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Education Have Progressing In Indonesia?

Education is a right and obligation that must be carried out for

every human being. With education, someone will learn to be a
knowledgeable person and have high social skills. According to Ki Hajar
Dewantara education is a guide in the life of the growth of children.
the point is that education guides all natural forces that exist in
students so that as humans and members of society can achieve life
and safety as high as high. Whereas according to prof. Dr. John Dewey,
education is a process of experience. So education means helping the
inner growth of man without being limited by age.
The quality of education in Indonesia is currently very concerning.
According to a political and economic risk consultant survey (PERC), the
quality of education in Indonesia ranks 12th out of 12 countries in
Asia.The cause of low quality in Indonesia is the lack of educator
creativity in guiding students and the curriculum that makes educators
very opaque. The curriculum is based solely on government knowledge
without regard to community needs. Education cannot produce
creative graduates. so that graduates are only smart looking for work
and cannot create their own jobs. while employment in Indonesia is
very limited.
The level of education in Indonesia in the last 5 years as been very
good, which is caused not good only in the economy. Because
development,infrastructure, and others as such are very fulfilled. It’s
just that the economy isn’t good enough. In SBY’s economy there were
around 5per cent, while in the past 5 years led by JOKOWI, the
economy was targeted at 7 per cent and the result was only 5 per cent.
The development of Indonesia for the future is to improve the economy
of the community or economic leveling, starting from remote areas
such as NTB,NTT,Papua and others as it is.
There are several factors that influence education, namely
politics, economy, social, and environment.Politics can also have a
negative impact on education. for example the government provides
free school funds but the funds do not reach the rightful hands. It
could be that the fund is deliberately not delivered or it could be
corruption. Economy, there are still many shops that sell books at high
prices, which can make it difficult for many less fortunate people to buy
them. Finally, there was a lack of scholarships in a number of remote
areas in Indonesia that desperately needed it. Social, lack of awareness
of one's own self. How important education is because of the lack of
social sense in people who do not continue their education.
Environment, if our environment supports education, then we must
also be moved to create a characteristic, creative, polite and educated
So in my opinion the development of education in our country
today is very good, it’s just that the equation is very tight. And it is still a
minimum to become an expert. Expert in the field, due to the rampant
KKN that cannot be eliminated. Many work but not in their fields. It was
caused by the KKN which meant corruption of collusion of nepotism.
In conclusion, we need to rebuild our mindset to increase
awareness of the importance of education. improve the quality of
learning and become creative and innovative educators. The younger
generation is the next generation of the nation.

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