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CMAJ Review

Clinical practice guidelines for the use of noninvasive

positive-pressure ventilation and noninvasive continuous
positive airway pressure in the acute care setting

Sean P. Keenan MD MSc, Tasnim Sinuff MD PhD, Karen E.A. Burns MD MSc, John Muscedere MD,
Jim Kutsogiannis MD, Sangeeta Mehta MD, Deborah J. Cook MD MSc, Najib Ayas MD,
Neill K.J. Adhikari MD CM MSc, Lori Hand BSc RRT, Damon C. Scales MD PhD, Rose Pagnotta RRT,
Lynda Lazosky RRT, Graeme Rocker MD, Sandra Dial MD, Kevin Laupland MD MSc, Kevin Sanders MD,
Peter Dodek MD MHSc, as the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group / Canadian Critical Care Society
Noninvasive Ventilation Guidelines Group

An abridged version of this article appeared in the February 22, 2011 issue of CMAJ

See related commentary by Bersten, page 293

ver the past two decades, the use of nonin- tion, the first154 of the two previous guidelines Competing interests: See
vasive positive-pressure ventilation and predated the development of the Grading of Rec- end of article for competing
noninvasive continuous positive airway ommendations Assessment, Development and
pressure by mask has increased substantially for Evaluation (GRADE) Working Group methodol- This article has been peer
acutely ill patients. Initial case series and uncon- ogy,158–160 and a less rigorous methodology was
trolled cohort studies that suggested benefit in used in the second.156 Accordingly, we conducted Correspondence to:
Dr. Sean P. Keenan;
selected patients1–13 led to many randomized con- a comprehensive search and appraisal of the cur-
trolled trials (RCTs).14–151 Both methods of ventila- rent literature, using the GRADE methodology
tion have been used in the setting of acute respira- to assess the quality of the research and to gener- CMAJ 2011.DOI:10.1503
tory failure to avoid endotracheal intubation in ate clinical recommendations.
different patient populations and settings, with vari-
able success.14−69,117−123,134−141 In addition, noninvasive Methods
positive-pressure ventilation has been used to facili-
tate early liberation from conventional mechanical Leadership and scope
ventilation72−82 and to prevent reintubation.70,71,83−87 An 18-member guidelines panel of university-
These guidelines were developed to answer affiliated clinicians, led by two cochairs, was
the following questions: What evidence is avail- formed in June 2007 as an initiative of the Can-
able in the literature to support recommendations adian Critical Care Trials Group / Canadian Crit-
for the use of noninvasive positive-pressure ical Care Society Noninvasive Ventilation Guide-
ventilation and continuous positive airway pres- lines Group. The panel consisted of 15 physicians
sure for patients who are at risk of or who have and 3 respiratory therapists who had a variety of
acute respiratory distress or failure, patients who
have undergone surgery and patients who are Key points
being weaned from mechanical ventilation or • Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation should be the first option for
have recently undergone extubation? In addition, ventilatory support for patients with either a severe exacerbation of
how can these two modes of noninvasive venti- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or cardiogenic
lation be optimally applied in these settings? pulmonary edema.
Consensus conference statements 152,153 and • Continuous positive airway pressure delivered by mask appears to be
just as effective as noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation for patients
guidelines154–157 exist for the use of noninvasive with cardiogenic pulmonary edema.
ventiliation (the term used throughout this paper
• Patients with acute respiratory distress or hypoxemia, either in the
to refer to both noninvasive positive-pressure postoperative setting or in the presence of immunosuppression, can be
ventilation and continuous positive airway pres- considered for a trial of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation.
sure) in the acute care setting. However, since • Patients with COPD can be considered for a trial of early extubation to
publication of the two English guidelines noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation in centres with extensive
addressing use in the acute care setting,154,156 experience in the use of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation.
many new RCTs have been published. In addi-

© 2011 Canadian Medical Association or its licensors CMAJ, February 22, 2011, 183(3) E195

backgrounds in clinical and/or nonclinical exper- tion for patients with chronic respiratory failure
tise: 15 were experts in critical care medicine, 12 in an outpatient setting. Each included trial
in pulmonary medicine, 5 in noninvasive posi- directly compared the two types of noninvasive
tive-pressure ventilation, 15 in clinical research ventilation with standard therapy or with each
methodology and 5 in guideline development. other and reported physiologic outcomes (e.g.,
The target audience for these guidelines is arterial blood gases, vital signs) and/or clinical
clinicians who use either form of noninvasive outcomes (e.g., endotracheal intubation, hospital
ventilation for acutely ill patients. The referent mortality). We included only parallel-design
setting was the Canadian health care system. RCTs. We excluded studies with crossover
design because inferences about clinical out-
Data sources comes are limited in these trials. We also
We searched the following electronic databases excluded pseudorandomized trials (such as those
from their inception to June 2009: MEDLINE, in which patients were assigned to study group
EMBASE, CINAHL, CENTRAL (the Cochrane by alternate assignment or hospital registry num-
Central Register of Controlled Trials), DARE ber) and abstract publications.
(the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effect- No language restrictions were applied; non-
iveness), the Cochrane Database of Systematic English publications were professionally trans-
Reviews, ACP Journal Club database, the lated into English.
metaRegister of Controlled Trials, ClinicalTrials The panel cochairs independently reviewed
.gov and the Journals@Ovid database. For the all study abstracts and selected potentially rel-
search strategies, see Appendix 1 (available at evant trials for further review. Disagreements on inclusion of articles were resolved through con-
We also searched personal files and the bibliog- sensus between the two cochairs.
raphies of relevant articles.
Quality assessment and data abstraction
Selection criteria Of the 18 members of the guideline panel, 16
We identified RCTs that included adults admit- participated in the review of RCTs, working in
ted to acute care hospitals who were at risk of or eight pairs. Working independently, each mem-
who had acute respiratory failure. We included ber of each pair of reviewers critically appraised
studies involving patients with acute or acute-on- assigned RCTs using a tool developed by the
chronic respiratory failure. In clinical terms, panel specifically for this project. For each RCT,
there is a continuum from respiratory distress, each member of the pair of reviewers independ -
marked by increased work of breathing (where ently abstracted data regarding trial validity, and
an increase in the respiratory rate reflects the the two reviewers in each pair achieved consen-
increase in work of breathing), to respiratory sus on the validity and results of assigned RCTs.
failure, for which immediate endotracheal intub- The following data were abstracted to deter-
ation is required. Various definitions of respira- mine validity: concealment of allocation, selection
tory failure have been used conventionally for of patients, similarity of groups at baseline, treat-
years, but they are somewhat arbitrary and not ment protocol, co-interventions, definitions of out-
always useful for the clinician. Some patients comes, extent of follow-up, adherence to the inten-
who are in clear respiratory extremis may not tion-to-treat principle, patient population, hospital
meet the blood gas criteria for respiratory failure. location, number of sites and strategies for the in-
Conversely, other patients have respiratory fail- itial application and titration of noninvasive venti-
ure as defined by clinical criteria but do not need lation. All reported outcomes were recorded.
urgent ventilation. Clearly, there is a spectrum of We conducted meta-analyses for topics for
severity of respiratory compromise that, in gen- which at least two RCTs were identified. For
eral, is worse with increasing respiratory rate and each population and intervention (noninvasive
signs of increased work of breathing. Some positive-pressure ventilation, continuous posi-
studies, but not others, have specified strict tive airway pressure by mask), we used relative
blood gas criteria for respiratory distress and risk (RR) as the summary estimate of effect for
failure. Rather than defining respiratory failure a dichotomous outcomes and weighted mean dif-
priori, we included trials that used either clinical ference for continuous outcomes. We used a
or arterial blood gas criteria, as well as studies random-effects model.
in which patients were in respiratory distress
according to clinical criteria and were believed Development of recommendations
to be at risk of requiring ventilatory support in All members were given literature describing the
the future. GRADE methodology to help generate a sum-
We excluded studies of noninvasive ventila- mary statement for each guideline topic.158–160 In

