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Thomas Thao


5 Year Plan

For my 5 year plan I have a lot of goals to meet, Me being me I know I can only meet some of them which are the important ones. For

me as of now I plan to take a break from school maybe a few months off or whatnot because I know school isn't really much for me as

I can say. I know that I have certain skills that I am amazing at because not everyone sucks at something but for me I love art I love

taking videos and I love traveling. These Ideas are only down the line for me after I take a break I plan on trying to get a part time job

and help out my family with finances having a hard Divorced family is difficult due to the lack of communication between parents but

i do plan on helping both of them out as I open a bank account. I plan on doing this because growing up I did live in poverty with my

parents and grandparents because my parents had me in highschool at the age of 17-18. Within the months I plan on working there at

my workplace one of my passions is body building, I actually do wish to compete in a mens physique competition. I do not care if I

place last as long as i get one of my dreams in the competition, I will have completed a goal. I do plan on going to College but not yet,

Within those years I wish to help my family still and be here for them as they need me and I need them as soon as they are capable and

balanced I plan on leaving to the military. The Military Branch was always an option for me. As soon as My junior year kicked in I

lead towards a Path of a Future Marine, A path I never expected to see myself on. I went to meet a marine Named Sgt Gloria and if

you didn't know its Staff sergeant Gloria of the Merced Marines. I took the Asvab and scored decent on it not too low and not too high

I wanted to do engineering or photography, Yet I didn't get much of a good job from it Infantry was something that sounded cool. After
that I waited a few months and it was a while until I heard about the Army National guard. I leaned towards that due to me being home

and getting paid for going college and checking up at base for a weekend a month. I knew that was something id like to do plus a

Uniform was something i've always wanted to earn. Now Senior year kicked in and I knew what I wanted Army National Guard I lost

so much weight in the Summer of 2018. I lose 40lbs within the span of 2 months and i had a goal join the Army, As soon as I got what

I wanted I contacted a Recruiter in Merced and I Left to Meps during winter. I left for 2 days and got tested and got ready I was ready

to leave, turned out I couldn't leave yet. I was 17 still am and i needed a diploma or needed to be 18 for them to put me in the Job i

received was for infantry and since i built up a mentality or pushing myself it was no test for me. Months later I found out one of my

family members had Cancer and it runs through the family, I chose to stay because I needed to say goodbye, Now i realized that

Family is so important I was so close to losing my one chance and I plan on leaving later after summer. Army national guard is going

to be one of my top goals to reach and I intend to reach it as soon as possible. After I do Infantry Basic Training for 4 months I intend

to use Tuition Assistance for School. I eventually plan on saving my money on a house and Moving in with my girlfriend who I am

with now and Hopefully in the Future with then. I do plan on getting another job as well for the next 3 years I'll be in the guard after

that I hopefully get to go to a University of my choice and Follow up in my 4 years of college and get a Degree in Art or Videography

because those are always something that keeps me in touch with my father. In runs in my genes to follow in something of art/film.

After that after I have enough saved up I do plan on living somewhere far away from her most likely Wisconsin,Minnesota, Oregon,

Or Somewhere in the Bay. Because the Ocean calls, But that pretty much sums up my whole 5 year plan after High school.

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