane
Neuromuscular blocking agents Alcuronium Suxamethonium, Tubocurarine, Pancuronium, Atracurium,
Vecuronium Rocuronium
Neuromuscular reversing agents Atropine, Glycopyrronium,

Analgesics Pentazocine Alfentanil, Aspirin, Buprenorfine, Diclofenac, Ketorolac, Sufen-
Codeine, Fentanyl, Paracetamol, tanil
Pethidine, Morphine, Naloxone
Local anesthetics Mepivacaine, Ropivacaine Bupivacaine, Prilocaine, Procaina- Cocaine, Lidocaine
mide, Procaine
Sedatives Chlordiazepoxide, Nitrazepam Lorazepam, Midazolam, Temaz- Diazepam
epam, Chlorpromazine
Antiemetics and H2 antagonists Cimetidine, Metoclopramide Droperidol, Phenotiazines Ondansetron, Ranitidine
CVS drugs Hydralazine, Nifedipine, Phenoxy- Adrenaline, α-agonists, β-agonists, Diltiazem, Diisopyramide,
benzamine β-blockers, Magnesium, Phentola- Nitroprusside, Verapamil
mine, Procainamide
Others Aminophylline, Oral contraceptive Steroids
pill, Phenytoin, Sulphonamides
CVS – cardiovascular system


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