E196 CMAJ, February 22, 2011, 183(3)


addition, a GRADE expert reviewed this was a lack of literature to support either interven-
methodology with the panel members on two tion because published RCTs were inconclusive
occasions before the start of the deliberation (denoted by the term “lack of sufficient evi-
process. The panel met in person three times and dence”) or because no RCTs had been published
communicated frequently by email. Before each (denoted by “lack of RCTs”).
meeting, summaries of the pooled results (based We used GRADEprofiler (GRADEpro) soft-
on meta-analyses) and evidence tables were sent ware, version 3.2 (available through Cochrane
to the panel members for review. IMS) to generate evidence tables from which
At the first meeting, the guideline panel agreed panel members developed the final guideline
to use endotracheal intubation and hospital mor- statements. The GRADEpro software generated
tality as the primary outcomes of interest. We letter grades, which incorporated limitations of
used length of the hospital stay if endotracheal study design, inconsistency, indirectness,
intubation and mortality were either unavailable imprecision and publication bias, to assess the
in the original publications or not significantly dif- quality of evidence as high, moderate, low or
ferent between groups. For trials that assessed dif- very low. The panel then systematically evalu-
ferent modes of ventilation or interfaces (i.e., ated these quality criteria. The panel also incor-
types of masks), we also used measures of patient porated semiquantitative assessments of safety
tolerance as an outcome of interest. (estimated probability of avoiding significant
The outcome of “treatment failure,” defined harm that may be associated with the interven-
by trial-specific physiologic and gas exchange tion), feasibility (ease of implementation of the
criteria, was reported in a number of recent trials. intervention) and cost (estimated cost of imple-
Many of these trials allowed crossover of menting the intervention) into the GRADEpro
patients from the standard therapy arm to either document for each topic. We did not include
noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation or con- direct assessments of patient values and prefer-
tinuous positive airway pressure, which poten- ences. Our underlying values and preferences
tially confounds the outcomes of endotracheal were to ensure that any recommended use of
intubation and hospital mortality. For clinical these technologies was safe, effective, afford-
topics where this approach was used in either a able and feasible within the Canadian health
large proportion of trials or in a few trials care system.
accounting for a large proportion of patients, we
also considered treatment failure as an outcome
Table 1: Summary of grading used in GRADE approach158–160
of interest. In pooling results for treatment fail-
ure, we used rates of endotracheal intubation Strength of
when specific criteria for treatment failure were Numeric grade recommendation Interpretation
not included.
The GRADE methodology initially entailed 1 Strong Do it
Don’t do it
assigning to each guideline statement both a
2 Weak Probably do it
number (to summarize the strength of the state-
Probably don’t do it
ment) and a letter (to summarize the quality of
No grade No recommendation Okay to try, an option
the evidence). More recently, some guideline
(insufficient evidence)
experts have preferred to include or substitute
symbols and/or statements for the traditional Letter grade Level of quality Interpretation
number and letter grades. Table 1 summarizes
A High Further research is very unlikely
the GRADE Working Group’s definitions of to change our confidence in the
these categories.158–160 Standard terms in these estimate of effect
statements were “recommend,” “suggest” or “no B Moderate Further research is likely to have
recommendation.” For topics we considered to an important impact on our
have sufficient quality and quantity of support- confidence in the estimate of
ing evidence from RCTs, strong recommenda- effect and may change the
tions were assigned a grade of 1 and were
described by the phrase “we recommend”; C Low Further research is very likely to
have an important impact on
weaker recommendations were assigned a grade our confidence in the estimate
of 2 and were described by the phrase “we sug- of effect and is likely to change
gest.” For topics that lacked sufficient evidence, the estimate
we made no recommendation. In these situa- D Very low Any estimate of effect is very
tions, we stated that noninvasive positive- uncertain
pressure ventilation or continuous positive air- Note: GRADE = Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation.
way pressure could be considered but that there

CMAJ, February 22, 2011, 183(3) E197


After each panel meeting, the cochairs com- report recommendations on technical strategies to
piled the summaries and recommendations, and optimize the use of noninvasive ventilation (e.g.,
the panel members reviewed this material for interfaces, mode). See Table 2 for a summary of
clarity and accuracy. To assess the degree of the statements. The abridged version of this arti-
agreement of each panel member with the final cle (available at includes a table
guideline statements, all members independently organized by the strength and quality of the rec-
rated their agreement with each statement using ommendations. The degree of agreement among
a Likert-type scale from 1 to 9, anchored by members of the consensus panel was high (see
“disagree completely” at the low end and “agree Appendix 2, available at /cgi s
completely” at the high end. /content/full/cmaj.100071/DC1), which added
The panel members prepared background some validity to the final statements.
documents for the topics they reviewed, and the
cochairs compiled these documents into the Acute respiratory failure
results section of this guideline document. We
formatted the full guideline document to Exacerbation of COPD
include a summary of the evidence and a state-
ment for each topic. We also developed a sum- Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation
mary of the guideline statements as a quick ref- versus standard therapy
erence guide. We identified 16 published RCTs14–24,26,28–31 com-
A draft of the guideline document was submit- paring noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation
ted to the executive of the Canadian Critical Care plus standard therapy with standard therapy
Society and for internal review by three reviewers alone for patients with exacerbation of COPD,
of the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group. Both 14 of which reported endotracheal intubation and
groups reviewed the guidelines and endorsed the hospital mortality. We excluded two trials in
final version. In addition, an international expert which patients who experienced respiratory fail-
on noninvasive ventilation reviewed the final ure were not offered endotracheal intubation.14,17
guidelines. All reviewers were asked to assess the The included trials had lower incidence of endo-
logic, clarity and practicality of the guideline. The tracheal intubation (RR 0.39, 95% confidence
cochairs revised the document on the basis of interval [CI] 0.28–0.54) and hospital mortality
feedback received. As an additional assessment of (RR 0.52, 95% CI 0.36–0.76) among patients
the comprehensiveness of these guidelines, and to who received noninvasive positive-pressure
be as transparent as possible about its potential ventilation. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were
deficiencies, we evaluated the final guideline variable, but the majority of trials included
using the AGREE (Appraisal of Guidelines patients with severe exacerbations, defined as
Research and Evaluation) instrument.161 initial arterial pH less than 7.35 (and relative
hypercarbia), and a correspondingly high intuba-
Funding tion rate in their control arms. The three RCTs
Funding for this work was provided by a grant involving patients with milder exacerbations did
from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research not find an important reduction in risk of endo-
and an unrestricted grant from Philips/Respiron- tracheal intubation (RR 0.71, 95% CI 0.16–3.08)
ics Inc., Murrysville, Pennsylvania. The funding or hospital mortality (RR 1.05, 95% CI 0.07–
sources played no role in selection of studies, 6.36).21,29,31 A single RCT included a subgroup of
interpretation of the appraisals, or development, patients with acute exacerbation of COPD in the
review or approval of the guidelines. setting of severe community-acquired pneu-
monia,38 whereas almost all other trials involving
Clinical recommendations patients with exacerbation of COPD excluded
patients with pneumonia. In that trial,38 use of
The literature search, beginning with a general noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation was
overview of the literature and then focusing on associated with a reduction in endotracheal in-
the RCTs, is summarized in Figure 1. In total, we tubation (0/12 in intervention arm v. 5/12 in con-
identified 3033 studies and included 146 RCTs in trol arm, p = 0.005).
our review. We report here the final summary
statements and their grades for use of noninva- Helium–oxygen with noninvasive positive-
sive positive-pressure ventilation or continuous pressure ventilation
positive airway pressure by mask in acutely ill One RCT evaluated the use of helium–oxygen
patients in the following three clinical settings: (heliox; 80:20 mixture) in addition to noninva-
acute respiratory failure, management after intub - sive positive-pressure ventilation for patients
ation, and the postoperative setting. We also with exacerbation of COPD.33 There was no dif-

E198 CMAJ, February 22, 2011, 183(3)


ference in rate of endotracheal intubation (8/59 intubation in patients with COPD, because they
with heliox v. 13/64 for control; p = 0.33) or meet the criteria for intubation at the time of
hospital mortality (9/59 v. 6/64; p = 0.48). presentation. Use of noninvasive positive-pres-
sure ventilation resulted in avoidance of intuba-
Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation tion for the majority of patients in these two tri-
versus conventional mechanical ventilation als (34 of 61), but there was no significant
Two published RCTs compared noninvasive difference in mortality in the intensive care unit
positive-pressure ventilation with intubation and (ICU) (RR 1.24, 95% CI 0.45–3.41)121,124 or in hos-
conventional mechanical ventilation for patients pital mortality.121 The generalizability of these trial
with exacerbation of COPD severe enough to results beyond specialized centres is uncertain
warrant immediate assisted ventilation. 120,123 because for all of the patients, there was a high
These patients constitute a subgroup that is often risk that noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation
excluded from other trials designed to prevent would fail and they would need intubation.

