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A recently research have discovered that is possible be invisible, it was the conclusion reached by
researches from Universidad Nacional after 20 years in laboratories and the Colombians
Amazonian jungle.

Laboratory Universidad Nacional Colombians Amazonian jungle.

The researchers found that a specific kind of plant is the answer.

The plant is grow up by indigenous people and it was the most important secret kept for them.

The discovery was a chance, the scientists had been here to understand some habits and mores of
three indigenous tribes after concluding that in 30 years the Colombians will have to move to the
south of the country because the environment conditions will make life impossible in the rest of
the national territory.
The scientists did contact with the indigenous each day but every early morning they disappeared
and returned with the food of the day, always the luck was on his side because your bodies never
had any hurts and the prey was so big. After following them for a long time the key was found. The
plant was eaten by indigenous every day then the effect of invisibility reached them and that
secret was used to hunt, the prey was not seen by the natives and could easily be trapped.

Indigenous hunter

The investigation had been complex because the plant couldn’t be seen by the scientists, the
location of the plant was only known by the natives, so the scientists took a long time to collect the
samples, all the time they lost the location because the plants were invisible.

plant causing the invisibility effect (image constructed from the indigenous stories)
plant causing the invisibility effect (photo taken in the locate of the plant, the human eye can’t see it)

The secret didn’t want to be revealed by the natives because they know that the plant will be used
for bad things, like killing and stealing.

he second part of the story will come in next week's newspaper.

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