Studies identified through literature search after duplicates

removed n = 3033
• Initial search (up to June 2007) n = 2718
- Electronic databases n = 1421
- Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, without filter
for “acute respiratory insufficiency” n = 1488
- Google n = 79 (Google Scholar n = 45; n = 34)
- Registries of controlled trials n = 15
• Updated search of all sources to April 2008 n = 199
• Updated search of all sources to June 2009 n = 116

Excluded n = 2862
(wrong population, not an RCT,
noninvasive ventilation or CPAP
not studied)

Full-text articles
n = 171

Excluded n = 25
• Wrong population n = 15
• Not an RCT n = 10

RCTs included in the

final review
n = 146

Clinical settings Application Other

ALI/ARDS n = 1 Interfaces n = 10 Brochodilators n = 2
Asthma n = 3 Triggering n = 1 Bronchsocopy n = 2
Atelectasis n = 1 Modes n = 14 Preoxygenation n = 2
Severe CAP n = 1 Humidification n = 2 NIV v. CMV n = 5
Chest trauma n = 2 Ventilator n = 2 Helium adjunct n = 2
COPD n = 17
CPE n = 29
Postop n = 24
Postextubation n = 8
Weaning adjunct n = 10
Hypoxemic n = 1
Heterogeneous n = 5
Immunocompromised n = 2

Figure 1: Summary of search results. ALI = acute lung injury, ARDS = acute respiratory distress syndrome,
CAP = community-acquired pneumonia, CMV = conventional mechanical ventilation, COPD = chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, CPAP = continuous positive airway pressure, CPE = cardiogenic pulmonary
edema, NIV = noninvasive ventilation, RCT = randomized controlled trial.

CMAJ, February 22, 2011, 183(3) E199


Table 2: Summary of clinical practice guideline statements for the use of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation and noninvasive
continuous positive airway pressure in the acute care setting (part 1 of 3)

Treatment Guideline statement Grade

Acute respiratory failure

Severe exacerbation of COPD
NPPV v. standard therapy We recommend the use of NPPV in addition to usual care in patients who have a 1A
severe exacerbation of COPD (pH < 7.35 and relative hypercarbia)
CPAP v. standard therapy We make no recommendation about the use of CPAP in patients who have a NA
severe exacerbation of COPD, because of a lack of RCTs
NPPV + heliox v. standard therapy We suggest that helium–oxygen (heliox) not be routinely used in patients who 2C
have a severe exacerbation of COPD and who are receiving NPPV
CPAP + heliox v. standard therapy We make no recommendation about the use of heliox with CPAP in patients who NA
have a severe exacerbation of COPD, because of a lack of RCTs
NPPV v. conventional mechanical We make no recommendation about the use of NPPV versus intubation and NA
ventilation conventional mechanical ventilation in patients who have a severe exacerbation
of COPD that requires ventilator support, because of insufficient evidence
CPAP v. conventional mechanical We make no recommendation about the use of CPAP in patients who have a NA
ventilation severe exacerbation of COPD that requires ventilator support, because of a lack
of RCTs
Exacerbation of asthma
NPPV We make no recommendation about the use of NPPV in patients who have an NA
exacerbation of asthma, because of insufficient evidence
CPAP We make no recommendation about the use of CPAP in patients who have an NA
exacerbation of asthma, because of a lack of RCTs
Cardiogenic pulmonary edema
NPPV or CPAP v. standard therapy We recommend the use of either NPPV or CPAP in patients who have cardiogenic 1A
pulmonary edema and respiratory failure in the absence of shock or acute
coronary syndrome requiring acute coronary revascularization
Acute lung injury
NPPV v. standard therapy We make no recommendation about the use of NPPV in patients who have acute NA
lung injury, because of a lack of RCTs
CPAP v. standard therapy We recommend that CPAP not be used in patients who have acute lung injury 1C
Severe community-acquired
NPPV v. standard therapy We make no recommendation about the use of NPPV in patients who have NA
severe community-acquired pneumonia and no prior history of COPD, because of
insufficient evidence
CPAP v. standard therapy We make no recommendation about the use of CPAP in patients who have NA
severe community-acquired pneumonia and no prior history of COPD, because of
a lack of RCTs
Chest trauma
NPPV or CPAP (patients without We make no recommendation about the use of either NPPV or CPAP in patients NA
respiratory distress) who have chest trauma without respiratory distress, because of a lack of RCTs
NPPV (patients with respiratory We make no recommendation about the use of NPPV in patients who have chest NA
distress) trauma and respiratory distress, because of a lack of RCTs
CPAP (patients with respiratory We make no recommendation about the use of CPAP in patients who have chest NA
distress) trauma and respiratory distress, because of insufficient evidence
Immunosuppression in conjunction
with acute respiratory distress or
NPPV v. standard therapy We suggest that NPPV be used in immunosuppressed patients who have acute 2B
respiratory failure
CPAP v. standard therapy We make no recommendation about the use of CPAP in immunosuppressed NA
patients who have acute respiratory failure, because of a lack of RCTs

E200 CMAJ, February 22, 2011, 183(3)


Table 2: Summary of clinical practice guideline statements for the use of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation and noninvasive
continuous positive airway pressure in the acute care setting (part 2 of 3)

Treatment Guideline statement Grade

Acute respiratory failure — continued

Bronchoscopy in patients with hypoxemia
Bronchoscopy We make no recommendation about the use of either NPPV or CPAP in patients NA
who have hypoxemia and who undergo bronchoscopy, because of insufficient
After intubation
Adjunct to early liberation from
mechanical ventilation
NPPV v. conventional mechanical We suggest that NPPV be used to facilitate early liberation from mechanical 2B
ventilation (patients with COPD) ventilation in patients who have COPD, but only in centres that have expertise
NPPV v. conventional mechanical We make no recommendation about the use of NPPV to facilitate early liberation NA
ventilation (patients without COPD) from mechanical ventilation in patients who do not have COPD, because of
insufficient evidence
CPAP v. conventional mechanical We make no recommendation about the use of CPAP to facilitate early liberation NA
ventilation from mechanical ventilation, because of a lack of RCTs
Transition to spontaneous breathing
after planned extubation
NPPV v. standard (high-risk patients) We suggest that NPPV be used after planned extubation in patients who are 2B
considered to be at high risk of recurrent respiratory failure, but only in centres
that have expertise in NPPV
NPPV v. standard (low-risk patients) We suggest that NPPV not be used after planned extubation in patients who are 2C
considered to be at low risk of respiratory failure
CPAP v. standard We make no recommendation about the use of CPAP after planned extubation, NA
because of a lack of RCTs
Treatment for acute respiratory
failure after extubation
NPPV v. conventional mechanical We suggest that NPPV not be routinely used in patients who do not have COPD 2C
ventilation (patients without COPD) and who have postextubation respiratory failure
NPPV v. conventional mechanical We make no recommendation about the use of NPPV in patients who have COPD NA
ventilation (patients with COPD) and postextubation respiratory failure, because of insufficient evidence
CPAP v. conventional mechanical We make no recommendation about the use of CPAP in patients who have NA
ventilation postextubation respiratory failure, because of a lack of RCTs
Postoperative setting
Prevention of acute respiratory
failure after low-risk surgery
NPPV or CPAP (low-risk patients, We make no recommendation about the use of either NPPV or CPAP in low-risk NA
low-risk surgery) patients after low-risk surgery to prevent respiratory failure, because of
insufficient evidence
NPPV or CPAP (cardiac surgery) We make no recommendation about the use of NPPV to prevent respiratory NA
failure after cardiac surgery, because of a lack of RCTs, and we make no
recommendation about the use of CPAP to prevent respiratory failure after
cardiac surgery, because of insufficient evidence
NPPV or CPAP (high-risk patients, We make no recommendation about the use of either NPPV or CPAP in patients NA
low-risk surgery) at high risk (because of associated comorbidity) to prevent respiratory failure
after low-risk surgical procedures, because of insufficient evidence
Prevention of acute respiratory
failure after high-risk surgery
NPPV or CPAP for postoperative We make no recommendation about the use of NPPV to prevent respiratory NA
patients (high-risk surgery) failure after high-risk surgical procedures, because of a lack of RCTs, and we
make no recommendation about the use of CPAP to prevent respiratory failure
after high-risk surgical procedures, because of insufficient evidence

CMAJ, February 22, 2011, 183(3) E201


Table 2: Summary of clinical practice guideline statements for the use of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation and noninvasive
continuous positive airway pressure in the acute care setting (part 3 of 3)

Treatment Guideline statement Grade

Postoperative setting — continued

Treatment of acute respiratory
failure after surgery
NPPV (abdominal surgery) We make no recommendation about the use of NPPV in patients who have NA
respiratory failure after abdominal surgery, because of a lack of RCTs
CPAP (abdominal surgery) We suggest that CPAP be used in patients who have respiratory failure after 2C
abdominal surgery
NPPV (lung-resection surgery) We suggest that NPPV be used in patients who have respiratory failure after 2C
lung-resection surgery
CPAP (lung-resection surgery) We make no recommendation about the use of CPAP in patients who have NA
respiratory failure after lung-resection surgery, because of a lack of RCTs
Optimal use of noninvasive
NPPV We suggest the use of an oronasal mask rather than a nasal mask in patients who 2C
have acute respiratory failure and who are receiving NPPV
NPPV We make no recommendation about the use of an oronasal mask versus full face NA
mask for NPPV in patients who have acute respiratory failure, because of
insufficient evidence
CPAP We make no recommendation about the use of an oronasal mask versus nasal or NA
full face mask in patients who have acute respiratory failure and who are
receiving CPAP, because of a lack of RCTs
Preferred mode for NPPV
NPPV We make no recommendation about the use of proportional assist ventilation NA
versus pressure support ventilation in patients who are receiving NPPV for acute
respiratory failure, because of insufficient evidence

Note: COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, CPAP = noninvasive continuous positive airway pressure (by mask), NPPV = noninvasive positive-pressure
ventilation, RCT = randomized controlled trial.

Continuous positive airway pressure for • We make no recommendation about the use
patients with exacerbation of COPD of continuous positive airway pressure by
We did not identify any RCTs investigating con- mask in patients who have a severe exacerba-
tinuous positive airway pressure by mask for tion of COPD, because of a lack of RCTs.
patients with COPD.
Exacerbation of asthma
Statements Three small RCTs on the use of noninvasive
• We recommend the use of noninvasive posi- positive-pressure ventilation in patients with
tive-pressure ventilation in addition to usual exacerbation of asthma have been published.34–36
care in patients who have a severe exacerba- One trial, which cited selection bias in patient
tion of COPD (pH < 7.35 and relative hyper- enrolment leading to a small sample size (n =
carbia) (grade 1A recommendation). 35), found no differences in outcomes.34 The sec-
• We suggest that heliox not be routinely used ond trial was a single-centre trial of 33 patients
in patients with severe exacerbation of COPD that used sham noninvasive ventilation in the
who are receiving noninvasive positive-pres- control group.35 None of the patients were intu-
sure ventilation (grade 2C recommendation). bated, and all survived the hospital stay. How-
• We make no recommendation about the use ever, there was a more rapid improvement in the
of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation forced expiratory volume in the first second
versus intubation and conventional mechan- (FEV1), and fewer patients required admission to
ical ventilation in patients who have a hospital (3/17 v. 10/16; p = 0.013). The sham
severe exacerbation of COPD that requires therapy may have disadvantaged the control
ventilator support, because of insufficient group by increasing the work of breathing.
evidence. Finally, in a recent three-arm trial (n = 40) com-

E202 CMAJ, February 22, 2011, 183(3)


paring two pressure levels of noninvasive posi- cross over to one of the two forms of noninva-
tive-pressure ventilation with oxygen therapy sive ventilation rather than undergoing insertion
alone, a greater reduction in dyspnea and a of an endotracheal tube. Although the rate of
greater increase in FEV1 were reported for the endotracheal intubation did not differ between
group that received noninvasive ventilation.36 arms, a much higher proportion of patients in
Importantly, the patients in the latter two RCTs the oxygen arm crossed over to noninvasive
did not have severe exacerbation of asthma ventilation (56/367 patients v. 5/346 from con-
(none required endotracheal intubation). Overall, tinuous positive airway pressure to noninvasive
the quality and quantity of the evidence were positive-pressure ventilation and 12/356 from
low, and there were very few outcome events in noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation to
any of the studies. We did not identify any RCTs continuous positive airway pressure). In addi-
on the use of continuous positive airway pres- tion, the proportion of patients who did not
sure in this population. remain in their assigned treatment arm because
of respiratory distress was significantly higher
Statements in the oxygen-only arm (8.4% v. 3.4% for non-
• We make no recommendation about the use invasive positive-pressure ventilation and 1.4%
of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation for continuous positive airway pressure; p <
in patients who have an exacerbation of 0.001). Because of the potential for crossover in
asthma, because of insufficient evidence. this trial to confound the outcomes of endo-
• We make no recommendation about the use tracheal intubation and hospital mortality, we
of continuous positive airway pressure by considered the outcome of “treatment failure”
mask in patients who have an exacerbation of in developing our final guideline statement.
asthma, because of a lack of RCTs. Pooled treatment failure for all trials was sig-
nificantly lower for both noninvasive positive-
Cardiogenic pulmonary edema pressure ventilation (RR 0.36, 95% CI 0.25–
The use of noninvasive ventilation for patients 0.51) and continuous positive airway pressure
with cardiogenic pulmonary edema and acute res- (RR 0.23, 95% CI 0.17–0.32). Including all
piratory failure has been studied extensively. We trials, there was a trend toward lower hospital
identified 20 relevant RCTs.42–46,48–51,53–57,59,61,62,64–66 mortality (for noninvasive positive-pressure
These trials examined the use of noninvasive ventilation, RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.63–1.13; for
positive-pressure ventilation plus usual therapy continuous positive airway pressure, RR 0.73,
versus usual therapy alone,48,49,53 continuous posi- 95% CI 0.51–1.05).
tive airway pressure by mask plus usual therapy The literature on continuous positive airway
versus usual therapy alone,42–44,46,51,55,66 continuous pressure by mask has evolved over the past
positive airway pressure by mask plus usual ther- two decades, during which time co-interven-
apy versus noninvasive positive-pressure ventila- tions for cardiogenic pulmonary edema that
tion plus usual therapy45,54,57,59,61,62 or all three of may affect mortality, including use of acute
these treatments.50,56,64,65 Before publication of a revascularization techniques, has changed.
recent large RCT,65 which accounted for 40% of Inclusion and exclusion criteria varied among
all patients who have been studied in RCTs of the trials. All 15 trials from 2000 to 2009
continuous positive airway pressure for cardio- excluded patients with cardiogenic shock. In
genic pulmonary edema and 70% of patients addition, 9 of these 15 trials, and 8 of the 10
receiving noninvasive positive-pressure ventila- trials in the period 2005 through 2009, also
tion for this indication, five separate systematic excluded patients who required acute coronary
reviews162–166 had consistently demonstrated a revascularization48,53,56,61,62,64,65 or who had acute
significant reduction in endotracheal intubation coronary syndrome.54,59 Hence, it is difficult to
with both types of noninvasive ventilation. extend recommendations to these specific
When this large trial was included in the meta- populations. An early RCT suggested that non-
analysis, there was a trend toward reduction in invasive positive-pressure ventilation was
endotracheal intubation with noninvasive posi- associated with a greater risk of myocardial
tive-pressure ventilation (RR 0.55, 95% CI infarction than was continuous positive airway
0.29–1.03) and a significant reduction in endo- pressure,45 but many subsequent RCTs have not
tracheal intubation with continuous positive air- confirmed this finding.50,54,56,57,59,61,62,64,65
way pressure by mask (RR 0.42, 95% CI 0.28–
0.63) relative to oxygen alone. Statement
Notably, this recent large trial 65 differed • We recommend the use of either noninva-
from most others, in that patients who met the sive positive-pressure ventilation or continu-
criteria for treatment failure were allowed to ous positive airway pressure by mask in

CMAJ, February 22, 2011, 183(3) E203


patients who have cardiogenic pulmonary of patients (n = 34) with severe community-
edema and respiratory failure in the absence acquired pneumonia.39 For these two small sub-
of shock or acute coronary syndrome requir- groups (67 patients in total) from two RCTs, the
ing urgent coronary revascularization (grade results were conflicting regarding the addition
1A recommendation). of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation to
usual therapy for patients with severe com -
Acute lung injury munity-acquired pneumonia but no prior history
Three RCTs have assessed noninvasive ventila- of COPD (pooled results: RR 0.54, 95% CI
tion in patients with acute lung injury, including 0.24–1.17 for endotracheal intubation and RR
acute respiratory distress syndrome. Two trials 0.70, 95% CI 0.13–3.63 for hospital mortality).
on noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation We did not identify any RCTs on the use of
included subgroups of patients with acute lung continuous positive airway pressure for patients
injury, but the numbers of events and patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia
were too small to allow interpretation (total of 30 and without COPD.
patients in the two trials39,40). One RCT was pub-
lished on the use of continuous positive airway Statements
pressure plus usual therapy versus usual therapy • We make no recommendation about the use
alone in patients with acute hypoxemic respira- of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation
tory failure.37 One-third of these patients had in patients who have severe community-
associated acute or chronic cardiac disease, acquired pneumonia and no prior history of
although the relative proportion of each and the COPD, because of insufficient evidence.
precise definition of cardiac disease were not • We make no recommendation about the use
reported. In the subgroup of patients who did not of continuous positive airway pressure by
have acute or chronic cardiac disease, the addi- mask in patients who have severe com -
tion of continuous positive airway pressure did munity-acquired pneumonia and no prior hist-
not affect endotracheal intubation (RR 0.86, 95% ory of COPD, because of a lack of RCTs.
CI 0.54–1.37) or hospital mortality (RR 1.04,
95% CI 0.6–1.7) but was associated with more Chest trauma
adverse events (including four cardiac arrests), There were two RCTs on the use of continuous
which suggested a potential for harm. positive airway pressure in patients with severe
chest trauma: one for prevention and one for
Statements treatment of respiratory failure in patients with-
• We make no recommendation about the use out an endotracheal tube at the time of presen-
of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation tation.137,138 No RCTs have evaluated noninva-
in patients who have acute lung injury, sive positive-pressure ventilation for these
because of a lack of RCTs. indications. In the prevention trial, which
• We recommend that continuous positive air- included all patients with severe chest trauma
way pressure not be used in patients who have regardless of whether they had respiratory dis-
acute lung injury (grade 1C recommendation). tress,137 co-interventions differed between treat-
ment groups, the noninvasive ventilation group
Severe community-acquired pneumonia receiving epidural analgesia and the control
in patients without COPD group receiving systemic analgesia. In addition,
Two RCTs studied noninvasive positive- the comparator to continuous positive airway
pressure ventilation in patients with community- pressure in this trial was intubation and
acquired pneumonia and acute hypoxemic res- mechanical ventilation. Hence, although the
piratory failure but no prior history of COPD. In group receiving noninvasive ventilation had a
one trial, patients with COPD were included, shorter length of stay in the ICU and in hospi-
and results for patients who did and did not have tal, the design of the study did not reflect cur-
this condition were reported separately.38 In the rent clinical practice, as endotracheal tubes are
subgroup of patients who did not have COPD (n not usually inserted prophylactically for
= 33), the addition of noninvasive positive- patients similar to those in the control group.
pressure ventilation did not reduce endotracheal The RCT involving patients with respiratory
intubation (6/16 v. 8/17 in control group) or failure reported a lower mortality rate (2/22 v.
hospital mortality (6/16 v. 4/17). In the other 7/21; p < 0.01) for the group receiving continu-
trial, which involved patients with acute hypox- ous positive airway pressure by mask,138 but the
emic respiratory failure but no underlying small total number of patients (n = 43) and the
COPD, there was benefit (reduced endotracheal single-centre design raise concerns regarding
intubation and ICU mortality) for the subgroup generalizability.

E204 CMAJ, February 22, 2011, 183(3)


Statements Statement
• We make no recommendation about the use • We make no recommendation about the use
of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation of either noninvasive positive-pressure venti-
or continuous positive airway pressure in lation or continuous positive airway pressure
patients who have chest trauma without res- in patients who have hypoxemia and who
piratory distress, because of a lack of RCTs. undergo bronchoscopy, because of insuffi-
• We make no recommendation about the use cient evidence.
of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation
in patients who have chest trauma and res- After intubation
piratory distress, because of a lack of RCTs.
• We make no recommendation about the use Adjunct to early liberation
of continuous positive airway pressure by Nine RCTs found that noninvasive positive-
mask in patients who have chest trauma and pressure ventilation can be used as an alternative
respiratory distress, because of insufficient to continued invasive ventilation in patients who
evidence. become clinically stable but still require ongoing
ventilation (e.g., failure of spontaneous breathing
Immunosuppression trials but meeting criteria for control of pul-
We identified two RCTs that evaluated the effect monary infection72,73,75,76,78–82) (RR 0.49, 95% CI
of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation 0.29–0.83 for hospital mortality). However, six
added to usual therapy in patients with immuno- of the nine trials included only patients who had
suppression (defined as receiving immunosup- exacerbations of COPD. 72,75,78–81 Two of the
pressive therapy for solid organ or bone marrow remaining three RCTs included both patients
transplant or immunosuppressive chemotherapy) without COPD and a large proportion of patients
who also had acute respiratory distress or fail- with COPD (58% 76 and 76% 73 ). The pooled
ure.40,41 Both studies (total 92 patients) showed a effect on hospital mortality for these three
reduction in endotracheal intubation (RR 0.46, studies was not significant (RR 0.52, 95% CI
95% CI 0.22–0.95) and a reduction in hospital 0.15–1.85). The wide confidence intervals arose
mortality (RR 0.62, 95% CI 0.43–0.90). How- because of benefit in the two studies that had
ever, members of the panel questioned the gener- larger proportions of patients with COPD and no
alizability of the results from centres with highly benefit in the single study that had fewer patients
experienced staff to other centres. No RCTs with COPD.
were found on the use of continuous positive air- At this time, the literature supports use of
way pressure in this population. noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation only
in patients who have COPD because the minimal
Statements data on patients without this condition suggest
• We suggest that noninvasive positive- no benefit. Because of methodologic limitations
pressure ventilation be used for immunosup- in these studies, as well as important safety, feas-
pressed patients who have acute respiratory ibility and cost limitations, the use of noninva-
failure (grade 2B recommendation). sive positive-pressure ventilation for this indica-
• We make no recommendation about the use tion requires both considerable expertise and the
of continuous positive airway pressure by ability to closely monitor the patients, because
mask in immunosuppressed patients who urgent reintubation may be required.
have acute respiratory failure, because of a No RCTs have been published on the use of
lack of RCTs. continuous positive airway pressure by mask in
this population.
Bronchoscopy in patients with hypoxemia
Patients with hypoxemia who undergo bron- Statements
choscopy are at risk of respiratory deteriora- • We suggest that noninvasive positive-
tion and need for endotracheal intubation. One pressure ventilation be used to facilitate early
RCT using noninvasive positive-pressure liberation from mechanical ventilation in
ventilation 118 and a second using continuous patients who have COPD, but only in centres
positive airway pressure by mask119 suggested that have expertise in this type of therapy
benefit in terms of oxygenation when these (grade 2B recommendation).
interventions were used during bronchoscopy. • We make no recommendation about the use
However, few patients were included (total of of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation
56 for the two RCTs), and the impact on endo- to facilitate early liberation from mechanical
tracheal intubation (0.28, 95% CI 0.05–1.64) ventilation in patients who do not have
was inconsistent. COPD, because of insufficient evidence.

CMAJ, February 22, 2011, 183(3) E205


• We make no recommendation about the use of extubation in patients who are considered to
continuous positive airway pressure by mask be at low risk of respiratory failure (grade 2C
to facilitate early liberation from mechanical recommendation).
ventilation, because of a lack of RCTs. • We make no recommendation about the use
of continuous positive airway pressure by
After planned extubation mask after planned extubation, because of a
Noninvasive ventilation may prevent the need lack of RCTs.
for reintubation if applied immediately after
planned extubation. One small, low-quality trial Respiratory failure after extubation
assessed noninvasive positive-pressure ventila- Noninvasive ventilation has been used in patients
tion after extubation and found no benefit.83 The who experience respiratory failure during the
study had limited generalizability because it postextubation period (generally considered to be
included a high proportion of patients who had 48–72 hours after extubation). Two RCTs have
performed the extubation themselves. Members evaluated the addition of noninvasive positive-
of the panel expressed concern regarding the pressure ventilation to usual care compared with
feasibility and cost of noninvasive positive-pres- usual care alone for postextubation respiratory
sure ventilation in this setting. failure, and both found no reduction in rates of
Four recent RCTs suggested benefit from non- reintubation (RR 1.03, 95% CI 0.84–1.25).70,71
invasive positive-pressure ventilation after extub- The larger, multicentre trial suggested potential
ation in patients who were at high risk of deterio- harm, finding a higher rate of ICU mortality
ration. 8 4 – 8 7 High-risk patients were defined among patients receiving noninvasive positive-
differently among the RCTs: 1) age greater than pressure ventilation (28/114 v. 15/107, p =
65 years, cardiac failure as the cause of intubation 0.048).71 Notably, the earlier study excluded
or Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evalua- patients with COPD after the first of 4 years of
tion (APACHE) II score greater than 12 at the recruitment,70 and in the second study too few
time of extubation;84 2) more than one of the fol- patients with COPD were available to be ana-
lowing: failure of consecutive weaning trials, lyzed separately.71 Others have raised concerns
chronic cardiac failure, arterial pressure of carbon that noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation was
dioxide greater than 45 mm Hg after extubation, not optimally applied in either trial.167,168 At pres-
more than one noncardiac comorbidity, weak ent, safety concerns (consequences of delayed
cough or stridor after extubation not requiring reintubation and increased mortality) and issues
immediate intubation;85 3) acute exacerbation of of feasibility (centre expertise) preclude recom-
COPD86 or 4) history of chronic respiratory dis- mendation of routine use of noninvasive positive-
ease with ventilation for more than 48 hours and pressure ventilation in this patient population.
hypercapnia during the spontaneous breathing We did not identify any RCTs evaluating use
trial.87 Although the four trials defined higher risk of continuous positive airway pressure by mask
differently, they reported consistent decreases in in this population.
rates of reintubation (RR 0.42, 95% CI 0.25–
0.70) and ICU mortality (RR 0.35, 95% CI 0.16– Statements
0.78) but less benefit in terms of hospital mortal- • We suggest that noninvasive positive-
ity (RR 0.66, 95% CI 0.42–1.04). pressure ventilation not be routinely used in
Although these results are promising, we sug- patients who do not have COPD and who
gest that noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation have postextubation respiratory failure (grade
be used in this setting only where there is exper- 2C recommendation).
tise in both this type of therapy and invasive air- • We make no recommendation about the use
way management. We did not identify any RCTs of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation
investigating the role of continuous positive air- in patients who have COPD and postextuba-
way pressure by mask in this population. tion respiratory failure, because of insuffi-
cient evidence.
Statements • We make no recommendation about the use
• We suggest that noninvasive positive- of continuous positive airway pressure by
pressure ventilation be used after planned mask in patients who have postextubation res-
extubation in patients who are considered to piratory failure, because of a lack of RCTs.
be at high risk of recurrent respiratory failure,
but only in centres that have expertise in this Postoperative setting
type of therapy (grade 2B recommendation).
• We suggest that noninvasive positive- Noninvasive ventilation may be used in the post-
pressure ventilation not be used after planned operative setting to either prevent or treat res-

E206 CMAJ, February 22, 2011, 183(3)


piratory failure. For prevention, noninvasive ven- involving patients who underwent low-risk
tilation is added to usual care for all patients who surgery specified the patients’ risk level in terms
undergo specified surgeries. For treatment, non- of associated comorbidities, the lack of evidence
invasive ventilation is used only in patients who of effectiveness of either noninvasive positive-
experience postoperative hypoxemia or early pressure ventilation or continuous positive air-
signs of respiratory failure. The potential benefit way pressure in these heterogeneous popula-
of these interventions when applied as part of tions implies a lack of evidence for low-risk
routine postoperative care (i.e., for prevention of patients.
respiratory failure) may depend on the baseline One trial evaluated noninvasive positive-
risk of respiratory failure. This risk can arise from pressure ventilation in patients considered at
variables related to either the patient or the surgi- high risk of respiratory failure (because of asso-
cal procedure itself.169,170 For example, one trial of ciated comorbidities) who underwent abdominal
patients undergoing abdominal surgery 1 1 0 surgery, considered a lower-risk procedure.110
included only high-risk patients as defined by a The authors reported a nonsignficant reduction
previously validated risk-scoring system, which in reintubation during the postoperative period
included body mass index, the presence of car- (0/21 v. 2/20). No trials evaluated continuous
diac comorbidities, COPD and an oncologic positive airway pressure for a specifically
diagnosis.170 Unfortunately, other than this trial110 defined high-risk group of patients undergoing
the literature comprises only studies that do not low-risk surgery.
specify the risk level of the included patients. Two RCTs evaluated continuous positive air-
way pressure by mask in addition to usual ther-
Prevention of respiratory failure apy or intermittent breathing exercises in
For the purposes of this guideline we considered patients who underwent high-risk surgical pro-
high-risk surgical procedures to include major cedures, including elective open repair of
vascular procedures, such as elective abdominal abdominal aortic aneurysm or thoracoabdominal
vascular surgery92 and elective thoracoabdominal vascular surgery.92,94 Neither trial specified the
vascular surgery.94 The average age of patients risk level of the patient population. Pooled
enrolled in these trials was about 65 years, which results from these two trials showed a trend
represents an additional risk factor for postopera- toward reduced rate of endotracheal intubation
tive respiratory failure, and the risk due to (RR 0.23, 95% CI 0.05–1.03) but no difference
patients’ comorbidities was not specifically in hospital mortality.
defined.169 Although cardiac and thoracic surgery For prevention of respiratory failure after
may be considered high-risk procedures, the low-risk surgical procedures:
actual incidence of respiratory failure with these • We make no recommendation about the use
types of surgery is relatively low.89,91,95,97–99 of either noninvasive positive-pressure venti-
For the purposes of these guidelines, low risk lation or continuous positive airway pressure
was necessarily defined by the surgical proced- by mask in low-risk patients after low-risk
ure alone, as no trials specified that their respec- surgery, because of insufficient evidence.
tive patient populations were uniformly at low • We make no recommendation about the use
risk. As such, trials of low-risk surgical proce- of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation
dures might have included patients with comor- to prevent respiratory failure after cardiac
bidities that would place them in either high- or surgery, because of a lack of RCTs, and no
low-risk categories. Trials of the use of noninva- recommendation about the use of continuous
sive ventilation in patients who underwent low- positive airway pressure by mask in this set-
risk surgical procedures were generally small ting, because of insufficient evidence.
and reported only physiologic outcomes or • We make no recommendation about the use
found no difference in endotracheal intubation, of either noninvasive positive-pressure venti-
hospital mortality or length of stay.89,91,95,97–99,102– lation or continuous positive airway pressure
The only exception was a recent large by mask in patients at high risk (because of
trial of continuous positive airway pressure by associated comorbidity) to prevent respiratory
mask in 468 patients after cardiac surgery.101 failure after low-risk surgical procedures,
There was a reduction in a composite end point because of insufficient evidence.
of pulmonary complications (arterial pressure of For prevention of respiratory failure after
oxygen/fraction of inspired oxygen < 100, pneu- high-risk surgical procedures:
monia or reintubation) and readmission to the • We make no recommendation about the use of
ICU or an intermediate care unit. The authors noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation to
found no differences in reintubation, mortality prevent respiratory failure after high-risk sur-
or length of stay. Although none of the trials gical procedures, because of a lack of RCTs.

CMAJ, February 22, 2011, 183(3) E207


• We make no recommendation about the use ventilation or proportional assist ventilation? Is

of continuous positive airway pressure by there a superior model of ventilator or optimal
mask to prevent respiratory failure after high- triggering? What is the role of humidification?
risk surgical procedures, because of insuffi- We searched the literature to address these
cient evidence. questions and found that most studies were
uncontrolled or used a randomized crossover
Treatment of respiratory failure rather than parallel design. We did not identify
Two RCTs90,112 assessed the use of noninvasive any trials on optimal triggering, ventilator type
ventilation to treat respiratory failure in the post- or use of humidification. Therefore, our state-
operative setting. One trial examined continuous ments in this area are limited.
positive airway pressure by mask in patients who
experienced hypoxemia after abdominal surgery Choice of interface
involving visceral exposure times exceeding 90 Two RCTs, with parallel design, compared use
minutes,112 and the other evaluated noninvasive of an oronasal mask with use of a nasal mask in
positive-pressure ventilation in patients who patients who had acute respiratory failure.125,126
experienced hypoxemia and increased work of Although there was no difference in endotrach-
breathing after lung resection.90 Both RCTs found eal intubation or mortality, the oronasal mask
a reduction in rate of endotracheal intubation (RR was better tolerated. One small RCT (34
0.14, 95% CI 0.03–0.62112 and RR 0.42, 95% CI patients) compared the use of a full face mask
0.17–1.00, 90 respectively). Patients who had with use of an oronasal mask.127 The study inves-
underlying congestive heart failure and valvular tigators reported better tolerance of the oronasal
heart disease were excluded from the abdominal mask, but the small number of patients precludes
surgery study.112 The current evidence is therefore any strong inferences.
limited, as few patients were enrolled in these
studies and few experienced outcome events. Statements
• We suggest the use of an oronasal mask
Statements rather than a nasal mask in patients who have
• We make no recommendation about the use of acute respiratory failure and who are receiv-
noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation in ing noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation
patients who have respiratory failure after (grade 2C recommendation).
abdominal surgery, because of a lack of RCTs. • We make no recommendation about the use
• We suggest that continuous positive airway of an oronasal mask versus full face mask for
pressure be used in patients who have respira- noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation in
tory failure after abdominal surgery (grade 2C patients who have acute respiratory failure,
recommendation). because of insufficient evidence.
• We suggest that noninvasive positive- • We make no recommendation about the use
pressure ventilation be used in patients who of an oronasal mask versus nasal or full face
have respiratory failure after lung-resection mask in patients who have acute respiratory
surgery (grade 2C recommendation). failure and who are receiving continuous
• We make no recommendation about the use of positive airway pressure by mask, because of
continuous positive airway pressure by mask in a lack of RCTs.
patients who have respiratory failure after lung-
resection surgery, because of a lack of RCTs. Preferred mode for noninvasive positive-
pressure ventilation
Two parallel-design RCTs compared the use of
Optimal use of noninvasive pressure support ventilation and proportional
ventilation assist ventilation.148,149 Neither found differences
in rates of intubation or mortality. In one RCT,
All of the preceding statements have referred to different ventilator models were used in each of
the use of either noninvasive positive-pressure the two arms,149 a difference that may confound
ventilation or continuous positive airway pres- the better tolerance found in the group receiving
sure by mask in specific populations. Several proportional assist ventilation. The second RCT,
additional questions remain unanswered: Which which used the same model of ventilator to com-
interface is optimal: nasal, oronasal mask (mask pare the two modes of ventilation, also reported
covering nose and mouth), full face mask (mask better comfort and tolerance with proportional
covering entire face) or helmet? Which mode of assist ventilation. 148 Important methodologic
noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation is opti- issues limit inferences from these trials. More-
mal: pressure support ventilation, volume control over, feasibility and cost considerations associ-

E208 CMAJ, February 22, 2011, 183(3)


ated with proportional assist ventilation preclude gists with expertise in evidence-based medicine
the widespread use of this mode of noninvasive and guideline development. To prepare for using
positive-pressure ventilation. the GRADE methodology, we educated the panel
members in advance about use of this systematic
Statement and transparent method of grading the evidence
• We make no recommendation about the use and developing statements. After using a consen-
of proportional assist ventilation versus pres- sus process to develop our final statements, we
sure support ventilation in patients who are obtained an anonymous agreement score for each
receiving noninvasive positive-pressure venti- statement from each panel member. In addition,
lation for acute respiratory failure, because of this guideline was critiqued by external reviewers
insufficient evidence. from two professional associations and by two
international experts in noninvasive positive-
Implementation pressure ventilation research and application.
This guideline does not address the use of
Implementation of these guidelines may require noninvasive ventilation in some clinical settings
clinician education, additional health care per- where it is currently used because of a lack of
sonnel, organizational change or additional RCTs for either intervention. Some examples
resources (equipment or beds with cardiopul- include use of noninvasive ventilation for acute
monary monitoring) to ensure safe and appropri- respiratory failure in patients with cystic fibrosis
ate application of noninvasive positive-pressure or HIV/AIDS or in patients who have declined
ventilation and continuous positive airway pres- intubation and resuscitation. Although there is no
sure. Timely endotracheal intubation may be RCT-level evidence to support effectiveness in
required if noninvasive ventilation fails. Strat- these settings, the absence of such evidence does
egies for the implementation of these guidelines not preclude benefit. For these and other areas
should be developed for each relevant clinician for which noninvasive ventilation is currently
group (physicians in different clinical areas and used, these technologies may be considered as
with different levels of training and expertise, possible treatment options. In some settings,
respiratory therapists and bedside nurses).171,172 experimental studies may be ethically challeng-
ing, and RCTs may never be conducted.
Other guidelines
We plan to update this guideline every four years The literature review and consensus processes
(sooner if sufficient new data from RCTs used to arrive at the recommendations presented
become available). here are similar to those used for the British Thor-
acic Society guideline published in 2002,154 and
Discussion the scope and recommendations of our guidelines
closely resemble those of the British guideline.
The guideline statements that we have developed However, for our guideline, we considered more
for the use of noninvasive ventilation for patients recent literature (an additional 58 RCTs), used
in the acute care setting build on previous con- RCT evidence alone and used the GRADE
sensus conference statements 152,153 and guide- methodology. The British Thoracic Society guide-
lines154,156,157 published by other societies. Our line includes recommendations for patients who
guideline is based on the most current, systematic have chest wall deformity or neuromuscular dis-
and comprehensive review of RCTs in this area. ease, decompensated obstructive sleep apnea, and
We used GRADE methodology in our critical cystic fibrosis or bronchiectasis, but recommenda-
appraisal of the quality of the RCT evidence with tions for these patient groups were based on non-
respect to study validity. Moreover, we incorpor - RCT evidence. Our guideline addresses several
ated assessments of safety, feasibility and cost in additional clinical settings: postoperative care,
developing our recommendations. Where there weaning from conventional mechanical ventila-
was insufficient RCT evidence to make a recom- tion, transition to spontaneous breathing and res-
mendation, we have indicated “no recommenda- piratory failure after extubation; it also includes
tion,” which means that the evidence neither more thorough review and discussion of the topic
favours nor opposes the use of noninvasive venti- of immunocompromised patients. The British
lation in those clinical situations. Thoracic Society guideline describes optimal
During the development of this guideline, we application of and weaning from noninvasive
enlisted the help of a multidisciplinary panel of positive-pressure ventilation, including monitoring
critical care physicians, pulmonary physicians requirements and guidance on setting up and run-
and respiratory therapists, including methodolo- ning a noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation

CMAJ, February 22, 2011, 183(3) E209


service. Our recommendations are limited to areas meets 20 of the 23 items (organized within 6
for which there is RCT evidence to make recom- domains).161 Specifically, we fulfilled only one of
mendations regarding the interface and modes of the three criteria within the “stakeholder involve-
noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation. ment domain” of the instrument, because we did
The Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine not include emergency department physicians or
published guidelines in 2006,156 using a more lim- nurses in the development process, nor did we
ited search strategy. In addition, individual panel take patients’ perspectives into account. We did
members summarized each area of interest before not conduct a formal economic evaluation or
meeting. The 10-member panel that prepared incorporate existing economic evaluations of non-
those guidelines used a consensus approach to invasive ventilation into the development of this
reach their recommendations but did not use the guideline. We pretested the guidelines informally
GRADE methodology. They incorporated non- among the target users. However, the develop-
RCT evidence into weak recommendations for ment of formal strategies for implementing the
settings where we did not make any recommen- guidelines and the testing of those strategies in
dation, such as severe community-acquired pneu- acute and critical care settings are the subject of
monia. They also had a broader focus, including ongoing research. The aim of this research is to
application of noninvasive positive-pressure identify the most effective and most cost-effective
ventilation, monitoring, location of use and initi- strategies adapted to the local level.
ating a service of this type. Although they made
similarly strong recommendations for noninva- Knowledge gaps
sive positive-pressure ventilation in patients with There are several topics for which we could not
cardiogenic pulmonary edema and exacerbation make recommendations because of insufficient
of COPD, their other recommendations tended to RCT evidence. Areas we suggest for future
be stronger than those in our guideline. We also research include the use of noninvasive ventila-
considered 24 new RCTs that were published tion for severe community-acquired pneumonia,
since the release of these guidelines. asthma, acute lung injury and chest trauma; for
The most recent guidelines previous to ours early liberation from mechanical ventilation;
were published in 2008 by a group of 28 experts after planned extubation; and in the postopera-
from 12 German medical societies.157 Their recom- tive setting. Important unresolved technical
mendations are similar to ours for patients who issues that require further research include the
have COPD or cardiogenic pulmonary edema. optimal ventilator, mode of ventilation, trigger,
However, we differed from the German guidelines interface and level of humidification.
in our recommendations about use of noninvasive
ventilation for immunocompromised patients, Conclusion
patients who are being weaned from mechanical Noninvasive ventilation is an important option in
ventilation and those who experience respiratory the management of patients who are at risk of or
failure after extubation. The German guidelines who have respiratory failure in the acute care set-
made a strong grade A recommendation (where ting. However, there is considerable variability in
grade of recommendation was based on the study its use.173,174 These guidelines provide a means to
design) for use of noninvasive positive-pressure reduce variations in practice while applying evi-
ventilation for these groups of patients, but we dence-based recommendations for care of these
were more conservative in our level of recommen- acutely ill patients. The guidelines were developed
dation because of lesser quantity and/or quality of within the context of the Canadian health care sys-
evidence to support the use of this type of therapy tem, but they are founded on RCTs from around
in these settings. Importantly, because there were the world. On the basis of these characteristics, we
no RCTs, we did not include an assessment of believe that these recommendations are generaliz-
noninvasive ventilation for patients who have able and potentially useful to all clinicians who
declined invasive mechanical ventilation. In con- care for patients who are at risk of or who have
trast, the German guidelines recommend (level B acute respiratory failure in the acute care setting.
recommendation) that noninvasive positive-
pressure ventilation is an acceptable alternative.
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150. Girault C, Richard JC, Chevron V, et al. Comparative physio- Members of the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group /
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ventilation in acute hypercapnic respiratory failure. Chest 1997; Guidelines Group: Dr. Sean P. Keenan, Department of Crit-
ical Care Medicine, Royal Columbian Hospital, University of
151. Girault C, Chevron V, Richard JC, et al. Physiological effects
and optimization of nasal assist-control ventilation for patients British Columbia, Vancouver, BC; Dr. Tasnim Sinuff,
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ure. Thorax 1997;52:690-6. Sciences Centre, and Interdepartmental Division of Critical
152. International Consensus Conferences in Intensive Care Medi- Care Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont.; Dr.
cine: noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in acute respira- Karen E.A. Burns, Interdepartmental Division of Critical
tory failure. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001;163:283-91. Care Medicine, the Keenan Research Centre and the Li Ka
153. Consensus Conference IV: noninvasive positive pressure venti- Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto,
lation. Respir Care 1997;42:362-9.
Ont.; Dr. John Muscedere, Department of Medicine, Queen’s
154. British Thoracic Society. BTS guideline: noninvasive ventilation
in acute respiratory failure. Thorax 2002;57:192-211. University and Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, Ont.;
155. Sinuff T, Keenan SP. Clinical practice guideline for the use of Dr. Jim Kutsogiannis, Division of Critical Care Medicine,
noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in COPD patients with University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta.; Dr. Sangeeta Mehta,
acute respiratory failure. J Crit Care 2004;19:82-91. Department of Medicine and the Interdepartmental Division
156. Chawla R, Khilnani GC, Suri JC, et al. Guidelines for noninva- of Critical Care Medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital, University
sive ventilation in acute respiratory failure. Indian J Crit Care of Toronto, Toronto, Ont.; Dr. Deborah J. Cook, Department
Med 2006;10:117-47. of Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ont.; Dr.
157. Schönhofer B, Kuhlen R, Neumann P, et al. [Non-invasive ventila-
Najib Ayas, Department of Medicine, University of British
tion as treatment for acute respiratory insufficiency. Essentials from
the new S3 guidelines]. Anaesthesist 2008;57:1091-102. German. Columbia, Vancouver, BC; Dr. Neill K.J. Adhikari, Inter-
158. GRADE Working Group. Grading quality of evidence and departmental Division of Critical Care Medicine, University
strength of recommendations. BMJ 2004;328:1-3. of Toronto, and the Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto,
159. Schünemann HJ, Jaeschke R, Cook DJ, et al. An official ATS Ont.; Lori Hand, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and
statement: grading the quality of evidence and strength of rec- Biostatistics, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ont.; Dr.
ommendations in ATS guidelines and recommendations. Am J Damon C. Scales, Interdepartmental Division of Critical
Respir Crit Care Med 2006;174:605-14. Care Medicine, University of Toronto, and the Sunnybrook
160. Guyatt G, Gutterman D, Baumann MH, et al. Grading strength
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Force. Chest 2006;129:174-81. BC; Lynda Lazosky, Division of Critical Care Medicine,
161. Cluzeau FA, Littlejohns P, Grimshaw JM, et al. Development St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver, BC; Dr. Graeme Rocker,
and application of a generic methodology to assess the quality of Division of Respirology, Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences
clinical guidelines. Int J Qual Health Care 1999;11:21-8. Centre and Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS; Dr. Sandra
162. Masip J, Roque M, Sanchez B, et al. Noninvasive ventilation in Dial, Critical Care Medicine, Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish
acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema: systematic review and General Hospital, and the Respiratory Epidemiology and
meta-analysis. JAMA 2005;294:3124-30.
Clinical Research Unit, Montreal Chest Institute, McGill
163. Peter JV, Moran JL, Phillips-Hughes J, et al. Effect of non-
invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) on mortality in University, Montréal, Que.; Dr. Kevin Laupland, Department
patients with acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema: a meta- of Critical Care Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary,
analysis. Lancet 2006;367:1155-63. Alta; Dr. Kevin Sanders, Department of Medicine, North
164. Winck JC, Azevedo LF, Costa-Pereira A, et al. Efficacy and York Hospital, Toronto, Ont.; and Dr. Peter Dodek, Division
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analysis. Crit Care 2006;10:R69. ver, BC
165. Ho KM, Wong K. A comparison of continuous and bi-level
positive airway pressure non-invasive ventilation in patients Contributors: Sean Keenan and Tasnim Sinuff are joint first
with acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema: a meta-analysis. Crit authors on this paper. They led the process of guideline de-
Care 2006;10:R49. velopment, performing initial and subsequent selection of trials
166. Collins SP, Mielnicznik LM, Whittingham HA, et al. The use of
for review, coordinating distribution of material for review and
noninvasive ventilation in emergency department patients with
acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema: a systematic review. Ann face-to-face meetings and leading manuscript writing and sub-
Emerg Med 2006;48:260-9. mission. All of the authors were involved in the perception and
167. Keenan SP, Henderson WR. Does non-invasive ventilation have design of the guideline development project and took part in a
a role in preventing intubation? In: Esquinas Rodriguez AM, review of the GRADE process of guideline development before
editor. Yearbook of noninvasive mechanical ventilation. Santa meetings. All of the authors except for Deborah Cook and Peter
Ano, Almeria (Spain): Fontomechanica Indalo; 2008. p. 149-54. Dodek were involved in reviewing and evaluating selected
168. Nava S, Hill N. Non-invasive ventilation in acute respiratory trials and presenting summaries of these trials at the meetings.
failure. Lancet 2009;374:250-9.
All authors were involved in discussions of the literature pre-
169. Arozullah AM, Daley J, Henderson WG, et al. Multifactorial
risk index for predicting postoperative respiratory failure in men sented and in drafting initial statements following the GRADE
after major noncardiac surgery. Ann Surg 2000;232:242-53. process during the meetings. All of the authors contributed to
170. Epstein SK, Faling LJ, Daly BDT, et al. Predicting complications the writing and revising of the manuscript and approved the
after pulmonary resection. Preoperative exercise testing vs a multi- final version submitted for publication.
factorial cardiopulmonary risk index. Chest 1993;104:694-700.
171. Sinuff T, Cook DJ, Giacomini M, et al. Facilitating clinician Funding: This work was funded by a grant from the Can-
adherence to guidelines in the intensive care unit: a multicenter, adian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and an unre-
qualitative study. Crit Care Med 2007;35:2083-9. stricted grant from Philips/Respironics Inc., Murrysville, Pa.
172. Sinuff T, Kahnamoui K, Cook DJ, et al. Practice guidelines as Neither funding body was involved in any stage of the devel-
multipurpose tools: a qualitative study of noninvasive ventila- opment of the guidelines or the preparation of the manuscript.
tion. Crit Care Med 2007;35:776-82.
173. Demoule A, Girou E, Richard J, et al. Increased use of noninva- Tasnim Sinuff and Karen Burns are supported by a CIHR
sive ventilation in French intensive care units. Intensive Care Research Clinician Scientist Award. Deborah Cook is a
Med 2006;32:1747-55. Canada Research Chair of the CIHR. Damon Scales has
174. Burns KE, Sinuff T, Adhikari NK, et al. Bilevel noninvasive received a CIHR New Investigator Award
pressure ventilation for acute respiratory failure: survey of
Ontario practice. Crit Care Med 2005;33:1477-83. Acknowledgements: The authors are grateful to Roman
Jaeschke for his advice regarding GRADE methodology and
Competing interests: Sean Keenan received an honorarium to Dr. Stefano Nava for his input. They thank the Canadian
from Philips/Respironics Inc. to give a talk based on these Critical Care Trials Group and the Canadian Critical Care
guidelines. No competing interests declared by the other authors. Society for their support in developing this guideline.

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